Virginia State Corporation Commission eFiling CASE Document Cover Sheet Case Number (if already assigned) PUE-2012-00029 Case Name (if known) Application of Virginia Electric and Power Company for approval and certification of electric facilities: Surry-Skiffes Creek 500 kV Transmission Line, Skiffes Creek-Whealton 230 kV Transmission Line, Skiffes Cree 500-230-115 kV Switching Station Document Type EXTE Document Description Summary Supplemental Testimony of Elizabeth P. Harper Total Number of Pages 26 Submission ID 6028 eFiling Date Stamp 9/19/2012 11 :53 :03AM UM LM Dominion Resources Ser%ices, Inc. ~aw Dcparrmem I _0 Ti-L-c1cpar St, Rivct-side 2, Richniond. VA 232 19 261 ~O.ominion-' Wd, Addrcsv: www.dom .cum Charlotle P. McAfee Senior Counsel Phone: (804) 819-2277 Facsimile: (804) 819-2183 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING September 19, 2012 Hon . Joel H. Peck, Clerk c/o Document Control Center State Corporation Commission 1300 East Main Street Tyler Building - First Floor Richmond, Virginia 23219 Application of Virginia Electric and Power Company for approval and certification of electric facilities : Surry-Skiffes Creek 500 kV Transmission Line Skiffes Creek-Whealton 730 kV Transmission Line Skiffes Creek 500-230-115 kV Switching Station Case No. PUE-2012-00029 Dear Mr. Peck: Enclosed for filing is Virginia Electric and Power Company's Supplemental Testimony of Elizabeth P. Harper in the above-referenced proceeding . If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, LQ,bt Charlotte P. McAfee Senior Counsel Enclosures ~t LM SUPPLEMENTAL DIRECT TESTIMONY OF ELIZABETH P. HARPER ON BEHALF OF VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY BEFORE THE STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF VIRGINIA CASE NO. PUE-2012-00029 I Q. ("Dominion Virginia Power" or the "Company") . 2 3 Please state your name and position with Virginia Electric and Power Company A. My name is Elizabeth Harper, and I am a Coordinator of Siting and Permitting, Electric 4 Transmission Right-of-Way, for the Company. My business address is One James River 5 Plaza, 701 East Cary Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. 6 Q. Are you the same Elizabeth P. Harper who prefiled direct testimony on June 11, 2012 in this proceeding? 7 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. What is the purpose of your supplemental direct testimony? 10 A. I wish to update the Virginia State Corporation Commission ("Commission") with regard II to additional communications with Langley Air Force Base and Fort Eustis conceming 12 Felker Army Airfield ("Felker Airfield") and the impact those communications have had 13 on the Company's support for the Proposed Route and James River Crossing Variations 14 1, 2 and 3. The Proposed Route is defined in my prefiled direct testimony as the new 15 approximately 7.4 mile 500 kV line, to be designated Surry-Skiffes Creek Line #582, 16 which will be built using a combination of existing and new right-of-way . In addition, 17 the Company also presented the three James River Crossing Variations to the 500 kV 18 Proposed Route reflecting alternative crossings of the James River for consideration by V1 I the Commission . My supplemental direct testimony is limited to additional information 2 3 regarding the original Proposed Route and the James River Crossing Variations to it, and 1 does not impact the Alternate Route or the new 230 kV Skiffes Creek-Whealton Line 4 #2138, which are also discussed in detail in my prefiled direct testimony. 5 Q. Please continue . 6 A. In my prefiled direct testimony, I set forth the reasons the Company suggested the 7 Proposed Route and presented the three James River Crossing Variations . In considering 8 a route to Skiffes Creek Switching Station across the James River from Surry Power 9 Station, it was determined that the terminal instrument procedures ("TERPS") non- 10 precision approach of Felker Airfield at Fort Eustis could be penetrated, at the edge of the II approach area, by the height of one of the tallest structures of the original Proposed Route 12 required to maintain proper wire clearances over one of the navigational channels in the 13 James River. In February of 2012, Dominion Virginia Power consulted with the U.S. 14 Department of Defense ("DOD") about this issue through the Manager of Felker Airfield . 15 To address the possibility that the DOD may determine that the Proposed Route could not 16 be mitigated and should not be constructed, the Company, through its environmental 17 consultant Natural Resource Group, LLC C'NRG"), developed the James River Crossing 18 Variations I and 3 to the Proposed Route . 19 To remove any structures from penetrations to the TERPS non-precision approach, the 20 James River Crossing Variation I is routed in the river adjacent to the shoreline of the 21 eastern side of the state-owned Hog Island Wildlife Management Area before turning 22 northeast across the river. To respond to the comments from the BASF property owner 23 and James City County Planning staff concerning division of the BASF property and 2 I perceived impacts to the economic development of that property, Dominion Virginia 2 Power also presented James River Crossing Variations 2 and 3 for the Commission's 3 consideration . Variations 2 and 3 were also developed in consultation with NRG. 4 Variation 2 parallels the southern side of the pipelines across the James River and enters 5 the northern side of the BASF property 4nd continues across several other properties to a 6 point common with the Proposed Route. Variation 3 is similar on land to Variation 2, but 7 the river crossing is positioned to avoid any penetration to the TERPS non-precision 8 approach discussed above. In this sense, Variations I and 3 are analogous. 