';**w«lft.fK<U,Sjj^R rf^ % s«wp«P f m: t 4 m*m i»M«y4>4itwii-^i. •MMthMi THE BEST !. \~f~ *$&km sudden dtattges in the weather fa to purify ftfcetoood with AVER'S arsaparilla vitalizes ? .;>*-!?.• W~ and enriches itttp fife-current, and makes t h e weak strong. P Has Cured Others i" V- wt{! cure yot*.^ • V \.'~ •f*. NEW YOBK STATE NEWS. THE REIT THE HBWl^1W|O1|I2510. For 1 hankagfvipg Day. •^T«*«^«*«^f» Governor Flower issued the following proclamation:, . STATE OF N B W YOBK, I EXECOTIVBCHAMBEB. S Political Division of the Kextj Senate autl Honse." \ Under tbe authority vested la the GoverSweeping Results of the Battle nor by She laws of the State, I do hereby at the Pblf, \ \ appoint Thursday, the 24th day of November, to be a day of general thanksgiving and prayer. ' The New York Herald ab* |bft« lntl The people of the State have muchtobe Fifty-third Congress Jhs Democrats: wi thankful for in the blessings which the year ,s ,___ '«Bti$"«in^b ..r^rjPos now drawingfa?its cloie has yielded. God have control of i>oMi^BeH^ta,«ii4^^ ^ Represantatives." The raautfc.jftowjii t ^ j' has been merciful in sparing us front threatSenate, uilesa later retumi" change HI at*W ened disease, froai civil disorder, from seri- figures, will shan't: DernocrajW, # } Repub —,*as. ous conflict between employers- and em- Heans. 41^ Independents, 4, making an ant;- ^iaa4ftbe^rli _ Jim ..,.___... .„ ployes, and from commercial and agricul- ReDubbcan majority of 6; * f- .--„-£ • -J- iCifeJsioaa.ettai tural distress. Crops have been plentiful, Thetermof ^>6r*an9^9art*or^3WS|t<«n lc]ais'of ijfe i e a ® t o * i M t o ifie|h%:-eaiw^tet', business has bsen active, industry has been Rspublicans and twelve Bsmocrats; iexp'if'' on March 4 next The preisnfcjSiBia^e well rewarded, intelligence and learning composadof: eaiheilUth^Uaitorlau Chur^ mtBeriln "* __ . ; - \\ „Jir.?!-l . | nave been mora widely diffuse.!, and con, Republicans..'......*'.,*«i '...,»|»^i«^^*»»-,. #' '"^\a«a^r«i|r-jr '6f b|s. jfira||aMaiM3St' iBi tentment and happiness prevail generally iiamocrats. i,*.«*«.......»..*^«.*«.>tji.##.. thatihm-eb. M within the borders of oar Commonwealth. Let as then all join in praise and gratitude Farmers* AIUance...»..,>.^^r,.'].v*i..^. The next Senate will consistof:' f deadinhisicBlf to Him who has made us the recipients of ftepnbitcans i«. •»»•»««•«.«.»» J^«**|'»«^».« it His mercy, and on the day appointed lef us Dsmocrats. .<«>• •»> •••><.< i.. f.>5<j.>>.i.~..,. :•; ~ H i » t y ' ^ a ^ t t o t ' l ! ^ i # ^ i w y l T ^ playedftarocwitl assemble in our houses of worship,' and, with Farmers' Alliance. He wires: 4 « ^ devout spirit, acknowledge oar indebtedness arerepresentelby thesSenat9rsJn„t In the present Senate the foriy-four. pectioninRia! and responsibility to Almighty fjrol. Lsfe joined l»bb?. Thosa whose tentti crossing .telephonj as seek His guidance and care during t h e ' March, are indicated by s dasfi wbose terms mil expire and , year that is to come, to the end thai* a s a peo» been re-elected; by an asterisk *»3 pie, we may be blessal-with a continuance Stote?lJ3^1atUreshave;aJreaH3 imp inebmnia, .• .} ' which will eletjt Senator* of tjhealn of His mercies and promote B i s cause of cal party as tbpsa whovi!efire->^mi justiee<;equality, and fraternity upon earth. dicate 1 by a double d&'sger (t).' ,<} Let us reflect upon B i s love among our ;-In the' *lec6ions trbefe-lte l^i *tn| fellowmen, sharing our plenty with3&e chosea will elect a Democrat ^ " . .. .. poor, comforting the sig%, cheering the un- Republican this namer isnrinteiin SKAIA CAPrrAta, ^raopli fortunate, and manifesting charity toward THEEsq'timau ^ clsiy at Alliance Sanatortosaccaad a, Re^aSlipin the Worictts Fi1 ~ all men. »* ;; 'v. ftolw. I . ,-.. ; / £ M f v | d:ed from sore Done at the Capitol in the City of Albany --. AiJaaAMf. koa93TO*.^f:•. kit- _•'* 1 l^^^JMlWi * I_i:J^*€«^_ 1": h : this ljp£a day of November,, in the year of Johu T.Morgan... D W. F. SASDIS8+. D Thomas &So$fJelr, i» teSra^.^J|$i our Lord, eighteen hundred and ninety-two. James L. Pugh m & h *W C*I £t ^ & , I* URANCE 45 * £c .-LdaX- *"&f •.14-r r * %* >,• r FJWE, S i .£ .