The Art of Writing Love Letters For Him Grace Pamer Copyright 2012

The Art of Writing Love Letters For Him
Grace Pamer
Published by Grace Pamer on Smashwords
Copyright 2012
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Connect Online
Beautiful love letters are so heart-warming and yet so rare in today's world. Few people take the
time to actually sit and write a real letter despite the fact that, in a time of super brief texts,
tweets and instant messages, they remain a long cherished keepsake for the recipient and a
reminder of strong feelings and emotions.
A love letter is, for all intents and purposes, a romantic way of showing an expression of love in
written form. The letter can be short and sweet, or a long explanation detailing intense feelings.
It can be funny, sentimental, hot or mysterious, be delivered by mail, hand or hidden somewhere
romantic for the recipient to find. Whatever form it takes, however, it has the power to illicit the
most incredible reaction from the recipient for they remain one of the most powerful and
romantic means of expressing love.
Chapter 1
Love Letters; a Brief History
Love letters have been treasured and written for centuries. Over the years the style of writing
may have changed but their basic essence will always remain the same and that is to
communicate the raw and true emotion of human devotion.
Whilst the earliest recording of the love letter dates as far back as the book of Solomon in the
bible it really started to take a literary form all of its own in the early stages of the Renaissance.
During this chivalrous age the style was very much to produce a series of reserved
correspondences that included passages of pure flattery and boundless self-deprecation of
gracious love.
For generations thereafter soldiers at war wrote love letters to their wives and girlfriends. Their
loved ones would write back giving a soldier hope for the future and no doubt increase their
strength, courage and overall morale. In fact Napoleon was famous for, amongst other things, the
many letters he wrote to his lover Josephine while he was at war.
The nineteenth century saw the birth of the secret love letters written by Beethoven the German
pianist and composer; he was a mysterious and quiet soul who wrote letters to a woman he only
referred to as his "Immortal Beloved." Around this time the literary poetic love letters of writers
such as Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning were also being scribed with the written word
considered one of the most powerful forms of communication.
Winston Churchill the celebrated war time leader and inspirational orator was also well known
for being a romantic writer, with his marriage to his wife Clementine well documented to this
day thanks in part to their collection of famous love letters.
Modern technology has led to a decline in the traditional writing of love letters although the
means of delivering a loving message has now become an instant medium. You can now email
loving sentiments, instant message them, tweet them and fax them but there is still nothing like
receiving a conventional hand crafted letter by traditional post especially when sent overnight to
a lover that you are geographically separated from.
It remains the quintessential expression of love with the heartfelt emotions expressed bearing all
the more meaning for the simple fact of being committed by ink to paper. And it is the bearing of
emotions and the means by which you choose to express yourself that are the subjects of the next
Chapter 2
The Structure of a Love Letter
Before you start writing, sit down, close your eyes and let your thoughts take you deep into the
wonderful relationship you have with your partner. Start your letter with a personal touch. Think
of the pet names you call him and use these in your salutation. Alternately, think of what makes
them special, what you love so much about him and use this in your greeting. Make it a
salutation that is meant just for him! This will immediately catch his attention, and he'll know the
letter is coming straight from your heart.
Next comes the introduction. In this section you should briefly tell him how much he means to
you and why you are writing. Make this simply an enticement to keep reading, as you are going
to go into this in great depth in the body of the letter.
Another great way to bring a personal touch to the letter is to describe what you are doing as you
write. Are you out of town and lonely, did you just awaken from a frightening nightmare, or did
something remind you of a wonderful time you shared? Tell him in a few sentences about it;
describe where you are sitting and how you are feeling as you start writing. This will make him
feel, as he reads the letter, like he is right there with you while you wrote it. It's the same kind of
detail that makes a novel fun to read- you instantly identify with the protagonist and feel like you
are living their life right along with them.
Now comes the most important part. In the body of the letter you are going to describe in great
detail exactly how much you love him and why. Take as long as you need to express your
feelings as completely as possible.
