PRIJAVNICA Vpis abonmajev Sezona 2011/2012 Prosimo, obkrožite izbrano: a) DODATNO CD Gallusova dvorana OR I parter vhod 1. balkon vhod 2. balkon vhod OR II MO I b) ZAMENJAVA SF dvorana MO II VOK Slovenska filharmonija Prosimo, izpolnite s tiskanimi črkami: Priimek Ime Naslov Pošta E-pošta Telefon Prijavnico bomo upoštevali le ob poravnanih obveznostih do SF v sezoni 2010/2011. Prijavnica mora biti oddana do 31. maja 2011; plačali boste lahko pri vpisu. Slovenska filharmonija Kongresni trg 10, 1001 Ljubljana, T: 01 2410 800, 2410 810, F: 01 2410 900 Vaše želje in pripombe: Abonma 2011/2012 Glasba in narava Modri/Blue Oranæni/Orange Vokalni/Vocal Spoštovani abonenti in obiskovalci koncertov Slovenske filharmonije, veseli nas, da boste z nami tudi v sezoni 2011/2012 – v sezoni, v kateri Vas bomo po novno razvajali s čarobno glasbeno umetno stjo svetovnih in domačih avtorjev. Slovenska filharmonija je že desetletja vodilni in osrednji kulturni zavod v državi. S svojim orkestrom in zborom ter z izbranimi gosti, di rigenti in solisti nenehno zagotavlja zanimive programe, kakor tudi kakovostne izvedbe. Zavedamo se, da ekonomske razmere vpliva jo na kakovost našega življenja in pomembne odločitve. Naša odločitev pa ostaja nespre menjena – prizadevali si bomo še naprej pri pravljati kvalitetne programe, ostati zavezani tradiciji in glasbenim vrednotam ter dvigati ustvarjalno in poustvarjalno raven. Zato si želimo, da bi tudi v tej sezoni ostali v naši družbi, svoje občutke, zadovoljstvo in kri tike naših koncertov pa prenašali tudi tistim, ki še niso naši privrženci. Prepričani smo, da lahko pripomoremo k iz boljšanju v naši družbi in da je prav glasba ti sta, ki povezuje ljudi, saj ne pozna meja. Zato bomo v prihajajoči sezoni v Dvorani Marjana Respected subscribers and visitors to Slovenian Philharmonic concerts, Kozine pripravili cikel koncertov v sodelovanju z Zagrebško in Beograjsko filharmonijo. Na daljevali bomo tudi tradicijo januarskih kon certov, na katerih bo osrednje mesto pripadlo skladateljem iz obdobja klasike. Kot novost pa bomo pripravili tudi šest pisanih nedeljskih matinej Klasika à la carte. Spomnimo se, da je minilo že tristo deset let, odkar so v Ljubljani – med prvimi v Evropi – ustanovili Academio Philharmonicorum, prvo predhodnico naše ustanove. Že tedaj je člane vodila in spodbujala ljubezen do glasbe. Njena naslednica, Filharmonična družba (1794), je ljubezen svojih članov do glasbe oplemenitila z zvenečimi imeni, ko je za častne člane ime novala tudi ugledne skladatelje, kot so Haydn, Beethoven, Paganini, Brahms idr. V začetku prejšnjega stoletja pa sta v Ljubljano prišla dva velika moža – Gustavu Mahlerju je bila posvečena prejšnja sezona, Václavu Talichu, ki je leta 1908 postal prvi dirigent na novo nastalega Orkestra Slovenske filharmonije in tukaj ostal do leta 1912, bo posvečena sezona 2011/2012. Vsi filharmoniki si bomo tudi v prihodnje pri zadevali uresničevati cilje in vizije, ki so jih že pred veliko leti zapisali ustanovitelji Aca demie Philharmonicorum: kot sestavni del družbenega življenja s svojim delovanjem na glasbenem področju vidno vplivati na lepoto in kakovost našega življenja in družbe same. Damjan Damjanovič, direktor Slovenske filharmonije Zahvaljujemo se vodstvu Radiotelevizije Slovenija za podporo in sodelovanje pri izvedbi programov ter prenosov in posnetkov. It gives us great pleasure that you will again be with us in the 2011/2012 season, a season in which we will once more spoil you with the magical musical art of international and Slovenian composers. For decades, the Slovenian Philharmonic has been the leading and central cultual institution in Slovenia. With its orchestra and choir as well as selected guests, conductors and soloists, it has continuously ensured both interesting programmes and high quality performances. We are well aware that the economic climate influences the quality of our life and the important decisions we make. Our decision, however, remains unchanged – we will continue to endeavour to prepare quality programmes, to remain faithful to the tradition and to musical values, and to raise the level of creativity and performance. We therefore hope that again this season you will remain in our company, and that you will convey your emotions, satisfaction and criticisms of our concerts to those who are not yet our followers. We are am convinced that we can bring about improvements in our society, and that music is that which can bring peple together, as it knows no borders. Therefore, in the coming season we will prepare a cycle of concerts in the Marjan Kozina Hall in cooperation with the Zagreb and Belgrade Philharmonics. We will also continue the tradition of January concerts, at which the focus will be on composers from the classical period. Furthermore, as a new feature this year we will prepare six colourful Sunday matinees, Classics à la carte. This year, we recall that 310 years have now passed since the Academia Philharmonicorum, the first predecessor of our institution and amongst the first institutions of its kind in Europe, was founded in Ljubljana. Even then, the members encouraged the love of music. Its successor, the Philharmonic Society (1794), ennobled its members love of music by nominating resounding names as honorary members, including celebrated composers such as Haydn, Beethoven, Paganini, Brahms, etc. At the beginning of the previous century, two great men came to Ljubljana – Gustav Mahler, to whom the previous season was dedicated, and Václav Talich, who in 1908 became the first conductor of the newly formed Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra and remained in Ljubljana until 1912. It is to the latter that the 2011/2012 season will be dedicated. In the future, all of us at the Philharmonic will endeavour to realise the goals and visions inscribed by the founders of the Academia Philharmonicorum so many years ago: as an integral part of social life to visibly influence the beauty and quality of our life and of society itself with our activities in the area of music. Damjan Damjanovič, Director of the Slovenian Philharmonic We would like to thank the management of Radio Television Slovenia for their support and cooperation in the realisation of the programme and of broadcasts and recordings. Spoštovani obiskovalci, z veseljem in ponosom Vam predstavljam Vašo novo abonmajsko sezono 2011/2012. Ugled Orkestra Slovenske filharmonije v mednarodnem prostoru se zaradi kakovo stnega dela zadnjih let utrjuje. Redno lahko gostimo svetovno znane umetnike, ti pa z resnično velikim veseljem sodelujejo z naši mi glasbeniki, spoznavajo Slovenijo in tako postajajo odlični ambasadorji slovenske kultu re v svetu. Poleg njih Vam v prizadevanju, da bi prepoznavali in podpirali talente, še preden jih »zgrabi« glasbena industrija, predstavljamo obetavne mlade poustvarjalce. V prihajajoči sezoni bomo iskali ravnovesje med deli klasične, romantične, postromanti čne, moderne in sodobne glasbe. Glasbo našega časa pa bomo predstavili eklektično in ne bomo dali prednosti nobenemu od sti lov ali šol. In uvajamo novost: v želji po še večji programski koherentnosti in novih vse binskih povezavah bo naša koncertna druže nja povezovala tema, in sicer GLASBA IN NARAVA. Narava z letnimi časi, živimi bitji, oceani, ve trom, gozdovi in njihovim šepetanjem je navdihovala skladatelje vseh obdobij in ven dar je skoraj po definiciji glasba romanti ke tista, ki si lasti najpomembnejšo vlogo. Beethovnova Pastoralna simfonija je najbolj izstopajoč primer. Ob evokaciji narave nam Beethoven slika tudi osvobojeno človeško Dear visitors, dušo v vseh njenih izrazih z le zanj značilno močjo in avtentičnostjo. V kraljestvun živali imajo za glasbenika zagotovo posebno mesto ptiči. Poleg slavca, prepelice in kukavice v Pastoralni simfoniji, Respighijevih Ptičev ali Deliusove pomladne kukavice so Eksotični ptiči Olivierja Messiaena tako natančno ornitološko delo, kakršno zmore ustvariti le navdihnjen glasbenik, ki poskuša prodreti v skrivnost stvarjenja. Na drugi strani pa nas Pesem slavčka Igorja Stravinskega postavlja v srce estetskega vprašanja glasbe dvajse tega stoletja, vprašanja o mehanskem in človeškem, subjektivnem in objektivnem. V antičnih časih je bila glasba odsev vesolja, nebesnih teles in harmonije med njimi. V dvajsetem stoletju se je pomen pojma narava temeljito spremenil, a vendar je ta skrivnostni in mogočni kozmos navdihoval še naprej – denimo Ligetija v Atmosferah. Sir Neville Marriner, ki ga bomo z največjim veseljem letos prvič pozdravili med nami, nam bo predstavil glasbo Planetov Gustava Holsta, daljni odmev glasbe sfer Pitagore in Platona. Elliott Carter, ki so ga pri njegovem Koncertu za orkester navdihovali Vetrovi SaintJohna Persa, se naslanja na močno poetično evokacijo francoskega pesnika, ki je telesna in metafizična hkrati, da bi v glasbi našel realnost energij in matematičnih odnosov, ki se zrcalijo v svetu ter naravnih pojavih. In končno, tako poznoromantičen kot moderen nam Gustav Mahler v Pesmi o Zemlji zgosti, ali pa se vsaj tako zdi, vse mogoče vezi med glasbo in naravo. Najvišja duhovnost tega dela nas kliče k najvitalnejšemu bistvu človeške narave, ki jo odkriva in osvobaja tolažilni čar glasbe in ustvarjanja. To visoko mahlerijansko vizijo poslanstva Glasbe želimo z vso avtentičnostjo in strastjo ohranjati skupaj z Vami. Za podporo smo Vam zelo hvaležni. Naj Vam ta sezona prinese toliko lepega, kolikor smo ga izkusili mi, ki smo jo pripravljali ... Emmanuel Villaume, šef dirigent Orkestra Slovenske filharmonije It is with pleasure and pride that I present to you our new subscription season 2011/2012. Due to quality work in recent years, the reputation of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra in the international scene is strengthening. We are able to regularly host internationally known artists, who collaborate with our musicians with genuine pleasure and grow acquainted with Slovenia, thus becoming excellent ambassadors for Slovenian culture in the world. In addition to these artists, we endeavour to present promising young performers in order to become acquainted with and support new talent before these artists are “grabbed” by the music industry. In the coming season we will find a balance between works of classical, romantic, postromantic, modern and contemporary music. We will present the music of our time in an eclectic way, without favouring any particular styles or schools. We are also introducing an innovation: in a desire for even greater programme coherence and new connections in terms of content our concert socialising will be linked by a particular theme, the theme of MUSIC AND NATURE. With the four seasons, living organisms, oceans, the wind, forests and their rustling, nature has inspired composers of all periods; however, almost by definition, it is in the music of the Romantics that nature earns its most important role, with Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony being the most salient example. In addition to the evocation of nature, Beethoven also paints the liberation of the human soul in all of its expressions, with a power and authenticity so characteristic of the composer. In the animal kingdom, birds undoubtedly occupy a special place for the musician. Alongside the nightingale, the quail and the cuckoo in the Pastoral Symphony, Respighi’s Birds (Gli uccelli) or Delius’s spring cuckoo, the Exotic Birds (Oiseaux Exotiques) of Olivier Messiaen is a precise ornithological work such as can only be created by an enthusiastic musician attempting to penetrate the secret of creation. On the other hand, Stravinsky’s The Song of the Nightingale (Le chant du rossignol) places us in the heart of the aesthetic questions of music of the twentieth century, questions about the mechanical and the human, the subjective and the objective. In ancient times, music was a reflection of the universe, the heavenly bodies and the harmony between them. In the twentieth century the significance of the conception of nature underwent a fundamental change, but the mysterious and powerful cosmos continued to be a source of inspiration, such as in Ligeti’s Atmospheres. Sir Neville Marriner, whom it gives us the greatest pleasure to welcome to Ljubljana this year for the first time, will present the music of The Planets by Gustav Holst, a distant echo of the music of the spheres of Pythagoras and Plato. Elliott Carter’s Concerto for Orchestra was inspired by Saint-John Perse’s poem Vents (Winds). Carter drew on the powerful poetic evocation of the French poet, which is simultaneously both physical and metaphysical, in order for the music to find the reality of the energies and mathematical relationships that are reflected in the world and in natural phenomena. And finally, both late romantic and mo-dern, in his Song of the Earth (Das Lied von der Erde) Gustav Mahler condenses for us, at least so it seems, all of the possible connections between music and nature. The highest spirituality of this work calls us to the most vital essence of human nature, which is revealed and liberated by the consoling charm of music and creativity. Together with you we would like to preserve the high Mahlerian vision of the mission of music with all authenticity and passion. We are very grateful to you for your support. May this season bring you as much beauty as we have experienced in preparing it… Emmanuel Villaume, Chief conductor of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Poslovni sistem Mercator d.d., Dunajska c. 107, 1000 Ljubljana Živite s Piko Zaslužite si najboljše Lepo je vedeti, da nekdo ceni in spoštuje, kar ste dosegli v življenju. Z zlato kartico