Admission to Maintained Nursery age settings 2014/2015 The closing date for you to have made your application by is 3 March 2014 Important dates in the admissions process Spring Term 2014 Mid January 2014 Application packs for maintained nursery settings are available. Schools forward information to parents, where known. 3 March 2014 closing date for all applications. Applications received after this date The may not be considered until those who have applied on time have been dealt with. This may result in your child not being admitted to your preferred maintained nursery setting. Summer Term 2014 First part of Spring Term Applications received by the closing date are processed and information is shared between relevant admission authorities where necessary. 12 May 2014 Letters offering a place in a maintained nursery setting will be posted using 2nd class mail. Important This booklet gives information about the application process for nursery places at schools which have a maintained nursery setting. A maintained setting is a class which is part of the school. Some schools have nurseries on site which are run by other providers or by the Governors at the school. If the school nursery you are interested in applying for does not appear in this booklet, please contact the school directly for details of how to apply. Contents page How to apply 1 How places are allocated - Admission Criteria 3-4 Directory of Maintained Nursery Settings 6 Questionnaire 16 Application Form 18 Contacts for School Admissions and Transport Service Address for Correspondence and for the return of completed application forms: For queries regarding the school admissions process please contact: Staffordshire County Council School Admissions and Transport Service Tipping Street Stafford ST16 2DH Telephone: 01785 278593 Website: Email: Fax: [email protected] 01785 278656 1 Admissions to Maintained Nursery Schools, Nursery Classes and Foundation Classes The School Admissions and Transport Service is responsible for allocating places at maintained nursery settings within Staffordshire, a list of these settings is provided on pages 6 to 15. This booklet provides information on how to make an application for a place at these nurseries. There are a number of other settings available for 3 and 4 year olds including private and voluntary day nurseries, independent schools, playgroups, etc. which offer free early education places. Some of these settings may be based on a school site and may be run by the school governors or by a private provider. You can find details of providers in your local area by contacting the Family Information Service:• By telephone 0300 111 8007 • Email [email protected] • following links to search for childcare on the website Who is eligible for a maintained nursery place? Children born between 1 September 2010 and 31 August 2011 are eligible to attend maintained nursery or foundation classes for 15 hours a week for three terms in the academic year in which the child becomes 4 years old. What is the difference between a Nursery Class and Foundation stage class? A nursery class is made up of children who will be turning 4 during the school year who attend on a part time basis. A Foundation stage class also includes Reception aged children, who will be turning 5 during the school year who may attend on a full time basis. The curriculum is based on the Curriculum Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage, which promotes learning through play and practical activities. These activities are planned in such a way that the diverse needs of all children are addressed and enable them to access learning opportunities appropriate to their stage of development. How do I apply for a maintained nursery place? If you want your child to start at a maintained nursery in September 2014, you will have to apply by 3 March 2014. Application forms are available from the schools listed in this booklet, or there is one provided for you on page 18. The application form allows you to make two preferences. Please return your form to your preferred nursery setting, who will then pass it on to the School Admissions and Transport Service. You must make an application, even if you have previously registered your interest with the school. Places are allocated centrally by the School Admissions and Transport Service, who must receive your application before it can be considered. How will I know that my application has been received? Once your application has been received and your preferences have been recorded onto the School Admissions and Transport Service’s database, you will receive an acknowledgement that will confirm what your preferences were. If you have not received an acknowledgement by 11 April 2014 please contact us to ensure your application has been received. How are places allocated? Places at the majority of schools listed in this booklet are allocated using the admission criteria provided on pages 3 and 4. Schools with and * next to their name in the directory are their own admission authority and use their own admission criteria, this may include giving some priority to children of the same faith as the school or to children of staff who work at the school. Where available, these admission criteria can be found on the County Council website, www. by clicking on the link for ‘Admission Criteria’. Any criteria not available on the website can be obtained directly from the school itself. 