univerzum pravih re©itev the universe of true solutions

Rudisov izvedbeni inæeniring je univerzum mnogih znanj in veπËin. Z odliËnim vodenjem projektov
jih vrhunski strokovnjaki povezujejo v uporabne, prave reπitve.
Rudis's executive engineering presents a universe of many skills and accomplishments.
The excellent projects management enables the company's top-quality experts to pool them
into appliable and true solutions.
Andrej Gorjup,
univ. dipl. in`. el.,
generalni direktor
Andrej Gorjup, M. Sc.
General Director
Za~etki na{ega podjetja so {e danes velik
navdih. Pionirji Rudisa, ki so leta 1959 sledili
svojim zamislim, so vanje tudi neomajno verjeli.
Zato so uspeli. Z ustanovitvijo Rudisa je v na{e
mesto pri{la nova poslovna filozofija in znanje
je dobilo odlo~ilno mo~. Zato ne presene~a, da
so izzive lahko kmalu poiskali tudi na tujem.
Z izjemno vztrajnostjo in zaupanjem v svoje
mo~i so Rudisovi in`enirji prevzemali zahtevna
naro~ila na {tirih kontinentih sveta.
Izku{nje {tevilnih projektov, ki jih {e danes s
ponosom uvr{~amo med na{e reference, so
ustvarile neprecenljiv kapital. Rudisov ugled je
sad dela mnogih generacij strokovnjakov, ki
so poleg obvladovanja tehnologij poznali tudi
zanesljive poti uresni~evanja zamisli.
Danes z velikim zaupanjem gledamo naprej.
Meje presegamo druga~e. Najnovej{e
tehnologije, inovacije in specializacije so
dana{nja pot do zadovoljstva naro~nikov.
Ljudje, ki z vrhunskim znanjem in jasno
oblikovanimi vrednotami ustvarjajo nova
poslovna partnerstva, so resni~na vrednost
blagovne znamke Rudis. Povsod, kjer cenijo
strokovno znanje in kakovost izvedbe, lahko
dana{nji Rudis ponudi u~inkovite re{itve.
Vsak nov dose`ek je tudi nov navdih. Imamo
specialisti~na znanja, ki so v vsakem trenutku
tudi univerzalna. Presegamo standarde in
gradimo edinstven univerzum brezhibnosti.
Ne obstaja ni~ takega, ~esar se ne bi lotili z
navdu{enjem. Zato zaupam v na{ univerzum.
Our Company's beginnings truly inspire us even
today. The pioneers of Rudis, who pursued
their ideas back in 1959, firmly believed in
them as well. And that is exactly why they
achieved success. The establishment of
Rudis brought a new business philosophy to
our town and thus enabled the knowledge to
acquire decisive power. Therefore, it is not
surprising at all that the Company was soon
ready to meet the challenges abroad. Led by
exceptional perseverance and confidence in
their own power, the Company's engineers took
over the execution of demanding tasks on four
The experience from the numerous projects,
we like to specify among our references even
today, has built us up an inestimable capital. The
Company's reputation results from the efforts
of many generations of experts, as they not
only brilliantly mastered the technologies, but
were also aware of the most reliable ways of
implementing of their original ideas.
Today, we are looking to the future with a
high degree of confidence. We are surpassing
our boundaries in other ways. It is newest
technologies, innovations and specialisations
that lead today to customers' satisfaction. The
people creating new business partnerships
with premium know-how and clearly formed
values present a true worth of the Rudis brand
name. Today, Rudis offers effective solutions
to all those who appreciate professional
knowledge and quality of excecution. Every
new achievement is a new inspiration too.
We possess specific skills, which are indeed
universal in every moment as well. We are
surpassing the standards and building a unique
universe of perfection. There is nothing we
would not tackle without enthusiasm. Therefore I
believe in our Universe.
Dru`ba Rudis je najve~ja in najstarej{a
delujo~a dru`ba v Sloveniji, specializirana
za izvedbeni in`eniring, posebej na podro~ju
energetike, ekologije in industrije. Rudis je bil
ustanovljen leta 1959 kot poslovna skupnost
za izvajanje in`enirskih storitev na podro~ju
rudarskih in`enirskih objektov. V svoji veË
kot petdesetletni zgodovini je nenehno {iril
podro~je svojega delovanja z obvladovanjem
vse ve~jega {tevila tehnologij. S {irokim
znanjem, specializacijami in z bogatimi
izku{njami na mnogih tujih trgih je danes Rudis
eden vidnej{ih ponudnikov in`enirskih storitev v
Srednji Evropi.
Dejavnost družbe Rudis
dobava opreme
vodenje in nadzor nad gradnjo
monta`a opreme in monta`ni nadzor
spu{~anje v pogon, testiranje, preizkusi,
Franz Josef Scheitz,
predsednik upravnega odbora
druæbe Cottagon SA
Franz Josef Scheitz,
Chairman of the Board,
Cottagon SA
Christopher Scheitz,
Univerzum pravih reπitev The Universe of True Solutions
Druæba Rudis
The Company of Rudis
The Company of Rudis is the largest and
the oldest operating company in Slovenia,
specialised in the executive engineering, and
especially in energy engineering, ecology and
industry. Rudis was established in 1959 as an
operating unit for the execution of engineering
services in mining and engineering facilities.
During its more than fifty years long history
the Company constantly expanded its field
of activity, mastering an ever greater amount
of technologies. Boasting a wide range of
knowledge, specialisations and rich experience
in many foreign markets, Rudis presents today
one of the eminent bidders of engineering
services in Central Europe.
Company's Activities
equipment delivery
management and construction supervision
equipment assembly and assembly control
launches, tests, trials, start-ups
{olanje osebja
staff training
vzdr`evanje med garancijsko dobo
maintenance during the warranty period
podpora ter svetovanje v po-garancijski
support and advising in post warranty
Ob koncu leta 2011 je dru`ba Rudis
dobila novega lastnika in se je iz delni{ke
dru`be preoblikovala v dru`bo z omejeno
Ve~inski lastnik dru`be Rudis je {vicarska
dru`ba Cottagon SA.
By the end of 2011, the Company of Rudis
obtained a new owner and transformed itself
from the joint stock into the limited liability
Majority shareholder of the Company of Rudis is
the Swiss Company Cottagon SA.
Ëlan upravnega odbora
druæbe Cottagon SA
Christopher Scheitz,
Member of the Board,
Cottagon SA
Danes najbolj cenimo u~inkovitost. Za razvoj
tehnologij so potrebne obse`ne raziskave,
{tudije, inovativnost in velika finan~na sredstva.
Zato cenimo ljudi in organizacije, ki znajo
sodobne tehnologije uspe{no prenesti v prakso.
Sodoben izvedbeni in`eniring zahteva veliko
znanj in u~inkovito organizacijsko kulturo. Rudis
vse to ima, zato zaupamo v njegovo poslovno
What we appreciate most today is effectiveness.
The development of technologies requires
extensive research, studies, innovativeness
as well as large funds. We, thus, value people
and organisations that are successfully putting
modern technologies into practice. Modern
executive engineering demands not only a lot of
knowledge but also an effective organisational
culture. Rudis has it all and that is why we trust
in its business success.
Univerzum pravih reπitev The Universe of True Solutions
Poslanstvo, vizija in vrednote
Mission, Vision and Values
Z visoko strokovnostjo in kakovostjo storitev
projektiranja, svetovanja in izvedbe na
podro~jih energetike, ekologije in posameznih
segmentov industrije izpolnjujemo pri~akovanja
in zahteve naro~nikov ter okolja; s tem
pove~ujemo zaupanje v blagovno znamko Rudis,
ki je zaveza do naro~nikov, sodelavcev, lastnika
in dru`be kot celote.
Offering high professional competence and
quality of design, consulting and executive
services in the field of energy engineering,
ecology and individual segments of industry we
are meeting not only our customers’ but also
environmental demands and thus enhancing
the confidence into Rudis trademark and
fulfilling our obligations towards our customers,
collaborators, owner and the society as a whole.
Ostati vodilni na podro~ju izvedbenega
in`eniringa v Sloveniji, s poudarkom na
podro~ju energetike z ekologijo, in okrepiti
vlogo na strate{kih trgih, {e zlasti na trgih JV
1* Upravna stavba Rudis,
The administration building of
Rudis, Trbovlje
2*Zaposleni pred upravno stavbo
The employees in front of the
Rudis administration building
Our aim is to maintain our leadership in the
field of executive engineering in Slovenia, with
a special emphasis on energy engineering and
ecology as well as to strengthen our role in
strategic markets, and the markets of South
Eastern Europe in particular.
Klju~ne strate{ke usmeritve, ki podpirajo vizijo:
•prenesti znanje in izku{nje na podro~ju
energetike z ekologijo iz Slovenije na tuje
•okrepiti polo`aj na podro~ju industrije {e
zlasti tam, kjer ima Rudis specifi~no znanje in
•razviti optimalno marketin{ko mre`o na
ciljnih trgih za tr`enje kompleksnih in manj
kompleksnih tehnolo{kih projektov,
•okrepiti mo~ dru`be Rudis in ustrezno
motivirati klju~ne kadre,
•raz{iriti poslovanje na segmente, ki
zagotavljajo konstanten vir prihodka.
•Cenimo svoje dobro ime, zato smo korekten
partner, vreden zaupanja.
•Cenimo svoje kupce, zato ne delamo
kompromisov pri kakovosti.
•Cenimo svoje sodelavce in njihovo
raznolikost, zato vlagamo v njihov razvoj in jih
•Cenimo svoje dobavitelje, zato z njimi
gradimo dolgoro~ne in korektne odnose.
•Pomemben vir na{ega uspeha je
samostojnost in finan~na neodvisnost dru`be.
Univerzum pravih reπitev The Universe of True Solutions
Poslanstvo, vizija in vrednote
Mission, Vision and Values
Our key strategic and vision supporting
directions are:
•transform knowledge and experience in the
field of energy engineering and ecology from
Slovenia to foreign markets,
•strengthen the position in industrial field and
particularly in the areas where Rudis boasts
specific knowledge and references,
•develop optimal marketing network in target
markets for marketing of complex and less
complex technological projects,
•strengthen the Company's power and
adequately motivate its key personnel,
•expand the business into segments, ensuring
a constant source of revenue.
•We value our good name; therefore we are a
correct and trustworthy partner.
•We value our customers; therefore we do not
compromise on quality.
•We value our associates and their diversity;
therefore we invest in their development and
motivate them.
•We value our suppliers; therefore we build
long-term and correct relationships with them.
•Important source of our success is the
Company's autonomy and financial
"V podjetju za in`eniring so kadri resni~no vse,"
je leta 1989 zapisal gospod Boris Malovrh,
dolgoletni predsednik Poslovne skupnosti
"Human resources mean really everything for
an engineering company", wrote back in 1989
Mister Boris Malovrh, a long-standing president
of the Rudis Business Council.
1*Izgradnja 164 m visokega
hladilnega stolpa za novi 600
MW Blok 6 v Termoelektrarni
V vseh obdobjih ve~ kot petdesetletne
zgodovine Rudisa so bili zaposleni klju~en
dejavnik poslovanja in razvoja. Strokovna
specialisti~na znanja niso bila dovolj. V prvih
desetletjih so se morali Rudisovi strokovnjaki
ukvarjati tudi z zahtevnim usklajevanjem
poslovnih interesov investitorjev, naro~nikov,
~lanov poslovne skupnosti in drugih izvajalcev
projektov. Poseben izziv je vedno predstavljalo
delovanje v drugih dr`avah. V Rudisu se je
zato z leti oblikovala specifi~na kultura, ki je
omogo~ala sprejemanje in uspe{no izvedbo
zahtevnih projektov, hkrati pa prenos znanj
in izku{enj na nove generacije strokovnjakov.
Ve~ina najbolj{ih kadrov se je po opravljeni
diplomi dokon~no iz{olala {ele v Rudisu, ki je
postal svojevrsten center tehni~ne inteligence.
Dana{nji Rudis premi{ljeno upravlja z
zaposlenimi ter sistemati~no skrbi za njihovo
strokovno usposabljanje, motiviranje in
razvoj organizacijske klime. Med zaposlenimi
jih ima kar dve tretjini univerzitetno visoko
ali vi{jo izobrazbo in ve~ina se nenehno
dodatno izobra`uje. Poleg strokovnega znanja
razvijajo tudi ve{~ine in elemente ~ustvene
inteligence. V dolgoletni praksi je Rudis razvil
svojstven na~in timskega dela, ki zagotavlja
u~inkovitost in prina{a odlo~ilno prednost na
trgu. Na tujih trgih je projektni management, ki
ustreza visokim standardom, izredno cenjen.
Odli~na kadrovska struktura, sistemati~no
vzpodbujanje izobra`evanja in redno merjenje
delovne uspe{nosti so tesno povezani z vizijo
Rudisovega razvoja in dolgoro~no zagotavljajo
uresni~evanje vseh poslovnih ciljev.
Human resources have been indeed the
key factor of the Company's operation and
development in all the periods of its more
than fifty years long history. Only professional
and specialist knowledge was not sufficient.
In the first decades the Company's experts
had to deal with the demanding adjustment
of the investors, customers, business council
members and other projects contractors’
business interests. Operation in other countries
always presented a particular challenge.
During all this years Rudis formed a special
kind of culture, which enabled accepting and
successful contracting of demanding projects
as well as a simultaneous transfer of knowledge
and experience to the new generations of
experts. After their graduation the majority
of the Company's best human resources
received their final education only in Rudis,
which became a unique centre of technical
The construction of the 164
metres high cooling tower
for the new ©o{tanj Thermal
Power Plant Block 6
The present-day Rudis manages its human
resources thoughtfully, taking a due and
systematic care of their professional training,
motivation as well as the development of the
organisation climate. As much as two thirds
of the Company's employees boast university
or higher professional education and majority
among them are constantly attending additional
education and training courses. Besides the
professional education a strong emphasis is
also given to the development of their skills
and emotional intelligence elements. Within
its many years' practice Rudis was able to
develop a unique team work, enabling efficacy
and decisive advantage on the market. The
Company's high standard project management
is highly esteemed on foreign markets as
well. Excellent human resources structure,
systematic promotion of education and regular
measurement of workers' performances are
closely connected to the Rudis's development
vision and enable a long-term fulfilment of all
the Company's business goals.
Univerzum pravih reπitev The Universe of True Solutions
Univerzum pravih reπitev The Universe of True Solutions
Upravljanje s kakovostjo je eden klju~nih
dejavnikov doseganja poslovnih ciljev in
uresni~evanja vizije. S sistemskimi re{itvami
in njihovim doslednim uresni~evanjem v vseh
poslovnih procesih podjetje zagotavlja tudi
dolgoro~no zadovoljstvo svojih poslovnih
Quality management is one of the key factors
for both achieving of the Company's business
goals as well as realising of its vision. Providing
legislative solutions and their consistent
implementation in all its operational processes,
the Company enables a long-term satisfaction
of its business partners as well.
Poslovanje Rudisa je usklajeno z zahtevami
mednarodnih standardov:
•sistem vodenja kakovosti ISO 9001:2008,
•sistem ravnanja z okoljem ISO 14001:2004,
•sistem varnosti in zdravja pri delu OHSAS
Certifikat kakovosti je dru`ba pridobila v letu
1997, preostala certifikata pa je pridobila
v letu 2006. Podro~je certificiranja obsega
projektiranje, svetovanje in gradnjo objektov na
podro~jih energetike, ekologije in industrije.
The Company of Rudis harmonised its operation
with the following international standards:
•ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System
•ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management
•OHSAS 18001:2007 Health and Safety at
Work System
The Company obtained the Quality Certificate in
1997 and the rest two certificates in 2006. The
certification range includes design, consultation
and facilities construction in the field of energy
engineering, ecology and industry.
1*Notranjost 164 m visokega
hladilnega stolpa Bloka 6 v
Termoelektrarni ©o{tanj z
The interior of the 164 metres
high cooling tower with raiser
at the ©o{tanj Thermal Power
Plant Block 6
U~inkovitost sistemov preverja certifikacijska
hi{a Bureau Veritas Certification, v podjetju pa
u~inkovitost sistemov preverjajo z notranjimi
presojami in vodstvenimi pregledi.
Poslovanje v skladu z zahtevami vseh treh
sistemov omogo~a kakovostne, za okolje
sprejemljive in varno izvedene storitve. V
izvajanje vseh treh sistemov so vklju~eni
vsi zaposleni, vse pomembne odlo~itve pa
obravnava Svet za kakovost, ravnanje z okoljem
ter varnost in zdravje pri delu.
2*Mednarodni standardi
The International Standards
The system efficiency is verified by the Bureau
Veritas Certification House, whereas the system
efficiency within the Company is checked by
means of internal estimations and management
The operation adjusted to the demands of all
the three mentioned systems enables quality,
environmentally sound and safely implemented
services. All the employees are involved in the
implementation of all systems, whereas all
the important decisions are discussed by the
Quality, Environmental Management and Health
and Safety at Work Council.
Univerzum pravih reπitev The Universe of True Solutions
Boniteta in bančna jamstva
Credit Rating and Bank Guarantees
Rudis je leta 2012 dobil bonitetno poro~ilo
odli~nosti AAA, najvi{jo oceno poslovnega
subjekta. Ta certifikat pomeni, da je Rudis
v obdobju zadnjih treh poslovnih let najbolj
zanesljiv, kredibilen in nizko tvegan poslovni
subjekt za sodelovanje z vsemi vklju~ujo~imi
poslovnimi partnerji: naro~niki, podizvajalci
in dobavitelji, bankami ter drugimi poslovnimi
Ban~na jamstva so zelo pomemben del
osnovne ponudbe izvedbenega in`eniringa, ki
naro~nikom zagotavlja visoko stopnjo varnosti
projektov. Za izvedbo svojih projektov Rudis
zagotavlja vsa potrebna ban~na jamstva: za
resnost ponudbe, za dobro in pravo~asno
izvedbo del ter garancijo za garancijski ~as, kar
je {e dodatna obveza Rudisa.
Rudis pridobiva posle kot najbolj{i ponudnik
na javnih razpisih ali na povabilo naro~nika. V
~asu izvedbe projekta si prizadeva za ~im bolj{e
partnerske odnose, ki izhajajo iz spo{tovanja
na~el poslovne etike.
In 2012, Rudis has received the Certificate of
Excellence AAA - the highest rating of business
entity. It means that during the last three
financial years Rudis was the most reliable,
credible and low-risk business entity for
cooperation with all inclusive business partners:
customers, subcontractors and suppliers, banks
and other business partners.
1*Certifikat bonitetne odli~nosti
The Certificate of Excellence
2*Nadzorna soba v papirnici
Vipap Videm Kr{ko
The monitoring room in the
Vipap Videm Kr{ko Paper Mill
Bank guarantees present a very important part
of basic executive engineering offer, ensuring
customers a high level of projects safety.
Therefore, Rudis offers all the necessary bank
guarantees for its projects implementation:
cover for bid, performance and guarantee
period bond, presenting the Company's
additional obligation.
Rudis acquires its operations as the best bidder
on open tenders or upon a potential customer's
invitation. During the execution of its projects
Rudis does its best to maintain proper partner
relationships in compliance with the basic
business ethics principles.
Univerzum pravih reπitev The Universe of True Solutions
Ciljni trgi
Target Markets
Business in international markets presented an
Poslovanje na mednarodnih trgih je bilo `e
important part of Company's mission ever since
od ustanovitve pomemben del Rudisovega
it was established. Owing to its specific knowposlanstva. Zaradi specifi~nih znanj inPREDSTAVITEV PODJETJA
01 / 37
how and top quality projects implementation,
kakovostne izvedbe projektov je Rudis uspe{no
Rudis was able to successfully realise all its
uresni~eval ambiciozne tr`ne cilje. V prvih
ambitious market objectives. In its first fifty
petdesetih letih je deloval v ve~ kot dvajsetih
years Rudis operated in more than twenty
dr`avah na {tirih kontinentih. Svojevrstna
countries on four continents. This Company’s
posebnost Rudisa je dolgoletno uspe{no
particularity is also its long-standing and
sodelovanje z japonskimi dru`bami pri izvedbi
successful cooperation with several Japanese
tehnolo{ko zahtevnih projektov v Evropi.
companies within the execution of a great
number of extremely demanding projects in
Dana{nji Rudis veliko pozornost namenja
doma~emu trgu, kjer ima vodilno vlogo
predvsem na podro~ju energetike in ekolo{kih
The present-day Rudis devotes a lot of its
projektov. Zaradi univerzalnih znanj in visoke
attention to the domestic market, where it
stopnje prilagodljivosti pa dosega pomembne
plays a leading role in energy engineering and
rezultate tudi na podro~ju industrije, {portnih
ecological projects. Thanks to its universal
in kulturnih objektov ter povsod tam, kjer
knowledge and high degree flexibility, the
so specialisti~no znanje in kakovost izvedbe
Company has also achieved important results in
klju~nega pomena.
the field of industry, sports and cultural facilities
Najpomembnej{i strate{ki tuji trgi ostajajo
construction as well as everywhere, where the
dr`ave jugovzhodne Evrope, predvsem dr`ave
key emphasis is laid on specialist knowledge
Zahodnega Balkana. Na Kosovem, v ^rni gori,
and quality implementation.
Srbiji, Makedoniji, Albaniji, na Hrva{kem ter v
The Company's most important strategic foreign
Bosni in Hercegovini je blagovna znamka Rudis
markets remain the South Eastern European
dobro poznana `e vrsto let, z referen~nimi
countries and especially the Western Balkan
projekti pa Rudis utrjuje svoj ugled in pridobiva
countries. For many years the Rudis trademark
nove posle. V Bosni in Hercegovini deluje
has been well known in Kosovo, Montenegro,
Rudisova h~erinska dru`ba Rudis BH, d.o.o.
Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Croatia and Bosnia
Poleg dr`av Vzhodnega Balkana, Romunije,
and Herzegovina. The Company has also been
Bolgarije in Tur~ije, med svoje ciljne trge Rudis
strengthening its reputation and gaining new
uvr{~a tudi dr`ave nekdanje Sovjetske zveze,
operations by means of constructing new
predvsem Kazahstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan
referential projects. In Bosnia and Herzegovina
in Ukrajino.
Rudis also operates through its subsidiary
Na nem{kem trgu je Rudis nenehno prisoten
1*Naprava za raz`veplanje
dimnih plinov na 125 MW
bloku v Termoelektrarni
The Flue Gas Desulphurisation
Plant on the Trbovlje Thermal
Power Plant 125 MW Block
2*Ciljni trgi
The Target Markets
Univerzum pravih reπitev The Universe of True Solutions
Ciljni trgi
Target Markets
`e od leta 1961. Nove poslovne prilo`nosti
je Rudis zaznal tudi v arabskih dr`avah na
Srednjem vzhodu, kjer je leta 2008 ustanovil
podjetje Rudis Middle East s sede`em v Riyadhu
v Saudovi Arabiji.
Rudis BH, ltd.
Beside the Eastern Balkan Countries - Romania,
Bulgaria and Turkey - Rudis also places among
its target markets the countries of the former
Soviet Union, and Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan,
Turkmenistan and Ukraine in particular.
