* razlaga vaje * test * rešitve ➤ 1 * 1 * 5 1* razlaga razlaga * * vaje vaje test test * rešitve rešitve ➤ Samostalnik V angleščini lahko pred samostalnik postavimo nedoločni, določni ali ničti/nulti člen. Nedoločni člen Nedoločni člen predstavljata besedici a in an, ki ju uporabimo pred števnimi samostalniki v ednini, pomenita pa en, eden izmed mnogih, ko govorimo o stvareh na splošno. An se uporablja pred samostalniki, ki se pričnejo s samoglasniki (a, e, i, o, u), a pa pred samostalniki, ki se pričnejo s soglasniki, pri čemer moramo upoštevati izgovorjavo, ne pisavo posameznih besed. Izgovorjava obeh besed mora biti tekoče povezana. an + samoglasnik (a, e, i, o, u) a + soglasnik an elephant an eraser an hour* a book a dog a coat POZOR! V splošnem potrebujejo vsi števni samostalniki člen . Primer: I bought a present. NE I bought present. *POZOR! Črke h pri branju ne izgovorimo, zato je spredaj an. Če pred samostalnikom stoji pridevnik, ki ta samostalnik opisuje, moramo a/an prestaviti pred pridevnik in upoštevati pravilo, da an uporabimo pred pridevniki, ki se pričnejo s samoglasniki in a pred pridevniki, ki se pričnejo s soglasniki. Če pridevniku ne sledi samostalnik, člena a/an pred pridevnikom ne uporabimo. Primer: It‘s a book . It‘s interesting. It‘s an interesting book . A/an prav tako ne uporabljamo z neštevnimi samostalniki ali s samostalniki v množini. Namesto a/an lahko uporabimo some. Primer: I would like some biscuits and some tea. Raba in primeri nedoločnega člena v povedih A ali an uporabljamo, ko: besedo prvič omenimo in o njej še nič ne vemo, Wow! That is a beautiful house. 6 ko poimenujemo stvar, ki je ena izmed mnogih, Look! I’ve got a big red bicycle. pred poklici, My mum is a doctor. My dad is an engineer. I will be a mechanic when I grow up. za glagoli be in have, Terry is a girl. Bob has got a model car. pred navedbami količin, The meat costs $5 a kilo. The pears cost $3 a pound. ko navajamo, kako pogosto se neko dejanje ponavlja, I workout once a day. I work 6 days a week. You are allowed to drive 130 km an hour on the highway. v nekaterih frazah in vzklikih, What a … a bath ‘A little’ pomeni nekaj (v pozitivnem smislu), ‘little‘ pa pomeni malo. a shower a few (a) little a lot of What a beautiful day!/What a day! I can‘t answer the phone now, I‘m having a bath. My brother‘s having a shower. Lend me a few dollars, please. There‘s a little milk left in the fridge. We‘ve got a lot of homework today! razlaga razlaga * vaje vaje * test test * rešitve rešitve 1 ➤ * Določni člen Določni člen predstavlja beseda the. Uporabimo jo lahko pred števnimi in neštevnimi samostalniki, kadar govorimo o specifičnih stvareh, ki so edine (na svetu) ali če samostalnik omenimo že drugič, torej takrat, ko nam je že znan ali vsi vemo, o kateri stvari govorimo. Primer:There is a small house at the end of the street. The house has got small green windows and a big garden. The garden is full of flowers. Raba in primeri določnega člena v povedih The uporabljamo: s samostalniki, ki so edinstveni, ponavadi edini na svetu, the earth, the moon, the sun, the Eiffel Tower če je samo eden predstavnik svoje vrste (zmagovalec je lahko samo eden), He’s the winner of the game. kadar sledi zveza z … of, the Tower of London z glasbenimi inštrumenti in plesi, the drums/the waltz z nazivi brez lastnih imen, the Queen, the President, the Pope s presežniki pridevnikov, the best, the highest, the most interesting Triglav is the highest mountain in Slovenia. s števniki, the first, the second, the third, the seventy-eighth z zgodovinskimi obdobji in dogodki, the Renaissance, the French Revolution, the Dark Ages z določenimi besedami, the