SAMPLE OF CANDIDATE WORK ADMISSION PORTFOLIO STlTIENT ID {J Y:.?] 71/ FEINSTEIN SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT TUrOn lOUCATlUN riOGRAM AfrLICATIO~ FORM Rt:~ R~cb.lrF..rhnic ldcntilicaijl]o: '.IAmcriclllr) Ini.liIlIl/AI~..!ilian N_~'i . . . !: :J H\~~nk/!...:~1il\ I) Gelldcr~ Mal~ Degree; n t: Fornal_ A.o;.l;>Jr.f"r'h..:i(.c Idllllkr .A'IIi'., tV ./Undergro.1 (1 Dldd:JAfric;m Ame!'ica.n Dale 01 Birtb: 0- G.l.:~J.. . . . E<rinlau:d Dote ofGrudua';un: ,__ Toache!' Ed,~alion Program .CJF...L: . .'L''' . LJ.._. ~.''-'-_''''_ MOjor/CDllccntrotioll . 4-t6-10 "'"2 .£.J..."fd :.j S .?. ~ ~~.: _" - - ... -"..... . C.>:~II.t\,"Tl' Arc:\ PI'ST ,..1.72_ --.L1K__ _ .0'1 JJ:L . R f"!I:(hngJ1)af~ 1:IIlt; n ----1J..'i./LO....- Wdllur/TlHI: laL":e .. or - _ . - - - - -- - - -Wridne.'1'.h.ic t::lllcn ACT _._-_... Rc::u}II.~!/D.k tabn Transcripts: RIC J)"zja/LIL _ _ Other p." .. J Oid!:: Admi"ion to RIC: _" O-:if n.9._" Dolle Ii of Crc.:difl in l\iajru- C~\lnpld*d: .- .... !akt:n ---- N~c:~"i C~iC~·b:;-jr.i·\i:~~d'iy ·--~·6~ri-- GPA:_2.'18'L FNED346'_4~ {iI.!lde __ . ____ Complelion of RIC Writiug Requirement: . ~_ Ild'"f:rt.:nce Form, .... W rt ring. . n Iltt. Dr 0." ~l.jor GPA: __ _ COmlJlciinn of Rle 1<hrh Requ;rement: i_1l/,IL'I.L._ !JilL!.!" Facuity' ....... "il l~~'ne iPlo!l\.~.L ""·IJII) WRTG 100 (;rad<~J __ TeA.:.hlJology C:orfirNc.l\cy~ _~_ .. _. ___ _ Yrograrn SIl€!c.i.f1c R(>!jlJirclnell(~: __ .. 920/;>010 ....' . . :. \{~:t+':·~~:· REACH • INSPIRE • CONNECT July 23, 20 lO II i, my plea>lIrc to infunn you that the J)cp,rtrnont of ElementJrY Education and 11)(' Deln's ollice have approve<! your dpplicatiult for admi"icm int~ tho Teacher Ed'IC·alion P"'<lam in Elementary EduGltiolt within the Fcinsr~in Sch~"l llf Edu~aflon :md Jhunan Utvelopm~nt Oas.ed on ytlur skilL<.. past p~rf{}mmnce, and personal quahuc:i yuu are en'itl~d to Cl\t~r the d~rarrml!nt·.~ IH"-.!fessional education .';eqtlcnct:. You ha,'c h"t~ntifl~ sl,ecial educallon as yuHI' teaching (.tln~enrrali~11 Oil th~ applicJlion. To havo .• peeial education ag \,our .<aching conoenlraliOll. you mu't also appl\' to 010 ~podal Educ •• inn Program upon completion of SPED 300 lnd be "dlllin~d. Admission Portfolio Guiddinc.. arc .vailable ti-Oll\ the Sp.~i-a\, Edu,'ati"n I).panmenl in lJ"taCe ,,·bun 046 and Oil Ih,' Deranment web,i", (~y_ww__.ri.\'&q\\·'.s~, "" , t AIly candidare admined lu FSRrn) oilor Augmt 24, 2009 who lJl>\jo" in Elemenlary Educ_tioll or Early ChilJhood Educali'JD 3Dd a Teaching con~entrnti{]n In Spceial Educatil'rll will he rl!q\lir~rl to L:l)mplete nne full ~eUlC$tc:r tJf ~rud{'1lt tca{'hing in e;ach {'ertilicalinn 3TCJ. While enrulled in your Iirst demonlJr}' education cou!>e WI .ED 3('0) you must take .n~ pa .. the Praxis II Conlent Knuwledgc (00[4) leSI, rht passing ,<core is 145, Tho srore is required hcf,'rc l:iJ"ing elementary educalion methods courses; it is also required for teacher certilication ill Island, Only a P'rer based test administr.Ii,'n is anil.ble, Please con,ult Ihe E.-Iuc.ahun Testing S~rvkc wel"ilo (,,,,,,"w,ets,org) for spee-ifl" lest odminislrltion infcnnation. 'I1li, is rhe IiTSI Sl~p on your conrinuillg juumcy tl> becoming a '1'<','i.1 influence Qn Ihe pOTSon.1 gro....'tl\ and educaliotlOl 'UCt05' of your futur~ smdenl<. Plca,e ,anembel' thai yuur continued slrong ar !he College on.-l in your m,~or Lt'ur<"" is import.nt. III order ~, your progmrn status, the l'cimlein Schoul uf Education "lid Hwnon D<'Velopnleni requJr(" " cumul"i,·, grade point average ((1p)\) of 2,50 as well as ,uce.ssful performance m "1mr te.cher edu{'.tion pmgrom. Picas", consu;, your ad\'lsor, D!", Corrine r...lcKamey. fo plim your roU!'.se of Sllld)' and standardi7.crl rests. \Vl~h a"~~sments a!l~ to !Jtnhfy deadljnes f(lr por~folio Becau<e Dr. C"n-ine :\1cKarn~)' is " I><:~' faculty mcmhor ill the FJementaJ}' Educatiol\ Dep3l'lmenl please COIIIaft Dr. Patricia Come;'". Ch,dr of l!lemcr.tary Ed~f1tiOJ\, (pc.<.lrde'",@rie.odg) if l'lU ha,·, eny queslions pior In tllt fjr<t day of cI ...~~es. The Feinstein S{'h"ol of Educ.tion and Hurrum Development will provide Y{lU wilh important inform.t;on (u,ing your me email .~dre .. )whileyoupuf> use )'our RiC cmail for .11 corre.'pondellce at Rhode Island College, 1t will .150 ne irnporlant for you check y"ur RIC email ofien, '0 Wr-Icome to the pmcc,,, "fbec<nll"~g a tcacher, Sin"t,dy, K"----. S C7'\~ Koren S. Castagno, ph.D, ."ssoeiato nc~n ("r Teaeh.r Fducati<m PLEASE TAKE TIIlS TO THE FlllST DAY OF CLASS ll' ELED 300 RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE FeinSlein School of Education and Human Development Teach.r Education FUNST£lN SCHOOL OF EIHICATION ANn H{IMAN DE\iF.LOP1'<lRNT {lll dc rt!r:aa lin te SfU d ic~ J)cd:aralion of l\J.ajnr/C'Alnrt'ntratiun Form CONFmm'~'IJAI, SI", tlC,l. In: pm ~ r---. _._ .. I . tJ V.l,n? / (J ~ 23?1111 }'hone; --_ .. - - ··c .... ~ P'(J!V"Am: Srcci31"Lltion O"ill~iJ:OIl) Da.h.