AAIF FILE Cover Sheet Moroccan Dirhams A. Total budget Reuest: is atached) 8e.000,00 dirhams B. AID Accounting DAta: Project Number : 7608 004 Appropriation IAA Number Budget Allowance : C. Maximum Dollar amount of U.S. grant: D. Activity Implementation Period : I year E. Terminal date for issuance of implementing documents such as purchase orders, F. Authority: This Individual Activity Agreement Isexecuted pursuant to the autSBFUTt of the Bilateral Agreement between the Government of Morocco and the Agency for International Development dated April 2,1957; the SPA Program Country Agreement between A.I.D. and Peace Corps dated May 6,1983 and inaccordance with the Foreign Assistance Act of 196,, as amended. G. INWITNESS tHEREOF, the the Peace Corps and AID, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Bilateral Agreement mentioned above, each acting throLE its respective duly authorized representative, have caused this Individual Activity Agreement to be signed In aa -delvered as of this date and year. theirn .' 011 s .. SIGNATURES. Date -David Fredrtck Date Peace Corps Director Driss Jellou Directeur d ,, , arzazace.P Peggy Petrzerka Peac rps VY (A'hn-Giusti -Program Officer, AID r4 A7 Funds Available: ~.i Date Controller, AID .. 72-11MI021 .C400371-1 72-1151021 .C500271-1 NDAA-84-23608-DG13 .DH 61,299.72 $-7i319.02 NDAA-85-23608-DG13 DH 19,700.28 $ "2352.16 DH 810000.00 $ 90671.18 7 f,7 STANDARD PROVISIONS FOR SMALL PROJECT ASSISTANCE ARTICLE I. The United States will extznd funds to ORMVAO Cooporative, Ouarzaate " and will carry on operations with the applicable laws and Inaccordance agreement to implement this regulations of the United States Government. ARTICLE I. The United States and the ORMVAO Cooperative, Ouarzazate ("the parties") have the right at any time to observe operations carried out under this agrccmcnt. During the term of an activity under this agreement and until three years after the completion of the activity either party shall also have the right (1)to examine any property throu, financing by that party under this agreement, wherever such property is located , and (2)to inspect and audit any records and accounts with respect to funds provided by, or any properties and contract services procured through finncing by that party under this agreement, wherever such records may be locad and maintained. Inarranging for any disposition of any property procured through financing by the other part under this agrecmcnt, each party shall assure that the rights of examin ation, 1nspecticn, and a'.dit descr,.':ed inthe preceding sentence are reserved to the party which did the financing. throu h financing under th.s agreement shall be ARTICLE III. Any prc32-ty f until the Activity is completed and thereaftei Act.vtty the2 for used only the objectives of the Activity, unless pronrote shall be uszd or.'-tz, United States Government. The ORMAVO Cooperativ t3 ,. iv otherwise Shall offer to return to the United States Govew Ouarzazate th Unit-.,! States for, any property which it obtair +'ra ment, or t3 reir by grant funds gi',.cn by the u.: t,:i States Government under this agreemer and which is not ,..:d for the Activity as agreed to inthe preceding sentence. ARTICLE IV. The Indiv.da . A tiv lty Are-mcnt (the "IW") will enter into force when signed. Ali cr e:iy p,.rt of the-, ,ssstnceprovided herein may be noti party 30ofdays rgivng the other Ly :.,--. L.y ei(.,"., .. termint&o.d IAA shall the written Termination : t. of iit.er, [Ly i Jvks of the two parties, except for pay...ents which terminate any n -, pursuant to noncancellable commitments enterec _ i.' rr:'x:, they are c.,;.r.. into with t:,V'rd pzr"ics prior to temination of the IAA. Itisexpress1 understcei that &l imlplemrLing documents, such as purchase orders, requisitions, ar.d p:'ciurcment actions, must be initiated under this agreemant by the a oa t:pon terinal date, but not later than one year from the effective date of the agreement, otherwise the cancellEaf-on provisions stated in the preceding sentence will automatically become effective without the necessity of a written advance notice of intent to cancel. S . ,, ,;1-6,0nt may be amended in writing at any time by Joint agreement of the parties. Subject, Aid in the fundin, necriiiry to purchane tind tran.u ort chicenr I to, th' Ourir.tite cooperntive, DeDrer.il,tior, of A.tivltvi In tryin: to m lrititi, i bi3anced nl Fin Pxoellent sourcp of ,,rotrn, usut]ly at hitf the priep of other me:t;. The lowvr Drice. (20 DIl'n/ k1 ogram/chlcken) hit: enibrd tiome nf thouta who otherwJ. e could not afford the hipher Trrke (14O DH' s/Rilorrm/red meat) to hve ndequate nrotr in An the ir diet. diet, chic)en ment oftein srrve' Currently Ouarzazate chicken producer.-/,;)i ers ar, producing 401 of their chichrn stoek while imnortinr 60% from larg:r chicken companies in 'trrakech Fnd A;dir. This ,resfnts two .,roblrmx. The first of these .s the incrPase in -)rice to cover tr'anportation of chickens over the mount:zins. Alproximately five dirhams is added to eajch kiloram, m-kinr a noticeable enourh difference in nrice to make this protein source unobtainable fcr those wh'- nned it the most. The second rroblem is t.hit the chicken comnanies would rather deal with those farmers bu%,in.r l.rge quantities of chickens (50O-!0,000) rather than the farmers of Ouarz-azat, who are only capable of purchasing u'n to 2000 chickens. Often agreements are made, ,nd the farmers from Ouarsazate -o to Marrakech or Agadir to pick up their supply of chickens, only to be told there are none available. In the fall of 1985, ORM.VA Ouairzazate turned over it's chicken raisinp, facilities to the local farmers who have formed a chicken coor eratve. These facilities contain all materials necessary for a ].ar-e scale ch cken raiing bperztion, such as housing, incvbation areas, feeders and waterers. Chickens will be imoorted from the United States (similar to the imported chickans now sold by the large comnanies). Cooperative members have signed an agreement to buy a set amount of the flock each month. The members will raise the chickens on their personal chicken farms and sell to the community of Ouarzazate, thereby eliminating the costs and prollems associated with the iiwortin- of chickens that currently exists. '.embers of the cooperative must pay 10,000 DH's to belong. Those who wish to become a member must first aoply to the cooperative and interview with the President. After proving his ability to raise his flock, successfully, his entry is aereed upon by the other cooperative members. With the donation of the facilities, howerer, ORIJV was unable to provide the members with the capital necessary to Purchase the chickens, and transrort them. While the cooperative has aprroximatel 100,000 DH's, this must be used to cover initial costs of feed once the chickens arrive. Therefore, while the facilities are ready and waiting, the cooperative cannot begin production because of lack of funds with which to nurchase the chickens and tranporting of them. N u.. , nr ;uDotl, The U.eS. will nrovido the equivAlent in Moroccan Dirhamu of $10,OOO Dollrn. Ou..i Onolrrori Cn, tv( Qontrbuton An tho imported chickenn would 'not fIare we.l In the vJllar' settinp., the m(,m-.ro ho've nrreod to contr:bute themniplvvii, by aidinr ['CV Pe,"Ky Petrzelkit An doing extenrion work in the nelphborini,. villflter of OutraLzat, Torether, the cooperhtive members, rind FCV J'etrze]kit will go into the vi]lafe,r and work with the rmzl] fnrmerr,, vneciniitionn tind prubentiv medicinet , (detv.rininin illnesses and deaths in the flocks, L'dr'iinisterin, arid preventinc ird educntiliw, thr smtll farmer on imirovements of their current r;J ring methods. All members of the cooperative h:tve surcesnful medium sized opprition in the Ounr-azate aren. Tt in ho,,ed throurh the exch,.,n,e between the Peace Corps Voluntoer, members of the cooperative, and the small farmers, tran;fer of knowled-e will result in successful chickrn rairinat all levels. 