country(side), the seaside, the beach, the weekend, the world, the radio, the cinema, the theatre, the station, the shop, the cinema, the cafe, the library, the city, the village, the garden, the kitchen s stranmi neba, the South, the North, the East, the West. z določenimi besedami, ki nastopajo v vlogi pridevnika, the only, the last, the first z deli dneva, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening s priimki, kadar poimenujemo člane celotne družine, the Greens s pripadniki narodnosti, če se končajo na -ch, -sh ali-ese, the Dutch, the Welsh, the Chinese. Slovenes/the Slovenes, Americans/the Americans s pridevniki, ki so rabljeni kot množinski samostalniki, the poor, the rich, the unemployed, the deaf, the privileged. s števnimi samostalniki v ednini, če gre za izum/idejo, ko govorimo o njem/njej na splošno, I think the shower was a great invention! pred poimenovanji: kinov, hotelov, gledališč, muzejev, galerij, časopisov in revij, ladij, organizacij, pred imeni: rek, morij, skupin otokov ali držav, gorskih verig, puščav, oceanov, kanalov in prekopov. *ostale narodnosti v množini lahko uporabljamo z ali brez določnega člena the *night, noon in midnight nimajo člena! the Kolosej, the Hilton, the London Palladium the Louvre, the Piccadilly Gallery, the New York Times, the Titanic, the UN the Thames, the Mediterranean Sea, the Maldives, the USA, the Alps, the Sahara Desert, the Atlantic Ocean, the Suez Canal 7 1* razlaga razlaga * vaje vaje * * test test rešitve rešitve ➤ Nulti/ničti člen Nulti člen pomeni, da člena pred samostalnikom ni. Člena ni pred števnimi samostalniki v množini (books, children) in pred neštevnimi samostalniki (flour), ker v takih primerih govorimo o ljudeh ali stvareh na splošno (tights, jeans, food). Primer: I like milk . NE I like the milk. He builds buildings. NE He builds the buildings. Women are as smart as men! NE The women are as smart as the men! Na str. xy si natančneje poglej, kaj so števni in neštevni samostalniki . Raba in primeri nultega/ničtega člena v povedih Člena ne uporabljamo: z lastnimi imeni, Isabella comes from Italy. pred svojilnimi zaimki, pred besedami father/mother/home, kadar govorimo o svojem domu/starših, pred nazivi, katerim sledi lastno ime, pred športi, igrami, aktivnostmi, barvami, pijačami, obroki hrane, dnevi, meseci, prazniki in jeziki, kadar ne sledi beseda language, This isn’t your jacket. Mother and Father are at home. The German language is very complicated . Queen Elizabeth, President Kennedy I always have soup for lunch. I never drink Cola. My favourite colour is orange. Tom likes His wife went watching football. I speak German to the hospital and French. to visit him. pred stavbami in stvarmi, kadar se uporabljajo Mr Tompson was taken to hospital. z namenom, zaradi katerega obstajajo: I go to school. (I am a student). My mum goes bed, school, college, university, church, to the school for a hospital, prison, court. 8 z besedo work (prostor, kjer delamo), My mum is at work. v frazi by + prevozna sredstva, by train, by bus, by car z imeni za bolezni, My dad’s got diabetes. pred državami, Slovenia pred mesti, Los Angeles pred ulicami, Hollywood Street pred trgi, Trafalgar Square pred mostovi, London Bridge pred postajami, Waterloo Station pred parki, Central Park pred gorami, Triglav, Everest pred otoki, Sardinia, Cyprus pred jezeri, Lake Bled pred kontinenti, Europe z imeni trgovin, kavarn, restavracij, bank in hotelov, ki nosijo ime ustanovitelja in se končajo na -s ali ‘s, pred besednimi zvezami, kadar je prva beseda lastno ime ali kraj. Henry’s Cafe, Barclays Bank Charles de Gaulle Airport, Buckingham Palace the White House , ker white ni lastno ime