Tips On What You Should Include In The Body
1. Love letters are very much like strong glue, used to bond a relationship closer together. Fill
the letter with thoughts about why you make/will make such a fantastic couple. Use special
memories of times spent together or plans for the future that you are both excited about.
2. Focus on a current event and why it is so important to your relationship. Whether it is your
first anniversary, the birth of a child, a new home or even something you need to apologize
about, focus on how the event brings you closer together and increases your love for him.
3. Bring your love into clear focus so he can really feel it. Use humor, descriptive words or
tell a beautiful story. Pull him in emotionally while being completely genuine.
4. Remember, the letter is not just about you; it is about the two of you and why you are so
great together. Thank him for making such a wonderful love a reality!
Things to Avoid
1. Guys can be a little frightened of glaring emotion. They sometimes feel uncomfortable or
imagine some kind of demand is lurking under the emotions. So, be careful that there isn't any
hint of this.
2. In the same way, never use phrases that indicate you want him to change. Avoid saying
things like, "If you would only..." And, no complaining! Either of these will confirm his
worries that there is something more to this letter, and he might instantly lose the warm link to
you that the letter is trying to create.
Signing Off
Finally, you want to end the letter with an optimistic, upbeat finale. And, just the same way you
personalized the salutation, be sure to sign the letter with genuine emotion.
Chapter 3
Classic Love Letters
In the following chapters I have included a large sample of love letters that have been written
and shared by my readers for this book. They are organized by the writer’s situation in order to
help you find a series of letters that are applicable to your particular situation.
They are here to help give you inspiration and ideas to get started. Whilst everyone’s
circumstances are different these example love letters are intended to give you the confidence to
get started for you should be able to empathize with some of the situations detailed below.
Remember each of these letters was started by someone in a similar situation as you so take
encouragement from the fact they were able to concur their fears and express their true love in
this most poignant of mediums.
Chapter 4
Marriage love letters
My Dearest Paul,
You have done it! I am so incredibly proud of you, my handsome new lawyer! Just to think of
your perseverance and hard work over all these years makes me tingle with pride. I honestly
think I am more excited than you are at this moment. After all, this has been your dream since
you were a child, and look how you have accomplished it without ever losing sight of your goal.
I feel as though we have just leapt over a giant hurdle, and now we are past all the obstacles. For
the rest of the race, our track will be smooth and without barriers. Now, we can look back on the
struggles and see them with humor. We can laugh at that cramped studio apartment with the nosy
neighbor, giggle as we think back about eating nothing but peanut butter sandwiches week after
week, and shout with joy as we launch our new life together. Finally, we can get married and
show the whole world our love and commitment for each other! Yippee!
I’m sure you can tell I am overwhelmingly excited by your wonderful news. I’m just so sorry to
be off on a business trip when you got the notification. I didn’t doubt for a second that you would
get it; I just never dreamed I wouldn’t be there right by your side when it arrived. This trip has
been quite successful and I am hoping I might get a promotion soon, which would mean I
wouldn’t have to travel as much and we can have more time together again. I’m so grateful that
you have put up with all my trips out of town, but that soon will be over. This is just one more
thing to be happy about; we’ll very soon have every weekend together to enjoy our new life.
Have you made a final decision on our new apartment yet? You know I love the one with the
view of the river, but you are right that the one near the park is probably in a better building.
Whichever one you decide on will be simply fine with me. Wherever you go, I will follow, as
they say. As long as I am with you I am happy, it doesn’t matter where we are. Just don’t take us
back to that crazy studio apartment!
For a moment I am going to try to be a little more serious, I’m just so excited I keep bubbling
over. Anyway, we have truly been through some tough times, but through it all, we never lost
sight of our love and our goals for a bright future together. That is just one of the reasons we
make such a perfect couple. We are so tightly linked to our common goals that nothing has stood
in our way, nothing has knocked us from our path, and nothing has come between us on that
path. Isn’t that simply amazing? It is the unwavering love we have for each other that has bound
us so closely together, and I will be eternally grateful for the day we met.
