Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe Maribor, November 29 – 30, 2012 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe: International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Editors: Alicia-Leonor Sauli-Miklavčič, Association of Slovene Higher Vocational Colleges; Majda Kolenc Artiček, Association of Slovene Higher Vocational Colleges Organizational Committee: Marijan Pogačnik, Association of Slovene Higher Vocational Colleges; Alicia-Leonor Sauli-Miklavčič, Association of Slovene Higher Vocational Colleges; Majda Kolenc Artiček, Association of Slovene Higher Vocational Colleges Publisher: Biotechnical Centre Naklo Print: Biotechnical Centre Naklo Printing: 150 copies CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 377.36(4-12)(082) HARMONIZING professional higher education in South-eastern Europe : International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29-30, 2012 / [editors Alicia-Leonor Sauli-Miklavčič, Majda Kolenc Artiček]. - Naklo : Biotechnical Centre, 2012 ISBN 978-961-93153-6-1 1. Sauli-Miklavčič, Alicia Leonor 264416256 2 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Introduction The aim of the conference is to present the diversity of Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe. Presentations will cover the positioning of Professional Higher Education, diverse levels of Professional Higher Education, comparability of qualifications frameworks, learning outcomes, quality assurance, accreditation process, integration of the business, the importance of internationalization and mobility; and on the other hand, the importance of close cooperation with the local environment, the importance of developing innovation and applied research, and the importance of harmonization and cooperation in Southeastern Europe, the future of tertiary education. Alicia-Leonor Sauli-Miklavčič, Secretary General Association HVC mag. Marijan Pogačnik, President Association HVC 3 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Conference Organizers: www.mizks.gov.si www.skupnost-vss.si Conference Patrons: www.bc-naklo.si http://499.gvs.arnes.si/tsc/vss/ www.lesarska-sola-maribor.net/vss/ www.academia.si www.vsgt-mb.si http://visja.pksola.si/ http://vss.esic.si/ www.viviss.si/vss www.hvu.si 4 www.cpu.si www.vs.grm-nm.si/ksgrm/ Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Conference Programme Convention Centre Hotel Habakuk***** Maribor, Slovenia Thursday, November 29 08.30 – 09.00 09.00 – 09.30 09.30 – 10.15 10.15 – 11.00 11.00 – 11.30 11.30 – 12.00 12.00 – 12.45 12.45 – 13.30 13.30 – 14.30 14.30 – 15.15 15.15 – 16.00 16.00 – 16.30 16.30 – 18.30 18.30 – 22.00 Registration Opening, Welcome and Introductions Presentation - Bosnia and Herzegovina Presentation – Croatia Coffee Break Presentation – Macedonia Presentation –Montenegro Presentation – Serbia Lunch Presentation – Slovenia Résumé of Presentation, Discussion Coffee Break Free time for personal reflection on the day’s input Funicular ride to a ‘fireplace dinner’ on Pohorje Friday, November 30 08.30 – 09.00 09.00 – 09.30 09.30 – 10.15 10.15 – 11.00 11.00 – 11.30 11.30 - 12.15 12.15 – 13.00 13.00 – 14.00 14.00 – 15.00 Registration Importance of Good Practice Exchange for Future Progress Presentation of Good Practice of International Cooperation Presentation of Good Practice of Joint & Double Degrees Coffee Break Presentation of Good Practice of Cooperation with Business Presentation of Good Practice of Development of Innovation and Applicative Research Résumé of Presentation, Discussion, Closing Speech Lunch 5 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Introductory speakers M.Sc., Marijan Pogačnik Association of Slovene Higher Vocational Colleges President Elected president of the Association of Slovene Higher Vocational Colleges in 2011. Master of Science in the field of Agronomy specialized in organic food. Since 2007 Director of Biotechnical Centre Naklo and Principal of Higher Vocational College. Board member at the Rural Upper Carniola Development Council, Council member of the Centre for Sustainable Rural Development, a member of the professional collegium AFI Kranj. Boštjan Rozman Zgonc Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport: Republic of Slovenia Head of the Sector for Higher Vocational and Adult Education Mr. Boštjan Zgonc has more than 25 years of experiences on the VET area. All the time he was one of the core experts in the process of VET system development. He has been dealing on this particular area since 1996, when the new VET law – in which constitution he was also deeply involved as co-author – was accepted. As recognized author of National vocational qualifications law as well as some other core acts on the Labour market field he also participated in bigger international projects, mostly in Balkan (Serbia, Montenegro, FR Macedonia). He is also well-known among social partners in Montenegro, where he took part as expert in two CARDS projects. As very experienced, he excellent functions in international teams. He was also special advisor of Montenegro Minister for school and science, Dr. Backović for above mentioned areas. As sector leader for higher education on Ministry of education in Slovenia, he is very familiar with credit-transfer system for vocational qualifications and non-formal and informal learning, including arrangements for certification as well as European Qualification Framework and ISCO and ISCED classifications. He fluently speaks all Balkan local languages, including Montenegrin language. 