Shell Norway Portfolio Norway projects. Preparations for Operations Jan Gjerde - Operation Readiness Teamlead Norway Projects A/S Norske Shell 1 Shell: A sucessfull player on NCS Draugen – our showcase The only platform in the world that rests on one leg Low number of wells, due to successful production strategy Continuous project activity and investments underway to make Draugen a high integrity mature producer Robust and sustainable design; fit-for-purpose for potential future 3rd party Tie- ins Main Challenges: •How to increase recoverable volumes •Increasing Maintenance costs. 3 4 DRAUGEN – THE MAIN PROJECT ACTIVITIES: Produced Water Reinjection (PWRI) Draugen Infill Drilling Draugen Life Boat Upgrade and Living Quarter Extension (Regalia) Draugen Upgrade / Life time extension Linnorm Over Draugen Minor Modifications Additional / future modification scope for Draugen. A/S Norske Shell 5 PRODUSERT VANN – HVA ER INSTALLERT? A/S Norske Shell 6 A/S Norske Shell 7 Draugen Infill Project 8 DRAUGEN NY SUBSEA PUMPE Kontrollmodul på plattformen A/S Norske Shell 9 NYTT LASTESYSTEM 1 2 3 A/S Norske Shell 10 A/S Norske Shell 11 REGALIA BACK TO DRAUGEN IN 2013 A/S Norske Shell 12 DRAUGEN HEAVY LIFT 2013 A/S Norske Shell 13 Luva (Statoil) Linnorm Draugen Ormen Lange Kristiansund Nyhamna A/S Norske Shell 14 Linnorm over Draugen 15 LINNORM KONSEPTVALG JV Gas Export Pipeline (NSGI Scope) Linnorm NorthTemplate-Manifold A/S Norske Shell Linnorm SouthT/M Onyx S T/M 16 LINNORM OVER DRAUGEN Module M2W (Process exchangers and metering) Module M3 Separator c/w Transit Frame ALQ Hang off Module M1 (DEH & Chemical Injection) N Flare KO drum A/S Norske Shell Module M2E Gas Compression Heating Medium Facility 17 PROSPECTS IN THE LINNORM AREA LINNORM Noatun Onyx South Draugen Njord A/S Norske Shell 18 19 ORMEN LANGE VISION Februar : 100% pålitelighet på anlegget og produsert 99.78% av det som teoretisk er mulig 20 ORMEN LANGE (THE SHORT VERSION) •120 kilometers from shore •Onshore processing at Nyhamna •Start in 2007 •At least 30 years of production •Deep water production – deepest in Europe •Norways largest industry project •The worlds largest wells •One of the worlds longest subsea pipelines to Easington in UK. •Covers 2 x Norway's total energy requirement at full production = gas requirement for every British. A/S Norske Shell 21 DEVELOPMENT IN MANNING •Original manning plan: 60-70 fixed Shell-positions at Nyhamna + contractors •Plan now: +52 fixed Shell- positions at Nyhamna 2010-2013 + contractors •Insourcing •Developing competence in own personnel, TAF, Aprentices, Graduates A/S Norske Shell 22 Ormen Lange 23 NYHAMNA GASSBEHANDLINGSANLEGG Anleggscamp Fakkel Admin bygg 1 km 1 km •To kaverner for lagring av kondensat •180000 m3 og 60000 m3 •Kondensat lastes til båt og eksporteres til raffinerier A/S Norske Shell 24 Vannbehandlingsanlegg •Rense produsert vann før utslipp til sjø Lastekai for kondensat Prosessområde •Gassbehandling og eksport •Kondensatbehandling MEG anlegg Hjelpesystemer •Vann •Trykkluft •Nitrogen •Kjølemedie •Varmemedie •Hydraulikk •Brannvann •Sjøvann A/S Norske Shell •Rense MEG for partikler •Fjerne vann fra MEG •Injeksjon til brønner 25 4TH TEMPLATE IN 900 METERS OF WATER A/S Norske Shell 26 INSTALLING 1200 TONS OF TEMPLATE A/S Norske Shell 27 Preparations for