All My Love,
[Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent]
Dear honey
We made it! One full year of marriage; so many people said that it wouldn’t last; no one
understands the love that we have for each other. The circumstances might not have been ideal,
but when you truly love someone you will work it out, and we have proved that to everyone now.
This is the first year of many more to come, and I can say from the bottom of my heart that it has
been the best year of my life. I couldn’t ask for a better lover, I am so grateful for your love. You
say that your love grows for me daily, and I can feel it in the way you look at me sometimes, the
way you hold me, the things that you do for me. I can only imagine how much better it will be
next year, and the year after that.
My love for you is unconditional; I am completely devoted to you. You know that many nights I
lie awake just to watch you sleep, I often wonder if this is all a dream and I will wake up and you
will no longer be there. You have left your footprints on my heart so I know that there is no way
we could ever be apart. All my life I have prayed earnestly for someone like you, and all I can do
is thank God that I have finally found you.
There is nothing in this world that I wouldn’t do for you; it’s just the beginning for us, I am
looking forward to starting a family with you and spending the rest of our days together. It’s
amazing what you do to keep me falling in love with you more and more every day. It’s only
going to get better and better.
You have got me for life my sweet love.
[Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent]
My Dearest Husband,
Ah yes, you are my dearest, the love of my life! Each and every day I feel blessed to be so lucky
to have you for my husband. The children are blessed to have you as their father. Our life
together is all that we wanted it to be and more. You have surpassed my every dream, and I will
be eternally grateful for your love. I wanted to tell you how amazing you are in this letter before
I say anything else, so you are absolutely clear about how I feel. What I am about to say does not
detract from how I feel about you, not at all, but I have to tell you about this thing that is
increasingly bothering me and making me feel a deeper sadness as the weeks go by. Perhaps it is
foolish to even mention it. I don’t want you to worry or change anything; I just want you to
understand what I am feeling.
When I come home in the mornings exhausted after a night shift at the hospital, I wander in the
door and see you cheerfully getting the kids ready for school. You don’t know how grateful I am
that they don’t have to go to a sitter in the morning. I know this makes their start to the day so
much more relaxing and lets them head to school with a distinct advantage that so many other
kids just don’t have any more. Then, later in the day you are there for them when they arrive
home. You always have a snack ready and they are so excited to see you and relate their
experiences to you. I guess what I am trying to say is that I am feeling like I am not a full
member of this family. Oh dear, that sounds awful and isn’t really exactly what I mean. Maybe I
feel like I have just faded into the background over the years. When I get home in the mornings,
I know you are terribly busy and the kids are in a rush, but oh, how I would love it if you all
greeted me with joy in your eyes and a special hug.
It seems your attention is solely on the kids, which I completely understand. They desperately
need that attention. This is why I am so conflicted about even writing this letter. Maybe it is all
my fault. I agreed to the night shift because I thought it would give us days together, but it seems
like I see less of you now than before. I miss being with you so much. I miss the fun we’ve
always had and the tenderness that only a decade of love can bring. Maybe if there is one thing
that could change it would be having some special time together, just you and me. Can we
perhaps make a date for this coming weekend? Would that be fun? I love you so incredibly and
would adore spending a few hours alone with you every now and then. We can hold hands and
stare into each other’s eyes like we used to. OK, it’s official; I’m asking you out on a date this
I love you with all my heart and always will,
[Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent]
To my Dearest Husband,
Aren’t we just wonderful? Did you ever imagine we would live so long, remaining so very much
in love decade after decade? I know we must have had some rough times, but I seem to be
having trouble recalling them, really. All I remember is the happiness that we have brought each
other! While the whole world has changed, almost beyond belief, you have remained the single
constant in my life. You have been my rock to cling to and my dearest husband to love with all
my heart, and I will be eternally grateful for your strength and love! We were pretty naive, yet so
hopeful when we got married all those years ago. We certainly made the right decision, even
though my parents were so worried. They came around though, didn’t they?
Do you remember when we watched On Golden Pond when the kids were young? The details of
the movie are hazy, but I clearly remember sitting there thinking that someday that would be us.