parent-teacher meeting every two months. in the car, on the bus flu/the flu, measles/the measles, mumps/the mumps the Netherlands, the USA, the UK the High Street, the Strand , the Bristol Road , the A4, the M1 motorway the the the the Bridge of Sighs, Golden Gate Bridge , Severn Bridge , Forth Bridge the Black Swan restaurant, ker‚ ‘black swan‘ ni lastno ime , ni ime osebe ali kraja. * * vaje vaje razlaga razlaga rešitve rešitve 1. Vpiši nedoločni člen a ali an. interesting book 2. excellent lesson 3. actor 4. never-ending story 5. airport 6. unit 7. hour 8. very enjoyable film 9. diary * POZOR! Ko predstavimo skupino ljudi , stvari ali živali , lahko uporabimo 'a‘/‘an‘ ali 'the‘ ali ničti člen . Primer: A dog is smarter that a rabbit. / The dogs are smarter that the rabbits. / Dogs are smarter than rabbits. Primer: a playfull kitten 1. 1 ➤ * test test 2. Dopolni povedi z nedoločnim členom a ali an. Primer: She is a painter. 1. There‘s 1 overhead projector in our classroom. 2. I‘ve got 2 idea! 3. Is there 3 apple or 4. I‘m having 5 5. Is there 6 4 banana in your handbag? cup of tea. library in your town? 6. My mother is 7 honest person. 3. Vstavi a, an, the ali 0. Primer: There‘s a girl. The girl is cute. 1.What 1 expensive car! 2.I always sleep late in 4 2 morning. In 3 night I play computer games. I often go to 3. I feel sorry for 7 5. Where are 9 8 10 6. There are two sights I‘d like to see one day: Bridge of Sighs in 14 7. He plays basketball four times 9. 17 bed at 6 midnight. Kolosej with me tomorrow? children? They‘re playing in 8. Our parents went to 5 poor. 4. Ana, would you like to go to 13 afternoon I usually meet up with my friends and at 16 11 bedroom. Golden Gate Bridge in 12 San Francisco and Venice. 15 week. theatre last night. breakfast is my favourite meal of 18 day. 10. I am always in trouble so I am not happy when I see my mum coming to 19 school 9 1* * * vaje razlaga ➤ * test rešitve 4. V spodnje besedilo vstavi a, an, the ali 0. My name is 1 Charles Bristol. My favourite sport is I enjoy having 4 when we have I live in 11 warm hot dog for break at 8 city. My 12 minutes to get there by 17 9 quiz day at 14 21 breakfast and I always drink bus. I usually take 18 My best friend, 28 30 15 7.30 bus from school I catch sight of school. It was lots of fun, ___ 24 3 22 19 25 31 winner of 32 7 Sprite 10 England. Central Station in Barkley Square. Yesterday, we had 23 guitar and we all sang. President of 26 Washington?‘ and ‚When exactly can you visit Thomas, was green, home. It takes me fifteen 16 Harry played ___ Obama 3 Coke or 6 school. I am sixteen years old and I come from I remember some of the questions, like: ‚Is White House in cricket, my favourite colour is school is ten kilometres away from my Park Street. On my way to 20 5 2 27 Buckingham Palace?‘ 29 quiz and I was USA?‘ or ‚Is 33 second! I loved it! 5. Vstavi a, an, the ali 0. Celeste Blanc is 1 sales manager for Africa. She works 24 hours sometimes takes 7 5 16 13 Hall Designs Bags for day, seven days month. She‘s 14 of 21 world. Being responsible for to 23 Netherlands and famous attractions like 24 27 8 12 18 22 Europe and 17 home in 15 Berlin. 10 friend of hers says she‘s too busy to see her France, her family in 25 UK and to Queen Elizabeth in finds the time to see her parents, she flies to kilometres from her parents‘ house. 9 German man and lives in 19 Germany and 26 20 rest Slovenia as well. She‘s seen many Tower of London and natural phenomena like 30 Northern sales in her large region, she has to travel a lot. She‘s been Russia, to Mediterranean Sea. She‘s also met 4 important job and she‘s paid over French, but she‘s married to Germany with her family. She has two daughters. 