r'v ' Z I ' •••••', '--. «•«• •' • '• •-• • * •J... ' . i •••'• « . • » • " • • •••• / ' \ • • • ; . - 7 >.• •"- f •' . V L." ; _* " • « . ' ' . ' " : •. J .. J •f ••••*a; Thursday. May',13,1976 CRANFORD (NJ.) CITTZEM AND CHRONICLE Page 11 geloaiUljNFmDW^ ]Netiters qualify sc> vietpry vn s lose tliree ByANNHU.DACK collected by1 Maureen Olejar, Clarke. 12-7. : The game was The Cranford giris^Varsity > h o wtent 3-4; Patty Inehalik, called, in "the fifth inning Softball teapi. lost three, of 2-3 with a double; Fern because of raim Cranford started the first uthpir four games to Union- -Silverman, homer1, four RBIs; Catholici Cldrk;"and Rahway, Jane McGee, triple, Susan inning with home runs from Cranford came back tp win Bryers,* two RBJsjj Barbara .Maryanri Daly and' Ratty .'..; Inchalik, but .Clark averaged _thfclr-first game, of the state.: K k 2 & U b L : '• tournament ' Monday. Cran- Patty Tnchalik, with an RBI tiTwTTruijs per inning. • • Hitting for the Cougars ford's record is now 6-€. 'each; . . • •":•'• Rahway 15 - Cpanford 9 Wendy Greenspan pitched were Maryann Daly, 3-3; one Tuesday the Cougars lost to for Crariford with relief from RBI; Patty Inchalik: three . RBIs; Camielle Berard, 2-2, Rahway 15-9'. Cranford,scored periise Cushman. twcLRBIs. Berard did a fine their runs in UuS third inning -' - Cranford 14 - Uattin 10 job at second for Cranford. With, four in the- fourth ,with Cranfqrd . won .their first :three, and one nuthe seventh. .game of the State Tour- Denise cushman was on the Rahway went- into the seventh nament Monday by a score of mound for Cranford. losing 8-7, but started a-rally 14-10. Cranford,leading the Union Catholic 17 - Cranford 11 Last Wednesday the ' team to collect eight runs. game w ^ threatened in. lost to Union, Crfthplic, com-" - CranfordVhits w e r e v entire the bottom of J,he seventh mitting many errors. "/ , when^ Battin started a- rally Cranford collected.five.runs : Photpby^Rlch-SchlaunlrtOand collected 10 runs. Cran- in the first- inning. —Jane • ford dollepted a total of 20 hits. t McGee and Fern Silverman, COUGAR TRACKAAEN — Competing in Cougar track Hitting for Cranford-were ° both on base were knocked in . ., team's ?4V2-36y2 victory over; Rahway Thursday were, Maryann Daly, 3-5 with two • by. Maureen Olejar's double in' left photo', Kevin Haynes in-330^intermedlate hurdoubles, two'RBIs.v.Fern for the first two runs of the | dies; Rob Vicci, center' photo; winning the discus w'rrh a Silverman, 2-4,two RBIs; game. Patty »Inchalik'S triple • '" ithrow of 1367V2'-'; and Jim jdarrington, above^ in the Susan Bryers, 3-5, two RBIs; , brought in two more jams. high jump. . • • " " and Esther Brown, 2-4, two Maryann Daly <ha'd<La solid RBIs. . . double, bringing in the fifth Esther Brown, on the mound . A testimonial dinner for Bill for Cranford, collected five run. Union Catholic came back in Martin, who retired this year strike-outs., . : . this, fifth ad sixth innings, as Cranford High School Glarkl2-Cranford7 Ryan won the high jump fn collecting five runs in each. Amifraffl-won in 56.2 and Mike five individual Conference Mike Jackson and Eric farver behind Pete ¥ Festante of basketball coach after 25 By CATHY bEADLE Friday Cranford lost' to Chris Kirchner's two homers . The CHS track l team Downey placed third with a, champions: Eric Tarver, 330 were the mile relay con- Berkeley Heights who won in 5'8'V Kevin Haynes, second,, . years, will>e held June 15 at •brought in most of the runs for' defeated Rahway 94 /fe-36'/2 57,3 . Mike Jackson won the intermediate hurdles~-«r5tr~Terence -champions with the 50.3.. Ryan was third uv the . same height, and .- Jim__ Colonia Country Club. LETTER TO RINALDI _ Union Catholic. ' . .. Invitations are being sent to Thursday, sweeping thrtee 220 in 23.9 and to.oH third in the Rob Amitrani, 880 (2:03.6), team 'time' of , 3:30.7. high.jumpat 56 . Russ Falls °Harringtoji, third.T '5'6'\ • Marc Rinaldi of Cranford Esther Brown pitched for events and taking first places 100-yard dash in 10.9. :2?.9), Harrington 330 nnter-: Sweeping the-2 mile_were_ Dave Ryan, mile"^ 14:27.9). Harrineton also took second in wassecond was.second in m the 330nnter former players dn Martins The. mile relay team of Jerry Lambert, • 2 -• mile ,,both thebigh jump (5'8") and mediate hurdles (41.5),.third Doug Stehlin, first, (10rl6.5D; teams. Anyone who. has ad- received a . varsity hockey Cranford with relief' from : in eight others., --. , Burning,, second • in the 120 high hurdles (15.2) Brian thee javelin j (167').,j ._^ _ f former players is letter from LehighjUniversity, • Denise Cushman in the fifth. g Russ Falls, was a triple Kevin Haynes, Frank Bolin- (9:40.6), and Jim Harrington, (10:3a.6) and'Rob Amitrani, and .fourth in the long jump. Susan" Bryers played a fine winner, taking firstsln the 120 '.ski, in the Erie Tarverand Rob Amitrani scored additional, with a 12' vault pole--, . . .--,-. \. *. , students honored for , defensive.game', making good high hurdles in l&l.'the 330 „Amitrani Nif ; Rob, points by placing second in the ' Doug Stehlin took second in third (10^:46.2).; 276-9378; or-Herb Farrell, was first Jn3:51.-l. ..vault. ThV team M 1 participating in winter sports'.' catches at secohd. • Other winners "were: Jerry 567 4* intermediate hurdles in 42.0 Rob Vicci and Mark. Kuber- -. Amitrani, Walter Wrortski, 440 just one-tenth of a.'second the niile* 4:28.0, and Walter Wronski, second, 880, 2:05.0. Lambert, first, 880; 2:02.7, and in;the~16ng'jump-witK a • scmidtftook second,and third 1 1 • • ^. , - .. .. . . . ^ . : .••. . ..v Third-piace winners were Rob Dave Ryan, • second-, 2:05.4;. put wiin throws.ot ^ « distance >f-IB'l'/a"'.'""' *'*""..> Tn'the.4(iot ""Vicci, shot ;pUt '-(46'W:) ahd.""CHHs Burd, mile", '4.:46?'Joe: • " ' ( " •Wrdnski,' JcrrJ" ""45v''7'land44»7v»-In the-javelinj discus (1348X, Chris Burd, 880 Simpsdn, third, mile, .5:05.4; «r.'..i. •»..-,* L a m b e r t . a• ..'..»•• n d ChrisBum AlEster took a second with a (2:05.4), Joe Simpson; 2..mile ^ k e v i m Haynes, 120 . high •swept the 880 with times of distance of 140'1',S" arid Tom (10:26.7), and-Frank Bolihski 17.2; Russ Bolihslci hurdles, hurdle~ " Falls, ~" Handgotthirdm 131'8". Hand; 2:04.9, 2:04.9 and\2:05.1. pole vault (12'); fourth place;: - thirds " _ The mile r^elay • >Mike Mulvaney; Steve/ .returned'in the long junip^to • Rich Kale, po.le vault U1'6") leam" of Dave RVaiy Jerry ; Amitrani and Joe Simpson takeanother third with ajuinp Cranford (7-2) suffered its ford as she fought back from, a and Mark Kiiperscmidt, shot Lambert, Walter Wronski and ' took tpp three slots in the two of 17'21/s". Tarver placed third Eric Tarver remained unmile In 11:36.2, 11:54,0' and in the 330 intermediate hur- first major disappointment of 4-6 loss in' the first set to win. put (43'9"). season Monday losing in the, next two sets 6-1, 6-2. Cranford 73-Hillside 58'^ defeated. Their total time was 11:55.0. In the high jump, dles in 43.4 and Jim ^the i • ' •",' '' .' Cranford raised \ its dual 3:40. Kevin Haynes, Dave Ryan and, Harrington wjrvs third in the the first round of the. State Senior Nancy Netiman, also In the shot/put Rob Vicci Russ Falls went 1-2-3 in 120 high hurdles in 17.3. . ' Tournament to Columbia "4-1. fighting the effects of illness, mee.t record'to 6 4 Tuesday by heights of 5'8",5'8" and ,5'4".- Watchung Conference Meet ^ The team was. not at top-won her first set 6-3, but defeating Hillside 73-58 at. (43'4%") and ! Mark Kuperscmidt- (42 6V>: placed^ strength as> sophomore Betty dropped the next" two sets 4-6 Hillside. ....!