Enrichment at Trevista Horace Mann An innovative school in Denver is trying something new. School Mission: Trevista ECE-8th School exists to serve the unique academic, physical, social, and emotional needs of students. The community of Trevista is committed to creating and maintaining a child-centered and caring environment where teaching and learning recognize the diversity and gifts of all members and ensure students are both supported and challenged to meet their highest potential. Program Goals: Enrichment at Trevista aims to provide the students with multiple pathways to learning while fostering the values of collaboration, exploration and fun. Enrichment at Trevista aims to provide students with an element of choice within the school day, so all students are offered a variety of lenses through which they view and participate in the world. Enrichment at Trevista will offer unique opportunities for students to grow as individuals as well as develop meaningful relationships that can serve as a foundation for peace and solidarity within the community. Enrichment at Trevista will provide opportunities to engage Denver’s philanthropic, non-profit and forprofit agencies in a process of transforming the traditional school model. Enrichment at Trevista will give families and individuals within the community an opportunity to celebrate, collaborate and participate in the joys of learning and discovering. Letter of Recommendation Department of Extended Learning and Community Schools Denver Public Schools December 18, 2013 RE: Letter of Recommendation and Support for the Enrichment Program at Trevista at Horace Mann Please accept this letter as a strong endorsement of the robust Enrichment Program at Trevista at Horace Mann. I have worked with the staff at Trevista this year to support their extensive Enrichment Program that serves 275 students each semester. Trevista has an extended-day model where the last period of the day is taught by staff members and community partners. Students are permitted to select areas of interest such as African dance and drumming, theatre, visual art, yoga, breakdancing, music and social justice. Because of the substantial scope and community involvement, this ambitious enrichment program is unique in Denver Public Schools. Tamera Sakotas Cone, the Enrichment Program Coordinator, works tirelessly with community partners to develop curriculum that supports the school’s mission, academic goals and culture. Tamera’s innovative process involves integrating community partners into Trevista’s expectations of students and aligning enrichment programs with school day activities. Trevista provides professional development to community partners to assist them in understanding the students’ needs and personalities. Specifically, Tamera ensures that community partners are immersed in the school culture by providing professional development opportunities, scheduling regular meetings and developing healthy and communicative relationships with the partners. The level of organization required to align these partners with the school’s goals is tremendous, and a shining example for other schools in the district. Trevista’s Enrichment Program serves many youth who live in the largest housing project in Denver. The community has significant gang activity and the vast majority of the students come from very low-income households. Many of these students have never received rich exposure to the arts prior to the inception of the Enrichment Program. This Enrichment Program not only offers non-traditional learning opportunities for these students, it additionally assists community partners with classroom management techniques specific to the student population. More than any other school in the district, Trevista works with the community partners to serve the differentiated needs of their students. Trevista’s Enrichment Program is completely invested in their community and families. The goals of the program are valued by the school’s administration and are integral in the mission of educating the “whole child.” I have been greatly impressed by this ambitious program, the staff leading the charge, and the results I’ve witness with student engagement. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this program. Sincerely, Heather Intres, Community Partnerships in Extended Learning [email protected] S. Ave. Acoma St.· Denver, CO · 80223 Denver, Colorado 80205 1350 1617 E. 33rd 720-423-1798 720 . 424 . 8240 FAX 720 . 424 . 8265 Letter of Recommendation DATE: January10,2014 TO: TameraConeͲSakotas TrevistaEnrichmentCoordinator FROM: KennethGrimes Denver4ͲHYouthDevelopmentDirector CSUDenverExtension/4ͲHLetterofRecommendation RE: ThereisauniquepartnershiptakingplacebetweenTrevistaECEͲ8andColoradoStateUniversityDenver Extension/4ͲH.CSUExtensionispartofthelargestoutreacheducationprogramconnectedtoasystemoflandgrant universitiesthatreaches6,000,000participantsannually.Weareproudtoofferthisletterofrecommendationandto highlightsomeofthereasonswebelieveTrevistadeservestheNationalArtsandHumanitiesYouthProgramsAwards. Inashorttime,theyhaveputtogetherasustainableschoolenrichmentprogramthatissingularinDenver.Havingtheir programdirectlylinkedtohighereducationandtothebroaderartscommunityhasquicklybenefittedthestudentsat Trevistaandpositionsthemforapromisingfuture. StudentsatTrevistahavejoined4ͲH,apremierprogramandcommunityofyoungpeople,acrossAmerica, learningleadership,citizenship,andlifeskills.Inthisinstance,Trevistaisalsoalignedwithourresponsetoconcerns raisedbyastudyconductedbytheNationalAcademyofScienceCommitteeonScience,EngineeringandPublicPolicy, RisingAbovetheGatheringStorm.Thisresultedinaninitiativeincreasingthenumberofyouthexploringcareersin