This Week @ KTM שלג על עירי רוחמה רז נעמי שמר:מילים ולחן ביצועים נוספים לשיר זה6 קיימים SUNDAY MORNING 8:20 AM Shacharit followed by breakfast and shiur at 9:00 AM We'll have you out of here by 9:30 AM! Start your week off on the right foot! . כל הלילה נח,שלג על עירי .אל ארצות החום אהובי הלך . והלילה קר,שלג על עירי .מארצות החום לי יביא תמר . והלילה הקר,שלג על עירי .מארצות החום לי יביא תמר MONDAY 8:15-9:00 PM Likutei Moharan with Rabbi Gedaliah Fleer ________ Women's Shiur: Sefer Shoftim with Gitit Herman . מתק החרוב,דבש התאנה .ואורחת גמלים עמוסי כל טוב 9:15-10:00 PM Chevruta Learning . שמש לבבי,הנה שוב ישוב .ומשם תפוח זהב יביא . שמש לבבי,הנה שוב ישוב .ומשם תפוח זהב יביא TUESDAY 8:15-9:00 PM The Kosher Kitchen: Topics in Kashrut with Rav Herman 9:15-10:00 PM Gemara Makot in Hebrew With Rav Herman . נח כמו טלית,שלג על עירי . מה הבאת לי,מארצות החום WEDNESDAY . שלג על פני,שלג על עירי .ובתוך הפרי כל געגועי . שלג על פני,שלג על עירי .ובתוך הפרי כל געגועי 9:00-10:00 AM Women's Beit Midrash 8:15-9:00 PM Habayit Hayehudi With Rav Amnon Herman 9:15-10:00 PM Chevruta Learning THURSDAY-Soup Night 8:15-9:00 PM Students Night with Rav Mualem and KTM Staff __________ Parashat Hashavua with Rav Herman 9:15-10:00 PM Chevruta Learning Lieberman Beit Midrash of the Hebrew Academy 5700 Kellert Ave. Cote St. Luc In this week's Parasha, Parashat Yitro, it says the following: "And Yitro, the minister of Midyan, the father-in-law of Moshe, heard all that Hashem did to Moshe and to Israel His people; that Hashem took Israel out from Egypt (18:1)." The passuk says that Yitro heard everything that Hashem had done for the Jews - but what exactly did he hear? Rashi explains that Yitro heard about the splitting of the Red Sea and the war against Amalek, and therefore he came to meet the Jewish people. We know, however, that the whole world heard about these events, so why was it that the only person that came was Yitro? Rashi explains that Yitro tried every form of idol worship that existed in the world before he decided to commit to the Torah. Yitro was constantly in a pursuit of the truth. He wasn't like the others of his time, happy to live an idolatrous and blissfully ignorant lifestyle. When the others heard about what Hashem had done, it didn't create an impact. But because Yitro, on the other hand, was always searching for true meaning, he immediately recognized that the miracles were coming from the ultimate source of truth, Hashem. This idea can give us insight on why this Parasha, Yitro's Parasha, contains the topic of choosing judges; it's only fitting that the one person who spent his whole life searching for truth should merit to have the portion of judges affiliated with his name. May we all be zoche continue to grow in this truth that Hashem has bestowed upon us. Shabbat shalom. Women's Beit Midrash ARE YOU WITH US? by Rav Amnon Herman, Rosh Kollel Torah MiTzion After the war against Amalek and just before the acceptance of the Ten Commandments, Yitro, the Father in law of Moses, came to join Am Israel: “Now Moses' father in law, Jethro, the chieftain of Midian, heard all that God had done for Moses and for Israel, His people that the Lord had taken Israel out of Egypt.” The visit of Yitro to Am Israel and his advice to Moses to appoint judges to the people is so significant that the whole Parasha is named after him. There is a dispute in the commentaries if Yitro came before Am Israel received the Torah in Mount Sinai or after. If Yitro arrived before Am Israel received the Torah then the order of the events is as written in the Torah, but if Yitro arrived only after they received the Torah then the events are anachronistic. What is the