LAOS Letter to God’s People Vol. 11, No. 5 A Monthly Publication of First Lutheran Church of Williston May 2014 Dear Disciples of Christ Jesus at First Lutheran, Over the many years I’ve lived in these parts, I have observed the month of May as an in the middle of the season of ‘unlocking.’ There are a many people who think there are four seasons, winter, spring, summer and fall, but those of us who’ve lived in North Dakota for a while know that there are two more. Every fall, somewhere around the end of November, the season of ‘locking’ starts. People drain the water from building, hoses and cabins which will not know human habitation until warm weather comes around again; we snap padlocks, turn keys and leave things be. And all is quiet, locked up. Then, as the days get warmer, the other season begins. I was reminded of it when someone excitedly told me they were going to their cabin at the lake to ‘unlock’ it and see if it made it through the winter. Remember our Mission: To invite all people to join with us as we relate to God, nurture faith, and are sent to serve. First Lutheran Staff: Pastor Martin Mock Pastor Benjamin Loven Lori Yale—Admin. Assist. Charlotte Swensrud— Volunteer Coordinator Beth Olsen—Musician Bessie Larmer—Custodian Greg Sinclair—Property Mgr. Kathi Nygaard—Intern Pastor Unlocking is a belief that should be near and dear to the heart of the Christian. The principalities and powers of the world could not hold the Christ we serve and follow. Our sin cannot hold us hostage with so powerful a Deliverer to set us free. And finally, death is not the last word whispered in our ear as we leave this world on the way to what happens next. There is more for each son of Adam and daughter of Eve. There are universes of possibilities beyond what we see and feel and hear in this world. Many years ago, I visited the tomb of Jesus. There were two of them. One of them is the site sacred to pilgrimages since the fourth century and now sits in the center of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. By now, it has accumulated the ‘hardware’ that accompanies a “holy site”, the incredibly beautiful art, lines of pilgrims, oil lamps and incense. Outside the wall around “Old Jerusalem”, there is what is called the “Garden Tomb” discovered and developed since the mid-nineteenth century. It sits a hundred yards or so from a limestone formation that is shaped like a skull overlooking what used to be a main street into Jerusalem. At the foot of the outcropping, archeologists have found fragments of human bone suggesting that this was an execution site. Like most things about Christianity in our time, there is some controversy about which one in the real site. But, there is one thing I can tell you about both of them. They are empty. That’s all I need to know. So, I will continue to celebrate the season of our unlocking, while living in a world where countless thousands of innocent people die in the hands of those made heartless by the prince of this world; while in sorrow over the passing of loved and treasured saints in our community; while confused by the conflicting claims to truth made by the faithful all over this planet. I will celebrate secure in the truth that for Jerusalem and Williston, North Dakota, and all the points in between, cabin unlockers and empty tombs, will speak the same reassuring Word to the children of God and prayerfully to all men and women for eternity- Jesus is Risen! Alleluia! In Christ, Pastor Marty NEWS NEWS STEWARDSHIP 2014 Budget $768,000 04/26/14 YTD Budget $251,073 04/26/14 YTD Actual $197,351 WORSHIP & ATTENDANCE Sunday Wednesday___ 03/30/14 251 04/02/14 80 04/06/14 280 04/09/14 73 04/13/14 454 04/17/14 163 04/18/14 87 04/20/14 785 04/23/14 12 First Lutheran Church is looking for a part time custodian. The position would be mostly daytime hours with some flexibility in scheduling. There would be some weekend and evening hours needed to clean after weddings, funerals, and special events. A full job description is available at the office. If interested contact the office at 572-6363. WOMEN OF THE CHURCH NEWS NEWS LEADERSHIP Pastoral Acts Funerals Jerry Olson Lloyd Nelson Daxton Elletson Betty Jarland 04/09/2014 04/12/2014 04/18/2014 04/24/2014 Baptisms Vacation Bible School (led by counselors from UMM) will be held at First Lutheran June 23-26, 2014!! Mark Your calendar