SPECIMEN INFORMATION Ordering Physician Name The Cancer Center 1234 Main Street Dallas, TX 12345 (123) 456-7890 SE . Primary Tumor Site: Lung, NOS Specimen Site: Lung & Bronchus Specimen Collected: XX/XX/2012 Specimen Received: XX/XX/2013 Initiation of Testing: 1/15/2013 Completion of Testing: Specimen Id: XYZ-123 IC Case Number: TN13-111111 Date Of Birth: XX/XX/2005 Sex: Female U Patient Name ORDERED BY AL PATIENT cisplatin, carboplatin erlotinib irinotecan gemcitabine doxorubicin, liposomaldoxorubicin, epirubicin NRAS BRAF KRAS imatinib GNA11 IV E AT VHL ST R trastuzumab LU lapatinib vemurafenib EGFR Her2/Neu sunitinib temozolomide, dacarbazine PIK3CA nab-paclitaxel PU gefitinib PO SE cetuximab TM R OFF NCCN COMPENDIUM S O docetaxel, paclitaxel fluorouracil, capecitabine, pemetrexed N LY . crizotinib TM ON NCCN COMPENDIUM Potential Targets Associated with CLINICAL TRIALS T Agents Associated With Potential LACK OF BENEFIT MI-2013-01-26.0 N O Agents Associated with Potential BENEFIT FO R C LI N Molecular Intelligence NSCLC Comprehensive PLUS NGS Panel Summary EP O R T. IL everolimus, temsirolimus SA M PL E R The selection of any, all or none of the matched agents resides solely with the discretion of the treating physician. Decisions on patient care and treatment must be based on the independent medical judgment of the treating physician, taking into consideration all applicable information concerning the patient’s condition, such as patient and family history, physical examinations, information from other diagnostic tests, and patient preferences, in accordance with the applicable standard of care. Decisions regarding care and treatment should not be based on a single test such as this test or the information contained in this report. ** FINAL REPORT ** Patient: Patient Name TN13-111111 Physician: Ordering Physician Name 4610 South 44th Place / Phoenix, AZ 85040 / (888) 979-8669 / Fax: (866) 479-4925 / CLIA 03D1019490 / Zoran Gatalica, M.D., DSc, Medical Director Caris MPI, Inc. d/b/a Caris Life Sciences Clinical History SE . Adenocarcinoma of the lung. IC AL U Submitted Pathologic Diagnosis Adenocarcinoma of the lung. LI N Specimens Received (Gross Description) The specimens consist of: FO R C 1 (A) Paraffin Block - Client ID (XYZ-123). Interpretation (Caris Life Sciences Microscopic Diagnosis): N O T Adenocarcinoma of the lung. LY . Electronic Signature PO SE S O N By my electronic signature, I as the attending pathologist affirm that I have personally reviewed and examined microscopically the prepared slide(s) and that the above diagnosis has been made or confirmed by me. Disclaimer E PU R All of the individual assays that are available through Caris Life Sciences® Molecular Intelligence™ Services (Caris Molecular Intelligence) were developed and validated by Caris MPI, Inc. d/b/a Caris Life Sciences and their test performance characteristics were determined and validated by Caris Life Sciences pursuant to the Clinical Laboratory Improvements Amendments and accompanying regulations ("CLIA"). Some of the assays that are part of Caris Molecular Intelligence have been cleared or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The clinical reference laboratory of Caris MPI, Inc. is certified under CLIA to perform high complexity testing, including all of the assays that are part of the Caris Molecular Intelligence. ST R AT IV The CLIA certification number of each Caris MPI, Inc. laboratory performing testing in connection with Caris Molecular Intelligence can be found at the bottom of each page. This Report includes information about therapeutic agents that appear to be associated with clinical benefit based on NCCN Compendium guidelines, relevance of tumor lineage, level of published evidence and strength of biomarker expression, as available, reviewed and assessed by Caris Life Sciences. The agents are not ranked in order of potential or predicted efficacy. The finding of a biomarker expression does not necessarily indicate pharmacologic effectiveness or lack thereof. The agents identified may or may not be suitable for use with a particular patient and the report does not guarantee or suggest that any particular agent will be effective with the treatment of any particular condition. Caris Life Sciences expressly disclaims and makes no representation or warranty whatsoever relating, directly or indirectly, to this review of evidence or identified scientific literature, the