Parish of Kilmovee Church of the Immaculate Conception, Kilmovee St. Celsus’ Church, Kilkelly St. Patrick’s Church, Glann St. Joseph’s Church Urlaur MISSION STATEMENT T he Parish of Kilmovee is a Christian Community, committed to making everyone welcome through meeting in liturgy, prayer and friendship as we bear witness to the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. Fáilte roimh gach éinne. 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 20th October 2013 Since its founding in 1926, World Mission Sunday has been entrusted to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, founded by Pauline Marie Jaricot. "World Mission Day, which seeks to heighten awareness of the missions, as well as to collect funds for them, is an important date in the life of the Church, because it teaches how to give: as an offering made to God, in the Eucharistic celebration and for all the missions of the world." (RedemptorisMissio 81) The celebration of Mission Month this year has a very special meaning as we come to the end of the Year of Faith. "Faith is a gift that is given to us to be shared. It is a talent received so that it may bear fruit. It is a light that must never be hidden. It is the most important gift that has been given to us in our lives and which we cannot keep to ourselves." (Pope Benedict XVI) World Missions, Ireland - the work of the Pontifical Mission Societies brings the prayers, solidarity and financial help of the Church in Ireland to Christian communities in other parts of the world, especially those in greatest need. Each Mission Sunday we celebrate that we are growing in faith with the younger Churches throughout the world as we offer them our prayers and material support. Our entire Mission Sunday collection is made available to the Universal Solidarity Fund to be distributed to as many as 1,100 young Churches, and to help train novices and seminarians. The Irish Office sent more than €2 million, collected in the thirty-two counties last year, to help build up the Church in countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, as well as helping in the training of novices and seminarians. Rtin will be "Arts and Crafts Using Recyclable Materials" and will also incorporate some Halloween crafts. The cost of the camp is €30. For more details please contact the Community Centre on 094 9649484 STARS IN YOUR EYES PLEASE PRAY FOR We pray at this time for Martin Regan, Culcastle, Sr Margaret O’Grady L.S.U. Sisters, Athlone and late of Culmore and John Lavelle Bunacurry, Achill (brother of Mary Caulfield, Carralackey) who died recently and all whose anniversaries occur around this time. May they rest in peace. LINE DANCING Line Dancing and social dancing in Urlaur Community Centre every Monday night from 8.30 to 10.00. Contact May Kathleen 086 1763344. PARENT AND TODDLER Kilkelly Parent & Toddler group meet every Monday from 11am12.30pm in Footsteps. If you have young children, are new to the area or just want an hour to relax this is the place to go. For just €2 per family your child can play in a safe and secure area with lots of toys while you have a chat and a cuppa. MAGAZINE NEWS “Kilkelly/Kilmovee, its place and its people” will be launched in Kilmovee Community Centre on Sunday 27th October 2013 from 3pm to 6pm. The well known Irish actress Mary McEvoy (Glenroe) will launch this year's edition. Prizes galore to be won, free admission and free entry to a special door prize of a fantastic large screen TV. The results of this year's Children’s Competition will be announced and presentation of prizes take place. Complimentary refreshments and light snacks will be served during the day, ceoil agus craic for young and old. All are welcome to come along. ART & CRAFT A children’s arts and crafts camp will run during the October mid-term break from 29th October-1st November from 10 am-12.30 p.m The camp is for boys and girls aged from 5-14. The theme of the camp The Kilmovee Shamrocks and Kilmovee Ladies will present a Stars in Your Eyes night in the Brusna Inn on Fri Oct 25th at 9pm. If you have always wanted to be Rhianna, Dolly, Elvis, 1-Direction etc etc, well here is your chance. For more detail please contact any club officers. A good night is in store, so please support. KILMOVEE SHAMROCKS The new lotto season throws in on Saturday next 19th October. Tickets still available from club members. COMMUNITY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Community Council will be held in Kilmovee Community Centre on Tuesday 29th October at 9.30 pm. WEDDING Congrastulations and best wishes to Terrry Dunleavy, Sinolane and Lucy Allen, London, who were married in the Church of St. Thomas the Apostle, Callow, recently. DAVID COLEMAN SEMINAR KNOCK Broadcaster, Author and Columnist David Coleman will host a seminar “Effective Communication with Children and Teenagers”, on Thursday 28th November at the Rest & Care Centre, Knock Shrine. David Coleman’s RTE programme “Bullyproof” recently won an IFTA award for Best Documentary Series in February 2013. Tickets are €25. For further information, contact Alison at Knock Counselling Centre, 09493 75032, or log on to KILMOVEE CEMETERY Kilmovee Cemetery Meeting on Tuesday next at 9.30pm in Kilmovee Church. All members asked to attend. PARISH WEBSITE A reminder that a recent update to the parish website is up and running. A “POLL” on your use of the weekly Bulletin is included and it would be interesting to get your feedback. Click on “NEWSLETTER” Tab for this week’s bulletin and take a second to respond to the POLL. Back issues of the bulletin are also available. The address is PETER JONES Last weekend, the singer-songwriter, Peter Jones, visited the area with his wife Holly. He attended Evening Mass in Urlaur and shared with those gathered his inspirational song, “Kilkelly Ireland”. It was lovely to have Peter there and to hear him speak of his joy at being able to sing the song “in this space” - i.e Urlaur Church. There was truly a sense of homecoming about it. This may be viewed on the homepage of our Parish Website. SUPPORT GROUP The next meeting of the Brain Injury Support Group is on Monday 21st October in Le Cheile Family Resource Centre, Tucker St, Castlebar at 7.30pm. This meeting is for people who have and or experiencing a brain injury as a result of an aneurysm, stroke, fall or accident. It is a space for people to come and discuss issues of their injury to other like minded people such as how they have dealt with this condition and the services that are available in the community. Refreshments provided. Contact 0871685554 for more information. NOVEMBER ROSARY Rosary will be said in St. Celsus Cemetery, Culmore on Sunday 10th November after 11.15am Mass and St. Celsus Cemetery, Kilkelly on Sunday 17th November after 11.15am. Weather permitting NOVEMBER ENVELOPES The Envelopes for Remembering the Names of The Dead will be available next weekend in all our churches. Please take an envelope and fill in the list and return to the churches the following weekend. Thank you. URLAUR WALKING GROUP Are you interested in walking or getting fitter? Wednesday evening at 7.00pm at Urlaur Community Centre If you want to call and discuss another time suitable to you contact Justin at 086 6012867. REMEMBRANCE SERVICE This year’s Remembrance Service, recalling in prayer, those who died in the parish since November 2012 will take place in Kilmovee Church on Sunday November 17th at 6pm. More details later. MINISTRIES NEXT WEEK URLAUR: SS Reader: Louise Kilcullen Eucharist: Nuala Hawkins Offertory: Volunteers Servers: Volunteers KILMOVEE: SS Reader: James Hunt Eucharist: Noreen Duffy Offertory: Volunteers Servers: A Hunt, C Hunt, E Horan, M Regan GLANN: SS Reader: Rita Flatley Eucharist: Mary T Duffy Offertory: Freyne Family Servers: A Henry and Z Loftus KILKELLY: SS Reader: Maeve Duffy Eucharist: Rita Walsh Offertory: Duffy Family Servers: S. Dunleavy and J. Devaney COMPUTER CLASSES Are you interested in learning how to use the internet for finding out information, shopping, skype, email and social media? If so book a place on the next course in Kilmovee Family Resource Centre IT room. To book a place ring 094-9649814 HELP WITH STUDY Supervised study takes place in Kilmovee Community Centre on Monday to Thursday evenings from 5.15 p.m. - 7.45 p.m. Cost is €2.50 per evening. GUITAR LESSONS There is a possibility depending on sufficient numbers that Kilmovee FRC would run guitar lessons. The lessons would be at the weekend and would cater for all levels from beginners up. If you are interested please contact Kilmovee Family Resource Centre on 0949649814 SET DANCING Children’s set dancing will recommence in the community centre on Wednesday 16th October from 5.30-6.30 p.m. MEN’S SHED Those interested in getting involved in the men's shed should meet at Kilmovee Family Resource Centre on Wed next 23rd Oct at 8.30pm. If you have any skills or crafts to offer or are interested in getting involved in any way please come along. Its a great way for the men to meet up and get involved in the community by using their talents. For more info please contact Kilmovee FRC on 094 9649814 PARENTING COURSE Kilmovee Family Resource Centre is going to run a 6 week Common Sense Parenting course for parents with children aged 6-16. If you are interested in taking part, book a place at 094-9649814. It is planned to hold the course in the evening. ZUMBA Can those interested in continuing on with another Zumba class please contact Kilmovee Family Resource Center on 0949649814 DRAMA CLASSES After School Drama Class 'As Gaeilge', Kilmovee Family Resource Centre will run an after school drama class starting in November. Places are limited and open to first and second year students. To book a place call Kilmovee Family Resource Centre