and fill out the forms in this month’s newsletter and bring back to the church office as soon as possible. It is really Spring. We know, because WELCA is having their Spring General Meeting. It is Wednesday, May 7th, at 9:30 am in the Parlor. We will be having our Annual Memorial Service for the women who have left us in the past year. Coffee and treats will be served along with a program planned by LOVE Circle. Good News. The congregation joined us in gathering items for the Baskets of Promise and the committee is assembling them for the May 15th LWR shipment. Items can still be brought to the church to help us meet out goal of 100 Personal Care Kits –especially metal nail clippers and light-weight colored bath towels. These Personal Care kits provide basic hygiene tools to our brothers and sisters in need in the USA and around the world. Layette items of onesies, sleepers, socks, receiving blankets, diapers and pins are always welcome and will also be sent in the May LWR shipment. Your generosity and participation is greatly appreciated. Women of ELCA - Triennial Gathering, July 24-27 You need time away for rest and renewal. You need time with women of bold faith and courage. You need time to dance and sing and praise God. You need time with women of many generations. Come experience all these things and more at the 9th Triennial Gathering of Women of the ELCA this July in Charlotte, North Carolina. Check out all event details, speakers, and schedule and register at Music & Worship Arts Special thanks to EVERYONE in FLC’s Music Ministry: Children’s Choir, Echo, Handbells, AWE, Sanctuary Choir and soloists for all the beautiful and inspiring music during Lent, Holy Week and Easter. Well done, faithful servants! The Children’s Choir will have its last rehearsal of the season on May 8, and will sing during 11:00 worship on Mother’s Day On Thursday, May 15, we will have our year-end PARTY!!! MEN’S CHORUS is preparing a musical offering for At this writing, the fragrance of the Easter lilies still lingers in the sanctuary. The Easter Sunday Festive Worship at FLC was certainly a lovely celebration of the resurrection! And now, with all the hymns, instrumental music and songs still rattling around inside my head, I have the Laos deadline to meet. But today, this is no mad scramble for me to fill my page (no raging battle between inspiration and perspiration, either); the ads were done a while back, and this article you’re reading, I’ve been eagerly waiting to write it all down for weeks! Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy the writing! Harkening back to the format I’d had in a weekly bulletin column, Coffee and Hymns, this month I thought I’d spend a few minutes talking about Thine Is the Glory, a well-loved Easter hymn, and one of my all-time favorites. The birthing process of hymns varies: sometimes the poetry comes first, other times, the music, and sometimes both elements, simultaneously. To discuss Thine Is the Glory, I really have to start with its music since it predates the hymn, as we have come to know it, by over 175 years! Handel wrote the melody, with text by Thomas Morrell (librettist to Handel on many projects), in 1747, as part of the oratorio, Joshua. The song was titled, See the Conquering Hero Comes! (a snippet of its text, See, the conqu'ring hero comes! Sound the trumpets! Beat the drums!) This song was so popular that years later, Handel added it to one of his most famous (and my favorite of the lot) oratorios, Judas Maccabeus. Before I go on, perhaps a little review of oratorio is in order. Handel, writing in England, was frustrated that he couldn’t stage operas in Lent (this was a time of strict Protestantism vs frequent Jacobite risings); it was deemed inappropriate to attend such frivolous events during such a holy, solemn time. However, Handel was a very shrewd businessman. Thus, the creation of oratorio—long works, based on religious themes, with choruses, soloists, orchestra, but no staging, sets, movement, costumes, etc. (Think: opera on the radio). As a form, oratorio allowed the theaters to fill (churches, as venues, too); money kept flowing into Handel’s pocket, musicians stayed employed, all in all, a brilliant navigation of the rules! It is amazing that greed bred such a wonderful, inspiring, and enduring form! The text of Thine Is the Glory was the 1884 