3 week. After working so hard for months, she Paris. She does 11 because she‘s split between her family in 10 6 day off and does nothing. She stays at company she works for is based in €7000 2 32 31 28 Alps and 29 city of London. Whenever she Charles de Gaulle Airport which is only ten * razlaga vaje * * test rešitve ➤ 1 * Števni in neštevni samostalniki V angleščini delimo samostalnike na: Števne (countable) NEŠTEVNE (uncountable) Te samostalnike lahko (pre)štejemo in jih postavimo v množino. Te samostalnike uporabljamo samo v edinini. Stvari, ki jih poimenujejo, ne moremo (pre)šteti. Opisujejo neko celoto, od katere lahko vzamemo le en del. K neštevnim samostalnikom prištevamo snovna, pojmovna in skupna imena, množinske samostalnike, znanosti, jezike, igre in športe ter bolezni. ednina množina a book books an elephant elephants children a child ednina množina juice meat oil tennis Economics Spanish baseball flu NE tvorijo množine! Števni samostalniki Števne samostalnike lahko uporabljamo v ednini (a television) ali jih postavimo v množino (televisions). Množina samostalnikov Množino samostalnikov tvorimo tako, da samostalniku v ednini dodamo končnico –s in odstranimo nedoločni člen a/an. Obstajajo pa posebnosti, predstavljene v spodnji tabeli. Primer: ednina množina a balloon balloons a computer computers 11 1* razlaga * test 1. s/ss/ch/sh/x/z +es 6. a bus buses a leaf leaves a kiss kisses a loaf loaves a church churches a housewife housewives a bush bushes a knife knives a box boxes a wolf wolves a buzz buzzes a shelf shelves a calf calves 2. soglasnik+yà y + ies a half halves a country countries a life lives a baby babies a self selves a thief thieves 3. * rešitve ➤ f/fe ➝ +ves o +es f/fe ➝ +s a potato potatoes 7. a tomato tomatoes a roof roofs a belief beliefs o +s 4. (glasbila, okrajšave, lastna imena) a chief chiefs a cliff cliffs a piano pianos a safe safes a photo photos a giraffe giraffes a kilo kilos a memo memos a zoo zoos f/fe ➝ +ves/+s 8. (nekateri samostalniki poznajo obe obliki) an Eskimo Eskimos a scarf scarfs/scarves a radio radios a hoof hoofs/hooves a video videos a studio studios a handkerchief handkerchiefs/ handkerchieves 5. o +s/es (nekateri samostalniki poznajo obe obliki) 12 * vaje a buffalo buffalos/buffaloes a mosquito mosquitos/mosquitoes a volcano volcanos/volcanoes a zero zeros/zeroes a flamingo flamingos/flamingoes a tornado tornados/tornadoes 9. Nekateri samostalniki latinskega ali grškega izvora tvorijo množino tako, da jim dodamo grško ali latinsko pripono. a basis bases a crisis crises a terminus termini a criterion criteria a phenomenon phenomena a stimulus stimuli a datum data a medium media * razlaga razlaga vaje vaje * test test 10. Nepravilna množina Ednina Množina a tooth teeth a foot feet a goose geese Ednina oo ➝ ee * rešitve rešitve 1 ➤ * Čeprav se boš moral vse te oblike naučiti na pamet, bodi pozoren , saj lahko ponekod najdeš podobnosti pri spremembi . Ednina Množina Množina a sheep sheep a man men a fish fish a policeman policemen a deer deer a woman women a bison bison Ednina Množina a trout trout a child children a salmon salmon a mouse mice a crossroads crossroads an ox oxen a means means a person people a series series a louse lice a species species a dice dice a spacecraft spacecraft an aircraft aircraft a hovercraft hovercraft a ➝e Ni spremembe! POZOR! Če je besedna zveza sestavljena iz dveh besed , praviloma končnico –s/-es dodamo zadnji besedi (‘a ball game’ ➝ ‘ball games’, ‘a frying pan’ ➝ ‘frying pans’), izjema so zloženke , kjer dva samostalnika povezuje predlog ali če je v besedni zvezi en sam samostalnik . V takem primeru se končnica –s/-es doda prvemu samostalniku. (‘a mother-inlaw’ ➝ ‘mothers-in-law’). 