SRmax Payroll Deduction Authorization Employee Name Social Security Number Store Location Gender New Hire YES_______ NO________ Manager YES_______ NO________ Style Size Cost Shipping $5.95 Sub-Total Sales Tax Total Cost Sub-Total x .0675 I authorize Fulenwider-Phoenix Food Service to deduct the “Total Cost” above from my wages for 1 pair of SRmax slip resistant safety shoes. I understand that I am not required to purchase my shoes from SRmax, or to purchase my shoes through the company payroll deduction plan. I understand that my RGM is available to explain other options for purchasing approved slip-resistant shoes. Signature________________________________ Date___________________ (For new hires, please submit this information on the New Hire Web Form and send this form to the office in the weekly packet. For existing employees, please fax this from to Tomra Martin at 828-430-8463 and send the original in the weekly packet.)
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