RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL AND INVITATION TO NEGOTIATE Cover Sheet Date Issued: June 24, 2014 Due Date/Time: July 25, 2014 @ 2:00 PM, EST RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance Proposals must be received, by the due date/time specified above at the location below. Proposals received after the due date/time may be returned unopened, to the vendor. Sign and deliver proposal, cover sheet, and schedules to: Mailing Address: Bill Wheelock, Director, Procurement Services Procurement Services nd Jones Hall – 2 Floor One University Plaza Youngstown, Ohio 44555 No Fax or Email Bids Permitted For Inquiries contact: Desa Pavlichich, Center for International Studies at 330-941-2336 Envelopes must be sealed and designated- RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance Note: 1. 2. 3. No public proposal opening will be held due to the complexity of responses and need for committee review. Please submit one (1) clearly marked original of the proposal and one (1) electronic copy on flash drive or CD. Email Copies are not acceptable. Final results will be posted on the Procurement Services Competitive Event website – http://web.ysu.edu/gen/ysu/University__Competitive__Events_m1361.html By signing this document I am agreeing, on behalf of my firm, to the specifications of this RFP and accepting, without exception or amendment, Youngstown State University (YSU)’s Purchase Order Terms and Conditions – http://web.ysu.edu/gen/ysu_generated_bin/documents/basic_module/po_terms_conds.pdf All purchase orders resulting from this RFP shall be subject to these instructions, terms and requirements that 1 shall be incorporated therein. (Must be signed or the proposal will be returned to the vendor) Submitted by: Company ___________________________________________________________________ Authorized Signature _________________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________________________ (Printed Name) (Title) 1 Should a bidder take exception to YSU’s Standard RFP Agreement Terms (Section II cited within) the bidder must submit such exceptions and/or amendments in writing to the contact above within five (5) business days prior to the Proposal Closing Date. YSU reserves the right to reject some, all or none of the proposed exceptions and/or amendments and asserts its Standard RFP Agreement Terms as described herein. 1 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Table of Contents INDEX Page # TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 SECTION I. Definitions 3 SECTION II. Standard RFP Instructions and Agreement Terms 4 - 11 SECTION III. RFP Response Instructions 12 SCHEDULES A. Vendor Data Sheet 13 B. Description of Services and Submittals 14-19 C. YSU Certification Form 20 D. Vendor Authorization to do Business in the State of Ohio 21 E. Vendor Inquiry Form 22 2 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance SECTION I Definitions Relative to this document, and any addenda incorporated therein, the following definitions apply. Addendum: Written instruments, issued solely by YSU that details amendments, changes or clarifications to the specifications and terms and conditions of this RFP. Such written instruments shall be the sole method employed by YSU to amend, change or clarify this RFP, and any claims (from whatever source) that verbal amendments changes or clarifications have been made shall be summarily rejected by YSU. Agreement, Contract or Purchase Order: Award resulting from the Request for Proposal or Request for Quotation. Bidder, Vendor, Supplier:: Respondent to the Request for Proposal or Request for Quotation. CMV/MBE: A minority owned or controlled business as defined in the Ohio Revised Code Section 122.71(E)(1) and certified by the State of Ohio Equal Opportunity Commission. EDGE Program: Encouraging Diversity Growth and Equity program as defined in the Ohio Revised Code Section 123 and 125. IUC: The Inter-University Council of Ohio. IUC-PG: The Inter-University Council - Purchasing Group. May, Should: Indicates something that is requested but not mandatory. If the Vendor fails to provide requested information, YSU may, at its sole option, either request that the Vendor provide the information or evaluate the proposal without the information. Member Institution: A State of Ohio institution listed on roster of IUC-PG. Proposal, Quotation: Response provided by Vendor. Proposal Closing Date: The date and time specified in this RFP by which the quotation or proposal must be received by YSU Procurement Services in accordance with Section III Paragraph 30 of this RFP. Proposals received after such date and time may not be considered. RFP: Request for Proposal Shall, Must, Will: This indicates a mandatory requirement. Failure to meet mandatory requirements may invalidate the proposal, or result in rejection of a proposal or quotation as non-responsive. Page 3 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance SECTION II YSU Standard RFP Instructions and Agreement Terms Vendors are cautioned to read this entire document carefully and to prepare and submit their response providing all requested information in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. To be considered, Vendors must submit a complete response to this RFP in the format detailed by the specifications. Proposals must be dated, signed by an official authorized to bind the Vendor to the terms of the proposal and submitted to YSU in accordance with the instructions, terms and conditions of this RFP. YSU reserves the right to: • Reject any or all proposals received in response to this RFP; • Request clarification from any Vendor on any or all aspects of its proposal; • Waive informalities and minor defects contained in proposals that are not inconsistent with law • Cancel and/or reissue this RFP at any time; • Retain all proposals submitted in response to this RFP; and, • Invite some, all, or none of the Vendor(s) for interviews and further negotiations/discussion. YSU reserves the right to negotiate the pricing and all terms and conditions associated with this RFP process with the selected vendor(s). Agreement Terms and Instructions: 1. Advertising: No Vendor providing products or services to YSU, or member institutions, shall appropriate or make use of the name or other identifying marks or property in its advertising. 2. Agreement Extension: YSU reserves the right to extend the agreement beyond the normal expiration date if YSU determines it to be in their best interest and the selected vendor(s) agrees to the extension. 3. Assignment: Any agreements entered into as a result of this offering may not be assigned by the selected vendor without the expressed written consent of YSU and the participating members. 