*. *> Companies Represented. Connecticut Mutual, Continental, Firenfaa'* Fund, Niagara, GleWlTalls, Fidelity and Casualty, American. Central, y ^r^^^r^^ „ RoswEti, P. FLOWER. By the Governor, » T. &, WILLIAMS, private Secretory. General LIFE, Assets. $59,000,000.00. $5,500,000.00. $2,600,000.00 $2,600,000.00. $1,800,000.00. $1,500,000.00. $1,300,000.00. JOHN HAOSABT, item*. the oldest native of Fonda, is dead. He was, ninety-six yjars old. He had lived for half a century in the hou<5e where he died. A CIVIL service examination for clerical positions in t h i State service will be held a t Albany, Elraira, Buffalo, New York, Flattsburg, and Syracuse December 1st. T B E suicide at Erie of Miss Hattie Dickson, a public school teacher, is' surrounded by mystery. She was accomplished in the classics and in music. She fired three shots tefore she succeeded in killing herself. T h e gin's foster father is a man of means and the proprietor of a large gun and novelty store-. T B E State Board of Railroad Commission- Insuffbnce written o n short ers has granted the Kingston City Railroad Company permission to change its motive notice, l o w e s t Fates guaranteed.' power from horsestothe overhead electric The Bread Winner. trolley system. T B E home of Mrs. Philip H^rmance on the mountain opposite Poughkeepsie, one of the most conspicuous a n t beautiful dwellings along the Hulson, was destroyed by fire the other night. M A E T FLAHERTY, of West Troy, forty-six years of age, was struck by a light engine and fatally injured on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad tracks near t'ae West Troy station. The woman died the next day. A SMALL landslide occurred on the line of the Hudson River Railroad, near Hyde Park, delaying trains about twenty-five minutes. • A Strong, Honest Shoe, NVJth soft, pliable upper, solid outer, inner and tap sole; seamless; standard fastened: jn t w o styles, Balmoral and Congress. Made in Men's, Boys', ana Youths sizes, and manufactured expressly to g*ve BABAVALLE, the waiter who killed Prank ReiUy, one of the crew of the United Stales steamer Newark, while the warship was taking part In tbe Columbus fetes "in Geno?, was found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to twelve years and six months' imprisonment, and also condemned to pay an indemnity and costs. ^»%^%%%»%%%%^%^%%%^i**^%*»%%»%%»»»( i ••W: ~ h 4 m%f#zes &>.. CBAS. N. FaLtosT.a w. am smmrt *•* Leiand Stanford... R John P. Janes.*fi.. COLORAEIO. Edwd. O. Wolcatt.R Henry M. Teller... R i CONNECTICttrt. Jos. R, Hiwley+...R QrviHeH. Piatt. R KJEW H*»FSHIBI Wm. E, CUtadte*, Jacob H.Galiin?er. KBW-«RSBT;. Bnfns 0ia<|pl!te*f. J'hnR.iftcP4e)psoa4|D DEELAWARB. l!fBW"%*>SiEi- - (j George Gray f.. . . . D FBASKHlSCOcacr. i » Anthony Higgins..R DavidB. B i l l . . . . . i j 0 1 nvOBIDA. ItOBTHCABOIJKAy Samuel Pasco t D Matt'W.RaBsom.i WilhinsonCSall D Zsbufon m,V*njce| NOata DAKOTA^I GKOBGIA M • IjCBAOTiBS ABBOrHHOT, M D ^ a ^ O T James SL K7le.«F;A LOUISIANA. T E i m S S S B B . ', Randall L. Gibson.D Edward D. White.D HAIBK. William a Bate+.JD IshamG.Harris..iD - < TEXAS. 1 Eugene HaleJ R Horace C h i l t o n * .j3T> Wiltiam P. F r y e . . . R R o g e r Q. ^lBl3T«^D VKBMOST. ', VIBGISIA. f RedOeld Proctor* M Justin S. Morrill..R Arthur P.©orman* D Charles H. G i b s o n . . D HASSCHTJSETTS John W. ,Banifil*..» Eppa Hunton+...«D Henry L. Dawes+ . . R GaorgeF H o a r . . . . R MICBIGAtT. \yA8HINQTON. F . B. Stockbridger.R J a m e s McMillan. -..R John B. Allen+....JR WatsonC. Sqofre. JR MINRBSOTA. MlNWESuiA. W&ST VIBGESIA-j, Cushman K. DavistR Cbas. J. Faulknert p W. D. Washburn.. R John E. Kenna.... jD MISSIBSIPPI. WISCOJfSIS. . James Z. George*. .D PHILBT'S 8 A W T £ S T R Eiw'dC. Waiehall.D WiUiam F. Vuas..© • % 'itlHi 'i-^4 lis WW* Q r ^ l«en at H o i l ^ ^ ^ HOW Mr, Qfa&tai|^^rkiS ; by Ms daughter, Airs. L ^ ^ , Ceu. Sherman In h ^ o r n e ; by Efxs. Minnie Sherman Fitch.v ;4ni. McCIelian; i ^ K n , . tieorge B. McClellan. President Oarficld- byfeisdau^rter, Mrs. MoBy Garfield Brown, 4- 1 '•:r-;'n fisto-Wofk^ la !Wfat are'ypti foieg t o ' m l ^ f e «»d other IMaf armies m^ offer yott some suggestions esslon. 4 J y the Sdjto?-iB-ChiejE of t%New tbrk Times, aiism a s « iT - An opportan|ty-for Boys; by not N * Vdwimty' Sik ^fiat Trades and is is there most Room? by Charles R. Miller. Dr. Austin Peters. Hon. R. P. Porter. litders W««^tf« JCh^with gre$t shtpb^aderson this Siib|eeti b j Alexander VVainwright. Col. John M.