Holy Cross Church MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES DE LA MISA Saturday – February 9, 2008 9:00 † Joseph Anthony Bello 5:30 † Hipolita Santiago † Keith Stewart † Henry Rivera † Carmelo Marrero † Carmen Nieves Sunday – February 10, 2008 7:30 For the People of the parish 9:00 † Euselio Guzman † Ines Guzman † Antonia Serra (L) Richard Demaio 10:30 † Jose Rodriguez Vargas † Manuela Montero † Agapito Valladare † Caesar Peña † Aurelia Iguina † Tito Castro 12:30 † Rafaela Cintron † Belen Martinez Monday – February 11, 2008 8:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 9:00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tuesday – February 12, 2008 8:00 (L) John F. O’Connor, ofm 9:00 † Deacon Juan J. Rodriguez Wednesday –February 13, 2008 8:00 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 9:00 † Maria Celeste Ruiz (L) Ramon Reyes Thursday – February 14, 2008 8:00 (L) Holy Name Provincial Council 9:00 (L) Maria Irene Friday – February 15, 2008 8:00 † Deacon Richard Bragg 9:00 † Raul Thomas Saturday – February 16, 2008 9:00 (L) Friars of Holy Cross Parish 5:30 † Alex Betancourt † Carmen Nieves Sunday – February 17, 2008 7:30 † Walsh Family 9:00 For the People of the Parish 10:30 † Fredesvinda Taveras † Tomas Gomez † Ana Delia Diaz † Jose Felix † Eduardo Nieves † Ivan Nieves † Tito Castro † Luis Frankie Aponte 12:30 † Robert Grier † Martha Grier Mass Comportment As a courtesy, when you come to mass please refrain from chewing gum, eating or drinking in the Church. While the fellowship we share in the Church is important, before the masses please try to be as quiet as possible as many prepare for the mass in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Families with infants or toddlers are asked to please make use of our “Cry Room” in particular when your children may get a little antsy. This room was created to meet your specific needs and when properly used can help avoid distractions to the Celebrant and the worshiping community. This room was configured in a manner to all you and your family to fully participate in the mass and not as a means of exclusion. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please feel free to visit our parish office or speak to the Pastor directly. We want to make Holy Cross a place of welcome and a special place for all of our parishioners. While the mass is going on, please be active participants by responding to the prayers and joining in song. We are called to be active participants in the mass. Comportamiento durante la Misa Como una cortesía, cuando vienen a celebrar la misa, favor de no masticar chicle, comer o beber en la Iglesia. Sabemos que la convivencia es importante, pero antes de la misa favor de mantenerse en silencio lo más posibles para darle la oportunidad a aquellos que desean un lugar donde pueden orar. Pedimos que familias con hijos recién nacidos o pequeños usen el cuarto de niños. Este cuarto fue construida para crear un lugar especialmente para familias con hijos para que pueden participar en la misa y no ser excluida pero a la misa vez para evitar que el celebrante o otros feligreses sean distraídos durante la misa por medio de un niño ser niño. SI tienen preocupaciones, preguntas o sugerencias, favor de comunicarse con nuestro párroco o visitar nuestra oficina parroquial. Deseamos que nuestra parroquia sea un lugar de bienvenida y un lugar especial para todos nuestros feligreses. Durante la misa favor de participar activamente de manera de responder a las oraciones y en canción. Estamos llamados a ser participantes activos en la misa. Tithing News Thank you for your financial support of the parish. We must receive $6,500 in our First Collection to meet our operating costs and would ask that our parishioners consider tithing 5% of your income to your church or donating a minimum of $5.00 per week for the first collection. Noticias de apoyo Financiar Gracias por su apoyo financiero de nuestra parroquia. Para cubrir nuestros gastos financieros semanales necesitamos colectar $6,500.00 en la primera colecta. Pedimos que cada feligrés considere contribuir por medio de un 5% de su ingreso si le permite o lo mínimo de $5.00 semanalmente Collection Totals/Total de la Colecta 2/3/2008 1. $5,675.42 2. $1,510.48 Our