Mercator Pika vam zagotavljamo vrsto posebnih ugodnosti, ki so namenjene najbolj zahtevnim. Poleg običajnih ugodnosti, ki jih uživajo imetniki kartice Mercator Pika, boste z zlato kartico deležni še neomejenega limita uporabe ter možnosti telefonskega prednaročanja v izbranih poslovalnicah Mercatorja. Z vedno bolj razvejano mrežo partnerjev v sistemu kartice Mercator Pika za imetnike zlate kartice pripravljamo posebna presenečenja. Pustite se razvajati, vstopite v elitni klub imetnikov zlate kartice Mercator Pika. Pogoji za pridobitev zlate kartice Mercator Pika so objavljeni na spletnih straneh in v zgibankah. Zgibanke kartice Mercator Pika so na voljo na vseh prodajnih mestih Mercator, Mercatorjevih franšiznih prodajalnah in v vseh prodajalnah partnerjev v sistemu kartice Mercator Pika. Za dodatne informacije pokličite brezplačno telefonsko številko 080 2 080. Maruša Šuštar, Orionova simfonija/Simphony of Orion, 180x190 cm Oranæni/Orange Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Gallusova dvorana Cankarjev dom ob 19.30 Gallus Hall Cankarjev dom at 7.30 p.m. 2 6. in 7. oktober 2011 6 and 7 October 2011 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Kenneth Montgomery Eugene Ugorski violina/violin J. Sibelius, Oceanide, op. 73 The Oceanides, Op. 73 J. Sibelius, Koncert za violino in orkester v d-molu, op. 47 Violin Concerto in D Minor, Op. 47 A. Dvorˇák, V naravi, op. 91 In Nature’s Realm, Op. 91 G. Mahler, Pesmi iz »Dečkovega čudežnega roga« – izbor Songs from “The Youth’s Magic Horn” – selection G. Mahler, Kaj mi pripovedujejo rože na travniku – Tempo di Menuetto (2. stavek Simfonije št. 3) What the Flowers on the Meadow Tell Me – Tempo di Menuetto (2nd movement of Symphony No. 3) F. Chaslin, Viharni vrh – zborovska suita Wuthering Heights – choral suite T. Vulc, novo delo/new work O. Messiaen, Eksotične ptice Exotic Birds (Oiseaux Exotiques) C. Debussy, Pomlad – simfonična suita Spring (Printemps) – Symphonic Suite G. Faure, Balada za klavir in orkester, op. 19 Ballade for Piano and Orchestra, Op.19 B. Smetana, Moja domovina: Vltava, Iz čeških logov in gajev My Fatherland: Vltava, From Bohemia’s Woods and Fields G. Bizet, Simfonija v C-duru/Symphony in C Major 27. in 28. oktober 2011 27 and 28 October 2011 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Jacek Kaspszyk Anja German klavir/piano 1 16. in 17. februar 2012 16 and 17 February 2012 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije/Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Emmanuel Villaume Adam Neiman klavir/piano L. Janaček, Lisička zvitorepka – suita The Cunning Little Vixen – suite 3 15. in 16. september 2011 15 and 16 September 2011 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir dirigent/conductor Frederic Chaslin Jonathan Michie bariton/baritone 5 K. Penderecki, De natura sonoris št. 1 De natura sonoris No. 1 L. van Beethoven, Koncert za klavir in orkester št. 3 v c-molu, op. 37 Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 37 J. Brahms, Serenada št. 1 v D-duru, op. 11 Serenade No. 1 in D Major, Op. 11 4 24. in 25. november 2011 24 and 25 November 2011 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije/Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Lovrenc Blaž Arnič Karmen Pečar violončelo/cello B. Bersa, Sončna polja/Sunny Fields A. Hačaturjan, Koncert za violončelo in orkester v e-molu Cello Concerto in E Minor B. Arnič, Simfonija št. 5, op. 22 Symphony No. 5, Op. 22 6 8. in 9. marec 2012 8 and 9 March 2012 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir dirigent/conductor sir Neville Marriner J. Haydn, Simfonija št. 59 v A-duru, »Ogenj« Symphony No. 59 in A major, “Fire” A. Webern, V poletnem vetru In the Summer Wind G. Holst, Planeti/The Planets 7 5. in 6. april 2012 5 and 6 April 2012 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir dirigent/conductor Emmanuel Villaume Sabina Cvilak sopran/soprano Marcos Fink bariton/baritone M. Ravel, Ladja na oceanu Une barque sur l'ocean J. Haydn, Simfonija št. 73 v D-duru, »Lov« Symphony No. 73 in D Major, “Hunt (La Chasse)” G. Faure, Requiem 8 10. in 11. maj 2012 10 and 11 May 2012 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Martin Sieghart Dubravka Tomšič Srebotnjak klavir/piano J. Haydn, Stvarjenje – Predstavitev kaosa The Creation (Die Schöpfung) – Representa tion of Chaos L. van Beethoven, Koncert za klavir in orkester št. 1 v C-duru, op. 15 Piano Concerto No. 1 in C Major, Op. 15 A. Bruckner, Simfonija št. 6 v A-duru Symphony No. 6 in A Major 9 31. maj in 1. junij 2012 31 May and 1 June 2012 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Emmanuel Villaume Fazil Say klavir/piano L. van Beethoven, Fidelio – uvertura Fidelio – Overture L. van Beethoven, Koncert za klavir in orkester št. 5 v Es-duru, op. 73 Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat major, Op. 73 R. Wagner, Zarja in Siegfriedova vožnja po Renu iz opere Somrak bogov Dawn and Siegfried’s Rhine Journey from Götterdämmerung Gozdno šepetanje iz opere Siegfried Forest Murmurs from Siegfried Siegfriedova smrt, žalna glasba in sklepni prizor iz opere Somrak bogov Siegfried’s Death, Funeral Music and Final Scene from Götterdämmerung 15. in 16. september 2011 ob 19.30 15 and 16 September 2011 at 7.30 p.m. 1 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir Jonathan Mitcihe Frederic Chaslin dirigent/conductor Frederic Chaslin Jonathan Michie bariton/baritone A. Dvorˇák V naravi, op. 91 In Nature’s Realm, Op. 91 G. Mahler Pesmi iz »Dečkovega čudežnega roga« – izbor Songs from "The Youth's Magic Horn" (Lieder aus "Des Knaben Wunderhorn") – selection G. Mahler Kaj mi pripovedujejo rože na travniku – Tempo di Menuetto (2. stavek Simfonije št. 3) What the Flowers on the Meadow Tell Me (Was mir die Blumen auf der Wiese erzählen) – Tempo di Menuetto (2nd movement of Symphony No. 3) F. Chaslin Viharni vrh – zborovska suita Wuthering Heights – choral suite 6. in 7. oktober 2011, ob 19.30 6 and 7 October 2011 at 7.30 p.m. Eugene Ugorski, foto: Marco Borggreve Kenneth Montgomery, foto: Marco Borggreve Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Kenneth Montgomery Eugene Ugorski violina/violin J. Sibelius Oceanide, op. 73 The Oceanides, Op. 73 J. Sibelius Koncert za violino in orkester v d-molu, op. 47 Violin Concerto in D Minor, Op. 47 L. Janaček Lisička zvitorepka – suita The Cunning Little Vixen – suite B. Smetana Moja domovina: Vltava, Iz čeških logov in gajev My Fatherland: Vltava, From Bohemia’s Woods and Fields 2 27. in 28. oktober 2011, ob 19.30 27 and 28 October 2011 at 7.30 p.m. Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Jacek Kaspszyk Anja German Jacek Kaspszyk Anja German klavir/piano K. Penderecki De natura sonoris št. 1 De natura sonoris No. 1 L. van Beethoven Koncert za klavir in orkester št. 3 v c-molu, op. 37 Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 37 J. Brahms Serenada št. 1 v D-duru, op. 11 Serenade No. 1 in D Major, Op. 11 3 Po besedah Dvorˇákovega učenca Otakarja Šourka v koncertni uverturi V naravi »narava poje simfonijo o svojih velikih skrivnostih, simfonijo o življenju in ljubezni. Obdan s tem radostnim hvalospevom se človek počuti oplemenitenega, polnega radosti in moči«. Naj bo Dvorˇákova himna naravi dobra popotnica celotni sezoni, katere rdeča nit je povezava med GLASBO IN NARAVO. “Nature sings the symphony of her great Mystery, the symphony of Life and Love. And Man, surrounded by this jubilant hymn, feels ennobled, full of joy and strength.” May Dvorˇák’s hymn to nature be a positive point of departure for the whole season, whose common thread is the connection between MUSIC AND NATURE. Navezanost Gustava Mahlerja na poezijo je bila ena izmed stalnic skladateljevega življenja in opusa. Če pustimo ob strani njegove lastne verze, so ga najdlje spre mljale pesmi iz Dečkovega čudežnega roga, zbirke nemške ljudske poezije z začetka 19. stoletja, ki sta jo uredila zgodnjeromantična pesnika Achim von Arnim in Clemens Bretano. Z uglasbitvami teh besedil je Mahler upodobil svet zaljubljen cev, vojakov, preprostih ljudi, lepote narave in tesno povezanost z njo ter nešteto čustev – od prešernega veselja do globokega obupa. Na prvem koncertu Oranžnega abonmaja bomo slišali štiri pesmi po izbiri dirigenta Frederica Chaslina. Gustav Mahler’s affinity to poetry was one of the constants of the composer’s life and opus. Apart from his own verse, Mahler’s most durable poetic companion was poetry from The Youth’s Magic Horn (Des Knaben Wunderhorn), a collection of German folk poetry from the beginning of the 19th century, edited by the early Romantic poets Achim von Arnim and Clemens Bretano. In setting these texts to music, Mahler depicted the world of lovers, soldiers, simple folk, the beauty of nature and man’s close connection to it, as well as countless emotions - from mirthful happiness to deep despair. At the first concert from the Orange Subscription Series we will hear four songs from the collection, conducted by Frederic Chaslin. Drugi stavek Tretje simfonije (Tempo di Menuetto) je Mahler poimenoval Kaj mi pripovedujejo rože na travniku in ga opisal kot »najbolj brezskrbno stvar, kar jih je kdaj napisal – tako brezskrbno, kot so lahko le rože. [Glasba] niha in valovi v zraku ... kot rože, ki se na svojih stebelcih upogibajo v vetru.« Vsebina Oceanid, kot je poudaril Sibelius, »izhaja iz grške mitologije (oz. Homerjevih del) in ne iz Kalevale,« vendar so številni menili, da je skladba »morska« protiutež turobnim in strašljivim krajinam, ki jih je uprizoril v svojih poznejših mojstrovinah te zvrsti. Na sporedu drugega koncerta bosta tudi dve izmed šestih simfoničnih pesnitev Smetanovega cikla Moja domovina (Má Vlast), nastalega med letoma 1874 in 1879. Najbolj znana med njimi je Vltava: svojevrstni rondo, ki z značilnim in naraščajočim glasbenim motivom realistično tonsko slika pokrajino in življenje ljudi ob reki. Pesnitev Iz čeških logov in gajev je glasbeni sprehod po čeških pokrajinah, ki si ga, po besedah avtorja, »vsak lahko razlaga po svoje«. Tretji koncert bo odprla skladba Krzysztofa Pendereckega De natura sonoris iz leta 1966. Naslov je parafraza naslova dela Tita Lukrecija Kara (rimskega filozofa in pesnika, 95–55 pr.n.št.) De rerum natura (O naravi stvari). Že samo ime skladbe nakazuje, da gre za izjemno učinkovito raziskovanje narave, in sicer narave zvoka ne samo v matematičnem in fizikalnem pomenu (valovi, razmerja ipd.), temveč tudi filozofskem. Kot zanimivost omenimo, da smo to delo prvič (in zadnjič) slišali na koncertu Oranžnega abonmaja 24. februarja 1967, le deset mesecev po krstni izvedbi. The second movement from the Third Symphony (Tempo di Menuetto) was la belled What the Flowers on the Meadow Tell Me (Was mir die Blumen auf der Wiese erzählen) by Mahler himself, and he describes it as “the most carefree thing that I have ever written - as carefree as only flowers are. It all sways and waves in the air ... like flowers bending on their stems in the wind." As Sibelius himself emphasised, the content of The Oceanides “derives from Greek mythology, from the works of Homer, and not from Kalevala”. However, many believe that the composition is an “oceanic” counterbalance to the turbulent and terrifying places that the composer depicted in his later masterpieces of this genre. The programme of the second concert will include two of the six symphonic poems from Smetana’s cycle My Fatherland (Má Vlast), composed between 1874 and 1879. The best known amongst them is Vltava, a kind of rondo that, with its characteristic and growing music, creates a realistic tone painting of the landscape and life of the people inhabiting the riverbanks. The poetry of From Bohemia’s Woods and Fields is a musical stroll through the Czech countryside that, in the words of the composer, “each person can explain as they like”. The third concert will open with a composition by Krzysztof Penderecki, De natura sonoris, from 1966. The title is a paraphrase of the title of a work by Titus Lucretius Carus (Roman philosopher and poet, 95-55 BC) De rerum natura (On the Nature of Things). This title alone indicates that we are dealing with an extraordinarily efficient investigation of nature; the nature of sound not only in a mathematical and physical sense (waves, ratios, etc.), but also in a philosophical sense. It is interesting to note that in Slovenia we heard the work for the first (and last) time in a concert of the Orange Subscription Series on 24 February 1967, just ten months after the work’s premiere performance. 24. in 25. november 2011, ob 19.30 24 and 25 November 2011 at 7.30 p.m. Karmen Pečar, foto: Aleksander Onišak Lovrenc Blaž Arnič, foto: Tihomir Pinter Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Lovrenc Blaž Arnič Karmen Pečar violončelo/cello B. Bersa Sončna polja Sunny Fields A. Hačaturjan Koncert za violončelo in orkester v e-molu Cello Concerto in E Minor B. Arnič Simfonija št. 5, op. 22 Symphony No. 5, Op. 22 4 16. in 17. februar 2012, ob 19.30 16 and 17 February 2012 at 7.30 p.m. Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Adam Neiman Emmanuel Villaume, foto: Akos dirigent/conductor Emmanuel Villaume Adam Neiman klavir/piano T. Vulc novo delo/new work O. Messiaen Eksotične ptice Exotic Birds (Oiseaux Exotiques) C. Debussy Pomlad – simfonična suita Spring (Printemps) – Symphonic Suite G. Faure Balada za klavir in orkester, op. 19 Ballade for Piano and Orchestra, Op.19 G. Bizet Simfonija v C-duru Symphony in C Major 5 8. in 9. marec 2012, ob 19.30 8 and 9 March 2012 at 7.30 p.m. Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Orkeste Slovenske filharmonije sir Neville Marriner Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir dirigent/conductor sir Neville Marriner J. Haydn Simfonija št. 59 v A-duru, »Ogenj« Symphony No. 59 in A major, “Fire” A. Webern V poletnem vetru In the Summer Wind (Im Sommerwind) G. Holst Planeti The Planets 6 Vodilno ime hrvaške glasbene moderne Blagoje Bersa je kot skladatelj dozorel na Dunaju. Zato ne preseneča, da v njegovih simfoničnih delih srečamo mahlerjevski koncept glasbenega programa, ozvočen z izjemnim smislom za kolorit ter s Straus sovo orkestrsko fakturo. Med najpogosteje izvajanimi skladbami je tudi mojstrsko orkestrirana simfonična pesnitev Sončna polja iz leta 1919. Olivier Messiaen je dejal, da mu je učitelj Paul Dukas svetoval: »Poslušajte ptice; so veliki mojstri«. In je poslušal. Poslušal je resno in pozorno – rezultat pa je bil niz skladb, med njimi tudi Eksotične ptice za klavir in komorni orkester. Debussy je program skladbe Pomlad opisal kot »počasno, težavno rojevanje bitij in stvari v naravi, njihov postopni razcvet, na koncu pa tudi veselje ob ponovnem rojstvu v nekem novem življenju.« Webern je le nekaj tednov pred srečanjem z Arnoldom Schönbergom (postal je skladateljev mentor in prijatelj) dokončal svoje mladostno delo – idilo za veliki orkester V poletnem vetru, ki je bila prvič izvedena šele leta 1962. Čeprav je bila navdih za skladbo pesnitev nemškega filozofa Bruna Willeja, so glasbeni vplivi (Wagner, Strauss, Mahler) precej pomembnejši od pesniških. Leta 1913 je Gustav Holst pisal prijatelju: »... preučujem le tiste stvari, ki mi sugerirajo glasbo. V zadnjem času mi je značaj vsakega planeta povedal veliko, hkrati sem dokaj natančno preučeval astrologijo.« Pet let pozneje pa je dirigentu Adrianu Boultu dejal: »V Planetih (mislim v mojih Planetih) ni ničesar, kar bi lahko izrazili z besedami.« Holstova glasba bo kot oddaljeni odmev glasbe sfer Pitagore in Platona ali les tvice nebesnih teles Roberta Fludda sklenila spored šestega koncerta Oranžnega abonmaja. The leading name of Croatian musical modernism, Blagoje Bersa, matured as a composer in Vienna. It therefore comes as no surprise that in his symphonic works we encounter the Mahlerian concept of musical programme, realised in sound with an extraordinary sense for colour revealing Strauss’s orchestral fingerprint. Amongst Bersa’s most performed compositions is Sunny Fields, his masterfully orchestrated symphonic poem from 1919. Olivier Messiaen recalled that his teacher Paul Dukas once advised him: “Listen to the birds; they are the great masters”. And he listened; he listened seriously and attentively. The result was a series of compositions including Exotic Birds (Oiseaux Exotiques) for piano and chamber orchestra. Debussy described the programme for his composition Spring (Printemps) as: “the slow, laboured birth of beings and things in nature, their gradual blossoming, and finally the joy of being born into some new life.” Only a few weeks before meeting Arnold Schoenberg, who was to become his mentor and friend, Webern completed his youthful masterpiece, the idyll for large orchestra In the Summer Wind (Im Sommerwind), a work that did not receive its first performance until 1962. Although the composer found inspiration for the composition in the poetry of German philosopher Bruno Wille, the musical influences (Wagner, Strauss, Mahler) are in fact more significant than the poetic. In 1913, Gustav Holst wrote to a friend: “…(I) only study things that suggest music to me. Recently the character of each planet has suggested lots to me, and I have been studying astrology fairly closely.” Five years later, he remarked to conductor Adrian Boult: “There is nothing in the Planets (my Planets, I mean) that can be expressed in words.” As a distant echo of the music of the spheres of Pythagoras and Plato, or of Robert Fludd’s scale of heavenly bodies, Holst’s music will conclude the programme of the sixth concert of the Orange Subscription Series. 5. in 6. april 2012, ob 19.30 5 and 6 April 2012 at 7.30 p.m. Marcos Fink, foto: Miha Cerar Sabina Cvilak, foto: Marjan Laznik Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir dirigent/conductor Emmanuel Villaume Sabina Cvilak sopran/soprano Marcos Fink bariton/baritone M. Ravel Ladja na oceanu Une barque sur l'ocean J. Haydn Simfonija št. 73 v D-duru, »Lov« Symphony No. 73 in D Major, “Hunt (La Chasse)” G. Faure Requiem 7 10. in 11. maj 2012, ob 19.30 10 and 11 May 2012 at 7.30 p.m. Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Martin Sieghart Dubravka Tomšič Srebotnjak, foto: Scott Campbell Martin Sieghart Dubravka Tomšič Srebotnjak klavir/piano J. Haydn Stvarjenje – Predstavitev kaosa The Creation (Die Schöpfung) – Representation of Chaos L. van Beethoven Koncert za klavir in orkester št. 1 v C-duru, op. 15 Piano Concerto No. 1 in C Major, Op. 15 A. Bruckner Simfonija št. 6 v A-duru, WAB 106 Symphony No. 6 in A Major, WAB 106 8 31. maj in 1. junij 2012, ob 19.30 31 May and 1 June 2012 at 7.30 p.m. 9 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Fazil Say, foto: Marco Borggreve Emmanuel Villaume, foto: Akos dirigent/conductor Emmanuel Villaume Fazil Say klavir/piano L. van Beethoven Fidelio – uvertura Fidelio – Overture L. van Beethoven Koncert za klavir in orkester št. 5 v Es-duru, op. 73 Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat major, Op. 73 R. Wagner Zarja in Siegfriedova vožnja po Renu iz opere Somrak bogov Dawn and Siegfried’s Rhine Journey from Götterdämmerung Gozdno šepetanje iz opere Siegfried Forest Murmurs from Siegfried Siegfriedova smrt, žalna glasba in sklepni prizor iz opere Somrak bogov Siegfried’s Death, Funeral Music and Final Scene from Götterdämmerung Maurice Ravel je v letih 1904–1905 napisal serijo petih na videz nepovezanih klavirskih skladb z naslovom Ogledala in vsak stavek posvetil po enemu članu Apašev (skupine naprednih mladih slikarjev, pesnikov, kritikov in glasbenikov). Skladatelj za orkester ni priredil vseh delov skladbe, temveč je leta 1906 takoj po krstni izvedbi orkestriral tretji stavek Ladja na oceanu (posvečen slikarju Paulu Sordesu), dva najst let pozneje pa še četrtega – Alborado del gracioso. Oratorij Stvarjenje je vsekakor vrhunec Haydnovega opusa, uvodni del oratorija – Predstavitev kaosa – pa je s šokantnimi, nerazvezanimi disonancami, fragmentira nimi temami in nenavadnim razvrščanjem instrumentov najnaprednejši del celotne skladbe. Kaos je obstajal pred vsem: stvarjenjem zemlje, živih bitji in človeka; iz kao sa se je rodila narava, iz kaosa je nastala glasba ... Oranžni abonma bo sklenila glasba Richarda Wagnerja, ki je imela izredno močan vpliv na njegove sodobnike in naslednike. Od prvih skic do zaključka oz. krstne izvedbe opere Somrak bogov je preteklo skorajda trideset let. Wagner je »scenarij« za četrti in hkrati zadnji del svoje velike tetralogije Nibelungov prstan (prvotno poi menovan Siegfriedova smrt) dokončal 20. oktobra 1848. Danes dva obsežna orke strska odlomka – Zarjo in Siegfriedovo vožnjo po Renu iz Prologa ter Siegfriedovo smrt, žalno glasbo in zaključno sceno iz tretjega dejanja – pogosto izvajajo in objavljajo ločeno od celotnega dela. Siegfrieda, osrednjega junaka Prstana, sre čamo šele v istoimenski operi, ki je tretji del cikla. Pred vsemi velikimi dejanji junak za hip postane globoko v gozdu, kjer se spomni svojih izgubljenih staršev. Orkester pa ponazarja šelestenje listja – Gozdno šepetanje. In 1904 in 1905, Maurice Ravel wrote a series of five apparently unconnected piano compositions entitled Miroirs (Reflections), with each movement being dedicated to one member of Les Apaches, a group of progressive young painters, poets, critics and musicians. The composer did not arrange all of the pieces for orchestra, but in 1906, directly after the premiere performance, orchestrated the third movement Une barque sur l'ocean (A Boat on the Ocean), dedicated to painter Paul Sordes, and twelve years later made an orchestral setting of the fourth movement, Alborado del gracioso. There is no doubt that the oratorio The Creation represents the peak of Haydn’s opus. The opening section of the oratorio, Representation of Chaos, with its shocking, disconnected, dissonant, fragmentary themes and unusually arranged instruments, is the most progressive part of the entire composition. Chaos precedes everything: the creation of the world, living beings and mankind; from chaos nature is born, from chaos music comes into existence… The Orange Subscription Series will conclude with the music of Richard Wagner, who had an extraordinarily powerful influence on both his contemporaries and his successors. From the first sketches to the conclusion, or premiere performance, of the opera Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods) almost 30 years elapsed. Wagner completed the “script” for the fourth and last part of his great tetralogy Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung), originally entitled Siegfried’s Death, on 20 October, 1848. Today, two extensive orchestral excerpts - Dawn and Siegfried’s Rhine Journey from the Prologue and Siegfried’s Death, Funeral Music and Final Scene from the third act - are often performed and broadcast separately from the entire work. We only meet Siegfried, the central hero of The Ring, in the opera of the same name, which forms the third part of the cycle. Prior to all of the great events the hero finds himself for a moment deep in the forest, where he recalls his lost parents. The orchestra depicts the rustling of the leaves – Forest Murmurs. Maruša Šuštar, Utopija/Utopia, 190x140 cm Modri/Blue Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Gallusova dvorana Cankarjev dom ob 19.30 Gallus Hall Cankarjev dom at 7.30 p.m. 5 2 20. in 21. oktober 2011 20 and 21 October 2011 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Aleksander Rudin Jaka Stadler violončelo/cello A. Ljadov, Jagababa, op. 56 Baba-Yaga, Op. 56 A. Ljadov, Začarano jezero, op. 62 Enchanted Lake, Op. 62 B. Kos, Koncert za violončelo in orkester (novo delo) Concerto for Cello and Orchestra (new work) P. I. Čajkovski, Simfonija št. 1 v g-molu, op. 13, »Zimske sanje« Symphony No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 13, “Winter Dreams” 1 29. in 30. september 2011 29 and 30 September 2011 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent in solist/conductor and soloist Julian Rachlin W. A. Mozart, Uvertura k operi Figarova svatba, K. 492 The Marriage of Figaro (Le nozze di Figaro), K. 492 – Overture W. A. Mozart, Simfonija št. 35 v D-duru, »Haffnerjeva«, K. 385 Symphony No. 35 in D Major, K. 385, “Haffner” P. Hindemith, Žalna glasba za violo in godalni orkester Funeral Music (Trauermusik) for viola and string orchestra A. Piazzolla, Štirje letni časi v Buenos Airesu The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires (Cuatro Estaciones porteñas) 3 10. in 11. november 2011 10 and 11 November 2011 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Emmanuel Villaume Bernarda Fink alt/alto Torsten Kerl tenor/tenor E. Carter, Koncert za orkester Concerto for Orchestra G. Mahler, Pesem o Zemlji The Song of the Earth (Das Lied von der Erde) 4 1. in 2. december 2011 1 and 2 December 2011 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir dirigent/conductor Emmanuel Villaume Bernarda Bobro sopran/soprano Barbara Sorč alt/alto Tomislav Mužek tenor/tenor Lucas Debevec Mayer bas/bass W. A. Mozart, Requiem, K. 626 23. in 24. februar 2012 23 and 24 February 2012 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Ivan Repušić Allen Vizzutti trobenta/trumpet O. Respighi, Ptiči – suita Birds (Gli uccelli) – Suite H. Tomasi, Koncert za trobento Trumpet Concerto N. Rimski-Korsakov, Šeherezada, op. 35 Shéhérazade, Op. 35 6 29. in 30. marec 2012 29 and 30 March 2012 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Emmanuel Villaume Sarah Chang violina/violin M. Šijanec, novo delo/new work F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Koncert za violino in orkester v e-molu, op. 64 Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op. 64 L. van Beethoven, Simfonija št. 6 v F-duru, op. 68, »Pastoralna« Symphony No. 6 in F Major, Op. 68, ”Pastorale” 7 12. in 13. april 2012 12 and 13 April 2012 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Giancarlo Guerrero Andrew von Oeyen klavir/piano G. Ligeti, Atmosfere/Atmospheres W. A. Mozart, Koncert za klavir in orkester št. 22 v Es-duru, K. 482 Piano Concerto No. 22 in E-flat Major, K. 482 A. Hovhaness, Simfonija št. 2, op. 132, »Skrivnostna gora« Symphony No. 2, Op. 132, “Mysterious Mountain” A. Copland, Apalaška pomlad – suita Appalachian Spring – Suite 8 24. in 25. maj 2012 24 and 25 May 2012 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor George Pehlivanian Marian Lapšansky klavir/piano P. I. Čajkovski, Koncert za klavir in orkester št. 2 v G-duru, op. 44 Piano Concerto No. 2 in G Major, Op. 44 I. Stravinski, Slavčkova pesem Song of the Nightingale (Le chant du rossignol) S. Prokofjev, Skitska suita, op. 20 Scythian Suite, Op. 20 9 14. in 15. junij 2012 14 and 15 June 2012 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Matthias Bamert Nicolas Altstaedt violončelo/cello F. Delius, Ko spomladi zaslišiš prvo kukavico On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring R. Schumann, Koncert za violončelo in orkester v a-molu, op. 129 Cello Concerto in A Minor, Op. 129 J. Brahms/A. Schönberg, Klavirski kvartet v g-molu, op. 25 Piano Quartet in G Minor, Op. 25 29. in 30. september 2011, ob 19.30 29 and 30 September 2011 at 7.30 p.m. 1 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Julian Rachlin, foto: Dubravko Bulić Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Julian Rachlin W. A. Mozart Uvertura k operi Figarova svatba, K. 492 The Marriage of Figaro (Le nozze di Figaro), K. 492 – Overture W. A. Mozart Simfonija št. 35 v D-duru, »Haffnerjeva«, K. 385 Symphony No. 35 in D Major, K. 385, “Haffner” P. Hindemith Žalna glasba za violo in godalni orkester Funeral Music (Trauermusik) for viola and string orchestra A. Piazzolla Štirje letni časi v Buenos Airesu The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires (Cuatro Estaciones porteñas) 20. in 21. oktober 2011, ob 19.30 20 and 21 October 2011 at 7.30 p.m. Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Jaka Stadler violončelo/cello Jaka Stadler Aleksander Rudin dirigent/conductor Aleksander Rudin A. Ljadov Jagababa, op. 56/Baba-Yaga, Op. 56 A. Ljadov Začarano jezero, op. 62 Enchanted Lake, Op. 62 B. Kos Koncert za violončelo in orkester (novo delo) Concerto for Cello and Orchestra (new work) P. I. Čajkovski Simfonija št. 1 v g-molu, op. 13, »Zimske sanje« Symphony No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 13, “Winter Dreams” 2 10. in 11. november 2011, ob 19.30 10 and 11 November 2011 at 7.30 p.m. 3 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Emmanuel Villaume Torsten Kerl tenor/tenor Torsten Kerl, foto: Bettina Stoss Bernarda Fink Bernarda Fink alt/alto E. Carter Koncert za orkester Concerto for Orchestra G. Mahler Pesem o Zemlji The Song of the Earth (Das Lied von der Erde) V sodelovanju s 13. Festivalom Slowind 2011/In cooperation with the 13th Festival Sowind 2011 »ELLIOTT CARTER - TEMPO E TEMPI« Modri abonma bo odprla glasba priljubljenega argentinskega skladatelja in bande onista Astorja Piazzolle Štirje letni časi v Buenos Airesu, v izvirniku napisana za kvintet (violina, bandoneon, električna kitara, klavir in kontrabas). Nastala je med letoma 1965 in 1970. V suiti, ki je poklon argentinskemu tangu in hkrati opusu An tonia Vivaldija, je skladatelj s svojim tangom nuevom vdihnil novo življenje tradicio nalnim klasičnim oblikam. Danes, dvajset let po Piazzollovi smrti, so Letni časi eno izmed njegovih najbolj znanih del. Drugi koncert nas bo popeljal na nasprotni konec sveta – v Rusijo. Z glasbo izjemne ga mojstra orkestracije Anatola Ljadova se bomo potopili v Začarano jezero. »Kako slikovito je,« je dejal skladatelj, »in tako bistro, množica zvezd lebdi nad skrivnostmi globin ... samo narava je lahko takšna – hladna, zlobna in fantastična kot pravljica.« O hladni ruski zimi pripoveduje tudi Simfonija št. 1 P. I. Čajkovskega. Pri tem ne posnema zvokov vetra in kraguljčkov na saneh, temveč izraža skladateljeve občutke in razmišljanja. V nasprotju z nekaterimi drugimi skladbami (npr. Simfonijama št. 2 in 3), ki so jim podnaslove pozneje dodali kritiki, je podnaslov Zimske sanje (kakor tudi naslova prvih dveh stavkov) delo avtorja samega. S prvo različico (iz 1866.) je bil nezadovoljen, zato je v naslednjih osmih letih delo večkrat revidiral, a desetletje pozneje v pismu Karlu Albrechtu priznal: »Kljub vsem očitnim pomanjkljivostim sem še vedno navezan nanjo, saj je greh moje sladke mladosti.« O svojem Koncertu za orkester (tretji koncert Modrega abonmaja) je Elliott Carter zapisal: »Značaj moje skladbe, ki jo je Newyorška filharmonična družba naročila ob svoji 125-letnici, je določila pesnitev Vetrovi, ki je avtorju, francoskemu pesniku Saint-Johnu Persu, prinesla Nobelovo nagrado. Ta poezija me je pritegnila z obsež nimi, skoraj whitmanovskimi opisi Združenih držav, ki jih nenehno bičajo mogočne sile, kot so vetrovi; sile, ki vedno spreminjajo, preoblikujejo ali brišejo preteklost in prinašajo sveže in novo.« Pesem o Zemlji Gustava Mahlerja (z značilno dihotomijo: v naslovu je pesem, v podnaslovu pa simfonija – za tenor in alt/bariton ter orkester) z besedami starokitaj ske poezije opeva marsikaj: jesen in pomlad, mladost in lepoto, resignacijo in slovo, smrt in večnost. Poje o zemlji, o naravi, ki je bila in bo – večno ... Ali kot je v zadnjih verzih skladbe zapisal avtor: »Ljuba Zemlja vsepovsod cveti v pomladi in zeleni na novo. Povsod in za vedno modro se svetijo daljave, večno … večno …« The Blue Subscription Series will open with the music of the popular Argentinean composer and bandoneon player Astor Piazzolla, The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires (Cuatro Estaciones porteñas), the original version of which was written for quintet (violin, bandoneon, electric guitar, piano and contrabass). Composed between 1965 and 1970, the suite is a tribute to the Argentinean tango as well as to the opus of Antonio Vivaldi. With his tango nuevo the composer breathes new life into traditional classical forms. Today, some twenty years after Piazzolla’s death, the Four Seasons is one of his best known works. The second concert will convey us to the opposite side of the world - to Russia. With music by the extraordinary master of orchestration, Anatol Ljadov, we will immerse ourselves in an Enchanted Lake. “How picturesque it is,” said the com poser, “how clear, the multitude of stars hovering over the mysteries of the deep … only nature can be like this – cold, malevolent, and fantastic as a fairy tale.” P. I. Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 1 also speaks of the cold Russian winter, but rather than imitating the sound of the wind and the sleigh bells it expresses the composer’s own emotions and reflections. Unlike certain of Tchaikovsky’s other works, (e.g., Symphonies No. 2 and 3), which were given subtitles by critics, the subtitle Winter Dreams, as well as the titles of the first two movements, were contributed by the composer himself. Tchaikovsky was not satisfied with the first version (from 1866) and therefore over the next eight years revised the symphony several times. However, a decade later in a letter to Karl Albrecht he acknowledged: “Despite all its glaring deficiencies I have a soft spot for it, for it is a sin of my sweet youth.” Referring to his Concerto for Orchestra (programmed in the third concert of the Blue Subscription Series) Elliott Carter wrote: “The general character of my composition, which the New York Philharmonic Society commissioned for its 125th anniversary, was suggested by the Nobel Prize-winning poem “Winds” (Vents) by the French poet who calls himself St. John Perse. The poem had attracted me by its expansive, almost Whitmanesque, descriptions of a United States constant ly swept by forces like winds, forces that are always transforming, remoulding, or obliterating the past and introducing the fresh and the new.” With its text from ancient Chinese poetry, Gustav Mahler’s The Song of the Earth (Das Lied von der Erde) for tenor, alto/baritone and orchestra (which contains a characteristic dichotomy: in the title it is a song while in the subtitle it is a symphony) sings the praise of numerous things: autumn and spring, youth and beauty, resignation and farewell, death and eternity. It sings about the Earth, about nature, which always has been and always will be – eternal… Or, as Mahler wrote in the last verses of the composition: “The dear Earth everywhere blooms in spring and grows green afresh! Everywhere and eternally, distant places have blue skies! Eternally... eternally...” 1. in 2. december 2011, ob 19.30 1 and 2 December 2011 at 7.30 p.m. Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir Barbara Sorč Lucas Debevec Mayer Tomislav Mužek Bernarda Bobro dirigent/conductor Emmanuel Villaume Bernarda Bobro sopran/soprano Barbara Sorč alt/alto Tomislav Mužek tenor/tenor Lucas Debevec Mayer bas/bass W. A. Mozart Requiem, K. 626 4 23. in 24. februar 2012, ob 19.30 23 and 24 February 2012 at 7.30 p.m. Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Ivan Repušić Allen Vizzutti Ivan Repušić Allen Vizzutti trobenta/trumpet O. Respighi Ptiči – suita Birds (Gli uccelli) – Suite H. Tomasi Koncert za trobento Trumpet Concerto N. Rimski-Korsakov Šeherezada, op. 35 Shéhérazade, Op. 35 5 29. in 30. marec 2012,ob 19.30 29 and 30 March 2012 at 7.30 p.m. Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Sarah Chang violina/violin Sarah Chang Emmanuel Villaume, foto: Akos dirigent/conductor Emmanuel Villaume M. Šijanec novo delo/new work F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy Koncert za violino in orkester v e-molu, op. 64 Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op. 64 L. van Beethoven Simfonija št. 6 v F-duru, op. 68, »Pastoralna« Symphony No. 6 in F Major, Op. 68, ”Pastorale” 6 V zgodovini glasbe skoraj ni skladbe, okoli katere se ne bi spletlo toliko bolj ali manj verjetnih (in verodostojnih) zgodb kot okrog Mozartovega Requiema. Poleti 1791 ga je pri Mozartu naročil grof Walsegg zu Stuppach in ne Salieri (to je postalo sploš no mnenje posebej po kultnem filmu Miloša Formana Amadeus). Skladatelj je bil takrat (pre)zaposlen s komponiranjem opere Čarobna piščal ter Koncerta za klarinet in orkester, zato se je naročila lotil šele septembra; že 5. decembra pa je umrl. Partitura je ostala nedokončana, zapustil pa je tudi številne skice zadnjih stavkov. Skladba je postala znana v verziji, ki jo je dokončal Franz Xaver Süssmayr. Ko se je razvnel spor zaradi avtorstva, je Beethoven lakonsko odgovoril: »Če ga ni napisal Mozart, je Mozart tisti, ki ga je napisal.« Kljub dejstvu, da ni v celoti njegov, je ven darle zasenčil skoraj vsa njegova druga dela in četrti koncert Modrega abonmaja bo naš poklon 220. obletnici smrti velikega skladatelja. Ottorino Respighi je svojo naklonjenost stari glasbi in poznavanje le-te pokazal v svojih treh suitah z naslovom Antične arije in plesi. Tudi s skladbo Ptiči, napisano 1928, se je odpravil v preteklost; Respighi je namreč pet tem iz del skladateljev sedemnajstega stoletja (B. Pasquinija, J. de Gallota in J.-Ph. Rameauja) preoblikoval v domiselno suito, v kateri vodilno vlogo igrajo orkestrske ptice – pihala. Znano je, da je v prvi izdaji partiture Pastoralne simfonije Beethoven zapisal, da je to »bolj izraz občutja kot [zvočno] slikanje«. Obstaja možnost, da je navdih našel tudi v delu skladatelja Justina Heinricha Knechata Glasbeni portret narave, v katerem je avtor poizkusil uprizoriti mirno podeželje, nepričakovano nevihto in hvaležnost ob koncu neurja. Čeprav je Beethoven stavkom simfonije dal zelo opisne naslove in celo določil vrste ptic, ki naj bi jih ponazorila pihala, je tudi opozoril: »Poslušalcu je treba dovoliti, da sam odkrije, za kaj gre. Če pa gre vse slikanje v instrumentalni glasbi predaleč, je zgrešeno.« There is virtually no other composition in the history of music around which have been woven in so many more or less credible (or reliable) stories as around Mozart’s Requiem. It was commissioned in the summer of 1791 by Count Walsegg zu Stuppach - not by Salieri, as has become the common belief, particularly after the success of Miloš Foreman’s cult film Amadeus. At the time that he received the commission, Mozart was (pre)occupied with composing the opera The Magic Flute, as well as the Clarinet Concerto, and therefore only commenced work on the commission in September. But he died on 5 December and the work remained incomplete, although the composer did leave numerous sketches of the last movements. The composition became known in the version that was completed by Franz Xaver Süssmayr. When a dispute arose surrounding the authorship of the work, Beethoven laconically remarked: “If it was not written by Mozart then Mozart was the one who wrote it.” In spite of the fact that it is not entirely Mozart’s work the Requiem has managed to overshadow almost all of the composer’s other works, and in the fourth concert of the Blue Subscription Series it will be our tribute to the 220th anniversary of the death of the great composer. Ottorino Respighi demonstrated his admiration for and knowledge of ancient music in his three suites entitled Ancient Airs and Dances. With his composition Birds (Gli uccelli), written in 1928, he again sets out for the past, reworking five themes from works by composers from the 17th century (B. Pasquini, J. de Gallot and J.-Ph. Rameau) into an imaginative suite in which the leading role is played by orchestral birds – the wind section. It is well known that in the first edition of the score of the Pastoral Symphony Beethoven wrote that the work is “more an expression of emotion than [sound] painting”. It is possible that Beethoven found part of his inspiration in Justin Heinrich Knechat’s composition A Musical Portrait of Nature, in which the composer attempts to illustrate the peaceful countryside, an unexpected storm and gratitude at the end of the storm. Although Beethoven gave all of the movements of the symphony very descriptive titles, and even determined the species of birds that the wind instruments are supposed to illustrate, he also pointed out: “The listener should be allowed to discover the situation. All painting in instrumental music, if pushed too far, is a failure.” 12. in 13. april 2012, ob 19.30 12 and 13 April 2012 at 7.30 p.m. Andrew von Oeyen, foto: Akos Giancarlo Guerrero, foto: David Bailey Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Giancarlo Guerrero Andrew von Oeyen klavir/piano G. Ligeti Atmosfere/Atmospheres W. A. Mozart Koncert za klavir in orkester št. 22 v Es-duru, K. 482 Piano Concerto No. 22 in E-flat Major, K. 482 A. Hovhaness Simfonija št. 2, op. 132, »Skrivnostna gora« Symphony No. 2, Op. 132, “Mysterious Mountain” A. Copland Apalaška pomlad – suita Appalachian Spring – Suite 7 24. in 25. maj 2012, ob 19.30 24 and 25 May 2012 at 7.30 p.m. Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Marian Lapšansky klavir/piano Marian Lapšansky George Pehlivanian dirigent/conductor George Pehlivanian P. I. Čajkovski Koncert za klavir in orkester št. 2 v G-duru, op. 44 Piano Concerto No. 2 in G Major, Op. 44 I. Stravinski Slavčkova pesem Song of the Nightingale (Le chant du rossignol) S. Prokofjev Skitska suita, op. 20 Scythian Suite, Op. 20 8 14. in 15. junij 2012, ob 19.30 14 and 15 June 2012 at 7.30 p.m. Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigent/conductor Matthias Bamert Nicolas Altstaedt, foto: Marco Borggreve Matthias Bamert Nicolas Altstaedt violončelo/cello F. Delius Ko spomladi zaslišiš prvo kukavico On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring R. Schumann Koncert za violončelo in orkester v a-molu, op. 129 Cello Concerto in A Minor, Op. 129 J. Brahms Klavirski kvartet v g-molu, op. 25 (priredba za orkester A. Schönberg) Piano Quartet in G Minor, Op. 25 (orchestral arrangement by A. Schönberg) 9 Skladba Atmosfere je kot zvok vesolja, daljave in osamljenosti postala znana, še preden je zaslovel njen avtor György Ligeti – leta 1968 so jo (kljub avtorjevemu nasprotovanju) po vsem svetu slišali v filmu Stanleyja Kubricka 2001: Odiseja v vesolju. Ligeti je svojo glasbeno filozofijo strnil v stavkih: »Nikoli v življenju me niso zanimale dogme. Glavni izziv mi je bilo odkrivanje neznanih področij. Kompleksne oblike in strukture, ki nastajajo v izjemno preprostih postopkih, so lekcija, ki jo lahko spoznamo pri preučevanju zgradbe živih organizmov ter človeških in živalskih skupnosti.« Alan Hovhaness je bil navdušen nad vzhodnjaško filozofijo in meditacijo in to navdušenje je prenesel tudi na svojo glasbo. »Gore so simboli, prav tako kot piramide, z njihovo pomočjo človek poskuša spoznati Boga. Gore so simbolično stičišče posvetnega in duhovnega sveta,« je dejal. Skrivnostna gora, naslov njegove Druge simfonije, je bil tako kot številni njegovi pomenljivi naslovi dodan šele takrat, ko je bila skladba že napisana, in to na predlog Leopolda Stokowskega, ki je želel, da »ima delo ime«. Balet Apalaška pomlad je bil plesni vrhunec Coplandovega niza »ameriških« skladb. Avtor je zapisal, da je »imela baletna glasba izhodišče v osebnosti Marthe Graham«. Celo delovni naslov je bil Balet za Martho, dokler sama Grahamova ni v pesnitvi Ples Harta Cranea našla posrečenega izraza »Apalaška pomlad«. Pozneje je priznala, da se je odločila zanj samo zato, ker ji je »dobro zvenel«, saj sicer nima nobene povezave z dogajanjem v baletu. Istoimenska suita, skladatelj jo je napisal 1945., je prejela Pulitzerjevo nagrado ter nagrado Združenja newyorških glasbenih kritikov za tisto leto. V manj kot petih letih se je Igor Stravinski iz zvestega učenca Rimskega-Korsakova prelevil v enega vodilnih svetovnih modernističnih skladateljev; v revolucionarja, ki je nekatere poslušalce s svojim popolnoma novim odnosom do ritma in harmoni je navduševal, druge pa spravljal v bes. Da bi znali (o)ceniti obseg teh sprememb, ni treba pogledati dlje od opere Slavček, katere prvo dejanje je bilo napisano leta 1909, drugo in tretje pa leta 1914. Stravinski je leta 1919 opero, ki temelji na zgod bi Hansa Christiana Andersena, priredil v simfonično pesnitev Slavčkova pesem. Delo bo na sporedu osmega koncerta Modrega abonmaja. Zadnji koncert bo odprlo delo Ko spomladi zaslišiš prvo kukavico, prva izmed Dveh skladb za komorni orkester, ki jih je Delius napisal leta 1913. Prijatelj Percy Grainger ga je namreč prosil, naj ustvari »nekaj za ne prevelik orkester ... pa tudi nekaj ne izjemno zahtevnega«. V poklon »skladateljskemu« prijateljstvu je Delius skladbo zasnoval na stari norveški ljudski pesmi, ki je bila jedro mojstrovine skup nega prijatelja Edvarda Griega (op. 66, št. 14). In prav Grieg je pomagal prepričati Deliusovo družino, da je skladatelju dovolila oditi v Pariz in začeti življenje umetnika. As the sound of outer space, distance and loneliness, the composition Atmospheres became well known long before its composer, György Ligeti, achieved fame - in 1968, despite the composer’s opposition, it was heard throughout the world n Stanley Kubrick’s film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Ligeti condensed his musical philosophy into a few sentences: “Dogmata have never interested me. My main challenge has always been to discover unknown areas. Complex forms and structures that come about through extremely simple processes are a lesson that we can learn by studying the construction of living organisms, as well as human and animal communities.” Alan Hovhaness was enthusiastic about Eastern philosophy and meditation and transferred this enthusiasm to his music. “Mountains are symbols, like pyramids, of man’s attempt to know God. Mountains are symbolic meeting places between the mundane and spiritual world,” he once said. Like many of the titles of his works, Mysterious Mountain the title of Hovhaness’s Second Symphony was only given to the composition after it had been completed, following a suggestion by Leopold Stokowski, who wanted the work to “have a name”. The ballet Appalachian Spring was the dance climax of Copland’s series of “American” compositions. The composer wrote that “the music of the ballet takes as its point of departure the personality of Martha Graham.” The working title was in fact Ballet for Martha, until Graham herself came across the felicitous expression “Appalachian Spring” in Hart Crane’s poem Dance. She later acknowl edged that she chose the title simply because it “sounded good”, and that it had no connection whatsoever with the action in the ballet. Copland composed the suite with the same title in 1945, receiving the Pulitzer Prize and the New York Music Critics Circle Award for the work the same year. In less than five years, Igor Stravinsky transformed himself from a faithful pupil of Rimsky-Korsakov into one of the leading composers of international modernism, into a revolutionary who, with his entirely new approach to rhythm and harmony, enthused some listeners while infuriating others. In order to appreciate the extent of these changes one needs to look no further than the opera The Nightingale, whose first movement was written in 1909, while the second and third movements were added in 1914. In 1919, Stravinsky reworked the opera, which is based on a story by Hans Christian Andersen, into a symphonic poem entitled Song of the Nightingale (Le chant du rossignol). The composition will be on the programme of the eighth concert of the Blue Subscription Series. The final concert will open with the work On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring the first of Two Pieces for Chamber Orchestra, written by Delius in 1913. The composer’s friend Percy Grainger had asked him to write “some piece for not too big Orchestra ... and not too wildly difficult”. As a tribute to their “composer’s” friendship, Delius based the composition on four ancient Norwegian folk songs that had formed the core of the masterpiece by their common friend Edvard Grieg (Op. 66, No. 14). It was in fact Grieg who had helped to convince Delius’s family to permit the composer to leave for Paris and commence life as an artist. Maruša Šuštar, X-topij a/X-topia, 190x140 cm Vokalni/Vocal Spoštovani obiskovalci koncertov Vokalnega abonmaja, dragi prijatelji Slovenskega komornega zbora, z veseljem Vam predstavljam novo koncert no sezono Slovenskega komornega zbora, v kateri boste lahko na osmih koncertih Vokal nega abonmaja spremljali delo zbora v sezoni 2011/2012, osem koncertov s pestrim izbo rom zborovskih del pod vodstvom različnih, predvsem slovenskih zborovskih dirigentov. V jesenskem delu sezone bo zbor svojim po slušalcem predstavil dela Antonína Dvorˇáka, Petra Iljiča Čajkovskega, Aleksandra Grečani nova, Claudia Monteverdija, Hansa-Wernerja Henzeja, Huga Wolfa, Johanna Sebastiana Bacha in številnih drugih. Prvi abonmajski koncert bom vodila sama, naslednja dirigen ta pa bosta Marko Ozbič in Stojan Kuret. Na oktobrskem koncertu bo gostoval dolgoletni gost Slovenskega komornega zbora Vladimir Kranjčević, ki bo s koncertom zaznamoval svoj 75. rojstni dan. Druga polovica sezone se bo izjemoma za čela z gostujočim ansamblom Kebata-ola in glasbeno-scensko predstavo Placebo pod vodstvom Karmine Šilec. Še ena zborovske mu občinstvu znana umetnica bo dopolnila niz dirigentk, ki sodelujejo s Slovenskim komor nim zborom. Urša Lah bo v sporedu del Eino juhanija Rautavaare, Sverreja Bergha, Nane Forte, Uroša Rojka in Lojzeta Lebiča povezala zborovsko glasbo evropskega severa in juga. Dva koncerta abonmaja bosta pripadla šefu dirigentu Slovenskega komornega zbora Stef fenu Schreyerju, ki bo brez dvoma navdušil z deli iz nemškega, francoskega in severnjaške ga glasbenega sveta ter z izvedbo novitete slovenskega skladatelja Alda Kumarja. Kot umetniškega vodjo Slovenskega komor nega zbora me pri delu vodi več izzivov. Ob načrtovanju sporeda in rednem kakovost nem delu, v okviru katerega širimo repertoar in omogočamo umetniško rast zbora, si na poustvarjalno kakovostnih in progamsko za nimivih koncertih prizadevamo ponuditi najra zličnejše obraze svetovne zborovske glasbe vedno številnejšemu občinstvu. Prav tako želimo z našim delom nagovoriti nove abo nente in vedno večjemu številu naših kako vostnih pevcev približati zanimiv in ustvarja len poklic, poklic zborovskega pevca ter prav tako zborovskega dirigenta. Vrata Slovenske filharmonije so na koncertih Slovenskega komornega zbora odprta vsem, ki jih zborovska glasba zanima in jim veliko pomeni. Prav tako še vedno velja vsem vabilo na obisk vaj, generalk in predvsem pogovorov pred vsakim koncertom Vokalnega abonmaja. Vse to predstavlja dodatno možnost, da zbor, vse naše goste izvajalce ter skladatelje in njihova dela še bolje spoznate. Dobrodošli! Ali ne biva v naši zavesti pravzaprav tudi ume tniška duša, ki čaka, da jo nagovorimo? Naj Vas v sezoni 2011/2012 na koncertih Vokalne ga abonmaja nagovori Slovenski komorni zbor s svojimi dirigenti! Veselim se srečanja z Vami, Martina Batič, pomočnica direktorja za zbor Respected visitors to the concerts of the Vocal Subscription Series, dear friends of the Slovenian Chamber Choir, It gives me great pleasure to present the new concert season of the Slovenian Chamber Choir, in which you will have an opportunity to follow the work of the choir in the 2011/2012 season in the eight concerts of the Vocal Subscription Series, eight concerts with a colourful selection of choral works presented under the leadership of various, primarily Slovenian, choral conductors. In the autumn part of the season, the choir will present works by Antonín Dvorˇák, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Aleksandr Grechaninov, Claudio Monteverdi, Hans-Werner Henze, Hugo Wolf, Johann Sebastian Bach and many others. I will lead the first subscription concert myself, and subsequent concerts will be conducted by Marko Ozbič and Stojan Kuret. At the October concert, we will host the longstanding guest of the Slovenian Chamber Choir, Vladimir Kranjčević, who will mark his 75th birthday with the concert. As an exception, the second half of the season will commence with an appearance by the ensemble Kebataola and the music theatre performance Placebo, led by Karmina Šilec. Urša Lah is another conductor who regularly collaborates with the Slovenian Chamber Choir and is well known to the choral audience. With a programme of works by Einojuhani Rautavaara, Sverre Bergh, Nana Forte, Uroš Rojko and Lojze Lebič she will bring together choral music of the European north and south. Two subscription series concerts will be conducted by the chief conductor of the Slovenian Chamber Choir, Steffen Schreyer, who will undoubtedly enthuse listeners with works from the German, French and the northern musical worlds, as well as with the performance of a new work by Slovenian composer Aldo Kumar. As the artistic director of the Slovenian Chamber Choir my work is guided by numerous challenges. In addition to planning the programme and the regular high quality work, within the framework of which we expand the repertoire and facilitate the artistic growth of the choir, we endeavour to offer our numerous listeners concerts that, as well as quality performers and interesting programmes, present the most diverse faces of international choral music. With our work we also seek to win over new subscribers and to draw the ever increasing number of high quality singers closer to the interesting and creative profession of the choral singer, as well as to that of the choral conductor. At the concerts of the Slovenian Chamber Choir the doors of the Slovenian Philharmonic are always open to everyone who is interested in choral music and to whom this music means a great deal. We also extend an open invitation to everyone who would like to attend the rehearsals, dress rehearsals and, above all, talks prior to each of the concerts of the Vocal Subscription Series. All of this represents an additional opportunity to become more familiar with the choir, our guest performers and the composers and their work. You are warmly invited! Is it not true that in our consciousness there is an artistic spirit waiting to be addressed? In the 2011/2012 season, let this spirit be addressed by the Slovenian Chamber Choir and its conductors at the concerts of the Vocal Subscription Series. I look forward to seeing you, Martina Batič, Assistant to the Director for the Choir Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir Dvorana Marjana Kozine, Slovenska filharmonija ob 19.00 Marjan Kozina Hall, Slovenian Philharmonic at 7.00 p.m. Vse obiskovalce Vokalnega abonmaja vabimo uro pred vsakim koncertom v Dvorano Slavka Osterca Slovenske filharmonije na voden pogovor o programu, skladateljih in izvajalcih koncerta. All music lovers are cordially invited to participate at pre-concert talks about the programme, composers and performers - one hour before the performance in the Slavko Osterc Hall of the Slovenian Philharmonic. 