Rudis has been constantly present in Germany
ever since 1961. The Company also became
aware of new business opportunities in several
Arab countries, in Middle East; therefore it
established the Company of Rudis Middle East
in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 2008.
1*Izgradnja naprave za
raz`veplanje dimnih plinov 600
MW Bloka 6 v Termoelektrarni
The construction of the Flue
Gas Desulphurisation Plant
on the ©o{tanj Thermal Power
Plant 600 MW Block 6
2*Transport dela dimovodnega
kanala o~i{~enih dimnih plinov
Bloka 6 v Termoelektrarni
The transport of the flue gas
duct for treated flue gas of the
[o{tanj Thermal Power Plant
Block 6
Z obvladovanjem mnogih tehnologij, nenehnim πirjenjem znanj in premiπljeno izbiro strateπkih
partnerjev ustvarja Rudis edinstven univerzum tehnoloπkih reπitev.
Through mastering of many technologies, constant diffusion of knowledge and thoughtful selection
of strategic partners Rudis creates a unique universe of technological solutions.
Za okolja, v katerih deluje dru`ba Rudis,
je zna~ilna visoka stopnja inovativnosti in
dinami~nosti. Nenehen razvoj je osnovna
zakonitost delovanja. Izra`a se v na~inu
razmi{ljanja, dela in vzpostavljanja poslovnih
odnosov. Ne le na podro~ju tehnologij, razvojna
naravnanost je prisotna v vseh poslovnih
Rudis zavestno oblikuje svojo dolgoro~no
konkuren~no prednost s strategijo
osredoto~anja na izbrane tr`ne segmente.
V zadnjem desetletju sta najpomembnej{a
izbrana segmenta energetika in varovanje
okolja. Z doslednim uresni~evanjem izbrane
strategije je Rudisu uspelo prepoznati in razviti
tudi podro~ja prepletanja teh dveh segmentov.
Tako je danes Rudis vodilni slovenski izvajalec
projektov ekolo{ke sanacije termoenergetskih
objektov in eden redkih tovrstnih specialistov v
{ir{em evropskem prostoru.
Tehnoloπki univerzum Technological Universe
UËinkovita strategija
Effective Strategy
Characteristic for the environments, in
which the Company of Rudis operates, is a
high degree of innovation and dynamism.
Therefore the main property of operation
is a constant development. It reveals in the
way of thinking, working and establishing of
business relationships. The orientation toward
development is not only present in technologies
but in all business processes.
1*Rekonstrukcija kotlovnice
^ardak v ^rnomlju
The reconstruction of the
boiler room in ^ardak,
2*Tehnolo{ka oprema za ja{ek v
Rudniku Hrastnik
The technological equipment
for the shaft in the Hrastnik
Rudis intentionally builds its long-term
competitive advantage, strategically focusing
itself on the selected market segments. In
the last decade the most important selected
segments were energy engineering and
environmental protection. Thanks to a constant
realisation of the selected strategy, Rudis
managed to recognise and develop even the
areas where those two segments interweave.
Thus, Rudis today presents a leading Slovene
contractor of projects of the ecological
rehabilitation of thermal power generation
structures and one of the rare specialists of this
kind in the wider European area.
3*Rekonstrukcija hidroelektrarne
Una v Biha}u, Bosna in
The reconstruction of the Una
Hydroelectric Power Plant in
Biha}, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rudisova strategija razvoja
konkurenËnih prednosti
Rudis Competitive Advantage
Development Strategy
•Rudis izbira in razvija tehnologije, ki so v
izbranem segmentu tr`no zanimive. Posebno
pozornost posve~a zgodnjemu prepoznavanju
bodo~ih potreb na trgu.
•Rudis selects and develops those
technologies within the chosen segment,
which are potentially interesting for the
market. The Company pays its utmost
attention to an early recognition of the future
needs on the market.
•Razlikovanje na trgu zagotavljajo najnovej{i
dose`ki v posamezni tehnologiji, ki jih Rudis
uresni~uje z razvijanjem lastnih sposobnosti
in ve{~in ter povezovanjem s tujimi
strate{kimi partnerji.
•Stro{kovno in celotno ekonomsko
u~inkovitost omogo~ajo Rudisove izku{nje, ki
se nenehno oplajajo z u~enjem, specializacijo,
izbolj{avami proizvodov in postopkov,
metodolo{ko in sistemsko racionalizacijo ter
obse`nim hi{nim znanjem.
•Uporaba unificiranega zapisa tehnologij
omogo~a primerno za{~ito dose`enih znanj,
hkrati pa omogo~a prenos znanj mlaj{im
generacijam strokovnjakov.
•V tr`nem segmentu objektov za varovanje
okolja, kamor se uvr{~ajo ~i{~enje zraka,
~i{~enje vode in ravnanje z odpadki, je Rudis
sposoben vsak projekt pripraviti tako, da
lahko konkurira za sredstva iz evropskih
strukturnih skladov.
Izvedeni referen~ni projekti, bogate izku{nje in
vrednote, ki ustvarjajo edinstveno hi{no kulturo,
omogo~ajo u~inkovito uresni~evanje izbrane
1*Streli{~e Mlake pri Vipavi
The Mlake Firing Range near
•Distinction on the market is enabled by the
newest achievements within a particular
technology, performed by Rudis through
development of its own capabilities and
skills as well as integration with the foreign
strategic partners.
•Cost and total economic effectiveness is
enabled by the Company's experience,
constantly fertilising through education,
specialization, products and processes
improvements, methodological and
systematic rationalization and comprehensive
domestic knowledge.
•Use of a unified technologies recording
system allows an adequate protection of the
acquired knowledge, enabling at the same
time the transfer of knowledge to the younger
generation of experts.
•Within the segment of environment protection
structures, including air and water purification
as well as management of waste, Rudis
is able to prepare its projects to a level,
enabling the submission of applications for
the European Structural Funds.
The reference projects, rich experience and
values, creating a unique Company's culture,
enable an effective fulfilment of the chosen
Tehnoloπki univerzum Technological Universe
UËinkovita strategija
Effective Strategy
Tehnoloπki univerzum Technological Universe
Uporabne reπitve
Appliable Solutions
Izvedbeni in`eniring je celosten sistem
postopkov, na katere vpliva mnogo dejavnikov.
Zato so znanje, visoki standardi kakovosti
in strogo upo{tevanje veljavnih predpisov
klju~ni elementi Rudisovega projektnega
managementa. Izgradnja kompleksnih
investicijskih tehnolo{kih projektov v
Rudisu poteka na osnovi lastne projektne
dokumentacije, ki jo izdelajo Rudisovi
strokovnjaki. Skladno s pogodbenimi dolo~ili
in specifi~nimi zahtevami lahko za naro~nika
izvedejo vse storitve, ki so nujno potrebne za
uspe{no izvedbo projekta.
Executive engineering presents a fully integrated
system of procedures, influenced by many
different factors. Therefore, know-how, high
quality standards and strict compliance with
the rules in force present the key elements of
the Rudis project management. In Rudis the
construction of the complex technological
investment projects is based on its own project
documentation, made by its own experts. In
accordance with the contract provisions and
specific demands, Rudis is ready to offer its
customers all the services, necessary for a
project's successful execution.
1*Procesna zgradba naprave
za razæveplanje dimnih
plinov novega Bloka 6 v
Termoelektrarni ©o{tanj
Flue Gas Desulphurisation
Plant at the new ©o{tanj
Thermal Power Plant Block 6
2*Procesna slika nadzorne
'SCADE' naprave za
raz`veplanje dimnih plinov v
Termoelektrarni Trbovlje
Univerzalne storitve
Universal Services
Kot vodilno podjetje za izvedbeni in`eniring na
podro~ju Slovenije Rudis svojim naro~nikom
zagotavlja celovite storitve izvedbe projektov od
zasnove do izteka garancijske dobe.
Zahtevne tehnolo{ke projekte Rudis izvaja po
na~elu "na klju~". Na `eljo naro~nika Rudis
izvaja tudi posamezne storitve ali del potrebnih
storitev v okviru posameznega projekta.
As a leading executive engineering company
in Slovenia, Rudis offers its customers
comprehensive project implementation services
- from project design to its maintenance period
Rudis executes its demanding technological
projects according to the "turnkey" principle. In
accordance with its customers’ wishes, Rudis
executes either separate services or just parts
of services within each project.
The processing facility of the
The SCADE monitoring device
image processing for the flue
gas desulphurisation plant in
the Trbovlje Thermal Power
Projekti in tehnologije
Projects and Technologies
•kompleksna kotlovska postrojenja na premog,
kotlovnice na biomaso, plinske kotlovnice
•complex coil-fired boiler houses, biomassfired boiler houses and gas boiler houses
•plinovodi in sistemi daljinskega ogrevanja
•pipelines and district heating systems
•toplotne postaje s sistemom daljinskega
vodenja toplotnih postaj
•heating plants with the district heating
•kogeneracije - so~asna proizvodnja elektri~ne
in toplotne energije, kjer se energija pridobiva
iz razli~nih energentov (zemeljski plin, bioplin,
deponijski plin, …)
•cogenerations - combined electrical and
thermal energy production, where energy is
generated from different energy products
(natural gas, biogas, landfill gas, …)
•trigeneracije - so~asna proizvodnja elektri~ne
energije, toplote in hladu
•trigenerations - combined electricity, heat and
cooling production
•skladi{~ni in transportni sistemi za energente
(premog, lesna biomasa, plin) in odpadne
produkte (pepel, `lindra, sadra, …)
•storage and conveying systems for energy
products (coal, wood biomass, gas) and waste
(ash, slag, gypsum, …)
1.Rekonstrukcija kuri{Ëa kotla za se`ig biomase,
odpadka deinkinga in odpadnih muljev iz industrijske
~istilne naprave v papirnici Vipap Videm Kr{ko
2.Rekonstrukcija in ekolo{ka sanacija Toplarne Polaj v
3.Obnova toplarne na biomaso ESR Energie Sulzbach - Rosenberg v Nem~iji
4. in 5.Za naro~nika Soenergetika d.o.o. Kranj je Rudis
izvedel dve napravi za so~asno proizvodnjo elektri~ne
in toplotne energije v Kotlovnici Planina Kranj.
6.Rudis je dobavil in vgradil dve enoti za soproizvodnjo
toplotne in elektri~ne energije v Toplarni Hrastnik.
1.Reconstruction of the boiler house firing places for
biomass, deinking waste and sludge combustion
from the industrial purifying plant in the Vipap
Videm Paper Mill in Kr{ko, Slovenia
2.Reconstruction and ecological rehabilitation of the
Polaj Heating Plant in Trbovlje, Slovenia
3.Reconstruction of the ESR Energie Sulzbach Rosenberg Biomass Heating Plant, Germany
4. and 5.Implementation of two combined electrical and
thermal energy production plants in the Planina
Boiler House in Kranj, Slovenia for the Soenergetika
ltd Company Kranj
6.Delivery and installation of two combined electrical
and thermal energy production blocks in the
Hrastnik Thermal Plant, Slovenia
Tehnoloπki univerzum Technological Universe
Thermal Power
Reference References
Hydro Power
•turbinska, generatorska in hidromehanska
oprema s pomo`nimi sistemi na ve~jih
•turbine, generator and hydromechanical
equipment with auxiliary systems on larger
hydroelectric power plants
•projekti malih hidroelektrarn - novogradnje in
obnove obstoje~ih postrojenj
•small hydroelectric power plants projects new constructions and the existing facilities
Vetrne elektrarne in fotovoltaika
Velik in neizkori{~en potencial narave, ko gre za
pridobivanje energije, sta tudi veter in sonce, ki
pa bosta v prihodnje v precej{ni meri odvisna
od klimatskih razmer in odkupne cene energije.
Zato bodo dr`avne subvencije na tem podro~ju
klju~nega pomena.
Tehnoloπki univerzum Technological Universe
IzkoriπËanje obnovljivih virov energije
Utilisation of Renewable Energy Sources
Wind Power Plants and
When it comes to energy generation, still
great and unused natural potentials remain
wind and sun, which will considerably depend
as on climatic conditions as well as on
energy redemption prices. Therefore it is the
government subsidies, which will have to play
the key role in this sphere of activity in future.
1. in 4.Rudis je skupaj z japonskima partnerjema Mitsubishi
Electric Corporation in Sumitomo Corporation izvedel
dobavo in monta`o tehnolo{ke opreme za reverzibilno
~rpalno hidroelektrarno Av~e na reki So~i, ki je prva
tovrstna ~rpalna hidroelektrarna v Evropi.
2. Zamenjava vseh treh 16 MVA agregatov v HE Doblar I
na reki So~i
3. Obnova hidromehanske opreme hidroelektrarne
Peru~ica v ^rni gori
1. and 4.Delivery and installation of technological equipment
for the Av~e Reversible Pumped-Storage Hydro
Power Plant on the So~a River in Slovenia - a first
pumped-storage hydro power plant of its kind in
Europe - carried out in collaboration between the
Company of Rudis and its two Japanese partners Electric Corporation and Sumitomo Corporation
2.Replacement of all the three 16 MVA aggregates in
the Doblar I Hydro Power Plant on the So~a River in
3.Reconstruction of the hydromechanical equipment
of the Peru~ica Hydro Power Plant in Montenegro
Reference References
Zavedanje vplivov ~love{kega delovanja na
okolje in velikega pomena zmanj{evanja teh
vplivov za ohranjanje ravnovesja v naravnem
in urbanem okolju je vzpodbudilo razvoj
specifi~nih tehnologij. Rudis je na podro~ju
izvedbe ekolo{kih projektov `e zgodaj zaznal
svoje razvojne prilo`nosti, od konca prej{njega
stoletja pa te tehnologije predstavljajo zelo
pomemben del kratkoro~nega in dolgoro~nega
razvoja dru`be. V preteklih letih je Rudis gradil
razli~ne objekte na podro~ju varovanja okolja,
v zadnjih letih pa se osredoto~a na izvajanje
ekolo{kih projektov v termoenergetiki.
Projekti in tehnologije
•~i{~enje zraka v elektrarnah na premog raz`veplanje po mokrem kalcitnem postopku
•odstranjevanje pra{nih delcev iz dimnih plinov
z elektrofiltri, cikloni in vre~astimi filtri
•deponije - tehnologije zbiranja odpadkov in
ravnanja z njimi
•termi~na obdelava nenevarnih odpadkov in
pridobivanje toplotne in elektri~ne energije
•izraba bioplina in deponijskega plina za
proizvodnjo elektri~ne in toplotne energije
1. Z izgradnjo zahtevne naprave za raz`veplanje dimnih plinov
na Bloku 5 v Termoelektrarni [o{tanj je Rudis prvo in
edino slovensko podjetje, ki je pridobilo tak{no referenco
na termoenergetskih projektih mo~i nad 300 MW.
2. Izgradnja naprave za raz`veplanje dimnih plinov na novem
600 MW Bloku 6 v TE [o{tanj je najpomembnej{i projekt v
zgodovini Rudisa.
3. Rudis je sodeloval pri gradnji prvega objekta za termi~no
obdelavo nenevarnih odpadkov in proizvodnjo toplote
in elektri~ne energije v Sloveniji. Izvedel je turbinsko
postrojenje, zbiranje kondenzata, kemi~no pripravo vode
in toplotno postajo.
4. Regijska deponija Uni~no v Hrastniku je zgrajena za
zbiranje odpadkov ob~in Trbovlje, Zagorje, Hrastnik, La{ko
in Litija. Rudis je raz{iril in uredil regijsko deponijo, izvedel
odplinjevanje in plinovode ter zgradil ~istilno napravo za
izcedne vode.
The awareness of the human influences on
the environments and the great importance
of the reduction of these influences for the
preservation of equilibrium in both natural
and urban environment encouraged the
development of specific technologies. Rudis
became aware of its development opportunities
in the ecological projects implementation field
quite early. Therefore, these technologies
present a very important part of Company's
short- and long-term development strategy since
the end of the last century. In past years Rudis
constructed different structures in the field of
environmental protection, whereas recently the
Company is focused more on ecological projects
implementation in the field of thermal power.
Projects and Technologies
•air purification in coal-fired power plants desulphurisation by means of the wet calcite
•dust particles disposal from flue gas with
electronic filters, cyclones and bag filters
•dumping areas - waste collection and
management technologies
•non-hazardous waste heat treatment and heat
and electricity production
•biogas and landfill gas recovery for heat and
electricity production
Tehnoloπki univerzum Technological Universe
Varovanje okolja
Environmental Protection
1.Rudis was the first and only Slovenian company to obtain
an extremely important reference for thermal power
projects with capacity exceeding 300 MW with the
construction of a demanding Flue Gas Desulphurisation
Plant at the [o{tanj Thermal Power Plant Block 5.
2.The construction of the Flue Gas Desulphurisation Plant at
the [o{tanj Thermal Power Plant new Block 6 is the most
important facility in the Company of Rudis history.
3.Rudis took part in the construction of the first facility
for thermal treatment of non-hazardous waste and the
production of thermal and electric energy in Slovenia.
Thus, the Company implemented turbine plant,
condensate collection system, chemical water preparation
and thermal power station.
4.The Uni~no Regional Depot in Hrastnik was constructed
for waste collection in the municipalities of Trbovlje,
Zagorje, Hrastnik, La{ko and Litija. Rudis also extended
and organised the regional depot, regulated degasification
system and pipelines and constructed the leachate water
purifying plant.
Reference References
Projekti in tehnologije
Projects and Technologies
•skladi{~enje in priprava surovin
•raw-material storage and preparation
•transportni sistemi
•conveying systems
•pogonske tehnike v industrijskih objektih
•propulsion techniques in industrial facilities
•elektrofiltri v industrijskih objektih
•electronic filters in industrial facilities
•protihrupne za{~ite
•noise barriers
1.V Steklarni Hrastnik je Rudis zgradil zmesarno in novo
tovarno za izdelavo specialne steklene embala`e.
2.V tovarni pnevmatik Sava Tires v Kranju, ki je v lasti
koncerna Goodyear, Rudis stalno izvaja tehnolo{ke
projekte in tudi svetovalni in`eniring.
3.V Rudniku svinca in cinka Me`ica je Rudis zgradil obrat za
proizvodnjo suhih malt.
4.V rudnikih premoga Bardh in Mirash v Pri{tini na Kosovem
je Rudis izvedel rekonstrukcijo transportnega sistema
lignita za Termoelektrarno Kosovo B.
5.Gradnja objekta za skladi{~enje in pripravo surovin v
steklarni BSN Glasspack v mestu Beziers v Franciji
1.Construction of a glass batch plant and a new special glass
packaging production factory for the Hrastnik Glassworks
in Slovenia
2.Regular implementation of technological projects and offer
of consulting engineering services in the Goodyear owned
Sava Tires Factory in Kranj, Slovenia
3.Construction of a dry mortar production plant in the
Me`ica Lead and Zinc Mine, Slovenia
4.Reconstruction of the lignite conveying system for the
Kosovo B Thermal Power Plant in the Bardh and Mirash
Coal Mines in Prishtina, Kosovo
5.Construction of a raw-material storage and preparation
plant in the BSN Glasspack Glassworks in Beziers, France
Tehnoloπki univerzum Technological Universe
Reference References
•odrska tehnika in scenska mehanizacija v
•stage technical equipment and mechanisation
in theatres
•vadbeni voja{ki poligoni (streli{~a)
•military testing grounds (firing ranges)
•po{evna dvigala za prevoz ljudi na smu~i{~ih
•inclined lift ski jumpers transport devices
•smu~arske sede`nice
•ski lifts
1.Za SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana je Rudis v dveh fazah
izvedel strojno opremo odra, ki omogo~a pripravo
najsodobnej{ih scen in izvedbo vseh vrst predstav.
2.Dobava in vgradnja opreme smu~arske sede`nice Prevala
na Kaninu
3.Po izvedbi tehnolo{kega dela voja{kega streli{~a Mlake
pri Vipavi je Rudis pridobil tudi izvedbo streli{~a [krilj v
Ko~evski Reki.
4.Rudis je izdelal, dobavil in montiral po{evno dvigalo ob
skakalnici Mostec v Ljubljani.
1.Two-phase implementation of the mechanical stage
equipment for the Slovenian National Theatre Opera and
Ballet Ljubljana, enabling creation of the cutting-edge sets
and all types of theatre performances
2.Delivery and installation of the equipment for the Prevala
Four Seat Chair Lift for the Mount Kanin Ski Resort,
3.Rudis obtained the implementation project of the [krilj
Firing Range in Ko~evska Reka, Slovenia after the
successful implementation of the infantry firing range
technological part at the Mlake Firing Range near Vipava.
4.Construction, delivery and installation of the inclined lift for
the ski jump in Mostec, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tehnoloπki univerzum Technological Universe
©portni in kulturni objekti
Sports and Cultural Facilities
Reference References
Rudisova projektantska ekipa s poobla{~enimi
in`enirji in tehniki izdeluje projektno
dokumentacijo za potrebe projektov, ki
vklju~ujejo tudi dobavo opreme in izvedbo
celotnega projekta. Na osnovi naro~il lahko
Rudis za posamezne projekte izdela samo
projektno dokumentacijo. Rudisovi strokovnjaki
sledijo `eljam naro~nikov in jih dopolnjujejo s
svojimi zamislimi, znanjem in izku{njami.
Rudisovi vodilni in`enirji so vklju~eni v
mati~ne sekcije arhitektov, elektro, strojnih in
gradbenih in`enirjev ter in`enirjev tehnologov
pri In`enirski zbornici Slovenije. Poobla{~eni
so za izdelovanje projektne dokumentacije
ter izvajanje nalog odgovornih nadzornikov in
odgovornih vodij del.
Tehnoloπki univerzum Technological Universe
Storitve projektiranja in vodenja
Design and Management Task Services
The Rudis design team, consisting of its
authorised engineers and technicians, prepares
project documentation for various projects,
including tasks from equipment delivery to
complete project execution. In accordance
with the service contracts, Rudis may offer
in some cases only the elaboration of project
documentation. The Company's experts comply
with the clients' wishes and also complement
them with their ideas, knowledge and
The Company's leading engineers are
incorporated into the architects, electrical
engineers, mechanical engineers, civil engineers
and engineering technologists sections within
the Slovenian Chamber of Engineers. They are
authorised both for project documentation
elaboration and execution of responsible
supervisors and heads of operations tasks.
1.Pri zelo zahtevni gradnji 164 m visokega hladilnega
stolpa za novi Blok 6 v Termoelektrarni [o{tanj je bilo pri
na~rtovanju poleg veljavne slovenske zakonodaje potrebno
upo{tevati tudi namenske nem{ke standarde za gradnjo
hladilnih stolpov.
2. S svetovalnim in`eniringom je Rudis sodeloval pri izgradnji
tovarne avtomobilskih prikolic, avtodomov in hi{ic Adria v
Novem mestu.
3. Rudis je dobavil in vgradil tehnolo{ko opremo (turbino,
generator in pomo`ne sisteme) prve slovenske ~rpalne
hidroelektrarne Av~e na reki So~i.
4. Za energetski objekt - trigeneracijo v poslovno trgovskem
centru Era City v Skopju v Makedoniji - je Rudis izdelal
projektno dokumentacijo.