6 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Barbara Krajnc Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Institute for Business Education Acting Director Barbara Krajnc BSEE 1993 at Faculty of Social Science. Since 1993 until 1996 worked in Institute for Adult Education of Slovenia, than in National institute of RS for VET until 1998. Worked on VET educational programs for adults. Since 1998 employed at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia in the Department for education, responsible for the development of the social partnership in VET. Since 2007 worked in the Institute for Business education as a Project manager, Head teacher and now as an Acting Director, representative of the economy in VET national expert bodies. Specialist for the development of higher education programs. MA, MEd, LRAM, LTCL, PhD Dr Terence Clifford-Amos European Commission (EACEA) Expert International Consultant Terence Clifford-Amos: former Mayor of Sandwich, England and former Speaker of the English Cinque Ports. Consultant to EURASHE on PHE and Consultant to many European countries on various aspects of PHE, including Slovenia. Terence has travelled to more than 25 countries during 2010-12 cooperating on University Reform and Quality Assurance. He is the Presenter of findings and recommendations for this conference. 7 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Professional Higher Education – Bosnia and Herzegovina MA, MEd, LRAM, LTCL, PhD Dr Terence Clifford-Amos European Commission (EACEA) Expert Consultant to BiH International Expert with the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency; the Bulgarian Quality Assurance Agency; an Associate with the English Quality Assurance Agency; Visiting Scholar at l’Université Catholique de Lille. Terence Clifford-Amos is a former Mayor of Sandwich, England and former Speaker of the English Cinque Ports. Terence has visited Mostar, Tuzla and Sarajevo, delivering presentations to round-table gatherings and conferences. He has published on higher-education reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina and continues to work with the Federal Ministry. The presentation will include current reforms and the problems of reform: the problem of a three sectarian country and cantonic structure; the current organisation of professional higher education; and some focus on the work of particular institutions. The higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina shall include universities and higher schools. The term “university”: - shall be limited to the higher education institutions involved in both lecturing and research work, offering academic degrees in all of the three cycles, with goals including improvement of knowledge, thought and education system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, education, cultural, social and economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, promotion of the democratic civil society and accomplishment of the highest standards in lecturing and research work; - pertains to a higher education institution which implements at least five various study programs from at least three scientific areas – natural sciences, engineering sciences, biomedicine and health, bioengineering sciences, social sciences and humanistic sciences. The term “higher school”: - shall be limited to the higher education institutions accredited to issue diplomas and degrees of the first cycle, with goals including preparation and training of individuals for expert, economic and cultural development of Bosnia and Herzegovina and promotion of the democratic civil society, as well as accomplishment of high standards in lecturing and study; Terence will also outline examples of skills and attributes in relation to PHE. 8 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Professional Higher Education – Montenegro Željko Raičević Centre for Vocational Education and Training Head of Evaluation Department Legislation: ◦ General Law on Education ◦ Law on Pre-school Education ◦ Law on Elementary Education ◦ Low on Gymnasium ◦ Law on Secondary Vocational Education ◦ Law on the Adult Education ◦ Law on the High Education Institutions: Mynistry of Education and Sport Mynistry of Science • Bureau for Educational Services • Centre for Vocational Education and trainig • Educational inspection National Council for Education • Bord for General Education • Bord for Vocational Education • Bord for Adult Education VET in Montenegro: Structure of vocational education (formal education) in Montenegro is the following: ◦ Lower vocational education, ◦ Secondary vocational education and ◦ Post-secondary VET - Higher vocational education, which is a continuation of secondary vocational education. Higher vocational education complements the offer of vocational education and should be linked to the first cycle of tertiary education. This level of education is a very important part in encouraging lifelong learning. 