סיכום חוברת - Habonim Dror

‫חוברת סיכום‬
‫לועידה העולמית ה שמינית ‪201 5‬‬
‫‪Choveret Sikkum – Veida Olamit 2015‬‬
March 2015
Dear Habonim Dror madrichim/bogrim,
It is with great pride that we present the following choveret sikkum from the 8th World Habonim
Dror Veida. The veida comprised a 3-day educational seminar, followed by one day of official
decision-making proceedings. We chose to structure the veida in this way because we believe that
the primary manner by which we can truly exist as a single worldwide movement is through the
common understandings reached through learning and discussing together during peulot in Israel.
Afterwards, the official ideology documents are used as a tool to formulate and strengthen these
understandings and strengthen the movement members who were not able to take part in the
All aspects of the veida seminar this year were a tremendous success. We had mazkirut participation
from almost every Habonim Dror country: Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, North America, United
Kingdom, Germany, Holland, New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa. We also had shnatties
participating from Argentina, UK, Germany, Holland, Uruguay, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia,
North America and South Africa. The seminar was led by a combination of Olim, shnat madrichim,
central shlichim (from Argentina and Australia), and Habonim Dror Olami members. The overall
feeling among everyone at the seminar was that we have more commonalities than differences, and
that although participants spoke various native languages, were various ages, and come from
various cultural backgrounds, we share a common chalutzic vision for Israel and the Jewish people,
and want to strive to achieve this vision together as Habonim Dror.
This choveret is intended to be a resource to help bring the content of the veida seminar to
everyone in the movement around the world today. It contains the official ideology accepted by this
veida, including all proposals and voting results. It also contains materials from the seminar,
including the primary texts we read and some we didn’t get too, and some discussion questions to
help direct discussions about these texts. Please be in touch regarding the peulot and discussions
you are having regarding the veida in your country!
Hope to see you in Israel again soon!
Aleh V’Hagshem,
Samo and Chechu
‫מרץ ‪2015‬‬
‫ניסן תשע"ה‬
‫מדריכי ובוגרי הבונים דרור היקרים‪,‬‬
‫אנו גאים להציג את חוברת הסיכום של הועידה העולמית השמינית של הבונים דרור‪ .‬הועידה כללה סמינר‬
‫חינוכי בן שלושה ימים ובעקבותיו יום של הליכי קבלת החלטות רשמיים‪ .‬בחרנו לעצב כך את הועידה‪ ,‬מכיוון‬
‫שאנו מאמינים כי האופן המרכזי באמצעותו ניתן לקיים תנועה עולמית אחת‪ ,‬הוא הגעה להסכמות משותפות‪,‬‬
‫מתוך לימוד‪ ,‬שיחה ודיון‪ ,‬המתקיימים במהלך פעולות משותפות בישראל‪ .‬לאחר השגת ההסכמות‪ ,‬יכולים‬
‫מסמכי האידאולוגיה הרשמיים לשמש ככלי להשרשתן ולחיזוקן וכן לקשור אליהן גם את החברים שלא יכולים‬
‫היו להשתתף בסמינר‪.‬‬
‫בכל מובן‪ ,‬הועידה היוותה הצלחה גדולה השנה‪ .‬השתתפו בה חברי מזכירות כמעט מכל מדינות הבונים דרור‪:‬‬
‫ארגנטינה‪ ,‬ברזיל‪ ,‬אורוגוואי‪ ,‬מקסיקו‪ ,‬צפון אמריקה‪ ,‬בריטניה‪ ,‬גרמניה‪ ,‬הולנד‪ ,‬ניו זילנד‪ ,‬אוסטרליה ודרום‬
‫אפריקה‪ .‬השתתפו בה גם "שנתיס" מארגנטינה‪ ,‬בריטניה‪ ,‬גרמניה‪ ,‬הולנד‪ ,‬אורוגוואי‪ ,‬מקסיקו‪ ,‬ניו זילנד‪,‬‬
‫אוסטרליה‪ ,‬צפון אמריקה ודרום אפריקה‪ .‬הסמינר הועבר על ידי צוות משולב של עולים‪ ,‬מדריכי שנת‪ ,‬שליחים‬
‫מרכזיים (מארגנטינה ואוסטרליה)‪ ,‬וחברי הבונים דרור העולמי‪ .‬התחושה הכללית בקרב משתתפי הסמינר‬
‫היתה שרב הדומה על השונה‪ ,‬שיש בינינו יותר דמיון מאשר הבדלים ושעל אף ששפות אימם של המשתתפים‪,‬‬
‫גילם ורקעם התרבותי שונים ומגוונים אנחנו חולקים חזון חלוצי משותף עבור ארץ ישראל והעם היהודי‬
‫ושואפים להגשמת חזון זה‪ ,‬יחדיו כתנועת הבונים דרור‪.‬‬
‫החוברת שלפניכם נועדה לעזור להביא את תכני סמינר הועידה לכל חברי התנועה הפרושים היום ברחבי‬
‫העולם‪ .‬היא מכילה את האידיאולוגיה הרשמית כפי שנתקבלה ע"י ועידה זו וכן את כל ההצעות השונות‬
‫ותוצאות ההצבעה‪ .‬היא מכילה גם חומרים מהסמינר עצמו‪ ,‬כולל טקסטים מרכזיים שקראנו וכמה שלא‬
‫הספקנו להגיע אליהם‪ .‬כלולות גם שאלות שנועדו לעזור בהכוונת הדיונים סביב אותם טקסטים‪ .‬אנא עמדו‬
‫איתנו בקשר ועדכנו אותנו לגבי הפעולות והדיונים הקשורים לועידה שאתם מקיימים במדינותיכם‪.‬‬
‫מקווה לראותכם שוב בישראל בקרוב!‬
‫סמו וצ׳צ׳ו‬
Table of Contents
Habonim Dror Mission Statement 2015/2015 ‫ הצהרת כוונות של הבונים דרור לשנת‬..........................4
Veida Peula .............................................................................................................................................6
The World Movement and Atomization – Adam Levi ...........................................................................8
Veida Seminar Content .........................................................................................................................10
Veida Seminar Luz .................................................................................................................................11
Veida Seminar Texts .............................................................................................................................12
Common Center - Martin Buber ........................................................................................................12
Theodore Herzl’s Socialist Zionist vision............................................................................................13
Socialist Zionist Chalutzim .................................................................................................................14
Ariyeh Malkin.....................................................................................................................................14
Miriam Baratz ....................................................................................................................................15
David Twersky....................................................................................................................................16
When I Leave School - Harold Jaspan ................................................................................................17
Excerpts from Habonim Dror World Veida 1983...............................................................................19
Excerpts from Habonim Dror World Veida 2010...............................................................................20
Email Exchange from HaBinyan 3 ......................................................................................................21
Excerpts from Habonim Dror Ideology Document ............................................................................23
Hagshama ..........................................................................................................................................23
Elements of a Youth Movement – Chaim Shatzkar ...........................................................................24
The Youth Takes the Lead – Zvi Lamm ..............................................................................................24
Hashomer Hatzair's 2008 Ideology Document: Hagshama ...............................................................25
The Borochov Youth and Dror-Borochov Youth in Poland after the Holocaust – Joel Roizman .......26
In the Days of Destruction and Revolt – Zivia Lubetkin.....................................................................27
From Dror and Gordonia to Ichud Habonim in Argentina – Shlomo Bar-Gil ....................................29
Habonim Great Britain – Melvin Cohen ............................................................................................30
Arise and Build: The Story of American Habonim – David Breslau ...................................................32
You Need a Wheel?– Yosef Trumpeldor............................................................................................33
What is a Chalutz? – Yigal Wagner and Eyal Kafkafi ..........................................................................34
World Habonim Dror Ideology Document ..........................................................................................36
Principles of the Movement ..............................................................................................................37
Decisions of the Eighth Veida ............................................................................................................40
‫ עקרונות התנועה‬..................................................................................................................................62
‫ החלטות הועידה השמינית‬....................................................................................................................63
Procedures of the Veida .......................................................................................................................72
‫ פרוצדרות של הועידה‬.............................................................................................................................75
Proposals ...............................................................................................................................................78
Voting Results .......................................................................................................................................90
,2015 ‫הצהרת כוונות של הבונים דרור לשנת‬
.‫שנכתבה בידי המזכירויות מסביב לעולם‬
Habonim Dror Exists to take Responsibility over the Jewish people via a national Jewish
revival in the Land of Israel through the continuation of the Socialist-Zionist Revolution.
Habonim Dror will educate Diaspora Jewish youth towards a life of Chalutziut in Israel
based on the values of shivyon erech ha’adam, social justice and democracy.
Habonim Dror existe para tomar responsabilidad del puebo judio a travez de una
resurrección nacional judia en la tierra de Israel mediante la continuación de la revolución
socialista- sionista. Habonim Dror educará a los jóvenes judíos de la diáspora hacia una
vida de jalutziut en Israel basada en los valores de shivion erech ha’adam, justicia social y
Habonim Dror's Aufgabe ist es, Verantwortung gegenüber dem jüdischen Volk zu
übernehmen, durch die Weiterführung der sozialistischen-zionistischen Revolution, für eine
nationale-jüdische Wiederbelebung in dem Staat Israel. Habonim Dror wird jüdischen
Jugendlichen der Diaspora das Leben eines Chalutz in Israel, beruhend auf den Werten
von Shivyon Erech Ha’adam, sozialer Gerechtigkeit und Demokratie, durch Bildung
O Habonim Dror existe para assumir responsabilidade pelo povo judeu através de uma
resurreição nacional judaica na terra de Israel mediante a continuação da revolução
Socialista-Sionista. O Habonim Dror educará os jovens judeus da diáspora para uma vida
chalutziana em Israel, baseada nos valores de "shivion erech ha’adam", justiça social e
Haboniem Dror bestaat om verantwoordelijkheid te nemen voor het Joodse volk via een
nationale Joodse heropleving in Israël door de voortzetting van de socialistischzionistische revolutie. Haboniem Dror zal de Joodse Diaspora onderwijzen richting een
leven van chalutziut in Israël gebaseerd op de waarden van shivyon erech ha'adam,
sociale rechtvaardigheid en democratie.
L' Habonim Dror existe pour prendre la responsabilité sur le peuple Juif au moyen d'une
renaissance nationale Juive en Terre d'Israël par la continuation de la révolution socialosioniste. L'Habonim Dror s'engage à éduquer les adolescents Juifs de diaspora en vue
d'une vie de Halutziut en
Israël basée sur les
valeurs de shivyon ere'h
ha'adam, justice sociale et
Veida Peula
Introduce the idea that the difference between a federation and movement made up of
different parts is that in the latter the parts share a common centre
Thinking about how our common centre is based in our Hagshama
Brainstorming the connections that they believe each of the movements have and to start
understanding what they share with the different movements
Providing the movements tools, shared vocabulary etc
- Have fun!
Trigger: Read Gordon:
“It is essential that the Jewish people striking roots in Palestine should send the sap of life to its
branches that stretch into other lands, just as those branches must transmit a part of their good to the
roots which are in Palestine.
“In proportion as progress in our revival advances in Palestine, to that degree will the lands of
other nations lose their character as lands of exile for us. They will become lands to dwell in, lands
where our people will live under the same conditions that other nationals live in countries outside their
own. For at such a time, Jews dwelling in those countries will not merely be acted upon, and be
influenced by others, but will in their turn act upon and influence others. Not only will this situation not
turn the heart of the people of the diaspora away from Palestine, but on the contrary, it will strengthen
and deepen in their heart – in the heart of men of understanding – the need for living in Palestine, the
fountain-head of our individual life, and of our creativeness.
“Such conditions will be a source of blessing, a source of mutual interaction between Jews who
are in Palestine and those who are in other lands; not only that - it will also be a source of influence
between our nation and other nations.”
- A.D. Gordon, The Work of Revival in the Diaspora from Selected Essays
What is the tree metaphor that Gordon is making?
What is the purpose that Gordon has for making Israel a center for the Jewish people?
What does he say Jews will get from having a center?
What does he say Israel will get from the Jews in the diaspora?
Method 1: Do Israel/Tfutzot activity
Print off different examples of what the relationship looks like between the Diaspora and Israel
Movements. Each chaver chooses the diagram they think best represents their home movement and
s and to the I ‫ ת‬to other ‫ת‬world movements and the relationship as the
s mean either the disapora movement, or each diaspora ‫ת‬L’madrich: In this paradigm all of the
movment and the I is the movement in Israel
Share which diagram you chose. Why did you choose what you did? Did anyone choose the
same diagram?
In the diagrams that you chose, what parts overlap? What exists in/makes up these overlaps? Give
examples. Share
What does this mean about the relationship between each national movement? Between the diaspora
movements and the movement in Israel?
When you think about the central aims and hagshama of your national movement, are the things you
think of the same as the things in the overlaps?
Do you think the movements have the kind of common center that Gordon speaks about for Jews?
Method 2/Sikkum:
Brainstorm all of the different things that you think the world movements share
What did you come up with?
What makes these things common around the world? How do you see their commonality?
What types of things are these (i.e. cultural, religious, ideological, structural, hagshama,
Look at the list of types of things that could unite each national movement.
Which of these things to do the movements currently share?
Is there anything that is missing?
Is there anything that you think the movements should share that they currently do not?
Between the list that you made, the types of things we just looked at, and the sicha we just had, what
do you think is most important to build the kind of center for the movement that Gordon describes as
being necessary for the Jews?
The World Movement and Atomization
Having just come off the 8th Veidah of Habonim Dror Olami I have had some time to reflect. While I have
been on many movement seminars in my life, I experienced something very unique this past weekend. For
the first time in my life, I felt that I met the World Movement. Not simply tied together through the same
symbols of the chultzah and semel, I watched the mazkiruyot from all over the world stretch beyond the
specific issues of their individual countries and concern themselves with the wider picture of Habonim Dror
as an international movement. Going against all my fears and previous assumptions, I watched them create
ties of partnership between each other and choose to think as one movement.
It is sad to say, but in the age we live in it is very difficult to achieve this sense of shared purpose. Growing
up in the 21st century, youth today face a crippling tendency towards atomization. Constantly driven to split
ourselves into as many sections, groups, factions, etc. as possible, we are often told to privatize ourselves to
the point where we can only be concerned with that which is most immediate to us. Identity in an atomized
world is that which makes me unique, that which separates me from others, rather than that which I share,
that which unites me with others and which makes me part of this intricate web of interconnection we call
humanity. Tied to the economic and cultural forces of globalization and neo-liberalism, atomization makes
individuals and singular groups unable to see each other as responsible for one another. In an atomized
reality, each sub-section is left to make its own decisions and do what it sees as best for itself. To face its
fate alone. The different questions and concerns of the group are contained within the group. There is no
common dialogue and no shared center.
In Israel, this process is referred to as sectorialization. That is, each sector of Israeli society – Mizrahim,
Ashkenazim, Haredi, Secular, Left, Right, Arab, Jewish, etc. – views itself as a separate self-serving entity.
In the political realm, this is seen most sharply in the existence of specific parties being tied to the singular
interests of the population it sees itself as representing. The Ashkenazi middle-class have Yair Lapid, the
National Religious have HaBayit HaYehudi, the Mizrahi poor and religious have Shas, and the Russian
Olim have Yisrael Beitenu. Each party fights for the budget for its own population, campaigns in its own
neighbourhoods, and works for the interests of its own sector. At first glance this may look like some
magnificent multicultural dream, but in reality it is the dividing up of the society into self-serving 'tribes' that
are all too willing to fight for their interests at the expense of their fellow citizens. The question of common
interests, or the ability to act in a united way that could in fact benefit each individual sector, is clouded by
atomized interests and identities.
While in a movement context this trend could be seen as fine – allowing individual kenim or countries to
make relevant decisions for themselves – true atomization is a process that has no clear endpoint. If the
overall trend is only to be concerned with what is directly in front of you, to assume that you can make
whatever decision that feels right for you in your specific context without thinking about a wider picture,
then atomization will not end at the country-wide level. Whether it be the different educational focuses of
the different Snifim in Brazil or the economic quarrels between the different kenim in Australia, the trend
towards atomization works hard to erode the connections between the different sections of our homemovements. Or, if you want to go further down the line, different tzvatim within the same machaneh or ken
can function separately from one another and not concern themselves with each other’s dilemmas. Growing
up in HDNA, I often sat in asefot while different madrichim bickered over petty issues because they felt
they needed to stand up for the interests of their specific kvutsah and were unwilling to consider the wider
picture and act in a way that demonstrated shared concern and responsibility for the machaneh as a whole.
As a force that breaks social unity, atomization eventually ends in rampant individualism. Specific tzvatim
find themselves unable to reconcile their differences and splinter into separate units working side-by-side.
Not with each other; but next to each other.
Atomization is, when looked at in a broad context, a process of breaking social solidarity between people. In
the current climate where belonging to anything – a youth movement, the Jewish People, the Left, etc. - is
now seen as out-of-date and old fashioned, it is imperative that we fight this trend and choose to concern
ourselves with one another. And that is exactly why Veidah had such an impact on me. As the mazkiruyot
sat together and shared their dilemmas with one another, I saw a sense of solidarity develop in a group of
people who had never met before. I saw strangers turn into partners. Through the sharing of common
struggles a feeling of connection, mutual responsibility, and shared purpose developed in the room. It was a
magical process that washed away the cynicism that I had entered the seminar with. It dismissed my fear
that a group of individuals would sit in a room together and feel nothing united them. Or, worse, sit in a
veidah together and fight one another for “their country's” proposals and interests. A political process of the
different sectors of the movement going at one another to insure that their topic was covered.
While not explicitly stated at any point, the individuals who participated in this last Veidah were able to
overcome all that divided them and participate as a single movement. Not because they agreed with one
another on every issue, but because they cared enough to have a real discussion about both what united them
and what they disagreed about. And more importantly, because they all chose to be responsible for the
future of Habonim Dror.
I urge you all, at every level, to bring this spirit into your own branch of the movement. To work to create
mutual responsibility and interconnectedness between all the sections of the movement. From boger to
boger, tzevet to tzevet, ken to ken, and country to country. The alternative to atomization is not to destroy
the uniqueness of any specific group or individual. It is to open up questions together in a true dialogue
where we are able to expand our sense of self and take on the concerns of the other as our own. This is
harder and takes more time and energy, but it will also makes us stronger and sharper. It allows us to be
powerful, to think big, and to act as one.
Veida Seminar Content
The following pages contain the primary texts discussed during the veida seminar. The questions below can
help frame the texts that follow, as they contain the main subjects explored during the seminar.
The Center
 What is Habonim Dror Olami?
o What does it mean to be apart of a world movement? What does it demand of us? What does it
mean? What meaning do we give it?
What is the center of the world movement? Not just what is common between all the snifim, what is the
reason we exist as a movement, what are your goals and what are people creating partnership around?
Chaluziut and Socialist Zionism
Who is a chalutz or chalutza?
How does a chalutz/chalutza connect him or herself to the Jewish People’s past, present, and
How does a chalutz/chalutza relate to him or herself, and to the ability to make a change?
What is the Socialist Zionism Revolution?
o Where did it start from?
What was Habonim Dror’s place within it throughout the years?
What are the values and the vision of the Socialist Zionism movement? How can we be heirs to these
How does understanding the idea of chalutziut as a value lead to uniting the different countries of Habonim
Is it always possible to choose to be a chalutz/chalutza in one’s life? What does making that choice involve?
What does it mean to choose to be a chalutz today?
How do we decide to live our lives and the processes we decide to take our youth movements on?
To demand that hagshama is to demand that “youth movement members live their lives according
to the values we determine to be the center of the Movement.”
How does learning about the history of Habonim Dror as a chalutzic
hagshama movement affect my connection to the movement?
How are my life choices connected to the values and ideals the
movement has taught me?
How do we ensure that we are a hagshamah movement and not a
dreaming movement?
Youth movement chinuch
How do we educate towards hagshama and chalutziut? How is
promoting a strong and positive Jewish identity part of this?
How can we develop partnerships between movement members, so
that we can make change and be magshimim together?
“The authentic assurance of constancy in space consists in the fact that
men’s relations with their true Thou, the radial lines that proceed from all
the points of the I to the Center, form a circle. It is not the periphery, the
community that comes first, but the radii, the common quality of relation
with the Center. This alone guarantees the authentic existence of the
Theodore Herzl’s socialist Zionist vision – quotes from various writings
All members of the New Society, men and women alike, are obligated to
give two years to the service of the community. The usual thing is to give
the two years between 18 and 20 – after completing their studies...
We stand and fall by the principle that whoever has given two years service
to the New Society as prescribed by our rules, and has conducted himself
properly is eligible to membership no matter what his race or creed. I say
to you, therefore, that you must hold fast to the things that have made us
great: to liberality, tolerance, love of mankind. Only then is Zion truly Zion.
Whether we desire it or not we are now
group who recognizably belong together.
to form a State, and, indeed, a model
human and material resources necessary
It is our opinion that the
Jewish question can only be
solved by the Jews
themselves… That is why we
have abandoned previous
methods. We no longer want
to wear the mask of any other
Jewry is a tremendous tenement
of misery, with branches all over
the world... These are the things
which we want to change for the
better. We believe that salvation
is to be found in wholesome
work in a beloved land. Work will
provide our people with the
moreover, with the honor of the
tomorrow, the freedom of the
and shall remain a historic
Yes, we are strong enough
state. We possess all the
for the purpose.
Those who are most Zionist will be
most regretful if its actualization is
only a physical manifestation and
not a New Society.
A scheme such as mine is gravely
imperiled if it is opposed by practical
people. Now practical people are as a
rule nothing more than men sunk into
the groove of daily routine, unable to
antiquated ideas.
The seven-hour day will be the
normal work period... The Society of
Jews and the Jewish Company will
make new and extensive experiments
in this connection which will also
benefit the other nations of the
world; and if the seven-hour day
proves to be practicable, it will be
introduced in our future State as the
legal and regular working day.
The site which is
suited for our use is of
a peculiar nature... We
desolate corner of the
Orient has, like us, not
only a past but a
future. On that soil,
where so little grows
at present, there grew
ideas for all mankind.
And for that very
reason nobody can
deny that there is an
between our people
and that land.
Let sovereignty be granted us over a portion of the earth's
surface large enough to satisfy our rightful requirements as
a nation. The rest we shall manage for ourselves.
You know that many have tried their hand at this task which confronts us,
animated by good intentions and with great material means at their disposal.
But you also know that these attempts came to nothing. Why? Because they all
set out from a false premise. They said: In the beginning is money. No! In the
beginning is the idea! Money will secure hirelings, but it will not rouse a
people. Only an idea will bring this to pass. And it has brought this to pass.
We shall keep our priests within the confines of their temples in the same way
as we shall keep our professional army within the confines of their barracks.
Army and priesthood shall receive honors high as their valuable functions
deserve. But they must not interfere in the administration of the State which
confers distinction upon them, else they will conjure up difficulties without
and within.
Every man will be as free and undisturbed in his faith or his disbelief as he is
in his nationality. And if it should occur that men of other creeds and
different nationalities come to live amongst us, we should accord them
honorable protection and equality before the law.
Moses, in his day, wished to
distribute the land so as to
ensure the ends of social
justice. You will see that our
methods serve the purpose no
less. The increases in land
values accrue not to the
individual owner, but to the
“and the people of Tel Aviv 'danced in the streets..'
At the time, I was not in Tel Aviv and we had no
streets at our outposts...We did not dance because
we had to stand our watch and keep our mouths
shut.” [On the day of the deceleration of Independence]
Malkin Aryeh (Leon) Born 1921 in New York City Made Aliya in
1946 Volunteer aboard the Hagana ship, Wedgewood. A graduate
of Hashomer Hatzair, Ariyeh was a founder of Kibbutz Ein Dor
where he raised his family and worked farming the land his
entire life. Able to fulfill what he called his 'childhood dream,'
Ariyeh was a cotton grower and ginner and classer for 45 years.
Retiring only when he was not physically able to continue his
work, Ariyeh prided himself in his “productive life as a free Jew.”
From his work 'The Story of One Ordinary American Jew'...
[Joining the Movement, pg. 10]
“When I was about 11, a madrich of the Hashomer Hatzair came to speak to
our class and invited us to a meeting at the synagogue that evening. I went to
that meeting with some of my friends and the leader and a girl with him spoke
about building a homeland for the Jews in Palestine and of building a kibbutz,
of working in agriculture, etc. This was like being hit with a ton of bricks.
Everything he said found its way to the core of my being; I now know why but
that was exactly what I thought that I wanted to do with my life. At the ripe age
of 11 I had decided that I wanted to go to Palestine, to be a farmer and build a
[Leaving his parents, pg. 39]
“It was with great trepidation that I faced my parents one night before they had
gone to bed and I told them that I had something extremely important to discuss
with them. They sat up in bed and I sat down next to them and spilled
everything right out directly. I said that I had been working on a Haganah ship
for months which was soon to leave for Europe, pick up survivors of the
Holocaust, and try to get them to Palestine despite the British blockade. I did
not know when I would write and they would know it was me as soon as I
could do so.
We sat silently regarding one another and it was my father who broke the
silence: “My son,” he said, “if I was your age and in your position, that is
exactly what I would want to do. You have my blessing and my full support.”
My mother cried softly...”
Name: Miriam Baratz
Place of Birth: Boguslav, Ukraine
Date of Birth: December 23, 1889
Date of Aliyah: September 12, 1906
Date of Death: December 30, 1970
“I am a simple Jewish woman with
no higher education. Many of my
friends were more educated than I,
but they are unrecognized. They
remained anonymous and
secluded, and I, the simple girl,
made a name for myself and
accomplished a great deal...”
Miriam Ostrovsky Baratz, was a member of the founding generation who exemplified
the attempt to change the conventional norms of Jewish society and the society of
the early Yishuv. Young and carefree, in her early years Miriam was nicknamed “the
wild goat” and was known for defying the standards of her time and fighting those
that sought to keep women in a secondary role in the Labour Zionist Movement. In
particular, Miriam felt it was necessary for women to work in hard physical labour
and spent her young life fighting to work in the fields. Having made Aliyah with her
family in her teens, Miriam home in 1908 when she took up the position of female
'housekeeper' at the “Kinneret Courtyard.” Using the opportunity to prove herself as
a hard-worker and committed halutzah, Miriam eventually joined a group of young
men known as the 'Hadera Commune' who went on to form Deganyah Aleph in
October 28, 1910. On the Kibbutz she married, raised children, and worked to
establish the communes dairy branch. A pioneer in the field of dairy farming, she
worked in the branch for forty-five years until she grew too old to handle the work.
As a mother Miriam fought for communal caretaking and education. She saw it as
liberation for women members, enabling them to fulfill themselves while also caring
for their children. Miriam, the first mother in the kibbutz movement, led the struggle
which resulted in a collective solution to child care and allowed mothers to return to
the workforce and contribute to the development of the group and the settlement. A
strong leader who carved out an image and place for women inside the kibbutz, she
was a role model and an inspiration in the women workers’ movement and the
founding generation of the State. Active in the Po’el Za’ir and Mapai political parties,
Miriam Baratz died on December 30, 1970.
HABINYAN, November/December, 1943
(This was a winning essay in the Johannesburg Hitcharut)
When I leave school, I shall go to Palestine to be a Chalutz. Apart from my emotional reasons, which are strong, and
have for many years been so, I feel it is my duty as a Jew to take part in the up-building of Palestine, and the
renormalization of our People, who are going through the most critical period of their existence today.
The economic structure of our People is abnormal. In order to participate in its renormalization, I must be a chalutz,
who, being a pioneer servant of his people, is willing to strive for his country’s needs: and since the prime economic
activity of a healthy nation must be creative production, we must have a strong labour element in Palestine. Therefore,
it is necessary for me to be a worker. Moreover, if we fully understand the economic needs of Palestine, it will be
clearly seen that food, a product of the land, is the prime essential needed in the up-building of that land. That is why
Palestine needs a large agricultural population, and consequently why I must be a farmer.