5. Za napravo za raz`veplanje dimnih plinov 600 MW Bloka 6
v TE ©o{anj je Rudis izdelal PGD in PZI dokumentacijo ter
delavni{ko dokumentacijo.
1.The planning of the extremely demanding construction
of the 164 metres high cooling tower of the new [o{tanj
Thermal Power Plant Block 6 required not only elaboration
of the applicable Slovenian legislation but also of the
existing German cooling towers construction standards.
2.Rudis provided consulting engineering services for the
construction of the Adria Car Trailers, Mobile Homes and
Campers Factory in Novo mesto, Slovenia.
3.Rudis delivered and installed the technological equipment
(turbine, generator and auxiliary systems) for the first
Slovenian pumped-storage hydro power plant in Av~e on
the So~a River.
4.Rudis elaborated the project documentation for the energy
facility - a trigeneration in the Era City Business and
Shopping Centre in Skopje, Macedonia.
5.Rudis elaborated the building permit, design and working
documentation for the Flue Gas Desulphurising Plant
on the ©o{tanj Thermal Power Plant 600 MW Block 6 in
Reference References
• naro~niku Soenergetika d.o.o. Kranj sta predani dve
napravi za so~asno proizvodnjo elektri~ne in toplotne
energije s pomo`no opremo v Kotlovnici Planina Kranj
• Rudis pri~ne z monta`o naprave za raz`veplanje dimnih
plinov na Bloku 6 Termoelektrarne [o{tanj
• v skladu s pogodbenim terminskim planom je zaklju~ena
gradnja 164 m visokega hladilnega stolpa za novi Blok 6 v
Termoelektrarni [o{tanj
• Rudis zaklju~i rekonstrukcijo rezervoarjev za mazut in
lovilnih kadi v Toplarni [i{ka v Ljubljani
• Rudis prejme bonitetno poro~ilo odli~nosti AAA - najvi{jo
oceno poslovnega subjekta, ki jo prejmejo le redki, najbolj
finan~no likvidni, poslovno uspe{ni in zaupanja vredni
poslovni subjekti
• v okviru izgradnje hladilnega sistema Bloka 6 v
Termoelektrarni [o{tanj Rudis izvede zelo zahteven
transport dela dimovodnega kanala izjemnih razse`nosti:
premer 8 m, dol`ina 45 m, te`a 100 ton
• s Termoelektrarno [o{tanj Rudis sklene pogodbo o
izgradnji sistema odpadnih produktov novega Bloka 6
• Rudis dobavi in montira neprebojne stene za vadbeni
center v Kuvajtu
• Rudis je izbran za izvajalca energetske sanacije Bolnice
Celje, vklju~no s postavitvijo trigeneracije
• za~ne se zelo zahtevna gradnja hladilnega stolpa za novi
Blok 6 v Termoelektrarni [o{tanj
• zaklju~ena je zamenjava prvega od treh 16 MVA agregatov
hidroelektrarne Doblar I na reki So~i
• Rudis pri~ne z izgradnjo dveh naprav za so~asno
proizvodnjo elektri~ne in toplotne energije v Kotlovnici
Planina Kranj
• zaklju~ena je druga faza del v SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana;
strojna oprema odra, ki omogo~a izvedbo najsodobnej{ih
scen, je tako v celoti predana v uporabo
• Rudis nadaljuje dela v okviru 1. in 2. faze rekonstrukcije
rezervoarjev za mazut v Toplarni [i{ka, Ljubljana
• Rudis obi{~e nj. eksc. g. Toshimitsu Ishigure, veleposlanik
Japonske v Sloveniji; razgovor veleposlanika z generalnim
direktorjem Rudisa, mag. Andrejem Gorjupom, je namenjen
izmenjavi izku{enj in poslovnih praks v sodelovanju med
japonskimi in slovenskimi podjetji
• {vicarska dru`ba Cottagon SA postane ve~inska lastnica
delnic Rudisa, dru`ba Rudis se iz delni{ke dru`be
preoblikuje v dru`bo z omejeno odgovornostjo
• z naro~nikom Energetika Ljubljana je podpisana pogodba
za rekonstrukcijo rezervoarjev za mazut in lovilnih kadi v
Toplarni [i{ka, Ljubljana
• Rudis kot vodilni partner v konzorciju z nem{kim SPX
Cooling Technologies GmbH, Ratingen s Termoelektrarno
[o{tanj podpi{e pogodbo za izgradnjo hladilnega sistema
novega, 600 MW Bloka 6 v Termoelektrarni [o{tanj
• z Ministrstvom za kulturo je podpisana pogodba za
drugo fazo del v SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana, ki obsega
• Rudis hands over to the customer Soenergetika ltd Kranj
two combined heat and power plants with the auxiliary
equipment at the Planina Boiler House in Kranj, Slovenia
• Rudis launches the assembly of the Flue Gas
Desulphurisation Plant at the [o{tanj Thermal Power Plant
Block 6 in Slovenia
• complying with the contractual schedule, Rudis completes
the construction of the 164 metres high cooling tower for
the new [o{tanj Thermal Power Plant Block 6
• Rudis completes the reconstruction of the fuel oil
reservoirs and capture tubes at the [i{ka Heating Plant in
Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Rudis is assigned the Certificate of Excellence AAA - the
highest rating of business entity, bestowed upon only
a select few, most financially solvent, successful and
trustworthy business entities
• within the construction of the cooling system at the [o{tanj
Thermal Power Plant Block 6 Rudis sees to a demanding
transportation of a part of a flue gas channel of exceptional
size: diameter 8 metres, length 45 metres, weight 100 tons
• Rudis signs a contract with the [o{tanj Thermal Power
Plant on the construction of the waste products system for
the new Block 6
• delivery and assembly of bulletproof walls for training
centre in Kuwait
• Rudis is selected to implement the energy improving of the
General Hospital in Celje, inclusively with trigeneration
• Rudis launches a demanding construction of the cooling
tower for the new Block 6 at the [o{tanj Thermal Power
Plant in Slovenia
• Rudis completes the replacement of the first of the three
16 MVA aggregates at the Doblar I Hydro Power Plant on
the So~a River in Slovenia
• Rudis launches the construction of the two combined heat
and power plants at the Planina Boiler House in Kranj,
• Rudis completes the second phase of works at the
Slovenian National Opera and Ballet Theatre in Ljubljana,
thus the mechanical stage equipment, enabling the
cutting-edge theatre production is finally handed over to
the customer
• Rudis continues the works within the 1st and 2nd
reconstruction phases of the fuel oil reservoirs at the [i{ka
Heating Plant in Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Rudis is visited by His Excellency, Toshimitsu Ishigure,
Ambassador of Japan in Slovenia; at their meeting the
Ambassador and the General Director of the Company
of Rudis, Andrej Gorjup, M.Sc. discuss the exchange of
experience and business practices within the cooperation
between the Japanese and Slovenian companies
• the Swiss Company Cottagon SA becomes the majority
shareholder of the Company of Rudis, thus the later
transforms itself from the joint stock company into the
limited liability company
• Rudis signs a contract with the Company of Energetika
Ljubljana on the reconstruction of the fuel oil reservoirs
and capture tubes at the [i{ka Heating Plant in Ljubljana,
• as a leading partner within the consortium with the
German Company of SPX Cooling Technologies GmbH from
Ratingen Rudis signs a contract with the [o{tanj Thermal
Power Plant on the construction of the cooling system of
the new, 600 MW Block 6 at the [o{tanj Thermal Power
nadgradnjo strojne opreme odra
• po slavnostnem zagonu in uspe{no izvedenem poskusnem
obratovanju prve slovenske ~rpalne hidroelektrarne Av~e
na reki So~i naro~nik projekta So{ke elektrarne Nova
Gorica in Rudis podpi{eta primopredajni zapisnik
• dobavljena je uravnalna in merilna oprema za toplarne Ni{,
Kragujevac in Pirot v Srbiji
• za naro~nika Petrol Energetika Ravne na Koro{kem Rudis
dobavi in vgradi novo enoto za soproizvodnjo toplotne in
elektri~ne energije v Toplarni Hrastnik
• v okviru obnove hidroelektrarne Doblar I na reki So~i Rudis
pri~ne z zamenjavo prvega od treh 16 MVA agregatov
• Rudis izdela, dobavi in montira po{evno dvigalo ob
skakalnici Mostec v Ljubljani
• v [krilju pri Ko~evski Reki Rudis za~ne z vgradnjo
tehnolo{ke in programske opreme za novo voja{ko
Plant, Slovenia
• Rudis signs a contract with the Ministry of Culture on the
second phase of works at the Slovenian National Opera and
Ballet Theatre in Ljubljana, including the upgrading of the
mechanical stage equipment
• following the solemn launch and successful trial operation
of the first Slovenian pumped-storage hydro power plant
in Av~e on the So~a River handover documents are signed
by the project customer So{ke Elektrarne Nova Gorica and
• Rudis delivers balance and measuring equipment for the
heating plants in Ni{, Kragujevac and Pirot in Serbia
• Rudis delivers and installs a new combined heat and power
block in the Hrastnik Heating Plant in Slovenia for the
Petrol Energetika Ravne na Koro{kem
• within the reconstruction of the Doblar I Hydro Power
Plant on the So~a River in Slovenia, Rudis launches the
replacement of the first of the plant's three 16 MVA
• Rudis constructs, delivers and assembles the inclined lift at
the Mostec Ski Jump in Ljubljana, Slovenia
• Rudis launches the instalment of the technological
equipment and software for a new military shooting range
in [krilj near Ko~evska Reka
• Rudis v imenu konzorcija Rudis - Esotech - Engineering
Dober{ek podpi{e pogodbo s Termoelektrarno [o{tanj
za gradnjo naprave za raz`veplanje dimnih plinov novega
Bloka 6, mo~i 600 MW v Termoelektrarni [o{tanj
• Rudis v imenu konzorcija Rudis - Litostroj Power podpi{e
pogodbo za obnovo hidroelektrarne Doblar I, in sicer za
kompletno zamenjavo turbinske in generatorske opreme s
pomo`nimi sistemi
• podpisana je pogodba za izvajanje rudarskih del s
podjetjem Operta BBM v Nem~iji
• v Termoelektrarni [o{tanj se za~ne sanacija gumi oblog
v pralniku in na ventilatorju vleka raz`veplalne naprave
Bloka 4
• v izdelavi je projektna dokumentacija za energetski
objekt - trigeneracijo v poslovno trgovskem centru Era City
v Skopju, Makedonija
• dobavljena je elektro oprema za toplarne Kraljevo, Sombor
in Zrenjanin v Srbiji
• zaklju~uje se gradnja ~rpalne hidroelektrarne Av~e na reki
• Rudis praznuje 50 let poslovanja in je najstarej{e delujo~e
podjetje za izvedbeni in`eniring v Sloveniji
• on behalf of the Rudis - Esotech - Engineering Dober{ek
Consortium Rudis signs a contract for the construction of
the flue gas desulphurisation plant on the [o{tanj Thermal
Power Plant new Block 6 with a capacity of 600 MW
• on behalf of the Rudis - Litostroj Tower Consortium Rudis
signs a contract for the reconstruction of the Doblar I
Hydroelectric Power Station, for a complete replacement
of the turbine and generator equipment with the auxiliary
• Rudis signs a contract for the execution of mining
operations with the Operta BBM Company from Germany
• Rudis starts the restoration of the rubber linings in the
draught fan of the flue gas desulphurisation plant on the
[o{tanj Thermal Power Plant Block 4
• Rudis provides the project documentation for the energy
facility - a trigeneration in the Era City Business and
Residential Centre in Skopje, Macedonia
• Rudis delivers electronic equipment for the Thermal Power
Plants in Kraljevo, Sombor and Zrenjanin in Serbia
• Rudis finishes the construction of the pumping-up Av~e
Hydroelectric Power Plant on the So~a River
• Rudis celebrates its 50th anniversary as an oldest operating
contracting engineering company in Slovenia
• ustanovljena je odvisna dru`ba Rudis Middle East v
Riyadhu, Saudova Arabija
• pri~nejo se dela v okviru pogodbe za umestitev druge
kogeneracije v Toplarno Polaj v Trbovljah
• v Al`iriji za~ne Rudis z obnovo rezidence finskega
ambasadorja v mestu Al`ir
• Rudis pri~ne izvajati dela po pogodbi za scensko
mehanizacijo v objektu SNG Opera in balet v Ljubljani
• zaklju~i se gradnja Nevrolo{ke klinike v Ljubljani, kjer Rudis
izvaja nadzor od leta 2001 dalje
• Rudis establishes the Rudis Middle East subsidiary in
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
• Rudis starts the contractual operations of the second
cogeneration installation into the Polaj Heating Plant in
• Rudis starts the reconstruction operations for the Finnish
Ambassador Residency in Alger, Algeria
• Rudis starts executing its contractual obligations on the
assembling of the stage mechanisation in the Slovene
National Theatre Opera and Ballet in Ljubljana
• Rudis finishes the construction of the Neurological Clinic
in Ljubljana, for which the company provides supervision
services since 2001
• dru`ba Primorje postane 100-odstotni lastnik delnic Rudisa
• ustanovljena je h~erinska dru`ba za monta`no dejavnost
Rudis Mont d.o.o.; Rudis prvi~ v svoji zgodovini pridobi
svojo monta`no ekipo
• Rudis podpi{e pogodbo za rekonstrukcijo kotlovnice
^ardak v ^rnomlju
• gradnja kogeneracijskega postrojenja za so~asno
proizvodnjo toplotne in elektri~ne energije v kotlovnici
Meblo v Novi Gorici
• sklenjena je pogodba za gradnjo postrojenja za
skladi{~enje in me{anje elektrofiltrskega pepela za jamski
zasip rudnika Stari Trg, Kosovo
• Rudis kot investitor gradi svoj najpomembnej{i poslovnostanovanjski objekt za trg, Vodnikov dvor v Ljubljani, ki
obsega 98 stanovanj in 12 poslovnih prostorov
• zaklju~ena je obnova toplarne na biomaso ESR Energie
Sulzbach - Rosenberg v Nem~iji
• Rudis izvaja strokovni nadzor pri gradnji bencinskih
servisov na podro~ju Slovenije za naro~nika En plus
• dobavljena in montirana je tehnolo{ka oprema za {tiri
tipska pehotna streli{~a na streli{~u Mlake pri Vipavi
• gradi se pogonski objekt za plinske turbine v
Termoelektrarni [o{tanj
• the Company of Primorje acquires a 100 per cent capital
share in the Rudis Company
• Rudis establishes an on-site assembly subsidiary Rudis
Mont, ltd.; it is for the first time in the Company’s history
that it acquires its own assembly team
• Rudis signs a contract for the reconstruction of the boiler
room in »ardak, »rnomelj
• Rudis constructs a cogeneration device for the combined
heat and power production in the boiler room in Meblo,
Nova Gorica
• Rudis signs a contract for the construction of the storing
and mixing mine filling fly ash plant in the Stan Terg Mine,
• Rudis constructs its most important business and
residential building for the market, i.e. The Vodnikov dvor
in Ljubljana, consisting of 98 apartments and 12 business
• Rudis finishes the reconstruction of the biomass ESR
Energie Sulzbach - Rosenberg Heating Plant in Germany
• Rudis provides a professional supervision within the
construction of the En plus filling stations in Slovenia to the
• Rudis supplies and assembles the technological equipment
for four standard infantry firing ranges at the Mlake firing
Range near Vipava
• Rudis constructs the gas turbines operating facility in the
[o{tanj Thermal Power Station
• Rudis pridobi certifikat za varovanje okolja ISO 14001 ter
certifikat za varnost in zdravje pri delu OHSAS 18001
• podpisana je pogodba za gradnjo pomo`nih sistemov za
termi~no obdelavo komunalnih odpadkov v Toplarni Celje
• Rudis kot investitor pri~ne z gradnjo treh stanovanjskih vila
blokov z imenom Vila M v Ljubljani, namenjenih prodaji na
• Rudis s svetovalnim in`eniringom sodeluje pri izgradnji
tovarne avtomobilskih prikolic, avtodomov in hi{ic Adria v
Novem mestu
• dobava in monta`a tehnolo{ke opreme v kotlovnici Kenog
podjetja E3 v Novi Gorici
• dobava in monta`a po{evnega dvigala za prevoz skakalcev
na zaleti{~e v @ireh
• Rudis obtains the ISO 14001 Environment Protection
Certificate and the OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety at
Work Certificate
• Rudis signs a contract for the construction of the
communal wastes heat treatment auxiliary systems in the
Celje Heating Plant
• Rudis starts yet another of its investments projects, i.e. the
construction of the three villa apartment blocks Vila M in
Ljubljana, earmarked for sale on the market
• Rudis provides the consulting engineering services for
the construction of the Adria Trailers, Mobile Homes and
Campers Factory in Novo mesto
• Rudis delivers and installs the technological equipment for
the Kenog Boiler Room of the E3 Company in Nova Gorica
• Rudis delivers and installs the inclined lift ski jumpers
transport device in Æiri
• sklenjena je pogodba za projektiranje, dobavo in monta`o
tehnolo{ke opreme (turbine, generatorja z vzbujalnim
sistemom in pomo`nih sistemov) za prvo var-speed
reverzibilno ~rpalno hidroelektrarno v Evropi, ~rpalno
hidroelektrarno Av~e na reki So~i
• kon~ana je tehnolo{ka posodobitev in rekonstrukcija
sistema transporta `lindre v Termoelektrarni Ugljevik,
Bosna in Hercegovina
• izdelana je projektna dokumentacija za ekolo{ko sanacijo
odpadnih voda pri proizvodnji natrijevih fosfatov v podjetju
TKI Hrastnik
• gradnja naprave za so~asno proizvodnjo toplotne in
elektri~ne energije v Toplarni Polaj, Trbovlje
• Rudis dobavi in vgradi opremo {tirisede`nice Prevala na
• Rudis signs a contract on design, delivery and assembly
of the technological equipment (turbine, generator with
excitation system and auxiliary systems) for a first varspeed reversible pumping up hydroelectric power plant in
Europe, the pumping-up Av~e Hydroelectric Power Plant on
the So~a River
• Rudis finishes technological modernisation and
reconstruction of the slag transportation system in the
Ugljevik Thermal Power Plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Rudis elaborates the project documentation for the
waste waters ecological rehabilitation within the sodium
phosphide production in the TKI Hrastnik Company
• Rudis constructs the combined heat and power production
facility in the Polaj Heating Plant in Trbovlje
• Rudis delivers and installs the equipment for the Prevala
Four Seat Chair Lift on the Mount Kanin
• Rudis podpi{e pogodbo za gradnjo naprave za raz`veplanje
dimnih plinov v Termoelektrarni Trbovlje
• za~etek gradnje nove tovarne za izdelavo specialne
steklene embala`e v Hrastniku
• v Novem mestu Rudis izvaja nadzor pri gradnji novega
kompleksa za proizvodnjo po~itni{kih prikolic in avtodomov
• dobavljena in vgrajena je scenska mehanizacija za Kulturni
center Lendava
• rekonstrukcija in dozidava Oddelka za oskrbo s tekstilom v
Splo{ni bolni{nici Maribor
• gradnja objekta plinske kotlovnice za Zdravstveni dom
• Rudis signs a contract on the construction of the flue gas
desulphurisation plant in the Trbovlje Thermal Power Plant
• Rudis starts the construction of a new special glass
packaging manufacture factory in Hrastnik
• Rudis carries out a supervision services for the new Adria
Holiday Campers and Mobile Homes Manufacture Complex
construction in Novo mesto
• Rudis delivers and installs the stage mechanisation for the
Cultural Centre in Lendava
• Rudis carries out both reconstruction and extension of the
Textile Supply Department in the Maribor General Hospital
• Rudis constructs the gas boiler room facility for the Kranj
Health Care Centre
• ustanovljeno je podjetje Rudis BH Sarajevo
• dobava in vgradnja scenske mehanizacije v stari dvorani
SNG Maribor
• za investitorja Vipap Videm Kr{ko poteka rekonstrukcija
kotla K5
• Rudis izvede rekonstrukcijo strojev in {olanje kadrov v
podjetju Kosovomont v Pri{tini, Kosovo
• za~ne se gradnja regijske deponije Uni~no v Hrastniku
• zgrajen je procesni stolp Bonneuil sur Marine za
proizvodnjo suhih malt v Franciji
• rekonstrukcija kotlovnice 2 x 2,5 MW v Zagorju ob Savi
• podjetje gradi vrtec v Morav~ah
• za~ne se dozidava in rekonstrukcija Osnovne {ole Ivana
Skvar~a v Zagorju ob Savi
• dobava in monta`a jeklenega predorskega opa`a za desno
cev predora Kastelec
• v Kosovelovem domu v Se`ani Rudis dobavi in vgradi
scensko mehanizacijo
• Rudis establishes the Company of Rudis BH Sarajevo
• Rudis delivers and installs the old hall stage mechanisation
in the Slovene National Theatre in Maribor
• Rudis executes the reconstruction of the K5 boiler for the
Vipap Videm Kr{ko Paper Mill
• Rudis offers the machines reconstruction and staff training
services in the Company of Kosovomont in Pristina, Kosovo
• Rudis starts the construction of the Uni~no Regional
Damping Area in Hrastnik
• Rudis finishes the construction of the Bonneuil sur Marine
Dry Mortars Production Process Tower in France
• Rudis reconstructs the 2 x 2.5 MW Boiler Room in Zagorje
ob Savi
• Rudis constructs the kindergarten in Morav~e
• Rudis starts the extension and reconstruction works of the
Ivan Skvar~ Primary School in Zagorje ob Savi
• Rudis executes the delivery and on-site assembly
operations on the steel tunnel panelling for the Kastelec
tunnel right tube
• Rudis delivers and installs the stage mechanisation in the
Kosovel dom in Se`ana
• zaklju~ena je gradnja naprave za so~asno proizvodnjo
elektri~ne in toplotne energije na Centralni ~istilni napravi
[kofja Loka
• za~ne se rekonstrukcija bazena Kodeljevo v Ljubljani
• izvedena je rekonstrukcija Centralne ~istilne naprave
[kofja Loka
• zgrajena je Porodni{nica Novo mesto
• Rudis zgradi pokrito atletsko stezo v {portni hali v Linzu,
• na odlagali{~u odpadkov Teneti{e v Kranju Rudis za~ne z
gradnjo sistema energetske izrabe deponijskega plina
• izdelana je projektna dokumentacija postrojenja za
ravnanje z lubjem in blatom v papirnici Vipap Videm Kr{ko
• Rudis finishes the construction of the combined heat and
power production plant on the Central Purification Plant in
[kofja Loka
• Rudi starts the reconstruction of the Kodeljevo Swimming
Pool in Ljubljana
• Rudis executes the reconstruction works on the Central
Purification Plant in [kofja Loka
• Rudis constructs the Maternity Hospital in Novo mesto
• Rudis constructs an indoor athletic track in the Sports
Centre in Linz, Austria
• Rudis starts the construction of the energy utilisation of
landfill gas on the Teneti{e Waste Dump in Kranj
• Rudis elaborates the project documentation for the bark
and sludge treatment plant in the Vipap Videm Kr{ko Paper
• dru`ba Primorje d.d. iz Ajdov{~ine kupi delnice Rudisa in
postane njen ve~inski lastnik
• v ^rni gori Rudis za~ne z rekonstrukcijo hidroelektrarne
• rekonstrukcija bazena v Trbovljah
• izvedba odrske tehnike v Delavskem domu Trbovlje
• v Termoelektrarni [o{tanj Rudis zgradi cevni transporter za
transport elektrofiltrskega pepela in `lindre
• za~etek rekonstrukcije opreme, parnega cevnega razvoda
in kotlovnice ter svetovalni in`eniring za investitorja Sava
Tires v Kranju
• raz{iritev in rekonstrukcija me{alnice suhih betonskih
me{anic za investitorja HTZ Velenje
• Primorje JSC from Ajdov{~ina becomes a majority owner of
Rudis through acquisition of its shares
• Rudis starts the reconstruction of the Peru~ica
Hydroelectric Power Plant in Montenegro
• Rudis reconstructs the Swimming Pool in Trbovlje
