"- . . .-... .... , ~ . "*~ .:. - .,.~ ~ thie 'OAAPttll' ::aLtbe U.. nbeuen ii'•• ,te'L Ba~;_,. .,.. . 80me record tiWcotJe:iI:d 1II'iUuguu. .-:. _ . ".-" ..... .. vivid persoDal rccdl.leot!• • •et ·dOwn-.oms time 'atter the evcIit. ~~ .... " . -' bY.tWo oUiotr, who took' part iJi the ,urveys- ot··th&·c·ffect..... or .. :the bombs., " :.. . . ~~ . fPc!. firet ,.8I1Gllee" .... liti~eOt 13l"1@le'r ·ceneral ,(then. . · . . '-. . . . . . . . .. Colouel) R. C. Vlilson. U.S.~F •• q~ted f'rem-8:J~r~ dat!~ l~ A~,t ". , ~48~ . ae. ".' - "." +.. - "'t. followa, ... ' - . . ~ -~ .~ oompliance With ¥our reque8t.~ I ban JGtted ~ .0.... · uf -"'¥.J. . '. · recollcctions of ' Japan as i t ap~reci to me jqat before and ilIimed~ateli" a', · . . :-".'. ~er ~"\,urre¢er ot AU~~... ~4. l~~. ~:~·.hf.veO()nti~d.•~ neitls. to ,8triC(lY: ..' '. .' .' .". .:.~~-t.Ollni,!al as~e~t~ sino~,lat.te~. ~ve. been cover~~ ,el8'nher~ in · gr.t number Or reports -: IncJfUdi~ my 1:IWn. ... a_._'_ ' .- "I had . j~t.returned to. the United.Statea1'romOkitiawa- when - .~'.: .. immedi~ely ordered back to ~the .., Paoific with ·lnstruotioIi$ tQ . find and report i~ Brigadier General lie~n. . . ..... .. -. .' '. . Bomb was dropped'-9f1 Hiroshima. ! 1I8.S . ~ I lcft ina ~at bUrry, ---~eaOme - -...-=---=--..!.........;..~--------:-'·o:n0-'£:1l1"""'iost l -- and a1'te~"tlearch1ng Ha~ii.~~'and Tinian. .-.-.- woUnd.: . ~ck in . OIdna~ .j~t .S" Weelc:liat'ter ---.,. I,' having bid it what' i had' -" thought "'is ... Tinal ...... ' . .l'are'Well.· ~here I f'o\Uld . 'General Neviman pleading 'for',,-- .' . '{ukohajqa. "Vie :lande~.,,~t:,~t.eugl·~d ~ ~~ene ot:tre~ndoU8· act·iTity •. . '. -airdrome wa8batt.~ tuM)' 'o~l'at~~l~ _~-~- ..,-. ... '. .. ~ The . _____ . - .. . .---:---.--~~-- _.- t . . ~ . . "lie obtailled ts:auportat1on. and headed for Yokohama. TJie ,I; --... 0. ir .· countryside '!'as ueeJi andk'eacef'ul. mow1ng no sign of war. ' But along .. • "i'- ; . -" .. . the roads w~n tUr.ped thid.r ;b&0Jal. and demobllised soldiers trudged ~, " liliUvidually or in·.... ll·gYoupa 'with a .studied 1fId1f1'erence.· Onlc:JIy'-·.:c..tne=--'--__ ' .. '. .. ohlldTe~ -veetid us - and theY', ~1d sb with eDtUu.la.sm.· They ~~tI ~th" 'V' . ·_ji·pf'ijitbOjit fin, iji4 jIl@ttted'iElu=c,O 1~' S0Jb8cf themdemap4ed. ~ •. ~o. it' , • ">- -ing. • . -.' . , "... ~ ···c·~;..;,,· .~"~e· - •..• "• Outni;rt8" ~Yoltohama·~~e~~ltf brido c"---'-_ _- - : - . _ .10 ',"" - ....... ' ' out. t~ pe~le ' • ~~ =-_-'-"='-~== , . 11ving 1n: 1tut~_ iDipr.ov:t!ed _0rJ~!l:.va,~ze~.1"r'oll she~tin~__~~,~ther salvaged materia];. t- . I t was obviQi!8 thAt . ....'\.:.,. commupity life ·VlaS being oarded on und.e-F: .~ s:: exce~inglY great haz<dship. . - - --. --- -- - -"-"··wThe -center 01'-tfie-cnf~er;-wa6' flat- greati')' d:eJDaged •. Wa: . .....,,_..I . appe8.r~ t~ be !a1rJ,i ~orma·l. although the absence of any -!.,~. consid~~le -. r • . nl,llDber of' people' ~s· iiotable. ~n Qlung toget~, f()r Thr?ugh t~e streets passed mobs of demob1- 1llUtUal.