conclusions drawn from it or any of the information set forth in this Report that is derived from such review, including information and conclusions relating to therapeutic agents that are included or omitted from this Report. IL LU The decision to select any, all or none of the matched agents resides solely with the discretion of the treating physician. Decisions on patient care and treatment must be based on the independent medical judgment of the treating physician, taking into consideration all applicable information concerning the patient’s condition, such as patient and family history, physical examinations, information from other diagnostic tests, and patient preferences, in accordance with the applicable standard of care. Decisions regarding care and treatment should not be based on a single test such as this test or the information contained in this report. EP O R T. The information presented in the Clinical Trials Connector™ section of the Report is compiled from sources believed to be reliable and current. We have used our best efforts to make this information as accurate as possible. However, the accuracy and completeness of this information cannot be guaranteed. The contents are to be used for clinical trial guidance and may not include all relevant trials. Current enrollment status for these trials is unknown. The clinical trials information present in the biomarker description was compiled from www.clinicaltrials.gov. The contents are to be used only as a guide, and health care providers should employ clinical judgment in interpreting this information for individual patients. Specific entrance criteria for each clinical trial should be reviewed as additional inclusion criteria may apply. Caris Life Sciences makes no promises or guarantees that a healthcare provider, insurer or other third party payor, whether private or governmental, will provide reimbursement (instead of coverage) for any of the tests performed. SA M PL E R The next generation sequencing assay performed by Caris Life Sciences examines tumor tissue only and does not examine normal tissues such as tumor adjacent tissue or whole/ peripheral blood. As such, the origin of any mutation detected by our assay may either be a somatic (not inherited) or a germline mutation (inherited) and will not be distinguishable by this assay. It is recommended that results be considered within the clinical context and history of the patient. If a germline inheritance pattern is suspected then counseling by a board certified genetic counselor is recommended. ** FINAL REPORT ** Patient: Patient Name TN13-111111 Physician: Ordering Physician Name 4610 South 44th Place / Phoenix, AZ 85040 / (888) 979-8669 / Fax: (866) 479-4925 / CLIA 03D1019490 / Zoran Gatalica, M.D., DSc, Medical Director Caris MPI, Inc. d/b/a Caris Life Sciences SE . Agents Associated with Potential BENEFIT Result cMET FISH Not Amplified 1.00 ✔ cMET IHC Negative 1+ 45% ✔ EGFR Next Gen SEQ Pathogenic E746_A750del ✔ KRAS Next Gen SEQ Pathogenic G13D PIK3CA Next Gen SEQ Pathogenic H1047R PTEN IHC Positive 2+ 60% PGP IHC Positive 2+ 30% ✔ 29, 30 TLE3 IHC Negative 1+ 5% ✔ 31, 32 TUBB3 IHC Negative TOPO1 IHC Positive Her2/Neu CISH PGP IHC docetaxel, paclitaxel C LI N IC 4, 5, 6, 7 ✔ 3, 4 9, 10 8 ✔ S O N LY . N O T FO R 1, 2 33, 34, 35 Amplified 5.00 ✔ 38, 39 Positive 2+ 30% ✔ 43, 44 FISH Not Amplified 1.00 ✔ 39, 40, 41, 42 IHC Negative 1+ 30% ✔ 45, 46 Her2/Neu CISH Amplified 5.00 ✔ 53, 54, 55, 56 Her2/Neu IHC Negative 1+ 25% Her2/Neu CISH Amplified 5.00 Her2/Neu IHC Negative 1+ 25% BRAF Next Gen SEQ Pathogenic V600E R AT IV E PU R ✔ LU IL T. vemurafenib 9, 11 2+ 80% R R SA M PL E lapatinib Lack of Potential Benefit 26, 27, 28 MGMT EP O trastuzumab Decreased Potential Benefit ✔ TOP2A temozolomide, dacarbazine Potential Benefit 1+ 20% ST doxorubicin, liposomaldoxorubicin, epirubicin ✝ Value AL Method erlotinib, gefitinib irinotecan Data Reference Level* Test PO SE Agents U Clinical Association 53, 54, 55 ✔ 56, 57, 58, 59 57, 58, 59 ✔ 60, 61 ** FINAL REPORT ** Patient: Patient Name TN13-111111 Physician: Ordering Physician Name 4610 South 44th Place / Phoenix, AZ 85040 / (888) 979-8669 / Fax: (866) 479-4925 / CLIA 03D1019490 / Zoran Gatalica, M.D., DSc, Medical Director Caris MPI, Inc. d/b/a Caris Life Sciences SE . Agents Associated with Potential LACK OF BENEFIT Result ALK FISH Negative ROS1 FISH Negative ERCC1 IHC Positive 2+ 70% fluorouracil, capecitabine, pemetrexed TS