-.... !._-.« Saturday the team ; .Harrington:—w.as__secohriLand thjrd. Vicci took HoganT—Granfordis^strong—and-l-6W~—-w^—, • ,- •_ " " ' doubles teams of Tobi \Cranford's'big winner, taking second in the discus, 129'6%"; Both second in the hiile with Doug . Conference .championship, second singles player, became Stehlin and Dave Ryan turn- scoring 90 points against its : illduring her match and had to Reichman "• and ' L i n d a ' first in the pole vault, clearing Wfo'nski, 54.2 440, second;' ing .in i times of 4:43:3: and nearest competitor. Hillside, default. Several other team Robinson^ and Marie Azarelo 12'6" his hest ever, first in the Eric Tarver, 220, third, 24.1; , 4:49. '"The team picked up who was" second with 46 points.; members were below par and, Lauren "Marti also lost javelin with a throw" of 161'10" Russ Falls, third, long jump, and third in the high jump at t& M, " ; and Tom Hand, third, another eight points in the Third place wetit to Berkeley physicallyJ}ut all fought hard their matches. . ••••• • 'javelin, 140'7".The Cranford Linden jinx &•«'••:•• 5'6. ; discus with Rob Vjcci and Jim Heights," 45, followed by against a. talented -.Columbia CraHford will meet Scotch was again evident Friday as Cranford swept the 330, Harrington placing first, and ^ Roselle, Clark and.Rahway. team. • Senior Nancy Nichplls was the Cranford High girls' tennis intermediate, with Russ Falls Plains today atid will compete second with throws of 136'7'i!" ' Cranford came away with the star of the day for CVan- team met Linden. It rained, a.s (43.7), Kevin Haynes (44.1) m. the County Cbampibnsjiip • and! 133'V\ In the 440, Rob it seems to. each time theie and Eric Tarver (44.7) taking meet Saturday at Williams ..,'-.. two teams met, and this time fitat.'second and third. Dave Field, the rain* forced'the match to be to Arthur L. Johnson M a y 5. halted at the halfway mark By MARTHA CZARNECKI QUESTIONS MOSTASKED BY QGR CGSTOMERS; The Dgvid Brearley Coach Fernandez, feels" that with all Ci'anford" players Bufty's remained one of the surprises baseball team came out of-, .a "the boys on the_(Brearley) winning a L j i i a t ; point. The ." KENILWORTHdepressing week. They lost to team have shown individual match has been rescheduled Tavern spotted World of of the early season as.they Sports-Kennedy Opticians a 5- defeated Fisher & Fania 14-5. Roselle May 5.by a scoi*e of 6- improvements, ' especially for this week; The team will play Linden 0 lead then came roaring back Tony- Mpntburi raised his 1. The next day, Bound Brook among some underclass Jv tomorrow at, homfe. '. ,• • •rfor- a 'iti&.win, to highlight the ..record jg ,M, i6r Coiled whUe c ^ ^ margin. [ahke7" Audiel Roman, and dustrial Softball League last Russ Swiatek" and Denny '•'.'. Sophomore Ron McElroy week. Rich Vitale, George ^ c N a m a r a combined to drive homered to give Brearley. a Ron Kropp." Brokaw "and Bob Arthur "all ,.across 7 runs for the winners, run, but the eight runs scored ; Roselle Park and Brearley mjssftri a mntnh h^canse of banged out3-hitsiorJBufJyisJa.l.^_Hafner'8 PalntStore 19 |-ii_:by-.theu-tough-Bound~Brookrain Friday But theBears won Hourly golf lessons will be back up winning pitcher Bob "Schcringfl " " " team'in the first inning proved to be more than was needed to Monday against Roselle, who held twice weekly by the Ciravalo. John Toby took the Schering, reached Hafner's :- win,- The win left Bound Brook, forfeited the game to make': Recreation and Parks, Dept. loss for World of Sports- •andPat Burnt'fw6 runs in the with a -impressive .9-1 Kenilworth's, record 2r6 on Tuesdays: ana Thursdays • Kennedy Opticians. first inning, but the portly recorfl.and 8-0 in the Mountain Fernandez said, "Although with one group meeting at 6 right hander knuckled down to . Grace 16 - Ross Bras. 11 the record doesn't shbw it, we p.m. arid' the other at 7 p.m. * Grace evened their record blank Schering the rest of the Valley Conference. Brearley's really have a good team and The classes, for . residents , record is 4-10. really good only, will start Tuesday, .May . at 1-1 by outscoring Ross Bros. way as Hafner's won 19-6 to • '•'"— , Tennis ' . . we've had take first in the B -.Division," matches." 25, and the fee is $16. for eight 16-11. Ken Buteria picked up- Brian Beeh and Henry Moil hit , /The, varsity, tennis team lost the win, Greg Pilot took the hour lessons. The. program ' . • Track, defeat. Ron" Nussi and Steve inside the parkers, for Haf- • Although the Bears lost to will be conducted at Orange Butkousky each went 4-5 to ners. Hillsbordiigh May 5, • Coachr -Avenue-Junior High^School. pace the wjnners. ••:. < IN I Standings Santaguida says "the team is • Registration is Monday Division A Ileyco 17Firemen. 2 young ahd enthusiastic, and through Friday froVn8:30.a.m. W ' - L GB Pitcher Jose JDiaz limited Bully's " 2 0 — very promising for the unhl 4 p.m. until May 21 or Colley-UllVlCI) Copper • 2 0 — r the Firemen to only 2runs, the Gino Labbatetori? Lincoln future.' Among' some of the Tuesday, May 18, froni'V:30 to 'Grace ! 1 1 1 •1 1 1 Aye, W. was named "out- May 5t triumphs : for the 9 P-m- at the Cranford Corn- lowest run total in a game this scherlnu ••' 0 2 3 yearVas Heycoj-eached .500 by Ross Bros. standing varasity athlete" at Bears, senior Bob Walsh, took,, munity Center, 114 Milnjt. . ' ' Division B the Volunteers 17.-2. Hafner's _ Union-College's annual sports Rrst.place-in t h t long. jump_ The-histrUctojv Adam PTta slamming 2 0 — ,„ - •.. j i,i i Paint Store • i^ards banaUet May 6 arthe_ and the'hieh jump, artdjohg, Sota.TTas been an instrTictor Rusty~CorClbner-and—Nicky- rWortd oTSports--Kennedy— —\—I 1 11 1 rijptnn Mpnhr in SpHngtlelrf~^ __________ . _ _ fe^ngo^v;e^Ievcy~ajLthe_gBf«^|C_ * yearsTIe preenly o f n hey , ^He is a member .Of the osky took first in hurdles. vearsTTIe presently lisT^an offense th'ey needed, eath soccer team.. The award, new One of thef things Coaches Instructor with theUnion goihg 5-'5 and Longo added a : " ' R i l d l U h nttaguidar *"0 oTskr-^:and?rvounty—-Regional—-a Copper) i y^ t y4 4 H b g ^^ yh ^ Collex-Ullrlch Coppen4r-- w * d , ; : Grace. ^ proud" of is the schools. TacKing at both Scroll, the Union..jCollege Clarke are p tremely high. In addition, our • \ ' t •~'"-' • ••- That's Why PSE&G is cbn* . It does cost ' " " undefeated undefeated relay relay team, team, Jonathan Dayton . a n d . Fishery Fania 5 student newspaper, and wasi girls' Fania V 4 : .wo?w of sport. expenses foV materials, labor( eri-'\. Viriced that its nuclear energy ' nsesrc ••• •of•"" • -Brady,' • Governor Livinjgst6n Schools. PSE&G less to produce Alan Klein of - consisting presented by A Collex-UUrich Copper opticians. Marianne t editor. dit Roselle, sports vironiinental controls, interest affd Xprograrri is the best way to meet -elfiiCtcicitvlwith nuclear Yvette Maney, Maryjo Avoil, b b b t h d h n to taxes—altthe costs of providing energy than With oil or coal, dMhGell the All-Regibh' 19, American needs and to carry us to that time because nuclear fuel is you with service—have gone up, Softball Junior Colleiie Athletic Assoin the future when other methods cheaper than oil or.coal. resylting in higher rates. The varsity Softball team ciation specer team earlier ; of producina energy—such as •; Unfortunately, cheap .. :.."''At pcesent, about 15 in the year. The former All-.. , won May 4 by a score of 14-5 .fusion orsoTar power—become State high school soccer star against Metuchen; The - next energy is a thing of the past This percent of the electricity out were Carol" Havankr,riB3;. 