9 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Professional Higher Education – Croatia Ph.D. Slavica Ćosović Bajić The Croatian Council of Universities and University Colleges of Applied Sciences President Slavica Ćosović Bajić, born in Zagreb. BSEE (1974), MSEE (1977), PhD (1986) at Faculty of electrical engineering. Since 1974 she has been teaching in HE, from Assistant to Professor levels. She has established several curricula at sixth and seventh level. Besides curricula, she also took an active part in establishing undergraduate and graduate study programmes (IT). Dean of Polytechnic of Zagreb. Higher Education in Croatia – New Challenges There are two ways of funding in Croatian higher education (HE): public (support of Ministry of science, education and sports) and private. There are 14 public and 28 private organizations in HE. According to Croatian Qualification Framework these are sixth (180 ECTS) and seventh (120 ECTS) entities. There is a large discrepancy between needs and demands of education profiles. In developed industrial EU countries HE covers roughly 80 %, while in Croatia HE makes only 20 %. We are advocating for a change of this ratio, but this will be a long process. The Polytechnic of Zagreb has initiated the first steps in this direction. The final step in the professional education will be a professional doctorate or industrial doctorate. Industrial doctorate is an alternative to the traditional PhD for students who want a career in industry. 10 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Professional Higher Education – Macedonia Assoc. Dr. Sci. Laste Spasovski Bureau for Development of Education Head of the System Department Laste Spasovski is a head of the System Department at the Bureau for Development of Education. In 2000 he was a member of the team for preparation of the draftstrategy for development of the education in Republic of Macedonia. The second half of the 20th century introduced and the beginning of the 21st century emphasised a number of global challenges facing the state in front of a serious test. The question of integration of the Republic of Macedonia in the general global trends and developments is not only a question of its adaptation, but in essence of its survival. Faces with these challenges, the country is seeking the best possible solutions in the area of education, in the hope that is will manage to establish such a system which, on one hand, will contribute to the development of the future citizen of the world, whilst on the other representing an agent of the general development of the country and assisting in the resolution of its internal political, economy and cultural problems. Within the scope of its efforts to create a strong and functional, not only national but also European “architecture” of the system for vocational education and training, the country faces a most serious challenge in having to decide how to position it, what mechanisms it should have at its disposal, and which goals it should strive to achieve in order to prepare youth and adults for all changes and challenges they face and will face throughout their lives? Education must today, unlike in the past, is required to achieve two basis goals: the first one is based on global values and supports the main developments in the contemporary world – collaboration, compatibility, competitiveness, integration, etc., and the second one is based on the national culture and values and supports the resolution of national problems and development. Vocational education and training in Europe as a system has been in the last decades under great pressure to modernise. In addition to economic and political globalisation, technological innovations brought about swift changes in the types of jobs and content of work in the national economies, with permanent changes in the demand for qualifications and new skills; the open market enhanced the opportunities for finding jobs on a national as well as on an international level, whereas the complexity of the demand for new skills on the labour market dramatically determine the structure, organisation and content of vocational education and training. 11 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Professional Higher Education – Serbia Prof. dr. Ružica Stanković Conference of Academies for Applied Studies in Serbia President Elected as college professor on December 1, 1988. From 1999 to 2005 was a coordinator of higher business schools. From 2005 to April, 2011 she was the chairman of the section of business schools in Serbia. As a member of the Presidency of the Conference of Directors of high schools participated in the drafting of normative acts related to high school professional studies in Serbia. From April, 2011 to present day Prof. dr. Ružica Stanković performs the function of the President of the Conference of Academies for Applied Studies in Serbia. Development Trends of Academies for Applied Studies in Serbia The presentation describes development