2 What happens if I don’t submit my application by the closing date? Can I defer the date my child joins a maintained nursery setting? Applications received after the closing date will be considered alongside those applicants who applied on time wherever possible. Where it is not possible because places have already been allocated then late applications will be considered only after those applicants who applied on time. Admission into maintained settings within Staffordshire Primary schools takes place in the September of each academic year. It is not possible to ‘hold’ places for children where parents would like them to start a term later i.e. in the following January. You would need to approach the nursery of your choice when your want your child to start to see if there are any places available at the time? Please note, if one of your preferred settings is indicated in the directory as being their own admission authority, then the school’s governing body will have to decide whether to consider your application with those made on time. When will I find out where my child has been allocated a place? Letters with the outcome of all applicants will be sent, using second class mail, on 12 May 2014. What if my application is unsuccessful? If it is not possible to offer a place at either of your preferred maintained settings your child’s name will remain on their waiting list, which are held until the end of the autumn term 2014. The waiting list uses the same oversubscription criteria order as used to allocate places and, if places become available, they will be offered to the child at the top of the waiting list. Please note, a child’s position on the waiting list is not fixed and, if your circumstances change or if there are further applications for places you may move up or down the waiting list. You can contact the School Admissions and Transport Service who will be able to provide you with details of other maintained nursery settings that have places available. You can also contact the Family Information Service for details of other providers in your area. Will I still need to apply for a place in Reception? Yes, you will need to make an application for a Reception place in September 2015 from November 2014. Being offered a place in a nursery or foundation class does not guarantee a place in the school’s Reception Class. No priority is given for attendance at a maintained nursery when places are allocated, which will be strict accordance with the admission arrangements for Primary school. Information about the primary application process will be available in the middle of the Autumn term 2014. What if I have a dispute over the outcome of my application? Any disputes over the administration of the admissions policy will be dealt with under the Staffordshire County Council Complaints procedure. These should be addressed to the Monitoring Officer, Peel Building, St. Chad’s Place, Stafford ST16 2LR. There is no statutory right of appeal over admission to nursery or foundation classes. Who should I contact if I have any queries? If your query relates to the admissions process, please contact the School Admissions and Transport Service on 01785 278593 or email [email protected] If you have a more general query about nursery aged settings please contact the Family Information Service on 0300 111 8007 or email [email protected]. 3 Admissions Criteria If the total number of preferences for admission to a nursery age setting exceeds the number of available places, then the following order of priority will be used to allocate the available places. If the total number of preferences for admission to a nursery age setting exceeds the number of available places, then the following order of priority will be used to allocate the available places. 1)Children in Care and children who ceased to be in care because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order). 2)Children who satisfy both of the following tests: Test 1: the child is distinguished from the great majority of other applicants either on their own individual medical grounds or by other exceptional circumstances. Medical grounds must be supported by a medical report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point of application). This report must clearly justify, for health reasons only, why it is better for the child’s health to attend the preferred maintained nursery rather than any other nursery. E xceptional circumstances must relate to the choice of nursery and the individual child, i.e. the circumstances of the child, not the specific economic or social circumstances of the parent/carer, and be supported by a professional report (obtained by the applicant and provided at the point of application), e.g. social worker, justifying why it is better for the child to attend the preferred maintained nursery rather than any other nursery. T est 2: the child would suffer hardship if they were unable to attend the preferred nursery setting. Hardship means severe suffering of any kind, not merely difficulty or inconvenience, which is likely to be experienced as a result of the child attending a different school. Applicants must provide detailed information about both the type and severity of any likely hardship at the time of application. 