LASER-COM COVER SHEET HOLY SPIRIT - #913060 PHONE # - (714) 963-1811 FAX/MODEM # - (714) 968-1775 CONTACT PERSON: KIM OR TERESA SPECIAL REQUESTS OR CHANGES: Have a great day! HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH The Parish Office will be closed from Saturday, May 26 thru Monday, May 28 in observance of Memorial Day. There will not be a 6:30 AM Mass on Monday, May 28. Please pray for the safety of all the men and women serving overseas. Pentecost is the celebration of the fulfillment of our Lord’s promise to send his disciples the Paraclete to be their companion and guide. Before his ascension, he told them to “stay in the city until you are clothed from on high.” The Acts of the Apostles tells us a story when the time for Pentecost was fulfilled. There was a driving wind that shook the entire house, and there appeared to the disciples tongues of fire which parted and came to rest on each one of them. Filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, the disciples began to speak in different tongues as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. We all know the rest of the story. CHRISTIANITY was born, and 3,000 people were baptized that day of Pentecost. The simple band of men and women were empowered to preach repentance and forgiveness in Jesus’ name to all. LIVES were changed forever. Our community joins the joyful celebration of Pentecost. Our church has been dedicated to God’s HOLY SPIRIT. The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Christian world is our fiesta. Think of the hundreds of people who have celebrated the Sacraments of Baptism, First Eucharist, Confirmation and Marriage in our church since it was founded. Think of all those who have served in our parish and those who have come and found God in our Church. Every Sunday we have almost 7,000 people who come to celebrate Mass here at Holy Spirit. I’m always thankful for all who come to celebrate with our parish family the birthday of the Catholic Church, which is also the fiesta of our local community. We have a reason for rejoicing. Amen. Fr. Mario MAY 27, 2007 Holy Spirit Catholic Church Parish Mission Statement January 12, 2006 We, the Parish Community of Holy Spirit Catholic Church, are a family of many cultural backgrounds. Our mission is to enrich the spiritual life of all parishioners, through the active participation in prayer and the sacraments, promoting opportunities to grow in faith and hope, and providing a place to come together in the love of God and neighbor. We are committed to the needs of our parishioners and to reach beyond to serve the needs of others. We are called by the Spirit to witness the forgiving, healing and saving presence of Jesus as one Church and one people. Please pray for our Priests, who will be on retreat from Monday, June 4 through Friday, June 8. Due to their absence there will be no Masses Tuesday thru Friday. Communion will be available daily at 6:30 and 9:00 AM. EUCHARISTIC DORATION Adoration this month will begin on Monday, June 4, after the 6:30 AM Service and will continue until the 9:00 AM Service on Tuesday, June 5. Come and keep Jesus company for one hour. Weekly Exposition from Fri. @ 9:30 AM until Sat. @ 9:00 AM. Getting Married At Holy Spirit Church If you wish to get married at Holy Spirit Church, please visit the parish web site at The parish web site contains important information that you can read, print or download to your computer. For more information, please contact Deacon Bill Cobbett at (714) 963-1811 or email [email protected] LINE DANCE CLASS ! Will be held on the first Thursday, and the third Tuesday of each month in Doyle Hall, 6:30—8:00 PM. No experience is necessary for this fun and exhilarating exercise. All ages welcome! And the best of all — it is free! Call Larry Doan for details 714-963-9424. PENTECOST SUNDAY ` Page 3 TODAY’S READINGS Laurie Adams * Patrice & Paul Avis Theresa