Megillah, Daf Tet, Part 3 Introduction

Megillah, Daf Tet, Part 3
The Talmud now shows how the Greek elders translated the Torah. The central idea
here is that the elders changed the verses to avoid various interpretive or theological
Due to the nature of this passage I have lined it up in a table. The middle column is
what is written in the Talmud. On the left is the translation of the purported
Septuagint. The right side is the actual Hebrew text. I have not translated the Hebrew
original but you should be able to understand it from my explanation below.
English Translation of
How They Translated
And they wrote for him,
"God created in the
"I shall make man in
image and likeness",
"And he finished on the
sixth day, and rested on
the seventh day,"
"Male and female he
created him" [but they did
not write "created them"],
"Come let me descend and
confound their tongues,"
"And Sarah laughed
among her relatives";
"For in their anger they
slew an ox and in their
wrath they dug up a stall";
"And Moses took his wife
and his children, and made
them ride on a carrier of
"And the dwelling of the
children of Israel which
they stayed in Egypt and in
other lands was four
hundred years,"
Septuagint (the Talmud's
The Actual Biblical Verse
‫וכתבו לו אלהים ברא‬
‫בראשית פרק א פסוק א‬
‫בּ ְֵראשִׁית בּ ָָרא ֱאֹלהִים‬
,‫אעשה אדם בצלם ובדמות‬
‫בראשית פרק א פסוק כו‬
‫שׂה אָדָ ם ְבּ ַצ ְלמֵנוּ כִּדְ מוּתֵ נוּ‬
ֶ ‫נַ ֲע‬
‫ וישבות‬,‫ויכל ביום הששי‬
,‫ביום השביעי‬
‫בראשית פרק ב פסוק ב‬
ְ ‫ַויְכַל ֱאֹלהִים בַּיּוֹם ַה‬
ְ ‫שׁבּ ֹת בַּיּוֹם ַה‬
ְ ִ ‫ַויּ‬
‫בראשית פרק ה פסוק ב‬
‫זָכָר וּנְ ֵקבָה בּ ְָראָם‬
‫ ולא כתבו‬,‫זכר ונקבה בראו‬
‫בראשית פרק יא פסוק ז‬
ְ ‫שׁם‬
ָ ‫ָהבָה נ ְֵרדָ ה ְונָ ְבלָה‬
‫שׂפָתָ ם הבה ארדה ואבלה שם‬
,‫ותצחק שרה בקרוביה‬
‫בראשית פרק יח פסוק יב‬
‫שׂ ָרה ְבּ ִק ְרבָּהּ‬
ָ ‫וַתִּ ְצחַק‬
‫כי באפם הרגו שור וברצונם‬
,‫עקרו אבוס‬
‫בראשית פרק מט פסוק ו‬
‫כִּי ְב ַאפָּם ה ְָרגוּ אִישׁ וּב ְִרצֹנָם‬
‫ִע ְקּרוּ שׁוֹר‬
‫ויקח משה את אשתו ואת‬
‫בניו וירכיבם על נושא בני‬
‫שמות פרק ד פסוק כ‬
‫שׁתּוֹ ְו ֶאת‬
ְ ‫שׁה ֶאת ִא‬
ֶ ֹ ‫ַויּ ִ ַקּח מ‬
‫ָבּנָיו ַויּ ְַר ִכּבֵם עַל ַהחֲמ ֹר‬
"And he sent the elect of
the children of Israel";
"And against the elect of
the children of Israel he
did not send forth his
"I have taken not one
valuable of theirs";
"Which the Lord your God
distributed to give light to
all the peoples";
"And he went and served
other gods which I
commanded should not be
‫ומושב בני ישראל אשר‬
‫ישבו במצרים ובשאר‬
,‫ארצות ארבע מאות שנה‬
‫וישלח את זאטוטי בני‬
‫ואל זאטוטי בני ישראל לא‬
,‫שלח ידו‬
,‫לא חמד אחד מהם נשאתי‬
‫אשר חלק ה' אלהיך אתם‬
,‫להאיר לכל העמים‬
‫וילך ויעבוד אלהים אחרים‬
,‫אשר לא צויתי לעובדם‬
‫שמות פרק יב פסוק מ‬
ֶ ‫שׂ ָר ֵאל ֲא‬
ְ ִ ‫שׁב ְבּנֵי י‬
ַ ‫וּמוֹ‬
ָ ‫שֹׁלשִׁים‬
ְ ‫שׁבוּ ְבּ ִמצ ְָרי ִם‬
ְ ָ‫י‬
ָ ‫ְאַרבַּע ֵמאוֹת‬
ְ ‫ו‬
‫שמות פרק כד פסוק ה‬
‫שׂ ָר ֵאל‬
ְ ִ ‫שׁלַח ֶאת נַע ֲֵרי ְבּנֵי י‬
ְ ִ ‫ַויּ‬
‫שמות פרק כד פסוק יא‬
‫שׂ ָר ֵאל ֹלא‬
ְ ִ ‫ְו ֶאל ֲאצִילֵי ְבּנֵי י‬
‫שׁלַח י ָדוֹ‬
‫במדבר פרק טז פסוק טו‬
‫שׂאתִ י‬
ָ ָ‫ֹלא חֲמוֹר ֶאחָד ֵמהֶם נ‬
‫דברים פרק ד פסוק יט‬
‫שׁר ָחלַק י ְקֹוָק ֱאֹלהֶיָך א ֹתָ ם‬
ֶ ‫ֲא‬
‫לְכ ֹל ָה ַעמִּים‬
