Ref. 5.612B - 03/2010. INSTALLATION / UNDERHÅLL Manöverdon - AL 79-045U till AL 79-801U INSTALLATIONS-, UNDERHÅLLS- OCH DRIFTSANVISNINGAR FÖR 4E GENERATIONENS UPPGRADERADE MANÖVERDON. - Al 79-045U till AL 79-801U - Dubbelverkande ”D” och Fjäderretur ”S” - 90° till 180° slag Innehåll 1) ALLMÄNT 2) VARNING 3) ARBETSFÖRHÅLLANDEN OCH TEKNISKA DATA 4) FUNKTION OCH ROTATIONSRIKTNING 5) INSTALLATIONSINSTRUKTIONER • AL 79 manöverdon får endast användas, installeras och underhållas av korrekt utbildad personal. För användning, installation och underhåll av AL 79 manöverdon rekommenderas att personalen följer säkerhetsinstruktionerna och använder korrekt utrustning för att förebygga skador och olyckor. 6) UNDERHÅLLSINSTRUKTIONER 7) FÖRVARINGSINSTRUKTIONER 8) LYFTNING OCH HANTERING • Manöverdonet får endast användas inom det driftområde som anges i specifikationen. 1. Allmänt Denna instruktion ger viktig information om installation, drift, underhåll och lagring av AL 79 pneumatiska kuggstångsmanöverdon. Läs dessa instruktioner noga och spara dokumentet för framtida referens. Manöverdonet får endast underhållas och användas av korrekt utbildad personal. • Använd inte manöverdonet över angiven temperaturgräns: Detta skulle kunna skada såväl interna som externa komponenter (det kan bli farligt att demontera manöverdon med fjäderretur). • Använd inte manöverdonet över angiven tryckgräns: Detta skulle kunna orsaka skador på interna komponenter, hus och ändlock. • Använd inte manöverdonet i korrosiv miljö med bristande skydd: Detta kan skada såväl interna som externa delar. 2. Varning • Använd inte manöverdonet med lättantändliga, frätande, korrosiva, explosiva eller instabila gaser eller vätskor (använd endast ofarliga fluider - grupp 2 enligt rådets direktiv 97/26/EG).Vidare, för manöverdon installerade i potentiellt explosionsfarliga zoner, kontrollera att manöverdonets interna komponenter inte kan komma i kontakt med den yttre atmosfären. • Refererande till Maskindirektivet 2006/46/EG kan manöverdon klassificeras som “DELVIS KOMPLETT UTRUSTNING” (se INBYGGNADSDEKLARATION). Därför får manöverdonet inte tas i drift förrän maskinen och/eller systemet, som manöverdonet är inbyggt i har deklarerats uppfylla kraven i rådets direktiv 2006/42/EG. • AL 79 manöverdon är konstruerade, tillverkade och klassificerade enligt ATEX-direktivet 94/9/EG (se manöverdonets etikett och säkerhetsinstruktioner). Användningen av manöverdonet i potentiell explosiv atmosfär måste överensstämma med ATEX-klassificeringen som anges på manöverdonets etikett och som anges i ATEX-säkerhetsinstruktionerna. • Demontera inte de enskilda fjäderpatronerna. Det kan medföra personskador. Om underhåll av fjädrar är nödvändigt, skicka dem till Axel Larsson. • Bryt och förslut alla tryckluftanslutningar och se till att de avluftas i samband med underhåll och installation på ventil. • Ta inte av manöverdonet eller ändlocken medan manöverdonet är trycksatt. • 4:e generationens uppgraderade manöverdon är konstruerade för användas endast på ventiler. • Före installation av manöverdonet på ventilen, kontrollera att rotationsriktningen är korrekt och att lägesindikatorn överensstämmer med verkligheten. • Om manöverdonet ingår i ett system eller används inom säkerhetsanordningar eller -kretsar ska kunden säkerställa att nationellt och lokalt gällande säkerhetsföreskrifter uppfylls. 5.612B - 1 Ref. 5.612B - 03/2010. INSTALLATION / UNDERHÅLL Manöverdon - AL 79-045U till AL 79-801U 3. Arbetsförhållanden och tekniska data • Driftsmedier: Torr eller smord luft, eller inerta gaser, under förutsättning att de är kompatibla med manöverdonets interna komponenter och med smörjmedlet. Driftsmedierna måste ha en daggpunkt på -20°C (-4°F) eller minst 10°C under omgivningstemperaturen. Den maximalt tillåtna partikelstorleken i driftsmediet är 30 m. • Matningstryck: Max tillåtet matningstryck är 8 bar (116 Psi). För AT801 gäller 7 bar (101,5 Psi). För dubbelverkande manöverdon och manöverdon med fjäderretur är arbetstrycket 2,5 bar (36 Psi) till 8 bar (116 Psi). • Drifttemperatur: ”Standard” manöverdon från -40°C (-40°F) till +80°C (+176°F) Manöverdon för höga temperaturer ”HT” från -15°C (+5°F) till +150°C (+300°F) Manöverdon för extremt låga temperaturer ”LLT” från -55°C (+67°F) till +80°C (+176°F) Obs: för drift vid extremt låga eller extremt höga temperaturer krävs specialfett och specialkomponenter. Kontakta Axel Larsson vid höga eller låga temperaturer kan manöverdonets livslängd och utgående moment påverkas. • Manövertid (se tekniska datablad): Obs: Manövertiden beror på flera faktorer som matningstryck, matningskapacitet (rörledningsdiameter, flödeskapacitet hos pneumatiska komponenter), ventiltyp, ventilmoment och -data, tillämplig säkerhetsfaktor, manöverfrekvens, temperatur etc. • Rotations- och slaginställning (se tekniska datablad): För standardmanöverdon (90° rotation), 120°-manöverdon (120° rotation), 135°-manöverdon (135° rotation) och 180°-manöverdon (180° rotation). Slaginställning vid 0° (slutna kolvar): +15° max/ - 5°. Slaginställning vid 90°, 120°, 135° och 180° (öppna kolvar): +5° max/ - 15. För manöverdon AT045U är slaginställning vid 90° (öppna kolvar) tillgänglig endast på begäran. • Smörjning: Manöverdonet levereras engångssmort från fabrik. Under normala driftsförhållanden fordras ingen eftersmörjning. Standardsmörjmedel GSTD kan användas från -40°C (-40°F) till +80°C (+176°F). För drift vid extremt låga (LLT) eller extremt höga (HT) temperaturer krävs specialfett. Kontakta Air Torque. • Utförande: Manöverdon med kuggstång och drev, lämpligt för såväl inomhus- som utomhusinstallationer. • Skydd och korrosionsmotstånd: Alla manöverdon levereras med korrosionsskydd för normala driftsmiljöer. För korrosionsmotstånd hos olika typ av skydd, se tekniska datablad. Före installation av manöverdonet i aggressiv miljö, kontrollera att vald skyddsnivå är lämplig. • Manöverdonets beteckning och märkning (se tekniska datablad): Manöverdonets typ, storlek, driftstryck, utmoment, rotationsriktning, fjäderfunktion, driftstemperatur och anslutningssätt framgår av beteckningen. Alla AL 79 manöverdon levereras med en typetikett som visar serienumret och all nödvändig information om användning, underhåll, drift och produktbeteckning. I tillämpliga fall anger typetiketten klassificeringen enligt ATEX-direktivet 94/9/EG. 5.612B - 2 • Actuator designation and marking (see technical data sheets): The actuator type, size, operating pressure, output torque, direction of rotation, spring action, operating temperature and type of connections/interfaces are determined by designation. • All AIR TORQUE actuators are supplied with an identification label showing the serial number and all necessary GB information on use, service, operation and product designation. Where applicable, the label indicates the according and to ATEX Directive • classification Actuator designation marking (see 94/9/EC. technical data SINGLE ACTING OPERATION FUNCTION (STANDARD ROTATION TYPE “ST”) TOP VIEW Ref. 5.612B - 03/2010. INSTALLATION / UNDERHÅLL Manöverdon - AL 79-045U till AL 79-801U IMAT 4thGU-E 4. Funktion och rotationsriktning sheets): 4) OPERATING FUNCTION AND DIRECTION OF The actuator type, size, pressure, Manöverdonet är en pneumatisk enhetoperating för fjärrmanövrering av output ROTATION industriventiler. (90°, 135° eller 180°action, rotation)operating kan torque,Rörelsen direction of120°, rotation, spring The a pneumatic device for remote operaaktiveras påactuator olika sätt:isand temperature type of connections/interfaces are tion of industrial valves. The operation (90°,120°,135° • Direkt montering av by magnetventiler (5/2 för dubbelverkande, 3/2 or för determined designation. fjäderretur) till tryckanslutningarna 2 och anslutna till matnings, och rotation) may actuators be activated different methods: • 180° All AIR TORQUE are4,by supplied with an identifistyrledningar. • Direct mounting of solenoid valvenumber (5/2 forand double acting, cation label showing the serial all necessary • Skruvanslutning (till tryckanslutningar 2 ochconnections 4) med luftledningar 3/2 for spring return) pressure and 4, information on use,toservice, operation and2 product från separat styrskåp. connected to supply control lines. designation. Whereand applicable, the label indicates the Standardrotation (när port 4 är(totrycksatt eller för fjädermanövre• Screwed connection pressure connections 2 and 4) according to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC. ring) är classification medurs för stängning. När port 2 trycksätts uppnås moturs with air lines from separate control cabinet. rotation. standard rotation (when port 4 isDIRECTION pressurized or 4) The OPERATING FUNCTION AND OF forROTATION spring action) is clockwise to close. When port 2 is AL 79 manöverdon kan levereras med olika lösningar för montering/ pressurized, counter-clockwise rotationforis remote obtained. The actuator is a vilken pneumatic device operarotationsriktning, beroende typ av drift och/eller installation Airtion Torque actuators can be supplied with different typesor of industrial valves. The operation (90°,120°,135° som är aktuell, se tekniska datablad. of180° assembly/rotation direction depending on the type of rotation) may be activated by different methods: required operation and/or installation, see technical data • Direct mounting of solenoid valve (5/2 for double acting, sheets. 3/2 for spring return) to pressure connections 2 and 4, • connected to supply and control lines. DOUBLE ACTING OPERATION FUNCTION Dubbelverkande funktion Screwed connection (to pressure connections 2 and 4) (STANDARD ROTATION TYPE “ST”) TOP VIEW typ ”ST”) vy cabinet. ovanifrån: with(standardrotation, air lines from separate control The standard rotation (when port 4 is pressurized or for spring action) is clockwise to close. When port 2 is pressurized, counter-clockwise rotation is obtained. Air Torque actuators can be supplied with different types of assembly/rotation direction depending on the type of required operation and/or installation, see technical data sheets. DOUBLE ACTING OPERATION FUNCTION (STANDARD ROTATION TYPE “ST”) TOP VIEW Luft som levereras till port 2 tvingar kolvarna mot Air supplied to port 2 forces the pistons towards the actuator end caps. manöverdonets ändlock. A counter-clockwise rotation is achieved.Moturs rotation uppnås. Exhaust air exits from Frånluft Port 4. släpps ut från port 4. Air supplied to port 2 forces the pistons towards the actuator end caps. A counter-clockwise rotation is achieved. Exhaust air exits from Port 4. Luft som levereras till port 4 tvingar kolvarna inåt. Air supplied to Port 4 forces the pistons inward. Medurs rotation uppnås. A clockwise rotation is achieved. Frånluft släpps ut från port 2. Exhaust air exits from Port 2. 