• Rudis provides the stage technical equipment for the
Workmen’s Home in Trbovlje
• Rudis constructs the tube conveyor for the fly ash and slap
tag conveying in the [o{tanj Thermal Power Plant
• Rudis starts the reconstruction of equipment, steam
distribution pipes and boiler room as well as provides the
consulting engineering services for the Sava Tires Company
in Kranj
• rekonstrukcija in dogradnja O~esne klinike v Ljubljani
• rekonstrukcija osnovne {ole v Kompolah
• Rudis executes the extension and reconstruction works on
the dry concrete mixtures mill for HTZ Velenje
• Rudis executes the reconstruction and upgrading works in
the Department of Ophthalmology in Ljubljana
• Rudis executes the reconstruction works in the Kompole
Primary School
• v okviru gradnje za trg Rudis gradi poslovno-stanovanjski
objekt Zeleni gaj v Ljubljani
• v Pri{tini na Kosovem so pridobljena dela v okviru
rekonstrukcije transportnega sistema lignita v rudnikih
Bardh in Mirash za Termoelektrarno Kosovo B
• gradnja osnovne {ole Re~ica ob Savinji
• z rekonstrukcijo procesnega nadzornega sistema in
energetske omare se zaklju~i gradnja zmesarne v Steklarni
• za~etek gradnje Oddelka za psihiatrijo v Splo{ni bolni{nici
Maribor; objekt je zgrajen po na~elu klju~ v roke
• Rudis izvaja svetovalni in`eniring pri gradnji {portne
dvorane Polaj in pri rekonstrukciji srednje tehni~ne {ole
• v Ljubljani je izvedena adaptacija prostorov {vedske
• Rudis constructs the Zeleni gaj Business and Residential
Building in Ljubljana within its market construction
• Rudis wins works within the reconstruction of the lignite
conveying system in the Bardh and Mirash Mines for the
Kosovo B Thermal Power Plant in Pristina, Kosovo
• Rudis constructs the Primary School in Re~ica ob Savinji
• Rudis finishes the construction of the Hrastnik Glassworks
Mixing Plant with the flow control system and electrical
cubicle reconstruction
• Rudis starts the construction of the Psychiatric Ward in the
Maribor General Hospital; the facility was constructed on a
turn-key basis
• Rudis provides the consulting engineering services for
the construction of the Polaj Sports Centre and the
reconstruction of the Trbovlje Secondary Technical School
• Rudis executes the adaptation of the Embassy of Sweden
Premises in Ljubljana
• Rudis kot investitor za~ne z gradnjo svojega prvega
poslovno-stanovanjskega naselja za trg Slape v Ljubljani
• v steklarni BSN Glasspack v mestu Beziers, Francija, gradi
Rudis objekt za skladi{~enje in pripravo surovin
• za~etek gradnje hidroelektrarn Doblar II in Plave II
• v Termoelektrarni [o{tanj se za~ne gradnja naprave za
raz`veplanje dimnih plinov na Bloku 5
• gradnja obrata za proizvodnjo suhih malt v Rudniku svinca
in cinka Me`ica
• v Toplarni Polaj Trbovlje se pri~ne II. faza rekonstrukcije in
ekolo{ke sanacije
• Rudis appears as an investor on the building construction
market for the first time and starts the construction of the
Slape Business and Residential Area in Ljubljana
• Rudis constructs a raw-material storage and preparation
plant in the BSN Glasspack Glassworks in Beziers, France
• Rudis starts the construction of the Doblar II and Plave II
Hydroelectric Power Stations
• Rudis starts the construction of the flue gas
desulphurisation plant on the [o{tanj Thermal Power Plant
Block 5
• Rudis constructs a dry mortars production plant in the
Me`ica Lead and Zinc Mine
• Rudis starts the second phase of reconstruction and
ecological rehabilitation in the Polaj Thermal Power Plant
in Trbovlje
• podpisana je pogodba za dobavo turbinske in generatorske
opreme s pomo`nimi sistemi za hidroelektrarni Doblar II in
Plave II na reki So~i
• rekonstrukcija hidroelektrarne Una v Biha}u, Bosna in
• dobavljena in vgrajena je oprema v objektu Sport Hotel
Aleksander Palace v Skopju
• Rudis izvaja svetovalni in`eniring v dru`bah Goodyear EPE
in Sava Kranj
• izdelava aplikativne programske opreme in spu{~anje v
pogon regalnega skladi{~a v podjetju Termo v [kofji Loki
• pri~etek gradnje magistralnega vodovoda Blatnik VH Kr~
• zgrajena je zmesarna za steklarno Haldensleben v Nem~iji
• Rudis signs a contract for the delivery of the turbine and
generator equipment with the auxiliary systems for the
Doblar II and Plave II Hydroelectric Power Plants on the
So~a River
• Rudis finishes a reconstruction of the Una Hydroelectric
Power Plant in Biha}, Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Rudis supplies and installs the equipment for the Sport
Hotel Alexander Palace in Skopje
• Rudis provides the consulting engineering services for the
Goodyear EPE and Sava Kranj Companies
• Rudis manufactures an application software and starts up a
high-shelved storage in the Termo Company in [kofja Loka
• Rudis starts the construction of the Blatnik VH Kr~ watersupply network
• Rudis finishes the construction of the Glassworks
Haldensleben Mixing Plant in Germany
• Rudis v skupnem nastopu z nem{kim partnerjem Deutsche
Babcock Anlagen GmbH podpi{e pogodbo za gradnjo
raz`veplalne naprave na Bloku 5 v Termoelektrarni [o{tanj
• zgrajena je steklarna Euroglas II v kraju Haldesleben,
• pri~ne se dobava in vgradnja 700 ton tehnolo{ke opreme
za ja{ek v Rudniku Hrastnik
• vodenje gradnje briketirnice in izdelava aplikativne
programske opreme v podjetju Termo v [kofji Loki
• gradnja telovadnice pri osnovni {oli Trnava
• v `elezarni Metal Ravne je zgrajena protihrupna za{~ita
• Rudis pridobi certifikat kakovosti ISO 9001
• Rudis signs a contract for the construction of
desulphurisation plant of the [o{tanj Termal Power Plant
Block 5 in a joint appearance with the German partner
Deutsche Babcock Anlagen GmbH
• Rudis finishes the construction of the Euroglas II
Glassworks in Haldesleben, Germany
• Rudis starts with the delivery and installation of 700 tons of
technological equipment for the shaft in the Hrastnik Mine
• Rudis conducts the construction of waste and other
material briquetting plant and the manufacture of the
application software for the Termo Company in [kofja Loka
• Rudis constructs a gymnasium for the Trnava Primary School
• Rudis finishes the construction of the anti-noise barrier for
the electric kiln in the Metal Ravne Ironworks
• Rudis acquires the ISO 9001 Certificate of Quality
• Rudis se preoblikuje v delni{ko dru`bo
• vodenje gradnje bazenskega kompleksa v Radencih
• Rudis izvede postrojenje za pripravo in skladi{~enje surovin
v steklarni Gulf Guard, Saudova Arabija
• pri~etek gradnje predora v Zideh pod Trojanami
• gradnja vrtca v @eleznikih
• gradnja Zdravstvenega doma Rade~e
• zaklju~ena je rekonstrukcija skladi{~a premoga v
Termoelektrarni Plomin na Hrva{kem
• Rudis converts itself into a joint-stock company
• Rudis conducts the construction of the Swimming Pool
Complex in Radenci
• Rudis constructs a facility for the raw materials preparation
and storage in the Gulf Guard Glassworks in Saudi Arabia
• Rudis starts the construction of the tunnel in Zide under
• Rudis constructs the kindergarten in Æelezniki
• Rudis constructs the Health Care Centre in Rade~e
• Rudis finishes the reconstruction of the coal storage in the
Plomin Thermal Power Plant in Croatia
• gradnja nove proizvodne hale za paletizacijo in pakiranje
cementa v Cementarni Trbovlje
• od leta 1995 do 1997 Rudis gradi sistem transporta
premoga na deponiji, transporta pepela, cevovodnega
sistema ter rekonstrukcijo gumi transporterja v
Termoelektrarni Toplarni Ljubljana
• zgrajena je me{alnica REA suspenzije in elektrofiltrskega
pepela v Termoelektrarni [o{tanj
• Rudis gradi sistem pnevmatskega transporta pepela iz
Termoelektrarne [o{tanj do Rudnika lignita Velenje
• rekonstrukcija stanovanjsko-poslovnega objekta,
kulturnega spomenika Steisslingen v Nem~iji
• v Termoelektrarni Trbovlje je izvedena ekolo{ka sanacija
zahodne deponije
• pri~etek gradnje osnovne {ole v Trnavi
• izdelan je program zapiranja Rudnika rjavega premoga v
• Rudis constructs a new production hall for the cement
palletisation and packaging in the Trbovlje Cement Works
• from 1995 to 1997 Rudis constructs a coal conveying
system at the damping area, an ash covneying system, a
pipeline system and reconstructs a rubber conveyor in the
Ljubljana Cogeneration Plant
• Rudis finishes the construction of the REA suspension and
fly ash mixing plant in the [o{tanj Thermal Power Plant
• Rudis constructs a pneumatic ash conveying system
between the Thermal Power Plant in [o{tanj and the Lignite
Mine in Velenje
• Rudis reconstructs the business and residential building,
i.e. the Steisslingen cultural monument in Germany
• Rudis executes an ecological rehabilitation of the western
dumping area in the Trbovlje Thermal Power Plant
• Rudis starts the construction of the Primary School in Trnava
• Rudis drafts the Zagorje Brown Coal Mine closure
• gradnja steklarne Sagco v kraju Jeddah, Saudova Arabija
• v Termoelektrarni [o{tanj Rudis izvaja pripravo in transport
produktov raz`veplanja pri napravi za raz`veplanje dimnih
plinov na Bloku 4
• pri~etek rekonstrukcije in ekolo{ke sanacije Toplarne Polaj
v Trbovljah; dela se zaklju~ijo leta 1996
• v Kolbermooru v Nem~iji je zgrajen stanovanjski objekt s
podzemno gara`o
• vodenje gradnje kloralkalne analize v podjetju TKI Hrastnik
• Rudis vodi tehnolo{ko-ekolo{ko sanacijo proizvodnje in
gradi proizvodno halo na Trati za podjetje Termo v [kofji
• gradnja zimskega bazena v Kranju
• Rudis constructs the Sagco Glassworks in Jeddah in Saudi
• Rudis carries out preparation and conveying of
desulphurisation products at the flue gas desulphurisation
plant on the [o{tanj Thermal Power Station Block 4
• Rudis starts reconstruction and ecological rehabilitation
of the Polaj Heating Plant in Trbovlje; these works were
finished in 1996
• Rudis finishes the construction of an apartment building
with an underground garage in Kolbermoor, Germany
• Rudis conducts the construction of the chlorine-alkaline
analysis plant in the TKI Hrastnik Company
• Rudis conducts the production technological and ecological
rehabilitation and constructs the production hall on Trata
for the Termo Company in [kofja Loka
• Rudis constructs the Winter Swimming Pool in Kranj
• zgrajena je transportna linija pepela v Termoelektrarni
Plomin na Hrva{kem
• rekonstrukcija in ekolo{ka sanacija Toplarne Hrastnik
• v gradnji je vro~evod v ob~ini Hrastnik
• v mestu Tudela v [paniji Rudis izvaja dela v steklarni
• pri~etek gradnje termalne riviere povr{ine 1.200 m2 vodnih
povr{in s pokrito-odprtimi bazeni v Termalni rivieri ^ate`;
dela se zaklju~ijo z gradnjo bazena z umetnimi valovi leta
• pri~etek obnove kulturnega spomenika - poslovne
rezidence St. Johan v Nem~iji
• gradnja supermarketa Novi Arbat v Moskvi
• Rudis finishes the construction of the fly ash conveying line
in the Plomin Thermal Power Plant in Croatia
• Rudis executes both the reconstruction and the ecological
rehabilitation of the Hrastnik Heating Plant
• Rudis starts constructing of the hot water line in the
Municipality of Hrastnik
• Rudis executes works in the Guardian Glassworks in
Tudela, Spain
• Rudis starts constructing of the Thermal Riviera, boasting
some 1,200 sq. metres of surfaces, covered with inside
and outside swimming pools in the Thermal Riviera in
»ate`; the works were finished with the construction of an
artificial-waves swimming pool in 1995
• Rudis starts the reconstruction of a cultural monument, i.e.
the St. Johan Business Residence in Germany
• Rudis builds the Novy Arbat Supermarket in Moscow,
• za rudnik premoga Banovi}i v Bosni in Hercegovini
Rudis izdela in dobavi dve semimobilni drobilnici visokih
• zgrajena je vle~nica s spremljajo~imi objekti v Lu~ah
• v rudniku bakra Bor v Srbiji so opravljena raziskovalna dela
• izdelani so idejni projekti transporta pepela za
Termoelektrarno Plomin na Hrva{kem
• kon~ana so dela v Hotelu Palas v Banja Luki, Bosna in
• v Termoelektrarni Trbovlje poteka gradnja nadkopa
(vpadnika), ki se zaklju~i leta 1990
• Rudis zgradi transportni sistem in deponijo premoga v
Termoelektrarni Plomin II, Hrva{ka; dela so zaklju~ena v
letu 1991
• Rudis manufactures and delivers two semi-mobile high
capacity mills for the Banovi}i Coal Mine in Bosnia and
• Rudis constructs the mountain lift and all the
accompanying facilities in Lu~e
• Rudis carries out the research activities in the Bor Copper
Mine in Serbia
• Rudis prepares the design documents for the ash
conveying system in the Plomin Thermal Power Plant in
• Rudis finishes the works in the Palas Hotel in Banja Luka,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Rudis constructs the gallery in the Trbovlje Thermal Power
Plant; the construction is finished by 1990
• Rudis constructs the conveying line for the Coal Dumping
Area in the Plomin II Thermal Power Plant in Croatia; these
works were finished in 1991
• gradnja avtomatskega visoko-regalnega skladi{~a steklenih
izdelkov v Steklarni Hrastnik
• rekonstrukcija terminala razsutih tovorov in pove~anje
kapacitet, vklju~no z avtomatizacijo vagonske nakladalne
postaje v Luki Koper
• v Baernbachu v Avstriji je zgrajena steklarna Stoelze
• v Iranu Rudis izvaja monta`o dveh generatorjev v
hidroelektrarni Jiroft za avstrijskega naro~nika Elin
• v okviru gradnje vodovodnega omre`ja Rore - Narpelj v
ob~ini Kr{ko Rudis pri~ne z gradnjo vodovodnega sistema
Podbo~je; dela se zaklju~ijo leta 1996
• Rudis constructs an automatic glassware high-shelved
warehouse in the Hrastnik Glassworks
• Rudis reconstructs the bulk cargo terminal, simultaneously
increasing its capacity and automatising the wagon loading
station in the Port of Koper
• Rudis constructs the Stoelze Oberglass Glassworks in
Baernbach, Austria
• Rudis assembles two generators in the Jiroft Hydroelectric
Power Station in Iran for Elin, Austria
• Rudis starts the construction of the Podbo~je Water
System within the construction of the Rore - Narpelj Water
Supply Network in the Municipality of Kr{ko; these works
were finished in 1996
• v mestu Abu Dhabi v Zdru`enih arabskih emiratih Rudis
zgradi dve 19-nadstropni zgradbi
• za~etek rekonstrukcije transportnega sistema ladja skladi{~e v Luki Koper; dela se zaklju~ijo leta 1992
• v termoelektrarnah Plomin I in II na Hrva{kem je zgrajeno
postrojenje za transport premoga
• Rudis gradi Prosto carinsko cono Br~ko v Bosni in
• gradnja Petrolovega bencinskega servisa v Zagorju
• zgrajena je prva in druga faza vodovodnega omre`ja Rore Narpelj v ob~ini Kr{ko; dela se zaklju~ijo leta 1992
• v Zasavju so zgrajeni telekomunikacijski sistemi za PTT
• Rudis constructs two 19-storey buildings in Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates
• Rudis starts the reconstruction of the Vessel - Storage Site
Coveying System in the Port of Koper; the reconstruction
was finished in 1992
• Rudis finishes coal conveying facilities in the Plomin I and II
Thermal Power Plants in Croatia
• Rudis constructs the Free Zone in Br~ko, Bosnia and
• Rudis constructs a petrol filling station in Zagorje
• Rudis finishes both the first and the second construction
phases of the Rore - Narpelj Water Supply Network in the
Municipality of Kr{ko; the works were finished in 1992
• Rudis finishes the construction of the Telecommunication
Systems for the Trbovlje General Post Office in Zasavje
• pri~ne se gradnja kanalizacijskega omre`ja za mesto
Constantine v Al`iriji; projekt financira Svetovna banka
• s pooblastilom Evropske gospodarske skupnosti Rudis
postane nosilec aktivnosti za slovenski del projekta gradnje
hidroelektrarne Koralpe mo~i 50 MW v Avstriji in pridobi
dela v obsegu 20 odstotkov vrednosti projekta
• v Nem{ki demokrati~ni republiki Rudis gradi Intershop
Zarrontin, stanovanjsko naselje Berlin, Dom hotel
Berlin, poslovno stavbo v Berlinu ter delavske domove v
Auerbachnu in Oberlungwitzu
• za~ne se gradnja transportnega sistema od deponije
Lakonca do Termoelektrarne Trbovlje; dela se zaklju~ijo
leta 1996
• v Rudarsko energetskem kombinatu Edvarda Kardelja v
Trbovljah se za~ne rekonstrukcija separacije premoga, ki
poteka do leta 1990
• za Telesno-kulturno skupnost Kranj Rudis zgradi zimski
• v okviru projekta gradnje za petrokemijski kombinat
Schwedt v Nem~iji Rudis izvaja modifikacijo rafinerije (SRM
projekt) in rekonstrukcijo obrata za zni`evanje tlaku (DAR
• gradnja bencinskega servisa v Roga{ki Slatini za podjetje
• za podjetje Aero Service Brnik so izvedena gradbena in
obrtni{ka dela, elektro in strojno instalacijska dela, zunanja
ureditev ter izgradnja rezervoarja za kerozin
• Rudis starts the construction of the City of Constantine
Sewage Network in Algeria; the project was financed by the
World Bank
• obtaining the authorisation from the European Economic
Community, Rudis becomes a holder of activities within the
Slovenian part of the construction project of the 50 MW
Koralpe Hydroelectric Power Plant in Austria and gains a 20
per cent share of the project's total value
• Rudis constructs Zarrontin Intershop, Berlin residential
Area, Berlin Dom Hotel, administrative building in Berlin as
well as workmen’s homes in Auerbachen and Oberlungwitz
in East Germany
• Rudis starts the construction of the conveying system from
the Lakonca Dumping Area to the Trbovlje Thermal Power
Plant; these operations were finished in 1996
• Rudis starts the reconstruction of the coal separation in
the Edvard Kardelj Energy and Mining Combine in Trbovlje,
lasting until 1990
• Rudis constructs the Winter Swimming Pool for the
Physical Culture Association in Kranj
• Rudis executes operations for the refinery modification (the
SRM Project) and reconstruction of the Pressure Reducing
Facility (the DAR Project) within the construction of the
Schwedt Petrochemical Combine in East Germany
• Rudis constructs a filling station for the Company of Petrol
in Roga{ka Slatina
• Rudis executes the civil engineering and commercial works,
electronic and mechanical equipment installations,
landscaping works as well as the construction of the
kerosene tank for the Aero Service Brnik Company
• nadaljujejo se dela v okviru petrokemi~nega kombinata
Schwedt v Nem~iji, ki potekajo neprekinjeno od leta 1981
• rekonstrukcija 110 kv stikali{~a v Termoelektrarni Trbovlje
• gradnja proizvodne hale in skladi{~a nafte v Risanu, Bosna
in Hercegovina
• gradnja petih opekarn v Togliatti, Belebi,
Novokujbi{evskem, Marijopolu in Odesi v Rusiji za nem{ka
naro~nika Keller GmbH in Lingl GmbH
• Rudi carries on with the execution of its works within the
construction of the Schwedt Petrochemical Combine in
East Germany, going on continuously since 1981
• Rudis reconstructs a 110 kV switchyard in Trbovlje Thermal
Power Station
• Rudis constructs production hall and oil supply depots in
Risan, Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Rudis constructs five brickworks in Tolyati, Beleba,
Novokuibyshevsk, Maryopol and Odessa in Russia for the
German tenderers Keller GmbH and Lingl GmbH
• Rudis sklene pogodbo za gradnjo deponije premoga
Lakonca za Termoelektrarno Trbovlje
• adaptacija turisti~nega hotela v Medijskih toplicah
• v Trbovljah podjetje rekonstruira in popravi kombi
• odprti so novi poslovni prostori v Ljubljani, na Ajdov{~ini 4
• gradnja Jeklarne II za @elezarno Jesenice je zaklju~ena
• Rudis signs a contract for the construction of the Lakonca
Coal Dump Area for the Trbovlje Thermal Power Plant
• Rudis finishes the reconstruction of a hotel facility in
Medijske toplice
• Rudis finishes the reconstruction and refitting operations
for the combined gas and coal Power Plant in Trbovlje
• Rudis opens its new business premises on the Ajdov{~ina
4 in Ljubljana
• Rudis finishes the construction of the Steelworks II for the
Ironworks Jesenice
• uporabi so predane 4 semimobilne drobilnice za separacijo
v rudniku premoga \ur|evik v Bosni in Hercegovini, ki so
plod Rudisovega znanja
• zgrajena je tovarna Rudi ^ajevec v Banja Luki, Bosna in
• kon~ana so dela v okviru gradnje skladi{~nih prostorov
za Inter{ped Banja Luka v Bosni in Hercegovini skupne
povr{ine 2.000 m2
• v Iran podjetje izvozi transportne trakove
• izvedena je prestavitev kabelskih tras v kotlovnici bloka
125 MW v Termoelektrarni Trbovlje
• v rudniku rjavega premoga v Zagorju je zgrajena drobilnica
energetskega premoga
• Rudis sklene s podjetjem Davy McKee iz Londona pogodbo
za gradbena dela, dobavo opreme, monta`na dela ter
izolacijsko in antikorozijsko za{~ito pri izgradnji naprave
za raz`veplanje dimnih plinov v Rummelsburgu, Berlin, v
Nem{ki demokrati~ni republiki
• Rudis turns over its own made product, i.e. the four
semi-mobile separation mills for the \ur|evik Coal Mine in
Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Rudis finishes the construction of the Rudi ^ajevec Plant in
Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Rudis finishes the work within the construction of the
storage premises for the Inter{ped Banja Luka, Bosnia and
Herzegovina with a total area of 2,000 sq. metres
• Rudis exports conveyors to Iran
• Rudis executes the displacement of the cable routes in the
block 125 MW boiler in the Trbovlje Thermal Power Plant
• Rudis finishes the construction of the energetic coal mill in
the Brown Coal Mine in Trbovlje
• Rudis signs a contract with the Davy McKee Company
from London on the execution of civil engineering works,
equipment delivery, on-site assembly as well as insulation
and anti-corrosion protection within the construction of the
Flue Gas Desulphurisation Plant in Rummelsburg, Berlin,
East Germany
• Rudis podpi{e pogodbo s podjetjem ABV Solna iz [vedske
za gradnjo hotela Bük v Budimpe{ti
• rekonstrukcija separacije premoga za Rudarsko energetski
kombinat Edvarda Kardelja v Trbovljah
• sklenjena je pogodba s podjetjem Limex Berlin za dela na
nuklearni elektrarni Lubmin
• v Bosni in Hercegovini je zgrajena te`koteko~inska separacija premoga s {tirimi semimobilnimi drobilnicami za
jalovino v rudniku premoga \ur|evik
• za~nejo se obse`na rekonstrukcijska dela v Termoelektrarni Trbovlje, ki se zaklju~ijo leta 1999; v tem letu podjetje
za~ne z rekonstrukcijo kotla OP 380b v bloku 125 MW
• izdelava, dobava in monta`a strojne in elektroopreme
za klasirnico premoga z nakladanjem v Rudniku ~rnega
premoga Banovi}i in za klasirnico premoga Oskova v Bosni
in Hercegovini
• izkop in deponiranje jalovine ter izkop premoga v RMU