~ I L ~. ; _~tJ.!:n~('_ ~t:~m~, ... .07nY'JJ1Q ... - _. ~. N::Jlrll! jl( Advi~ur / (-' -?\ "--;; . -- _._- _ - - - -_._ . ': ..... ~ ...._-< . . . -~- - - .. ", II ., , FEINSTEIN SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT DISPOSITION REFERENCE FORM II ..... J.C~l!:D 346 SeT\'ic~.Le~rlliJl g .suf:lervi~o~JC!ll\fidt\nlial) ThiS' J;C'aiOR i~ it; be filJeLI mIt hy tht :1ppHt:ltnL rn #; 1.) Name!:: l!133qL Tclopilo~c ~ '~·':_'''_'''\'''''l..' ll. _. _. M3jOtlCMCOr.!ta:i~", ,[J. ........... r..L>;..I:!L",\,lrl'__ I...lJ:.tJ.l;-"J'J'~,,4 ,;H ,.. n· t1Ch ·r!? !J!.~. hClLS-!.rJ)fd pr.o1i !dJJicg~~_.C;i::i(;:l Pc-silion Ofc,"jJluator: Ci,V This ,.,,!iUll is tu bo lilled Oil!. by tbe Zil' ev~lualilr, I'or each i[em circle the nurnherz. I (for I(')w) ." 4 (for high) to indicatt Y"'" judgment fif the depcte ." which Ine Hf.'plica"l f.'~~.,es~., or h., demOllSlntcd the al!1ibtll<.ibcnavior idel\tjfied 0)'\ ~.eb ite"" Circle >i!A if you lIa ve in.>uflic;cnt kIlowl.~ge 10 make il jIJdgmcnl, !.ow Hig' I 2 I~') 4 N/A L \.:.- 2. H,-.• gool clarity (S"~.: R ,.jl~c'" m) 3: Is I. 1 :;) N/A 2 l NiA 2 3 ~ NJA 7. 3 \~•..J NJ'A 2 3 ,:'4'\ "' ../ , • 3 ~4\ Nfl\. " 3 ,'4'·.' "'iA 2 3 i "~"" .. "" Is s(>ci"lIy LlClful N..'A 0 .. ~) 4 Worb hard,,, d ;s thorough ~:A 2 3 ,·1_ . . jntc~l!ecr.uaHy ctJri(\u~ ILi!~;fm:g 4. .. .' ~/A al'l&'or '.~ -', ,I·4... _, ; l..ea,."iHg} Is <'c .boull<'.:lrning (LiJ~ll"'!'. Lcm'ni"tJ s. nem~\n~rr;~,c$ ~uiJity to communicJ.te e(fecth'<!ly W1th children end }·outh (At/vouley fl." Child,,,,, clnd Y!)I.rlO 6. Lijteni allj i:;: rc~pomilYC to childrcn ::!IDd youth (Ad. . ,;...c,u.y/O)· Chil,irPJl mId Yl1uth) '] _ \'h·lt:ome~ (Resp~c't/(;r f;. NlA dj.,!crse vicW'[')oint$l and is (lpcn.~rninded I fjive.rniy) h "l';-I>t,le Ie> ch.nge (Rc.<Pl:d for Diversiry) 9, Work~ well with olhers 1'-", "~~ (CollnborrJii"n) 10, IL (' Co ii(1lml'llrim,) '''-. " '. , (PMI~$.'i'HJ.IIlJlo,·k Chnrll~/~ri.nia) 1~. Is relja~le ~nd dependable 3 (r"'U~".J,\'jonllf ~}'f))"k (.'harm·/(:)"fsffc.~) Sip,nature 'l; Evaluator: ___ art l ( I f'\. a} ~~D~~,tl.'LJ¥,;.~~~4~, ,_ ..... _ ...... Dale _ ,_. -- J ,~:u,J! n~ .. H __ "_ •• _ for" .-atinS!:.Tu dtscribc the nllturc and duuuon nfthe. s:up1!n·l~e:d prc~pl'l1rcssion;tl c"'(perieQ(.'e with ..~hildlt:n.0f yourh unOCf1:Jb:n hy the. ;lpplicant, yOll may itlsD wish to u~e the rev¢ne l)f 1hj~ form, Y(lll n~y '.l:;e (he re'Verse ofrhis p:.lgc to add nddttlonal comments. lhe r~Vt!'st rid ... there j" a !8u.cripHve rubric tJ) use. at: a. I'Cre.-tfll':i:!' ~;lde FEINSTEIN SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT DISPOSITION REFERENCE FORM u.> be Iill.d ou t by 1110 evaluator. numbt~. I tinr low} ~o 4 (for high) to indicu'c your jutlgm{.·n! of the degree to whieh Ihe apr1ic"'T~t po.!~!te~:<.es ur has &::mnn..',trlLted the:- aUribuh..:/bchavior idl.:nllfLl!:d r..n t'<.Ich item. Circle N/A If )'t)U ba,,'1,; in~urficienJ knowkdge to Yn'zkC:1 Tills ~."tion j, For each il~m drdc the judl:l'ncnt. I. E'Xl1ibits sclf ..:twarcnesl>; ~'nd !;.ctf.,contidenct;'1 NiA u..s go.] clarity r.; ;:lfRcfl"clinn) Low ! 2 3 NiA 1 " NiA , } ~~,';f Hf:!l"cli~n) 1, I, 4. Is < "bunt Ic."Il"g lUte/un" U,arnf"i:1 NiA 2 '0 5. DerrlClnSlt'".!tes ability \0 C'omn)\1nica{e e!f\.o.ctively with thllrlrcn and ~(J\l:h (Advocacy fM Children alll; t'!1Irh) N/A 2 1 inlellecDJ~lly ,u,bu~ (LifEloni; L~"rn"'!r) .n1l10, c,e~liv. • 6. [.i,,"~S and is ,e$pO'I"'" 10 children .nd ~'outh iJi!lvI><'ncy for Child!'",. and You/h) NJA 2 7. Welcome, NiA ::: H. .d?ptab)e 10 ol .. ngc (H t'.rpect fDr DivN,rJ.:}~; r, NIA 2 Wories well with otbeg NIA ~ Is <or-i.lly InC-fful ':JI A , N/A 2 divc"~e viewpl:'illl$ and is open-minrl(;d (Resp"'c/ Ii" Dlv~/·.·ily) (C,,/la/>ol'f1Ii ()II) iO. o ., . IV L (C"lIo borw in>!) II. 12. Work~ lurd ~l1d i, th~mush (Proj2ssio"al WDrk Charadcri.r(i"s) 2 4 }. :den tl fj.'ing ~alns Scud~nt S5!>! ID: Addre~s Print Date Program Hi.tory Aeado~ic General CollegE Prog.r:am 2009-0';-16 in Pr~gram 2 ~'09- 0 4-16 : E1 Ed Rcti~a Undec~de,j- BAginninq o~ Ond~rqradu8t~ Fall IINTfl NDn-Western Worlds~ 162 14.680 Courge Top':.:: l~} ~ Native Amer.:i!':a ~at.ivE:: P.rneric.Ci 3. (H) 3.00 c+ Writing an,:l. tULe. toric 4.00 L.OO ,'p" folATH 10 100 tern History j>.- Math Fo!: =:!lerr. Sch Teachers I ~elj , WRTG 13.0:<'0 4,00 4.00 B Hl 0.990 Record 200~ 1.00 HIST 12.000 1M Maj Dr T~RM G~1I 3.133 TEnH TOT ,\LS 15.00 15.00 CUM Grll 3.133 cu~ TOT!\I.S 15.00 15 . 0 (, 46.990 4£.9::.. . 0 109 Sp .. ing 2010 Fund Concepts Of BiDlogy ~.oo 4.00 S' 200 Intr0duction to Economics 3.00 3.00 5 f"lIED 346 Schooling in a Democ:-atic Soc 4. llel 4. 00 A_ INST lDO M.~TH l'~ I<ath Fer El-am Sch 201 D~v~lop~nt !lIOl 12.000 Er:ON 9.000 14.GBO 6.990 'POL 6.000 46.670 rSEflD Tech Compeuncy. 