trends of academies of applied studies in Serbia. The first part presents a review of higher education in Serbia. This framework covers: types of institutions and their status, the types and levels of study in Serbia as well as sketches of the current situation and the proposal of a new organization of higher education in Serbia. Then important facts about higher education in Serbia are set forth, such as: the long tradition, the place and role in the educational system, the number of students, resources, orientation to professional practice, and close cooperation with industry, market demands, international cooperation and accreditation. In the second part, a preference of academies of applied studies in Serbia for the introduction of the quality system is exposed. The current situation and practical aspects of the applied quality system so far are described, as well as further activities in the application thereof. 12 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Professional Higher Education – Slovenia Ph.D., Stojan Sorčan Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Republic of Slovenia Secretary of the Sector for Higher Education Sociologist by profession, oriented towards RD and HE indicators, member of BFUG and working group for automatic recognition in EHEA. Slovenian HE system and possibilities of creating of Regional Area of Recognition - Actual challenges of European Higher Education Area - Bologna process - Structure of HE system in Slovenia (institutions, programs, students, financing, openness, transparency) - Quality assurance system - National qualification framework - “Regional Area of Recognition” 13 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 M.Sc.Econ. Majda Kralj Slovenian Bologna Expert Group 2011-2013 Bologna Expert Director of Academia ltd. - International Education Centre Maribor since 1994. Lecture at Academia College and Faculty of Commerce and Business for Entrepreneurship and Management. Quality expert in National agency for quality in Higher Education and member of Bologna group 2011- 2013. Member of EURASHE group for Student Centred Learning 20122013. Short Cycle Higher Education (SCHE) In Short Cycle Higher education study one third of the generation in OECD countries, in EU about 2,5 million people. In Slovenia we have vocational colleges since 1996. At the moment there are 51 public and private colleges with 29 programs in all fields of KLASIUS-P (a half of students study technical and nature sciences). They present 2-year flexible, applied education for the needs of regional industry and they play an important role in lifelong learning. SCHE is within the Dublin Descriptors placed on level 5 as bridge between secondary and, higher education and is recognized as a part of Higher Education. 14 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 The importance of good practices for a better future Andreja Lorber Dejan Arnuš Wood School Technology Centre School Sežana, Maribor, HVC HVC Student Student Andreja Lorber is a regular student of 2nd year in programme Design of materials – modules Wood at Vocational College of Wood technology school Maribor and also acts as a president of Students community of the college. At the same time she also studies at College. Dejan Arnuš finalizes his studies of Design of materials - modules Stone) at a Vocational College in Sežana. Project Woodstone Robidišče 2012 – Example of Institutional Co-Operation, Active Learning/Teaching And Much More… Project WOODSTONE was initiated by VSŠ Sežana and organized by both Sežana and Maribor Vocational Colleges in co-operation with local cultural society for preservation of village Robidišče (the most western point of Slovenia with a status of cultural heritage village) and municipality of Kobarid. Students of both college programmes (design of materials (stone, wood and metal modules) and wood technology) together with their teachers and mentors and the inhabitants and visitors of the village Robidišče spent a week living and working together on restoration of village buildings and items and designing and creating some new products. The organization, content and outcomes of the project will be presented by student attendees. They will show movies recorded and pictures taken on the site and talk about their experience of the field work. 15 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 International Cooperation Prof.dr.sc. Mladen Mauher Polytechnics of Zagreb Professor Mladen Mauher, 1950., B. Sc in Economics from 1972, M.Sc. in Information Sciences from 1981, Ph.D. in Information Sciences from 1990; published more than 80 scientific and referring papers; has a long list of international cooperation, and participated in professional activities. The Concept and the Initiative for e-Government Doctoral Study The initiation of the international motivation and expression of participation interests. The Concept is based on interdisciplinarity of e-Government study and research; mentoring, technology, management and administrative technology and service capacities of Polytechnics of Zagreb as a host for e-Government Mentor Capacity Network; national and international mentoring partnerships; participation of demand side representatives (in a Triple Helix conceptual framework); added value to existing postgraduate studies. 