4. Auditing Policy: The selected vendor(s) on this agreement will be required to cooperate with any outside auditor employed by YSU, for the sake of monitoring that the vendor is complying with the terms of this agreement. If discrepancies are found and they appear to be unintentional, the successful vendor will correct the situation and return any overpayments that may have been made by YSU. Any appearance of intentional wrong doing by the vendor will be cause for the immediate cancellation of any agreement entered into by YSU and the selected vendor. The difference of overpayment shall be reimbursed to YSU. 5. Authority: YSU and its Director of Procurement are not authorized and cannot sign for warrant terms and conditions of its member institutions. All final terms and conditions will be identified by the individual member institutions upon execution of any order. 6. Awards: Any agreement entered into as a result of this inquiry may be awarded to one vendor or to several as multiple awards, whichever is in the best interest of the purpose and intent of YSU. YSU reserves the right to judgment concerning quality of product, service and the vendor(s) capability to service the agreement. Unless the Vendor states otherwise, YSU reserves the right to award by items, groups of items, or as a whole, whichever is deemed most advantageous to YSU. If an award is made, the vendor(s) determined to have offered the best overall value to YSU shall be accepted. 7. Campaign Contributions: Vendor hereby certifies that all applicable parties listed in Division (l) (3) or (J) (3) of O.R.C. Section 3517.13 are in full compliance with Divisions (l) (1) and (J) (1) of O.R.C. Section 3517.13. 8. Cancellation/Termination: Any resultant agreement may not be canceled by either the selected vendor or YSU without agreement by the parties or due to failure to perform on the part of eother party. Termination of the agreement shall in no way limit the parties’ remedies at law and equity. Cancellation for Lack of Funding: The resultant agreement may be canceled without any further 9. Page 4 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance obligation on the part of YSU in the event that sufficient appropriated funding is unavailable to assure full performance of its terms. The vendor(s) shall be notified in writing of such non-appropriation at the earliest opportunity. 10. Cash Discount: YSU may use any cash terms offered and these may be considered in determining the Vendor’s final net price depending on the discount period. In the event that YSU is entitled to a cash discount, the period of computations will commence on the date of delivery or receipt of a correctly completed invoice, whichever is later. If an adjustment is necessary due to damage, the cash discount period shall commence on the date final approval for payment is authorized. If a discount is part of the contract, but the invoice does not reflect the existence of a cash discount, YSU members are entitled to a cash discount with the period commencing on the date it is determined that a cash discount applies. YSU has expanded and continues to expand their procurement card program. Whether the proposal includes an option for payment by credit card may be relevant in the University’s selection and award process. Proposals submitted shall identify if payments via a members credit card system are acceptable to your firm at the price(s) quoted. Added fees or surcharges that apply for payments via credit cards must be identified in the Vendor’s proposal and will be used in the selection criteria. 11. Commitment: YSU does not obligate itself to procure the volume of services projected within the RFP document. Discounts or prices offered must remain for the term of the agreement unless specifically addressed in the vendors response and agreed to by YSU. Price reductions shall be passed on to YSU when and as they occur, whether due to changes in manufacturer’s pricing, incentives, rebates, etc. The requirements may exceed the volume estimated and the vendor(s) will be required to furnish all requirements as shown on purchase orders issued from YSU that are dated prior to termination date of the agreement (by mailing date). The resulting price agreement does not preclude competitive bidding for the acquisition of any item(s) or products(s) that may be included herein. 12. Compliance: Vendor(s) warrant that both in submission of its proposal and performance of any resultant purchase order or contract, Vendor will comply with all applicable Federal, state, and local laws, regulations, rules, and/or ordinances. 13. Confidential Information: Any and all information, the release of which is prohibited by state or federal law or regulation, is subject to the protections of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), or protected by the Gramm Leach Bliley Act (GLBA) and obtained by the Vendor resulting contract constitutes Confidential Information. Vendor agrees to hold the Confidential Information in strictest confidence. Vendor shall not use or disclose Confidential Information received from or on behalf of University or any of its students, faculty, or staff except as permitted or required by contract or by law, or as otherwise agreed to in writing by University. The Vendor shall implement, maintain, and use appropriate administrative, technical, and physical security measures to preserve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all electronically maintained or transmitted Confidential Information. SAS 70 Audit reports must be available if applicable to this event. The Vendor shall abide by the Privacy and Security Rules as set forth by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). 14. Conflicts of Interest and Ethics Compliance: No personnel of Company or member of the governing body of any locality or other public official or employee of any such locality in which, or relating to which, the work under this Agreement is being carried out, and who exercise any functions or responsibilities in connection with the review or approval of this Agreement or carrying out of any such work, shall, prior to the completion of said work, voluntarily acquire any personal interest, direct or indirect, which is incompatible or in conflict with the discharge and fulfillment of his or her functions and responsibilities with respect to the carrying out of said work. Any such person who acquires an incompatible or conflicting personal interest, on or after the effective date of this Agreement, or who involuntarily acquires any such incompatible or conflicting personal interest, shall immediately disclose his or her interest to Agency in writing. Thereafter, he or she shall not participate in any action affecting the work under this Agreement, unless Agency shall determine in its Page 5 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance sole discretion that, in the light of the personal interest disclosed, his or her participation in any action