Version 4 3/15/14 CHUMPCAR WORLD SERIES SUPPLEMENTAL RULES FOR “ChumpCar / Roll-X Challenge" Double 7 Format 22-23 March 2014 Special rules exemptions for previous Roll-X teams (who have not previously run with ChumpCar), see below. P.O. Box 1541 Morgan Hill, CA 95038 [email protected] ChumpCar & Roll-X Combine Forces! The Optima Batteries ChumpCar World Series is beyond stoked to be collaborating with the Roll-X Series and be making our debut at one of the Pacific Northwest’s most historic venues… Pacific Raceways! Built in 1960, these hallowed racing grounds have featured a who’s who of international racing legends including Dan Gurney, Parnelli Jones, and Phil Hill. In addition, NASCAR’s popular NW Tour division featured an appearance by Cup racer Michael Waltrip and ASA’s stock car touring division have both made stops at Pacific Raceways. Every 4th of July weekend, the SOVERN’s Historics features more than 200 of the finest vintage race cars in the country, right here at Pacific Raceways! And now along comes our high performance, finely tuned motorsport miracles…also known as the $500 race car! Join us for two days (7 hours each day) of amazing wheel-to-wheel racing on this 2.25 mile road course, which offers racers a challenging nine-turn circuit. Roll-X Team Rule Exemptions: In the spirit of this collaboration, ChumpCar will be giving all previous Roll-X teams (ie, who have not previously run with ChumpCar) a one-time break for this race on the following rules: Rear and "quarter" window glass will be allowed A fire suppression system (a new 2104 ChumpCar rule), will not be required. However, it’s a great safety item to have and fellow chump racer & series sponsor offers a great deal to teams just above cost, see He’ll be at Pacific too! However, for safety reasons, we do ask that you secure your permanent car number with us, as well as your door panel number background panels outlined in Rules Section 9.5, and discussed later in this document which can purchased at the ChumpStore at NOW FOR THE IMPORTANT DETAILS… Entry Fee: $1000 (1 car + 2 drivers) 7-Hour Enduro Format Add’l Drivers $50 each Registration Deposit: $250 Payment Deadline: 20 January 2014 / $100 Late Fee if missed deadline ***Huge field of race cars brewing, but we still have room for teams, current Grid List included at end of this document*** P.O. Box 1541 Morgan Hill, CA 95038 [email protected] Entry Fee: $1000 per team (1 car + 2 drivers). Add’l drivers $50 each, Crew $20 each. If needed, $50 transponder rental. Registration must be completed on-line at as outlined in ChumpCar Rules, Section 6. Entries and Teams ChumpCar Rules will be used for this race; however previous Roll-X team entries (new to ChumpCar) may be provided with exemptions on a case-by-case basis by contacting the ChumpCar West Region Technical Director, Mr. Chris Wilhelm, at [email protected]. Registration assistance can be provided by contacting Marcia Blas in the Seattle area at [email protected]. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS & YOU LOVE TO EARN RACE CREDITS We’re looking for folks to work as pit marshals, pit in/out, etc. If you have extra folks with your posse who want to help earn race credit, please contact us ASAP at [email protected]. $100 in ChumpChange (race entry credits) per day plus lunch! We’re also looking for experienced corner workers; please contact us at [email protected]. Volunteers must sign-in with registration coordinator Marcia Blas when they arrive at the track; you’ll be issued a sexy orange safety vest and a ChumpCar radio. When you complete your shift, you must also sign out with Marcia in order to receive your race credits. OPTIMA BATTERY DISTRIBUTION/ALL CHUMPS: ChumpCar and Series sponsor, Optima Batteries is pleased to host its first 2014 battery distribution event of the season at Pacific Raceways! Batteries will be distributed to each team that presents a completed Log Book on Saturday, March 22, from 2:00pm-4:00pm at Race Central. If your