Kamengrad Sanski most - dnevni kop Ori{lje v Bosni in
• izkop in deponiranje jalovine ter izkop premoga v rudniku
lignita Stanari v Bosni in Hercegovini
• za petrokemijski kombinat Schwedt v Nem~iji Rudis zgradi
objekt Vacuum Destilation
• za podjetje Papirnica Vev~e Rudis gradi industrijsko ~istilno
• pri~etek gradnje hidroelektrarne Fu`ine; gradnja se zaklju~i
leta 1987
• Rudis signs a contract on the construction of the Bük Hotel
in Budapest with the Company of ABV Solna from Sweden
• Rudis finishes the reconstruction of the coal separation for
the Edvard Kardelj Mining and Energy Combine in Trbovlje
• Rudis signs a contract with the Company of Limex Berlin on
the execution of operations on the Lubmin Nuclear Power
• Rudis finishes the construction of a heavy-liquid coal separation with four semi-mobile waste mills for the \ur|evik
Coal Mine in Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Rudis starts with a large scale reconstruction operations
in the Trbovlje Thermal Power Plant, finished in 1999, that
year the Company also starts the reconstruction of the OP
380b boiler in a 125 MW block
• Rudis manufactures, delivers and assembles mechanical
and electronic equipment for the coal classifying and
loading plant in Banovi}i Black Coal Mine and Oskova Coal
Classifying Plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Rudis executes tailings excavation and the deposit and
coal excavation operations in the RMU Kamengrad Sanski
most as well as operations on the Ori{lje Opencast Mining
in Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Rudis executes tailings excavation, deposit operations and
coal excavation operations in the Stanari Lignite Mine in
Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Rudis finishes the construction of the Vacuum Distillation
Facility for the Schwedt Petrochemical Combine in East
• Rudis constructs the Waste Water Treatment Plant for the
Papirnica Vev~e Paper Mill
• Rudis starts the construction of the Fu`ine Hydroelectric
Power Plant; the construction was finished in 1987
• v Gvajani, Konawaruk, se za~ne druga faza geolo{kih
• za~etek gradnje treh cestnih podhodov v mestu Al`ir,
• z @elezarno Jesenice Rudis podpi{e pogodbo za gradnjo
Jeklarne II
• odprto je predstavni{tvo v Libiji
• za klasirnico premoga [ikulje in rudnik lignita Kreka v
Bosni in Hercegovini podjetje pripravi projekta, ki obsegata
izdelavo projektne dokumentacije, nadzor nad monta`o
in spu{~anjem v pogon ter predajo objektov naro~niku v
• Rudis starts the second phase of its geological researches
in Konawaruk, Guiana
• Rudis starts the construction of three road underpasses in
the city of Alger, Algeria
• Rudis signs a contract on the construction of the
Steelworks II with the Jesenice Ironworks
• Rudis opens its representative office in Libya
• the Company prepares two projects for the [ikulje Coal
Classifying Plant and the Kreka Lignite Mine in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, including project documentation elaboration,
on-site assembly and putting into service supervision as well
as the formal facilities turn over to the contracting authority
• nadaljujejo se dela v okviru gradnje za petrokemijski
kombinat Schwedt v Nem~iji, in sicer gradnja objekta
• pri~etek gradnje jezu Lar v Iranu, v okviru katere Rudis
prevzame injektiranje; dela se zaklju~ijo leta 1989
• Rudis continues its work within the construction for the
Schwedt Petrochemical Combine in East Germany, i.e. the
construction of the REKO - FCC facility
• Rudis starts the construction of the Lar dam in Iran, within
which it also takes over the injection operations; these
operations were finished in 1989
• zgrajeni so novi tovarni{ki prostori za podjetje Libela Celje,
ki se razprostirajo na 11.000 m2 povr{in
• za tovarno Sijaj Hrastnik podjetje zgradi nove tovarni{ke
• opravljena so dela na apnenici Souk-El-Khamis v Libiji
• Rudis sklene pogodbo za tretjo tovarno ~evljev v Bou Saadi
v Al`iriji
• Rudis finishes the construction of the new factory premises
for the Company of Libela Celje, spreading over an area of
11,000 square metres
• Rudis finishes the construction of the new premises for the
Sijaj Hrastnik Factory
• Rudis finishes the work on the Souk-El-Khamis Limekiln in
• Rudis signs a contract on the construction of the third shoe
factory in Bou Saada in Algeria
• Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije Rudisu podeli ~astno
diplomo za uspe{no gospodarjenje
• v petrokemijskem kombinatu Schwedt v Nem~iji je zgrajen
`e drugi ve~ji objekt Aromatic Complex
• Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia awards
Rudis an honorary diploma for successful management
• Rudis finishes the construction of the second larger
Aromatic Complex facility in the Schwedt Petrochemical
Combine in East Germany
• z al`irskim investitorjem La Societe Nationale des
Industries des Peaux et Cuirs - Sonipec je sklenjena
pogodba za izgradnjo dveh tovarn ~evljev, Frenda in El
Bayadh v Al`iriji, skupne zmogljivosti 1.350.000 parov
~evljev letno
• podpisana je pogodba z japonsko dru`bo Toyo Engineering
Corporation iz Tokija za gradnjo petrokemi~nega objekta
Visbreaker v petrokemijskem kombinatu Schwedt v Nem~iji
• Rudis kot prvo jugoslovansko podjetje zgradi `i~nico na
Krvavcu, in sicer dvosede`nico Tiha dolina - Veliki Zvoh
• Rudis signs a contract on the construction of two shoe
factories Frenda and El Bayadh in Algeria (with a total
capacity of 1,350,000 pairs of shoes per year) with the
Algerian investor La Societe Nationale des Industries des
Peaux et Cuirs - Sonipec
• Rudis signs a contract on the construction of the
Visbreaker Petrochemical Facility in the East German
Schwedt Petrochemical Combine with the Japanese Toyo
Engineering Corporation from Tokyo
• Rudis constructs the mountain lift on the Mount Krvavec,
i.e. a two-seater lift between Tiha dolina and Veliki Zvoh, as
a first company in Yugoslavia
• Rudis sklene pogodbo o zastopanju zahodnonem{ke dru`be
Maschinenbau Ulm GmbH na jugoslovanskem trgu
• gradnja drobilnic v mestih Tivat in Bar v ^rni gori
• zgrajen je industrijsko-energetski kombinat Kostolac v
• Rudis signs a representation agreement for the Yugoslav
market with the Maschinenbau Ulm GmbH Company from
West Germany
• Rudis constructs mills in the cities of Tivat and Bar in
• Rudis finishes the construction of the Kostolac Industrial
and Energy Combine in Serbia
• Rudis sodeluje pri raziskavah in projektu izkori{~anja
zlatonosnih naplavin reke Konawaruk v Gvajani
• vrtanje vodnjakov za vodo v Kermanu, Iran
• v Zagorju ob Savi je zgrajena tovarna Energoinvest Varnost
• odprti so novi poslovni prostori Rudisa na Titovi cesti v
• za~etek gradnje nove poslovne stavbe na Trgu revolucije v
• podpis pogodbe za gradnjo objekta Aromatic Complex v
petrokemijskem kombinatu Schwedt v Nem~iji
• Rudis collaborates in researches and mining projects of the
gold-bearing alluviums on the Konawaruk River in Guiana
• Rudis drills the water wells in Kerman, Iran
• Rudis finishes the construction of the Energoinvest Varnost Plant in Zagorje ob Savi
• Rudis opens its new business premises on the Titova Road
in Ljubljana
• Rudis starts the construction of its new administrative
building on the Revolution Square in Trbovlje
• Rudis signs a contract on the construction of the Aromatic
Complex facility in the Schwedt Petrochemical Combine in
East Germany
• podjetje raziskuje nahajali{~a apatita in niobija v Tanzaniji
• v gradnji je 385 m dolg in 21 m {irok most ~ez reko Tigris s
priklju~kom 3,1 km avtoceste v Iraku
• za~etek izvajanja del na petrokemijskem kombinatu
Schwedt v Nem~iji; dela potekajo od leta 1978 do 1990
• v Libiji se za~nejo aerofotogrametrijske in terenske
geodetske izmere za Coastal Belt Water Project
• Rudis explores the deposits of apatite and niobium in
• Rudis constructs 385 metres long and 21 metres wide
bridge over the Tigris River with 3.1 kilometres long
motorway access and exit point in Iraq
• Rudis starts the execution of works at the Schwedt
Petrochemical Combine in Germany; the works were
conducted from 1978 to 1990
• Rudis starts aerophotogrametrical and terrestrial geodetic
measurements for the Coastal Belt Water Project
• Rudis sklene pogodbo za izvajanje nadzornega in`eniringa
pri gradnji slovenskega plinovoda
• podjetje izvaja geodetska dela in raziskovalno vrtanje na
nahajali{~u `elezove rude Mifergui - Nimba v Gvineji
• odprto je predstavni{tvo v Beogradu
• v Libiji Rudis podpi{e pogodbo za gradbena dela
• za~etek del na drobilnici in klasirnici premoga Pljevlja v
^rni gori
• z japonsko dru`bo Toyo Engineering Corporation iz Tokia
Rudis podpi{e pogodbo o skupnem nastopu pri gradnji
objekta za petrokemijski kombinat Schwedt v Nem{ki
demokrati~ni republiki, kar je eden najve~jih poslov v
zgodovini Rudisa
• Rudis signs a contract on the Slovene gas network
construction supervision engineering
• Rudis executes geodetic works and exploration drillings in
the Mifergui - Nimba Iron Ore Deposit in Guinea
• Rudis opens its representative office in Belgrade
• Rudis signs a contract on construction works in Libya
• Rudis starts the construction works on Pljevlja Coal Mill
and Classifying Plant in Montenegro
• Rudis signs a contract on a joint appearance at the
construction for the Schwedt Petrochemical Combine
facility in East Germany with the Japanese Toyo Engineering
Corporation from Tokyo; this was one of the largest
contracts ever signed in the Company’s history
• na odseku hitre ceste Levec - Ho~e je zaklju~ena gradnja
predorov Golo rebro in Pletovarje
• opravljena so monta`na dela in nadzor nad poskusnim
obratovanjem v `elezarni Hama v Siriji
• v Gvineji podjetje izvaja geodetska dela in elektrifikacijo
rudarskega naselja
• Rudis zgradi obro~aste {ahtne pe~i za apno kapacitete 300
t/dan za investitorja IGM Zagorje
• Rudis finishes the construction of Golo rebro and Pletovarje
tunnels on the Levec - Ho~e expressway section
• Rudis executes on-site assembly and supervision over the
Hama Ironworks test operation in Syria
• Rudis executes some geodetic works and mining area
electrification in Guinea
• Rudis constructs the loop shaped shaft limekilns with a
capacity of 300 T/day for the IGM Zagorje Company
• odprto je predstavni{tvo v Ljubljani
• v Termoelektrarni Trbovlje je vgrajena plinsko-turbinska
generatorska enota
• v Al`iriji Rudis gradi logisti~ni center Blida za naro~nika
Toyo Engineering Corporation, Japonska
• Rudis opens its representative office in Ljubljana
• Rudis mounts a gas-turbine generator unit in the Trbovlje
Thermal Power Plant
• Rudis constructs the Blida Logistic Centre in Algeria for the
Japanese Toyo Engineering Corporation
• opravljena so geotehni~na dela na jezu Sirvan in vrtanje
globokih opazovalnih vodnjakov na jezu Raza Shah Kebir
v Iranu
• gradnja drobilnice in klasirnice kapacitete 300 t/h v
Pljevlju, ^rna gora
• za~etek del v Iranu
• Rudis ustanovi podru`nico v Nem~iji
• Rudis executes geotechnical works on the Sirvan Dam and
drillings of the deep observation wells on the Raza Shah
Kabir dam in Iran
• Rudis constructs mill and classifying plant in Pljevlja,
Montenegro with a capacity of 300 T/h
• Rudis starts its operations in Iran
• Rudis establishes its branch office in Germany
• Rudis za~enja z dolgoletnim uspe{nim sodelovanjem z
japonskimi korporacijami; tega leta z japonsko dru`bo
Toyo Engineering Corporation sodeluje pri monta`nih in
izolacijskih delih v Al`iriji ter Nem{ki demokrati~ni republiki
• Rudis starts its long lasting and successful cooperation
with the Japanese corporations; that year the company
collaborates with the Toyo Engineering Corporation in the
on-site assembly and insulation work in Algeria and East
• razmahnejo se monta`na investicijska dela v Nem{ki
demokrati~ni republiki
• na Izlakah je dokon~ana tovarna plinobetona Siporex
kapacitete 82.000 m3 letno
• Rudis starts some large scale on-site assembly and
investments projects in East Germany
• Rudis finishes the construction of the Siporex Gas Concrete
Works in Izlake with a capacity of 82,000 cubic metres per
• v cestnem tunelu St. Gotthard v [vici je zgrajen varnostni
vpadnik dol`ine 2.300 m in {irine 6 - 8 m, prezra~evalni
ja{ek globine 500 m ter komore na deponijah
• Rudis opravi vrtalna dela na predorih Motto di Dentro v
• v Cementarni Trbovlje poteka monta`a rotacijskih pe~i s
pripadajo~imi napravami za transport, drobljenje, mletje,
homogeniziranje in pakiranje cementa
• Rudis constructs 2,300 metres long and 6 to 8 metres wide
protection gallery, 500 metres deep ventilation shaft as
well as chambers on the damping area in the St. Gotthard
road tunnel in Switzerland
• Rudis executes drilling operations on the Motto di Dentro
tunnels in Switzerland
• Rudis erects the rotary kilns with all the belonging
appliances for conveying, grinding, milling, homogenisation
and cement packaging at the Trbovlje Cement Works
• v kraju Hisarcik v Tur~iji zgradi Rudis separacijo kolemanita
Emet kapacitete 180 t/h po lastni tehnologiji na klju~ za
investitorja Etibank
• zgrajena je proizvodna hala in su{ilne komore ter urejena
zunanjost opekarne v Ljube~ni
• kon~ane so obse`ne {tudije in izdelan projekt sanacije
Tuni{kega jezera; zaradi strate{ke pomembnosti projekta
sta bila predstavnika Rudisa sprejeta pri tunizijskemu
predsedniku Habibu Burgibi
• v Termoelektrarni Trbovlje Rudis projektira, dobavi
in montira strojno opremo za transport premoga,
elektrofiltrskega pepela in `lindre ter zgradi vodni rov in
bunkerje za premog
• Rudis constructs the Emet Collemanite Separation in
Hisarcik, Turkey with a capacity of 180 T/h; the Company’s
own technology is used for this facility, constructed on a
turn-key basis for Etibank
• Rudis constructs a production hall and drying chambers,
and executes landscaping works for the Ljube~na
• Rudis finishes some large scale studies and project
engineering services for the Lake of Tunis; due to the
strategic importance of this project, the two Rudis’s
representatives are received by the President of Tunisia
Habibu Burgiba
• Rudis designs, delivers and assembles mechanical
equipment for coal, fly ash and slag tap conveying
transportation and also constructs a water gallery and coal
bunkers in the Trbovlje Thermal Power Station
• v rudniku pirotina Kettara v Maroku so dobavljene in
montirane transportne naprave kapacitete 2.500 t/dan za
globino 300 m
• zgrajena je mokra separacija premoga kapacitete 120 t/h
v Ugljeviku v Bosni in Hercegovini
• v Trbovljah podjetje zaklju~i gradnjo te`koteko~inske
separacije premoga kapacitete 200 t/h
• Rudis delivers and installs transportation systems in the
Kettara Pyrrothine Mine in Morocco with a capacity of
2,500 T/day and depth of 300 m
• Rudis constructs a wet coal separation in Ugljevik, Bosnia
and Herzegovina with a capacity of 120 T/h
• the Company finishes the construction of a heavy-liquid
coal separation in Trbovlje with a capacity of 200 T/h
• za~etek rudarsko-investicijskih in industrijsko-monta`nih
del v zahodni Evropi
• odprto je predstavni{tvo v Frankfurtu
• Rudis zgradi obro~aste ja{kaste pe~i za apno kapacitete 2 x
150 t/dan za investitorja IGM Zagorje
• v Plominu na Hrva{kem je zgrajena mokra separacija
premoga kapacitete 120 t/h
• Rudis starts mining investments and on-site assembly
projects in Western Europe
• Rudis opens its representative office in Frankfurt
• Rudis constructs loop and shaft shaped limekilns for IGM
Zagorje Company with a capacity of 2 x 150 T/day
• Rudis constructs a wet coal separation in Plomin, Croatia
with a capacity of 120 T/h
• po razglasitvi neodvisnosti Al`irije podjetje pri~ne z
geolo{ko raziskovalnimi deli v tej dr`avi; Rudis podpi{e prvo
pogodbo za geolo{ke in tehnolo{ke raziskave ter vrtanja na
nahajali{~ih cinka, svinca in `eleza (Kherzet Youssef, Djebel
Gustar, El Halia, Bou Jaber, Mesloula)
• v Libiji Rudis izvaja geodetska dela
• after the proclamation of Algeria’s independence, Rudis
starts geological and technological researches in this
country; Rudis also signs its first contract on geological and
technological researches as well as exploration drillings
in zinc, lead and iron deposits (Kherzet Youssef, Djebel
Gustar, El Halia, Bou Jaber, Mesloula)
• Rudis also executes some geodetic operations in Libya
• odprto je predstavni{tvo v Berlinu
• dokon~ana so dela v okviru gradnje separacije azbesta
kapacitete 13.500 ton azbestnih vlaken letno v Stragarih
v Srbiji
• v Kamengradu v Bosni in Hercegovini je zgrajena mokra
separacija premoga kapacitete 80 t/h
• Rudis opens its representative office in Berlin
• Rudis finishes the operations within the construction of the
asbestos separation in Stragari, Serbia with a production
capacity of 13,500 tons of asbestos fibres per year
• Rudis constructs a wet coal separation in Kamengrad,
Bosnia and Herzegovina with a capacity of 80 T/h
• odprto je predstavni{tvo v Kairu, Egipt
• v Egiptu se za~nejo obse`na geolo{ka raziskovalna dela,
vrtanje, {tudije in projektiranje za rudnike fosfatov Safaga,
Hamrawein in Wassif, nahajali{~a urana El Atchan in
nahajali{~a premoga Maghara
• Rudis opens its representative office in Cairo, Egypt
• Rudis starts some large scale operations in the field of
geological researches in Egypt as well as drillings, studies
and project engineering for Safaga, Hamrawein and Wassif
Phosphate Mines, El Atchan Uranium Mine and Maghara
Coal Mine deposits
• podjetje svojo dejavnost registrira pri Organizaciji
zdru`enih narodov v New Yorku
• v Tuniziji sklene Rudis prve pogodbe za geolo{ke raziskave
v rudnikih fosfata Gafsa, za geofizi~ne raziskave na
podro~ju Ain Kherma ter za {tudije in projekte v rudniku
fosfatov Kalaa Djerda
• v Nem{ki demokrati~ni republiki in v Belgiji so izvedena
prva investicijska dela, in sicer gradbena ter izolacijska
dela na industrijskih objektih
• dokon~ana je mokra separacija premoga kapacitete 110
t/h v Miljevini v Bosni in Hercegovini
• Rudis registers its activity with the United Nations
Organisation in New York
• Rudis signs its first contracts on geological researches in
the Gafsa Phosphate Mines in Tunisia in the Ain Kherma
area as well as a contract on the research and project
engineering services at the Kalaa Djerda Phosphate Mine
• Rudis executes its first investment projects, i.e. the civil
engineering and insulation works on the industrial facilities
in East Germany and Belgium
• Rudis finishes a wet coal separation in Miljevina, Bosnia
and Herzegovina with a capacity of 110 T/h
• zgrajena je separacija Dobro selo kapacitete 300 t/h in
sortirnica kapacitete 700 t/h za REH Kombinat Kosovo iz
• za~etek gradnje bloka 125 MW v Termoelektrarni Trbovlje;
dela so zaklju~ena leta 1968
• Rudis finishes a separation in Dobro selo with a capacity of
300 T/h and a classifying plant with a capacity of 700 T/h
for the REH Kosovo Combine in Pristina
• Rudis starts the construction of the Trbovlje Thermal Power
Plant Block with a capacity of 125 MW; these operations
were finished in 1968
• Rudis podpi{e prvo pogodbo o izvozu za izvajanje rudarskih
del v Zvezni republiki Nem~iji
• podpisana je prva pogodba na doma~em trgu za rudnik
• posvetovanje o programski usmeritvi in`eniring organizacije
s predstavniki vlade Socialisti~ne republike Slovenije,
Gospodarske zbornice, dru`beno-politi~nih organizacij in
gospodarskih podjetij v Trbovljah
• Rudis signs its first export contract on the execution of
mining operations in West Germany
• Rudis signs its first contract on the domestic market, i.e. a
contract on the construction of the Kani`arica Mine
• a consultation on the engineering organisation programme
orientation with the Socialist Republic of Slovenia
Government, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, social
and political organisations as well as business enterprises
representatives takes place in Trbovlje
• 18. februarja ustanovni ~lani podpi{ejo pogodbo o
ustanovitvi Rudisa
• on 18th February the constituent members sign a contract
on the establishment of the Company of Rudis
• v indijski zvezni dr`avi Assam je sklenjena prva pogodba za
strukturna vrtanja za nafto
• Rudis v Indiji projektira separacijo kaolina v Kerali in
raziskuje oplemenitenja azbestne rude v Andra Pradeshu
• odprto je predstavni{tvo v Indiji in zaklju~ena so dela iz
prve pogodbe
• v Etiopiji se za~nejo geolo{ke in geofizi~ne raziskave ter
vrtanja na rudnih nahajali{~ih `eleza Yubdo Wollega, bakra,
platine in drugih mineralnih surovin
• odprto je predstavni{tvo v Etiopiji
• v gradnji je te`koteko~inska separacija `elezove rude
kapacitete 460 t/h v Vare{u in separacija kromita
kapacitete 20 t/h v Radu{i, Bosna in Hercegovina
• Rudis signs its first contract on the structural oil drillings in
India’s State of Assam
• Rudis designs a kaolin separation in Kerala and researches
the possibilities for the asbestos ore enrichment in Andra
Pradesh, India
• the Company opens its representative office in India and
finishes all the operations from its first contract
• Rudis starts geological and geophysical researches as well
as exploration drillings in the Yubdo Wollega Iron Deposits,
as well as in copper, platinum and other mineral raw
material deposits in Ethiopia
• Rudis opens its representative office in Ethiopia
• Rudis constructs a heavy-liquid iron ore separation with a
capacity of 460 T/h in Vare{ and a chromite separation
with a capacity of 20 T/h in Radu{a (both in Bosnia and
• ustanovni ~lani Rudisa, Investicijski biroji Trbovlje, Rudnik
rjavega premoga Trbovlje - Hrastnik in Strojna tovarna
Trbovlje, se 7. decembra na ustanovnem sestanku
dogovorijo o medsebojnem na~inu sodelovanja in namenu
nove poslovne skupnosti, ki bo trgu ponudila skupne
projektantske, storitvene in proizvodne zmogljivosti pri
izgradnji rudarskih in industrijskih objektov
• on 7th December, a constituent meeting is held, on which
the Rudis constituent members, i.e. Trbovlje Investment
Bureau, Trbovlje - Hrastnik Brown Coal Mine and Trbovlje
Machine Works, agree on their cooperation mode and
the new business council purpose, which is to offer to
the market the comprehensive engineering, servicing and
manufacturing capacities for the construction of mining
and industrial facilities
Vse ima svoj prostor in Ëas, vidni dimenziji univerzuma.