would not be contrary to the public interest. Company represents, warrants, and certifies that it and its employees engaged in the administration or performance of the Agreement are knowledgeable of and understand the Ohio Ethics and Conflicts of Interest laws and Executive Order No. 2011-03K. Vendor further represents, warrants, and certifies that neither Vendor nor any of its employees will do any act that is inconsistent with such laws and Executive Order. The Governor’s Executive Orders may be found by accessing the following website: http://governor.ohio.gov/MediaRoom/ExecutiveOrders/ExecutiveOrders2011.aspx. 15. Consistent failure of vendor(s) to meet YSU’s terms and conditions, deemed by YSU in its sole discretion, and to be a material breach including but not limited to delivery, required service levels, quality, invoice inaccuracies, etc., will constitute a default of the agreement by the vendor. In the event that the said default continues for a period of thirty (30) days after the vendor’s receipt of the notice of default, the member institution reserves the right to immediately terminate the agreement. Termination shall in no way limit YSU’s right to recover damages that arose as a result of the vendor’s breach. 16. Drug Free Safety Program: The selected Vendor must be enrolled in, and in good standing with, a Drug Free Work Place Program approved by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation at time of contract execution with YSU. They also must comply with Ohio Revised Code Section 153.03 regarding it and any sub-contractor’s drug free work place program requirements. 17. Ethical Conduct: It is expected that once an agreement is issued, vendors (awarded or not awarded) will not undertake any actions that might interfere with, or be detrimental to, the contractual obligations of YSU. YSU reserves the right to take any and all actions deemed appropriate in response to unethical conduct by a vendor. Such actions include, but are not limited to, establishing guidelines for campus visits by a vendor, and/or removal of a vendor from YSU’s Vendor’s list(s). Apart from the contact required for any on-going business at YSU, vendors are specifically prohibited from contacting any individual at, or associated with YSU universities regarding this RFP. Vendor communication shall be limited to the contact named in this RFP document. A vendor’s failure to adhere to this prohibition may, at YSU’s sole discretion, disqualify the vendor’s proposal. 18. Evaluation: If an award is made, the Vendor(s) whose proposal, in the sole opinion of YSU, represents the best overall value to YSU will be selected. Factors which determine the award are detailed more fully in the specifications, including but not limited to: the proposal’s responsiveness to all specifications in the RFP; quality of the Vendor’s products or services; ability to perform the contract; general responsibility as evidence by past performance; and other selection criteria listed within this RFP. Price/discounts, although a factor, will not be the sole determining factor in award of the agreement. YSU will determine the weighting factors that will be assigned. 19. Findings For Recovery (Ohio Revised Code Section 9.24): Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.) Section 9.24, prohibits the State from awarding a contract to any offeror('s) against whom the Auditor of State has issued a finding for recovery if the finding for recovery is “unresolved” at the time of award. By submitting a proposal, offeror warrants that it is not now, and will not become subject to an “unresolved” finding for recovery under O.R.C. 9.24, prior to the award of any contract arising out of this RFP, without notifying YSU of such finding. 20. Freight Terms: All prices quoted must be F.O.B. Destination, Freight Pre-Paid and Allowed. Unless clearly stated otherwise by the Vendor, prices quoted shall include all charges for transportation, packaging, crate containers, etc., necessary to complete delivery on an F.O.B. Destination, Freight PrePaid and Allowed basis. 21. Hold Harmless: It is understood that the Vendor, if awarded a Price Agreement or Purchase Order, agrees to protect, defend, and save harmless YSU from any claims suits or demands for payment that may be brought against it due to the acts errors or omissions of Vendor in providing the services under Page 6 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance this agreement and for use of any patented material, process, article or device that may enter into the manufacture or construction, or form a part of the works covered by either order or contract. 22. Incurred Expenses: The Vendor(s), by submitting a proposal, agrees that any costs incurred by responding to this RFP or in support of activities associated with this RFP shall be the Vendor(s) sole responsibility and may not be billed to YSU. YSU will incur no obligation of liability whatsoever to anyone resulting from issuance of, or activities pertaining to this RFP. 23. Insurance and Related Requirements: Minimum Insurance Coverage’s and Requirements: The selected vendor(s) shall obtain and maintain the minimum insurance coverage’s set forth below. By requiring such minimum insurance, YSU shall not be deemed or construed to have assessed the risk that may be applicable to the selected vendor(s). The selected vendor(s) shall assess its own risks and, if it deems appropriate and/or prudent, maintain higher limits and/or broader coverage’s. The selected vendor(s) is not relieved of any liability or other obligations assumed or pursuant to the contract by reason of its failure to obtain or maintain insurance in sufficient amounts, duration, or types. Coverages: 1. Commercial General Liability – ISO form CG0001 or its equivalent. Coverage to include: • Premises and Operations • Personal Injury/Advertising Injury • Products/Completed Operations • Liability assumed under an Insured Contract (including tort liability of another assumed in a business contract) • Independent Contractors 2. Automobile Liability – Coverage to include: • Owned Vehicles • Leased Vehicles • Hired Vehicles • Non-Owned and Employee Non-Owned Vehicles • Personal Injury Protection (where applicable) 3. Workers’ Compensation Statutory – Ohio Workers’ Compensation (Coverage A) through State Fund or Self Insurance 4. Employers’ Liability – Ohio Stop Gap Liability evidenced either on General Liability or Other Workers’ Compensation insurance 5. Liquor Liability – If the selected vendor(s) is operating a business that distributes, sells, or serves alcoholic beverages or if their activities require a liquor license, they must maintain liquor liability insurance that includes YSU, their Board of Regents/Trustees, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers as additional insured’s. Page 7 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance Limits Required: The selected vendor(s) shall carry the following limits of liability: Commercial General Liability General Aggregate Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Each Occurrence Limit Personal/Advertising Injury Damage to Rented Premises Medical Payments (Any One Person) Liquor Liability (if applicable) Each Occurrence Aggregate Automobile Liability Bodily Injury/Property Damage (Each Accident) Personal Injury Protection, if applicable Workers’ Compensation (Workers’ Compensation) Employers’ Liability $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $100,000 $10,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Statutory Statutory $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 Additional Requirements: Commercial General Liability (CGL) Commercial General Liability (CGL) must include coverage for liability arising from products-completed operations and liability assumed under an insured contract. If the CGL insurance has a general aggregate limit, then ISO endorsement CG2504 (03/97 Edition) or its equivalent must be added. The Designated Location(s) General Aggregate Limit must be maintained for the duration of the agreement, and the limit must be twice the minimum required occurrence limit. The selected vendor(s) shall name YSU, its participating member schools, and its Board of Regents/Trustees, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers as Additional Insured’s on ISO endorsement CG 2026 or its equivalent. The CGL policy shall contain no endorsement or modification limiting the scope of coverage for liability assumed under a contract or liability arising from pollution. All Policies • • • Must be written on a primary basis, non-contributory with any other insurance coverage’s and/or self-insurance carried by YSU or its participating member schools. Must include a Waiver of Subrogation Clause. May not be non-renewed, cancelled, or materially changed or altered unless thirty (30) days advance written notice via certified mail is provided to YSU and its participating member schools. 24. Invoicing: Award recipients must match the resultant YSU’s purchase order and invoice on a line-by-line basis. The invoice must be identical in terms of cost; units specified; quantity ordered; and item descriptions. Unless specifically exempted, unit prices must be entered and item total extended on each invoice. 25. New Products/Services: New/related product lines/services, not available at the time of bidding, may be Page 8 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance added during the course of this agreement by the awarded vendor(s), with prior approval of YSU. Requests to add new related product lines/services must be submitted to the YSU Director of Procurement Services. 26. Non-Discrimination: In submitting their proposal, or performing that which results from an award by YSU, the successful Vendor agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions or privileges of employment or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment because of race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, age, handicap or Vietnam era veteran status. The successful Vendor further agrees that every sub-contract for parts and/or service for any ensuing order will contain a provision requiring non-discrimination in employment as specified above. This covenant is required pursuant to Executive Order 11246, Laws and Regulations of the State of Ohio. Any breach thereof may be regarded as material breach of contract or purchase order. 27. Orders, Delivery and Billings: Orders will come from YSU as the need occurs. Delivery of services must be as specified in the RFP and/or as directed by YSU. Invoicing must also be as directed by YSU. Continued failure to meet delivery requirements is cause for cancellation of the agreement (Uniform Commercial Code Section(s) 2-712 and 2-713). 28. Prohibition Of Offshore Outsourcing: The Vendor affirms to have read and understands Executive Order 2011-12K and shall abide by those requirements in the performance of this Contract, and shall perform no services required under this Contract outside of the United States. http://www.governor.ohio.gov/Portals/0/pdf/executiveOrders/EO%202011-12K.pdf . The Vendor also affirms, understands, and agrees to immediately notify YSU of any change or shift in the location(s) of services performed by the Vendor or its sub-contractors under this Contract, and no services shall be changed or shifted to a location(s) that are outside of the United States. The Vendor also agrees to disclose if requested by YSU all of the following: • The location where all services under this Contract will be performed by any vendor • The location where any state data associated with any of the services the Vendor is performing under this Contract, or seek to provide will be accessed, tested, maintained, backed-up or stored; • The principle location of business for the any Vendors who are supplying services under this Contract. If any Vendor performs services under this Contract outside of the United States, the performance of such services shall be treated as a material breach of the Contract. YSU, is not obligated to pay and shall not pay for such services. If any vendor performs any such services, Vendor shall immediately return to YSU all funds paid for those services. YSU may also recover from the Vendor all costs associated with any corrective action YSU may undertake, including but not limited to an audit or a risk analysis, as a result of the Vendor performing services outside the United States. YSU may, at any time after the breach, terminate the Contract, upon written notice to the Vendor. YSU may recover all accounting, administrative, legal and other expenses reasonably necessary for the preparation of the termination of the Contract and costs associated with the acquisition of substitute services from a third party. If YSU determines that actual and direct damages are uncertain or difficult to ascertain, YSU in its sole discretion may recover a payment of liquidated damages in the amount of two percent of the value of the Contract. YSU in its sole discretion may provide written notice to Vendor of a breach and permit the Vendor to cure the breach. Such cure period shall be no longer than 21 calendar days. During the cure period, YSU may buy substitute services from a third party and recover from the Vendor any costs associated with acquiring those substitute services. Notwithstanding YSU permitting a period of time to cure the breach or the Vendor’s cure of the breach, YSU does not waive any of its rights and remedies provided YSU in this Contract, including but not limited Page 9 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance to recovery of funds paid for services the Vendor performed outside of the United States, costs associated with corrective action, or liquidated damages. The Vendor will not assign any of its rights, nor delegate any of its duties and responsibilities under this Contract, without prior written consent of YSU. Any assignment or delegation not consented to may be deemed void by YSU. 29. Pricing: Vendors are asked to thoroughly explain their pricing structure in their response. YSU reserves the right to negotiate this and other pertinent terms with the selected finalist(s) and this could become one of the selection criteria used in the award process. 