^Wilson. Ion to im> %, ! S^t. of U. S. Academy, Lieut. W . F. Low, U. 5 . N. to the Naval Academy; by By the Chief Cierks of Six Departments. Young aovernment Clerks at Washington mmmm P.. Things to Know. Over the Water. fWiat Is a Patent? by Me Hon. Carroll n , Wright. A Chat With Schoolgirls; by ^ Amelia E. Barr. Naval Charts-Martial; by Admiral S. B. Xuce. Patents Qraoted Young Inventors; by y. S. Com. of Patents. The Weather Borecar by .: Jean Gordon MatUII. Newiy-MarHed In New York. What wiH $1.000 ^ year do ? Aasmedljy jMfS._tIenry Ward Beecher and Marion Harland. How to See St. Paul's Cathedral; by The Dean of St. Paul. Windsor Castle. A pctmesque description by The Marquis of Lome. A Glimpse of Belgium. The American Minister at Brussels. A Glimpse of Russia; by The Hon. Charles Emory Smith. Adventures In London Fo£s; by " Charles Dickens. London Cabs. "Cabbies;" rJarir "hansoms." Charles Dickens, Jr. A Boy's d u b hi East London. g , ^ .. Frances Wynne- 1 Ojf t%» K4N3AS. SOUTH CABOLUIA. B. W.Pe»fctn»T....R Matthew CButteSD Bank of Englandi wboto n^ldngaatady of Wm, A. Peffer..FA John L% M. Irby.CD ferenae with A-ra bant SecVetaty Nettleton at the frassary I(en»Vtmem and »g«watd. KBSTUOKT. ' SOTTTH DAKOf Aj John G. Carlisle...D Rich. F. PetttgrewlR inspected, the; cash-rooai apdttur Treasury J. C. S. Blaekburn.D *.M|**jt"in^stOTiM!tanaasRjewafdj~by ^ 'Miss Amanda M. Douglas. m kwersfeaiiiLesson was bravely Lt«|ne4^ ^ by •-_ Charles W. Clarke. JPt1S8)|, $ i f ^ ^ ^ f t e | l ^ l ^ ^ House and it*Tenant* by Mbs Edith E. Stowe (Pauline Wesley). lsab "fi|^i''^fj^y ibiBj«^ ^ - ^ * ¥ 4^0l5r **, Sto**"^ I«K« «»tf^^^»dmites fJflp 5 . Miss M. G. McClelland. me year, by C. A / Steptaen^foiner Greene ana others. ^ • & NatbfinF.'KxoB.iR Corppetition o | ^ j | | ^ a « r « 4 f e e ^ a i e ^ ^ ® r g i v e a by any periodical, ^ t e d a i ^ ^ j*^«pl^,I»j^o^ *f the, tjnited States Army r'ww: and /; Qeaeral Wesley Merritt. General . :* ' ' ' '. I \ J A M . J . - . 3 and overpowered amount eeeured iajre, /. THK big sail flir-piean^ XAgtef cftttse so serious ler.Cfoyei'sWlJiSk pfeito»t :e>y militia oomoany in' ol the situation. noder arms and ready t! a State was pt tt move onthe|Cf«c3nt| 'Citf, Strikers ai^in cut electric Bghfr wires ind left the d tyv i in M n Y darkness. l n . r l m M « : t i . - •- : v - > •<••' A HEAvr &now|3tdpai prevailed; throughout th3 Western State. r , » ,Jr •[ B. M. TBATS, ptjatmaster at JSona, Kan,, mmitted 6uicid44n thepostofBcelyjhoofe _thimsattiBtha liwd wm « i«*olvefc Ha,wa«flriaacially embarrassed, jandfear of losing his place findw the jDamocraMc adu ibistratioa cauaM ihim to beebma despond>nt Alfred H.Coquitt.D Lyrn^nR. Casey + John B. Gordon. ...T3f H. C. Hansbrougb i ' IDAHO. OHib. . ! George L Shoap. .R John Shsrjn»n...,R W i btnjEtdn. I: . Fredk. T. Dubois...R Calvin S.BBce,...p A. W. KESPSM J r f i8as&faafc&ewf»ry Of ' OBspbx. I . ILLINOIS. She!i i b y M . C u l l o a i . ,R Joseph N.flolph-.R tljie Treasury, basiiresignedi [ nM. Palmer. .D JohnH. MSfchelt,,R Jonn Tiqsronr«wtafiyei«t t|ieTj|fte4^tatM tAtba lnfeiMatloiMl;MonBtiuMCbnftr^^ INDIANA. HBJHIWLviRIA.J |»Igiuraf have b*i; their final DavidM.Turpie+..D MatthewS. quaytiR a;Brassed it structions issuedtothem] frbat the State Dan'iW. Voorhees.D J.DoaaldCamsroa.^, nSpartment, after aprolonged cou?ultotion IOWA. BHOOX J3L AK0. ', between the^Secretaries ofiSfcatp and JEto» James F. Wilson..R NelsqnW;AldrichiR o^f Pepartmenta. r | *. ;W m . B . Allison....R 9ff##4or,#ie ie Serial Stories. J**T#i :~ H « B E * S f » i . - Short Stories an4 Adventures. More than One Hondred Short! Stories and Adventure Sketches will be given in the Volume (or 1893. Tag Treasury Dspartmbt has arranged fda- fcerimmeditte sMprieafc of S,mjm Tver half-dollar .plecps to «ie Onlted tate»Mintat Plilalalohla for coinTOefato iTenbr hatf-dolhS coins! fortooWorld's ttr. Itisexpe<!tedtaatthefir8tlotofthe ivenircoimwill be completed b«&»re tae close of the present year. ) ITHB Cabinet '<resmnedfits asoal semiweokiy sessions at the Vrlitte House. All embers were present lexcept Sacretary sand Secretary Rusk. t-o—! . j I Foreiftn, AK infernal snaontoe, bbu»a b> AnatcbistB in the Carmaux Mining Company's bplidiirg in Paris, exploded, klQfag four polijceoaiciais. j , [*£mt nnivers3t suffragej movement he* caused renewed rioting ^n BrusBals, Bei- f Quality's Temptation. An Able Mariner. KnittbT St san. ' * ' . A Bad Night in a Yacht. Uncle DanTs Will. In ther Death Circle. ! . Leon? Kestrel!: Reporter. On the Hadramaut Sands. " A MountalaviHe Feud. Uncle Sim's Clairvoyance. An April First Experience. Mrs* Parsley's First Voyage.' How I Woo my Chevrons. fiddling Jimmy, and other stories. Bain McTikel's "Vast Doog." W. J. Baker. | I^yts Proof that h e w a s not a Coward; b y . Tho Cate of Cedar Swamp. ABoy*s Capt. D. C. Kingman, U. S. A. , •&atifl£ **Medichie,*F The amusmg efleettrf a brass instnunent on a hostile Indianj by r *!BOW I WROTE BES'HOR," by Geo. Lew Wallace, opens a series, "Behind the Scenes of Famous Stories." Sir Edwin Arnoid WlitesHnree fascmating articles on India. Rbdyard Kipling tells the "Story of My Boyhood." A series of practica! articles, "At the , l8ori4>s Fan/* by Director-General Davis and Mrs. Potter