creation of a Swiss, Edmond Budry, his text called, À toi la gloire. The English translation by Richard Hoyle didn’t arrive on the scene until 1923 (that’s only 91 years ago—modern by most standards)! Of course, the tune, a real rouser, found other outlets: Beethoven wrote variations on its melody for piano and for cello, the Germans have an Advent hymn (pretty), Zion’s Daughter, and the Dutch have a very popular setting that they sing at weddings. The English are really fond of it; it is used at funerals, weddings, worship and royal occasions. From a linguistic standpoint, the hymn text is really well preserved. No one’s made it into Yours Is the Glory! The classic language endures because, up until very recently, the hymn was NOT in the public domain; if you wanted to print it, you had to use Hoyle’s translation! I hope, by this time, you’re humming Thine Is the Glory! See you in church, beth With YOUR HELP , The Sometimes Singers MOTHER’S DAY will present a musical offering during 11:00 worship on Only 2 more rehearsals!!! Thursdays, May 1 and May 8 7:15pm in the chapel (Memorial Day weekend) (May 11) May 25 We will The gift of song— what a great gift for Mom! Hope you can take part! New members are ALWAYS welcome! Questions? See beth meet at 10:30 for a very, very brief rehearsal AWE is FLC’s praise group. AWE regularly sings and plays during worship services. AWE recently had a couple of its dedicated members move away, so AWE really n eeds t o add t o it s ranks. AWE could use YOUR help! AWE w ou ld w elcom e t h e con t ribution of YOUR m usical gifts to the group’s efforts. AWE knows how busy YOU are; they’re busy, too. But AWE m usicians do their best to m ake time to serve God through music. AWE hopes that you will consider doing the same. Every week, AWE rehearses from 5:15 to 6:00 on Thursdays in the chapel. And, AWE welcomes everyone! memorials Undesignated Jon Ellefson Tom & Carol Ritter Dawn Rustad Malcolm & Denise Pippin Mark Geyer Ron & Liz Lund Don & Mae Thompson Mark & Laurie Wrolson Cleo Haugland Carol Holden Willis & Ruth Gunlikson Ruth Wagner Art & Bev Bendixson Carroll & Pam Hegge Greg & Kayleen Anderson Anna Remsburg Jack & Christine Olson Gary & Karen Broeder Paul & Connie Hedrun Jerry Olson Walter & Beth Darr Virgin ia Peterson Arvid & Judy Johnson Jerry & Renee Rogness Leland & Bev Evjen David & Tina Hanson Diane Hagen Rose Hagen John & DaVee MacMaster Don & Bev Sathe Larry & Dede Bean Robert & Ruth Benson Luise Mahder Laverne Gund Peg Stokes Ann Marie Wheeler Earl Wheeler Shayne Snyder Jeff & Cortney Wagner Mary Huber Anne Lee Levin & Ard is Bean Peter & Lynette Nygaard Leroy & Norma Seaton Roger & Esther Anderson Ardean & Coke Aafedt Don & Mae Thompson Clayton & Gladys Benth Greg & Kay Anderson Bennie Olson Les & Mabel Colebank Denley McKenzie Larry & Dede Bean Programs Jon Ellefson Larry & Lila Lynne David & Mary Lynn Brevik Jerry Olson Roger & Sandy Kohlman David & Mary Lynn Brevik Greg & Kathleen Sinclair Carroll & Pam Hegge Lavern & Lillian Miller Willis & Ruth Gunlikson Doris Lindvig Carol Holden John & Marilyn McGinley Scott & Kristen Rehak John & Muriel Hinman Earl & Lo is Rennerfeldt Nora Irgens Leslie & Mabel Colebank Lowell & Carol Jean Sandvik Marilyn Sandaker Addy Stenehjem Ron & Liz Lund V.F. Peterson Larry & Sue Kroll Jeanette Ekblad Rob & Karla Osborn Media Fund Jon Ellefson Mary Ann Gaudreau Bob & Marilyn Austreim Jared Arends Mary Ann Gaudreau Jerry Olson Melva Sogard Bennie Olson Lowell & Carol Jean Sandvik Lloyd Nelson Lowell & Carol Jean Sandvik Fred Miller Lowell & Carol Jean Sandvik Lorraine Arcand Lowell & Carol Jean Sandvik Youth Fund Jerry Olson Floyd & Jeanne Olson Ethel Oyen Pat Hamers Jared Arends Pat Hamers Ken & Vam Erickson Trust Fund Missionary Fund Jon Ellefson Luella Asleson Jerry Olson Carol Jensen Don & Ann Arnson Good Sam Fund Jon Ellefson Duane & Joanne DeMars Jerry Olson Dale Livdahl Linda Stordahl Mary Ann Gaudreau Jane Innis Dorothy Olson Will & Jean Fisher Maxine Duncalf Loren & Linda Haugen Lawrence & Ethel Schuschke Margo Bartness Larry & Dorinne Haug Jean Lewis Robert & Eleanor Olson Anna Remsburg Ken & Vam Erickson Marlo & Gloria Blomberg Leonard & Eileen Porter Ellen Hofland Otto & Maureen Muecke Harry & Elizabeth Thompson Maurice & Gladys Sandaker John & Joyce Krabseth Darin & Charlotte Swensrud Dorothy Brakken Jerry Peterson Jerry & Dawn Rustad Audrey Olson Betty Koerner Property Fund Donn Skadeland Jan Skadeland Jerry Olson Bob Eynon Congratulations to the Class of 2014 Hannah Benson Cambree Billehus Dreysyn Bratcher Graeme Key Not Pictured: Hailey Bendixson Danielle Germundson Carson Hartwig Austin Haugen Gabriel Jensen Amanda Nelson Samantha Miller Jeffrey Nelson TRUST FUND MINUTES MARCH 20, 2014 Present: Lowell Sandvik, Bob Eynon, Lavina Domagala, David Hanson, John Suess, Pastor Mock. Lowell called the meeting to order. Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the February 20 th and the March 7 th meetings. Carried. Financials were reviewed. Motion was made and seconded to approve the financial reports. Carried. Reviewed a request of $5,000 for National Organization of QPR (Question, Persuade, & Response) suicide prevention. Motion was made to approve up to $5,000 for the request, but donors who had previously expressed support should be contacted to help pay for the program.Any donations received should be used to reduce the bill, or refunded back to the Trust Fund if the bill is paid by the time any donations are received. Carried. Bills were reviewed and discussed. Motion was made and seconded to pay the bills as presented. In addition, the upcoming bill from Ekblads for new appliances at the parsonage was discussed. Motion was made and seconded to pay for the appliances from the property fund and to transfer $10,000 to the checking account for payment of the appliances and the other bills. Carried. The process of allocation year end income between temporarily restricted and permanently restricted funds was discussed. Scholarship fund availability for development of relationships with students attending seminary or an ELCA college was discussed. The possibility of developing a scholarship application for these funds was proposed. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Lavina Domagala Secretary/Treasurer Intern news Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia! It is a joyous time of the year. We are now in the midst of Easter season and signs of new life abound; tulips poking up in the courtyard here at First Lutheran, calves frolicking in the pastures and a line of dandelions along the south side of my house! It was enjoyable to spend some time during Lent watching movies about Jesus on Monday nights. Thank you to those who joined me for fellowship and conversation during Jesus Real to Reel. I hope it was both a fun and learning time for all of you. At this point, I have completed 2/3 of my internship time with all of you and feel blessed by the experience and the great relationships that I’ve formed. Since I am not following the standard pattern for seminary education, I will actually be completing my academic studies this semester and going through graduation from Luther Seminary on May 18, 2014. As I prepare for the Upper Missouri Cluster meeting of the Women of the ELCA, I am pondering their theme verse from Matthew 6: 27 “And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your life span”? The worries of this life are abundant. Some of those worries are significant, such as being able to pay rent/mortgage and keep shelter for your family or concerns about health. But many of the worries that consume us, that define our sense of self-worth, are so much smaller and yet they become magnified out of proportion, creating physical anxiety that manifests itself in upset stomachs and sleepless nights. In this passage, Jesus doesn’t intend to make light of our concerns, but before and after this verse, Jesus tells us to look at the birds of the air and consider the lilies of the field. These reminders to look up and look around can give us a larger perspective about what is truly important in our lives. So this Easter season, I invite you to look up and look around. Kathi Nygaard, Intern Pastor COUNCIL MINUTES April 8, 2014 Members Present: Earl Westereng, Jane Slocum, Lyla Semenko, David Brevik, Kathy Ekblad, Wayne Sorenson, Larry Lynne, Brion Norby, Lois Scheele Members Absent: Cyndy Aafedt, Charles Tanner, Terry Gaudreau Others Present: Pastor Mock Meeting called to order by President Earl. W. Motion to adopt agenda as printed was made by Lyla S. and seconded by Kathy E. Motion carried. Devotion by Pastor Mock reading a passage from Mudhouse Sabbath. Members were given copies and asked to read