PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION ________________ PUBLIC MEETING ________________ NOVEMBER 21, 2002 (AW) 10:00 A. M. MAIN HEARING ROOM NO. 1 SECOND FLOOR COMMONWEALTH KEYSTONE BUILDING __________________ The Commission will act on various matters at today’s meeting, which is open to the public. However, since adequate forums have been made available for public participation in cases before the Commission, there will be no opportunity for the public to address the Commission. The attached agenda is complete at the time of issuance, but other items may be added and some stricken without further notice. The listing of an item on the agenda does not necessarily mean that the Commission will take final action on it at this meeting. When the Commission does take final action, its decision---except on routine, uncontested tariff filings---will be put in writing and served on the interested parties and made public at the time it is entered and served. All public documents---such as orders, opinions, hearing transcripts, comments, initial and recommended decisions, and the like---relating to items on the agenda, may be examined in the Commission’s File Room located in Room B-7, Second Floor, this Building. The Commissioners seated on the bench are: COMMISSIONER VICE CHAIRMAN CHAIRMAN COMMISSIONER Terrance J. Fitzpatrick Robert K. Bloom Glen R. Thomas Aaron Wilson, Jr. COMMISSIONER Kim Pizzingrilli BUREAU DIRECTORS AND MEMBERS OF THE LEGAL, TECHNICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF OF THE COMMISSION THE TAKING OF PHOTOGRAPHS IS PERMITTED PROVIDED FLASH IS NOT USED. The Next Public Meeting is Tentatively Scheduled for Thursday, December 5, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. Minutes of the Meeting of October 24, 2002 (KP) This page is intentionally blank. PUC-246 *Denotes Order CASES OF SPECIAL INTEREST BUREAU NO. DOCKET NO. NAME AND SUBJECT OSA-0339* M-00011468 PERFORMANCE MEASURES REMEDIES In a Tentative Order issued on June 24, 2002, the Commission denied CTSI’s Petition to Reopen the Record and reached tentative dispositions on various issues reached by Exceptions. Several Parties filed Comments and Reply Comments. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed draft Final Opinion and Order which addresses the Comments and Reply Comments filed to the Tentative Order. Motion by Vice Chairman Bloom 5-0 vote 2 PUC-246 *Denotes Order BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY BUREAU NO. DOCKET NO. NAME AND SUBJECT TSM-0170* R-0002____ GARDEN SPOT EQUIPMENT AUCTION, INC. T/A LANDIS LUXURY COACHES, Ephrata, Lancaster County. Increase in Rates. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission permit Airport Transfer Pa. PUC No. 6 to become effective November 22, 2002. Postponed by Commissioner Wilson until PM 12-5 TSM-0173* A-00119004 Application of NANCY B. LAPP, T/D/B/A NANCY LAPP’S VAN SERVICE, Bird in Hand, Lancaster County, for the right to begin to transport persons in paratransit service. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed order approving the application. A-00118757 Application of SEAN McDONOUGH, T/D/B/A NORTHSTAR EXECUTIVE TRANSPORTATION, Exton, Chester County, for the right to begin to transport, as a common carrier, by motor vehicle, persons in limousine service. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed order approving the application, as amended. 5-0 TSM-0174* Motion by Chairman Thomas 4-1 vote with Commissioner Fitzpatrick dissenting TSM-0176* A-00119003 Application of STEVEN D. MEISNER AND ELIZABETH I. MEISNER, Leola, Lancaster County, for the right to begin to transport, as a common carrier, by motor vehicle, persons in paratransit service. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed order approving the application. A-00117262, F.1, Am-A Application of RALPH J. BENNER AND MARY ANN BENNER, COPARTNERS, Strasburg, Lancaster County, for the cancellation of their certificate of public convenience. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed order approving the application to cancel the certificate of public convenience. 5-0 TSM-0177* 5-0 3 PUC-246 *Denotes Order BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY BUREAU NO. DOCKET NO. NAME AND SUBJECT TSR-0027* A-00118765 Application of TOWNSHIP OF WEST DONEGAL for the approval of the alteration of the crossing (O.H.B. 84.96) where Foreman Road (T-843) crosses, above grade, the tracks of Amtrak, located in West Donegal Township, in Lancaster County. (DOT 518 031 J). RECOMMENDATION that the Commission approve the application and direct West Donegal Township to construct the improvement of the subject bridge and approaches thereto at its sole cost and expense upon completion of the project, and if requested by any party of record, a hearing be scheduled to allocate the costs incurred by the non-carrier utilities. 