172. and Pat Ciuba, 169.scored 18 goals andjecorded day! Millburn beat the Bears practical, Arlene Davis, 177; am! Muriel customers use is being produced ' islrue all across, the nation. It's L . w seven assists in .13 games by a 14-8 score. On Friday,. Friday A-M. 't bymuciear energy. This results in (expensive to generate electricity - B ve 7dny «,we-™«.en, 41 . The Lincoln School PTA Romaine,^76. High "series Mornlno Glories "Every we're asked serious during the 1975 soccer" season. despite the late-game rain, .were "bowled, by Carol SlVi Hookers . , -savings of millions of dollars in With oil or coal. It S expensive to t,u«.5tlons r*gar<ilt«jenergyi . He is majoring in liberal arts- Roselle Park managed to beat Bowling League had high Havanki, . 5 0 9 ; ^ M u r t e l Hoppy Glorla'iGsU ii fuel costs—sayings that are auto- qenerate it with nuclear energy. secies and games taken by and th« wi« use ofenergy.'This Kenilworth. Eileen Woodruff education. Llttlg Rascsls 41 43, Romaine, 491;. Nancy Millar Qo*«n series of Informational adverPln» » 41 Joan Karl, 484, 183; Betty " anto'our••'Cornell McDanjels of 40 homered for the Bea/s. fthhat Ipa^t nl irlpar energy is less il««m.nt«.).n«uji.r< many nl tti* and Helen L"aico, both with' TwoPsltandnDot U Ewing,:.47i, 185, 164; Marge questions we most frequently customers. Show o f l i "Johnson ^ expensive, and our pest estimates 4S =Bp»neyi,453,' r7Br"and~KtMr -443,— receive and Is designed to rriake Bouroumand of 6 Elizabeth Sltndlntji •••'. However, the priqe of oil. indicate it will continue to cost less. fads DynoirilloJ '40V] concerning energy avail' Cappachione, 163? W Ave.v Cranford, are among 50,_j av, Rusty Three 341/j and coal, Which still jrAoduce^most Planning for the future with nuclear able to all our customers.",. Vibrators • Testimoiual dinner Sfet JForMartiii player. Cran|ord> High's, baseball 001 100 3-5 9 0* coach Norm Koury had ah ace VpjtenCM u;;;', , ^ ^ ' T " " ^ up hJs Sleeve going into the Nsoorney (5) and Lyslck Cougars first round state tour- WP-Kley 10 LPSchrecK 31 •_ > County Tournament': : nament game Monday. Koury Cranford 4 - Springfield 2: selected sophomore Scott Kley. • . . CRANFORD Kenilworth Softball loop Golf lessons start May25 Return this coupon fora new Energy. Outlook Kit. Included are "Nuclear Questions and Answers" I—|lfc^-|B-and Infotmatlon-about—j ^ • • • I alternate energy sources,' - / Energy Information P.O.B6x333 • •..HIIl5l<te..New Jersey 07205 material Is available In quantity. - Retunithl5_coupon_teday! L_\__. l r._^. Public Bjirvlp* • • Electric and Q M • Company , ' ', titles compllshtnents of students May 6 and.7 at Orahge County athletes in intramural sports- College, Mlddletown, N.Y. .McD^jLielrpartlcipated in The Jojirnament intram.urarDasTcelDari and" sponsored by^ the OnTje*d~ Bouroutnand in volleyball, Slates Wrestling Federation, Dennis Ross of 15 No,6th St., and. attended by wrestlers Kenilworth, received an from seven states. award for intramural football. Competing under Inter- ECHO LAKE GOLF .Cranford Won 4 firsts, 3 Winners of the itroke play secohds, 1 fifth and 1 sixth, tournament May 5 of the Winning first place in the Wednesday group of .lady Bantam Division Was 50 pound golfers, of Echo Lake Country Ralph Sorrentlno., Fjrst place Clobwere: •' winners in the Midget Division ' Class A • Mrs- D, HrNor- were 65 pound MikeSorrentlno' •tonrtirgt-plnro, npt i •—tmd-gft-poUBd Brian Hendry... 37; Mrs. Samuel M. Kinney Winning first place ip the Jr., second, 38; Mrs, Alex B. Junior Division was 70 pound Clourjt,-low_ cbttSenrBecondf Class B : Mrs, C. Burton pound| Robbie Pender, and Kellogg II, first,. 35; Mrs. Eli sixth', 80 pound Rich Briscoe. J. Lbranger Jr., 8econdt:38; < ' Placing second in tho Mrs, G. C. Griswold, Mrs. Intermediate Division were Robert Freeman, Mrs. John , 125 pound Rich Pawllck and V. Starr, 3-way tie for low/ 170 ppund Steve Sullivan, putts, 19, • x Placing 5th at 1S5 pounds was Class C •'••''M«.' Thomas. Jim Mclrityre, .." ,Cohigllo, first, 32; '* Mrs, Also ropresentinV Cranford George Kepplng,. second, 33; were 155 pound BlIrHedryand Mrs. Fred Barre, low putts., heavy weight Greg Kinmle. 1 5 . , " . .'.. . . ^ -•.- •••<;.:• f'.' ;; 1 • . Slsndlnot ' Spirit o»*M' Patriot* Carmonball* Torler .* Independentt Stara ' «fld..._, Red. Whlta, Blue Early Americans Confed«ralo« ' 53 si • 34 34 48 41 41; it u 4SVi 4$VJ 44'/, M'/> 40 .40 41 41 4VA 4V/j 4» • 3» '. 40 40. Jl Playotrli • it • .42 Garwood TKe last night of. bowling 44 made no-changes Irt the *i :45 •• previous week's standings of 41 M'/i" the Garwood Women's 3»tt S3 • •SJBowling League, Garwood S3 M Lanes ; and the Westwood Lounge split their points, "wjfiile Enz Bros, wonMhree Dlttrick's. David High game in the Walnut Murray and The Red PTA league. by Lynnc ' SchCaboose each also Won three 43 44 Walnut "30" Livingston 174, 4«6; Fran Oldam, 169; Kay Samowskl, 163, 452; and Eleanor Henne, 455, ,' ' - »t«ndlna« '"" Holy holltri OoOetlert Alley Calt -Happy Uo»tf«Camaoi . Pin OUeant MmKplMri Arigil PTni Underdogs ThtBP'i JBlMt OEL'» . 'SI M SO Nlneru' Busy Beet Low Roller) AMA > School IhSpotlm Pluooon Show Of It EcHostlei Up* 8, Downa Early Blrdl Budget Onus series- went -to Schmidt, 484; Elaine Mueller, 467; Lucille Zarzecki, 447; and Lynne. Poppa, 432. HigH games Were recorded by: Pam.MacMillan, 199,467; GinnleGuorrlero, 192,158,154, 504; Eleanor Schlelchert, 189, 165, 479; j«iann Millar, 167,_ 155; Evelyn Lawler, 161, ,153;. Betty Olimpla, 161; " Angle Simonet, v160; Eleunora Kut- Jtia Mqrln Hni-ttlng 4i>/,, 43 47 4SV, •'50 50V. 351', • i\Vi J3'/l Sherman 16Q; Carol- Rlley, ISO; Diane Guertin, •- 1571 Marie Konopack,l57, 154, 451; Lois Gloss, 153; Mary Ann Dill, ISO. • ' rimi iiarttfmti > A high game of 203 wa»; • bowled by Lorraine Tumi in .w.ttwood Loun Liquors Sherman games at.C'Jnrk Dlllrlck't Kni Brothers Lanes. Kern Bunting rolled. David A, Murray • Leading the -BloomltiKduK) •IHU, Kmmy Tltel,- »70, Audrey Uarn«tt'»Clqiior« Red Caboose PTA League with high games, Young, and Coil WllliamH both DU ' Bloomiiigdale W U 79 ' L 44 37 ' ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ aritf - • — - ^ w f i*^f **»"*^ «^ n u t Crariford ' i . •• " 000 000 D-D S > Linden' 302 000 1-5 B J, Grlce and Khouri, Schrock, Naooroey <6> and Lvslck WP-Schreck 3'b'LP- Grlce 1-2 Berkeley Heights 5 - Cranford 4 Playing in the rain, Cranford jumped off to a 1-0 lead in the first inning as E.J. Carlin cracked.a home-run over the, left field fenca,It was one of two hits on the day for Carlin, . and the first of three RBIs. In the. bottom of'.:the first, B.H. came back" to- tie the score- on a single off John GricV B.H. took the lead 2 1 in the second as they scored on a suicide squeeze play. , • Cr&ni'ord tied the score in the third inning. Khouri singled and Dorin-took his place at first after a fielder's choice. Dorin stole second and scored onjp.j, Carlin's singfe. Berkeley Heights won the game tin home runs in the third and fourth innings. Clint ' Bills'' hit a two-run homer in • J — --Hf:., - - ?• . - - • . the Cranford Baseball League's annual dance will be -held Saturday, May 22, at TelrtpleEmanu Broad St.,-Westfleld.-fr^m 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. . Tickets are $6.50 each and Include-a buffet supper and i f d i e l Cormier, 276-8813, for ticket information, . " JPony- Cobra tryouts next weekend Cobra .starting at 8 p.m. each day. the Cobras are entered in the Union County/ IntroCounty League and will bo part of theAmorlcan Division along with Union, Rahway, Linden, Clark and. Hillside. Players must bo at least 10 . year* old and,must not have, reachcdThelriothblrthdjiy by J u n e l . , . - ';; . . /.