2. Iz spodnjih besed v ednini tvori množino in jih razvrsti v stolpce glede na pravila. a diary a tooth a toy a brush a lady a child a radio a series a glass a key a louse a fish a foot a computer a means a woman a knife a party a potato a lamp a radiator +s s/ss/ch/ soglasnik+y o sh/x/z +es ➝ y + ies +es a tornado a fly an Eskimo a match a torch a buffalo a hive o +s an ox a disc jockey a mosquito a bench a wolf a gate a scarf a datum a giraffe a tent a roof a shelf a crisis a zoo a tomato a spy a class a sandwich a witch a hoof a medium o f/ f/fe f/fe latinski nepravilna +s/es fe+ves ➝ +s ➝ +ves/+s in grški množina samostalniki 13 1* * razlaga vaje * test ➤ * rešitve Neštevni samostalniki Nekateri samostalniki so neštevni. To pomeni, da nimajo množinske oblike (jim ne dodajamo končnice -s in pred njimi ne moremo uporabiti nedoločnega člena a/an). Za njimi uporabljamo edninsko obliko glagola, razen v primerih, ki so razloženi spodaj. Snovna imena Pojmovna imena (tekočine, trdne snovi, (pojmi) plini, hrana, pijača ...) cheese water mustard toothpaste blood tea coal air... happiness anger behaviour + IS business work advice news* + IS Skupna imena Množinski samostalniki family company class stuff couple group crowd + ARE team fruit furniture homework jewellery + IS money rubbish police cattle *Edninsko obliko glagola uporabljamo tudi pred samostalniki , ki se končajo na –s, saj niso množinski (npr. news, mathematics). +IS/ARE Kadar se skupna imena nanašajo na skupino ljudi , jim včasih sledi edninska, včasih pa množinska oblika glagola, odvisno od tega, ali imamo v mislih posamezne člane skupine (množina/’are’) ali skupino kot celoto (ednina/’is’). glasses jeans shorts pyjamas tights socks +ARE Nekateri samostalniki imajo samo množinsko obliko, zato za njimi vedno uporabljamo množinsko obliko glagola (‘are’). Pred neštevne samostalnike lahko postavimo this, that, some/any, no, much, what, some, such, a lot of, a little, much ali besede, ki izražajo količino ali embalažo. V pogovorni angleščini količine ni potrebno omeniti, kadar smo prepričani, da nas bo poslušalec razumel. Tako lahko v restavraciji naročimo two cups of teas ali pa preprosto two teas. Natakar bo namreč vedel, da želimo dve skodelici čaja. Na ta način neštevni samostalnik postane števni. three ice-creams (= three portions of ice-cream) four cakes (= four pieces of cake) a coffee (= a cup of coffee) two juices (= two glasses of juice) Poznamo še druge načine, kako neštevne samostalnike štejemo: uporabimo besede in besedne zveze za izražanje količine v litrih in kilogramih, besede, ki izražajo embalažo in ostale fraze, ki označujejo količino: 14 a kilo / a pound of apples a flash / bolt of lightning a tin/ a can of salmon a game of basketball an item of news a carton of orange juice a slice of bread a piece of cake a packet of spaghetti a cup / a pot of tea a pound of cheese a glass / a bottle of wine a bar of chocolate a pair of trousers a lot of / lots of homework a bit of news a jar of marmalade a sheet of paper a box of chocolates a tube of toothpaste ... NAMIG: Največkrat so neštevni tisti samostalniki , ki jih merimo v kilogramih in litrih ali jih kupimo v razni embalaži . * * vaje vaje razlaga razlaga * test test rešitve rešitve 1 ➤ * 1. Ali so spodnji samostalniki števni (C = countable), neštevni (U = uncountable) ali množinski (P = plural)? Primer: trousers P pyjamas 1 sadness 4 music 7 trout 9 government 2 furniture 5 knickers 8 politeness 10 yoghurt 11 2. Vstavi samostalnik + of, da izraziš količino. Včasih je možnih več odgovorov. Primer: a jar of jam 1. a 1 advice 