4. Exrected Irmoacti This proposal is intended to provide funds necessary to nurchnse chickens for the coorerative of Ouarzazate. The present problems mentioned will continue to exist and possibly exnand until tho cooperative begins to function. Not only will this fundinr benefit the cooperative members, it will also benefit the community of Ouarzazate in providinE employment at the coopers-tive and providin- protein rich meat at an obtainable price. Equally as impvrtant will be the bringin- to;ether of the :oroccan pnorde to shpire their knowledre ar.-1 resources amongst each other. With the extension work done in the villa-es by the cooperative members, it is hoped the village farmers will bepin realizing and usin- the valuable resources that are near to them, in improving their own chicken rairing practices. This would be an one-time investment, whereb, the SPA fu would suprzly the rr.onpy necessary to buy the chickens, (90%n: hens and iuK roosters). The purchasin_ by cooperative members of chicks hatuhed at the facilities will bring funds back into the cooperative, enablinn- future restockinF without outside assistance, 5. Activity Period The rurchase of the chickens s:uld Ie completed by the end ,l', .e wrer 1987. As everything is avaitinz the arriv-.l f te c;ickks, the cor-oriti.,r iy be-in operatin-:, 6. Releaset All funds received from U.S.A.ID. will be administered by Peace Corps Volunteer Peggy Petrzelka, who works with ORVA Ouarzazate. The use of these funds will be monitored by the Peace Corps Director in Morocco or his agent. SPA Int t 2200 roproducing chickenn V' 30 dh/unit' Tron:i;port und travel Total SIA Input, . . . . . 0 a .oo 6 6 ,ooQ,oo 15,000,00 o Dl b *lo1..S!t000 D11 ORIVA/Coopor r-tive Input Feede Starterl Growvrr, 4600 k, @ 2.50 dh/kg 4805 kp @ 2.31 dh/kg 11082 kg @ 2.25 dh/kr Froducert 90,000 kp @ 2.68 dh/kr 1288g. 00 3 Personnel j6 23,)00,00 Tax 1,000,00 Work furnishings and external services$ Location of station, 66933,00 Veterinary Products: 10610,.10 Disinfectinp Productso 132uO0,.0 Water and Electricity: 45000,00 Beddinp and Gas: 5400,00 r41130oo Y,,nagenent Chanres 20000,00 New Finances 12600,00 Total ORMVA/Cooperative .. npu.. ..... ,.**,ov. .... 486,743,00 Grand Total Investment.s.:.... .... .0 So...... . . .567,743,00. I AA Brante )rhams !rocains A. Demands do budget globale: (Dt11 au buget Tnclus) B. Donnes de COaptabilisatton do l'AID: Affectation de fonds 81.000,00 dirhams Numero du Projet : 7608 004 : Numero de lIAA Allocation de budget : C. Somme maximale accordhe en Dollars D. P6rlode d'ex~cution du projet: 1 an E. Date limite pour la transmission des documents de travail tels que bons d'achat: F. Autorisation : Cet Accord d'Activit Individuelle est exfcutO confnrmOment A 1' MRFiTTIYral entre le Gouvernement du Maroc et I'Agence pour le Developpement Internationa) du 2 avril 1957; P'Accord National du Programme SPA entre l'AID et le Corps de la Paix datd du 6 mat 1983; et en conformlt avec l'Acte d'Aide aux Pays Etrangers de 1961 apr~s qulil alt subi des modifications. G. EN FOI DE QUO!, 1'ORMVA/Ouarzazate, le Corps de la Paix et 1'AID, conformtment aux clauses et conditions de I'Accord Bilatdral