In addition, a thriving agricultural population gives rise to and supports an even larger urban population. Haifa and TelAviv, for example would never have been the prosperous cities they are, had it not been for the agricultural colonisation
of the Emek and the Sharon.
If, thirty years ago, 10 000 people had wanted to settle in the Emek, it would have been impossible, for the valley was
deserted and marshy, and many would have died of disease, starvation and exposure, thousands would have given up
the task and gone to the cities, or left the country. Now the Chalutzim have given to the Emek the sweat of their pores,
the power of their muscles, 12 000 Jews live a free creative life in the Emek. There are still many stretches of land in
Palestine, which are as the Emek was in 1920. Such are the Negev, parts of Judea and Samaria, and the Jordan Valley.
These today are unable to support large numbers of immigrants, and they cry out to Chalutzim for redemption.
Widespread agricultural settlement would increase the absorptive capacity of these areas, to a hitherto unimaginable
Today the Negev (a half of Western Palestine) has a population of less than 30 000, less than 1 000 being Jews. If this
area were fully colonised, it could well support a population of 1 000 000 or more Jews. And today, there are thousands
of homeless persecuted Jews craving for a Homeland – for Eretz Yisrael.
I am a Boneh -a builder of my land. In another year I will have finished my schooling. I ask myself whether I am to go
up to Aretz, or to stay behind and propagate the ideas which I have set forward. It may be argued, that in my staying
behind here, I may be able to educate and prepare for Aliyah, a group of Jewish Youths, instead of just my own Aliyah.
This view has frequently been expounded, and I would like to take the opportunity to point out the obvious fallacy in
Can I, living in the Diaspora far from the realities of Nazi destruction and Chalutzic reconstruction, hope to lead Jewish
youths to a life of pioneering in a new country? Of course, if I really strive to educate and prepare myself for a life of
Chalutzim, I can lead other Jewish Youths during this period. But Chaluziut must be practical. It can remain merely a
theory. Therefore, I must, having reached a stage of mature chaluatzic consciousness, convert my idealism into reality.
This means Aliyah and Liberty. Having lived on a Kibbutz for several years, and taken part personally in the upbuilding of Eretz Yisrael, I would then return for one or two years to South Africa for this purpose of doing educational
work in Habonim. How much better a Chalutz leader, and how inspiring and real my personal example would be to
those who I am to lead!
In conclusion, I shall go to Palestine as a farmer. There I shall try to build up a S.A. Habonim Kibbutz, which will be an
inspiration and living example to hundreds of Bonim and Bonot throughout South Africa of the part they too will play in
the up-building of our Homeland.
2010 World Veida Resolution
Habonim Dror is an active partner in the settlement of kibbutzim, and our bogrim are members in more than
50 kibbutzim. The movement sees in kibbutz a renewed Jewish community which fulfils the principles of
Socialist Zionism in building a communal egalitarian society. This society does not choose to lock itself up
within its own four walls, it takes upon itself the national and social missions of the Jewish people and
homeland. The movement sees in the kibbutz movement a cooperative pluralistic movement which brings
together different approaches of fulfilling ideological realization. However, given the path of the Kibbutz
Movement and its continued progression towards privatization and away from the values on which the
Kibbutz Movement was founded, we must look towards the new evolution of kibbutzim, Kvutsot and
Urban Kibbutzim, as the relevant tool of Habonim Dror to create communities that aim to affect Israeli
society. The Kibbutz Movement and the role of kibbutzim in our history and Israel’s remains
extremely relevant and should continue to have a role in the education of the Movement.
1. This Veida calls upon the World Mazkirut and mazkiruyot around the world to update their educational
programmes to fit the reality of kibbutz today as well as the role of kvutsot and urban kibbutzim in
Israeli society, and to emphasise education of the basic values - equality, cooperation, work and freedom
- in order to prepare bogrim to realise these values and to equip them with the ability to deal with the
challenge of renewing and preserving the kibbutz.
2. This Veida calls upon the members and bogrim of Habonim Dror to make aliyah to and to participate
in the building of communot/kvutsot and urban kibbutzim, and/or educational social kibbutzim, together
in joint activities with our sister movements in Israel, like Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed and Machanot
3. The Veida is aware of the changes in the kibbutzim and is against the introduction of differential wages.
4. The Veida calls on the Kibbutz Movement to strengthen its ideological education of young people on
5. This Veida recognizes the importance of kibbutzim in the history of Israel and Habonim Dror and
welcomes calls on its Bogrim to continue to make Aliya to kibbutzim shitufi'm.
Email Exchange from Habinyan 3
Who is a Zionist? Once, “Zionism” was a concept that was relatively simple, clear and easy to define. But
over the past 30 years, this simple concept has turned into one of the most complicated concepts of our
time. To me, Zionism is more than just the belief that Israel belongs to the entire Jewish people. And –
although many members of Knesset would disagree - it definitely has nothing to do with the settlement
enterprise in the occupied Palestinian territories.
I’ve always felt comfortable with a specific definition of Zionism. I consider Zionism more than just a
national movement. It represents a psychological revolution, that saved Jews from galut, the spiritual
ghetto, and provided the Jewish people with not just a national homeland, but rather a national project
that replaced the religious common denominator. Therefore, to me, a Zionist is one who believes that the
Jewish identity of the future should be shaped through Zionism, not through religion. Habonim-Dror, as
the world’s largest secular Zionist youth movement, provided Jewish youth all over the world with an
alternative for religion: it shaped the Jewish identity of thousands through Zionism.
With the High Holidays coming closer, it’s time for madrichim to ask themselves what the relevance of
these High Holidays is within a Habo-framework. The period of the High Holidays is considered to be
very spiritual, and many of my Habo friends who never go to the synagogue are to be found in the many
synagogues of my home town – Amsterdam. Many of them ask themselves how to ‘celebrate’ the High
Holidays on Habo.
The focus of the entire period of the High Holidays is on the process of teshuvah, or repentance, whereby
a Jew admits to sins, asks for forgiveness, and resolves not to repeat the sins. Repentance implies that
transgression and sin are the natural and inevitable consequence of man's straying from God and His laws
and that it is man's destiny and duty to be with God.
Although one can always try to find a deeper or more cultural meaning in these holidays, one has to admit
that its meaning is actually fundamentally religious. Every year, it fills the spiritual gap of many Jews
trying to fulfill their spiritual needs.
If there’s one thing that I learnt from my time as a madrich, it’s that Zionism is the new Judaism. It
attempts to create spiritual fulfilment through a common goal, through a national project and
through hagshamah. The Habo-Zionists don’t seek teshuvah, doesn’t ask for forgiveness to acquire
spiritual fulfilment.
I would like to argue that in a secular movement like Habo, one must feel free to search for a Habo-like
meaning in the High Holidays, but it might be a better idea to face reality: it’s not there. For the same
reason, my mazkirut, a couple of years ago, decided to quit the yearly Lag Ba’omer activity, simply
because it doesn’t make any sense. Therefore, when our chaverim plan to sit in the synagogue all day, to
seek forgiveness, we should organize a pe’ula that fits a (secular) Zionist movement. A pe’ula about the
power of the collective, not the weakness of the individual, about the future and not about the fast.
So feel free. Go to the synagogue or organize your ‘Habo kind of celebration’ of the High Holidays for
your chanichim. Tell them about suffering, or about the details of your lovely shofar. Hide in your
dungeons of repentance. I’ll be at our Habo house in Amsterdam, ready to talk real Judaism – ready to
talk Zionism, the Judaism of the Jewish people after galut. Since we have suffered enough already, it’s
time to talk about are future.
The cookies are complementary
To be honest I strongly disagree with what Joel has written. I think it cynically dismisses much of the
cultural richness that Judaism has to offer, even if it is garbed under the cloak of religion.
It appears that Joel would support a purely secular lifestyle in the land of Israel, disregarding all
elements of life which may be traced back to religious offering, with his only expression of Judaism
coming through the meaningful interaction with other Jews and the speaking of Hebrew.
Perhaps because he has not been exposed to a secular humanistic community which celebrates much
of what our culture has to offer, he assumes that chaverim would only sit in an orthodox service and
'find their own meaning in it.' I disagree with his statements that the Jewish festivals meaning is in
truth 'actually fundamentally religious' and therefore any deeper or more cultural meaning attempted
to be found in it is futile.
On the contrary, I think that many of the religious holidays can be easily translated into a secular
sphere and are easily accessible for creating meaningful and spiritual structures in our lives. Also,
many of our Jewish holidays were originally not actually religious and were only turned into that in
years later - shavuot the harvest festival, pesach constructed from the political narratives of the
Israelites under the Egyptian occupation in Canaan. Theres no reason why we cant 'uninterpret' these
festivals and look at their original purpose without the religious structure which has been placed on
top of it in centuries since.
I think its pretty naive to reject all of the cultural richness that our people have produced prior to the
creation of the state of Israel. It would probably be more constructive to take an Ahad Ha'am
approach to one's Zionism, and see the state as the 'enhancing factor' for this culture, or the new
radiating source of it.
Judaism is an intensely strong vehicle for living a meaningful life, but its potential is greatly
enhanced in the land of Israel, where its very meaning is holistic and does not take up a small
component of a post-zionist identity. And in saying that I still think Judaism is not irrelevant in the
Maybe instead of sitting in the bayit in Amsterdam ready to talk Zionism, he could organise a secular
humanistic service which takes Yom Kippur as an opportunity to do something which I believe all
Jews (and humans) should do - take time once in a while undergo intense introspection and reflect on
one's deeds and actions, make amends with old foes and look toward becoming a better person.
That something I will always continue to do, regardless of whether or not Rabbi's pioneered it (which
they actually didn't...it was stolen from Babylonian culture..but thats another story!)
Maybe send my thoughts on to him? I would love to get a response.
Excerpts from Habonim Dror Ideology Document:
Chinuch section
This Veida resolves that Habonim Dror is one unique movement with a common basis, and that every
country has its special differences, but we are one movement. We are not a ‘confederation of
movements’, but an International Movement.
Kibbutz section
The movement sees in kibbutz a renewed Jewish community which fulfils the principles of Socialist
Zionism in building a communal egalitarian society. This society does not choose to lock itself up
within its own four walls, it takes upon itself the national and social missions of the Jewish people and
The element that unites the two categories of values is the elimination of the dissonance between my ideal
reality and day-to-day activism, which inspires me. The complete elimination of this dissonance would be an
impossible dream, so Hagshama is not a particular point to get to however it is a constant striving and a struggle
for better. Hagshama is a value in and of itself. The desire to eliminate the dissonance and the decision to act
and live according my ideals is also a value. However though it is a value, Hagshama is not the ultimate value
because what is being actualized (Hagshama) must be constantly reassessed.
In the path to Hagshama there is another conflict – the conflict between my values and the reality in which I live,
which consist of human, social, political and physical realities. The reality on the ground does not determine my
ideals, in fact the opposite because the current reality was not constructed according to my ideals. In the best
case I can change the reality to bring it closer to the ideal to which I strive. For this reason I must constantly
struggle to decrease the difference between the reality and my ideals.
He who does not wish, or is unable, to live with this constant struggle must give up on either his values or their
actualization. Values for which no attempt is made to actualize them are only dreams. These dreams may be
beautiful but they are bankrupt.
Dreaming a dream can sometimes be an excuse for one to abdicate
responsibility from implementing it. An example of this is the Jewish dream of the arrival of the Messiah for
which generations of Jews said Bashana Haba’a B’Yerushalayim Habnuya (Next year in the Built Jerusalem) but
remained in exile. The generations of Jews said “At the end of days…they will turn their swords into plowshares”
while all the while people greeted one another brandishing raised swords. The expectation of the End of Days
and fear of Judgments Day are two sides of the same coin, a miracle or a Holocaust, neither of which depends on
me. Even the most beautiful dream possible does not change the world. Trading Hagshama, with all of the
complexity and imperfection involved, for the dream in all its purity, is tantamount to pronouncing the reality
A social movement that does Hagshama and does not want to atrophy and die must constantly reassess its
values, study the changing reality, and fight to implement its values in changing world.
Excerpt from Chaim Shatzkar – Elements of a Youth Movement:
"The youth movement is the complete opposite of what it appears to be based
on its outer characteristics. In order to understand it, one must release
themselves completely from naïve, childish perceptions, such as a youth haven,
vagrancy, wild joyous outbursts, etc. In actual fact, the youth movement is an
expression of deep cultural pessimism. Its organization is the fruit of despair
and revulsion from society, and of a courageous, nearly heroic idea: complete
transformation of man. Historically speaking, the youth movement should be
rated among the movements that appeared from time to time throughout
human history, which tried to change man himself."
Excerpt from "The Youth Takes the Lead"
Zvi Lamm
One [movement member] explains the attraction of youth to the group: “Youth live in two environments – the
family and the school. Youth cannot develop according to his needs in either of these frameworks. In the family
area, the limits are clearly defined. On the one hand the young person is expected to carry out mature deeds that
require experience, while on the other, when his young spirit is deeply interested in something and experiences
creative feelings, barriers of authority are set before him. Thus, there are only two routes for the youth: one, to
imitate adults, and the second, to remain passive and allow the flower of mankind to whither… A young spirit
searches for the center of its realization, looking for those who can understand his sudden decisive outbursts
towards the sun, truth and beauty. Thus, an association of young people is created. That is the deepest reason for
the establishment of the Shomer unit, the creation of the group.”
It is not easy to define what happens in the group, from the point of view of the member. One member writes:
“Once I was asked by a member of an older group, what we do in our group; what happens when the group is
working. Since, in our group, we had already ‘covered’ anthropology, and I still had no idea what it was all about, I
came to conclusion that I would not answer anyone who asked such a question, since his idea of the meaning of a
group is entirely different from mine. For me, it is not important what we ‘cover’ in the group. Our ‘life’ in the group
is the only thing that matters. We are not a group for the purpose of studies, completing material we missed at
school… It is difficult for us to say what we do in the group. I am sure that if such a person came to our group
activity, he would say that we don’t do anything, whereas, I feel rewarded.
Excerpt from Hashomer Hatzair's Ideology Document, approved in World Veida 2008
Hashomer Hatzair sees many ways of self-realisation. We believe that it is Hagshama that gives meaning to our
ideology and brings us to the realization of our pillars and dibrot and stresses the importance of putting it into
Hagshama is a concept which often blurs the distinction between tools and goals. We accept that we have much
work to do in defining our conceptual definition of this term and that this process must continue.
This document is a list of examples of Hagshama. It is not complete, however, its purpose is to give guidelines, to be
a source of inspiration and to provide tools:
Aliya that affects positive change in all of Israeli society (individually or kvutzati)
Aliya to work in the Shomeric community and strengthening the Tnua Olamit directly or indirectly
Be a Zionist activist in the Diaspora through organisations
Be a Zionist activist in the Diaspora by supporting social initiatives
Productive life in a Jewish community that is open to everyone
Preserving and passing on the Jewish culture and tradition by education, practice and continuous learning
Building supplementary Shomeric Jewish schools
To carry out Shomeric services, to write liturgy and run secular Shiurim
To be a chalutz of Judaism development of which creates cultural and intellectual centres inside all
To follow a Jewish lifecycle in a distinctly Shomeric lifestyle
Intentionally exploring alternative ways of life and living together
Leading a life of political activism for freedom and others
Variety of social justice projects within the movement and with others.
Re-ordering of society and its ideals beginning with critical education and activism on the grass roots level
Promote human intimacy that helps to create an environment for hagshama ishit.
Collectivist structures of socially conscious individuals like kvutzot, Communa, Urban Kibbutz, Kibbutz and the
re-interpretation of classical kibbutz structure
Educate and activate to live according to our ideology
Create and live in alternative communities, Kibbutz, Communa, etc.
Common economic system (shituf kalkali).
Activism within the Diaspora Communities: affecting society (community and worldwide).
Kehilat Bogrim: Create a worldwide network.
Building/leading/working on alternative, Jewish communities; providing alternatives, creating own religious
Working for/ strengthening the youth movement.
Synthesis between Tikun Adam and Tikun Olam
Striving for personal growth and improvement
Asking ourselves hard questions and looking for the answers.
Seeking new experiences
Realization of Hagshama through activity and closeness within a Kvutza
Excerpt from The Borochov Youth and Dror-Borochov Youth in Poland after the Holocaust, by Joel
Roizman, 1999
In January 1938, the “Leftist Poalei Zion” movement held its tenth veida olamit in Tel Aviv [this movement
later joined Hashomer Hatzair/Mapam]. This veida decided to join the Zionist movement, and also decided
to join the Zionist Congress and strengthen ties with the Israeli Labor movement, in particular the more leftleaning movements within it.
There were two areas where changes were not made: its active involvement in the life of the Jewish nation
in the galut, and its relationship to the Yiddish language. Leftist Poalei Zion continued to maintain that the
socialist Zionist movement was required to stay with the masses from the Jewish nation, in all the distant
places they were in the world, and opposed the isolationist approach that prevailed among other Zionist
movements. Its assertion was that there is no contradiction between active adherence to Zionism and Eretz
Yisrael and loyalty to their Diaspora nation. It believed that isolationism causes galut Jews to be easy prey to
the ideals and activities of the anti-Zionists. Regarding the Yiddish language, before the Shoah the majority
of the Jews in the world, and particularly the poor masses in Europe and America, spoke Yiddish. It was the
language used in their day-to-day; in most cases their only language. The great authors, poets, and thinkers
wrote in this language. Dozens of daily newspapers and hundreds of weeklies and periodicals were published
in Yiddish. Important theaters, research institutions, schools for children and adults, all conducted
themselves in Yiddish. The Leftist Poalei Zion movement, which represented the nation’s masses before the
Shoah, believed that Yiddish also had a place in Eretz Yisrael, which absorbed Yiddish-speaking olim primarily
from countries in Eastern Europe.
The “Jugend” movement [the youth movement affiliated with the adult Leftist Poalei Zion movement] in
Poland fully embraced the decisions of the world veida. It changed its policies and placed an emphasis on
practical actions for Eretz Yisrael: it organized groups of chalutzim [pioneers] to train themselves for life in
Eretz Yisrael, and joined in on all the constructive activities of the Zionist movement and the Eretz Yisrael
Labor movement. After the veida, the Jugend movement became a chalutzic movement in every way. But
the process was never completed. It was cut off following the Nazi invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939.
Excerpt from In the Days of Destruction and Revolt, by Zivia Lubetkin
(active in the Dror movement, and a leader in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising):
Several days before the German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, Zivia and a group of other
members of He’Chalutz pioneer youth movement had just returned from the twenty-first Zionist Congress in
Geneva. Pre-war tension was at its height.
Intensive discussions were immediately begun regarding the procedures to be taken by He’Chalutz during
the state of emergency. It was decided that the shlichim from Eretz Israel should be sent home immediately.
An alternate Central Committee composed entirely of women was elected in case the men were drafted [by
the Polish army]. Zivia was a member of this committee.
On September 7, a government order required all the men to move towards the east. Zivia and Edek
Golowner were made responsible for closing down the Movement’s rest house at Jozefow outside Warsaw,
evacuating the members and the young people who had fled from Germany from the training farm [chavot
hachshara] of Grochow, and sending them to the eastern provinces of Poland. On finding that the people at
Grochow had already vacated the premises, Zivia and Edek traveled alone and on foot to Kowel in eastern
Poland, where they arranged to absorb the members of the Central Committee and the training farms who
were making their way eastward through bombarded Poland. After the Red Army invasion of eastern Poland
on September 17, Zivia and others were sent to the Rumanian border to open up an escape route to Eretz
Israel. It was Zivia’s task to travel from town to town throughout eastern Poland and direct the Movement
members southwards to the Rumanian border or northwards to Vilna. After four months of operating in
Soviet territory, and while still maintaining contact with the Movement in the German-occupied zone, the
Dror leadership in the Soviet-occupied zone held an underground meeting in Lvov. They reviewed the
operations of the preceding months and agreed on their future course. In reply to an urgent request from
Frumka Plotnitzka for Zivia’s help in the German zone, the Central Committee of the Movement decided to
send Zivia there. The occasion of this underground meeting also marked Zivia’s departure.
Zivia begins her story with this underground meeting:
On December 31, 1939 a group of us who were active members in the Zionist pioneer-youth movement,
Freiheit-He'Chalutz Hatzair, met in Oskar Hendler’s apartment on Dunin Borkowski Street in Lvov. This was
the first convention of the Movement, which had been established by underground methods in the
territories that had been annexed by the Soviet Union. We represented the provinces of Eastern Poland
which had been under Soviet control since September 17, 1939…
We camouflaged the meeting as a New Year’s Eve party. We ate, drank and made merry…and between
drinks discussed the Movement and its future course. We wanted to review our activities of the past few
months and attempt to determine the future under the new conditions brought about by the occupation.
The Movement members reported that in the Soviet Zone there was a growing temptation among Jewish
youth to join the Komsomo, the Young Communists. On the other hand, the members of the youth
movement expressed a strong desire to close ranks and unite. Strong core groups were being set up in the
local branches and our members, particularly the younger ones, were revealing an extraordinary dedication
and loyalty to the Movement.
Profoundly fateful questions hovered in the air: What would the Movement be like under conditions of the
occupation? Couldn’t anti-revolutionary ideas affect us – after all we were in an underground movement in
revolutionary Russia. Even more important: What would be the fate of the Movement under all the
restrictive laws and persecutions likely to be imposed in the future? Could we hold on and even develop
under such conditions? These questions and others occupied us in our first conference. We were torn with
doubt... Despite everything, we were encouraged and determined to renew and intensify our activities. Even
though our fate and future were clouded in mystery, one thing was certain: it was impossible for us not to
establish the pioneer-youth underground. Two basic lines of activity were decided upon: to search for ways
to reach Eretz Israel, and to renew the Movement which would keep the Zionist flame burning…
The following evening I left my friends. Our parting was difficult. The short time that we had worked
together in the underground had deepened our already firmly established friendship. During that particular
period we raced about like madmen in the face of constant and mortal danger in an attempt to contact lost
and remote members of the Movement. We spent days and nights together on railroads, traveling from city
to city in order to find the name and address of a comrade who had been saved…
It was decided that I should return to the German zone. Disturbing thoughts continued to plague me. Would
I be able to live under the Nazi régime? We had heard stories about how the Jews were being maltreated,
beaten, and murdered, constantly humiliated and degraded… Would I be able to bear it? Depression and
doubt gnawed away at me that evening.
My friends accompanied me to the railroad station.
While I was still preoccupied with these grim thoughts, the train thundered to the platform and people
pushed their way into the cars. A warm handshake, tears in my eyes, and I too was inside. The train lurched
forward and carried me farther and further away from my friends.
Excerpt from Youth: Vision and Reality: From Dror and Gordonia to Ichud Habonim in Argentina,
1934-1973, by Shlomo Bar-Gil, 2007
The majority of the chalutzic youth movement members in Latin America were the children and
grandchildren of immigrants that arrived in Latin America in the first decades of the 20th century. They were
joined (primarily in Uruguay and Chile) by young people, themselves immigrants, who for various reasons
arrived from Germany to the Latin American continent by the end of 1939. These were often people who
rebelled against their parents and fled, without documentation, to new countries, without knowing the
language, without savings or support; under these circumstances, the chalutzic youth movement became
their home. There was also a small group from Europe that were part of the chalutzic youth movements
there and managed to get out before the war; they brought leadership and experience with them.
Socioeconomically, the majority of the movement chanichim did not have traditional Jewish education; they
were the children of the workers’ class, children of the petit-bourgeoisie, children of factory owners, traders,
and family businesses. The majority strove to obtain proper education, including a University education;
however their membership in movement shifted this direction. The movement was the focus of their lives,
particularly among those that took tafkidim upon themselves, and first and foremost was dealing with
The ideal was to get to Eretz Yisrael, and later, to the State of Israel, to settle there and “create a new
person, a new nation, instead of a galuti nation that lives off commerce.” In addition:
“The important thing for us was to be a Jewish farmer, or to somehow work with our hands, and
since this was the goal, academic study was prohibited. If someone would say: first I’ll finish my
medical studies and then I’ll make aliyah, he would be removed from the movement. And those
that stayed felt that we were doing the most correct thing in the world… From the moment that
the State of Israel was established, it was upon every Jewish youth to be responsible for the
socialist nation, and we felt good about this identity and identification. It was no surprise that we
wanted to convince others that it would be good for them to identify with this as well.”
(Bassanezi Pinsky, Passaros da liverdade, Sao Paulo, 2000)
This quote expresses well both the worldview and the self-image not just of the person who wrote it, a
chanich in the Dror youth movement in Brazil, but almost all those who were educated in the chalutzic youth
movements in Latin America between 1946-1973. The chanich saw before him the ideal of a chalutz from
Eretz Yisrael as a lighthouse for Jewish redemption as a model for the world. He felt himself to be special,
responsible, and full of promise in terms of his own power and his future in general. The chanich did not
have any doubt about the importance of his role in regards to Judaism, Zionism, and even all of humanity.
Excerpt from Habonim Great Britain 1929-1955, edited by Melvin Cohen, 1999
The creation of World Habonim in 1951 again brought to a head the issue of political independence which
had confronted the Movement in the early 1940s with the merger of Mishmar Habonim and the British
Movement. This time, however, new issues arose, primarily the effect of the split in Kibbutz Meuchad and
the future accountability of a World Mazkirut. In the period 1946-1949 when many British chaverim arrived
in Palestine, a large number were absorbed in kibbutzim where Habonim members from the USA, Canada,
South Africa, India, Australia, and New Zealand were to be found. A ‘contacts office’ (Lishkat Hakesher) was
established by a chaver from South African Habonim, Arye Sieve, to coordinate and disseminate information
and arrange the selection and dispatch of shlichim. However, as the operation grew and the movements
expanded and came into closer contact with each other, the suggestion was made to formalise these
activities under the banner of World Habonim. In Britain this immediately rang alarm bells over the problem
of political independence...
In December 1950 at Kibbutz Gesher Haziv the Moetza (Council) of the Lishka was called to discuss the
proposal to set up a World Movement. Ossy Edelstein, Joe Lucatz, and Gershie Epstein (coordinator of
Lishkat Hakesher), all living in Israel, represented the British Mazkirut. The Moetza agreed on a platform
which acknowledged the British Movement’s concerns by including the statement – “the Movement should
be independent, educationally and politically.”
This, however, was not sufficient, particularly because it was proposed that an Israeli youth movement Tnua
Meuchedet, also be included in the World Movement. Tnua Meuchedet, although officially independent,
was nevertheless associated with Mapai, the Israel Labour Party. Furthermore, they believed in labour
settlement but not exclusively kibbutz.
In Britain the debate was opened in early 1951 and continued unabated until a special Veida was called in
the summer. An editorial in the Newsletter agreed that if Habonim in England could be guaranteed its
autonomy and the acceptability of local initiatives the proposal would be admissible, but felt nevertheless
that a World Movement based in Israel would radically reduce their independence. To counter this argument
it was said that through the Mazkirut of the World Movement, Habonim would speak as the single largest
chalutzic movement in the Diaspora, which would prove invaluable in any approaches to the Jewish Agency
and the Government.
Another argument against was that if the British Movement was unable for whatever reasons to keep
sending delegates to the World Mazkirut, some degree of autonomy would inevitably be lost.
Geoff Goldman, in a powerful letter, appealed on the basis of what today might be termed “youth
empowerment.” He said “The danger of becoming part of a large World Habonim Movement could mean
that the independent youth element would be trivialised”:
“... Youth movements cannot, without great danger, allow themselves to become part of an adult
body, this is so even if that body consists mainly of ex-members of the movement... The reasons
chaverim are uncomfortable about the suggestion of a large World Movement is the understanding
that the fundamental need of a youth movement is not only to be organisationally independent,
but to feel that it is truly independent in all aspects of its activities.”