IHC Positive 2+ 70% gemcitabine RRM1 IHC Positive 2+ 75% cetuximab EGFR IHC HScore Negative 40 SPARC Monoclonal IHC Negative SPARC Polyclonal IHC Negative c-KIT Next Gen SEQ PDGFRA Next Gen SEQ c-KIT Next Gen SEQ Lack of Potential Benefit ✔ ✔ 12, 13, 14 ✔ 17, 18, 19, 20 ✔ 21, 22, 23 ✔ 24 ✔ 25 0+ 100% ✔ 36, 37 2+ 3% ✔ 36, 37 ✔ 47, 48, 49 ✔ 50, 51, 52 ✔ 47, 48, 49 O N LY . N O S PO SE R PU 15, 16 E Pathogenic A502_Y503dup IV nab-paclitaxel Data Reference Level* LI N Decreased Potential Benefit T cisplatin, carboplatin Potential Benefit C crizotinib ✝ Value AL Method IC Test FO R Agents U Clinical Association Wild Type Pathogenic A502_Y503dup LU sunitinib ST R AT imatinib EP O R T. IL *The level of evidence for all references is assigned according to the Literature Level of Evidence Framework consistent with the US Preventive Services Task Force described further in the Appendix of this report. The data level of each biomarker-drug interaction is the average level of evidence based on the body of evidence, overall clinical utility, competing biomarker interactions and tumor type from which the evidence was gathered. = Greater level of evidence R = Intermediate level of evidence E = Lower level of evidence SA M PL ✝ Refer to Appendix for detailed Result and Value information for each biomarker, including appropriate cutoffs, unit of measure, etc. ** FINAL REPORT ** Patient: Patient Name TN13-111111 Physician: Ordering Physician Name 4610 South 44th Place / Phoenix, AZ 85040 / (888) 979-8669 / Fax: (866) 479-4925 / CLIA 03D1019490 / Zoran Gatalica, M.D., DSc, Medical Director Caris MPI, Inc. d/b/a Caris Life Sciences U SE . Expanded Mutational Analysis by Next Generation Sequencing Frequency (%) Exon BRAF V600E 2 2 Result LI N Alteration Pathogenic C Gene IC AL Genes Tested With Alterations FO R Interpretation: A pathogenic variant was detected in of this sample. LY . N O T BRAF encodes a protein belonging to the raf/mil family of serine/threonine protein kinases. This protein plays a role in regulating the MAP kinase/ERK signaling pathway initiated by EGFR activation, which affects cell division, differentiation, and secretion. BRAF somatic mutations have been found in melanoma (43%), thyroid (39%), biliary tree (14%), colon (12%), and ovarian tumors (12%). Patients with mutated BRAF genes have a reduced likelihood of response to EGFR targeted monoclonal antibodies, such as cetuximab in colorectal cancer. A BRAF enzyme inhibitor, vemurafenib, was approved by FDA to treat unresectable or metastatic melanoma patients harboring BRAF V600E mutations. Various clinical trials (on www.clinicaltrials.gov) investigating agents which target this gene may be available, which include the following: NCT01543698, NCT01352273, NCT01709292. A502_Y503dup 2 2 Pathogenic PO SE Interpretation: A pathogenic variant was detected in of this sample. S c-KIT O N BRAF inherited mutations are associated with Noonan/Cardio-Facio-Cutaneous (CFC) syndrome, syndromes associated with short stature, distinct facial features, and potential heart/skeletal abnormalities. IV E PU R c-Kit is a cytokine receptor expressed on the surface of hematopoietic stem cells as well as other cell types. This receptor binds to stem cell factor (SCF, a cell growth factor). As c-Kit is a receptor tyrosine kinase, ligand binding causes receptor dimerization and initiates a phosphorylation cascade resulting in changes in gene expression. These changes affect proliferation, apoptosis, chemotaxis and adhesion. C-KIT mutation has been identified in various cancer types including gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) (up to 85%) and melanoma (7%). c-Kit is inhibited by multi-targeted agents including imatinib, sunitinib and sorafenib. Various clinical trials (on www.clinicaltrials.gov) investigating agents which target this gene and/or its downstream or upstream effectors may be available for patients carrying c-KIT mutation, which include the following: NCT01028222, NCT01092728. AT Germline mutations in c-KIT have been associated with multiple gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) and Piebald trait. E746_A750del 2 2 Pathogenic R EGFR ST Interpretation: A deletion was detected in this sample E R EP O R T. IL LU EGFR or epidermal growth factor receptor, is a transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase belonging to the ErbB family of receptors. Upon ligand binding, the activated receptor triggers