sus-menttonn6, chaque partle agissant par l'intermdiatre de son repro .. . t autoris6, ont fait que cet Accord d'Activit Individuelle soit signt senta '-e± Otablt A partir de ce Jour de cette annge. en ~ , . . //;,il, J L " , ~ \~SIGNATURES .il. . David Fredrick i Directeur.du Corps de la Paix Driss Jeloui Directeur de 1'ORMVA/Ouarzazatee Date Peggy Petrzerka- VO itareft Pai ________________________ fJohn Giusti ~L~i.UVAonds Di sponi bies: Date Responsable des Programmes, AID g Contr6leur Financier.AID 72-11021 .C400371-1 NDM-84-23608-Df DH 61,299.72 $ 7,319.02 .72-1151021 NDM-85-23608-DG13 C500271-1 'DH.19700.'28 $ 2,352,16 DH 81,00.00 $ 9,'671.18 , .,. Date CLAUSI$ COURANTES POUR LmAIDE AUX PETITS PROJETS ARTICL[EI. Los Etats-Unis fourniront ls fonds necessairts a 1'ORWVA, Ouarazato et poursuivront les oAra tions pour rendre cet accord effectif conformnment aux lois applicab es st au reglement du Gouvernement Amdricain. ("les parties" ARTICLE II. Les Etats-Unis et 1'ORA, Ouarzazate dans 1e rUlisees ont le droit A tout moment d'examiner les oparations cadre de cet accord. Durant la duree du projet et durant ls trois annees qut sutvent snn ach~vement, chaque partie aura aussi le droit (1)d'examlner tout blen finance par cette partie selon cet accord, quelque solt 1'endrolt oO se situe le blen, et de (2)contrbler et verifier tous les dossiers et comptes concernant les fonds allou6s et toute propridt ou service finances par cette partie dans le cadre de cet accord, queque soit Pendroit oO ces dossiers sont places et gard6s. En falsant des arrangements pour toute disponibilit de tout bien fourni et finance par 1'autre partie selon cet accord, chaque partie assurera que les droits d'examiner, d'inspecter et de contr8ler mentlonnts dans la phrase precedente sont reserves A la partle qut a finance le projet. ARTICLE III. Tout bien obtenu par le financement selon cet accord sera seulement utills6 pour les besoins du projet Jusqu'a ce qu'11 solt fini et sera par la suite seulement utilise pour promouvoir les objectifs de ce projet sauf accord contraire du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis. L'ORMVA, Ouarzazate offrira de rendre au Gouvernement des Etats-Unis, ou de le rembourser, pour tout blen obtenu par des fonds allou6s par le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis selon cet accord et qui n'est pas utilis6 pour le projet,comme convenu dans la phrase precedente. ARTICLE IV. L'Accord d'Activit Individuelle (IAA) entrera en vigueur une fois signt. Tous ou l'un des secteurs de 1'assistance apportee selon cet accord, peuvent 6tre cesses par l'une ou 1'autre des parties en transmettant a 1'autre une lettre de prdavis de 30 jours pour faire cesser l'accord. La cessation de P'IAA mettra fin A toutes les obligations des deux parties, a l'exception des palements qu'elles se sent engagees a faire conformniment aux engagements non annulables pris avec un tiers avant la cessation de I'IAA. I1 est bien entendu que tous les documents de travail tels que bons d'achat, commandes, doivent dans le cadre de cet accord Otre termints par lespartic s A la dnte de cessation, mais par contre les depensesdoivent 6tre commencc pas plus tard qu'un an A partir de la date de mise en vigueur de 1'accord, auquel cas bs disTsitions d'annulation mentionndes ci-dessus prendront automatiquement effet sans qu'une lettre de preavis annonqant le dlsir d'annuler ne soit necessaire. ARTICLE V. Toute modification peut Otre apportee a cet accord a tout moment par un agr~nent mutuel des parties. CW~7' -Aid@ R" flrt*fiiOomoet rikhormuzriv It I 'uohivt et au trAnoport de vOailes bi In~ Coop~rai~tve do Ommrpannto. 