9 1 stated in my pre-filed direct testimony that, as of the filing of the Application, the DOD 10 had not indicated if the obstruction of the TERPS non-precision approach to Felker II Airfield at Fort Eustis was acceptable or could be mitigated. 12 Q. with the officials at Felker Airfield? 13 14 Since the filing of your prefiled testimony, has the Company communicated further A. Yes, we have . In fact, by letter dated June 11, 2012, the day the Company filed its 15 Application, Colonel Korvin D. Auch, United States Air Force, Commander, 633d Air 16 Base Wing informed the Company that one of the proposed construction options for 17 crossing the James River would encroach upon aircraft approach and safety criteria for a 18 planned runway extension at Felker Airfield . He stated, "Such encroachment would 19 prevent the airfield's regulatory compliance, jeopardizing the expansion or improvement 20 of the Felker Army Airfield mission." gee Supplemental Attachment I - EPH. In 21 response to Colonel Auch's letter, on June 25, 2012, the Company's Project Manager met 22 with the Joint Base Langley/Eustis representatives for Felker Airfield to review the 23) alternatives presented through this Application which included the original Proposed 3 V1 Route and the three James River Crossing Variations ("June 25 meeting") . The Project 2 Manager reviewed graphics showing the air space approaches to Felker Airfield, which 3 depicted the impacts of the four James River crossing routes on both the existing runway 4 at Felker Airfield and the future expansion of the runway. The June 25 meeting produced 5 an agreement among the Joint Base Langley/Eustis representatives that the James River 6 Crossing Variations I and 3 would not conflict with the TERPS Non-Precision Approach 7 Obstacles Clearance Surfaces, TERPS Departures, and Parts 77 Approach Clearance 8 Surface to Felker Airfield and therefore,'were not objectionable. The Company 9 documented the discussions which took place at the June 25 meeting in a letter from Scot 10 C. Hathaway, Vice President, Transmission, to Colonel Auch dated July 10, 2012. See II Supplemental Attachment 2 - EPH . 12 By letter dated September 5, 2012, Colonel Auch has now confirmed the understanding 13 reached at the June 25 meeting by stating, "The acceptable variations for the current and 14 future runway lengths are variations one or three, as they do not penetrate 15 approach/departure airspace, pose any .impact on the airfield mission, or prevent project 16 expansion of the airfield runway in support of regulatory compliance, risk reduction and 17 future airframe/mission requirements ." See Supplemental Attachment 3 - EPH. 18 Q. 19 20 Based on Colonel Auchl s September 5, 2012 letter, does the Company wish to update its recommendation to the Commission for the Proposed Route? A. Yes. we do. Based on the additional information received from the Joint Base 21 Langley/Eustis representatives, the Company believes the original Proposed Route and 22 the original Proposed Route with James River Crossing Variation 2 are no longer viable . 1 23 routes . Accordingly, the Company supports the original Proposed Route with James 4 I River Crossing Variation I as its Proposed Route ("Updated Proposed Route") . The 2 Company continues to present the original Proposed Route with James River Crossing 3 Variation 3 for consideration by the Commission as a viable route crossing the James 4 River because it also avoids penetration to the TERPS non-precision approach to Felker 5 Airfield. Variation 3, however, places an angle structure in direct view from the river 6 entrance of Carter's Grove and crosses several parcels that are zoned for industrial use, 7 including one parcel that belongs to James City County Industrial Development 8 Authority, as I noted in my prefiled direct testimony. As a result, although Variation 3 9 addresses the Felker Airfield concerns, the Company does not recommend it over the 10 Updated Proposed Route . II Q. Do you have any additional supplemental direct testimony? 12 A. Yes, as explained in my prefiled direct testimony, I am sponsoring Sections II.A.1, 2, 4, 13 5, 7 through 9, 111 and V of the Appendix and the DEQ Supplement. To the extent these 14 sections of the Appendix and the DEQ Supplement discuss the original Proposed Route 15 and the James River Crossing Variations, they should hereafter be read to be reflective of 16 the Company's support of the Updated Proposed Route and elimination of the original 17 Proposed Route and the original Proposed Route with James River Crossing Variation 2 18 from further Commission consideration. 19 Q. Does this complete your prefiled supplemental direct testimony? 20 A. Yes, it does . 