Palmer, wfll be fuH of valuable hints to those who go. "Odd Housekeeping in Queer Places"fethe subject of ha^f a doze* bright and amusing descriptions by Mrs. Lew Wallace, Lady Blake, and others. . AJ1 the well-known features of THE COMPANION wffl be-'maintained and improved. Tbe Editorials avfll be impartial explanations of crarent events at home aad abroad. The Illustrated Supplements, .adding nearly one -halttosize of the paper, trill be continued. SIB JULIAS WTOMINS. MIS30TJBI. PRINTING -&& . ABKANSA8. Jatned H.! BeMy...l>- A~&; &m$fym%' James K. Jones... ,D C. F. Ukipponv Frank M. CockreU+.D E. E. WarrenT....B G e o r g e G . V e s t . . . . D Joseph J*. Carey..R Three Republican Sanatora—Sherman, of Ohio; Proetor. of Vermont aad Aldrioh, of Rhode Island—and three Democrats—GoF* man, of Marylanl; George, of Misjissiopi, and Daniel, of Virginia, ttava bsen elected. Although Kevaia will elect a Fusion Senator it will undoubtedly return Ssnatert' Stewart, who has always been a Reptib&> can. He will probably vote with his party' except on special issues like silver and t h i Force bill. \ ^imos^PrTapley & Co., C * L - Ivf ^ ^AdrcBFoiTe, thei Britfsh inister, an I family refcurnaitoWashing »n fronj WverpooV i the B e a t S e r v i c e for the I > e a s t M o n e y . Ask ypnr dealerforthe " B r e a d W t n a e r , " and TBE French troop? have captured Cana S a v e M o n e y . If he does not keep it, we will send yon the name of a reliable dealer who will supply you id Musco. in Dahomey, and are marching Ito a*y New SnbMriber who wUl cut o u t and send a s this sUp wi«» name and address asjwe seB at wholesale only. o# Abamey. and « l 4 s , w e iriH BenttMrhe ^Companion Freett>Jan. J, 1893. «nd for a FttB Year from Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and alt PatTHB late fatal explosion in Paris wa* ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. that date. Mils offer includes the Double Holiday >umbew a t Tianksgitins, Cbrisbnas, caused by tha Anarchists and not by the OUR OFFICE I S OPPOSITE . U . S . PATENT OFFICE N e w Year's, E a s t e r a n d F o u r t h <rf J a l y . Tim $ma>emr of ? * * Companion fflutisnated in (Mlors, and we can secure patent in less time than those Carmaux strikers. 43 pogt*,dacrmng the 3f«» Building, with all «S lp dtparimeaf% JCIH be sent on reetfrt of sur cenis. remote from Washington. . I SOSTOai, MASS. IA CAJLAiiiToua acadent occurred at Jaffa, Send model, drawing or photo., with descripon the coast of Palestine.! The passengers tion. W e advise, if patentable or not, free of fijomtisa Austrian Lloydj Eceamship wore charge. Our fee not due fHTpateat is secured. bkng landed as daual ia aj Burfs boat wban A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with the boat; which bad twenty-five: passengers HOUSE Of HBPEESBSTATIVgS. cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries ( o | a l l kinds aant dt hate l o w e s t rates sent free. Address, . capsized aud twelve iweredrowned" The Herald gives the following tabular; onITboard, ia jpeported t^ia* a waf i$ imminent bestatement of tbe political divisions of the tween tile Argentine Republic and Pern on present and the next House of R^presanta! one side and Chile on the other. lives. In a few instances later returns may O P P . P A T E N T OFFIC E , W A S H I N G T O N . D . C . THE rumors of a coalitaort between the result in some changes, but tbattblemay * Argentine Repu|blie and Fern, to attack be regarded as substantially correct: f cbile were denied in London and Buenos , '• i ^ Last H o u s e . N e x t House: Aiyres. • j Military Ballolnln?. Indian Canals and Bi Cats Are Independent Animals. DR.KILMER'S THEEE K an alarming; increase in the number of cholera c*ses in the Department Canals in |ladia are of |two^asses; tida| Name of State. Most people will remeimber the unThe cat's spirit of independence, in< canals, (which are for navigation oaly, lucky «Ue. of 14^ Engeae Torpin, the deed), is the most distinct characteristic j off Pas-de-Calaig,jPr«tt<». A BRITIBH steamer withs a cargo of arms' and the larger perennial cabals, which well-known Ifreh^b, scientific n^a who;of her nature, ^ s Mme. de Custine and ammunitiontorthe Dahoman army b>a serve for pavigat'onj, 'witbJ irrigation. 8 iuventen melinite—-jthat terrible explo- Irigbtjly said, the cat's great difference Alabama........ 