--•—---•• • * , Cleaning,' Services "......- ^ Only^s/o Of) It's-time for your favorite Swan "Free Offer", §ave wspace and protect your woolens...Swan" I professionally "Deluxe" stores everything • "Guafapteed." safe from Fire! Theft! Moth's! Hea/.'" r^ -The cost? All you pay is Swan's budget-priced • ^cleaning charges, plus a mere 2% of you "Own Valuation" (or insurance (minimum $50, Each item superbly custom cleaned,' pressed and returned on hangars, 'ready rcn^eac'— ~~-~: ~ Bonded ^ Pick-Up & Delivery Call i 276-3300 t • - CBL dance slated May 22 ar •.I •• »••-.!. ••:••.,.-. • - - - PiiitQ > .- ^ s l n o l e . V The • Cranford the matches. ohlyCougars Rieder to downed win their his matches Rieder his opponent .6-1 £ downed 1-6, • 6-3. Dickstein lost 6-3, 6-1 and Poulos and Hummelt lost .a tough tie-breaker-in the second set. The score was 6-4, 7-6. with the secp.niset lost 5-^. irt the nine-point tie-breaker, Stan Rubin won his match 6-2, 6-3 Meyer and Caldwell were defeated 7-5. 6-2 «o"«» > '"•"" »»"« »"« I'" ^ r -• and Hammer! tjiree sets before winning their match, 62,3-6. 6-1. Meyer and Caldwell came out on top 6-4, 6-1. The team's next opponent was Plainfield. The Cougars^ won 5-0 once again, enabling them to qualify for the. state •tournament May 22 and 24.' ITeder and Dickstein both" won 6-0, 6-0. Rubin was victorious G-2, 6-3. Hamrnerl and Hummel won 6-1, 6-2, while Meyer and Caldvvell won 6-1, 6.0. In the team's only loss of the . week, Rieder and Rubin were DELUXE SAFE BOX STORAGE catctTo?!!'^ lKu'rtR"u otponnoi'i. \ ?, '" J/"J|U<J.l*1'sJian'inn!*'s ctAvicA shared mound duties for the Iroquols, •>£ \ Spirit, fun mark 'Olympics' *~ Scahlon; Mike Murphey and BTllv Weber M. Prussak had singles. . triple-and rqde In on- the f|rst of Eddie •PHOiino lor the Ap&chos,'Adam Smith added key hits for the winners. Terry • Angels 9 Seals 7 Spottj's 3 Wise) the d,i-f. ten Nlro was , 'Rilcy lc"d the Lions, attack with three and Cralo Andprson struck out 11. The^TccKnit- Angels defeated -the In top form as lib struck out IS batters to walked 14, and allowed 14 hits. B'illy riljs. jdharlos Muollor, Jim Hyncs.and Goldberg's Mpns' Shop Seals behind i brlna \\\% reason total to 41 Ks. Lcn Gabel and Mark Richards combined lo Stephen Burkat also hit safely, with h*» at hntnp atfninqt H i l l q i H o combining lor 17 strikeouts. Pitching tor' lirnitqU the plants to one hit, a double fine mound performance by Wayne allow only 3 hits whlle.sfrlklng out 15 and David Espugd pitching. ue a i n o n i e d g a i n b i n u i b i a e . ) n o S h 8 W I «, M W ( , r o B r ian.focGovornand Tyler (6Ks). He was relieved In the 7th pullcdl hard to \ left field bv Tony walking-6 lor the Chcrokecs. O n S a t u r d a y , C o I o n i a S StTOnC Chris Komlnek. Leading Iho Iroquols by Rich George. Phil McGovern, on the LaFcrraray pthor Dodger hitter's were Mohlcatot.- Cheyenes I — hitting attack were Chris Ventura Wolyerlnes 11 •Leopard! • ! ..mound for the Seals, also collected 6 .Scott Kokle and Jim Woznlak had the team will come to Memorial (double), Danny Suchovlc and Ed Ryan. Torry.Bradlord (2),. Dave Blddulph <!)• The PBA. Wolverines notched their and Danny Bradford {!). Lou Ventura.,,\ blg'bats for the AVM Browns Mohicans ' strikcouJs Rich George ho"mered i.n the Collecting hits for the Shawnocs were d victory of the'soason with an 11 2 Field to play the Cougars. 4th, scoring three runs, to put the Angels • ' V\\ as they defeated the Cheyenes 6 1. Koklo BVIan McGovern (triple) and Johnny . struck out B Dodgers.' over the Mothers' ' Auxiliary way out in front, Sam Cerretohad three Cardinalst-Reds2 . Vi went J-lwiih a single, double and home State Toiirrtartierit Zarjeckl, . •• -. ' )'ards..Joe Pl|anowskl struck put 12 hits, Jeff K"arl, two- and Rich Jones, one The American Legion Cardinals^ o^\ run: Woznlak was 2-2 with two singles. Chlcasaws S C r « « 1 • . Cranford 5 - Linden 1 ^rds in a game shortened to five For the-Seals, Ray Deme singled and behind tho 2 hit pitching ol Bob AmbrbiiM'* 1 Koklc drove In 5 runs and is batting 12Kurt O'Donnell pitched all the way lor 'Cause of darKness. doubled. Bob Oarnatowicz and Ph I 15. Greg Peters added a single -in the The Cougars broke'out on the winning Chics, striking out 9 while (7Ks),d(!featod the Cranlord Elk Beds 6 'ashburji, Jodl Wclncr and Mike McGovcrn each had two, and Glen Skoog allowing 5 hits. Handling mound chores 2. Hitting for the Cardinals, were Bob first inning that produced tho~6th run. top in the ' third inning. lor1 the Crees were Kevin Duffy and Alan Peters, 3 singles, Tom Trotter, double, . h a d 2 hits each and Joe singled. ^ , ' ^ . i and John Chrlstiano each Slitter. Leading the Chic hitting attack Pllal * Angel's S-RartiS J1 " and Tom Young, single. Pitching for the' • Tho Mohicans delonsc was excellent. Sophomore Elliot Dorin" were letpVtheWotverlnos. The big Ernnlett Barrett' (2 doubles), had Rich Oeonje went all the wav for the Reds were rookie Tyrone Muldrow (4 •Wozniak made a great Catch In center " tripled to right-center. Dean Johnny Kllmak (2) and Kurt O'Donnell. Ks). and John Acton IS Ks). Hitting tor Wolvi came in the lourth,- field and turned the plav into a double Angels, collecting 7Ks. His mound op highlight of the game was a great k Lcwandowski's hit. star' irtlng ponent, Joc v Warren, fanned five. The Roberts scored Dorin .with a. • The the Reds wore Frank Ventura and Ac plav with a line throw to first base In the running catch In left field by Rich Herz exploded lor six runs ThoWolvo' Angels scored in tho first.on hits by B ton, each with a single. The cards scored third ipnlng. Kokie tssj,. John Korn I3BI. . sa'crifice fly| giving the of the Croes. The Chlcfc had .the basos 2 In the.first. ,ind 4 In. the third Inning to Leopards' pitching n that inning. Garret, George, and Sam Cerrato. They Mark Manfrc (2B) and Petters (IB) took loaded with' one out when O'Donnell •scored again \j? the 2nd on a walk and i was, handled by Coiigars'a 1-0 lead. , . . ' • ' Zclgtcr and Joe break the game open. Good Holding part in outstanding defense plays all blasted the b i l l to left lor-what looked single by£JJVa*V"ne Tyler. The Rams Pallenza, with Jl Penvene, Rlc^u night, with fprce plays and several plays were made by Tom Trotter, Bob like a basb clesrlno extra base hit when Linden helped get Cranford Herz made his eaten and, going to third. Peters and John Acton. . ->countered whh a run irt •neiourih-oritiits, Jakubos and Joe P za getting, hits double plays.; -..:... • fcv P. Gartre> *nd G. Klesckv- only* lo for the Leopards, a run in the fourth inning. doubled oil the runner lo end the Inning. Phlllle«.4-Br»v«iV Bob Clausen u/as the winning pitcher. ''SHowlnp only v p i t In 3 Innings^ Jim' h*v« t» rtuUMled by" the Angels when , B u r o t i 11 - Lynx • 4 _.Aiio-play.lna±.weatJiefenM^Bt_MCOrid_ Thw Robblnn-AIIUah Phillies recolveo ~Geoff-W*lters-walked^ind was- - base was Billy Fray of theChlcs. Hlttintf solid pitching Irom Scott Senkarik and '"Tfio BSSrcairacleatcd thoTfrilghls-oT^ Woinlak carne m^elief In the 4th inning back-to back hits by R. Kastner" and J Karl scored another run. The Rams . • • sacrificed to second by E.J, . for tlfe Crees were Bob Wobster (3), Mike COIIn'erl 16 detent tho Capital Colurnbus Lynx behind the 16.strike out, and also allowed 1 hit. Shit pitching ol Stove Nagle. Strong camp back with 2 when P Garrtt • The Cheyenes pitcher was Richard anj|,Kevln Dully. Savings Braves 6 1. Once again it was Carlin. As Walters ap- Billy Grau hitting, from the bats, of Joe McMahon,. prts. The Cheyenes. 