Conference ce feren n o C h arc Rese & n o i t uca d E r th e Area h d e M o r 4 Hig e Eu h t ities n i n I u t N r o U p EM d Op n a s e g allen h C w e –N 2013 v o N 2 21 – 2 venia o l S , u j Kran i r p o d REGISTRATION DEADLINES Br Early registration: 20 October 2013 Late registration: 15 November 2013 CONFERENCE SUBJECT AREAS / SESSIONS źvision and mission of universities, operating in the EuroMed region, such as EMUNI; źstudy programmes, professional upgrading study programmes, summer schools, etc., focused on the EuroMed region; rd cycle study programmes, projects, research seminars, conferences, etc., focused on the EuroMed region; źmobility of students, professors, researchers and staff; źother topics relevant to the EuroMed region. źresearch, 3 Each session shall result in a report, containing a summary and reccomendations on how to bridge the obstacles in the academic-study area between the EU and non-EU countries (especially countries of the EuroMed region). PAPER SUBMISSION E-registration and paper submission: [email protected] Paper / project submission: 15 October 2013 Notification of acceptance: 5 November 2013 Final paper submission: 15 December 2013 CALL FOR PAPERS Euro-Mediterranean University Portorož – Piran, Slovenia A major step towards internationalisation in the European Higher Education was done with the Bologna process (1999) and Cairo declaration (2007), which help to build bridges between European and southern Mediterranean cultures. EMUNI Conferences on Higher Education aim at achieving the Cairo declaration goals, strengthening the process of internationalisation and at harmonisation in the field of Higher Education and Research in the Euro-Mediterranean region. EMUNI is one of the six priorities of the Union for the Mediterrranean. HE&R 2013 The 4th EMUNI Conference on Higher Education and Research brings together topics related to EMUNI in the EuroMed Area – New Challenges and Opportunities. The conference will be made of 4 sessions. New representatives of the EMUNI bodies and other experts will be invited. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the role of the EMUNI in the EuroMed Area, its past work, achievements and the future operation. The event will offer an in-depth discussion on the role of EMUNI, achievement of its goals and mission in the new development period. VENUE Hotel Kokra, Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia REGISTRATION FEE Early registration: 100 EUR Late registration: 120 EUR EMUNI members and students: 50 % discount Members of EMUNI bodies: Free REGISTRATION DEADLINES Early registration: 20 October 2013 Late registration: 15 November 2013 CONFERENCE OFFICERS Conference Chairs: Prof. Dr. Hassan Nadir Kheirallah, Prof. Dr. Dušan Lesjak Programme Committee: Prof. Dr. Dušan Lesjak, Prof. Dr. Alejandro del Valle Galvez, Prof. Dr. Antoine Hokayem, Prof. Dr. Frédérique Vidal Zoccola, Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Cataldi, Prof. Dr. Gorazd Meško, Prof. Dr. Gregory Overton Smith, Prof. Dr. Inga Dalidiene, Prof. Dr. Jacek Ireneusz Witkoś, Prof. Dr. Jilani Lamloumi, Prof. Dr. João Casqueira Cardoso, Prof. Dr. Joseph Shevel, Prof. Dr. Karim Moustaghfir, Prof. Dr. Labib M. M. Arafeh, Prof. Dr. Marwan R. Kamal, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Shabat, Prof. Dr. Nuhad Abdalla, Prof. Dr. Panayotis J. Tsakonas, Prof. Dr. Seddik AbdelSalam Tawfik Assistants to the Conference: Denis Čurčić,Tiuana Grlj, Dejan Hribar, Katja Kustec HE&R 2014 We are looking for a co-organiser of the 5th EMUNI HE&R Conference. The co-organiser has to be an EMUNI partner institution. The conference will be held in November 2014. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS AND IJEMS HE&R 2013 Conference Proceedings will include only full length papers, subject to a double-blind revision process. Authors of the best papers presented at the conference will be invited to submit their contributions to the International Journal of EuroMediterranean Studies and other relevant international journals. CONTACTS Email: [email protected] | Tel: +386 59 25 00 56 | Fax: +386 59 25 00 54 CRO
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