1I- I'6'ic-1i 14 oli df,' Avti vi tv: PfnIto JO 11il Jv' lDmint.erir J '(miii lbre' de proteinpr 1; pnol ti( rx imir njrt ? iJ's-itre vinnifoc. Soya -PJr bim ~ Ck~a a ezea Iu !'om/ou r pri x Pot jr, (20) pp! j(,i D'offi r 'ovtr r Viaep (40 1111 1V k1lO1P~roni/VJarmr mroue) , oi. jelly Acticlle'at, i(Jrocoe ~ ~ ~r/e ~ orI ' J poiies prohlire3t 4(v1 J(- Je0w' Ptock et InprtYij Je~'in ~trEv~iCT corije2(rjien le ?'rranicl et J'Apti Iir, Ceo~l T'(v f i('ri.lc1Ju p O1oee: Le preri1er Pvt. I'9u1 no tlvtJo~i Jer ]rix, oizi corr-reiid le triirisport *ic cette fml4rcuilive 11trnverv. leo, nmoiityiev. A pei yr*', 1, P est Lqoju il chgowj kilo, cii rerrdoc~ito e gir,7wic iiffY'rejce Jv rrix pouir fhire de cett-e viv:jlIcuc oirce Je pY'0teiwa 1, In port~e Ic mix 011i Ouit le j'1ir Leeuxi('re 1'CO(rk rrol:l('re est mie ces corrynniiev Trr('Trerit riutot w"Ignie'r Five.- le, (TI-riO ferrrlero 0Al ach~te'at Jeo, Oumaltiter iuportnwites A, ( K(XxO i' 10.C-C paiec), pilutot qtiiave- les petitr ferniers le C'uarznzote a-ul tie pe'xie.,it Poheter plus. Je 2.OC. Plixieirs foii: el, eprjv'Jociatio!is, ler Iferniers le Ouarznzate se pr6Eoeute~i1 C~ tarrnl'chl ozi ii AC&Jr uijerre.t pouir se faire Jire qu'il Wy a Iplus Ic Jasoruibilit('. Tnj autonme 1EI J'CFTA/&,arznzn~te a rerris touite l'oI'faire de la jTroluCtiouj .1c poillec eutre les Irairis Jes ferriers Je Inp r'j-ion qr2 orit form(! uue 'cooopertive. Cette lgffgire cofl'pre Al touit le trateriel n(c'sSpire c' xic rroiuctioi I'mv gra.ui nivia, tel ouc locolA, zoriev i'ucboioet lie-1 pol 'r irwirer et 1,oire. Les pouiles serouit irr~port ese Ftats Unije (sirilire 'a celles venlues nairitenarit par les Emrilie corrreriies). Jes rrerftres de la cooperative orit sifries 11111 ent(i'Fierert Touir acheter Jes ban Jes .1oiseaoux chaq-ue irois. l.es P'enbres Je la coope-rative ferorit I (levape Je ces F.oules Jaris leurs prorres l'erires et le-ir verite sere poujr la comrfl-?itE de Diarzazate, ce oui13 11a rebire oui eliri'ier les rrobI~ves les prix o.i sonit aroociF'S a J'irr~ortatio-il I- eo ro'.ies. les rerbrese IJ cooperation Joiverit payer une sore le 10.000,CM. pouir leu.r sihesioni. Ce-ix owi Jesirent s'aucrire Joivenit faire urie Jeri ' 1Ie cooperation et avoir -xi erntretierj avec l~e Presient. Ce ?I'est a-'i'ayrr avoir Joi' JeoL-re-xies Je caypacit'Cf.J I lever ces banies oue Io persorrie eF-t 9--oertf'e ptir leo utres rrertres Je la cooperative. Avec s2 Joription 'Ic toute I 'afftire, I1CF.FVA est incapatle Je Jorier unt capital a-a: nerritres le la coopeainpu so i6rare q,i n6cessite l'achat et l~e transport des poules. fMemre si Jo cooperative poss~Je en ce moment 6 peu prm s 100.000,00 IT,cette sonwe boit etre utiliser pour coujvrir les frais 'a2lirnentatioi des poules, une fois stir place. IYalheureaserrent, et avec toutes lea poesibilit~s dont dispose cette coopersti on, e].Ie rie peit dernarrer b cause du manque de fords, ra4c-ssaire h l'achat et au transport des poules. M- P. Cotrioijn,c Ftnin hMl Lc (Voverripricrut der r1tvi.-srmnd oi I'irihuniv J ur~ iionme de 10.CX0O,C( J'Anc'rlue J1'Arrerique 1'oiryi i I 'eqizi vi.Jrci. 1PoJlnrci. - :.Co'dril-~ 1ito eIII i n c itti o'i It, C'uirvui;'.ntr - Polly I 'a npft-tioli der F51Jev, In ort~r J-fl ICU rentJeT cooC)OpeJi i oit olfert. 