-a.u.pRW'.t... __IAu§_~tlU,.co~eILwere gener- al~Y ~~SOlutely ·SllEtIlt. and appeared~o be ignored' by' the ·;eW'01V1l1&DS onr..r the streets., " 7 •• "The-hotel ,'elected- for ho.Uiing ~-rank1ng-"'off'ic,ial, ~ for . • . -~ - _ •. _ - ' ,~.--- .~-......,- , . arlu8if .. ;-.!.- . . . . . - - - ........ - ancfl,ayonet-ed8oldierl . -:::".. • . ..... , •• " -. ~" --- • ''AnO' ~1t-1l8 wttJr~s'ning-·'"present-arins-.L. 'In the' ge:thElrl~gdark. 'backli~t8d by the flooding hotell1ght, this sC.ene wa&--better than any ~ovie could ~roduCe •.. ,'- . ." ~46 '·.1 -,. .. -----~ -~-- • "IIr... , 1 t:.:* L.\ J'~.", ... . .j.:. aS~d'a·~i·.~~~~~ ':~'ot pe~p;_=-'~ of age4~ ~it .~. tOUO~d her for~~~d 1.0' tt: rioo; ~ne;-- ".,-lfts -, dyeUs . ~ " . ~ ~ , •. ',- she e~tei"eCl. the place·. '. ., . ~,.., ....,..---,..:...-c---~ .~, ~lac~ was ~" .potlesBlf-clea~UDDing 'water and ~s . :.- ",- . I .. - . .. ..,. '. ... . -,. .. a vast lmprOTelll8llt over Oki_wal l'he b.ed, ,lunrever; was' a huge boxlike, ·'"tn;,t~!1t '!.o~ eO~8:~on1) wi~h .- Ii tie;. _t' ad eM~ f1tIll:'h /1' "Tfie , o. -,-_____. _ _ nuter. a aay-or~ YukolJ&!l&~g jm1:ch:t-iIiIe -we ~....-ttiflheler--'-- ,,;..... -:.:. " . . . . .. -, headquarters develop into:9: faithf"ulreplic,!.of the Penta·~on, Colonel · .Do·uQled~y and I ~btain.-cie.Teep an<Pvlsited tokyo.· am • '~ _It are" "';-8 d@stroYAA cQpmletelv. town, .wt11ch as, yet-__ s 'otf .11mi,ts· .to the ,;. There were no American t roo'p8 in .lith Airborne •. "/; saw ~~ ':. · ~ o~,io:aal reporter. but ot.bend.se ba4t.he conquered city to ourselves, The ..- . , people were not hostile but exceedingly curi..ous. They s_~<l,~ll over _ _ - our'jeep at each stop. -Community life was orga~ted I and .corltrolled ~ hordes of gendaraes ., happier days. '-.c -.- ·We . die 'not see Tok[o again for ~bout a week after ourtca?ture' of the ~ity. , 1- -..: '.- -:.. ___ n.· -~---::-.::-----.-.- Then. 'as we approached. we we 1"19. ;;reeted by ·an'immense sii;ll' .. . ----,-,-~:=~.~_~·.O~=::----==~_;:__.-. _____ . 6~47 '. ~' .. -tt. Si~111 lJ)~'~~ --' ' ' " ",- -_The initial-iDapeetl-oB partUWbi"h:.:rias Farrell....and _ __, -.... Brigad~8r ' General Newman. aDd which _ ' ._ ' 'f ,- : l~ by loIajor ,General- 1~1'JdeQ DIt...-¥orria~ ~ ' ' ", O:theF eirillaa '.1 uri utary p,r-i.iii!l. 'deParte4 toi 'lIiroah.1iili.. t~OBl. -AtsUp ----.:-.-: , in a~ 1t~54 " . , , " ' , - , oOllllll&rided. b)" myself. .!Ie f1ewover the b,urnedou1: .. e.¥ .r1dned .' . . .. .. . -. .. . - aities of Osaka' ~ Kobe, arrlv1llg 'mell- Hir:oshima in midmorning. It was ,'a!~,nt ;~t a ~ana~ :x: ~ro;tdlIJ;·. lIi:,eFt ... ' i~"~£~~Bij. becaUSe, ~y iength,a'nd'~ Wr.~~'-l1tI:6jedtlw-il.QS~'~:'-~-~ . . .. ~ -'.. ': of the.J.imihd .. ". miU,taryalr~ mana:~ed a, successful Vie proceeded, therefore. to the of IJakuni, "~ ... out;' 20 mUes ,to ,theamath. 'Here, _ landing, .despite bomb , ~ . "'.t" ... . .... ·".x f;." :f" ,'", .. - .- "We oommamfeen.ra bUS a!!d"aotll1e:r'~dver from the' local C.cm- ipcredibly bild roads ~fr'equem, bnalaiowns. :- If' my memory serves, it th~ required'"4 to 5 hours to oover . __ ~._ __ 15,miles from l'ftltluQ. to the head~ , ' " ," , _. , . - ...