Infrastructure investment and growth Luis Servén The World Bank IMF, November 2010 Background How important is infrastructure for economic growth? • • Old question – even in Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations Empirically revived after Aschauer (1989) – who found huge rates of return on public capital in the U.S. For policy-making, the key link is that between infrastructure spending and growth. What do we know about it empirically? 2 Background Two distinct logical steps involved: (1) From spending to infrastructure services – the cost of acquiring (and operating) infrastructure assets (2) From infrastructure assets to growth – the productivity of infrastructure assets (or their services) The bulk of empirical macro research has focused on (2). But for optimal spending / provision decisions we need to know more about (1) too. 3 Infrastructure and growth Start with (2): from assets to output / growth Two common empirical approaches: – Growth regressions augmented with infrastructure measures – Infrastructure as another input in aggregate production function (or its dual, the cost function) On balance, majority of studies – especially recent ones on developing economies – find significant positive effects Some methodological caveats with many studies – reverse causality, heterogeneity, non-stationarity... A key issue is the measurement of infrastructure assets – Physical indicators (e.g., road km) – Monetary indicators (investment flows or their cumulative totals) 4 Infrastructure and growth Measures of infrastructure spending can be very poor proxies for the quantity / quality of assets • Poor project selection; procurement; corruption (Tanzi-Davoodi 1997; Pritchett 2000; Keefer-Knack 2007) – more on this later Empirical studies, by reported finding (Straub 2007) Negative None Positive 5 4.1.1 Infrastructure Stock and Economic Growth 7 CHN 6 TWN BWA KOR Growth in real GDP per capita (%) 5 THA MYS 4 LKA -4 MLT HKG CYP OMN SGP IRL ARE JPN ROM PRT HUNESP TUN GRC LUX IDN 3 IND GHA NOR PAN PAK ISL DOM RUS EGY AUT TTO POL ITA ISR BEL FIN MAR LVA FRA CZE BLR USA BRA TUR SVN DEU CAN CHL AUS GBR DNK NLD SYR SWE 2 COL MEX SAU BHR IRN SVK MRT EST ETH TZA PHLPRY ECU ZAFCRI CHE NZL NPL URY BGRLBY BGD MWI SLV 1DZA GTM PERARG COG CIV BFA CMR BEN GAB RWA GMB HND YEM JAM LTU UGA BOL VEN SDN GNB KAZ NGA BDI KEN ZMB 0 TCDTGO JOR GIN HRV ZWE HTI SEN -3 -2CAF SLE -1 AGO NIC 0 1 2 3 4 KGZ NER -1 MDG QAT YSR UKR -2 ZAR y = 0.4812x + 1.6724 IRQ -3 R2 = 0.1701 -4 Aggregate Index of Infrastructure Stocks, IK1 (in logs) 6 4.1.2 Infrastructure Quality and Economic Growth 7 Growth in real GDP per capita (%) BWA6 HTI -4 -3 CHN KOR TWN MLT HKG 5 CYP OMN THA MYS SGP 4 JPN IRLARE ROM LKA PRT HUN GRCESP NOR LUX TUNIDN IND 3 GHA PAN PAK ISL DOMTTO EGY RUS AUT POL ISR ITAFRA FIN BEL MAR LVA CZE BLR BRA CHL USA TUR SVN DEU CAN AUS GBR NLD SWE DNK SYRCOL 2 MEX SAU BHR IRN MRT EST ETH TZA PHL CRI ZAF CHE ECU PRY NZL SVK NPL MWI URY DZA BGR BGD LBY SLV 1 GTM COG PERARG CIV CMR BFA BEN HND GAB YEM RWA GMB JAM UGA LTU BOL VEN KAZ SDNBDI GNB NGA ZMB KENTCD 0 GIN HRV JOR TGO ZWE SEN CAF -2 NIC SLE -1AGO 0 1 2 KGZ NER -1 MDG QAT YSRUKR -2 ZAR y = 0.6312x + 1.8891 IRQ -3 R2 = 0.2054 3 -4 Aggregate Index of Infrastructure Quality, IQ (in logs) 7 Infrastructure and growth Example of growth approach: Calderón-Servén 2009 Empirical growth framework with physical measures of infrastructure Synthetic index of telecom, transport and power assets – plus (noisy!) measures of quality of assets Large panel dataset Results: – Infrastructure quantity and quality have robust growth effect – and economically significant. – Not much evidence of heterogeneity (in log-log terms) • Across developing regions • Landlocked vs other countries • Related to infrastructure endowment (i.e., non-linearities) Hence the marginal contribution of infrastructure development to growth is higher wherever quantity / quality are lower. 