A sense of expectation was created by the announcement that Gershie Epstein would be coming to England
to attend the forthcoming Veida to discuss this issue. He argued that the Lishka had already come to
resemble, in its function at least, that of the Mazkirut of a World Movement. Turning to the more positive
reasons, he argued that the world chalutz movement was divided and ineffective, something which a World
Movement could remedy. It would also greatly empower officials, such as himself, to negotiate with the
Jewish Agency and government bodies. Finally, by including Tnua Meuchedet, it would guarantee ‘garinim’
(settlement groups) for movement kibbutzim in dire need of reinforcement. In terms of the political
affiliation of other movements, such as American Habonim to Poalei Zion, he maintained that such links
were only informal and of little real substance.
The Veida took place on June 22-24th, 1951 at Kibbutz Hachshara, Hurst Grange [England], and was attended
by over 200 people. There were, in fact, no dramatic surprises. The leadership of the Movement, namely the
Mazkirut, supported the foundation of the World Movement, and the Mazkir, Boris Bernstein, moved the
resolution on the Sunday morning. Its key passage read:
“That this Veida supports the creation of a World Habonim Movement, whose membership shall be
composed of existing Habonim movements in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, USA and
Canada, Holland, India, Great Britain and Ireland, together with the Israel youth movement Tnua
Meuchedet, and whose platform and organisation shall follow the lines laid down at the Veida.”
Following the Veida, the World Movement held its founding conference in September 1951 in Israel. It was
attended by over 2,000 people and was addressed by Habonim leaders and Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett,
who had been associated with Tnua Meuchedet for some time. After further discussion the platform was
accepted and the resolution of particular concern to British Habonim read as follows:
“Habonim affirms that it is organisationally and educationally independent and is directed only by
its elected bodies.”
Excerpt from Arise and Build: The Story of American Habonim, edited by David Breslau, 1961:
The period of 1953-1955 involved further consolidation. The movement reaffirmed its basic approach to Jewish
life and adjusted itself to changes in Zionism and the American Jewish community which had occurred as a result
of the creation of the State of Israel. The movement made many strides in recovering its former strength and
vitality. A large group of graduates of the Workshop and other leadership courses began to lead groups of
younger chaverim, which resulted in the growth of the movement, an increase in all activities, and a larger aliya in
succeeding years. There was a more optimistic spirit in the movement and general recognition that Habonim had
weathered a serious organizational and spiritual crisis, and that it now had the possibility of moving on to new
responsibilities. By 1955, there were significant advances in the development of leadership and in the
organization of new cities for Habonim; twenty-four machanot were functioning, and the membership was
slightly over two thousand…
During this period, the movement reinterpreted its ideological approach in terms of mitzvot which were expected
of each chaver. These mitzvot, formulated at the Detroit convention in 1953 and amended at the Philadelphia
convention in 1955, were an indication of both the movement's adjustment to the realities and demands of the
new era of Jewish life and its renewed spirit of determination to fulfill its role therein:
Affirming the validity of the Zionist approach, the [convention], in the light of its beliefs and in the strength of its
deliberations, directs its chaverim to mobilize themselves for the service of their people by the personal
fulfillment of these Zionist duties —mitzvot:
1. Each chaver of Habonim must undertake to provide himself with a Jewish education—a fundamental
necessity for the proper appreciation and understanding of contemporary Jewish problems.
2. Each chaver must study Hebrew—the major medium of Jewish cultural rebirth and a living bond which
ties Jews the world over with their history, with other Jews, and with the Jewish renascence in Israel.
3. Each chaver must attempt to achieve the association of his own family with the Labor Zionist
movement. In addition, he must press for the evolution of his own home into a truly Jewish one—
where Jewish books and art objects are to be found, where Jewish subjects are discussed, and where
Jewish traditions and holidays are observed.
4. Each chaver must endeavor to convince his friends of the importance of his beliefs, attracting them to
participation in the movement.
5. Each chaver must contribute and raise money for such funds of his people as the Jewish National Fund,
the Histadrut, and the United Jewish Appeal, and for his own movement.
6. Each chaver must consider it a personal goal to feel at home in the State of Israel through personally
visiting there and becoming part of its atmosphere and problems, whether he plans to live there
permanently or not.
a. In Habonim terms this means planning seriously to participate in the Youth Workshop in Israel.
b. Upon his return from the Workshop, each chaver must consider the service he can render the
movement, assuming responsibility for its future.
c. Upon his return from the Workshop, each chaver must consider his Jewish education just started
and therefore must pursue every possibility toward its continuation.
d. Each chaver must evaluate his movement experience in terms of what his personal contribution
to the future of the Jewish people can be. The maximum contribution a chaver can make is his
personal aliya to Israel and his joining with those forces in Israel which are recreating Jewish life.
As a member of hityashvut haovedet, he has achieved his movement's highest ideal—hagshama
e. Although aliya in garinim for the hityashvut haovedet is the means by which a chaver makes the
greatest impact on Jewish life, the chaver who goes up alone as a professional can serve his
people by identifying himself with the Histadrut.
f. The contribution of the chaver who shares the movement's ideals but does not go to Israel must
be in terms of service to his people through work in the Jewish community and support of its
Facing the crisis in the Zionist movement and in Jewish life today, Habonim believes that inherent in that
crisis is the failure of Jews who believe in Zionist theory to fulfill, in their own lives, these fundamental
precepts. Only through a clear understanding of this fact will we be responding to the challenge of history.
You need a wheel?
Yosef Trumpeldor
"What is a chalutz? Is he a worker only? No! The definition includes much more. The pioneers
should be workers but that is not all. We shall need people who will be “everything” – everything
that Eretz Yisrael needs. A worker has his labor interests, a soldier his “esprit de corps”, a doctor
and an engineer, their special inclinations. A generation of iron-men; iron from which you can forge
everything the national machinery needs. You need a wheel? Here I am. A nail, a screw, a block? –
here take me. You need a man to till the soil? – I’m ready. A soldier? I am here. Policeman, doctor,
lawyer, artist, teacher, water carrier? Here I am. I have no form. I have no psychology. I have no
personal feeling, no name. I am a servant of Zion. Ready to do everything, not bound to do
anything. I have only one aim – creation."
What is a Chalutz?
By Yigal Wagner and Eyal Kafkafi
Jabotinsky wanted to believe, or strived that others should believe, that he and Trumpeldor shared the same
worldview. He wanted to believe this even more when Trumpeldor became legendary after his death. But this was
not only sneaky trickery. Jabotinsky believed that only one Zionism existed, one flag around which the Jewish nation
could unite. He viewed all of the different social conceptions of Zionism as secondary differences, which diverge
from its essence. In order to convince others of this view, Jabotinsky said that he adopted Trumpeldor’s concept of
the chalutz. We have no other sources, and therefore no other way to know, what the real content of the
conversation was that Jabotinsky described in his memoir. However, the important thing for us is the fact that
Jabotinsky understood from Trumpeldor that a chalutz is an abstract figure, an ideal, whose main quality is his
abstractness or his lack of specific character. “Trumpeldor’s” chalutz, according to Jabotinsky, is “faceless.” And he
does everything, everything that is asked of him. Only one thing is missing from this “ideal” description: Who is the
asker? Who is the one that instructs the chalutz that is standing at attention to strip down his current form and take
on a new form? Who instructs the chalutz to dig tunnels and shoot? Become a lawyer or a drawer of water?
This question contains within it the answer – that there is an unbridgeable contradiction existing between their two
views of Zionism:
Jabotinsky distinguished between the will of the individual, the leader who knows the direction, and the faceless
masses that are the magshimim, who even in their highest form, i.e., as a chalutz, do not embody the subject of the
Zionist consciousness, but rather its object alone. According to Jabotinsky, the pure chalutz has no feelings, is an
ascetic, a robot driven by the anonymous and abstract national “need.” His understanding of Zionism is not different
from Trumpeldor in terms of how it is perceived externally. Both Trumpeldor and Jabotinsky strived to bring the
Jewish masses to Eretz Yisrael. However, the essence of their views cannot be properly understood externally, on the
basis of their large-scale visions, but rather internally, at their roots.
As Trumpeldor indicates in his letter below, even before he made aliyah as a chalutz to work the land, he viewed the
idea of changing the fate of the Jewish People and the idea of changing the society as being intertwined:
“Your letter brought me great pleasure; I immediately felt close to you. I too, my dear Grisha, set
high goals for myself. I want to populate my community settlements not just as a solution to the
Jewish problem. I started developing the idea of these community settlements long ago, when I was
still far from Zionist thought. I was depressed and dispirited by the capitalist regime, and I could not
find comfort as others did in a type of war, where both sides are deeply contaminated by it… I
learned that it is hard for a person to fight and struggle as long as he is surrounded by a putrid
swamp, and every cell in his body continues to absorb the poison that fills his environment. I did not
want to hear tomorrow my enemies of yesterday saying “You are with us! You have already
forgotten the babble of the ravenous naïve people!”… I decided to create within this giant swamp a
beautiful solid land, an oasis within the desert. It would be hard to create, but I knew that I would
find loyal comrades, and I was not afraid to work and suffer.”
His idea of changing human and national society were anchored in one Archimedean point: the connection between
people who share an idea, who can create, with the power of their friendship and partnership, the “beautiful solid
land” in the heart of the “giant swamp.” A small group of people that prepares itself through learning the theoretical
basis, and also works on itself without “distractions” – this is the Archimedean point that Trumpeldor strives for: the
chalutz must clearly understand what it is upon him to do. Only he can clarify this by himself, for himself. Because a
passive understanding is not enough. “Because in order to do, one must also feel.”
Trumpeldor did not mean the feelings of the masses, which can be led from above using flags or directives. For this
reason he was not impressed by passiveness and obedience or discipline, qualities which impressed Jabotinsky when
leading his “Schneiders” (‘tailors’ – the nickname given to the Jewish Legion soldiers [of the British Army in World
War I, since this was a Jewish-dominated profession -trans.]).
When Trumpeldor was part of the Zion Mule Corps [the initial unit of the Jewish Legion -trans], he shortened all
punishments that he had to give out, since he did not want punishments to be used as an educational tool to shape
the consciousness of his soldiers. He viewed degrading punishments as whips that expelled all idealism from the
hearts of his volunteers. He wanted to educate his Jewish soldiers to be chalutzim according to his view – the idea of
the chalutzim of Degania and Kinneret, his friends – meaning being prepared to struggle for the idealism that they
shaped for themselves as individuals and as a group.
Trumpeldor was a socialist from the start, and viewed the hagshama of national and social idealism as a single
action. The friends he sought – he sought them in order to build with them a new life and shape this life, i.e., shape
themselves, within the circle of this friendship. It is impossible to describe a contradiction more extreme between
this chevruta, which shapes itself, and the faceless chalutz-monk that Jabotinsky attributed to Trumpeldor.
Trumpeldor did not strive to abstain from life, but rather to abstain from capitalism. He strived to do so not by
passively abstaining from life’s pleasures, but actively, by negating capitalism through action, through building a
society that provides for itself, meaning for its members, a life full of enjoyment and culture and work in the most
modern conditions.
Trumpeldor viewed hagshama of Zionism as coming from within. In everything that he did, he acted to unify a Jewish
force, a chevruta of people that includes in its entirety all of the small details, from which all of life is comprised.
Hence, as he sketched his ideal community settlements, he thought a lot about the details of life, from the library
through to the bath house.
World Habonim Dror Ideology Document
This document is the official current world Habonim Dror ideology, as
approved by the 8th World Veida of February 2015
All items in bold are changes made to the previously existing ideology
document, as part of the 8th World Veida.
Documento de la Ideologia de Habonim
Dror Mundial
Este es el documento oficial de Habonim Dror mundial sobre la
ideologia del movimiento que fue aprovada por la 8th veida mundial en
febrero del 2015.
Todos los items que estan escritos en letra mas negra sobresaltada son
cambios que fueron realizados al documento anterior de la ideologia de
la tnua y son parte de los materiales de la 8th veida.
Principles of the Movement
Principios del Movimiento
The chalutzic youth movement, Habonim Dror believes in the
socialist Zionist vision based in these fundamental principles:
Habonim Dror, movimiento juvenil de vanguardia, cree en el ideal
judío sionista basado en los siguientes principios:
Improving a democratic state affording the same rights and
obligations to all its citizens.
1. Perfeccionando un estado democratico que permita la igualdad de
derechos y obligaciones a cada uno de sus ciudadanos.
Vayikra (XXIV, 22) You shall have one manner of law, as well for
the stranger as for the homeborn, for I am the Lord your God.
Levitico 24:22) Un mismo estatuto tendréis para el extranjero,
como para el natural; porque yo soy Jehová vuestro Dios
The Jewish people has an historic link with the Land of Israel. The
State of Israel is the spiritual centre of the Jewish people. Only
here can the Jewish people carry out a collective life of creativity,
responsibility and sovereignty.
2. El pueblo judío tiene una afinidad histórica con la tierra del estado
de Israel. El estado de Israel es el centro espiritual del pueblo
judío. Solo aquí el pueblo judío puede vivir una vida en común, con
creatividad, responsabilidad y soberanía.
Bereishit (XII, 1-2) Now the Lord said unto Abraham: ‘Get thee out
of thy country, and from thy kindred and from they father’s house,
unto the land I will show thee. And I will make of thee, and make
thy name great, and be thou a blessing.’
(Génesis 12:1-2)Pero Jehová había dicho a Abram: Vete de tu tierra
y de tu parentela, y de la casa de tu padre, a la tierra que te
mostraré. Y haré de ti una nación grande, y te bendeciré, y
engrandeceré tu nombre, y serás bendición
The State of Israel is a multi-cultural society and because of this
must allow the full cultural, religious and institutional expression
of all its different citizens.
3. El estado de Israel es una sociedad pluralista, por ello debe
permitir la libre expresión cultural, religiosa y legal a todos sus
distintos ciudadanos.
Bamidbar (XI, 29) And Moses said unto him: ‘Art thou jealous for
my sake? Would that all the Lord’s people were prophets, that the
Lord would put his spirit on them!’
(Números 11:29) Y Moisés le respondió: ¿Tienes tú celos por mí?
Ojalá todo el pueblo de Jehová fuese profeta, y que Jehová pusiera
su espíritu sobre ellos.
4. Formar una sociedad israelí cuyo objetivo es crear la igualdad de
oportunidades y la igualdad sus ciudadanos.
Fostering an Israeli society which promotes equality of opportunity
and equality in society for all of its citizens.
Vayikra (XIX, 13-14) Thou shalt not oppress thy neighbour, nor rob
him; the wages of a hired servant shall not abide with thee all night
until the morning. Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling
block before the blind.
Peace, cooperation and good neighbourly relations with the peoples
of the region in line with our humanist conception of Judaism.
Bereishit (XIII, 8-9) And Abraham said unto Lot: ‘Let there be no strife,
I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdsmen and
they herdsmen; for we are brethren. Is not the whole land before
thee? Separate thyself, I pray thee, from me; if thou wilt take the left
hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou take the right hand, then I
will go to the left.’
Nurturing a new conception of Judaism suitable for the needs of our
times, with cooperation and mutual respect between all the stream
of Judaism.
Devarim (XXX, 12-14) It is not in heaven, that you should say: ‘Who
shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it to us, and make us to hear it
that we may do it?’ Neither is it beyond the sea that you should say:
‘Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring it unto us, and make us
to hear it, that we may do it?’ But the word is very near to you, in
your mouth, and in your heart, that you may do it.
(Levítico19:13-14) No oprimirás a tu prójimo, ni le robarás. No
retendrás el salario del jornalero en tu casa hasta la mañana. No
maldecirás al sordo, y delante del ciego no pondrás tropiezo, sino
que tendrás temor de tu Dios. Yo Jehová.
5. Paz, cooperación y buenas relaciones con habitantes del oriente
medio en coherencia con nuestra vision humanista del judaismo..
(Génesis13:8-9) Entonces Abram dijo a Lot: No haya ahora
altercado entre nosotros dos, entre mis pastores y los tuyos,
¿No está toda la tierra delante de ti? Yo te ruego que te apartes de
mí. Si fueres a la mano izquierda, yo iré a la derecha; y si tú a la
derecha, yo iré a la izquierda
6. Desarrollo de una nueva concepción de judaismo, compatible a las
necesidades de nuestro tiempo, en acción común y respeto mútuo
con las distintas corrientes del judaismo.
(Deuteronomio 30:12-13) No está en el cielo, para que digas:
¿Quién subirá por nosotros al cielo, y nos lo traerá y nos lo hará oír
para que lo cumplamos? Ni está al otro lado del mar, para que
digas: ¿Quién pasará por nosotros el mar, para que nos lo traiga y
nos lo haga oír, a fin de que lo cumplamos?
Promote the construction of a society around the core values of
individual growth, equality of human value, environmental
protection and development of a sovereign country that protects
its natural resources.
Bereishit (II, 15) And the Lord took the man, and put him into the
garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
Habonim Dror promotes Jewish identity through informal Jewish
Zionist education based on the humanitarian principles upheld by
Jewish culture.
The principles of Habonim Dror commit its members to see themselves
as pioneers in the realization and creation of a democratic and equal
society in the State of Israel. These principles express not just a
viewpoint, but a way of life. Members of the movement will strive to
found and strengthen new social frameworks for solidarity, such as
kibbutzim, communes, and other cooperative frameworks, as a means
to realizing these principles.
7. Cultivar una sociedad basada en el desarrollo personal, la igualdad de
los hombres, el cuidado del medio ambiente, y el desarrollo de un
pais soberano y protector de sus recursos naturales.
(Génesis 2:15) Tomó, pues, Jehová Dios al hombre, y lo puso en el
huerto de Edén, para que lo labrara y lo guardase.
8. Habonim Dror promovera la identidad juida-sionista a traves de la
practica educacional no formal basada en los principios humanitarios
provenientes de la cultura judia.
Los valores del movimiento Habonim Dror comprometen a todos sus
miembros a verse a si mismos como sionistas, y al reconocimiento y
creación de una sociedad democrática e igualitaria en el Estado de Israel.
Estos valores no solo son un punto de vista, sino que representan una
forma de vida. Los miembros del movimiento lucharán para crear y
fortalecer nuevos caminos culturales que expresan solidaridad como:
kibutzim, comunas y otros marcos cooperativos creados como medios
para la realización de estos valores.
Decisions of Previous Veidot
Peace with the Peoples of the Region
La paz con los habitantes de la zona
Since the last Veida, the security situation in the region has
worsened. This hard situation damages the morale of the
people, as well as the national economy and the personal
security of each citizen.
1. Desde la última asamblea, la situación de seguridad en la zona solo
empeoró. Una situación dificil, influye en el estado de ánimo de la
gente, en la economía del estado y en la sensación de seguridad
personal de cada uno de los ciudadanos.
The peace talks, in which we had put much of our hope, have
been completely suspended. Consequently, the number of
terror attacks and responsive attacks has risen considerably,
and there is a lack of mutual confidence between both sides.
As Jews we know that it is impossible to oppress another
peoples’ desire for independence and honor. There is no
military solution to the conflict, the solution can be only
political, and must be based on compromises by both sides,
including territorial compromises.
2. Las conversaciones de paz, en las que invertimos muchas esperanzas,
fueron detenidas de momento. Como consecuencia de ello el número
de acciones terroristas y acciones de respuesta a este terrorismo
crecieron significativamente. Esta situación provoca la pérdida del
sentido de seguridad por las dos partes.
3. Como judíos, sabemos que es imposible oprimir un pueblo que aspira a
su respeto e independencia. No existe una solución militar a este
conflicto. La solución puede darse solo en el terreno de la política y
debe basarse en el renunciamiento de las dos partes, incluso
renunciamientos territoriales.
The peace process with Arab countries and with the Palestinian
people will be based on these compromises, including the
drawing up of borders which can be defended by the State of
Two states must be established, one on either side, having
clear borders, a state for the Jewish people and a state for the
Palestinian people.
The 5th Veida wants to stress that one of the goals of Zionism
is to have a state with a Jewish majority.
As a country freed from the occupied territories, we will be
able to live a Jewish and democratic life in accordance with the
principles of Zionism.
The Veida calls for the renewal of the peace process, going
back to the negotiating table, which will enable the peoples of
the region together to find a stable and viable solution for all.
The Veida condemns terrorism, which hurts innocent people
and destroys peace.
10. The Veida condemns the terrible phenomena which stem from
the strengthening of religious fundamentalism, in all religions,
endangering peace in the region and in the world.
4. El proceso de paz con los países árabes y con el pueblo palestino, debe
estar basado en renunciamientos, como la vuelta a los límites en los
que Israel puede defenderse por sus propios medios.
5. Dos estados deben coexistir, uno al lado del otro, y cada uno con
límites claros. Un estado para el pueblo judío y un estado para el
pueblo palestino.
6. La Quinta Asamblea quiere subrayar, que una de las metas sionistas es
la creación de un estado con mayoría judía.
7. Cuando el estado se libere de los territorios conquistados, podrá
vivirse en una forma de vida judía democrática, según el ideal sionista.
8. La asamblea hace un llamamiento para la renovación del proceso de
paz, la vuelta a la mesa de negociaciones, que permita a los habitantes
de la zona encontrar una solución posible y estable para todos.
9. La asamblea repudia el terror, que ataca inocentes y destruye la paz.
10. La asamblea repudia el terrible fenómeno que crece en sectores
religiosos extremistas, y hace peligrar la paz en medio oriente y en
todo el mundo.
11. La asamblea repudia la violación de los derechos humanos en la zona.
11. The Veida condemns the violation of human rights in the
Habonim Dror understands Judaism as a culture.
From the perspective of the Marxist philosophy of culture, we
understand that religion is an integral part of culture, but does not
represent it in its entirety.
Throughout history, the Jewish culture has developed a set of moral
and ethical principles rooted in the values of justice and equality
which drive a deeper sense of humanitarianism in society.
Habonim Dror puts into practice its conception of Judaism through an
education system inspired by sources of the Jewish culture — both
religious and secular — as well as by bibliographic materials in line
with the principles of the movement.
The movement's activities are essentially based on Zionist Jewish
education, understanding that the need for territorial sovereignty is a
key factor to sustain and develop the Jewish culture.
Based on this concept of Judaism, Habonim Dror believes that it is
necessary to separate religious and civil laws from the laws of the
In our opinion, the Kibbutz Movement is an expression of cultural
Judaism which offers an opportunity to redefine and adapt our
customs and traditions. Therefore, we see the need to establish bonds
between Habonim Dror and the Kibbutz movement, in an effort to
strengthen cultural Judaism within Habonim Dror. In order to fulfill
this aspiration, Habonim Dror must be made part of the activities of
Habonim Dror cree en el judaismo como cultura.
Desde una concepcion marxista de la cultura entendemos que la
religion es parte integra pero no hace a la totalidad de la misma.
La cultura judia desarrollo a traves de su historia una moral y una
etica basada en los valores de justicia e igualdad que llevan al
desarrollo de sociedades mas humanitarias.
Habonim Dror lleva a la practica su idea de judaismo a traves de una
educación basada en fuentes provenientes de la cultura judía tanto
de indole religiosas como laicas, como asi tambien bibliografia que se
encuentra en coherencia con los principios del movimiento.
El movimiento ubica a la educación judía sionista como base de sus
actividades entendiendo a la necesidad de una soberania territorial
como eje principal de la continuidad y el crecimiento de la cultura
A partir de este concepto de judaismo Habonim Dror entiende la
necesidad de separacion de las leyes religiosas y civiles del ambito
En lo referido al movimiento kibutziano, entendemos que este es una
expresión de judaísmo cultural que permite redefinir y adaptar
nuestras costumbres y tradiciones. Por ello debemos crear un vínculo
entre Habonim Dror y el movimiento kibutziano, para fortalecer el
judaísmo cultural dentro de Habonim Dror. Para ello Habonim Dror
debe formar parte de las actividades dentro del movimiento
kibutziano, cuyo objetivo es enriquecer espiritual y culturalmente el
the Kibbutz movement, which pursues spiritual and cultural
enrichment of Judaism in the bosom of Habonim Dror by profiting
from the previous achievements of the kibutzim. This shared action is
embodied in educational proposals which are targeted at the
members of the movement.
We may thus conclude that the Jewish education within Habonim
Dror comprises cultural initiatives, Jewish history and tradition,
philosophy, values and moral principles that govern the Jewish
people living in Israel as well as the Diaspora, and also guide us
towards a future with more justice.
Habonim Dror believes that a Jew is a person of Jewish descent or
any person who declares himself or herself to be a Jew and who
identifies with the history, ethical values, culture, civilization,
community, and fate of the Jewish people
More than 100 years have passed since the first World Zionist
Congress, and more than 50 years have passed since Israel became an
independent State. Nevertheless, most of the Jewish people are still
spread around the Diaspora.
Almost 60 years have passed since the horrors of the Holocaust, and
since the world began to understand the potential extent of blind
hatred towards the Jewish people. Today we witness renewed antiSemitic phenomena, as if nothing has happened, as if the legacy as
judaismo dentro de Habonim Dror, por lo ya hecho en los kibutzim en
este aspecto. Esta acción mancomunada se expresa en la creación de
actividades eduecadoras para con el movimiento.
En conclusion, la educación judía dentro de Habonim Dror contiene:
acciones culturales, historia y tradición del pueblo judío, filosofía –
valores y códigos morales, que rigen al pueblo judío en Israel y la
diáspora por igual y son guias en nuestro desarrollo hacia un futuro mas
O Habonim Dror acredita que judeu é uma pessoa de ascendência
judaica ou qualquer outra pessoa que declara a si mesma judia e que se
identifica com a história, valores éticos, cultura, civilização, comunidade,
e o destino do povo judeu.
Mas de cien años pasaron desde el primer congreso sionista mundial, y
mas de50 años pasaron desde que Israel se convirtió en un estado
independiente. A pesar de esto la mayoría del pueblo judío todavía está
disperso en la diáspora.
Casi 60 años pasaron desde las barbaridades del Holocausto, y desde que
el mundo comenzó a entender el peligro potencial cargado en el odio
ciego contra el pueblo judío. Hoy somos testigos de la renovación del
antisemitismo, como algo que no cambió, como si la historia hubiera
been forgotten.
The youth movement Habonim Dror leads the fight against the new antiSemitism (so called anti-Zionism) and sees our duty to educate and
organize public political activities against this phenomenon, to lead the
struggle for the honor of our people, for the honor of humanity and for
the future of the Jewish community worldwide.
The Veida calls the Jewish people and particularly the Jewish youth to
participate in the struggle against anti-Semitism in all its forms,
Because of recent world event Habonim Dror Olami calls for:
1. Rejecting all religious fundamentalism and extremist practices.
2. Rejecting all forms of terrorism.
3. Rejecting state surveillance as the only response to terrorism. Calling
for a proliferation of education and an open dialogue between
different religious and communal identities in the Diaspora and Israel
as the proper reaction to terror and extremism.
4. Aliyah and terrorism - HD should encourage Aliyah but not as a
fearful reaction to security threats in Europe and the world. Aliyah
should be clearly stated as the fruit of an active engagement with
Israel and Israeli society. Diaspora communities should be free and safe
from harm in their respective countries.
The Struggle on 2 Fronts: Assimilation and Religious
Habonim Dror is an integral component of the Jewish community. As
such, the movement struggles on two different fronts simultaneously,
El movimiento juvenil Habonim Dror lidera la lucha contra el antisemitismo
que crece (llamado anti sionismo) y asume el papel de educador y organizador
de acciones públicas y políticas en contra de este fenómeno, por el respeto a
nuestro pueblo y por respeto a la humanidad y a favor del futuro de las
comunidades del mundo.
La asamblea llama al pueblo judío y en particular a la juventud judía a
participar en esta lucha en contra del antisemitismo en cualquiera de sus
formas y en cualquier lugar.
