How To Do High Quality Research, Write Acceptable Papers, and Make

How To Do High Quality Research,
Write Acceptable Papers, and Make
Effective Presentations?
- “内在美”与“外在美”的追求
Part I: 2011年5月18日
Part II: 2011年7月 25日
Motivation: Why should I do research?
Internal drive
Research interest (sense of achievement/fulfillment,
Strong ambition (self-expectation)
External drive
Degree and diploma
Parents, teachers, friends
Peer pressure (sense of honor and responsibility)
Small success
Research Problem Selection
Good research largely depends on the selected
90% of a research job is done when you find a good problem.
A good problem is difficult to find
Not too easy or too difficult
How to select a problem?
Is it an old problem or a new problem?
Usually, new problems have more opportunities
Is it a significant problem?
Practically important yet technically challenging
The Key Ingredients of Research: Contribution
(Where is the beef?)
One major contribution is better than many small
What is the contribution type?
 Knowledge discovery, invention, integration,
Identify, describe, and demonstrate the big idea
Asking the right problem, then asking the problem
Innovation! Innovation! Innovation!
The Right Problem and the Right Way to
Ask Problem
Asking the problem right can lead to asking
the right problem
Can we predict reliability?
Can we predict reliability with models?
Can I predict reliability with user experience?
Innovation! Innovation! Innovation!
How to Find Research Problems?
New solution to old problems (classical
New problems
New areas
1. New Solution to Old Problems
New solution to a reduced problem
New solution from the same area
Fermat’s last theorem
New solution from other areas
Recommendation applied to SRE
2. New Problems (Usually with a Twist)
more detailed category
linear combination model
my thesis – Confucius
Kaizhu M4 work
nonparametric work
online algorithms
3. New Areas
Indiana Jones: social networking research
Cross Disciplinary Research
Machine learning in SE
Good versus Bad Research Problems
Good research problem
Bad research problem
After the research, more people will be doing it –
you opened the door
After the research, nobody can improve it – you
closed the door
Nobody will follow the research
Nobody really cares the research
Research subject hotspot index: df(t)/dF(t)
f(t)=No. of top papers and F(t)=No. of total papers
More about Ambition
Principle of “aim high, accept low”
Use problem selection as example
Aim high
Do not patch a small hole left by leading researchers
Find a more fundamental problem which may have a
long impact
Accept low
If it is difficult to find a fundamental problem, then we
need a compromise
Advice from professor/colleague is important
Literature Survey
Research lifecycle: imitating, remembering,
analyzing and innovating
Use tools
Trace backward
Trace forward
Use Google scholar to find papers that cite the current work
Proactive vs. passive reading
Tutorial paper and reference list
Reading with a critical attitude
Reading according to your own agenda
Reading between lines (not only what was said but what was
not said)
Form a study group
Nurturing Good Taste
There are many mediocre papers published
Read selectively
Highly cited papers and papers from first-tier journals and
top top-ranked conferences
Classification of papers
Do not ruin your taste by poor-quality papers
Type A: 80% understanding (main idea, solution method
and main results)
Type B: 50% understanding (idea & results)
Type C: 20% understanding (only introduction)
Learn to appreciate good papers and criticize poor
Monitoring Activities of Leading Research
Group in Your Field
Identify leading research groups in your field
Find out their recent research focus
Research Environment
Large group can be a blessing
Senior students can be very helpful to junior
More resourceful in terms of interaction (now) and
networking (future)
Experience sharing & encouragements
More tolerant to mistakes
More accessible
Good versus bad environments
Each group has its own culture
Each colleague is a teacher
Guidance and Feedback
Role of Advisor
Joint decision on problem selection
Set up the research standard
Help when students get stuck
Feedback on research results
Find out why
Positive and negative feedback
Help in oral presentation and written reports
Critical to the sale of your ideas/results
Paper organization
Proper arrangement of texts, figures and tables
Multi-pass writing style
1st pass: Detailed outline
2nd pass: Rapid writing
3rd pass: Fine Fine-tuning
4th pass: cross cross-reading
Writing Procedure
Carefully determine the paper title
Proper use of names and notations
Tell them what you are going to do, tell them
what you are doing, tell them what you have
Motivation! Motivation! Motivation!
Motivation! Motivation! Motivation!
The introduction is by far the most important section in the
entire paper, especially for conferences.
