COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME: Church of St. Anthony BULLETIN NUMBERS: 2460 DATE OF BULLETIN: 12/29/13 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: THIS WEEK AT The Church Of St. Anthony 36 West Nyack Rd, Nanuet, NY 10954 TELEPHONES: Rectory: 623-2138 P.R.E.P.: 624-2230 School: 623-2311 Senior Ministry: 623-1059 Cemetery - [email protected] Cemetery - Church - [email protected] Church PREP – [email protected] Served By: REV. JOSEPH J. DEPONAI, PASTOR REV. ANTHONY MIZZI-GILI, Associate Pastor REV. FERNANDO CAINDEC, Associate Pastor REV. MSGR. WILLIAM V. REYNOLDS, Pastor Emeritus REV. MSGR. ED MCCORRY Weekend Associate MR. JOHN MALONEY, Deacon SR. PAT HOWELL, O.P., School Principal MRS. URSULA MAGEE, Coordinator of Religious Education MS. LISA CHEN, Director of Music MRS. KATHY MCMAHON & MRS. SHIRLEY LEMAY Coordinators of Senior Ministry MASSES SUNDAY MASSES: SHRINE CHURCH - 7:00 A.M & 10:30AM PARISH CHURCH - 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 A.M., 12:45 and 7:00 P.M. SATURDAY MASS VIGIL: PARISH CHURCH - 5:00 P.M. (Fulfills Sunday Obligation) DAILY MASSES: SHRINE CHURCH 6:30 AM & 9:00AM Monday ~ Friday 9:00 AM ~ Saturday THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH DECEMBER 29, 2013 This Sunday is the feast of the Holy Family, which comes on the first Sunday after Christmas Day. Today’s feast celebrates how the humanity of Jesus (including his entire family life) has brought saving significance into the daily rhythms of our human family life. The scriptures offer instruction and encouragement on how to share—within our families, parish families, and the wider human family—the love that God shares with us in Jesus. Selections from Sirach, Psalm 128, and Colossians encourage us to reflect divine love and thus find holiness in all our human relationships. The reading from Matthew’s Gospel offers a living example of love in the actions Joseph took to protect his young family from danger and to nurture them within the larger family of faith of their time. “PUT ON LOVE” Paul’s letter to the Colossians provides us with a key insight. The end of today’s selection contains some advice from the “household codes” of the pagan philosophers of Paul’s day, but this advice is not the focus of Paul’s words. Paul’s main focus is on our baptism into Christ, when each of us “put on love” (Colossians 3:14). The divine love that was made flesh in Jesus and fills each of us in baptism is so all-embracing that it can transform every aspect of our lives—from the most mundane family relationships to our most spiritual relationship with God—into something holy in God’s eyes. This feast reminds us that in Christ, the divine and the human, the ordinary and the holy, were forever linked. When we “put on” the divine love that was poured out on us in baptism, we will nurture holiness in all our relationships—in our families, faith communities, and the wider human family. Today’s Readings: Sir 3:2–7, 12–14; Ps 128:1–5; Col 3:12–21 [12–17]; Mt 2:13–15, 19–23 Page Two ANNOUNCED MASSES FOR SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28 PARISH CHURCH 5:00 PM MICHAEL BRUEN ANNOUNCED MASSES FOR SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29 SHRINE CHURCH 7:00AM BOB ANNESI PARISH CHURCH 9:00AM MARY MEDLER PARISH CHURCH 10:15AM JAMES & MARY O’DRISCOLL SHRINE CHURCH 10:30AM CHRISTIAN ROBERT PICHARDO PARISH CHURCH 12:45PM FRANZO & VINCENT MINGO PARISH CHURCH 7:00PM MICHAEL STELLATO MONDAY 6:30 AM 9:00 AM JAMES CONLON SR. EUGENE MAGGIO TUESDAY 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 5:00 PM ~ NEW YEAR’S