30. Proposal Submittal: Vendors may return Proposals to YSU prior to the Proposal Closing Date due date/time (as determined by the clock in Procurement Service’s main office, by first class certified mail, return-receipt requested, express mail, and/or hand-delivery. Proposals will be accepted only if the cover page is signed and dated. Any proposal that does not include all elements as specified herein may be considered an incomplete proposal and may not be considered for award. Proposals received after the Proposal Closing Date will not be considered. Office hours for receipt of proposals or quotes are normally Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, local time. Requests for extension of Proposal Closing Date will not be granted unless YSU determines, at its sole discretion, that the original Proposal Closing Date appears impractical. Notice of any extension will be provided in the form of an Addendum, posted to YSU website – www.ysu.edu/procure. Review proposals carefully, since it shall not be corrected after the Proposal Closing Date. Any agreement or purchase order resulting from this inquiry shall require the successful vendor(s) to adhere to all specified conditions. Failure by the vendor(s) to meet schedules: to complete the deliverables within a reasonable time, as interpreted solely by YSU; or any other failure to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of the inquiry and resultant agreement shall allow YSU, at its sole discretion, to rescind or cancel the agreement. 31. Proprietary Information: All evaluation criteria for proposals are non-proprietary and subject to public disclosure after contract award. All proposals, except for items reasonably identified by Vendor as trade secrets or proprietary information, are subject to public disclosure under Ohio Revised Code Section 149.43. Vendor shall be solely responsible for protecting its own trade secret or proprietary information, and will be responsible for all costs associated with protecting this information from disclosure. 32. Provisions: If any provisions in the resultant agreement are held to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect without being impaired or invalidated in any way. 33. Quality of Service: The successful vendor(s) must be prepared to furnish continual top quality service to YSU. Failure to do so may be considered just cause for cancellation of the agreement. 34. Quantity and Commitments: YSU does not obligate themselves to procure the volume of services projected unless specifically addressed within the RFP document. Discounts or prices offered must remain for the term of the agreement unless specifically addressed in the vendors response and agreed to by YSU. The requirements may exceed the volume estimated and the vendor(s) will be required to furnish all requirements as shown on purchase orders issued from YSU that are dated prior to the termination date of the agreement (by mailing date). 35. Reports: Awarded vendor(s) will be required to provide to YSU any and all agreed upon reports, at no charge. Failure to provide these reports may result in cancellation of the agreement. 36. Safety Procedures: The vendor, its employees and sub-contractors shall comply with YSU’s safety procedures while on YSU premises, provided such procedures are conspicuously and legibly posted in the working area or have been delivered, in writing, to the vendor prior to the commencement of work on the universities’ premises. Page 10 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance 37. Sales Tax: YSU, as an instrumentality of the State of Ohio, is exempt from Ohio sales tax and Federal excise tax, including Federal transportation tax. An exemption certificate will be furnished by YSU upon request. 38. Samples: Any samples required for award evaluation must be furnished as requested, free of any expense. Unless destruction of sample is necessary for testing purposes, or retention of sample is required as a quality standard for future items shipped, samples will be returned to Vendor, at Vendor’s expense, upon request. Unless otherwise requested or necessary, samples become the property of YSU. 39. Specifications: Proposals are requested for services specified. Instructions are for descriptive purposes only and to guide the Vendor in interpretation of the performance desired, and shall not be construed to exclude proposals offering other types of service unless otherwise noted. If the description of your offer differs in any way, you must give complete detailed description of your proposal. Vendor must provide proposal exactly as specified on this RFP. Vendor may also offer alternatives. YSU reserves the sole right to determine if any alternates offered will be accepted. 40. State Law: Any agreement entered into as a result this solicitation will be governed by the laws of the State of Ohio. 41. Title and Risk of Loss: Seller shall retain title and bear the risk of any to loss or damage to the items purchased until they are delivered at the specified F.O.B. point and upon such delivery, title shall pass and Seller's responsibility for loss or damage shall cease except as resulting from Seller's negligence or failure to comply. Passing of title upon such delivery shall not constitute acceptance of the items by Buyer. Delivery location is Central Receiving, 235 West Rayen Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio 44555-0001 (330-941-3202). Deliveries accepted between 7:30 am – 3:30 pm. 42. Use of Data – Vendor agrees that it will keep confidential the features of any technical or proprietary information furnished by YSU and use such items only in the production of items awarded as a result of this inquiry and not otherwise, unless YSU’s written consent is first obtained. Page 11 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance SECTION III RFP Response Instructions 1. RFP Schedule of Events YSU will make every effort to adhere to the schedule detailed below: RFP Issued via Website and/or email 06/24/2014 RFP Proposal Vendor Inquiry Form Due 07/16/2014 Responses and/or Addendum to Proposal Inquiry Form from YSU Due 07/22/2014 RFP Closing Date 07/25/2014 2:00 p.m., EST 2. RFP Questions—Not Applicable for This Proposal Vendors must submit questions, using SCHEDULE E: YSU VENDOR INQUIRY FORM. All questions must be submitted via email as indicated on the schedule. Questions submitted by the deadline will be answered in the form of an addendum posted to YSU website. Contact person is Bill Wheelock, Director, Procurement Services, [email protected]. During YSU competitive proposal process, up to and including the issuance of an award letter, under no circumstances may a Vendor contact other individuals at YSU to discuss any aspect of this inquiry or attempt to influence the process. Failure of a Vendor to comply with this protocol may invalidate their proposal response. 