Curriculum & Instruction Committee Sample Procedures August 2008 ~ pee PASADENA CITY COLLEGE Academic Support· Curriculum and Instruction (626) 585-7034 Date: July 30, 2008 To: Curriculum and Instruction Committee Division Deans From: Joseph Futtner Chairperson Re: Curriculum and Instruction Committee - Fall 2008 a I hope you each had a great summer and welcome back to will be meeting on Tuesday afternoons. The regular full Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 cycle schedules are attache submissions are to be delivered to the Curriculum & It is required by Title 5 that the district must a the curriculum approval process have received related to the curriculum review and approval pr committee members and division deans will be he (President's Conference Room). T . ting will h accomplished. Please plan on atte eetin 7171, so that an additional time peri lyle and Mechanics oons. The detai led nt to you in Apri/). All on that all faculty and staff who are involved in cellor's Office in the policies and procedures y certification and yearly orientation for all er 4 2008 at 2:15 .m. in room C233 r atte on the work that needs to be ra Salmon, ext. 7034, or Elizabeth Wood, ext. receive the information. entation will be considered at the September 11 1h Fall and Spring C & I Committee cycles at which 'Urgent The 'URGENT ACTION meeting. This is the on Actions' will be consider will submit a student nominee as a potential member of the be made a soon as possible and forwarded to Barbara Salmon, in room C223. by the Associated Student Board from recommendations made by divisions to d and confirmed by the 2/3 vote of the Academic Senate Board. The four voting ions of the College. The students will need to have at least a 2.75 CPA and xception granted by the C & J Committee, three-quarter-time (9 hours) students. Review Process and the PCC Course Description Style Sheet. They have been revised s for what constitutes an 'Urgent Action' request and the WebCMS curriculum development/sub rocess. Please use these guidelines, along with the Curriculum Standards Handbook, Second Edition, March 2003, along with the attached Supplement to the Program and Course Approval Handbook, 2 Edition when preparing your paperwork. All required paperwork must be presented when it is submitted for review by the Subcommittee on Style and Mechanics. Remember, all proposals for courses and programs will be handled through WebCMS. Do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. Again, welcome to the 2008-2009 cycle of the 0 ' Curriculum and Instruction Committee. JF/bas Cc: Division Secretaries c&I 2006-2009 WelcOl'Tle CURRICULUM REVIEW PROCESS 2008-2009 All curriculum additions, changes, and deletions to courses and occupational programs will be made through the on-line module of WebCMS, using the following internet pathway: Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox Staff Services WEBCMS ADMIN ACCESS Training and Help: Contact the Curriculum & Instruction Office in [email protected]. Individual and group training can be arrange also available. ext. 7034, or email r (revised 6/02) are ATTACHMENTS TO THIS DOCUMENT: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. LUM REQUEST: Rising out of a need to f propo rriculum requests, the C & I Committee is their basic paperwork, a Summary Proposal Sheet outlining view proposals produced through WebCMS (see attached • .. . . MS (click on 'Data Analysis", andlor call the C & I s). It is ai~lJ\l!.responsibility of the Division Dean to notify any other eet their courses or occupational programs. CURRICU OR.!.Every individual proposal will have a separate signature sheet - a copy of this form is attached and is ilab~~n template form (hardcopy sample attached). ,RECOMMENDED PREPARATION VALIDATION FORMS & PREREQUISITE, COREQUIS ON-LINE REQUEST F e available through WebCMS when you are preparing course/program adds, changes or modifications c ick on 'Supplemental"). CHANGE REQUESTS: a. If the changes are such that basic components of the course are significantly changed, you need to prepare a modification proposal through WebCMS, the Prerequisite/Corequisite/Recommended Preparation Validation supplemental form as is appropriate through WebCMS. If the course is being changed to a transferable course (2 digits) please attach a signed and completed Transfer Certification Approval andlor