team has previously received a battery from ChumpCar, you are not eligible to receive another battery. When you receive your battery, the battery serial number will be noted for warranty exchange purposes. And be advised, that we have no input as to which model of battery is delivered by Optima…yellow, red, or blue top…we get what we get. If you are not racing, you can still present your team’s Log Book to receive your battery. Again, even if you won’t be racing at one these distribution events, you can still pick up your team’s battery by presenting your completed Log Book. At this time, there is no shipping of teams’ free batteries…get your chump rump to a battery distribution party! P.O. Box 1541 Morgan Hill, CA 95038 [email protected] One last note re: the Rules….Section 3.13. Batteries: 3.13.1. All batteries MUST be Optima Batteries, as provided FREE by the Optima Batteries ChumpCar World Series. You will receive your battery after your car completes and passes its first technical inspection. Teams will have 90-days to install the battery. Batteries provided by the series may not be application or size specific; therefore, you may have to relocate your battery. Competitors are required to fit and place all batteries in safe and secure position and manner. All batteries must be fully secured via proper, purpose-built battery brackets, battery frames, or sealed battery boxes. SCHEDULE FRIDAY 21 MARCH 12:00pm – 5:00pm Tech & Safety Inspection / Registration / Gear Check Registration will be held at the track Ticket Booth Tech & Safety Inspection / Gear Check will be at the West Side of the Paddock. 4:00pm – 5:00pm Novice School, more info later in this document Location to be determined & posted shortly Sometime after 5:00pm, teams will be able to access the paddock area for set-up. The track is rented by another group on Friday and it can take as long as an hour for them to vacate the paddock area. NO CHUMPCAR TEAMS ARE ALLOWED IN PADDOCK UNTIL WE RECEIVE NOTIFICATION BY TRACK MANAGEMENT. If you are found in the paddock area before such time, your team is subject to three (3) penalty laps. We need to be considerate of the group renting the track on Friday. All teams are required to complete Tech/Registration the day before the event. Should you arrive after 4:00pm on Friday, ChumpCar will not be able to conduct Tech Inspection on your car until after the green flag on Saturday and when ChumpCar staff becomes available once the race is successfully underway. Don’t show up at the last minute; cars in line for Tech by 4:00pm will be processed…the rest of you late birds will watch the race start without you! Teams must print their Tech Inspection forms before arrival and fill-out all forms before entering the Tech line, available online at And while you’re there, print off a copy for the Rules for your copious review BE SURE TO BRING YOUR LOG BOOK if you are an existing team; we’ll be trading it in for a 2014 version.. New teams will receive one during Tech. And veteran teams who have lost their Log Book…hmmm…that could be real bad Headlights are not required for this race, though they can be desirable (sunset is not until 7:24pm). In the event of significant weather, such as heavy rain, headlights do come in handy. Teams may aim headlights Friday night (after dark) in the parking lot area (not on track). P.O. Box 1541 Morgan Hill, CA 95038 [email protected] BE SURE TO CHECK THAT YOUR GEAR HAS NOT EXPIRED PER CHUMPCAR’S RULES, SECTION 3. For example, you will not be allowed to run with an SA2000 helmet. Snell SA2005 or SA2010 is mandatory. FIA 8860-2004/2010 certification is acceptable. NEED EQUIPMENT, we highly recommend Andy Collins at Armadillo Racing, visit Contact Andy at [email protected] or 1-888-211-9129. He offers great starter packages for Chumps and always seems to have the radio equipment we need! And Andy will be with us for this event! BE SURE THAT YOU HAVE THE PROPER CAR NUMBERS APPLIED TO YOUR RACE CAR PER RULES, SECTION 9…OR YOU WON’T RUN! If you have not yet secured a permanently assigned car number from ChumpCar, the process is really easy. While single and double digit numbers are all spoken for, we have plenty of three digit numbers. Simply email us at [email protected] and we’ll get you set-up. Here are the 2014 Car Number Rules in more detail.... 