7 bgen seized by a French war vessel. ~5 E X P T J A N A T I O N . — T h e following pictmfe contains four faces, a man and his three daughters, Perennjial canals are, asa nle, provided sive—and who about twelve Honths ago !from„ and, "according to her sentiments, Arkansas 5 _ _ « _ Any on« can find the man's face, but it is not so e^sy to distinguish the faces of the three young ladies. California...... Ss 4 — 3 4 _ with head works and Weirs to raise the was 8enjteuced by a aiilitary eoart to five superiority to, the dog lies in her calm T h e pictarewas published in a few newspapers some time ago, and attracted considerable attention to Colorado. . . . . . . _ 1 _ 1 I our stetidard remedies. W e n o w offer a n e w prize competition in connection with it. As the sole object water ibvel! ia the river, aid afford a years' imprisonment, hi connection with [insistence 00 selection which invariably Connecticut.... 3 1 — 1 <!+ 3 i s to introduce our medicines into new homes, thdse who entered the former competition are requested supply at all seasons. They may be sub the trials for treason instituted by the 'accompanies her apparent docility. To Delaware, . . . . . . 1 — — not. tocompete in (his one. As to the reliability of!"The Ford Pill Co.," and tbe estimation in which their 1 —. -T medicines are held in Toronto, Canada, where they are §est known, patrons are referred to the daily Florida.......j.. 2 ,— — 2 divide^ jpt > deltaic a id not-deltaic.. In aCnistri of STar. 1 „ [the e(og proprietorship, is mastership; he newspapers, wholesale druggists and leading business houses generally of Toronto. 9 — 1 11 — •* deltaic tracts thebed'!>f the river is little I knows his home, and he recognizes withTurpija accepted bis fate uncomplain1 *1 -ir below the 1 jvei o'f thetsurroanding coun- in^ly and it appears ithat be has been at joufc question the man w&r> has paid for, I l l i n o i s . . . . . . . . . . 14 14 8 try j and; fater can Be distributed!'by #ork, so fat as the] prison regulations feeds and, on occasions, kicks him .with Indiana......... 11 re2 4 — W 3 -i6 10 - 4 1 — ^rair|itatiott withpot- tj^e iatKrteat» of would allow, since bis conviction. He all the easy familiarity of ownership* He s 6 5 any grqat 1< ngth of leadintc canal. fTbe £3 at present in a bouse -of detention „at follows that man undonbting- and un2l _ K e n t u c k y . . . . . . . 10 10 1 TH£ SB£AT KIDNEY, LIVER ^ « £ " Louisiana....... 6 .— v 6 — _^ principjal eampins ^jfihis class of I^nal fitaajpei wherefee;is allowed pretty noticed, grateful for a word, even thankMaine — 4 — — 4 _-o ful for an oath. But the pat is a creain India are the avari^ Krishna, large liberty for studying military science Maryland....... 6 — — 6 — ture of a very different stamp, She will Massachusetts,. 7 5 _3 10 - r Cartye: Penner *md Srivaikun^aib and aeronautics. , Ha is even allowed to [not even^ stoop to eonqufer, nor be Michigan 7 4 — 9 ** 3 writetoItbe papers^and a recent journal sjstei in |be Madras PresirJency, and expresses a regretj that valuable discov- tempted out of her-nature by offers of Headache, foul breath, sour stomach, heartMinnesota...... 3 1 1 %,, 4 1 < Mississippi...... 7 _ — 1 -t 6 the<M system, in- Bengal, Consider- eries such as Turpin claims to have made reward. She absolutely, deelines in- burn or dyspepsia, constipation* Missouri 14 _ — 14 1 •^ liof enjbanknienis areaecesab|ele: should'be dated from between -prison struction;' nay, even persuasion is lost Montana........ *.• 1 _ I _1 upon her foranypermanenr-efiEect it may 1 ^_ 2 '2 3 f sarrjin onjjunctioa Tith tliese canals, as walls, '%-- ' - '' : — 1 ^_ Jbe designed tp^bave. You maay be the BiBtrcss after eating, pain and bloating in l>e !of against ioodiii^ from the nVjar. Among other things, he professes a p>dti N e w Hampshire 2 "5 « Hi legal .possessor of a cat, but you cannot stornacb, shortness of breath, pains in the u e ^ jfo»4rMt|»ic eai^a^"|ap theriverhigh to have at last solved the; difficalt prob5 2 •T 0 . 8 ' !~t govern her affections.-^Henriette Rqn28 11 20 14 up 1$^JieAur^e, whewe the bedi is far lem of aeriajl navigation by| tbe construcner. , , North Carolina.. h 1 X9 _ £; ^below the ^r6und| surlface, utid they retion pf a balloon which can-be guided acP A splendid feeling to-day and a depressed 0"' North D a k o t a . . __ 1 _ 1 4i ^uir;e to be^trried eonsidera ale distances cording to the wi|l o( the. occupant. He Ohio 14 to-morrow, nothing seems t o teste good, tS»tJ. 11 10 _ 7 0before the iatejr sm \m' -diwlribnted by hopes to; attain a speed of .forty kilomeTbe first cast iron, plow was made hi sleepless and all unstrung, weakness, debilijy. 1 4* ~ Pennsylvania... 10 m orst Case of Scrofula rot*ul the gra^tatip|iJoij; evep jby 'nt^eiale liffc tres an homv Cw^ralfeo-^Jso oonteitts of Ono Bottle, if not iica j •* ' •' 18 1797. < Rhode I s l a n d , . . 