Aneks k nAvodilom zA uporAbo medicinskegA

Aneks k navodilom za uporabo medicinskega pripomočka Wellneo ELMAG Sport &
Aneks, priložen k navodilom za uporabo, predstavlja povzetek sprememb na medicinskem pripomočku Wellneo ELMAG Sport & injuries.
Namenjen je uporabniku, da ga prebere in upošteva spremenjena navodila za uporabo.
1. Varnostna opozorila glede uporabe – prej najdeno na strani 21
Izdelek naj bo uporabljan v strožjem temperaturnem območju. Wellneo Elmag Sport & injuries namestite tako, da ni neposredno v stiku s
kožo. Če je izdelek v uporabi, mora biti uporabljan v temperaturnem območju okolice od -5°C do 45°C. Wellneo Elmag Sport & injuries je lahko
skladiščen in prevažan pri minimalni temperaturi 5°C.
2. Omejitve pri uporabi - prej najdeno na strani 24
- Otroci mlajši od 7 let ne smejo uporabljati izdelka.
- Uporabnik mora imeti sposobnost bralnega razumevanja vsaj 4 leta.
- Uporabnik mora nujno prebrati navodila za uporabo skupaj z aneksom, preden prične z uporabo izdelka
Wellneo Elmag Sport & injuries – na sebi ali na drugi osebi.
3. O bateriji – prej najdeno na strani 26
Baterija mora biti zamenjana z enako CR2032 3V baterijo in ne sme biti izpostavljena temperaturi nad 45°C ter močnim sevanjem z radiofrekvencami (mikrovalovna pečica, itd.).
Predpisani protokol zamenjave baterije:
a) Demontirajte zaščitni pokrov baterije.
b) Previdno izvlecite ven staro baterijo.
c) Preverite polariteto nove baterije.
d) Preverite polariteto ležišča baterije.
e) Vstavite novo baterijo v ležišče tako, da se polariteti ujemata.
f) Montirajte zaščitni pokrov baterije nazaj.
Če nekdo pogoltne baterijo, nujno poiščite urgentno medicinsko pomoč. Preprečite otrokom dosegljivost pripomočka Wellneo ELMAG Sport &
injuries in baterije!
4. Čiščenje montažnih pasov in pripomočka – prej najdeno na strani 18
Montažni pasovi se lahko perejo v pralnem stroju pri nizkih temperaturah (30°C - 40°C) ob uporabi nežnih detergentov. Izdelek sam ni
neposredno podvržen higienskim nevarnostim. Z obzirom na občutljivost elektronike se ga lahko čisti s suhim brisanjem, pri čemer se uporablja
neabrazivno krpo (bombaž, mikrovlakna).
Če pri čiščenju uporabljate kemične aditive, najprej izdelku odstranite baterijo. Predlagana je z vodo navlažena krpa ali sredstva za čiščenje
hišne elektronike kot je računalniški zaslon, prenosni računalnik in pametni telefon. Ne sme se uporabljati čistil, ki vsebujejo parfume ali naftne
5. Tabela indikacij s pripadajočimi programi (Wellneo ELMAG Sport & injuries) – prej najdeno na straneh 10 in 11
Bolečinski sindrom zaradi degenerativnih sprememb na hrbtenici in sklepih
Medicinski pripomoček
namestite neposredno na
mesto bolečine s pomočjo
priloženih pasov.
Bolečine v vratu, ramenih
5 ali 6
Bolečine v nadlahti
5 ali 6
Bolečine v komolcu
5 ali 6
Bolečine v kolku, kolenu in gležnju
5 ali 6
Bolečine v vratnem delu hrbtenice
5 ali 6
Bolečine prsnega dela hrbtenice
5 ali 6
Bolečine v križu
5 ali 6
Bolečinski sindrom zaradi poškodb kosti, mišic in vezi/kosti
Medicinski pripomoček
namestite neposredno na
mesto bolečine s pomočjo
priloženih pasov.
Zlomi in športne poškodbe
1 ali 3
Zvini pri športu in drugih poškodbah
1 ali 3
Prenapetost (entezopatija)
4 ali 5
Nateg (distenzija)
3 ali 4
Sindrom psihosomatske preobremenitve
Medicinski pripomoček
namestite na predel
pleksus solarisa s pomočjo
priloženega mošnjička.
Sindrom športne preobremenitve
3 ali 4
Stanje strahu in napetosti
1 ali 2
Krepitev imunskega sistema
Podatki o
Unika – produkt d.o.o.
Dunajska cesta 238E
1000 Ljubljana
Slovenija, EU
Dodano: julij 2014
Annex to instructions for the use of medical device Wellneo ELMAG Sport & injuries
As addition to the previous version of instructions for the use of Wellneo ELMAG Sport & injuries, following changes were made to the
product and should be considered.
1. Safety precautions for the use - before found on page 53
The device should be operated in stricter temperature range: interval from -5°C to 45°C. Wellneo Sport & injuries should not be used in direct
contact with the body. If stored and transported, minimal temperature exposed should be minimum 5°C.
2. Restrictions on use - before found on page 56
- The device should not be used for people under 7 years old.
- The device should be used for people with 4+ years intensive reading comprehension experience.
- User must read instructions for the use and annex before using the product on himself or anybody else.
3. Battery - before found on page 58
Battery should be replaced with the same CR2032 3V battery only and has to be used below 45°C . It must not be exposed to strong radio-wave
radiation (microwave oven, etc.)!
Replacing of battery is done with following steps:
a) Removing protective cover of battery.
b) Pull out an old battery.
c) Check the polarity of new battery.
d) Check the polarity of connector.
e) Insert a new battery in the socket so that polarities match.
f) Assemble the battery cover back .
If battery is ingested by accident, urgent medical help is needed. Keep the battery and the product Wellneo ELMAG Sport & injuries away from
4. Cleaning the straps and control unit of device - before found on page 50
All straps can be cleaned in a washing machine at low temperatures (30 - 40°C) using mild detergents. Control unit of device is not subject
to hygiene hazards and has more delicate protocol while cleaning. Dry cleaning is suggested to avoid any risk for damaging the electronic
components. Plain, clean, dry, lint-free cloth is suggested as well as use of microfiber cloths.
If chemical additive is used to rub the housing, the battery should be removed first. Suggested agent for semi-wet cleaning are water wet cloth,
or additives used for house electronics usually intended for computer screens, laptops, and smartphones. Do not use cleaners that contain
perfumes or other petrochemicals!
5. Table of indications with programs of usage (Wellneo ELMAG Sport & injuries) – before found on pages 42 and 43
Pain syndrome due degenerative changes in the spine and joints
Medical device is placed on
the area of pain directly
using attached straps.
Pain in neck, shoulders
5 or 6
Pain in upper arm
5 or 6
Pain in the elbow
5 or 6
Pain in hip, knee and ankle
5 or 6
Pain in cervical spine
5 or 6
Pain in thoracic spine
5 or 6
Pain in lower back
5 or 6
Pain syndrome because bone, muscle or connective tissue injury
Medical device is placed
directly on area of pain using
attached straps.
Fractures and sports injuries
1 or 3
1 or 3
Overextension (Enthesopathy)
4 or 5
Strain (Distension)
3 or 4
Psychosomatic syndrome due overload
Medical device is placed
directly on plexus solaris
using attached pouch.
Overtraining injuries
3 or 4
State of anxiety, tension and fear
1 or 2
Immune system support
The producer:
Unika – produkt d.o.o.
Dunajska cesta 238E
1000 Ljubljana
Slovenia, EU
Updated: July 2014