mathandsciencethrougha4ͲHeffort,“OneMillionNewScientists,OneMillionNewIdeas.”Itfocusesuponproviding opportunitiesforonemillionnewyouthtoengageinandexploreSTEMthrough4ͲHprograms.AtTrevista,wehave expandedthistobeSTREAM(ScienceTechnologyReadingEngineeringArtsandMath).Studentswhowouldn’t otherwisehavetheseopportunities,gainlifeskillsandexperiencetheperformingandtechnicaltheatrerealmfrom someofthecity’smosttalentedperformingandtechnicaltheatreartsmentors.Aplaywrightwhohashadworkson Broadwayassistswithprogramcoordination;professionaldesignersandtechniciansroutinelycometosharetheir passion,knowledgeandgiftswithstudentswhoaremostlyunawareofthedepthofwhattheyarereceivingbeforehigh schoolandinapublicversusprivateschool. Theyarebeingintroducedtotechnicalfieldsthatpositionthemtotakeadvantageofhighlysoughtafterskills.A recentarticleintheNewYorkTimesentitled:Hey,Stars,BeNicetotheStagehands.YouMightNeedaLoan(Lorne ManleyandMichaelCooper12Ͳ27Ͳ2013),highlightslucrativepositionsinNewYork,acrossthenationand internationally.Theyarealsogainingpracticalskillsusingsomeofthelatesttheatricalequipmentthankstoagrantfrom theOfficeofJuvenileJusticeDelinquencyPreventionthatsponsorsTechWizardsnationallyandthroughCSUDenver Extension/4ͲH. ThisisexcitingstuffforaschoolthathasalongandproudhistorylocatedinalowͲincomeneighborhoodof workingclassfamilies.78%ofTrevista’sstudentsareEnglishlanguagelearners.Workingtogether,CSUDenver Extension4ͲHaredevelopingprogrammingthathasquicklybecomethebestinthecity.Studentsrecentlyvisitedaset atanearbyuniversityforahighlytechnicalshowentitledArabianNightsthatinvolvedtheuseoftrapezes,magic, costumes,specialmakeup,dozensofscenechangesandscoresofperformingandtechnicaltheatreopportunitieson thestageandbehindthescenes.Asthecrewofyoung,universitystudentsenthusiasticallysharedwhattheywere learning,oneoftheTrevistastudentsdeclared:“Iwannadothis.”Allstudentswon’tgettheproverbial“theatrebug” butallwilllearnthatthisisonemoreoptionforthemnowandpotentiallyinthefuture.Theywillseethemagicof theatrewithanappreciationforhowtheymightalsobethemagician! Sincerely, KennethGrimes,Director Denver4ͲHYouthDevelopment ColoradoStateUniversity,U.S.DepartmentofAgriculturalandCityandCountyofDenvercooperating. CooperativeExtensionprogramsareavailabletoallwithoutdiscrimination. Community Partners 4-H Club meets the needs of and engages young people in positive youth development experiences. These experiences are based on the idea that young people should be regarded as resources to be developed. • • • • • • • • • • Rocketry Urban Animals Cooking Robotics Wind Energy Woodworking Forestry Puppetry Outdoor Adventures Global Citizenship Creative Strategies for Change (CSC) – Their focus is racial justice. Their platform is designed toward lasting change. They organize, mobilize, and actualize with Social Justice Frameworks, Arts Engagement, and Restorative Practices. Community Partners Soccer for Success - Soccer for Success® is lead by the Colorado Rapid’s outreach division and is the U.S. Soccer Foundation’s free soccer-based during and after school program that uses soccer as a tool to combat childhood obesity and promote healthy lifestyles for children in under-resourced urban communities. Colorado Ballet - Colorado Ballet’s Department of Education & Outreach serves in-need students, teachers, families, people with disabilities and lifelong learners in Colorado. The aim to make dance accessible to everyone, to promote dance and movement as part of a healthy lifestyle, and to encourage creativity and expression through dance, and foster an appreciation for ballet. Community Partners Mile High Fitness – This organization aims to educate and motivate Denver’s youth population and provide them with many positive benefits including fun, teamwork, and consistent physical activity. The Wellness Initiative - The mission of The Wellness Initiative is to improve the physical health, social and emotional development, and academic performance of low-income youth through yoga-based wellness programs. Community Partners Capoeira Luanda Denver - Capoeira Luanda is an organization that practices, teaches, and preserves the Afro-Brazilian martial art of Capoeira. UpLift – Their mission is to build long-term, life-changing relationships with urban youth and to breaking generational cycles of poverty and failure in Denver’s inner city. Community Partners Black Actor’s Guild – Their mission is to educate, inspire and influence through intelligent entertainment. The Black Actors Guild creates and performs original art that helps to advance American theatre. In addition, the Black Actors Guild will help to create, educate, and promote the younger artists of our generation to ensure that thinking will forever be an art. Bboy Factory - The Bboy Factory stresses that Breakin is only the physical movement of a much greater culture. Part of their mission is not only to teach positive lifestyle through dance, but also to preserve Hip Hop as a culture. Curtain Playhouse – Their mission is to provide an artist’s outlet for creative expression through theatre and to develop a student’s confidence in their own sense of creativity and understanding of the creation of live performance. Independent Service Providers The following individuals joined the Trevsita Enrichment team as Independent Service Providers. • • • • • James Garcia – Guitar Beth Blaskovitch – Piano Adam Buehler – FrankenART Noel Fetting Madison Smith –FrankenART Joe DeRose – Chess Additional Classes Lead by the School’s Essentials Teachers Include: • • • • • • • • Native American Art and Storytelling Vocal Music Music Composition World Games Sports in the USA Weightlifting Wrestling Graffiti Art
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