3. Proposal Package Requirements The following MUST be included in the proposal-response package by the proposal due-date/time; failure to do so may invalidate the proposal response. • • • • • • Signed and dated RFP cover sheet. Completed, signed, and dated all Schedules. Vendor must provide their proposals exactly as specified in this RFP. Responses must address all aspects of the RFP and should follow the chronology of the RFP. Fax and email responses are not permitted. Agree to any other terms required within this RFP. Respond to other items as directed. Minority Business Participation: YSU has a goal consistent with the State of Ohio legislative mandate to help members procure a percentage of its goods and services from State Certified Minority Vendors (CMV) and/or Encouraging Diversity Growth and Equity (EDGE) vendors. To help YSU in this effort, vendors are asked to confirm their MBE and/or EDGE certification eligibility. 12 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance SCHEDULE A Vendor Data Sheet Respond to all items in Schedule A: failure to do so will invalidate your proposal. Discounts listed as a part of Schedule A MUST INCLUDE F.O.B. DESTINATION, FREIGHT PRE-PAID AND ALLOWED – all shipping and delivery charges must be included in price discount in Schedule C. YSU reserves the right to request (at its sole discretion) from some or all of the respondents, any further information or documentation that it deems necessary for the issuance of an agreement. Company Name: Address: Fed Tax ID: _________________________________ Website: _______________________________ Telephone #: ________________________________ FAX #: _________________________________ Contact Address: Contact Name: _______________________________ Contact Telephone #: _________________________ Contact FAX #: ______________________________ Contact Email Address: ________________________ State of Ohio Certified Minority Business Enterprise (check one, and attach current certification): Yes ___________ No _________ Payment Terms: _____________________________ Delivery ARO _____________________________ State of Ohio Certified EDGE Vendor check one, and attach current certification): Yes ___________ No _________ If awarded an agreement, please indicate if you will extend these prices and terms to all members of IUC. Your response will not affect our consideration of your proposal. Check one and sign below. Yes _________ Signature) No _________ (Title) (Date) Page 13 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance SCHEDULE B Scope and Content of Proposal Please address each topic in this section, in order of appearance in your proposal: Enrollment in YSU’s student health insurance plan is mandatory for all international students (F and J status) and for their nonimmigrant dependents. Coverage must be maintained for the entire period defined as 8/1/2014, beginning of Fall Semester through and including 7/31/2015, end of the Academic year. YSU reserves the right to renew this program annually upon mutual agreement with selected provider for up to four (4) additional years. Eligibility It is the policy of Youngstown State University (YSU) that all non-immigrant foreign nationals who meet the following conditions, are required to enroll in YSU’s student health insurance plan while they are engaged in full-time educational activities. - They are non-immigrant foreign nationals with valid passports from their home country; They have been issued an I-20 Certificate of Eligibility by Youngstown State University; They have been granted F-1 student status by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS); and They are registered in full-time educational activities at Youngstown State University; and/or They are exchange visitors and have been issued a Form DS-2019 by YSU. In the Fall 2014 semester, Youngstown State University will have approximately 150 international students who fit into this category. An exception to this requirement is granted only to: 1. Students who have comprehensive group health insurance coverage through a parent or spouse’s U.S. employer, OR 2. Students whose sponsorship by the U.S. government, the student’s home government, or a U.S.-recognized international organization includes comprehensive health insurance. Student Minimum Coverage It is the University’s intention that the minimum coverage will be in compliance with the provisions of the Affordable Care Act. 1. 2. 3. Maximum Per Accident or Illness not less than $500,000 Annual Maximum – 12 consecutive months not less than $500,000 Co-Pay for Office and Hospital Visits not to exceed $100.00 if in the Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) network. 4. Full coverage of expenses incurred through the use of: a. Ground/Air Ambulance Services b. Emergency Room Visit c. Prescriptions d. Medical Evacuation not less than $50,000 e. Repatriation not less than $25,000 Page 14 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance Additional International Student Coverage The University wants additional coverage to be available due to illness or emergency assistance while the student or the covered dependent is traveling on vacation, holiday, and/or instructional purposes away from the University (a minimum of 100 miles from the university). This would also include traveling overseas (except for the individual’s home country). This additional assistance should include; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Finding a medical provider Medical evacuation or transport Critical care monitoring Prescription assistance Compassionate family visit Medical trauma counseling Emergency message transmission Repatriation or return of mortal remains Translation assistance. Coverage Period Fall Semester 2014 (08/01/2014) to Fall Semester 2015 (07/31/2015) A person who is eligible for coverage and who is enrolled for coverage shall become an Insured Certificate Holder on the first day of the academic semester or the effective date specified by the Policy holder. Coverage should extend from the beginning of one semester to the beginning of the next semester so students have coverage during vacation periods. Because students on F-1 status are not required to attend classes during the summer, coverage for students who purchase a policy in the spring semester shall continue