Debido a los últimos acontecimientos mundiales, Habonim Dror Olami hace
un llamado por:
1. El rechazo a cualquier práctica extremista y al fundamentalismo religioso.
2. El rechazo de todas las formas de terrorismo.
3. El rechazo a la vigilancia estatal como la única respuesta al terrorismo.
Llamado a la proliferación de la educación y el dialogo abierto entre la
diferentes identidades religiosas y comunitarias en la Diáspora y en Israel
como la reacción adecuada al terror y extremismo.
4. Alyah y terrorismo - HD debe fomentar la Alyah pero no como una
reacción temerosa a las amenazas de seguridad en Europa y en el mundo. La
Alyah debe ser claramente definida como el fruto de un compromiso activo
con Israel y la sociedad Israelí. Las comunidades de la diáspora deben estar
libres y seguras de daño en sus respectivos países.
La lucha en 2 frentes: la asimilación y el fundamentalismo
religioso fanático
Habonim Dror como componente integral de la comunidad judía, el
movimiento lucha en dos frentes diferentes al mismo tiempo, el de la
that of assimilation and that of religious fanaticism.
asimilación y el del fanatismo religioso.
Assimilation represents a danger to the community, which means a
decrease in the number of Jewish people and a loss of spiritual content.
La asimilación representa un peligro para la comunidad, lo que significa
un descenso en el número de judíos y la pérdida de contenidos y valores.
Religious fanaticism is a form of fundamentalism, which is taking hold
of many Jewish communities in the Diaspora. It makes Judaism look like
an obscure dark entity, producing a repulsiveness that drives away a
great deal of our educated and civilized young people.
El celo religioso es una forma de fundamentalismo, que controla a
numerosas comunidades judias en la diáspora. Esta realidad crea la
imagen de un judaismo de tipo abstracto y oculto, que provoca rechazo
de una parte importante de la juventus cultos e inteligentes.
Zionism & Hagshama Atzmit
Sionismo y realización personal
Habonim Dror supports the Zionist ideal that the Jewish people should
be an independent nation within the modern state system, and seeks to
achieve through this organizational structure, a degree of cultural and
political independence to allow different streams of Judaism to freely
express their beliefs.
Habonim Dror apoya la idea sionista en busqueda de la concrecion del
pueblo judio como nacion independiente dentro del sistema de estados
modernos. Buscando a traves de esta forma organizacional una
independencia cultural y politica que permita a las diferentes corrientes
del judaismo poder expresar sus creencias de forma libre.
Likewise, after achieving independence, the Zionist ideal advocated by
the movement is sustained through the defense of a democratic system
which affords all its citizens equal rights and obligations established by
law, as well as the compliance with responsibilities undertaken by the
state before international bodies.
Asi mismo la idea sionista del movimiento continua una vez lograda esta
independencia, a traves de la defensa de un sistema democratico que
permita la igualdad de derechos y obligaciones de sus ciudadanos ante la
ley, como asi tambien el cumplimiento de las responsabilidades
contraidas por el estado antes los organismos internacionales.
In line with the socialist ideals, which are deeply related to the Zionist
conception, Habonim Dror will fight, within the civil society sphere, to
protect both inhabitants and citizens on matters of law.
En concordancia con la idea socialista, ligada integramente a la cuestion
sionista, Habonim Dror luchara desde el marco de la sociedad civil por el
resguardo tanto de habitantes como de ciudadanos ante la las leyes.
The movement encourages and invites its members to have a life-
El movimiento promoverá e incentivara a sus integrantes a realizar
changing experience in the State of Israel, as part of the education
process in the bagrut, based on the concept that active aliya is the
highest level of fulfillment for its members.
experiencias significativas en el Estado de Israel, como parte del proceso
educativo dentro de la bagrut, partiendo de la idea de que la alia activa es
el punto máximo de realización de los integrantes del movimiento.
In line with its Jewish-Zionist and socialist ideology; Habonim Dror
understands that hagshama is an ongoing process in the life of the
boger, therefore it should not be broken down in the two different
terms used to date: “hagshama tnuatit” and “hagshama atzmit.”
En concordancia con su ideología judeo – sionista, socialista; Habonim
Dror entiende que el proceso de realización en la vida del boguer se da de
forma constante y esta no debe ser separada en los términos utilizados
hasta el día de hoy de “hagshama tnuati” y “hagshama atzmit”.
The movement holds that such process takes place throughout the
life of each member of Habonim Dror by putting into practice the
values and ethics derived from the ideological foundation.
El movimiento sostiene que este proceso se da a lo largo de la vida de
cada individuo integrante de Habonim Dror a través de la puesta en
práctica de los valores y la ética que se desprenden de la ideología.
It also considers “active Aliya” —understood as the development of
life according to socialist and Jewish values within the State of
Israel— as the most significant accomplishment of the boger in the
tnua, and the ideal of the kvutza as the core of the boger's
development throughout their lives.
Considerando a la “Alia activa”, entendiendo a esta como el desarrollo de
una vida acorde a los valores socialistas y judios dentro del Estado de
Israel, como máxima realización del boguer de la tnua, y a la idea de
kvutzianismo como forma eje del crecimiento del boguer a lo largo de su
1. Hagshama Tnuatit is to strive to achieve a just, equal and
democratic society in Israel.
1. La realización del movimiento es aspirar a una sociedad justa,
igualitaria y democrática en Israel.
2. Hagshama Tnuatit is to strive to achieve a just, equal and
democratic society within a socialist framework in Israel.
2. La realización del movimiento es aspirar a una sociedad justa,
igualitaria y democrática dentro de un marco socialista en Israel.
3. The mazkirut of World Habonim Dror have a responsibility to
support new olim and to create a framework for their
absorption, thus promoting Hagshama Atzmit.
3. La secretaría mundial de Habonim Dror, se compromete a apoyar a
nuevos inmigrantes, crear un marco adecuado para su
acomodamiento, avance y realización personal.
4. From the age of 14 or 15, each country has to find a program to
start the process of gibush for each shichva, working towards
garin aliyah and Hagshama Atzmit Tnuatit.
1. From the recognition that the real meaning of Zionism is Aliya,
Habonim Dror calls on the Zionist Histradrut and its institutions
to place Aliya at the top of its agenda and actions. We call on
the Authority for Jewish-Zionist education to support the youth
movements which are educating towards Aliya.
2. The Veida supports cooperation between all the youth
movements in the framework of “Hagshama” in order to bring
the idea of Aliya to all sections of the Jewish people, through
raising it via political and ideological bodies.
3. The Veida of Habonim Dror invites other movements to join our
communes and to found together garinim.
4. This Veida proposes that the World Mazkirut, together with
other youth movements and bogrim in Israel, founds a joint
committee to help with the absorption of bogrim of the
movement in kibbutzim or anywhere else in Israel.
5. This Veida calls on bogrim of the movement to enlist to the
Israeli army for the sake of the security of the state, mixing of
the nations, and a melting pot for one Israeli society.
6. This Veida invites groups of bogrim to form Garinei Nachal in the
4. A partir de los 14 o 15 años, cada país debera encontrar el plan
adecuado para la iniciación del proceso de formación de Garinei Aliá y
realización individual.
1. Partiendo de la verdadera concepción de que sionismo es aliá,
Habonim Dror convoca a la Histadrut Hatzionit y sus instituciones, a
ubicar la aliá en primer lugar dentro de su orden de preferencias y
actuaciones. Así también, hacemos un llamamiento a quienes ocupan
cargos dentro de marcos educativos sionistas a apoyar a los
movimientos juveniles que educan a la aliá.
2. La asamblea apoya la cooperación entre los movimientos juveniles
que proponen una realización, para llevar la idea de aliá a todos los
componentes del pueblo judío, subrayando nuestro camino ideológico
y cuerpo político.
3. La asamblea de Habonim Dror invita a otros movimientos a unirse a
nuestras comunas, y juntos levantar Garinim.
4. Esta asamblea propone que la Secretaría Mundial, junto con distintos
movimientos y miembros que viven en Israel, levanten una comunidad
unida, que ayude al acomodamiento de miembros en kibutzim o
cualquier lugar en el estado de Israel.
5. Esta asamblea convoca a sus miembros a enrrolarse en las filas del
Ejército de Israel, en pro de la seguridad del estado, crisol de diásporas
y punto de fusión para la sociedad israelí unida.
7. The Veida calls on new olim to settle in the Negev so as to
develop the region.
Habonim Dror is an active partner in the settlement of kibbutzim,
and our bogrim are members in more than 50 kibbutzim. The
movement sees in kibbutz a renewed Jewish community which
fulfils the principles of Socialist Zionism in building a communal
egalitarian society. This society does not choose to lock itself up
within its own four walls, it takes upon itself the national and
social missions of the Jewish people and homeland. The
movement sees in the kibbutz movement a cooperative pluralistic
movement which brings together different approaches of fulfilling
ideological realization. However, given the path of the Kibbutz
Movement and its continued progression towards privatization
and away from the values on which the Kibbutz Movement was
founded, we must look towards the new evolution of kibbutzim,
Kvutsot and Urban Kibbutzim, as the relevant tool of Habonim
Dror to create communities that aim to affect Israeli society. The
Kibbutz Movement and the role of kibbutzim in our history and
Israel’s remains extremely relevant and should continue to have a
role in the education of the Movement.
1. This Veida calls upon the World Mazkirut and mazkiruyot
around the world to update their educational programmes to
fit the reality of kibbutz today as well as the role of kvutsot
and urban kibbutzim in Israeli society, and to emphasise
6. Esta asamblea invita a grupos de sus miembros a formar Garinei Najal
en el Ejército de Israel.
7. La asamblea convoca a los nuevos inmigrantes a establecerse en el
Neguev y desarrolar esta zona.
O Habonim Dror é um parceiro ativo no estabelecimento dos kibutzim, e
nossos bogrim são membros de mais de 50 kibutzim. O movimento vê no
kibutz uma comunidade judaica renovada, que cumpre com os princípios do
Sionismo Socialista na construção de uma sociedade igualitária comunal.
Esta sociedade não opta por fechar-se dentro de suas quatro paredes, mas
toma para si a missão nacional e social do povo e pátria judeus. O
movimento vê no movimento kibutziano um movimento cooperativo
pluralista que traz abordagens diferentes para o cumprimento da realização
ideológica. No entanto, dado o caminho do Movimento Kibutziano e sua
progressão contínue no sentido da privatização e para longe dos valores
sobre os quais o Movimento Kibutziano foi fundado, devemos olhar para a
nova evolução dos kibutzim, Kvutsot e Kibutzim Urbanos como um
instrumento relevante do Habonim Dror para criar comunidades que visam
ter efeito sobre a sociedade israelense. O Movimento Kibutziano e o papel
dos kibutzim em nossa história e na história de Israel continuam a ser
extremamente relevantes e devem continuar a ter um papel na educação
do Movimento.
1. Esta Veidá convida a Mazkirut Mundial e as mazkiruyot ao redor do
mundo a atualizarem seus programas educacionais para atender a
education of the basic values - equality, cooperation, work and
freedom - in order to prepare bogrim to realise these values and
to equip them with the ability to deal with the challenge of
renewing and preserving the kibbutz.
2. This Veida calls upon the members and bogrim of Habonim Dror to
make aliyah to and to participate in the building of
communot/kvutsot and urban kibbutzim, and/or educational
social kibbutzim, together in joint activities with our sister
movements in Israel, like Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed and
Machanot Haolim.
3. The Veida is aware of the changes in the kibbutzim and is against
the introduction of differential wages.
4. The Veida calls on the Kibbutz Movement to strengthen its
ideological education of young people on kibbutz.
5. This Veida recognizes the importance of kibbutzim in the history of
Israel and Habonim Dror and welcomes calls on its Bogrim to
continue to make Aliya to kibbutzim shitufi'm.
Socialism & Social Justice
1. This Veida moves that the highest fulfillment of Hagshama is aliyah
to a socialist lifestyle, be it agricultural or urban kibbutz. An
integral part of this socialist Hagshama is being socially and
politically active in Israel.
2. Habonim Dror holds the following principles to be central to the
Hagshama of our social activism / socialism: Social justice; social
realidade do kibbutz hoje, bem como o papel das kvutsot e kibutzim
urbanos na sociedade israelense, e a enfatizar a educação dos valores
fundamentais - a igualdade, a cooperação, o trabalho e a liberdade - a
fim de preparar bogrim para a realização destes valores e equipá-los
com a capacidade de lidar com o desafio de renovar e preservar o
2. Esta Veidá convida os integrantes e bogrim do Habonim Dror a fazer
aliá para e participar na construção de comunot/kvutsot e kibutzim
urbanos, e/ou kibutzim sociais educacionais, em atividades conjuntas
com nossos movimentos irmãos em Israel, como Hanoar Haoved
Vehalomed e Machanot Haolim.
3. A veidá está ciente das mudanças nos kibutzim e é contra a
introdução de salários diferenciais.
4. A veidá convida o Movimento Kibutziano a reforçar sua educação
ideológica nos jovens no kibutz.
5. Esta Veidá reconhece a importancia dos kibbutzim na historia de
Israel e de Habonim Dror e convida a os bogrim a continuar fazendo
alia a os kibbutzim shitufi'm.
Socialismo y Justicia Social
1. Esta asamblea declara que la realización suprema es la aliá a una
forma de vida socialista, ya sea agraria o ciudadana. Parte integral de
esta realización, es la integración de estas comunidades en los
procesos sociales y políticos de Israel.
2. Habonim Dror cree que los siguientes valores son los principales para
community responsibility; humanitarianism; equality; both
collective and personal activism; liberty; and environmentalism.
3. This Veida moves that in order to fulfill our socialist platform,
social activism should be an integral part of our bogrim and
chanichim lifestyle, in and out of a movement context. This is
important whether we are in Israel or in the Diaspora.
Israeli Society
4. This Veida calls for the creation of an egalitarian Israeli society.
5. This Veida calls on its bogrim in the city and the kibbutz to be
involved in the struggle of creating a more just Israeli society.
The contribution of bogrim to Eretz Yisrael is not just in the
personal sphere, but also as a collective political body in Israeli
6. This Veida calls on the education committee of the Kibbutz
Movement and to the Ministry of Education to develop study
programs on the following subjects: ecology, sexual equality,
Arab-Jewish co-existence, democracy and human rights,
pluralism and tolerance in Judaism, and education about
Diaspora Jewish communities so that Israelis know and
la realización cultural socialista: justicia social, responsabilidad
comunitaria cultural, humanitarismo, igualdad, activismo personal y
colectivo, libertad y preservación del medio hambiente.
3. Esta asamblea declara que para la realización de nuestros objetivos
socialistas, la intervención social debe ser parte integral de la vida de
nuestros educandos y educadores. Dentro y fuera del movimiento.
Esto es importante en Israel y en la diáspora.
La sociedad Israelí
4. Esta asamblea convoca a la creación de una sociedad israelí basada
en la igualdad de derechos.
5. Esta asamblea llama a sus miembros, de los kibutzim o ciudades, a
involucrarse en la lucha para la creación de una sociedad más
igualitaria en Israel. El aporte de nuestros miembros al estado de
Israel no se refleja solo en campos personales sino también en la
creación de un cuerpo político social común dentro de la sociedad
6. Esta asamblea llama a la comisión de educación del movimiento
kibutziano, y al ministerio de educación a desarrollar un programa
educativo que se ocupe de los siguientes temas: ecología, igualdad
entre sexos, convivencia entre árabes y judios, democracia e igualdad
understand them.
7. This Veida proposes that the World Mazkirut incorporates into
the long term programmes in Israel, ways of helping the
absorption of new immigrants from countries suffering
hardships, for example by teaching English to olim from
Ethiopia and the former Soviet Union.
8. This Veida condemns attempts to negate freedom of speech
and of the press.
9. This Veida calls on its bogrim to join with the war against road
accidents, and to provide an example of careful and safe
10. This Veida calls on its bogrim to join with the war against
violence in the family and to bring to the attention of the
relevant bodies any cases that come to their attention.
11. With awareness of the past of the Jewish people, and
understanding of the subject “Do not do unto others what you
would not have others do unto yourself”, the Veida calls on the
government of Israel to attend to the situation of foreign
workers, to prevent illegal residency and to see to their welfare
and social rights.
12. This Veida calls on the government of Israel to create economic
and social plans to wipe out poverty in Israel.
13. This Veida calls on the government of Israel to legislate for free
de derechos, pluralismo, y apertura en el judaismo, y una
educación de lo realizado en las comunidades judias de la diáspora,
para que el israelí sepa y entienda a estas comunidades.
7. Esta asamblea propone que la secretaría mundial incluya en los
programas a largo plazo en Israel, caminos para allanar la
acomodación de nuevos inmigrantes que tienen dificultades en
Israel. Por ejemplo por medio del estudio de ingles a inmigrantes
de Etiopía y Rusia.
8. Esta asamblea repudia los intentos de atentar contra el derecho de
expresión de los medios de comunicación.
9. Esta asamblea llama a sus miembros a unirse a la lucha contra
accidentes y dar ejemplo de precaución y manejo previsor.
10. Esta asamblea llama a sus miembros a unirse a la lucha contra la
agresión familiar, y dar aviso a las instituciones relevantes en caso
de tener conocimiento relacionado con este tema.
11. Teniendo en cuenta la historia del pueblo judío, y entendiendo el
“no hagas a tu prójimo lo que odias que te hagan a tí”, esta
asamblea llama al estado de Israel a considerar el problema de los
trabajadores extranjeros, evitar la estadía ilegal y velar por los
derechos de los trabajadores extranjeros.
12. Esta asamblea llama al gobierno de Israel a crear un plan
económico y social, cuyo objetivo sea borrar la pobreza de Israel y
de la faz de la tierra.
higher education.
14. This Veida moves that as a socially aware movement we should
both educate towards and be active in the preservation and
improvement of our natural environment.
15. Out of concern for the ecological balance of the world in future
generations, this Veida condemns the destruction of the
rainforests and the killing of animals.
16. This Veida condemns the factories which are polluting the
world’s water and damaging the quality of the environment.
17. This Veida calls on the Kibbutz Movement to recognise the
importance of preserving ecological balance in all their
industrial, agricultural and settlement development projects.
18. This Veida calls on the establishment of a “Green Day” once a
year, during which the environment will be discussed, and
donations will be collected for the project of the Habonim Dror
Forest of the JNF, at Sha’ar Hagai Junction (potentially on Tu
19. This Veida calls for its members to plant trees in the Negev.
13. Esta asamblea llama al gobierno de Israel a la implementación de la
ley de estudio superior gratuito.
Preservación del medio hambiente
14. Esta asamblea declara que en el marco de la conciencia social
debemos educar a participar de la preservación y el mejoramiento del
medio hambiente.
15. Dememos así mismo cuidar del equilibrio ecológico mundial, para las
generaciones futuras. Esta asamblea repudia la destrucción de
bosques y animales.
16. Esta asamblea repudia a quienes contaminan las aguas del mundo
afectando el medio hambiente.
17. Esta asamblea convoca al movimiento kibutziano a reconocer la
importancia de la preservación del medio hambiente, el cuidado del
equilibrio ecológico en todo lo relacionado a la producción e industria
agropecuaria, y proyectos de vivienda y asentamientos.
18. Esta asamblea propone la implementación del ”Día Verde” una vez
por año. Durante su transcurso se debatirán asuntos relativos al
medio hambiente, y se recaudarán aportes financieros para solventar
el proyecto de Habonim Dror: la plantación de un bosque con ayuda
del Keren Kayemet LeIsrael, en el cruce Shaar Hagay.
19. Esta asamblea llama a sus miembros a plantar árboles en el Neguev.
20. Feminism is a stepping-stone towards the ultimate goal of
21. Gender equality & the recognition of characteristics typically
defined as feminine as equal to those typically defined as
masculine, particularly in leadership roles.
22. That all genders are socially, politically and economically
Chinuch: The Tnua and the Chanich
This Veida recognized with satisfaction that there is improved
communication between the World Mazkirut and the branches
around the globe. This improvement was achieved by the many
visits by world mazkirut members to veidot and meetings in every
continent, by Mazkirim and Rakazei Chinuch coming together once
a year from around the world to Israel, and mutual activities
between the countries.
1. This Veida resolves that Habonim Dror is one unique
movement with a common basis, and that every country has
its special differences, but we are one movement. We are not
a ‘confederation of movements’, but an International
20. El feminismo es un paso clave hacia el objetivo final de igualitarismo.
21. La igualdad de género y el reconocimiento de características
femeninas como iguales a las masculinas, especialmente en
funciones de liderazgo.
22. Que los hombres y mujeres son iguales social, política y
23. La causa feminista es la responsabilidad por todos los sexos.
Educación: el movimiento y el educando
Esta asamblea declara con satisfacción la importante mejora de relación entre
la secretaría mundial y las distintas ramas al rededor del mundo. Esto ocurre
gracias a las innumerables visitas realizadas por muchos miembros de la
secretaría mundial a las distintas asambleas y reuniones en todos los
continentes; la concentración anual de los secretarios y encargados de
educación de todas partes del mundo en Israel; y por medio de las actividades
en común realizadas entre los paises.
Esta asamblea remarca que Habonim Dror es un movimiento único y
especial, con una base en común. Teniendo en cuenta las
características particulares de cada país, aún así sigue siendo un
movimiento único. No somos una “confederación de movimientos”,
sino un movimiento internacional.
Shnat Hachshara
2. There should be more interaction between groups from the various
countries of origin during Shnat Hachshara tochniot. There should
be a similar content to the Shnat Hachshara, earlier planning, and
more financial support.
3. This Veida resolves that every country should affiliate with a
Meshek Yad (an ideal destination kibbutz for potential olim) and
should send Shnat Hachshara participants only to that kibbutz, in
order to create a connection between the Shnat Hachshara
participants and their Meshek Yad.
4. In addition to the classic Meshkei Yad, it is clear to us that in the
new reality and the situation of the kibbutz movement, it is
worthwhile for Shnat Hachshara participants to meet with new
types of communal settlement, like the ‘Magal Hakvutzot’ urban
kibbutzim, educational and social communot of Hanoar Haoved
Vehalomed, Machanot Haolim, etc. This kind of Hagshama might
create interest, identification and enthusiasm within potential
5. It is desirable that each group shall spend at least a month doing
community work/tikkun olam.
It is desirable that the different groups should meet up as
Año de preparación (shnat achshará)
2. Debe existir más comunicación entre los grupos de distintos paises
o zonas diferentes, durante el año de preparación. Deberá crearse
un contenido similar para este año de preparación, procesos de
programación preliminares y mayor apoyo económico.
3. Esta asamblea decide que cada pais deberá tener un kibutz de
destino, es decir, un kibutz para la alia de los miembros del
movimiento, donde serán enviados para su año de preparación.
Esto servirá para crear una relación entre los participantes de este
programa y su kibutz de destino.
4. Además del clásico kibutz de destino, (nos es clara la situación
actual del movimiento kibutzuiano), es conveniente que los
participantes de este año de preparación busquen nuevas y
distintas maneras de asentamientos comunales, como “Maagal
Hakvutzot”, kibutzim de ciudades, comunas educadoras y
culturales de Hanoar Haoved Vealomed, Majanot Haolim etc. El
tipo de realización, probablemente cree un estímulo y un sentido
en el marco de los nuevos integrantes.
5. Nuestra aspiración es que cada grupo se ocupe por lo menos un
mes de trabajos comunitarios.
6. Nuestra aspiración es que los distintos grupos se reunan más
asiduamente dentro de lo posible.
often as possible. The Mazkirim are called upon to budget for
these meetings.
A seminar to help shnatties run the movement in their country of
Mifgashim with Israeli youth is a desired part of every shnat
hachshara tochnit.
Rosh Chinuch
1. This Veida requests from the world mazkirut to fund a world rosh
chinuch in order to send us chinuch for the world movement.
The tafkid includes:
To check & confirm programs for each sniff / ken;
To co-ordinate the educational activities and to motivate the
roshei chinuch;
To organize seminars according to regions;
To create a general program for bogrim on Shnat Hachshara;
To help each ken solve their specific problems; and
To write programs for bogrim.
"Shlichut is essential to the runnings of Habonim Dror, and sending
them should remain a top priority of the world mazkirut to ensure they
continue working with Kenim throughout the diaspora. Shlichim bring
a logistical expertise to the movement and allow us to make our kenim
and machanot as strong as possible. They provide a vital support to
madrichim and their mentorship motivates chaverim to remain in the
movement and contribute for many years. Particularly in more remote
countries, such as New Zealand, shlichim help to bring accurate
Se deberá implementar un seminario que ayude a los participantes
del año de preparación a dirigir el movimiento en su región, y en el
país del que proviene.
Encuentros con jóvenes israelies, es una gran aspiración en todos
los programas del año de preparación.
Director de Educación (Rosh Jinuj)
1. Esta asamblea propone la implementación de un director de
educación mundial para el envío de programas de educación, y cuyos
objetivos incluyan:
Revisar y dar curso a programas educadores para todas las
sucursales del movimiento.
Coordinar y acompa‫ס‬ar actividades educativas, apoyar einsentivar
al director de educacion en cada lugar.
Organizar seminarios de acuerdo a las zonas de residencia.
Crear un programa general para los participantes del ano de
Ayudar a cada sucursal (ken) a resolver sus problemas especificos.
Y crear un programa para nuestros miembros mayores (bogrim)
"La Schlichut es esencial para el funcionamiento de Habonim Dror, y su
envío debe permanecer una prioridad principal de la mazkirut mundial
para asegurar que continúan trabajando con Kenim a lo largo de la
diáspora. Los Schlichim traen una experiencia logística al movimiento y
nos permiten hacer que nuestros kenim y machanot sean lo más fuerte
posibles. Proveen de un apoyo vital a los madrichim y su orientación
motiva a chaverim a permanecer en el movimiento y contribuir por muchos
information about Israel and share this knowledge and perspective
with both Habonim Dror and the wider community. We believe that
without the continued presence of dedicated Habonim Dror shlichim,
the sucess and continuity of Habonim Dror as an educational youth
movement is jeopardized."
1. This Veida demands the continuation of the activities of
shlichim in every country because they bring the direct
connection between Israel and the respective country.
2. This Veida demands that the world mazkirut keep shlichut as
a top priority and assist in the funding of shlichim in every
country to make their presence a reality, as they bring the
direct connection between Israel and the respective country.
Connections between Movements
3. This Veida demands an international movement kupah in
order to help movement countries in financial crisis. When we
use the word kupah we mean “from each according to their
abilities, to each according to their needs.”
4. This Veida resolves that every Habonim Drof snif throughout
the world be partnered with another Habonim Dror ‘sister
snif’ in another country. The aim of this would be to increase
communication, to give the snifim a greater sense of
perspective on the world movement, and to strengthen the
international status of World Habonim Dror.
Especialmente en países más remotos como Nueva Zelanda, los schilchim
ayudan a traer información precisa sobre Israel y comparten estos
conocimientos y perspectivas tanto con Habonim Dror como con la
comunidad más amplia. Creemos que sin la presencia continua de
schilchim dedicados de Habonim Dror, el éxito y continuidad de Habonim
Dror como un movimiento juvenil educativo se verán perjudicados."
Esta asamblea exige la continuación de las actividades de los shlijim
en todos los paises, ya que los shlijim traen con ellos el contacto
directo entre Israel y los paises en los que trabajan.
2. "Esta Veida exige que la mazkirut mundial mantenga la shlichut
como una prioridad principal y asista en la financiación de shlichim
en cada país para que su presencia sea una realidad, ya que ellos
traen la conexión directa entre Israel y el país respectivo.
Relación dentro del movimiento
3. Esta asamblea exige la creación de una “caja de efectivo mundial”,
para brindar ayuda económica a aquellos paises en crisis en los que
trabaja Habonim Dror. Cuando utilizamos el término “caja de efectivo
mundial”, nos referimos a “cada uno aporta en la medida de sus
posibilidades, y toma de acuerdo a sus necesidades”.