5-0 4 PUC-246 *Denotes Order OFFICE OF SPECIAL ASSISTANTS BUREAU NO. DOCKET NO. NAME AND SUBJECT OSA-0326 R* F-00938752 JOLYND BRYANT v. PHILADELPHIA GAS WORKS On December 20, 2001, the Complainant filed a Complaint against the Respondent. The Complainant essentially alleged that she had been overbilled. On August 23, 2002, ALJ Nguyen issued an Initial Decision dismissing the Complaint with prejudice. On September 8, 2002, the Complainant filed Exceptions. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed draft Opinion and Order which denies the Exceptions and adopts the Initial Decision, as modified by the proposed Opinion and Order. Postponed by Vice Chairman Bloom until PM 12-5 OSA-0331* C-20015972 GIOVANNI LOMBARD-BUFF v. VERIZON PENNSYLVANIA INC. On September 6, 2002, the Initial Decision of ALJ Rainey was issued concerning a Formal Complaint pertaining to the accrual of toll charges from the Complainant’s telephone number to the Complainant’s internet access telephone number. The Complainant filed Exceptions on September 20, 2002. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed draft Opinion and Order which denies the Complainant’s Exceptions and adopts the ALJ’s Initial Decision, to the extent that it is consistent with the Opinion and Order. A-00116319 APPLICATION OF PENNDOT...WHERE COWPATH ROAD CROSSES, AT-GRADE, THE TRACKS OF SEPTA... On October 2, 2002, PennDOT filed the instant Petition to Modify Secretarial Letter Entered February 7, 2000, as Modified requesting until April 30, 2003, to complete the project. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed draft Opinion and Order granting PennDOT’s Petition. 5-0 OSA-0336* 5-0 5 PUC-246 *Denotes Order OFFICE OF SPECIAL ASSISTANTS BUREAU NO. DOCKET NO. NAME AND SUBJECT OSA-0340* P-00021990 M-0021609 PETITION OF PITTSBURGH COACH CORP. On October 9, 2002, the Petitioner filed a Petition in the nature of a Request for an Extension of Time to file an Application for ETA under the expedited procedures. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed draft Opinion and Order which grants the Petition. Withdrawn 6 PUC-246 *Denotes Order BUREAU OF FIXED UTILITY SERVICES BUREAU NO. DOCKET NO. NAME AND SUBJECT FUS-0455* A-311169; A-311169F0002 Applications filed January 10, 2002, by SATCOM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION for approval to offer, render, furnish or supply telecommunications services as an Interexchange Toll Reseller (IXC) and as a Non Facilities-based Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC). RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Order approving the Applications. A-310448F0003 Applications filed July 14, 2000, by ARC NETWORKS, INC., d/b/a INFOHIGHWAY for approval to offer, render, furnish or supply telecommunications services as a Facilities-based and Non Facilities-based Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC). RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Order approving the Applications. A-310906F0002 Application filed August 13, 2002, by ACN COMMUNICATION SERVICES, INC., for approval to offer, render, furnish or supply telecommunication services as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier to the Public in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Order approving the Application. M-00920313 SOMERSET COUNTY 911 SYSTEM RENEWAL PLAN received September 4, 2002 from the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency formally requesting a review and recommendation of the costs associated with the contribution rate of $1.50 per access line, per month. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Order approving the contribution rate. 5-0 FUS-0484* 5-0 FUS-0485* 5-0 FUS-0489* 5-0 7 PUC-246 *Denotes Order BUREAU OF FIXED UTILITY SERVICES BUREAU NO. DOCKET NO. NAME AND SUBJECT FUS-0490* A-311206 Application filed August 1, 2002, by ACCESS FIBER SOLUTIONS, INC., for approval to offer, render, furnish or supply Telecommunications services as a Competitive Access Provider in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Order approving the Application. A-220008F2000 Application filed January 28, 2002, by BOROUGH OF BELLEFONTE for approval of the abandonment of service regulated by the PUC outside the Borough of Bellefonte. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission approve the Application. A-125117 Application filed August 29, 2002, by DOMINION FIELD SERVICES, INC. for license to offer, render, furnish or supply natural gas supply services to large commercial, industrial and governmental customers in The Peoples Natural Gas Company territory within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as a supplier of natural gas services. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission approve the Application. A-125116 Application filed July 25, 2002, by CROWN ENERGY SERVICES, INC. for license to offer, render, furnish or supply natural gas supply services. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission approve the Application. A-310963F0004 A-310580F0007 A-310401F0004 Joint Application filed July 3, 2002, by CYPRESS COMMUNICATIONS OPERATING COMPANY, INC., MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC., and INTERMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. for approval of the transfer of regulated assets used in the provision of shared tenant services. RECOMMENDATION that the Joint Application be approved and the proposed Order be adopted. 5-0 FUS-0839* 5-0 FUS-1095* 5-0 FUS-1100* 5-0 FUS-1404* Withdrawn 8 PUC-246 *Denotes Order BUREAU OF FIXED UTILITY SERVICES BUREAU NO. DOCKET NO. NAME AND SUBJECT FUS-1421* S-00020927 Securities Certificate filed October 23, 2002, by THE MANWALAMINK WATER COMPANY for modification of the terms of an outstanding note, extending the maturity of the loan, lowering the interest rate and reducing the amortization period of ten years. RECOMMENDATION that Ssecurities Certificate be registered and the proposed Order be adopted. S-00020907 Amended Securities Certificate filed October 23, 2002, by PENNSYLVANIA-AMERICAN WATER COMPANY for the issuance of general mortgage bonds, in a principal amount up to $13.4 million, in support of revenue bonds to be issued by the Clarion County Industrial Development Authority. RECOMMENDATION that the proposed Order be adopted and the Amended Securities Certificate be registered. S-00020926 Securities Certificate filed October 22, 2002, by PENNSYLVANIA-AMERICAN WATER COMPANY for the issuance of bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $80 million. RECOMMENDATION that the Securities Certificate be registered and the proposed Order be adopted. S-00020915 Securities Certificate filed September 20, 2002, by CHOICE ONE COMMUNICATIONS OF PENNSYLVANIA, INC. for authority to enter into a guarantee of pre-existing bridge agreements, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $180 million. RECOMMENDATION that the Securities Certificate be registered and the proposed Order be adopted 5-0 FUS-1423* 5-0 FUS-1424* 5-0 FUS-1425* 5-0 9 PUC-246 *Denotes Order BUREAU OF FIXED UTILITY SERVICES BUREAU NO. DOCKET NO. NAME AND SUBJECT FUS-1426* S-00020916 G-00020973 Securities Certificate filed September 6, 2002, and Affiliated Interest Agreement filed August 22, 2002, by WEST PENN POWER COMPANY in connection with the issuance of a Note in the aggregate principal amount of $160 million to an affiliate, WEST PENN POWER FUNDING, LLC- WEST. RECOMMENDATION that the Securities Certificate be registered, the Affiliated Interest Agreement be approved, and the proposed Order be adopted. A-310332F5000 Application filed July 31, 2002, by NEW CENTURY TELECOM, INC. for approval of the transfer of all of its stock pursuant to a Stock Purchase Agreement. RECOMMENDATION that the Application be approved and the proposed Order be adopted. 5-0 FUS-1427* 5-0 10 PUC-246 *Denotes Order LAW BUREAU BUREAU NO. DOCKET NO. NAME AND SUBJECT L-0096* M-0002____ In Re: Order Directing Filing Pursuant to the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION’S Memorandum Opinion and Order released January 31, 2002 in the PAYPHONE RECLASSIFICATION PROCEEDING. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Tentative Order with directions to VERIZON PENNSYLVANIA INC. regarding this matter. P-00971177 Petition of 20 RURAL INCUMBENT LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS for a 36-month Suspension of Interconnection Requirements Limited to only those requirements set forth in Section 251(b)(1) and (c) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996; and Petition of Eight RURAL ILECs to Join and for Relief Under Section 251(f)(2) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Order granting the Petition for Joinder, but the Petitioner’s request for a 36-month extension of suspension from interconnection obligations be denied. 5-0 L-0097* Postponed by Commissioner Wilson until PM 12-5 L-0100* C-20028517 LBPS v. ESSENTIAL.COM, INC. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Default Order canceling the NGS License. C-20028519 LBPS v. ONLINECHOICE.COM. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Default Order canceling the NGS License. C-20028518 LBPS v. V-P ENERGY, INC RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Default Order canceling the NGS License. 5-0 L-0101* 5-0 L-0102* 5-0 11 PUC-246 *Denotes Order LAW BUREAU BUREAU NO. DOCKET NO. NAME AND SUBJECT L-0103* C-20028516 LBPS v. PG&E ENERGY SERVICES RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Default Order canceling the NGS License. C-20028514 LBPS v. CLINTON ENERGY MANAGEMENT SERVICES RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Default Order canceling the NGS License. C-20028513 LBPS v. ENRON ENERGY SERVICES, INC. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Default Order canceling the NGS License. M-00021635F0004 P-00961071F0002 Request of AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF PENNSYLVANIA, INC. and TCG DELAWARE VALLEY, INC. for Additional Two Blocks of 1,000 Telephone Numbers in the 717 Area Code. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Order granting two IK blocks in the 717 NPA to AT&T for use by the specific customer. P-00021983 Joint Petition of PENNSYLVANIA POWER COMPANY, METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY, and PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY for Temporary Waiver of certain Universal Reporting Requirements of 52 Pa. Code §54.75. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Order addressing the Joint Petition. 5-0 L-0104* 5-0 L-0105* 5-0 L-0108* 5-0 L-0109* 5-0 12 PUC-246 *Denotes Order OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE BUREAU NO. DOCKET NO. NAME AND SUBJECT ALJ-0043 R* M-FACG0114 GASCO DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS, INC. – CLAYSVILLE DIVISION RE: FILING OF ANNUAL SECTION 1307(E) STATEMENT FOR THE 12-MONTH PERIOD ENDED AUGUST 31, 2001 On April 1, 2001, Gasco filed its 2001 Section 1307(e) Statement setting forth the Company’s over/under collections for the 12-month period ended August 31, 2001. On June 18, 2002, a hearing was held. REVIEW of ALJ Cocheres’s Recommended Decision approving the Section 1307(e) Statement. C-20016403 CLINICAL TRIAL SERVICES v. AUDUBON WATER COMPANY On November 5, 2001, a complaint was filed alleging the quality of water received by Audubon Water Co. was substandard. On December 6, 2001, Audubon filed its Answer and a Motion to Dismiss. Due to proceedings in the PA Commonwealth Court, further Commission proceedings were stayed. On September 9, 2002, the stay was lifted. COMMISSION REVIEW of ALJ Weismandel’s Initial Decision dismissing the complaint. 5-0 ALJ-0062* (PP from 11/7/02) Postponed by Commissioner Wilson until PM 12-5 ALJ-0065* C-20016570 Motion by Vice Chairman Bloom 5-0 REBECCA BARJOLA v. PECO ENERGY COMPANY On December 19, 2001, a complaint was filed alleging an inability to pay. An Answer was filed on January 30, 2002. On May 20, 2002, a hearing was held. COMMISSION REVIEW of ALJ Paist’s Initial Decision denying the complaint and establishing a payment plan. 13 PUC-246 *Denotes Order OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE BUREAU NO. DOCKET NO. NAME AND SUBJECT ALJ-0066* Z-01033111 ELIZABETH FORD v. PECO ENERGY COMPANY On January 8, 2002, complainant filed an appeal of a BCS determination, alleging an inability to pay. An Answer was filed February 7, 2002. A hearing was held.on June 3, 2002 COMMISSION REVIEW of ALJ Paist’s Initial Decision denying the complaint, except to the extent that the BCS monthly payment plan be modified. C-20016215 C-20016552 GASCO DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS, INC., KANE DIVISION; GASCO DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, INC., CLAYSVILLE DIVISION v. PUC On October 3, 2001, Kane filed a complaint objecting to a modification to its proposed Gas Cost Rate. On October 30, 2001, Claysville also filed a complaint objecting to the same. On August 1, 2002 a Joint Settlement Stipulation was filed. REVIEW of ALJ Cocheres’s Recommended Decision approving the Joint Settlement Stipulation. 5-0 ALJ-0067* 5-0 14 PUC-246 *Denotes Order PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION CARRY-IN AGENDA NOVEMBER 21, 2002 OFFICE OF SPECIAL ASSISTANTS BUREAU NO. DOCKET NO. NAME AND SUBJECT OSA-0355* C-00014669 DENNIS BRIGGS, et al v. COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE COMPANY Petition for Reconsideration of the Commission’s Opinion and Order entered October 28, 2002, filed by OCA on November 12, 2002. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission grant the Petition, pending review of and consideration on the merits. 5-0 LAW BUREAU L-0112* P-00021984 Joint motion by Chairman Thomas and Commissioner Pizzingrilli 5-0 Petition for Approval of PECO ENERGY COMPANY’S Market Share Threshold/Bidding Assignment Process. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission refer this matter to the OALJ for mediation and possible Hearings, consistent with the proposed Order. Page 1 of 1 PUC-246 *Denotes Order PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION CARRY-IN AGENDA SUPPLEMENTAL NOVEMBER 21, 2002 OFFICE OF SPECIAL ASSISTANTS BUREAU NO. DOCKET NO. NAME AND SUBJECT OSA-0349* C-20028114 LEVEL COMMUNICATIONS LLC (Level 3) v. MARIANNA & SCENERY HILL TELEPHONE COMPANY (M&SH). On October 15, 2002, the Initial Decision of ALJ Schnierle was issued consistent with an August 8, 2002 Order entered in this proceeding. Exceptions and Reply Exceptions were filed by Level 3, M&SH and Verizon Pennsylvania Inc. Concomitantly with its Exceptions, Level 3 filed a Petition for Oral Argument. M&SH filed its opposition to Level 3’s Petition. RECOMMENDATION that the Commission adopt the proposed Opinion and Order that grants the Exceptions, in part, and denies Level 3’s Petition for Oral Argument. Motion by Commissioner Pizzingrilli 5-0 Page 1 of 1
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