Automated Blood Sampling associated or not with Dried Blood Spot sample processing provides similar exposure parameters than classical pharmacokinetic procedures Nicolas Aubert, Thibault Ameller, Christelle Lefebvre, Stéphanie Laurent, Sébastien Leuillet, Jean-Jacques Legrand CiToxLAB France, Evreux. Introduction Results and discussion The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential consequences of the sampling process (automated or manual) and analytical sample preparation (standard plasma or Dried Blood Spot assay) on pharmacokinetic parameters. Ibuprofen was selected for this assessment because this compound is compatible with dried blood spotting and has a short half life in rats. _ SD) Figure 4: Mean (+ concentrations (vs. time) in plasma and whole blood following oral gavage administration at 25 mg/kg in rats 70 MS-SB AS-SB 60 MS-DBS 50 Twenty-four female Sprague-Dawley rats (11 weeks old) with a mean body weight of 247 g on the day of treatment, were allocated to four groups of 6 animals, and treated once by gavage at the dose-level of 25 mg/kg with ibuprofen. The test item was administered as a solution in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) under a constant dose-volume of 5 mL/kg. After oral gavage, blood was collected at different time-points by either manual collection process (MS) or automated blood collection (AS), then the blood was processed using standard bioanalytical method (SB) or dried blood spot assay (Figure 1). Specifically, venous blood samples (300 μL) were taken into tubes containing EDTA (and kept at +4°C) from all animals at the following time-points: 0.25 15 min, 0.5 30 min, 1, 3, 6 and 9 hours postgavage. - Manual sampling (MS): Blood was manually sampled from 12 rats by venopuncture of the tail vein after warming the animals at 37°C during 10 minutes in order to allow tail vein vasodilation. When sampling from the caudal was difficult, the blood was taken from the retro-orbital sinus of the animals under a light isoflurane anesthesia. Automatic sampling (AS): Blood was automatically sampled from 12 rats through a catheter implanted in the jugular vein and connected to a refrigerated fraction collector. Oral (gavage) Treatment Blood Sampling Concentration (Mg/mL) Materials and Methods AS-DBS 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (hour) Blood Sampling tmaxa (h) Blood Processing λZ (1/h) Cmax (μg/mL) AUC0-t (μh/mL) t1/2 (h) AUC0-∞ (μh/mL) MS SB 1.0 35.1 13.5 0.227 0.099 3.7 2.0 157.3 73.2 202.9 91.9 AS SB 1.0 35.5 11.7 0.273 0.096 3.0 1.7 121.0 20.8 149.5 33.4 MS DBS 0.8 34.8 20.3 0.222 0.053 3.3 1.0 101.6 27.4 119.2 24.3 AS DBS 0.9 27.1 8.0 0.101 2.1 0.6 83.8 19.1 89.5 19.6 TABLE 1: The pharmacokinetic parameters (mean 0.359 SD) using winnonlin software AS: Automated blood sampling, MS: Manual sampling, DBS: Dried blood spot, SB: Standard bioanalysis a: value corresponds to the calculation of the median. *: statistically significant (p-value <0.05). Manual sampling (MS) (12) Dried spotting (6) Dried Blood Spotting (DBS) Automated sampling (AS) (ABS 110) (12) Standard Bioanalysis (SB) (6) Standard Bioanalysis (SB) (6) Dried Plasma Spotting (DPS) Dried spotting (6) Dried Blood Spotting (DBS) Dried Plasma Spotting (DPS) For each tested matrix (plasma or blood), a similar shape of the test item levels vs. time curves was observed whatever the sampling collection (automated or manual) and preparation (Dried Blood Spot or standard bioanalysis). No significant differences were noted between the main calculated PK parameters (AUC0-t, Cmax, Tmax and t1/2). The extrapolated areas using the half-life values to obtain AUC0-∞ values were sometimes much higher (>20%) than the corresponding AUC0-t values. The AUC0-∞ values were therefore considered as less reliable, and consequently the observed differences were not considered as related to the sample collection and/or preparation processes. Pharmacokinetic Modeling Statistical analysis Figure 5: Mean ( SD) concentrations (vs. time) in plasma and whole blood using DBS cards following oral gavage administration at 25 mg/kg in rats 70 MS-DPS 60 AS-DPS MS-DBS Figure 1: Study design (x: number of animals) 50 The automated blood sampler (Instech’s model ABS110 – FIGURE 2) can be useful in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics studies by eliminating labor-intensive manual withdrawals of laboratory animals, and consequently, reducing the stress on animals caused by frequent handling. The sampler withdraws blood from a catethered freely-moving animal according to programmed schedule. The sampling schedules, volumes and withdrawal rates are controlled and monitored from a computer. The main advantages of ABS include also : undiluted samples (verified by in-line sensors), the shortest collection path (to minimize the chance of cross-over) and reduced volume of wasted blood