EVE HUBERT KLAVER JOHN MARSALISI ANTONETTA SANTORO ANNOUNCED MASSES FOR SOLEMNITY OF MARY ~ NEW YEAR’S DAY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 9:00AM PARISH CHURCH JOANNE WHITE EMMERT PARISH CHURCH 10:15AM ADELE BRUNI SHRINE CHURCH 10:30AM JOHN CAROLAN PARISH CHURCH 12:45PM CARMINE CEPARANO PARISH CHURCH 7:00PM JOAN & JOSEPH LEONARD THURSDAY 6:30 AM 9:00 AM Parish FRIDAY 6:30 AM 9:00 AM SATURDAY 9:00 AM 5:00 PM ROSEMARY POLESOVSKY MELISSA DORSEY DANNY MERCARDO JAMES QUINN FRANZO A. MINGO JACK MICELI ANNOUNCED MASSES FOR SUNDAY, JANUARY 5 SHRINE CHURCH 7:00AM HERMOGENES VILLALUZ PARISH CHURCH 9:00AM MICHAEL RYAN PARISH CHURCH 10:15AM SR. MARY PAUL REYNOLDS SHRINE CHURCH 10:30AM ROBERT TABACO PARISH CHURCH 12:45PM SALVATORE DiCICCO & VERONICA HIDOCK PARISH CHURCH 7:00PM MARIETTA DORMIDO 3RD Brendan Fennell & Megan Wettje James Sulzer & Eileen Dolan FIL AM ANNUAL CHRISTMAS GET-TOGETHER All Fil-Am parishioners of St. Anthony’s are invited to the Annual Christmas Get-Together on January 5, 2014, Sunday, the Epiphany of the Lord, from 2:00pm to 6:00pm (after the 12:45 Mass in the School Gym). ANTHONY’S SENIORS There will be no Senior Meeting 1/1/14 New Years Day. RECTORY OFFICE Please note; the rectory office will be closed on New Year’s Day. for emergencies, call 623-2138. Thank You! FELLOWSHIP/COFFEE AFTER MASS JANUARY 12, 2014 (instead of January 5, 2014) Coffee, tea and more will be served after the 9:00, 10:15 and 10:30am Masses, sponsored by the Lay Ministers (EMHC, Lectors and Ushers). All parishioners are welcome. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Page Three We hope that you have enjoyed celebrating Christmas with family and those you love. And, being that you are reading this, you have certainly made Jesus in the Mass a part of that Christmas! We approach 2014! We all have our challenges in our respective lives. Let us not forget that Jesus - Our Lord, His Father, and the Holy Spirit are with us in these challenges. And, we have the help of those Saints who are with us- some known and some not known – who help us in all these times! May God bless you and yours in 2014! Peace, Prayer, & Gratitude, Fr. Jerry TITHING NEWS: The collection for the week of 12/15/13 totaled $14,056.00. Last year our collection totaled $17,967.00. Thank you! The collection for the week of 12/22/13 will be posted in the 1/5/14 bulletin. BAPTISMS: First and Fourth Sundays of the month at 2:00 PM. Instructions for parents of children to be Baptized must be arranged with the Priests of the Parish. Only instructed Catholics should be invited as Godparents. A copy of the child’s birth certificate is required when you meet with the priest. CONFESSIONS: Saturday afternoon 4:30 - 5:30 PM in the Shrine Church. MARRIAGES: Arrangements should be made at least six months before the marriage takes place. SICK CALLS: Any time. Do not neglect to call a priest to a person seriously ill (while the person is conscious, if possible). NOCTURNAL ADORATION: Each First Friday 8:00 PM until 10:00pm in the Shrine Church. NOVENAS:.To St. Anthony: Tuesdays after the 9AM Mass; Miraculous Medal: Monday at 8PM in the Shrine Church. HOLY HOUR - EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT, BENEDICTION & CONFESSIONS: on Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00pm in the Shrine Church (Confessions if priests is available). SOCIETIES: HOLY NAME MEETING: Wednesday following the 1st Sunday of each month at 8:00 PM. See Bulletin to confirm dates. BLESSED MOTHER'S SODALITY: Meeting on Monday after 3rd Sunday, at 7:30 PM in the School Cafeteria. SHRINE TO THE UNBORN