President’s Farewell Message

President’s Farewell Message
An understanding heart is everything in an administrator, and cannot be esteemed highly enough. One looks back
with appreciation to the brilliant administrators, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling. The
profession is so much necessary the raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the
soul of the office.
Colleagues, it is that time of year when my reign as President of the IAAP Bahamas Chapter is
quickly approaching its end. Under the theme, “The Power of Admins: Reaching for the Leader
Within”, it was my most esteemed privilege to serve as the 30th President and lead this
association to new heights. During this past year, I would like to look back with appreciation to
the professional body for its support and to express my gratitude over the year for the honour and
privilege to serve at the helm of the IAAP Bahamas Chapter.
The last year has been an incredibly rewarding journey with numerous successes and challenges.
Change can bring much uncertainty, but we have been able to create a sense of certainty by
remaining focused on our shared mission, values and goals. More importantly, during this past
year I have learned how to reach for the leader within to the point of standing alone and making
the unpopular decisions. The success that I have experienced this year was as a result of the
collaborative body of members who were steadfast in seeing this Association move forward.
Evidence of which resulted in the launch our new and improve website on October 18, 2012, at
our Fall Educational Seminar. With our new website, members are able to have full access to a
wide array of topics and are able to efficiently communicate with other members irrespective of
location. Subsequently, all of the events and activities of this Association were published and
forwarded using this media.
Continued professional development was of paramount importance during this year as two public
educational seminars were held 18th-19th October, 2012 and 26th April, 2013. The fall
educational seminar that was held at British Colonial Hilton Hotel under the theme, “The Power
of Admins and the Administrative Professionals was held at the Wyndham Crystal Palace
Nassau Resorts Hotel Cable Beach. These were held to educate, keep Administrative
Professionals on cutting edge of their profession and to learn the latest trends and enhance the
professional and personal development.
On March 23, 2013, a public student seminar was conducted for students of both public and
private schools enrolled in grades 10 through 12. The purpose of this seminar was to inform of
the opportunity and challenges in the job market and colleges. It was to highlight what is
expected, how to prepare for their careers, how to prepare for college and how to behave and
what to do and not to do on the social media.
During Administrative Professionals Week, we attended the Church of God of Prophecy, Minnie
Street; made a courtesy call to His Excellency the Governor General; and made a pledge of a
$1,000.00 to the College of The Bahamas. Our Annual Luncheon followed and it was a success
and people are still talking because these events were well planned, organized and educational.
The facilators were top notched and their subject matter. In addition we have team up with
Women Unite and made a donation to charities in the New Providence.
The success of this Association is dependent upon our ability to grow collectively and
individually. With reference to the former, we partnered with Women Unite in an effort to raise
awareness about the many challenges that women face in today’s society. Through various
community events, we successfully participated and assisted in a monetary donation to deserving
charities which focus on improving the lives of women. With reference to the later, our
Association is now stronger than ever through our efforts to retain existing membership, while
attracting new members. This year five persons joined the Association and will be installed along
with two other members during our 2013 June dinner.
In retrospect, our focus on learning, collaboration and results has moved the Association along
the continuum of a professional learning community. A community that can and will continue to
grow based on shared values. It is my hope that the Association will continue to build leadership
capacities in administrators and that collegial interchange and collaborative teams work
interdependently to achieve its goals that are guided by a shared sense of purpose, priorities and
norms. Our work with collaborative professionals in the wider society proves that collaboration
that moves beyond dialogue about professional practices to dialogue based on producing results
that impact office protocol and procedures not only improves the quality of our work, but also
models professional practices that prepares administrators to be contributing employees that are
productive and competent leaders in the interconnected world of twenty-first business.
Each leader hopes to inspire others, while creating an exciting environment for its members. I am
keenly aware that members participate actively when they experience personal connections to
their Association. My efforts to excite and motivate came with the assistance of others who also
inspired and motivated me. As such, I will take this opportunity to thank my Advisor and
Parliamentarian, Mrs. Yvette Johnson for her support, advice and guidance throughout my term.
When I wanted to give up, you encouraged and pushed me beyond my feelings. In addition,
Michelle Bain, Debbie Smith, Taynia Farquharson, Antoinette Glinton, JuanitaNairn-Grant, Jane
Roache and Joyce Quant, you were all pillars of strength.
I would also like to extend a special thank you to my co-workers for their support and
contributions during my year as President of the Bahamas Chapter of IAAP successful. A
special thank you to Mr. Kevin Basden, BEC - General Manager; Marisa Mason-Smith, AGM
Human Resources and Training; and Deborah Stubbs-Dean, Training Officer for allowing me the
use of BEC’s training facility.
To my darling husband Graham for his continued support and encouragement during the long
hours of preparing, planning and setting up for meeting or an event. You are and will continue to
my tower of strength. To my children, Christian and Ghraer, you were both supportive and did
whatever was necessary for mummy to succeed.
Monique Minns, I did not forget you and I would like to thank you for chairing the Publicity
Committee and taking on the challenge of hosting this 2013 Annual June and Installation Dinner.
I am sure tonight’s event will be enjoyable to all who attend.
Again, I wish thank each of the Officers and Board of Directors for assisting me in achieving my
goals and objectives during the 2012/2013 term. Members, thank you for allowing me to serve
you and lead this Association for a year. It is through the commitment, creativity and vocation of
the IAAP members and the enthusiasm and responsiveness of the organization that has made this
Association a special place to learn, work, live and grow. I extend God’s blessings on each of
you, and I wish the new elective Officers every success in 2013/2014.
Humbly submitted by
Christine A. McKinney, CAP
2012/2013 President
IAAP Bahamas Chapter
June 27, 2013