relevance of that dispute? What was it that Yitro heard that made him come and visit Am Israel? Rashi says: The splitting of the Red Sea and the war with Amalek. Whereas Rashi brings two events that caused Yitro to come, the Midrash suggests another option – Yitro heard about the acceptance of the Torah by Am Israel. It seems like Rashi doesn’t bring this opinion because Rashi holds that the events of splitting the sea, the war with Amalek and the arrival of Yitro are in their actual order as described in the Torah. The dispute if Yitro arrived before or after the acceptance of the Torah is presented in the Gmara (Zevachim 116a). The Ramban brings the two options and just like Rashi he holds that Yitro arrived before the acceptance of the Torah. He learns it from the pasuk where it is says that Yitro heard about the exodus from Egypt and if it was after Am Israel accepted the Torah it should have been suggested in the pasuk. On the other hand, the Ibn Ezra holds that Yitro arrived in the second year that Am Israel were in the desert, meaning after the acceptance of the Torah. Yitro does not stay for long with Am Israel. He leaves right away as it says in our Parasha: “Moses saw his father in law off, and he went away to his land.” Why does the Torah need to mix later events with earlier ones, and change the chronological order? The Ibn Ezra answers that because the last Parasha, Beshalach, ended with the war against Amalek the Torah wants to teach us that not all the nations envied Am Israel. Yitro is an example of a non-Jew that was happy hearing the news about Am Israel and came to help them. The Ibn Ezra tries to tell us that in our struggles we can find true friends among the nations that will be happy to give us good advice. Whether Yitro came before or after the constitutive event of accepting the Torah, it seems that his alliance with Am Israel is the main point that the Torah wants to teach us and that is the reason that the whole Parasha is named after him. When Jews are following their fate and being good representatives of G-d in the world, it causes some of the nations to resist but to some to be overwhelmed. Yitro articulates his astonishment from the events that Am Israel went through by saying: “Now I know that the Lord is greater than all the deities.” Wednesday Morning 9:00-10:00am with: Since the establishments of the state of Israel some nations, just like Amalek, decided to fight us and narrow our hold in the Promised Land. But other nations, just like Yitro, helped us, advised us, and supported our efforts to build our home land in Eretz Israel. As an Israeli, I would like to thank our host country, Canada, with its current administration for taking the role of Yitro rather than Amalek. Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz Shabbat Shalom. Rosh Kollel: Rav Amnon Herman President: Jason Lifson Executive Director: Chaviva Lifson DAF PARSHA SPONSOR Cindy and Rafi Faust in honour of 514.486.5718 • • [email protected] the Yahrzeit of Cindy's mother, Harriet Miller z"l. KTM MONTREAL A VOICE FROM ISRAEL by Yossi Fridman OUR MISSION Kollel Torah Mitzion has a core faculty of graduates from Hesder Yeshivot in Israel who come here to serve as teachers and role models in our community, bringing a taste of Israel to Montreal. KTM’s Beit Midrash program features a full schedule of classes and Torah learning opportunities in a warm atmosphere where all, regardless of age, gender or background, can feel comfortable. February 6-7 / 18 Shvat YITRO Candle lighting: 4:49 PM • Havdalah: 5:56 PM ב"ה פעם אחת BNEI AKIVA NEWS by Rav Roei Mualem, KTM Shaliach פעם אחת ,כשעסקתי בשיפוץ של בית חווה ישן ,שכרתי את שירותיו של אינסטלטור שיטפל בכל ענייני הצנרת של הבית .