6. a 6 oil 2. a 2 jeans 7. a 7 lemonade 3. a 3 sugar 8. a 8 information 4. a 4 thunder 9. a 9 bread 5. a 5 basketball 10. a 10 lightning 3. Spodnje neštevne samostalnike spremeni v števne, kot kaže primer. Včasih je možnih več odgovorov. Primer: toothpaste – three tubes of toothpaste 1. paper – three 1 6. flour – six 6 2. sardines – two 2 7. chocolate – three 7 3. furniture – four 3 8. jewellery –two 8 4. tea – two 4 9. billiards – five 9 5. news – two 5 10. yoghurt – two 10 4. Preberi časopisni članek in podčrtaj pravilne oblike števnih in neštevnih samostalnikov in pravilne oblike glagolov. Garcia Factory for Bilston Garcia Clothing Company from London is going to build a brand new factory in Bilston This/These1 news was/were2 announced yesterday by Mr Eli Garcia, the company’s owner and director. Mr Garcia had spent a week in Bilston preparing all the paper/papers3 for the construction before he returned back to the headquarter/headquarters4 in London. Garcia Clothing Company has/have5 been in existence for 99 years. Having a new factory in Bilston next year is a part of a big celebration for being on the market for 100 years. The company is/are 6 famous for its waterproof clothing. Their dressmakers have a lot of experience/experiences7 in designing clothes for camping and other sports activities, like trouser/trousers8, jacket/jackets9 and tent/tents10, as well as other sports equipment/equipments11 made of fabric. Mr Garcia will not say how many/much12 new posts will be in Bilston, but our information/informations13 is/are14 that there could be as many as 350. The news is/are15 welcome, because it is hard to find work/ works16 these days. 15 1* * * razlaga test vaje * rešitve ➤ Čas: 25 minut Točke: 80–70 = 5 69–60 = 4 Zbrane točke in ocena: 80/ 59–50 = 3 49–40 = 2 1. Vstavi nedoločni člen a ali an. Mr Baker seems to be Would you like 2 Tijana is not 4 1 angry man. glass of orange juice and 3 piece of cake? English name. Look at that car! It‘s 5 expensive car, isn‘t it? 2. Quiz 1.Is 1 Ottawa a) Yes 2.Is b) 4 b) 7 8 4. What is a) a) In 14 15 5 highest mountain in 3 Canada? 6 world? Maltese Islands? b) in highest mountain in Triglav 5. Where is capital of Mediterranean Sea 10 12 2 16/ No 3. Where are a) in No Everest a) Yes 5/ b) 13 9 11 Adriatic Sea Slovenia? Stol Hudson River? USA b) in 16 Australia 3. Povedi dopolni s členi: a, an, the ali 0. 10/ 1. Our car can go at 220 km ___1 hour. 2.Tina, where‘s ____2 scarf I lent you last week? 3.I haven‘t seen you for ages! Do you still live in _____3 San Francisco? 4.Bella‘s mother works as _____4 interpreter. 5. What do you usually have for _____5 breakfast? 6.'Can you tell me the way to _____6 nearest post office?‘ ‚Of course. Go along ____7 Style Street and turn left when you get to ____8 cinema. 7. 'I saw ____9 interesting film last week.‘ 'Oh! What was ____10 film about?‘ 16 * * razlaga test vaje 1 ➤ * rešitve * 4. V spodnje besedilo vstavi množino samostalnikov, ki so v oklepaju. There are many different 1 a lot of bigger 2 10/ (species) of animals in Ljubljana zoo. Although there are quite (zoo) in Europe, I like the one in Ljubljana because there is a lot to see in it. One can observe native 3 (animal) as well as animals from around the world. It takes you approximately three hours to walk around it. I love the birds singing and this is how I recharge my 4 (battery). We always stop to see the and the colourful 7 5 (monkey), the (fish) that my daughter enjoys watching. I always see (child) laughing and running around like crazy. I love seeing happy hundreds of 10 6 (giraffe) 8 9 (face)! We‘ve taken 9/ 10/ (photo) while visiting the zoo, I‘m sure! 5. Ali so spodnji samostalniki števni (C = countable), neštevni (U = uncountable) ali množinski (P = plural)? knowledge 1 trunks 4 trousers 7 men 2 advice 5 tights 8 anger 3 kisses 6 teeth 9 6. Vstavi samostalnik + of, da izraziš količino. 