~ .i quarters 'of the military oommander of the Biros-lU,ma, al."8&. - . ' !tAt headquarters. . ' . gage ~utsid,e the ~ . .. . ,-,: ' " . . . - "~ were allowed to stand ~n "Ii' huMle < • - gates, whilil our qf bag • agitated-~ihr,-Dr.-t-Suz-uld.~.~l'Ndl'ged-t'or- ".-' .oUr'r~~~pti'~. ' Eventuall;y, ~:.e~tI' adm' tted, .&rid:.t.Qil~_the bj,)llrOm.' the ga:t;e- to the 'taisa.!:s' office 'in a. pl:ainly evi~ent atmoSphere of ~~~,:-~"ilciBtility.'-'_ ~ -----~, ," -' .. . ~ . , It was clear' 'thht the t6.isa had not .expec~ted us, 9.f .......... .. -T----:.-,,--..,....,. ;' Z%:~, =;:::==::-:-~=---~'~--"--'" \'1118 doubtfUl t~ ~pose cif our.~yi8it, ana lacked lps~tha:'fF,em 'b.S.ghe~ ~antbori'Qr~ , - "0"'--- .--"---- - - -_... • -"-- . Despite Dr. T-s'lzuk1 l s explanations (1Iih1ol'l'we could only assume were-- correot) ... he remained cold, '. "-~. hoEiti~e a~ Uttcoop"at'ive. -~--~-.-~~ .. 6~- It developed that he expeoted -. .• . 61 - ... lidi~ iii ... . .. . ~ witb . .., 't· ...:~ .I..:!"'..... . attendant ,,;,, --. meiliaa Eo ~.i.t •. Xc iong ti". ~ ~i.~1"8i . . 'Sil. fa. - . ; _:, - _:.:J . i t~ 'Disaster'" as Ineviteble, but t"efused t·o provide _aooOll1lllOilation, - OJ: . . . . . .. . . -. ass~ rea~lbI11ty for oW' satet~. He did agree to· a:ss191·an o!;'floer to- gu1de~and doubtles.-~t~ watob) our ~,.. ~ . - ,- - sIlJ'PIi&~.d. in the light ot. aU -11qis eeldMv,.;-*~- tile .-- .,!>Wi "'" . rft!1,,!',t taisa" . }. .~ --.. ~ .. --_. . lust Rdor ~o our ~eparture, to be .:..., ~ photogaehed with ,..squared himse.lf_way in the mid<lle -of" a short settee ~ J .< .. • .. whereM IiPJ'ead his - _ ... . knee~ ~~ aDd ~l~ped_ his sword firmly ~th both ~s. _The generals s~t·on. elt~t:' 8148 pt hbRrut the tw-shoi t: se~~. piotur& 9f the tali. tirmlytad .xpansively po~ed W. Jet a pia.!s'Q19u. ?n the settee with an Americl'Ul general olinging tor d~ar i;te..on either-,~de. "The ~i~ Tsuzuki. now r'ein£oroed. by :th~ Jap majoro-gut-us back-w..eur '"1:l~ ~~_-~~ad~~"~O t~ sbri~, 01' ~ -: IIlIa;hbna ':ttY;.g~· nig;;t-. Th~ --~~- shrine. loeatea on aIr ls1and, is oentUries old an~ s.tlll a- goal for, pH· grime. It ,is r~achedthrou&h~h apl?ear:&--1;(r-be the. J~V~ equivalent of Atlantio City - or . even Cone~lsland. .,- . Nevertheless. When " ~ ferry . dooked. not a- townamap wa;·to be .een on the lead. . ~~'5treet ... . . .. : .:"f---_ .. however, "",gendarme was-- stat~oned. _ . . •- • ·In aDII"51ute si-lenlJe-. ,except for the -·1;l0l.8e we ourselves created.-~ aq-uggled .u{the stroet with our luggage. . ........' . wrth the aj(;-r.l~aaing~.we.pe.iI-~edThe C~O!iedllhOPII ai!d-nousell; ·and9.ll we·· . ~- passed, each ~}1d.arme in turn tell in silently Qehind~. gottenbOYlfar - .~. WEI walkeli; ..1',I1,1j; :"e)lad...q\!!te a pla'!;oon behind us when we arrived at the shrifte 1 , / .. v / I have for- _- ... , .. .. _--.- . ......~ '. ,.. r .I.-~----- ..esni we Wirelllit by the IWa4 pd8Btaud; b) 0t18 idftf appewe4 .-----to---be.~~ .keel'.". ,After ·res1..te!i~.' a thraUgbout . V~.UP .of small l!0US8& 1:fie al!lng , ' . l.. .we .