4 SINGLEEnkelverkande ACTING OPERATION FUNCTION funktion (STANDARD ROTATION TYPE “ST”) TOP VIEW (standardrotation typ ”ST”) vy ovanifrån: Air supplied to Port “2” forces the pistons toward the actuator end caps, compressing the springs. A counter-clockwise rotation is achieved. Exhaust air exits from Port 4. Luft som levereras till port ”2” tvingar kolvarna mot manöverdoAir supplied to Port “2” forces the pistons toward the actuator end caps, nets ändlock pressar ihop fjädrarna. Moturs rotation uppnås. compressing theoch springs. A counter-clockwise rotation is achieved. air exits Frånluft släpps utExhaust från port 4. from Port 4. The loss of air pressure (air or electric failure) at Port “2” allows the springs to force the pistons inward. A clockwise rotation is achieved. Exhaust air exits from Port 2. 5) ACTUATOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The Air Torque actuator is a pneumatic device for the remote operation of industrial valves. The actuator will operate through 90°,120°,135° and 180° rotation permitting the opening and closing of many types of valves up to 180° rotation. All the necessary technical information to install the actuator Förlusten avsafely lufttryck eller elfel) port tillåter correctly onto valvefailure) i.e.: The lossand of air pressure (air (pneumatikor a electric at Port “2”vid allows the”2” springs fjädrarna att pressa kolvarna inåt. Medurs rotation to force the pistons inward. Dimensions, Output torque, Supply pressure, Airuppnås. volume, A clockwise rotation isFrånluft achieved. släppstime, ut från port 2. temperature, Stroke adjustment, Operating Operating Exhaust air exits from Port 2. Direction of rotation and Weight is stated clearly on the Actuator label, in the catalogue and technical data sheets. 5) ACTUATOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 5. Montering Please read all technical information before proceeding with The Air Torque actuator is a pneumatic device for the remote the actuator installation. operation of industrial valves. The will operate through AL 79 manöverdon är en pneumatisk enhetactuator för fjärrmanövrering av industriventiler. Manöverdonet fungerar 90°, 120°, 135° och the 180°opening rotation. Detta 90°,120°,135° and 180° med rotation permitting and tillåter manövrering många typer av ventiler rotationsområde � 5.1) Important safety notice! closing of manyavtypes of valves up tomed 180° rotation. upp till All nödvändig information att säkertmust och korrekt installera manöver•180°. safety reasons, theföractuator be pressurized All For the necessary technical information tonot install the actuator donet på en ventil dvs. mått, utmoment, matningstryck, luftvolym, slagjustering, at any time during installation as injury may result. correctly driftstemperatur, and safely onto a valve i.e.: och vikt, framgår av manövermanövertid, rotationsriktning •donets The utmost cleanliness isSupply required during air Dimensions, Output pressure, Air supply volume, etikett, katalogen ochtorque, de tekniska databladen. Läs all teknisk informaconnection to the actuator i.e. the connecting pipe tion noga före installation av manöverdonet. Stroke adjustment, Operating time, Operating temperature, thread, fittings and seals must be clean and dirt-free. Direction of rotation and Weight is stated clearly on the Viktigfitting säkerhetsinformation! •5.1) When onto and the technical actuators,data assemble Actuator label, accessories in the catalogue sheets. themread in such a way that the emergency control of the Please all technical information before proceeding with • Manöverdonet får inte trycksättas under pågående installation. Detta skulle solenoid valve and the top of the drive shaft are easily the actuator installation. kunna medföra personskada. accessible, be required. • Extrem renlighetshould fordrasemergency vid anslutningmanual av luft tilloperations manöverdonet. Detta inne•bär Before fitting onto the valve, make sure that the actuator/ att den anslutande ledningen, gängor, kopplingar och tätningar måste vara � 5.1) Important safety notice! rena och fråncorrectly partiklar. are upon which • valve Forfriasafety reasons,orientated, the actuatordepending must not be pressurized • Viddirection montering av tillbehör på manöverdonet, montera dessa så att magof rotation is required. at any time during installation as injury may result. nödmanövrering och drivaxelns övre ände är lätt åtkomlig, om •netventilens spring return actuators, is avoid that dangerous • For The utmost cleanliness required during airand/or supply manöverdonet skulle behöva manövreras manuellt. corrosive substances in the working environment enter connection to the actuator i.e. the connecting pipe • Före montering på ventilen, kontrollera att manöverdonet/ventilen är korrekt into the external chambers by using adequate filters vända, utgående från erforderlig rotationsriktning. thread, fittings and seals must be clean and dirt-free. • •Förand/or manöverdon medaccessories fjäderretur, att farliga och/eller korrosiva subvalves. undvik Whensolenoid fitting onto the actuators, assemble stanser i arbetsmiljön tränger in i manöverdonets externa kammare, genom att them in such a way that the emergency control of the använda lämpliga filter och/eller magnetventiler. solenoid valve and the topluftanslutningar of the driveunder shaftinstallation are easily • Ta bort propparna från manöverdonets accessible, should emergency manual operations be required. och drift. Skydda luftanslutningar på manöverdonet som inte ska användas omedelbart. • Before fitting onto the valve, make sure that the actuator/ 5.612B - 3 • valve are correctly orientated, depending upon which direction of rotation is required. For spring return actuators, avoid that dangerous and/or Ref. 5.612B - 03/2010. GB IMAT 4thGU-E INSTALLATION / UNDERHÅLL • Remove plugs from actuator air connections during 5.4) Assembly of valve figure C: GB GB Before proceeding with the assembly of the actuator onto actuators not being used immediately. the valve, be sure that the actuator operates in the desired •5.2) from airair connections during 5.4) Assembly valve figure C:pressurised Interfaces for actuator control and connections, figure A: direction ofofrotation when and both actuator/ • Remove Removeplugs plugs fromactuator actuator connections during 5.4) Assembly of valve figure C: installation and operation. Protect the air connections of Before proceeding with the assembly ofof the actuator onto valve areproceeding in the correct position. installation and operation. Protect the air connections of Before with the assembly the actuator onto actuators not being used immediately. the valve, be sure that the actuator operates in the desired actuators not being used immediately. the valve, be sure that the actuator operates in the desired 5.2) Interfaces forfor actuator control and connections, figure A:A: direction ofof rotation when pressurised and both actuator/ 5.2) Interfaces actuator control and connections, figure direction rotation pressurised and both actuator/ 5.4) Montering av ventil,when figur C: 5.2) Styroch matningsanslutningar till manöverdon, figur A: valve are in the correct position. valve are in the correct position. IMAT 4thGU-E installation and operation. Protect the air connections of IMAT 4thGU-E Manöverdon - AL 79-045U till AL 79-801U Lägesindikator VDI/VDE 3845 Tillbehör montageanslutning VDI/VDE 3845 Tryck anslutningar ISO 5211 / DIN3337 Ventil montageanslutning Fig. C Fig. A Important: when using a spring return actuator for a fail safe operation, ensure that when air or electricity failure Fig. Fig. AA Fig.C C 5.3) Assembly of accessories: solenoid valves and occurs the direction of rotation is correct for your application. Fig. Important: when using actuator forfora afailfail switchboxes, figure B: FitImportant: the actuator 3 onto thea valve 5. return It return is possible to assemble when using aspring spring actuator 5.3) Montering av tillbehör: Magnetventiler och kopplingsFöresafe montering av ett manöverdon på en ventil, kontrollera att manöoperation, ensure that when air or electricity failure the valve onto the actuator in two ways: safe operation, ensure that when air or electricity failure boxar, figur B: verdonet arbetar i önskad rotationsriktning närfor det trycksätts och 5.3) Assembly of accessories: solenoid valves and occurs the direction of rotation is correct your application. • Direct-mount: fit the stem of the valve 5 directly into theatt 5.3) Assembly of accessories: solenoid valves and occurs the direction of rotation is correct for your application. bådeFit manöverdon och ventil står iactuator rätt5.position. switchboxes, figure B: the actuator 3 onto the valve It is possible to assemble female connection of the 3 and bolt together switchboxes, figure B: Fit the actuator 3 onto the valve 5. It is possible to assemble the valve onto the actuator in in two ways: through the valve ISO pad (max. tightening the valve onto the actuator two ways: torque see table). ••Viktigt: Direct-mount: fit the stem of the valve into Bracket-mount: mounting with a 6directly and coupling • användning Direct-mount: fit the stem thebracket valve5för 5directly intothe the Vid av manöverdon medoffjäderretur felsäker drift, konfemale connection of the actuator 3 and bolt together 7,female the bracket is bolted to the actuator / valve to join connection ofär the actuator and bolt together trollera att rotationsriktning korrekt för den3 aktuella tillämpningen through the valve ISO pad (max. tightening see table). them together and the coupling is usedtorque to connect the 5. through the valve ISO pad (max. tightening torque table). i händelse av matningsbortfall. Montera manöverdonet 3 påsee ventilen •Det Bracket-mount: mounting with a bracket 6 and coupling actuator output drive to the valve stem (max. tightening • går Bracket-mount: mounting with a bracket 6 sätt: and coupling att montera ventilen på manöverdonet på två 7, is isbolted torque see table). 