1. a ______________1 iced tea 6. a ______________6 paper 2. a ______________2 chalk 7. a ______________7 cake 3. a ______________3 chocolate 8. a ______________8 macaroni 4. a ______________4 chocolates 9. a ______________9 socks 5. a ______________5 wood 10. a ______________10 cheese 7. Dopolni povedi s samostalniki v njihovi edninski ali množinski obliki. 4/ people All Many 2 of the world should have enough to eat. 1 were waiting for the doctor. scale The earthquake was 7.0 on the Richter I weighed myself on the . 3 . 4 17 1* * * razlaga * vaje rešitve test ➤ Obvladam? Uporabljati znam nedoločni člen (a/an). Uporabljati znam določni člen (the). Uporabljati znam nulti/ničti člen. Tvoriti znam množino samostalnikov. Poznam posebnosti pri tvorbi množine (nepravilna množina), npr. a sheep – sheep. Poznam razliko med števnimi in neštevnimi samostalniki. Poznam embalažo, v kateri kupujemo določene izdelke (npr. a carton of milk), in vem, kako izraziti količino neštevnih samostalnikov (npr. a bar of chocolate). Nedoločni člen, določni člen, nulti/ničti člen Števni in neštevni samostalniki 1. 1 an, 2 an, 3 an, 4 a, 5 an, 6 a, 7 an, 8 a, 9 a. 1. 1 P, 2 U, 3 U, 4 U, 5 U, 6 P, 7 C, 8 U, 9 U. 2. 1 an, 2 an, 3 an, 4 a, 5 a, 6 a, 7 an. 2. 1 piece of, 2 pair of, 3 lump of, 4 clap/peal of, 5 game of, 6 drop of/bottle of, 7 glass of/bottle of, 8 piece of, 9 slice of/loaf of, 10 flash/bolt of. 3. 1 an, 2 the, 3 the, 4 -, 5 -, 6 -, 7 the, 8 the, 9 the, 10 the, 11 the, 12 -, 13 the, 14 -, 15 a, 16 the, 17 -, 18 the, 19 the. 4. 1 -, 2 -, 3 -, 4 a, 5 -, 6 -, 7 -, 8 a, 9 -, 10 - , 11 the, 12 -, 13 -, 14 -, 15 the, 16 -, 17 -, 18 -, 19 -, 20 a, 21 -, 22 -, 23 the, 24 -, 25 the, 26 the, 27 the, 28 -, 29 -, 30 -, 31 the, 32 the, 33 the. 5. 1 a, 2 -, 3 -, 4 -, 5 a, 6 a, 7 a, 8 -, 9 -, 10 the, 11 -, 12 an, 13 a, 14 -, 15 a, 16 -, 17 a, 18 -, 19 -, 20 the, 21 the, 22 the, 23 the, 24 -, 25 the, 26 -, 17 the, 28 the, 29 the, 30 -, 31 the, 32 -. 3. 1 pieces of paper, 2 cans/tins of sardines, 3 pieces of furniture, 4 pots/cups of tea, 5 items/pieces of news, 6 bags of flour, 7 bars of chocolate, 8 items/pieces of jewellery, 9 games of billiards, 10 pots of yoghurt. 4. 1 this, 2 was, 3 papers, 4 headquarters, 5 has, 6 is, 7 experience, 8 trousers, 9 jackets, 10 tents, 11 equipment, 12 many, 13 information, 14 is, 15 is. 16 work. Množina samostalnikov 1. +s toys keys computers lamps radiators hives disk jockeys gates tents s/ss/ch/sh/x soglas. /z +es +yà y + ies brushes glasses matches torches benches classes sandwiches witches diaries ladies parties flies spies o +es o +s potatoes radios tomatoes Eskimos zoos f/ fe+ves f/fe à +s knives giraffes tornados/ shelves roofs tornadoes wolves buffalo/ buffaloes mosquitoes/ mosquitos f/fe à latinski nepravilna +ves/+s in grški množina samos. scarfs/ scarves hoofs/ hooves data media crises teeth children series lice fish feet means women oxen 1. 1 an, 2 a, 3 a, 4 an, 5 an. 5. 1 U, 2 C, 3 U, 4 P, 5 U, 6 C, 7 P, 8 P, 9 C. 2. 1 -, 2 the, 3 -, 4 -, 5 the, 6 the, 7 the, 8 the, 9 the, 10 the, 11 -, 12 -, 13 -, 14 the, 15 the, 16 -. 6. 1 glass/bottle of, 2 bit/piece of, 3 bar of, 4 box of, 5 block of, 6 sheet of, 7 piece of, 8 plate of/bag of, 9 pair of, 10 kilo/ pound of. 3. 1 a, 2 the, 3 -, 4 an, 5 -, 6 the, 7 -, 8 the, 9 an, 10 the. 4. 1 species, 2 zoos, 3 animals, 4 batteries, 5 monkeys, 6 giraffes, 7 fish, 8 children, 9 faces, 10 photos. 18 o +s/es
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