-:--- ~ .., ..ttned in pairs bank of a' nmn1~ 'etr~. '. . The whol~ shrine' area was forested. gloomov aDd stran&, to Amerioaneies;- ..u pr~ent~ with' e:~no ~. sandalS aM direoted· ·.. ·-·---t~e.~~1:y .bath~ ihe~~ ~. ~.oiB1sed Wi~h the lOcal ~o~t~ ~t.. Pre8ently~.each of l uS . ..!JiI\o,;p<. ., ...... - ·~ __ r ·• • . ·_ .. " . . ."taMing. on tl~ 84.@ of tiki" pyat i&i dous15 weR otmiFiHh itiike6iiil. ~. r ) _ 9f t.h~_!1.ot_~~8!'..,. wliie~!:~~wed in trom' o~ :~80i~~~_. ___ ~.:...'_"".'--_ _:........ aWe bad ta~ the preo~utici~ of bringtng~ariDs:t~ the bath, . . '.. -.. .... arid:after emergfiig;- wefouridthatah other equipment had vanis1Ied (to " --'. , ," '. .proteot it trom "nderingdee~~it_ ~s explained). ' " . • Of So. we dressed ~n our '. kimollOlS and safldals. buekted1J?D=9ur weapons and follcr!red a guide tg thi .:.. _--......- ..... . --: ............. his wife. ID.!! 'e~el1en:t ehie~ prie8~'s gent~emen . quarters for by his ... ~- di~er. diilner ~ -. ' The priest was most cordial, as 'R8:s '. '- venison. was...sarved 'to the squnting ., . \.. . wife.:~d a ~umber of. othe~ la.diea •. .!iter di~r, he -'. ' served Japanese 'Scotch' (cOJIlpl,ete with UK label) whioh tasted like kero,:" ~ene • and. which, perhaps'. "Soon atter fEirt~tely ,.n!>"ODe ~oulci ·..Jink• diDnerWe retirmL.k~ ., ""!" ~ I!l8.W ·...1.th an odd SEL~ - "' of unreality. ___ __ .___ ~IIext_morDlng. things had changed~ AlthoUgh we l1ilrt veryvarly; _the. town was tm-onged with people who appeared c urlous and· e~n 5ieiidly~ Our bag;;age. was carri~ to the ferry for us .. ' And on· the mai!11and. _ ---.-.--.--.-------...... ---~---- -_.-.-_...!..-..... ~--_.-.-. _--;.-rcllmd ~"21Tr1n~ 'of' cariit~ takeus-int6 Hl~Bhilna. ... .. "A good deal has beAnwritteu abQ·1.!t ·liiroshima. but no-one oan . ----=.::.,- ,-,"-- -----~ ..- ..• - .. - - .... ... 6.60 ...... ~ - .< :'r~" . . .~.~ '"S''' {: i '. l' : C.,r' , '. 0<. .... .#-. - " • poi...!;. in the 0114 ~ a1:most Ctv~rpoweILl,.~n Ul~~8e.r who . ., . ~ r . . seem. Jiot'. ~ ~. their, DauSeating ihoney ca,rts,' ~d th8'k' DOSeS bo~ . " ue whi~el they ~robed :hB ruiDs •. "·And the blue-bct~~~ flles. 8?Illrmed in . +. -- ---.. '- ".' - ' . . . . ", - climbing a hill in the southellst part of the e1t~ t _ ... , I was told that it .. ., was 'the abode' of Yama - God. . "The initial ~~ entering . Na~saki == . essen~ially was composed of ·th~roshillla :group; Dr. Warren.MlQ. his.·medicaLstaff stUl vlere absfuit. Rear Admiral li. E • .-Byrd.' joined . tis.as.an.additional . o~ _to .the party . . whi.ch once ap,1nO.epad;ed fram Atauga-in a· C-54 c-o_ndec1·'bY·lIIe. ~ . . ' 1.ng field, Oml,tra. was covered with low clouds 'and We were. forced" ". - . in fri;ntftil :., sha~: ,aband~ned,'and its hangan. were - shot up,0":· , _burned, . '. "lis ~ " ....~.. .t..O.j' ... lY~·-;-_ _ ba"rracb.. . its.field pitted with b01n.b.. craters and littered nth burned- .0uUr wrecked _air~l~s.' In pioking' o~~;t;lu!ough-~ -ruG:':"On.:::rBbiing•. .- .we ~- -': blew ou-t: all fo~ ..... ~~ tires on' the a~rplane • .