7,the thebracket bracket boltedtotothe theactuator actuator/ valve / valvetotojoin join them totoconnect the • Direktmontering: themtogether togetherand andthe thecoupling couplingis isused used connect the M.. Nm output drive stem (max. tightening Föractuator inactuator fyrkanttappen på ventil direkt i fyrkanthålet på manöverdon output driveto5tothe thevalve valve stem M5 (max. 5tightening 6 → torque 3 och skruvasee fast manöverdonet på ventilens ISO-fäste (max. åtdragtorque seetable). table). M6 10 → 11 M8 23Nm → 25 M.. M.. Nm → M10 48 M5 5 652 → • Montagesats: M5 5 →6 Tightening torque table: M12 82 86 → M6 10 11 → Montering med montagesats 6 och koppling 7. Montagesats M6 10skruvas → 11 M14 132 138 → M8 23 25 → på manöverdonet och ventilen så att de hålls samman. M8 Kopplingen 23 → 25 M16 200 210 48 → 52 → förbinder manöverdonets utgående axel med M10 ventilspindeln. (Max. M10 48 → 52 M20 390 410 Tightening torque table: M12 82 86 → → åtdragningsmoment framgår av tabellen). Tightening torque table: M12 82 → 86 M24 675→ 705 M14 132 138 → M14 132 → 138 →210 M30 1340 1400 M16 200 → M16 200 → 210 Åtdragning moment: M20 390 → 410 M20 390 → 410 6) MAINTENANCE M2405g06 675 →705 M5 INSTRUCTION M24 675 →705 With the information given below, AIR M30 TORQUE provides →1400 1340 M30 1340 →1400 M6 10g11 ningsmoment framgår av tabellen). Fig. B • Montering av magnetventil: • montering Solenoid av valve mounting: kontrollera att manöverdonet Fig. BB Före en magnetventil, Fig.bemounting (sluten a solenoid ensureförda thatinåt. the finnerBefore sig i normalposition position)valve, med kolvarna actuatorför is standardrotation in its normal position with Vid montering typ ”ST”(closed (medursposition) för stängning) • • Solenoid valve mounting: måste spåret påinwards. drivaxeln eller på positionsindikator 2 stå horisontellt pistons Solenoid valve mounting: i förhållande tillmounting manöverdonets längdaxel i sluten position. to Before a asolenoid valve, ensure the For standard rotation type “ST” (clockwise close) Before mounting solenoid valve, ensurethat that the Montera magnetventil 4groove på manöverdonet 3(closed med hjälp avthe de position medfölactuator is in its normal position position) with assembly: the on the drive shaft or on actuator is in its normal position (closed position) with jande pistons skruvarnainwards. (max. åtdragningsmoment av tabellen).axis of indicator 2 must be horizontal toframgår the longitudinal the end user with all the required information necessary M8 Under 23g25 6) MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTION for maintenance. normal conditions, the actuator 6) MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTION With the information given below, AIR TORQUE provides requires only periodic to ensure proper M10 observation 48g52operation. With the information given below, AIR TORQUE provides the end user with all the required information necessary Maintenance (disassembly, maintenance and rebuilding) the end userM12 with all the required information necessary 82g86 for maintenance. Under normal conditions, the actuator offor AIR TORQUE actuators is allowed only to AIR TORQUE maintenance. Under normal conditions, the actuator M14 132g138 requires only periodic observation to ensure proper operation. personnel or properly instructed personnel. In case of pistons inwards. requires only periodic observation to ensure proper operation. M16 200g210 For standard type (disassembly, maintenance and the in rotation closed position. controversy the product guarantee will expire! Foractuator standard rotation type“ST” “ST”(clockwise (clockwisetotoclose) close) Maintenance Maintenance (disassembly, maintenance andrebuilding) rebuilding) • Montering av kopplingsboxar: assembly: the groove on the drive shaft or on the position of AIR TORQUE actuators is allowed only to AIR TORQUE Fitassembly: the solenoid valve 4 onto the actuator 3 using the Spare kits for maintenace are available to replace all M20 390g410 the groove on the drive shaft or on the position of AIR TORQUE actuators is allowed only to AIR TORQUE Montera kopplingsboxen med sin fästvinkel 1 på manöverdonet 3 indicator 2 must be horizontal to the longitudinal axis of personnel or properly instructed personnel. In case of provided screws (max. tightening torque see table). seals and bearings (soft parts indicated into the table), indicator 2 must be horizontal the åtdragningsmoment longitudinal axis of personnel or properly instructed personnel. In case of M24 675g705 med hjälp av de fyra medföljande skruvarnato(max. actuator in in closed position. controversy product guarantee will expire! • the Switchbox mounting: that may bethe necessary between 300.000 and 1.000.000 the actuator closed position. controversy the product guarantee will expire! framgår av tabellen). M30 Fit solenoid 4 4onto 3 3using the are totoreplace FitFitthe switchbox and bracket 1the onto the actuator 3 using cycles depending on operating and1340g1400 environmental the solenoidvalve valve onto theactuator actuator using the Spare Sparekits kitsfor formaintenace maintenace areavailable available replaceallall provided screws (max. tightening torque see table). seals and bearings (soft parts indicated into the four provided screws (max. tightening torque see table). conditions and actuator size. provided screws (max. tightening torque see table). seals and bearings (soft parts indicated into thetable), table), • • Switchbox mounting: that Switchbox mounting: thatmay maybebenecessary necessarybetween between300.000 300.000and and1.000.000 1.000.000 FitFit the switchbox and bracket 11 onto the actuator 33 using 5 the switchbox and bracket onto the actuator using cycles cyclesdepending dependingononoperating operatingand andenvironmental environmental 5.612Bconditions -4 four provided screws (max. tightening torque see table). and actuator size. four provided screws (max. tightening torque see table). conditions and actuator size. Ref. 5.612B - 03/2010. GB INSTALLATION / UNDERHÅLL IMAT 4thGU-E IMAT 4thGU-E Manöverdon - AL 79-045U till AL 79-801U ED COMPONENTS ANDWITH RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTSAND RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS 6.1) DRAWING ITEMIZED COMPONENTS 6. Underhåll GBinformationen nedan ger Axel Larsson slutanvändaren all nödvändig information för underhåll. Under normala driftsförhållanden fordrar Genom IMAT 4thGU-E manöverdonet endast periodisk observation för att säkerställa korrekt funktion. Underhåll (demontering, underhåll och återmontering) av AL 79 manöverdon får WITH endastITEMIZED utföras av Axel Larsson personal eller korrekt utbildad personal. Om detta inte respekteras upphör garantin att gälla! 6.1) DRAWING COMPONENTS AND RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS Underhållssatser finns tillgängliga för byte av tätningar och lager (mjuka komponenter listas i tabellen). Sådant byte kan erfordras med ett intervall på 300 000 till 1 000 000 manövrer, beroende på miljöförhållanden och manöverdonstorlek. 6.1 Sprängskiss med komponentnummer och rekommenderade reservdelar 60.1 6 Modell EX1 mm EX2 mm AL 79-045U - 8 Ø mm AL 79-051U 10 8 AL 79-101U 10 10 16 AL 79-201U 13 10 22 13 60.1 14 Model Ex1 mm Ex2 mm d mm Model Ex1 mm Ex2 mm d mm AT045U / 8 13 AT045U / 8 13 AT051U 10 8 14 AT051U 10 8 14 AL 79-251U 13 10 25 AT101U 10 10 16 AT101U 10 10 16 AL 79-301U 17 13 26 AT201U 13 10 22 AT201U 13 10 22 AL 79-351U 19 13 36 AT251U 13 10 25 AT301U 17 13 26 AL 79-401U 19 17 38 AT351U 19 13 36 22 17 45 AT401U 19 17 38 AT451U 22 17 45 AT501U 22 19 48 AT551U 24 19 52 AT601U 30 22 58 AT651U 30 24 68 AT701U 36 22 80 AT751U 46 24 AT801U 46 24 Model Ex1 mm AT045U / AT251U 10 AT051U Ex2 mm 8 13 AT301U 10 AT101U 17 10 10 14 13 16 AT201U AT351U 13 19 10 13 22 36 AL 79-451U AT251U AT401U 13 19 10 17 25 38 AL 79-501U 22 19 48 45 AL 79-551U 24 19 52 52 AL 79-601U 30 22 58 58 AL 79-651U 30 24 68 68 AL 79-701U 36 22 80 AL 79-751U 46 24 85 AL 79-801U 46 24 90 AT301U AT451U 17 AT351U 19 AT401U 19 AT451U 22 AT501U AT551U AT601U 22 AT501U AT651U 24 AT551U 13 d mm 22 22 24 30 30 AT701U 30 AT601U 36 85 AT651U AT751U 30 46 90 AT701U AT801U 36 46 AT751U 46 AT801U 46 8 13 13 17 17 19 19 17 26 19 19 36 38 45 22 48 24 52 25 60.1 26 48 80 24 22 58 24 68 22 24 80 90 22 24 24 5.612B - 5 85 90 85 Ref. 5.612B - 03/2010. INSTALLATION / UNDERHÅLL Manöverdon - AL 79-045U till AL 79-801U Pos Antal Anmärkning Detalj 01 1 Ej tillgänglig för AL79-045U OCTI-CAM (stoppanordning) 02 2 Ej tillgänglig för AL79-045U STOPPSKRUV 03 2 Ej tillgänglig för AL79-045U BRICKA 04 2 Ej tillgänglig för AL79-045U MUTTER (för stoppskruv) 05* 2 LAGER (kolvens bakre) 06* 1 LAGER (drevets övre) 07* 1 LAGER (drevets undre) 08* 2 1 ST. för modell AL79-045U AXIALLAGER (drev) 09* 2 Ej tillgänglig för AL79-801U PLUGG 09.1* 2 O-RING (för AL79-801U) 10 1 11* 2 Ej tillgänglig för AL79-045U O-RING (för stoppskruv) AXIALBRICKA (drev) 12 2 Ej tillgänglig för AL79-045U KOLVSTYRNING (A) FÄSTSKRUV (ändlock) 13 8/12 /16 14* 2 O-RING (ändlock) 15* 2 LAGER (kolvtopp) 16* 2 O-RING (kolv) 17 min 5 / max 12 för AL79-101U – AL79-801U FJÄDER (paket) 17.1 max 2 Ej tillgänglig för AL79-101U – AL79-801U FJÄDER (för AL79-045U – AL79-051U) 17.2 max 2 Ej tillgänglig för AL79-101U – AL79-801U FJÄDER (för AL79-045U – AL79-051U) 17.3 max 2 Ej tillgänglig för AL79-101U – AL79-801U FJÄDER (för AL79-045U – AL79-051U) 18 1 19 1 19.0 1 19.1 LÅSRING (drev) Ej tillgänglig för AL79-045U LÄGESINDIKATOR (för AL79-051U – AL79-101U) 1 Ej tillgänglig för AL79-051U – AL79-101U LÄGESINDIKATOR 19.5 1 Ej tillgänglig för AL79-045U – AL79-101U TOPPADAPTER 19.6 2 Ej tillgänglig för AL79-045U – AL79-101U INSEXSKRUV (toppadapter) 20* 1 O-RING (drevets undre) 21* 1 O-RING (drevets övre) 30 2 ÄNDLOCK 39 1 SKRUV (indikator) 40 2 KOLV 41 1 MÄRKETIKETT FÖR MANÖVERDON SKALRING 42 2 MÄRKETIKETT FÖR ÄNDLOCK 43 1 RING (Endast på begäran) 50 1 HUS 60 1 60.1 1 65 1 DRIVAXEL endast för skyddsnivå "E"och "F" INTEGRERAD DRIVAXEL PLASTINSATS * Rekommenderade reservdelar. (A) 12 st. för modellerEj tillgänglig AL 79-701U / AL 79-751U, 16 st. för modell AL 79-801U 5.612B - 6 firstly remove the actuator from the valve. Before GB Ref. GB 5.612B - 03/2010. performing any disassembly operations it is important IMAT 4thGU-E IMAT 4thGU-E to verify that the actuator is not pressurised. Always use caution and double check that the ports 2 and 6.2) DISASSEMBLY 6.2) DISASSEMBLY Fig. 03 Fig. 03 4 are vented and are free from any accessory and/or When disassembly of actuator is required for maintenance, When disassembly of actuator is required for maintenance, device. When the actuator is a spring return unit, make firstly remove the actuator from the Before valve. Before firstly remove the actuator fromthe the valve. sure that actuator is in the failed position and with performing any disassembly operations it is important performing any disassembly operations it isinwards important pistons completely before disassembling. to verify that the actuator is not pressurised. to verify that the actuator is not pressurised. GB IMAT 4thGU-E Always use and caution andcheck doublethat check that the ports 2 and Always use caution double the ports 2 and 4 are and vented are free from any accessory Removal ofaccessory position indicator and graduated ring 4 are vented areA)and free from any and/or and/or 6.2)device. DISASSEMBLY When the actuator is a spring return unit, make Fig. 03 (Part N° 19,19.0,19.1), figure 01: device. the actuator is a spring return unit, make 6.2)When Demontering • Remove the o-rings (14) using a screwdriver. Disca When disassembly of actuator isfailed required for maintenance, sure that the actuator is in the position and with sure that the actuator in the failed position and with parts if replacing. • is Remove cap screw (39) Fig. 01 firstly completely remove actuator theiftavalve. Before pistons inwards before disassembling. Om manöverdonet måste the demonteras för from underhåll, först bort pistons completely inwards before disassembling. • Only for actuators with adjustment 50% or 100%, re fitted. performing any disassembly operations it is important manöverdonet från ventilen. Kontrollera alltid före demontering att the nut 04R, the washers 03R and o-rings 11 • Lift position (19 to verify that actuator is indicator not manöverdonet inte stårthe under tryck.Var alltidpressurised. mycket försiktig och A) Removal ofcaution position indicator and graduated ring discard soft parts if replacing. or 19.1) off shaft, it may A) Removal of position indicator and graduated ring Always use and double check that the ports 2 and dubbelkontrollera att portarna 2 och 4 är avluftade och inte anslutna (Part N° 19,19.0,19.1), figure 01: be necessary to pry gently (Part N° 19,19.0,19.1), figure 01: 4 are vented and are free from any accessory and/or till något tillbehör eller annan apparat. Om manöverdonet är av typ • Remove the (14) o-rings (14) using a screwdriver. Discard soft • Remove the o-rings a screwdriver. Discard D) using Pistons disassembly (Partsoft N° 40), figure 04: with amanöverdonet screwdriver. med fjäderretur, kontrollera att är i felsäker device. cap When the actuator is a spring return position unit, make parts if replacing. • Remove screw (39) if Fig. 01 parts if replacing. • Remove cap screw (39) if Fig. 01 IMAT 4thGU-E • Holding the body (50) in a vice or similar device, rota • actuator Lift,inåt if is necessary, och att kolvarna helt förda före sure thatär the in demontering. the failed the position and with • Only for actuators with adjustment 50% or 100%, remove • Only for actuators with adjustment 50% or 100%, remove fitted. fitted. drive shaft (60) until the pistons (40) are released. Ca graduated ring (19.0) pistons completely inwards before disassembling. the nut 04R, the washers 03R and o-rings 11R and • Lift position indicator (19 nut 04R, the washers 03R andshould o-rings andto remove • LiftA)position indicator (19off the body, air pressure not 11R be used the piston Borttagning av lägesindikator och itskalring (komponentFig.the may be 03 discard soft parts if replacing. or 19.1) off shaft, it may discard soft parts if replacing. 19.1) off for shaft, it may 19, 19.0 och 19.1 i figur 01): the body. actuatororisnr required maintenance, necessary to pry gently be necessary to pry gently be•from necessary to pry(39) gently Removal of position indicator and graduated ring TaA) bort skruven om den är • Remove o-rings (16) using a screwdriver. Remo ctuator the valve. Before with a monterad. screwdriver. D) Pistons disassembly N° 40),04: figure 04: with a screwdriver. D) Pistons disassembly (Part N°(Part 40), figure with a screwdriver. • Lyft lägesindikatorn (19 eller 19.1) från sin (PartitN° 19,19.0,19.1), figure 01:axel. Det kan vara nödpiston back (05) and piston head (15)soft bearings. ssembly operations is important • Demontering Remove the o-rings (14) using asimilar screwdriver. Discard D) av kolvar (komponent nrrotate 40 i figur 04): the • Holding the body (50) in a vice or device, rotate • Lift, if necessary, the • Holding the body (50) in a vice or similar device, the vändigt att bända försiktigt • is Lift, if necessary, the med en skruvmejsel. • Discard bearings when replacing all soft componen ator not pressurised. partsshaft if replacing. • vid Remove capring screw (39)från if huset. Det kan vara nödvändigt drive the (40) pistons (40) are released. graduated (19.0) Fig. 01 •check Lyft behov skalringen (19.0) drive shaft (60) until(60) the until pistons are released. Caution:Caution: graduated ring (19.0) d double that the ports 2 and • •Fixera manöverdonshuset (50) for actuators with adjustment 50% or remove fitted. airOnly pressure should not be used to the remove the100%, pistons from off theitbody, itenmay be bända försiktigt medbe skruvmejsel. air pressure shouldeller not be used to remove pistons from Fig. 04 offattthe body, may e free from any accessory and/or i ett skruvstäd liknande, the nut 04R, the washers 03R and o-rings 11R and • necessary Lift position indicator (19 the body. to pry gently the body. to pryunit, gently vrid drivaxeln tillsifkoluator isnecessary a springorreturn make B) Removal stop cap screws (Part N° 02),•och figure 02: o-rings discard soft(60) parts off it may of B) Demontering av shaft, stoppskruvar (komponent nr 02 i figur •02): Remove Remove (16)areplacing. using a screwdriver. the with19.1) a screwdriver. (16)Obs: using screwdriver. RemoveRemove the with a screwdriver. varna o-rings (40) frigörs. använd r is in the failed position and with • Ta bortbe båda stoppskruvarna, tillsammans med muttrar (04) och necessary to pry gently piston back (05) and piston head (15) bearings. • Remove both stop cap piston back (05) and piston head (15) bearings. inte tryckluft Fig. 02för att ta loss wards before disassembling. brickor (03). a screwdriver. D) Discard Pistonsbearings disassembly (Part N° all 40), figure 04: with •kolvarna when replacing soft components. screws together with nut • Discard bearings when replacing all soft components. från huset. • Ta•bortLift, stoppskruvarnas O-ringar (11) och kassera dem om alla • Holding the body (50) in a vice or similar device, rotate the if necessary, the (04) and washer (03). • Ta bort O-ringarna (16) med mjuka delar ska bytas. ring (19.0) Fig. 04 drive shaft (60) until the pistons (40) are released. Caution: graduated Fig. 04 • ring Remove stop screw n indicator and graduated en skruvmejsel. Ta bort lagren air pressure should not be used to remove the pistons from off the body, it may be B) Removal stop cap screws (Part N° 02), figure 02: från kolvens bakre (05) och o-rings (11) N° and discard if 02: ), figure 01: B) Removal of stop of cap screws (Part 02), figure • Remove the o-rings (14) using a screwdriver. Discard soft the body. necessary to pry gently främre (15) ände. replacing all soft parts. • Remove both stop 9) if• Remove both astop cap Fig. 01 cap parts if replacing. Remove (16) with screwdriver. • •Kassera lagren o-rings vid byte av allausing a screwdriver. Remove the Fig. 02 Fig. 02 screws together • Only for actuators with adjustmentmjuka 50%piston or 100%, screws together with nutwith nut komponenter. backremove (05) and piston head (15) bearings. and (03). washer (03). the nut 04R, the washers 03R •andDiscard o-ringsbearings 11R and (19 (04) and(04) washer when replacing all soft components. • o vRee smt o op v es sc troe p s c r e w discard soft parts if replacing. may• R e m w E) Drive shaft disassembly (Part N° 60), figure 05: o-rings and ifdiscard if E) Demontering av drivaxel (komponent Fig. nr 0460 i figur 05): ntly o-rings (11) and(11) discard • If necessary, remove the graduated ring (19.0) • Vid behov, ta bort skalringen (19.0) med skruvmejsel, ta bort låsreplacing all soft parts. D) Pistons disassembly (Part N° 40), figure 04: replacing all soft parts. B) Removal of stop cap screws (Part N° 02), figure 02: screwdriver, remove the spring clip (18) using sna med rotate en • Holding the body (50) in a vice or ringen similar(18) device, the the pliers or screwdriver for spiral rings, remove the låsringstång eller skruvmejsel • Remove both stop cap drive shaft (60) until theFig. pistons are released. Caution: för spiralringar. Ta bort axialbrickan (10) 9.0) 02 (40) washer (10) and the det yttre axiallagret (08). Tryck ovanifrån på external drivaxeln thrust (60) tillsbearing (08). screws together withcaps nut air C) End disassembly (Partnot N°be 30), figure 03: pressure should used tooch remove the pistons from be downward force to top of drive shaft (60), until it is p denactuators delvis har tryckts ut ur husets(Part underdel, så att man kan (04) and washer (03). capsthe E) Drive shaft disassembly N° 60), figure 05:avlägsna • End disassembly for spring body. ntly E) return Drive shaft disassembly (Part N° 60), figure 05: out of the bottom of the body when it is possi axiallagret (08) och kamhjulet (01). Tryck sedan ut drevet • R e m o v e s t o p(disassemble s c r e• w Remove •det inre If necessary, remove the graduated ring (19.0) a one end cap(16) at ausing time). o-rings Remove thegraduated • Ifa screwdriver. necessary, remove the ring (19.0) with a with remove the internal