Sample Hospital Billing – UB-04 CMS-1450 – MPI PET Multiple Study Hospital Name One Hospital Place City, State 00000 Patient Name Pay – to Name Pay – to Address (If different from billing provider in FL1) Medical Record # Patient ID 0404 MPI PET, Multiple Studies 78492 01/01/2013 1 XXXX.XX 0343 Rubidium per dose A9555 01/01/2013 2 XXX.XX 0482 Cardiac Stress Test 93017 01/01/2013 1 0636 Pharmacologic Stress Agent JXXXX 01/01/2013 X Form Locator 42(Rev. CD.) Enter Revenue Code – For Example 0404 PET or 0341 Nuclear Medicine Diagnostic (Verify Revenue Coding with Hospital Finance Dept.) 0343 Diagnostic Radiopharmaceutical 0482 Cardiac Stress Test 0636 Drugs requiring detailed coding Form Locator 44 (HCPCS /Rates/HIPPS Code) Enter the CPT or HCPCS code for the procedure, radiopharmaceutical and drug. 78492 Myocardial imaging, PET, perfusion; multiple studies at rest and/or stress A9555 Rubidium Rb-82, diagnostic, per study dose, up to 60 mCi 93017 Cardiovascular stress test, tracing only, without interpretation and report Use the appropriate HCPCS code for the pharmacological stress used to perform the study. Form Locator 67 (Principle Diagnosis Code) Enter the ICD-9 code for the principle diagnoses. – For Example 410.00 Myocardial Infarction Up to eight other diagnoses that co-exist in addition to the principle diagnosis can be reported in FL 67 A-H 410.00 Form Locator 46 (Units of Service) XXX.XX Enter the number of units based on he HCPCS code descriptor XXX.XX Bracco Diagnostics Inc. cannot guarantee coverage or payment for products or procedures at any particular level. For more specific information please contact your Medicare contractor or the patient’s insurer. Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) is copyright 2012 by the American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association. HOPPS Payment Calculation: The Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (HOPPS) went into effect in August of 2000 and applies to almost all hospital outpatient departments. HOPPS replaced the former cost-based reimbursement methodology and is currently based on hospital claims data. CMS groups procedures into Ambulatory Payment Classifications or APCs. The procedures within an APC are intended to be clinically comparable and similar in terms of resource utilization. The following Cardiac PET Imaging procedures are reassigned to APC 0308 (Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging) in calendar year 2012. APC 0308 0308 0308 CPT Code 78459 78491 78492 Procedure Myocardial Imaging, PET, metabolic evaluation Myocardial Imaging, PET perfusion, single study at rest or stress Myocardial Imaging, PET perfusion, multiple studies at rest and/or stress The national unadjusted payment rate for an APC is determined by multiplying the prospectively established scaled relative weight by a conversion factor (CF). The scaled relative weight measures the resource requirements of the service and is based on the median cost of the services within the APC. The median cost is based on previous years’ hospital charge data reduced by the hospital department specific cost to charge ratio. For example the payments for 2012 are based on 2010 hospital charge data. The charge data is multiplied by the cost to charge ratio on the cost center under which the service is billed to determine cost information. Hospital Charge X Cost to Charge Ratio = Cost The HOPPS payment allowances posted by CMS are national averages and the actual rates for specific hospitals are determined by applying a geographic adjustment. Sixty percent of the payment is attributed to labor costs, and forty percent to non labor costs. The labor-related portion of the payment is adjusted using the final wage index (FWI) assigned by CMS to area where the hospital being paid is located. For example: APC Relative Weight (RW) X Conversion Factor (CF) = Unadjusted APC Payment Geographic Adjustment (0.6 X APC Payment X Final Wage Index) Based on hospital charge data reduced by the CCR + (0.4 X APC Payment) = Hospital Local Payment The HOPPS payments cover only facility or technical fees; professional fees are paid separately in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS). CMS annually revises and updates APC groupings, payments and code descriptors to clarify and refine the HOPPS system. Each year’s proposed and final rules and all supporting files and documentation can be acceded at on the CMS website. To find additional information about the OPPS, visit Created: FEB. 2013
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