the Transfer Course Co/Prerequisite form. These forms are available only through the Articulation Specialist's Office (ext. 7254). If you are changing a course number please verify with the C Curriculum Review Process August 2008 Page 1 & I office that the number you wish to assign is available prior to starting your proposal in WebCMS. b. When courses/programs are deleted (dropped), added or the course number is changed, other course descriptions or prerequisite statements may be affected. In such a case, when this is the only change anticipated for the other courses, no new course change paperwork need be generated, but a list of the affected courses/programs must be attached to the change. c. Distance Education Courses (lTV, Online Courses): requests to offer a course through lTV or online is also done through WebCMS (also found under "Supplementa'"). d. Exploratory (Experimental) Course Proposals: Experimental courses onl undergo the regular curriculum ch time a new topic is approval process involving Web CMS the first time they are submitte g the need for experimentation addressed, faculty are required to submit to C&I a written rational jectives (TMOs) and SLOs. This and a complete course outline, which includes Student Performan Plea ntact the C & I course information is presented to the committee as an informational Office to obtain the instructions and templates for these types of courses. ADD REQUESTS: a. Please verify with the C & I Office that the proposal in WebCMS. b. A completed Transfer C"rtification A form with supporting documentation a transferable) must be attached. These fo DElETION (DROP) REQUES 'b.. ~~f~ . the TrlilSfer Cours isite Confirmation 'ill!fticulation 0 I ourse is to be the Articulatio Specialist (ex!. 7254) . .done through WebCMS. A copy of ALL existing affected occ submitted. Affected $ections of the A '11"" '\,,, nurntse~~h to . h the revised certificate pattern MUST be equirements should also be attached. A. 8. e. d must show the rational for offering these courses "out of catalog." Special Note: during the coming C & I cycle year there will be only one ·Urgent Action" period • Fall 2008. Any and all "Urgent Actions" must be submitted at the specified period in the Fall 2008 cycle. CLEAN UP SESSIONS: Only curriculum changes previously presented to th" C & I committee or those which naturally result from previous actions taken will routinely be considered in the clean up sessions. The committee will decide if it will review other proposed changes on an emergency basis. Divisions that fail to meet their scheduled review time or present the C & I committee with unacceptable paperwork run the risk of not having their changes reviewed in the current cycle. CUrriculum Review Process Augus! 2008 Page 2 AVOIDING COURSE DUPLICATIONS: It is the responsibility of the Division Dean presenting curriculum changes to coordinate these changes with other divisions when duplication might be an issue. Failure to attempt to obtain a consensus approval prior to coming before the C & I Committee will automatically exclude consideration of the change. If an attempt has been made and recorded in writing and a consensus approval has not been obtained, the C & I Committee will determine if it will review the proposed change(s). SUBCOMMITIEE ON STYLE AND MECHANICS: The subcommittee will be provided with 1B sets of paper HARDCOPY of;!l! courses, programs and required backup paperwork along with the Summary Proposal Sheet and a Sign-off Fo. for each course or program. C & I Meeting Schedules. This paperwork will be submitted to the C & I Office, C223, as scheduled . FULL CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION COMMITTEE MEMBERRESPO In an effort to reduce paperwork, the full C & I Committee meeting paperw each proposa electronic. It is the committee member's responsibility to re the member would like a hardcopy of the proposal they can 't at their own number of hard copies will be available at the meetin t ally only be di during the full committee meeting. The full committee will receive prior to each me 1. 2. 3. Agenda and Consent Item Summary Proposal Sheet fr Signature Sheet for EACH co required documentation. Divisions do not roy; available e/ectronicall e Full C & { Committee since it is necessary number of copies/packets (49 complete The deadlines for & Instruction Office in C223 at ex1. 