2 — _ 2 —J cfired, DroggistsiWlH refond yon t h e price paid. Th^be^tejjampJesoitbeware tbe SirDoctors Ever Saw ^. ... Ja f ^ther fieldjof |aerosltatics—-namely, South Carolina. -i _ > 7 — At Druggist*, SOe.Stze, $1.00 Sfcsc. In Olden Times South D a k o t a . . __ _ 2 1*" Completely Cured by HOOD'S S4JB* hind, ^ie»alb> aod;Western a ikmna canals militajry ballooning—the: imprisoned en•InraUdV Guide t o HealtJB" free—Consnltaaon Oroo. 2 in the Punjab, and the Ganj es, the Agra gineer has been studying an apparatus P eople overlooked the importance of perma Tennessee....... h 3 3 8 Da. KILMER & Co.* BgmBAmos, N. Yl •i— x e x a s . . . . . . . . . . . 11 _ 12 1 and JSastcrri Jumna cabals iu the North for making pure hydrogen gas, which nently benefleial effects and Were satisfied Vermont...,..,, — 2 _ 2 ^_ _ 'When I was I or'S years old't had a sopjful-: west Piotlices. ".••{* will leqnire only one-ninth part of the with translen' action, but .now kbit it is genli» Virginia * 10 _ 9 1 known that Syrup of J i g s will permasore on the,middle'finger Of my left fiand,j Washington..... An inundation consists of a machinery now 3n use-i-an important erally 1 a . nently ettre habitual constipat'on, well-inWest Virginia.. 4 — *4 Ich got so bad ithat the doctor,* cut Kiie 8n- channel) wit consideration when on the march. i j o > some cases formed people will, not buy other laxatives, Wisconsin. & 1 r-» 6 4 ith a regu'ljator, and it irri r off, and laterltookoffmose than haft' my provide A new fuseforshells when i»ed at which act for a time, but finally injure the 1 — ) JZ ^-luviafjallfy Jormed by the sea, which preyelats'^he projectiles from system. -P /• . tid..Thett the, sore broke put [on my arm, „ , j 335 8S » 216 138 ii ngm arm. - uoeiorsand saiaface »i was tne exploring from ricochet^ on the water, riveil Its. supply bf wjster, diminishes IF jtonSre constipated, bllioos or troubled ne out on myiieck on both sides, ! • » • , f •»•«•• — psiok headache, BeeefcaaVs PUIB afford >api$Byjas the river Mis', soJbW it some- is also a[mong the inventions to which with Worst Case of Scrofula mm F a s M TgnameTs, one £a!nte wiiiefe 1 Majorities.... destroying the sight of one eye.alsoon immediate relief. Of drnygists. 25 cento. M 1 m i . _. . 1 th^y everarm. saw.. Doctors |fe^#!mj>ly. nwiftjllfive times happens there is lioauftlcierit Supply Torpin pas devoted much time.—New Eev. H. P. Carson, ScQtltfnd, Dak., says? theliantti>lnJnrBtheiron,andonrnoff Ttemstox s a n B»?e ffeasfc Js Brttttenfe Oe-y said itiwaatht raaturity} YorkiJpumal. , j lsss. OuraBle. and the cansnmer pays lor ao sm ago I began to take Hood's ^arsaparilla. "TwobottUssef HaU'sCatarthOjire completely or glass package with avery purchase. LAUS0H OF TEE 0 I . I W 1 k . cured my littte girb" Sold by Druggists, 76fflfe ...lafflirgarb and ntXoT T h e Ford P H j C|ijadnallit.Iftmnft'*h|kt the e W wero berfnmJ£t££S l'L « f c . l * i n g w e an elegant pair o f d Pontes. ' U&£%3&£S&&% " e ? 8 » 7%*^ * ? 0 0 , » ( « ! « ^ ' « » « y p i n o1"be l X3nnedS«aies If nittioJed With sore eyes usCOr.faaao rhomnRussia Appreciates thiB Sunflower. nake atthe e «tohe^ I henten till I baa ^a&en tea hot- Ttte^nlteiii Obfeiia Hi^abi ^hd the In•oaVfSve»water.DrnCTilata»a,11at ^o.per bottle' tS&StoEZS W»S.t,' ° 5 ? * daughters- faces. T o .he second will be given an eleganl the best examples Cruiser So. 0 Now In the-W»ter »n<l!i, i -** v « ™ Cn m 1 1 1 r e B | Indus cjanalrin the The iunflower could not have been l - ^ S u f i l t l i l S i J L 3 ? ! r i ' V^P^ ^ ^ diamonds. T o the tlurd wiU be l i v e n a pair of ?:,,.. ! , , . , . ^ ^ _ _ . — i, t«ll ao J%«§j M think what a retnrn Namet for Washington's Capital. : | i7( ™ttywreHiav^ dus canals in Siad, arf jSrst cultivated m Bussta or other coun'?SS£S!a13Sff,*JlPrirl,WIB8« ^V^JrUL WW ^ given a handsome China Dinner I pot for thatlnilstment! H thousand . J © X . ToOie Cruiser No. 6 was launched a few days ag0 of inundation caafsW' j ' tries of j Europe for it is a, native of ny thouK&mjs. for the ! "W""^.. Larrm. roxhes/tA w.ii te gl»en a Kodak Camera. To the */*/*, aSwiaa music at San Francisco, Cal. The yard was "gay, The niost impo|tan:t: tanks and reterAmerica and unknown to the eastern "*'" "" TothsjElieaev J e MMid, a French frfantei Clock- To the «*»*, an eGg^ilianquet with bantinj eoon after noon. Governor ao mm. Jt. . voiraarjeinlMadrasaaa Bombay, and in world. It is qu?te prpbable,bow8ver,tbst >y V a S e S . T o the te?U&, a complete L f l W n oljio and enclose same with 15 U . S. iwcwent Markham and his staff, aocompaniei-by a BajijutMna.'