until the beginning of the next fall semester. For the purpose of the bid review process, premiums shall be quoted for the periods listed above and also as a monthly rate. International Student Health Insurance Identification Cards Prior to the start of each session, the Company will provide international student health insurance identification cards. These cards should include the University’s name, the name and address of the Company, and the telephone number of the Company to be accessed by health providers. Claim Forms The Company will provide claim forms. The Company must provide a toll-free number and have a claims representative available during normal working hours. The Company must make reasonable effort to have bilingual customer service representatives available to foreign speaking students. The Company must agree to make a good faith effort to process completed claim forms quickly and efficiently and to provide help to students attempting to file a claim. The Company’s claim form must be simple and clear and easy to fill out. The Company must accept bills and statement forms generated by most hospitals and attending physicians as supporting documentation. Plan Information Website The student shall be able to go to a user friendly on-line website that will provide the student with a list of covered medical providers. The site should allow the student to obtain current information on any claims that they have filed. Page 15 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance Customer Service Customer service is to be provided by a toll free telephone number that is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Scope of Coverage A qualified student under the policy will be covered in any country outside his or her country of citizenship and/ or usual domicile. Payment of Premium At the beginning of each coverage period, the university will provide the Company with a list that includes the following: • • • • • Name of student Student ID Number (assigned by the University) or Social Security number Sex Date of Birth Country of Citizenship The University will remit a premium check, half in October and the remainder in February with the list of covered students within 30 days of the start date. The University seeks to revenue share any administrative fees. Visit by Company Representative A Company representative shall be available to visit the University during registration and orientation, to ensure that a consistently high quality of service is maintained for the University, for the Policyholder and for the Insured Certificate Holders. A Company representative will then be available as needed. Filing and Administrative Issues The company representative must be a resident licensed insurance agent by the Ohio Department of Insurance. The insurance policy must be approved by the Ohio Department of Insurance and comply with all the provisions of the law. The plan is not to be filed in a trust. Youngstown State University is to be the Policyholder while the students are the Insured Certificate Holders. The plan must comply with the Title IX including maternity coverage and premiums without age banding. The students’ cost shall be the same regardless of age. The policy must meet any and all INS or State Department requirements that pertain to student visa Holders, including medical evacuation and repatriation benefits. The policy must be underwritten by an insurance corporation having A.M. Best rating of A or above. The company will provide brochures, ID cards, and enrollment forms at no cost to the University in a style and format approved by the University. Page 16 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance The Company will provide Plan/benefit descriptions in foreign languages as requested by Youngstown State University. The Company will prove at least an annual claims report upon request. The Company agrees to cancel a policy for an Insured Certificate Holder upon the request of the University or the University’s representative. The company further agrees to refund the premium for any full months of unused premium upon written notification of cancellation by the University or the University’s representative. The Company will not cancel a policy upon request of an Insured Certificate Holder. Medical Plan to be Provided The medical plan must contain at least the following provisions. Note: Proposals allowing benefits, which exceed the published maximum benefits, will be considered. • • Maximum Lifetime Benefit: (no more than) $500,000 per illness or accident. Each Insured Certificate Holder will have an aggregate major medical 12-month maximum benefit of (no more than) $500,000. Co-Pay There should be a co-pay of (no more than) $50 for treatment of each injury or illness of an Insured Certificate Holder, whether student or dependent. If the student is referred by the Student Health Center, the co-pay should be reduced to $20 per illness or injury. Medical Benefits Subject to the exclusions, limitations, and all other provisions of the policy, benefits are to be payable at 100% for a covered expense if: (1) The deductible requirement, if any, is met; (2) The expense is incurred within 52 weeks of the date of the accident causing the injury or manifestation of sickness. Covered expenses under the policy should be limited to the following types of expenses prescribed by a doctor for the therapeutic treatment of covered injury or sickness when the fees for such are reasonable and customary; Charges for diagnosis and treatment by a doctor, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, registered nurse (not a close relative of or with the same legal residence as the Insured Individual), professional anesthetist, radiologist, or physiotherapist; Charges for daily hospital room and board not exceeding hospital’s average semiprivate charge and intensive care unit charges; Charges for laboratory, x-ray, and other diagnostic examinations; Charges for prescription drugs required to be dispensed by a licensed pharmacist, except the Plan will pay 100% of charges for such drugs used on an inpatient basis and 75% of charges for such drugs used on an outpatient basis; Charges for emergency professional ambulance service by ground or air to a hospital; Charges for the following listed types of orthopedic or prosthetic devices or hospital equipment; Man-made limbs or eyes for the replacing of natural limbs or eyes; Casts, splints, or crutches; Purchase of a truss or brace; Oxygen and rental of equipment for giving oxygen; Rental of a wheelchair or hospital bed; Rental of dialysis equipment and supplies, and Colostomy bags and ureterostomy bags. Page 17 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance The policy should not cover rental charges for equipment in excess of the purchase price of the equipment. Physiotherapy Expenses Covered expenses in