AT ST. ANTHONY’S - A Shrine to the Unborn has been installed in St. Anthony’s Shrine Church. The centerpiece of the shrine is an image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. A Book of Life is enshrined there. Those who have suffered the loss of an unborn child, through stillbirth, miscarriage or abortion, or of a child who lived for just a short time, may have his or her name inscribed in the Book. If you wish to have a child included; applications are available at St. Anthony’s Church office 623-2138. There is no fee but donations will be received with gratitude. Page Four TODAY: CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD at the 9:00 & 10:15am Masses will be for Kindergarten thru 4th Grade. MONDAY: MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA at 8:00pm in the Shrine Church. TUESDAY: ~ NEW YEAR’S EVE ~ see Mass schedule on Page 5. NOVENA TO ST. ANTHONY following the 9:00am Mass in the Shrine Church. WEDNESDAY: ~ NEW YEAR’S DAY ~ SOLEMNITY OF MARY ~ HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION ~ see Mass schedule on Page 5. THURSDAY: ADULT BIBLE STUDY from 10 - 11am in the Rectory. P.R.E.P. Classes for 4th & 5th year students from 7:00 - 8:30pm. FRIDAY: FIRST FRIDAY – Nocturnal Adoration from 8:00pm to 10pm in the Shrine Church. POLISH AMERICAN CREATIVITY SOCIETY FOR CHILDREN - from 6:00pm to 7:30pm in the School. SATURDAY: P.R.E.P. Classes for 1st 2nd & 3rd year students from 9:00 - 10:30am. CONFESSIONS from 4:30 to 5:30pm in the Shrine Church. NEXT SUNDAY: CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD at the 9:00 & 10:15am Masses will be for Kindergarten thru 4th Grade. SECOND COLLECTION will be for and Catholic University of America/Catholic Communications. FIL-AM PARISHIONERS ANNUAL CHRISTMAS GET-TOGETHER from 2:00pm to 6:00pm in the School Gym. PRIEST - CELEBRANTS FOR JANUARY 4 & 5 SCHEDULE: SATURDAY, JANUARY 4 CONFESSIONS: 4:30 -5:30PM FR. FERNANDO FR. JERRY MASS SCHEDULE: PARISH CHURCH 5:00PM FR. ANTHONY MASS SCHEDULE: SUNDAY, JANUARY 5 SHRINE CHURCH PARISH CHURCH PARISH CHURCH SHRINE CHURCH PARISH CHURCH PARISH CHURCH PARISH CHURCH 7:00AM 9:00AM 10:15AM 10:30AM 11:30AM 12:45PM 7:00PM FR. JERRY MSGR. BILL MSGR. BILL FR. FERNANDO MSGR. ED MSGR. ED FR. ANTHONY Page Five NEW YEAR’S MASS SCHEDULE NEW YEAR’S EVE : (Anticipated Masses for New Year’s Day) Parish Church - 5:00pm NEW YEAR’S DAY: (No 7:00AM Mass on New Year’s Day) SHRINE CHURCH – 10:30AM PARISH CHURCH – 9:00am, 10:15am, 11:30am, 12:45pm & 7:00pm PRIEST - CELEBRANTS FOR DECEMBER 31st 2013 & JANUARY 1st 2014 MASS SCHEDULE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31 MASS SCHEDULE: PARISH CHURCH 5:00PM FR. ANTHONY MASS SCHEDULE: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 PARISH CHURCH PARISH CHURCH SHRINE CHURCH PARISH CHURCH PARISH CHURCH PARISH CHURCH 9:00AM 10:15AM 10:30AM 11:30AM 12:45PM 7:00PM FR. MSGR. ED FR. MSGR. ED FR. FERNANDO MSGR. BILL MSGR. BILL FR. JERRY ***************************************************************************************************************** FOR THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO ARE DEPLOYED IN DANGEROUS AREAS Nicholas E. Nieves, U.S. ARMY Stephen Marc Ruffino, U.S. AIR FORCE Vito Errico, U.S. ARMY Jeremy J. Ryan, U.S. ARMY Austin Hall, U.S. ARMY Andrew Brooks, U.S. NAVY Colin Rooney, U.S. MARINES Mr. Mark Jensen, DA CONTRACTOR Travis Boudreau, U.S. ARMY Page Six ALL PARISHIONERS Please notify the Rectory of any change of address. Your envelopes or any letters from the Parish will not get forwarded. Every parishioner should be registered. If you are not, we