Well, here we are, and it has been a more amazing life together than I ever dreamed possible. We
have seen it all and done it all too! Raised a beautiful family, built this wonderful home, travelled
to Europe and Asia, and enjoyed every moment of it because we had each other. Now, our greatgrandchildren bless our lives with their brightly smiling faces. Hopefully, life will be as
wonderful for them as it has been for us.
Have I thanked you lately for all these fabulous years? It seems to be something that people just
naturally put off, waiting for I don’t know what. But I want you to know now that I thank you
from the depths of my soul for making my life such as joyous one. Our hearts are firmly locked
together, and I know they always will be.
All My Love and Gratitude,
[Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent]
To my dear husband
If there was a word higher than the word love, I would use it to describe how I feel about you. If
there were enough words to tell you how wonderful you are, I would use them. If there were
enough words to tell you how grateful I am that you chose me, I would use them.
You have given me the best years of my life. I remember the first day that we met; our
discussion was brief, but I knew there was something special about you. So when you asked me
on a date I jumped at the chance and I was right, you were amazing.
We have definitely had our ups and our downs, but not one night have you gone to bed without
telling me how much you love me, not one week has gone by without receiving flowers and a
card to let me know how much you appreciate me. Never have we missed our weekly night out,
with just the two of us. You have no idea how much I look forward to our trips with your
spontaneous and out of this world ideas.
You have given me three beautiful girls, and they love their daddy more than life itself. It’s
funny because the same excitement they experience when you put the key in the door after work
is the same as mine. You still give me butterflies after fifteen years of knowing you.
You are my dream man, I wrote down what I wanted in a husband long before you came along,
and so when I met you I knew you were the one. I always said to myself I wasn’t going to be like
everyone else and settle. You are everything I want and more, and I feel so blessed to have you
in my life, I am looking forward to having many more years with you my sweet love.
I will cherish you always.
My love for you will continue to grow,
Your wife
[Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent]
Chapter 5
Romantic love letters
Hello my dearest Jon,
Here I sit again, alone at dinner while away on another business trip. On the flight into Baltimore
today, I decided I was going to do something new. Rather than emails or texts, I am going to sit
and actually write you a letter every single day I am gone. Of course, I won’t stop with texts and
emails, but it dawned on me that they just don’t have the impact of a real letter. So, forgive me
that it is on hotel stationary rather than beautifully scented paper, but the words are what are
important. I’ll probably be back before you get most of them, but that’s OK.
Anyway, I’m eating dinner in the hotel restaurant, quite good actually, but the single candle on
the table makes me yearn for your handsome face and wonderful company while I eat. I realize
that I have spent an extraordinary amount of time chasing after this promotion, and there is no
guarantee I’ll even get it. In the process, I’m afraid I have neglected our relationship. In fact, I
know I have neglected it. Rather than putting time spent in your amazing company as my first
priority, I have been fretting continually about work. So, that’s what my heartfelt letter writing
campaign is all about. I want you to know how very important our relationship is and how
incredibly much I love you. These times apart have jolted me awake; I need to get my priorities
straight. I’m just so very grateful you have been understanding and have stuck with me through
all this extra time I am spending on work at your expense.
As I flew above the wispy clouds this morning, looking down on the almost infinite number of
houses, cars and little towns all filled with busy people hurrying through their lives, I realized
that love is the most important thing there is. Not having the fanciest car or the biggest house or
the most things, but knowing that you have all the love of another person, one who means the
world to you. And that is what you are for me! Your love is so precious to me; it really does
mean everything! It would be quite forgivable if you don’t feel assured of that. After all, what
kind of message have I been sending with my intense focus on work for the past six months?
I know how neglect can wear away at a relationship slowly until there is nothing left. I was
simply horrified when the thought flashed through my mind that this might be happening to us!
All these days I have spent away and even when I’m home, I’ve been preoccupied with this job
and trying to climb the ladder to what I thought was success. Instead, I now know that a life
filled with blissful love spent with you is what success really is! Please try to find it in your heart
to forgive me for my obsession with work. I am seriously rethinking the whole situation, and
now you will always come first. I just hope I’m not too late!