9.5. Car Numbers: One, two and three digit numbers are allowed. 9.5.1. One- and two-digit numbers are HIGHLY PREFERRED TO ENSURE THAT THEY PROPERLY FIT ON THE NUMBER PANEL – 1 through and including 99. No cars may use “0” or “00” before their one- or two-digit car number. 9.5.2. Numbers must be shown on both doors and the roof. Open cars (convertibles / no roof) must have a car number on the hood. Roof or hood numbers are to be right-facing (passenger side facing) . 9.5.3. ALL CARS SHALL USE CHUMPCAR SUPPLIED NUMBER BACKGROUND DECALS Three (3) 14” x 24” backgrounds are required per car One background shall be applied to the roof (or, as required, hood) of each car; numbers on the roof panel must be aimed towards the passenger side of the car. The number panel may be angled up to 30 degrees from center. One background shall be applied to the front driver and passenger door of the car No other number backgrounds are approved or allowed. Number backgrounds can be ordered and are available EXCLUSIVELY from ChumpCar (order from our on-line store for US teams) and from in Canada. ChumpCar will have a limited number of panels available at most events. 9.5.4. ALL CARS SHALL USE BLACK NUMBERS (self-supplied) Numbers shall be 12.0” tall. (That’s TWELVE INCHES. Not 11 or 13.) Fonts shall be a minimum of 1.5” wide (brush stroke) and a maximum of 2.5” wide; one- and two-digit numbers can use wider numbers… three-digit numbers will have to use 1.5” thick numbers or they will not fit on the panel. Therefore, ChumpCar PREFERS teams to reserve one- or two-digit numbers. All numbers shall use standard ARIAL or Helvetica fonts. No exceptions. Teams with regional permanent numbers are advised to leave enough room before or after their number to add a simple “1” (or “11”) using black duct or electrical tape in case their number has been taken and they are competing out-ofregion. All numbers MUST fit within the standard number background. 9.5.5. NUMBER ILLUMINATION for all night racing events: All cars participating in any event where headlights are required shall have both door number panels illuminated using an approved ChumpCar number lighting system. (Two lights required per car.) Instructions for mounting number lights is included in the shipping package. ChumpCar number lighting systems are available EXCLUSIVELY from ChumpCar (order from our on-line store for US teams) and from in Canada. 9.5.6. Other than numbers, no other decals, paint, tape or themed item (of any type) are allowed on the ChumpCar number background decal. 9.6. ChumpCar and Sponsor Decals: P.O. Box 1541 Morgan Hill, CA 95038 [email protected] . 9.6.1. Each car competing in a ChumpCar event shall display the official Optima Batteries ChumpCar World Series decal, on the front of the hood or spoiler of the car, as well as on both sides of the car. Decals must be unobstructed and in clear view. Decals are available at ChumpCar Tech Inspection. 9.6.2. Other event sponsorship decals may be required. ChumpCar Tech Officials shall have the right to remove and/or coverup any graphics, decals or other identifying marks on the front fenders of all competition vehicles. Tech Officials shall have the right to place or have placement made of all required Series Sponsor decals. The front fenders of all cars are reserved for the display of Series Sponsor decals and other such promotional displays, as designated solely and exclusively by the Optima Batteries ChumpCar World Series. Teams are advised to place all personal sponsor decals on the rear quarter-panels of their cars. 9.6.3. Check all supplemental rules. Required decals will be provided by ChumpCar. Download Panel & Light