3)Children who have an elder brother or sister in attendance at the school (or, in the case of an infant school, the affiliated junior school) and who will still be attending the school (or affiliated junior school) at the time of the proposed admission date. (For admission purposes, a brother or sister is a child who lives at the same address and either: have one or both natural parents in common; are related by a parents marriage; are adopted or fostered by a common parent or are unrelated children who live at the same address, whose parents live as partners.) 4)Children living within the defined catchment or cluster area of the preferred setting. Cluster areas for nursery age settings will sometimes, but not always, correspond to the catchment area for the main school. (See additional notes for more details.) 5)Other children arranged in order of priority according to how near their home addresses are to the main gate of the nursery setting, determined by a straight-line measurement as calculated using the Local Authority’s Geographical Information System. Where it is not possible to accommodate all children applying for places within a particular category then the Local Authority will allocate the available places in accordance with the remaining criteria. If for instance, all the catchment area or cluster area children cannot be accommodated at a school, children who are resident within the catchment or cluster area will be arranged in order of priority according to distance i.e. category (5). 4 Additional Notes Each primary school in Staffordshire has a defined geographical area that is known as its catchment area that is used in the admissions process to allocate places. As not every primary school has its own nursery or foundation class, catchment areas are combined for the purposes of allocating nursery places. These are referred to as cluster areas and are used in the same way as catchment areas when allocating nursery places. Copies of school catchment area maps are available from the Local Authority or individual schools. There is no charge or cost related to the admission of a child to a school. Applications for maintained nursery settings are processed centrally by the School Admissions and Transport Service. Attendance at a particular nursery setting will not guarantee admission to any particular Reception Class or give any advantage to the child’s application for Reception. Parents must make a separate application for admission to Reception at the appropriate time. In accordance with legislation, children who have a statutory statement of special educational need that names a particular nursery setting must be admitted to that nursery. This will reduce the amount of places available to other applicants. Children in Care means children who are in the care of, or provided with accommodation by a local authority in accordance with section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989 at the time of making the application. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide any supportive information required in order for the application to be assessed against the published admissions criteria, the Local Authority will not seek to obtain this information of behalf of the applicant. The Local Authority uses a Geographical Information System (GIS) to calculate home to school distances in miles. The measurement is calculated using Ordnance Survey (OS) data from an applicant's home address to the main front gate of the school. The coordinates of an applicant's home address are determined using the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) and OS Address Point data. The home address is considered to be the child’s along with their parent/carer’s main and genuine principal place of residence at the time of the allocation of places i.e. where they are normally and regularly living. If a child is resident with friends or relatives (for reasons other than legal guardianship) the friends or relative’s address will not be considered for allocation purposes. Where parents have shared responsibility for a child, and the child lives with both parents for part of the school week, parents will be required to provide documentary evidence to support the address they wish to be considered for allocation purposes. If a place is offered on the basis of an address that is subsequently found to be different from a child’s normal and permanent home address then that place is likely to be withdrawn. If there are a limited number of spaces available and we cannot distinguish between applicants using the criteria listed, such as in the case of children who live in the same block of flats or are the result of a multiple