With All My Undying Love,
[Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent]
To My Loving Danelle,
I just wanted to say that you my sweet love are not just my lover; you are my soul mate, my best
friend, and my entire world. Not a day goes by that I don’t thank God for your presence. Your
warmth, generosity, and kindness are unparalleled, not only to me but to everyone around you. I
have never met anyone with a heart as big as yours.
I remember our first kiss in Mexico when we met; I tried ever so hard to resist you, when we
locked eyes that was it for me. I have never been kissed like that before, and I still feel like that
every time we kiss. I knew it would be more than just a holiday romance, I could feel it, and here
we are five years down the line and still blissfully in love.
I can’t imagine my life without you, and I pray that we will still be together in many more years
from now. I have learnt so much from you, things that have helped me to turn my life around for
the better. You loved me despite my imperfections, you taught me not to be so hard on myself
because no one is perfect, and that “love is two imperfect people trying to love each other
perfectly”. That was the most beautiful thing that I have ever heard. You have lead me on a road
of self-discovery that I never knew existed before I met you, I have become a better person, my
relationships with my friends and family are so much better and that is all because of what I have
learnt from you.
I really do appreciate your love, and I just wanted to let you know that no matter where life’s
journey takes us, you will always have a special place in my heart.
I love you dearly.
From your one and only,
[Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent]
Chapter 6
Sad Love Letters
My Dearest Love,
Even in my moments here at home, rather than there with you in the hospital, my thoughts are
continuously with you. I know it’s silly to be writing when I will see you in just a few hours, but
I want you to know that every moment, no matter where I am, my heart and all my love are right
there with you. You can keep this letter by your side to remind you that my unwavering love and
devotion are like an unbreakable link joining us together forever.
I know how hard it is for you there alone sometimes, the worries, the treatments, the feeling that
you are just a patient with an illness and not a whole person in the eyes of the doctors. But, they
are the very best in their field, and I just know they will pull you through this. I also know deep
in my heart that my love and your parents’ love will also hasten your recovery. Sometimes
doctors forget the incredible power of love and how it brings relief from pain and speeds the
body’s ability to heal, but I never for a moment forget this!
I will be honest here for a second and admit that sometimes I am so afraid that I feel paralyzed,
as though I am gripped tightly in some giant’s fist. What gets me through is the beautiful vision I
have of our future together. This illness is temporary, you will recover and our joyful life
together will resume and last for a long, long time. Have I told you that two of the mares are
pregnant? Joseph is blazing a new trail through the woods, and I can hardly wait until we ride the
trails again together. This is how our future will be, the ranch will prosper, our beloved horses
will thrive and we will watch it all happen standing side by side with our arms around one
another. Isn’t that just wonderful? It will happen, I know it, and I want you to hold on to this
shining vision too. We have worked so hard, nothing will stop us!
Let me tell you about this morning for a few minutes while it is fresh in my memory. When you
are lying in that barren hospital room, I want you to be able to transport your mind home. Feel
yourself at home and soon you will be. Anyway, this morning I rode out to our favorite field up
on the hilltop to watch the sunrise.
The mist was swirling through the trees along the creek as the sun broke through the morning
clouds. I took both our horses, as I always do, in hopes that maybe you would somehow feel the
freshness of the morning and the overwhelming hope for a beautiful day that the rising sun
always puts in our hearts. For a second, I almost forgot you weren’t with me, and turned to your
empty saddle thinking I’d see you smiling as the light spilled over the hill. I missed you so much
then I thought my heart would break, but yet, I felt your comforting presence there with me.
Maybe you could feel it too?
I will see you in just a few hours!
I love you with every fibre of my being,
[Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent]
Dearest Leon,
I am feeling a little shy about writing this letter to you, but I think it may be the simplest way for
me to express my thoughts, my desires and my overwhelming happiness at your return! I know I
stay pretty closed up emotionally, and I’m pretty sure that is one of the main reasons things
didn’t work out before. When you packed your bags and told me that you had had enough of the
cold way I treated you I was simply astounded. I honestly didn’t realize you felt that way, not
until the very last moment when the door closed as you walked out. All of a sudden, I was alone.