5 Ln LM Supplemental Attachment 1 - EPH DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE ~A HEADQUARTERS 6330 AIR BASE WING JOINT BASE LANGLEY-EUSTIS VA Of I it F t 11 1111- 1 0%1%10 111- R 125 \1J1,F% \kentle arfj!io MA M 1 1 2 Ul 2 I MEMORANDUM FOR MR. SCOT C. HATHAWAY PO Box 26532 Richmond, VA 23261 SUBJr..c,r: Proposed Transmission Line Crossing the James River 1 . Department of Defense installations in southeastern Virginia and the Hampton Roads community have enjoyed years of combined success and growth based on collaborative working relationships and mutual respect for our shared interests. We understand that Dominion Virginia Power is considedrig to construct an electric transmission line across the James River near Skiffes Creek. One of the proposed construction options would encroach upon aircraft approach and safety criteria for a planned runway extension at Felker Arrny Airfield on Ft. Eustis, Virginia . Such encroachment would prevent the airfield's regulatory compliance, jeopardizing the expansion or improvement of the Felker Army Airfield mission. 2. 1 respectfully request you consider alternate courses of action that will enable the future growth of Felker Army Airfield while still continuing Dominion Virginia Power's infrastructure improvements and service to the Hampton Roads community. Please let me know if there are any questions regarding this matter. My POC is COL Thomas Wetherington, Commander, 733d Mission Support Group, (757) 878-2908, a imid .nJI . / 0// /L KORVIN D. AUCH, Colonel, USAF Commander, 633d Air Base Wing ~~ Pawez 576-1 ,~,u;ea V1 0 Supplemental Attachment 2 - EPH S'w C. 1-DrIlaw.1% Dominion Dominim) Vhginia il(-v%,!r Dominion Nurdt C.-trolina Pw%cr hr" k%A% July 10, 2012 Korvin D. Auch, Colonel, USAF Commander, 633d Air Base Wing 125 Mabry Avenue Langley AFB VA 23665-1907 Dear Colonel Auch : I am writing in response to your letter of June 11, 2012, which we very much appreciate . Input from those responsible for the successful operation of Felker Army Airfield is essential to the success of our Surry-Skiffes Creek project, and we look forward to working with the Air Force and the Army to address your concerns. Dominion has a strong relationship with the military in Hampton Roads and a long history of working successfully with the various Department of Defense installations. I can assure you we will continue this effort with Joint Base Langley/Eustis . As I believe you are aware, Wade Briggs, Project Manager for the Surry-Skiffes Creek Project, met with Colonel Wetherington, Deputy Commander Keith Morrow, and John Musser, Chief of Flight Operations Felker Air Field on June 25 to review our Application to the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) and the Proposed Route and three James River Crossing Variations to that route included in the SCC application . Mr . Briggs also reviewed the previously provided air space approaches to Felker Field, which depict the impacts of the 4 river crossing routes on both the existing runway at Felker and future expansion of the runway . I understand that, after reviewing this information, there was agreement among the Joint Base Langley/Eustis representatives that James River Crossing Variations I and 3 would not conflict with the TERPS Non - Precision Approach Obstacles Clearance Surfaces, TERPS Departures, and Parts 77 Approach Clearance Surface to Felker Field and would not be objectionable . it is also my understanding that these materials and discussions were covered with you by Colonel Wetherington . Having received this Information, we will now need to advise the SCC of the status of these discussions as soon as possible . Accordingly, this is to respectfully request written confirmation that Joint Base Langley/Eustis does not object to the Proposed Route with either James River Variations I or 3 . Korvin D . Auch, Colonel, USAF July 10, 2012 Page 2 Again, thank you for your time and effort to provide us with an opportunity to respond to the concerns of Joint Base Langley/Eustis . If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Wade Briggs, Project Manager, (804) 771-3737, wade. briggs( . Sincerely, ot C. Ha Vice Presi;~nt Transmission Supplemental Attachment 3 - EPH DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE C HEADQUARTERS 633D AIR BASE WING JOINT BASE LANGLEY-EUSTIS VA SEP OFFICE OF THE COMMANDER 125 Mabry Avenue Joint Base Langley-Eustis VA 23665-2522 5 2012 Mr . Scot C . Hathaway Dominion Virginia Power 1 20 Tredegar Street Street Richmond VA 23219 Dear Mr. Hathaway 'I'his is in response to your letter of July 10, 2012, regarding the Virginia Dominion Power Surry-Skiffes Creek Project . On June 25, 2012, Dominion Power Project Manager, Wade Briggs met with 733 MSG Commander, Colonel Thomas R. Wetherington ; Deputy Commander, Mr. Keith Morrow; and the Felker Army Field Manager, John Musser, to discuss variations of the James River powerline crossing in support of the of the Surry-Skiffes Creek Project. Mr . Briggs shared an attachment reflecting four variations, each depicting the degree of impact on current runway length and projected future runway extension . The acceptable variations for the current and future runway lengths are variations one or three, as they do not penetrate approach/departure airspace, pose any impact on the airfield mission, Or prevent projected expansion of the airfield runway in support of regulatory compliance . risk reduction and future airframe/mission requirements. KORVFN D. AUCH, Colonel . USAF Commander Attachment Alternate River Crossings 944t ;DO&WA 57aT '4meu;= C 1-b Ln V1 120920155 --dt X UOUMOBixg 185flJaA 500ePnS SdH31 PuE 40eoiddv plolljlV ALujV jo)llal (suo!l!puoo Bu ."x3) oAgoujolIV Aj-S Ss!wsueJ.L M 009 pajC) sajj 1 4 S - A jjnS aun UOI sinr)lq .0 .OQZ (-ISW SL*oj. 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