--~-'~&'~'-'~~~ '~~rt~~' str~~-"~-,--b-Ut-----a-f-t-;-~r~--l)-r-oa-a":'c-a-s-t-l-n-g-a-W-·e-·B-S-ll-Y---='- for aBs1staDce-;tlle party requii~ed a bus and d'ep.e.rt.e,,- 'l'or:Natasaki~' _ . <In' ~ab~ae~e ~;-the .p&J'ty i'r~ OIIiura-an~iz;plane- with apaJ!e· tk.a .-ande-la.Io---. / ' .--.- .' .. ~:--.int8nancL.Cl"el\' ~rived i'r0ln Oki):law!l. wI1ex:e our'dis-tresB signal had beEl,D -~ ,. -' .--. ...... -.~ ·6.61 . ----. ' " .. ~ UQrUrffed .~. , --'* ,... ", '"f ( .' , ," • '- efficiency.)' '-r= . "C!1~ip from 0iIiU'i'l to Nagasaki. it was observed thnt the' _ . '" " ., 1 . T~ce.raQdieB had been,orgarii!,d i~o~,comple~ and ,de~dly 8~8~em of . '4..ie~ ..lp::'e·ptb. "T., a~paren~;!iat :the~'6i~ Of ,tb1~"8~'O~d ha"ve "b;~~_ac~~li8hed only at. a stag~rinl5' cost in ~asue.ltle•• ., .. --~'~~~~~"~'~'--~-== . . -"!' -.- ... ~ - £. . .. . ~~ . - . . . :vath· whe re we ~-bU8 sed and stQOd1u. t::he.treei . .·Wl1ll$-~ . . . ~ ~lavere;;t . . whUe,:rresuma'Jl}', 1I1Lr.ere to ~it ~ 'Qutbu,rst ..... ~' . . in ~he 8tr~t. This occasioned an '--~'.... \ :"'. cltlm,1na\1nji; with an' or at 1oD.:;fY Admira..i B:trd to the effect that . .... . .. ~ - .. ,.;;;; .. . ' he Was the President'~ personal representative and :i~ended-t? Wait upon the-p~easure minorJapane~e of no funetionar.y. The governorproIaptly ':'," joined us 'in the street, where he was allowed eventually to coax uti into , nOUr .business being ._,:'9 0n in ... -. ----- the,.-~ity., but decrepit .bus. . rpund . at.at~~~ we ,p~epar~a· to go about 012r i.nspec- our trlllllJ.po.rlatfon'to be the-now.Je.nl1l1ar "p".:.. ~--- --------.,..---.~: .. 6 • r~quested cara, b~ were informed that t here were n&ne We .. , \ ' . . ..- in llapuaki,- t~s although we, could see American l1iD.ous1ne.s passing jus"'t ,J. under the .v4.D!iDW•. ..Further- ... -_ -: .. <i~8gussipn -- _-'ls- - devel0l'ed- th~ fact that .cars 1!~re the pr?pert;( of' the Japlltlese a~ - therefore,' thair use b;i. us ~s un.. _.... ~.--- -. .-~. ----.-- ---- .':tliirikable~ he t;otoui' cars' ' - - --~.-- . __ . .. - - ----~~- . " -',." ~""~'-~" -* ....-...;i'. .... u~ s ~ Ue.rines :lalld and oeouJ'J the . town. ·e~ the-'wrong' It was of a Mari.ne landing. "'e very -'." intennrtffig to be on nat~ce' that S~.~~h8 troo~~ ,;..;;. ~;·.rraftti as !1U'pri8~d·tO· '!.e)..·· _t.· I douet really bQP if w .. ;iiale ... ~-.-.- 'Pii'ty-. rile oharge governor's WetcOmtiig The second set of rtlcol1ectl~ .'11' 'oUt Of·bOO\iiid8.""· ....;·-+-l~....,....~ are those of Colonel Staftord . .~ . . J• . - _. . . t L;.!.We.r.ren, now Dean-, Scho~i ~6t- ~~~, uDiverslty of Cali1f~'a, qU6t.ed --.. tram a'letter dated11'JuDe 1948. as £ollowa: __ ·~here·are three points .' '--. ..r-&r~,,~ ot interest which involved our parties which ~ght ~ ot irit~rest to you. Fri~dell's ·Colonel party ,- ~n-Hiroshimi ~iseovered .' a small I amount 'Of radiuai. pres\UIIIlbly about twenty-five Dtilli-gr,ams. It 'WaS . . ,picked up about 'three htiDdred teet or so oft the main street i~an area about·one-haiJ'.~rom~the ... • • • _/. • - • ." '_~.," '". . ' • epicenter'. -'There 'W8.