Project ID #015-12 CALIFORNIA DEER ASSOCIATION PROJECT COMMITTEE COVER SHEET PROJECT NAME Frenchman Work Center Aspen Hand Thin Project PROJECT START DATE: July 1, 2011 REQUESTED CDA FUNDS: PROJECT END DATE : September 30, 2014 $10,000.00 MATCHING: $140,000.00 TOTAL: $150,000.00 APPROVED CDA FUNDS: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: PROJECT SUBMITTED BY: Russell Nickerson, USFS 1. PROJECT CATEGORY: Habitat 2. PROJECT COLLECTION AGREEMENT RECEIVED: _________________ 3. PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: ___________________________________ 4. PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT RECEIVED: _____________________ (Form # 3) PROJECT ID#: 015-12 CALIFORNIA DEER ASSOCIATION PO Box 1766, Gilroy, CA 95021-1766 [email protected] Project Proposal Request Frenchman Work Center Aspen Hand Thin Project Project Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Geographic Location: ____________________________________ (Deer Hunt Zone)______________ Plumas National Forest,Beckwourth, CA X6B Russell Nickerson US Forest Service, Plumas NF Submitted by: ______________________ Agency or Organization: _____________________________ Russell Nickerson Contact or Lead Person: ________________________________________________________________ Plumas NF, Bekcwourth RD, 23 Mohawk Rd, Blairsden, CA 96103 Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ 530 _______________ 836-7115 Phone #: (____) [email protected] E-Mail: ________________________________________ 07/01/2011 Habitat Improvement *Type of Project: _______________________________ Project Start Date: ______________________ 09/30/2014 275 acres Affected Area Size: ______________________ Project Completion Date: ________________________ 10,000 140,000 CDA Funds: $__________________________ Matching Funds: $______________________________ 150,000 ($545/acre) Total Costs: $________________________________________________________________________ Purpose of Project**: The purpose of this project is to remove all conifers <12 inches dbh within the aspen stands and a 50’ ____________________________________________________________________________________ buffer around the stands to help release the aspen, promote regeneration through increasing amounts ____________________________________________________________________________________ of sunlight reaching the ground and to maintain this important habitat on the landscape. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Project**: This project would remove small conifer competition through hand thinning of trees <12 inches dbh. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Crews will use chainsaws and loppers to remove the conifers and then pile them for burning. Larger ____________________________________________________________________________________ material will be bucked up and stacked for firewood. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Cost of Upkeep (Agency must maintain): _____________________________ None /s/Russell Nickerson Applicants Signature: __________________________________________________________________ BB Supervisors Initials: ____________ Department Head ________________________________ *Habitat/Research/Equipment/Education (Form #1 ~ Page 1) PROJECT ID#: 015-12 CALIFORNIA DEER ASSOCIATION Project Proposal Request (con’t) Description of Project Area (attach map, PDF ONLY): The project is located in Plumas County on the Plumas National Forest. The project area includes 5 areas of aspen stands near Frenchman Lake and northwest of the lake in Ferris, Rowland, Charles and Artray Creeks. All these stands have conifer encroachment that, over time, would begin to outcompete the aspen for sunlight, water, etc. Summer Range _______X_________ Winter Range ___________________ Doyle Resident Herd _________________ Transition ______________________ How will this project enhance the deer resources?** This project would help to improve the deer fawning and foraging habitat throughout the area by removing the thick undergrowth of conifers. It would improve the overall health of aspen habitats, promoting regeneration of the aspen itself, including a healthy herbaceous layer, providing abundant forage and cover for many wildlife species. Identify the specific use of CDA funds for this project: CDA funds will be used to fund 7% of the total costs, which includes forest fire crew time, equipment and supplies, which could include chainsaw fuel, bar oil, gloves, ear plugs. Additional Comments: Other funds to be used for accomplishing this project include: 80% appropriated USFS funds, including fire crew salaries, NEPA analysis (which is already completed); and additional secured partnership dollars from Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Mule Deer Foundation. Contact person for News Release, Outreach or Local Media: ___________________________________________ Phone #: (530) 836 – 7115/ (530) 283 - 7850 Russell Nickerson/Lee Anne Taylor Russell Nickerson/Kyla Sabo Responsible for CEQA / NEPA:___________________________________________________ NEPA completed May 2011. CEQA / NEPA Completion Date:___________________________________________________ (Form #1 ~ Page Frenchman WC Aspen Hand Thin Project Work FrenchmanWCaspen 50 ft. Aspen Buffer 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 Miles . Frenchman WC Aspen Hand Thin Project Work FrenchmanWCaspen 50 ft. Aspen Buffer 0 0.3 0.6 1.2 Miles .
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