CATALOG A COMPLETE AND TRACEABLE SAMPLE STORAGE SOLUTION FOR YOUR LABORATORY SAMPLE STORAGE & SAMPLE HANDLING About Micronic MICRONIC OFFERS A BROAD RANGE OF SAMPLE STORAGE TUBES FROM 0.50ML TO 7.50ML. THE TUBES FIT IN 96-, 48- OR 24-WELL SBS STANDARD FORMAT RACKS. TOGETHER WITH THE RANGE OF RACKS, SEALING CAPS, 2D READERS, TUBE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE AND CAPPING/ DECAPPING EQUIPMENT, M ICRONIC IS ABLE TO PROVIDE A SUITABLE SOLUTION FOR ALL YOUR SAMPLE STORAGE & SAMPLE HANDLING REQUIREMENTS. Quality and Production Cleanroom Class 7 Micronic products are manufactured in a clean room environment.* RNase and DNase Micronic manufactured products comply with the highest injection molding standards and are, therefore, free of any detectable RNase and DNase contamination. Endotoxin (pyrogen) By maintaining the highest possible hygiene level during its production processes, Micronic is able to limit the endotoxin level of produced and packaged articles to an acceptable minimum (< 4 EU/unit). Sterile products Upon request, products manufactured at Micronic can be supplied sterilized. Sterilization is carried out using gamma radiation or ethylene oxide treatment. * US Federal Standard 209E Class 7 ** In this respect the EU directive 98/79/EC is the leading standard 2 [email protected] FDA approval All materials and auxiliary agents used to manufacture sample storage products are selected on quality and the highest purity levels and all are FDA compliant. CE label Micronic products comply with the CE label Class 1. Material Safety Data Sheets are available for all our products.** Overview M icronic offers a range of sample storage tubes that can suit most sample storage applications. The tubes are laser etched with a permanent 2D Data-Matrix identification to ensure sample traceability. M icronic tubes fit in SBS format tube racks enabling easy integration into automated systems. Tube racks are laser etched with a unique 1D Barcode on the side. SAMPLE STORAGE TUBES SAMPLE STORAGE RACKS M icronic screwcaps provide an ideal sealing enclosure for cryogenic storage. For storage at -80ºC and above either a septum pushcap or screwcap can be used. Additionally, Micronic offers a range Adhesive Sealings products that protect your temporarily exposed samples. T o facilitate simple and rapid sample identification - Micronic offers a range of single tube and rack scanners enabling smooth integration of sample storage information into laboratory databases.* D epending on sample throughput Micronic offers a range of manual and automated equipment for capping/decapping applications and tube management solutions. T his brochure includes three compatibility charts. These overviews will provide you a useful tool to quickly find the different combinations of Micronic products. * The Track-IT software is customizable to match your needs in the laboratory SAMPLE STORAGE CAPS SAMPLE STORAGE READERS SAMPLE HANDLING I EQUIPMENT & SOFTWARE STARTERPACKS TECHNICAL SPECS [email protected] 3 SAMPLE STORAGE I TUBES Sample storage tubes in a SBS 96-, 48- or 24-well format reduce the space and minimize the cost of sample storage. Permanent laser etched tube identification (2D Data-Matrix and Traxis) ensures that your valuable samples are traceable throughout your sample library. Range of 2D Data-Matrix coded tubes in 96-, 48- and 24-well format Micronic can supply a suitable tube for every storage application in your laboratory. For storage of micro or small samples the 96 format storage tubes are available in a range of 0.50ml, 0.75ml, 1.10ml, 1.40ml, 2.00ml and 2.50ml. For storage of macro (solid) samples Micronic provides a range of sample storage tubes with a larger capacity. We