Readers are always very busy.
If a reviewer can reject your paper without reading it all, it
saves time!
The introduction is the first section they read, so make sure
your paper does not get killed in Section 1.
“5 years ago I used to write the introduction last. Now it is
always the first section I write.”
Strong Statements Are Dangerous…
Be very careful when you make strong statements about
some research issue: there are people that think otherwise.
Be especially careful when taking position on some hotly
debated topics in the community, like:
Supervised learning vs. non supervised learning
Parametric vs. non parametric
Statistical vs. analytical
Partitioned vs global multiprocessor scheduling
Hard real-time wireless
Testing vs static analysis
Etc. etc. etc.
Instead of saying “X is black”, say “X is usually black, but in
some cases that are not considered in this paper it is
… But If You Are Confident, Go For It!
However, high impact papers are those that successfully
challenge existing preconceptions.
So do not be shy when you state the main contribution of
your paper!
If it is somehow controversial, you might have some troubles
getting the paper accepted at first, but it is well worth in term of
If it is not, you should still stress your contribution so the reviewer
gets more interested in the paper.
Just be sure to prove your point well enough; the
keyword here is “successfully challenge.”
Criticize Your Writing in the Reviewer’s View
A main factor of your success is to know how others
think and feel
Reviewers’ mindset: “You are assumed guilty until
proven innocent”
Remind instead of assume, but don’t humiliate their
Proper use of citation
Clearly and articulately indicate your contributions
Criticize yourself first, and leave reviewers no room for
further criticism
Remember, our reviewers are hostile …
You Cannot Make Everybody Happy
Different people are looking for different things.
Also they are often biased.
You must accept that it is simply impossible to make
everybody perfectly happy; you are forced to make
The key: two half glasses of water are better than one
full and one empty glass here.
For the same reason, take all people’s reaction with a grain of
Just one negative review is enough to kill a conference paper.
The lesson: bad results can turn out good, so don’t loss
your heart.
A severe problem
Intentionally and un-intentionally
Properly cite and paraphrase
Always runs Veriguide
Oral Presentation
Every talk is a job talk; grasp all the
opportunities when you can give a talk
Preparation of the ppt file
Logical flow of motivation/ideas/results
Fluent language capability
Practice, practice and practice
Oral Presentation Contents
Statement of research problem
Research methodology
Experiments and results
Review and elaboration
Future applications
Delivering Technical Talks
Know your purpose (technical vs. non technical)
Know your audience (peers vs. general audience)
Know your time limits
A 30 minutes presentation
No more than 4-5 main points could be covered adequately
Audience expects only highlights
Use illustrations
Conclusion should summarize the main message and
primary points
Ultimate Goal: Provide highlights of your research
to stimulate intellectual thought and discussion
Reminder: Don’t waste others’ time; make your
points simply, clearly and concisely
Myths and Mistakes of Technical
Popular Myth: A technical audience requires a lot of
technical details in order to evaluate the speaker’s
In 1989 HP conducted a survey to determine what
technical presenters want to hear from other technical
Result: Listeners want talks easy to follow and well
organized; they want simplified message “less is
Studies showed that simplifying and repeating the main
idea will result in increased attentiveness and retention.
Myths and Mistakes of Technical
Popular Myth: Content is everything. Style is
unimportant and enthusiasm is offensive.
HP study indicated that technical audience wanted more
enthusiasm and effective style, which included better visual
Often unenthusiastic delivery will ruin a speaker’s
Mehrabian, a communication theorist, showed that
Body language and tone of voice together supply
93% of the overall message impact.
Actual words only supply 7% of the overall impact.
Myths and Mistakes of Technical
Popular Myth: The text on the visuals is more
important than the speaker.
Technical presenters traditionally rely too much on slides.
Often, technical audiences find the slides distracting and
Remember, the speaker is always the focal point of
presentation, visual assistance helps
Pace of the presentation.
Flow of the information presented.
Myths and Mistakes of Technical
Popular Myth: Strategic organization is not
necessary for technical talks.
Technical presenters often think that as long as they supply
all the details, the audience is capable of drawing the
appropriate conclusions.
Technical speakers often jump into the body of the
presentation and start discussing data.
Often the objective of the talk is not stated until the end of
the talk.
Technical speaker must not rely on the audience to
fill in gaps and reach appropriate conclusions.
