PROJECT INFORMATION CATALOGING SYSTEM Ateneo ACTM Project Information and Cover Sheet Project Title Integrated Marketing Communications Competition School Year 2009-2010 Semester 2nd Theme none Date Jan. 29-Feb. 12 (culminating) Venue Ateneo; Mag:Net Café, Katipunan Department Project Mentor/EB Point Person Esme Fong Contact No. 09178998582 Target Audience Number of Participants 30 Project Head(s) Aizel Acayan Willjann Tam Contact Nos. 09165117885 09166608868 Yahoo! Group Name actm0910_IMCcompetition Core Team Members Contact Nos. Nicole Araos Angge Ignacio Dani Eleazar 09154453100 09052596597 09157839569 Comments Simplified Abstract of Project Targeting Ateneo students from different courses and year levels, the Integrated Marketing Communications Competition aims to showcase the participants’ skills in marketing and advertising. Eight teams compete in the preliminary round; each creates an IMC plan for one of the sponsoring companies. The four winning teams then move on to the final round where they present their plan to the major sponsor through a 30-second video and a marketing pitch. Prepared By Aizel Acayan and Willjann Ainsley Tam Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Competition BASIC PROJECT INFORMATION Name of Person-in-Charge: Contact # of Person-in-Charge: Target Date and Time: Target Venue: Number of Participants: Simplified Abstract of Project (No more than 50 words) I. Aizel Acayan, Willjann Tam 09165117885, 09166608868 February 12, 2010, 4:30 – 7:30 pm Mag:Net Café Katipunan 50 Targeting Ateneo students from different courses and year levels, the IMC Competition aims to showcase the participants’ skills in marketing and advertising. The four winning teams then move on to the final round where they present their plan to the major sponsor through a 30second video and a marketing pitch. Nature of the Project: This will be a competition wherein one company will be taken as a major sponsor of the event. The marketing head/associates of that company will be invited to give a brief on whatever product or aspect of their company that the participants would devise an IMC plan on. II. III. Objectives of the Project: Objectives To serve as a training ground for the development and enhancement of skills relevant to the course Rating 3 To establish goodwill with the Ateneo community and actively share in its formative pursuits To provide an open venue for exchange between the business community and its members 3.5 To build a reputation of professionalism, dynamism, and passion for excellence 2.5 3 Justification - The activities allowed the participants to apply their skills in marketing and advertising - Poor quality for some of the outputs. - Students from different courses and batches joined - Weak in terms of reach - There were members of the business community (BC orgs, business courses, etc.) who joined the competition - Weak in terms of reach - A lot of things were overlooked because of lack of planning Total Workforce a. Committees and Job Description Committee Committee Human Resources Promotions Job Description Recruit participants, coordinate with them and keep them updated (mechanics, announcements, etc.) Create promotional materials (website, poster, standees for culminating, etc) Members Nicole Araos (head) Angge Ignacio (head), Dani Eleazar Logistics Marketing b. Scout for venue for GA and culminating event Look for sponsors coordinate with them through the duration of the project Aizel Acayan Willjann Tam Core Team List Position Name Project Head Project Head HR Head Promo Head Promo Member Aizel Acayan Willjann Tam Nicole Araos Angge Ignacio Dani Eleazar Year and Block 4 R3 3R 3 R1 3 3 Contact Contact Numbers Email 09165117885 09166608868 09154453100 09052596597 09157839569 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] IV. Mechanics of Project/Feature Article Article Pre-Project Instead of having one major sponsor as the sole subject of the whole competition, the IMC team ended up having two minor and one major sponsor, namely, Wi-Tribe, Bo’s Coffee and IMF Wellness, respectively. Bo’s Coffee is one of ACTM’s year-round sponsors while Wi-Tribe gave P10,000 as a result of the tie-up sponsorship with Year-End. IMF Wellness agreed to give cash worth P15,000 and P15,000 worth of X- deals. The team had problems reserving a venue for the culminating event. Venues considered were the following: Mag:Net Katipunan, MVP Basement, and MVP Roofdeck. The team tried to get Celebrity Bar but they were denied. The team was cut down to 5 (2 project heads, 1 HR head, and 2 promo heads) from the initially 8 to 10 count. Project Proper The competition began with a GA for the participants last January 29, 2010 at SOM 211. The IMC team was able to exceed its target of eight teams; however, two teams backed out leaving eight participating teams, as originally planned. Each of theses eight teams was composed of at least one