2 hits came from doubled home D. Mason and F. Heltrich CpHi»nch»»lS-Crowi« • Ihe homo run'bat ol Mike Colincri that Tyrone Egglcston, Chrl*«tyciynskl and proached second, he realized ^ S f f i r ^ . n T h J ^ r T F " ^ ^ ^ ^ spaced the victory as the Phillies and Greg Pahren. • . The tie breaker came in the Angels' half (ltth Gerald Capecc boosted the score.. The . Norm WoWrom of the 5th when Tyler treipled and scort Mohicans 0 - Mohawks 3 no one Wascovering third: So k—-tvnK-had-good-hitt1ng-lrom-Sc*nlon.and-^ Ihe-Mohitans-mouod4iitoa-li©-*oVl '"f- —on-Gooro«!t;Mcrt*ice^r»d-Garret-3corrd "" rlckpd up the win. Sharing mound dutlos "hfelran tarthlrdand bythelinie' or°the Crows were Kenny Helmstetter (2), John Mnffcv (31, Mike Collncri Humen and fine pitching frdm Scanlon thellpal run on Cerrato's double • Brian place with thcScminoles and Chcrokees and Donovskl, but Styczyhski's.2 doubles K#gjier and Mike Clarke also hit tor RBIs), Kevin Lips. Rav Grau and Drew by defeating the Mohawks- ? 3, The a Linden player appeared, the (4 Ks) and Scotf Baumann (1 K). Scott. and a triple led the way to a Bearcat -.their respectlvs .teatns-.1'* Brave hitters were-Sean smith, Mohicans hitting attack was led by Mat Leadlnd' the* Coma.nches hitting was throw to third was low and Kenny victory'. Angels22 Marlins*? ;Marrow with 2 hits.-Other Mohicans Chris esposlto and Eddie HclmsicUcr. Bunlewskl With a single, triple hitting solely-were Bob Clausen, Greg Mother's Day saw.the Angels romp 5 RBIs. Also hitting .tor"the Phillies pitching walked 4 and struck out • Walters trotted home with and Peters, Andy.Hooan. John Korn, Chris Comanches were were T Tim over the"' short landed Martins 72-1 Comanches m -Nestor (single (g 2 &.'Brave pitcher Tom Ross pitched a Cranford's second run. . doubles), Jeff Dohertv (single, double),- complete game,.'striking out 5 and Poulos, and Scott Koklc Panthers - I I - W i l d c a t s • 11 Larry Watson pitched a strong game lor Genov«. (triple) and Tom Borthe win, allowing the Marlins 6 hits and The winning pitcher's for the Mohicans walking 4. O.nce again a tine throw bv tTho Panthers, sponsored by Cycles by Linden came back with a Prank mlngham. Hitting for the Crows were was Jim Woznlak, allowing 4 nits. Bob runs,both*f which were scored by Ketfm John Gasper' cut down n Brave runner- Gcorgo, won a see-saw 'battle ovet* the run inthe bottom of the fifth on Yodd Scott and Peggy Dutly. Delcn trying to score and ended a rally In the Wildcats on the 4-for-4. hitting, with 3 Clausen came In relief in the 4th inning. Owens. Rob Rosci, taking the loss (or the Crows, Chris Connoll made Key defensive play'ers for' the doubles, by the winning pitcher Peter collected 2 hits in his own cause,'aided thjrd. ' . a double and a single. In the slvely a great catch ot a line drive antj Todd Mohicans were, John Korn, (20).'Greg -by R. Arthur, C. Yanni^, T. Muldrov. Plonclak. Helping to secure the wlojvas Cardinals 10 - Glint j 1 and Pat Fay caught a man In a bottom of the sixth,. Kley Scott Peters (10), Andy Hogah (C), and Scott the 3 for 4-hitting with 3 triples from and Owens with a hit apiece Jeft Karl . The Cardinals, down J 0, scored 5 runs' rundown botween first and second(6r an Koklc (SS)who had two double plays. Mark Wcachock and; 3 singles from T^rty and Brian Kastner led the Angels assault In the Sth Inning ancfS In the sixth lining struck out the first bjatter. HeThe Mohawks scored,3 runs.jon*4 hits Cluba. The Wildcats added' sorpe, ex with 4 hits each. They were followed bv to defeat the Giants 10 T: Bob Voile/ was -Shiwntet 4 . ip and used 3 pitchers. .. went to« 2-0 uon »,the nertt batter cltcment with a homer by Mike Mano B. Garret, Rich Georo e and J Duffy thewinnlng L 'i i Combining on on the mound mound for the thewinnlng pitcher pitcher for tho the Cards (4 Ks). Combining and the strong arm of catcher Mike Vjava|o$ 9 - Apaches ? with two. Watson and A, Kastner ceic h Pithi f IK Gint were Lou When C o a c h KOUry C a m e M o winning)Lehapos were Scott Csppello-I* -Pitching for tKe Giants Dunlgan'throwing out two runners atThe Victor Dennis Navajos pitchers hit safely. rtia tvinunH U-nnnr p n l l o H fn»^-.Ks),whogotthewlnwlthrellel (rom Joe1 Ventura'(2 Ks), Ron Sass Sassl (2 Ksi and the mound. Koury called for Pord (3 Ks). Pitching In a losing cause Ventura'(2 were djftfpficl, Todd Snyder and Warry* tempting,to steal a base. Beavers 9- Blues 3 Inghram (2 Ks). Hitting Hor the Cards YanowlnL,BIHy Sledler led a strong wore Brian McGovern, Johr) Zarteckl, Gorard Sabeh pitched a two hitter to were Jell Inchalik, 3 doubles, 4 RBIS, Carsey to relieve while Kley, 'Jim Badgers.14-- Pumas -4 hlttinoyStfack for the Navaios, geJ" McGee'and Chris Komlnek. The take his team to victory Scott .Tom'Jv'oung, double, and T£ni Trotter, left the field to applause, Len£pes lumped oil to a 10-run lead on Jlm-*rqtter, Andy Acton and Bob Vcttcr. Ingles In three time at bat.i T h ' j ' T . f c J Lawnmower ..Badgers Dougherty pitched well, but lost to six hits In the llrst Inning, the highlight, hitting' was provided by Lent. each with a single. The Giants-hitting" d*ltiatcd the Pumas, sponsored by timely hitting by the Btaverv The big •Carsey struck out the batter ol the game was when Chipper Anderson f who came up with a hornc. rVn P.crr(tftl's Quality Meats^ by a score of was led by Lou Vontura who had 2 home blow came for the Blues on o ba^es ol the Lenape;, collecting his second hit and got the side out, ind a double. Other Nava|o hitters were 14-4. Op the*mound,.Da'yc Papp came runs for -I Rt)ls,.Sassl. ? singles,. loaded triple by Kevin Knight in the 4th Ian MAtten, single, double, Bobby through with a no hitter for Itio Badge inning. Km'ght added two more singles to Cranford picked lip three a n d ' r J r m r . / s m a s h e d ' X t S a . r d e e p - Pete Ah.movic and George Enoelhardt. and hit'4 singles. The hltteu tor- t Thompson, slnglo; and Frank Massaro, drive in a total of 4-runs. .Mitchell sll lc i n s U r a n C e n i n S l ii r t hhc t tO D f Ofr tth h e ^ to-centertWchandTildnM-iiop^funoIno—: ? P * : — • • ..-•. : - ! . - „ , „ -~ _•_,._.-.-— Badgers-were-Steve -Cr*amljng. Scmpie. Ciestak.. and Scqti played cv ^«;,«^*w *:w* c ^ / i e t r i l • uriiH h* r«achj»d howi. Alw hlHIno 'Qf ' oo*B«r***R*ot3 * -Pitching for the Apachos wpre-John run, single; James Paraonc^ 1 do •collont i|de defense tor - s e y e n t n , ^ - ^ J i m _ .H-OIXCSiai---fh4j i » f l ^ f l yJ*** ^ FftT'H o Hlnnlpv-9—-~-.-7h» Dodopr* took over-first place - - s t - r t y l h ' r t | t * ~Dwy id C o s m a s Vfrry trip t i e t c n i i V f -jutm" Swandrak ' (8 ^_J_•-•-. __>tt\o**^r'^M«'C<uttf**T>^erwftw<*-tovUwwpy-W»l started the rally with a single^ standouts- for the "beavers Sabeh Force, 2 singles; Ed Lambert/ double, ' two singles,Michael Garastaiu. double,double, triple), Ken French (double, as they boal tho Rcdt 4 3, Wfcbster gnvc McGovorn.and Kelly hit safely lor the single; and Chapman. Ambrozy. and Ken tioldstcin, single John Miller, went to second on^ a passed t r i p l e ) . - Paul Kocerha and Dave up S hits but pertonallv' hitndlcd, 7 Beavers; Clcslak and Mitchell lor the RaVkowskl. Hitting lor the Shawnees Pcrraro. single each. Joe Ij/ced was the single, and Jeff Spotts, single, were the •_comfhflckJ>3M'!>l.onJv.gLy!»qup_T?_w^ks. L vvereCtirlsKrominek(tiBlple)rBVa -• --•!