Technical speaker must understand different types
of presentations, organization, and strategies for a
particular type of speech.
Don’t leave your audience missing the big picture!
Exercising Your Presentation
Do you exercise your presentation muscle?
Need practice good speaking skills by delivering oral
presentations on a regular basis
Person with a strong presentation muscle can think a
problem through and communicate his/her analysis
He can express his thoughts well enough to persuade
others to see his point of view
He can efficiently instruct others
He can speak effectively before an audience of any size
Often job/promotion/salary depends on speaking skills!!!
Presentation Skills Training
Do practice your talk everywhere (practice, practice,
Do forget about forgetting – think about your topic
not your future!
Do divert your nervous energy into helpful gestures
and movements, do not repress your nervousness
Do memorize your first and last few sentences
Don’t pace
Don’t fumble with a pencil, watch, or ring while you
Don’t speak too rapidly
Presentations – Opening and Closings
Each presentation (as good stories) have an
Introduction (tell them what you are going to tell
Body (tell them)
Conclusion (tell them what you have just told them)
Grab the audience’s attention so that they will want to hear
what you have to say
Should be a “grabber” or “attention seeker”
Not only arouse interest, but also suggest the theme of the
Openings can be dramatic, emotional, humorous or
Opening does not have to have words, you can use
gestures, demonstration, silence – related to the topic
Give a big picture
Good Openings
Startling question
Challenging statement
An appropriate short quotation or illustration
A surprising generalization
An exhibit – object, article, picture
Personal story
Poor Openings
A long or slow-moving quotation
A self introduction
An apologetic statement
Story, joke or anecdote which does not
connect to the theme
A stale remark
A statement of your objective
Closings of Presentation
Stress your speech objectives
Leave the audience with something to remember
Closing is the “whip-cracker”, the “clincher”, ultimately
the “result getter”.
Closing can be dramatic, emotional, humorous or
Closing does not have to have words; you can use
props, gestures, a demonstration or silence
Closing must tie with your opening and your theme
Poor closing can seriously detract from an otherwise
excellent presentation
Good Closings
A call or an appeal for definite action
An appropriate short quotation or illustration
An exhibit – an object, article, picture
A personal challenge
Poor Closings
A commonplace statement delivered in a
commonplace way
An apologetic statement
A trite or stale remark
Solicitation of questions
Presentation Organization
Strategic Presentation Plan
Ask yourself questions:
“What kind of approach can best bring your
message across?”
“Will it be better to ‘beat around the bush’ or to be
“What kind of support will be most effective?”
Presentation Strategy (Deductive Strategy)
Decide on what sort of message you will be
Deductive Strategy
Speaker immediately presents the main idea, provides
the supporting detail, then recaps her main idea.
Usually used to present good news or routine
Main idea: My grant proposal was funded
Detail: This means more money for research …
Recap: Hard work is rewarded.
Presentation Strategy (Inductive Strategy)
Speaker begins only by hinting at the main idea, then presents
details leading to the main ideal
 usually from most easily acceptable details to more
“controversial” details
After details the main idea is communicated
Speaker concludes with recap
 Hint: We compliment your research efforts and would like to
explain some recent events – NSF funding was cut, strategic
direction was changed, ..
 Main Idea: Although it was a good effort, we must pull the funding
from this line of research.
 Recap: You will need to switch directions of research.
Formulas for Speech/Presentation
OIBCC – Basic Formula
Opening – grab attention
Introduction – “Why bring this topic up?”
Body – bulk of the presentation
Remember that for every important point that you make, you
must provide support and this support can take the form of
Statistics, analogies, testimony, illustrations, or specific
Conclusion – summarize briefly points
Close – last strong sentences that leave the audience with
something to remember
Must tie to your main idea and should tie to your opening
to be effective
Harvard School Formula
For persuasive speeches
Point of View – “Smoking is hazardous for your life”
Reasons – “Smoking causes cancer”
Examples/Evidence – “50,000 people die per year from
Point of view restated – “If you want a long full life, give up
“You” oriented – “Take the first step tonight and sign up for
‘no more smoking’ seminar”
Visual Assistance
Studies show that people store and access
information in three primary ways:
Visually, auditorially, kinesthetically
Adults absorb, retain and learn:
10% of what they read
20% what they hear
30% what they read and hear
50% what they hear and see
90% what they do
Visual Medium for Presentations
Visuals support the speech, they are NOT the primary
Visuals are only used to dramatize and clarify the
You must practice your main points of the presentation
without relying on the visuals
Visuals should assist you in controlling
 Pace of the presentation
 Flow of the information
Important! – When you transition from one visual to
the next, introduce the topic area of the next visual
before it is revealed.