Bouchy Barbara Bradford * Gertrud Brogle * Ann Brown * Joanne Bruce Sean Bryan * Ed Butorac * Tony Carbone Marian Catani * Karen Charlot * Frank Chavez Fr. Michael Clifford * Dan Conder * John Colucci Virginia Conrad * Carol Cormier * Virginia Cote Marge Crivello * Helen Crystal * Steven Cundall * Carol Daniel * Barbara DiCorpo * Edward DiCorpo Harvey Dorren Kit Dorren Anita Drouin * Eleanor Estrada * Maria Farrell * John Gardon * Joanne Giordano * Diana Good Rosemary Green Louise Harvey Madeline Hausmann * Carl Hawks * Lee Heins * Shawn Hile Darryl Hill * Darlene Jabora * Dennis Johnson * Eutropia Kanton * Gary Katsuki * Ralph Kazarian * Richard Macias Catalina Magaru Vivian Marabotti * Cleo Mariacher * Leonard McBride Dorothy McCutcheon * Joyce Meersman Bryan & Linda Misajon Dan Morgan * Peggy Murgolo* Dolores Nelson * Tony Nekoranek Stacy Neria* Parker Nguyen * Kevin Nicolin Maria Theresa Nina* Leo Nories * Nick Osmanian * Lucy Piampiano * Katherine Polito Louise Ponso* Richard Porter * Isaiah Reyes Greg Roscoe Kathleen Rose* Nicole SantaCruz * Roy Sapp Alfonso Seli Aurora V. Seli Mel Sharpe * Laureen Sharpe * Susan Sharpe * Daniel Schmidt Dorothe Schmidt * Mary Schulz * Suzy Skoczylas * Steve Smith * Jim Stewart Diane Stowers * John Thomas * David Tomblin Michael Tonn* Tuan N. Tran Robert R. Trujillo * Marsha Viglione Marlene Volta Sally Wray Sarah Wray June 2 Georgina Mendez & Carlos Ornelas June 9 Teri Tran & Michael Odoca Helena Hoang & Son Nguyen June 16 Thanh Nguyen & Tuan Nguyen Jenny Ha & Thong Pham First Reading — Filled with the Holy Spirit, the apostles begin to speak in tongues (Acts 2:1-11). Psalm — Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth (Psalm 104). Second Reading — In one Spirit we are baptized into one body and given to drink of one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13) or Romans 8:8-17. Gospel — Jesus Christ appears to the disciples and sends them on their mission with the power to forgive or retain sins through the Holy Spirit (John 20:19-23) or John 14:15-16, 23b-26. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Sir 17:20-24; Mk 10:17-27 Sir 35:1-12; Mk 10:28-31 Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Mk 10:32-45 Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16; Lk 1:39-56 Sir 44:1, 9-13; Mk 11:11-26 Sir 51:12cd-20; Mk 11:27-33 Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15 Rest in Peace Our Parish Community wishes to extend our sympathy to the family and friends of Catalina Hernandez, Pablo Canales, Isabella Martinez, Geri White and the souls of all the faithful departed. May they rest in peace. May 28 MASS INTENTIONS * 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 6:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM NO MASS Bill White † May 29 Ingrid Morriss Fran Sterling † May 30 Holly Sassone Thelma Leith † May 31 Susan Sassone The Plum Family June 1 Austin & Mary Grogan † Fran Sterling † June 2 Holy Souls Martin Frake † Adrian & Daniel Bustamante † June 3 7:30 AM Pro Populo 9:00 AM Thomas Hardy † 10:30 AM The Plum Family 12:00 PM Nancy Algeri † 5:00 PM Maria & Tom Rimocal † († Rest in Peace) *A funeral Mass takes precedence. If your Mass changes, you will be notified. Holy Spirit Catholic Church Page 4 PARISH EVENTS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Education Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 9:30 AM —12 Noon, 2:30—5:30 PM Thursday: 10:00 AM —12 Noon, Sr. Anna, Sr. Lucia or Linda: 714-963-7871. Registration information for next year will be mailed at the beginning of June. Please return completed registration forms as soon as possible! Thank you. MAY IS THE MONTH OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER. The sick and elderly of our parish appreciate our visits to bring the Eucharist to them when they are unable to attend Mass. If you have compassion for them, and can commit to 2 hours twice a month after