offer a 4.00ml tube (gross volume) on a 48 format and a 6.00ml and 7.50ml tube (gross volumes) on a 24 format. Typically septum seal pushcaps are used till -80ºC. For cryo storage (vapor phase LN2) the screwcaps with silicon O-ring are the most ideal solution. Both options ensure secure longterm storage of all your precious samples. n n n n n n n Available with an inner V-bottom or U-bottom for complete sample recovery Inner double O-ring design to maximize filling capacity, maintaining perfect sealing ‘Snap-Lock’ tube option to securely lock the tube in the rack, by applying downward pressure to the tube 2D Data-Matrix codes also have a human-readable code Resistant to most organic solvents 100% quality control on all 2D codes Working range is approved from -80ºC to 100ºC * 2.00ml tubes in 96-well format 0.75ml amber tubes for light sensitive samples 4.00ml screwcap tube in 48-well format * Working range from -80ºC to 100ºC. In practice the tubes are also used in lower temperatures till vapor phase LN2 7.50ml snapcap tubes, available with barcode in 24-well format Comorack 4 [email protected] SAMPLE STORAGE I RACKS All Micronic storage racks comply with the SBS standard and provide an easy and automation friendly method to store your tubes. For every tube format Micronic provides a robust and user friendly storage rack. Loborack-96 n Optimized to accommodate 0.50ml and 0.75ml tubes n Low profile and space saving n SBS format compatible n Laser etched linear barcode on the side(s) n Automation friendly rack design n Resistant against most organic solvents n Transparent lockable cover for secure storage n Autoclavable (5-10 times) n Tubes can be ‘snap-locked’ in the rack to prevent them fromfalling out Roborack-96 n Optimized to accommodate: 1.10ml, 1.40ml, 2.00ml and 2.50ml tubes n Automation friendly rack design n SBS format compatible n Laser etched linear barcode on the side(s) n Sure shot contoured well top ensures positive tube lead in n Tubes can be ‘snap-locked’ in the rack to prevent them from falling out n Autoclavable (5-10 times) Comorack-24, Comorack-96 and Arctic Rack-24 n Comoracks are optimized to accommodate 1.40ml and 7.50ml tubes n Arctic Racks are optimized to accommodate 6.00ml tubes n Robust design n Autoclavable (up to 100 times) n Custom barcode labelling service available (Comoracks) n Laser etched linear barcodes on the side (Arctic Racks) Loborack-96 with laser etched barcode and 0.50ml tubes Loborack-96 with laser etched barcode and 0.50ml tubes Roborack-96 with 2D Data-Matrix tubes Roborack-96 with 1.40ml snap tubes Arctic Rack-24 with laser etched barcode and new 6.00ml screwcap tubes [email protected] 5 SAMPLE STORAGE I CAPS Micronic offers a range of tube capping products. For effective cryogenic storage a screwcap with silicon O-ring can be used. For storage from -80ºC and above either a TPE septum pushcap (TPE capcluster) or a screwcap can be used. All tubes have a upper inner thread or double O-ring design providing a perfect sealing and ensuring maximum sample integrity. n n n n n n n Multiple colors for easy identification TPE Caps and Screwcaps are automation friendly Resistant to chemical solvents Screwcaps with Silicon O-ring for optimal closure TPE Capcluster provides a mechanism for securely sealing 96 tubes in one go, remove the retaining foil to leave each tube individually capped TPE Caps are also available in capmats or capstrips TPE Caps are multi pierceable Screwcaps yellow Various colors of pushcaps SAMPLE STORAGE I ADHESIVE SEALING FOILS Adhesive sealing foils can be used in combination with Micronic and other brands of storage tubes as well as deep well blocks and microplates. n n n n n n n n 6 Ideal for temporary storage