connection with physiotherapy (as defined below) which are incurred while not confined in a hospital and which are billed by a doctor or physiotherapist should not exceed the maximum amounts listed below. Charges in excess of these maximums should not be included as covered expenses under the policy. Physiotherapy means treatment of sickness or injury by use of physical means, including, but not limited to; air, heat, light, water, electricity, massage, manipulation, or active exercise. The physiotherapy benefit per calendar year will be (no more than) $500 and the benefit per office visit will be (no more than) $50 for the first visit and (no more than) $25 thereafter. Pregnancy Benefit Covered expenses for pregnancy will be payable on the same basis as covered expenses for any other sickness with respect to an Insured Certificate Holder whether that individual is a student or covered dependent spouse. No benefits are payable for any expenses which relate to the pregnancy of a dependent child. Newborn Infants A newborn child of an Insured Certificate Holder will automatically be an Insured Individual for 31 days from the moment of its birth only for covered expenses which are due directly to injury or sickness, premature birth, or a congenital condition which exists at birth. In order to continue coverage of a newborn child beyond the 31st day following the date of birth, (1) notice of the birth of the child will be provided to the Company or its authorized representative within 21 days from the date of birth, and (2) the required payment of the appropriate premium will be submitted. Medical Evacuation Benefit The policy will cover, up to a maximum benefit of (no more than) $50,000 charges for air evacuation of an injured or sick Insured Certificate Holder to the individual’s home country or country of regular domicile, provided the air evacuation (1) is upon the attending doctor’s certificate, (2) results from a covered injury or sickness, and (3) does not occur prior to the benefit approval. Repatriation Benefit The policy will cover, up to a maximum benefit of (no more than) $25, 000 in the aggregate, reasonable expenses which are incurred in connection with the preparation and transportation of the body of a deceased Insured Certificate Holder to the individual’s place of residence in the individual’s home country. Mental and Nervous Disorders/Substance Abuse Inpatient benefits to be paid as any other covered illness up to an aggregate limit of 30 days in 12 month period. Outpatient benefits to be paid as any other covered illness up to aggregate limit of 10 visits in a 12 month period. Page 18 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance Exclusions Submit exclusions as defined by your policy. References Each Proposer must furnish a list of a minimum of five (5) clients currently being provided international student health insurance services. Include the name, address, and phone number of each business or school, along with a contact person’s name, title, phone number and length of contract. Authorized Signature Please add a signature page or letter to your proposal with the Name, Title, Signature and Date of signing to be submitted with the proposal. The signatory should be a representative of your company authorized to submit binding proposals. Page 19 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance Schedule C YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY CERTIFICATION FORM (Please check and/or complete the appropriate response) 1. Minority Business Enterprise – The vendor [ ] is [ ] is not a minority business enterprise. A minority business is defined as an individual, partnership, corporation, or joint venture of any kind that is owned and controlled by United States citizens, residents of Ohio, who are certified by the state of Ohio Equal Opportunity Center, and who are members of one of the following economically disadvantaged groups: African-Americans, Native-Americans, Asian-Americans, and Hispanic-Americans. 2. Buy American - The goods [ ] are [ ] are not produced or mined in the United States of America, its possessions, or Puerto Rico. 3. Buy Ohio - Note: Economic preference shall be awarded to Ohio Vendors and Vendors from “Border” states (Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania), provided those states do not impose economic restraints on products produced or mined in Ohio. An “Ohio Vendor” “Vendors from Border States” is described in the Ohio Revised Code, Section 125.09 and 125.11. 4. The Vendor [ ] is [ ] is not considered a Vendor from a “Border State” or an “Ohio Vendor,” as described above. 5. Conflict of Interest4-a. [ ] The Vendor certifies that none of the company’s directors or principal officers are employed by or affiliated with YSU. 4-b. Should any of the Vendor’s directors or principal officers be employed by or be affiliated with YSU, the Vendor will so certify by listing their name(s) and title(s) below: Name of Company Director or Principal Officer Affiliated With or Employed By YSU Title ______________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________________ _______________________________ Failure to complete this document with requested information concerning any of the representations cited above may disqualify your proposal. YSU, at its discretion, may disqualify your proposal if any such representations are deemed inaccurate or any such employment of affiliation creates a potential conflict of interest. Signed:_____________________________________________Title:______________________________________ Company Name: _____________________________Vendor Federal Tax I.D. ____________________________ Note: The provisions of this form are based upon State of Ohio (Chapter 125 of the Ohio Revised Code) and Federal regulations and requirements. Page 20 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance SCHEDULE D Vendor Authorization to do business in the State of Ohio The undersigned (if a corporation) warrants that it is duly authorized to do business in the state of Ohio. Submitted by: Company_________________________________________________________________ Authorized Signature _____________________________ Title __________________________________ Print Name ____________________________________ Date ________________________________ Page 21 RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance SCHEDULE E Vendor INQUIRY FORM—Not Appliable for This Proposal – Do Not Return INQUIRY NAME: RFP 062414BW – International Student Health Insurance INQUIRY DUE DATE: 07/16/2014 TODAY’S DATE: COMPANY NAME: COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE: TELEPHONE NUMBER: E-MAIL ADDRESS: Please be specific regarding inquiry and/or clarification (List text of passage being questioned then add question) Page 22 Section # Para #
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