thrust bearing (08)på and the oc (60) helt ur huset. Om drevet inte kan tryckas ut, knacka försiktigt o-rings (11) and Unscrew discard ifthe screwdriver, theclip spring clip (18) using snap-ring end cap the sequence shown in remove piston backbolts (05) (13) and in piston head (15) bearings. screwdriver, remove the spring (18) using snap-ring axelns övre ände med en(01), plasthammare. then push the pinion (60) completely out replacing all soft figure parts. •03, until pliers or screwdriver forrings, spiralremove rings, remove the thrust the bearings end-caps are free from springs force Discard when replacing soft components. pliers screwdriver for och spiral the thrust •allTaor bort det övre (06) detIf nedre (07) drevlagret samt den övregently tap th body. pinion is not easily removed, C) Demontering av ändlock (komponent nr 30 i 20-23 figur 03): washer (10) the external thrust bearing (08). Apply (for AT045U and AT051U turns of the screws, for (10) and the and external (08). Apply (20) och den nedre (21)of O-ringen förbearing drevet. C) End caps disassembly (Part N°med 30),03: figure 03:(demon- washer thethrust shaft with a plastic hammer. C) End caps disassembly N° 30), figure Fig.downward 04 • Demontering av ändlock(Part på manöverdon fjäderretur force todrive top ofdedrive shaft (60), until it is partially AT101U to AT801U 4-5 turns of the screws). • Kassera lagren (06) och (07), inre och yttre axialbrickorna (08) downward force to top of shaft (60), until it is partially • caps caps disassembly for return spring actuators return actuators • End disassembly for spring tera ettEnd ändlock i taget). out of the the (20) bottom of the body when it isFig. possible to Then completely unscrew the screwsout andsamt remove screws (Part N° 02), figure 02: O-ringarna och (21) om alla mjuka komponenter ska bytas. of the bottom of the body when it is possible to 05 end cap at a time). Skruva(disassemble ur ändlockskruvarna (13) i den ordning som framgår av (disassemble one endone cap at a time). E) Drive shaft disassembly (Part N° 60), figure 05: remove the internal thrust bearing (08) and the octi-cam end-cap and the springs. the internal thrust bearing (08) and the octi-cam Unscrew the end cap bolts (13) in av thefjäderkraften sequenceinshown figur 03, tillsend ändlocken inte längre (för AL inremove cap Unscrew the capFig. bolts (13) inispåverkas the • (01), If necessary, remove the graduated ring (19.0) 02 then push the demonterats pinion (60)men completely outbytas ofwith the Alla komponenter som har som ska ut a If there stillsequence force on shown the end-caps after unscrewing asthe (01), then push pinion (60) completely out inte of the figure until thefordras end-caps are from springs force 79-045U och 03, AL 20-23 varvfree på skruvarna, för AL 79nut figure 03, until the79-051U end-caps are free from springs force screwdriver, remove the spring clip (18) using snap-ring måste rengöras och inspekteras med avseende på förslitning före body. If pinion is not easily removed, gently tap the top indicated above, this may indicate that spring cartridge is (forALAT045U and AT051U 20-23 of the screws, forbody. If pinion is not easily removed, gently tap the top till 79-1U 4-5 varv på skruvarna). (for101U AT045U and AT051U 20-23 turns of turns the screws, for återmontering. behov, byt ut (09). remove the thrust orVid screwdriver forpluggarna spiral rings, ofpliers the shaft with ahammer. plastic hammer. damaged or that the pistons are not completely closed, of the shaft with a plastic SkruvaAT101U sedan bort helt, ta avscrews). ändlocket och ta ut fjädrarna. to skruvarna AT801U 4-5 of the screws). e w AT101U to AT801U 4-5 turns of turns the washer (10) and the external thrust bearing (08). Apply so any further disassembly should be discontinued. OmC)det fortfarande finns fjäderkraft mot efterremove den End caps disassembly (Part N° 30), figure 03:proceThen completely unscrew the ändlocket screws and rd if Then completely unscrew the screws and remove the capsthe downward top05ofFig. drive05 shaft (60), until it is partially Fig. Further disassembly ofreturn the end injury. force to dur•som beskrivs ovan kan det tyda på att fjäderpatronen är skadadmay result in End caps disassembly for spring actuators the springs. end-capend-cap and the and springs. out of the bottom of the body when it is possible to • End caps disassembly for double acting actuators eller att kolvarna inte force harone gått tillbaka helt. ska i så as fall at Demonteringen a time). If (disassemble there is still onend thecap end-caps after unscrewing If there is still force on the end-caps after unscrewing as remove the internal thrust bearing (08) and the octi-cam (disassemble one end cap at a time) avbrytas. Fortsattabove, demontering kan orsaka Unscrew the endthis cap bolts (13) personskador. inthat the sequence shownisin indicated may indicate spring cartridge indicated above,avthis mayUnscrew indicate that spring cartridge is(demon(01), then push the pinion (60) completely out of the • Demontering ändlock på dubbelverkande manöverdon the end cap bolts (13) in the sequence shown in figure 03,oruntil the arenot freecompletely from springs force damaged that theend-caps pistons are closed, damaged or that i the pistons are completely closed, body.and If pinion is not easily removed, gently tap the top tera ett ändlock taget) figure 03,not until theturns screws are screws, completely (for AT045U and AT051U 20-23 of the for unscrewed any disassembly further disassembly should beframgår discontinued. E) Drive shaft 05: with a plastic hammer. soSkruva any so further should be discontinued. ur ändlockskruvarna (13) i den ordning somdisassembly av figur(Part N° 60), offigure the shaft the end caps are free. AT101U to AT801Uof 4-5 turns of the may screws). Further disassembly the end caps result in injury. • If necessary, remove the graduated ring (19.0) with a Further disassembly of the end caps may result in injury. 03, tills skruvarna är helt urskruvade och ändlocken är fria. Then completely unscrew the screws and remove the clip (18) using snap-ring • caps End caps disassembly for double acting actuators screwdriver, remove the spring Fig. 05 • Ta bort O-ringarna (14) med skruvmejsel. Kassera mjuka delar • End disassembly for en double acting actuators end-cap and8 the end springs. atpliers or screwdriver for spiral rings, remove the thrust om de(disassemble ska bytas. (disassemble one endone cap at acap time) a time) Ifför there isthe still force on the (13) end-caps after Unscrew cap in the sequence • Endast manöverdon med inställning 50 % (10) eller 100unscrewing %: Ta bort inas thrust bearing (08). Apply washer and the external Unscrew the end capend bolts (13)bolts in the sequence shown inshown bly (Part N° 30), indicated figure 03: above, this may indicate that spring cartridge is shaft (60), until it is partially figure until the screws are completely unscrewed muttern 04R,03, brickorna 03R och O-ringarna 11R och kassera downward force to topmjuka of and drive 03, until the screws are completely unscrewed and bly forfigure spring return actuators damaged or that the pistons are not completely closed, delar om de ska bytas. the end out of the bottom of the body when it is possible to caps arecaps free.are free. d cap the at aend time). so any further disassembly should discontinued. remove the be internal thrust bearing (08) and the octi-cam bolts (13) in the sequence shown in of the end caps may result in injury. Further disassembly (01), then push the pinion (60) completely out of the 8 8 d-caps are free from caps springs force • End disassembly for double acting body. If pinion is notactuators easily5.612B removed, gently tap the top -7 51U 20-23 turns(disassemble of the screws, forend cap at a time) one of the shaft with a plastic hammer. INSTALLATION / UNDERHÅLL Manöverdon - AL 79-045U till AL 79-801U components. components. Ref. 5.612B - 03/2010. All the components disassembled not replaced will All the components disassembled and notand replaced will GB have to be cleaned and inspected for wear and before GB IMAT 4thGU-E have IMAT to be cleaned and inspected for wear and before 4thGU-E reassembly, if necessary, also replace the(09). plugs (09). reassembly, if necessary, also replace the plugs • Remove top (06) and bottom (07) pinion bearings and top • Remove top (06) and bottom (07) pinion bearings and top (20) and bottom (21) pinion o-rings. Fig. 07A 6.3) ASSEMBLY: (20) and bottom (21) pinion o-rings. 6.3) ASSEMBLY: Fig. 07A • Prior Discard bearingsensure (06) and (07), internal and external thrust to assembly, that: Discard bearings (06) and (07), internal and external thrust Prior •to assembly, ensure GB GB washer (08) andthat: o-rings (20) and (21) if replacing the soft IMAT 4thGU-E IMAT 4thGU-E all the components are perfectly clean and good washer (08) and o-rings (20)clean and (21) if in replacing soft • all •the components are perfectly and goodin the components. condition. components. condition. • Fit external thrust bearing (08),washer thrust washer and then • Fit external thrust bearing (08), thrust (10) and(10) then • Remove topand (06) and bottom (07) and topexternal spring clip (18) using snap ringStandard • the spare parts and the lubricant used are pinion suitable for the • Remove top bottom (07) pinion bearings and top montering Montering • the6.3 spare parts and the(06) lubricant used are suitable for thebearings pliers or screwdriver external spring clip (18) using snap ring pliers or screwdriver All the components disassembled and(see not Air replaced will (20) and of bottom (21) o-rings. operating temperature of thepinion actuator Torquewill (20) and bottom (21) pinion o-rings. Fig. 07A Fig. 07A operating temperature thedisassembled actuator (see Air not Torque spiral rings. All the components and replaced for spiralforrings. have to be cleaned and inspected for wear and before • sheets). Discard bearings (06) andinternal (07),for internal and data sheets). • technical Discard bearings (06) and (07), and external thrust thrust Före montering, kontrollera att:and technical data have to be cleaned inspected wear andexternal before reassembly, if(08) necessary, also replace the plugs (09). ••allaThe komponenter ärand rena och bra kondition. washer and o-rings (20) and (21)plugs if operating replacing theB) softPistons assembly (Part N° 40), figures 08, 09, 10 and 11: Note: The lubricants suitable for the various washer (08) o-rings (20) (21) ifthe replacing the soft • Note: lubricants suitable for the various operating reassembly, ifperfekt necessary, alsoiand replace (09). B) Pistons assembly (Part N° 40), figures 08, 09, 10 and 11: • de reservdelar och smörjmedel som används är lämpliga för den components. temperatures (Standard, HT and LLT actuators) are components. temperatures (Standard, HT and LLT actuators) are • Grease and o-rings install o-rings (16), piston back (05) and • Grease and install (16), piston back (05) and drifttemperatur som kommer att arbeta i (se teknikavailable in Airmanöverdonet Torque. available in Air Torque. piston head (15) bearings. 