Slovensko mesto Trbovlje je svojstven svet. Navidezna ujetost med zasavske hribe je tu tiso~letja porajala mo~ne `elje. Mnoge
so se za~ele uresni~evati {ele v za~etku 19. stoletja. Pridobivanje premoga, razvoj industrije in leta 1849 tudi izgradnja `eleznice
so ljudem prinesli nove mo`nosti. Æelje so v ta svet za~ele vabiti znanje. Naselje je raslo, rudarstvo in industrija sta {irila svoj
obseg in usodno zaznamovala `ivljenje. Po drugi svetovni vojni so se v Trbovljah uresni~ile tudi velike `elje. Leta 1945 je bila
ustanovljena gimnazija, leta 1952 so Trbovlje postale mesto in leta 1959 je bilo ustanovljeno podjetje Rudis. Znanje je dobilo
veliko prilo`nost.
Misel, moËnejπa od teænosti, ustvarja svoj univerzum.
Iz rudni{kih jam in ozkih dolin je {lo védenje v svet. V dr`avah Evrope in Afrike, celo v Indiji in Boliviji je Rudisovo znanje
uresni~evalo zamisli, se {irilo in plemenitilo. V Trbovljah se je razvil center vrhunskih tehnolo{kih, izvedbenih in poslovnih znanj.
Sredi{~e edinstvenega univerzuma, ki uspe{no deluje `e ve~ kot petdeset let.
Everything has its time and space - the visible dimensions of the universe.
The Slovenian town of Trbovlje is a world of its own. Apparently entrapped amidst the hills of Zasavje, it originated the strongest
of aspirations for centuries. Many of them came true only in the beginning of the 19th century. Coal mining, development of
industry and construction of railway in 1849 brought some new opportunities. Gradually the aspirations allured knowledge
into this world. The settlement was growing; consequently the scale of operations in mining and industry increased and thus
fatally marked the town’s life. After the Second World War even the greatest of wishes started to fulfil in Trbovlje. In 1945,
the Secondary School was founded, in 1952, Trbovlje became a city and in 1959, the Company of Rudis was established. The
knowledge was offered just a great opportunity.
A thought more powerful than gravity creates a universe of its own.
From the slag pits and narrow valleys the knowledge spread out to the world. It realised its ideas, expanded and ameliorated as
in Europe as well as in Africa and even in India and Bolivia. Thus, a centre of the top technological, contracting and commercial
know-how developed in Trbovlje, i.e. a centre presenting a unique universe of its own and operating successfully for more than
fifty years.
1959 - 1969
Brezmejnost novega univerzuma
Boundlessness of the New Universe
Æe v drugem letu obstoja je Rudis sklenil prvo pogodbo za izvedbo del tudi na
tujem trgu in v nekaj letih je z uspeπnim delom na podroËju rudarstva, geologije,
gradbeniπtva in industrijske montaæe dosegel tolikπen ugled, da je posle prevzemal æe v
desetih dræavah.
In its second year, Rudis already contracted its first execution of works on a foreign
market too and in just a few years it was so highly esteemed in the field of mining
industry, geology, construction engineering and on-site assembly that it already took
over operations in ten countries.
1959 - 1969
Ideja o zdruæitvi specialistiËnih znanj se je
v Trbovljah uresniËila 7. decembra 1959 z
ustanovitvijo poslovne skupnosti Rudis. Njeni
ustanovni Ëlani, Investicijski biroji Trbovlje,
Rudnik rjavega premoga Trbovlje - Hrastnik
in Strojna tovarna Trbovlje, so se tega dne
dogovorili o medsebojnem naËinu sodelovanja
in namenu nove poslovne skupnosti.
Ustanovljena poslovna skupnost je z zdruæenim
znanjem in zmogljivostmi ustanoviteljev
trgu ponudila celovite inæenirske storitve na
podroËju rudarskih investicijskih objektov.
Pogodbo o ustanovitvi Rudisa so ustanovni Ëlani
podpisali 18. februarja 1960.
Poslovna skupnost za inæeniring je bila velikega
pomena za takratno dræavo, ki je po drugi
svetovni vojni z velikimi napori obnavljala
industrijske objekte. Mlada dræava pa je æelela
poveËati tudi obseg mednarodne menjave.
Rudis je dobil zunanjetrgovinsko registracijo in
je æe leta 1961 sklenil prvo pogodbo o izvozu
za izvajanje rudarskih del v Zvezni republiki
NemËiji. Leta 1962 se je pionirskemu delu
The idea of a unique know-how fusion came
true in Trbovlje on 7th December 1959, when
the Business Council of Rudis was established.
On that day, its constituent members, Trbovlje
Investment Bureau, Trbovlje - Hrastnik Brown
Coal Mine and Trbovlje Machine Works agreed
on the mode of their cooperation and the
purpose of the new business council. With the
joined know-how and capacities of its founders
the established business council was able to
offer to the market comprehensive engineering
services for mining investment facilities. The
constituent members signed the Rudis founding
contract on 18th February 1960.
At that time, when the country was making
its utmost efforts to reconstruct its industrial
facilities after the Second World War,
this Engineering Business Council played
quite an important role. The young state's
ambition was also to increase the level of its
international trade. Rudis obtained a foreign
trade registration and signed its first export
contract on the execution of mining operations
1*Rudnik pirotina Kettara,
The Kettara Pyrrothine Mine,
2*Rudnik pirotina Kettara,
The Kettara Pyrrothine Mine,
3*Referen~no pismo investitorja
iz Indije
The Indian investor's reference
1959 - 1969
1*Separacija `elezove rude v
Vare{u, Bosna in Hercegovina
T he Iron Ore Separation in
Vare{, Bosnia and Herzegovina
ustanovnih Ëlanov poslovne skupnosti Rudis
pridruæilo devet Ëlanov, med njimi tudi Geolo{ki
zavod Ljubljana. Tega leta je Rudis v Egiptu
pridobil obseæna dela na podroËju geolo{kih
raziskav, vrtanja, {tudij in projektiranja za
rudnike fosfatov, urana in premoga. V Kairu
je Rudis odprl svoje predstavni{tvo. Tudi v
Alæiriji, ki je leta 1962 razglasila neodvisnost,
je poslovna skupnost pridobila naroËila za
geolo{ke in tehnolo{ke raziskave, vrtanja
in druge zahtevne {tudije na nahajali{Ëih
rudnin. Rudis je na domaËem in tujih trgih
izstopal s svojo ambiciozno poslovno filozofijo,
predvsem pa s celostno ponudbo raziskovalnih,
projektantskih in izvedbenih storitev ter opreme
svojih Ëlanic. Nova dela so v naslednjih letih
pridobili v Libiji, Etiopiji in Indiji, kjer je Rudis
leta 1964 izvajal vrtanja za nafto, projektiral
pa je tudi separacijo kaolina in raziskoval
oplemenitenja azbestne rude. Leta 1966 je
Rudis svojo dejavnost registriral pri Organizaciji
zdruæenih narodov v New Yorku, nove posle
na podroËju geolo{kih raziskav, {tudij in
projektiranja za potrebe rudarstva pa je pridobil
tudi v Tuniziji. V rudniku pirotina v Maroku je
Rudis leta 1969 dobavil in montiral zahtevne
transportne naprave. Pomemben del prihodka
so v vseh teh letih zagotavljala obseæna
investicijska dela na industrijskih objektih v
in West Germany already in 1961. In 1962,
the path finding constituent members were
joined by another nine members, among them
by the Ljubljana Geological Institute. The same
year, in Egypt Rudis obtained some large scale
operations in the field of geological researches,
drillings, studies as well as phosphate, uranium
and coal mines engineering. Rudis also opened
its representative office in Cairo. In Algeria,
which proclaimed its independence in 1962, the
business council won a contract on geological
and technological researches, drillings and
other demanding investigations on ore deposits.
Both on domestic and foreign markets Rudis
excelled with its ambitious business philosophy
and above all with the comprehensive offer of
its research, engineering, contracting services
and equipment of its members. In the years to
follow, the council obtained new operations
in Libya, Ethiopia and India, where Rudis was
busy with oil drilling operations, engineering
of the kaolin separation as well as researching
of the asbestos ore enrichment possibilities
in 1964. In 1966, Rudis registered its activity
with the United Nations Organisation in New
York and also obtained some new operations in
the field of geological researches, studies and
engineering for the mining industry needs in
Tunisia. In 1969, Rudis delivered and installed
Zvezni republiki NemËiji in Nem{ki demokratiËni
republiki, v manj{em obsegu pa tudi v Belgiji.
Rudis je odprl predstavni{tvi v Berlinu in
Na domaËem trgu, v Sloveniji in v drugih
republikah Jugoslavije, je Rudis v tem Ëasu
uspe{no gradil mnoge investicijske objekte
na podroËju rudarstva. Med najpomembnej{e
reference tega Ëasa se uvr{Ëajo tehnolo{ko
zahtevne separacije rud in premoga ter prvi
investicijski objekt na podroËju proizvodnje
Poslovna skupnost Rudis, v katero so vsako
leto vstopali novi Ëlani, ki so v sodelovanju
z mednarodno uspe{nim inæeniringom æeleli
uresniËevati svoje poslovne cilje, je skrbela za
pridobivanje novih poslov. Za koordinacijo pri
realizaciji sklenjenih pogodb pa je poslovna
skupnost leta 1969 ustanovila poslovno
enoto za izvedbo del, predhodnico kasnej{ega
samostojnega podjetja Rudis inæeniring.
some demanding conveying systems in the
Pyrrothyte Mine in Morocco. In all these years
an important part of income was guaranteed
by some large scale investment projects
on the industrial facilities in West Germany,
East Germany and in some smaller extent in
Belgium. Rudis also opened its representative
offices in Berlin and Frankfurt.
During this period of time, Rudis also
successfully constructed many mining
industry investment facilities for domestics
markets, i.e. as in Slovenia as well as in
other Yugoslav republics. Among the most
demanding references of that period of time
are the technologically demanding ore and coal
separations as well as the first lime production
investment facility.
Every year, the Rudis Business Council was
joined by new members, whose intention was to
fulfil their business goals in close collaboration
with the internationally renowned engineering
company and therefore one of its main tasks
was constant gaining of new operations. In
order to successfully coordinate the realisation
of the concluded contracts, the Business
Council established an Operations Realisation
Unit, i.e. a predecessor of the later established
independent company of Rudis in`eniring (Rudis
Engineering), in 1969.
2*Geolo{ko-raziskovalna dela,
Geological and technological
researches in Algeria
3*Geolo{ko-raziskovalna dela za
rudnike fosfatov Safaga, Egipt
Geological and technological
researches for the Safaga
Phosphate Mines in Egypt
4*Obro~aste ja{kaste pe~i za
investitorja IGM Zagorje
The loop and shaft shaped
limekilns for the IGM Zagorje
5*Separacija `elezove rude v
Vare{u, Bosna in Hercegovina
The Iron Ore Separation in
Vare{, Bosnia and Herzegovina
1969 - 1979
Rudarska znanja prerastejo v univerzalna
The Mining Industry Know-How Becomes
Vse veËji poslovni in strokovni izzivi so zahtevali veË strokovnih znanj in tudi veËje
πtevilo strokovnjakov. Z izjemno ustvarjalno energijo so v Rudisu kljub stalnemu
pomanjkanju zadostnega πtevila strokovnih sodelavcev presegali vsa priËakovanja in z
novimi znanji dosegali zavidljive uspehe.
Rapidly growing business and professional challenges demanded more and more
expertise as well as a larger number of experts. In spite of the constant lack of a
sufficient number of professionals, it was an exceptionally creative energy by means
of which the people of Rudis managed to surpass all the expectations and achieve
enviable results in applying of their new skills.
1969 - 1979
V zaËetku sedemdesetih let je bilo v poslovno
skupnost Rudis vkljuËenih æe veË kot trideset
Ëlanov, preteæno s podroËja rudarstva,
raziskovalnih dejavnosti, gradbeni{tva in
proizvodnje investicijske opreme za rudarstvo
in industrijo. Poslovna skupnost je skrbela za
pridobivanje poslov in koordinacijo med Ëlani
skupnosti. Celotno izvedbo projektov pa je
prevzemalo podjetje Rudis inæeniring, ki ga je
poslovna skupnost Rudis ustanovila z namenom
doseganja vi{je kakovosti del in hitrej{ega
strokovnega razvoja. V tesnem sodelovanju in
z veliko mero podjetnosti sta podjetji presegali
mnoge ekonomske in administrativne teæave
ter kulturne razlike v {tevilnih dræavah po svetu.
Kot neloËljiv del enotnega sistema Rudis sta
podjetji z novimi znanji na domaËem in tujih
trgih prevzemali vse zahtevnej{e investicijske
Leta 1970 je Rudis v TurËiji zgradil separacijo
kolemanita Emet za investitorja Etibank, ki je
prvi kompleksni projekt v zgodovini Rudisa,
zgrajen na kljuË. Med izstopajoËe reference se
In the beginning of seventies, the Rudis
Business Council already consisted of
more than thirty members gathered
mainly from the fields of mining industry,
research activities as well as construction
and investment equipment production for
mining and industry. The business council's
main task was to obtain new operations and
provide the necessary coordination among
its members. Comprehensive execution of
operations was taken over by the Company
of Rudis Engineering, established by the
business council to enable both higher
quality of operations and faster professional
development. In close collaboration and using
a great degree of enterprise the companies
managed to surpass many economic and
administrative difficulties as well as cultural
differences in many countries throughout the
world. Functioning as an inseparable part of the
uniform system and using their newest knowhow, the companies were able to take over
more and more demanding investment projects
1*Rudnik pirotina Kettara,
The Kettara Pyrrothine Mine,
2*Separacija kolemanita Emet,
Hisarcik, Tur~ija
The Emet Collemanite
Separation in Hisarcik, Turkey
3*Separacija kolemanita Emet,
Hisarcik, Tur~ija
The Emet Collemanite
Separation in Hisarcik, Turkey
4*Termoelektrarna Trbovlje
The Trbovlje Thermal Power
1969 - 1979
1*Podpis pogodbe za
gradnjo objekta v okviru
petrokemijskega kombinata
Schwedt, Nem~ija
The conclusion of a
construction contract for
the Schwedt Petrochemical
Combine facility in East
2*Petrokemijski kombinat
Schwedt, Nem~ija
T he Schwedt Petrochemical
Combine, East Germany
uvr{Ëa tudi sodelovanje pri gradnji cestnega
predora St. Gotthard v [vici, kjer je Rudis leta
1971 zgradil varnostni vpadnik dolæine 2.300
metrov in prezraËevalni ja{ek globine 500
metrov. Tudi na domaËem trgu so bili veliki
projekti vse manj povezani z rudarstvom. V
Termoelektrarni Trbovlje je Rudis leta 1970
projektiral, dobavil in montiral strojno opremo
za transport premoga, elektrofiltrskega pepela
in ælindre, v Cementarni Trbovlje je leta 1971
montiral rotacijske peËi z vsemi pripadajoËimi
napravami za proizvodnjo cementa, na Izlakah
pa je zgradil tovarno plinskega betona Siporex.
Svojevrsten podvig je bila gradnja predorov
Golo rebro in Pletovarje na slovenski hitri cesti
proti Mariboru, ki je bila zgrajena leta 1976.
V sredini sedemdesetih let se je pri izvedbi
investicijskih del v Alæiriji in Nem{ki
demokratiËni republiki zaËelo dolgoletno
plodno sodelovanje z japonsko druæbo Toyo
Engineering Corporation. V Iranu je Rudis z
geotehniËnimi deli in vrtanjem sodeloval pri
gradnji jezov, v Siriji je izvedel montaæna dela
in nadzor nad poskusnim delovanjem v novi
æelezarni, v Gvineji se je z geodetskimi deli in
raziskovalnim vrtanjem vkljuËil v investicijski
projekt Ërpanja æelezove rude, v Tanzaniji pa
je raziskoval nahajali{Ëa apatita in niobija.
Med pomembnej{e reference tega Ëasa sodita
zaËetek gradnje mostu Ëez reko Tigris v Iraku
as on domestic as well as on foreign markets.
In 1970, Rudis constructed the Emet
Collemanite Mine for Etibank in Turkey, which
was a first complex facility constructed on a
turn-key basis in the Company's history.
Among the outstanding references from
the year 1971 is also cooperation in the
construction of the road tunnel of St. Gotthard
in Switzerland, where Rudis constructed 2,300
metres long protective gallery and 500 metres
deep ventilation shaft. Large scale operations
on the domestic market gradually ceased to
relate only to mining industry. In 1970, Rudis
designed, supplied and installed the machinery
for the coal, fly ash and slag tap conveying
for the needs of the Trbovlje Thermal Power
Station and in 1971 erected the rotary kilns
with all the belonging appliances for the cement
manufacture in the Trbovlje Cement Works
as well as the Siporex Gas Concrete Works
in Izlake. A unique heroic deed was also the
construction of the Golo rebro and Pletovarje
tunnels on the Slovene expressway towards
Maribor, built in 1976.
During the realisation of the investment
projects in Algeria and East Germany in midseventies, Rudis entered into a long lasting
and productive cooperation with the Japanese
Toyo Engineering Corporation. In Iran, Rudis
collaborated in the construction of dams with
ter aerofotogrametrijske in terenske geodetske
izmere za Coastal Belt Water Project v Libiji.
Ob koncu leta 1977 je Rudis dosegel izjemen
uspeh. Z japonsko druæbo Toyo Engineering
Corporation iz Tokija je podpisal pogodbo
za gradbena in montaæna dela pri gradnji
objekta za petrokemijski kombinat Schwedt
v Nem{ki demokratiËni republiki, ki je ena
najveËjih pogodb v zgodovini Rudisa. Zaupanje
japonskega partnerja in investitorja je
svojevrsten dokaz ugleda, ki ga je Rudis dosegel
na mednarodnem trgu.
geotechnical operations and drillings, in Syria
the Company provided for an on-site assembly
and supervision of the new ironworks test
operation, in Guinea the Company joined the
iron ore extraction investment project with the
geodetic operations and research drillings and
in Tanzania it was busy researching the deposits
of apatite and niobium. Among the more
important references of that period of time are
also the beginning of the construction of the
bridge over the Tigris River in Iraq as well as the
aerophotogrametrical and terrestrial geodetic
measurements for the Coastal Belt Water
Project in Libya.
At the end of 1977, Rudis witnessed yet another
of its outstanding successes. It was then that
it signed a contract on construction works and
on-site assembly within the construction of
the Schwedt Petrochemical Combine in East
Germany with the Toyo Engineering Corporation
from Tokyo. And that contract still remains one
of the largest ever signed in the Company's
history. The Japanese partner's and the
investor's trust present a unique demonstration
of the reputation the Company enjoyed on
foreign markets.
3*Gradnja upravne stavbe Rudis,
The construction of the Rudis's
administration building,
4*Gradnja predorov Golo rebro
in Pletovarje
The construction of the Golo
rebro and Pletovarje tunnels
5*Most ~ez reko Tigris, Irak
The bridge over the Tigris
River, Iraq
6*Separacija kolemanita Emet,
Hisarcik, Tur~ija
The Emet Collemanite
Separation in Hisarcik, Turkey
1979 - 1989
Univerzalnost plemenitijo drugaËni izzivi
Universality Becomes Enriched by
Different Challenges
Gradnja objektov na kljuË ni veË dovolj, nekateri investitorji æelijo svoje projekte
zaupati izvajalcem, ki zmorejo bistveno veË in so sposobni izvesti projekt tudi po
sistemu 'proizvod v roke'. Rudis seveda zmore.
The turn-key basis construction is not sufficient anymore, as some of the investors wish
to entrust their projects to the contractors that are able to offer much more, i.e. the so
called 'turn-key product'. And Rudis was, of course, ready to accept the challenge.
1979 - 1989
Neodvisno od {tevilnih statusnih sprememb, ki
jih je doæivljal zaradi pogostega spreminjanja
zakonov v takratni dræavi, je Rudis uspe{no
sledil svoji viziji razvoja. VeË kot trideset
Ëlanov poslovne skupnosti z veË kot 70.000
zaposlenimi je v okviru projektov, ki jih je Rudis
uspe{no vodil v razliËnih dræavah, uresniËevalo
svoje poslovne cilje. V takratnih gospodarskih
razmerah so bili posebej dragoceni prihodki,
ustvarjeni z izvozom na tuje trge. Poleg stalne
prisotnosti in velikega obsega investicijskih
del v obeh nem{kih dræavah je Rudis uspe{no
pridobival posle tudi drugje po svetu, predvsem
v dræavah v razvoju. SpecifiËne razmere so od
Rudisovih strokovnjakov zahtevale izjemno
prilagodljivost, neredko pa tudi pripravljenost
sprejemanja velikih rizikov.