birth, then the child or children who will be offered the available spaces will be randomly selected. This process will be independently verified. Unsuccessful applicants will be placed on a waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria stated above and not based on the date their application was received. If places become available after the offer date they will be offered to the child at the top of the waiting list. Waiting Lists will be kept until the end of the autumn term of admission. Inclusion on a school’s waiting list does not mean that a place will eventually become available at the preferred school. A child’s position on a waiting list is not fixed and is subject to change, i.e. they can go up or down the list since each added child will require the list to be ranked again in line with the oversubscription criteria listed above. There is no statutory right of appeal for admission to a maintained nursery setting. Any disputes over the administration of the policy will be dealt with by the Staffordshire County Council complaints procedure. 5 6 Directory of Staffordshire Maintained Nursery Schools, Nursery Classes, Foundation Classes and Children’s Centres For details of other local providers, including those on school sites, please contact the Family Information Service on 0300 111 8007 School DfE Number School name and address Headteacher and school telephone number Number of part-time places available for 2014 BIDDULPH 2161 Kingsfield First Gunn Street, Biddulph, Stoke on Trent. ST8 6AY Dr J Phillips 01782 297800 52 2163 Knypersley First* Newpool Road, Knypersley, Biddulph, Stoke on Trent. ST8 6NN Mrs A Rouke 01782 297900 52 2164 Moor First* School Lane, Biddulph Moor, Stoke on Trent. ST8 7HR Mrs S Mayes 01782 512350 12 Foundation 2325 Oxhey First* Pennine Way, Biddulph, Stoke on Trent. ST8 7EB Mrs S Oxley 01782 513000 26 Mrs E Smith 01782 297886 52 2166 Squirrel Hayes First* Springfield Road, Biddulph, Stoke on Trent. ST8 7DF BURNTWOOD 2411 Chase Terrace Primary Rugeley Road, Chase Terrace, Burntwood. WS7 1AH Mr G McBurnie 01543 510500 52 2416 Holly Grove Primary Holly Grove Lane, Burntwood, WS7 1LU Mrs D O’Hare 01543 278620 52 2419 Springhill Primary Mossbank Avenue, Burntwood, WS7 4UN Mr R Cadman 01543 510460 26 Burton upon Trent 3025 All Saint’s CE (VC) Primary Furlong Close, Alrewas, Burton upon Trent. DE13 7EF Mr J Gray 01283 790174 26 2123 Christchurch Primary Dale Street, Burton upon Trent. DE14 3TE Mrs V Anderson 01283 239445 60 2124 Grange Community Shobnall Close, Burton upon Trent.. DE14 2HX Mrs J Woolner 01283 564325 52 3144 Holy Trinity CE (C) Primary Wetmore Road, Burton upon Trent. DE14 1SN Mrs N Oliphant 01283 239495 26 7 School DfE Number School name and address Headteacher and school telephone number Number of part-time places available for 2014 Burton upon Trent cont 2125 Horninglow Primary* Horninglow Road North, Burton upon Trent. DE13 0SW Mrs P Evans 01283 239535 26 2128 Lansdowne Infants* Goodman Street, Burton upon Trent. DE14 2QT Mrs J Holmes 01283 239141 52 3501 Outwoods Primary* Harehedge Lane, Horninglow, Burton upon Trent. DE13 0AS Mrs L Wells 01283 239113 52 3119 Richard Wakefield CE (VC) Primary Burton Street, Tutbury, Burton upon Trent. DE13 9NR Mrs S Bell 01283 239230 26 3500 River View Primary Suffolk Road, Stapenhill, Burton upon Trent. DE15 9HR Mrs C Bell 01283 239510 52 2126 Shobnall Primary Shobnall Road, Burton upon Trent. DE14 2BB Mrs B Roobottom 01283 239100 26 2132 Victoria Community Victoria Road, Burton upon Trent. DE14 2LU Mrs Y Fearn 01283 239146 52 2296 William Shrewsbury Primary* Church Road, Stretton, Burton upon Trent. DE13 0HE Mrs B Hunter 01283 239131 52 3495 Winshill Village Primary Brough Road, Winshill, Burton upon Trent. DE15 0DH Mrs A Da Silva 01283 239485 26 CANNOCK 2177 Bridgtown Primary North Street, Bridgtown, Cannock. WS11 0AZ Mrs J Raybould 01543 510201 52 2178 Chadsmoor Community Infant and Nursery Kingsway, Chadsmoor, Cannock. WS11 6EU Mrs K Burns 01543 570718 52 2180 Five Ways Primary Langholm Drive, Heath Hayes, Cannock. WS12 2EZ Mrs M Walsh 01543 278071 52 2386 Gorsemoor Primary Gorsemoor Road, Heath Hayes, Cannock. WS12 3TG Mr P Bennett 01543 274788 52 1022 Hednesford Nursery School Eskrett Street, Cannock. WS12 1AR Miss C Wood 01543 512225 60 2369 Jerome Community Primary Hussey Road, Norton Canes, Cannock. WS11 9TP Mrs R Hawkins 01543 278595 26 2217 Littleton Green Community Primary Colliers Way, Huntington, Cannock. WS12 4UD Mrs L Small 01543 511020 52 8 School DfE Number School name and address Headteacher and school telephone number Number of part-time places available for 2014 CANNOCK cont 2189 Longford Primary Ascot Drive, Cannock. WS11 1PD Mrs Hedar 01543 510390 52 2169 Norton Canes Community Primary School Road, Norton Canes, Cannock. WS11 9SQ Mr P Whitacre 01543 279402 52 2421 Pye Green Valley Primary Rose Hill, Cannock. WS12 4RT Mr K Butlin 01543 512490 52 2185 Redhill Primary* Wright’s Avenue, Cannock. WS11 5JR Mrs E Banks 26 01543 502181 3461 St Joseph’s Catholic Primary* Hill Top, Hednesford, Cannock. WS12 1DE Mrs K Bennett 01543 512230 26 3492 St Luke's CE (C) Primary New Penkridge Road, Cannock. WS11 1HN Mr S Miles 01543 510230 52 3456 St Mary’s Catholic Primary* Hunter Road, Cannock. WS11 0AE Mr S Breeze 01543 510380 26 3063 St Peter’s CE (C) Primary Reservoir Road, Hednesford, Cannock. WS12 1BE Miss S Price 01543 512400 52 2184 West Hill Primary High Mount Street, Hednesford, Cannock. WS12 4BH Miss Bracebridge 01543 512200 26 2191 Cheadle Primary The Avenue, Cheadle, Stoke on Trent. ST10 1EN Miss L Keeling 01538 483931 52 3441 St Werburgh’s CE (VA) Primary* Holt Lane, Kingsley, Stoke on Trent. ST10 2BA Mr J Eccles 01538 754700 16 Foundation CHEADLE Cheslyn Hay/Great Wyrley 2393 Cheslyn Hay Community Primary Saredon Road, Cheslyn Hay, Walsall. WS6 7JQ Miss S Maiden 26 01922 857080 2342 Glenthorne Community Primary Glenthorne Drive, Cheslyn Hay, Walsall. WS6 7BZ Mr S Barker 01922 857000 26 2394 Landywood Primary Holly Lane, Great Wyrley, Walsall. WS6 6AQ Mr J Withers 01922 857020 52 2395 Moat Hall Primary John’s Lane, Great Wyrley, Walsall. WS6 6BX Mr A Bramwell 01922 857005 52 3145 St John’s CE (VC) Primary Hobnock Road, Essington, Wolverhampton. WV11 2RF Mr S Ayres 01922 476695 52 3485 St. Thomas More Catholic Primary* Huthill Lane, Great Wyrley, Walsall. WS6 6PG Mrs S Hewitt 01922 857075 12 Foundation 2204 Whitgreave Primary The Avenue, Featherstone, Wolverhampton. WV10 7AS Mrs C Jobling 01902 734167 26 9 School DfE Number School name and address Headteacher and school telephone number Number of part-time places available for 2014 CODSALL 2195 Birches First Birches Avenue, Codsall, Wolverhampton. WV8 2JG Mrs J Willcox 01902 434100 39 2368 Lane Green First Bilbrook Road, Codsall, Wolverhampton. WV8 1EU Mrs K Bailey 01902 434300 26 2372 2387 Perton First Manston Drive, Perton, Wolverhampton. WV6 7LX Mrs A Bennett 01902 750006 26 Perton, Sandown First Sandown Drive, Perton, Wolverhampton. WV6 7PS Mrs E Threlkeld 01902 742686 26 3098 St. Chad’s CE (VC) Primary Westbeech Road, Pattingham, Wolverhampton. WV6 7AQ Mrs S Yeomans 26 01902 700372 3044 St. Nicholas CE (VC) First Chillington Drive, Codsall, Wolverhampton. WV8 1AN Mr T Moule 01902 434126 52 KIDSGROVE 2218 Dove Bank Primary Rutland Road, Kidsgrove, Stoke on Trent. ST7 4AP Mrs E Ford 01782 296786 26 2219 Reginald Mitchell Primary Congleton Road, Butt Lane, Stoke on Trent. ST7 1NA Mr A Stancliffe 01782 296778 26 3072 St Saviour’s CE (VC) Primary Congleton Road, Talke, Stoke on Trent. ST7 1LW Ms L Williamson 01782 296700 26 2225 University Primary Academy Kidsgrove* Gloucester Road, Kidsgrove, Stoke on Trent. ST7 4DJ Ms S Stevenson 01782 296825 26 KINVER/WOMBOURNE 3118 All Saints CE (VC) Primary School Road, Trysull, Wolverhampton. WV5 7HR Mrs J Parker 01902 894452 15 Foundation 5202 Corbett CE (VA) Primary * Six Ashes Road, Bobbington, Stourbridge. DY7 5DU Mrs M Southall 01384 221260 18 Foundation 5203 St Benedict Biscop CE Foundation Primary * School Road, Wombourne, Wolverhampton. WV5 9DZ Mrs M Spear 01902 892197 52 2397 Westfield Community Primary Ounsdale Road, Wombourne, Wolverhampton. WV5 8BH Mrs K Shaw 01902 892143 52 10 School DfE Number School name and address Headteacher and school telephone number Number of part-time places available for 2014 LEEK 3443 All Saint’s CE (VA) First * Cheadle Road, Leek. ST13 5QY Mrs E Allbutt 52 01538 483235 3442 Beresford Memorial CE (VA) First * Novi Lane, Leek. ST13 6NR Mrs C Quinn 01538 483245 26 3134 Blackshaw Moor CE (VC) First Buxton Road, Blackshaw Moor, Leek. ST13 8TW Mrs J Tillmanns 01538 300337 22 Foundation 3155 Manifold CE (VC) Primary Off Leek Road, Warslow, Buxton, Derbyshire. SK17 0JR Miss J Fletcher 01298 84320 26 3082 St. Bartholomew’s CE (VC) Primary Buxton Road, Longnor, Buxton, Derbyshire. SK17 0NZ Mrs S Evans 01298 83233 12 3042 St. Edward’s CE (VC) First Hollow Lane, Cheddleton, Leek. ST13 7HP Mrs T Jackson-Ward 01538 360435 26 3463 St. Mary’s Catholic Primary * Cruso Street, Leek. ST13 8BW Mrs A Cheadle 01538 483190 26 3156 Waterhouses CE (VC) Primary Mrs A Lockey Waterfall Lane, Waterfall, Waterhouses, Stoke-on-Trent. ST10 3HY 01538 308356 26 2230 Chadsmead Academy* Friday Acre, Lichfield. WS13 7HJ Mrs S Cartwright 01543 421850 52 2388 Charnwood Primary Purcell Avenue, Lichfield. WS13 7PH Mr S Kelly 01543 512015 26 2234 Scotch Orchard Primary Scotch Orchard, Lichfield. WS13 6DE Mrs W Horden 01543 510740 26 3079 St Michael’s CE (C) Primary Sturgeons Hill, Lichfield. WS14 9AW Miss H McKay 01543 510778 26 2309 Whittington Community Primary Common Lane, Whittington, Lichfield. WS14 9LG Mrs S Wilmot 01543 432487 26 2340 Willows Primary Anglesey Road, Lichfield. WS13 7NU Mr D Birds 01543 421830 104 LICHFIELD 11 School DfE Number School name and address Headteacher and school telephone number Number of part-time places available for 2013 NEWCASTLE 3137 Baldwin’s Gate CE (VC) Primary Tollgate Avenue, Baldwin’s Gate, Newcastle, ST5 5DF Mrs C Lowe 01782 680649 22 Foundation 3029 Betley CE (VC) Primary Church Lane, Betley, Crewe. CW3 9AX Mrs S Williams 01270 820286 14 Foundation 2358 Chesterton Primary Brittain Avenue, Chesterton, Newcastle. ST5 7NT Mrs R Foster 01782 561255 52 2378 Churchfields Primary School