-—chrls~Kbmlhe ' " uma%;-beta0 Ap*ch«-hlltftrt •—•—• p Tho "Reds pitcher, Frjinkic Ventura," (double) and Pete PearlmAn Rams 10 • &»avers i Bcored forrestal with a sharp McGovern relieved by Jimmy Navaiot I • Pawnees 0 struck oul'10 Dodoori, while w.ilkino (tingle, double). After losing two heartbreaking, games In a game spiced with good pitching orSly 2. LcnNirovflUl!D d(he.Dodact's Into , 1 .single, to right. Dorin. stole Ironuoliia-HuronilJ Saturday, the Bams came., back ana and great defensive plays.the Klavaios fl quick 3*0 lead on oneot^heTiardest line battle with the game tied deteated the Beavers 10 5.. Trailing s 3 second and proceeded to third In Inthea seeuw eeked out a I 0 victory over the Gray drive home runs hit in many seasons. bottom of the sixth Innlno with going into the bottom ot the Sth. the Memorial Hprnp Pawnees. Division on the" catcher's error. bases loaded, Rich Bornsteln ol the The Red! came back, nibbling .iw.iv at .Ramsexploded for S runs as joe Warren Todd 'Snyder. making his first startIrnnuoH blinHed a single to drluo In the the Dodger load and went .iheixl 3 7 In nadoers : tttt-bY-ir J TMtctT. -t< il onr ^tfiOgtrT)f~tWg~T$trr~TfflTinq.- Ed &pfony" Wolverine^ • winning run. Also hilling lor tno iroquonr Fran t^elfrtch singled, ana Ed upfr striking oat tt) and warning jjnltfv 2. 2 knocked home Dorin with an were CrVrls Ventura (3 slnolts; double, single and Tom Ford's double put the Lynx / ' batters. Vlarrv Yanowiti relieved in trie "^Blastccl a triple' scoring three runs. Danny Suchovlc (double) and lying and winning runs on b<nc (or Ihe 1 3 Wildcats Steve Campbell bunted scoring Lips Gob opposite-field hit to left. Brad- triple), Rudv Glanoble (double). Pitching for ^slxthandstruck out the side Eric Ourow, Dodgers In Ihe honhe 4th. " Llopi . Donovan singled And Pat Garret singled the wlnnlno Iroquols wore Chris Von Wayne Folkhart, and Kenny Nolan * A well executed squooie- bunt^ by ford stole second and came tura, Bobcatshome Campbell for the Sth run "fhe Danny Suchovlc. Ed Ryan, Rich thareti rrtound chores tor the Pawneei' Webster brought in Spotti .with Blue Division Rams scared -twice jnoxe in the ith to home on an error by the left- Bronsteln and Steve FUhcr combining Johrthy 'O'vlno up o+Jlv Onb run onMive hits. The the tying run. Another squeeie by Mike 3 3 Bearcats clinch the game Bob Oonovan^gol ihe (or 14 strikeouts, SHarlno mound duties only run of the oame came in Ihe'tourth. S.TAI and a tnixup on tho pUiy SAW Tom fielder on.t'at Green's hit to . for Leopards win. Hit;|in,g for the Rams wert*vGAr'ret. the losing Hurpniwere Jim Bradley. Inning when Carl Pile! oot a sipole «inrt Ford bring In Ihe winning run. Johnny '?3 Kdipscky and Lipv with 3 apieNv" Pum^s Tom Sharkey and Jerry Elke. Hitting lor left was mov«d to second when Kcrth Wcb*r Acton ted tno Red hitters wilh ? hits Warren," HellrlcrJ, Clarke. Campbell. Huron* were Jim Bradley (triple),, Jaguars oot his tlr^t hit ot the vt\"ir Lenny' And Donovan. Brian O'Neill took the Dorin anrJ-CaHIn had two the Including if double. Other Red timer*. Tom Sharkey (single, double), Jell Tigers Mackie knocked the run in with a single werjj Kevin Clavpool, Frank Ventura loss, collecting three hits in his own Cofsky (double), Jerry Elko (single, Panthers hits apiece for the Cougars, Doth teams made the detensiye piavs nn<i Mark Zangrando. Terry Bradford double) JMWDoug Ovley. cause. Dave* Parndiio and Dan Gaiuppo when they had to. in the second inning. ' each 1 while Mike and Jim Forrestal,. and Danny Drndford were the other Crows 7 • Cr#«i > Pflel hit Ihe ball to the right Held fence" Hurom 1 • Lin»p«i 0 hitters for the Dodgers., Roberts, Bradford,' and out was out at the plate on A tremendous Br»vtf«n -Pirates (0 Blues U-Seals* relay play-lrorn, Kevin n^chf to Ken Aagaard collected one each. The Pirates lumped olt to .i 4 qglck The Blues broke out ol the Nnlrtn to ratjhpr lm> C.Aiaro In, tht» f tt^h HPflUlQU.'ltT..., IftP , ^ W e T i } r w m rytiyancrtthu sc inning, Harry Vanowiti wasrobb^d ol a. Marsdsn, Alan Gross. Todd Marcus and . ••Astros 1 - Mel* * bv ha"me runs oil the bats ot Ed Scott nnfl • . sur« triple when Robb? Pells caught his S«-)n O'Oowd In tho fop ol the, llrst • hla first ever >s a Varsity. Conianchdt The Astros became ihe only un Steve' Karl Mike KlimeV pitched a IJ.B. WllllarnSl. ' ' to left center field against tho Dravcs. A single by Llam deleated team in the league downlng'the Irodbols strong oame in rellel. getting 9 SUndlnot ' Duddy and a double by Scan Smith put Mcts 14. The winning pitcher was Dill (Pl»»a House ol Cranlord) strikeouts for the win Glenn ' S Woog and tho Braves on the Scoreboard. Hits by Huron* Fltigerald (30). HI' struck oul'nlne, John Gfvens'cbmbined their pitching in a Semlnoles Pirates fawowllt, Martdrn, Gross and (Baron Drugs) hurllnu a 3-hltter. Jeff Manuel was the Cherokees losing ellort to stem the Bides' bats Joo Parol«llo brouoht in 3 more runs. A Lenapet Hitting star with a double and two Karl had 4 Hits for the Blues. Semole had s'lnoloby MlkoAcardl added inothor run Mohicans (Coiloy Appllanco) singles. 'Bill Pitigerald added two Pawnees 3. Garret. Capobianco. Klimek and Scott lor Iho pirates In the 3rd Inning.' In theChlcaiaw* • • singles, And Mark Ldngdoh and. Jim Navalos each had two Also hitting were. THII, thtt bio bats ol Pawowlt). Marsde'n (Mkhhel Custom Kitchen) ill.irl«• bolti singled for the llrst place Cheyennet Doughertv and Grieco For the Seals. and Grots aoam wplodod lor 3 runs, but Crits Astros, The Mets. pitcher was Mickey Apaches Gary Ennelhardt led with 3 hits. M tho Draves m.'Wraau« up. Sinales by Ed (Pathntark of Cranford) varl <t)l> with relUI from Tom Mohawks Colmerl, and McGoverti each had 1. Crowt HolmKMtoir. Nelson Loo and Sean Smllh Donovan. The two lone Met singles were Stall ts Colts 4 (Cranlord Jayct*() and doubles by tl.im Duddy. Nelson Lee by Rich Cherlchello and Tom Donovan The Seals'first win ot tne season was ,. stiawntM>» and Sean Smith, sprinkled with 4 walks, a IS 4 conquest ot the Colls. M i r k > (Unll.d Counllel Trust) ^allowod II) Brave runs to cross thuplati' C bn lrr hh ll t f t h C l h r t t H t H d i n Q "Y YoUtJTaryor U r" Trh l t6 " 6n t R n ; Ti D lb To~ ' 7 The Rangers annihilated Ihe Padres 3 by k»v|n 0'Cwiwll and t each bv the mound and was ably assisted by the IS 4 on a 3 hitler by Mike Schmidt (3 0). Hoiirt I Hjnu * G.ilulll, MoelHer. Dakie. \tnd Me strano rellel hurhno e>(Jdl(tllM&l«''*to«'. The Hangers' 14hit attack was led-by . In the lint ol two wlm this w««k Iho Namira. The Seals w4r# let! by Collnerl tPlilTni Sieve SUine with 4 singles IJ 41 -Mark Cranlord Potsry Club Heart vdged lh» with 4, 3 by'G Skoog. J bv aob Matya's. Cub pltcheir O.-iiH' Noto struck out 13 OrloUlU-Athlillo* Nlro clobbered 3 triplet, Mike Schmidt, KamL S 4 in die«~UW battle th«t latttd and on* a*ch by Bunting, GIveM batters andallowod J hits, oiw ol which -behind tho combined pitching ml M.rrk double, two singlet; Roger Wentel, two 10 Innlhgi J . Attanall ind.piin Mill»r McGt>ve.rn. Cngelhartit. and C d was a lowerlno horn* run Irom Mlk» O M l i T H S l t f t l l W ^ W C G ~C6llnerrw|thon»tiWri en to"scc»unt tor" delated the Athletic) 14 4- Hlttlno lor and Jim DoColil* each-tingled lor the Pat Garr«t took tho ton Miller. E. Ctenle and Sko«o played a Matyas atfthe Philvtcorlrtu.-Cub hitlers w.-r<lh« Oriole* W«r« Connie Mohill, 3,' «rtd Mitchell. Alt«n»l.