freshman or sophomore and students from different courses. Preliminary round: The eight teams picked from the two minor sponsors (Wi-tribe and Bo’s Coffee) and were tasked to submit a 3-page marketing plan that summarizes their marketing strategy. Among the executions listed on the marketing plan, the teams were to produce a concrete output (e.g. poster, video, website prototype, leaflets, etc.) Entries were submitted on February 4, 2010 at the ACTM Room. The two companies each chose two teams that will move on to the final round. The four finalists (teams) each wins P2,000. The prizes were to be given out during the culminating event. Final round: The four teams were given a brief orientation on the major sponsor’s product, Dentiste’ Plus White Nighttime Toothpaste. They were tasked to create a 30-second video, to be included in their marketing pitch. The culminating event was held at Mag:Net Café Katipunan on February 12, 2010, from 4:30-7:00 pm. An estimate of 40 people attended, including the participants, sponsors and the IMC team. Each member of the four teams was given a certificate for their participation. However the prizes (P2,000 for the preliminary winners and P10,000 for the winner for the final round) were not yet ready so fake checks were awarded to the teams instead. V. Organizations Involved: Inside Ateneo Organization Contribution Outside Ateneo Organization VI. Contribution Budget Summary Total Budgeted Expenses Actual Expenses VII. Projected Revenue Actual Revenue Total Projected Net Income Actual Net Income Actual Timetable Date of Execution Jan. 25, 2010 Jan. 29, 2010 Feb. 4, 2010 Feb. 7, 2010 Feb. 12, 2010 VIII. Total Event Release of promo (recruitment of participants) General Assembly for participants Submission of entries for Preliminary Round Announcement of Finalists / Start of Final Round Culminating Event General Assessment of the Project A lot of things were overlooked mainly because of lack of time for preparation. The team began planning only a month before the project, and even though the culminating event was already moved from January to February, the team still had a difficulty accomplishing all the necessary tasks. The fact that the team lost some of its members halfway through the planning also contributed to this. The project heads were hesitant to recruit for new members because they felt that they'd be wasting time briefing and training them. The following are some of the effects of the situation described above: - difficulty in finding sponsors - lack of communication among the team members - some members ended up doing more tasks than the others - poor logistical planning IX. Recommendation The project has a lot of potential. It definitely should be done again in the future since it is the core competency of ACTM. The project itself primarily distinguishes ACTM from the rest of the organizations in the Ateneo. The main problem was that not all committees had a specific head. A lot of manpower for such event is needed. The team should plan at least 3 months before the main event; increase number of contestants, sponsors, and audience; and scout for a venue that will accommodate all the participants (more or less 100 people). Endorsed: Alyson Yap Moderator ACTM Esme Sheree Y. Fong President President ACTM I. II. 1. 2. III. Sponsors/Companies Approached Company Contact Person Phone No. Jansport Ms. Clytie Choa 5670611 loc. 510 IMF Beauty and Wellness Havaianas Mr. Macasaet 7338300 loc. 4 Evi Guinto 8401788 Ipanema Elro Millet 8482550 Toshiba Ericka Sanchez 8848060 loc. 142 Fax No. Email Address [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] WiTribe Sherrie Lim [email protected] ECI Telecoms Bong Servañez [email protected] Facilitating and Hindering Factors Facilitating Factors i. Core team’s participation and dedication ii. Hindering factors i. Lack of sponsorships ii. Inadequate number of volunteers and core team members Contingency Plan Area Marketing Problem Inadequate number of sponsors Effects/Ramifications Effects/Ramifications - Lack of appropriate funds for various levels of production - Lack of subject for competition Logistics Difficulty reserving venues inside and - End up choosing a venue that’s Preventive Measures - Formulate good package deal coupled with dynamic presentations - Start contacting sponsors at the start of the school year. - Scout for venues as early as possible (at Contingency Plans - Use year-round sponsor/s as subject - Look for venues inside Ateneo HR IV. outside Ateneo inappropriate for the event - Overspend on venue because of lack of options Inadequate number of volunteers (for core team) Some tasks are overlooked and some members overworked least 3 months before the event) - If inside Ateneo, be ready with OAS requirements at least a month before - Assign someone from the team whose sole task is to take care of logistical concerns - Hold a GA for volunteers and