per sample (3 μL, to minimize hemodilution). Figure 2: Automated Blood Sampler (ABS 110) 3a 3b Figure 3: Dried Blood Spot The blood was then processed as follow: - SB : whatever the collection method, the blood of 6 animals was centrifuged (3600 g, 10 min, +4°C) and the obtained plasma was kept at -20°C until analysis. - DBS : whatever the collection method, the blood of 6 animals was immediately spotted (4 x 15 μL) on Dried Blood Spot (DBS) cards, dried for 3 hours and kept at room temperature into gas-impermeable bag until analysis. Although this procedure is not recommended by the card supplier, this was intended for assessing the influence of the matrix spotted on the obtained pharmacokinetic parameters. - DPS: whatever the collection method, the remaining blood of 6 animals (following blood spotting) was centrifuged (3600 g, 10 min, +4°C) and the obtained plasma was spotted (4 x 15 μL) on Dried Blood Spot (DBS) cards, dried for 3 hours and kept at room temperature into gas-impermeable bag until analysis. The dried blood spot (DBS) method is an alternative technique that overcomes the drawbacks of standard method. DBS requires microvolume sampling (only 10 to 20 μl per sample), a simpler and safer processing and an easier storage and transportation logistics. Using DBS is straightforward: the blood from the test subject is collected and applied directly onto the card (Whatman FTA® DMPK Cards) and dried (Figure 3a). For analysis, a sample disc is punched and the analytes are immediately extracted using aqueous/organic solvent mixtures (Figure 3b). The card lyses cells and denatures proteins on contact. It also inactivates viruses, making handling and shipping of samples safer. Samples can be shipped and stored at ambient temperature and long term stability has been demonstrated for analytes and metabolites sensitive to plasma enzymes. The plasma samples or blood/plasma spots were analyzed using a validated LC-MS/MS method. The pharmacokinetic evaluation was carried out using a non-compartmental method (WinNonlin® software) and the following parameters were calculated and/or determined: Cmax (maximum concentration), Tmax (time to maximum concentration), λz (elimination rate constant), t1/2 (terminal half-life), AUC0-t (area under the curve from 0 hours to the time-point of the last quantifiable concentration) and AUC0-∞ (area under the curve from time 0 to infinity). The results were submitted to a statistical analysis (SAS® software). Concentration (Mg/mL) AS-DBS 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (hour) λZ (1/h) Blood Sampling Blood Processing tmaxa (h) MS DPS 0.7 48.5 20.8 0.226 0.066 3.3 1.1 152.3 39.8 180.6 35.5 0.8 34.8 20.3 0.222 0.053 3.3 1.0 101.6 27.4 119.2 24.3 0.36 <0.0001*** MS DBS p-value Cmax (μg/mL) 0.7993 t1/2 (h) AUC0-t (μh/mL) 0.9758 0.0005*** AUC0-∞ (μh/mL) 0.0004*** AS DPS 1.0 46.6 11.6 0.409 0.118 1.8 0.6 143.7 33.3 149.8 34.4 AS DBS 0.9 27.1 8.0 0.359 0.101 2.1 0.6 83.8 19.1 89.5 19.6 p-value 0.38 0.0147* TABLE 2: The pharmacokinetic parameters (mean 0.1725 0.1825 0.0033** 0.0023** SD) using winnonlin software AS: Automated blood sampling, MS: Manual sampling, DBS: Dried blood spot, DPS: Dried plasma spot a: value corresponds to the calculation of the median. *, **, ***: statistically significant (p-value <0.05, 0.01 or 0.001, respectively) The comparison of the pharmacokinetic parameters between DPS (plasma) vs. DBS (whole blood) following manual or automated collection processes showed statistically significant differences for Cmax, AUC0-t and AUC0-∞. As these differences were observed whatever the samples collection process, they were considered as related to the nature of the matrix (blood or plasma) spotted on the DBS card. Conclusion and discussion Altogether, these results indicate that: Whatever the bioanalytical method (DBS or Standard), the Automated Blood sampling did not induce significant differences on the PK parameters when compared to the manual sampling. Differences were observed between DPS (plasma) vs. DBS (whole blood) processing (whatever the collection process), suggesting a relationship to the nature of the spotted matrix, but confirming that the DBS card should be used according to specifications with blood only. Although the automated blood sampling requires catheterization of the animals, the reduction of handling during the sampling decreases the animal stress and improves the quality and repeatability of the blood samples. Association of automated blood sampling and low volume DBS analytical method is a real ethical improvement. Consequently, and taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of each method, these new processes can be now routinely used at CIT in investigative pharmacokinetic studies using a limited number of rats and a minimum quantity of product.
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