1rur mrio royir Mi er In Vol oritnire l'i Corrv Jc 1in Psix, VI1e Pelj'1y Peirveitn S proceier ii Iii vtiwJrmithI o!1 Ic ctle' operliti'u Thin icr r(eijollr evoirinriteV. ler rerirer Je i co:operaio% el FlJiePtreli *er procero~j, cmv'rl're it Jn vnvoi rilltic, EiX soiriv; prfverfiffv, 11 JP ieterrinntio.n Jefe rrnnl ien P1 nj lvix If. nortnii( clhez. les 1,oiies, et proCe1roi1 n 2vvi u I'PIe hcnti o!i jes petit's ferriern-i Pel iorer orr reth-)cs I 'tiJevnr-e pft-jeJ. les ef'forts Ieploy(n- et 1es (chwia-es des techiiuer enitre VIle Fetrn.erktn, lec. nenl'res I IV coop:-rnlive Pt len Ierriers-, Jowivreryt varis boite uim renjltat satisfaisatit Je I 'evsa-e des po-iles. 4. luz-ct FscOerT- - Ce Frojet est preserit( pocir cc procurer Jes foiiuls nk-Ctnsaires i Vv'chnt Jes poules pouir 1P cooperation be Ouarzaznte. Les 1proIIner rreritionnis cotitirilierotit b'c'.xister et jpeiverit rrerre alitTl'enter ~Juoli'au .IEarrate de In cooperative. Vuca e Ic e fvin'ierenlI rie serouit pan mi:lere-it a'i profit Jes rnrlres Je iP cooreratio'i, rrmip nlisi aSi rrol'it be Is corrririaut(' JP Jes Cluarzazate, e% perrettarit Jes Jebo-uch('s Ila cooperation, et en rmettwit b Jleur dispoqition, une source be proteirie ii prix aboriable. Avec Ise vaiif'srisation et Ise prise le corisCience Jes irenbres Je l~e cooperative et bes nrembres Je l~e cofl'ffzfate', ii. est P'sperf" cue 2les ferriers r~sliseronjt et rrofiterorit bes resseources qui snrt 'I leu-r portee poiar arreliorer les tVchnio-aes Je 1 '(ievar-e et be Ia proluctioni Jes poules. les foiils Je ce projet rerffettront se-ilerent le Icirnrraf-e Je Ise cooprervtive, avec- I'achat dbu prerier stock (PC.*,' p-o:jies et TO, coos). I'auitosuiffisaiiCe le In cooperative sera ass-iree par ile rorulerpenit Jee fonls, et tie !u~cE'Esitera ]pi'v I'P-ile (gxterieuire. 5.Periole b'scti'.itc - I'-chet bes po-jles sere conpi~et' d'ici Septembre 19M?7 Etarit Iored. tie la cooperationi n'atteil que i.'arrivaeFe Jes poaules, son operation sera rrise en irarche aussitot spre's P arrivape. 6. Autorisation - Tous les fonids de ce projet flnanc(6 par 1'U4.A I.P. serout si'inistr6s per Isa volontaire Ju Corps Je la Paix, Mll~ie Peppy Petrzeika, qui travaille actuellement pour 1'4IJVA/Oarzazate. L'usaee de ces fonids scra contro11M par le Directeur du Corps de Is.Paix ou soni represenitant. u.3- Coritril lior, d" 003enetp Ampr iiri 2.200 poliler, pro kjotrimoi 1, 30 PJ/iit~f' TrrnaEsport. et I'rtils de voylre 66. CXX) oCX Total dIu (projc't fVA' 11 .000Cx) ...... .... 15.(XXw,()W Conitrihztiori de 1'rn7VAP/Cool-erstive - Pow, i(mrrer: 4.600 Yg 1, 2,5C PJY/Yp ?oir Is croihs~rrce: 4.(-k'. Yt- t 2,71 PJ'/Yt' - 11.0Ep2 Yg L "),25 P1r/Kg Por-ir Is rroJittion: 90.000 YKg i 2,65, P11/Kg 28P. 600900 Fersonziel (3) 23. 400, 00 !Paxces 1.000, Cy Travail fo~ir.-i et services exterxjes: k.,cad Je la ProJuitE ve'teririaires: Proituits d6siijfectarits: Fau et Flectricit6: lit~rie et G82: (ti'imr.0 6. 100610.00 13. 200,00 45-000,00 5.400.(00 141 -0143,900, Chnngenit iJa Plani Pa-'a~ii Frais, sipplVprentaires Total Je ise cortribtion Je 1OWVAC/Coop.... MAIND ...... TOAL DrM.TI .,204M00' 12'.600. 0 486.743o,00 '67';'7436O I AA Cover Sheel A. Total Budget Request: Moroccan Di rhams (Ie ialJed budget is attached). 2400 B. AID Accounting Data: Appropriation 'Project Number : 608-0181 Budget Allowance : IAA Number : 7608003 C. Maximum Dollar amount of U.S. grant: D. Activity Implementation Period : 4 months E. Terminal date for issuance of implementing documents such as purchase orders: F. k: This Individual Activity Agreement isexecuted pursuant to the au of the Bilateral Agreement between the Government of Morocco and the Agency for International Development dated April 2, 1957; the SPA Prdgram Countr3 Agreement between A.I.D. and Peace Corps dated May 6, 1983 and in accordance witl the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended. G. INWITNESS WHEREOF, the the Peace Corps and AID, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Bilateral Agreement mentioned above, each acting through its respective duly authorized representative, have caused this Individual Activity Agreement to be signed in thair nams and dplivwrd at nf thie dta And var_ SIGNATUI (Signatures Attached) Date- Moroccan Counterpart A_ _ I./4fr7. _ _ _ "at _ _ Peace Corps Director (See French Version) 6/1/87 '-- : "Date Peace Corps Volunteer i ,r Program Officer,, AID 77 /k 7 Date Funds Available: ve;/ Controller, AID Loan and Grant A~reements F1M/LMD (if Loan) FM/PAFD FM/CAD OC/ANE ANE/Desk ANE/TR Offioev AIIE/PD officer & File PPC/CDIE/Dt Approp: 72-11M1021-34 B.P.C.: NDAA-84-23608-DG1 R/CTL : C400362-01 y * $ 2,960.00 between Tne OVermnent of the United States and The Province of Agadir Subject: Aid in the f'nding of pipe needed to complete a water supply project in the viLlage of Souk 1Mdss Alt Moussa in the Province of Agadir. Description of Activity: Souk Khmiss At Moussa 500 people located in the Anti-Atlas mountainsis a village of about on the road between Ait Baha and Tanalt. It was selected as a site for a large, UNICEF funded water project. Years ago, UNICEF approved a numer of such provinces. .UNICEF engineers ,orking with water projects in several local goverment engineers, drew up plans for the distribution systems and selected the necessary pumps. The provinces were to be responsible for well iNprove'rent, construction of the water towers, pumphouses, and dis tribltion points; and the installation of the equipmit. UNICEF was to provide purrps and pipe. The Province of Agadir was to receive five going to Scuk Rhmiss At 1-bussa. At that such systems, with one were planned to supply water to the local site, a pUmp ond water tower school, dispensary, and souk. Although the Province received the pumps, it never received any pipe. Most of the pipe for all such projects nationwide was destroyed in a warehouse fire in Casablanca. Sone provinces eventually got same pipe; the Province of Agadir did not get any. Hoping that pipe might eventually be provided, the Province went ahead with the requisite construction and well improvement. All of this work is now completed at Souk Kiss Ait 1-bussa. However, the director of UNICEF water programs in 1%rocco has since informed the Province that UNICEF will not be able to supply the pipe in the near fuiture. This propcsal is suhmittecO with the intention of buying the 550 meters of pipe needed to complete the project. Expected Inmact The villagers will have easy access to clean water for the first time. The most accessible water at in a nearby irrigation ditch. This water present is that which flows contains algae, silt, and small insects visible to the naked eye. The water will not be used for irrigation, 4though a trough at the souk will be used to water livestock. -2- US Contribution: The sun of DH24,799.04 is requested for pipo, fittings, and valves. Iocal Contribution: 7b date, the Provice of Agadir has spent over DH125,000 on well inpro-vnet and construction of a pumphouse The village supplied labor, food, and lodging for and water tower. Peace Corps volunteers who spent three days there installing the pump and diesel engine. The village will again supply labor for the trench laying. This is a big job; extra care mst be takenexcavation and pipe PVC (plastic) instead of metal pipe. The dirt used as we plan to use must be sifted free of rocks, and the soil ir the to bury the pipe of rocks. A four-man crew might take three weeks Anti-Atlas is full This labor, valued at DH30/man-day, would be worth to coplete the job. large contribution frcin such a small, poor village. DH,800.00- a Activity Period: The system should be completed and working within four months of the receipt of funds. -4- Itern PVC pipe, 63 mm, 16 bar PVC pipe, 75m, 10 bar PVC elbow, 900, 63tmn PVC elbow, 450, 63nAm PVC elbow, 90, 75mm PVC tee, 75 Black iron Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Black iron Unit Price 20.80 20.00 41.52 flange, 3" pipe, 3" pipe, 2 " pipe, 2" pipe, 