16 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 M.Sc., Nataša Artič Vocational College for Catering and Tourism Maribor Head of Business to Business Education Centre Nataša Artič is lecturer at a Vocational College with a master in the field of European tourism law and experience in cooperation with international projects. In the last five year Nataša Artič is active in the field of organization of internships and trainings of mentors within tourism and catering sector. She writes articles and regularly attends international conferences. Mobility for placements of students on Vocational College for Catering and Tourism Maribor The Vocational College for a Catering and Tourism Maribor is public institution with a variety of international activities and projects. For the organization of student placement mobilities the National agency has rewarded the College for several years in a row. The process of mobility organization and realization is organized by clear and pre-defined process. The aim is to achieve the greatest possible number of individual mobilities based on transparent and nondiscriminatory selection process of candidates. The College has developed internal quality criteria for all the segments of mobility and the presentation is about the activities of international office for organizing Erasmus mobility placements. 17 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Double and Joint Degrees Zdenka Steblovnik Župam, univ. dipl, inž., spec Prof. Žarko Nožica Ph. D. Wood Technology School Polytechnics Maribor, of Zagreb Higher Vocational College Headmistress Headmistress of Maribor Wood Technology Vocational College and a lecturer of production management, Zdenka holds a university degrees in wood science and technology from the University of Ljubljana and postgraduate specialisation in educational management from the University of Primorska. Very active internationally in EURASHE, as a member of the Council, Zdenka is leader the WG for Student Centred Learning and speaker on the specifics of PHE. 18 Professor Žarko Nožica. Has 30+ years of experience in University (In Croatia) and Industry environment (in USA; California). Education: He holds BSEE, MSEE and PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (www.fer.hr), in 1971, 1974 and 1986 respectively. Present positions: He is a member of the Quality Assurance Committee at the Council of Universities and University Colleges of Applied Sciences (CUUCAS) and professor at Polytechnics of Zagreb (www.tvz.hr). He is a Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Involvements on national level: registered expert of Slovene NAQAHE and a member of Council for HE of R Slovenia. Being a keen advocate of the role of wood in sustainable development Zdenka also acts as a VicePresident of Slovene Woodworking Association. member of managing board at University College of Applied Computer Engineering, Zagreb. He is a representative of Croatian Council of Universities and University Colleges of Applied Sciences in EURASHE (www.eurashe.eu). Žarko Nožica is also a member of Croatian Bologna Experts team. He spearheded a creation of several curricula in the field of Computer Engineering and Informatics. Basis for Co-Operation on Common Programmes Development Between Wood Technology Vocational College Maribor and Technical College Zagreb Zdenka Steblovnik Župan and dr. Žarko Nožica will present the rationale for institutional co-operation initiatives and backgrounds. The advantages that they see and the basic idea of the nature of common programme(s) and possibilities of its provision will be emphasised. The purpose of this presentation will not be exposing the obstacles regarding the accreditation of new common programmes, but seeking for optimal solutions in the system as it is, searching for different possibilities of co-operation and taking into account the similar or complementing market requirements in the regions, professional expertise and specific experience of each institution and the increasing mobility of students. 19 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Cooperation with business M.A. Branka Jarc Kovačič and Branka Balantič Kranj School Centre for Technical Sciences, Higher Vocational College Professor and practical education organizer Branka Jarc Kovačič was awarded master of science from the University of Maribor, Faculty of organizational sciences. Branka habilitated from Sustainable development, Environment protection and Safety at work on expert Vocational Colleges. She is collaborating with employerrs to facilitate practical education of students. Branka is also organizer of Teaching anagogical training of mentors in companies. Branka Balantič graduated on University of Maribor, Faculty of organizational sciences. She is professor in Kranj School Centre for Technical Sciences, Vocational College. Her area of expert is based on business communication and management and business economics. She is also an organizer of practical education of