new construction period P33 MEG Injection Facilities U23 and U24 Utilities and Seawater A/S Norske Shell 28 CONNECTING NORTHERN GAS TO ORMEN LANGE NYHAMNA Cold Tie-in Points Fourth Export Compressor Onshore Booster Compressors NGSI Pressure Let Down/Cold Separator A/S Norske Shell Pipeline Arrival NSGI Reception Overview of Modifications 29 FREMTIDIG KOMPRESJON + kompresjon på land A/S Norske Shell 30 SUBSEA COMPRESSION PILOT – TEST PIT Transformer LOOKING DOWN NORTH-EAST Electrical and instrument Container Test Object Umbilical Container Deluge skid Process Module N272 KO Drum skid Mobil crane Test pit dimensions • Length: 42 meters • Width: 28 meters • Depth: 14 meters A/S Norske Shell 31 SUBSEA COMPRESSION – FULL SCALE TRAIN IN TEST PIT Separator Control System Compressor Compressor VSD Pump VSD Cooler UPS A & B Circuit Breaker A/S Norske Shell Liquid Pump LSPS 32 ORMEN LANGE COMPRESSION – FALLBACK OPTION - TLP A/S Norske Shell 33 Subsea Compression A/S Norske Shell 34 2 train Subsea Station (Aker) 30 Mm3/d 25 MW Start: Q4 2019 – Q4 2022 A/S Norske Shell 35 Ormen Lange Compression – Subsea 36 MARINE INTERVENTION A/S Norske Shell 37 SUBSEA COMPRESSION – BASE FACILITIES Building size: Storage Hall Maintenance Clean workshop (Electrical assembly and test hall) Washing Office Total hall (Process/Mechanical): and cleaning hall: area (Office, canteen, wardrobe) appox 4500 m2 Crane Capacities: 250 tonnes Lifting height: 25 – 35 m. Onshore transport facilities (multiroller) A/S Norske Shell 38 SUBSEA COMPRESSION – ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT -Subsea processing - Rotating equipment - Control systems - Electrical systems -Surveilance / condition monitoring (intervention decission) -Intervention vessel -Operation of base facilities -Testing (FAT/SIT/etc.) A/S Norske Shell 39 CONTRACTS •More focused contract strategy (Draugen/OL/ISO) •Shell has been and is a regional player. • Develop ripple effects • Sustainable development of local industry • Use of local / regional industry is good business •Closer involvement of Navitas Network •Large increase in regional contracts and regional content since 2008 • EPCM: Split in two; one for Draugen, one for Ormen Lange. •Incentiver in the new EPCM contracts to strengthten local content A/S Norske Shell 40 A/S Norske Shell 42 DIMENSJONER •Den mest omfattende kontrakten i sitt slag i Norge i år: ( estimert verdi 6 mrd kroner) •En viktig kontrakt for gjennomføringen av en ambisiøs prosjektportefølje •En viktig kontrakt for gjennomføring av våre ambisiøse mål for bruk av norske, regionale og lokale leverandører •Transition 2012 •Defining work processes, interfaces and deliverables •Transfer of work A/S Norske Shell CONFIDENTIAL 43 CONTRACTS – IMPACT FROM NEW PROJECTS -Opportunities in the project phase. - EPCM-contracts with regional content - ISO contract - Construction sites - Service, supply, etc. - Inspection/Maintenance Engineering -Operations phase: - More of the same: Draugen projects, NYX, Linnorm - New equipment manufacturers/vendors - New opportunities: Subsea pump and Subsea compression - Surveilance/condition monitoring/integrated operations A/S Norske Shell 44 NORWAY PROJECTS &TECHNOLOGY Stavanger Houston Kuala Lumpur A/S Norske Shell 45
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