'l'e~~··. II 3.00 D~moc:ra.c:l 3.00 reacheI~ of 1u'1ler 'i'S~"1 GP~ 2.863 TEPJ·{ TOT ilLS : CUM 2.999 CUP. GPA TOT ilLS 0.00 S 3,00 3. 00. C 11.00 11 .00 32,00 32 _ 00 9S~oiiO CF.P (;8HH ~Lr,D f.NGL 0.000 F"ll 2010 .)l~ 241 }OO 161 TERM GPA Cl1~ GPI\ : Educational Psychology lntrod To Film lind Vict.eoo r.()nc~pt :; of "l'~aching 'We.<.:::tern Literature 0,[100 TERM TDTALS 2.999 9.'),660 Underqradua t'i Care&%' foUle Cll).' T:JTALS c~ 4.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 32_00 32.00 Stud~nt https:!fwtbct.riceilu: 8~4JI~CRIPT"1 \ 02-R1COL-1NST -I OO-"EC 12-_ Record fur My Grades \, I : EOl~II/Well Test ! Copyrfght Test IWord Process;r\g (Out of 1) I Spreadsheet (Olt~ of I) Teel'l Comp Final ~ 10(1 _ _ ... ~ _'-~_1 __ i I 1 ·_~·· ~ i 1 J I PASSj .• _______ .... ,-~ _.~ 516f2U I 0 L~~ PM .'..~ '. ". ,", , " ::. :".' " :' ' ~ , '.' ""." ,,' ,>~ . ;.' \ .,." .' :. ... ," .", ~. . . ( !. -' , .. ', .... ,.'".'" ,( ,. " MI,lS'SAGE COIlES " . .. " .~. " ;',' mro~MA'T!bN NbT, PA.OY!I)fO OR II4COFUl.[CllV ~Jl.j~CO. . \ '. ', . ." '; . '" ;,; .. /~ t:.!I,qI/;"~ 3') !~ L'y '<:dlw."":"nll +~~I'" ..:!i·'i-9* IDr¥lcu . ,...:::IIPW", ~f IfJ~""'aJb <l! F:!U:MI&~t l'·~·,r.ct ~_( .., I'JVJ(!j .sEIt.!E!i lol (0 " '"1\ - • . '. '. I· ' fCUCA.lfl'J"AI.·i~~WlG <t·Ii:R.Y~~·. O'~: (ltod tilt. 't rs 1~~G';'hIi ~Di~J'(i1i _ _ fI'IlI'" 41 E.tI:.l£lian:IJ fG$-lI/1f Sllrvln ' . R 3724 PASSED/NOT PASSED INFORMATION BASED ON HIGHEST SCORES EARNED AS oF05/07J2010 Pat_dlrlo'! paued 'itatos prOVided in Ihb repar. is hue;d on thE paning score in etfet:t.on Ih2 ~.~ <:Ir on Ule 1i.Ak.n:1!m:1.i.d (as indjcated ne:u 1tacn tc«1t fflclplent't nam~), AgcM:iel; r.,erYi tne rlstlt to Ac'nplltlfl '.p.o"lh9 0# '.tcre$ but no' neteuMHy th~ paSiecilnat pUSt:'d tl"tUI. Tut TE!~ Code RI Your Higl, ••t SCDre NaME A:&qo~red Mifl~rnurn SCOniit -] M.n;mum Srnre RI Required Passing Score MeUNot Met i - - - - l - •••• ~ __;I---_-t-L _::--I ....... . ,-_._--_. J-_ ~~ I _ - - 1 . . . - _ ••• .. ,. ~L._ -.~ ... .•. I-=-~: ~c l --:_ -, .. 1 ------r--__--+l_··~ . ,r.:...: t·-·· r~:- ..----_ . .,. ._.- --.J- t_ .. ,-_ .._......... . .. ._=~---~L. . ,-.. , . -, ,,-~~F::::.-:::.L__ _ ... l ... ' ' H ...'"--. _. ..--. --- .I _....__ .1_.1._. -- ~-.-+---- ..·-______=~::L-=~ ,---"- 1_____ . .~--.-- . Thli IBnclosed seora it'lterr>tll!!ti\le leiJlal ~ rovides additiQnal inrormation _boLlt smte t'Qquirem&nts. Passed/not pasaea informat;on nO! provided if I'fK')re than Of1e quaJif~tng It:Dr@ is used Jar a test, or quatiJying score is not avail an Ie, -,-I ·i" Test Categor}i:~ CO.M~U~ERI2E[i.pRE.-PROFESS!ONAL SKilLS T~T; .. REAOtNo.--:" .i. ~ " ~: . I. ¢RI~ICA.l AND .IHFERE;NJJAl cOMPREHENSION II,."·: ERN.. COMP R(JII;:~ldN LJ' :'; - " .\ .. .. . ~ " '" " 13·' -.-.!EI 1B ~·f .1' '.~.. " .. >( " :/ t, (if;iAM~TICAL RIELA110NSI'iIP'Si IT, : ~!~U~T.~~L:·R!=LATIONSHIPS " , .,: • "• • " , ,. is , " . ;. III. WORO CHO.CE:~ AND !..4ECl-lAtUCS , " N_ ESSAV' (.: :' " 12 .. • ,5 • .' 15 •6 " "2 " <, ", .. CO!..4PUTERt2EO flRE-PROFESSlo."lAL SKI~LS ~~.~: "MATHEMATleS .' .". x. ,< , I. HUMBER: AND OPERA nONS IT_ nt AlG~BRA ' v..; GEOMETRY A.N~ MEA,.g~R$.AENI .. : IV. DATA AkALVS:Is AND P'R.OBA9tLlTV: • ,. •e • ,',• "e, ,'5 • 7 . e ,. 7 '. "fa· i .~ • '3, : , .. ,<. , <' " :~. :' I <- <- )II C:NQo~·loWol Il\ror~~ l""'I.~hu Ill. I1l.1l'r1b~( ~ (Ja11"qu"'Iloirt ~"tWl;/.ad tcJr.c,ly ~r;. ,4,.... ; ,~I/IIIi~ ,..,..~[I hJbontl t>( ~1't9 qll9Q1i~ng. s..r.t&1J8~ ,hoGy 1Il0 ~8tt4 c.lI·5~11·1I\I~1)a", tJ (lUlHtitlllt, cil'".1l!l,,~ry Icarft'!i IIK1 ""~ r'DliBbd~ lharo lhe oI'JlkMI'kIJBlJ" ~i(.h ~Y,o ~~~ .. 4. an tflo lull "it! lOll' IiillIoIa~"". FYl1.hllrr~~rll, Ilu ~Liona Fro II t"M~gNY mlfYv,;ry ill dil'fit"ull)' ·'rem Dna \,):1 ferm 1(1 .~ot2\.r. ll, .... o~ro.. tU cot.:l;oi~IY· ,co,.., ~(I¥f4"ill" "fIIIIa h~ !.1IkltlII d1Plt!lroiri formll ar lI)a .... [ OJr" nat .. g~8UrL;\I' u>r·,;p~ubj •. Ft., I~ga r".iJrSo)J\1l, n~aOry ~~Ia.nol ~e, c,"M:;6'lirt4.." 1'·lItj.~ ,aJi..cfloro er.a c~r.did.;M'" hWfll al k~d'lIe I" tlln·,.a1.f.;! ry ~n.i ET!i·r"'Di!uIiDr.d~ li.a e.abo,o~ Inl'l;Irrl'lo1~~ ,nit bE:! "'"~ lo inl'or~ ~(d •.c.i"I.I:~1\I" 1to1~..-Iln~ t"oInl:li&or:n win..,~ t}./'IOI!1oI1 ~II.Od.(,)·h"" t:>1 J.1,IC:1l.~erelt1 14<"'·al p""~I~It:>". ' of ~!n·~@",(nl PJl(]I~.I'I\!1.c.tIUIQo! &CO'""l Or I , , .. JlllJIt 'fI1. flln~e 0' 5("'~ 61rr..adl ky jl"ol 1'I'oH4PlI·.5W. ~f" oro~, lIlQJ"J1i nf+.!l wno ~k t21i~ klrm t IrKl 1'1 li\:I ~t ~Or14 ~trliolUl 8a"",lI>9troJtiO!l or .41"",~~~}lI" tj~ NIC mtIiIM" 1 lhol. IJIIgfl ~ I1I!o't 'DO"P\p~ tJlK'[J~e lf1WfTI \JIlr·•. lti 4)GJ,"j~1I<$ IDak !.hl$ to,.". tJJ lISt 11:1" cr W~ot\I~o lh.aJ"!!l ..... O:rE:!1ow.a1 Ullin· II' q~II~ iii't2iE:! t"Oll:lga,y ar. (0' tonSllrlJrt8d.,.g,."n~Q 1"1"1011,,1'; I~; ~ I ~Jr.S (0 boD ·tiW~"rtH l17·jh&-ra&/il. HIA (1'ItUcau, IM1. t1iis.Ds:t lI>' NIl tilG.I'I,'~4. dI~r(l~. 