deficit - Nuestro déficit es $925.58 Please remember to pray for the sick of our parish Betty Carrasquillo Jessica Benito Betsy Feliciano Iris Rivera And all of our beloved dead Favor de Orar por los enfermos y difuntos de nuestra parroquia Parish Groups - Grupos Parroquiales Sunday/Domingo Cursillistas Black Culture 4th Hijas de Maria 1st Holy Name Society 2nd Sagrado Corazón 2n Secular Franciscans 3rd Family Fellowship Group 1st 11:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM Church Hall Parish Council Room Parish Council Room School Annex Church Hall School Annex Church Hall Monday/Lunes English Prayer Group Parish Council 1st Monday 7:30 PM 7:00 PM Parish Council Room Parish Council Room Tuesday/Martes Legion de Maria Knights of Columbus 1st & 3rd Our Lady of Perpetual Help 9:30 AM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM Parish Council Room Annex Church Wednesday/Miércoles Youth Group Legion de Maria NA 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 6:00 PM Church Hall Parish Council Room School Cafeteria Thursday/Jueves Circulo De Oración 7:30 PM Church Hall Friday/Viernes AA 7:30 PM Parish Council Room Saturday/Sábado NA Divine Mercy 2nd Saturday Lady of Fatima Rosary Society 1st 6:00 PM 3:00PM 6:45 PM School Cafeteria Parish Council Room Parish Council Room Parish Council Leadership/ Liderazco del Consejo Parroquial 2007-2008 Chairperson: Lissette Arevalo Vice-Chairperson: Elsie Albino Secretary: Joan Rocco PARISH MINISTRIES - MINISTERIOS PARROQUIALES Altar Servers (Monaguillos), Lectors (Lectores); Special Ministers of Communion (Ministros Especial de comunión); Ministers of Hospitality (Ministros de Hospitalidad); Music (Música) Please see Deacon Bello if interested in any of these ministries. Favor de comunicarse con el Diacono Bello si están interesados en estos ministerios READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 5:10-11; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19; Mt 5:43-48 Sunday: Gn 12:1-4a; Ps 33; 2 Tm 1:8b-10; Mt 17:1-9 VOCATIONS If you believe God may be calling you to be a Franciscan Friar, please call the Franciscan Vocation Ministry at 800-677-7788 or check us out on the web at www.BeAFranciscan.org. Holy Cross Parish is staffed by the Franciscan Friars of Holy Name Province. Visit us on the web at www.hnp.org. Bronx, New York 2008 Cardinal’s Appeal Our parish has begun its 2008 Cardinal’s Appeal and our goal this year again is $26,400.00. If not received already, you should expect to receive a letter from Cardinal Egan asking for your support of the vital ministries, programs and services provided through the appeal each year. When you receive your letter, please fill out your pledge card and send it in. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. $1,500,000 of the funds raised through the 2008 Cardinal’s appeal will be dedicated to the charitable works across the Archdiocese of New York. Each year the Archdiocese, Catholic Charities and its other charitable organizations provide hope and support to those in need throughout our community. Your gift to the 2008 Appeal will ensure the continuation of vital programs that reach out to so many in need. Apelación del Cardenal de 2008 Nuestra parroquia ha empezado su apelación del Cardenal para 2008 y nuestra meta este año como en pasados años es $26,400.00. Si todavía no le han llegado, esperen recibir una carta del Cardenal Egan pidiendo su apoyo para los ministerios, programas y servicios proveído por la apelación cada año. Cuando reciben su carta, favor de llenar su carta de promesa y mándenlo a la dirección proveído. Se aprecia su generosidad. $1,500,000 de los fondos recibido por medio de la apelación del Cardenal de 2008 se dedicara a los trabajos de caridad en la arquidiócesis de Nueva York. Cada año, la oficina de caridad Católica y sus otras organizaciones de caridad le dan esperanza y apoyo a ellos que son necesitados en la comunidad. Su donación a la apelación de 2008 ensugara la continuación de estos programas tan necesitados. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Request for Financial Support from one of our Youth Group Members And Habitat for Humanity My high school, Fordham Prep has selected me to participate in a service project in Tennessee this summer. I along with several other students will travel to Robbins Tennessee. We will work with Appalachia Habitat for Humanity assisting in the construction of two new homes. Appalachia Habitat for Humanity in Robins is the second oldest Habitat affiliation and has been serving the people of Eastern Tennessee since 1978. They provide affordable housing for those whose income would otherwise not allow them to afford a descent house. I applied to become involved with this project because I see it as an opportunity to give back and make a difference in the life of someone else. As a child in a middle class family, I often unknowingly look at things that others look at as luxury as a normal part of life. I think it’s normal of kids my age to take things for granted - it’s almost by default that this happens. You generally surround yourself with friends that share similar lifestyles, and before you know it you are trying to keep up with your friends and lose the focus of what really matters, the friendship itself. I think that going to Tennessee will be a good opportunity for me to take a step back and look at the world from a different perspective. It will also give me the chance to help share a luxury that I am privileged to have with another, the gift of a house. In preparing for what is sure to be a life changing experience. I am asking for the support of my friends, family and parish in two ways. First, I ask that you pray for the group and me as we prepare for our time in Tennessee. I also ask that you consider financially supporting this project. As a school we are hoping to raise $100,000 to fully fund the building of two homes in Tennessee this summer. Our donation of labor will of course reduce the cost, but Habitat still has to pay for building supplies and contract additional labor to build these homes. We hope to involve as many people as possible in this fundraising effort. Each student that is participating in this project – including myself -- has made a commitment to help raise the needed funds. I am hoping to be able to raise at least $2,000 and hope that you will help me reach this goal. Your donation will go directly toward the building of the two homes. Please help to bring the gift of a home to two families in need. I will be grateful for your donation – in whatever amount you can afford, and I know that the families will too. And, don’t forget to pray for us and for the families that we will be helping. If you have any questions about this project please contact Mr. Brain Carney, the faculty organizer of the project at Fordham Prep (718367-7500). Thanks for your support!! Sincerely, Eric Benito Jr. 10’ [email protected] P.S Checks should be made payable to Fordham Prep and you can give the checks to Deacon Bello on my behalf or leave them at the parish office. We will pool all donations and then send one check directly from Fordham Prep to Habitat. All donations are tax deductible. Please feel free to share this letter with other family, friends, colleagues or anyone you think can help in this great cause. PARISH NEWS NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES From the Parish School De Nuestra Escuela Parroquial Our parish school continues to offer a quality Catholic education. Please visit the school to see what’s happening and/or if you have any questions or concerns. If you are a graduate of the school, please call them so that you can be added to the mailing list. Nuestra escuela parroquial de Holy Cross sigue ofreciendo una educación de calidad y católica. Visiten la escuela para ver lo que esta pasando o si tienen preguntas o preocupaciones. Si se graduaron de la escuela, favor de llamar la escuela para que le puedan poner en la lista de correo. From the Religious Education Centre Please visit the Parish Web Site for the annual Calendar and upcoming events. Regulations for Lent The Code of Canon Law reflects this view of penance. Canon 1249 urges all the Christian faithful to offer special prayers, to perform works of charity, and to perform acts of fast and abstinence. Fasting prescribes that only one full meal a day be taken. Two smaller meals may be taken to maintain strength but these taken together should not equal another full feal. Fasting obliges from the 18th to the 