Emptiness filled my soul where once your handsome face and loving ways had filled my heart to
overflowing. How could you not have felt how I loved you?
After you left, I knew I had to figure it all out. So, I went from friend to friend, asking them to be
totally honest. I told them in order for me to change; I had to know what I needed to change. One
after another they told me how they could clearly see in your face how much you loved me. They
said your eyes just glowed when you looked at me and how you, without even thinking about it,
constantly let me know with a gentle touch or loving look that you were focused only on me.
When I asked them how I acted, they told a completely different story. Although I always
seemed happy, that happiness was not really directed at you. I didn’t do the things you did so
easily. I didn’t let you know how incredibly important you were to me and how much I loved
you. It was as though I was alone on a stage, the most important person on that stage and you
were just a prop in the play. You can’t imagine how shocking this was to me, but it was exactly
what I needed to hear in order to change! I see now that this is the danger of keeping your
emotions so privately closed to the outside world. Even the person I loved most in the entire
world couldn’t feel it!
After I realized what I had caused, I decided I would do anything necessary to change and then
try to get you back! My friends were an enormous help. After talking to me, they could see that
you were the world to me, that I loved you with all my heart. All I had to do was let these
emotions out instead of holding them tightly inside. So, for the past year I have been working
continuously, reading every book I can find about genuinely expressing what you feel and trying
so hard to make a change. I think I am improving incredibly well. My first success was getting
up the nerve to give you a call to see how your life was going. When you said I sounded different
I was so excited. You were hearing the new me, expressing my inner feelings! And now, here we
are giving our love a second chance. I am so grateful to you, so incredibly in love with you!
Now, I am confident that our love will prosper and grow even stronger!
With All My Heart,
[Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent]
My Richie,
I know you will never see this actual letter, there is no way to send it to you where you are now,
but I’m hoping you will somehow hear my loving words and rest a little easier. If only we could
foresee the future and I could have stopped you as you left that evening, but of course, neither of
us knew that was the last time we would see each other on this earth. Did we kiss as you left?
I’m not even sure. You were just running to the store and I was busy writing my thesis paper, so
it is quite possible we didn’t even think to do our usual hug and kiss as one of us heads out the
I so badly want you to feel my love, as I absolutely know it is an everlasting love, one that filled
our hearts to overflowing for more than five years and will last until the end of time. Oh, just to
see your handsome face and feel your gentle touch again! I would give anything to simply replay
that evening, hugging you and kissing you farewell. But, I know that is impossible, so again, I sit
here alone weeping. My days and nights have become unbearable without you, but please don’t
worry about me, knowing how much you loved me keeps me going. I’m sure you would want
me to be happy, grateful for the wonderful time we spent together.
So, here is what I will do with this and future letters. Remember that little cove down by the river
where we would spend warm evenings fishing? It is such a special place, and we had so many
beautiful times there. I am sharing my letters on my iPad and uploading them onto the internet
from our spot, and perhaps that way my message will float out into the universe and reach you. I
surely hope you will feel the incredible love I am sending to you!
You Are My Only Love and Always Will Be,
[Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent]
Chapter 7
Sweet love letters
To My Dearest Prince Charming,
Did you know that is exactly what you are? I am so very much in love with you! I find myself
wondering over and over how I was so lucky to have you suddenly appear in my life, turning
everything around. Just when I had given up hope on finding happiness, you came riding into my
life on your mythical stead and literally swept me off my feet. I feel like I am living in a fairy
tale, one of the old fashion ones where the handsome prince shows up and reveals a beautiful life
to the once sad girl! It seems like an absolute miracle.
My life was so humdrum, just going to work, running errands and sleeping. Not very exciting.
But then I met you, and everything changed in an instant. Now I can hardly wait to jump out of
bed in the mornings, knowing that in just a moment you will call me to tell me you love me.