Leta 1981 so z alæirskim investitorjem podpisali
pogodbo za izgradnjo dveh tovarn Ëevljev v
Alæiriji skupne zmogljivosti 1.350.000 parov
Ëevljev letno. To je bila prva pogodba, ki je
poleg investicijske gradnje zajemala tudi zagon
proizvodnje. Rudis je nalogo odliËno opravil in
Irrespective of its numerous position changes,
occurring due to the frequent law amendments
in the previous state, Rudis stuck to its
development vision successfully. More than
thirty members of the business council,
numbering over 70,000 employees, were able
to successfully fulfil their business goals within
the framework of projects carried out by Rudis
in different countries throughout the world.
Especially valuable in the economic situation
of those times was the revenue realised from
the export sales to foreign markets. Apart
from the constant presence and large scale of
investments projects carried out in both West
and East Germany, Rudis also managed to
successfully award contracts elsewhere in the
world, above all in the developing countries.
Due to this specific situation, the Company's
experts had to be exceptionally inventive and
quite often ready to accept great risks.
In 1981, Rudis signed a contract with an
Algerian investor for the construction of
two shoe factories in Algeria with the total
1*Tovarna ~evljev, Al`irija
The shoe factory, Algeria
2*Novi tovarni{ki prostori za
podjetje Libela Celje
The new factory premises for
the Libela Celje Company
3*Tovarna ~evljev, Al`irija
The shoe factory, Algeria
4*Nadzorna soba v separaciji
premoga, Rudnik TrbovljeHrastnik
The monitoring room in the
Trbovlje-Hrastnik Mine coal
5*@elezarna Jesenice, Jeklarna II
The Jesenice Ironworks,
Steelworks II
1979 - 1989
1*Semimobilna drobilnica
za jalovino v rudniku
premoga \ur|evik, Bosna
in Hercegovina
The semi-mobile waste
mill for the \ur|evik
Coal Mine, Bosnia and
2*Gradnja kanalizacijskega
omre`ja za mesto
Constantine, Al`irija
The construction of
the City of Constantine
Sewage Network, Algeria
je leta 1983 podpisal pogodbo za izgradnjo {e
tretje tovarne Ëevljev v Alæiriji. Tudi sodelovanje
z japonskim partnerjem pri gradnji objektov
za petrokemijski kombinat Schwedt v Nem{ki
demokratiËni republiki je bilo tako uspe{no, da
je takoj po dokonËanju prvega velikega objekta
Rudis leta 1981 podpisal pogodbo za nadaljnja
dela. Ime tega nem{kega mesta se je globoko
zapisalo v Rudisov spomin, saj je razliËne
objekte petrokemijskega kombinata tam gradil
{e nadaljnjih deset let.
Na domaËem trgu je Rudis izstopal z uspe{no
izvedbo projektov, ki so zahtevali sodelovanje s
tujimi partnerji, predvsem dobavitelji opreme.
Leta 1981 je kot prvo domaËe podjetje zgradil
æiËnico na Krvavcu, gradil je {tevilne tovarne in
leta 1984 podpisal pogodbo za gradnjo Jeklarne
II v @elezarni Jesenice, ki je bila takrat najveËji
investicijski projekt v Sloveniji.
DrugaËne izzive so prina{ali tudi tuji trgi. V Libiji
so bili to objekti v apnenici, v Gvajani so se leta
1984 nadaljevale geolo{ke raziskave, v Alæiriji je
Rudis gradil tri cestne podhode v mestu Alæir, v
Iraku dva mosta Ëez reko Tigris, na Madæarskem
je v sodelovanju s {vedskim partnerjem gradil
hotel, v NemËiji pa je leta 1985 podpisal
pogodbo za dela na nuklearni elektrarni. Leta
1988 so v Alæiriji priËeli graditi kanalizacijsko
omreæje mesta Constantine, v Avstriji pa so
sodelovali pri gradnji hidroelektrarne Koralpe.
production capacity of 1,350,000 pair of shoes
per year. That was the Company's first contract
to include the facility’s start-up operation apart
from the investment construction as well. Rudis
accomplished this task with excellence and
therefore signed another construction contract
for the third shoe factory in Algeria in 1983.
The cooperation with the Japanese partner in
the construction of the Schwedt Petrochemical
Combine in East Germany was very successful
too, so that Rudis signed another contract with
this company for further operations already
in 1981. This city's name remained in the
Company's good books as it constructed there
different petrochemical combine facilities for
the next ten years.
On the domestic market Rudis excelled with
successful realisation of projects, demanding
cooperation with foreign partners, mainly the
equipment suppliers. In 1981, Rudis was a first
domestic company to build a mountain lift on
the Mount Krvavec, as well as other plants and
in 1984 the Company signed a contract for the
construction of Steelworks II in the Jesenice
Ironworks, presenting a largest investment
project in Slovenia at that time.
Different challenges were offered by foreign
markets as well. In Libya, the limekiln facilities,
in Guiana the geological researches that went
on in 1984, in Algeria, in the city of Alger, the
V tem Ëasu je bil Rudis {e vedno eden
najpomembnej{ih izvajalcev investicijskih
rudarskih del v Jugoslaviji. S projektiranjem,
dobavo in montaæo opreme ter nadzorom
zagona je sodeloval v {tevilnih investicijskih
projektih. Med njimi posebej izstopa projekt
izgradnje teækotekoËinske separacije premoga
v rudniku \ur|evik v Bosni in Hercegovini, ki
ga je Rudis pridobil v mednarodni konkurenci
ponudnikov. [tiri vgrajene semimobilne
drobilnice za jalovino so plod Rudisovega
znanja, celotna izvedba projekta pa je postavila
nov standard kakovosti na podroËju inæeniringa.
Ob koncu osemdesetih let prej{njega stoletja
je bil Rudis s svojo velikostjo, strokovnostjo
in univerzalno ponudbo ena vodilnih druæb za
inæeniring v dræavi.
construction of the three road underpasses,
in Iraq two bridges over the Tigris River, in
Hungary the hotel constructed in collaboration
with the Swedish partner and in Germany,
where in 1985 the Company signed a contract
for the construction operations on the nuclear
power station. In 1988 Rudis started to
construct the sewage network of the city of
Constantine in Algeria and collaborated in the
construction of the Koralpe Hydroelectric Power
Plant in Austria.
At that time, Rudis was still considered one of
the most important operators of the investment
mining operations in Yugoslavia. With the
equipment designing, delivery and installation
as well as the start-up monitoring facilities,
Rudis collaborated in numerous investments
projects. The most outstanding among them
was a construction of the heavy liquid coal
separation in the \ur|evik Mine in Bosnia
and Herzegovina, won by Rudis within the
international competition. The four integrated
semi-mobile waste mills presented an important
result of the Rudis's expertise, whereas the
execution of the entire project established a
new quality standard in the field of engineering.
Thanks to its size, professional competence and
universal offer, Rudis was considered one of the
leading engineering companies in Yugoslavia in
the late eighties.
3*Termoelektrarna Plomin,
The Plomin Thermal Power
Plant, Croatia
4*Hidroelektrarna Koralpe,
The Koralpe Hydroelectric
Power Plant, Austria
5*Gradnja kanalizacijskega
omre`ja za mesto
Constantine, Al`irija
The construction of the City of
Constantine Sewage Network,
1989 - 1999
Velike spremembe univerzuma
Great Changes in the Universe
Znanje, najveËji Rudisov kapital, se je vselej plemenitilo z izkuπnjami delovanja v
razliËnih okoljih in modrostjo sprejemanja razliËnih kultur. To bogastvo je v Ëasu
velikih sprememb Rudisu omogoËilo ohraniti vizijo razvoja in naËrtovati nov poslovni
Rudis was always able to keep enriching the greatest of its capital, i.e. its know-how
with its experience of operation in different environments and the wisdom of accepting
of different cultures. And it is this wealth that enabled Rudis to preserve its vision of
development and plan a new business set-up in the times of great changes.
1989 - 1999
Po padcu berlinskega zidu so padale tudi
mnoge druge pregrade, hkrati pa so nastajale
nove. PolitiËnim spremembam v Evropi in
arabskih dræavah so se neizogibno pridruæile
tudi ekonomske spremembe. Rudis se je moral
z novimi razmerami sooËiti na vseh svojih
tradicionalnih trgih.
Leta 1990 se je Rudis preoblikoval v enovito
podjetje in z veËino dotedanjih Ëlanov poslovne
skupnosti je sklenil sporazum o skupnem
nastopanju na trgu. Vse teæje gospodarske
razmere, predvsem v dræavah Bliænjega vzhoda,
so zelo ovirale pridobivanje novih poslov na tujih
trgih. V Ëasu pred osamosvojitvijo Slovenije leta
1991 je Rudis nadaljeval z gradnjo objektov v
petrokemijskem kombinatu Schwedt v NemËiji,
v Abu Dhabiju je zgradil dve 19-nadstropni
stolpnici, v Termoelektrarni Plomin na
Hrva{kem pa je zgradil postrojenje za transport
premoga. V teku so bila tudi obseæna dela v
okviru gradnje kanalizacijskega omreæja mesta
Constantine v Alæiriji, ki so bila zakljuËena leta
1994. Osamosvojitev Slovenije in vojna na
After the fall of the Berlin Wall many other
barriers fell as well and at the same time some
new ones were created. The political changes
in Europe and Arab countries inevitably caused
economic changes. Rudis had to confront the
new situations on all its traditional markets.
In 1990, Rudis was reformed into a uniform
company, which then signed an agreement on
joint appearance on the market with the majority
of members of the former business council.
The ever harder economic situation, mainly in
the countries of the Middle East, formed a hard
obstacle for the awarding of contracts on foreign
markets. In the time before Slovenia gained its
independence in 1991, Rudis proceeded with
the construction of the facilities for the Schwedt
Petrochemical Combine in Germany. In Abu
Dhabi the Company constructed two 19-storey
buildings and in Croatia the coal conveying
system in the Plomin Thermal Power Station.
At that time, the Company was also busy with
large scale operations within the construction
of the city of Constantine sewage network
1*Rekonstrukcija transportnega
sistema ladja - skladi{~e, Luka
T he reconstruction of
the Vessel - Storage Site
Transportation System, Port of
2*19-nadstropna zgradba v
mestu Abu Dhabi, Zdru`eni
arabski emirati
T he 19-storey building in Abu
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
3*Bazenski kompleks v Radencih
T he Swimming Pool Complex
in Radenci
4*Postrojenje za pripravo
in skladi{~enje surovin v
steklarni Gulf Guard, Saudova
T he raw materials preparation
and storage facility in the
Gulf Guard Glassworks, Saudi
1989 - 1999
1*Rekonstrukcija hidroelektrarne
Una v Biha}u, Bosna in
The reconstruction of the Una
Hydroelectric Power Plant in
Biha}, Bosnia and
2*Regalno skladi{~e steklenih
izdelkov v Steklarni Hrastnik
The automatic high-shelved
glassware warehouse in the
Hrastnik Glassworks
3*Nova proizvodna hala za
paletizacijo in pakiranje
cementa v Cementarni
The new cement palletisation
and packaging production hall
in the Trbovlje Cement Works
Balkanu sta prinesli izgubo trga na ozemlju biv{e
Jugoslavije, kjer je Rudis vse od ustanovitve v
{tevilnih rudnikih gradil transportne sisteme,
separacije premoga, klasirnice in drobilnice
premoga ter dobavljal in montiral razliËno
opremo. Te tehnologije za druge trge niso bile
zanimive, zato se je Rudis osredotoËil na træenje
gradbenih storitev in strojnih montaæ z dobavami
opreme. Najpomembnej{i tuji trg je bila v tem
obdobju NemËija, kjer je Rudis gradil in obnavljal
{tevilne objekte visoke gradnje ter montiral
opremo v rafinerijah, petrokemiËnih objektih,
elektrarnah in kotlarnah. Univerzalna znanja je
Rudis izkoristil pri gradnji zmesarn in silosov za
steklarne v [paniji, Franciji, NemËiji in Avstriji.
V letih 1994 in 1996 pa je 'na kljuË' zgradil
zmesarni v dveh steklarnah v Saudovi Arabiji.
Na slovenskem trgu je Rudis ohranil ugled
specialista za izvajanje zahtevnih investicijskih
del. V slovenskih termoelektrarnah je zgradil
vrsto pomembnih objektov, med katerimi
izstopajo izgradnja me{alnice REA suspenzije
in elektrofiltrskega pepela v Termoelektrarni
[o{tanj leta 1995, izgradnja transportnega
sistema v Termoelektrarni Trbovlje leta 1996 in
priËetek gradnje razæveplalne naprave na Bloku
5 Termoelektrarne [o{tanj leta 1997, ki jo je
Rudis gradil v skupnem nastopu z nem{kim
partnerjem Deutsche Babcock Anlagen GmbH.
Med pomembnej{e projekte na domaËem trgu
in Algeria, which were finished only in 1994.
The proclamation of Slovenia's independence
and the war in the Balkans brought along the
loss of the markets on the former Yugoslav
territory, where Rudis used to construct
conveying systems, coal separations, coal
mills and classifying plants as well as delivered
and installed different equipment in numerous
mines ever since it was established. These
technologies were not interesting for other
markets; therefore Rudis had to concentrate
more on the marketing of construction services
and machine installations with equipment
delivery. At that time, its most important foreign
market was Germany, where Rudis constructed
and reconstructed numerous buildings
and installed the equipment for refineries,
petrochemical combines, electric power plants
and boiler rooms. Rudis also managed to apply
its universal know-how for the mixing plants and
silos construction in the glassworks of Spain,
France, Germany and Austria. In 1994 and 1996
the Company constructed two mixing plants in
two glassworks in Saudi Arabia, delivered to the
contracting entities on a turn-key basis.
On the Slovene market Rudis maintained
its reputation as a specialist for execution
of demanding investments projects.
In Slovene thermal power plants Rudis
constructed a number of important facilities,
se uvr{Ëajo tudi rekonstrukcije slovenskih
toplarn, gradnja avtomatskega visokoregalnega
skladi{Ëa steklenih izdelkov v Steklarni Hrastnik
in rekonstrukcija terminala razsutih tovorov
v Luki Koper leta 1992 ter izgradnja nove
proizvodne hale v Cementarni Trbovlje leta
Leta 1996 se je Rudis preoblikoval v delni{ko
druæbo, leta 1997 je pridobil certifikat kakovosti
ISO 9001. Ob izteku tisoËletja je Rudis izbral
novo smer razvoja. Gradnja razæveplalne
naprave v Termoelektrarni [o{tanj in leta 1998
podpis pogodbe za obnovo hidroelektrarne Una
v Bosni in Hercegovini sta bila prva pomembna
znanilca specializacije v izvedbeni inæeniring na
podroËjih energetike in ekologije.
outstanding among which are construction
of REA suspension and fly ash mixing plant
in the [o{tanj Thermal Power Plant in 1995,
construction of the conveying system in the
Trbovlje Thermal Power Plant in 1996 and
the beginning of the desulphurisation device
construction on the [o{tanj Thermal Power Plant
Block 5 in 1997, constructed by Rudis in a joint
appearance with the German partner Deutsche
Babcock Anlagen GmbH. Among the more
important facilities on the domestic market were
reconstructions of the Slovene heating plants,
construction of the automatic glassware highshelved warehouse in the Hrastnik Glassworks,
reconstruction of the bulk cargo terminal in the
Port of Koper in 1992 and construction of a new
production hall in the Trbovlje Cement Work in
In 1996, Rudis was reformed into a joint-stock
company and in 1997 obtained an ISO 9001
Quality Cerificate. At the end of Millennium,
Rudis took decisive steps toward its new
development direction. The construction of the
desulphurisation plant in the [o{tanj Thermal
Power Plant and in 1998 the contracting of
the reconstruction of the Una Hydroelectric
Power Plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina were
the first important harbingers of the executive
engineering in the fields of energy engineering
and ecology.
4*Steklarna Stoelze Oberglass,
Baernbach, Avstrija
The Stoelze Oberglass
Glassworks in Baernbach,
5*Naprava za raz`veplanje
dimnih plinov na Bloku 5 v
Termoelektrarni [o{tanj
The flue gas desulphurisation
plant on the [o{tanj Thermal
Power Plant Block 5
6*Rekonstrukcija in ekolo{ka
sanacija Toplarne Hrastnik
Reconstruction and ecological
rehabilitation of the Hrastnik
Heating Plant
1999 - 2009
Univerzum specialistiËnih znanj
Universe of Specialist Knowledge
V novo tisoËletje je Rudis vstopil z novo energijo in v svojem petem desetletju je
povsem spremenil svoj referenËni okvir. Tradicionalnim znanjem so se pridruæile nove
specializacije, ki s prenovljeno poslovno filozofijo udejanjajo vse hitrejπi razvoj.
Rudis entered the new Millennium with a new splash of energy, causing an entire
change of its reference frame, during its fifth decade. Its traditional knowledge was
enriched by new specialisations, making possible an ever faster development on the
wings of a renewed business philosophy.
1999 - 2009
Prilagajanje novim razmeram in iskanje novih
poti je Rudis leta 1999 zaokroæil s sprejetjem
nove razvojne strategije, ki je v ospredje
postavila razvoj izvedbenega inæeniringa na
podroËjih proizvodnje energije in varovanja
okolja. SpecifiËna znanja, {tiridesetletne
izku{nje delovanja na mednarodnih trgih
in izjemna ustvarjalna energija so Rudisu
omogoËili graditi drugaËno prihodnost.
Leta 2001 je druæba Primorje postala veËinski
lastnik delnic druæbe Rudis. Z vkljuËitvijo v
Skupino Primorje, specializirano predvsem za
izvajanje gradbenih projektov, je Rudis svojo
dejavnost osredotoËil na izvajanje tehnolo{kih
investicijskih projektov. Ohranil pa je gradnjo
stanovanjsko-poslovnih objektov za trg, ki je
bila v tem Ëasu velik poslovni izziv.
V tem desetletju se je Rudis uveljavil kot eden
najpomembnej{ih izvajalcev investicijskih
projektov na podroËju varovanja okolja. Z
izgradnjo zahtevne naprave za razæveplanje
dimnih plinov na Bloku 5 v Termoelektrarni
[o{tanj, ki je bila dokonËana leta 2001, je
Rudis rounded up its adjustment to the
emerging conditions and search for alternative
development courses in 1999 by adopting its
new strategy, oriented toward the development
of executive engineering in the field of energy
production and environmental protection.
Specific knowledge, forty years of operation
experience in international markets and
outstanding creative energy enabled Rudis to
build itself a different future.
In 2001, the Company of Primorje acquired
majority ownership of Rudis. By entering into
the Group of Primorje, specialised primarily for
the civil engineering operations, Rudis focused
its activity on the execution of technological
investment projects. Nevertheless, the
Company kept the construction of business
and residential facilities for the market, as they
presented a great business challenge at that
period of time.
In this decade, Rudis asserted itself as one of
the most important contractors of investment
projects in the field of environmental
1*Tehnolo{ka oprema ~rpalne
hidroelektrarne Av~e na reki
Technological equipment
for the pumping-up Av~e
Hydroelectric Power Plant on
the So~a River
2*Tehnolo{ka oprema
hidroelektrarne Peru~ica, ^rna
Technological equipment in
the Peru~ica Hydroelectric
Power Plant, Montenegro
3*Prehodna deponija produktov
razæveplanja v Termoelektrarni
The provisory dumping area
of desulphurisation products
in the [o{tanj Thermal Power
1999 - 2009
1*Rekonstrukcija transportnega
sistema lignita v rudnikih
Bardh in Mirash za
Termoelektrarno Kosovo B,
Pri{tina, Kosovo
The lignite conveying system
reconstruction in the Bardh
and Mirash Mines for the
Kosovo B Thermal Power
Plant, Pristina, Kosovo
2*Obnova toplarne na biomaso
ESR Energie Sulzbach Rosenberg, Nem~ija
The reconstruction of the
biomass ESR Energie Sulzbach
- Rosenberg Heating Plant,
3*Toplarna Celje
The Celje Heating Plant
pridobil zelo pomembno referenco. Leta 2004
je podpisal drugo pogodbo za gradnjo tovrstne
naprave na 125 MW bloku v Termoelektrarni
Trbovlje, leta 2009 pa je podpisal æe tretjo
pogodbo za gradnjo naprave za razæveplanje
dimnih plinov na Bloku 6 moËi 600 MW v
Termoelektrarni [o{tanj. Ta pogodba, ena
najveËjih v zgodovini Rudisa, udejanja strate{ko
pomembno tehnologijo za prihodnji razvoj
druæbe. Na podroËju varovanja okolja je Rudis
v tem desetletju izvedel mnoge projekte. Med
drugim je zgradil regijsko deponijo odpadkov
UniËno v Hrastniku, v Celju pa je sodeloval pri
izgradnji prvega objekta za termiËno obdelavo
nenevarnih odpadkov s proizvodnjo toplote in
elektriËne energije.
Nove izzive na podroËju izrabe obnovljivih
virov energije, predvsem hidroenergije, je
Rudis izkoristil za novo specializacijo. Po
dokonËanju obnove hidroelektrarne Una v Bosni
in Hercegovini leta 2001 je Rudis leta 2002
dobavil in montiral opremo v hidroelektrarnah
Doblar II in Plave II na reki SoËi, leta 2008 je
dokonËal obseæno obnovo tehnolo{ke opreme
hidroelektrarne PeruËica v ^rni gori, leta 2005
pa je z dvema japonskima partnerjema podpisal
pogodbo za tehnolo{ko opremo reverzibilne
Ërpalne hidroelektrarne AvËe na reki SoËi, ki
je eden najpomembnej{ih projektov v tem
obdobju. Tudi na podroËju rekonstrukcij
protection. With the construction of the
demanding flue gas desulphurisation plant
at the [o{tanj Thermal Power Plant Block 5,
finished in 2001, the Company won itself a very
important reference. In 2004, Rudis signed
its second contract on the construction of the
same sort of facility at the Trbovlje Thermal
Power Plant 125 MW Block and in 2009 signed
its third contract on the construction of the
flue gas desulphurisation plant at the [o{tanj
Thermal Power Plant Block 6 with a capacity of
600 MW. This contract, actually presenting one
of the largest ones in the Company's history,
enabled the implementation of technology,
strategically important for the Company's
further development. In this decade Rudis also
managed to execute quite a number of projects
within the field of environmental protection.
Among them the Company constructed the
Uni~na Regional Depot in Hrastnik, whereas
in Celje the Company collaborated in the
construction of the first heat treatment facility
for non-hazardous waste with the heat and
electricity generation.
The new challenges in the field of renewable
energy sources recovery, and the hydro
power sources in particular, were used by the
Company for its new specialisation. After the
reconstruction of the Una Hydroelectric Power
Plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2001, Rudis
kotlovnic, ki za kurjenje uporabljajo biomaso,
je Rudis dosegel lepe uspehe. Najpomembnej{i
tovrstni referenci sta obnova toplarne SulzbachRosenberg v NemËiji, dokonËana leta 2007, in
rekonstrukcija kuri{Ëa kotla za seæig biomase in
odpadkov v papirnici Vipap Videm Kr{ko.
