Information Processing and Technology (2010) Sample work program October 2010 Information Processing and Technology (2010) Sample work program Compiled by the Queensland Studies Authority October 2010 A work program is the school’s plan of how the course will be delivered and assessed, based on the school’s interpretation of the syllabus. The school’s work program must meet syllabus requirements, and indicate that there will be sufficient scope and depth of student learning to reflect the general objectives and meet the exit criteria and standards. This sample demonstrates one approach, and should be used as a guide only to help teachers plan and develop school work programs. 2 | Information Processing and Technology (2010) Sample work program 1.0 Course Organisation and Assessment Plan Syllabus Topics Unit Title SEMESTER 1 Software Programming for Computer Games Length of Study Algorithms 27.5 hours Software Programming Core 23 Social and Ethical Issues Add 4.5 Assessment Technique/Item Item 1 SWA Short Response Topics Conditions Dimen -sions Assessed A Formative SP 90 minutes KA AS EC Theory and practical components Item 2 ERA Report A Formative SEI 600 - 1000 words KA AS EC Four weeks To include survey on Social and Ethical Issues applied to computer gaming Group work for survey development and summarising survey data Computer Game Design and Development Algorithms 27.5 hours Software Programming Core 20 Human Computer Interaction Add 7.5 Item 3 PA Major Project A Formative SP Seven weeks HCI Written explanation: 800 – 1000 words KA AS EC Individual completion of full Software Development Life Cycle SEMESTER 2 Information Systems Design Relational Information Systems Structured Query Language 27.5 hours Core 23 Add 4.5 Item 4 SWA RIS Formative Short Response SQL 90 minutes SEI Theory and practical components KA AS EC Social and Ethical Issues Queensland Studies Authority October 2010 | 3 Syllabus Topics Unit Title SEMESTER 2 (continued) Information Systems Development Relational Information Systems Structured Query Language Length of study Assessment Technique/Item Conditions Assessed Item 5 PA RIS Formative Minor Project SQL Minor Project 27.5 hours Core 20 Topics Five weeks Add 7.5 Dimen -sions KA AS EC Use of information system development cycle Identification and conceptualisation of task provided Individual completion of formalisation and implementation, testing and evaluation Opportunities for collaboration in the testing and evaluation stages SEMESTER 3 Web Design and Accessibility Software Programming 27.5 hours Social and Ethical Issues All core Item 6 SWA SP 120 minutes Short Response Human Computer Interaction Summative Item 7 ERA HCI Summative Report SEI Four weeks 800 – 1200 words KA AS EC KA AS EC Integrating HCI and SEI concepts applied to web design and accessibility. Programming Websites with Dynamic Content Software Programming 27.5 hours Structured Query Language Core 20 Item 8 SWA Short Response Add 7.5 SQL Summative SP 120 minutes, response to unseen question Practical programming Open Book One page of code comments allowed (not containing verbatim code) 4 | Information Processing and Technology (2010) Sample work program KA AS EC Syllabus Topics Unit Title SEMESTER 4 Designing a Client Web Site Length of study Assessment Technique/Item Algorithms 27.5 hours Item 9 PA Relational information systems Core 17.5 Major Project Add 10 Topics Assessed A Summative SP Eight weeks Individual website development SQL Software Programming RIS Structured Query Language HCI project using SDLC Dimensions KA AS EC Websites will implement a dynamic component that incorporates a MYSQL and PHP solution Opportunities exist for collaboration using peers to conduct usability testing and provide feedback Human Computer Interaction Securing the Net Conditions Computer Systems 27.5 hours Item 10 ERA Software Programming Core 20 Social and Ethical Issues Add 7.5 Online Written Response CS SP Summative SEI Week 1 – Students will use discussion forum Two weeks KA AS EC to post responses to seen scenario. Week 2 – Students will post responses to critically reflect on another student’s post. Time allocations: Core KEY: 171 hours SWA – Supervised written assessment Additional ERA – Extended response assessment 49 hours PA – Product assessment Total 220 hours Queensland Studies Authority October 2010 | 5 2.0 Outline of Intended Student Learning 2.1 Programming websites with dynamic content Core: Software Programming Additional: Structured Query Language Structured Query Language Unit description: This unit focuses on Web Site Programming for Dynamic Content, introducing students to serverside scripting, dynamic web pages and integrating those pages into a web site with static content. Students will query and construct elements of an online and/or networked relational database system using a RDBMS like MySQL and server-side a scripting language like PHP to construct and display dynamic content. Time: 27.5 hrs Dimensions of the general objectives: Knowledge and application; Analysis and synthesis; Evaluation and communication Structured Query Language Core material: terminology such as retrieval, insertion, deletion, update and modification data definition concepts, including: table and column names column data types defining tables populating a table with data data manipulation using SQL, including: analysing requests for information in order to recognise one or more types of query required retrieval from one or more columns in one table retrieval from one or more columns based on some selection criteria sorting data based on one or more columns inserting, updating and deleting of queries Additional material: use of scripting languages to extract and display data creation of online database solutions updating of selected records 6 | Information Processing and Technology (2010) Sample work program Software Programming Core material: procedural design and implementation use of a 3rd generation programming language (3GL) implementation of sequence, selection and iteration (both definite and indefinite) in a 3GL implementation of modularity in a 3GL (procedures and functions) and passing of values to and from modules metrics and protocols of testing, e.g. alpha- and beta- testing common data types and data structures including data types to represent real and integer numbers, single and multiple character strings, and data structures including variables, arrays and text files variable scope Learning experiences: solving a variety of problems using 3GL observing, analysing, modifying, testing, evaluating and/or documenting existing solutions using a server-side scripting language