6.3) ASSEMBLY: datablad från Air Torque). actuators, for temperature from -40°C piston head (15) bearings. 6.3) ASSEMBLY: for “standard” All the components disassembled and not replaced All the components disassembled and not replaced Only forOnly “standard” actuators, for temperature from -40°C • willGrease the internal of the(50) body (50) Prior to assembly, ensure that: • will Grease the internal surfacesurface of the body and theand the • Obs: Axel Larsson erbjuder smörjmedel för olika driftstemperaturer Prior to assembly, ensure Axel position (-40°F) to +80°C (+176°F), itthat: is possible to use lubricant have to be cleaned and inspected for wear and before have to be cleaned and inspected for wear and before (-40°F) to +80°C (+176°F), it is possible to use lubricant piston (40) rack teeth. • all the components are perfectly clean and in good (standard-, och LLT-manöverdon). piston (40) rack teeth. vy ovan • Dow all HTthe components are ®perfectly clean and in good ®if necessary, G-2003. Corning type Molykote reassembly, also replace the plugs (09). reassembly, if necessary, also replace the från plugs (09). G-2003. Dow Corning type Molykote • •the Insert the female connection of thrust theshaft drive shaft in then a condition. Endast vid ”standard”-manöverdon, och temperaturer -40°C • Insert female connection of the drive (60) in(10) a(60) Fit external thrust bearing (08), washer and condition. • properly Fit external thrust bearing (08), thrust washer (10) and then fixed coupling. (-40°F) kanthe smörjmedlet Dow Corning, typ Moly• till the+80°C spare(+176°F) parts and lubricant used are suitable for the Fyrkantor screwdriver properly fixed coupling. external spring clip (18) using snap ring pliers • the spare parts and the lubricant used are suitable for the external spring clip (18) using snap ringposition pliers oras screwdriver kote G-2003 användas. • Ensure that the octi-cam isright in the right operating temperature of theN°actuator (see Air Torque A)6.3) Drive shaft assembly (Part 60), figures 06, 07 • Ensure that the octi-cam is in the position as shown shown for spiral rings. 6.3) ASSEMBLY: ASSEMBLY: A) Drive shaft assembly (Part N° 60), figures 06, 07 operating temperature of the actuator (see Air Torque for spiral rings. figure 09. technical data sheets). and 07A: in figurein 09. Diagonal to assembly, Diagonal Parallell Prior toPrior assembly, ensureensure that: that: and 07A: Parallell technical data sheets). • Note: The lubricants suitable for the various operating B) Pistons assembly (Part N° 40), figures 08, 09, 10 and 11: • all the components are perfectly clean and in good A) Drivaxelmonteall the components are perfectly clean and in good • Note: The lubricants suitable for the various operating • Install top and (06) (Standard, and Pistons assembly 09, and Fig. 08 (Part N° 40), figures 08, Fig. 0911: • Install top (06) temperatures HT and LLT actuators) Fig. 08 Fig.back 0910 Fig. 06Fig. 06are B) • Grease and install o-rings (16), piston (05) and ring (komponent condition. condition. temperatures (Standard, HT and LLT actuators) are B) Kolvmontering (komponent nr 40, figurerna 08, 09, 10 och 11): bottom (07) bearings, • Fit external thrust bearing (08), thrust washer (10) and then Fit external thrust bearing (08), thrust washer (10) and then • Grease and install o-rings (16), piston back (05) and bottom (07) bearings, available in Air and Torque. nr •60, figurerna 06, piston head (15) bearings. • the spare parts and the lubricant used are suitable for the the spare parts the lubricant used are suitable for the available in Air Torque. • Fetta in och montera kolvens O-ringar (16) det bakre kolvlagret grease and insert the external spring clip (18) using snap ring pliers or screwdriver external spring clip (18) using snap ring pliers or screwdriver piston head (15) bearings. grease and insert the Only for “standard” actuators, for temperature from -40°C 07 och 07A): • for Grease the internal surface of the body (50) and the operating of the actuator (see Air Torque operating temperature of thefor actuator (see from Air Torque (05) det främre kolvlagret (15). Only for “standard” actuators, temperature -40°C bottom (20) and temperature top for spiral rings. surface spiral rings. • och Grease the internal of the body (50) and the bottom (20) and top (-40°F) to +80°C (+176°F), it is possible to use lubricant • Installera det övre piston (40) rack teeth. • Fetta in husets insida (50) och kolvens (40) kuggstångskuggar. technical data sheets). technical data sheets). (-40°F) to +80°C (+176°F), it is possible to use lubricant (21) pinion ® piston (40) rack teeth. (21) o-rings (06) pinion och nedre (07) o-rings G-2003. Dow Corning typelubricants Molykote ®suitable • För in drivaxelns hylsa (60) i en korrekt fixerad koppling. • Insert the female connection of the drive shaft (60) in and a • the Note: The for the various operating • onto Note: The lubricants suitable for the various operating G-2003. Dow Corning type Molykote shaft. B) Pistons assembly (Part N° 40), figures 08, 09, Pistons assembly (Part N° 40),of figures 08, 09, 10(60) and10 •B) Insert the female connection the drive shaft in11: a 11: onto theFetta shaft. lagret. in och •are Kontrollera attfixed kamhjulet befinner sig i den position som framgår av properly coupling. temperatures (Standard, HT and LLT actuators) temperatures (Standard, HT and LLT actuators) are • inGrease the • Grease and install o-rings (16), piston backand (05) and • properly Grease and o-rings (16), piston back (05) fixedinstall coupling. för den (20) outside • Grease thenedre outside • 09. Ensure that the octi-cam is in the right position as shown available in Air Torque. available in Airassembly Torque. A) Drive shaft (Part N° 60), figures 06, 07 figur surface of the drive piston head (15) bearings. piston head (15) bearings. och den övre (21) O• Ensure that the octi-cam is in the right position as shown surface of theshaft driveassembly (Part N° 60), figures 06, 07 A) Drive in•figure 09. internal Only for “standard” actuators, for temperature from -40°C Only for “standard” actuators, for temperature from -40°C and 07A: ringen för drevet. as07A: shown Grease the internal surface the body (50)the and the • in Grease the surface of theofbody (50) and figure 09. shaft asshaft shown in figurein figure and (-40°F) to +80°C (+176°F), it is possible to use lubricant (-40°F) to +80°C (+176°F), it is possible to use lubricant (40)teeth. rack teeth. pistonpiston (40) rack 06. • 06.Install top (06) and Fig. 08 Fig. 09 ® ® Fig. 06 G-2003. Dow type Molykote G-2003. Dow Corning type Molykote • Install topCorning (06) and Fig. 08 Fig. in 09 Fig. 06 • Insert the female connection the shaft drive (60) shaft (60) • Insert the female connection of the of drive a in a bottom (07) bearings, bottom (07) bearings, properly fixed coupling. properly fixed coupling. grease and insert the grease and insert the •standard Ensure that theassembly octi-cam is right in the right position as shown • For Ensure that the octi-cam is in the position as shown A) Drive N°figures 60), figures 06,•standard 07 A) Drive shaft assembly N° 60), 06, bottom (20)shaft and assembly top (Part (Part type “ST” (clockwise to • 07 For rotationrotation assembly type “ST” (clockwise to bottom (20) and top in figure 09. in figure 09. and 07A: and 07A: • Fetta in(21) drivaxelns utsida,o-rings så som framgår av figur 06. pinion close),the rotate the(50) body (50)40-45° about 40-45° clockwise close), rotate body about clockwise from from (21) pinion o-rings • För delvis in the drivaxeln (60) i huset (50). För in kamhjulet (01) i onto shaft. top view, as shown in figure 10. top view, as shown in figure 10. • partially Install top (06) shaft and (60) in the body Fig. Install top (06) and onto the shaft. Fig. 08 Fig. 09 Fig. 08 Fig. 09 Fig. 06 • •• partially Insert the drive (50),06 korrekt position (för standardmontering lock-out) • Insert the drive shaft (60) ineller theförbody (50),så som Grease the outside bottom (07) bearings, bottom (07) bearings, • Grease the outside install octi-cam (01)correct in the correct standard framgår av figurerna 07the och 07A, relativt denposition övre och(for nedre delen install octi-cam (01)ofin the position (for standard surface drive grease and insert theshown indåfigures grease and insert therotationsriktning surface of for the drive Fig. 10Fig. 10 assembly or lock-out) as 07 and av drivaxeln och manöverdonets detand manövreras. assembly or for lock-out) as shown in figures 07 shaft as shown in figure bottom (20) andFör top bottom (20) and top shaft as shown inbottom figure Installera det (08). drivaxeln helt i huset. 07A, related to the topdrive of the drive shaft and 07A, related toinre the axiallagret bottom and topand ofinthe shaft and 06. pinion o-rings (21) pinion o-rings 06. • Montera det (21) yttre axiallagret (08), axialbrickan (10) och Install den yttre the rotation of the actuator when energised. the the rotation of the actuator when energised. Install the onto the onto shaft. låsringen (18).the Använd en shaft. låsringstång, eller encompletely skruvmejsel the för spiralinternal thrust bearing (08). Insert drive internal thrust bearing (08). Insert completely the drive • in the Grease the outside ringar. • Grease the body.outside shaft inshaft the body. • For standard rotation assembly type “ST” (clockwise to surface the drive surface of theof drive standard rotation assembly “ST”för (clockwise ••För For standardrotationsmontering, typ ”ST”type (medurs stängning),to close), rotate the body (50) about 40-45° clockwise from shaft as shown in figure shaft as shown in figure close), rotate(50) theungefär body (50) about 40-45° clockwisesåfrom vrid ventilkroppen 40-45° medurs sett ovanifrån, som top view, as shown in figure 10. 