~ • ~~ -r- ' ,_ . < ~. _ ~:;li~-~i 'b~ne ira-g----• -:: (' • '. - ~-=~w~tJi:me Hh:-'whe~:@!_t~'-;Of ~n ~.~been,er.ema.t.ed - ~-' . by the Japanese. The G8iger CoUnter deteoted it· and led them to t~spot. , ... Thiy dug. the iile up with shovels and by eliminatin& one shovv,lt\1l after' '.. another. they finaUy located' a small,container. obvioUIJly'a oervical or' vap.na1 radium applicator. the best 'pss being 'that' it was in a patien:t t re~e-1rliig. treatment--lii-li-'docTo"iTiI-quarters . _time of the blast'. ' or a hospital room at the Colonel Friedel! brQu~t the radiUm ~~k to Tokyo aild had' a discuss"ion among the &t~~P • .inc11.l1iing our ~ pa'rty and other•. ' .- .'---- ," 6;51: , .. ~ " '. -or ~ --- '--;'~-,,-"~'=-:-'"'~ .'~ !/", -- . -- .. --- -' ~ .-'r~-l; ~.-~-:~ r.'£;'~. .~_~:_ ~ /_ ~-o~:.' ~ "L...,... pere~l. ooncel11ing what 1I8S to t9 ?oj i. !!e!d,4 _" J8.panese M-.. if .;r. M¥e ta i I1( .J • .. . be done ~th =...\18 who ho8p1t~1'- locate~ at the toqo '- the ~-ow.=oe. ~P681tea We-TiDally it With the SoMol.--:tM&--~--~..- "';;pede1 Jdedioal ~~s done' the. day be1'ore1l'le--lett. 'It was. r~pOrted to Intelli~nee om" -- ~ .-"": __~_ : . . -. ~. .. .. . .t~i ~~ .!'M •. \'Ve a1400.rt1f~sa:tbat . ~ it J;H , . ti.~ Thi~)wa.Tm eViden9'~f' ~.b' 'Cri.... ar o~ \ >. •• ··Colonei Friedell l _ partyentel'ed the- west to . _ot ". B1ro,eh1ma . . --;...tollo?l' - the trai)' ~1' .. It.,. ~nt1di... "." Be . ~. t'-, • i 8UbUr~ sss -' and area, to -bbi! t~' the fall. ~t~' Xbel" traced. it- .to the' weiterl,l peek·ad.ai08Iltt.e.41t!' edge ot;tiie ditte!.a!' to the. top of the hill where t~re _a"",8hr~ne •. ----:--".-, ttiire 1I'8.S .,". - an. absence of r;oada and bamboo forest which - time they L" They oould go..... no1'ul'th~r b.ea~e _._ .. ___ -.. they- ';'er; faced'lri. th:' lin ~enetrable _........ ~s located on the "O~ sUe of the hUl. By that were~e~U8tedand als~ • wer& nearing the end of their stay. -" • -- I ' . The survey had to be te=ni~ted, so we dO,not'know the we~terJu*t.at..,. . .. - . .... ---'--of.'. the d~~ -~~~~ tion. It' Was very mlnor and 110t hazardous, ~. ~ :........a-.-.. _~. _ being -- - . . .• ' . t . __ almost at the lowe.r. limit of seilsitivity0f' 'ttieiri'listr~nt8. ~--'- ~"1'he iI~c~nd' episOde of some intereet)C;ocurred.....wb.n· NolaD.Ough,terson, Ira8n~r •. -aad I were' gro)lllded tlt the----H!roshiM Airport. An "'+ " ____;_". 1)_ , ex- Los Angeles Japanese. DeW8pap.rman appeared on the seene at dinner and iiiterpreted aocounts of the Japanese newspaper .. -uf'-'!Ihicll :M:-cllrrled a copy. -'--~' . .' . ". ;. ' - j . .0- _ . . .-~---c-~~---It cOIltaineci the storm of--.mntroverU _ra1fI4~~_DY' the ,Ameriean eorre8pon- .' dents over "'the .......... ethioa-'-ot .lUIing. the bomb. bl!glnn1ng to .. ~ -~- .Th~ Japanese. of course, -were' o~1me in. b~t.in general. were -sitting.1: i .ght, keeping thei!' ,.-" ·f ..... - -:-- , .. .--------~~-.---~ ...- .- ---' ~; --. ! .'-' . ""'.'-"-~- -.' #- '.~. • . .::'~~ \ . ____ -~.~~·thoUez;. ~~heJn!l~1'0. al)otlt thinDa~ter. 