investigating client vs. server side scripting developing partial or complete solutions to problems the use for dynamic content developing dynamic content using web development tools like Dreamweaver structure of online databases and naming conventions coding structures for dynamic content using a language like PHP inserting, selecting retrieving and deleting data from online databases using server like MYSQL troubleshooting strategies for server side scripting Assessment: Item 8: Supervised Written Assessment – Short Response Summative 210 min Supervised A practical exercise in response to a problem and that requires students to develop a website with dynamic pages Open book and one page of Code Comments allowed Students will be limited to a set of notes on PHP that provide help. These notes will be “code comments” and not verbatim code Unseen scenario – for example students will be assessed on making a dynamic website using PHP that will record a Travel Blog Queensland Studies Authority October 2010 | 7 2.2 Web Design and Accessibility Core: Social and Ethical Issues Additional: Software Programming Human Computer Interaction Unit description: This unit will focus on developing knowledge and understanding of Web Design and its familiar application. Students will investigate the principles of good design. They will apply their skills to analyse and evaluate web page design using formal procedures. Students will participate in an individual and peer review process to review and develop new redesigns for web pages. Students will examine the rules that govern accessibility and develop technical documents that will guide web designers. Time: 27.5 hrs Dimensions of the general objectives: Knowledge and application; Analysis and synthesis; Evaluation and communication Software Programming Additional material: use of other types of programming paradigms development of software using a non-procedural methodology creating reusable web designs and templates Social and Ethical Issues Core material: equity and accessibility information technology for people with a disability role of voice recognition and speech synthesis application of standards in the manufacture, operation and management of computer systems the digital “haves” and “have nots” Human Computer Interaction Core material: role of affordances and metaphors in the design of interfaces different types of interfaces and fundamental terms used in the description of human–computer interaction that interfaces stand as layers (or “abstraction barriers”) to assist in the interaction between people and computers value of good interface design in effective human and computer interaction fundamental importance of user-centred design for building new interfaces importance of sensitivity to other cultural contexts (e.g. indigenous) for good interface design dealing with uncertainty, ambiguity and errors 8 | Information Processing and Technology (2010) Sample work program user interfaces that: provide barriers that hide distracting computational complexity induce mental models (images) that help in visualising internal data operations and states embody the external schema of information systems classification of various input–output devices and associated techniques for interaction types of interfaces for everyday devices and for computational systems principles of user-centred design: design errors such as clutter, embellishment and interference assessment of the fitness of an interface with user-centred criteria usability accessibility i.e. accommodating for special needs including legal aspects and standards, verification of standards Learning experiences: web site design issues including navigation and ease of use issues quality assurance of websites and testing methodologies review different web sites from a accessibility, usability and functionality view points file management including web site definitions principles of reusable design including: developing CSS styles current trends in web design webpage templates and layout including tables vs. div tags analyse, synthesise and evaluate the ideas and arguments of others suggest methods of minimising problems expected in particular circumstances distinguish fact from opinion recognise rational and irrational arguments select and sequence material to defend a point of view express ideas logically in oral and written forms make informed judgments about the effects of the use of computers in our society categorise various physical and computational interfaces judge and explain the fitness of computational interfaces from a user’s viewpoint design prototype interfaces that conform to given guidelines and standards develop interfaces for information and computational systems that implement external schema features conduct usability tests for interfaces that are given or that they construct, for example: identifying clients and the tasks they perform planning interface testing with test clients implementing iterative and informed interface development Queensland Studies Authority October 2010 | 9 assessing the impact of user interfaces on behaviour explore emergent approaches and technologies Assessment Item 6 Item 7 Supervised Written Assessment – Short Response Extended Response Assessment – Report Summative 4 weeks 120 minutes Summative A report integrating HCI and SEI concepts applied to web design and accessibility. 800 – 1200 words 10 | Information Processing and Technology (2010) Sample work program 3.0 Student Profile Item Assessment Technique/Item Topics 1 SWA – Short Response Exam A, SP 2 ERA – Report A, SEI 3 PA – Major Project A, SP HCI Unit F/S Software Programming for Computer Games F K&A A&S E&C F Computer Game Design and Development F 4 SWA – Short Response Exam RIS, SQL, SEI Information Systems Design F 5 PA – Minor Project RIS, SQL Information Systems Development F Web Design and Accessibility S Monitoring Interim level of achievement – Monitoring 6 SWA – Short Response Exam HCI 7 ERA – Report SEI 8 SWA – Short Response Exam SQL PA – Major Project A, SP 9 SP SP SQL, RIS S Programming websites with dynamic content S Designing a client web site S HCI Verification Proposed level of achievement – Verification 10 ERA – Online written CS response SP Securing the Net S SEI Exit Exit level of achievement KEY: F– Formative; S –Summative; K&A – Knowledge and application; A&S - Analysis and synthesis; E&C – Evaluation and communication Queensland Studies Authority October 2010 | 11 Queensland Studies Authority 154 Melbourne Street South Brisbane PO Box 307 Spring Hill QLD 4004 Australia T +61 7 3864 0299 F +61 7 3221 2553
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