8 Figure 2 Growth changes across regions due to infrastructure development (2001-5 vs.1991-5 averages) 3.0 Changes in growth per capita (%) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 World Western Europe Infrastructure capital -- Brookings 2010 East Asia Infrastructure Stocks South Asia Infrastructure Quality Middle East & Sub-Saharan North Africa Africa 9 Infrastructure and growth How does the growth contribution of infrastructure development vary across countries? Closer look Calderón, Moral and Servén (2010): Cobb-Douglas production function approach -- physical and human capital; infrastructure • Focus on the contribution of infrastructure to labor productivity (GDP per worker) • synthetic infrastructure index (as before) • 88 industrial and developing countries,1960-2000 (> 3,500 obs) • Allow for heterogeneity of infrastructure contribution – both generic and along specific dimensions – – Empirical framework allows intercepts, error variances and short-run dynamics to differ freely across countries. Imposes (testable) cross-country homogeneity of long-run coefficients. 10 Infrastructure and growth Main results • • Infrastructure elasticity in range .07 to .10 – and robust. Elasticities of other inputs (physical and human capital) in line with literature (around 0.35, 0.10 respectively) No evidence of (general) cross-country parameter heterogeneity • – • Accords with cross-country stability of factor shares (Gollin 2002) But country-specific estimates are noisy (especially in LICs), so tests may have low power. Test for specific forms of heterogeneity – – – – By income level: infrastructure elasticity could differ in rich and poor countries By level of infrastructure endowment: nonlinear effects of infrastructure (network effects?) By population size: economies of scale / congestion effects. By quality of policy framework: high / low distortions Only this test comes close to 10% significance 11 5 Long-run coefficient KEN NGA BEN LSO SEN NPL GHA GMB MLI UGA ETH MWI MOZ MDG BFA 0 TTO TUN SGP ROM JPN COL CMR PER BRA JOR ESP NZL URY KOR CHN IDN THA EGY DZA IND CHL PRT ISR CHE CAN FRA USA SYR ARGGRC DNK CIV GTM ZAF MYS MUS DOM MEX CPV SWE ISL TUR BOL PHL AUS GINZWE MAR PRY PAN NLDBLX GBR FIN ITAIRL LKA NOR ECU IRN HND PAK NIC RWA TGO VENCRI JAM SLV TTO SGP ROM JPN COL CMR PER KEN JORBRA KOR ESP NGA EGY NZL URY CHN IDN THA LSO GRC BEN DZA MEX MYS CHL PRT CHE CAN FRA SWE MDG SYR ARG DNK CIV IND GTM ZAF ISR DOMMUS ZWE BFA NPL TUR BOL AUSISL GIN SEN PHL MARCPV BLXUSA PRY PAN NLD GBR FIN GHA ITA GMB LKA IRL MLI MWI ETHUGA NOR MOZ ECU IRN HND PAK RWA 0 5 SLV TUN VEN CRI AUT GAB NIC TGO GAB AUT JAM TZA -5 -5 TZA NER NER 7 8 9 10 Logarithm of GDP per worker -8 11 0 ISL CPV PAK TUN NIC SGP ROM COL TGO RWA JPN CMR PER KEN BRA JOR ESP KOR EGY NGAIDN NZL THA LSOURY GRC BEN DZA CHL MYS PRT MEX CHE CAN FRA MDG SYR ARG DNK CIV GTM ISR ZAF MUS DOM USA SWE SEN ZWE BFA NPL TUR BOL AUS GIN MAR PHL BLX PRY PAN FIN NLD GBR GHA ITA GMB IRL MLI UGA ETH MWI LKA NOR MOZ IRN HND ECU VEN CRI GAB JAM SLV CHN IND TTO PAK TUN NIC SGP RWA JPN ROM TGO COL PER CMR KEN BRA JOR KOR ESP NGA EGY NZL URY CHN IDN THA LSO GRC IND BEN DZA CHL MYSPRT MEX CHE CAN FRA ARG MDGSEN SYR DNK GTM ISR ZAF DOM USA ZWE CPV SWE BFA ISL NPL TUR BOL AUS GINMUS PHL MAR BLX PRY PAN NLD GBR FIN GHA ITAMLI GMB IRL UGA LKA MWI ETH MOZ ECU HND NOR IRN 0 TTO Long-run coefficient 5 SLV -2 Output elasticity of infrastructure vs. Infrastructure stock 5 Output elasticity of infrastructure vs. per capita GDP -6 -4 Infrastructure index per worker VENCRI AUT JAM AUT CIV GAB TZA -5 -5 TZA NER NER 12 14 16 18 Logarithm of population 20 22 Output elasticity of infrastructure