student where she actively collaborates with employers. An Example of Good Practice of Cooperation between the HVC, TSC Kranj and Enterprises In this contribution, experiences form TŠC Kranj, Vocational College with establishment and maintenance of partnerships with economic subjects in region and outside are presented. The following cases are described: good practices which include organization and implementation of students and mentors training; research and development work which is reflected projects and articles of students and professors; organization of training for companies; facilitating all life learning in profession; organization of common actions associated with technical occupation promotion. Recognition of expectations, and each-others’ problems and understanding will be emphasized. Recognition of mutual relationships enables both sides to establish systematic and long term partnership. 20 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 MA., Master degree in International Journalism, Cardiff University Irena Bedrač RTV Slovenija & Academia ltd. International Education Centre Maribor Lecturer Journalist and TV editor (since 1996) Documentary maker Media Production lecturer (Academia Maribor, IAM Ljubljana, since 2008) LENTV – Web Festival Television In June 2012 students of 2nd year Media Production Study joined the project Lentv, which was launched in 2010 and is organized by Narodni dom (the organizer of famous Festival Lent). Lentv is a web television. In 17 days, 20 students from Academia together with students from other schools produced 155 stories. Most of them were 3 minutes long and included interviews, vox-pops, pieces to camera etc. Students worked as journalists, cameramen, light & sound assistants and editors. They were encouraged to do the stories different but within basic journalistic & artistic values. 21 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Development of innovation and applied research Ph.D, Dr Marija Gregori Biotechnical Centre Naklo Enterprise Centre Higher vocational lecturer and researcher Marija is a researcher and vocational collage lecturer in the field of beneficial organisms, sustainable agriculture and plant genetics. She is a researcher with experience in plant proteomics and breeding, biotechnology, functional food, starch synthesis, agro ecosystems, beneficial organisms, with a strong background in Biology and focus on the sustainable agriculture. Research Unit at Biotechnical Centre Naklo BC Naklo research unit operates within the vocational college. In research group, we have 22 researchers, covering primarily areas of agriculture, food technology, biotechnology and renewable energy. We connect to other research groups both at the national and international level. In research activities we are trying to involve mentors to students at graduation, as well as students themselves. To our partners we also offer the development of pilot and research tests enabling the extension of their project objectives. Through our unit we are also trying to transfer innovation among our project partners or partners from industry. Our experiences show that the research activity within the vocational collage education is of great importance for career progress of students. 22 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Žan Dapčevič University of Auckland Student Žan is an economics and international business student studying at University of Auckland New Zealand, in 2013 also a student at National University of Singapore Business School as a part of his courses and interest. He is interested in international entrepreneurship and product development, having already some experiences in that field. He is eager to help to improve higher education system in Slovenia globally with bringing and implementing the best worldwide practises in the country. That is why he is also part of NAKVIS as a student expert. Student Centred Learning within Large University Organisation The presentation aims to show how a large university, such as University of Auckland - having more than 30,000 students on campus - with the help of technology and good course organisation and development – is able to centre learning on one student and give him the maximum opportunity to develop his specific and generic competences. 23 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Structure of the national education system and qualification framework – Bosnia and Herzegovina ISCED Levels of Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina 24 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Structure of the national education system and qualification framework – Montenegro 25 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Structure of the national education system and qualification framework – Croatia 26 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Structure of the national education system and qualification framework – Macedonia 27 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Structure of the national education system and qualification framework – Serbia EQF Level EHEA Framework (Bologna) Serbian national qualifications framework Academic studies Applied studies ECTS 480 8 7 6 3rd cycle D?ctoral ??