018 Illllt'orl"lQ1!"'" 1~.·.~·aP1:'~~Oo~Ltll··:: : . ~ ° • < • ••• •••• ,.. •• ,."rod. r •• Candidate 2 - FALL 2010 Admit follow up Current Spring 2011 Transcript Content Knowledge score Fall 2010 Anifact ELED 300: Concepts of Teaching Planning and Reflecting Artifact - Acceptable rating .' REquesTBeader V Request Qetail l y. Report .trrors Report Results \ ---'=====-=-=~--=====~-------"'" !- :,-,; I View Ad 1 Print 042 ..... ' . "J Rhod. Island College Undcgraduote D~grce R.hode Island College rd~nlifying Code: R.ICOL Name StudenllD: SSN Prinl Date ,201 1-0J-26 - - - - - Academic I'rag",m 1Ii<lor)' : l:grad Degree Oeoeml College , ~009-04-16 : Active in Pl'ogrnm Pro~,.am 20M-04-16 , EI Ed I.,;ndecidcd-ll\l Major i Prog!'am : Ugrad I).g Education & Humn Dev I 2010-07-26 : Active in Prog,am 2010-07-26: ELED, Spc-cial Education-BS 1I,1ajOl Dcginning of Undergraduale Record - - - - - Fall 2009 ANTH 162 4,00 Non-Western Worlds: Course Topic(s): N"ljv~ 4,00 A- 14.6S0 Ameri':l1 Nali ve Ameri en Weslem Histol}· 161 4.00 4,00 B 12.000 143 3,00 3,(10 C·, MATH Math For El~m Seh Teil<:hcrs I 6.990 4,00 Wriling Md \{ildoric WRTG 100 4.0U B·' 13.320 46,990 TERM GPA: 3.133 TERM TOTALS: 15,OU 15.00 HIST CUil-1 OPA: 3.I3J CUM Tm·ALS: 15.00 15.00 46.990 Spring 2010 )0'< BIOI. ECON 200 FNED 346 100 INST !~~ MATH 1'01. 201 Notes Fund Ce>nceplS Of Biology 4,00 4,00B Introduction to &onomics 3,00 3,00 B 9.000 4,00 A14,6S0 Scholliing in a Democratic Soc FSFHf) nch Compt:t~nc~' Tegt 4,00 0.00 S "'bth For £I~m Sch Teach",s Ii 3.00 3,O() C·Dev~lol'm~n( of Amer Democracy 3.00 3.uOC : Gr3d~ Challged After Pus(ing. Notes : 7114-'10 - From) (e> C per 1,,1. Rom"n - d$ TF,\{M GPA: 2,863 TERM TOTAL~: 17.00 (LIM GPA: CEP 315 12,000 2.98~ CUM 'IOTALS: Fall201U EdllCational Psychology 32.00 4,00 17.00 32.00 4.00 B- 6.990 6.000 48.67{l 95,660 10.680 :~.~_: : ,:';" " : ~ l~': ~ CO:\lM 241 I"trod To Film And Video 3.00 3.00 C5.010 ELED 300 Crmcept. "fTeaching 3.00 3.00 B· 8.0 I0 4.00 4.00 U· 10,080 ENGL 161 Western IAer"lure TEln! OPA: 2,456 TERM TOTALS: 14.00 14,00 34.380 CUM GPA: 2.827 CUM TOT,\LS; 46.00 46.OQ ]30,040 Spring 2011 ELED [;LED 422 'l"eJching Devel('pmenlal ll.cad I T,,-"ching Lang A r1S [lcm Sch 3.00 435 j,on PSCl 103 Physical Science 4,00 0.00 W W~1ST 200 G~lId('r and Suciety J ,00 TERM GPA: 0.000 TERM TOTALS: 4.00 0.00 CUM GPA: :.827 CUM TOTM.S: 50.00 Undergraduate Carur Touls CUM GI'A: 2,821 cur..! TOTALS: 50.00 • - - - - Non-Course Mile..ton.,. ...•• I i 200S-10-23 College Mathem.tics Requirement Mileslono S"'t.u~: Compl ..... d 2008-10·23 SAT '1'0'\ T.ken. Complc'lcd • 2009-12- 22 Olllct!~ Writi:;g Rc~uir"m"!It Milestone Status: Complete.:! 2009·12·22 Course Take" • 46,00 130.0·10 46,00 130.040 .. sa~~1 ;-"Rei~rn'l~ ·s.-~r~h--I:" . NO~(y '1 Re~u8st 0,000 Header I Rf'o~.e.1i.LEk@l! I Report Results I Reportl'.orrors Test Results ......... _--_ .. _ - - - - - - - - - _ . . . . -" Fl.'H .1.. • _:< <'i ?, i.~·· l;:Lst leSIIO: :;-:::'~~'1~il~'s ELEDe for (;cmp'.)n~nt.s -_. __ .. _.... .l Chcc~list Uem Update Elemenl.ry Educ.tilon Content Dala Sou rce: : Te&! Dale: Acad Level; ~ I-~:~:.Jt C();:q.:ont'r1ls Ac,d Level Component I, 1 CONKN 173.00 '._------ 0112012011 ._. Teat to: ,. ')'~·t~~Li:i'S PPST lc" .__ . Sophorno~ __ ._ ... _._--_ .. _ - _ . _ - - - Pre Profess;onal ._ ..... ETS S~bjer:1 ..! ChecklIst Item Ulld.", Tes' Ccr.\~O:\!::'lliS Data Source: Test Data: Acad Level: ............. Component Score :M!!l Test pate !. . !j.~lJ~'~:ll~ ;~-;~! Vie\'J ~.II Qata S~!lrc! Agd L@\/el I rL!! Fi~~;···::L Le!1er Data Loaded ~eo~ 1 Mt>TH 179.00 ~312010 EiS Freshman 05114nO t 0 2 READ 179.00 0412312010 ETS Freshman OS11412010 3WR 178.00 0412312010 ETS Freshman 0511412010 Test to: SAT I Scholast'c Assessment Tes' I - .. - - -_. --- - - ---_._-_. ;i.."' ';:',~ ~:I '.~. ~cr CCPni) , ....... _. J Checklist Item Updsl8 -_. _._- ---- --- ----_ ... _.. _.- .. __ ...... _. Data Souree: Test Date: .j ,;; ~I i ::-: ETS 12th Grade 1012312008 2 lOS 8,00 03101/2008 ETS 11th Grade 1012312008 3 MATH ...:lO.OO 23 1OiO 112008 ETS 12th Grade 1012312008 MATH 490,00 031011200B ETS l11h Grade 1012312008 49.00 10101120013 ETS 12th Grade 1012312008 G<, Noti~f '1' Rerr•• h '1 " 1 fi1 .. L~' l..!:..J .. '"'-'. Adm!!l 10101/2008 .... :::"""""'I ..... ".~~ .,.. ~ .... ~, L ..• 1-.1 u; . ~ Asad Level Score ~ Tes! Date Transfer To: Prospect Dolo , , . _ . .____y:..J ' F "'" 7,00 5 Me §.LruI. Mmln' _.......- .....- -- ..-- ._-- -_._- - .. _._- ES 4 tndex Aead Level: : . -,._- -- - ._ ... : : :' ".' ~~~. C 1.1 I il p./J 'I'H' is ComQonent _.. ;-:J 01 ) ;_~:i L ~~;i~;·'·l .~./ . y , ! FALL 2010 Admit follow up f.!!I,I",~,Q,10 .AJ!ifa.c1 ELED 300: Concepts of Teaching Planning and Reflecting Artifact - Acceptable rating lHSON PIAN 3 UNlr Tt1EMf: Pa~r HDur l "~~·::~~::'~··?:i;:,.