vs. population 0 100 200 Price of investment 300 400 12 Output elasticity of infrastructure vs. distortion index Infrastructure and growth Further homogeneity tests Break sample into high / low along the relevant dimension – and test for equality of mean infrastructure elasticity. Per Capita Per Capita Infrastructure Total Distortions Income (A) Income (B) Endowment Population High Low p-value 0.054 0.059 0.985 0.044 0.062 0.94 0.059 0.055 0.988 -0.016 0.131 0.576 -0.156 0.271 0.102 Overall, no strong evidence that the elasticity varies across countries. The implication is that the marginal product of infrastructure declines as the infrastructure / output ratio rises. 13 From spending to assets • • All this is only about the benefit side of infrastructure – what about the cost? Cost-benefit comparison is needed to assess the extent of under-provision of infrastructure – and whether it is greater than that of other inputs (e.g., human capital) – Limited evidence on this (e.g., Canning and Pedroni 2008: no generalized infrastructure shortage across countries / sectors) – Calderón and Servén (2010): big growth impact of infrastructure catch-up in Africa – but massive cost involved: 10% to 15% of GDP for (half) catching-up, even ignoring O&M. – Loayza (2010): big growth impact in Egypt – but only if much of the cost is financed by spending cuts elsewhere 14 Sub-Saharan Africa: cost of infrastructure catch-up 15 From spending to assets Is spending a good proxy for infrastructure development? – Spending is often very inefficient: bad projects, waste… – Weak link between spending and assets / services (Pritchett 2000): it is mediated by government technical capacity, fiscal institutions, budgetary practices, governance... – Big scope for corruption and political clientelism • Tanzi and Davoodi 1997; Keefer-Knack 2007: weak governance and corruption raise measured ‘public investment’ – in reality, much is rent extraction rather than asset acquisition. • Incentives for investment over O&M: bigger room for corruption, political favors and photo-ops – so build new roads rather than maintain old ones. 16 From spending to assets Better understanding of costs of asset acquisition, and their determinants, is needed for policy decisions. – Without it, a ‘big push’ to infrastructure may lead to massive waste But this requires much more complete and detailed data on infrastructure spending and performance – Often we cannot even establish the facts – especially on O&M, but in many countries also on sector-wise investment spending – Bad data also hampers accountability / transparency Poor data arguably is one of the biggest obstacles to better diagnostic of the problems and design of solutions 17 From spending to assets New database under construction – investment by infrastructure sector in developing countries • Builds on earlier data collection for Latin America (Calderón and Servén 2004, 2010) • Disaggregation into power, water/sanitation, roads, rail, telecom – when feasible • Disaggregation into public and private investment • Time coverage from 1980 Preview of work in progress. Infrastructure investment and governance 4 PHL 2 IDN TUR 6 TUR JOR JOR BOL IND CHL PHL IDN IND CHL COL COL BRA ARG BRA ARG PER MEX MEX 0 0 PER EGY 4 BOL EGY 2 6 Cumulative investment (% of GDP) ('85-) 8 8 (cumulative investment, percent of 1985 GDP) 0 .2 .4 .6 Bureaucracy (Ave. of the 1980s) .8 Infrastructure investment vs quality of bureaucracy 0 .2 .4 Corruption (Ave. of the 1980s) .6 Infrastructure investment vs control of corruption • Weaker governance is associated with higher investment / GDP ratios (like in Tanzi-Davoodi 1997 and Keefer-Knack 2007) .8 From spending to assets How big is the cost impact of governance? Look at the average unit cost of infrastructure assets T c I t 0 t