What a beautiful way to start each day! I know this sounds silly, but sometimes I felt like one of
those poor abandoned dogs in the rescue society’s newsletters, the ones who are waiting for their
forever homes. Well, now I have my forever home in your heart and strong arms and I am so
incredibly happy!
I’m so looking forward to our trip to the mountains. The lodge looks so romantic with all the
wood and big stone fireplace. I can just see us snuggling up in front of the fire, drinking a hot
drink and looking with longing into each other’s eyes. You are so amazing to surprise me with
such an exciting vacation; I can hardly wait!
So, my prince charming, I simply wanted to write and let you know how very much I love you
and how incredibly different my life is now that I am with you. I love you with all my heart!
All My Love,
[Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent]
My Dearest Ben,
Well, I was just sitting here giggling about what I said to you this morning! I’m so grateful that
you have such a fantastic sense of humor and don’t just think I am a lunatic. I swear, just like
how I risk broken bones and bruises every time we go dancing, I’m about as clumsy with
language too! Actually I think you may be at some risk too when we are dancing- I might
accidentally trip you and we’ll both end up in the hospital. Remember on our first date when I
fell off the porch swing at your parents’ house? You were so sweet, didn’t make fun of me or act
embarrassed. You just picked me up smiling and put me in a sturdy chair instead! That was your
chance, you could have just said sorry, you are too weird, and walked inside the house. I’m so
eternally grateful that you didn’t do that!
Instead, you risked your life and limb taking me out again and my goodness, now here we are
married! We are having such an amazing life together despite all my silliness. Or, maybe that’s
what keeps things exciting- never knowing what will happen next. For just a moment, I am going
to try to be serious while I tell you how much your love means to me.
I am so thankful that every morning I greet the new day with you by my side. The first thing we
do is smile at each other before our eyes are even fully open. Isn’t that just beautiful? I love you
so much and I know you love me and this is what makes life so wonderful! Even the tension at
work can’t ruin my days because I know in just a few hours I’ll be home with you! I thought I’d
try a letter to tell you all this since it’s a little harder to have a mishap while I’m sitting still
writing, and that way I can get all my thoughts expressed!
Love You Dearly,
[Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent]
Hello There My Handsome Honey,
I just arrived home from grocery shopping and have to sit down and tell you what just happened.
I was struggling up to the door with an armload of grocery bags, put my key in the lock and an
amazing feeling just overwhelmed me! Rather than rushing to put the groceries away as usual, it
was such an incredible experience I just have to take a few moments to describe it to you.
There I was, turning the key and opening the door when this flood of warmth and a feeling of
how deeply we love each other just about bowled me over. I swear, my knees almost buckled! It
was so sudden and strong that I thought for a moment that maybe something horrible had
happened to you, but I know you are fine since you just sent me a text about dinner.
Maybe it is because we are always in such a hurry; our lives are so busy that we don’t take time
to appreciate fully how lucky we are to have each other. This was like a giant reminder of what is
really important in life. It’s not putting groceries away or even going to work every day, it is
sharing our love and knowing every moment of every day how incredibly precious it really is!
So, you might think I’m being a bit silly right now, but this was such a strikingly real experience,
and it felt so deeply important. I honestly think it happened to open my eyes, to remind me that
maybe we are taking our wonderful life for granted. We are so close compared to a lot of our
friends, and our life has been filled with a beauty that I think is rather rare. I love you so much,
and I want you to know deep down that you are everything to me. We’ll talk about it all tonight
while we make our favorite dinner.
I Love You With All My Heart,
[Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent]
To The Woman Who Has Been Nothing But An Angel
Love, let me tell you how wonderful the years we have shared together are and that if I could live
my life over again I would love to live it the same way. Every marriage has its shares of ups and
downs but I am more than happy because of the number of smiles we have shared even in the
hard times. When times are hard, we never fail to show to each other how much love we have for
each other. This is one of the reasons why we ended up marrying together. Because of how
strong our relationship is, through all the challenges we have faced, I believed we can look any
challenge in the eye and be confident that we can get through everything that life throws our
Our love has endured through all the times where we thought we had no way out. Life certainly
has made us learn a lot of things together but with your help, every problem we had has been
solved. There was no problem that we were not able to handle and I love you for that because
you never did give up on me.