cannot serve you by issuing testimonial letters for the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. We cannot give recommendations or character references if we do not know you. PARISH PAY If you are interested in a way to electronically contribute each week to St. Anthony’s, you can sign-up with Parish Pay by visiting our website at or by calling 1-866-PARISH1 H.A.N.D.S. (Healing and Nurturing Distraught Survivors) H.A.N.D.S. sponsors a BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP for parents who have lost a child. It is facilitated by Ann Carucci, founder of H.A.N.D.S. who lost her son & daughter–in-law in a boating accident. Their bodies were never recovered. All groups meet from 6:30 to 8:00pm. The next meeting will be January 21st at H.A.N.D.S. Meetings are held at International Headquarters, 9 Scott Drive, New City, NY 10956. Services are free of charge. Ann is also available for personal one-on-one counseling sessions. H.A.N.D.S. has a GRIEVING FATHERS GROUP facilitated by Jack Clifford, a father who lost his son. H.A.N.D.S also now has a WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS GROUP facilitated by Ann Carucci, who lost her husband. These meetings are held every Monday at 9 Scott Drive, New City. For further information please contact Ann Carucci at 634-6706. THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS If you have a family member or friend with mental illness…you are not alone. Come to a NAMI FAMILY – A Family Support Group Meeting on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm at the Dr. Robert L. Yeager Health Center, Building F, Room 119, Sanatorium Road, Pomona, NY. For further information call 845-359-8787. THE RACHEL MINISTRY Every 20 seconds an unborn child is aborted in the United States. In the 30 years since Roe vs. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand, the death toll has reached over 55 million. But the statistics do not document the other casualties: the mothers, fathers, grandparents and friends who are emotionally and spiritually affected. The Rachel ministry is a CONFIDENTIAL ministry for those scarred by abortion, miscarriage or stillbirth. Come and heal every third Monday of the month. The next meeting will be on December 16th at the Marian Shrine in the Cafeteria Building in West Haverstraw, at 7:30pm. For more information call 845-429-2077 or the Marian Shrine at 845-947-2200. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER “Let peace of Christ control your hearts…” Find peace for your marriage on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. For more information or upcoming dates go to: or call toll free: 877-NYS-WWME Ext 3. CELL PHONES In order to maintain a prayerful atmosphere, please be sure your cell phone IS SHUT OFF before you enter church. Thank you! DONATE YOUR AUTO TO ST. VINCENT de PAUL. Donate your auto to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. This Charity was established in 1855. Cars can be of any condition and model. You will receive an IRS tax deduction & free towing. If you have a car you would like to donate please call 718-491-2525. SISTERS OF LIFE Have you suffered an abortion? Experience God’s love and mercy and begin the journey of healing. Please call the Sisters of Life: 866-5750075 or email: [email protected]. For men; call Theresa Bonopartis at Lumina: 877-586-4621 or email: [email protected]. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph December 29, 2013 Over all [other virtues] put on love, that is, the bond of perfection. — Colossians 3:14
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