59th birthday Abstinence forbids the eating of meat. Abstinence obliges from the 14th birthday on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of Fast and Abstinence. All Fridays of Lent are days of Abstinence from Meat. There is a serious obligation to observe these penitential practices in a substantial way. Those who work or health would be impaired are excused from fast and abstinence. Individual conscience should decide proper cause for excuse. Amore serious excuse is required to excuse oneself from Ash Wednesday and Good Friday Fast and Abstinence. Del Centro de Educación Religiosa Favor de visitar la pagina del WEB para el calendario y otra información. Normas para la Cuaresma El código de Leyes Canónicas refleja esta visión de la penitencia. El Canon 1249 urge a todos los fieles cristianos a que ofrezcan oraciones especiales, a llevar acabo obras de piedad y caridad y que realicen actos de ayuno y abstinencia. El Ayuno pide que solamente se tenga una comida completa durante el día. Se podrán tener dos comidas ligeras para mantener la fuerza pero, tomadas juntas, no deberán igualar a otra comida completa. El ayuno es obligatorio desde los 18 hasta 59 años de edad. La Abstinencia prohíbe comer carne. La abstinencia obliga desde los 14 años en adelante. El miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes Santo son Días de Ayuno y Abstinencia de carne. Todos los viernes de la cuaresma son días de de abstinencia de carne. Hay una obligación seria de observar estas prácticas penitenciales de una forma sustancial. La conciencia individual deberá decidir si alguna causa para ser excusado es apropiada. Una excusa más seria necesaria para uno excusarse de ayuno y de la abstinencia del Miércoles de Ceniza y del Viernes Santo. Upcoming Parish Activities Actividades prontas en nuestra Parroquia March March 2 March 8 April 6 May 10 Confirmation Retreat (not for High School Students) 12:00pm-6:30pm Family Catechesis Session (2) 1:30pm – 4:00pm First Penance 12:00pm Confirmation 3:00pm First Holy Communion 11:00am Blood Drive to be rescheduled Liturgical Ministers Schedule-Horario para los Ministros Litúrgicos February 10, 2008 5:30 PM A Patricia Diaz B 3 4 5 Sr. Lambert 6 7 Bill McDonagh 8 Lionel Rice/ Joe Aubain * S1 Jeremy S2 S3 February 17, 2008 5:30 PM A Sr. Margaret B 3 4 5 Felix Perez 6 7 Sr. Catherine 8 J. Aubain/A. * Lent 1 7:30 AM Dell Pinckney Danny Royal Lucie Elio Danny Royal 9:00 AM Carlos Cruz Emilia Wales Richard Torres Alicia Garcia Myriam Reyes Elba Barnes Miriam Diaz Ana Zurutuza Dionisia Chaves Amaris Lent 2 7:30 AM 9:00 AM Cheryl Johnson Walter Barnes Anita Pendleton Marisol Figueroa Betsy Feliciano RY Inertha Freeman Rosie Costas EY Alicia Garcia Miriam Diaz Cynthia Douglas Robert Clavell Purple Vestments 10:30 AM Rosalina Torres Luz Ferrin Esperanza Maclara Aurea Rodriguez Juby Rosado Angela Cardona Maria Pagan Milagros Valladares Valentin Acabeo Crisenny Alexa Carlos 12:30 PM Valentin Acabeo Kenia Rincon Alicia Lopez Shirley McIntosh Tony Aviles Maria Aviles Pawel Nycz-Waisilec Angela Civitano Jorge Lopez, Jr. Amanda Stephanie Brianna Purple Vestments 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Yudelkis Romero Colette Joseph Julio Mayta Jane Arce-Bello Angel Ferrer Michelle Ramirez Maria Ferrer Angela Civitano Cristina Ricart Ivan Lopez Blanca Alejandro Sonia Lopez Rosa Figueroa Steven Vazquez Cristobal Figueroa Dennis Riordan Danny Royal Louis Sanchez Alvelo S1 S2 S3 Jeremy Amaris Nicole February 24, 2008 5:30 PM A Barbara Adams B 3 4 5 Enilda Lozada 6 7 Sr. Lambert 8 Lent 3 7:30 AM Dell Pinckney * S1 S2 S3 Danny Royal Louis Sanchez Lionel Alicia Garcia Danny Royal 9:00 AM Cheryl Watt Winston Rowe Richard Torres Myriam Reyes Zemea Molfese Mary Clavell Robert Clavell Benjamin Chaves Karissa Clavell Amaris Crisenny Alexa Jasmine Nicholas Steven Jorge Lopez Purple Vestments 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Eddy Ortiz Maria Aviles Wilfredo Ramirez Pedro Lugo Wilson Mendez Francis Badillo Lucy Mendez Shirley McIntosh Betsy Feliciano Dennis Riordan Juby Rosado Tony Aviles Aurea Rodriguez Maria Aviles Amada Santini Joe Aubain Toni Figueroa Avigail Gilmari Erica Pawel Nycz-Wasilec Giovanni Shiela Jorge Lopez
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