in preparation for devotions at May Council meeting. Unfinished Business Child Protection Policy: Discussion regarding the addition of designation of responsibility for church sponsored events. This will be added to the policy with final vote of approval at May Council Meeting. Audit Committee: Brion N. reported that Jeremy Skoglund is st ill in the process of gettin g information from the repaired server. A full report will be available at May Council meeting. New Business Council Party: This would be a Council sponsored cake at coffee hour for members Alan and Debbie Hanson and Andrew and Miriam Hage who will be moving out of town. Larry L. made a motion for recognition to be given both couples in the bulletin and from the pulpit on Sunday, April 13. Motion seconded by Lois S. Motion carried. New Member Sunday: New Member Sunday will be Ap ril 27. A motion to induct new members at the service of their choice was made by Lyla S. and seconded by Kathy E. Motion carried. Memorial Committee: Brion N. will be Council liaison on this committee. Pastor Marty will assist him. Summer Worship Hours: After much discussion this was tabled until May Council meeting. Survey Assessment of Worship: Council decided not to conduct a survey at this time. Synod Assembly Delegates: Assembly will be May 31-June 1 in Bismarck. Delegates nominated and elected to attend at Annual Meeting are Pastor and Patty Mock, Pastor Ben and Jennifer Loven, Greg and Kathy Sinclair, Ken and Darci Kjos. Reports Secretary Minutes: Motion to accept as printed made by David B. and seconded by Lyla S. Motion carried. Staff Reports: Pastor Marty r epor ted that Pastor Ben will finish t he Life Touch Pictor ial this mon th. He also r epor ted t he church staff is okay. The Youth Group is up and running and he is currently work ing on the National Youth Gathering, wh ich w ill be held in Detroit. Confirmation classes are either completed or continuing and he is preparing for Holy Week activities. Intern Kathi has been doing visitations at Golden Estates, Bethel an d Ar bor Ho use as well as ser vices at O ur Savior ’s and Trinit y Lutheran churches. She is also assist ing Pastor Marty with preparations for Holy Week. Committee Reports: Accepted as printed. Treasurer Report: Brion N. said he is workin g on gettin g the bills paid now that the computer is repaired. Motion to accept as printed made by David B. and seconded by Lois S. Motion carried. Life Touch Pictorial: Pastor Marty reported that Pastor Ben will have it completed this month. Diaconal Ministry: Pastor Marty reported the Synod will do the call. An advisory Committee is being set up with pastors and two lay members each from the three ELCA churches. Their first meeting will be May 1, 2014 to write the gu idelines. Earl W. suggested Sjon Zunich be a member from First Lutheran and Kathy E. suggested Jean Lindvig. Earl will contact both. Stewardship: Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 12 and will have a report at May Council meeting. Youth Ministry Report: No applicants to date. Vision 2014: Terry G. is work ing on this with Pastor Marty. Hospitality Committee: Jane S. suggested New Member Sundays be under a small group designated to assist the pastoral staff in planning and executing these specific events. Correspondence Thank you’s passed around Church Usage Requests: Two requests were received and approved. Baptism Assistants April – Larry Lynne May – Earl Westereng and David Brevik Dates to Remember April 24 – New Member Orientation April 27 – New Member Sunday May 1 – Diaconal Minist ry Organizational Meeting May 11 – Mother’s Day May 31-June 1 – Synod Meeting 2014 Council Meetings May 13 June 10 Meeting adjourned Submitted by Jane Slocum, Secretary UMM VBS HEALTH FORM Thursday, May 1, 2014 6:30 am UMM Prayer Breakfast 12:00 pm Men in Mission—P 2:00 pm Pray,Knit/Crochet & Chat—P 4:00pm Children’s Choir—C 5:00 pm WSC Cooking Class—FH 5:30 pm AWE—C 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal—C 7:15 pm Men’s Chorus—C Friday, May 2, 2014 11:00 am Luncheon—P Saturday, May 3, 2014 1:00 pm Baby Shower—P Sunday, May 4, 2014 9:00 am Worship Service—S Communion 9:00 am Worship Service—C Communion 10:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Coffee Hour—FH 11:00 am Worship Service—S Communion 5:30 pm Banquet West Supper—FH Monday, May 5, 2014 1:00 pm Quilting—MA