1 25. september 2011 25 September 2011 Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigentka/conductor Martina Batič Pia Brodnik sopran/soprano Jana Wallingerová alt/alto Jaroslav Brezina tenor/tenor Marcos Fink bas/bass A. Dvorˇák, Requiem v B-duru, op. 89 Requiem in B-flat Major, Op. 89 23. oktober 2011 23 October 2011 Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir dirigent/conductor Vladimir Kranjčević Dejan Vrbančič tenor/tenor Gregor Klančič orgle/organ 2 A. T. Grečaninov, Missa Festiva P. I. Čajkovski, Liturgija sv. Janeza Zlatoustega, op. 41 Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, Op. 41 3 27. november 2011 27 November 2011 Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir Instrumentalni ansambel Instrumental Ensemble dirigent/conductor Marko Ozbič klavir pozneje/piano TBA N. Gombert, In illo tempore, motet 7 5 22. april 2012 22 April 2012 Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir dirigentka/conductor Urša Lah Tatjana Kaučič klavir/piano Gregor Klančič orgle/organ recitator pozneje/reciter TBA tolkala pozneje/percussion TBA H. W. Henze, Sicilijanske muze – koncert na fragmente Vergilovih eklog Musen Siziliens – Konzert auf EklogenFragmente des Vergil 22. januar 2012 22 January 2012 koncert bo izjemoma v Cankarjevem domu Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir Ansambel!KEBATAOLA! Chorus Instrumentalis 4 PLACEBO avtorski choregie projekt Karmine Šilec an original project by Karmina Šilec E. Hovland, Saul! glasba/music Hildegarda iz Bingna, Howie B, Bojana Šaljič Podešva, Karmina Šilec N. Forte, Izštevanka/Counting Rhyme Godec pred peklom/A Musician before Hell C. Monteverdi, Missa da cappella a sei voci »In illo tempore« 18. december 2011 18 December 2011 Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir dirigent/conductor Stojan Kuret Martina Burger sopran/soprano Tatjana Kaučič klavir/piano tolkala pozneje/percussion TBA H. Wolf, Die Stimme des Kindes, Op.10 Die Feuerreiter D. Šostakovič, Deset pesmi na besedila revolucionarnih pesnikov, op. 88 – izbor Ten Poems on Texts by Revolutionary Poets, Op. 88 – Selection M. Kogoj, Sunce izhaja/The Sun is Rising G. Kančeli, Lulling the Sun J. S. Bach, Jesus bleibet meine Freude iz kantate BWV 147 Jesus, Joy Of Man’s Desiring from Cantata BWV 147 M. Praetorius, Es ist ein Ros entsprungen A. Berg, Es ist ein Ros entsprungen 6 19. februar 2012 19 February 2012 Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir dirigent/conductor Steffen Schreyer Tatjana Kaučič klavir/piano B. Bartók, Štiri slovaške pesmi, Sz. 70, BB 78 Four Slovak Folksongs, Sz. 70, BB 78 P. Nørgård, Wie ein Kind A. Kumar, novo delo/new work G. Rossini, I Gondolieri Toast pour le nouvel an La Passeggiata B. Hallberg, Koncert za klavir in mešani zbor Concerto for Piano and Mixed Chorus H. Distler, Es ist ein Ros entsprungen P. Eben, Zauberspruch, den Liebsten zu beschwören J. Sandström, Det är en ros utsprungen L. Edlund, Twenne folkvisor E. W. Korngold, Psalm, Op. 30 B. Hallberg, Domaredansen E. Rautavaara, Magnificat M. Heiniö, Luceat S. Bergh, And Death Shall Have No Dominion U. Rojko, Otrok je pesem/A Child is a Poem L. Lebič, Vrtiljak (Godba na potapljajoči se ladji)/Carousel (A Band on a Sinking Ship) 8 10. junij 2012 10 June 2012 Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir dirigent/conductor Steffen Schreyer J. Brahms, Praznični in spominski izreki, op. 109 Fest- und Gedenksprüche, Op. 109 T. Jennefelt, Warning to the Rich I. Pizzetti, Tre Composizioni Corali F. Poulenc, E xsultate Deo Salve Regina J. Mäntyjärvi, Psalm 150 in Gransire Triples F. Martin, Maša za dva mešana zbora Mass for Double Choir Jaroslav Brezina Marcos Fink, foto: Miha Cerar Pia Brodnik Jana Wallingerová 25. september 2011, ob 19.00 25 September 2011 at 7.00 p.m. Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra dirigentka/conductor Martina Batič Pia Brodnik sopran/soprano Jana Wallingerová alt/alto Letos septembra bo minilo 170 let od rojstva Antonína Dvorˇáka. Zato želi Slovenski komorni zbor počastiti to obletnico z izvedbo njegove veličastne skladbe za soliste, zbor in orkester – Requiema v B-duru. V njem je zbor osrednji nosilec glasbenega dogajanja, saj je razen v enem navzoč v vseh stavkih tega monumentalnega dela. Za prvi koncert Vokalnega abonmaja smo v sodelovanju z veleposlaništvom Češke republike dve državi tudi »pevsko« povezali. Z Orkestrom Slovenske filharmonije in okrepljenim Slovenskim komornim zborom bosta nastopila dva slovenska in dva češka solista. September this year will witness the passing of 170 years since the birth of Antonín Dvorˇák. The Slovenian Chamber Choir would like to honour this anniversary with a performance of the composer’s magnificent composition for soloists, choir and orchestra - the Requiem in B-flat Major. The choir is the central bearer of musical events in the Requiem, as it is present in all of the movements of this monumental work except one. For the first concert of the Vocal Subscription Series we have cooperated with the Embassy of the Czech Republic in inviting soloists to Slovenia, thus providing the nations of Slovenia and the Czech Republic with a “singing” connection. Alongside the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra and the massed Slovenian Chamber Choir two Slovenian and two Czech soloists will appear. Jaroslav Brezina tenor/tenor Marcos Fink bas/bass A. Dvorˇák Requiem v B-duru, op. 89, B. 165 Requiem in B-flat Major, Op. 89, B. 165 1 Le redki vedo, da je Aleksander Grečaninov skladal ne le pravoslavne, temveč tudi katoliške maše. Med njimi posebej izstopa Missa Festiva, latinska maša za zbor in orgle, napisana v poznoromantičnem harmonskem jeziku, bogato ritmično razde lana. Ima tudi izjemno učinkovit orgelski delež. Liturgija sv. Ivana Zlatoustega, nastala leta 1878, je osrednje delo pravoslavne glasbe ruske romantike. Čajkovski je z njo želel spodbuditi reformo ruske duhovne glasbe, zato skladbe cerkev na začetku ni sprejela – ocenili so, da ne ustreza duhu in tradiciji pravoslavne glasbe. Čez čas pa je prav ta liturgija s svojo globoko kon templativnostjo postala ena najbolj cenjenih skladb te zvrsti. Pisana je homofonsko, z imitativnimi elementi, hkrati pa je prežeta s karakteristikami ruske ljudske glasbe. Leta 1981 je dirigent in skladatelj Vojislav Ilić za slovitega nemškega tenorja Karla Markusa napisal povezave med deli – jektenije (recitative); pri tem se je naslonil na tradicijo ruske pravoslavne liturgije. Few people are aware that Aleksandr Grechaninov composed not only Orthodox but also Catholic masses. Of particular note amongst them is the Missa Festiva for choir and organ, written in a late Romantic harmonic language, richly elaborated rhythmically and containing an extraordinarily effective organ part. The Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, composed in 1878, is a central work of the Orthodox music of Russian Romanticism. With this composition Tchaikovsky sought to encourage reform of Russian sacred music, and therefore the work was initially rejected by the Church, who claimed that it did not encapsulate the appropriate spirit and tradition of Orthodox music. In time, however, this liturgy, with its deep contemplativeness, became one of the most highly regarded compositions if its kind. It is written homophonically with imitative elements, while at the same time being imbued with the characteristics of Russian folk music. In 1981, the conductor and composer Vojislav Ilić wrote a connecting passage entitled jektenija (recitative) between the sections of the work for the celebrated German tenor Karl Markus. In so doing he drew from the tradition of the Russian Orthodox liturgy. Gregor Klančič Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir Dejan Vrbančič Vladimir Kranjčević, foto: Damir Kalogjera 23. oktober 2011, ob 19.00 23 October 2011 at 7.00 p.m. dirigent/conductor Vladimir Kranjčević Dejan Vrbančič tenor/tenor Gregor Klančič orgle/organ A. T. Grečaninov Missa Festiva P. I. Čajkovski Liturgija sv. Janeza Zlatoustega, op. 41 Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, Op. 41 2 Marko Ozbič 27. november 2011, ob 19.00 27 November 2011 at 7.00 p.m. Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir Instrumentalni ansambel Instrumental Ensemble Monteverdijeva skladba Marijina večernica (Vespro della Beata Maria Vergine), izdana leta 1610, predstavlja prelomnico v glasbeni zgodovini, saj nam v njej skladatelj razodeva preteklost in prihodnost. Dialektika med starim in novim (med tako imenovanima primo prattico in secondo prattico) predstavlja tudi vodilo tega sporeda: v prvem delu bomo slišali Monteverdijevo Šestglasno mašo, ki jo je komponist zgradil na tonskem materialu Gombertovega moteta In illo tempore in se tako poklonil prejšnji (franko-flamski) generaciji, ki je vrhunec dosegla s Palestri novim opusom. Ni naključje, da je Henze za svojo uglasbitev fragmentov iz IX., X. in VI. Vergilove ekloge uporabil naziv Koncert. Čeprav je osnovno vodilo IX. ekloge petje (»can tantes licet usque, minus via laedit, eamus ...«), se je skladatelj odločil za popolnost glasbenega izraza, kot ga je že Monteverdi definiral v predgovoru svoje izdaje: »cum nonnullis sacris concentibus«. Torej ne le zgolj za vokalni prijem pesniške osnove, ampak tudi za bogat instrumentalni okvir – v tem primeru pravi koncert za dva klavirja ob zvokih pihal (simbolično lahko vidimo tu arkadijski svet pastirjev), ki imajo vlogo tematskega katalizatorja med vokalnim duktusom zbora in klavirskim partom. Monteverdi’s Marian Vespers (Vespro della Beata Maria Vergine), published in 1610, represents a turning point in music history, as in it the composer reveals both the past and the future. The dialectic between the old and the new (between the so-called prima prattica in seconda prattica) also represents the guiding principle of this programme: in the first part we will hear Monteverdi’s Missa da cappella a sei voci, which the composer built upon material from Gombert's motet In illo tempore, thus paying tribute to the previous (Franco-Flemish) generation, which had achieved it apex in Palestrina’s opus. It is no coincidence that in the title for his setting of fragments from sections IX, X and VI of Vergil’s Eclogues Henze included the word Concerto. Although the basic principle of Eclogue IX is singing (“cantantes licet usque, minus via laedit, eamus ...”) the composer decided in favour of a perfection of musical expression as defined by Monteverdi in the introduction to his edition: “cum nonnullis sacris concentibus”. It is not, therefore, simply a case of a vocal rendition of a poetic basis, but also of a rich instrumental framework – in this case a genuine concerto for two pianos, accompanied by wind (into which we can also read a symbolic rendering of the Arcadian world of shepherds), who take the role of a thematic catalyst between the vocal technique of the choir and the piano part. dirigent/conductor Marko Ozbič klavir pozneje/piano TBA N. Gombert In illo tempore, motet C. Monteverdi Missa da cappella a sei voci »In illo tempore« H. W. Henze Sicilijanske muze – koncert na fragmente Vergilovih eklog Musen Siziliens – Konzert auf Eklogen-Fragmente des Vergil 3 4 18. december 2011, ob 19.00 18 December 2011 at 7.00 p.m. dirigent/conductor Stojan Kuret Tatjana Kaučič klavir/piano Martina Burger sopran/soprano tolkala pozneje/ percussion TBA H. Wolf Die Stimme des Kindes, Op. 10, Feuerreiter J. S. Bach Jesus bleibet meine Freude iz kantate BWV 147 Jesus, Joy Of Man’s Desiring from Cantata BWV 147 MARTINA BURGER fotk nimam Koncert je zasnovan v dveh delih. V prvem delu bodo predstavljena manj izvajana dela Huga Wolfa (s klavirjem), trije izmed desetih Šostakovičevih zborov iz opusa 88, Kogojeva Sunce izhaja ter delo pri nas dokaj neznanega Gije Kančelija. V drugi del, ki bo obarvan adventnemu času primerno, nas bo uvedel Bachov koral. Po zanimivih obdelavah starega božičnega teksta in napeva izpod peres Praetoriusa, Berga, Distlerja in Sandströma bo koncert zaključil slovesni Korngoldov Psalm. The concert is planned in two parts. The first part presents less performed works by Hugo Wolf (with piano), three of Shostakovich’s ten choruses from Opus 88, Kogoj’s The Sun is Rising, as well as a work by Giya Kancheli, a composer less known in Slovenia. The second part of the concert, which embraces the atmosphere of Advent, opens with a Bach chorale. After interesting reworkings of an old Christmas text and melody penned by Praetorius, Berg, Distler and Sandstrom, the concert will draw to a solemn conclusion with Korngold’s Psalm. Tatjana Kaučič Stojan Kuret Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir D. Šostakovič Deset pesmi na besedila revolucionarnih pesnikov, op. 88 – izbor Ten Poems on Texts by Revolutionary Poets, Op. 88 – Selection M. Kogoj Sunce izhaja The Sun is Rising G. Kančeli Lulling the Sun M. Praetorius Es ist ein Ros entsprungen A. Berg Es ist ein Ros entsprungen H. Distler Es ist ein Ros entsprungen J. Sandström Det är en ros utsprungen E. W. Korngold Psalm, Op. 30 22. januar 2012, ob 19.00 22 January 2012 at 7.00 p.m. izjemoma v Cankarjevem domu exceptionally in Cankarjev dom 5 Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir Ansambel !KEBATAOLA! Chorus Instrumentalis PLACEBO avtorski choregie projekt Karmine Šilec* an original project by Karmina Šilec* po najstarejšem ohranjenem delu zahodne glasbenogledališke kulture praoperi Ordo Virtutum - Red vrlin sv. Hildegarde iz Bingna a stage production based on the oldest surviving Western work