'I,e'4iecU8sed thigS..rar Yin ·scheduled fOl" No:"'r' ·lst. ~h ..FhE 1.41";11 tite all •• w.4i i-n;8-"'s ~~ii. neWs"1i9,'U8but ~'s:~~rl . . . ~-:./ IIf . ~flj,a15 ~ ~_, _~~d. fiiri'ber'- . Was t<?_be their' fate if' they a,UJ'r~n48tm a~·the 8M (iI-~ waF, 'A - ··second. stroni argUment which they' accepted. completely ~il 'th~ -F.~'-' belief that in the process of 0.ur1l88~Ult, we would have killed perhaps as 'many'as several million ~pe.ne6e • . In the assault . . ......... '-.. , - ha~ it . " had as 'not -~- ~ • - .,!.,. ." '-~ we . would probably m8.nt"ti-te;li~ecrtri~1!!fa~ ~eri~an boys . kil·led. Vias bette~'·.to .xti~~~ ~~"O cilt.iEJtf'''hi6t~.~~~r the iiiati~' . . to an abrupt 'stop by'What amounted to.a surgical operation, the net re. . .~ :~":"-' - ------... >- . . " '~8Ult~orwhiC'h aa~ed ~mepe liveir'l .. - . \'ie thought; .WeD we.went to bed and until we got back to l'ckyo a~t .t~~~Y81.ater, that we would ,~ __ '.:~ 8~- thi-a-, -OlL xhe-ataff" . and the newspaper pepp~e in' TQqo~ll_l{'" _._" ....:... .. __ :::. " .~. arrived. To our 11ITprise. this had brokfl1l in the .JapalWse papers the . ' . l1>&xt day after O'Y' ni gilt 'meeth\" as comi~l!; from the Japanese. not j!rQlll • . . - .-.'--*' . , ~. \ls.~ the Japanese' s~yiI).g that it, was ethical to uSe the bomb and they lVere gla~ that 11'8 ~.........,=-----:-- ese lives. and &, had done So-bec.~~~d !savea-'- a~great~ '. great tft8p~&&1e6 e~esaiQPB ~ &ad c. ..; ~ .-~.-;-'~ --::-::..--:.--~----. ---'-- Amef'ioa.nl1ves. '. '.e were greatlyamuseU-at Q~eAts or the lOQa~. correspondents . who .' fel~ t~;: ~~qhad-been sqld'doWn the riVer qy. the_:ap~.6e VIhOJtj.tiwy aboard the banG ·wagon. ......... ~ ~ We, of coUrse. kept quiet E. -S~:~I.::·K··i-0. --+1--·.·i>t.......,....,.:·'-:00\~::)1---- . ... 6.55 .,' ". : . ,;,;.'.. ........... . !II'- ~ ..,.~, ~':Pfl~'· -." " , ' " "t:-- The matter soon quieted down b'lStl) ami, . ., in'- ~pan . about. eur 'partt-of .'it. '-. .... ~ St~8B ... a1thoug1i our~';;~~ 'fr.quently the ,tlnlted UPJ.~8.a . ~ -- t~ sub.%o~ bring of ~ie self-f'lagelfat1~. sort ~ -The third in~ere8tiDb epls~e,was our. y1sit_to the Temple -. . -." .. .. . _ , e " ,or ,Piifi", iii . . -tif't~ b'1'VOUaC a!'ft~.tlle'~_~ the last.l morninS/_ - . , '~ Mstort1ial laiidlll&rk., - - .. _.- - lea, ..... oN, , . -_.(r-..;... ..-.... 'As I, 111illL OR atUts vim . . . '. . . . . • . .. .J:. ,tidI wti:ie:r~ , i't was . building~ 01-4" style ~8e'Architecture, . -':4 '..... men t1n~ ," r~er ~ , i t ~8' about ·fourteen _ . • • . • . •, . . . l . . . .. hUJUUoed ' , > -- a=:iiiluttM . •- ruUe . made, of eedar planks ';fgreat' _0, . "'1 e 'ad:!iiiem to tneinrler Shrine. We ~ook o~· shoes oft ana _llted in.Tsu~uId ·halted us in ~ li~. bowed to-the idol_. The High , ~, Priest came out dres~ed in. PlWe white, and he 'and 'Tsuzuk:iwent thro'ugh a ce~emo.~Y' ~r;r:~h; i~Ol~-: ~ the~ ~1>a:-k :~raced us. - Two ~n,_ supposedly spirits, dressed in white came out· and furiou~iy,~ved plumes abou~ the-place, driving away the evil ~pirit5. tilled with h91: sake were: giVen to • t.o peaCe,' aild, -- OD- US' and we~old this Wf.S a ,p~edge tliat &a,sis, .we all drank it. Colon&l-OUghtel"6~ticas '~~~~~, a ' ~e~re~e~ta~i:'"~;~~ -t;~', ~tepped 'iorwa~d~' Paid his resPects-to the. looal f~ct;;~: who had treated us' 80 courteously. 