7034. Curriculum Review Process August 2008 Page 3 AITACHMENT A I Data Analysis - Curriculum filii It1J' PASADENA CITY(DLl£GE Data Analysis - Curriculum Management DIVISION OF NATURAL SCIENCES User: Barbara Salmon (SALMONS) Stage: Curriculum Office Review To view or print a proposal, click on the Proposal name (hyper~linked}. Proposal Type Action Last Revised Stag BIOL 102A ! 0 I) COURSE MOD 6/7/2005 10:04:05 AM 1 PHYSC 25 (1) COURSE ADD 5/9/2005 7:14:3B PM 1 COURSE ADD 5/9/20057:00:19 PM 1 COURSE MOD 5/912005 6:52:42 PM 1 COURSE MOD 2/1/2005 3: 19:24 PM 1 I) PROGRAM MOD 5/31/2005 3: 14: IB PM 1 PROGRAM ADD 5/31/2005 3:07: 50 PM 1 PROGRAM ADD 5/31/20052:02:53 PM 1 PROGRAM ADO 5/31/200510:53:22 AM 1 PROGRAM MOD 2/11/20051:45:38 PM 1 GEOL Geol 5 CI) GWL 12L BIOL 28 0 ~ ! 0 I) BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY - LABORATORY ASSIST. OPTION BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY - COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY - LABORATORY SKILLS BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY· CELL CULTURE BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY 01) O~ ! 0 I) , 0 C:I) Prapoula Found: 10 Legend • p This icon indicates that this propoaal has been returned to you. CliCk it to see why. (;) Click lhis icon to lee author information. C] Click thiS icon to see Bll audit: trail for the proposal. ~ Click this leon to view t1'l8 propo$Bl. Main I My Proposals I All Proposals I Data Analysis I Official Data I Configuration I Lc ATTACHMENT B PASADENA CITY COLLEGE CURRICULUM SIGN-OFF FORM C & I SUBCOMMITTEE DATE: CHECK ONE: [J ADD CHANGE DISTANCE EDUCATION REQUEST DELETION o o o C & I FULL COMMITTEE DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: DIVISION: BUSINESS AND COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY COMPLETE SECTION A OR B: A. COURSE TITLE & NUMBER (i.e, ENGL 1A): FULL NAME OF COURSE: NUMBER OF UNITS: C-FTE: TOTAL LECTURE HOURS: B. TOTAL LAB HOURS: TBA: OCCUPATIONAL CERTIFICATE NAME: CHECK ONE: D o CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT (minimum of 18 units) OCCUPATIONAL SKILLS CERTIFICATE (17 unit. or less) TOTAL CERTIFICATE UNITS: CLEARANCES AND APPROVALS SIGNATURES (Required prior 10 C & I considerationl: Has this request been discussed with other Divisions or sub-departments that may be impacted? Check one: DIVlSION DEAN DATE FACULTY AUTHOR DATE C & I COMMITTEE FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE DATE SLOCOORDINATOR DATE Yes DN/A (For Curriculum & Instruction Office Use Only) APPROVAL DATES CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION COMMITTEE "ASSOCIATE DEAN, CAREER & TECHINCAL DATE EDUCATION -(Required for all occupational programs and vocational courses) SIGNATURES (Required following C & IllJJProval): 0 BOARD OF TRUSTEES (If New or Deleted CourseIProgram) MCF#, PACS ACT CODE, FACULTYCHAlRPERSON CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION COMMITTEE DATE ASSOCIATE DEAN, ACADEMIC SUPPORT DATE VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTRUCTION DATE _ _ Attached to this sheet is documentation (faCUlty sign-off sheet, department minutes, advisory board minutes, accrediting agency requirements) that additions, changes, deletions have heen reviewed by the appropriate faCUlty and/or othen. C & I Sign-off Sheet REVISED 01123108 ATTACHMENT C Proposal Proposal: BIOL 28 ( 10#3072 ) Author(s): Richard Johnston This proposal requests the MODIFICATION of the COURSE BIOL 28. Changes Found: Section Section Section Section Section Section H H H H H H - Prerequisite Recommended Catalog Description Student Performance Objectives Course Content Outline Required Materials:Text Books From: 1. CIS 10 Prerequisite 2. HTML course content To: No prerequisite. Recommended preparation: Basic computer skills, including word processing, spreadsheets, and Internet utilization. No HTML course content. Rationale: Removal of eIS 10 prerequsite: Only basic computer skills are needed for this class (i.e., word processing, Internet utilization, and familiarity with spreadsheets). Our experience has been that very few students come from pce, and therefore have to challenge the prerequisite even if they have a degree in Computer Science. This creates an unnecessary barrier for enrollment in the class. Removal of HTML content: Review of biolnformatics job postings indicates that web page creation and