Provides a secure seal to microplates (in temperature range of -80°C to +120°C) Prevents cross-contamination and evaporation Outstanding performance with autosamplers Minimum force needed to pierce No coring or tearing of material, no clogging of the needle Variety of adhesives available with different degrees of DMSO/chemical resistance Pattern adhesive seal films can be manufactured in roll format for automation [email protected] Silicone mat on 0.50ml tubes Adhesive foil on 0.75ml tubes SAMPLE HANDLING I READERS To enable fast, accurate and efficient sample identification Micronic offers a range of single tube readers and whole rack scanners. Micronic rack scanners are bench top scanners that can read 24-, 48-, 96- and 384-format coded tubes (2D Data-Matrix or Traxis). The Tracxer Code Reader RS210 is a small bench top rack scanner that can read both 2D Data-Matrix and Traxis codes within 5 seconds, which is fast enough to maintain the sample temperature. The Tracxer Code Reader features an easy to use single tube reading option. The user friendly software provides an ideal solution to optimize your sample traceability. A low cost solution rack reader is the Tracxer Code Reader RS297. This scanner identifies a whole rack with 2D DataMatrix or Traxis tubes within 15 seconds. The user friendly software enables easy transfer of the tube ID’s into any other (database) program. The 1D Rack Barcode Reader BC210 is available as accessory for the Tracxer Code Reader RS210. By making use of these two products simultaneously, the Tracxer software can read both the 1D barcode of the rack and the 2D codes of the tubes within 5 seconds. To identify single tubes we offer an easy to use singe tube reader. The Single Tube Reader TS201 can read any 2D Data-Matrix coded tube within 0.5 seconds. Simply place one tube in the adapter and the tube ID will appear in any program using keyboard wedge technology (USB connection, no software installation). Tracxer Code Reader RS210 Tracxer Code Reader RS297 Tracxer Code Reader RS210 with 1D Rack Barcode Reader BC210 Single Tube Reader TS201 The Wireless Single Tube Reader can quickly and reliably read 1D linear or 2D Data-Matrix codes. The codes will appear in a database or spreadsheet (USB connection, no software installation). Wireless Single Tube Reader (1D & 2D) [email protected] 7 SAMPLE HANDLING I SOFTWARE Micronic’s Track-IT software is a Laboratory Sample Management System which allows you to organise and manage your storage needs while enabling you to keep track of individual samples within your laboratory. Full integration with Micronic Tracxer code reader software enables users to directly trigger tube or rack barcode scanning from the Track-IT program. n n n n n n Modular based system Manage samples, equipment, reagents and more Web based access 1D and 2D Data-Matrix code compatible Cross database searches Compatible with other information systems Track-IT user interface Track-IT sample data input SAMPLE HANDLING I CAPPING Micronic offers a wide range of manual and automated capping and decapping solutions. In every laboratory it is important to open and close your samples quickly and reliably without cross contamination. Micronic offers decapping and capping products to suit all throughput and budget needs. Manual Capmat Sealer n Easy and efficient option to cap 96 tubes within seconds n Adapters available for all tube sizes n Integrity of your samples ensured Univo Electric Capper CP480 n No adapters needed n Caps entire rack of 96 tubes within 7 seconds n Compatible with Micronic 96-format racks and tubes ranging from 0.50ml up to 1.40ml n Robust and user friendly bench top device n Controlled pressure to press all caps down evenly