Street, Chesterton, Newcastle. ST5 7HY Miss L Jackson 01782 567430 52 2247 Crackley Bank Crackley Bank, Chesterton, Newcastle. ST5 7BE Ms S Stevenson 01782 561760 26 2250 Friarswood Primary Abbots Way, Newcastle. ST5 2ES Mrs L Wilmer 01782 297345 26 2252 Hempstalls Primary* Collard Avenue, Newcastle. ST5 9LH Mrs L Bennett 01782 297768 26 3026 Hugo Meynell CE (VC) Primary Eccleshall Road, Loggerheads, Market Drayton. TF9 4NU Mrs S Mitchell 01630 672287 26 3491 Knutton, St Mary’s CE (VC) Primary Church Lane, Knutton, Newcastle. ST5 6EB Mrs J Fletcher 01782 297337 52 3499 Langdale Primary School Langdale Road, Newcastle. ST5 3QE Mrs C Richards 01782 297690 52 1028Oaklands Nursery School Oaklands Avenue, Newcastle. ST5 0EX Mrs S Bailey 01782 297585 50 3476Our Lady & St. Werburgh’s Catholic Primary * Seabridge Lane, Clayton, Newcastle. ST5 4AG Mr J A Devine 01782 297451 26 2157 Ravensmead Community Primary Chapel Street, Bignall End, Stoke on Trent. ST7 8QD Mr D Bell 01782 296635 52 3496 Seabridge Primary* Roe Lane, Newcastle. ST5 3PJ Mrs S Mitchell 01782 297361 52 2258 Silverdale Primary The Racecourse, Silverdale, Newcastle. ST5 6PB Mrs A Cheetham 01782 297470 52 3136 Sir John Offley CE (VC) Primary Izaak Walton Road, Madeley, Crewe. CW3 9PJ Mrs S Ward-Scott 01782 750301 26 3091 St. Chad’s CE (VC) Primary The Gateway, Red Street Village, Newcastle, ST5 7AB Miss S Clarke 01782 567750 26 3092 St. Giles & St. George’s CE (VC) Primary St. Paul’s Road, Newcastle. ST5 2NB Mrs L Evans 01782 297040 52 3465 St. Mary’s Catholic Primary * Stanier Street, Newcastle. ST5 2SU Mrs B Sims 01782 619685 52 3466 St. Wulstan’s Catholic Primary * Church Lane, Wolstanton, Newcastle. ST5 0EF Mr J Devine 01782 296140 52 12 School DfE Number School name and address Headteacher and school telephone number Number of part-time places available for 2014 NEWCASTLE cont 2000 The Richard Heathcote Primary School* The Drive, Alsagers Bank, Stoke-on-Trent. ST7 8BB Mrs J Banks 01782 720406 26 2158 Wood Lane Primary* Church Street, Wood Lane, Newcastle. ST7 8PH Mrs G Rogers 01782 720487 22 Foundation PENKRIDGE 2362 Princefield First Saxon Road, Penkridge, Stafford. ST19 5EP Mrs P Gallant 01785 714050 52 3046 St. Paul’s CE (VC) First School Lane, Coven, Wolverhampton. WV9 5AD Mrs I Kirby 01902 790253 52 2355 Chancel Primary Wolseley Road, Rugeley. WS15 2EW Miss J Davies 01889 256137 26 3494 Chase View Community Primary Hillary Crest, Rugeley. WS15 1NE Mr A Minott 01889 256125 26 3102 Churchfield CE (VC) Primary Sandy Lane, Rugeley. WS15 2LB Miss J Nickolls 01889 256106 26 3141 Etching Hill C.E. (C) Primary Penk Drive North, Rugeley. WS15 2XY Mrs M Smith 01889 256112 52 2327 Hayes Meadow Primary Spode Avenue, Handsacre, Rugeley. WS15 4EU Mrs B Luck 01543 490616 52 2238 Henry Chadwick Community Primary School Lane, Hill Ridware, Rugeley WS15 3QN Mr D Werry 01543 490354 26 3139 Hob Hill CE/Meth (VC) Primary Armitage Lane, Brereton, Rugeley. WS15 1ED Mr B Preston 01889 256145 26 3493 Redbrook Hayes Community Primary Talbot Road, Brereton, Rugeley. WS15 1AU Mrs M Chaganis 01889 256600 26 2360 The John Bamford Primary Crabtree Way, Rugeley. WS15 2PA Mrs L Thomas-Burns 01889 256160 52 3440 The Richard Crosse CE (VA) Primary* Lichfield Road, Kings Bromley, Burton upon Trent. DE13 7JE Mr P Lovern 01543 472245 RUGELEY 22 Foundation 13 School DfE Number School name and address Headteacher and school telephone number Number of part-time places available for 2014 STAFFORD 3152 All Saints CE (VC) Infants Stocking Lane, Ranton, Stafford. ST18 9JU Mrs G Reynolds 01785 282228 22 Foundation 2352 Barnfields Primary Lansdowne Way, Stafford. ST17 4RD Mrs G Richards 01785 356356 13 3028 Berkswich CE (VC) Primary Cedar Way, Walton on the Hill, Stafford. ST17 0LU Mr M Holmes 01785 354600 13 3146 Bishop Lonsdale CE (VC) Primary Shaws Lane, Eccleshall, Stafford. ST21 6AU Mr C Middleton 01785 850388 26 2407 Castlechurch Primary Tennyson Road, Stafford. ST17 9SY Mr J Jones 01785 356772 78 3433 Church Eaton Endowed (VA) Primary* High Street, Church Eaton, Stafford. ST20 0AG Mr S Shaw 01785 823089 22 Foundation 2399 Cooper Perry Primary Main Road, Seighford, Stafford. ST18 9PQ Mrs E Wynne 01785 282210 18 2404 Doxey Primary and Nursery Doxey Road, Doxey, Stafford. ST16 1EG Mrs J Baker 01785 356100 26 2409 Flash Ley Primary Hawksmoor Road, Stafford. ST17 9DR Mr G Morris 01785 356642 26 3151 Haughton St. Giles CE (VC) Primary Prince Avenue, Haughton, Stafford. ST18 9ET Mrs T Cook 01785 780511 18 Foundation 3498 Leasowes Primary Porlock Avenue, Stafford. ST17 0HT Mr F Rule 01785 356365 26 2293 Oakridge Primary Silvester Way, Stafford. ST17 0PR Mr P Fisher 01785 354620 26 3480 St. Anne’s Catholic Primary * Lynton Avenue, Stafford. ST17 0EA Mrs J Lomas 01785 663128 26 2405 The Grove Primary and Nursery Unit Highfield Grove, Stafford. ST17 9RF Mr M Gleeson 01785 356412 26 2400 Tillington Manor Primary Young Avenue, Stafford. ST16 1PW Mr I Goodwin 01785 356880 52 15 School DfE Number School name and address Headteacher and school telephone number Number of part-time places available for 2014 UTTOXETER 3075 All Saints CE (VC) First Church Leigh, Stoke