Installation Guidelines at d8cxw7hye8k SCHEDULE SATURDAY 22 MARCH 7:00am 8:00am 8:50am 9:00am 4:00pm 5:30pm Gates Open Mandatory Drivers Meeting Cars on Grid Green Flag, Start Race! Checker Flag No-host (BYOB) ChumpCar pizza party at “The Rock,” Rock Wood-Fired Pizza & Spirits, located at 17309 SE 270th Place, Covington, WA 98042 253.630.7404 Visit The first slice of pizza is on us, but you’re on your own for “rocktails!” TEAM CAPTAINS: Please RVSP to [email protected] letting her how many of your team members will be joining us for pizza as we have to pre-order. Please let us know how many adults & kids no later than March 17th. And if you plan NOT to attend, that is helpful information for us as well P.O. Box 1541 Morgan Hill, CA 95038 [email protected] SUNDAY 23 MARCH 7:00am 8:00am 8:50am 9:00am 4:00pm 4:05pm 4:30pm Gates Open Mandatory Drivers Meeting Cars on Grid Green Flag, Start Race! Checker Flag Podium Cars to Impound Inspection ChumpCar Awards Ceremony THE REALLY REALLY IMPORTANT DETAILS… Pacific Raceway Supplemental Rules: A 92dB noise restriction will be strongly, strictly and unimaginably enforced. Paddock Area. Pacific Raceways does not have a traditional pit lane that most teams are accustomed to, therefore the paddock area will be used for pitting. Paddock spots will not be assigned (nor available for reservation) but rather available on a first-come, first-served basis. Paddock Speed Limit. The paddock speed limit is 15 mph and will also strongly, strictly and unimaginably be enforced given that it will be filled with teams, your fan clubs (mom & dad), spectators seeking you autographic (grandparents) and used as a hot pitting area. Dogs are allowed but must be on leash at all times. Reminder that small children also need to be closely watched. Paddock Supplemental Rules: SRPP1 – Fueling of all race cars shall be completed by use of 5-gallon plastic jugs and funnels, hoses or other fueling adapters as specified in the Rules. Jugs must have sealable lids/caps. Metal fuel drums or other fuel containers (no overhead fuel rigs) and caddies with manual pumps (no electric pumps) and hose lines are allowed to re-fill plastic jugs but are not allowed for re-fueling race cars. All fuel storage must be maintained on the "cold" side of the pit wall or kept within your transporter. Without the traditional pit lane available, we need you to use common sense and be SAFE!! SRPP2 – All teams shall have one (1) fully-charged 10LB ABC fire extinguisher in their pit area. All teams shall have one (1) 10LB bag of kitty litter or other reasonable absorbitant for oil leaks and/or fuel spillage in their pit area, as well as a fueling catch pan. Having a broom handy is also advisable. Effective 2014, all fueling / gasoline catch pans MUST: 1) be manufactured of metal or sturdy, chemical-resistant, vacuum-formed plastic 2) maintain a minimum 3" lip around the entire circumference or edge 3) must hold a minimum of 1-gallon (4-quarts) of liquid P.O. Box 1541 Morgan Hill, CA 95038 [email protected] 4) must be larger than 12" square or 12" in diameter and shall not exceed 24" square or 24" in diameter Notation: flat drip pans or trays (whether metallic or plastic), rugs, cardboard and/or any other so-called "container" is no longer approved for use. SRPP3– Drivers may remain in the car during fueling and driver changes may also be completed, but all safety equipment, including gloves, must remain on, especially helmet visors must remain down. All engines and electrical kill switches must be off during fueling. NO WORK ON ANY CAR SHALL BE COMPLETED DURING REFUELING. (Note: Replenishing of cool-suit or drinking liquids is considered additional work and is not allowed. Cleaning of windshields has been disallowed from approved operations.) SRPP4 – Those involved in fueling race cars must wear a Nomex driver’s suit, gloves and full-face helmet WITH VISOR DOWN. No crew members, tools or staged fuel jugs are allowed over the wall until the team car has come