1" long-sweep elbow, 900, 3" Black iron elbow, 900, 2 ' Unit m " ea. 38.57 84.48 53.35 " " " 98.00 75.00 70.00 48.00 25.00 " 168.00 4 10 154.28 844.80 " " ea. 2 336.00 3 168.00 3 135.00 m " 56.QO 45.00 11.00 Total Price 6240.00 5000.00 249.19 3 6 18 6 12 18 Black iron long-sweep elbow, 900, 2" Black iron tee, 1" Amount 300 250 6 160.05 588.00 1350.00 58&8-e L% 576.00 450.00 Bl ck iron elbow, 1" 8.00 Black iron reduction, 2"X3" 40.00 Black iron reduction, 2 "Xl" 31.00 Galvanized-to-PVC coupling, " " 7 77.00 " " " 18 1 3 144.00 40.00 93.00 52.00 " 2 104.00 " 4 7 348.00 644.00 63rrin Galvanized-to-PVC copling, 75nm 87.00 Faucets, 1" 92.00 Subtotal + 19% taxe 18,121.25 3443.04 21,564.29 +15% ccntingency GRAM TOTAL * * 3234.75 24,799.04 24-.800 DHS ROUNDED FIGURES el STANDARD PROVISIONS FOR S4ALL PROJECT ASSISTANCE V- ARTICLE I The United States will ext2nd funds to I and will carry-on operations to implement this agreement inaccordance with the applicable laws and -regulations of the United States Government. ARTICLE I. The United States and ('the parties") have the right at any time to observe operations carried out under this agreement. During the term of an activity under this agreement and until three years after the cnmpletion of the activity either party shall also have the right (1)to examine any property throu, financing by that party under this agreement, wherever such property is located , and (2)to inspect and audit any records and accounts with respect to funds provided by, or any properties ,nd contract services procured through fint.ncing by that party under this agreement, wherever such records may be located and maintained. Inarranging for any disposition of any property procur-ed through financing by the other party under this agremernt, each party shall assure that the rights 'of examin ation, inspection, and audit descr'l.ed in the preceding sentence are reserved to the party which did the financing. ARTICLE III. Any property furnished through financing under this agreement shall be used only for the Activity until the Activity iscompleted and thereafter shall be used only-to promote the objectives of the Activity, unless otherwise agreed by the United States Government. The *shall offer to return to the United States Goverr ment, or to reimburse the United States for, any property which itobtains by grant funds given by the United States Government under this agreeme;-' and which is not used for the Activity as agreed to inthe preceding sentence. ARTICLE IV. The Individual Activity Agreement (the "IA") will enter into force when signed. All or any part of the assistance provided herein may be terminated by either party by giving the other party 30 days written notic of.intention t ,rmfntot ... avreem.nt. Termnation of the IAA shall terminate any obligations of the two parties, except for payments which they are con4itted to make pursuant to noncancellable commitments entered into With third parties prior to termination of the IAA. It Isexpressly understood that all implementing documents, such as purchase orders, requisitions, and procurement actions, must be initiated under this agreement by the agreed upon terminal date, but not later than one year from the effective date of the agreement, otherwise the cancelatTon provisions stated inthe preceding sentence will automatically become effective without the necessity of a written advance notice of intent to cancel. ARTICLE V. This Agreement may be amended inwriting at any time by joint agreement of the parties. V.1SA DU. CHEF DE LA DIVISTIOR TECHNIQUE "lage I CA'eI de aIatvIsIOX ,W! c "PRESENTE PAR LE SECRETA'IRE GENERAL n.. 5 PPdE APPROUVE PAR, ii4 APLOuAq Moheme
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