‫דברים פרק יז פסוק ג‬
‫ַויֵּלְֶך ַויַּעֲב ֹד ֱאֹלהִים ֲאח ִֵרים‬
‫שּׁ ֶמשׁ אוֹ‬
ֶ ‫שׁתַּ חוּ ָלהֶם ְו ַל‬
ְ ִ ‫ַויּ‬
‫שּׁ ַמי ִם‬
ָ ‫ַליּ ֵָר ַח אוֹ ְלכָל ְצבָא ַה‬
‫שׁר ֹלא ִצוִּיתִ י‬
ֶ ‫ֲא‬
Genesis 1:1: Here they changed the order of the words around. According to Rashi the
original order might give the impression that an entity named "Bereshit" created God.
The change in order might also serve to emphasize that God preexisted the world.
Genesis 1:26: The plural form, which gives the impression of a multitude of gods, was
changed into singular.
Genesis 2:2: The original is confusing—did God complete creation on the sixth day or
on the seventh day? The revised version makes more sense.
Genesis 5:2: In the original it sounds like two humans were originally created. The
emendation changes the word to the singular.
Genesis 11:7: The original is plural and has been emended to the singular.
Genesis 18:12: In the Torah, both Abraham and Sarah laugh when told that they will
have a child, but God gets angry only with Sarah. This is puzzling. To fix this
problem, the translation reads that Sarah laughed in front of her relatives. Abraham
laughed only to himself, and that is why God was not angry with him.
Genesis 49:6: In the original, Shimon and Levi are accused of killing a person. This is
emended so that they only killed an ox.
Exodus 4:20: It is a bit dishonorable that Moses has no better vehicle for his wife and
kids than a donkey. No horse, no camel! Therefore, the verse is emended.
Exodus 12:40: 430 years is emended to 400 years.
Exodus 24:5, 11: These verses are problematic because one verse says "the youth"
and the other verse says "the nobility." Therefore, both have been emended to read
"the elect" a group more appropriate to be sent to greet God.
Numbers 16:15: In the original Moses says he did not take a single "donkey." This
could imply that he did take other objects. To correct this, the emendation reads
"valuable item.
Deuteronomy 4:19: The original makes it sound like God created the sun, moon and
stars so that non-Jews could worship them. The emended version says that they are
just for light.
Deuteronomy 17:3: The original makes it sound like God didn't command that the sun
and stars should even be created. This would give the impression that they were
created on their own or by another god. The emended version clarifies that God didn't
command that people should worship them.
,‫ ואת הארנבת‬+‫ויקרא י"א‬+ ‫ ולא כתבו לו‬,‫וכתבו לו את צעירת הרגלים‬
‫ שחקו בי היהודים‬:‫ שלא יאמר‬,‫מפני שאשתו של תלמי ארנבת שמה‬
.‫והטילו שם אשתי בתורה‬
They also wrote for him "the beast with small legs" and
they did not write "the hare" because the name of
Ptolemy's wife was hare, lest he should say, "The Jews are
playing with me at me and put the name of my wife in the
According to this legend, Ptolemy's wife's name sounded like the Hebrew word
"arnevet" which means "hare." The Jews didn't want Ptolemy thinking they were
mocking him, so they changed it to "beast with small legs." From a search on the web
her name was actually "Arsinoe"—close to arnevet.