n Easy to use: auto-start when closing sleigh 8 [email protected] Manual Capmat Sealer Univo Electric Capper CP480 SAMPLE HANDLING I DECAPPING Univo Electric Decapper DC480 n Decaps 96 TPE pushcaps within 8 seconds n User friendly and robust benchtop device n Minimizes cross contamination while decapping n Compatible with tube sizes up to 1.40ml n Increases productivity n Can be used as a stand-alone instrument or in a fully automated environment Automatic Decapper n An automated solution for capping and decapping screwcap tubes n Opens and closes 8 or 12 tubes in a row or column and opens 96 tubes in less than 1 minute n Prevents cross contamination Univo Electric Decapper DC480 Automatic Decapper SAMPLE HANDLING I EQUIPMENT Tubesorter Systems For cherry picking or re-arraying your sample storage library the Tubesorter can quickly transfer tubes from one rack to another whilst maintaining sample identity. Reliable robotics allow for the unattended processing of up to 20 tube racks at a time. Tubesorter XL9 n n n Work list based processing, fast and reliable operation Tube level check and Analytical balance option Integrated 2D Data-Matrix reader Volumecheck To determine the exact volume in your storage tubes the Volumecheck is a non contact inspection system. Volumecheck n n n n Accuracy +/- 10ul to +/- 15ul Non contact acoustic volume measurement Compatible with almost every SBS format labware Throughput 1 minute for 96 wells/tubes [email protected] 9 SAMPLE STORAGE I STARTER PACKS To quickly start using a 2D-coded tube system - Micronic offers cost effective and complete Starter Packs in a range of sizes: S, M, L and XL. The Starter Packs are available with a choice of either TPE pushcap or screwcap tube closure, and contain racked 2D coded tubes with caps, a 2D barcode reader including operating software, a capping device and some manual tube handling tools for selecting and decapping tubes. n n n n Complete package at an attractive price (save up to 20%) Enables users to start storing and sealing their samples Choice between TPE pushcaps or screwcaps Starter packs available for 0.75ml and 1.40ml tubes Micronic TPE Starterpack L MICRONIC I OVERVIEWS RACKS OVERVIEW AND SPECS LOBORACK-96 Tube Volumes (nominal) Height (low cover) Height (standard cover) Height (high cover) Height (extra high cover) Available Barcoded Available Laser Etched Barcoded Twistlock Available Sterile Available DNA free (EtO) Sureshot design* Rack locking system (cover) Autoclavable Cleanroom produced Temperature range Chemical resistance 10 ROBORACK-96 1.10ml, 1.40ml, 2.00ml, 2.50ml 23.8mm 1.10ml with TPE Pushcap 41.2mm 1.10ml with EVA Pushcap 49.1mm 31.7mm 1.10ml with Screwcap 1.40ml with TPE Pushcap 1.40ml with EVA Pushcap 56.1mm 38.7mm 1.40ml with Screwcap 2.00ml with TPE Pushcap 88.0mm n/a 2.00ml with Screwcap 2.50ml with TPE Pushcap 2.50ml with EVA Pushcap Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -80°C – +100°C -80°C – +100°C +++ +++ 0.50ml, 0.75ml 0.50ml with TPE Pushcap 0.50ml with EVA Pushcap 0.50ml with Screwcap 0.75ml with TPE Pushcap 0.75ml with EVA Pushcap 0.75ml with Screwcap n/a [email protected] COMORACK-96 ARCTIC RACK-24, COMORACK-24 1.40ml n/a n/a 1.40ml with TPE Pushcap 52mm 1.40ml with EVA Pushcap n/a n/a Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes -80°C – +140°C + n/a n/a 6.00ml, 7.50ml n/a 6.00ml with screwcap 7.50ml with hinged cap n/a n/a Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes -100°C – +80°C ++/+ n/a 58mm n/a n/a TUBES OVERVIEW AND SPECS (96-FORMAT) Storage Rack Pushcap and/or Screwcap Inner tube shape Max. working volume Pushcap* Max. working volume Srewcap* Tube height Tube height with TPE cap Tube height with Screwcap 2D Data-Matrix