SAMPLE RECOMMENDATIONS/RATIONALES FOR ELL COMMITTEE MEETINGS Purpose for a meeting Decline in GPA (Student in Post Program Reviews) Recommendations (Strategies/program implementation) Continue to monitor progress in Reading/Language Arts Continue to monitor Content Reading: Math, Science and Social Studies Retention Modify/Continue intervention during small group instruction to address specific skills Specify intervention (HLA and/or Wonder Works, before or after-school tutoring) Not Making Adequate Progress Use Core Reading/Language Arts instructional materials with appropriate ESOL strategies to improve listening, speaking, reading comprehension and writing skills. Rationale for Recommendations (minimum of 2) Indicators Assessment results: Formative to monitor student achievement (Grades, STAR/ AR; Data from Success Maker or other technology programs, Baseline and Interim Assessments, FAIR) and Summative to evaluate student achievement ( CELLA, SAT and/or FCAT) Issues are not related to English language acquisition as indicated by grades and other available data; including teacher observation and running records during D.I. Performance on the last administration of the CELLA test; FCAT; SAT. Lack of focus and/or motivation in class Incomplete assignments/homework (attached work samples and/or grades as evidence) Attendance, including tardies, has affected academic progress Limited progress as demonstrated on the FAIR and other available data. Evidence of grades in Home Language Arts (Spanish-S or Haitian-Creole); feedback from Home Language teacher Evidence of grades in ESOL; Language Arts/Reading (grade level and instructional level work samples) Assessment results: Grades; SAT; FCAT scores; Baseline and Interim Assessment; CELLA scores; FAIR; STAR/ AR; Data from Imagine Learning and/or Success Maker; Achieve 3000. Evidence of grades in Home Language Arts (Spanish-S or Haitian-Creole) Evidence of grades and work samples in ESOL; Language Arts/Reading Not Meeting Criteria to Exit ESOL Program Continue to provide wholegroup and small-group instruction in the area of reading comprehension or other skills as identified by available data Other (Extension of ESOL Services etc.) Continue to receive ESOL services Exit the ESOL program Other ( Programmatic Change i.e. Intervention ) Modify intervention services since student is limited in the heritage language (based on data) Other (Request a Language Proficiency Dominance Assessment (LPDA)) Request a LPDA since student does not respond to modification in instruction/intervention Assessment results: (failing, poor, fair , satisfactory grades); SAT; FCAT scores; % on Baseline and Interim Assessment; CELLA scores; FAIR; STAR/ AR; Data from Imagine Learning and/or Success Maker; Achieve 3000. Evidence of grades in Home Language Arts (Spanish-S or Haitian-Creole) Evidence of grades and work samples in ESOL; Language Arts/Reading Student does not meet State standards in Reading/Language Arts Student has not made expected progress on the Listening/Speaking, Reading and Writing of the Spring CELLA and/or CELLA online. Grades and other available data Student performance on the CELLA online (proficiency in all modalities) Satisfactory grades in core subject areas, including Content Reading SAT or FCAT scores from previous year. Baseline or Interim Assessment data Student scores at a limited level on the IPT in Spanish or ABASH in Haitian-Creole. Student demonstrates limited receptive and expressive language skills in the first language. Grades, FAIR data and other formative and summative assessments indicate below grade level mastery. Assessment results: Grades; Running records from Intervention and/or small-group instruction; SAT; FCAT scores; Baseline and Interim Assessment; FAIR; CELLA scores; STAR/AR; Data from Imagine Learning and/or Success Maker; Achieve 3000.
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