a series of intracellular pathways (Ras/MAPK, PI3K/Akt, JAK-STAT) that result in cell proliferation, migration and adhesion. Dysregulation of EGFR through mutation leads to ligand-independent activation and constitutive kinase activity, which results in uncontrolled growth and proliferation of many human cancers. EGFR mutations have been observed in 20-25% of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), 10% of endometrial and peritoneal cancers. Somatic gain-of-function EGFR mutations, including in-frame deletions in exon 19 or point mutations in exon 21, confer sensitivity to first-generation EGFR-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), whereas the secondary mutation, T790M in exon 20, confers resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors. New agents and novel combination therapies that include EGFR TKIs are being explored (are available (on www.clinicaltrials.gov), for primary treatment of EGFR-mutated patients including second-generation TKIs such as icotinib (NCT01665417) for NSCLC or afatinib for advanced solid tumors (NCT00809133) and lung neoplasms (NCT01466660). In addition, new therapies and combination therapies are being explored for patients that have progressed on EGFR-targeted agents including afatinib (NCT01647711) for NSCLC. SA M PL Germline mutations and polymorphisms of EGFR have been associated with familial lung adeocarcinomas. ** FINAL REPORT ** Patient: Patient Name TN13-111111 Physician: Ordering Physician Name 4610 South 44th Place / Phoenix, AZ 85040 / (888) 979-8669 / Fax: (866) 479-4925 / CLIA 03D1019490 / Zoran Gatalica, M.D., DSc, Medical Director Caris MPI, Inc. d/b/a Caris Life Sciences Q209L Frequency (%) Exon Result SE . Alteration Pathogenic AL Gene GNA11 U Genes Tested With Alterations IC Interpretation: A pathogenic variant was detected in of this sample. HNF1A FO R C LI N GNA11 is a proto-oncogene that belongs to the Gq family of the G alpha family of G protein coupled receptors. Known downstream signaling partners of GNA11 are phospholipase C beta and RhoA and activation of GNA11 induces MAPK activity. Over half of uveal melanoma patients lacking a mutation in GNAQ exhibit somatic mutations in GNA11. Activating mutations of GNA11 have not been found in other malignancies. Various clinical trials (on www.clinicaltrials.gov) investigating agents which target this gene may be available, which include the following: NCT01587352, NCT01390818, NCT01143402. Del T Interpretation: A deletion was detected in this sample Pathogenic N LY . N O HNF1A or hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 homeobox A encodes a transcription factor that is highly expressed in the liver, found on chromosome 12. It regulates a large number of genes, including those for albumin, alpha1-antitrypsin, and fibrinogen. HNF1A has been associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. HNF1A somatic mutations are found in liver (30%), colon (15%), endometrium (11%), and ovarian (3%) cancers. Its prognostic and predictive value is under investigation. R132H 2 2 Pathogenic PO SE Interpretation: A pathogenic variant was detected in of this sample. S IDH1 O Germline mutations of HNF1A are associated with maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 3. R AT IV E PU R IDH1 encodes for isocitrate dehydrogenase in cytoplasm and is found to be mutated in 60-90% of secondary gliomas, 75% of cartilaginous tumors, 17% of thyroid tumors, 15% of cholangiocarcinoma, 12-18% of patients with acute myeloid leukemia, 5% of primary gliomas, 3% of prostate cancer, as well as in less than 2% in paragangliomas, colorectal cancer and melanoma. Mutated IDH1 results in impaired catalytic function of the enzyme, thus altering normal physiology of cellular respiration and metabolism. IDH1 mutation can also cause overproduction of onco-metabolite 2-hydroxy-glutarate, which can extensively alter the methylation profile in cancer. In gliomas, IDH1 mutations are associated with lower-grade astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas (grade II/III), as well as secondary glioblastoma. IDH gene mutations are associated with markedly better survival in patients diagnosed with malignant astrocytoma; and clinical data support a more aggressive surgery for IDH1 mutated patients because these individuals may be able to achieve long-term survival. In contrast, IDH1 mutation is associated with a worse prognosis in AML. In glioblastoma, IDH1 