coded TraXis coded Alphanumeric Non Coded Capping options Available pre-capped Thread type options Twistlock Snaptube option Available Sterile Available DNA free (EtO) Cleanroom Class 7 produced Minimum storage temperature Availability 0.50 ML 0.75 ML Loborack-96 Loborack-96 0.75 ML 1.10 ML 1.40 ML 1.40 ML 1.40 ML 2.00 ML 2.50 ML Roborack-96 Roborack-96 Roborack-96 Comorack-96 P+S P+S P+S P+S P P P+S V U V or U V U V or U V 0.27ml 1.70ml 1.12 or 1.19ml 0.52ml 2.68ml 0.52 or 0.57ml 0.87ml 0.19ml 1.60ml 1.09 or 1.16ml 0.44ml n/a n/a 0.78ml 18.5mm 59mm 44mm 26mm 82.4mm 26mm 36.5mm 19.5mm 60mm 45mm 27mm 83.4mm 27mm 37.5mm 25.6mm 66.1mm 51.1mm 33.1mm n/a n/a 43.6mm Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Cap No Cap No Cap No Cap No Cap No Cap No Cap Screwcap Screwcap TPE Pushcap Screwcap Screwcap TPE Pushcap TPE Pushcap TPE Pushcap TPE Pushcap TPE Pushcap TPE Pushcap Screwcap Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes None Internal Internal Internal Internal None None Internal None No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -80ºC Vapor LN2 -20ºC Vapor LN2 Vapor LN2 -80ºC -80ºC Vapor LN2 -80ºC Bulk, Rack Bulk, Refill, Rack Bulk, Refill, Rack Bulk, Rack Bulk, Refill, Rack Bulk, Refill, Rack Bulk, Refill, Rack Bulk, Rack Bulk, Rack Loborack-96 Roborack-96 Roborack-96 Comorack-96 P U 1.11ml n/a 44mm 45mm n/a No No Yes Yes No Cap TPE Pushcap Roborack-96 Comorack-96 P V or U 1.12 or 1.19ml n/a 44mm 45mm n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes No Cap TPE Pushcap *Max. working volume at room temperature CAPS OVERVIEW AND SPECS EVA CAPBAND BREAK-OFF EVA CAPBAND Capping per # tubes Format Material Colours Pierceable Available as pre-split Re-usable Chemical resistance Available Sterile Available DNA free (EtO) Cleanroom produced Minimum storage temperature 8 or 1 Strip of 8 EVA Transparent No No No ++ Yes Yes Yes -40ºC 8 Strip of 8 EVA Transparent No No No ++ Yes Yes Yes -40ºC EVA CAPMAT 96 Mat of 96 EVA Transparent No No No ++ Yes Yes Yes -40ºC TPE CAPMAT 96 or 12 or 8 Mat of 96 TPE 10 different colours Yes Yes No +++ Yes Yes Yes -80ºC TPE CAPCLUSTER SCREWCAP 96 or 1 Mat of 96 individual caps TPE 10 different colours Yes Yes No +++ Yes Yes Yes -80ºC 1 Single cap PP-Silicone O-ring 8 different colours No No Yes ++ Yes Yes Yes Vapor LN2 [email protected] 11 TUBES OVERVIEW AND SPECS (48- AND 24-FORMAT) 4.00 ML 6.00 ML 7.50 ML Coming soon Arctic Rack-24 Comorack-24 Storage Rack Pushcap and/or Screwcap Inner tube shape Max. working volume Pushcap* Max. working volume Srewcap* Tube height Tube height with TPE cap Tube height with Screwcap 2D Data-Matrix coded TraXis coded Alphanumeric Non Coded Capping options S U n/a 2.70ml 44mm n/a 51.8mm Yes No No No No Cap Screw Cap S Flat n/a 4.60ml 42.9mm n/a 50.7mm Yes No No No No Cap Screw Cap Hinged cap Flat 6.33ml n/a 44mm 44mm n/a Yes No No Yes Flipcap Available pre-capped Thread type options Twistlock Snaptube option Available Sterile Available DNA free (EtO) Cleanroom Class 7 produced Minimum storage temperature Availability Yes Internal Yes No Yes Yes Yes -80ºC Bulk, Rack Yes Internal Yes No Yes Yes Yes -80ºC Bulk, Rack No Yes No Yes Yes Yes -20ºC Bulk, Rack Manual Decapper-1 Manual Decapper-8 (Aluminium) Laser etched Alphanumeric coded tubes *Max. working volume at room temperature Micronic has a broader product range than the products shown in this brochure. For our complete product portfolio contact Micronic Europe at +31 (0)320 277070 or send your e-mail to [email protected]. WHERE TO BUY Mediq Suomi Oy Luomanportti 3, PL 115 02201 Espoo, puh. 020 112 1510 [email protected], MICRONIC Platinastraat 51 8211 AR Lelystad THE NETHERLANDS
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