to a complete stop in the pit box. Only one fuel jug over the wall at a time! Any team member over the wall (including fire bottle attendant) while fuel is being added to a race car must wear fireproof safety equipment. This includes fire suit, gloves and helmet with visor down. Balaclava and goggles are no longer accepted per the 2014 rules. Non-driver, crew members may utilize a single-layer suit without underwear, but gloves and full face helmet with closed visor are required. Other than non-open toed shoes, shoes and socks are open for non-driving crew members performing (re)fueling but fireproof socks and leather shoes are HIGHLY advisable. SRPP5 – All cars, used or junk parts too big for a normal trash can, empty fuel drums and anything else you brought with you must be taken out with you. If you leave it behind, we’ll track you down… and it won’t be pretty. Track Location: 31001 144th Ave SE, Kent, WA 98042 (253) 639-5927 Race Day Spectators/Dogs: Guests are welcome to attend Saturday’s and Sunday’s races and will proceed directly to the ChumpCar Race Central within the Paddock area to sign the track liability waiver and purchase a weekend pit pass wristband for $20 that provides access to the paddock and track viewing areas. Children 16 and under are free when accompanied by an adult. All teams, drivers, crew, family & friends are required to have a wristband. And all dogs must be on leash at all times in the paddock area. Pets are not allowed in the Grandstand or Spectator areas unless they are a licensed service animal. Alcohol/Smoking: And as with all ChumpCar races, absolutely no alcohol during the race…including your guests and spectators (it’s grounds for immediate removal of your car and team from the race and property…period). And glass is never allowed on property. NO SMOKING IN PIT AREA WHEN FUELING. P.O. Box 1541 Morgan Hill, CA 95038 [email protected] Concessions: We’re checking on this; stay tuned. Safeway grocery store and food establishments are 10 minute drive away. BBQs: The track does allow the use of small BBQs, charcoal or gas. Just remember BBQs must be supervised at all times, a fire extinguisher must be within 15’ of the open flame, and that all open flames are (at a minimum) 30’ from all race cars, fuel storage or other flammable sources. Radio Equipment Vendor: If you need something in advance, be sure to call Shawn or Morgan at 866 396-7231, [email protected] or Gear Equipment Vendor: Andy Armadillo will be onsite for this event! We highly recommend Andy Collins at Armadillo Racing, visit Contact Andy at [email protected] or 1-888-211-9129. Novice School: Novice school will be held on Friday night from 4pm-5pm; location to be determined. If you have any green bean drivers for this event, please drop us a note at [email protected] and we can send you a Driver’s Handbook via email to share with your team. Trophies/Purse/Chumpionship Qualification: Saturday*: $600 - 1st place; $400 - 2nd place; and, $200 - 3rd place Sunday*: $600 - 1st place; $400 - 2nd place; and, $200 - 3rd place *If less than 35 entries, 75% of purse rounded to the nearest $100 will be awarded, issued in redeemable ChumpChange (see Rules Section 1.5 Winners & Awards). And some really nice trophies and all the bragging rights that you ran in ChumpCar’s debut at Pacific Raceways! The Top 10 finishers will qualify for an invitation to the 2014 Chumpionship to be held at Las Vegas Motor Speedway on November 22-November 23, 2014! Camping/RVs: RV and trailers must be parked in the Upper Paddock. There are no RV hookups; teams must use generators. Each vehicle must be self-contained to stay inside the facility. Showers are located inside Restroom #1 and accepts quarters; garbage receptacles are provided. Tents are not allowed on the property in any area at any time. If you or your team are planning on staying overnight at the track, there is a $50 fee for the weekend that will be payable at Registration (where you will receive a Camping Pass). If you plan to stay Sunday night, you will need to load your trailer and park it down by the main office as the track has police training early Monday morning (but you are more than welcome to stay, per Willis our road course manager). Fuel Sales: The track does offer fuel for sale, credit card only. The pumps are open 24/7. 