-M. Etmlger. *nd b. Rangart. The Padres iiltcher was game John BaVIe » n ih.' Nolo. Jfrry Ballw»n. John v i e d . ' Joo Lowell Abrami. Murk Chrllll.no, Mele Charlie McArty (0 1). The two »'«dr*. ClundKr with a tingle and double, hit Del Crlpoo, Tony Perrons. Clayton Leo Lvnch, Dan Lawlor, Jell Luwlor «nd lor th» U».in Hitting for th» H»mt w<r« and Urjan Nlemtyk Phil's pitcher John 'tlnglet werv by Jim Pord and'John Chrlt Doutihgrtv, one Atilnct). Jltx J M t O ^ W . F y«llrlch, »nU S. Campbell Malley struck out 1 batters onii allowed Greg L^w.lor!s ba&c clearing double in M Deadl* h.ridlod thd pitching lor tha A|>. with two di>i»«. and Ojirret, G »hlts. ' . • '•"' Ihe last ol the >lh-\>tv< Ihe Start a c « w ken Kiln* led tha hlttlno attack with 3 SI«Hdlno»kAloiCky. J. WArren and M. DOhovan. Irom behind victory over the Marlins Twins i-HlngersD hilt. AUo hlttlnw (or the A'i were Divu Good Martin hitting bv R6»»l. 3. Vanme , M « . r t t \ St.rid The Twin* knocked oil the tormerly W — Drown, 1, BUI AlclrliJjjo, Jim U«adl» inn }.a'nd Slllllo I. gaye the Marlins the lead . Dana ChahdKr led th« Heart lo an <t 0 undefeated Hwgert *'}.. The wlrtnlrttf • -Lou Lolll. thrsogh KVMI ol the uame The Statt Dodder* (kehler Mictloanl HC hit win ov«r th« A. &pn\dl«r «nd SoA». -pitcher was Steve Senkarlk ()•)) Hlttlnu scored two runs in the second without a CubiUknltjhUol PylhUs) , • Inc. Start. Start .hurUtr, M Erlckton. Kir the Twins wer*>- Chuck Scatuto, hit, \ir twd H u r t ] . ' pl.tvt-Again Without i Behind tho tine pitching ol Lowoll: Mlllllle»(Hobbin»*. Milionl' allowed > hltt, Including a trlplo bv double, and Tom H>»lly. single: ihe * Hit, the Stars sccxeil 3 («w« in Ihe Mh. , | . . Abrdrrtl, thd Oriole* dolo«lod It)* I" '"' Cnrdlnalst American loaloni Atlanatl, doublet by ft f-°Mwr «nd C Hangertillcherw.tsMUe sthmutt (111 In the tlh. M. 2vch and Daniels each nnin ,n^t.a 11 iinhn fnlfhrlfhnkl l MIKhrll, . t»M tlwulM hy Y. Ll*t. M 4 h N » K t t J l U U i V m u U 4 U » nr t'aul lUnien tuM, bill Till. il»ubW« toy ,KII«V, J. Scolti »»d J. StycW «rtje<i u.lUiLiv. DJ Wit't CflUNTrjirtd^Aartrt4l^o,-*htt Ji-itnal*fhi V.V'W. C6lt» thul 'out th« plcktf up the win <h rellel, while Steve liy M I U SOiWldt! ;— -" AtUvrtcan Uoldti Chi.I* behind lh» S hit F i r b m l n w j i thiriied with Ihe lou by Matt M o l l , C6nnlo,R«lilll «nd Cwnnlj pitchlno ul'Gatv Juki. C. Kixn iiul H. „ . Start •» • C«IN «' i 5Ullly,»ii. Ths Indlknt Hlttlnu Utt^ck WAi, Wtllac* kh.tteri plkhlng dull** toe lh«ScareWu until the tilth, the .. fcblvltM l.ad'by ftlck Frungillo, 7. John Colon. Cliloft, anil wo«« ui\tksn« in tho flrtt Only 'U«s c»i«e^ scf«i» lor Ihe AldoT.V Siervic*Ui<iweit tl«ntkl *nd John fc'rbnck one mch. Inning tjv «' MisM tlan\ h<ih\<> run bv when BUI ,Ca>tC«vkIen \ o -Pr*nmin Stnte Hank Kvpo^' K»vlrt 0'Donh<)ll AUu Iiilting tor. |h« alter two wtlkt i i M » «lnjl< bv I v t h Crantord Sunoto HuyaU W ,.L 1 y • - »adaor»-\*-Lvtl«-JI wli\n«rt w«(* Oaluni, Juio. Milnwvlc. The Coin threatened \»Xp* lourth u.lwi\ ChaPh^AhHlrolhert . . Th« badaori, »|>on»oiod. Uv .1 i J . Whit* 5OK (Reel Strong N e l ) . ,<nd O'tWniwII with two iipn'C*. Cribble - Kai jiiioiwiwJv.nh j tlnole. toll»v.eil bv Mlumhlng Padret -" J L*Wnmowor SurVlcn,-«Blo«t«d >i:w Tlgon (Alboft H: Antolno) ah.) ao.'Jller with « * • Wlhjun Ifd.hii * walk.but Ct'l\»Wiitl't SCIV«I»II\O luw • DIvlilkA .•Knlghtt ol-Ciilumbu» LynW'UJ, Don Orloloi tuim vij'th two, l)J»k», AV,>ll.«v jiiul, Olive w»v w W d bv Wtl U»S«M«.II« r 3 Crtloi\ui VllUue Ptjtst Atjrot t - Chapman, »l«r|lnu rJltchci fl»v# Up 3 IndlanilChomprdlnc.) ' PaiMeU who <Mubl<HI tl>y runi\iy a) tirit .i Mvhllc Mill Met. Itllt.' Mvllol oltchlnu i»Mn i."m t>Avv. ttsnatort (CfoplaVd Photo) O'(v»M\ell had 1 hltt lar the .Cult. . • ehMhl-tUavotttJ ' oin Depot IWIIMSoimldi). Hlt|li<i) for tluwUjdgirt wrr«<' , P.v Cai-tcaiMelt \M th* WIN. V.JH I I .*>''N . Th» Chloli took twin M.\n\ct ol th«lr ""3 ' t l t ' slcHio Jlo^o Qr<mll|ig,. Qramllng,. grand gand ilani, ilnuhlv.' : Scoit Uuchanan took Ihe la%* ' ' Vankeoi (BliHdors w»«K»nU.ik>ubi,if'li»aui;r, itiuttlnu ouHh* "" ' ' V - Jlrrt ' ,Do« Cha"pfnani"irlblci Athletics (Modlcs) ; : ' • i ' * '.-'•' ' T~ ' ' N ' : The Cranford High varsity tennis team won the .three the third and Campp hit one in matches needed to qualify for the fourth, giving B.'H.ia.5-2 the state tournament, but then •lead; ^~. ;-. '' losMo. Berkeley Heights for ./Cranford scored two runs in the Second - time this year. the top of the fifth, Ed Khouri Their record is 6=7. led off with a double down the C.ranford " defeated Jefleftfield line. Dorin reached ferson, JRoselle and Plainfield. -safelyT'oJnran-;aUempte'd-playJ and lost to W ior Khouri at third and Khouri Senior Larry Rieder conscored, on Pat Green's tinued to-improve his record sacrifice fly. Carlin drove and the number one single"s home Dorin with an infield record now stands at 9-4. .out. •'. '.' . . Against Jefferson, Rieder Sciott Kley held B.H. won 6-0," 6-1. Mike .Dickstein scoreless in the .sixth inning OFF AND.RUNNING—Participants in 50-yard dash at Special Olympics "here won 6-1, 6-0 at second singles after Mike Forrestal had done Saturday jndud^,fr^nrHeftt.J<arenVelardo,.KeHh Latchawa,nd John k o.__ it in the fifth. In the top of the and Stan-Rubin camerouFon top.6-0,-6-1. At-doubles. Bob seventh, Cranford made a last t d b l Poulos Bb Hummel andA George effort to pull out the game. teamed to win 6-3. 6-1..Bill Khouri led off with a1 ground Meyer and Charlie Caldwell single to, center. Dorin won 6-0; 6-2. Hampton. ' • sacrificedJhirri, to second. Close to 300 young people . found at sport festivals. . In the Roselle match, Hometown winners • Youngsters performed in Rieder won easily ag^in; Carttn was walked^. in- took part Saturday in~the New Cranford representatives, "competition divisions" at tentionally, putting the go- .Jersey Special Olympics , winning 6-0,-6-2,-Dicks.teinwon v • ahead run at first base. IBfian Saturday at. Memorial Field:- obviously well-trained for the ^various age and ability levels. in identical 6-1 scores and The- participants were-- ' events, stood out., -Local An international event. will Rubin beat his oppanent 6-0 6 Bradford was sent in to ruh for Carlin. Tom Aagaard hit a low 'classified as handicapped, but winners in swimming., who follow-the stale competition II \t doubles, ittook Hummell for statewide line drive to the Jeft of the there were no handicaps of.-- qualified June 11 and 12 at second baseman, "who dove spirit, enthusiasm, ' c o m - competition Rutgers, included Phil Sanand made the catch to end the petitiveness or putting out at ders, Cindy JBidgood, William Years 6/ Distinguished Dry the day-lphg program. ball game. ' " Shirt Laundering and Allied Olympic-style pageantry as Chester, Raymond Rapp and well as numerous track, field Direck and Debra Ray.^Local Cranford ' =-.'. 101 020 0 i 1 1 lor the Quality Conscious. • B.H.- . .