Mass, then you can fill a need for additional ministers. We have lost some ministers due to illness and relocation. Please call Arleen Doan at (714) 963-9424 for more information. HIS HANDS CHRISTIAN SERVICE Monday, June 4: Board Meeting, Noon, at the Mission. His Hands Office Hours: Mon. thru Fri. 9:00 AM to 12 Noon Phone # (714) 968-2111. · Come join others interested in learning more about our Catholic traditions and teachings on June 3 at 3:00 p.m. in Classroom 6. We will be begin with Fr. John Corapi’s “The Teaching of Jesus Christ” video. This 50-part teaching on DVD covers the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Each session will be about 1 hour of DVD and 1/2 hour of discussion. For more information, please contact Roz Esh at (714) 654-6810. FIRST FRIDAY REMINDER - Devotions of the Holy Wounds Rosary and the Seven Dolors of Mary are offered for the Souls in Purgatory following the 9:00 AM Mass. FIRST SATURDAY REMINDER - The First Saturday of every month is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Devotions are held at 8:15 AM followed by the Fatima Rosary. HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC YOUth FELLOWSHIP CYF meetings are held on Sunday evenings in Doyle Hall. No CYF meeting due to the Memorial Day holiday. Please have a great weekend and stay safe. Beach CYF meeting Sunday June 3. We will be carpooling after the 5:00 p.m. Mass and meeting another Youth Group. Please fill out and turn in your permission slips. We will get dinner on the way and SMORES will be provided. Bring your guitars or other musical instruments. Bon fire included. You are HIS Treasure reunion is Sunday June 10. Please come and share the memories and snacks. Kingdom Seekers practice starts on Tues. June 19 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Church. This choir sings at the 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass and is led by Rosie Geck. Come make a joyful noise to the Lord. Remember to pray for all our Seniors and other graduates. Now is a busy time for them. For more info, leave a message for Marianne O’Conner in the YOUth Ministry Office: (714) 963-7256, or [email protected]. YOU ARE NEEDED! How many people need just a little of your or my encouragement? How many people are happy to hear you will pray for them? How many people would like to pray with you and then maybe talk to you? HOLY SPIRIT PARISH welcomes you to consider becoming a STEPHEN MINISTER who listens and prays but does not counsel. A Stephen Minister learns the art of listening in a series of classes totaling 50 hours given in the parish. The time a Stephen Minister commits to helping people is very flexible. Interested in knowing more? Call Stephen Leader Harvey Dorren, 841-2988, Jean Sorace, 964-1191, Rosa Zimmerman, 377-6623, Roger Stollenwerk, Facilitator, 9683406 or Anthony Le, Vietnamese Facilitator, 720-4465. Holy Spirit Catholic Church Page 5 PARISH EVENTS COLLECTION FOR SUNDAY, May 20, 2007 Regular Collection: $ 17,152.00 Ascension: $ 956.00 PSA Pledges: $ 193,739.00 Number of Pledges: 704 Thank you for your generosity! MEMORIAL DAY MASS On Monday, May 28, the Nation will celebrate Memorial Day. It is a day to remember... To remember that our Nation, so blessed by God and so entrusted with His bounty, exists today as the heritage of those who sacrificed their lives that it may long endure. To remember the true meaning of so many gravesites marked with flags, flags of many Nations whose sons and daughters have joined the communion of Saints. To remember our inherited and inescapable responsibility to these fallen heroes, ensuring that this one Nation under God continues for those who follow us. At our Memorial Day Mass, Monday, May 28, 9:00 AM, all military members and our Allies are encouraged to attend, if possible, in uniform or service attire, wearing personal decorations and campaign insignia appropriate for each Service and