on Trent. ST10 4PT Mrs A Kenny 01889 502289 28 Foundation 3432 Hutchinson Memorial CE (A) First * Uttoxeter Road, Checkley, Stoke on Trent. ST10 4NB Mrs P Snee 01538 722385 16 Foundation 2316 Picknalls First Oldfields Road, Uttoxeter. ST14 7QL Miss A Smith 01889 256416 52 3049 St. Augustine’s CE (C) First Pipehay Lane, Draycott in the Clay, Ashbourne. DE6 5BY Ms S Robson 01283 820365 22 Foundation 3084 St. Peter’s CE (VC) First The Square, Marchington, Uttoxeter. ST14 8LH Mrs P Livesey 01283 820252 16 3086 The Henry Prince CE (C) First Main Road, Mayfield, Ashbourne, Derbyshire. DE6 2LE Mrs J Naylor 01335 342613 22 Foundation 3120 Tynsel Parkes CE (VC) First School Road, Uttoxeter. ST14 7HE Mrs T Walters 01889 256380 52 WERRINGTON 2190 Werrington Primary Washerwall Lane, Werrington, Stoke on Trent. ST9 0JU Mrs N Walker 01782 302150 52 Please note: Schools indicated by * after the school name are their own admission authority and therefore may have their own admission criteria for the allocation of places. Please contact the individual school for a copy of their admission criteria if you are considering applying for a nursery place at one of these schools. Nursery Admissions Questionnaire School Year 2014 - 2015 Your comments are valued. In order to improve our service we would be grateful to receive your comments on the information provided within this booklet. Applying for a school place: Please tick relevant box Strongly Agree Agree Disagree The application was easy to make. The admissions team were helpful with any questions I had. Admission to Nursery booklet: Please tick relevant box Strongly Agree Agree Disagree The booklet was clearly written and easy to follow. The booklet contains the information I wanted to know. The booklet was clearly laid out. How do you think this booklet could be improved? Please return this form to: Staffordshire County Council, School Admissions and Transport Service, Tipping Street, Stafford ST16 2DH Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree 14 School DfE Number School name and address Headteacher and school telephone number Number of part-time places available for 2014 STONE 3113 Oulton CE (VC) First Rock Crescent, Oulton, Stone. ST15 8UH Miss J Taylor 11 01785 354100 2315 Springfields First The Green, Yarnfield, Stone. ST15 0NJ Mrs T Jackson 01785 760249 26 3112 St. Michael’s CE (VC) First Weavers Lane, Off Lichfield Road, Stone. ST15 8QB Mrs R Brownhill 01785 354111 52 3117 Tittensor CE (VC) First Beechcliffe Lane, Tittensor, Stoke-on-Trent. ST12 9HP Mrs G Sands 01782 372539 26 TAMWORTH 2370 Amington Heath Primary School Kerria Road, Amington, Tamworth. B77 4EN Mrs A Burns 01827 475161 26 2337 Ankermoor Primary Rene Road, Bolehall, Tamworth. B77 3NW Mr R Burns 01827 475730 26 2322 Ashcroft Infants Mildenhall, Off Wigginton Road, Tamworth. B79 8RU Mr L Kilkenny 01827 475925 26 2359 Birds Bush Community Primary Birds Bush Road, Tamworth. B77 2NE Mrs S Barnes 01827 475170 39 2331 Dosthill Primary* High Street, Dosthill, Tamworth. B77 1LQ Mr T Hand 01827 475155 52 2346 Hanbury’s Farm Primary Derwent, Off Field Farm Road, Belgrave, Tamworth. B77 2LB Mr P Hollis 01827 475100 26 2298 Lark Hall Community Infants and Nursery Unit Clifton Avenue, Tamworth. B79 8EF Mr R Lane 01827 475720 52 2198 Manor Primary School* Drayton Lane, Drayton Bassett, Tamworth. B78 3TX Mrs T Bunn 01827 475200 11 Foundation 2348 Oakhill Primary Hawksworth, Tamworth. B77 2HH Mr P Hollins 01827 475020 26 2374 Stoneydelph Primary* Crowden Road, Stoneydelph, Tamworth. B77 4LS Mrs J Wallbank 01827 896666 52 3450 St. Leonards CE (VA) Primary* Syerscote Lane, Wigginton, Tamworth. B79 9DX Mrs V Wild 01827 475800 22 Foundation 3502 Three Peaks Primary Fossdale Road, Wilnecote, Tamworth. B77 4HN Mr R Penn-Bourton 01827 896424 52 2333 Two Gates Community Primary Tamworth Road, Two Gates, Tamworth. B77 1EN Mrs N Llewelyn-Cook 01827 475051 26 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO NURSERY AGED SETTINGS 2014 Before completing this form you should read all of the information in the booklet carefully. You should complete and return your application to your preferred setting by the closing date of 3 March 2014 in order for it to be considered alongside other applicants. Do not complete more than one application form since you will be contacted and asked to withdraw your application. CHILD’S DETAILS Child’s Legal Surnam e*: Date of Birth: Child’s Legal First Nam e *: M ale Fem ale * As indicated on the child’s birth certificate Full Postal Address: Postcode: Is your child a twin or triplet, etc (one of a multiple birth)? Yes No If yes please provide the names of the related applications: Is this child in the care of a local authority? Please tick each box as appropriate Yes No Has the child previously been in the care of a local authority but has since been adopted (or become subject to a residence order or special guardianship order? From a returning Service/Crown Servant family? Does this child have a statutory statement of educational need? NURSERY/FOUNDATION CLASS PREFERENCES List the name of the school(s) where you would prefer your child to