·~;t,~~J~~·':~. :':;'':'~~~.'~;J ;,::~, <:.:. -\ MODEl Of TEACHING: L02SS0n 3; PreieMiUion RAnONAL[~ To _earn about [omponellts of a ;eo~~on: estab1i5h set. advefiCE: oftcoe!'\iu:r. and cfO'tUfE. lke rontel\t of m'j !f'~s'Oil r1 to te~t" t"~ ~on(i:~t 01 Trust. I hBve st't tJ~.a pollo1(;Jpofnt 'fJith it ;il~U~1 tep(e:t€.ntat;on of ,i} Vust tOlller, MV actlvlt~ is a tr(,.lst maze; and the pt()diJt1 of . ,:,::v~.!:n~nt 1.1]; .'1;"':'" learnine is: cia)' modeis of sideldr:1o: and ~nl~mV (fri~nd or fOI!) ()fSIRED RfSULTS-lfARNING OUTCOMI5 Leerntng Outmme 1., 5turJ"'MJ. will be (J~L' lO lJJldel'SlDJ')dJ.Dt kind of q.,talilre5 () (Jlffl.Cm 1'l~l!ds 10 h{)"t! to he aM ... to tfU~' tne'J'I. w,ming, O.Y!£ 2. StlJdtnroS will be- obJe to .bmw how hord it is to biJilrJ ifr.;.,(f.< lmd how i's ta lE'er it 1lpt:11T. ~asy it thtir "IN!! Jid~J:;LJ.: and er.tmy b"ud Oft iheil olA'n !U[JI/rhero r11e'Y nnve 1Il!f::Ied.. Dnd what the)' have !t'Ctrned ill Oill' ie~son obfEil UU$t. h.~.~I~in!.Ql.t{'!f')~. ~ Sll1t1ent.s cAlill be obI! IfJ ~ff!llt~ ~~~!' FOR f'ORMATl1IE AgE~S.M'NT Whol will yOu obStflle? -- . ,'01 ~~'I'f.:I)I<: t:)llho.~ . ,,-~, . r •.a1T1F111!{: ·fudl.1 !rt.'1tir'lfl ~h ... 'kh~l' , ·Af\ttIlM.liI hotEl' (rOI1l ObM·t\llfl~ : ('.'·II1G It;uidCld thr~', , trust malt. Wltl'l IJ~ __ .. , 'il : !<lUd~l1U: IEirnl(\~ t:.,ltn.rr<,.t~ -A(A:v!otJI'l<lt4\ ,:!~?'.:!~~.~. d.'~li.t -----_ ..-.-" Relation.stdp to learning Outcome Cgmme~t [ll: n.~' .c-utp::u~ a~ ~ tuch~l. (1lI'lU"led 11~1t-~-:;!,tio""rW<~j ~ [~~~I-,If\Q ojl'l::i , ,,1I./;I;lu ttIJdtvttt to clt'o'T.·~" "')~ir~ 1;1' liltr!'I"'~ : .u.d Cl'\illk;t!it., fO!l')~'(!' M~ AlliMilu," ~ ~IM IJI,'or.,utit:.,(. b:l t;pJ ~d 0,1\ ~r,:.ocpt~~1 • \1(..,Ii"t1I..:IwJ bit li/l.l('"1: II'M~ ~r ;~"j ,,, bll~*r · .r:u.... ~?>,~;,..\~. .:;;::.:::.1:;;~: · Comrnfl'nl 13): 1.,.00;....:(' . :. ;;';'1: .c.~4 .llioc ~j~d GHIM! o~1.:e.""",-, NtI.:""~1'It .. ~. b\-'I"~~-":"" ",.. ~l.t.Ir .. ~" lM't;bw"".~1t 1=:1''''10-1). "::./~, ~ '~, ':~:\''''.'(.:~'~J '.. ".'.\,.~ .. ~/<: ..... ~. LGMment (-1l: Vao.l rt.<It'G 11:> ;lQUjACf t\'t,~'bl.:- h~hh'i~t: f~ l.~IU"?l~t ()uU(!!:-I,:2 .II~ ~ VwineLtlllitd Ihl:; ilH~ t.r.wfv~r_ ltt~t tM, LESSON PLAN T,MPLATE REOOR01NG 'C~M'TE4C11ER CHE(;KIIST PLAN FO R RECOR DING RES ULTS OF 'ORMATIV E ~5E SSM~ NTI , ._" ,l . r··-- - ------- - ,I·,·· , ····i ---.,""" 1---. OPPORTUNITIH TO LEARN Sa.f5!ty Considcr;"tiDI'ls," ·1 will make s,urp' th<llt durif'lt: die m;n:~, allyon(: who dOc"i IIDt w3nl to b~ bl.Mlfo'o'@:d, dOQ~ nN have to. ~ ..uill al~o 11"<lke ~urf: lhii1 tl1~ euider does not pUrpcSf:!ly holim l~if truster. ~cmmadalicr.s Fq( Oi~.r~e ~ei'lrne~.~: ·Thl$le~~on aCL:omrnod~tE"$ fer diverse ICiJrr,eri fDr thi\t they ~Dt to Ue<ite- thl!ir O'Nn sldt:~i(k iilnd tt-.~ir OW" enemy. They alw f!:'t to [TIi'jlte tneir 'YNn ~rnple: aftrust. <;:0i?p'!nti~_ L~ar"inB -During tke md~e t..I"Ie student.:; will be rn p<llir~i CIne weilrillg i) bllndrold ee.inE the "'uunef" j)od the DIlle! beil'f,the leader/guide.r. I ~\lill also h3\1~ a student, whCJ I M~'e not .!Ilre~~ c.!Il(ed, .a_~d 'Mw has beer,. behs\ling to ne'p me dlnrluute m~t@ritlls tD the otner students_ !.n~ruqi 0 na I Ma.H~:rl.a r.!.,.~!l~ ReJQ1!!".~~.s 1. MDdel of Pronur:1.: aaV Mad~ls 2, MineriiJ's for each student"; Clay :!. M,nerij)Js inared ~y All students: No m~terioi:ll~ :!are ihart:d ir\ tni~ PfOOuct of l!!iHnln£_ -MV ffllIterii:lls wi:1 b~ pild.l!ic-ed In ba£&ies for efficient d,s.trlbution_ -Pa~rpoin\ ~'~ser1t"'tlon. ~!cmr: with a blank jfld~l!: r;~rd I'fld 21 ~nc;I, ~nd a bOJl"{un.suro::! 'y·el about box or how I want LD mt!kC' mv tru!;t ta'M!r) iP.ace: For t~ pr@sentation l t~e or llbfary (de-pendil"LB an if I ~.11Je n');He, i,... tk@ i'lallwav hh!ac ..· 4S !iet up), A"\d for $ttJ.dent~ VoILIl be in tn~ cl!ilfete~;!!I. ~o, the m.,terli!l~ for maze/ and hew prodUl~ o~ Iurn:nc b~ck to th~ C!r~tl!ll~. ·2· th~ i,~:·.'I:!:·:~,;~.i~~:>~·I:;::i :: ':..': . ::.>":.-~.:;.: ~: ~.:< r:OMmo!-P'11 151~ l.J:InI: ..' If."/.r I", G'''~f' P1'l:d(. : !D II'IIUr~ll~tllol"",I~1 fd~L'} ~Itn' I00I1 .. , I~II ! Ir .. n.iroj( ~1'I~lrD/I.rtIor:"t. '::' >~~ ~:~~:';'!:::~ j~! :, " . ~,.; .,' .... ~ ... - roe,',o : Com rIlC"nt (6); V<l~ oo.n~i.!tr w.el ~tnl~l!IiC5 11,,1 ,ddr~u di(florHl! ; .dc::"o'~bPlII..:.\~rl\lj 'I~f. L!$SON PLAN TEMPLA1t _,_ TIME· INSTRUCTIONAL-----_ SEQUENCE LESSON 3: PRESE NTATION .. _.... ... ,,, ....... TIM; ..J~ oft!,in) 3:15--3:17 (2 m.n) INSTRUCTIONAl5lQUENC! T~~"_e~lStudent Act}o~.~ .. : 1, 6egln tne Itsso~. - · I• CornMUf,[t:y tnJlldil'lg: link to prIor lutl'dtlg. What was ~otnethlnc that we .... leaJn~d last cl3lss? What M l!Xdrr,,,!