-3 300 Master V?-2? 2nd cycle 1st cycle 180 Specialization V?-2b Bachelor 3yr VA-1? Bachelor 4yr V?-1b Integrated V?-2? Medicine V?-2? Specialization VS-2 Bachelor VS-1 120-60 180-240 180-240 0 28 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Structure of the national education system and qualification framework – Slovenia Education Doctorate of science Master of science Master (second Bologna cycle) Professional/academic higher education (first Bologna cycle) Higher vocational education Secondary technical education (4 year VET), General education Secondary vocational education (3 year VET) Lower vocational education (2 year VET) Completed elementary school Uncompleted elementary school SQF EQF 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 8 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 1 29 Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Association of HVC - Board members mag. Marijan Pogačnik, President Biotechnical Centre Naklo Strahinj 99 SI-4202 Naklo SLOVENIA [email protected] Majda Kralj, Board Member Higher Vocational College ACADEMIA Glavni trg 17b SI-2000 Maribor SLOVENIA [email protected] Miran Lampret, Board Member Lampret Consulting, d.o.o. Ulica tolminskih puntarjev 4 SI-5000 Nova Gorica SLOVENIA [email protected] Ksenija Turk, Board Member Educational Centre MEMORY Dutovlje 32 SI-6221 Dutovlje SLOVENIA [email protected] 30 Drago Simončič, Vice-president School Centre Novo Mesto Šegova ulica 112 SI-8000 Novo mesto SLOVENIA [email protected] Drago Zupančič, Board Member School Centre PET Celjska ulica 16 SI-1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA [email protected] Darinka Rakovec, Board Member Educational Centre EDC Kranj Gorenjesavska cesta 9 SI-4000 Kranj SLOVENIA [email protected] Harmonizing Professional Higher Education in South-eastern Europe, International Conference, Maribor, Slovenia, November 29 – 30, 2012 Notes: 31 ABITURA, Podjetje za izobraževanje, d. o. o., VSŠ, Celje, www.abitura.si B&B, Izobraževanje in usposabljanje, d.o.o., VSŠ, Kranj, www.bb.si B2 d. o. o., Višja strokovna šola Ljubljana, www.b2.eu BIOTEHNIČNI IZOBRAŽEVALNI CENTER LJUBLJANA, VSŠ, www.bic-lj.si/vss/ BIOTEHNIŠKI CENTER NAKLO, Višja strokovna šola, www.bc-naklo.si CENTER ZA POSLOVNO USPOSABLJANJE, VSŠ Ljubljana, www.cpu.si DOBA EPIS MARIBOR, Višja strokovna šola Maribor, www.visja.doba.si EDUKACIJSKI CENTER EDC KRANJ, Višja strokovna šola, www.edckranj.com/EDC_slo.asp EKONOMSKA IN TRGOVSKA ŠOLA BREŽICE, VSŠ, www.vs-kombre.kk.edus.si EKONOMSKA ŠOLA MURSKA SOBOTA, Višja strokovna šola, www.vss-ms.si EKONOMSKA ŠOLA NOVO MESTO, Višja strokovna šola, www.esnm-visja.si ESIC Kranj, Višja strokovna šola, http://vss.esic.si EURO ŠOLA LJUBLJANA, Višja strokovna šola, http://eurosola.erudio.si/visje-sole GEA COLLEGE, Center višjih šol, d.o.o., Ljubljana, www.gea-college.si/center-visjih-sol GRM NOVO MESTO - center biotehnike in turizma, VSŠ šola, www.vs.grm-nm.si/ksgrm IAM, Višja strokovna šola za multimedije Ljubljana, http://iam.si IZOBRAŽEVALNI CENTER PIRAMIDA MARIBOR, Višja strokovna šola, www.icp-mb.si/visja/ IZOBRAŽEVALNI CENTER GEOSS D.O.O., VSŠ, Litija, www.ic-geoss.si IZOBRAŽEVALNI CENTER MEMORY, d.o.o., Dutovlje, www.memory.si IZOBRAŽEVALNI ZAVOD HERA LJUBLJANA, Višja strokovna šola, www.iz-hera.si IZRAZ LJUBLJANA, Višja strokovna šola, www.izraz.si LAMPRET CONSULTING, d. o. o., VSŠ, Nova Gorica, www.lampret-consulting.si/poslovna LESARSKA ŠOLA MARIBOR, Višja strokovna šola, www.lesarska-sola-maribor.net/vss/ MUCH, izobraževanje, d. o. o., VSŠ, Ljubljana, www.muchvs.si POLICIJSKA AKADEMIJA, Šmartno pri Ljubljani, www.policija.si POSLOVNO-KOMERCIALNA ŠOLA CELJE, Višja strokovna šola, http://visja.pksola.si PROMETNA ŠOLA MARIBOR, Višja prometna šola, www.vpsmb.net ŠOLA ZA HORTIKULTURO IN VIZUALNE UMETNOSTI CELJE, VSŠ, www.hvu.si ŠOLSKI CENTER CELJE, Višja strokovna šola, www.sc-celje.si/vis ŠOLSKI CENTER NOVO MESTO, Višja strokovna šola, www.ecnm.si ŠOLSKI CENTER PET LJUBLJANA, Višja strokovna šola, www.scpet.net/vss/ ŠOLSKI CENTER POSTOJNA, Višja strokovna šola, www.vspo.si ŠOLSKI CENTER PTUJ, Višja strokovna šola, http://vss.scptuj.si ŠOLSKI CENTER RAVNE NA KOROŠKEM, Višja strokovna šola, http://visjasolaravne.si/ ŠOLSKI CENTER SLOVENJ GRADEC, Višja strokovna šola, www.sc-sg.si/visja ŠOLSKI CENTER SREČKA KOSOVELA SEŽANA, VSŠ, www.viviss.si/vss ŠOLSKI CENTER ŠENTJUR, Višja strokovna šola, www.sc-s.si ŠOLSKI CENTER ŠKOFJA LOKA, Višja strokovna šola, www.scsl.si/visja/ ŠOLSKI CENTER VELENJE, Višja strokovna šola, http://vss.scv.si TEHNIŠKI ŠOLSKI CENTER KRANJ, Višja strokovna šola, http://499.gvs.arnes.si/tsc/vss/ TEHNIŠKI ŠOLSKI CENTER MARIBOR, Višja strokovna šola, www.tscmb.si TEHNIŠKI ŠOLSKI CENTER NOVA GORICA, Višja strokovna šola, www.vss.tsc.si VIŠJA STROKOVNA ŠOLA ACADEMIA, Maribor, www.academia.si VIŠJA STROKOVNA ŠOLA ZA GOSTINSTVO IN TURIZEM BLED, www.vgs-bled.si VIŠJA STROKOVNA ŠOLA ZA GOSTINSTVO IN TURIZEM MARIBOR, www.vsgt-mb.si ZARIS, Višja strokovna šola, Ljubljana, www.zaris.si ZAVOD IRC, Višja strokovna šola, Ljubljana, www.zavod-irc.si 32
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