BULLETIN The show is located at Norges Varemesse, Lillestrøm, only some ten minutes train ride from Oslo Central Station. NORDIA 2014 WELCOME TO NORDIA 2014. The philatelic exhibitions of NORDIA have been a tradition for many years. Last year Iceland was host for this show, and now it is The Norwegian Federation of Philatelists, in co-operation with Oslo Filatelistklubb and Posten Norge, to do the arrangements. Through the years every Nordic country has arranged this show every five years, except in one occasion when Scandinavian Collectors Club, USA, made the arrangement in Tuscon, Arizona the year 2001. The previous arrangement in Norway was 2008 in Stavanger, when Stavanger was culture capital in Europe, and the philatelic exhibition was part of the celebration. The two cities of Fredrikstad and Kristiansand also hosted the Nordia-exhibitions in 1989, 1992 and 2002. This year -2014 – which is a very special year for Norway, - we have again the pleasure of inviting all our Nordic friends in philately to visit, together with our friends in USA and Great Britain. We are proud to celebrate the 200-years anniversary for the Norwegian Constitution, probably the most important historical event in “modern” Norwegian history. NORDIA-2014 is part of this celebration, showing philatelic items connected to the historical events, in addition to a diversity of exhibits showing philately from all over the world, postal history with local connections, thematic exhibits, - probably enough to satisfy any collector wanting to pay us a visit. Hours and hours of work have been spent to find these items, using them to tell interesting stories with philatelic items as illustrations, which may fascinate the public. This is also a competition, a Nordic championship one may say, where the exhibits have been through national qualifications to achieve the possibility to participate. An international jury will examine all the exhibits, to find scarce material in exceptional quality, look at the presentation of the items in a context of history, evaluating the knowledge of the exhibitor by the exhibitor’s describing of the items. At the end of the show there will be a prize ceremony, like for all competitions. For the spectator this will be an exciting event, and the show is in fact a possibility to see something you may wait several years to ever see again. The show is located at Norges Varemesse, Lillestrøm, only a ten minute train ride from the Oslo Central Station. The hotel facilities are therefore located in Oslo, and may be a nice occasion to visit other attractions. Some 700-800 frames will be shown, each frame covering 16 A-4 sheets with philatelic material, collected through many years. This is what some of our hobby is all about. It is also a social event, meeting friends and people sharing the same interest. It is a cultural happening. I hope for an exciting exhibition, lots of people attending, and I want to invite as many as possible to have a look at what philatelists are doing during spare time. You may have a positive surprise – so please take a trip to Norges Varemesse 21. - 23. november 2014. You are welcome! Ivar Sundsbø – leader of the exhibition committee. Hovedkommisjonær og kommisjonær for Norge / Main commissioner Arne Thune-Larsen [email protected] Nasjonale kommisjonærer / local exhibition agents / commissioners DANMARK ISLAND SUOMI / FINLAND Lars Peter Svendsen [email protected] Árni Gústafsson [email protected] Ari Muhonen [email protected] SVERIGE Scandinavian Collectors Club (USA) Contact for members of Scandinavia Collectors Society (GB) : Rolf Scharning [email protected] Fredrik Ydell [email protected] Alan Warren [email protected] NORDIA 2014 c/o Norsk Filatelistforbund Postboks 875 N-0104 Oslo Norge/Norway www.nordia2014.no [email protected] ● Main Railway station NORDIA – hotel . Clarion Hotel Royal Christiania NORDIA – Palmares. Palmares is planned within walking distance from Oslo Central Station. All information will be given at the exhibition homepage (and to exhibitors). A large number of hotels are situated in Oslo (and the area). We have, however, reserved a number of rooms close to Oslo Central Station – at Clarion Hotel Royal Christiania, Biskop Gunnerus Gate 3, N-0155 Oslo. Prices: 21.11 – 23.11.2014 single room NOK 980.21.11 – 23.11.2014 double room NOK 1180.Prices are quoted for each room one night. They include breakfast. If you are interested in this special offer, please contact Choice customer service at telephone +47 22334200 or send an e-mail to [email protected] The booking code number to obtain these (for Oslo) low prices is 480095. NORDIA 2014 Special stamp collectibles. A number of articles for sale: A. Personal stamp , letter postage within Norway NOK 20 B. Personal stamp, letter postage, Norway to Europe NOK 25 C. Postal card with Norway stamp FDC cancellation NOK 50 D. Postal card with Europe stamp FDC cancellation NOK 50 E. Nordia 2014 has lauched the first of several special products for collectors. The first one includeds last years' stamps issed for Christmas and a full description. The price is NOK 160,- per item Please consult www.nordia2014.no to be sure to be offered and do get all new collectors products SHOPPING FROM ABROAD : If you are ordering items due to be shipped to an address outside Norway, please adhere to the following instructions: Calculate the total amount for the ordered items in Norwegian kroners (NOK). Accordingly you have to include NOK 20 for postage and packing. We will use our personal stamp (article 002) for postage Send payment to PayPal account: [email protected]. Include information about the number of articles and which articles you are ordering. Unfortunately we are not able to provide a regular bank account for this purpose. If using PayPal proves a problem, please contact us and we'll look into other options Please remember to include your full name and correct address on the order to make sure your purchase arrives correctly ! 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H S I H N M ' % 8 . # - & 7 % # ' $ + * 4 # c H O d e f H g [ h i e [ j I k l S h h & X # ' - 0 * 0 + ' 3 , + 0 The exhibit will be delivered by mail Exhibition committee will mount the exhibit Exhibition committee will dismount the exhibit ' " @ % % ) 2 $ ) H 8 5 R # + ) + $ C ' % / " * P $ . - * Exhibitor or his/her representative will deliver the exhibit Exhibitor or his/her representative will mount the exhibit Exhibitor or his/her representative will dismount the exhibit ? - 2 ' ' " 6 6 * Q ' # ' 0 $ 9 ' 2 + - * 8 $ 8 $ * % + - ' + ) > 6 . m l n o p f O K P K M I [ P S I P S [ [ I S P P I H H I P Vi deltar ikke med stand på NORDIA 2014, men vi støtter utstillingen ! Besøk Oslo's mest spennende frimerkebutikk når du er i byen! Sentralt beliggende 200 meter fra stortinget Trikk 13 og 19 til Wessels plass stasjon Buss 30, 31, 32, 54 og 112 til Wessels plass stasjon Tog eller flytog til Nasjonalteatrets stasjon Alltid stort utvalg og hele tiden nye objekter: – – – – – Prakt / luksus stemplete frimerker Brev og postkort for stedssamleren i store mengder Nordiske og utenlandske frimerker Samlinger / lots Norge og Hele Verden Stort utvalg i rekvisita og kataloger 7-9 skriftlige auksjoner pr år, be om neste katalog. Evt. registrer deg på vår internettside og få melding om når ny katalog foreligger, som enkelt kan lastes gratis ned. Åpningstider: Mandag – fredag 11-17 ; lørdag 11-14 STEIN KRISTIANSEN FRIMERKER Nedre Vollgt. 9, 0158 Oslo Tlf: 22 41 01 30 / Faks: 22 42 03 31 www.steinkristiansen.no mail: [email protected]
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