—'.j i l 2 100 X 5 6 1 and swim events featured the winners in track and field Grlce,Oldam (2)i Por/cstol ti), Kley (61 included Tim and Michael program. Twenty teams from and Khouri; RITno,' l?ouohloy ( 5 ) o n d Manoanlello ' • — Union and Middlesex joined in Roche, Lenna Sarnpiere, WO KI Inc. 3-3 LP- o'ldnm 0 1 ' the, contests" and fun; rarely Zachary Harris and Terry Action in Cranford BHsehall Leagues f Lincoln Union College students who received awards at the eighth annual Sports banquet May 6, at Clinton Manor, Springfield. The Cv&iAwA Wrestling . The .Student .Government Club captured nihe medqla in Association-sponsored ban- the Northeast Regional . . et recbgriizea gi tthe ac- Wrestling Championsnfos quet «/ ^T^ST^T^^r^Vy^tt' Labbate named top UC athlete energy rneans you'll pay less for. electricity in the years to come than you would if we relied strictly on .oil or coal. • i Free Energy Information. ^ ^ the State""ToUrnament. Belleville is ranked the top team in the slate. Today Cranford Will ~7iUey action of our electricity, I— 7y in state tournanieiit IF NUCLEAR CHEAPER.WHY * Dan Nagorney shut out, tKe Cougars on five hits. Linden scored" two runs~in the first inning, two more in the third and added one in theseventh. The only hits for the -were by Roberts (2), irresta}"("2)-a.nd"Dorin7^ Berkeley Heights. Linden's Mike Schreck who defeated the Cougars 54)- Thursday. !.Cranfor<^Sports Center Beavers behind '••- Schreck, hovvev'er, was UIB • Fafho'ne,' two -doubles; Dave Papp, • the 5 hi4 pltct"iinR ol Jon Bonks. The -double; Dave.Sonntad, tr.lplc; Gregg losing pitcher in the State Beavers nnd 17 men on base, but a fine .Force, double, single; and Jim Hiagins, , l • 1 1 1 Tournament game, prajifprd Chiefs1 df(**nse allowod no ryns to score . trlglc, .double, Pitchlri9;..fpr..,tbe ...Lvnx Jim 1 DwVer" pikht'cfweir'Th 'ff-tostnc were Scahlon arid Donovskl wra com ' Cherek4es WApaches i .\tell/- ^victim •Tuesday .to Com»nchel 11 • Chlcanws 8 '. Pirates 1- Cubs I - •• . . blned for 8 strikeouts. The Lynx hitters and contributed one -of his For two innings.the..Cherokces and the 1 cousja. Combining cjn the rriound for the Berkeley.Heights' longball, as Comanches fhe Pirates woro lijd by a strong 6K • wcro Wcbcr and Donovskl, team's five hits. Also, hitting-for the \vApaches .remained scoreless In -"what ..were' Jolf Dohertv, Greo pcrlorrriancq by Alan Gross, Joe Del . .Bea'vers were B, O'Npill with 2, G they lost 5-4 in the rain. J a g u i r s It) •• Bbbcats.0 . ..A LHVerda. aljd Tim Nestot' for 13 appeared-to i)O a.pitcher's dual. Jell Grlppo pitched (or the CubsT collecting7 • •Sabeh, and D. Galuppo. CJ. Putier led"'the A no-h'lt snut out served up by Richie -Spots of tho Apadhcs singled in the* r lk ' The Th Cougars.. C Ks and allowing only 3 hits. Outstanding Chiefs' attack with 2 hits, .Ge, .Lenho^i record now^ e c$? W f f i ^ S r f S i S . ^ dofcrtsl.vp'pfays wore turned ln;by Joe -..Mayor led the Cranford L a w y e r s ' - second Inning for: tholr only hit at v the t tripled, P. Rinaldi doubled. N. Frungillo, Leading the Comanches garni? as IB plaversw^nt to bat. ln tho Jaguars to a 10 • o victory oviir.thc City starids at 9-7 overall and 2-4 in strikeouts. hitters was Jefl Dohertv, who wont 4 for Pargieilo and Robblo Pondor of. the , M. Prussak. and L. Kornhit safety. third inning singles by. Paul Howarth Federal Savings Bobcats. Mayer, on his the conference. - • - , . . " . 4 with 3 doubles and 2 singles. Also „ Plratpsand Clayton Lee of the Cubs. The: first - 'ChJefsS Marlins I and Mike Garrasfavo brought in twono hitter, struck out 14 batters. The." for the Comanches were' Tim Gary Lenhoff led his team lo a 5 1 w n Irate hitlers were Joe Marsdcnf Bill runs for the Apaches. Tno Cherokee bats Jaguars win was' aided by triples and Yesterday the Cougars hlttlno Nestor and TomBei;mlnoharrt (double). / over the Cranford Fire Department ,rmstror)1gl'and Todd Marcus, a tioublo. canie alive In the third to score four singles by Jimmy Batcwlo and Jim the Chic hitters was Johnny w e r e r t o ''have played the Leading Marlins, allowing 5 hits and striking out Ian Gross knocked In the winning run runs, followed bv-slx more In Ihe fourth Gathercole, also with singles Wcro Peter Kllmak with 3 hits find 2 RBIs, Also|' 14 batters along the way Steve'Farbman 'Ith a sacrlflcodv. The Cub hlt.tors-wore Amstut)!, Sue Lcnhoff, and John and I I In the fifth. Jamie Morris, Jim ' number one seeded team in hitting lor th.evchlcs.wore Tom Patch, pitched well in a losing cause. Con abc Ntjto, Donnls Meehan,. Joe Del Thlmons.-A' . dobbins, and Mark Richards each had a Larsen (double), Kurt O'Donnell, ' the . C6unty Tournament, Erik tributing hits for the Marlins were rlppo,! Clavion. Lee and Bornlo single while "Wobble Wheoler had two Dave Severs (4 RBIs) and Tim Bowman. L y n x - 1 4 * Lions-10 • Arthur with 2. H. Motlosz, R. Rosci, and cgebadet double. V base-hits and Bll| Gabcl had t.our. A Union, in Union. On, Monday, Each team picked up an out at the plate The Knights of Columbus Lynx, behind C. Yattnie. J. Banks and P. Rinaldi t.cd f .Dodgers I - Giants 1 on good .defensive plays: for the double by Richards, tr-lplc by Rpbbins, ' the heavy hitting ol kVistc Donovskl and ' Cranford will^travelto Belle- •Comanches the Chiefs attack with a single .ind ^ : from—Greg LaVerda at . Tne KAhlor.MacBoan Dodgcn lumped' and home runs by. Dave Aldrcdgc. Ronnie - Bagwell; ~ out-slugged- the double aplocc. J 1 O'Brien doubled; L off to 3(qulck runs-to beat the Kiwanls . Wayne Aldredgc and Ri.chards con ,-VJlle for the second round Of feco'ndffiTlm'NestoVyovertng''home; Cranford Chronicle Lions 1-4-10. Tommy —Klnrn, D*. PHtrrr. N Ffungillo [3). and ^tarits^vTW . Brearley 9 loses two r— varsity against" Linden in the the first inning as Jim' Carsey .first, rounds of "the North Jer- and Joe Graziano of Dayton sey, Section 2, Group,4 base- engaged in a close .duel. Cranford had four hits in the ball tournament. - Cranford first inning as' they scored all woh5-L" \ ';..". four runs. After a Walk to ' Kley responded with excellent outing, as he pitched Elliot Dorin, Dean.Rpberts hit 5 and one-third innings of five^ v a double. E.J. Carlin drove ' hit ball, allowing only one run. home.twpruns with' his double Star pitcher Jim Carsey came to left, as he Cougars led-2-0. oh torelieve Kley with one out Pat Green delivered Carlin in the sixth and a Z-Q count on -the: batter. The^Cougars were. - leading; 2-1 and Carsey run with his single. In-the' bottom of. the first, preserved the victory. Cranford added three more Dayton scored both their runs runs in the top of the'seventh." • on a two-out double after two . Carsey won the first game of walks. Following the. first the Cotfrfty -Tournament inning, both pitchers settled Saturday: He allowed only down attd gave up few hits. three hits in the game to Carsey allowed 6nly three .in Sprfrigfield as he'raised his the entire "gahiej and Graziano . record to 6-1, as the Cougars gave up six." ... 400- 00O o'-4 6 1 scored all of their runs in the Cranford Dayton 200 O00 0-2 3 2 i first, winning 4-2. •' . _ Carsey and Khouri; Grailano and Wcbcr .'•• For the week, the Cougars Wp? Cars.oy 4-2 LPGra2lan6 2-3. ' won their all-important tour' Lijlden 5 - Cranford 6 , nament games, but were I Pitchers Mike Schreck artd ta CRANfORD —^ £^ - - - — « » Rahway, Hillside; retain . —• — ~ - ^ — — ~ for st&te toiiriiey ' "4" Storage Points 1 Swan features Union County's largest ' ""most modern, scientifically, air cooleo storage vault! On premfses. JL_ Swan welcomes inspectibn at your convenience.. '"•• 3.-Swan offers "recair'service whenyoi want to use furs! 4. Swan offers a complete custom fur remodeling' service! —Sarfi e " tow-Low" Minimum insurance Rate, 1% Ot Vour Valuation ^ ANY CLOTH COAT £ OR SUIT STORED plus cleaning charges. S2S valuation, additional insurance, only r V ^_ $1.25 ANY FUR COAT CUSTOM STORED ' $6,00 $100 valuation, additictnal insurance, slightly higher Established 1924 ANY FUR-TRlW OR FUR FABRIC COAT STORED 'phis c/ean/r»g charges. S50 valQallon. 1 additronal insurance, only 1% FUR COATS CUSTOM trow CLEANED** GLAZED $12.50 beaver ahd n)ink slightly highor. for pick up and CHANFORD/ , .: . 44 North Avenue, B$st • ' i • ' ELMOflAJ _, ,w i B e - u / 130-* Noith Av^Mue . »90 Elmora Avenuo ELIZABETH/^ West j d , S 9 y( Stwpt (Hunt to Pantry Pridti). • - .'•• • • : . .. . a - . •'• ' •''• ' • ' • • '
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