on 0949649814 KARATE Karate has resumed in Kilmovee Community Centre on Saturday mornings from 10 - 11 a.m. CAISEAL GAELS Caiseal Gaels were defeated by Castlebar Mitchels last weekend and brings their participation in the Championship to an end. Many thanks to all the trainers for giving of their time so generously. FLEET FEET The walking programme continues at Kilmovee Community Centre on Wednesday evenings 8.30pm. GARDA NEWS Any person interested in signing up to the Swinford Text Alert, can do so by simply sending a text message to 51444. Text the word ALERT followed by your name, address and number on it. Your information is confidential and will only be used by the service. It’s that simple and its free! CRAFT FAIR A Christmas in Kilmovee Sunday 17th interested in Craft Fair will be held Community Centre on November. If you are exhibiting your prod- ucts at the show please contact the community centre on 094 9649484 to book a table. MAD HATTER’S TEA PARTY A 'Mad Hatters' Afternoon Tea Party will take place on Thursday 24th October, from 2pm -6pm at Mount Falcon Hotel Ballina. We are delighted to have Tommy Marren of Mid West radio as our MC for the afternoon, which promises to be a fun-filled day, with entertainment, light refreshments, music and lots of spot prizes. Tickets are €10 and can be collected at Hospice shop Swinford. All donations received will go towards Mayo/Roscommon Hospice.. VOICES THROUGH ART Voices through Art continues at Kilmovee Community Centre on Tuesdays from 11am to 2pm. New members are welcome to join. MEN OF THE MOVE Men on the move continues on Wednesday evenings at 7-30 at the pitch. New members are welcome. MAYO STROKE SUPPORT The Mayo Stroke Support Group in association with Croí, the West of Ireland Cardiac Foundation will hold its next meeting on Thursday 31st October 2013 in the Tennis Club, Castlebar between 11.30am - 1pm. This support group is for adults living with the experience of stroke and their families/carers and friends. Free Admission. For further information from contact Niamh on 094-9049342 MEDITATION COURSE Mindfulness Meditation - 6 week evening courses start Mon 4th Nov in Claremorris and Castlebar. Contact Suzanne at 087 192 9067 SINGERS AND SONGS! We will arrange a short meeting some evening during the Mid-Term Break to discuss adding a few members (singers and musicians) to our parish choir …. Think about coming along. Date and details in next week’s bulletin. MINISTERS OF THE WORD Might be a good time to look at adding to our list of regular Ministers of The Word. It would be great to have some more of our younger parishioners involved as well. 3 201 K Gl ilmo an ve n eRtin an , K d ilk Ur el la ly ur CHURCH DIARY THIS WEEK Church of the Immaculate Conception, Kilmovee Sunday 20th October Monday 21st October Monday 21st October Tuesday 22nd October Wednesday 23rd October Thursday 24th October Friday 25th October Saturday 26th October Sunday 27th October 10.00am 10.00am _______ 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 11.00am 10.00am Deceased Bingo Patrons (Kilmovee Bingo) Donor’s Intention Eucharistic Adoration 10am-10pm People of The Parish John and Mary Keaveney, Glenamaddy Winnie Bainbridge (nee Griffin), Culclare (died recently in Wales.) Thomas Mullaney and deceased family, Cashel. Tommy and Chrissie Killoran, Kilmovee Peter Frain, Rusheens St Joseph’s Church Urlaur Saturday 19th October Wednesday 23rd October Saturday 26th October 7.00pm ______ 7.00pm Laurence Regan Eucharistic Adoration 5.00pm-10.00pm Julia Tiernan and deceased family, Huntsfield. St Celsus Church, Kilkelly Sunday 20th October Tuesday 22nd October Wednesday 23rd October Wednesday 23rd October Thursday 24th October Friday 18th October Friday 18th October Sunday 27th October 11.15am 9.00am 9.00am ______ 9.00am 12.30pm ______ 11.15am Mick Quinn, Bridge Street Michael & Mary Caulfield, Knockbrack Martin & Mary Hunt, Dernalecka Eucharistic Adoration 9.00am-3.00pm Michael Reilly Nuptial Mass No Evening Mass Frances Duffy, Ballaghaderren Road St Patrick’s Church, Glann Saturday 19th October Monday 14th October Monday 21st October Saturday 26th October 8.00pm ______ 8.00pm 8.00pm Frank, Bea & Jimmy Harrington, Glann Eucharistic Adoration 4.00pm-9.00pm Holy Souls Joe, Winifred & Patrick Freyne, Barcul Priests’ Phone Numbers Fr Vincent Sherlock P.P., Kilmovee Fr John Maloney C.C., Kilkelly 094-964 9137 094-936 7031 PARISH EMAIL - [email protected] Notices for Bulletin by Thursday evening please. Email, where possible, is appreciated and contact details should be included. Thank you. Parish Website - Diocesan Website - Community Website - Parish Bulletin - Primary Schools Kilmovee 094-986 1282 Tavrane 094-964 9065 St. Theresa’s, Kilkelly 094-936 7371 ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY - 086-372 5256 - Monday to Friday 3pm-7pm
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