HTML are not skills generally reqUired for bioinformaticists. ATIACHMENT D PASADENA CrTYCOLlEGE Proposal Proposal: BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY - LABORATORY ASSIST. OPTION ( 10#3093 ) Author(s): Wendie Johnston ThiS proposal requests the MODIFICATION of the PROGRAM BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY - LABORATORY ASSISTANT OPTION. Changes Found: Program Description Core Units From: To: Rationale: ATTACHMENT E Approved by C & I: 11130106 Pasadena City College Experimental Course Concept Overview To Be Approved by the C&I Committee November 30, 2006 An experimental course (a.k.a. exploratory course) is a course for whic~Alfull information on some approval criterion, such as feasibility or need, cannot be deterrnirted until the course is actually offered on a trial basis." (Title 5) Experimental courses only undergo the regular curriculum approval pro olving W~b CMS ;i, the first time they are submitted. Each time a new topic is addressed, f: are re,qltired to submit to C&l a written rationale stating the need for e erimentation and te course outline, which includes Student Performance Obje TMOs) and SL his course information is presented to the committee as an .onal item. ollie reasons for experimentation are: • Appropriateness to the college's mi • Need may be questionable if stu • Feasibility may be uncertain if c • Assessment of quality for an exp service learning, may await actual for Course Approval ses, Ac An experimental course may D times in one year and it will be the responsibility of the.dean to ensure the co is not taught more often. By the fourth course offering, the experiJll, issues sho be,resolved and the course resubmitted through the :Ar regular C&I process. ;H,';}/ );0" Ste~ for Establishing an Experimental Course ':" ';;;'i,,;'/ c~ses may be offered, the master exploratory courses must be d oy C&I and the Board of Trustees. lRItiPft Master Exploratory Topics Courses To develop the aster course, a faculty member proposes the course to the appropriate departmental faculty and the division dean. Using the outline module of WebCMS and following the institutional C&I approval process, the master exploratory courses are submitted for approval. (For an example, see BIOL 7lA, B, C in the official course outlines located on the on the PCC website ). Each master course will be called Exploring Topics in <name of discipline>. For example: Exploring Topics in Biology, Exploring Topics in Spanish. [Raft 11/09/2005 For credit courses, the number 71 will designate a transferable experimental class. These courses may be transferable to a CSU as a general elective credit. When working with variable lecture/lab combinations, the addition of A, B or C can be included. Please contact the C&l office for assistance (C223, ext. 7034). For non-transferable courses, the number 171 will designate a non-transferable experimental class. When working with variable lecture/lab combinations, the addition of A, B or C can be included. Please contact the C&I office for assistance (C223, ext. 7034). Step 2 - Create tbe Individual Exploratory Courses After the master courses have been created, individual exploratory ~~~;~;e createti in the following manner. A written rationale for the experiment!!l nature of tl!B,&~l'plorato~;'course along with a detailed course outline that includes Stude rformance Obje~~~",,~1Os) and SLOs is submitted to the C&I Committee for appro rder to ensw;e tIi~e proposed course meets the criteria for an experimental course and tha utory, regu' oryi, and academic standards are upheld. These courses may be su" C time ng the C&I cycle consistent with traditional established deadline !j" This step will need to take place each . e a n2\!ii~\9.Pic is addres d. A division could offer 71A ~" ample) provided that a footnote in the several sections of Exploring Topics in schedUle of classes clearly states the di topics ~, each separate course has been approved by the C&I Committee, and a c e cour outline and schedule of classes are . e (or the schedule of classes need to be permanently on file in the d ent offic followed. Drnll 11/09/2006 2 Submission Date ATTACHMENT F Sub-committee Review Date Full Committee Review Date PASADENA CITY COLLEGE EXPLORATORY COURSE PROPOSAL Division: Discipline: i.e., ACCTG Course number: i.e., 71A, 171A Title: Semester of First Offering: Qualifying