heads - Meet regularly and agree on a certain mode of communication which will always be used and should be easily accessible for everyone (e.g. text, email, etc.) - Delegate tasks equally - Recruit for volunteers (esp. from core) General Remarks PROMOTIONS Promotions Work Plan: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Send out promotional material through email to the ACTM group, as well as, other groups. Create a promotional site that contains details about the competition (e.g. mechanics, deadlines, etc.) Create a Facebook fan page for announcements and reminders. Promote project through word of mouth. Display table standees containing participants’ names, sponosors’ logos, and ACTM’s logo during the culminating event. Supplier Contacts Establishment 1 Contact Person Position Phone Address Notes Along Katipunan Ave.; printing doesn’t take long but to be sure submit jobs at least a day before the event (for posters) Position Phone Address Notes Freeform Creative Solutions, Inc, 2 (Suppliers include printers, premium producers, etc.) Contacts in Different Universities School Contact Person 1 2 Companies Approached Company Contact Person Position Phone Address Notes 1 2 3 4 5 FINANCIALS (Use post project financial report template as specified by the Finance Department.) PROJECT REPORT (This should be a detailed description of what happened on during the actual event/activity. It should also include pictures with short descriptions.) APPENDICES (This should include all other important documents or aspects not already covered such as compiled receipts, sample letter to sponsors, sales kit/marketing package for sponsors, letters to speakers, sample application form, price quotations from restaurants and other establishments, etc.) (Promotions--Related Material) Appendix A (Promotions Promotional Material Standee (Marketing--Related Material) Appendix B (Marketing Logos Wi-Tribe (Liberty Telecoms) Bo’s Coffee Dentiste’ Plus White Nighttime Toothpaste (IMF Wellness) Sample Letter/ Marketing Package January , 2010 Name Position Company Dear , Greetings! We are the Association for Communications Technology Management (Ateneo-ACTM), the home organization of BS Management Major in Communications Technology Management. BS COMTECH is the only course in the Ateneo under the John Gokongwei School of Management that trains undergraduate students for creative management. Our core competencies, as Comtech Majors and as an organization, extend from the fields of Film Production, Advertising, IT Consulting, Graphic Design, Web Publishing, Media Management, Telecommunications, Marketing and Business. Ateneo-ACTM, in particular, has risen to be one of the most outstanding student business organizations. Last 2007 and 2008, Ateneo-ACTM prides itself for being the overall champions in the John Gokongwei School of Management Week (JG-SOM Week). JG-SOM Week is a prestigious event wherein organizations under the Business Cluster of the Ateneo compete in a series of challenges and activities to foster camaraderie and interaction among the students of the school. In this regard, we would like to offer your company to sponsor our project this January 16, 2010: Integrated Marketing Communications Competition (IMC Competition). This project is envisioned to be ACTM’s second largest event; the Integrated Marketing Communications Competition will be opened to the whole Ateneo student body. Teams, comprised of students preferably from different year levels, will compete against each other by planning, strategizing and finally presenting a concrete output – a channel which best communicates or addresses the IMC of a certain brand, given a certain situation. Outputs may be a broadcast commercial, print advertisement, visual merchandising, event, etc. The competition will showcase the students’ creativity and knowledge in marketing and with the rest of the management subjects. The IMC Competition’s main purpose is to create a realistic business situation wherein they are tasked to enhance the company’s image and brand awareness. The contestants will present their IMC to a panel, which will be composed of the company sponsoring the event and professionals in the field of marketing. Your company is guaranteed media mileage and exposure to our 400-member body, as our projects serve as a perfect media to advertise your latest products and services, as well as all other important enterprises you wish to address. Also, since our foundation as an organization is advertising-oriented, you can be assured that effective promotional strategies will be employed to reach your target market, the Ateneo-ACTM members as well as the entire Ateneo community. Herewith are proposals for our project. If you wish to discuss other matters at hand, we are more than willing to present to you the project offerings through a meeting. I will get back to you soon to inquire the status of this letter. Please