St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish 1421 New Road, Northfield, New Jersey Parish Office: 609-646-5611 Parish Office Fax: 609-484-8345 Religious Education Office: 609-484-0249 * [email protected] Reverend Jason T. Rocks, Pastor Reverend Armando Rodriguez Montoya, Parochial Vicar Mr. George Del Rossi, Permanent Deacon Mr. Luis Correa, Permanent Deacon Sr. Helen Lodge, OSF, Pastoral Associate Miss Mildred DiCicco, Religious Coordinator (609) 484 0249 Sheila Naticchione, Business Manager Claudia A. Costa, Parish Secretary Bettie Timm, Director of Music Ministry Jeff Young, Director of Youth Ministry Trustees: George Hornberger and Blanca Ruiz Parish Finance Council Chairperson: Anthony Mazzeo OUR MISSION We, the members of the diverse community of St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish, united by one faith, inspired by the Word and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, will bear witness to the contemporary pastoral challenges identified in the Pastoral Priorities of our Diocese. Trusting that our efforts will address the needs of those with whom we interact, we will increase the levels of worship and witness in the New Parish. MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAY MASSES: 4:30 PM Saturday Vigil 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 AM; 1:00 PM Spanish WEEKDAYS: Monday thru Friday: 8:30 AM FRIDAYS: 7:00 PM Spanish HOLYDAYS: Vigil 7:00 PM; 8:30 AM & 7:00 PM Welcome to our Church Blessings To all Visitors Saturday, October 11 4:30 PM Ida Martirone r/b Mario & Angie Martirone Sunday October 12 8:00 AM John H. Dennen r/b John & Diane Beres 9:30 AM Albert & Dorothy DeMeo r/b Estate 11:00 AM Tony Coll r/b Wife, Patti 1:00 PM Intentions of the People of the Parish Monday October 13 8:30 AM Louis Spagnuolo, Jr & Josephine Spagnuolo r/b The Family Tuesday October 14 8:30 AM Dorothy DeMeo r/b Estate Wednesday October 15 8:30 AM Joseph Peterson r/b M/M Jacobsen Gerald Genova r/b Bill & Elene Anderson Marjorie Hickey r/b Ron & Rosemarie Rodio Eleanor Morrissey r/b Joanne Gabriel Mary Dillon r/b Theresa Dillon Thursday October 16 8:30 AM Albert & Victoria Dolceamore r/b Marie Dolceamore Ann DeMeo r/b Estate 7:00 PM Mass in Spanish SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Arrangements must be made in advance by calling the Parish office. Parents and Godparents must attend Baptism Preparation Class. REQUESTS FOR ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATES The role of a sponsor is primarily a spiritual role to model a Christian life for the child. Therefore, anyone requesting a certificate must be a registered, participating member of St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish, a practicing Catholic in good standing (not living in violation of the Church laws), at least 16 years of age and have received the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist). Please call the Parish office for an appointment. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Registered parishioners who wish to marry at St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish should contact the pastor during office hours before making any other arrangements one year in advance. Call the Parish office to schedule an appointment. FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION Please call the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Director, Mildred DiCicco at 484-0249. Friday October 17 8:30 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:30 PM thru 4:15 PM. Anytime by appointment. Saturday October 18 4:30 PM Raymond Giannini r/b Wife, Lee Giannini Sunday October 19 8:00 AM Wanda & Bronislaw Baranski r/b Marilyn & Henry Baranski 9:30 AM Evelyn Rood r/b Fogarty Family P lease keep the servicemen and women who are presently serving our country in your thoughts and prayers. 11:00 AM Edward Crowne r/b Frank & Sharon Crowne 1:00 PM Intentions of the People of the Parish 2-636 THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE TODAY A Word from Fr. Rocks. . . . Earlier I mentioned that the month of October is the month of the Rosary. This is due to the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary being on October 7. The origins of the feast come about in 1571 AD, with the naval victory over the Turks at Lapanto on the first Sunday of October, which corresponded to religious processions taking place in Rome, Italy, during which the Rosary was prayed. The victory was attributed to the fervent praying of the Rosary. When Our Lady appeared to the children in Fatima in 1917 AD she asked that they (we) pray the Rosary everyday for peace in the world. She also promised the conversion of Russia if it were consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, leading to the practice of praying for the conversion of Russia. In our time we are in need of peace. Russia was consecrated and the communism fell. However, the faith still needs to grow anew in those former lands. The Turks were defeated in 1571 AD, ending the advance of an Islamic State into Europe, yet, new, more violent forms of Islamic States are on the rise. In the West, we have embraced what St. John Paul II called a 'culture of death'. He called it such not just because of abortion and euthanasia but because we have lost the sacredness of all life, its goodness, its intrinsic worth. When a society no longer sees the intrinsic value of life, its goodness and sacredness, that society becomes cold and merciless. Such a society becomes a group of individuals, seeking not the good of all but only individual goods; that is, what one thinks is good for himself alone. Devoutly praying the Rosary daily can change all this. First, by praying for the conversion of the world. Entrusting those who do not have faith in Jesus to the care of Our Lady. Let us entrust to her those who wish to harm others by acts of violence. Mary's intercession is powerful and should not be doubted. Secondly, by prayerfully meditating on the mysteries of our faith as presented in the Rosary we open ourselves to the love of God and begin to see the goodness and sacredness of life. We begin to follow the way of Our Lady: saying yes to God's plan and becoming an instrument of grace (the Visitation) while gazing through Mary's eyes at the life of her Son, meditating upon Jesus' sacrifice of love on the cross for us, while desiring to share in the glory he has won for us. Praying the Rosary can bring peace to our souls. A peace we can spread like a fire upon all the earth. I t’s usually easy to pray for our own children. Their needs are so apparent to us. Since October is Respect Life month, pray today, now, this moment, not only for your own children, but for all children in the world, both born and unborn; for all lives that are threatened or suffering. 3-636 PLEASE REMEMBER: THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2014 (COLUMBUS DAY) T he Sodality of St. Gianna Parish is participating in Friends Helping Friends Day on Tuesday, October 21st at Boscov’s and is asking each family in the Parish to purchase at least one ticket. Purchasing a $5.00 ticket will entitle you to a day of shopping at Boscov’s with a 25% discount. Also, your ticket stub will go into a drawing for many door prizes given out through the day. There will be entertainment and free refreshments served throughout the store. Sodality members will be selling tickets after all weekend Masses, in the Gathering Area of the church. Your participation will help the Sodality of St. Gianna Parish to continue its Works of Mercy. Thank you for your support. MASS OF ANOINTING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2014- 1:00 PM O ur mission as disciples of Jesus Christ is to do what Jesus did. In reading the Gospels, we learn about Jesus’ concern for the sick. Healing was essential to the mission of the disciples: “He summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two. They anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them” (Mark 6:7 -13). The early Church continued to be a sacrament of healing: “Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven” (James 5:14-15). The Parish’ Communal Anointing of the Sick Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, October 25, at 1:00 p.m. ST. GIANNA BERETTA MOLLA PARISH 5TH ANNUAL FASHION SHOW SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014 4:00 PM FAMILY MEMORIAL CENTER BEEF & BEER - CHINESE AUCTION - ADULTS: $15 CHILDREN (3(3-12 YEARS OLD): $5 Tickets can be purchased at the Parish office Monday thru Friday from 9:00AM-4:00PM as well as after all the weekend Masses. We are welcoming donations of new or unused items for the Chinese Auction. For more information, or to donate a new or unused gift item, please contact Deacon George at 653-6905. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THE SICK OF OUR PARISH AND THOSE WHO ARE IN NURSING HOMES AND IN HOSPITALS 4-636 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME F irst Reading: Isaiah 25:6-10a This passage describes the new Jerusalem as a heavenly banquet on the mountain with the Lord God wiping away all tears. econd Reading: Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20 In simple, direct words, Paul thanks the Philippians for alleviating his hardships. He stresses, though, that he is as accustomed to poverty as to abundance and finds all his strength in Christ. S G ospel: Matthew 22:1-14 Once more speaking to the chief priests and the elders, Jesus relates the parable of the wedding banquet. A King, preparing a wedding banquet for his son, summons all the invited guests. When, after several invitations, no guests arrive, the King commands his servants to “go out into the byroads and invite anyone you come upon.” Again, Jesus warns the elders, “the invited are many, the elect are few.” Collection Report October 4-5, 2014 T he Parish is profoundly grateful to the parishioners and visitors for their faithful and generous support. St. Gianna’s last weekend Collections amounted to $10,172. S pecial thanks to all who supported last weekend Pro-Life collection. A total of $1,849 was collected during the weekend Masses. We thank you in the name of all who are assisted by your gift. Stewardship Reflection Steward’s Needs are Provided “My God will fully supply whatever you need…” Philippians 4:19A G od really does provide for those that are grateful and generous. This is very difficult for people that don’t live a Stewardship lifestyle to believe. People are skeptical and ssay it’s just coincidence. If you are skeptical, try living a stewardship lifestyoe for just one month--be generous with your gifts of time, talent and treasure and see how God provides for your needs. DON’T JUST GO TO CHURCH, BE THE CHURCH WORLD MISSION SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2014 A t Baptism, each of us is given the responsibility to be a missionary, to share our faith and to be active participants in the Church’s mission to all people. On the weekend of October 18-19, all the parishes of the Diocese of Camden will be asked to participate in the Annual World Mission Collection. The missionary work of the Church depends on each one of us. Let’s unite ourselves with the love of Christ in supporting this important appeal. The World Mission Collection will be taken as a Second Collection next Sunday. Gift Card Program here is a very easy way to help Catholic School Education financially and it does not cost you one cent. You can do so by purchasing ShopRite gift cards from us before you shop. Gift cards can be purchased in the Gathering Area of the church after the 8:00 Mass on Sundays. T 5-636 Sodality News T he Sodality of St. Gianna Parish welcomes all infants into the Church and prays for all expectant mothers who request prayers for their babies who are soon to be born. All pregnant women are welcome to call Connie Canesi (609)665-0199 for further information. At this time we ask prayers for the following expectant mothers: Stephanie Corcoran, Julie Thomas, Katie Gerace Figlus, Nicole Saiauski, and Erin Engle-Modlock. From the Desk of Miss Millie DiCicco, Coordinator of Religious Education E-mail: [email protected] There is an Urgent Need for a Catechist for Level 5 and 6 at 6:30 PM. All children are English Speaking. Please is you are interested contact the Religious Education office (484-0249. Testing for Unit One PREP--Monday, October 6 during class times. HOME SCHOOL--Tuesday, October 7 at 6:30PM Parents are asked to be at this first conference meeting. Sodality of St. Gianna Assisting the Catholic Charities of Atlantic City There is a dire need for the following items: x Men’s Socks (white) x Men’s Underwear (medium & large) x Men’s Hoodies (new or slightly used) x Men’s Jeans (new or slightly used) x Sheets & light flees blankets Items can be placed in the Gathering Area of the church. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Questions? Call Giggi Brannigan 641-3195 or Rosemary O’Dowd 641-4869 Reminder!! No Class on Monday, October 13, 2014 (Columbus Day Celebration) Sacrament of Reconciliation Parents Meeting Tuesday, October 14 4:00 or 6:30 PM (Your choice) PLEASE REMEMBER: Registration for the Religious Education Program is CLOSED for the year 2014-2015. M ake a Joyful Noise unto de Lord! St. Gianna Music Ministry is now recruiting new members for the Adult and the Young People’s choir. If you would like to use your talent and help us to enhance our weekend Masses, our choir director, Mrs. Elizabeth Timm, will gladly welcome you. See her after the 9:30 AM or 11:00 AM Mass on Sunday or call 926-7610. For those who have a hearing impairment: Please note that we have some hearing-aid assistance available for you in the sacristy of the church. If you wish to use one while attending Mass, please stop by the sacristy to pick it up before the liturgy begins. o ur Parish will host “Coffee and Doughnuts,” in the Gathering Area of the church, after all Masses on Sunday, November 9. Please bring your family and join us. Everyone is welcome!! M ay we never tire of proclaiming the dignity and worth of every human life. May we never tire of serving the vulnerable and their caregivers with generous hearts. And may we never cease to pray for the day when all societies will defend the life of every human from conception to natural death. 