Criteria: (Reference: California Community Col/eges, Program and Course Approval Handbook) Reason for offering topic as exploratory course: Student Learning 0 (Upon successful completio' the student . J be able to ... ) . bjlctives: urses must learn critical apply concepts Course Content Outline: (Provides a comprehensive, sequential outline of the course content, including all major subject matter and the specific body of knowledge covered.) Approved 1 1/30/2006 ~ _ _ ------- CLEARANCES AND APPROVALS SIGNATURES (Required priorJo C &: [co"swerat;on): FACULTY AUTHOR DATE DIVISION DEAN DATE SLO COORDINATOR DATE C & I COMMITTEE FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE DATE (For Curriculum & Instruction Office Use Only) APPROVAL DATE ASSOCIATE DEAN, OF CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCAnON DATE CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION COMMITTEE SIGNATURES (Required (oUo",inf C&: J IIporovalJ: CHAIRPERSON CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION COMMITTEE ASSOCIATE DEAN, ACADEMIC SUP sheet is d~u~, a~lty sign-off sheet, department minutes, advisory board minutes, requirem..-J that addllons, changes, deletions have been reviewed by the appropriate faculty " Approved 11/30/2006 ATTACHMENT G C & I COMMITTEE MEMBERS INSTRUCTIONS FOR REVIEWING PROPOSALS 1. log in to WebCMS - Admin Access. 2. Go to"All Proposals" and find course you wish to review. ,.,,~,~!:" 3. Click on course (i.e., Art 198) - you will then see t a. Proposal - this is a summary of the course propos . <i~rse b. Modified/New Course Information - full copy of m c. Current Course Information: current 'al copy of t ;i>,urse (modifications '°4"''''1: and deletions only) d. If there are Supplemental forms (P!\.•: .. course form, etc.) they will als9:;~Tist" 4. Click on any item you wish supplemental forms from this opening them) if you prefer. I of the page you will get a printe (you can also do t . without swit ing there will be the following: 5. a. b. Slon s ntation packet containing a Summary ment A), a "Curriculum Sign-off Form" (attachment ary sheet (attachment C) for each course or 6. Pro osals are to of the proposal y re\l;iewed throu h WebCMS. If you wish to have paper copies may print them at your computer. J, ~ Please call Barbara Salmon, ext. 7034, with any questions or for help. Committee RevIew Instructions july 2008 COURSE & OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM DESCRIPTION STYLE SHEET (Effective 2008-2009) The following guidelines will assist in standardizing information on course and occupational program descriptions to be listed in the curriculum data base, college catalog and the class schedules. All course and occupational program adds, changes, or deletions will be done using WebCMS (excluding "Exploratory Courses"). Please remember that WebCMS has replaced previous C & I forms but does not replace the required procedures and processes required by PCC, the California Community Colleges, and Title 5. The following m~ provide that information: Pasadena City College Curriculum & Instruction Committee Policy. the C4~rni'~ Community Colleges. Program and Course Approval Handbook, Sesoud Edition, March 2003 a,:!o:fl'llle Suppl!l!.lJent to the Program and Course Approval Handbook, 2"· Edition. You may access these doc~through l!Q<:;'s Pegasus Mail, Noticeboards, Curriculum & Instruction Committee. document titled C & I LINKS. Addiil~>;op~'malbe obtained .-.. ";;': :}. from the C & I Office, C223, ext. 7034. ";?~ '<;;~m~,~~ COURSE DESCRIPTION GUI \':"" *' (Note: The following guidelines reflect the order of course information as sn Catalog.) 1. 2. COURSE TITLE _-USE ALL UPPER CASE Limit length to 47 spaces and characters. '/ ORDER OF APPEARANCE OF COU Description: State as briefly as possible, to Ld~RS ",,,,,,,1',.,/ "40':"/ ng each new item with a capital letter. ':J: a. b. c. d. e. Minimum six hours eae Six hours s, 6 hours each wee Five w Includes', Each COll , d <: Note: . less than semester, the "lecture/lab" follows.) '~y# ReqUIre ...