feel free to contact the undersigned. Thank you very much and hope to hear from your favorable reply. Respectfully Yours, Willjann Ainsley Tam Co-Project Head – Integrated Marketing Communications Competition Association for Communications Technology Management 0916-6608868 [email protected] ACTM 09-10 BENEFITS COST (negotiable) Product Lock-out Distribute, collect and tally company survey forms which we can distribute any time the company wishes Promotion of any company events, offers and website link through: ACTM Yahoogroups email blasts ACTM YM blast ACTM website ACTM facebook account Ateneo-ACTM Website <> ACTM’s official e-mail newsletter (online), circulation(500+) -quarter page -half page -whole page Org bulletin board Diamond P25,000 Before the event Platinum P15,000 Gold P10,000 Silver P5,000 Logo+advertorial+ads+video Logo+advertorial+ads+promotion of product Whole page Logo+ads Facebook and Email blast Logo+advertorial+ads Email blast Logo+advertorial+ads Half Page advertorial Advertorial Half Page logo Logo Quarter Page Logo+ads Promotional materials: • Posters • Email blasts • ACTM facebook account • PA promotions Logo placement in Trilogy Free Ticket to Year End Party Event Proper Option to be the Company contestants will device an IMC Campaign for (subject to the approval of Project Heads as to which company gives the best offer) Option to display Company Streamers and Tarpaulins: 3 maximum 2 pieces maximum 1 piece maximum Company Product Posters: 10 pieces maximum 5 pieces maximum 3 pieces maximum Company Product Advertisement in AVP: TV Commercial playback Logo Inclusion Display of Company logo in Certificates of Appreciation given to all participating contestants Display of Company logo in attendance sheets and project evaluation sheets Awards for the top 3 contestants Company Representatives given slot during the program to advertise and promote product(s)/service(s) Company jingle or promotional video/commercial will be shown Option to set-up Company Product Display Booths On stage acknowledgement and promotion by the hosts Company Facts and Trivia questions and answer game (prizes given by sponsor) Option to distribute the ff: Flyers Brochures Product Samples Option to conduct games, contests and raffles Other benefits the company has in mind from the project or ACTM in general (to be discussed in detail during the meeting) Future Receive post-documentations of events (includes pictures) Will be included in ACTM’s future project database Given priority in terms of being considered as sponsors for future organizational projects EX-DEAL PACKAGES (mixture of cash and products or products alone) * The major sponsor has the option to provide the venue for the culminating event. MOA Partnership Agreement between Ateneo Association for Communications Technology Management and IMF Beauty and Wellness This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the Ateneo Association for Communications Technology Management, herein referred to as ACTM and the International Market Focus, herein referred to as Diamond Sponsor. In conclusion of the premises and mutual promises set forth herein, the parties, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follow: 1. Event. ACTM agrees to conduct the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Competition which will be held from January 29, 2010 to February 12, 2010. IMC Competition Launch will be on January 29, 2010 in JGSOM Room 210, Culminating Activity will be on February 12, 2010 in Magnet Café, Katipunan. 2. Responsibilities of the Organization. ACTM will: a. Provide a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), which is sanctioned by the Loyola Schools – Office of Student Activities (LS-OSA) b. Abide by the sponsorship package the Diamond Sponsor has agreed to enter into. 1. Product Lock-out 2. Distribute, collect and tally company survey forms which we can distribute upon company’s request. 3. Promotion of any company events, offers and website link through: ACTM Yahoogroups email blasts ACTM website (logo, advertorial, ads, video) ACTM facebook account ACTM’s official online newsletter, 500+ circulation (whole page) Event Posters 4. Logo placement in Trilogy 5. Give 2 Free tickets to the year-end party 6. Use company as subject for the IMC Competition 7. Display a maximum of 3 company streamers and tarpaulins [Dimensions to be indicated by IMF] which will be displayed during the culminating event in Magnet Café, Katipunan. 8. Display a maximum of 10 company product posters [Dimensions to be indicated by IMF] which will be displayed during the culminating event in Magnet Café, Katipunan. 9. Include company product advertisement in audio visual presentation during the culminating event. 10. Play TV Commercial during the culminating event. 