4. Esta asamblea establece que cada sucursal de Habonim Dror en
cualquier parte del mundo, tendrá una sucursal hermana de un país
diferente. El objetivo de esta relación es profundizar la comunicación,
dar a las sucursales una perspectiva más amplia del espectro mundial
del movimiento, y fortalecer el estatus del movimiento mundial
Habonim Dror.
This Veida moves that World Habonim Dror, and Habonim
Dror in each country, will co-operate and communicate with
various other organisations / movements around the world
which believe in the same principles in response to specific
issues: social, political, environmental, etc.
The Veida urges the tnua in Israel to raise funds in order to
finance educational projects and activities for the Habonim
Dror kenim all over the world.
Internet site of World Habonim Dror to contain links to
every other country, as well as a ‘Peula bank’.
One day a year in every snif/ken in the world will be
devoted to learning about the world movement.
This Veida calls upon the World Mazkirut together with the
national movements to create a database of potential
activists based on bogrim who have made Aliya and who
could potentially be sent as shlichim to the movements
around the world. To this end every national mazkirut is
asked to update the World Mazkirut on the Aliya of bogrim.
The World Mazkirut and the National Mazkiruiot will be
responsible for the upkeep of the Habonim Dror Forest at
Sha’ar Hagai. Every group to arrive in Israel will work in and
visit the forest. To this aim, the chanichim must be
prepared before they leave for Israel, and the importance of
the project must be stressed to them.
Esta asamblea establece que Habonim Dror mundial, y Habonim
Dror en cada país, participen y se relacionen con organizaciones y
movimientos al rededor del mundo que sostengan valores
semejantes en relación a temas específicos como: temas sociales,
políticos, hambientales etc.
La Veida llama a la tnua en Israel a conseguir fondos para financiar
proyectos y actividades educativas para los keinim de Habonim Dror
en el mundo.
La página de internet de Habonim Dror incluirá correlaciones (Links)
para todos los paises en donde actua el movimiento, y además un
“banco de actividades”.
Un día al año se destinará al estudio concerniente al movimiento
Esta asmblea convoca al movimiento mundial y a otros movimientos
nacionales, a crear una base de datos de posibles actividades,
basada en la experiencia de los miembros que ya hicieron aliá, que
representan un un potencial de futuros shlijim para el movimiento.
Pedimos a la presente secretaría y a las secretarías nacionales,
actualizar las listas de miembros que ya hicieron aliá en la secretaría
La secretaría mundial y la secretaría nacional serán las encargadas
del cuidado del bosque Habonim Dror en el cruce Shaar Hagay. Cada
grupo que llegue a Israel, visitará y trabajará en él. Para esto deberá
prepararse a los miembros antes de su llegada para que la
importancia de este proyecto les sea clara.
The following is a condensed version of the Habonim Dror Olami ideology document, created by all of the mazkirut
representatives to the veida, to be used as an educational tool:
O que esta apresentado abaixo e uma versao condensada do Documento da Ideologia do Habonim Dror Olami, criado por
todos os representantes da mazkirut para a veida, para ser utilizado como uma ferramenta educacional:
Habonim Dror is a Socialist-Zionist Jewish Youth Movement which, as
an integral part of the Israeli Kibbutz Movement, undertakes the
mission of taking responsibility for the Jewish people, the Israeli society
and the whole world. The founding principle of this movement is that
young people educate their peers and that, in working together, they
create an organized framework for ideological and educational
Habonim Dror is a unique and particular movement which has laid a
common ground (Judaism, socialism and Zionism) in the 18 countries
where it is present nowadays: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico,
United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Israel, Australia, New
Zealand, Holland, Hungary, Germany, France, Belgium, Turkey and
South Africa. The movement incorporates the characteristics which are
specific to each of these countries but it is still homogenous. We are
not a “confederation of movements,” but International Movement.
Our Tnua serves as guidance for the Jewish youth on the basis of
Shivyon Erech Ha’adam (equality of human value) as well as the
humanist values inspired by the ideological founding principles
included in this takanon. These values – such as equality, tikkun olam,
democracy, social justice, collectivism - are not mere perspectives: they
Habonim Dror é um Movimento Juvenil Judaico Sionista-Socialista, que
é parte integrante do Movimento Kibutziano Israelense e existe para
assumir a responsabilidade para com o povo judeu, a sociedade
israelense e o mundo. Este funciona baseado no conceito de que
jovens educam jovens, criando juntos um marco organizado com fins
ideológicos e educativos.
O Habonim Dror é um movimento único e especial, que possui uma
base em comum (Judaísmo, Socialismo e Sionismo) nos 18 países em
que está presente hoje – Brasil, Argentina, Uruguai, México, Estados
Unidos, Canadá, Inglaterra, Escocia, Israel, Alemanha, Austrália, Nova
Zelândia, Holanda, Hungria, França, Bélgica, Turquia e África do Sul. E
tendo em conta as características particulares de cada país, ainda assim
segue sendo um movimento unificado. Não somos uma “confederação
de movimentos”, senão um Movimento Internacional.
Nossa Tnuá orienta a juventude judaica apoiando-se nos Shivyon
Ha'adam Erech (igualdade de valor humano) e os valores humanistas
de nossos pilares ideológicos detalhados neste takanon. Estes valores –
como igualdade, tikkun olam, democracia, justiça social, coletivismo não são apenas pontos de vista, senão que representam uma forma de
vida chalutziana.
stand as an entire way of life based on the principles of chalutziut.
The ideology below is split under different heading for clarity, but these
headings are not separate ideologies, what is written below is one
ideology with each part integral to the next. Each and every chaver/a
embodies the spirit of Habonim Dror based on their experience and
values gained in the movement. What is written below is an attempt to
represent the spirit in words.
Habonim Dror stands up for Cultural Judaism, a holistic approach which
conceives Judaism as a culture comprising religion and nationality as
intertwined entities. Further to Habonim Dror's conception of Judaism,
we devised a Jewish education process based on cultural activities
which profit from secular and religious sources and literature.
In Habonim Dror's view, Judaism comprises Jewish wisdom, history and
tradition, as well an array of moral values of the Jewish people. Our
Movement acknowledges its duties to the Jewish community in Israel
and the communities in each Ken where it is present, and is in constant
pursuance of its two goals: strengthening the principles of Judaism and
ensuring the continuity of the Jewish tradition.
We are Zionists because we believe that, as a people, we have the right
to a nation of our own, and that Israel is the homeland to the Jewish
people. Our Movement seeks to develop a society based on equality
and democracy within a socialist framework in Israel. Therefore, we see
alia chalutzit —the activist branch of alia — as the highest expression of
A ideologia abaixo está divida sob diferentes tópicos para ficar mais
claro, o que está escrito abaixo é uma ideologia com cada parte
integrada à seguinte. Todo e qualquer chaver/a internaliza o espírito do
Habonim Dror baseado em suas experiências e valores ganhos no
movimento. O que está escrito embaixo é uma tentativa de
representar esse espírito em palavras.
Habonim Dror acredita no Judaísmo Cultural - uma abordagem holística
para o judaísmo como uma cultura em que a religião e a nacionalidade
estão entrelaçadas e são partes integrantes. Refletindo a concepção
Habonim Dror do judaísmo, nos envolvemos em um processo de
educação judaica através de práticas culturais e da utilização de fontes
e textos seculares e religiosas.
O judaísmo para o Habonim Dror é ao mesmo tempo o saber, a
historia, a tradição judaica e um conjunto de valores morais do povo
judeu. E o Movimento reconhece o seu dever para com a comunidade
judaica de Israel e de cada Ken em que se encontra, destinando-se a
todo o momento para reforçar a consciência da continuidade judaica.
Somos Sionistas porque acreditamos que, como povo, temos o direito
de ter uma nação e que Israel é o lar nacional do povo judeu. A
realização do Movimento é aspirar uma sociedade igualitária e
democrática em um marco sociealista Israel. Então vemos a aliá
chalutziana – que é a aliá ativista - como o ponto mais alto da
expressão do Sionismo.
the Zionist idea.
Habonim Dror is involved in Jewish-Zionist education, both in Israel and
in the Diaspora, and is committed to develop Jewish Identity and to
create the understanding that Israel is the centre of the Jewish World. It
also seeks to encourage the various expressions of Israeli culture, thus
contributing to develop, in our chaverim, a deep care and responsibility
to the country, while strengthening all the above goals.
We also believe in the universal right to a homeland and this conviction
translates into our actively support of the right of the Palestinian people
to a state of their own.
We advocate the principles of socialism because we believe that there is
another way to reach our human aspirations for freedom, justice and
equality. As an educational movement we believe in a humanistic
education that forms people who are respectful, critical, love others,
who understand the value of human worth and feel responsible for the
society in which they live.
Habonim Dror believes in the Labour Zionist ideals that shaped the
kibutzim, whether rural or urban, which are based on socialist principles;
and so educates their chaverim to live in communities where those
kvutzati values are upheld.
We also believe that the values listed below are at the core of the
socialist cultural fulfillment: social justice, democracy, communal
responsibility, humanism, equality, individual and group activism,
O Habonim Dror participa na educação judaico-sionista, tanto em
Israel, quanto na diáspora, com o objetivo de desenvolver a
identidade judaica e criar um entendimento que Israel é o centro do
mundo judaico. Além de promover a expressão da cultura israelense
para ajudar a desenvolver nos Chaverim um amor profundo para o
país e reforçar os objetivos acima referidos.
Também acreditamos que o direito de ter um lar nacional é universal
e por isso apoiamos ativamente o direito dos Palestinos a terem
também um estado próprio.
Somos socialistas porque acreditamos em uma via alternativa para
satisfazer nossas aspirações humanas de liberdade, justiça e
igualdade. Sendo um movimento educativo humanista acreditamos
em uma educação que forma pessoas dignas, respeitosas, críticas, que
amam o próximo e que se sentem responsáveis pela sociedade na
qual vivem.
Habonim Dror acredita nos ideais Sionista que moldam o Kibbutz, seja
ele agrícola ou urbano, como uma sociedade e um sistema baseado
nos ideais do socialismo, e educa seus Chaverim para viver em
comunidades que mantêm esses valores kvutzatis.
Também acreditamos que os seguintes valores são os principais de
realização cultural socialista: justiça social, responsabilidade
comunitária, humanismo, igualdade, ativismo pessoal e coletivo,
liberdade, democracia e preservação do meio ambiente.
freedom and environmental protection.
We educate our Chaverim to be active in order to seek political and
social transformation of society in which they live. As for the
realization of our socialist objectives, social intervention must be an
integral part of life for our chanichim and madrichim, inside and
outside the movement, both in Israel and the Galut.
Habonim Dror sees Hagshama Atzmit as the personal fulfillment
process which leads individuals to achieve all the goals of the
Movement and through which the chaver materializes the vision
underpinning the ideas of the Habonim Dror Movement.
Habonim Dror encourages each chaver to face life inspired by the
ideals upheld by the movement. Hagshama is not a final goal, but an
ongoing process. Therefore, those who lead their lives consciously,
in pursuit of their values and the values of the movement, and work
to change the world according to their beliefs are participating in
the Hagshama process.
Finally, the Movement believes that Alia Chalutzit i.e., in Israel,
leading an active life to improve society, working to keep a
significant Jewish identity, be social engaged living within a socialist
framework based on the values described in this document, is the
purest expression of Hagshama.
Educamos os nossos chaverim a serem ativos de forma política e social
em busca da transformação da sociedade em que vivemos. Já que para a
realização de nossos objetivos socialistas, a intervenção social deve ser
parte integral da vida de nossos educandos e educadores, dentro e fora
do movimento, tanto em Israel quanto na Diáspora.
O Habonim Dror acredita que Hagshamá Atzmit é o processo de
realização pessoal de todos os objetivos do Movimento. Em que o chaver
faz com que a visão descrita na ideologia Habonim Dror seja uma
O Habonim Dror incentiva cada chaver a adotar uma abordagem de vida
inspirado pela ideologia do movimento. A Hagshamá não é uma meta
final, mas um processo contínuo. Então aqueles que estão vivendo suas
vidas de forma deliberada, de acordo com seus valores e os valores do
movimento e estão trabalhando para remodelar o mundo de acordo com
seus valores estão participando do processo de Hagshamá.
Por fim, a Tnua acredita que a Aliá Chalutziana - isto é, em Israel, levar
uma vida socialmente ativa para a melhoria da sociedade, trabalhar para
a manutenção de uma identidade judaica significativa e ser socialmente
engajado, vivendo em um marco socialista de acordo com os valores
expressos no presente documento – é considerada pelo Movimento
como a mais alta expressão da Hagshamá.
‫עקרונות התנועה‬
‫תנועת הנוער החלוצית‪ ,‬הבונים דרור‪ ,‬מאמינה בחזון היהודי ציוני המבוסס על העקרונות הבאים‪:‬‬
‫יִהיֶה לָכֶ ם‪ ,‬כַּ גֵּר‬
‫‪ .1‬שיפור מדינה דמוקרטית מעניק את אותן זכויות וחובות לכל אזרחיה‪( .‬ויקרא כד‪:‬כב) ִמ ְׁשפַּט ֶא ָחד ְׁ‬
‫כָאזְׁ ָרח ִי ְׁהיֶה‪ :‬כִ י אֲ נִ י ְׁיהוָה‪ ,‬אֹלהֵּ י ֶכם‬
‫‪ .2‬לעם היהודי‪ ,‬יש זיקה היסטורית לאדמת ארץ ישראל‪ .‬מדינת ישראל היא המרכז הרוחני של העם היהודי‪ .‬רק‬
‫כאן יכול העם היהודי לחיות חיי שיתוף ביצירה‪ ,‬באחריות‪ ,‬ובריבונות‪.‬‬
‫ֶל‪-‬ה ֶ‬
‫ִיָך‪ ,‬א‬
‫ֵית ָאב‬
‫ְָך ּומ‬
‫ְָך ּומ‬
‫ְָך מ ְ‬
‫ְרם‪ ,‬ל‬
‫ָה א‬
‫ֶר י‬
‫(בראשית יב‪:‬א‪-‬ב) ו‬
‫ֵה‪ ,‬בָ‬
‫ֶָך; ֶ‬
‫ָה ש‬
‫ְָך‪ַ ,‬‬
‫ָדֹול‪ַ ,‬‬
‫ְגֹוי ג‬
‫ְָך‪ ,‬ל‬
‫ָ‪ְ .‬‬
‫ֶר ְ‬
‫‪ .3‬מדינת ישראל היא בעלת חברה רב תרבותית‪ ,‬ועל כן עליה לאפשר ביטויי תרבותי ‪ ,‬דתי וחוקתי מלא לכל אזרחיה‬
‫ָה‪ ,‬נ‬
‫ַם י‬
‫ֵן כ‬
‫ִי י‬
‫ִי; ּומ‬
‫ָה ל‬
‫ֵא א‬
‫ֶה‪ ,‬ה‬
‫ֶר לֹו מֹּש‬
‫(במדבר יא‪:‬כט) ו‬
‫ֶת‪-‬רּוחֹו‪ ,‬ע‬
‫ָה א‬
‫‪ .4‬לאמץ חברה ישראלית ששמה לה כמטרה יצירת שוויון הזדמנויות‪ ,‬ושוויון בחברה לכל אזרחיה‪.‬‬
‫ַת ש‬
‫ִין פ‬
‫ֹּל; ֹלא‪-‬ת‬
‫וֹלא ת‬
‫ֲָך‪ְ ,‬‬
‫ֲשֹּק א‬
‫יט‪:‬יג‪-‬יד) ֹלא‪-‬ת‬
‫ִי י‬
‫ֶיָך‪ ,‬א‬
‫ָ ֵ‬
‫ְשֹּל; ְ‬
‫ֵן מ‬
‫ֵר‪ֹ ,‬לא ת‬
‫ֵי ע‬
‫ֵל חֵ‬
‫ֶר‪ֹ .‬לא‪-‬ת‬
‫‪ .5‬שלום‪ ,‬שיתוף פעולה ויחסי שכנות טובים עם תושבי המזרח התיכון והאזור‪ ,‬בקנה אחד עם התפיסה ההומניסטית‬
‫של היהדות שלנו‪.‬‬
‫ַי‪ּ ,‬וב‬
‫ֵין רֹּע‬
‫ֶָך‪ּ ,‬וב‬
‫ִי ּוב‬
‫ָה ב‬
‫ִי מִ‬
‫ָא ת‬
‫ֶל‪-‬לֹוט‪ַ ,‬אל‪-‬נ‬
‫ְרם א‬
‫ֶר ַאבָ‬
‫(בראשית יג‪:‬ח‪-‬ט) ו‬
‫ְמֹּאל ְ‬
‫ָי‪ :‬א‬
‫ָא מ‬
‫ָרד נ‬
‫ֶיָך‪ ,‬ה‬
‫ָָארץ ל‬
‫ָל‪-‬ה ֶ‬
‫ֲֹלא כ‬
‫ְנּו‪ .‬ה‬
‫ִים‪ ,‬א‬
‫ִים ַאח‬
‫ֶיָך‪ :‬כ‬
‫ִין ְ‬
‫‪ .6‬טיפוח תפיסה חדשה של יהדות‪ ,‬המתאימה לצרכים בימינו‪ ,‬עם שיתוף פעולה וכבוד הדדי בין כל זרמי היהדות‪.‬‬
‫ָנּו‪ְ ,‬‬
‫ה ל‬
‫ָה ְ‬
‫ָנּו ה‬
‫ִי י‬
‫ֵאמֹּר‪ ,‬מ‬
‫ִוא‪ :‬ל‬
‫ִם‪ ,‬ה‬
‫(דברים ל‪ :‬יב‪-‬יד) ֹלא ב‬
‫ָנּו‪ְ ,‬‬
‫ָ ל‬
‫ָם ְ‬
‫ֶר ה‬
‫ָנּו א‬
‫ִי י‬
‫ֵאמֹּר‪ ,‬מ‬
‫ִוא‪ :‬ל‬
‫ָם‪ ,‬ה‬
‫ֶר ל‬
‫ָה‪ .‬ו‬
‫ָּה‪ְ ,‬‬
‫ְָך‪ ,‬ל‬
‫ִיָך ּוב‬
‫ְאֹּד‪ :‬ב‬
‫ָר‪ ,‬מ‬
‫ֶיָך ה‬
‫ָרֹוב א‬
‫ָה‪ .‬כ‬
‫ָּה‪ְ ,‬‬
‫‪ .7‬קידום הקמת חברה סביב ערכי ליבה של צמיחה אישית‪ ,‬שוויון ערך האדם‪ ,‬הגנה על הסביבה ופיתוח של מדינה‬
‫ריבונית המגנה על משאביה הטבעיים‪.‬‬
‫(בראשית ב‪:‬טו)‬
‫ָּה ּול‬
‫ֶן‪ ,‬ל‬
‫ֵהּו ב‬
‫ָם; ַ‬
‫ִים‪ ,‬א‬
‫ָה א‬
‫ַח י‬
‫‪ .8‬הבונים דרור מקדמת את הזהות היהודית באמצעות חינוך פורמלי ציוני על בסיס עקרונות הומניטאריים אשר‬
‫נתמכים על ידי התרבות היהודית‪.‬‬
‫‪ .9‬ערכי הבונים דרור מחייבים את החברים בתנועה לראות את עצמם כציונים‪ ,‬הן בהכרה וביצירה של חברה‬
‫דמוקרטית ושוויונית במדינת ישראל‪ .‬ערכים אלו מביעים לא רק נקודת מבט‪ ,‬כי אם מייצגים דרך חיים‪ .‬חברי‬
‫התנועה יאבקו בכדי ליצור ולחזק דרכים חדשות של מסגרות חברתיות חדשות המביעות סולידריות‪ ,‬כגון‪:‬‬
‫קיבוצים‪ ,‬קומונות ועוד מסגרות שיתופיות‪ ,‬הנבנות כאמצעים ליישום ערכים אלו‪.‬‬
‫החלטות הועידה השביעית‬
‫מסמך זה כולל את ההחלטות החדשות של הועידה השביעית ביוני ‪ ,2010‬המוכנסות אל תוך ההחלטות הקיימות‬
‫הכתובות בועידות הקודמות שעדיין רלוונטיות‪.‬‬
‫שלום עם תושבי האזור‬
‫מאז הועידה האחרונה‪ ,‬המצב הביטחוני באזור רק הוחמר‪ .‬המצב הקשה פוגע במצב הרוח של האנשים‪ .‬כמו‬
‫כן המצב פוגע בכלכלה הלאומית‪ ,‬ובתחושת הביטחון האישי של כל אזרח ואזרח‪.‬‬
‫שיחות השלום‪ ,‬בהן השקענו תקוות רבות‪ ,‬הופסקו לאלתר‪ .‬כתוצאה מכך מספר פעולות הטרור ופעולות‬
‫התגמול עלה באופן משמעותי‪ .‬מצב זה גרם להעדר תחושת הביטחון בקרב שני הצדדים‪.‬‬
‫כיהודים‪ ,‬אנו יודעים שבלתי אפשרי לדכא עם אחר השואף לעצמאות ולכבוד‪ .‬אין פתרון צבאי לקונפליקט‪.‬‬
‫הפתרון יכול להיות רק במישור הפוליטי ועליו להיות מבוסס על פשרות מצד שני הצדדים‪ ,‬כולל פשרות‬
‫‪ .4‬תהליך השלום עם מדינות ערביות ועם העם הפלשתינאי‪ ,‬יהיה מבוסס על פשרות‪ ,‬כולל חזרה לגבולות‬
‫שישראל יכולה להגן על עצמה באמצעותם‪.‬‬
‫שתי מדינות חייבות להתקיים‪ ,‬אחת בכל צד‪ ,‬כשלכל מדינה גבולות ברורים‪ .‬מדינה לעם היהודי ומדינה לעם‬
‫הועידה החמישית רוצה להדגיש שאחת ממטרות הציונות היא לקיים מדינה בעלת רוב יהודי‪.‬‬
‫כאשר המדינה‪ ,‬תשתחרר מהשטחים הכבושים‪ ,‬נוכל לחיות באורח חיים יהודי דמוקרטי‪ ,‬על פי הרעיון הציוני‪.‬‬
‫הועידה קוראת לחידוש תהליך השלום‪ ,‬ולחזרה לשולחן הדיונים‪ ,‬שיאפשר לאנשי האזור למצוא פתרון אפשרי‬
‫ויציב לכולם‪.‬‬
‫‪ .9‬הועידה מגנה את הטרור‪ ,‬הפוגע באנשים חפים מפשע‪ ,‬והורס את השלום‪.‬‬
‫‪ .10‬הועידה מגנה את התופעה האיומה הצומחת בקרב קיצונים דתיים‪ ,‬ומסכנת את השלום במזרח התיכון ובעולם‬
‫‪ .11‬הועידה מגנה את הפרת זכויות האדם באזור‪.‬‬
‫הבונים דרור רואה את התרבות היהודית כתרבות‪.‬‬
‫מנקודת מבט של הפילוסופיה המרקסיסטית של התרבות‪ ,‬אנו מבינים כי הדת היא חלק בלתי נפרד מהתרבות‪,.‬‬
‫אבל לא מייצג אותו במלואו‪.‬‬
‫לאורך ההיסטוריה‪ ,‬התרבות היהודית פיתחה מערכת של עקרונות מוסריים ואתיים אשר מושרשים על ערכים של‬
‫צדק ושוויון‪ ,‬אשר כונן תחושה עמוקה יותר של אנושיות בחברה‪.‬‬
‫הבונים דרור מיישמת את תפיסת היהדות דרך מערכת החינוך בהשראת המקורות של התרבות היהודי‪ ,‬דתיים‬
‫וחילוניים‪ .‬כמו גם על ידי חומרים ביבליוגרפים העומדים בקנה אחד עם עקרונות התנועה‪.‬‬
‫פעילותה של התנועה מבוססת בעיקר על חינוך יהודי ציוני‪ ,‬הבנה כי הצורך בריבונות טריטוריאלית היא גורם‬
‫מפתח על מנת לתמוך ולפתח את התרבות היהודית‪.‬‬
‫על סמך תפיסה זו של היהדות‪ ,‬הבונים דרור צריך להפריד בין חוקי הדת האזרחית לבין חוקי המדינה‪.‬‬
‫לדעתנו‪ ,‬התנועה הקיבוצית היא ביטוי של יהדות תרבותית אשר מציעה הזדמנות להגדיר מחדש ולהתאים את‬
‫המנהגים והמסורות שלנו‪ .‬לכן‪ ,‬אנו רואים צורך לקיים קשרים בין הבונים דרור והתנועה הקיבוצית‪ ,‬במטרה לחזק‬
‫את היהדות בתוך תרבות "הבונים דרור"‪ .‬על מנת להגשים שאיפה זו‪ ,‬הבונים דרור חייב להיעשות במסגרת‬
‫הפעילות של התנועה הקיבוצית‪ ,‬אשר רודפת עושר רוחני ותרבותי של יהדות בחיק הבונים דרור בתמיכה של‬
‫ההישגים הקודמים של הקיבוצים‪ .‬פעולה משותפת זו תגלם הצעות חינוכיות אשר תתמקדנה על חברי התנועה‪.‬‬
‫אנו יכולים אפוא להסיק כי החינוך היהודי בתוך הבונים דרור כוללת יוזמות חברתיות‪ ,‬היסטוריה יהודית‪ ,‬מסורת‪,‬‬
‫פילוסופיה‪ ,‬ערכים ועקרונות מוסריים הקובעים את העם היהודי החי בישראל כמו בתפוצות‪ ,‬וגם להדריך אותנו‬
‫לקראת עתיד צודק יותר‪.‬‬
‫הבונים דרור מאמינה כי יהודי הוא אדם שמוצאו יהודי‪ ,‬או כל אדם המצהיר על עצמו או עצמה כיהודי ומי‬
‫שמזדהה עם ההיסטוריה‪ ,‬הערכים האתיים‪ ,‬התרבות‪ ,‬הקהילה וגורלו של העם היהודי‪.‬‬