Life for us has not been a bed of roses but we made sure we had a roof over our heads if little
else. We might not have had the best things in life back at the start and some people might even
have better things than us today but we have always had the best kind of love. We have a big
family that loves us dearly and I do not know how I could have had all these things if you were
not by my side. For all the things that you have done for me and all the things that you caused to
change for the better inside of me I thank you.
We have shared a huge part of our lives together and nothing gets me more excited by the
prospect of the years to come to know that I have you and we have the chance to make more
wonderful memories. I am living a life that every man dreams but there are only a few who are
able to experience this blissful existence and I am lucky to be a part of that select few. You have
been my rock, my life, my guide, my inspiration and my love and without you I wonder how I
would have turned out. I don't even want to imagine how things would have been if I had not
ended up with you because the only thing that I am sure of is that I could never be this happy
with anyone else.
I loved you even before I told you how I really felt and there are more emotions that I feel now
in addition to that love. I adore you, I praise you, I admire you, I care about you and I am willing
to do everything to keep things this way so that I can hold you every night and kiss you every
morning when I wake up because there is nothing more that I want in this life.
All my love and soul always
[Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent]
My dear
I have started a new calendar. No, it is not the calendar containing 365 days. My calendar marks
the time until your return. I cherish each cross I use to mark another day gone. This cross is
bringing me a day closer to seeing you again.
It would be very difficult for me to say that I am not missing you. Ok, the truth is that I miss you
like crazy. Love can be painful but the agony comes with the sweetness and the hope that time
will pass quickly. So quickly that I will be soon waiting for your arrival at the airport.
I miss you, my love. I miss your touch, I miss your smile, I miss the silly, little things we do. It is
difficult to eat dinner alone, not having you sitting at the other side of the table, telling me what
happened during your day. The bed is too large for one person. You know what? I sleep in your
T-shirt. It makes me feel closer to you and it still holds your scent. This is the only way for me to
go to bed.
I hope that you are doing well and I hope that you are happy with your job. How is it? Do you
have to work a lot? Do you get some time to relax and enjoy a day off? What is it like there?
Please, dear, let me know. Your letters will help me get a better picture of the place you are
living in now. What does your apartment look like, what do you have for breakfast? Do you have
friends among your coworkers? Do you feel happy with the things you are doing.
They say that life goes on and I should try to enjoy myself. I go to work, I see my friends. The
days are busy, which makes it easier for me to stop thinking, to stop counting the hours. The
nights are more difficult but I know that you are doing the right thing. Please do not get me
wrong, baby, I support you 100 percent. This said, I do miss you like crazy!
I imagine your return. This is the picture I see in my mind each night before going to bed. What
is it that I see? Your arms! Their strength and their warmth. I know that you will instantly drop
the suitcases you are carrying when you see me. You will hold me in your arms and lift me off
the ground. I will once again feel like a child; loved and protected.
Baby, please take care of yourself. Although we will be away from each other for a long time,
keep in mind that you are always on my mind. I will be with you, no matter when and no matter
where. So will my love. Think of it when you feel lonely or sad. I love you and the distance will
never change it.
I am waiting impatiently for your letter. Let me know what is going on in your life. My love, I
miss you and I cannot wait for you to come home. Sending you all my love and kisses.
Yours truly and forever.
[Name Withheld to Protect the Innocent]
Chapter 8
I hope that the sample of love letters contained in this book has given you food for thought as
you prepare to put pen to paper. The letter doesn't have to be perfect but you should be free to
share your genuine love, affection and respect without judgment. Just let your inner love flow
beautifully onto the paper and the rest, as they say, will take of itself.
The most important action is to get started. Turn off all distractions, sit down in a quiet place and
put pen to paper for you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can get into the flow with your
emotions. And remember you might just inspire your lover to write a love letter in return so time
to get started!
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