11. Display company logo in Certificates of Appreciation given to all participating contestants 12. Display of company logo in attendance sheets and project evaluation sheets 13. Involve the company in the awarding of the the top 3 contestants 14. Give company representatives a slot during the program to advertise and promote product(s)/service(s) 15. On-stage acknowledgement and promotion by the hosts 16. Conduct company Facts and Trivia question and answer game (prizes given by sponsor) during the culminating event. 17. Distribute the company flyers, brochures, and product samples will be given as prizes. 18. Give post-documentations of events 19. Include company in ACTM’s future project database 20. Consider the company as priority in terms of being considered as sponsors for future organizational projects c. Provide a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) which is sanctioned by the Ateneo Office of Student Activities (OSA). d. Have to first consult, collaborate or take into consideration any change(s) to the projects intended to be made by ACTM and act on any of International Market Focus concerns and suggestions (if deemed legal, effective and achievable by ACTM in collaboration with OSA). 3. Diamond Sponsor’s Responsibilities: In exchange for promotional tie-ins with the event, the Diamond Sponsor will: a. b. c. d. Sign this Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Give Php 15,000 check addressed to Ateneo de Manila University. Give Php 15,000 worth of Dentiste toothpaste. Provide the organization with the company logo and all promotional materials such as streamers, flyers, posters, product samples and company video. e. Consult with and channel their concerns or requests through ACTM. f. Abide by all rules and regulations provided by the Ateneo de Manila University. g. Receive the benefits brought by the option of being a sponsor. 4. Promotional Limitation a. Except as expressly provided herein, neither the Diamond Sponsor nor ACTM shall have the right to use in any way the corporate or trade name, trademark(s), service mark(s), logo(s), or other identification of the other party after IMC Competition without their written consent. b. Diamond Sponsor hereby grants ACTM a royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use and display the trademarks associated with products. Such use shall be limited solely to the duration of the partnership of this event and any advertising or promotional activities relating thereto. ACTM shall not use any of the Diamond Sponsor’s trademarks in a way affiliated with or otherwise acting on behalf of ACTM. The Diamond Sponsor and ACTM acknowledge that the provisions if this paragraph do not convey any right, title or ownership interest in the trademark. 5. Term and Termination. This Agreement shall be effective from the date of the signing of this Partnership Agreement through the end of the aforementioned events. If when cases a breach of contract happened, the Ateneo de Manila University – Loyola Schools Office of Student Activities shall intervene in behalf of ACTM in seeking legal actions. 6. Termination for Default. ACTM by written notice, may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part for failure of the Diamond Sponsor to perform any of the provisions herein. In such event, the Diamond Sponsor shall be liable for damages, including the excess cost of procuring similar supplies and services. a. The Diamond Sponsor will provide cash equivalent to the value of the materials/equipment/services originally to be provided, if the materials/equipment/services are not in good condition or adequate quality. b. The Ateneo de Manila University has the right to remove promotional materials and/or merchandise in cases where Diamond Sponsor does not perform their responsibilities. 7. Force Majeure. Neither party shall be responsible for events beyond its reasonable control, such as acts of God, weather delays, or other fortuitous events. If the event is postponed due to inclement weather or other conditions beyond ACTM’s control, it may be rescheduled for another time. The Diamond Sponsor shall then be entitled to the advertising and sponsorship package originally agreed upon at no additional charge to Diamond Sponsor. 8. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes any all prior agreements, arrangement, communication, or representations, whether oral or written. This Agreement may not be amended, modified, or changes except through a written document signed by both parties. In WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed. For International Market Focus [Please indicate complete name] [Please indicate position] For ACTM Willjann Ainsley Tam ACTM IMC Competition Marketing Head (Finance--Related Material) Appendix C (Finance (Compiled receipts, price quotations, etc.) Appendix D (Others) Minutes – Jan. 13, 2010 Meeting - Trbe Leader training on Saturday, 9am-1pm, meeting place: Starbucks Katipunan Follow up: Havaianas (c/o Willjann) Promo: promo material (Esme's