that can be called music theatre or proto-opera: Ordo Virtutum – Play of the Virtues by Hildegard of Bingen glasba/music Hildegarda iz Bingna, Howie B, Bojana Šaljič Podešva, Karmina Šilec koncert drama obred/concert drama ritual Placebo je ekspedicija v času, mistični univerzum, boj duše v zemeljskem gledališču, utelešenje srednjeveškega ženskega erosa. Umetniško vzporeja različne vrste glasbe, s soredjem novega in starega ustvarja vznemirljiv kontekst glasbe in gledališča. Placebo is an expedition in time, a mystical universe, a battle of the soul in the Earthly theatre, an embodiment of Medieval female eros. It artistically parallels various types of music, and with a network of the new and the old creates an exciting context of music and theatre. *projekt je del programa Evropske prestolnice kulture 2012/the project is part of the European Capital of Culture 2012 programme 19. februar 2012, ob 19.00 19 February 2012 at 7.00 p.m. Steffen Schreyer, foto: Egon Bajt Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir Sredi 19. stoletja se je začelo veliko skladateljev zavedati svojih narodnih korenin, to pa se je izražalo predvsem v raziskovanju ljudskih pesmi in uglasbitvah del pesnikov. Ustrezno temu jih bolj kot sodobni glasbeni tokovi 20. stoletja zaznamuje tradicionalni kolorit posameznih dežel. Izjema so uglasbitve Danca Pera Nørgårda, ki so ga pesmi duševno bolnega Švicarja Adolpha Wölflija (1864–1930) navdihnile za prav tako nenavadno delo. Zveni »kakor otrok«, igrivo, duhovito, zmedeno in polno ugank. In the middle of the 19th century, many composers began to become aware of their national roots. This found expression above all in the research of folksong and the setting of works by national poets. In accordance with this, rather than by the contemporary musical streams of the 20th century these composers are marked by the traditional colour of individual regions. The exception on the programme is the settings by the Dane Per Nørgård, who was inspired by the poems of the mentally ill Swiss Adolph Wölfli (1864–1930) to create a work just as unusual: outwardly childlike, playful, witty, confused and full of riddles. dirigent/conductor Steffen Schreyer Tatjana Kaučič klavir/piano B. Bartók Štiri slovaške pesmi, Sz. 70, BB 78 Four Slovak Folksongs, Sz. 70, BB 78 P. Nørgård, Wie ein Kind A. Kumar, novo delo/new work G. Rossini I Gondolieri Toast pour le nouvel an La Passeggiata B. Hallberg Koncert za klavir in mešani zbor Concerto for Piano and Mixed Chorus* P. Eben, Zauberspruch, den Liebsten zu beschwören* L. Edlund,Twenne folkvisor* B. Hallberg, Domaredansen* *prva izvedba v Ljubljani/first performance in Ljubljana 6 7 Urša Lah Gregor Klančič, foto: Atelje Potrč 22. april 2012, ob 19.00 22 April 2012 at 7.00 p.m. Program koncerta sestavljajo skladbe, nastale v zadnjih štiridesetih letih. Prvi del zaznamujejo sakralna dela dveh finskih in dveh norveških skladateljev, ki so se po iskanju lastnega jezika v različnih sodobnih kompozicijskih smereh vrnili k neoklasi cizmu. Drugi del sestavljajo sporočilno močna dela treh reprezentativnih slovenskih skladateljev: Nane Forte, Uroša Rojka in Lojzeta Lebiča. Njihove skladbe povezuje raziskovanje neizčrpnega števila izvajalskih možnosti človeškega glasu, kakor tudi uporaba nekonvencionalnih izraznih sredstev in oblike, ki jo narekuje sodobna sloven ska poezija. The programme of this concert is made up of compositions all written in the last 40 years. The first part is marked by sacred works by two Finnish and two Norwegian composers, who after seeking their own language in various contemporary compositional directions returned to neoclassicism. The second part of the concert is made up of works with strong messages by three representative Slovenian composers: Nana Forte, Uroš Rojko and Lojze Lebič. Their compositions combine exploration of the inexhaustible possibilities of the human voice with the use of unconventional expressive means and forms dictated by contemporary Slovenian poetry. Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir dirigentka/conductor Urša Lah Tatjana Kaučič klavir/piano Gregor Klančič orgle/organ recitator pozneje/reciter TBA tolkala pozneje/percussion TBA N. Forte Izštevanka Counting Rhyme E. Rautavaara Magnificat Godec pred peklom A Musician before Hell M. Heiniö Luceat U. Rojko Otrok je pesem A Child is a Poem E. Hovland Saul! S. Bergh And Death Shall Have No Dominion L. Lebič Vrtiljak (Godba na potapljajoči se ladji) Carousel (A Band on a Sinking Ship) 10. junij 2012, ob 19.00 10 June 2012 at 7.00 p.m. Steffen Schreyer, foto: Egon Bajt Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir Vrhunec sporeda in hkrati zadnja skladba večera bo Maša za dva mešana zbora Franka Martina, ki je skoraj 40 let ležala v njegovem predalu, ker jo je imel za popolnoma osebno zadevo »med sabo in Bogom«. Za protiutež se bo koncert začel s Prazničnimi in spominskimi izreki Johannesa Brahmsa, ki jih je napisal za narodne spominske dni. Komaj 23-letni Thomas Jennefelt je pritegnil pozornost javnosti s skladbo Warning to the Rich (Opozorilo bogatim). Prva tri dela so kljub duhovnim besedilom bolj družbeno motivirana, zadnja tri pa so predvsem izraz vere. The climax of the programme, and the last composition of the evening, will be the Mass for Double Choir by Frank Martin, which for almost 40 years lay in the composer’s drawer due to the fact that he viewed the work is an entirely personal matter “between myself and God”. As a counterbalance, the concert will open with Fest- und Gedenksprüche by Johannes Brahms, which he wrote for national commemoration days. At barely 23 years of age, Thomas Jennefelt attracted a great deal of public attention with his composition Warning to the Rich. In spite of their witty texts, the first three works are more socially motivated, while the last three are entirely expressions of faith. dirigent/conductor Steffen Schreyer J. Brahms Praznični in spominski izreki, op. 109 Fest- und Gedenksprüche, Op. 109 T. Jennefelt Warning to the Rich* I. Pizzetti Tre Composizioni Corali F. Poulenc Exsultate Deo Salve Regina J. Mäntyjärvi Psalm 150 in Gransire Triples* F. Martin Maša za dva mešana zbora Mass for Double Choir *prva izvedba v Ljubljani/first performance in Ljubljana 8 Januarski koncerti Orkestra Slovenske filharmonije The January concerts of the Slovenian Philharmonics Januarski koncerti Orkestra Slovenske filharmonije v Dvorani Marjana Kozine so postali stalnica naše ponudbe. Tudi v tej sezoni bomo pripravili dva, tokrat bolj komorno obarvana dogodka: eden bo posvečen stoti obletnici rojstva dolgoletnega koncertnega mojstra našega orkestra Alberta (Alija) Dermelja (1912–1986), na drugem koncertu pa se bomo spomnili pomembnega dogodka iz zgodovine Filharmonične družbe, ko se je leta 1801 admiral Horatio Nelson (1758–1805) ustavil v Ljubljani in prisluhnil zvokom tedanjih filharmonikov. Umetniški vodja projekta bo violinist Primož Novšak. Vljudno vabljeni 19. in 26. januarja 2012 v Slovensko filharmonijo; vstopnice bodo na voljo pri naši blagajni od začetka januarja. The January concerts of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra in the Marjan Kozina Hall have become a regular feature of our offer. Again this season we will prepare two events, this time with a more chamber flavour: one will be dedicated to the centennial of birth of our orchestra’s longstanding concertmaster, Albert (Ali) Dermelj (1912–1986); while at the second concert we will commemorate an important event in the history of the Philharmonic Society, when in 1801 Admiral Horatio Nelson (1758–1805) stopped in Ljubljana and listened to the sound of the philharmonic of the time. The artistic director of the project will be violinist Primož Novšak. You are warmly invited to the Slovenian Philharmonic on 19 and 26 January, 2012. Tickets will be on sale at our box office from the beginning of January. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K KLASIKA à la carte CLASSICS à la carte Prenovljeni Godalni kvartet Slovenske filharmonije tokrat v zasedbi: Irina Kevorkova, violina Žiga Faganel, violina Oliver Dizdarević Škrabar, viola Gordana Keller Petrej, violončelo bo v sezoni 2011/12 s številnimi gosti pripravil šest enournih nedeljskih mati nej s skupnim naslovom KLASIKA à la carte S pestro programsko ponudbo in zasedbo bo ta cikel v Dvorano Marjana Kozine skušal privabiti širše občinstvo ter na privlačen način približati klasično glasbo vsem, ki so radovedni in odprtega duha. Skupaj bomo potovali skozi glasbeno zgodovino in odkrivali, kako je »resna« glasba lahko duhovita in neskončno zanimiva. 16. oktober 2011 27. november 2011 15. januar 2012 12. februar 2012 25. marec 2012 13. maj 2012 Otroški album BAchROK Mozart–Suppe Operna poslastica Glasbena skrinja 7 16 October 2011 27 November 2011 15 January 2012 12 February 2012 25 March 2012 13 May 2012 Children’s Album BAchROQUE Mozart–Suppe Opera Treat Music Chest 7 Na našem »meniju« bodo razgibani, sveži in zabavni sporedi, ki bodo potešili »glasbeno lakoto« sedanjih in bodočih glasbenih sladokuscev. Vstopnice bodo na voljo pri blagajni Slovenske filharmonije pred vsakim koncertom, informacije pa bodo dostopne tudi na spletni strani ( In the 2011/2012 season, the reformed String Quartet of the Slovenian Philharmonic, this time with a new line-up: Irina Kevorkova, violin Žiga Faganel, violin Oliver Dizdarević Škrabar, viola Gordana Keller Petrej, cello will, with numerous guests, prepare six one-hour Sunday matinees under the common title: CLASSICS à la carte With a colourful programme the ensemble will, within the framework of the cycle, attempt to attract the broadest audience to the Marjan Kozina Hall and in an attractive way bring classical music closer to everyone who is curious and open-minded. Together we will take a journey through music history and discover how “serious music” can be witty and infinitely interesting. Our “menu” will contain dynamic, fresh and entertaining programmes that will satisfy the “musical hunger” of both present and future music connoisseurs: Tickets will be available at the box office of the Slovenian Philharmonic prior to the individual concerts. Further information is available at our website: Pika − toËka − taËka Dot − Dot − Dot Cikel z nekoliko nenavadnim imenom je prvi izmed korakov v sodelovanju Slovenske, Zagrebške in Beograjske filharmonije – ustanov, ki sodijo med pomembne simbo le kulturne identitete svojih narodov. Tri vrhunske kulturne institucije bodo v prihodnjih petih letih načrtovale skupne programe z enakimi sporedi, solisti in dirigenti, kot tudi gostovanja orkestrov. S tem projektom se bodo krepili kulturno in gospodarsko sode lovanje ter dobrososedski odnosi v tem delu Evrope; hkrati se bodo ohranjala stara in izvajala nova glasbena dela ter spodbujale vrednote, ki so strateškega pomena za sle herno družbo, ki želi izstopati iz povprečja. With its rather unusual name (which translates as “Dot-Dot-Dot”, with the word “dot” in Slovenian, Croatian and Serbian respectively) this cycle is the first step in cooperation between the Slovenian, Zagreb and Belgrade Philharmonics – institutions that are amongst the most important symbols of cultural identity of their respective countries. Over the next five years, these three first-rate cultural institutions will plan common performances with the same programmes, soloists and conductors, as well as guest appearances by the orchestras. With this project the orchestras will strengthen cultural and economic cooperation, as well as good neighbourly relationships in this part of Europe. At the same time, they will preserve old musical works and perform new musical works, as well as encouraging values that are of strategic significance to every society that seeks to rise above the average. Dvorana Marjana Kozine, Slovenska filharmonija Marjan Kozina Hall, Slovenian Philharmonic Slovenski del projekta bo potekal v Slovenski filharmoniji, v Dvorani Marjana Kozine: The Slovenian part of the project will take place in the Marjan Kozina Hall of the Slovenian Philharmonic: 8. september 2011 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije dirigent Andrew Grams Jean Louis Steuerman klavir Spored: Schumann, Hanson 8 September 2011 Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra conductor Andrew Grams Jean Louis Steuerman piano Programme: Schumann, Hanson 8. december 2011 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije dirigent Emmanuel Villaume Andrew von Oeyen klavir Spored: Mozart, Beethoven 8 December 2011 Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra conductor Emmanuel Villaume Andrew von Oeyen piano Programme: Mozart, Beethoven (ponovitvi koncerta 9. decembra v Zagrebu in 10. decembra v Beogradu) (repeat performances on 9 December in Zagreb and 10 December in Belgrade) 12. januar 2012 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije dirigentka Keri Lynn Wilson Spored: Mahler 12 January 2012 Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra conductor Keri Lynn Wilson Programme: Mahler 17. maj 2012 Zagrebška filharmonija dirigent Dmitrij Kitajenko Monika Leskovar violončelo Spored: Mendelssohn, Čajkovski, Ravel 17 May 2012 Zagreb Philharmonic conductor Dmitry Kitaenko Monika Leskovar cello Programme: Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Ravel 27. maj 2012 Beograjska filharmonija dirigent Muhai Tang Aleksej Volodin klavir Spored: Juan, Rahmaninov, Čajkovski 27 May 2012 Belgrade Philharmonic conductor Muhai Tang Alexey Volodin piano Programme: Juan, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky Dodatne informacije o sporedu in izvajalcih bodo predstavljene na posebni tiskovni