6-636 OCTOBER 12, 2014 St. Gerard Mass to Celebrate New Life Thursday, October 16, 2014 @ 7:00 PM St. Bridget Parish, Glassboro Those attending will be able to venerate a relic of St. Gerard and receive a blessed medal and a prayer card. If you haven’t had the chance to attend one of these special Masses, put this on your calendar. St. Gerard is known as a “wonder-worker” for abundance of miracles attributed to him. S tephen Ministers are members of our congregation who listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support to people who are facing a crisis or going through tough times. The care you’ll receive is confidential, free, and very helpful. If you, or someone you know, could benefit from the confidential, one-on-one care of a Stephen Minister, please contact our Stephen Minister Leader, Carolyn Johnson Peterson at 609-335-6202. Women of Wisdom Retreat October 28-30, 2014 Marianist Family Retreat Center, Cape May Point Cost: $115 per person. For more information please call 609-884-3829 16th White Mass for Healthcare Workers Sunday, October 19, 2014 - 1:00PM Chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center 1600 Haddon Ave., Camden, NJ Speaker: Rev. Terry M. Odien For information please call 856-342-4150 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Absecon, NJ Offering a Scripture Program: The Infancy Narratives of Jesus Thursday Evenings (four weeks), 6:30-7:45PM in the Parish Hall, beginning on Thursday, October 9. Any questions, call 641-0272. S Help Wanted! Join St. Gianna’s Coffee & Donuts Committee! The Committee is presently looking for volunteers willing to help with this joyous activity on the second Sunday of each month for 15 minutes, in the Gathering Area of the church. If you are able to help please call Kathy at 645-3995. t. Vincent de Paul Regional School is hosting a COACH BINGO here at St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish Hall on Saturday, November 8. Doors open at 5:30 PM and Bingo starts at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $30.00 (includes 10 games). BYOB and food. MUST be 21 to attend. For more information, please contact Cathy Fortna at 609-625-1565 or [email protected]. Proceeds benefit the children of St. Vincent de paul Regional School. REPORT SEXUAL ABUSE An independent, toll-free number has been established by the Diocese of Camden to help callers report cases of sexual abuse by priest, deacons, religious, employees and/or volunteers. Calls are handled by a licensed clinical social worker. In accord with state law, cases of child sexual abuse are reported to the N.J. Division of Child Protection and Permanency and law enforcement. For information or to inquire about counseling and support services, call 1-800-964-6588. 7-636 DOMINGO 12 DE OCTUBRE, 2014 VIGESIMOCTAVO DOMINGO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO Marquen su calendario!! Liturgia Comunitaria Misa de Unción de los Enfermos Sábado 25 de octubre 2014 1:00 PM Cursillo de Cristiandad “Cursillistas, llamados a ser Sal, Luz y Levadura en la Nueva Evangelizacion.” Obispo Peter Rosazza l Movimiento de Cursillos es un movimiento activo y nos enseña que es en virtud de nuestro bautismo que estamos obligados a evangelizar a nuestros ambientes, es decir tener a Cristo presente en todas las áreas de nuestra vida. En nuestra parroquia el Cursillo de Cristiandad se reúne todos los viernes de 8:00 a 9:00 de la noche, en el sótano de la casa parroquial. Para mas información por favor comunicarse con Blanca Ruiz (609-573-5309). E E l grupo Sodality de St. Gianna estará vendiendo tickets al finalizar la Misa, a la entrada de la iglesia. Cada ticket tiene un costo de $5. Con la compra de un ticket usted tendrá la oportunidad de hacer compras en Boscov’s el día martes 21 de octubre y obtener un descuento del 25% en todas sus adquisiciones. Éste evento es denominado “Friends Helping Friends” y ayuda al grupo Sodality a recaudar fondos para continuar sus trabajos de caridad. Anímese, contamos con su participación. Renovación Carismática Católica y Congreso Diocesano Sábado, 25 de Octubre de 2014 8:00AM - 6:00 PM Notre Dame Regional School 601 Central Ave., Landisville, NJ Para más información llamar at 856-696-5801 Desde la Oficina de Educación Religiosa **Padres!! Por favor recuerden que, en conmemoración del Día de La Raza, NO habrá Clases el día Lunes 13 de octubre. **Exámen Primera Unidad Los niños que asisten a clase en la parroquia tendrán su exámen durante las horas