06. 06. Fig. 07Fig. 07 figur 10. topavview, as shown in figure 10. • Insert partially the drive shaft (60) in the body (50), framgår • Insert partially the drive shaft (60) in the body (50), install octi-cam (01) in the correct position (for standard install octi-cam (01) in the correct position (for standard Fig. 10 assembly or for lock-out) as shown in figures 07 and Fig. 10 assembly or for lock-out) as shown in figures 07 and • For standard rotation assembly type(clockwise “ST” (clockwise to • For standard rotation assembly type “ST” to 07A, related to the bottom and top of the drive shaft and 07A, related to the bottom and top of the drive shaft and close), rotate the body (50) about 40-45° clockwise from close), rotate the body (50) about 40-45° clockwise from the rotation of the actuator when energised. Install the the rotation of the actuator when energised. Install the top as view, as shown in 10. figure (40) 10. simultaneously top view, shown intwo figure internal thrust bearing (08). Insert completely the (50), drive • and Insert and press pistons Insert press the twothe pistons (40) simultaneously • Insert the shaft the (50), • internal Insert partially the drive shaft (60) in(60) theinbody thrustpartially bearing (08).drive Insert completely the•body drive shaft install in the body. inside the(50) body the pistons are engaged, inside the body until(50) theuntil pistons are engaged, then then octi-cam the correct position (for standard install (01) in(01) the in correct position (for standard shaft inocti-cam the body. Fig. 10 Fig. 10 rotate the body anticlockwise from top view rotate assembly for lock-out) as shown in figures 07 andthe body anticlockwise from top view until theuntil the assembly or for or lock-out) as shown in figures 07 and is completed. stroke completed. 07A, related the bottom and theshaft driveand shaft andisstroke 07A, related to the to bottom and 07 top of top the of drive Fig. • Ensure that with pistons completely the rotation Fig. 07 • Install Ensure pistons completely closed, closed, the rotation the rotation the actuator energised. thethat with the rotation of the of actuator when when energised. Install the obtained referred to the axis of the body is about obtained internal bearing (08). Insert completely the drive referred to the axis of the body is about over 0° over 0° internal thrust thrust bearing (08). Insert completely the drive shaft the body. shaft in the in body. INSTALLATION / UNDERHÅLL Manöverdon - AL 79-045U till AL 79-801U 9 Fig. 07 Fig. 07 9 • För in och pressa in de båda kolvarna (40) samtidigt i huset (50) tills • Insert and press the two pistons (40) simultaneously kolvarna kommer ingrepp.the Vridtwo sedan huset moturs sett ovanifrån, • Insert and ipress pistons (40) simultaneously inside the body (50) until the pistons are engaged, then tills slaget är avslutat. inside the body (50) until the pistons are engaged, then • • • 5.612B - 8 rotate the body anticlockwise from top view until the rotate the body anticlockwise from top view until the stroke is completed. stroke is completed. Ensure that with pistons completely closed, the rotation Ensure that with pistons completely closed, the rotation obtained referred to the axis of thepistons body about over 0° • Insert and to press thepistons two (40) Insert and press the (40) isis simultaneously obtained referred thetwo axis of the body aboutsimultaneously over 0° the (50) bodyuntil (50)the until the pistons are engaged, insideinside the body pistons are engaged, then then 9 the body anticlockwise fromview top until view the until rotate rotate the body anticlockwise from top 9 the Ref. 5.612B - 03/2010. INSTALLATION / UNDERHÅLL Manöverdon - AL 79-045U till AL 79-801U GB GB IMAT4thGU-E 4thGU-E IMAT AT051Uconfiguration: configuration: formodels modelsAT051U→AT801U AT051U→AT801U(0,5° (0,5°over over 0°0°for forAT045U) AT045U) AT051U GB GBfor andthat thatthe thedimension dimension“A” “A”on onboth bothsides sidesisisthe thesame sameasas and • Kontrollera att, kolvarna shown figure 11. helt indragna, den rotation som shown ininmed figure 11. uppnås relativt husets mittaxel är omkring över 0° för AL for models AT051U→AT801U (0,5° over 0° for for models AT051U→AT801U (0,5° over 0°modellerna forAT045U) AT045U) 79-051U till AL 79-801U (0,5° över 0° för AL 79-045U) och att måtand that the dimension “A” on both sides is the same as Fig. 11 Fig. 11 and that the dimension “A” on both sides is the same as tet ”A” på båda sidorna11. är samma som visas i figur 11. shown in figure shown in figure 11. Set Set Spring Spring S1 S1 S1 Set Set S2 S2 S2 Fig. Fig.11 11 Endcap cap(Part (PartN° N°30) 30)assembly, assembly,figures figures12, 12,13 13and and14: 14: C)C) End • Assemble one end cap at a time. • Assemble one end cap at a time. Lubricatethe thebody. body. •• Lubricate C) End cap (Part N° 30) assembly, figures 12, 13 14: C) End cap (Part N° 30) assembly, figures 12, 13and and 14: • For spring return actuators, insert the springs each • For spring return actuators, insert the springs inin each C) Montering av ändlock (komponent nr 30 i figurerna 12, 13 • Assemble one end cap at a time. • Assemble one end cap at a time. end cap according to the desired configuration, as shown end cap according to the desired configuration, as shown och 14): Lubricate the Lubricate thebody. body. figure 12 and related related tables. tables. For For models models •••Montera ändlock i taget. inin ett figure 12 and For spring insert the inin each •••Smörj huset. For springreturn returnactuators, actuators, insert thesprings springs eachinin AT051U→AT801U insertspring spring cartridges asshown shown AT051U→AT801U insert cartridges as cap according to configuration, as • Förend manöverdon med fjäderretur, för in fjädrarna i vartdera ändend cap13. according tothe thedesired desired configuration, asshown shown figure 13. figure figure and tables. locketininenligt önskad12 konfiguration, så som framgår figur och figure 12 and related related tables.av For For 12models models tillhörande tabeller. För modellerna AL 79-101U till AL as 79-801U, förininin AT051U→AT801U insert cartridges AT051U→AT801U insertspring spring cartridges asshown shown fjäderpatroner, så som framgår av figur 13. figure figure13. 13. IMAT IMAT4thGU-E 4thGU-E SideBB Side Spring Sida B AT051U configuration: AT051U AT051U AT051U AT051U AT051U configuration: Spring Spring set S3 S3 S3 S1 S1 S4 S4 S4 S2 S2 S5 S5 S5 S3 S3 S6 S6 S6 S4 S4 S7 S7 S7 S5 S5 S8 S8 S8 S6 S6 S7 S7 S8 S8 SideAA Side Sida A AT051U AT051U AT051U AT051U AL 79-051U AL 79-051U AL 79-051U AL 79-051U Internal External Internal External Internal External Internal External Side Side invändig invändig SideBButvändig SideAA utvändig fjäder fjäder fjäder fjäder Spring type Spring type Spring type Spring type Spring type Spring type Spring type Spring type AT051U AT051U AT051U AT051U AT051U AT051U AT051U AT051U 1 1(green) (grön) (svart) 1(green) External ----------------------(black) ----------------------222(black) Internal Internal External Internal External Internal External - type Spring 22(svart) (svart) -----------2(black) (black) -----------(black) ----------------------222(black) Spring type type type Spring type Spring type Spring Spring type Spring Spring type 2 (svart) 3 (röd) ------------ -----------2(black) (black) ----------------------- 2 (black) 3(red) (red) -----------2 -----------3 1(green) 1(green) ------------ -----------2 (black) 3(black) (röd) (röd) -----------3(red) (red) ----------------------(red) -----------3 -----------333(red) -----------2 2 -----------2 (black) -----------2(black) (black) (grön) -----------3(red) (red) -----------(green) 322(red) 2 (svart) (black) -----------3(röd) 111(green) -----------223(black) -----------(black) -----------3 (black) (red) 11(grön) 2 (svart) 1 (grön) 2 (svart) 1(green) (green) 32(red) 2 (black) -----------(green) 32(red) 2 (black) 11(green) ----------------------3 (black) (red) -----------3 (black) (red) 11(grön) 2 (svart) 1 (grön) 33(red) (röd) 1(green) (green) 32(red) 2(black) (black) 1 1(green) 1(green) (green) 2 (black) (red) 3 ----------------------3 (red) 1 (green) 2 (black) 11(grön) 33(röd) 11(green) (grön) 33(red) (röd) 1 (green) 3 (red) (green) (red) (green) (red) 1 3 11(green) 22(black) 11(green) 22(black) (green) (black) (green) (black) 11(green) (green) 11(green) (green) 22(black) (black) 33(red) (red) 11(green) (green) Fig. 13 Fig. 13 11(green) (green) 33(red) (red) 33(red) (red) Fig. Fig.13 13 Sida A ••Sätt ändlockens O-ringar (14) i into respektive spår på • Fit Fitend endcap capo-ring o-ringseal seal (14) intothe thegroove groove onändlocken. bothend endcaps. caps. (14) on both Fig.14 14 Fig. •• Fit Fitend endcap capo-ring o-ringseal seal(14) (14)into intothe thegroove grooveon onboth bothend endcaps. caps. Fig. 12 Sida B 12 Fig. Fig. Fig.14 14 Fig. Fig.12 12 Sida B Sida A SPRINGSET SETCONFIGURATION CONFIGURATION SPRING AT045Uconfiguration: configuration: AT045U SPRING SET CONFIGURATION SPRING Fjäder- SET CONFIGURATION Sida B SideBB Side inställning AL 79-045U fjäder typ AT045U configuration: AT045U configuration: SpringSet Set AT045U Spring S1-1 1 (grön)AT045U Side B S1-2 Side B Spring type Spring type 1 (grön) Spring Set S2-2 Spring Set S1-1 S1-1 AT045U 2 (röd) AT045U (green) 11(green) S2-3 S3-3 S1-2 S1-2 S1-1 S1-1 S2-2 S2-2 S1-2 S1-2 S2-3 S2-3 S2-2 2 (röd) Spring Springtype type (green) 11(green) 3 (svart) 11(green) (green) (red) 22(red) 11(green) (green) (red) 22(red) 2 (red) Sida A SideAA Side ••Montera ändlocken på huset (50). Kontrollera att O-ringen • Fit Fitend end capsonto onto thebody body (50),verifying verifying thatthe thesitter o-ring caps the (50), that o-ring kvar remains i spåret. remainsininthe thegroove. groove. ••För manöverdon med 50with % eller 100 %100% slagjustering, att • Only Onlyfor foractuators actuators with 50% 100% strokekontrollera adjustment, 50% oror stroke adjustment, 221G/222G är helt inskruvade i ändlocket. ••justerskruvarna Fit end caps onto the body (50), verifying that the o-ring Fit end caps body (50),screws verifying221G/222G that the o-ring ensure thatonto thethe adjustment screws 221G/222G are ensure that the adjustment are • Skruva i allainin ändlockskruvar (13) och dra åt dem löst. Dra åt remains the groove. remains thescrewed groove.into completely screwed intothe theend-cap. end-cap. completely 1-2actuators varv i taget, i den ordning som framgår av figur 14, tills ••skruvarna for with or stroke adjustment, Only forthe actuators with50% 50% or100% 100% stroke adjustment, Insert the capscrews screws (13)and and tighten each onlypartially. partially. •• Only Insert cap (13) tighten each only åtdragningen är avslutad. Åtdragningsmomentet anges i tabellen.are ensure that the adjustment screws 221G/222G ensure thattightening the adjustment screws 221G/222G are Complete tightening bymaking making 1-2turns turns foreach eachscrew screw Complete by 1-2 for completely screwed into completely screwed intothe the end-cap. thesequence sequence shown figure14 14until untiltightening tighteningisis ininthe shown ininend-cap. figure AT045U AT045U •• Insert the screws and each partially. 