konferenci, dostopne pa bodo tudi v medijih pred vsakim koncertom. Additional information about the programme and performers will be presented at special press conferences, as well as being available in the media prior to the individual concerts. NaËini plaËevanja SPOŠTOVANI ABONENTI SLOVENSKE FILHARMONIJE, VSI, KI ŽELITE OBNOVITI ABONMA ZA SEDEŽE, KI STE JIH IMELI V SEZONI 2010/2011 • vplačajte abonma s priloženo položnico najpozneje do 31. maja 2011 (prijavnice ni potrebno poslati) •znesek vpišite sami – glede na izbrani način plačevanja (načini plačevanja so v tabelah) • abonmajsko izkaznico boste prejeli po pošti v začetku septembra VSI, KI ŽELITE SPREMEMBO SEDEŽEV, ZAMENJAVO ABONMAJA, VPIS NOVEGA ČLANA • pošljite izpolnjeno prijavnico najpozneje do 31. maja 2011 in se potem oglasite ob vpisu od 20. do 24. junija 2011 (abonmaja za dosedanje sedeže ne plačajte) • dodatne informacije lahko dobite po telefonu 01 24 10 800, 01 24 10 810 po 12. uri ČE SE DO 31. MAJA 2011 NE BOSTE ODZVALI, BOMO VAŠE SEDEŽE PRISILJENI ODDATI. Za zamenjave in nove abonente imamo na voljo omejeno število sedežev. Ker vpis abonmajev poteka po pošti, Vas prosimo, da upoštevate datume in navodila. SF in CD zagotavljata abonentu, ki ima poravnane obveznosti za sezono 2010/2011, v novi sezoni 2011/2012 isti sedež v istem abonmaju. Obisk koncerta je mogoč le z abonmajsko vstopnico za tekočo sezono. Študentje, dijaki in upokojenci imajo 50 % popusta za en sedež v vsakem abonmaju. Popust je mogoče uveljavljati le za sedeže II. in III. kategorije. Dokazila so veljavni indeks, potrdilo o šolanju, pokojninski odrezek oz. izpisek. Če se odločite za plačilo v celoti, Vam pripada 10% popusta na polno ceno abonmaja. Če se odločite za plačilo v obrokih, plačate polno ceno abonmaja. Za obroke boste prejeli položnice. ZA NOVE ABONENTE IN VSE, KI BODO POSLALI PRIJAVNICO ZA KAKRŠNOKOLI SPREMEMBO, BO VPIS od 20. do 24. JUNIJA 2011 od 10. do 13. ure in od 15. do 18. ure v Slovenski filharmoniji, Kongresni trg 10, 1000 Ljubljana. ZAMENJAVA TERMINA V OKVIRU ISTEGA ABONMAJA PRI BLAGAJNI CD Če ne morete obiskati koncerta v svojem terminu, Vam bo CD izdal vstopnico za drugi termin. Abonmajsko kartico je potrebno deponirati pri blagajni CD najpozneje dva dni pred koncertom. CD bo izdal vstopnico za drugi koncert v okviru istega abonmaja brezplačno. Abonmajska kartica ostane v Informacijskem središču CD do dneva po drugem koncertu. Modri abonma/Oranæni abonma Cene abonmajev v sezoni 2011/2012 Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Gallusova dvorana, Cankarjev dom 9 koncertov Modri 1 – četrtek Oranžni 1 – četrtek Parter Ground floor Modri 2 – petek Oranžni 2 – petek Prodaja in cene vstopnic za posamezne koncerte Orkestra Slovenske filharmonije Ticket sales and prices for Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra concerts Modri in Oranžni abonma Blue & Orange Series Concerts Oranžni/Orange 3, 4 Modri/Blue 2 Kategorija/Category I Kategorija/Category II Kategorija/Category III Kategorija/Category IV 20,00 EUR 16,00 EUR 12,00 EUR 8,00/6,00* EUR Oranžni/Orange 1, 5 Modri/Blue 5, 7, 8, 9 Kategorija/Category I Kategorija/Category II Kategorija/Category III Kategorija/Category IV 26,00 EUR 20,50 EUR 16,00 EUR 10,00/8,00* EUR Oranžni/Orange 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 Modri/Blue 1, 3, 4, 6 Kategorija/Category I Kategorija/Category II Kategorija/Category III Kategorija/Category IV 33,00 EUR 26,00 EUR 20,00 EUR 13,50/10,00* EUR 1. balkon Dress circle 2. balkon Upper circle Gallusova dvorana, Cankarjev dom Gallus Hall, Cankarjev dom I. kategorija/Category I II. kategorija/Category II III. kategorija/Category III * popust za mlajše od 25 in starejše od 65 let discount for people younger than 25 years and older than 65 years of age Redni abonenti prostor I. kategorija II. kategorija III. kategorija plačilo v celoti 10% popust 144,00 EUR 115,00 EUR 97,00 EUR polna cena abonmaja 160,00 EUR 128,00 EUR 108,00 EUR obrok polne cene (4 ob.) 40,00 EUR 32,00 EUR 27,00 EUR Upokojenci, študentje in dijaki prostor I. kategorija II. kategorija III. kategorija plačilo v celoti 10% popust −−−−− 57,50 EUR 48,50 EUR polna cena abonmaja −−−−− 64,00 EUR 54,00 EUR obrok polne cene (4 ob.) −−−−− 16,00 EUR 13,50 EUR Cankarjev dom Informacijsko središče in prodaja vstopnic Information Centre and Box Office T +386 1 2417 299, 2417 300 F +386 1 2417 322 E [email protected], [email protected] Prodaja vstopnic v Informacijskem središču CD (podhod Maximarketa). Odprto vsak delovnik od 11. do 13. in od 15. do 20. ure, ob sobotah od 11. do 13. in uro pred začetkom prireditev. Imetniki kartic (NLB, Eurocard/Master card, Visa, Diners, American Express) si lahko vstopnice zagotovite po telefonu. Tickets for concerts at the Gallus Hall, Cankarjev Dom, can be purchased at the CD Information Centre/Box Office (Maximarket lower arcade). Open weekdays from 11 am to 1 pm and from 3 pm to 8 pm, Saturdays from 11 am to 1 pm, and an hour before the performance. Credit cards are welcome (NLB, Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa, Diners, American Express). Tickets can be purchased by telephone. Vokalni abonma Cene abonmajev v sezoni 2011/2012 Slovenski komorni zbor Dvorana Marjana Kozine, Slovenska filharmonija 8 koncertov Redni abonenti prostor I. kategorija II. kategorija plačilo v celoti 10% popust 79,00 EUR 60,00 EUR polna cena abonmaja 88,00 EUR 67,00 EUR obrok polne cene (4 ob.) 22,00 EUR 16,75 EUR polna cena abonmaja 54,00 EUR 42,00 EUR obrok polne cene (4 ob.) 13,50 EUR 10,50 EUR www. val-na vtika. net 154 un m turize a, 0 evr a 4,6 tiko in / cen leto za nav / XiX. 2 010 Revija mber nove Štev 15 4 / navtika 55 k 20 let izhajanja o in tuRize m Revija za navtik Kornati s Otok Cre rence Reka Cla Jadrana Lepotička * dijaki, študenti, upokojenci school pupils, students, senior citizens Suverena plovba in ljamo vam: elan 350 rp I Flyer 500, 550, er 650 I lead kralj! 10 I Gran Sejem Bootjih2011 va 2010 Genona I videli luxe ki desmo Pregled novosti, ar 590 s 53 I arim 2011 v Düsseldorfu. d Bank sejmu Boot 1. 36 je v Biogradu na moru 41 Salona Majhni čolni V Barceloni se nam je ponudila Pregled plovil od 4 test razmerah. ugodnih ki so priložnost za do 9vmetrov, se nam zdela najzanimivejša . zbudila veliko zanimanja ! Sejem Obisk sejma Fira di Barcelona smo izkoristili tudi za teste plovil. RT Horn navt iko in tu anja Riz em Azuree 4 0 TesT Sodobn a jadrnica s I. kategorija/Category I: 12,00/10,00* EUR II. kategorija/Category II: 10,00/8,00* EUR d osto: Gran ti – prepr zanesljivos prislovična i je sončn Banks Otočje slovi kot eno najčudovitejših na vsem planetu. Še zlasti otok Palawan! s anks 53 Grand B Adriana 36 TesT Premiera nove Adriane a za Predst avljam o XC 38 Selene 60 Albatro 45 Galeon 340 fly Linssen RC 430 Sun Cru iser 570 Reportaž e Tunizija NP Telašć ica Hudičev rep nasveti Ribolov Glavno jadro Filtriranje vode iz vsebin e Otok Adr ia Ljubljansk i sejem Avrasya Sejem nav Boat Show tike Zag reb Srfanje na Rt Ho Pokal Am rnu erike Reportaža lovu SP v ribo 2010 Barkolana nko Brčin Bra Intervju: predstav navtika Nasveti Privez na boji Alternativni viri 360 docking system Filipini šporT i smo TesTiral Tickets are available at the venue one hour before the performance. Ticket reservations T + 386 1 2311 892 E [email protected] Reportaže Brisbane Otok Cres Vrnitev na Phuket nasveti Ribolov Yamaha 6Y9 AIS navigacija Varovanje posadke e reportaž Balkon Dress circle 20 let izhaj Re vij s Jeanneau NC 11 Galeon 385 open Reportaže Otok Alor Slapovi Krke Fraser Island nje na zimova el Priprava pleksi stek Montaža vetrom v krmo z Jadranje do Ž A Jadra od Parter Ground floor I številka 155 Revija za navtik o in tuRize m s s Testirali smoTestirali smo Predstavljamo Elan 210 Xc-50 Triglav Brig E 645 Sun Odyssey 409 EmergenSea Maestral 650 NEW! Regal 2550 Stoti Greenline 33 nasveTi Prodaja vstopnic uro pred koncertom pri blagajni Slovenske filharmonije. Rezervacije vstopnic: T +386 1 2311 892 E [email protected] XX. leto navtika navtika s I. kategorija/Category I II. kategorija/Category II Vokalni abonma Vocal series concerts ilka et Dvorana Marjana Kozine, Slovenska filharmonija Marjan Kozina Hall, Slovenian Philharmonic navt ika.n Prodaja in cene vstopnic za koncerte Slovenskega komornega zbora Ticket sales and prices for Slovenian Chamber Choir concerts www .val- I. kategorija II. kategorija plačilo v celoti 10% popust 48,50 EUR 37,50 EUR www.val-na prostor www.val-na Upokojenci, študentje in dijaki Tine Slab e opisuje svoje adre srfanje v okolici Rta nalinsko Horn. pluje hitre je, a vseeno udobno ! Bavaria 28 Novo plovi lo iz tovar je tokrat ne Bava prijetno ria presenetilo nas ! slovenski navti~ni mese~nik Telefon: 01 283 94 99, faks: 01 283 95 44 / e-naslov: narocniki¿ Orkester Slovenske filharmonije Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra Viole/Violas: Aleksandar Milošev Marija Rome Flavte/Flutes: Matej Grahek Aleš Kacjan Trobente/Trumpets: Tibor Kerekes Franc Kosem Maja Babnik Ravnikar Tomaž Malej Patricija Mihelač Korica Nataša Paklar Marković Dejan Glamočak Igor Konečnik Igor Maroševič Oboe/Oboes: Matjaž Rebolj Matej Šarc Pozavne/Trombones: Marko Ilić Domen Jeraša Božidar Lotrič piccolo Eva Kacjan Emil Kopše Marina Kopše Ivan Krstić Zoltan Kvanka Marjetka Šuler Borovšak Marjeta Škrjanc Sonja Vukovič Šef dirigent Chief Conductor: Emmanuel Villaume Prve violine/1st Violins: Vera Belič Monika Ivančev Druge violine/2nd Violins: Irina Kevorkova Roman Leskovic Koncertna mojstra Concert Masters: Miran Kolbl Janez Podlesek Matic Anžej Mojca Arnold Branko Brezavšček Žiga Cerar Oliver Dizdarević Škrabar Igor Dražil Tomislav Dražil Davor Duh Bojan Erjavec Žiga Faganel Katarina Jurca Maja Savnik Rado Šteharnik Rok Zgonc Milena Dostal Želimir Đonlić Marijana Gregorič Romana Kokalj Damjana Kožar Ajda Kralj Natalija Popov Vesel Petar Prendžov Miloš Simić Jelena Šarc Matjaž Žižek Marjorie Anne Carrington Melina Todorovska angleški rog/cor anglais Violončeli/Cellos: Andrej Petrač Igor Škerjanec Klarineti/Clarinets: Jurij Jenko Massimiliano Miani Gregor Marinko Ivan Šoštarič Dušan Sodja Darko Abram Petra Gačnik Greblo Klemen Hvala Gordana Keller Petrej Jošt Kosmač Alenka Helena Kovačič Janez Perne Pavel Rakar Martin Sikur Fagoti/Bassoons: Paolo Calligaris Jordan Hadžinikolov Zoran Mitev Kontrabasi/ Double Basses: Petar Brčarević Rogovi/Horns: Justin Felicijan Aurelie Roussel Jakob Ivan Maja Burger Zgonc Robert Prednik Metod Tomac Paolo Badiini Borut Kantušer Đorđe Malkoć Krešimir Mikulčić Mateja Murn Zorko Blaž Zupan bas klarinet/bass clarinet Miha Petkovšek Peter Stadler kontrafagot/contrabassoon Wolf-Hagen Hoyer baspozavna/bass trombone Tuba/Tuba: Janez Žnidaršič Timpani: Darko Gorenc Tolkala/Percussion: Barbara Kresnik Matevž Bajde Franci Krevh Harfa/Harp: Urška Križnik Zupan Aleksandra Verbicka harfa in instrumenti s tipkami/ harp and keyboard instruments Slovenski komorni zbor Slovenian Chamber Choir Martina Batič Pomočnica direktorja za zbor Assistant to the Director for the Choir Steffen Schreyer Šef dirigent Chief Conductor Gregor Klančič Asistent dirigenta zbora Assistant Choir Conductor Tatjana Kaučič Korepetitorka Piano Accompaniment Tenorji Tenors: Soprani Sopranos: Zdenka Anžur Tozon Helena Čebul Rosana Jarm Igor Drnovšek Marjan Jančič Robert Kožar Katarina Lenarčič Mateja Langus Suzana Omejc Andrej Levec Fernando Mejias Martin Logar Polonca Ribič Monika Sitar Renata Vereš Klančič Marjan Podgrajšek Marjan Ravnik Alojz Vodopivec Peter Pirnat Basi Basses: Alti Altos: Mihaela Artač Katjuša Košir Bukovec Mateja Kunstek Matija Bizjan, k.g. Mateo Debevec Matevž Kink Emilija Lavriha Marta Marolt Marjetka Prelovšek Gregor Klančič Tomaž Koder Tadej Osvald Romana Vengust Darja Vevoda Vladimira Vremšak Rok Rakar Boris Vremšak Umetnost zvoka vznemirljivega kaosa ... facebook: twitter: @radio_kaos Pomembnejše samostojne razstave Recent Solo Exhibitions 2009 • Nad-zrenje Bežigrajski galerija, Ljubljana • Ways of the soul, Minoriten Galerie, Wolfsberg, Avstrija • Slike, Galerija Zlatni Ajngel, Varaždin •Zemljemerci, zemljenosci, Galerija Hest, Ljubljana 2010 •Kritiki izbirajo, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana 2011 •Planetarij, galerija Equrna, Ljubljana Maruša ©uštar Maruša Šuštar se je rodila 6. aprila 1977 v Kranju. Leta 2006 je diplomirala pri profesorju Zmagu Jeraju na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Ljubljani ter tam nadaljevala podiplomski študij slikarstva pri profesorju Gustavu Gnamušu. Kot svobodna umetnica deluje v Preddvoru pri Kranju. Maruša Šuštar was born on April 6, 1977 in Kranj, Slovenia. In 2006, she graduated from the Ljubljana Academy of Liberal Arts under Professor Zmago Jeraj and then continued her postgraduate studies in painting with Professor Gustav Gnamuš at the same institution. She currently works as a freelance artist in Preddvor pri Kranju. Pomembnejše skupinske razstave Recent Group Exhibitions 2007 •Mednarodna likovna razstava AlpeAdriArt, Wolfsberg, Avstrija 2008 •Razstava slik II. Mednarodne lik. kolonije AlpeAdriArt, St. Georgen, Avstrija 2009 •ESSL award CEE 2009 Winners, Klosterneuburg, Dunaj, Avstrija 2010 •Young art from CEE Razstava nagrajencev Invitation prize - ESSL award CEE Vienna Insurance group, Dunaj, Avstrija •ART Karlsrühe, Karlsrühe, Nemčija •Begegnungen/srečanja Kranj, Galerie Freihausgasse, Beljak, Avstrija •Hočemo biti svobodni, kot so bili očetje, MGLC, Ljubljana 2011 Slike z razstave, Equrna, Ljubljana Nagrade Awards 2004 •Odkupna nagrada občine Žetale, ex-tempore Ptuj 2009 •Nagrada ESSL award CEE 2009, Invitation prize – Posebno povabilo Vienna Insurance group
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