de clase el día lunes, 6 de octubre. Para aquellos niños que reciben educación religiosa en la casa el exámen será el día martes, 7 de octubre a las 6:30 de la tarde. **Sacramento de Confesión Reunión de Padres el día martes, 14 de octubre a las 4:00PM o a las 6:30PM. Usted puede elegir el horario de acuerdo a sus necesidades. P ara bautizar a su niña/niño por favor comuníquese con la oficina parroquial para recibir información acerca de los requisitos necesarios y para hacer una cita con el Padre Rodríguez Montoya quien está a cargo de los bautismos y de las Clases de Preparación para recibir este sacramento. Las clases se llevan a cabo el SEGUNDO JUEVES de cada mes a las 7 de la tarde. U Denuncie el Abuso Sexual n número telefónico gratuito e independiente ha sido establecido por la Diócesis de Camden para ayudar a los personas a denunciar casos de abusos sexuales por sacerdotes, diáconos, religiosos, empleados y/o voluntarios. Las llamadas son manejadas por un trabajador social clínico licenciado. De acuerdo a la ley del estado, los abusos de menores son reportados a la División de Protección de la Infancia y la Permanencia y a la policía. Para más información o para obtener servicios de consejería y apoyo, lame at 1-800-964-6588. 8-636 BIENVENIDOS Y GRACIAS POR ESTAR AQUI!! E n mis escritos anteriores, he mencionado que el mes de Octubre es el mes del Santo Rosario. Esto se debe a que la festividad de Nuestra Señora del Rosario se festeja el día 7 de Octubre. El origen de la festividad comienza en el año 1571 (después de J.C.), y conmemora la victoria de los turcos en la batalla de Lepanto, el primer domingo de octubre, día en que se celebraban unas procesiones religiosas en Roma, Italia, y durante las cuales se rezaba el Santo Rosario. De ahí que la victoria obtenida, fue atribuida a la Madre de Dios por ser fervientemente invocada por la oración del Santo Rosario. Cuando Nuestra Señora se apareció a los niños de Fátima en 1917 les pidió que rezaran el Santo Rosario todos los días para obtener la paz del mundo. También les prometió la conversión de Rusia si se consagraba a su Inmaculado Corazón, dando comienzo de esta manera a la práctica del rezo del Rosario por la conversión de Rusia. En nuestros tiempos necesitamos de paz. Si bien Rusia se consagro y el comunismo fue derrocado, la fe todavía necesita crecer en esos territorios. Los turcos fueron derrotados en 1571 (después de J.C.), poniendo fin al avance del Estado Islámico en Europa, sin embargo hoy están naciendo, nuevos y aun más violentos Estados islámicos. En el occidente, abrazamos lo que San Juan Pablo II aclamó como ‘cultura de muerte.’ La llamo así no solo por el aborto y la eutanasia sino porque hemos perdido el sentido del valor, la sacralidad y la grandeza de la vida, su valor intrínseco. Cuando una sociedad no aprecia el valor intrínseco de la vida, su sacralidad y su grandeza, esa sociedad se convierte en una sociedad fría y sin piedad; se convierte en un grupo de individuos que no buscan el bien común de todos sino un bienestar individual; es decir lo que solo beneficia a uno mismo. Sin duda rezar el Rosario diariamente puede cambiar todo esto. Primero, la conversión del mundo, encomendando a Nuestra Señora a todos aquellos que no tienen fe en Jesucristo. Encomendémosle también a todos aquellos que quieren herir a otras personas mediante actos de violencia. La intercesión de Maria es poderosa y no debe ser puesta en duda. En segundo lugar, rezando y meditando los misterios de nuestra fe, presentados en el Rosario, abrimos nuestro ser al amor de Dios y comenzamos a ver y a valorar con más claridad la sacralidad y la grandeza de la vida. Comenzamos a seguir el camino de Nuestra Señora: diciendo ‘si’ al plan de Dios y convirtiéndonos en instrumentos de gracia (la Visitación) mirando a través de sus ojos la vida de su hijo, meditando el sacrificio de Jesús en la cruz por nosotros, mientras esperamos compartir en la gloria que el gano para nosotros. Rezar el Rosario puede traer paz a nuestras almas. Paz que podemos propagar sobre toda la tierra. Santa Gianna Beretta Molla Parish Desfile de Modas Domingo 26 de Octubre, 2014 3:30PM Grupo de Oración Parroquial de Santa Gianna Atención Comunidad!! E l Grupo de Oración de nuestra parroquia se reune todos los martes de 7 a 8 PM en la iglesia. Invite a sus familiares y amigos y únase a nuestra oración. Todos son bienvenidos!! Las entradas tienen un costo de: Adultos: $15, Niños (menores de 12 años): $5. Usted puede comprar sus tickets al finalizar la Misa como también, en la oficina parroquial. 