‫יותר ממאה שנים חלפו מאז הקונגרס הציוני העולמי הראשון‪ ,‬ו‪ 50‬שנה חלפו מאז ישראל הפכה למדינה עצמאית‪.‬‬
‫ואף על פי כן רוב העם היהודי עדיין מפוזר ברחבי הגלות‪.‬‬
‫כמעט ‪ 60‬שנה חלפו מאז זוועות השואה‪ ,‬ומאז שהעולם החל להבין את הפוטנציאל הטמון בשנאה העיוורת כלפי‬
‫העם היהודי‪ .‬כיום אנו עדים להתחדשות האנטישמיות ‪ ,‬כאילו דבר לא נשתנה כאילו ההיסטוריה נשכחה‪.‬‬
‫תנועת הנוער הבונים דרור מובילה את המאבק כנגד האנטישמיות הצומחת (הנקראת אנטי ציונות) ורואה‬
‫כתפקידנו לחנך ולארגן פעולות ציבוריות ופוליטיות כנגד תופעה זו‪ .‬ובנוסף תפקידנו להוביל את המאבק למען‬
‫כבוד עמנו‪ ,‬ולמען כבוד האנושות ולמען עתידה של הקהילה היהודית העולמית‪ .‬הועידה קוראת לעם היהודי ובפרט‬
‫לנוער היהודי להשתתף במאבק נגד האנטישמיות בכל הצורות ובכל מקום‪.‬‬
‫בשל האירועים שהתרחשו לאחרונה בעולם‪ ,‬תנועת הבונים דרור העולמית קוראת‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬לדחייה של כל גילויי הפונדמנטליזם והקיצוניות הדתית‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬לדחייה של כל צורות הטרור‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬לדחיית הפיקוח המדיני כמענה יחיד לטרור ולהגברתו של חינוך לדיאלוג פתוח בין דתות וקהילות שונות‪,‬‬
‫בתפוצות ובישראל‪ ,‬כתגובה הולמת לטרור ולקיצוניות‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬עלייה וטרור – על הבונים דרור לעודד עלייה‪ ,‬אך לא כתגובה המונעת מפחד האיומים הביטחוניים באירופה‬
‫ובעולם‪ .‬על העלייה להיות במוצהר‪ ,‬החלטה פרי מעורבות פעילה בארץ ישראל ובחברה הישראלית‪ .‬על הקהילות‬
‫היהודיות בתפוצות להיות חופשיות ובטוחות מכל רע בארצות מגוריהן‪.‬‬
‫המאבק ב ‪ 2‬חזיתות ‪ :‬התבוללות וקיצוניות דתית פנטית‬
‫הבונים דרור היא מרכיב אינטגרלי מהקהילה היהודית‪ .‬וככזאת‪ ,‬התנועה נאבקת בשתי חזיתות שונות בו זמנית‪,‬‬
‫החזית של ההתבוללות וחזית הפנטיות הדתית‪ .‬התבוללות מייצגת סכנה לקהילה‪ ,‬דבר שפירושו ירידה במספרם‬
‫של היהודים ואובדן תוכן רעיוני‪.‬‬
‫קנאות דתית היא צורה של פונדמנטליזם‪ ,‬המשתלט על קהילות יהודיות רבות בתפוצות‪ .‬עובדה זו יוצרת רושם‬
‫שהיהדות היא מעין ישות אבסטרקטית אפלה‪ ,‬המייצרת דחייה המדחיקה חלק נכבד ומהותי של אנשים צעירים‬
‫תרבותיים ומחונכים‪.‬‬
‫ציונות והגשמה עצמית‬
‫הבונים דרור תומך באידיאל הציוני‪ ,‬כי העם היהודי צריך להיות מדינה עצמאית בתוך מערכת המדינה המודרנית‪,‬‬
‫ושואפת להשיג זאת באמצעות המבנה הארגוני‪ ,‬מידה מסוימת של עצמאות תרבותית ופוליטית על מנת לאפשר‬
‫זרמים שונים ביהדות כדי לבטא בחופשיות את אמונתם‪.‬‬
‫כמו כן‪ ,‬לאחר השגת העצמאות‪ ,‬המשיכה התנועה לדגול באידיאל הציוני דרך ההגנה של מערכת דמוקרטית‬
‫המעניקה לכל אזרחיה שוויון זכויות וחובות שנקבעו בחוק‪ ,‬כמו כן התאמה עם אחריות אליה התחייבה המדינה‬
‫בפני גורמים בינלאומיים‪.‬‬
‫התנועה עומדת בקנה אחד עם אידיאלים סוציאליסטיים‪ ,‬אשר קשורים קשר עמוק לתפיסה הציונית‪ ,‬הבונים דרור‬
‫תילחם במרחב של החברה האזרחית כדי להגן על תושבים ואזרחים בענייני החוק‪.‬‬
‫התנועה מעודדת ומזמינה את חבריה לקחת חלק בחוויה שתשנה את החיים במדינת ישראל‪ ,‬כחלק מתהליך‬
‫החינוך לבגרות המבוסס על התפיסה כי העלייה הפעילה זו הרמה הגבוהה ביותר של ההגשמה עבור חבריה‪.‬‬
‫התנועה עומדת בקנה אחד עם האידיאולוגיה היהודית והציונות הסוציאליסטית‪ .‬הבונים דרור מבינה כי ההגשמה‬
‫הוא תהליך מתמשך בחיים של בוגר התנועה ולכן אין זה צריך להיות מופרד לשני מונחים כפי שנעשה עד היום‪:‬‬
‫"הגשמה תנועתי" ו"הגשמה עצמית"‪.‬‬
‫התנועה גורסת כי תהליך כזה מתרחש לאורך חייו של כל אחד מבני הבונים דרור על ידי הצבת הלכה למעשה את‬
‫הערכים והמוסר הנובעת מהבסיס האידיאולוגי‪.‬‬
‫בנוסף‪" ,‬עלייה פעילה" נחשבת לתהליך התפתחותי בחיים על פי הערכים הסוציאליסטיים יהודיים בתוך מדינת‬
‫ישראל ‪ ,‬כמו ההישג המשמעותי ביותר של בוגר בתנועה והאידיאל הקבוצתי של בוגר לאורך מסלול התפתחות‬
‫‪ .1‬הגשמה תנועתית היא לשאוף למען חברה צודקת‪ ,‬שוויונית ודמוקרטית בישראל‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬הגשמה תנועתית היא לשאוף ליצור חברה צודקת‪ ,‬שוויונית ודמוקרטית בתוך מסגרת סוציאליסטית בישראל‪.‬‬
‫המזכירות העולמית של הבונים דרור‪ ,‬נושאת באחריות לתמוך בעולים חדשים‪ ,‬וליצור מסגרות עבור קליטתם‪,‬‬
‫המקדמות הגשמה עצמית‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬מגיל ‪ 14‬או ‪ ,15‬כל מדינה צריכה למצוא תכנית בכדי להתחיל את התהליך הגיבוש לכל שכבה‪ ,‬תהליך לקראת‬
‫גיבוש גרעין עליה והגשמה עצמית תנועתית‪.‬‬
‫‪ .1‬מתוך ההכרה שהמשמעות האמיתית של ציונות היא עליה‪ ,‬הבונים דרור קורא להסתדרות הציונית‬
‫ולמוסדותיה‪ ,‬למקם את העלייה בראש סדר העדיפויות והמעשים‪ .‬אנו קוראים לבעלי הסמכויות העוסקים‬
‫במלאכת החינוך היהודי הציוני לתמוך בתנועות הנוער המחנכות לקראת עליה‪. .‬‬
‫‪ .2‬ועידה זו תומכת בשיתוף פעולה בין כל תנועות הנוער הקוראות להגשמה‪ ,‬בכדי להביא את רעיון העלייה לכל‬
‫חלקיו של העם היהודי‪ ,‬תוך כדי הדגשת דרכינו האידיאולוגית וגופינו הפוליטיים‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬ועידת הבונים דרור מזמינה תנועות אחרות להצטרף אל הקומונות שלנו‪ ,‬ולהקים יחדיו גרעינים‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬ועידה זו מציעה שהמזכירות העולמית‪ ,‬בשיתוף עם תנועות שונות ועם בוגרים החיים בארץ‪ ,‬יקימו קהילה‬
‫מאוחדת שתסייע לקליטתם של בוגרי התנועה בקיבוצים או בכל מקום אחר ברחבי מדינת ישראל‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬ועידה זו קוראת לבוגרי התנועה להתגייס לצה"ל‪ ,‬למען בטחון המדינה‪ ,‬מיזוג גלויות‪ ,‬ויצירת כור היתוך‬
‫לחברה ישראלית מאוחדת‪.‬‬
‫‪ .6‬ועידה זו מזמינה קבוצות של בוגרים להקים גרעיני נח"ל בצה"ל‪.‬‬
‫‪ .7‬הועידה קוראת לעולים חדשים להתיישב בנגב‪ ,‬ולפתח את האזור‪.‬‬
‫הבונים דרור מהווים שותף פעיל בהתיישבות בקיבוצים‪ ,‬ובוגרינו הם חברים בלמעלה מ‪ 50 -‬קיבוצים‪ .‬התנועה‬
‫רואה בקיבוץ קהילה יהודית מתחדשת‪ ,‬אשר מגשימה את ערכי הסוציאליזם הציוני באמצעות בניית חברה שוות‬
‫זכויות‪ .‬חברה זו לא בוחרת לאטום את עצמה סביב ‪ 4‬קירות‪ ,‬אלא נושאת על כתפיה את המשימה הלאומית‬
‫והחברתית של העם היהודי ושל מדינת ישראל‪ .‬התנועה רואה בתנועה הקיבוצית‪ ,‬גוף שיתופי פלורליסטי‪ ,‬המאחד‬
‫ומביא לידי ביטויי דעות וגישות שונות להגשמת אידיאולוגיות‪ .‬עם זאת‪ ,‬בהתחשב בנתיב התנועה הקיבוצית כלפי‬
‫ההפרטה מן הערכים שעליהם נוסדה התנועה הקיבוצית‪ ,‬אנו חייבים להסתכל לעבר האבולוציה החדשה של‬
‫הקיבוצים‪ ,‬קבוצות וקיבוץ עירוני ככלי רלוונטי של הבונים דרור כדי ליצור קהילות שמטרתן להשפיע על החברה‬
‫הישראלית‪ .‬התנועה הקיבוצית ותפקיד הקיבוצים בהיסטוריה שלנו נשארה ונשארו רלוונטיים מאוד להמשיך את‬
‫תפקיד החינוך של התנועה‪.‬‬
‫ועידה זו קוראת למזכירות העולמית ולמזכירויות ברחבי העולם‪ ,‬לחדש ולעדכן את תכניות החינוך שלהן על‬
‫מנת שיתאימו למציאות של הקיבוץ כיום‪ ,‬וכן תפקידם של הקבוצות וקיבוצים עירוניים בחברה ישראלית‪.‬‬
‫ולהדגיש חינוך לערכים בסיסיים‪ :‬שוויון‪ ,‬שיתוף‪ ,‬עבודה וחופש‪ .‬בכדי להכין בוגרים להכיר בערכים אלו‬
‫ולצייד אותם ביכולת להתמודד עם האתגר של חידוש ושימור הקיבוצים‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬ועידה זו קוראת לחברי ובוגרי הבונים דרור לעלות ולהשתתף בבניית קומונות‪/‬קבוצות וקיבוצים עירוניים‪,‬‬
‫ו‪/‬או קיבוצים חינוכיים חברתיים‪ ,‬ביחד עם תנועות האחות שלנו בישראל‪ ,‬הנוער העובד והלומד והמחנות‬
‫‪ .3‬ועידה זו ערה לשינויים המתעוררים בקיבוצים‪ ,‬ומתנגדת לצורת החלוקה של שכר דיפרנציאלי‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬הועידה קוראת לתנועה הקיבוצית‪ ,‬לחזק את החינוך לערכים ואידיאולוגיה‪ ,‬של הדור הצעיר בקיבוץ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬ועידה זו מכירה בחשיבות הקיבוצים בהיסטוריה של מדינת ישראל ומברכת את הבוגרים בהמשך עליה‬
‫לקיבוצים שיתופיים‪.‬‬
‫סוציאליזם וצדק חברתי‬
‫‪ .1‬ועידה זו מציינת כי ההגשמה העילאית ביותר היא עליה לצורת חיים סוציאליסטית‪ ,‬שתהא חקלאית או‬
‫אורבנית‪ .‬חלק אינטגרלי בהגשמה זו‪ ,‬הוא היות הקהילה מעורבת בתהליכים חברתיים ופוליטיים בישראל‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬הבונים דרור מאמינה כי הערכים הבאים הם הערכים המרכזיים בהגשמה חברתית סוציאליסטית‪ :‬צדק‬
‫חברתי‪ ,‬אחריות קהילתית חברתית‪ ,‬הומניטריות‪ ,‬שוויון‪ ,‬אקטיביזם אישי וקולקטיבי‪ ,‬חופש‪ ,‬ודאגה לסביבה‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬ועידה זו מציינת כי על מנת להגשים את המצע הסוציאליסטי שלנו‪ ,‬מעורבות חברתית צריכה להיות חלק‬
‫אינטגרלי מחייהם של חניכנו ובוגרינו‪ .‬בתוך ומחוץ לחיי התנועה‪ .‬דבר זה חשוב הן בישראל והן בתפוצות ‪.‬‬
‫החברה הישראלית‬
‫ועידה זו קוראת ליצירתה של חברה ישראלית הדוגלת בשוויון זכויות‪.‬‬
‫ועידה זו קוראת לבוגרים‪ ,‬באשר הם בקיבוץ או בעיר‪ ,‬לגלות מעורבות במאבק ליצירת חברה שוויונית יותר‬
‫בישראל‪ .‬התרומה של הבוגרים לארץ ישראל איננה מתבטאת רק בתחומים אישיים כי אם גם ביצירת גוף‬
‫פוליטי חברתי משותף בקרב החברה הישראלית‪.‬‬
‫ועידה זו קוראת לועדת החינוך בתנועה הקיבוצית‪ ,‬ולמשרד החינוך לפתח תוכנית חינוך שתעסוק בנושאים‬
‫הבאים‪ :‬אקולוגיה‪ ,‬שוויון בין המינים‪ ,‬חיי שכנות בין ערבים ויהודים‪ ,‬דמוקרטיה ושוויון זכויות‪ ,‬פלורליזם‪,‬‬
‫וסובלנות ביהדות‪ ,‬וחינוך על הנעשה בגולה בקרב קהילות יהודיות‪ ,‬בכדי שישראלים ידעו ויבינו קהילות אלו‪.‬‬
‫ועידה זו מציעה כי המזכירות העולמית תכלול בתוך התכניות ארוכות הטווח בישראל‪ ,‬דרכים לסיוע בקליטתם‬
‫של עולים חדשים הסובלים מקשיים בישראל‪ .‬למשל על ידי לימוד אנגלית לעולים מאתיופיה ומברה"מ‬
‫ועידה זו מגנה את הניסיונות לפגוע בזכות הביטוי של העיתונות והתקשורת‪.‬‬
‫ועידה זו קוראת לבוגרים להצטרף למלחמה כנגד תאונות‪ ,‬ולהוות דוגמה לזהירות ולנהיגה בטוחה‪.‬‬
‫ועידה זו קוראת לבוגרים להצטרף למלחמה כנגד האלימות במשפחה‪ ,‬ולהביא למודעות הגופים הרלוונטים כל‬
‫מקרה שנודע להם בנושא זה‪.‬‬
‫עם המודעות להיסטוריה של העם היהודי‪ ,‬והבנת הנושא של "אל תעשה לחברך מה ששנוא עליך"‪ ,‬הועידה‬
‫קוראת לממשלת ישראל להתייחס לבעיית העובדים הזרים‪ ,‬למנוע דיור בלתי חוקי‪ ,‬ולדאוג לרווחתם‬
‫ולזכויותיהם של העובדים הזרים‪.‬‬
‫ועידה זו קוראת לממשלת ישראל ליצור תכניות כלכליות וחברתיות ‪ ,‬שמטרתן למחוק את העוני בישראל מעל‬
‫פני האדמה ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .10‬ועידה זו קוראת לממשלת ישראל לחוקק חוק המקנה לימודים גבוהים בחינם‪.‬‬
‫איכות הסביבה‬
‫‪ .1‬ועידה זו מציינת שבמסגרת מודעות חברתית עלינו לחנך ולהיות פעילים בשמירת הסביבה ובשיפור הסביבה‬
‫הטבעית שלנו‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬מחוץ להקשר‪ ,‬יש לשמור על המאזן האקולוגי בעולם‪ ,‬למען הדורות הבאים‪ ,‬ועידה זו מגנה את ההרס של‬
‫יערות הגשם ולהרג בעלי חיים‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬ועידה זו מגנה את המפעלים שמזהמים את מימי העולם ואשר פוגעים באיכות הסביבה‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬ועידה זו קוראת לתנועה הקיבוצית להכיר בחשיבות שבשמירה על איכות הסביבה‪ ,‬ובשמירה על איזון כל‬
‫אקולוגי בכל הקשור לייצור ולתעשייה לחקלאות‪ ,‬ולפרוייקטים של מגורים והתיישבות‪.‬‬
‫ועידה זו קוראת לייסוד "יום ירוק" פעם בשנה‪ ,‬ואשר במהלכו ידונו בנושאי הסביבה‪ ,‬ואשר במהלכו יאספו‬
‫תרומות למען הפרוייקט של הבונים דרור נטיעת יער בעזרת הקרן קיימת לישראל‪ ,‬בצומת שער הגיא (בשאיפה‬
‫בט"ו בשבט)‪.‬‬
‫‪ .6‬ועידה זו קוראת לחברים לנטוע עצים בנגב‪.‬‬
‫פמיניזם הינו ערך המהווה אבן יסוד בסלילת הדרך אל המטרה הסופית של שוויון זכויות‪.‬‬
‫שוויון בין מינים והכרה במאפיינים נשיים כשווים לאלו של גברים‪ ,‬במיוחד בתפקידי הנהגה‪.‬‬
‫גברים ונשים שווים מבחינה חברתית‪ ,‬פוליטית וכלכלית‪.‬‬
‫המאבק הפמיניסטי הוא אחריות שני המינים‪.‬‬
‫חינוך‪ :‬התנועה והחניך‬
‫ועידה זו מכריזה בסיפוק‪ ,‬כי חל שיפור משמעותי בקשר שבין המזכירות העולמית לבין הענפים השונים סביב‬
‫לגלובוס‪ .‬שיפור זה חל תודות לביקורים הרבים של חברי המזכירות העולמית בועידות ובאסיפות בכל היבשות‪.‬‬
‫ועל ידי התכנסות שנתית של מזכירים‪ ,‬רכזי חינוך מכל רחבי העולם‪ ,‬בישראל ובאמצעות פעילויות משותפות בין‬
‫ועידה זו מציינת כי הבונים דרור היא תנועה נדירה ומיוחדת‪ ,‬עם בסיס משותף‪ ,‬כשבכל מדינה קיים הבדל‬
‫וייחוד‪ ,‬אך עם זאת אנו תנועה אחת‪ .‬אנו לא "קונפדרציות של תנועות"‪ ,‬כי אם תנועה בין לאומית‪.‬‬
‫שנת הכשרה‬
‫‪ .1‬צריך להיות קשר רב יותר בין קבוצות ממדינות שונות‪ ,‬או מאזורים שונים‪ ,‬בזמן תוכנית שנת ההכשרה‪ .‬צריך‬
‫להיות תוכן דומה לשנת ההכשרה‪ ,‬ושלבי התכנון המוקדמים‪ ,‬וצריכה להיות תמיכה כלכלית גדולה יותר‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬ועידה זו מחליטה כי בכל מדינה צריך להיות משק יעד‪ ,‬כלומר קיבוץ יעד לעליית בוגרים‪ ,‬ויש לשלוח את‬
‫משתתפי ההכשרה לקיבוץ יעד זה בלבד‪ .‬זאת בכדי ליצור קשר בין משתתפי שנת ההכשרה לבין משק היעד‬
‫‪ .3‬ובנוסף‪ ,‬למשק היעד הקלאסי‪ ,‬ברור לנו שבמצבה הנוכחי של התנועה הקיבוצית‪ ,‬כדאי שמשתתפי שנת‬
‫ההכשרה יחשפו לצורות השונות והחדשות של התיישבות שיתופית קהילתית‪ ,‬כמו "מעגל הקבוצות"‪ ,‬קיבוצים‬
‫עירוניים‪ ,‬קומונות חינוכיות וחברתיות של הנוער העובד והלומד‪ ,‬מחנות העולים וכו'‪ .‬סוג זה של הגשמה‪ ,‬יתכן‬
‫ויצור עניין‪ ,‬הזדהות‪ ,‬והתלהבות בקרב עולים חדשים‪.‬‬
‫השאיפה היא שכל קבוצה תבלה לפחות חודש בביצוע עבודות קהילתיות‪ /‬תיקון עולם‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬השאיפה היא שהקבוצות השונות יפגשו לעיתים קרובות ככל שניתן‪ .‬המזכירות נקראת לתקצב פגישות‬
‫הכרחיות אלה‪.‬‬
‫‪ .6‬צריך ליצור סמינר שיסייע למשתתפי שנת ההכשרה להוביל את התנועה באזוריהם ובמדינה ממנה באו‪.‬‬
‫‪ .7‬מפגשים עם נוער ישראלי‪ ,‬הוא שאיפה גדולה בכל תוכנית שנת הכשרה‪.‬‬
‫ראש חינוך‬
‫‪ .2‬ועידה זו מבקשת מהמזכירות העולמית להקים תפקיד של ראש חינוך עולמי בכדי לשלוח לנו חינוך אל התנועה‬
‫העולמית‪ .‬תפקיד זה כולל‪:‬‬
‫לבדוק ולאשר תכניות עבור כל סניף וקן בתנועה;‬
‫לתאם ולהוביל את הפעולות החינוכיות‪ ,‬לעודד ולדחוף את ראשי החינוך;‬
‫לארגן סמינרים בהתאם לאזורי מגורים;‬
‫ליצור תכנית כללית עבור בוגרים בשנת הכשרה;‬
‫לסייע לכל קן לפתור את בעיותיו הספציפיות;‬
‫ולכתוב תכניות עבור הבוגרים‪.‬‬
‫מוסד השליחות חיוני לקיומה של הבונים דרור ועליו להישאר בראש סדר העדיפויות של המזכירות העולמית‪,‬‬
‫בכדי להבטיח שהשליחים ימשיכו לעבוד בקני התפוצות‪ .‬שליחים מביאים לתנועה מומחיות לוגיסטית‬
‫ומאפשרים לנו לקיים קינים ומחנות באופן הטוב ביותר‪ .‬הם מספקים תמיכה חיונית למדריכים והנחייתם‬
‫מעודדת חברים להישאר בתנועה ולתרום עוד שנים רבות‪ .‬במדינות מרוחקות יותר‪ ,‬כגון ניו זילנד‪ ,‬שליחים עוזרים‬
‫להביא מידע מדויק על ישראל וחולקים את הידע והפרספקטיבה שלהם עם הבונים דרור כמו גם עם הקהילה‬
‫היהודית בכלל‪ .‬אנו מאמינים כי ללא הנוכחות המתמשכת של שליחים בבונים דרור‪ ,‬הצלחתה והמשכיותה‬
‫כתנועת נוער חינוכית נמצאת בסיכון ממשי‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬ועידה זו דורשת את המשכיות הפעילות של השליחים בכל המדינות‪ ,‬משום שהשליחים מביאים עימם את‬
‫הקשר הישיר בין ישראל לבין המדינה בה השליחים נמצאים ‪.‬‬
‫וועידה זו דורשת‪ ,‬שמזכירות הבונים דרור העולמית תשמור את נושא השליחות בראש סדר העדיפויות שלה‬
‫ותסייע במימון שליחים לכל מדינה וזאת בכדי להפוך את נוכחותם למציאות‪ ,‬כיוון שנוכחות זו היא הקשר‬
‫הישיר בין ישראל וקהילות במדינות השונות‪.‬‬
‫קשר בין תנועתי‬
‫‪ .6‬ועידה זו דורשת קופה עולמית בין לאומית‪ ,‬בכדי לעזור לארצות בהן הבונים דרור נמצאים במשבר וזקוקים‬
‫לסיוע כלכלי‪ .‬כאשר אנו משתמשים במונח קופה‪ ,‬אנו מתכוונים לכך "שכל אדם ייתן במידת יכולתו‪ ,‬וייקח‬
‫כמידת צרכיו"‪.‬‬
‫‪ .7‬ועידה זו קובעת שלכל סניף של הבונים דרור‪ ,‬ברחבי העולם יהיה סניף יהיה סניף אחר כבן זוגו‪ ,‬סניף‪-‬אח‬
‫בארץ אחרת‪ .‬המטרה מאחורי זיווג זה היא העמקת הקשר‪ ,‬לתת לסניפים פרספקטיבה רחבה יותר בהתבוננות‬
‫על התנועה העולמית‪ .‬ולחזק את הסטטוס העולמי של התנועה העולמית הבונים דרור‪.‬‬
‫‪ .8‬הועידה קוראת לתנועה בישראל להירתם למען מטרת גויס כספים שיועדו למימון פרויקטים חינוכיים‬
‫ופעילויות קני הבונים דרור ברחבי העולם‬
‫‪ .9‬ועידה זו קובעת שתנועת הבונים דרור העולמית‪ ,‬והבונים דרור בכל הארצות‪ ,‬ישתפו פעולה ויתקשרו עם‬
‫ארגונים נוספים ותנועות ברחבי העולם‪ ,‬אשר מאמינים בערכים דומים בהקשר לנושאים ספציפיים כמו‪:‬‬
‫נושאים חברתיים‪ ,‬פוליטיים‪ ,‬סביבתיים ועוד‪...‬‬
‫‪ .10‬אתר האינטרנט של הבונים דרור יכיל לינקים לכל המדינות בהן פועלת התנועה‪ ,‬ובנוסף יכיל "בנק פעולות"‪.‬‬
‫‪ .11‬יום אחד בשנה יוקדש בכל קן ‪ /‬סניף ללימוד אודות התנועה העולמית‪.‬‬
‫‪ .12‬ועידה זו קוראת למזכירות העולמית ביחד עם התנועות הלאומיות‪ ,‬ליצור בסיס נתונים של פעילויות אפשריות‪,‬‬
‫המבוססות על ניסיונם של בוגרים שעשו עליה‪ ,‬ושמהווים פוטנציאל לשמש כשליחים לקני התנועה ברחבי‬
‫העולם‪ .‬אנו מבקשים מהמזכירות הנוכחית ומכל המזכירויות הלאומיות לעדכן את המזכירות העולמית אודות‬
‫עליה של בוגרים לישראל‪.‬‬
‫‪ .13‬המזכירות העולמית והמזכירות הארצית יהיו אחראיות לשמר את יער הבונים דרור בשער הגיא‪ .‬כל קבוצה‬
‫שתגיע לארץ‪ ,‬תבקר ותעבוד ביער‪ .‬למטרה זו‪ ,‬יש להכין את החניכים מבעוד מועד‪ ,‬טרם הגעתם לישראל‪,‬‬
‫וחשיבות הפרוייקט חייבת להיות נהירה להם‪.‬‬
‫להלן תמצית הגרסה של מסמך האידיאולוגיה של הבונים דרור העולמי‪ ,‬שנוצר על‬
‫ידי כל נציגי מזכירויות הועידה כדי לשמש ככלי חינוכי‪:‬‬
‫הבונים דרור היא תנועת נוער יהודית ציונית סוציאליסטית ‪ ,‬אשר מתפקדת כחלק בלתי נפרד מהתנועה הקיבוצית‬
‫הישראלית‪ .‬אשר התחייבה לקחת על עצמה את משימת לקיחת האחריות בפני העם היהודי‪ ,‬החברה הישראלית והעולם‬
‫כולו‪ .‬העיקרון המכונן של התנועה הזו דוגל בחינוך של אנשים צעירים על ידי אנשים צעירים ועמיתיהם לעבוד יחד‪ .‬הם‬
‫יוצרים מסגרת מאורגנת למטרות אידיאולוגיות וחינוכיות‪.‬‬
‫הבונים דרור היא תנועה ייחודית במיוחד אשר יצרה מכנה משוף(יהדות‪ ,‬סוציאליזם לציונות) של ‪ 18‬מדינות שבהם הוא קיים‬
‫היום‪ :‬ברזיל‪ ,‬ארגנטינה‪ ,‬אורוגוואי‪ ,‬מכסיקו‪ ,‬ארה"ב‪ ,‬קנדה‪ ,‬אנגליה‪ ,‬סקוטלנד‪ ,‬ישראל‪ ,‬אוסטרליה‪ ,‬ניו זילנד‪ ,‬הולנד‪,‬‬
‫הונגריה‪ ,‬גרמניה‪ ,‬צרפת‪ ,‬בלגיה‪ ,‬טורקיה ודרום אפריקה‪ .‬התנועה משלבת מאפיינים ספציפיים לכל המדינות הללו‪ ,‬אך זה‬
‫עדיין הומוגני‪ .‬אנחנו לא "קונפדרציה של התנועות" אבל תנועה בינלאומית‪.‬‬
‫התנועה שלנו משמשת להדרכה עבור בני הנוער היהודי על בסיס ‪( Shivyon Erech Ha'adam‬שוויון ערך אדם)‪ ,‬כמו‬
‫גם על בסיס של ערכים הומניסטיים בהשראת עקרונות היסוד האידיאולוגיים כולל תקנון זה‪ .‬ערכים אלה כגון‪ ,‬שוויון‪,‬‬
‫תיקון עולם‪ ,‬דמוקרטיה‪ ,‬צדק חברתי‪ ,‬קולקטביזם‪ -‬הם לא פרספקטיבות גרידא‪ :‬הם עומדים כדרך חיים‪ ,‬מבוססים על‬
‫עקרונות החלוציות‪.‬‬
‫האידיאולוגיה המתוארת למטה מפוצלת תחת כותרת של בהירות‪ ,‬אבל כותרות אלה אינן אידיאולוגיות שונות – כל פרק‬
‫אינטגרלי לבא אחריו‪ .‬כל חבר‪/‬ה מגלם את רוח הבונים דרור על סמך הניסיון שלהם ואת הערכים שרכשו בתנועה ‪ .‬הכתוב‬
‫למטה הוא ניסיון לייצג את רוח במילים‪.‬‬
‫הבונים דרור מושרשת על יהדות תרבותית‪ ,‬גישה הוליסטית הרואה ביהדות כתרבות הכוללת המשלבת בתוכה דת ולאום‪.‬‬
‫בהמשך לתפיסה של הבונים דרור את היהדות‪ ,‬התנועה המציאה תהליך חינוכי יהודי המבוסס על פעילות תרבותית‬
‫המתבססת על מקורות דתיים‪ ,‬חילוניים וספרות‪.‬‬
‫בקו המחשבה של הבונים דרור‪ ,‬היהדות כוללת את חוכמת ההיסטוריה היהודית‪ ,‬מסורת‪ ,‬כמו גם מערך של ערכי מוסר של‬
‫העם היהודי‪ .‬התנועה מכירה בתפקיד הקהילה היהודית בקנים בהם הקהילה נוכחת‪ ,‬התנועה מכירה בחובותיה כלפי‬
‫הקהילה היהודית וקשריה בכל קן בו היא נוכחת‪ ,‬וביצוע שתי מטרות קבועות‪ :‬לחזק את עקרונות היהדות ואת הבטחת‬
‫ההמשכיות של המסורת היהודית‪.‬‬
‫אנו ציונים מכיוון שאנו מאמינים‪ ,‬כעם‪ ,‬כי יש לנו את הזכות למדינה משלנו‪ ,‬וכי ישראל היא מולדתו של העם היהודי‪.‬‬
‫התנועה שלנו מנסה לפתח חברה המבוססת על שוויון ודמוקרטיה במסגרת הסוציאליסטית בישראל‪ .‬ולכן‪ ,‬אנו רואים בעליה‬
‫החלוצית ‪ ,‬כביטוי הגבוה ביותר של הרעיון הציוני‪.‬‬
‫הבונים דרור מעורבת בחינוך היהודי ציוני‪ ,‬הן בישראל והן בתפוצות והיא מחויבת לפתח זהות יהודית כדי לייצור את ההבנה‬
‫כי ישראל היא מרכז העולם היהודי‪ .‬היא גם מבקשת לעודד את הביטויים השונים של התרבות הישראלי‪ ,.‬ובכך לתרום‬
‫לפיתוח‪ ,‬בין חברי התנועה דאגה עמוקה ואחריות למדינה‪ ,‬תוך חיזוק כל המטרות לעיל‪ .‬כמו כן‪ ,‬אנו מאמינים בזכות‬
‫האוניברסאלית למולדת ואמונה אשר מתורגמים לפעילות תומכת בזכותו של העם הפלסטיני למדינה משלו‪.‬‬
‫אנו תומכים בעקרונות הסוציאליזם משום שאנו מאמינים כי יש עוד דרך להגיע לשאיפות האדם לחירות‪ ,‬צדק ושוויון‪.‬‬
‫כתנועה חינוכית אנו מאמינים בחינוך הומניסטי המחנך אנשים לכבוד‪ ,‬ביקורת‪ ,‬אהבת הזולת‪ ,‬אשר מבינים את ערך של‬
‫שווי האדם ומגלים אחריות כלפי החברה בה הם חיים‪.‬‬
‫הבונים דרור מאמין כי האידיאלים של העבודה הציונית הם שעיצבו את הקיבוצים‪ ,‬אם כפרי או עירוני‪ ,‬אדר מבוססים על‬
‫עקרונות הסוציאליזם‪ ,‬ואשר מחנכים את חברי הקבוצה לחיים בקבוצה שבה ערכי הקבוצה מיושמים‪.‬‬
‫כמו כן‪ ,‬אני מאמינים כי הערכים המפורטים להלן הם הלב להגשמת תרבות סוציאליסטית‪ :‬צדק חברתי‪ ,‬דמוקרטיה‪,‬‬
‫אחריות קהילתית‪ ,‬הומניזם‪ ,‬שוויון‪ ,‬חופש פעילות לפרט ולקבוצה‪ ,‬חופש והגנת הסביבה‪.‬‬
‫אנו מחנכים את החברים להיות פעילים על מנת להגיע לשינוי פוליטי וחברתי של החברה בה הם חיים‪ .‬באשר למימוש‬
‫המטרות הסוציאליסטיות שלנו‪ ,‬התערבות חברתית חייבת להיות חלק בלתי נפרד מן החיים עבור החניכים והמדריכים שלנו‪,‬‬
‫בתוך ומחוץ לתנועה‪ ,‬הן בישראל והן בגלות‪.‬‬
‫הבונים דרור רואה בהגשמה העצמית כתהליך הגשמה אישית אשר מוביל אנשים להשגת המטרות של התנועה שדרכה‬
‫מתגשם החזון בבסיס הרעיונות של תנועת הבונים דרור‪ .‬הבונים דרור מעודדת כל חבר להתמודד עם החיים בהשראת‬
‫האידיאלים הנשמרים על ידי התנועה‪ .‬הגשמה אינה המטרה הסופית‪ ,‬אלא תהליך מתמשך‪ .‬ולכן‪ ,‬מי שחי את חייו באופן‬
‫מודע‪ ,‬ובמרדף אחר הערכים שלו וערכי התנועה ואשר חיים את חייהם בתוך תהליך ההגשמה כדי שיוכלו לשנות את העולם‬
‫לפי אמונתם‪.‬‬
‫לבסוף‪ ,‬התנועה סבורה כי עלייה חלוצית בישראל מובילה לחיים פעילים שישפרו את החברה‪ ,‬לעבוד על מנת לשמור על זהות‬
‫יהודית משמעותית‪ ,‬להיות מעורבים במסגרת חיים חברתית סוציאליסטית המבוססת על ערכים במסמך זה‪ ,‬היא הביטוי‬
‫הטהור ביותר של הגשמה‪.‬‬
Procedures of the Veida
This document contains a detailed description of the procedures, participation, and
rights for the Habonim Dror World Veida
1. General Assembly of the Veida
a. Includes every participant in the veida who has the right to vote, as well as shlichim and mazkirut
b. Makes decisions on all proposals in a democratic manner, in accordance with the procedures
described in this document.