Creating Your Visuals
14 lines per visual (max)
 Do not put too much information within a single visual
A title for each visual
 Title must be meaningful
Simple readable labels
 Labels on charts or graphs should be specific and precise
(balance with simplicity)
 Labels must be meaningful yet simple
Readable from the rear
 Print size at least 20 points
No more than 3-5 major points
 Each point must be easily identifiable
 Use highlights, colors, bullets, different text size
Creating Your Visuals
Consistency is a must
Use colors appropriately
Consistency of graphic layout of your visuals is a must
You should limit yourself to one or two type styles, type sizes and colors all
within one presentation
You should limit yourself to one or two type styles and three type sizes at
Never use the color red for your main text, title or labels, red color is difficult
to read from distance
Use red as a highlight color, indicating problem area
Use green as a highlight color
Two of the most common and readable colors are blue and black
Blue color (especially light blue) is the most soothing color on an eye.
Visuals Must be organized
Your visuals must have introduction, body and closing
Presentation Delivery
Albert Mehrabian, a well-known communication
theorist, specifies that message impact can be
divided into three factors:
 Body language
Tone of voice
Contributes 55% toward message impact
Contributes 38% toward message impact
Actual words
Contributes 7% toward message impact
Body Language
Eye Contact
Facial Expression
In modern societies, eye contact is a primary and vital part of interpersonal
By gazing directly into another’s eyes we establish link/closeness
When speaking to audience, maintain eye contact with audience members
In fact, studies show perception of distrust are created when eye contact is
NOT maintained.
Speaker must be certain that her words and her face are communicating the
same message. If not, she will leave the audience confused and uncertain of
the true message.
Most expressive part of body language
Speaker uses his hands and arms to illustrate his words
Basic gestures show things such as: weight, shape, direction, importance,
comparison, contrast
Tone of Voice
Volume in speech
Consistent loudness – tendency to talk too loudly or softly
Speaker should express excitement and enthusiasm for the topic
Volume should be varied in strength and intensity to add emphasis and
dramatic impact to your presentations
Through volume control, the audience can infer the speaker’s message
Many speakers control voice to “sound professional”, but professionals do
just the opposite!!
Common problem is ‘fading voice’. Make certain to maintain a consistent
Mostly deliver presentation in a clear voice at a conversational level
Consider the room where you are speaking
Convey life, color and melody
Voice should not sound flat or wooden, beginners tend to speak on too high
a pitch.
A thin high-pitched tone lacks authority and appeal; it is harsh and
Cultivate deeper tones.
“one-note” pitch is also a problem – boring.
Tone of Voice
A good speaker will use as many as 25 different levels of
pitch to convey variety and meaning.
Rate of Delivery
 Is often linked with your personality and/or cultural origin
 Relates to how you think and behave
Variety of rate reflects changes in emotion and mood and can
greatly enhance your presentations
Plan rate intentionally
 Fast rate – sense of excitement; rapid sequence of events
 Avoid extremes (too slow or too quickly)
In case of slow speakers, listeners start daydreaming
In case of fast speakers, listeners become frustrated and “tune out”.
Most effective speaking rate falls within the range of 120-160
words per minute.
Summary on Presentation
Pay very much attention to oral communication in every technical
 Email
 5 minute presentation of your research (on the way to the train
station or in the elevator)
 15 minute presentation of your research (in conference)
 45-50 minute presentation of your research (in job talk, invited
talk, keynote)
 55-100 minute presentation of your research (in classroom)
Asking good questions is also oral and memorable
Approach: Practice, Practice, Practice
Ultimate Goal: Be effective Communicator in every Situation
“Your skills are what you put in yesterday.
Commitment is what you must put in today in order
to make today your masterpiece and make tomorrow
a success."
John C. Maxwell, in “Make Today Count”
“Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the
best of things, and no good thing ever dies."
Andy Dufresne, in “The Shawshank Redemption”
C.C. Jay Kuo, USC
Rodolfo Pellizzoni, UIUC
Klara Nahrstedt, UIUC