! In the Madras' Presidency tie sunflower ^as cuttivated here for its, . , ,- merit. Every competitor must cut out the above ! Work all t h e Time. ; Worid^tnowned : g a l s faces by marking a. cross with a lead pencil on eacb, party of official visairs. and Misa^Anba JEtefore, 1 could d o n o WOljk." I know not alonjj there are nuj^re Inaa 3^,000 irriga- seeds tijousandiji of ye*ra before the a iCures e o n g n m p t t o n , C o n g i > 8 , C r o n p J S o r e « ^ P o r d ' a " P p i » « P i l i L « ' « » ^ ^ ^ r ' » i ' . a ^ « ^ B e ^ o f J i ' e f o , I « w ' n g "Pri^e Remedies:' — BelleDictri?, male their wjy nptUegani-, what fit e .to ' Bsay PU1« <ty not weaken, aid digestion, Ifi 1 F o p strong; enough to *ut exnress my grat« tion' tabks,'many >of these lietng valleys venfc of Europeans»fpr this plant is found giaroat. Rotd b y a l l 3 0 y n g f e t s o n «. Qtarantee. r - „ £ ~ h t^H% c f"• d s P r i z e C a t a r r h R e m e d y , " or " F o r d ' s P r i z e way to tbe slop ne deci of the war vi>*sel>! and tone tl the stomach. Trytiem, 25c. 1 S ,CCt M neof the a itnde to Howl's iarsaparilla Ifor my perfeet F t & e o ^ r S - *W^ | ° « W « "a**™ you desueT AcMress " T b e F o r d gineeriag. closed 'by'large'rosjipnry 'dams.—En- widely attributed o'ter North and South c At a signal Miss Dioiie brofce a bo#oof f " " • ! " F " ' ' rvi — S Sls 1 WORN WIGHT AND DAY! ' S a r f ^ ' f l S Jtl t " ^ L L ^ ' C " J O ™ " ? . Canada. T h e person whosa envelope b mmpf wine oyer tbe bow of tha^bat6le8btnl"aa» care." g. W. Tojonsa, f^rinejf^Qalway^lt. Y. America. Whue the cultivation of the Holds tiie warn rupSG T S ^ H , i ? awarded the fir^t prize, and the others i n ordeVof merit. A s this adverture w i t h e a s e un Cruiser No. 6 became the Olympia, and the sunflower is being' neglected In this Wtaeberf^f ttsement.appears smmltaneously throughout tbe United Slates, every one has a n n u a l opporSet a!! circumstances , Tbe old-time simple ter^st war sHio ever comtructei by the (Aomsraesr, Irwaedyfrom the Georgia Gi. BfeadO, ia the Zoologist, says that country! it is on the increase in many Union Iron Works glided donra the ways. «»ar«ps andfieldse s s European countries, as well as in China. " ^ ' t C OBS. e n o . To the/wrM f,om ihe Tost,a suite of P a r l o r F u r n i t u r e . To the />M h^tths/ast a The Oiympia is a protected cruiser of the the ripe, goaseberiies # his jgjardea were IgenefcrHttoUie antipodes,. Kia» r « t impl-oven) ia". first class, and was atrthoru»4' by tha jsaow Tbeseeijls are highly valued for feeding Blaatratod (*ni. and nil -< a h ndso 3 1dtsappeping.very:«tp|(liy tbisyear^ and i?__ .-"-^tiMWlapUoaland loroDlf-uioancr •mroi 1 > .E^tt teSi?^^ 4 T P ' "f P o r t i ebom r e s . To the Sghtk from tfce test"* »munte act of Congress that appropriated tha money pigs, poultry, sheep and cattle. Tbe oil v an nn ,h maih curely Bcalo 1. <I.V.lt»iw 'tbo»e who depend isolely on the \sS^j£?ZF *J I? of ? merit. <**> ***,*>«> Pieces of*«««»« g e m u nsmm^a e ^ r e w h for the construction of tbo <JiocittnatJ. Tt» E%. tompanj, Ht Bro.\l H w e n a r y , and*many other*t prizes m order expressed from the seed if equal to olive fphjaJSaw^SkUI. TOerelsnoWood limit of her cost was putto;4i,SCTJl,«K>, ex. I *tXgsm>.) . way, 8 ? « t«rR Oily. ' taint WWeh it docsnotlmmedlateJy •jtlforabnost'any purpose. In Russia elusive of th 3 cos* oJ tne armament or of S P E C I A L P H I Z E S F O BE A C H S T A T E . tent*on;wasr^Wed t o ^ iarg41 wt taking the » ^ e n s OBtwafdljr absorbed o r ttw any premiums that she may earn beojmse of seeds, are sold in the streets as peaof Tile diseases fwriwithui all yleW to this •fine beriies off with bis mouth and drop- nuts are Sold here.—New York Sun. increased spesl over the aaarautee, 'Miss i % but shnple mewm I ttta n unennated Eight doetbrg treated m for Heart Anna Belle Dickie, who eSrbtensa ber, i» B J t t a c a l B e ping them & > other rats below. PresTT c\zL i^f a » k e desired) wdl be gtven t o die first person i s each State i n the k tn®a«t«»«ieoW»»«*»Wte,<sa»saU diseuet file daughter of Mr. George, II?. DicMf, one Bisease and oaf; for RMuajatisin, eatly aaotfier # t n W the, tree and ... , « from impnre Wood « r waakeBed ntaji^r. of theowneri and the manager of @se yttion but did me j£»'jgood. , I could not Benil for a treatise. Ejountnethe proof. 'ISilSIK^f^^ T ^ b o d d K s o . m a , n v s e a d i n S c o r r e c t answers.) K-ochargetmade'fer W i n g helped to gather#e berries.!; In a little r Coals af Fire o» His Head. Iron Works. ame3 f , h e ,eadln s - t^SZZfnfiF^-*„ ° ° L P " ' « Z . " « « ^ • « be published in-connection w « h our Bookt oa "iatooa and Skin Btaeasss» mailed free. Uf JlUfjtiel V « l l W 8 t ? 