c. Is responsible for the atmosphere of the veida, including: helping others understand what is
happening, translating when necessary, acting in accordance with the guidelines set out by the
Steering Committee, and conducting themselves in a manner that promotes democracy and equality
of human worth (shivyon erech haadam) at all times.
2. Participation and the Right to Vote
a. Every national movement has 1 vote.
i Countries with no representatives physically present at the veida will not be allowed to cast a
ii Each country must decide before the veida how they will make a decision regarding the casting
of their vote (simple majority, two-thirds, etc.)
iii Each country must choose one person who will hold up their country's voting card for each
proposal during the voting (final) section of the veida.
b. Every national movement may send up to four movement members as representatives with the
right to vote; these representatives should be mazkirut members, or, when this is not feasible,
leadership figures with a future in leading the movement. Representatives' votes are counted as part
of their country's 1 vote.
c. Members present in Israel who are currently participants of Shnat Hachshara will participate in the
veida with the right to vote. Shnatties' votes are counted as part of their country's 1 vote.
d. Members of the Habonim Dror Olami mazkirut, as well as shlichim, will participate in the veida as
facilitators and mediators, and will share opinions, but will not have the right to vote.
3. Steering Committee of the Veida (Tzevet Higui)
a. Composition – the Steering Committee of the veida will be composed of the Mazkir Olami, the
English-speaking Desk, the Spanish-speaking Desk, and two central shlichim.
b. Functions of the steering committee
i Before the veida, responsible for selecting 10 proposals which will be discussed at length during
the veida, and for ensuring that all proposals are written clearly, with a clear implementation
ii During the veida, acts as the highest body of appeal, responsible for the correct process of the
veida, giving answers to all unexpected questions, recording the results of the votes.
iii After the end of the veida, responsible for the editing and publication of the decisions of the
veida, no more than 2 months after the end of the veida.
4. Proposals to the Veida
a. Any Habonim Dror country may present a proposal for the world veida; a country's proposals must
be sent by their current mazkirut in order to be considered by the veida.
b. Proposals must be submitted to the Steering Committee up to one month prior to the start of the
veida seminar
c. Proposals must be written clearly, such that it is clear what a be'ad/neged vote implies, and with a
clear implementation plan for who is responsible for implementation if passed.
d. Amendments
i Amendments to proposals can be suggested to its proposers during the break between
Discussion Chuggim and Decision-making by Country. It is the proposer’s decision whether to
include the suggested amendment(s) in their proposal, including how to phrase the amendment.
ii If the proposer decides not to accept the suggestion(s), the proposal remains as it was originally
written, and is voted upon as such.
iii If the proposer decides to change the proposal, they need to inform the Steering Committee,
who will update each country before the start of the Decision-making by Country section of the
veida. Countries therefore vote on the proposal in its final format.
iv In general, voting members of the veida are asked to vote based on the intention and spirit of
the proposal as it is written, and not place emphasis on exact proposal phrasing; as such, voting
members are asked to keep amendments to a minimum.
5. Procedures of the Veida
In addition to tekasim and updates by the world mazkirut, the veida has five parts: Presentation of
Proposals, Discussion Chuggim, Break (allowing time for amendments), Decision-making by Country, and
a. Presentation of Proposals
This is the official start of the veida proceedings, and begins with the General Assembly together in
one large hall
i Veida begins with an introductory statement by a member of the Steering Committee
ii All participants are given a booklet with the current ideology document as it stands from the
previous veida, translated side-by-side in English and Spanish, as well as all proposals to the
current veida, translated side-by-side in English and Spanish, and this procedures document.
iii Up to 10 proposals (selected in advance by the Steering Committee) are presented to the
General Assembly in the following manner:
 Representatives from the proposing country read their proposal aloud in English or
Spanish (General Assembly follows along in proposal booklet), and may add an
explanation of why they are suggesting this proposal and why it is important for the
movement (with simultaneous translation). This section may take no longer than 5
minutes, and the Steering Committee is responsible for maintaining this time limit.
 Clarification questions ONLY are asked to the proposers, and answers are given by
proposers (with simultaneous translation). This section may take no longer than 5
minutes, and the Steering Committee is responsible for maintaining this time limit, and
ensuring that all questions are for clarification only.
b. Discussion Chuggim
This is the first debate and discussion section of the veida proceedings, taking place in mixed groups
by country and language.
i Facilitation of discussion chuggim: Mazkirim representatives to the veida will be split amongst
all discussion chuggim, and will facilitate these groups. Facilitators are responsible for
facilitating the discussion, making sure every person in the group has ability to share their
thoughts and opinions, and keeping to the time limit.
ii Discussion Groups: Groups will be by mixed countries, languages, and ages, and will comprise
roughly 15 people. Group members are asked to be patient with one another, and to give each
other the space to allow for translations and understanding. If possible, there should be at least
one Hebrew-speaking group.
iii Time Limit: 3.5 hours are designated to this section of the veida. Each group must discuss at
least 5 proposals (assigned to them by the Steering Committee), allowing roughly 25 minutes
per proposal ; if time allows, additional proposals can be discussed in these groups (the order
for discussing these is assigned in advance by the Steering Committee)
c. Break
During this break, each voting member has the right to approach any proposer and suggest an
amendment to their proposal, according to the procedure outlined in section 4d above.
d. Decision-making by Country
This is the second debate and discussion section of the veida, taking place in groups separate by
i Facilitation:
 Each country must decide before the veida who will facilitate this discussion
 The facilitator(s) are responsible for facilitating the discussion, making sure every person
in the group has ability to share their thoughts and opinions, and keeping to the time
ii Time Limit: 3.5 hours are designated to this section of the veida. During this time, countries
must discuss the 10 proposals presented to the General Assembly of the veida at the start, as
well as all additional proposals. By the end of this section, each country must have a clear
decision for every proposal: be'ad (in favor), neged (opposed), nimna (abstain)
e. Voting
This is the final part of the official veida proceedings, prior to the tekes sium, and takes place with
the General Assembly together in one large hall
i Voting procedure
 Every single proposal is referred to (by number), by a member of the Steering Committee (starting
with the 10 read in the first part of the veida). Afterwards, the following steps take place:
 A member of the Steering Committee calls out be'ad, neged, nimna, one at a time.
 Countries respond promptly by holding up a card with their vote for this proposal at the appropriate
time (be'ad, neged, or nimna).
 When all votes are counted, a member of the Steering Committee announces the result of the vote
 A member of the Steering Committee records the vote result in a table that is projected on the wall
 Next proposal is voted upon
ii Passing a proposal: A proposal requires more than 50% to pass; abstentions do not count towards
the vote
iii Time limit: 1.5 hours are designated for this section of the veida.
‫פרוצדרות של הועידה‬
‫המסמך זה כולל תיאור מפורט של נהלים‪ ,‬השתתפות והזכויות של ועידת הבונים דרור‪.‬‬
‫‪ .1‬עצרת כוללת של הועידה‪.‬‬
‫א‪ .‬כולל כל משתתף ועידה שיש לו הזכות להצביע‪ ,‬כמו כן שליחים וחברי המזכירות העולמית‪.‬‬
‫ב‪ .‬קבלת החלטות על כל ההצעות באופן דמוקרטי‪ ,‬בהתאם לנהלים המתוארים במסמך זה‪.‬‬
‫ג‪ .‬אחראי על האווירה בועידה‪ ,‬כולל‪ :‬לעזור לאחרים להבין מה קורה‪ ,‬לתרגם בשעת הצורך‪ ,‬פועלים בהתאם‬
‫להנחיות שנקבעו על ידי צוות ההיגוי וכן לנהל עצמם באופן שמקדם דמוקרטיה ושוויון ערך האדם בכל עת‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬השתתפות וזכות הצבעה‪.‬‬
‫א‪ .‬לכל תנועה לאומית יש זכות הצבעה אחת‪.‬‬
‫מדינה ללא נציגות פיזית בועידה לא תהיה רשאית להצביע‪.‬‬
‫כל מדינה חייבת להחליט לפני הועידה כיצד הם יקבלו החלטה לגבי הליהוק של ההצבעה שלהם‪(.‬רוב‬
‫רגיל‪ ,‬שני שלישים וכו'‪).‬‬
‫כל מדינה צריכה לבחור אדם אחד שיחזיק את כרטיס ההצבעה שלהם על כל הצעה במהלך ההצבעות‬
‫הסופיות של הועידה‪.‬‬
‫ב‪ .‬כל תנועה לאומית רשאית לשלוח עד ארבעה חברי תנועה כנציגים עם זכות הצבעה‪ .‬נציגים אלו צריכים להיות‬
‫חברי מזכירות‪ ,‬או כאשר זה אינו אפשרי‪ ,‬דמויות מנהיגות עם עתיד להוביל את התנועה‪ .‬קולות "הנבחרים"‬
‫נספרים כחלק מההצבעה של ארצם‪.‬‬
‫ג‪ .‬חברי התנועה שנמצאים בתקופת שנת הכשרה ישתתפו בועידה ויהיו בעלי זכות הצבעה‪ ,‬קולות חברי השנת‬
‫נספרות כחלק מההצבעה של ארצם‪.‬‬
‫ד‪ .‬חברי המזכירות העולמית של הבונים דרור‪ ,‬כמו גם שליחים‪ ,‬ישתתפו בועידה כמנחים ומתווכים ויוכלו לשתף‬
‫בדעותיהם‪ ,‬אך ללא זכות ההצבעה‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬ועדת ההיגוי (צוות היגוי)‬
‫א‪ .‬הרכב‪ -‬צוות ההיגוי יהיה מורכב מ‪ :‬מזכיר עולמי‪ ,‬דסק דוברי אנגלית‪ ,‬דסק דוברי ספרדית ושני שליחים‬
‫ב‪ .‬תפקידי צוות ההיגוי‪.‬‬
‫לפני הועידה‪ ,‬אחראי על בחירת עשרת ההצעות אשר ידונו בהרחבה במהלך הועידה ועל מנת להבטיח‬
‫כי כל ההצעות כתובות היטב עם תוכנית ברורה ליישום‪.‬‬
‫במהלך הועידה‪ ,‬הצוות ישמש כגוף עליון לערעור‪ ,‬יהיה אחראי על תהליך נכון של הועידה‪ ,‬נתינת‬
‫תשובות לשאלות בלתי צפויות והקלטת תוצאות ההצבעות‪.‬‬
‫לאחר סיום הועידה‪ ,‬אחראי על עריכת ופרסום החלטות הועידה‪ .‬לא מאוחר מחודשיים לאחר סיום‬
‫‪ .4‬הצעות הועידה‪.‬‬
‫א‪ .‬כל מדינה רשאית להציע הצעות לועידה‪ .‬הצעות כל מדינה צריכות להישלח למזכירות הנוכחית של המדינה על‬
‫מנת להיחשב בועידה‪.‬‬
‫ב‪ .‬את ההצעות יש להגיש לצוות ההיגוי עד חודש לפני הועידה‪.‬‬
‫ג‪ .‬ההצעות חייבות להיות כתובות באופן ברור‪ ,‬בנוסף‪ ,‬צריך להיות ברור באם הנטייה היא בעד או נגד ההצעה‪.‬‬
‫חייבת להיות מוגשת תוכנית יישומית להצעה במידה ותתקבל‪.‬‬
‫ד‪ .‬תוספות ותיקונים‪.‬‬
‫הצעות לתיקונים ניתן להגיש בהפסקות בין חוגי הדיון לבין קבלת החלטות על ידי המדינה‪ .‬זו החלטה של‬
‫המדינה אם לכלול את התיקון המוצע בהצעה שלהם‪ ,‬כולל ביטוי לאופן התיקון‪.‬‬
‫אם המציע מחליט שלא לקבל את ההצעה‪ ,‬ההצעה נשארת כפי שנכתבה במקור‪.‬‬
‫אם המציע מחליט לשנות את ההצעה‪ ,‬הם צריכים ליידע את ועדת ההיגוי‪ ,‬ולעדכן כל מדינה לפני תחילת‬
‫קבלת ההחלטות על הנוסח הסופי של ההצעה‪.‬‬
‫חברי ההצבעה מתבקשים להצביע על כוונה ורוח של ההצעה כפי שהיא כתובה ולא לשים את הדגש על‬
‫ניסוח מדויק של ההצעה‪ .‬לכן‪ ,‬החברים מתבקשים לשמור על תיקונים מינימליים‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬פרוצדורות של הועידה‪.‬‬
‫בנוסף על טקסים ועדכונים על ידי המזכירות העולמית‪ ,‬לועידה ישנם חמישה חלקים‪ :‬הצגת ההצעות‪ ,‬חוגי דיון‪,‬‬
‫הפסקה (מאפשר זמן להצעות ותיקונים)‪ ,‬קבלת החלטות על ידי המדינה והצבעה‪.‬‬
‫א‪ .‬מצגת של ההצעות‪:‬‬
‫זוהי ההתחלה הרשמית של תהליכי הועידה אשר מתחיל בעצרת כללית כל המדינות יחד באולם גדול‪.‬‬
‫הועידה מתחילה עם נאום של אחד מחברי צוות ההיגוי‪.‬‬
‫כל המשתתפים מקבלים חוברת עם מסמך האידיאולוגיה הנוכחית בהשוואה לאידיאולוגיה מהועידה‬
‫הקודמת עם תרגום ספרדית לצד אנגלית‪ ,‬את כל הצעות הועידה הנוכחית ואת מסמך הנהלים הנ"ל‪.‬‬
‫עד ‪ 10‬הצעות (שנבחרו מראש על ידי צוות ההיגוי) מוצגים בפני האסיפה הכללית באופן הבא‪:‬‬
‫נציגי המדינה המציעה קוראת את ההצעה שלהם באנגלית או בספרדית (הועידה עוקבת אחר סדר‬
‫החוברת שחולקה ומתורגמת לספרדית ואנגלית)‪ .‬המדינה יכולה להוסיף הסבר מדוע הם מציעים את‬
‫ההצעה ומדוע זה חשוב עבור התנועה(עם תרגום סימולטני)‪ .‬סעיף זה מוגבל לזמן של ‪ 5‬דקות‪ .‬צוות‬
‫ההיגוי אחראי על שמירה בהגבלת הזמן‪ ,‬ולהבטיח כי כל השאלות הן לצורך בירור בלבד‪.‬‬
‫אל המציעים יוגשו שאלות הבהרה בלבד והמציעים יענו עליהם בצירוף עם תרגום סימולטני‪ .‬סעיף‬
‫זה מוגבל לזמן של ‪ 5‬דקות‪ .‬צוות ההיגוי אחראי על שמירה בהגבלת הזמן‪ ,‬ולהבטיח כי כל השאלות‬
‫הן לצורך בירור בלבד‪.‬‬
‫ב‪ .‬חוגי דיון‬
‫זהו הדיון הראשון וחתך דיון הליכי הועידה‪ ,‬אשר מתרחשים בקבוצות מעורבות של מדינה ושפה‪.‬‬
‫סיוע לחוגי הדיון ‪ :‬נציגי המזכירים לועידה יפוצלו בין חוגי הדיון השונים על מנת להקל על חוגי הדיון‪.‬‬
‫המנחים אחראים להקל על הדיון‪ ,‬לוודא כי לכל אדם יש את היכולת לחלוק את מחשבותיו ואת דעותיו‬
‫ושמירה על מגבלת הזמן‪.‬‬
‫קבוצות דיון‪ :‬הקבוצות תהינה מורכבות מכל המדינות‪ ,‬שפות מעורבות‪ ,‬גילאים שונים ובנות ‪ 15‬אנשים‪.‬‬
‫חברי קבוצה מתבקשים להתאזר בסבלנות זה עם זה ולתת את הזמן כדי לאפשר תרגום והבנה‪ .‬אם‬
‫אפשרי צריך להיות לפחות דובר עברית אחד בקבוצה‪.‬‬
‫הגבלת זמן‪ :‬לשלב זה של הועידה מוקצבות ‪ 3.5‬שעות‪ .‬כל קבוצה חייבת לדון בלפחות ‪ 5‬הצעות (שהוקצו‬
‫להם על ידי צוות ההיגוי)‪ ,‬המאפשר ‪ 25‬דקות לכל הצעה‪ ,‬אם הזמן מאפשר‪ ,‬יהיה ניתן להוסיף עוד‬
‫הצעות לקבוצות הדיון‪( .‬הסדר לדיונים אלו מוקצה מראש על ידי צוות ההיגוי)‪.‬‬
‫ג‪ .‬הפסקה‬
‫במהלך הפסקה זו‪ ,‬לכל חבר בעל זכות הצבעה יש את הזכות לפנות לכל מציע ולהציע לשנות את ההצעה‬
‫שלהם‪ ,‬על פי ההליך המתואר בסעיף ‪4‬ד' לעיל‪.‬‬
‫ד‪ .‬קבלת החלטות על ידי המדינה‬
‫זהו דיון וחתך דיון שני של הועידה אשר מתקיימים בקבוצות המחולקות לפי מדינות‪.‬‬
‫כל מדינה חייבת להחליט לפני תחילת הועידה מי ינחה את הדיון מטעמה‪.‬‬
‫המנחה או המנחים אחראים להקל על הדיון‪ ,‬לוודא שלכל אדם יש את היכולת לחלוק את‬
‫מחשבותיו ודעותיו ושמירה כל מגבלת הזמן‪.‬‬
‫הגבלת זמן‪ :‬לחלק זה של הועידה מוקצבות ‪ 3.5‬שעות‪ .‬במהלך הזמן הזה כל מדינה חייבת לדון בכל ‪10‬‬
‫ההצעות שהוצגו בפני האסיפה הכללית של הועידה בהתחלה‪ ,‬כמו את כל ההצעות הנוספות‪ .‬בסופו של‬
‫סעיף זה‪ ,‬לכל מדינה צריכה להיות בעלת עמדה ברורה‪ :‬בעד‪ ,‬נגד‪ ,‬נמנע‪.‬‬
‫ה‪ .‬ההצבעה‬
‫זהו החלק האחרון של הליכי הועידה הרשמיים‪ ,‬לקראת טקס הסיום ומתרחש בעצרת כללית הכוללת את כל‬
‫הליך ההצבעה‬
‫כל הצעה ממוספרת ומוצגת על ידי חבר צוות ההיגוי על כל היבטיה‪ .‬לאחר מכן‪ ,‬מתקיימים השלבים‬
‫חבר צוות ההיגוי קורא בקול‪ ,‬בעד‪ ,‬נגד ונמנע‪ ,‬כל אחד בנפרד‪.‬‬
‫המדינות מגיבות על ידי הרמת כרטיס עם הצבעתם עבור ההצעה הזו בזמן המתאים‪( .‬בעד‪ ,‬נגד‪,‬‬
‫כאשר כל הקולות נספרים‪ ,‬חבר צוות ההיגוי מכריז על תוצאת ההצבעה‪.‬‬
‫חבר צוות ההיגוי מערכן את התוצאות על הלוח המוקרן על מסך‪.‬‬
‫מעבר להצעה הבאה‪.‬‬
‫הצעה עוברת כאשר‪ :‬הצעה חיית יותר מ‪ %50‬על מנת לעבור‪ .‬קולות נמנעים לא נספרים‪.‬‬
‫הגבלת זמן‪ :‬לחלק זה של הועידה מוקצבים ‪ 1.5‬שעות‪.‬‬
Proposals / ‫הצעות‬
Veida VIII – 2015 – ‫ועידה שמינית‬
Key: Additions to the former ideology document (of the seventh veida) are indicated in bold;
Amendments are indicated in bold italics
Proposal 1
Habonim Dror Olami should be an educational center and a dugma for the world movements. Habonim Dror
Olami needs to embody the codes of a youth movement and be structured on these codes:
Dugma ishit
Dialogue based decision making
Creativity and self expression
Spirit of chevruta
Symbolism and identification
Influencing mental standpoints in search for the truth
This resolution resolves that the highest decision making body of Habonim Dror Olami must be made up of
bogrei tnua (people who are magshimim from the youth movement)
Magshimim- People who have made chalutzic aliyah from Habonim Dror countries, and are Socialist
Zionists living a Shitufi life in Israel
“Highest decision making body” – refers to the highest mazkirut of HDO and NOT the vaad menahel
of the kibbutz movement
This resolution does not call for the immediate dismissal of any HDO employees, as such an action is not in
line with the values of the movement.
This resolution expects that the process of moving towards this ideal will begin with immediate effect and
expects it to be fully realized by the Veida 9.
Proposal 2
Yom Habonim Dror must be financially viable for all movements and should exist as a meaningful
mifgash for Habonim Dror Chaverim from around the world
Yom Habonim Dror should exist as a one day a year chag for movement members to come together
to celebrate the values of Habonim Dror
As such the program must not be exclusive or discourage participation by virtue of its high cost
This resolution proposes the creation of a Tzevet Gizbarut of movement Gizbarim from around the world
to work with HDO with the vision of creating a meaningful and financially viable mifgash by drastically
reducing the cost of Yom Habonim Dror and shaping the day together.