~ of (tlspons.lbiH,? Wh.313toO~ ff.lim~s§,? Ploolde goai1. and establish set'. Tod3\j we'll be lef.lrn[ng about the ,..jj!"f of Trun, How 'Nt! detcm;il'le who to 1rust" and We'i\ be da1r]£ a t~u~~ a~tjv~t>;, <'15 w~J! a.s QJJt !)foject, of mAkln: peQI=I!e of v.:ho we tnJit our !:ideiolid(\. and i~ people '...'e do I'lN; {'lVt e1)emies, 3;17 - 3:25 ; 1. PrCIOent advance arl;:mizef. j (7 rroinl ! I have made a powc-rpoint prf1entation to explaln tAvst, non tlUst \vno we trull,. end all 3:25 - 3:30 : 3. P(8~nt 15 min) le~ming ei<rlrY1",I,~,~,ts~Y,~,I,"oj' a tr,~.t ~O~,~.r, Mliteri-.Is. Here i~ 8 {Iote(~rd. p.jei!ls~ dl~W, or write, and ~xampleot tru,;t that ,/00 wOlJk:1 ShOw yow' parenu... n~e{l tal-\!;! It onto th~ box{?] and h<lnd It to me:. As Vatl un .s~e, this is a tower, Hdl"d to ~cev iteadYlllld togethec ju.1t like trust. i~. But ii I pull just 1 block out o! the tower, 'thin,s un get iii ~fH~6! hPPy and un~t,}ble. If Vou W~fe!o tost your with your polrenB, 'hey i'nlthr nC't be i1bll! to truST you.u ffit1ch JS th.!!y normally WO\ I wece ....( ~'~;;"f:. ·,T:..i;·!. }:~., '. : U"'me:nl f;'!;lli\o<6\( i4fol<lf\l~i~~" • m;al,;, lL P4!'\,"~~ ~ tw.!( yew s~e:Utn "'OloIi.I Howt: ..el", II.: cn.e!u! n~ f?H_d frl)o""ll · ~~~'!;fP<t>inf ll~~~ rnu1rf'\l'!'"J~ ~~<!. n:!n'Ulf ""IUJ.d !'IY"tU InmCTS_. l\:) 1"1'{..'l<"}Ofll to pull another l:oIo~k out) it w11l hec.ome even more uns.table;;')r idven cO'Jld fall all a>'Bn. P(lrf:nts might flDt bfi ab'e to trust 'yOu at lilt if you deride to ll1~iro:e more untr1.lstworthymov~1_ ~:30- 3:.f3 ! 4. M;1'111tJr iJnd d~e~ fO~·l.1nder$ta~~i"g~----- ill m~I"\}: 3:43 , 3~~5 {2. Ililn} I ---.------Mare activjry: P.em~fT'\ber hew th.e tower fell down? We;1 if \'OU \"'E~ to ~tal"t lia!)ltlt yOlJr ~rt.nef':iMo obJt(ts, th~" wltl :!iI"AITknowlng nct to \tu!! y?U, S. Extend >!udent thlnklne. : -After activity: Old anyone leel tl:'l$ale during lne:;r mare Dec.allSl! their jJ~r!nef i wa;;; being nonlruSI'wonhy? How does it feel ~~t tobe truded? 1.,----.: .. .......... . . 3:45- 4:10 : 6. Other: Nla"k.e models of sidekick 3nd eneJn¥. {25 min} -!:~3:y r ......... ·······~· .... ~:IO··4:11 (5 minI , 7. E..,d the.1el!lon. tIO$\I~: IiDv; w,u; trust dt:frlort,[(ated tod,).{t How dt: \IOU trust your sid",kldc:? And your e:neJ'tly? Link to fl,fttJ(~ pmo\H with ~ _ ... 15.. c~ rll\g N.xt week. we will be fil'\bhrn~ lip tfMi! !ajt of our and rl!Spttt, ~-tpii;;;iS~$IUd"'1S lopa:en\${RUa,dia;;; _. ! Comm tn t [to]: s~(" f",k reo 90" : ICJr01I.,y;~ f\f;~ flI p!~I ... l f' (1\1"-1 "'1UI'4IleJ", • (!l'I'UII11~ r idtb) Ib ttj.t~")l.MI ...I!du ; (b.lgstr ideal) Ihnt II ,*&.Uwr.e,d - hllhll,( • ~:'\'I .. !lrl ii.l~). It; ~ttet ;~"I YWJ Ut. iPlnnr.1ci.llb "''''''" :xontq..-11l11 ClI"l" I, ,ttt~i;;;.r Idr;U; uloll hA:lp ~It<d'rlb \;.)-14 , w ':'-"1!;~f'ruJI : 1x.rru~f\Jrt_ "(hi1 is tI(I'I ~1-f.vH\t'll )'lllf r1-'l1.:,ifloll :\ Jill>. ytla »c: itltb"l>tled 10 tlt':t df~ui\.quHMr.h&3 a <-11ad' bt : u!l~~nl~fll;tI!_ ,!-i.) p,!1"Vtflt l!~lt4s~ LE550N PLA'I TEMPLATE --(~;lfM:'i.~) -r 3:IS-3;2S (10 min} _. . . -- ----... Ftel(lt~ (0 l~:~~~j:~-,~-:-~:t[~~-'~-~-~~ ,_, _. _. . 1 priDr leill'"nine . .Ask wh;;lt WQl~ som~tr.ill& we le3!r,,~d from la~t d;{~~_ l flel/l~~):1~~.p!~rlge- Go over $Lhedulo!_ ~tMt 1)rt!5cnt~t.i.'?.t'l.:. ~3.js" Calltin~e prE'~en!(l1ian ..,nd dO~~lI~t fDWer. _ _ _ .... . -----.. IlO min) l:35-34"S:--'-c;o to libr~;=Y or 'h;i"iw;;IV ;;lnd do Ol,r tr~r~t m(lZE'. llO 1111"1__ 3~4S-):5S ---l· ________ . _ _ In;5~maze CDni:. Ke,ld o8ck 10 c"fetcria. [!o n:?il'l .. " ----;:----,c-::----.,.,--,-----,-----3;55-4;03 ~rcduct 01 :eijrr'lin8. __ .11011110) ',OS-UO Produl:t ofreMnlr'l€._ __(~Q. Il'Ir~) .... 4:; 0-4:15 (5 rnil)) 1- 4j~' I -- ---------,., .,~ismis.s _s_~.ld e~~.! rdi~~. PRODUCT Of l~ARNING,Jd'ent~ will eet to m(tlh i!I clav mDdeJ of both tncir sidekidi {to tne ,:iuperhl!fO tit€!'( h.avc prev'lous~ erea tcd) llld JI\ ef'l,t-my. The',l g~r to (T~atll! '.....noe"·er they wanr to tJ~ creative. "GO TO· ACTI\lIlIES -My ~o to Jcli1Jilies ~re a 'Nord ssarc;h, a 'ros5word ind tnev ran rud <omie ~ni5kE:d early. REFERENCES r.' IY.J(]~S if tl'l..iy r.ave J(')~ph~ofl In!l:itLJte (199B)_ EJ.:~rcj.;;in~ ChMJ(l/:r; TrtJ5twon~inl!.n. fh!!tric:v~d from ~~t~:// d'lj3! j3C't F.!1 L:9!-1_t).t~:g.~ 111 , I.E .~~ ~~i-1i':l ~-Ch..£l..!i!~.t~_~!I~. e.r - Ch3~ g:t:-_ g.Fi-truU '0\10 ~rnin(!.!is.:2Q'! AOD HAr'JOOU15 YOU WJLL DJSTWBIJTE TO srUD[NTS AT THt:. ENO OF THIS FILE". ·4· .'. ).' ;·':-~:~.\·;:\·}i·.~.~.:~:.'/.~:·>: . _:;.: ~. :~.~-~ .:··:i·.;~') Co rnrPI.r'Il U1l; i~JuJ~ h.4JLdau'IlI'l dlii Ak. 1n,clllAt. tllLn ul ~l,.1lnit l'.oIlulu. ill R.cI~I'I'ICt.\. 'J..'l:U's _ •• , ••• ".,.V.'(li " kin-=•• _..c::o ~"_);j d~~{ln!:.lra ted ~~ .ll:llh(y ~.:: t11fii.: crhk:ilily. (etitcr ,.1'1 the ,~~c"";!T'r;-~(:,,"f,;,,)g prQ(-!!$~ Y{''v r~I,}\ed "t(J~lr Ihl"kirg W !.cvCt<1f S'\;;nd",ds (A PlYT). '1m.'" rd,'I!~d 'FY_P 1hi!-,IOIrg tn 1)£!'rtClI1i11 (;}tp;:,if!Ii(,g II" 'IpplVi-'l Mil, "nd ur:ierst.