Novo pomembno podroËje Rudisove dejavnosti
so postali projekti uËinkovite rabe energije
z opremo za soËasno proizvodnjo elektriËne
energije, toplote in tudi hladu. V Sloveniji je
Rudis od leta 2001 izvedel vrsto projektov s
postrojenjem za kogeneracijo, leta 2009 pa je
izdelal projektno dokumentacijo za energetski
objekt s trigeneracijo v Skopju v Makedoniji.
Dolgoletne izku{nje so Rudisu omogoËile
izvajanje zahtevnih investicijskih projektov
v industriji. V tovarni pnevmatik Sava Tires v
Kranju, v lasti koncerna Goodyear, je Rudis
stalno izvajal tehnolo{ke projekte, v Steklarni
Hrastnik je leta 2000 zgradil zmesarno, kasneje
pa tudi novo tovarno za proizvodnjo specialne
embalaæe. V podjetju HTZ Velenje je Rudis
izvedel rekonstrukcijo ter raz{iritev linije za
proizvodnjo suhih betonskih me{anic, v Franciji
pa je zgradil procesni stolp za suhe malte
Bonneuil Sur Marne.
Ugled blagovne znamke Rudis so ustvarile
tudi zelo specifiËne specializacije. Z izvedbo
strojne opreme odrov slovenskih gledali{kih hi{
v Ljubljani, Mariboru, Seæani in Lendavi se je
delivered and installed the equipment for the
Doblar II and Plave II Hydroelectric Power Plants
on the So~a River in 2002, finished the large
scale operations within the reconstruction of
the technological equipment for the Peru~ica
Hydroelectric Power Plant in Montenegro in
2008 and signed a contract on delivery of the
technological equipment for the reversible
pumped-storage Av~e Hydroelectric Power
Plant on the So~a River with two Japanese
partners in 2005, presenting one of the most
important Company’s projects at that period of
time. Rudis also achieved quite a remarkable
success in the field of the boiler houses
reconstruction, using the biomass firing. Its
most important references of this kind were
the reconstruction of the Sulzbach-Rosenberg
Heating Plant in Germany, finished in 2007
and the reconstruction of the boiler room firing
places for the biomass and waste incineration
in the Vipap Videm Kr{ko Paper Mill.
The new fields of Rudis’s activity became the
efficient use of energy projects, providing the
equipment for the combined production of
electricity, heat and cold. Starting from 2001,
Rudis managed to execute quite a number of
cogeneration plants projects in Slovenia and
in 2009 the Company prepared the project
documentation for the construction of a
trigeneration facility in Skopje, Macedonia.
4*Sistem energetske izrabe
deponijskega plina na
odlagali{~u odpadkov Teneti{e
v Kranju
The energy utilisation of
landfill gas construction on the
Teneti{e Waste Dump in Kranj
5*Kogeneracija na Centralni
~istilni napravi [kofja Loka
The cogeneration on the
Central Purification plant in
[kofja Loka
6*Regijska deponija Uni~no v
The Uni~no Regional Damping
Area in Hrastnik
1999 - 2009
1*Jeklen predorski opa` za
predor Kastelec
The steel tunnel panelling for
the Kastelec Tunnel
2*Tehnolo{ka oprema
hidroelektrarne Doblar II na
reki So~i
Technological equipment for
the Doblar II Hydroelectric
Power Plant on the So~a River
Rudis uveljavil na podroËju kulture. Na podroËju
{porta izstopa specializacija za gradnjo
smuËarskih æiËnic in po{evnih dvigal za prevoz
smuËarskih skakalcev. Svojevrstno posebnost
pa predstavlja zahtevna izvedba tehnolo{kega
dela dveh streli{Ë za slovensko vojsko.
Rudis nenehno razvija svoje znanje in hkrati
skrbi, da je to znanje tudi primerno za{Ëiteno
z univerzalnim zapisom tehnologij. Hkrati
razvijajo lastno programsko opremo za vodenje
tehnolo{kih procesov. Leta 2007 je Rudis
ustanovil hËerinsko druæbo Rudis Mont, d.o.o. Z
lastnim podjetjem za montaæo je prepreËil odliv
znanja in si zagotovil pomembno konkurenËno
Rudisovim strokovnjakom investitorji pogosto
zaupajo tudi svetovalni inæeniring in nadzor pri
gradnji objektov. Med pomembnej{e reference
se na tem podroËju uvr{Ëajo svetovalni
inæeniring pri gradnji nove tovarne poËitni{kih
prikolic in avtodomov Adria v Novem mestu,
nadzor pri gradnji ORL klinike in Nevrolo{ke
klinike v Ljubljani ter nadzor pri gradnji verige
bencinskih servisov En plus.
Pomemben del dejavnosti je v tem desetletju
predstavljala tudi gradnja za trg. V Ljubljani je
Rudis zgradil stanovanjske in poslovne objekte
Slape, Zeleni gaj, Vile M in Vodnikov dvor, na
Brezovici pri Ljubljani pa stanovanjsko naselje
Son~ni gri~.
A long-standing experience also enabled
Rudis to execute a number of demanding
industrial investment projects. Rudis has
regularly executed technological projects in the
Goodyear owned Sava Tires Factory in Kranj,
whereas in 2000 it constructed a batch plant
for the Hrastnik Glassworks and later on a new
factory for special packaging production. In the
HTZ Velenje Company Rudis reconstructed and
extended the dry concrete mix production line,
whereas in France the Company constructed
the Bonneuil Sur Marne Mortars Production
Process Tower.
The reputation of the Rudis brand name
was also created by some very specific
specialisations. In the field of culture Rudis
asserted itself with the execution of the
mechanical stage equipment, designed for
the Slovenian theatres in Ljubljana, Maribor,
Seæana and Lendava. Outstanding in the field
of sports is the Company's specialisation for
the construction of ski lifts and the inclined ski
jumpers transport devices. Also quite particular
was a demanding execution of two firing ranges,
designed for the Slovenian Army.
Rudis has not only constantly developed
its knowledge, but also provided for its
proper protection, using its universal
technologies recording. The Company has also
simultaneously developed its own technology
processes management software. In 2007,
Rudis established its subsidiary Company of
Rudis Mont ltd. Establishing of the own on-site
assembly Company prevented the outflow of
knowledge and won the Company an important
competitive advantage.
The Company's experts were also often
entrusted the execution of consulting
engineering and facilities construction
supervision services. Among the more
important references in this field of activity
were the consulting engineering services
within the construction of the new Adria
Holliday Trailers and Mobile Homes Factory
in Novo mesto, supervision services within
the construction of the ORL and Neurological
Clinics in Ljubljana and the supervision services
within the construction of the filling stations
chain for the En plus Company.
In this decade, the Company also dedicated
itself to the market construction. Thus Rudis
constructed the Slape, Zeleni gaj, Vila M
and Vodnikov dvor Business and Residential
Buildings in Ljubljana and the Son~ni gri~
Residential Area in Brezovica near Ljubljana.
Even in this period of time the most important
foreign market remained Germany, where
Rudis carried out - in addition to the existing
investment projects - some on-site assembly
and mining services. Rudis returned to Kosovo
3*[tirisede`nica na Kaninu
The Four Seat Chair Lift on the
Mount Kanin
4*Streli{~e Mlake pri Vipavi
The Mlake Firing Range near
5*[portna hala v Linzu, Avstrija
The Sports Centre in Linz,
6*Po{evno dvigalo za prevoz
skakalcev na zaleti{~e v
The inclined lift ski jumpers
transport device in @iri
1999 - 2009
1*Postrojenje v rudniku Stari Trg,
Construction in the Stan Terg
Mine, Kosovo
2*Steklarna Hrastnik
The Hrastnik Glassworks
3*Oddelek za psihiatrijo v
Splo{ni bolni{nici Maribor
The Psychiatric Ward in the
Maribor General Hospital
Najpomembnej{i tuji trg je tudi v tem
obdobju ostala NemËija, kjer je Rudis
poleg investicijskih projektov izvajal tudi
montaæne in rudarske storitve. Na Kosovo
se je Rudis vrnil leta 2000, kjer je od takrat
izvedel æe {tevilne rudarske in energetske
investicijske projekte. Med pomembnej{e
sodijo rekonstrukcija transportnega sistema
v rudnikih Bardh in Mirash, obnova opreme
in {olanje delavcev v delavnicah Kosovomont
ter izgradnja postrojenja za skladi{Ëenje,
me{anje in transport elektrofiltrskega pepela od
termoelektrarne Kosovo B v Rudnik Stari Trg za
jamski zasip, ki jo je Rudis zakljuËil v letu 2009.
Posle je ponovno zaËel pridobivati tudi v drugih
dræavah na Balkanu. Med najvidnej{e reference
sodi æe omenjena obnova hidroelektrarne
PeruËica v ^rni gori in dobava opreme za
tri toplarne v Srbiji. Leta 2007 se je Rudis z
referenËnim projektom, obnovo rezidence
finskega ambasadorja v mestu Alæir, po dolgih
letih vrnil tudi v Alæirijo. Z ustanovitvijo odvisne
druæbe Rudis Middle East v Riyadhu v Saudovi
Arabiji pa so bili leta 2008 ustvarjeni pogoji za
sklepanje novih poslov tudi na trgih Srednjega
in 2000, where it had already executed
numerous mining and energy investment
projects. Among the most important ones were
the reconstruction of the conveying systems
in the Bardh and Mirash Mines, equipment
reconstruction and staff training in the
Kosovomont Workshops and construction of the
storing, mixing and conveying mine filling fly ash
plant from the Kosovo B Thermal Power Plant to
the Stan Terg Mine, Kosovo, finished in 2009.
Gradually, Rudis also gained back operations in
some other Balkan countries. Among its most
outstanding references there was the already
mentioned reconstruction of the Peru~ica
Hydroelectric Power Plant in Montenegro as
well as the equipment delivery for three heat
plants in Serbia. In 2007, after a long period
of time, Rudis returned to Algeria with the
reconstruction of the Finnish Ambassador's
Residency in the City of Alger. After the
establishment of its subsidiary Rudis Middle
East Company in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 2008,
the conditions for entering into new businesses
were created in the Middle East markets as
4*Poslovno-stanovanjski objekt
Vodnikov dvor v Ljubljani
and Residential Building in
5*Rezidenca finskega
ambasadorja v mestu Al`ir,
The Finnish Ambassador
Residency in Alger, Algeria
6*Bazen Kodeljevo, Ljubljana
The Kodeljevo Swimming Pool,
7*Scenska mehanizacija v
Slovenskem narodnem
gledali{~u Maribor
The stage mechanisation in
the Slovenian National Theatre
in Maribor
The Vodnikov dvor Business
2009 1
Današnje perspektive
From Today's Perspective
Globalna gospodarska kriza in sprememba lastništva sta močno zaznamovali prva leta
Rudisovega šestega desetletja. Z znanjem in izjemno ustvarjalno kulturo je Rudis v
turbulentnem okolju uspel ohraniti in utrditi svojo poslovno vitalnost.
The first years of the Company's sixth decade were strongly marked by the global
economic crisis and the transformation of its ownership. Even in such a turbulent
environment Rudis was able to preserve and consolidate its business vitality, thanks to
its knowledge and exceptional creative culture.
2009 Zaradi te`kih gospodarskih razmer, ki so
posebej mo~no prizadele gradbeni{tvo, je
dru`ba Primorje, d.d., konec leta 2011 prodala
vse delnice dru`be Rudis. Ve~inski lastnik
dru`be Rudis je postala {vicarska dru`ba
Cottagon SA. Rudis se je iz delni{ke dru`be
preoblikoval v dru`bo z omejeno odgovornostjo.
Ob vstopu novih lastnikov v dru`bo je Rudis
sprejel nov Strate{ki na~rt razvoja za obdobje
2012 - 2016 z vizijo dolgoro~nega razvoja
Nova strategija ohranja vse dosedanje uspe{ne
tehnolo{ke in tr`ne usmeritve ter dodaja
nekatere nove razvojne cilje. Rudis se bo
dolgoro~no osredoto~al na tr`no zanimive
tehnologije na podro~ju energetike, predvsem
u~inkovite rabe energije in obnovljivih virov
energije, ter na podro~ju varovanja okolja.
Med nove razvojne usmeritve sodi tudi {iritev
ciljnih trgov, predvsem na podro~je Vzhodnega
Balkana in dr`av biv{e Sovjetske zveze.
Po letu 2009 so najobse`nej{i Rudisovi projekti
povezani z gradnjo novega 600 MW Bloka 6
Due to the difficult economic situation that
has strongly affected civil engineering in
particular, the Company of Primorje, Jsc sold
all the shares of the Company of Rudis at the
end of 2011. Thus, the majority owner of the
Company of Rudis became the Swiss Company
Cottagon SA. Consequently, Rudis transformed
itself from the joint stock company into the
limited liability company. With the entry of new
shareholders in the Company its new Strategic
Development Plan for 2012 - 2016 was
adopted, also including the Company's longterm development vision.
While the new strategy preserves all the
successful, current technological and marketing
orientation, it adds some new development
goals as well. As far as its long-term goals are
concerned, Rudis will focus on commercially
interesting technology in the field of power
industry, especially on efficient use of energy
and renewable sources of energy, and in the
field of environmental protection. Among the
new development guidelines is also expansion
1*Rezervoarji za mazut in lovilne
kadi Toplarne [i{ke v Ljubljani
The fuel oil tanks and capture
tubes in the [i{ka Heating
Plant in Ljubljana
2*Soproizvodnja toplotne in
elektri~ne energije v Toplarni
The combined heat and power
blocks in the Hrastnik Heating
3*Dimovodni kanal hladilnega
sistema za novi Blok 6
Termoelektrarne [o{tanj
The flue gas channel of the
cooling system at the [o{tanj
Thermal Power Plant Block 6
2009 2
1*Izgradnja hladilnega sistema
Bloka 6 Termoelektrarne
[o{tanj s 164 m visokim
hladilnim stolpom
The construction of the Block
6 cooling system with a 164
meters high cooling tower in
the [o{tanj Thermal Power
2*Tehnolo{ka oprema ~rpalne
hidroelektrarne Av~e na reki
Technological equipment
for the pumping-up Av~e
Hydroelectric Power Plant on
the So~a River
3*Po{evno dvigalo ob skakalnici
Mostec v Ljubljani
The inclined lift at the Mostec
Ski Jump in Ljubljana
Termoelektrarne [o{tanj, v okviru katere
je Rudis prevzel `e tri pomembne projekte.
Poleg gradnje naprave za raz`veplanje dimnih
plinov je Rudis v okviru novega Bloka 6 prevzel
tudi izgradnjo hladilnega sistema s 164 m
visokim hladilnim stolpom, leta 2012 pa tudi
izgradnjo sistema odpadnih produktov Bloka
6. Vsi trije projekti se uvr{~ajo med najve~je
in najbolj pomembne Rudisove reference na
podro~ju termoenergetike. Na tem podro~ju
je Rudis v zadnjem obdobju izvajal tudi nekaj
drugih pomembnih projektov, med katerimi
izstopata rekonstrukcija rezervoarjev za mazut
in lovilnih kadi v Toplarni [i{ka v Ljubljani
in dobava uravnalne in merilne opreme za
toplarne Ni{, Kragujevac in Pirot v Srbiji. Kot
najve~ji slovenski specialist za kogeneracijska
postrojenja je Rudis v tem obdobju dobavil in
vgradil nove enote za soproizvodnjo toplotne
in elektri~ne energije v Toplarni Hrastnik in v
Kotlovnici Planina Kranj.
Drugo pomembno podro~je delovanja Rudisa
tudi v tem obdobju ostaja hidroenergetika.
Leta 2010 je bil po uspe{no izvedenem
poskusnem obratovanju zaklju~en projekt
gradnje ~rpalne hidroelektrarne Av~e na reki
So~i, najve~je slovenske investicije na podro~ju
hidroenergetike v tem obdobju. V istem
letu je Rudis pri~el izvajati obse`no obnovo
hidroelektrarne Doblar I na reki So~i, kjer bo
of target markets mainly in the countries of the
eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula as well as
the countries of the former Soviet Union.
After 2009, the Company's largest-scale
projects have been related to the construction
of the new [o{tanj Thermal Power Plant 600
MW Block 6, within which it has already taken
three important projects. In addition to the
construction of the Flue Gas Desulphurisation
Plant Rudis also took over the construction
of the cooling system with a 164 meters high
cooling tower and in 2012 the construction of
the waste products system for the Block 6. All
the three projects rank among the Rudis largest
and most important references in the field of
thermal energy. It is in this field of activity that
Rudis has also carried out some other important
projects in this period of time, outstanding
among which are the reconstruction of the fuel
oil tanks and capture tubes in the [i{ka Heating
Plant in Ljubljana and the delivery of balancing
and measuring equipment for the heating plants
in Ni{, Kragujevac and Pirot, Serbia. During this
period of time, Rudis - the largest Slovenian
specialist for cogeneration plants has also
delivered and installed new combined heat and
power blocks in the Hrastnik Heating Plant and
Planina Boiler House in Kranj.
The Company's second important vineyard also
remains hydropower. Following a successful
zamenjal vse tri agregate elektrarne.
Na podro~ju {portnih in kulturnih objektov, kjer
se je Rudis uveljavil kot svojevrsten specialist,
velja omeniti v letu 2011 zaklju~eno izvedbo
strojne opreme prenovljenega odra SNG
Opera in balet Ljubljana, dobavo in monta`o
po{evnega dvigala ob skakalnici Mostec v
Ljubljani, vgradnjo tehnolo{ke in programske
opreme za novo voja{ko streli{~e v [krilju pri
Ko~evski Reki ter vgradnjo neprebojnih sten v
vadbenem centru v Kuvajtu.
Globalna gospodarska kriza je tudi v Sloveniji
mo~no prizadela trg nepremi~nin. Rudis je
pravo~asno zaznal razse`nosti krize in je ustavil
vse na~rtovane nalo`be v gradnjo objektov za
Tehnolo{ke in izvedbene kompetence ter visok
ugled na trgu so Rudisu tudi v obdobju te`jih
gospodarskih razmer zagotovile primeren
obseg poslovanja. Z dobrim vodenjem in
gospodarnostjo pa je Rudisu uspelo {e ve~.
Septembra 2012 je bilo Rudisu dodeljeno
bonitetno poro~ilo odli~nosti AAA - najvi{ja
ocena poslovnega subjekta, ki jo prejmejo
le redki, najbolj finan~no likvidni, poslovno
uspe{ni in zaupanja vredni poslovni subjekti.
trial run the project of the construction of the
Av~e Pumped-Storage Hydro Power Plant on the
So~a River - the largest Slovenian investment in
the field of hydropower in this period of time was completed in 2010. In the same year, Rudis
launched an extensive renovation of the Doblar
I Hydro Power Station on the So~a River, within
which all the three power station aggregates
will be replaced.
As far as the sports and cultural facilities
- yet another of the Company's important
specialisations - are concerned worth
mentioning here is the implementation of the
mechanical equipment of the refurbished stage
of the Slovenian Opera and Ballet National
Theatre in Ljubljana, completed in 2011,
delivery and assembly of the inclined lift at the
Mostec Ski Jump in Ljubljana, the installation of
the technological equipment and software for
the new military shooting range in [krilj near
Ko~evska Reka and installation of bulletproof
walls in training centre in Kuwait.
The global economic crisis has hit the real
estate market in Slovenia as well. Rudis
managed to timely detect the extent of the
crisis and stop all its planned investments in the
construction of buildings for the market.
Even in these difficult economic times the
Company's technological and operational skills
as well as its high reputation in the market
have ensured Rudis an appropriate range of
business. Owing to its good management and
economy, Rudis has achieved even more. In
September 2012, the Company was assigned
the Certificate of Excellence AAA - the highest
rating of business entity, bestowed upon only a
select few, most financially solvent, successful
and trustworthy business entities.
4*Stanovanjska stavba Akacija v
The Akacija Residential
Building in Ljubljana
5*Izvedba strojne opreme
prenovljenega odra SNG
Opera in balet v Ljubljani
The implementation of the
mechanical equipment of
the refurbished stage of the
Slovenian Opera and Ballet
National Theatre in Ljubljana
Beseda generalnega direktorja
Beseda predsednika in ~lana upravnega odbora dru`be Cottagon SA
Dru`ba Rudis
Poslanstvo, vizija in vrednote
Boniteta in ban~na jamstva
Ciljni trgi
U~inkovita strategija
Uporabne re{itve
Izkori{~anje obnovljivih virov energije
Varovanje okolja
[portni in kulturni objekti
Storitve projektiranja in vodenja
1959 - 1969:Brezmejnost novega univerzuma
1969 - 1979:Rudarska znanja prerastejo v univerzalna
1979 - 1989:Univerzalnost plemenitijo druga~ni izzivi
1989 - 1999:Velike spremembe univerzuma
1999 - 2009:Univerzum specialisti~nih znanj
2009 -
Dana{nje perspektive
Words of the General Director
Words of the Chairman and the Member of the Board, Cottagon SA
The Company of Rudis
Mission, Vision and Values
Credit Rating and Bank Guarantees
Target Markets
Effective Strategy
Appliable Solutions
Thermal Power
Utilisation of Renewable Energy Sources
Environmental Protection
Sports and Cultural Facilities
Design and Management Task Services
1959 - 1969: Boundlessness of the New Universe
1969 - 1979: The Mining Industry Know-How Becomes Universal
1979 - 1989: Universality Becomes Enriched by Different Challenges
1989 - 1999: Great Changes in the Universe
1999 - 2009: Universe of Specialist Knowledge
2009 - From Today's Perspective
Rudis d.o.o. Trbovlje
Trg revolucije 25b, 1420 Trbovlje, Slovenija
Telefon / Phone +386 3 561 21 00
Faks / Fax +386 3 561 21 40
E-po{ta / E-mail rudisØrudis.si
Rudis d.o.o. Trbovlje
Trg revolucije 25b,
1420 Trbovlje
Tel.: +386 3 561 21 00
Fax.: +386 3 561 21 40
E-po{ta: rudisØrudis.si
Rudis d.o.o. Trbovlje, Podru`nica
Olgastraße 33,
D-70182 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 711 236 72 60
Fax.: +49 711 234 96 34
GSM: +386 41 692 118
E-po{ta: jure.crnkovicØrudis.si
Rudis Mont d.o.o.
Trg revolucije 25b,
1420 Trbovlje
Tel.: +386 3 561 24 68
Fax.: +386 3 561 21 40
E-po{ta: rudis.montØrudis.si
Rudis Middle East, LLC
P.O. Box 1539,
11575 Riyadh
E-po{ta: infoØrudis-middleeast.com
Rudis BH d.o.o. Sarajevo
Fra An|ela Zvidovi}a 1,
71000 Sarajevo
Tel.: +387 33 295 167
Fax.: +387 33 295 170
E-po{ta: ahmed.gazijaØrudisbh.ba
produkcija / production I&S Aladin
kreativno direktorstvo in tekst / creative direction and copy Lu~ka Peljhan
oblika / AD + D AJAX Studio
fotografija / photo Arhiv Rudis + Ciril Jazbec + Branko Korelc + Franci Virant
tisk / print Lotos
naklada / edition 300 izvodov / copies
Trbovlje, 2012