KT K 0 Note that c should be expected to vary across infrastructure sectors. Construct sector-specific c – with K respectively given by – road km – power generation capacity (Gw) – telephone lines From spending to assets Across countries, c may vary with per capita GDP (wages, RER) and other factors • Add also climatic / geographic / demographic controls in regressions Some data limitations: • No information on O&M spending • No information on asset quality (except % roads paved) • Small country sample (only 17 countries for the moment…) No retrospective info on fiscal / budgetary institutions, so look instead at the correlation of unit cost with broader governance-related variables: • (Control of) corruption [higher is better] • Quality of bureaucracy [project selection, procurement…] 1 1 Unit cost of infrastructure assets and control of corruption (controlling for GDP per capita) PHL Unit costs for ml ('85-) .5 .5 IDN ARG EGY PER Power TUR MNG MEX IDN COL Phone lines IND VNM IND -.5 PAK ARG BRA 0 ZAF THA -.5 0 BOL PER JOR BRA JOR CHL COL PHL CHL BOL -1 -1 EGY MEX -.2 0 Corruption (Ave. of the 1980s) .2 .4 -.4 3 -.4 TUR -.2 0 Corruption (Ave. of the 1980s) EGY IDN 1 JOR TUR Roads 0 PHL ARG IND -1 BOL MEX PER COL BRA -2 Unit costs for roads ('85-) 2 CHL MNG -.4 -.2 0 Corruption (Ave. of the 1980s) .2 .4 .2 .4 1 1 Unit cost of infrastructure assets and quality of bureaucracy (controlling for GDP per capita) PHL .5 EGY BOL PER VNM TUR Power ZAF THA JOR BRA ARG MEX MNG IDN COL IND IND -.5 PAK PER 0 COL CHL BOL Phone lines -.5 0 BRA JOR CHL Unit costs for ml ('85-) .5 ARG PHL -1 EGY -1 TUR MEX -.2 0 .2 Bureaucracy (Ave. of the 1980s) -.4 .4 3 -.4 -.2 0 .2 Bureaucracy (Ave. of the 1980s) 2 CHL EGY IDN 1 JOR TUR 0 ARG IND BOL PER -1 Roads PHL MEX COL BRA -2 Unit costs for roads ('85-) Unit costs for EGC ('85-) IDN MNG -.4 -.2 0 .2 Bureaucracy (Ave. of the 1980s) .4 .4 From spending to assets Weaker governance is associated with higher asset costs in all sectors examined. Corruption and low bureaucratic quality drive a wedge between investment spending and actual infrastructure development. Regression estimates suggest that the magnitude of the wedge is considerable – 1 sd improvement in corruption raises by 25% the volume of assets acquired with a given amount of investment – 1 sd improvement in bureaucratic quality raises it by 18% Conclusions Extensive research on the growth benefits of infrastructure – Overall, solid evidence that infrastructure quantity and quality help growth – Also evidence of a positive impact on equity – hence scope for a double poverty-reducing effect – Effects are bigger where infrastructure endowments are lower – so potentially a big payoff from infrastructure catchup for LICs But much less attention has been paid to the costs – More analysis of returns vs costs of infrastructure assets is needed – with more focus on specific sectors in specific countries – Poor data on spending (especially O&M) is one of the biggest obstacles to better understanding of costs 25 Conclusions Poor governance drives a wedge between infrastructure spending and actual infrastructure development – Low government capacity, weak fiscal governance and corruption inflate asset costs, discourage O&M, and reduce the efficiency of spending – This has big effects on the cost of infrastructure development Raising the efficiency of spending is a key priority – Research needs to identify institutional mechanisms and incentives that favor sound spending decisions Developing stronger project selection and evaluation capacity Assessing if / how different budgetary institutions, checks and balances can help – Otherwise, more spending may yield a lot of waste and not much more infrastructure development. 26 End
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