<:i:'):J.:;\€: of w·~\entntit'n mOll~1 <)~ t~~(;hir.g. YOI; (i~fe'·.:d t,t tl',,-:: r:;n·l:) r:(lr,ceptAJ,"1: Fr:"j1Y\(:'-v,rkl :)vO:4I I, Yil:J 'J..I1nl~ PI d¢.)t, \"\'":!II~(trgi'l')i~.::!1'i ~l()'::' wlth;" d~;;:r INn:dl,.lctI0Y' ,,!."ill (;»r>clJ';i(m '.\':-:'f>t(~~ ~mp(\l\'e E;..f.\,1MI VO·Jr !;(lrjQr!ita!)dir~ o~ (""lot! '.. 0h:':?pt ~~!:lh< 'i"ur t,",it'~ineto I:Jf ;f"~;eaii\'). readings. IrJdJdf" f!'Ji:ffl,t:<t of us~~sl!'g aU uf 'Ie!.;.,'ot:5. Anlr:h at tht!- ~I'd of the: f;,1e: a C')r'1Ipl!i!t~d r.:::.;orc;:;rc (i'lrIn ;::n.::jCir .<:i:(I~Cd/ll~J I\l... rp.<'~ re:latcd to thf!' ~.(df:·-:1@d l~!;~ot) Yeo!": l.:~c'i'it1deo thC" ml)x:ml;om length 0: pc.~!:!:'. ;,ll"Iu:ie ('viJr!rJ·:-:r: '-if '-c·-:ording r~'J:JIt5 of km"i"i"r .... :'! .... ~',C":;.smc:l't ACCEPTABLE STlII)Jo~NT N(,\'cml:.:r 9, :n 10 Ekt11liil n~f).::.::.tif)l) ). ....:. ' ; -;1;·i.: ·,::"!·;.~:~"·i~·;;:.: ,'.; .:. ....., f.).: ~.: CommieAt (1 J: \'uIlIlII!t:1N 1b Ih" {'P "1"1 ~ 1'''1(, bu'_ )lr,u nerd fa npl'l" .... h" "::nllLa! ,,·l1l':'c!jl'lr; 'f." \l!..titlc\llrju I~ i,jl-;' n( li~kl"'$. Hwl'lT;' "·i'~ J,lr1!(:lia:. . :::{Hd~n(~ wi!1 be ahle.lO linow MW h,lrd it l5 to. huik! tmsl.. 'U'ld how ~,uy it is!o :Ci11 it Tr-roorhuut my [c&.ion m)' studcnH did.l number or Lhings to htlp \hem undt!TSiand the .::onceploff!tKt. Hut bcfure 1 showed Lham anything; I Wflnted to sec \fo'hat folded, and titG othe, led tt..m .",und Ih, hbr>,-y witho", louching Ihem,)' J'h.i, : c.omme.nt [2:1: 10(1.11,0.' \lIJ Y'''-A au1.Hi rhl'i>hf 1 wh~1 did 1I1:>U I,)bnrvL'~ Wha.! \OI'U t1J(' : fVl4el'\~e 1twt)'l>u tU~!1:! 1':tl1lk~ tud8J'lttflU ,a.b?1J1 !1I,,1' uhi~·.MfI\{~tJ; n~d 1:!ri1~~i{)n~ (}lldt::r~tl)fI~ The concept h( tllISI The~e !hlct WIl)\ alonr; \4'jLh the (ru~t {('Iwer deml)lJ~("'a~d fi~urc the JUPTS {oHrth otll what tWS.1 ~[lldI!:IU."~ ~(;flm fh!~4nt M Djversity, They "lid a mlmh~r j'){ ""4)':5 ID'(j 10 the.m, dod who") (hey c~ <liiftf(:1:t!v Wllh mMiy option~ for f:ocm Ie' F.llro dcm<.lnstn((' {he thrrd Rl?T~ S13nd.vd of JTnu' k::.rfl by fl'.y board or }'(;UJd' POint, A&Y the' flta7.c. And tru~. prom]l'\l!ii d a.nd The \4't ~a£: .m~WJ3.rS f~cHn!l:s ~rl; J~rn Chi]cl1r.~ thr:-ir wi. These thin~s uarn tC"";ttJS';: (h(..,,), could a..( the Ac1ivity il1 th!! c;tf¢!i!rifl and I It'e:el\:e..j Itw q'}C'sfions !:1J a,.:: \ .. ~H Dl'Yt::f5iiY kt.. ~11.ru1()1 tru~t c~pb,!~d orth~ tnut t(lw£lr Ih"ld how it fell C(ll;~ lh~ Iht lt~r :;hort ancl nof.a. (<Ituf deuil, but iif'\.!r I the ildHwcrs Wc"l{': rnud"l: longer::lM nlt'lI"C dRtaratc on haw tilt)' felt Thj:; l11tcractit.ln is RJP'IS cis:,n1 .shmdJlfd of COmmUTIfc::nlnfl. I ffi.i\.:k· cffCC'ti'1C \:"mm(!llka~;(\n t(\ Iv,:lp .... ch.h..,lc thl': !itudC!lit.!i e.xpl(IJ('". oonju..lIJfc. di"i:U5S imd hrVCtt1g;t\C OC\loi idcA.'t. ,-\rt(1ther o:.ampll.! ofdJ4! Cilmunmi!I.!~on st!m:hud wl)lI:d h: whHc lVt; Were n~~l(jn.g thl' mi!!.ll! h"'"t! no! pn:\'iCH~ PJ(')dlJ";~ I'Jf 1t':limll)~. felil~l:d lheLI fide~i~t( and .enl!:my to lfl"jT' lalpern.;.to they m&de il\ il\C: ICS$Qo. ()veuH. J r'cJl could sec fhem h~ ... ing If 1;I't:), had not Hstei\\.~d to my inUl"l1tfions. th.ey a.~ tho\lf~,h. my students er~byed thi$. :ei)()::I, het31191: ; n ~rutll timt::, laughJ:J$ ~nd J'fLltlng memories. F'N tht' f:1I,r lhat J hlid been IQca(cd In tht. Qf.:i,,"r11t, wifh 1111 my ot!-'v.'i'c:,o.'iSmatcs and t1tcir own ::,"(\.I(ic:n1-5, for my P(lwer Point 1 VJljuld h.tvc more sound effects rfi 1Tll\b: it 100« 'ng"llin~, AlsQ, "" • 0n~ £.Wi..IfJ a~ PI ttrtl.C!. Ebt;1ry Th¢;' at:: weU. Yel for thr: cxpltcted. "ll1e g(.lt Wi) res"," !Q myscJ~, wben doing. olindfold"d 1l1~l:e, (I" it s[JIy and Jn~mJ~d ~d!ct cra.';~ 1nsf WJl~ In the J)OSltiv~~ofmy lijlll~l d;~play ~:oS: l('l$f\l:i, th~ U'U$l fower went bener th.m h\'lpflll to <;xjJla{n pOlnu across tQ my S'lOOl!nt~, "I he ma2e il[:C;O worke..d \.!r'e.Il, nthe.r than the one gJ'fiUp sf a pi\"J\'idr.d C'l!1.led Up;l gn:at amount; 1I0 one A. ~.~jtiv¢ cxJJ.:rj~J't.c ;md r wOlLld definitely un ~v r!Lly ",·jtb). My tni~ 11:>''\1):1 r ri;!liy cnjo).""Cd my ~xpe.r;cnce \\-'It!l MlTf, :1ll,J J.Ol close_} rOlmd nWIlj' good th;n~.:i work on. Bilt J kn0\\11hi}1 bto.lmill~ cl)uld feel myself ge'itln.g b~ul!"J point whcrt [can C!lI uun hF.ipp<n~d Juring Ll great ellch IlnJ te.a~h~r ~\'e.ry ~~~~(. l!efl!br,nioo;"U"]d v;jl] b::': UP;I.:-t l'lll,;l: il is u~cr. lbl!" amounf llf clay I fur ml're, Mld tile.rc wi1sn'r too much left il.!I)..:~t1 o",'er (ni1Ull:1! 1 wo~']vn't be thlill.od LrJ h;lVL' clay rim~ ~ccni\Tjo. Wj"l.S L:orn.pkter'y .1.gair)_ u]l~et rh~t lhi~ le~s()n [I and i~ cnmtn~, tllLng~ 11\ a thar I ('olllu fills some. rime. and pr,ldicc. blOt I wcr:k. and t"m 1~S:~H1 l(\okin.,~ Mn k\(Ik:ing. flu'ward to tne fo:v,,'aru to tb~ b~rfling ElED 300 PLANNING AND REflECTING ARTIFACT REPORT OF SCORES AND RATING TO STUDENT EMPUD; XXXXXX Name: ACCEPTA8lE STUDENT o 1-) Deve1011ing "U~au:epf8ble Ineffective p13 n h Inr.) reflect,ing. Irnrnediate jf\tervention is o•• ded. InterOVintron i.s needed, The can didale dOES not in(:llJde the i:"lllic.atQf if' hl./ller planning. Effective pfanni('lgal1d Some elements of pl.