mutation has been associated with significantly better response to alkylating agent temozolomide. Various clinical trials (on www.clinicaltrials.gov) investigating agents which target this gene and/ or its downstream or upstream effectors may be available, which include the following: NCT01534845. G13D ST KRAS 2 2 Pathogenic LU Interpretation: A pathogenic variant was detected in of this sample. EP O R T. IL KRAS or V-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog encodes a signaling intermediate involved in many signaling cascades including the EGFR pathway. KRAS somatic mutations have been found in pancreatic (57%), colon (35%), lung (16%), biliary tract (28%), and endometrial (15%) cancers. Mutations at activating hotspots are associated with resistance to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (erlotinib, gefitinib) and monoclonal antibodies (cetuximab, panitumumab). Various clinical trials (on www.clinicaltrials.gov) investigating agents which target this gene may be available, which include the following: NCT01248247, NCT01229150. SA M PL E R Several germline mutations of KRAS (V14I, T58I, and D153V amino acid substitutions) are associated with Noonan syndrome. ** FINAL REPORT ** Patient: Patient Name TN13-111111 Physician: Ordering Physician Name 4610 South 44th Place / Phoenix, AZ 85040 / (888) 979-8669 / Fax: (866) 479-4925 / CLIA 03D1019490 / Zoran Gatalica, M.D., DSc, Medical Director Caris MPI, Inc. d/b/a Caris Life Sciences A Study of the Safety and Pharmacokinetics of SAR245409 Tablets in Patients With Solid Tumors or Lymphoma 1 PIK3CA SAR245409 (XL-765) NCT01587040 Open Label Treatment Extension Study With SAR245408 or SAR245409 as a Monotherapy or as a Combination Regimen 1 PIK3CA SAR245409 (XL-765) NCT01576666 Phase Ib, Dose Escalation Study of Oral LDE225 in Combination With BKM120 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors 1 PIK3CA BKM120 NCT01562275 A Study Evaluating the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of GDC-0973 in Combination With GDC-0068 When Administered in Patients With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors 1 PIK3CA NCT01553942 Afatinib With CT and RT for EGFR-Mutant NSCLC 2 NCT01545947 Study Assessing Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of CC-223 With Either Erlotinib or Oral Azacitidine in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer NCT01543698 A Phase Ib/II Study of LGX818 in Combination With MEK162 in Adult Patients With BRAF Dependent Advanced Solid Tumors US US CA, FL, MA, MN, NC, OR, PA, TX, UT GDC-0068 MA, MI, TN Afatinib MA 1 PIK3CA CC-223 TX 1 NRAS , BRAF , KRAS MEK162 MA, TX NCT01540253 PI3K Inhibitor BKM120 and Docetaxel in Treating Patients With Advanced Solid Tumor That is Locally Advanced, Cannot Be Removed By Surgery, or Metastatic 1 PIK3CA BKM120 NY NCT01531361 Vemurafenib and Sorafenib in Advanced Cancer 1 BRAF sorafenib , vemurafenib TX NCT01508104 Safety Study of BEZ235 With Everolimus in Subjects With Advanced Solid Tumors 1|2 PIK3CA BEZ235 OH Trial of Erlotinib and BKM120 in Patients With Advanced Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Previously Sensitive to Erlotinib 1|2 PIK3CA BKM120 FL, TN Dose Finding Study of RAD001 (Everolimus, Afinitor) in Combination With BEZ235 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors 1 PIK3CA BEZ235 AR, CA, MO, SC NCT01480141 A Window of Opportunity Trial of Afatinib In Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) 2 EGFR Afatinib SC EP O R T. IL LU ST R AT IV E PU R PO SE EGFR PL S O N LY . N O T FO R NCT01596270 Locations U Drug(s) AL Potential Target IC Phase LI N Title C Protocol SE . TM Clinical Trials Connector E R NCT01487265 SA M NCT01482156 ** FINAL REPORT ** Patient: Patient Name TN13-111111 Physician: Ordering Physician Name 4610 South 44th Place / Phoenix, AZ 85040 / (888) 979-8669 / Fax: (866) 479-4925 / CLIA 03D1019490 / Zoran Gatalica, M.D., DSc, Medical Director Caris MPI, Inc. d/b/a Caris Life Sciences To view the rest of the report, contact a Caris Molecular Intelligence representative today. (888) 979-8669 [email protected] ** FINAL REPORT ** Patient: Patient Report TN13-111111 Physician: Ordering Physician Name 4610 South 44th Place / Phoenix, AZ 85040 / (888) 979-8669 / Fax: (866) 479-4925 / CLIA 03D1019490 / Zoran Gatalica, M.D., DSc, Medical Director Caris MPI, Inc. d/b/a Caris Life Sciences
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