0 o w t-'8«>l0gH««sf IttSt 8eft«HS s|ieak atotid.; E m t ything that I took time b t # ea»6 down, e$sh *|th a v berry i d n w ^ f » ^ L , ^ • n g n e ^ p a p e r s w « month. E x t r a prenmims will be given taonly those who are A surgeon being sent tp Weed a lady I f ^ n S I U i B U P a t e n t t d NOTCIIIC*. w m - f " at Austna ate oTstresj amou? the poo? a s m T ? ? t ? t ? . f ? A ^ " d ^ V S °?r medicines. Nothing i s charged for the prizes in any way. They the Stomreh distressed me. I in its nttrutb, baviog a«eurioas app%ar- belonging to the nobility, did the operaJftTOmKM*ffellJ » . :tn»U .va-svttl send vrlthlt, a sample of o m o o r ? b?oames more olamoron.'. A moS which , e v aace; Ttfr/Keafe saw; the performance m»U>r. E l ' l i E R A . B l A N U F A r T l K I ^ ^ H f j T ^ t ^ f ' ***£! i • ?^ " « 7 fann'y for years where they have been onee introduced. AAll l i not sjteep. I bald takeb all collected in one of the poor quarters BWIPf SPB0I1IC CO., tion in such a bungling taanner that he prizes wfll be awarded strictly • • * • -to- tbe pal^ - " " — u w = u - Ai Wctiy in order of merit, and wuh perfect C O . . H o a ' g a i , L n C r a a a c ^ ffb., V. **• A . The remedies threatenedtopillage the shops. They tnrejir s of medicines. ^Through a several times repeated, thm be placed cut an artery, of which miscut tbe lady Drawer a* Atlanta, Qa. "will be sent by BKUI, postpaid, and prizes f r e e o f d n t y ^ a police agent into a caaal wherenpaO «, a wire cage under the tree, and in three neighbor I gfet one o f ii6m books. Biibsequetttly died. In her will she left body of mounted poHee chargad upon them MTNU-«« l i t llll1lbit.J,8Tif>H$NC4^banonlOhio A WATCH FOB ETEBY CORRECT ANSWER. and Cleared thestreeta. Baannen 8\»edtnje him an annuity of $160 **as a balm to Ijprocnfed a; Mtieref Green's Aug* days caught nine of the intruders." . agent. A large number M arresi* were P.^'0 ?temedy tor Caturrt* »s the 111 rrmmtirr ' " his troubled conscience,. and that by A n e x t r a , premium of a genuine " F e a r - l e a s " W a t c h , ( a e m winder,) will be awarded toevery Orerootncs nirt Flower and took it. I am to-day <oade. ^" i'o»* iiiciest t o Va>, and Chotaxft. reeoltBof jperic«wnosends»coiTectamw<«*ithtn^oiv»aftertVsadvenisement»ppears,tocB«ethiwsb having a competence he may not be obVice-President Morion's big silo at stout, hearty and strong; and enjoy ___ bftdeattag. * e fiurtnnate enoneh to secure one of the larger prizes. That is, if any one can find ((he * r ^ e faces and CoatflpMionrKeMorei ComplexloaTgiiTes Doctors' A WOMAW g lowln^every sympto-n of lep•metese tflem withm jo days from the time this advenisemeht appears in the newspaper, they are h s farm, E lerslie, Rbinebeck, N . Y . , liged to. cause others to run tbe same Core* CATAR RM tne best of health. Attgjust Ftower Bti^Smm^fMe OA»mij>Ti^&.,a?W,t6tiist. J N.-' rosy nai been admitted t^ a hwottal i t yuarantaed « t b e r one o f the leading pnz-s, or »n e x t r a premium o f a wajeftoo conditions stated. itflpMion, KeMore* Compl exloa. S« rf»k whica has resulted ip my death.V— Sold by dnigeistf or sent t.7 mall, which "holds 30010 tdos; ideates «his savedmylifeandgavetne ray health. Ho answer w i l l f e noticedithatdoesnot contain 30 cents for one of F o r d ' B P r i s e R e n t e d i e a . Pailttelpbia, where she will probably re69c & J. SiceUiae, Warrw, p*. Argonaut. opinion of pilage for itajHcb c^ws. main in close conflntment uhtil tha diet. 1 Mrs. Sarah J Cox, Defia i|ee, O. # *W»«THE F080 PltL CO," 37," Cor. Wellington & Say «•« Tororio, OnatiU All Out-Door Workers . !-ft ; %i|sJail|iSSf| %% Jeea thlkHio>i prosperous pf the Sixty-five years of THB COMPANION'S history. It has now over 550,000 / , -T- 1 * *• ^.iu-ii:L—. jscrjpcrs.i' *i.i^ ^pp^rt i ^ b | ^ it tb provide more lavishly than everfor1893. Only a partial list rof - AdthQkSj, Stories and Articles eaa %e gives tiere. $8k feE. Britton, tg- Raptor* and Mid dl« »tate». bono piL«o?a, hr^Mt , or gassno c jlie. He was.! by Sep Jjoinoad out of I «oiuw, *«* . stows. H9wa« m pri»**>wtity beach neiKbed3lO rfy-ftvtjinoies higb and Tni caw : -charged fflrethePresby Amendei charges and soe ,ee*|inadft and the case,cont|i *?r^t ft™ ^* ftrlfe^itoe" Send This Slip wpth $1.75- to 1893 FRKE C.A.SNOW&CO. A Prize Picture Puzzle. i i i l Biliousness, 5 Pci0r Digestion, j Loss of Appetite.; AWFUL c . H i , I, i to.bfeb|rtbi i r t ^ ^ t - - ^ ' - - « « fe-V _____ ^ I !•• Specific. SAMPLE FREE a EliUlJsa Cures S«ck Headache '4. 'AiU AiA.->• 41i I
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