~~Jngll"loelint refieLting, EI'!l\~1I1:S indlcator ore of good , I but ~ ; room h:>rimarovement. The, candidate ! The colndidate "'lOWS i~ and may be beg!i\t\ing 10 • m.~et the knoy.'edge. skills, to meet the needs of some le!rne!~: __ th~le and demonstriites the deV'elopln& an aW3r~ne,>s I ~u~[i'v, 1iigf'; qUl)1itv,)uOJi (jf indicator, is partiaHyor inerrer:!i,,'e-Iy ctlrried out and c.ompetencies I'IQt:ded '-______________ CII .Il. EI~m~nt5. of tn~ indicator are dearly pre;;e<,1t hut are The ca ndldate know", .It\d , (Clisistendv de-rnonstrates til. : method.s, skills, and strstegf£s and to net!iJ9.d to mtl!t mei:t U'l@ l"I~ed!. of mo~t diverse needs and iI'H8r.e.sts" methods, 5km~, ~rrategip.:s n~~dtltd leafner;;. . -----" .. ' -'--0';1,1".1 ~'~.~J.~n~n~Jn~~~'~JO~.~J~<3~1~9~"~~____~______~____~~__~__~____~~__~____________~~~~a~~~~ The de~it::n of tl'\e te'!;son demon5trates carefu[ ptafir.~l"1e and organrzatiot'l, h.o::n 3 : 1. I appfOprl~~~. ~e_l iil.d\j~!:!~ t~..cJO$lJre ...RI~:~G. !,:~E:13 _____ _ , 2_ "" lesso," <>b;e(tJ~es are mea,ur.ble and Db,"rvable. R!1'T5 2. ACEJ 2 3_ The te~:;:on plan obj~'~lve$ Me ~'igned with GU::s:, ~SE:i:, ~nrl/of" appropril3te standards. 4. Th~ L , S. 6, RiJ>T.S 2.A",Cf:;:-J.::.2-,-_-,-_ ,..-:-,-----,_-;-:,.....,-_ _ _,.-_ __ 3 NO instrHttion:al strate:;es, dtt:tvfti~!.: a::d technical resC1J{C@:s (e:,f:' N\an,pulaUv~s, adaptive or assistive technologie.s, elc[;tron.k techl'10r.ogy} ill thi~ ICS!:iO(\ pla41 demon,nrate aWantt01\ to !tudenu' expc:rientc, p~eparedr)eS.$, aMf/or iea.mktFt Styl<;;:$, RIPIS :tAECll The il1str..:ctiooaj nratEgies, activlties ilrrd tcchnkal re,ourc:e.!i {e.e. IT1,H,ipulatrve5~ adaptive or 3ssistivE tE{hoologje~, E:t~c!ronk tethr'loto~v' ir'l this leS.!iDn p[ar'l demof!~tr~te attantion to rSSUES u~ ttf.C(:'SSJ eqt1i~v, alid dlversitv for l.tudents. RlttTS 4 lhe h~$sof\ design di:l'flClistrates an ac~cr~t;-~~d;;st?ndil',t~ of conten'!', AWTS /., A.CE' 'z The leuan is de~igned·t~gtlge students ir'l me-3!\ingful ins,tructiollar tasks relaled to COi1reJ'll. itlPTS :~LACEI2: --'''".,''',. 8. The Ie-HOt\ h d~5i:c.ned to be stl.ldent-r:entered, t;;ve: advantage stur,1ar,h' CI,Jdos;ilV, ~no be illgMV ""eagin~. RwrS 5. ACEI ~ 9, Form arive and/or !um'-':C""-''''v'--.C:.::.!;.,'"e''"Sl-,-n-.-n'"l.-.-r-'-'-:!'"lg-n-,,-:d"'\\i-'i"'tt}~ objective), jllPT 5 9 1 ACEIT'" 10. Th~ les~al\ il'lcorpora-iel ne}(ibli'it~"a~~d" p'ii'lis for {e-teathil'l~if)d)ol' ~:def\$ion;' i(;:;;e~(f"" filPTS 9, ACEI4 7. L --""-=='-'-------_.__...,,--- - 4 S --_._., , Reflection Indltaton 1. 7. Aft@r ! ----,------,----,-------11 - The reacher candidat~ describe-s how s/hi!: made de{is,ions, (or pLanning and imp!ernerJtatroJ]_ .RIPTS 10, ACE. I 6 : The te-aciler {.)ndlo,)tE' discusse)~ the stren~ths olnd we-c;knesse-s ofti'le '~s~on (lnd g~n.cra~e.'j appropndte ide~s ~or pO.5_S!.~~_iltll-l([j\l~'~,I::!.f"lts.- .~H)!~ 10, ACEI Re- Original S<Jbmii R'!i!!~ 4 ------_._.- ..... _... "i 6 L _____ ~._ ._. ---l I • 3. -rhe tellcner c;)J]didate accurately an(lly~es and ass,~~~es .Hudent e-nl::.a~~rnent, pror,re-S5 low~n~ m.:!etinp, t~le lesson objecti1Jes, and tla~!.roo[T1 man~gement rSiSu!!S. RIi'TS 9, 4. The teacher candidat:!?: [s awa re of how his/her demeanor} acti;.ms. (lnd reac.tions affect t~lP. classro-om cIJI':'"I.M.t~ ~nd individual students_ fl:IPTS~, AG::l.3 ~~------~-, Based en this las,son. the l~(lcher candidate .!.ets col1e-rete goals. (e-t':. relilted to 4 (If:)[lbi~iIVJ PClC@, I!:.!i~~n$e to bl!hdiviorai issues} etc.f s/h@ wm focu.!i on for (uture Actl. 5. ------. ! L-_,-,I.,,-55:.;o:.;.n.~,;.. •.•. ~.I~TS.~! ACEl 4 NO = Not Observed The Gverall raline for fLED 300 Planning and Reflecting Anlfoct is A~~"ptabl~. ORG/NM SUBMISSION _Qa tee 12/B/10 . Signature, Original Submission Or, MacGregor Kniseley, Professor RE-SUBMISSION The over. II rating lor the re-submitted fLED 300 Planning and Reflecting Arliforl is _ Dale: 12/13/10 Aher R.Mirtg ~{t~~ Re-Sub~~:.;;s~io;.;n~_ _ _ _ __ Dr. MacGregor Kniseley, Profe<.sor Rating SC;J!e ~ 0 = Unacceptable. 1-1. tl Ce\lelop[n~; 3-<1 R.· Submrt .~------.--.-'-.----- =Ac(:eptable_ 5-6 =-Tarp'l!\ (b'empriUY); NO ":" Not cu.served The overall ralin~ is based of avera~ Df :'iHin~ of all indicators. It is ~)(p~t::tt!d tha.l te:;u;her c~ndid.ales in nCD 3-01) i:Iofe ~n earliH of df!v.-:loprl\oeCiI olllhc il"!d!calofS than st:udent tea{hN_~. Consequentr~J item!> rated.(!ls, '·d€.liet.opin(" Cire adp-;qui3te. i3uhi!i Sla~e. 'tems rat~d i3S Targel reflect a p.E!rrNlTlanCe desired for leilcher candidate-s 3t tne end ofthe elemen~rv e due i)~.~.. .r rog.rarn. 2
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