100 unleaded is $10.98/gal, 110 leaded $9.78/gal and 112 leaded $12.99. Weather: We’re racing, regardless of the weather. Recommended reading: “The Art of Racing in the Rain", by local author Garth Stein, former Miata Spec driver at Pacific Raceways! P.O. Box 1541 Morgan Hill, CA 95038 [email protected] LOCAL TIRE CENTERS Les Schwab Tire Center - 1 235 S 2 2nd St, Covington, WA 2.9 mi NE (253) 638-0940 Les Schwab Tire Center - 2 0 Auburn Way , Auburn, WA 3.8 mi W (253) 735-2120 Les Schwab Tire Center - 03 Auburn Way S, Auburn, WA 4.0 mi W (253) 833-3107 Discount Tire - 01 Supermall Way, Auburn, WA 4.9 mi W (253) 833-3956 Sam's Club Tire & Battery - 1101 Supermall Way, Auburn, WA 5.1 mi W (253) 333-1026 LOCAL AUTO PARTS STORES APA Auto Parts - 2 eilly Auto Parts -1 23 Covington Way S , Covington, WA 2.5 mi N (253) 631-3200 0 S 2 2nd St, Covington, WA 3.1 mi NE (253) 631-5645 eilly Auto Parts - 222 A St S , Auburn, WA 4.2 mi W Auto one - 3 S 2 2nd St, Covington, WA 2.9 mi NE Auto one - 10 2 Auburn Way , Auburn, WA 3.7 mi W (253) 735-4075 (253) 630-4853 (253) 333-2075 NAPA Auto Parts - 220 Auburn Way , Auburn, WA 4.0 mi W Pep Boys Auto Service CA (253) 833-4455 Tire - 220 th St S , Auburn, WA 4.2 mi W (253) 804-5908 ST Auto Parts - 2 03 Auburn Way , Auburn, WA 3.8 mi W (253) 854-0464 CARQUEST Auto Parts - 602 Auburn Way S, Auburn, WA 4.1 mi W (253) 939-3801 idas ent - 2 2 2 10 th Ave S , ent, WA 5.2 mi NW (253) 850-3575 WRECKING YARDS Budget Auto Wrecking - 2 205 th Ave S, ent, WA 5.5 mi W AAA Auto Wrecking Sales - 2 311 (253) 52- 3 3 · th Ave S, ent, WA 5.5 mi W (253) 52-1552 · Black Diamond Auto Wrecking - 31205 3rd Ave, Black Diamond, WA 6.2 mi E (360) 886-1309 South End Auto Wrecking - 3400 E Valley d, enton, WA 9.6 mi N (425) 251-8555 Absolute erman Autowrecking - 510 1 th Ave S, Seattle, WA 16 mi NW (20 ) 2- 10 South Hill Auto & Truck Wrecking - 31 12 th St , Puyallup, WA 16 mi SW (253) 1-01 3 Tires and Parts Auto Wrecking - 10 32 15th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 16 mi NW (20 ) 2 2- 5 Pick-N-Pull - 2416 112th St S, Lakewood, Washington 19 mi SW Hap s West Side Auto Wrecking 02 2 th St W, niversity Place, WA 1 mi W Auto Wrecking Seattle - 3 5 S 10 th Pl, Seattle, WA 15 mi NW P.O. Box 1541 Morgan Hill, CA 95038 (253) 588-1775 (253) 5 -5555 (206) 554-9424 [email protected] S D ecycle and Auto Wrecking - 2 11 th Ave S, Seattle, WA 20 mi NW unk- ard. rg - 15 1st Ave, Seattle, WA 22 mi W Nisqually Auto Wrecking - 9319 Martin Way , Eastside Auto Wrecking Inc 0 (20 ) 1- 1 lympia, WA 33 mi SW Washington 303, Bremerton, WA 31 mi W (3 0) 3 - 51 (206) 973-3530 (360) 456-6222 All About Auto Wrecking - 10101 115th Ave S , Snohomish, WA 41 mi N (360) 2-1001 Pick-A-Part - 010 WALT A D (360) 829-1263 ld Highway ST C S , Tumwater, WA 43 mi SW (360) 357-4466 A T PA TS - 2 520 Washington 10, Buckley, WA 12 mi APR Auto Parts - 1 025 1st Ave S, Burien, WA 1 mi W (20 ) 2 2- 00 The Supplemental Rules May Be Updated Without Notice. Teams Are Advised To Check Them With Regularity And Print A Copy For Reference Prior To Coming To The Event. In fact, if you bring a hardcopy printed version of these Supplemental Rules with you to Saturday morning’s Drivers Meeting, you’re have the chance to win a SIGNED COPY of the New York Times bestseller “The Art of Racing in the Rain,” written local author Garth Stein, former Miata Spec driver at Pacific Raceways! Show us your supps and we’ll give you a raffle ticket WIN A SIGNED COPY OF THIS BOOK AT THE DRIVERS MEETING! See above P.O. Box 1541 Morgan Hill, CA 95038 [email protected] P.O. Box 1541 Morgan Hill, CA 95038 [email protected]
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