\}{; Recommend~, ,".: dJlII-~Maximumcrelli€'". No credit iftak~ after ..... Pa ss grad!9Q.,. .," "~ mester; Summer or Winter intersession (used for scheduling limitation) ours, total laboratory hours (i.e., Total of 54 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory.). o. p. q. Fi ered as .... (should include any change in units and hours) Tran er credit statement for all courses numbered 1-99 in Section 5 Example: Intensive practice at an advanced level in oral and written expression of spoken Swahili. Required instructional trips. Recommended Fmch I. Total of 54 hours lecture, and 36 hours laboratory. First offered Spring 2009. Transfer Credit: CSU; Uc. (For additional examples see Section 5 of the 2008·2009 College Catalog.) C & 1 2008-2009 Style Sheel Page 1 Additional Guidelines 1. 2. Do not use a conuna preceding the conjunctions "and" nor "or" when these words separate the last two items in a series. Use "each" instead "other." OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM GUIDELINES ,.',' ,y ALL additions and revisions to occupational programs (Certificates of Achievement, Oc ""htional Skiijs Certificates, noncredit Certificates of Completion) must be done through WebCMS, Instructions in the . M S Faculty User Manual. There is one important change from the manual: PCC has variable units i RtOgrams thill;efore, when revising or adding programs you must now calculate the number of units in each s 'er and in thejf!,tal units of the program - it will not be done automatically. The C & I Office suggests that you prepare any individual course add; , changes to programs, WebCMS will automatically use the proposed curricu Since the preparation of programs is a relatively new the staff will assist you in learning this process. process~j' Keep in mind as you change or develop programs th the Chaneellor's Offiee as outlined in the Currie Su lement to tbe Pro ram and Course A Education for further information. Note: The Curriculum C & I 2008-2009 Style Sheel Page 2 PASADENA CITY COLLEGE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION COMMITIEE REVISED FALL 2008 MEETING DATES Note: Except for "Urgent Actions" meeting, all course and program changes should have an effective date of: Summer 2009 AGENDA CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION COURSES(PROGRAMS TO C221A DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF 18 SETS OF CURRICULUM RECOMMENDATIONS TO SUBCOMMITIEE FOR REVIEW Due bv 4:00 p.m. C223 SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING DATE 1:15 p.m. C233 (Pres. Conf. Room) FULL COMMITIEE MEETING DATE 2:15 p.m. C233 (Pres. Conf. Room) REQUIRED ORIENTATION (For: C & I Committee Members & All Division Deans) Thursday, September 4 Divis Social Scieffces Visual Arts & Media Studies Divisions: Business & Computer Technology Engineering & Technology I Tuesday, September 2 Divisions: English Health Sciences I Tuesday, September 9 Tuesday, September 23 Thursday, October 9 (Paperwork due: 9130 4 a.m., C223, 49 sets Tuesday, September 23 Tuesday, September 30 Thursday, October 16 (Paperwork due: 101B 4 a.m., C223. 49 sets Tuesday, September 16 Divisions: Tuesday, September 16 Tuesday, September 30 Tuesday, October 7 Languages Library Community Education Center Thursday, October 23 (Paperwork due: 10115, 4 p.m., C223, 49 sets) Thursday, October 30 Clean-up Tuesday, September 23 Tuesday, October 7 • Date is PRIOR to the beginning of the Fall 2008 semester. Tuesday, October 14 (Paperwork due: 10122, 4 a.m., C223, 49 sets C&I FALL 2008 713112008 PASADENA CITY COLLEGE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION COMMITTEE SPRING 2009 MEETING DATES Note: All course and program proposals should have an effective date of: SUMMER 2010 AGENDA Divisions: Natural Sciences I CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION COURSES/PROGRAMS TO C221A Tuesday, February 24 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF 18 SETS OF CURRICULUM RECOMMENDATIONS TO SUBCOMMITIEE FOR REVIEW /Due bY 4:00 p.m. - C223 Tuesday. March 10 SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING DATE 1:15 p.m. FULL COMMITIEE MEETING DATE 2:15 p.m. C233 (Pres. Conf. Room) Tuesday, March 24 Thursday, April 9 (Paperwork due: 411, 4 p.m., 9221 49 sets) Room: C233 Clean-up Tuesday, March 3 Tuesday, March 24 Tuesday, April 7 Thursday, April 30 Room: C233 (Paperwork due: 4/15. 4 p.m., C223, 49 sets) • Date is PRIOR to the beginning of the Spring 2009 semester. Note: Campus closed on: February 13-16, 2009 and March 31, 2009 SPRING SEMESTER STARTS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2009 SPRING BREAK: 4!2U-25/2009 C&l Spnng 2009 8114(2006
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