אחרי שסיים את יום העבודה הראשון שלו ,יום קשה ומתיש ,יצא אל האוטו שלו וראה שיש לו פנצ'ר .לא נעים ,חשבתי לי .אחרי יום כזה הוא עוד צריך לתקן פנצ'ר .אבל הוא עשה את זה בצ'יק צ'ק ,וכשסיים ,נופף לי בידו לשלום ונכנס לתא הנהג של הטנדר שלו .ניסה להתניע ו ...כלום .המנוע שבק חיים. איזה מזל ביש ,הרגשתי ממש לא נעים בשבילו .מיד הצעתי לו טרמפ הביתה. כשהגענו אליו הביתה ,הוא הזמין אותי להיכנס ולהכיר את המשפחה שלו .בעודנו פוסעים על השביל אל עבר דלת הכניסה של הבית ,הוא עצר לרגע ליד עץ קטן בצד השביל ונגע בקצות העלים שלו בשתי ידיו .על מפתן הבית ,שניה לפני שפתח את הדלת ,חל באיש שינוי מדהים :פניו המיוגעות אורו בחיוך רחב ושמח ,הוא חיבק את שני ילדיו והניף אותם באוויר בעליצות ,ונתן נשיקה אוהבת לאשתו. לא יאומן שהאיש קשה היום הזה ,שאני עד לעבודה המתישה וליום הנורא שעבר עליו ,נמלא כל כך הרבה חיוניות ומרץ ושמחה כשנכנס הביתה .בתום הביקור, לאחר שביליתי במחיצתם שעה נעימה ,הוא ליווה אותי החוצה אל מכוניתי .עברנו ליד העץ שבצד השביל והייתי כל כך סקרן שלא יכול להתאפק שאלתי אותו מה זה היה הקטע עם העץ" .אה ,זה מאד פשוט" ,ענה לי "העץ הזה הוא עץ הצרות שלי .אני יודע שבסוג העבודה שלי ,זה בלתי נמנע שיהיו לי צרות ובעיות וקשיים. אבל דבר אחד בטוח ,הצרות האלו לא שייכות למשפחה שלי ,לאשתי ולילדיי .לכן, כשאני בא הביתה ,אני פשוט תולה את כל הצרות של אותו יום על העץ ,ומבקש מאלוהים שיטפל לי בהן .ואז ,למחרת בבוקר ,כשאני יוצא מהבית ,אני ניגש לעץ ולוקח מעליו את הצרות שנשארו שם .ואתה יודע מה ,ממש מפליא ,אבל כשאני ניגש לעץ בבוקר להוריד את הצרות ממנו ,תמיד תמיד יש עליו הרבה פחות צרות ממה שזכרתי שתליתי שם בלילה הקודם ..אז לכו תדעו ,או שבאמת אלוהים שלו מטפל לו בצרות בשעה שהוא ישן (צריך לנסות את זה פעם)..או שהשעות שעוברות נותנות פרספקטיבה אחרת לדברים. HA and KTM staff celebrate Tu Bishvat by acknowledging the beautiful work of the families that came to the "Family Learning" program. How Shemitah affects my life? Yom Iyun about Tu Bishvat and Shemitah. Learning and having fun. MIDRESHET ZION ‐ WOMEN’S BEIT MIDRASH PROGRAM Hello everybody, There will not be a Snif this coming Shabbat, February 7, 2015. Waiting to see you all next Shabbat. The Madrichim The Midreshet Zion – Women’s Beit Midrash Program takes place on Wednesday mornings in the Lieberman Beit Midrash of Hebrew Academy. Unless otherwise noted, the shiurim will take place from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. Please see upcoming confirmed speakers below. January 28, 2015 – Maharat Rachel Kohl Finegold ‐ Can A Woman Touch The Torah? Part 1 February 4, 2015 – Maharat Rachel Kohl Finegold ‐ Can A Woman Touch The Torah? Part 2 February 11, 2015 – Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz Searchword puzzle Find the words from the weekly parasha י ס ג ו ל ה ש ל ב מ ז ט ר ח ש ד ר י י מ ב ב מ ש מ י ת ר ו ד א נ ש ס ת ע ו ק ו י ט ר ת ר פ נ ב פ ס א ר י נ ל יתרו ,שרי מאות ,מדבר סיני ,סגולה ,שופר ,שבת ,ערפל February 18, 2015 – Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz February 25, 2015 – Rabbi Amnon Herman March 4, 2015 – Rabbi Eddie Shostak March 11, 2015 – Rabbi Eddie Shostak March 18, 2015 ‐ Rabbi Reuben Poupko March 25, 2015 ‐ Rabbi Reuben Poupko April 1 and 8, 2015 NO SHIUR April 15, 2015 ‐ Rabbi Michael Whitman ‐ Yom Hashoa April 22, 2015 ‐ Rabbi Michael Whitman ‐ Yom Hazikaron April 29, 2015 ‐ Rabbi Adam Scheier ‐ The Origins of King David (Part 1) May 6, 2015 ‐ Rabbi Adam Scheier ‐ The Origins of King David (Part 2) Montreal Community Educational Centre KOLLEL TORAH MITZION Centre Éducationnel Communautaire de Montréal Lieberman Beit Midrash of the Hebrew Academy 5700 Kellert Ave. Cote St. Luc, Quebec Mailing Address: P.O. Box 84 Cote St. Luc, Quebec H4V 2Y5 5144865718 • • [email protected]
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