suggestions: Unilever recruitment promo, JSEC board-roof) Incentives for participants from Mkt/Com classes (c/o Nikki) Create IMC tumblr site (c/o Nikki and promo) - Reserve SEC C Foyer - There will be a common email for the participants' entries (read on for details) - Outline of the paper: we have to do this next meeting OUTPUT tumblr site for WiMax - Participants can use WiMax to create tumblr site (Feb. 2-5) - Participants will use only one email for their tumblr sites so we can change the password to prevent modifications after the deadline. - Eliminations: Feb. 7 (Sir Nate, Sir Aly, Ross, etc.) - Release congratulations: Feb. 8 noon Promotional video - Send/upload - 30 seconds max - Judges: sponsor, Abe, Dazzle, etc PRESENTATION - Content: analysis, strategy, execution - Criteria: creativity, coherence/consistency, delivery, feasibility TIMETABLE Jan. 18 send promos to CSP Jan. 20 release promos Jan. 25 official start of recruitment Jan. 30 release of mechanics Feb. 2 deadline of paper Feb. 6 deadline of tumblr Feb.8-11 work on video Feb. 11 submission of video Feb. 12 culminating event Program Flow 4:00 – 4:30 pm 4:30 – 4:50 4:50 – 5:00 5:00 5:05 5:15 5:30 5:45 – – – – – 5:05 5:15 5:30 5:45 6:05 Ingress Registration Opening remarks ACTM President Esme Fong IMC Competition Project Head Introduction of judges Awarding of cash prize for winners of preliminary round Presentation of first group Presentation of second group Break Exhibit of winning posters from preliminary round (4) Show Dentiste’s commercial Q&A 6:05 – 6:20 6:20 – 6:35 6:35 – 7:05 7:05 – 7:20 7:20 – 7:35 Presentation of third group Presentation of fourth group Break Judging Snacks Promotions for sponsors Announcement of winners by judge/s and awarding of cash Closing remarks prize QUESTIONS FOR DENTISTE’ 1. Dentiste' is the world's first herbapeutic toothpaste. As such from how many herbal ingredients is dentiste made of? Answer: 14 2. 3. Dentiste' is a nighttime toothpaste that is clinically proven to stop bad morning breath. What is this ingredient that inhibits bacteria deposit on teeth that makes Dentiste' a great remedy for bad morning breath? Answer: Xylitol Dentiste' is highly advisable for diabetics. What characteristic of Dentiste' makes it as such? Answer: It's sugar-free 4. What is the complete name of the world's first herbapeutic toothpaste? Answer: Dentiste' Plus White Nighttime toothpaste 5. Is Dentiste' only applicable for nighttime use? Answer: No it's the safest toothpaste so you can use it anytime Additional Questions 1. Where can you buy Dentiste’ Plus White Nighttime toothpaste? Possible answers: i. Metro Manila: Watsons, Landmark, PCX, S&R Price Club, Unimart, etc. ii. Visayas and Mindanao (Bora Budget Mart, Boracay Island) 2. Dentiste’ contains the following ingredients except: a. Eucalyptus (anti-inflammatory) b. Cinnamon (strong andti-bacteria; effect in the mouth and regulates blood sugar for diabetics) c. Mint (freshens breath) d. Fluoride Answer: D JUDGES 1. Ms Lin Y. Tan a. Managing Director of IMF Beauty and Wellness Products b. Marketing graduate from De La Salle University 2. Mr. Rico L. Macasaet – Sales and Marketing Manager Sample of Evaluation Sheet PROJECT EVALUATION SHEET PROJECT: DATE: VENUE: I. Please rate the truth of the following statements: (5 as the highest) • The activity was well organized. 1 2 3 4 5 • The objectives of the activity were clearly delivered. 1 2 3 4 5 • The activity brought out the org's mission and identity. 1 2 3 4 5 • The activity made me share in the org's advocacy. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 • The date and time of event was convenient. 1 2 3 4 5 • The program was on time. 1 2 3 4 5 • I enjoyed the presentation/videos prepared. 1 2 3 4 5 • I was able to meet new people and mingle with them. 1 2 3 4 5 • I learned more about the org and its projects, etc. 1 2 3 4 5 • They were able to facilitate and manage the activities and participants well. 1 2 3 4 5 • Speakers shared relevant knowledge and insight. 1 2 3 4 5 II. Venue: • The venue was appropriate for the event/activity. III. Food and Drinks • The food was enough for everyone and was tasty. IV. Activities and the Self V. The Project Heads, Facilitators I would rate this activity as a 0 – 10 (10 as the highest) = ______ Where did you learn about this event? (Check all that apply) Point Person (Ate/ Kuya/ Buddy/ Hotness) Email Blast ACTM Planner ACTM Website Friends Others:_______________ Please complete the following sentences. I like this project/activity/event because…. This project/activity/event would have been more successful if…. My most significant learning in in this project/activity/event is… suggestions:: Other comments and/or suggestions DOCUMENTATION SUBMISSION DETAILS Submitted on: March 13, 2010 Submitted by: Aizel Acayan Done by: Aizel Acayan and Willjann Tam Photos by: ?
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