attend a nursery or foundation class in ranked order. Please see the directory for a list of eligible maintained nursery settings. You may give the reasons for your preferences overleaf. Names of Preferred Nursery/Foundation Class School DfF Number (see the booklet) 1st: 2nd: DETAILS OF ELDER BROTHER OR SISTER ATTENDING EITHER OF YOUR PREFERRED SCHOOLS If your child has an elder brother or sister already at one of your preferred schools, or an affiliated Junior school, who will still be in attendance in September 2014 please give details below: Name of Elder Brother or Sister School Date of Birth / Current Year Group / PREFERENCES FOR CATHOLIC and CHURCH OF ENGLAND AIDED SCHOOLS ONLY I have attached additional information required as specified in the admissions criteria of my preferred Catholic or Church of England /Aided School (please tick to indicate documents attached): Has your child been Baptised a Catholic? NO YES If YES, a copy of the baptismal certificate must be enclosed with this form. If the above information and a copy of the baptismal certificate are not supplied then it will cause a delay in processing your application and may affect the outcome. REASONS FOR PREFERENCE Please use the space below if you would like to add any additional information in support of your preference(s). You may continue on a separate sheet if necessary. Any additional information provided should refer to the admissions criteria published in the Admission to Nursery Age Settings – 2014/15 booklet. # DETAILS OF PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORM Surname: _____________________________________________ Please indicate title Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms First: _________________________________________________ Relationship to Child: ____________________________________ Mobile Number: ________________________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________ If you are caring for someone else’s child for more than 28 days and are not an immediate relative, you may be privately fostering and it is a legal requirement that you contact the local authority on 0800 1313126. Further information is available at DECLARATION AND SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT The information provided on this application form will be used to ensure that the council’s records are correct. It may also be shared with other agencies and service providers to ensure that your child receives an appropriate service. Declaration: I certify that the information I have provided is true to the best of my knowledge, and understand that any false or deliberately misleading information provided on this form and/or supporting papers may render this application invalid and could lead to the withdrawal of an offer of a school place for my child. I also give my consent for the School Admissions and Transport Service to contact relevant agencies in order to validate this application. Signature: Date: Please ensure that you have read all of the information contained within the accompanying booklet before returning this form. Notes • If you are making your application on the grounds of medical or exceptional circumstances, it is important that you provide additional information and documents, such as a letter from your Doctor, Social Worker, etc. as your request will not be considered under this criterion unless this information is provided with your application form. • For admission purposes, pupils will be deemed to live at the same address as the parent that they have lived with in the previous school year. If your child has lived with more than one person with parental responsibility, the home address will be classed as the address the pupil has been resident at for the greatest number of school days. It may be necessary for parents to provide documentary evidence of their address in support of their application. • If your child is offered a nursery/foundation place this will not guarantee later admission to the primary school. • Please return this form by the closing date of 3 March 2014, to the school you have named as first preference in Section 2. If you require any help or advice contact the School Admissions and Transport Service by email [email protected] or by telephone - 01785 278593 [Cantonese] 本文檔包含重要資訊。如果不知道何人可幫助您理解資訊,而且需要翻譯人員服務以便協助翻 譯,請與我們聯繫。 電子信箱:[email protected] 或 電話:01785 278593 [Farsi] و ﺑﺮاﯼ ﺗﺮﺟﻤﻪ ﻣﻄﺎﻟﺐ ﻧﻴﺎز، اﮔﺮ ﮐﺴﯽ را ﻧﺪارﻳﺪ ﮐﻪ ﺑﺮاﯼ ﺧﻮاﻧﺪن و درﮎ ﺁن ﮐﻤﮏ ﺗﺎن ﮐﻨﺪ.اﻳﻦ ﻣﺘﻦ ﺣﺎوﯼ اﻃﻼﻋﺎت ﺑﺴﻴﺎر ﻣﻬﻤﯽ اﺳﺖ . ﻟﻄﻔﺎً ﺑﺎ ﻣﺎ ﺗﻤﺎس ﺑﮕﻴﺮﻳﺪ،ﺑﻪ ﻣﺘﺮﺟﻢ دارﻳﺪ ﻳﺎ[email protected] :اﻳﻤﻴﻞ 01785 278593 :ﺗﻠﻔﻦ [French] Ce document contient des renseignements importants. Si vous ne connaissez personne pouvant vous aider à les comprendre et que vous avez besoin d’un traducteur, veuillez nous contacter. Mél : [email protected] Téléphone : 01785 278593 If you would like this information in large print, Braille, audio tape/disc, British Sign Language or any other language, please ring 01785 278593 Print and design by Staffordshire County Council, Print Commissioning Services. Telephone: 01785 276051 72475/13
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