each Country representative of our parish. Following Mass, there will be a rece ption for our military personnel on the patio outside of the Church. All parishioners are invited to attend MEMORIAL DAY MASS, Monday, May 28 at 10:00 AM Ascension Cemetery, 24754 Trabuco Rd., Lake Forest. (949) 837-1331 Reverend Greg Marquez Mission Basilica, San Juan Capistrano Presider. Good Shepherd Cemetery, 8301 Talbert Ave., Huntington Beach. (714) 847-8546 Bi-Lingual Liturgy, Reverend Martin Hiep Nguyen, (St. Hedwig) Presider. Holy Sepulcher Cemetery, 7845 Santiago Canyon Rd., Orange. (714) 532-6551 Bi-Lingual Liturgy Reverend Francis Gloudeman, O.Praem St. Michael’s Abbey Presider. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HOLY SPIRIT COUNCIL 9667 May 28: Singing Knights, 7:30 p.m. Become a member of the Knights of Columbus! Roy Sapp, (714) 374-1064 [email protected] The Knights of Columbus Holy Spirit Council 9667 is collecting small religious items, rosaries, prayer books, medals, scapulars for our troops stationed in Iraq. Please drop off your donations in the marked box in the Parish Office. Vocation View Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love! Send forth workers into your vineyard. May some of our parishioners choose to serve you by becoming priests, brothers, and sisters. (John 20:19-23). For more information on vocations, please contact Msgr. Will Davis at (714) 282-3000. VOCATIONS CROSS On April 29, the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, representatives of the Holy Spirit Vocations Committee thanked our parishioners at all the Masses for their past support of Vocations and requesting volunteers to take the Vocations Cross to help us with prayers for Vocations Awareness. We were rewarded with promises by 14 families to take the Cross and we wish to acknowledge and thank them for volunteering. A schedule of prayers is turned over with the Cross or you may elect to create your own for the week. We are striving to schedule the Cross each week through the year until our next Vocations Dinner and would appreciate hearing from any parishioner/family who wishes to take the Cross. Please call Dom Migliorini at (714) 964-4663 for more information. SAVE THE DATE The Ladies of the Knights of Columbus will once again present a Luncheon & Fashion Show, “Born to Shop” on Saturday, June 2, 11:30—2:30 p.m. Look for our ladies on the patio selling tickets for $20. Catered lunch, fashions from Dressbarn, door prizes, raffle and surprises. Don’t miss this fun event as it is always a sell-out. All profits go to our designated Charities and our Parish. Holy Spirit Catholic Church Crisis Pregnancy Help— Life Center: 714-835-5433 Birth Choice: 949-261-2981 24–Hour Hotline: Vietnamese , 714-721-8557 Project RACHEL: (postabortion), 1-800-RACHEL6. Website: PLEASE HELP!!!—We are forming a support group in our parish for those who have lost a loved one. If you are caring, like people, and have a couple of hours once or twice a month, please call Mary at (714) 531-8088 for additional information. Page 6 A Response to the People of Darfur. Please join the Orange County interfaith community for a brunch and auction on Sunday, June 3, Noon – 3:00 p.m. at Spurgeon United Methodist Church, 1025 West Memory Lane, Santa Ana, to aid destitute persons living in the refugee camps in the Darfur area of Sudan in Africa. A guest speaker will inform us of the plight of these refugees and how we can help on a regular basis. Requested donation is $25 and you are asked to R.S.V.P. by May 31 to Third World Gifts and Handarts, 152 N. Glassell, Suite B, Orange, CA 92866, 714/288-1434, or [email protected]. You may send a check, payable to Third World Gifts and Handarts. Thank you for your prayers and active support! HOLY SPIRIT PARISH MINISTRIES AND ORGANIZATIONS Altar Server………………………………………………………………………………………..Joanne Peters, 963-3096 Altar Society………………………………………………………………………………………. Betty Perry, 848-9733 Baptism Class (English)……………1st Wednesday, Parish Center, 7:30 PM…………………..Deacon Bill Cobbett, 963-1811 Baptism Class (Vietnamese)……….2nd Friday, Parish Hall, 7:00 PM ………………………….Deacon Jerry Dao, 963-1811 Bereavement Support and Education….