Due to pre-existing circumstances this must come into effect for Yemei Habonim 2016 onwards.
Proposed: HDUK
Proposal 3
The current election process of the Mazkir/a of HDO does not involve the wider movement. It is as it was in
the past: facilitated by the Kibbutz Movement, in an ad hoc va’ad that comes together just for this. In
addition, there are no set regulations or systems for terms, etc.
This resolution resolves that the mazkiruyot of Habonim Dror around the world will be a part of, and
major decision-makers in, the decision of who the Mazkir/a of Habonim Dror Olami will be
Habonim Dror Olami should be a democratic institution
· This resolution proposes to hold the mazkir elections at either World Veida or Kennes Mazkirim and that
the candidates for Mazkir/a be brought to each Kennes Mazkirim/World Veida for election.
· This resolution proposes that a CV and cover letter from each candidate will be sent out to each of the
Mazkiruyot at least one month prior to Kennes Mazkirim/World Veida with the contact details of each
candidate so each Mazkirut can discuss and make contact with, at their discretion, the candidate standing for
election in order to get to know them
· This resolution proposes to set aside time on Kennes Mazkirim/World Veida to meet and hear the
candidates and vote, one-country-one-vote, to decide the next Mazkir/a of Habonim Dror Olami
If for some reason the mazkir/a election and Kennes Mazkirim/World Veida do not coincide then HDO will
finance the full costs for 2 mazkirim to come to Israel to be part of the ad hoc committee of the Kibbutz
movement that recommends the new Mazkir of HDO for the Mazkir of the Kibbutz movement.
a. Mazkirim brought to be on the committee must come from different continents, and
the countries represented should vary each time.
The role of the Mazkir/a
The Mazkir/a shall serve a term of 4 years.
a. After a 4 year term, if a mazkir/a wishes to serve a second term, he/she may reach
out to the movements in each country. If two thirds of the countries, with mazkirim as
the representatives, approve a second term, the mazkir can stay another term of 4
No mazkir/a shall serve more than two terms, or 8 years total
Mazkir/a must still be actively involved in the movement
Mazkir/a must be an oleh from Habonim Dror or an Israeli youth movement
graduate with minimum 5 years experience working with Habonim Dror, who has taken on a
major leadership role in HDO, as defined by:
a. Interactions with movements other than their home movement (e.g. Shnat madrich,
Shnat Rakaz, Shlichut)
Significant experience in movement hagshama, in private and public life
Proposed: HDUK and HDNA
Proposal 4
HDSA hereby resolves that Habonim Dror Olami will have an animal (mythical or not) which accurately
represents the state of the Global Movement and it's members.
Proposed: HDSA
Proposal 5
Because of recent world event Habonim Dror Olami calls for:
1. Rejecting all religious fundamentalism and extremist practices.
2. Rejecting all forms of terrorism.
3. Rejecting state surveillance as the only response to terrorism. Calling for a proliferation of education and
an open dialogue between different religious and communal identities in the Diaspora and Israel as the
proper reaction to terror and extremism.
4. Alyah and terrorism - HD should encourage Alyah but not as a fearful reaction to security threats in
Europe and the world. Alyah should be clearly stated as the fruit of an active engagement with Israel and
Israeli society. Diaspora communities should be free and safe from harm in their respective countries.
Proposed: HDBelgium
Proposal 6
We believe that terminology helps define an ideology and centers complicated interwoven ideas.
Throughout the stated ideology of Habonim Dror (taken from the summary of the June 10th 2010, 7th Veida
Olamit) and our upbringing within the movement, we have derived that a common thread tying all of our
values together is Shivyon Erech Ha’adam (the equality of human value).We posit that this should be a
tangible tenant and a defining feature of our movement. We hold that everything we do within the context
of the movement should start on the basis that all human life is equally valuable. Just by being alive, one is
an integral part of humanity.
Although one could argue that the principles of Shivyon Erech Ha’adam are already present, we believe that
it is important to state it explicitly thus making it impossible to ignore or push to the periphery of the
tochnit. Giving a name to our ideals demonstrates our commitment to them. While this part of our proposal
may sound semantic, there is power in stating Shivyon Erech Ha’adam by name. We propose to add to the
ideology of Habonim Dror Olami the following (changes in bold):
Our Tnua serves as guidance for the Jewish youth on the basis of Shivyon Erech Ha’adam (equality of
human value) as well as the humanist values inspired by the ideological founding principles included
in this takanon. These values – such as equality, tikkun olam, democracy, social justice, collectivism are not mere perspectives: they stand as an entire way of life based on the principles of chalutziut.
We are advocating for the movement to take an increased responsibility over chinuch regarding Shivyon
Erech Ha’adam. We envisioning for each national movement to include this value as an explicit part of their
tochnit throughout the year and at their machanot. In addition, we are asking that each national movement
bring this to their specific veida to open a discussion on how to best include Shivyon Erech Ha’adam within
their structures.
Forwarded HDNA
Proposal 7
"This Veida demands that the world mazkirut keep shlichut as a top priority and assist in the funding of
shlichim in every country to make their presence a reality, as they bring the direct connection between
Israel and the respective country."
"Shlichut is essential to the runnings of Habonim Dror, and sending them should remain a top priority of the
world mazkirut to ensure they continue working with Kenim throughout the diaspora. Shlichim bring
a logistical expertise to the movement and allow us to make our kenim and machanot as strong as possible.
They provide a vital support to madrichim and their mentorship motivates chaverim to remain in the
movement and contribute for many years. Particularly in more remote countries, such as New Zealand,
shlichim help to bring accurate information about Israel and share this knowledge and perspective with both
Habonim Dror and the wider community. We believe that without the continued presence of dedicated
Habonim Dror shlichim, the sucess and continuity of Habonim Dror as an educational youth movement is
Forwarded - HDANZ
Proposal 8
This Veida Resolution resolves That Habonim Dror should present itself as a feminist movement, based on
the following principles:
Feminism is a stepping-stone towards the ultimate goal of egalitarianism.
2. Gender equality & the recognition of characteristics typically defined as feminine as equal to
those typically defined as masculine, particularly in leadership roles.
That all genders are socially, politically and economically equal.
It is the responsibility of each national movement to decide how this will manifest.
Forwarded – HDOZ
Proposal 9
Project Iom Habonim Dror Olami:
- To build an olamit identity celebrating the tnua
- To know the range and dimension of the tnua (for the chanichim)
- Diffusion outside of the tnua with the purpose to attract more chinichim.
It will be an official day of the tnua in which all the kenim from all the countries take part in the celebrations
for the HD day and they fulfill different tasks to share later on a blog or social network:
Some of the proposals:
- Hashtag on twitter or instagram of that day #iomHD
- Sing a song of the tnua and shoot it.
- Everyone goes dressed as Habonim Dror
- A competition inside each Ken and between the kenim of the entire world. The winner is the person who
wears the most original garment and from the other side the oldest garment.
- Shoot and harkada
- A picture all together
- The most beautiful cake of HD
During this day, the plan will be related to global Habonim Dror, in a kefi way and celebrating.
Steps to take: this will be the responsibility of Habonim Dror Argentina
- Create a small global vaada (through a Facebook groups and Skype conversations).
- To schedule the date for the Iom HD Olami
- Plan it. (option: plan a video edition that summarizes the preparation, development and results of the Iom HD
- Pass the information to the hanagot of each country.
- Disseminate.
- Manage the impact on social networks.
Discussion for the veida:
Tafkidim of the Mazkirut Olamit: The purpose of this discussions it not to define the tafkid, but to think about it
together and suggest ideas for what implies the tafkid and the mazkirut olamit as a tzevet.
Rosh Jinuj:
To be in touch with the rosh jinuj of each country (the facebook group already exits).
Try to identify educational opportunities, (especially those linked to things that happen in Israel or to important
events of the Jewish People in the world) and suggest to the countries different ways to apply them.
Create o facilitate material on humanist Judaism. It can be produced by the Tnuot in the countries or by others.
To think about the possibility to create a bank of activities, jovrot and projects of HD olamit.
Habonim Dror Argentina will be responsible for seeing this resolution if it passes
Forwarded – HD Argentina
Proposal 10
Purposes: To share projects and experiences. To create projects together.
The projects that can take place at a global level will have a bigger impact. But the same, each country will
decide regarding its participation on each project in an independent way.
- Bracelets with the sentence "2 states for 2 people" in the different languages.
- Virtual and shared Kabalat Shabat
- Daphei limud for Beit Midrash, Hagada, proposals for rituals, Kabalat Shabat, Bar Mitzvá, parashat ha
Shavua, audiovisuals with subtitles, text, articles
- International contests of cultural productions.
Habonim Dror Argentina will be responsible for seeing this resolution if it passes
Forwarded – HD Argentina
‫הצעות להחלטת הועידה השמינית‪ ,‬הבונים דרור ‪.2015‬‬
‫הצעה ‪:1‬‬
‫על הבונים דרור העולמית להיות מרכז חינוכי ודוגמה לתנועות הבונים דרור המקומיות ברחבי העולם‪.‬‬
‫על הבונים דרור העולמית לגלם את הקודים של תנועת הנוער ועליה להיות מובנית עליהם‪:‬‬
‫דוגמה אישית‪.‬‬
‫קבלת החלטות מבוססת דיאלוג‪.‬‬
‫יצירתיות וביטוי עצמי‪.‬‬
‫רוח החברותא‪.‬‬
‫סמליות והזדהות‪.‬‬
‫השפעה על עמדות נפשיות בחיפוש אחר האמת‪.‬‬
‫הצעה זו גורסת כי הגוף‪ ,‬לו הסמכות הגבוהה ביותר לקבלת החלטות בבונים דרור העולמית‪ ,‬חייב להיות מורכב‬
‫מבוגרי התנועה (מגשימים מתנועת הנוער)‬
‫מגשימים‪ :‬בוגרים‪ ,‬ממדינות הבונים דרור‪ ,‬שעלו לישראל ב"עלייה חלוצית" והם ציונים‪-‬סוציאליסטיים‬
‫המתגוררים בישראל במבנים שיתופיים‪.‬‬
‫הצעה‪HDUK :‬‬
‫הצעה ‪:2‬‬
‫"יום הבונים דרור" חייב להיות נגיש מבחינה כלכלית לכל התנועות‪ .‬לכן‪ ,‬מחירו לא יעלה על ‪ $25‬לחניך‪.‬‬
‫יש לקיים את "יום הבונים דרור" כיום חג שנתי לחברי התנועה‪ ,‬בו יחגגו את ערכי תנועת הבונים דרור‪.‬‬
‫יש לקיים את "יום הבונים דרור" במתכונת של מפגש משמעותי‪ ,‬עבור חברי התנועה מכל רחבי העולם‪.‬‬
‫כיום בעל המשמעות המתוארת‪ ,‬תכניתו אינה יכולה להיות בלעדית לתנועות בעלות יכולת או להרתיע חברים‬
‫מלהשתתף בה מכוח עליות גבוהות‪.‬‬
‫הצעה‪HDUK :‬‬
‫הצעה ‪:3‬‬
‫התהליך הנוכחי לבחירת מזכיר\ת הבונים דרור העולמית‪ ,‬אינו כרוך בתנועה הרחבה‪ .‬התהליך מתנהל כבעבר‪ ,‬על ידי‬
‫התנועה הקיבוצית‪ ,‬המכנסת וועד זמני לבחירת המזכיר\ה ותו לא‪ .‬בנוסף‪ ,‬לא נקבעו תקנות או שיטה לעניין הכהונות‬
‫הצעה זו דורשת כי מזכירויות תנועת הבונים דרור ברחבי העולם‪ ,‬יהיו חלק בעל משקל מרכזי בקבלת ההחלטה‬
‫בדבר מינויו\ה של מזכיר\ת הבונים דרור העולמית‪.‬‬
‫על הבונים דרור העולמית להיות מוסד דמוקרטי‪.‬‬
‫הועידה העולמית הנוכחית מתקיימת כחמש שנים לאחר הועידה הקודמת‪.‬‬
‫על הועידה הבאה להתקיים תוך שלוש שנים מהיום וזאת על מנת לחזור ולקיים מחזורי וועידה בני ארבע‬
‫שנים‪ ,‬שיחפפו עם תקופת בחירת המזכיר\ה הבא\ה‪.‬‬
‫בחירת המועמדים לתפקיד מזכיר\ת התנועה העולמית‪ ,‬תובא בפני הוועידה כל ארבע שנים‪.‬‬
‫קורות חיים ומכתב בקשה למינוי‪ ,‬עם פרטי יצירת קשר של כל מועמד\ת‪ ,‬יישלחו לכל אחת מהמזכירויות‬
‫לפחות חודש לפני הוועידה העולמית‪ .‬כך יוכלו המזכירות לדון במועמדים וליצור איתם קשר על מנת להכירם‪,‬‬
‫על פי שיקול דעתם‪.‬‬
‫בוועידה העולמית‪ ,‬יוקדש זמן למפגש ולשיחה עם המועמדים כמו גם לקיום הצבעה‪ ,‬בה יינתן קול אחד לכל‬
‫מדינה‪ ,‬לבחירת המזכיר\ה החדש\ה‪.‬‬
‫• אם מסיבה כלשהי‪ ,‬תקופת הבחירות של המזכיר\ה החדש\ה והוועידה העולמית לא יחפפו‪ ,‬תממן הבונים דרור‬
‫העולמית את מלוא העלויות עבור הבאת מזכירי\ות שני מדינות לישראל‪ .‬אלה‪ ,‬יהיו חלק מהוועדה הזמנית של התנועה‬
‫הקיבוצית הממליצה על המזכיר\ה החדש\ה של הבונים דרור העולמית למזכיר התנועה הקיבוצית‪.‬‬
‫א‪ .‬על המזכירים\ות המגיעים לוועד הזמני לבוא מיבשות שונות‪ ,‬והמדינה המיוצגת תשתנה בכל פעם‪.‬‬
‫תפקיד המזכיר\ה‬
‫‪ .I‬המזכיר\ה יכהן\תכהן תקופה של כ‪ 4-‬שנים‪.‬‬
‫א‪ .‬לאחר ‪ 4‬שנות כהונה‪ ,‬באם המזכיר\ה מבקשים להמשיך לכהונה שנייה‪ ,‬ייפנו לתנועות במדינות‬
‫השונות‪ .‬באם שני שלישים מהמדינות‪ ,‬שייוצגו על ידי המזכירים\ות המקומיים‪ ,‬יאשרו תקופת כהונה‬
‫שנייה‪ ,‬יכהן\תכהן המזכיר\ה ‪ 4‬שנים נוספות‪.‬‬
‫ב‪ .‬לא יכהן\תכהן מזכיר\ה יותר משני קדנציות‪ ,‬או ‪ 8‬שנים סך הכל‪.‬‬
‫‪ .II‬המזכיר\ה הנבחר\ת חייב\ת להיות מעורב\ת באופן פעיל בתנועה בשנים שלפני הכהונה‪.‬‬
‫‪ .III‬המזכיר\ה חייב\ת להיות‪ ,‬עולה מהבונים דרור או בוגר\ת תנועת נוער ישראלית עם ניסיון של לפחות ‪5‬‬
‫שנות עבודה עם הבונים דרור‪ ,‬שלקח\ה על עצמו\ה תפקיד מרכזי בהנהגת הבונים דרור העולמית‪ ,‬על פי‬
‫ההגדרות הבאות‪:‬‬
‫א‪ .‬אינטראקציה עם תנועות אחרות מעבר לתנועה מהם הוא\היא מגיע\ה או איתם עבד\ה‪.‬‬
‫ב‪ .‬ניסיון משמעותי בהגשמה תנועתית‪ ,‬בחייו הפרטיים והציבוריים‪.‬‬
‫הצעה‪ HDUK :‬ו ‪HDNA‬‬
‫הצעה ‪:4‬‬
‫הבונים דרור דרום אפריקה מציעים בזאת‪ ,‬כי לתנועת הבונים דרור העולמית יהיה בעל חיים (מיתי או אמיתי) המייצג‬
‫באופן מדויק‪ ,‬את מצבה של התנועה העולמית וחבריה‪.‬‬
‫הצעה‪HDSA :‬‬
‫הצעה ‪:5‬‬
‫בשל האירועים שהתרחשו לאחרונה בעולם‪ ,‬תנועת הבונים דרור העולמית קוראת‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬לדחייה של כל גילויי הפונדמנטליזם והקיצוניות הדתית‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬לדחייה של כל צורות הטרור‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬לדחיית הפיקוח המדיני כמענה יחיד לטרור ולהגברתו של חינוך לדיאלוג פתוח בין דתות וקהילות שונות‪ ,‬בתפוצות‬
‫ובישראל‪ ,‬כתגובה הולמת לטרור ולקיצוניות‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬עלייה וטרור – על הבונים דרור לעודד עלייה‪ ,‬אך לא כתגובה המונעת מפחד האיומים הביטחוניים באירופה ובעולם‪.‬‬
‫על העלייה להיות במוצהר‪ ,‬החלטה פרי מעורבות פעילה בארץ ישראל ובחברה הישראלית‪ .‬על הקהילות היהודיות‬
‫בתפוצות להיות חופשיות ובטוחות מכל רע בארצות מגוריהן‪.‬‬
‫הצעה‪-HDBelgium :‬‬
‫הצעה ‪:6‬‬
‫אנו מאמינים כי טרמינולוגיה‪ ,‬מסייעת להגדיר אידיאולוגיה ולמרכז רעיונות מורכבים ושלובים‪ .‬האידיאולוגיה המוצהרת‬
‫של הבונים דרור (כפי שהן מופיעות בסיכום הוועידה העולמית ה‪ 10 ,7-‬יוני ‪ )2010‬והחינוך שקיבלנו בתנועה‪ ,‬הביאו‬
‫אותנו להבנה‪ ,‬שהחוט המקשר בין כל הערכים שלנו הוא שוויון ערך אדם‪ .‬על ערך זה‪ ,‬להיות עניין מוחשי ותכונה‬
‫מגדירה של התנועה‪ .‬אנו סבורים כי כל מעשינו בתנועה‪ ,‬צריכים להתבסס על כך‪ ,‬שחיי כל אדם חשובים במידה שווה‪.‬‬
‫היות אדם חי‪ ,‬עושה אותו לחלק בלתי נפרד מהאנושות‪.‬‬
‫למרות שניתן לטעון‪ ,‬כי עקרון שוויון ערך האדם נוכח כבר היום‪ ,‬אנו מאמינים כי חשוב לציין זאת במפורש ובכך להפכו‬
‫לעקרון שאין להתעלם ממנו או להדיחו לשוליים‪ .‬מתן שם לאידיאלים שלנו ממחיש את המחויבות שלנו אליהם‪ .‬בעוד‬
‫חלק זה של ההצעה נשמע אולי סמנטי‪ ,‬ישנה משמעות רבה להצהרה גלויה על שוויון ערך האדם‪ .‬אנו מציעים להוסיף‬
‫לאידיאולוגיה של הבונים דרור העולמית את הדברים הבאים (השינויים מודגשים)‪:‬‬
‫תנועתנו הינה גורם מכוון‪ ,‬לנוער היהודי‪ ,‬על בסיס ‪( Shivyon Erech Ha'adam‬שוויון ערך אדם)‪ ,‬כמו גם על‬
‫בסיס ערכים הומניסטיים‪ ,‬בהשראת עקרונות היסוד האידיאולוגיים הכלולים בתקנון זה‪ .‬ערכים אלה ‪ -‬כגון‬
‫שוויון‪ ,‬תיקון עולם‪ ,‬דמוקרטיה‪ ,‬צדק חברתי‪ ,‬קולקטיביזם ‪ -‬אינם פרספקטיבות בלבד‪ :‬הם עומדים כדרך חיים‬
‫שלמה המבוססת על עקרונות החלוציות‪.‬‬
‫אנו קוראים לתנועה כולה לקחת אחריות מוגברת על החינוך לשוויון ערך האדם‪ .‬חזוננו הוא‪ ,‬שכל תנועה מקומית‪,‬‬
‫תכלול ערך זה כחלק מרכזי בתוכנית החינוכית שלה‪ ,‬לאורך השנה ובמחנות‪ .‬בנוסף‪ ,‬אנו מבקשים שכל תנועה מקומית‬
‫תביא רעיון זה לוועידה שלה‪ .‬זאת בכדי לפתוח דיון על הדרך הטובה ביותר לכלול את שוויון ערך האדם במבני‬
‫הצעה‪-HDNA :‬‬
‫הצעה ‪:7‬‬
‫וועידה זו דורשת‪ ,‬שמזכירות הבונים דרור העולמית תשמור את נושא השליחות בראש סדר העדיפויות שלה‬
‫ותסייע במימון שליחים לכל מדינה וזאת בכדי להפוך את נוכחותם למציאות‪ ,‬כיוון שנוכחות זו היא הקשר הישיר‬
‫בין ישראל וקהילות במדינות השונות‪.‬‬
‫מוסד השליחות חיוני לקיומה של הבונים דרור ועליו להישאר בראש סדר העדיפויות של המזכירות העולמית‪ ,‬בכדי‬
‫להבטיח שהשליחים ימשיכו לעבוד בקני התפוצות‪ .‬שליחים מביאים לתנועה מומחיות לוגיסטית ומאפשרים לנו לקיים‬
‫קינים ומחנות באופן הטוב ביותר‪ .‬הם מספקים תמיכה חיונית למדריכים והנחייתם מעודדת חברים להישאר בתנועה‬
‫ולתרום עוד שנים רבות‪ .‬במדינות מרוחקות יותר‪ ,‬כגון ניו זילנד‪ ,‬שליחים עוזרים להביא מידע מדויק על ישראל וחולקים‬
‫את הידע והפרספקטיבה שלהם עם הבונים דרור כמו גם עם הקהילה היהודית בכלל‪ .‬אנו מאמינים כי ללא הנוכחות‬
‫המתמשכת של שליחים בבונים דרור‪ ,‬הצלחתה והמשכיותה כתנועת נוער חינוכית נמצאת בסיכון ממשי‪.‬‬
‫הצעה‪HDANZ :‬‬
‫הצעה ‪:8‬‬
‫הבונים דרור תציג עצמה כתנועה פמיניסטית בהתאם לעקרונות הבאים‪:‬‬
‫פמיניזם הינו ערך המהווה אבן יסוד בסלילת הדרך אל המטרה הסופית של שוויון זכויות‪.‬‬
‫שוויון בין מינים והכרה במאפיינים נשיים כשווים לאלו של גברים‪ ,‬במיוחד בתפקידי הנהגה‪.‬‬
‫גברים ונשים שווים מבחינה חברתית‪ ,‬פוליטית וכלכלית‪.‬‬
‫המאבק הפמיניסטי הוא אחריות שני המינים‪.‬‬
‫באחריותה של כל תנועה מקומית להחליט באיזה אופן‪ ,‬יבואו בה דברים אלו לידי ביטוי‪.‬‬
‫הצעה‪HDOZ :‬‬
‫הצעה ‪:9‬‬
‫‪:‬פרויקט יום הבונים דרור עולמי‬
‫לבנות זהות עולמית על ידי חגיגה של התנועה ‪-‬‬
‫להכיר את הטווח הממד של התנועה (עבור החניכים) ‪-‬‬
‫‪.‬הפצת התנועה החוצה במטרה למשוך יותר חניכים ‪-‬‬
‫זה יהיה יום רשמי של התנועה בו כל הקנים של המדינות משתתפים בחגיגות על יום הבונים דרור וממלאים משימות‬
‫‪:‬שונות כדי לחלוק אותם מאוחר יותר בבלוג או ברשת חברתית‬
‫‪:‬כמה הצעות‬
‫‪ #iomHD‬האשטג בטוויטר או אינסטגרם של אותו יום ‪-‬‬
‫לשיר שיר מהתנועה ולצלם בוידאו ‪-‬‬
‫שכולם ילכו לבושים כהבונים דרור ‪-‬‬
‫‪.‬תחרות בתוך כל קן ובין כל הקנים של העולם ‪-‬‬
‫‪.‬זוכה מי שלובש את הבגד הכי מקורי ומצד שני פריט הלבוש הכי עתיק ‪-‬‬
‫לצלם הרקדה ‪-‬‬
‫תמונה כולם ביחד ‪-‬‬
‫העוגה הכי יפה של הבונים דרור ‪-‬‬
‫‪.‬במהלך היום הזה‪ ,‬התוכנית תקושר להבונים דרור עולמית בצורה כיפית ובחגיגות‬
‫‪:‬צעדים שיש לנקוט‬
‫‪.‬להרכיב ועדה עולמית קטנה (דרך קבוצת פייסבוק ושיחות סקייפ) ‪-‬‬
‫לקבוע את תאריך יום הבונים דרור העולמי ‪-‬‬
‫לתכנן אותו‪( .‬אפשרות‪ :‬לתכנן הפקת וידאו שתסכם את ההכנות‪ ,‬פיתוח ותוצאות של יום הבונים דרור העולמי) ‪-‬‬
‫‪.‬להעביר את המידע להנהגות של כל ועידה ‪-‬‬
‫‪.‬להפיץ ‪-‬‬
‫‪.‬לנהל את הפרסום ברשתות חברתיות ‪-‬‬
‫‪:‬דיון לועידה‬
‫תפקידי המזכירות העולמית‪ :‬מטרת הדיונים האלה היא לא להגדיר את התפקיד‪ ,‬אלא לחשוב ביחד ולהציע רעיונות על‬
‫‪.‬משמעות התפקיד והמזכירות העולמית כצוות‬
‫‪:‬ראש חינוך‬
‫‪.‬להיות בקשר עם ראש החינוך של כל מדינה (קבוצת הפייסבוק כבר קיימת)‬
‫לנסות לזהות הזדמנויות חינוכיות (במיוחד אלה הקשורות לדברים שקוראים בישראל או לאירועים חשובים של העם‬
‫‪.‬היהודי בעולם) ולהציע למדינות דרכים שונות ליישם אותן‬
‫‪.‬ליצור או למסור חומר על יהדות הומנית‪ .‬זה יכול להיות מופק על ידי התנועות במדינות או על ידי אחרים‬
‫‪.‬לחשוב על ההזדמנות ליצור מאגר פעולות‪ ,‬תוכנית‪ ,‬חוברות ופרויקטים של הבונים דרור העולמית‬
‫הבונים דרור ארגנטינה יהיו אחראים על קיום ההחלטה אם היא תעבור‬
‫הצעה‪HD Agentina:‬‬
‫הצעה ‪:10‬‬
‫ועדות עולמיות‪ :‬יהדות הומנית וציונות שמאלנית‬
‫‪.‬מטרות‪ :‬לשתף פרויקטים וחוויות‪ .‬ליצור פרויקטים משותפים‬
‫הפרויקטים שניתן לבצע ברמה העולמית הם בעל השפעה גדולה יותר‪ .‬בכל מקרה‪ ,‬כל מדינה תחליט על השתתפותה‬
‫‪.‬בכל פרויקט בצורה עצמאית‬
‫‪.‬מדינות לשני עמים" בשפות השונות ‪ "2‬צמידים עם המשפט ‪-‬‬
‫קבלת שבת וירטואלי משותפת ‪-‬‬
‫דפי לימוד לבית מדרש‪ ,‬הגדה‪ ,‬הצעות טקסים‪ ,‬קבלת שבת‪ ,‬בר מצווה‪ ,‬פרשת השבוע‪ ,‬סרטים עם כתוביות‪ ,‬טקסטים‪- ,‬‬
‫תחרויות בינלאומיות של הפקות תרבותיות‬
‫הבונים דרור ארגנטינה יהיו אחראים על קיום ההחלטה אם היא תעבור‬
‫הצעה‪HD Agentina:‬‬
Voting Results
Prop 1
Prop 2
Prop 3
Prop 4
Prop 5
Prop 6
Prop 7
Prop 8
Prop 9
Prop 10
Fails: Passes