9-636 ARMANDO CON EL PADRE ARMANDO Vestidos para la fiesta M uy fastidiados porque el padre se negó a celebrarles la misa, se pusieron a comentar entre ellos con tono molesto: ”Con razón la gente se está cambiando de Iglesia." Frustrados porque se les había negado totalmente la posibilidad de utilizar la iglesia para presentar socialmente a su hija, no se dieron cuenta que lo que el padre les pedía no era más que una garantía de que verdaderamente pudieran orar con su hija y por su hija. Se trataba de unos "católicos" que realmente no lo eran. Se molestaron cuando el padre les pidió que para poder celebrar esa misa, él debía saber que ellos asistían regularmente a misa los domingos y no solamente el día de la fiesta planeada, como un acontecimiento aislado. Fue peor todavía cuando el sacerdote les dijo que deberían asistir a una catequesis que duraría cinco semanas, si es que deseaban que se les celebrara esa misa. Se negaron nuevamente con gestos de incomodidad y miraron con antipatía al padre que se había atrevido a pedirles eso. No comida en la iglesia, no chicles, no teléfonos móviles, no relojes, no llegar tarde, no vestidos inapropiados, no... no... no... Muy pronto los "no" del padre se convirtieron para ellos en un "NO" a Dios. El padre era enojón, según ellos. Decían que el padre los trató groseramente por no haber accedido a celebrarles la misa si no se cumplían estas condiciones. ¿Estaban ellos realmente vestidos para la fiesta que solicitaban? Sí. Estaban vestidos, pero para otra fiesta. Estaban vestidos para la fiesta de las fotografías y la limosina. Estaban vestidos para que los adultos (y siendo muy optimista, digo que sólo los adultos) pudieran embriagarse con las bebidas que se ofrecerían ahí. Estaban ataviados para lucir el glamour del nuevo estilo de cabello, de las prendas escogidas cuidadosamente para verse lo mejor posible y lograr impresionar a los demás. Estaban vestidos para mostrar sus mejores movimientos de baile y tal vez algunos hasta podrían estrenar pareja. Pero no. Para la fiesta de Dios no estaban vestidos. Se cumplió así el evangelio del día de este domingo, literalmente. El padre, como uno de los mayordomos del rey tuvo que "echar fuera" a los que no estaban vestidos para la fiesta. Si no lo hubiera hecho así, él mismo hubiera dejado de cumplir con su deber y probablemente él mismo hubiera tenido que ser arrojado fuera, por el hecho de permitir que otros estuvieran "sin el traje de fiesta". Vestirse de fiesta implica una actitud interna y una disposición externa. Nosotros mismos podríamos estar viniendo a la misa del domingo sin estar "vestidos para la fiesta." Esta es una oportunidad para revisar profundamente nuestras actitudes ante nuestras celebraciones. El traje de fiesta es el que menos cuesta, pero a la vez es el que más valor tiene. NUESTRA GENTE Me llamo Silvana Torres y tengo 9 años de edad. Participo en nuestra parroquia en el coro, servicio del altar y anuncios de entrada. Mis pasatiempos favoritos son jugar soccer, jugar con mis amigas y estar con mi familia. Lo que más me gusta de mi Iglesia es la gran comunidad que tenemos. Esto me gusta porque me siento feliz y protegida. Me gustaría que nuestra parroquia tuviera más sorpresas. 10-636 Proximo domingo 19 de octubre, 2014 Fortaleciendo las Misiones en el Mundo Por favor recuerde que la oficina parroquial estará cerrada el día lunes 23 de octubre en commemoración del Día de Colón (Día de la Raza). Adams-Perfect Funeral Homes, Inc. Alicia C. Petrilli Alejandra L. Marenco 1650 NEW ROAD, NORTHFIELD, NJ 08225 • 5 NORTH SECOND STREET, PLEASANTVILLE, NJ 08232 BUENA VISTA SEGURO (609) 641-0065 “A Family Business That Cares” David G. Umphle N.J. Lic. No. 4465 Serving All Of Atlantic County Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! David N. Blyler, Jr., Mgr. N.J. Lic. No. 3945 Seguro Personal • Comerical y de Médico • Seguro de Vida 332 Tilton Road 609-646-1000 Ste. 201 • P.O. Box 225 Ext. 803, 802 Northeld, NJ 08225 Fax: 609-485-0999 GUTTER CLEANING 609-586-2300 GUTTER DOCTORX Lic. & Ins. NJ #13VH07195600 Hospitaler Sisters of Mercy Villa Raffaella Assisted Living 917 South Main Street • Pleasantville, NJ 08232 Tel: 609-645-9300 Fax: 609-645-9600 Email: [email protected] Our Commitment to Excellence involves Quality care giving. Our Community is well planned, secure, and simple. Our Sisters live at the site in separate quarters and are dedicated to serving the elderly. Villa Raffaella is a different kind of assisted care community because we believe in the God-given dignity of all men and women. Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Our Lady’s MULTI-CARE CENTER OPERATED BY THE DIOCESE OF CAMDEN SUB-ACUTE & LONG TERM NURSING CARE 1100 CLEMATIS AVE., PLEASANTVILLE, NJ 08232 609-646-2450 For some it’s a business. 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