……………………………..………………………….Mary Radecki, (714) 531-8088 Eucharistic Adoration……………..Friday, 9:30 AM to 8:45 AM Saturday (Benediction)……..Rochelle Giuseffi, 839-7617 Charismatic Prayer Group……….. Holy Spirit Parish Center, Room 9, Wednesday, 7:30 PM...Joyce Meersman, 545-9077 Catholic Spirit Singles…………….. 3rd Sunday, 1:00 PM, Parish Hall………………………….Jim Roerich, 573-2091 Devotions of the Holy Wounds…… 1st Friday following the 9:00 AM Mass……………………Rochelle Giuseffi, 839-7617 Divine Mercy Prayer Group……… Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Fridays 3:00 PM………………Tom Peters, 963-3096 24 Hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament …………………….....Monthly, 4th of each month begins after the 6:30 AM Mass Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion—Altar………………………………………….Joan Kennedy, 968-9860 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion—Homebound….…………………..…………. Arlene Doan, 963-9424 Greeters…………………………………………………………………………………………… Bev White, 963-9275 His Hands………………………….. Board Meeting, 2nd Mondays, 12 Noon at the Mission……Genny Victorino, 968-2111 Holy Communion Needed……………………………………………………………………….. Parish Office, 963-1811 Hospitality………………………………………………………………………………………… Bev White, 963-9275 Immaculate Heart of Mary Devotions…1st Saturday of each month 8:15 AM…………………Rochelle Giuseffi, 839-7617 Knights of Columbus………………2nd Tuesday of the month, Parish Hall……………….….. Roy Sapp, 374-1064 Ladies Knights…………………….. 2nd Tuesday of the month, Parish Hall…………………… Bev White, 963-9275 Lector & Commentator Coordinator………………………………..…………………….……. Rich Skoczylas, 891-0737 Line Dance Group……….…………1st Thursday, 3rd Tuesday, Parish Hall, 6:30 PM …………Larry Doan, 963-9424 Marriage Preparation Info………..3rd Wednesday, Parish Center, 7:30 PM …...………………Deacon Bill Cobbett, 963-1811 Marriage Prep, Class— “Unitas”…3 times yearly, Parish Center………………………………Deacon Bill Cobbett, 963-1811 Men’s Bible Study………………… Parish Hall, Every Monday, 7:00 AM………….…………. Bob Novielli, 556-8658 Music Ministry…………………………………………………………………………………….Michele McCurdy, 963-1811x124 Our Lady Of Guadalupe………….. 1st Tuesday of the month, Parish Hall………………..…… Lyda Luna, 378-5189 Pastoral Council……………………………………………………………………………….…[email protected] Peace and Justice…………………………………………………………………………………..Pat Goodman, 847-6617 RCIA……………………………….. Parish Hall, Every Wednesday, 7:00 PM, July To May…... Roz Esh, 537-1701 Respect Life…………………………2nd Tuesday of the month, Room 7, 7:00 PM...………….. Rochelle Giuseffi, 839-7617 Rosary Cenacle……………………. Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Mondays, 7:00 PM………….. Patricia Rensing, 968-5843 Rosary for Peace………………….. Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Sundays, 3:00 PM…………… Helen Moran, 968-3224 Span. Charismatic Prayer Group…Parish Hall, Every Monday 7:00 PM.………..…………… Hortencia Newhouse, 541-0507 Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius…Parish Center, Every Friday 6:00 PM……………………...Bonnie Gorsic, 593-9665 Stephen Ministry…………………...Christ caring for people through people………….………. Harvey Dorren, 841-2988 Tuesday Bible Study………………1:00-2:30 PM, Room 9 in Parish Center……………………Naomi Napoli, 714-842-3967 Vocation Cross……………………………………………………………………………………. Dominic Migliorini, 964-4663 Ushers………………………………………………………………………………………………Joe Soresi, 963-6119, …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Susan Kulvinskas, 962-6801 Vocation Committee……………….3rd Sat., 9:30 AM, Parish Center Office…………………...Dom Migliorini, 220-9940 Women’s Bible Study………………Parish Hall, Every Thursday 7:00—8:30 PM……....…….. Ruth Vinson, 549-7750.
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