Tuesday, May 6, 2014 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study 8:00 am Lay Preachers/Pastors Text Study—Dakota Farms 9:30 am Staff Meeting—CR 5:30 pm Nurturing Parent Program 5:30 pm Music & Worship Arts Comm 6:30 pm Executive Committee—P 7:00 pm Personnel Committee—P 7:00 pm Property Committee—P 7:30 pm Internship Committee—CR Wednesday, May 7, 2014 9:30 am WELCA General Meeting—P 4:00 pm Echo Rehearsal-C 5:00 pm Jr. High youth group—RR 5:30 pm Handbell Rehearsal—S 6:30 pm Worship—C Thursday, May 8, 2014 2:00 pm Pray,Knit/Crochet & Chat—P 4:00pm Children’s Choir—C 5:30 pm AWE—C 6:00 pm Quilting for Graduates—MA 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal—C 7:15 pm Men’s Chorus—C 9:00 pm UMDHU Sweet Rolls—FH Friday, May 9, 2014 6:00 am UMDHU Sweet Rolls—FH 10:00 am Little Scholars Mothers Day Program —FH Saturday, May 10, 2014 Sunday, May 11, 2014 Happy Mother’s Day 9:00 am Worship Service—S Communion 9:00 am Worship Service—C Communion 10:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Coffee Hour—FH 11:00 am Worship Service—S Communion 2:00 pm WSC Music Dept.—S 5:30 pm Banquet West Supper—FH Monday, May 12, 2014 1:00 pm Quilting—MA 3:00 pm WELCA Board Meeting—P 6:30 pm Friendship Ministries at Bethel Home Tuesday, May 13, 2014 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study 8:00 am Lay Preachers/Pastors Text Study—Dakota Farms 9:30 am Staff Meeting—CR 11:00 am Elks Youth Day—FH 5:30 pm Nurturing Parent Program 7:00 pm Church Council —P Wednesday, May 14, 2014 5:30 pm Handbell Rehearsal—S 6:00 pm WHS H onors Banquet—FH 6:30 pm Worship—C Thursday, May 15, 2014 12:00 pm Trust Fund Meeting—P 2:00 pm Pray,Knit/Crochet & Chat—P 4:00 pm Children’s Choir Party 5:30 pm AWE—C 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal—C Friday, May 16, 2014 10:00 am Little Scholars Graduation 5:30 pm Cummings/Marcy Wedding Rehearsal—S Saturday, May 17, 2014 10:00 am Hope Circle—P 5:30 pm Cummings/Marcy Wedding Sunday, May 18, 2014 9:00 am Worship Service—S Communion 9:00 am Worship Service—C Communion 10:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Coffee Hour—FH 10:00 am Senior Brunch —P 11:00 am Worship Service—S Communion 5:30 pm Banquet West Supper—FH Monday, May 19, 2014 1:00 pm Quilting—MA Tuesday, May 20, 2014 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study 8:00 am Lay Preachers/Pastors Text Study—Dakota Farms 9:30 am Staff Meeting—CR 10:30 am Bethel Home/Communion Wednesday, May 21, 2014 9:30 am Faith Circle 1:30 pm Love Circle 6:30 pm Worship—C Thursday, May 22, 2014 2:00 pm Pray,Knit/Crochet & Chat—P 5:30 pm AWE—C Friday, May 23, 2014 4:00 pm Graduation Open House—P 5:00 pm Axtman/Jangula Wedding Rehearsal—S Saturday, May 24, 2014 5:00 pm Axtman/Jangula Wedding—S Sunday, May 25, 2014 9:00 am Worship Service—S Communion 9:00 am Worship Service—C Communion 10:00 am Coffee Hour—FH 11:00 am Worship Service—S Communion 5:30 pm Banquet West Supper—FH Monday, May 26, 2014 CHURCH CLO SED MEMORIAL DAY Tuesday, May 27, 2014 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study 8:00 am Lay Preachers/Pastors Text Study—Dakota Farms 9:30 am Staff Meeting—CR Wednesday, May 28, 2014 9:00 am Laos Newsletters—P 9:30 am Bethel Terrace/Communion 10:00 am Heritage Manor/Communion 2:00 pm Golden Estates/Communion 6:30 pm Worship—C 8:00 pm Banquet West Steering Committee—P Thursday, May 29, 2014 2:00 pm Pray,Knit/Crochet & Chat—P 5:00 pm WSC Cooking Class—FH 5:30 pm AWE—C Friday, May 30, 2014 Pastors Gone-Synod Assembly in Bismarck Saturday, May 31, 2014 Pastors Gone-Synod Assembly in Bismarck FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID WILLISTON, ND 58801 PERMIT #107 916 Main, Williston, ND 58801-5398 Phone: 572-6363, Fax: 577-6365 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED The church will be closed on Monday, May 26th, in observance of Memorial Day. Have a wonderful holiday. The church will begin closing at 12:00 noon on Fridays beginning on May 23rd. Monday through Thursday will be regular business hours. Have a great summer. CAMPER ALERT!!! WELCA and Men In Mission will supplement camper fees for UMM camps. Half off day camps and $75 off all other sessions. Please note First Lutheran Church on your registration. Please remember our veterans, past and present, this Memorial Day.
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