1. go~', philosophical and gave a toast to the rutur~-peaco bet~en' aU :- . ..,....~tLOns- and tht! nope there would be no more war again. - emotfooaT ab-out , I got a' li-ttle. 'it .. and',this, t;ogether with the knowledge that we'd,id ~~. or p~ll~ge~ hi~eo~jY'~;l:g~ised, the~ .~N;8t ".r4:J.- ; . -. " _ .. - greatly; _ We " _____ ----- , .. .:.then~~,,~out and.4;o~the boat to, shore where we .- _ • weI'S greElted very ~. "-:",.-. """h-------.. , , 6.56 4-, Then oeremonial dishes ----'--' .. \ : ~ - ,esptilctttd , ~ gen?-an;., ca?te.ln -than we ,~d , been prev:i0u81,Y.· , •• " . , _',. " ..,..... '1 reooncile this cerell101lY wi th tlul' ,knowled&e which w~ ha8rl"ece~ved ' -_. . ~ ,-~JI ---Bevera! days, before, that thi,!,' Shrine' , , wa:' the' .eenter for kamikazes, , iiveda Hf. -ofriot~ c.lebratio~)n the hotels located just . .. the8~i~e:, ~ra:H!rp8rto~ '~~ii before'their tour'or ~O'~d '"Do"te M" " . " -;;;;;;J' •.' oratiOn-3M' deiUeati.On a~ thi~.'S1}.r1ne before they, took .ott'for'their mi.&- I w~~ered whether there were mare ,~ie8 or rdatives of .. kamikazes on thi!l island .where we weresingUft'zlly vulnerable. i~'· si'w:ia. . , , intet-.eHin/!:' to '--, , ' - .. --.::., - ' ~ ----, b,trb--nut- une%p.c~~d. ~na.t f t wpuld take ~ -s.~ime. t'tI-o t;:'~e ~~;~;~. iiy;.; ~ssage t'rom,:either of. tlie two cities' to Tokyo. '.-" , However. Tsuzuld se,tll:!~Q to have a mysterious system of telepathy beeaus,e ...----....... . ," he could ma~ a~rangements thro~gh Tokyo fro~ ,those distances in a rew Sinee we 'were afraid that ~y investi~tion of how he did it at houre. the time would cause the'system to faU .ansi leave us' . . . s.tuDd.ed. we did ~ghan1sm ••. 'not inquire as to the : ...:..._:....'_.._'_,' ' 1- shall peyer ,for'getw.lking. intI' ·the-Liedhlai Sohool-4n '.- , '- , '! . -: . Nagasak;i''about ,five :weeks a!'ter the ·d'etonation. and, on tpe landing of the.second floor, stepPing. over the body of a young female .partly burned. --- • go1ng~ the cmido~s of an Aaerioe:n de.signed ,concrete building like these at home.'-t'htdi1lg-i~ a£teT~the 'la):lore:~, eq1rl.-pment--s-o ' -, '---familiar at'-home. and on the flool's, two -or·three_o.r more bodies. par'tly' , . , , . lmrned.. entangled ~ -''==' - . ill window trawea. lIW t:vd sted jJDne F 3fletiliii-bi"..',-/: - -'- "',, Tte,Y muSt have been doctors.- nurses, technicians. and studente. :The ,---, ..~..;',-- ... - 6'.57 , \ ' )" t· .... ~ s· .' -,'" -e:.i;e ,:~rete .. Fi:i.~ vi ::~ !'r.:m ~.:.iJ. efCated boates. . about: three fee~ ~a= :~: tN':· fl ....;...' -_...._-""-. the .plle was in ~ter. n - '~ •.. In:the ba88J!18nt. below- - .. - ep1.c_er~ and ~ ~ Qsitside ... ... --- .~:. .M- ~ .. . " ~.~-.- . .. .... ..... ( . ;=e=::. I • .. - "... • -.- ... L .-_0, .. --.,------,..- ---'-----'-.---.~. -~ ... -. ._-_.- ---~. - - ---- ..S TR·, l" ::-J~ ....,-------,,--.:.--"'-~--'---
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