1 (grön) Insert thecap capSee screws (13) and tighten eachonly onlytorque. partially. completed. Seethe the(13) table fortighten screwtightening tightening torque. completed. table for screw Side A Complete tightening by making 1-2 turns for each Side Atype Spring type Complete tightening by making 1-2 turns for eachscrew screw 2Spring (röd) ininAssembly the sequence shown ininscrews figure 14 until tightening isis the sequence shown figure 14 until tightening D) Assembly of stop cap screws (Part 02) and stroke D) of stop cap (Part 02) and stroke 2AT045U (röd) AT045U (green) 11(green) completed. See the table for screw tightening torque. completed. See the table for screw tightening torque. figures15 15 adjustment for models AT051U→AT801U, figures adjustment for models AT051U→AT801U, 3Spring (svart)type Spring type (red) and16: 16: 22(red) and D) of cap screws (Part 02) and stroke 3 (svart) D) Assembly of stop stop cap screws (Part 02) and stroke Inserton onboth both stop screws (02)the thenut nut (04), the washer •• Assembly Insert stop screws (02) (04), the washer 11(green) (green) (red) 22(red) figures adjustment for models AT051U→AT801U, 15 adjustment for models (03)and andthe theo-ring o-ring (11). AT051U→AT801U, figures 15 (03) (11). 2323(red) (red) and 16: Fit16: thestop stopcap capscrews screws(02) (02)ininthe thebody. body. (black) 5.612B -•9• and Fit the (black) •••• Insert on both (02) nut (04), washer Insert onadjustment bothstop stopscrews screws (02)the the nutstandard (04),the thetype washer Stroke adjustment foractuators actuators with standard type “ST” Stroke for with “ST” 2 (red) AL 79-045U fjäder typ data Ref. 5.612B - 03/2010. E) Assembly of graduated ring and position indicator (Part N° 19,19.0,19.1), figures 17,18 and 19: • Fix the graduated ring (19.0) to the body. • If necessary, correctly position the “Top Adaptor” (19.5) and lock it with the proper screws (19.6). • Insert the indicator (19 or 19.1) making sure that it indicates the correct actuator position. • Screw the indicator screw (39) if assembled. INSTALLATION / UNDERHÅLL Manöverdon - AL 79-045U till AL 79-801U D) Montering av stoppskruvar (komponent 02), samt slagjusIMAT 4thGU-E tering för modellerna AL 79-051U till AL 79-801U, figurerna 15 och 16: Stroke adjustment in close position: with the actuator in • Sätt i de båda stoppskruvarna (02) muttern (04), brickan (03) och close position 0°, screw or unscrew the right (from top O-ringen (11). view) stop cap screw the desired stop position is • Skruva in stoppskruvarna (02)until i huset. achieved. Then tighten the stop adjustment nut(medurs (04) to • Slagjustering för manöverdon med standardrotation ”ST” lock it in place. för stängning). Strokei adjustment in Med openmanöverdonet position: with the actuator Slagjustering sluten position: i sluten position, in openden position 90°, screw unscrew the top 0°, skruva högra (uppifrån sett) or stoppskruven inåt left eller(from utåt tills önskad stopposition harscrew uppnåtts. Drathe sedan åt kontermuttern (04)is view) stop cap until desired stop position för attachieved. låsa stoppskruven i detta läge. Then tighten the stop adjustment nut (04) to IMAT 4thGU-E Slagjustering i öppet läge: lock it in place. Med manöverdonet i öppen position, 90°, skruvaFor denspring vänstra (uppifrån sett) stoppskruven inåt eller utåt return actuators, it could be necessary to tills make Stroke adjustment in close position: with the actuator önskad stopposition har uppnåtts. Dra sedan åt kontermuttern (04)inin rotation tests to verify the correct stroke adjustment close position 0°, screw för att låsa stoppskruven i detta läge.or unscrew the right (from top open position. För manöverdon med fjäderretur kan det nödvändigt göra is view) stop cap screw until thevara desired stop att position • Only for actuators with adjustment 50% or 100%, fit on rotationstest för attThen verifiera korrekt i öppetnut läge.(04) to achieved. tighten theslaginställning stop adjustment adjustment screws o-rings 11R, • För end-cap manöverdon med inställning 50 221G/222G % eller 100 %:the Montera ändlock it in place. the washers 03R and theO-ringarna nuts 04R. To brickorna adjust the stroke lockjusterskruvarna 221G/222G, 11R, 03R och in Stroke adjustment in open position: with the actuator in open position: with slaget the actuator in partially or totally muttrarna 04R. För att justera i öppet läge: Med manöverdoopen position 90°, screw or unscrew the left (from top open position, screwposition, or unscrew end-cap adjustment net i helt eller delvis öppen skruvathe ändlockjusterskruven view) stop cap screw until the desired stop position is screw inåt 221G/222G untilönskad the desired position achieved. 221G/222G eller utåt tills stopposition harisuppnåtts. DetIt achieved. Then tighten the stop adjustment nut (04) to är viktigt att båda ändlockjusterskruvarna i kontakt med kolvarna. is important that the two end-capäradjustment screws are lock itkontermuttrarna in place. Dra sedan both åt in contact with the04R. pistons. Then lock the nuts 04R. For spring return actuators, it could be necessary to make rotation tests to verify the correct stroke adjustment in Fig. 15 Fig. 16 open position. Only for actuators with adjustment 50% or 100%, fit on end-cap adjustment screws 221G/222G the o-rings 11R, the washers 03R and the nuts 04R. To adjust the stroke in open position: with the actuator in partially or totally open position, screw or unscrew the end-cap adjustment screw 221G/222G until the desired position is achieved. It is important that the two end-cap adjustment screws are both in contact with the pistons. Then lock the nuts 04R. Fig. 17 Fig. 18 GB Fig. 19 GB Fig. 18 Fig. 19 7) STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS If the actuator is not for immediate use, the following precaution must be taken for storage: • Store the actuator in a clean and dry environment and at temperature between –20°C (-4°F) and +40°C (+104°F). • It is recommended that the actuator be stored in its original box. • Do not remove the plastic plugs on air supply ports. 8) LIFTING and HANDLING It7is Förvaring recommended to lift the actuators with proper, adequate • 7) STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS and permitted systems in relation to the actuator weight and If the actuator is not for immediate use, the following Omfollowing manöverdonet inte skalaws användas omgående gäller and följande föreby the ruling in terms of safety health precaution must be taken for storage: skrifter för förvaring: protection. The weight of the actuators is indicated on the Air Store the actuatori ren in a clean dryoch environment andmelat ••Förvara manöverdonet torrand miljö vid temperatur Torque catalogue and on theoch related technical data-sheets. temperature between –20°C (-4°F) and +40°C (+104°F). lan -20°C (-4°F) ochand +40°C During the lifting the(+104°F). handling of the actuators, it is It is recommended that the förvaras actuatori sin beoriginalförpackstored in its ••Vi rekommenderar manöverdonet recommended to att avoid clashes and/or accidental falls in ning. original box. order to avoid irreparable damages to the actuators and to ••Ta inte från luftportarna. Dobort not plastpropparna remove the plastic plugs on air supply ports. compromise the functionality. Contact Air Torque for any information and technical LIFTING and HANDLING 88) Lyftning och hantering Fig. 15 Fig. 16 data-sheets. It is recommended to lift the actuators with proper, adequate E) Montering av skalring och lägesindikator (komponent nr andmanöverdonet permitted systems in relation to the actuator weight and Lyft med korrekt, tillräckligt dimensionerad och tillåten E) 19.0 Assembly graduated and position indicator 19, och 19.1of i figurerna 17, ring 18 och 19): by following theär ruling laws in terms of safety and health lyftanordning som anpassad till manöverdonets vikt. Följ gällande (Partskalringen N° 19,19.0,19.1), figures 17,18 and 19: • Montera (19.0) i huset. skyddsoch säkerhetsanvisningar. vikt anges protection. The weight of the Manöverdonets actuators is indicated oni tekniska the Air Fix thesätt graduated ring (19.0) to the • •Vid behov, på ”toppadaptern” (19.5) ochbody. fixera den med rätt datablad. I samband med hantering av manöverdon, undvik Torque catalogue andlyftning on theoch related technical data-sheets. • If necessary, correctly position the “Top Adaptor” (19.5) skruvar (19.6). slag mot manöverdonet och undvik att låta det falla. Annars kan During the lifting and the handling of the actuators, det it is • Montera lägesindikatorn eller screws 19.1) på (19.6). axeln. Kontrollera att den and lock it with the(19 proper uppstå bestående skador och funktionsproblem. recommended to avoid clashes and/or accidental falls in visar manöverdonsposition. • rätt Insert the indicator (19 or 19.1) making sure that it indicates Kontakta Larsson vid behov av ytterligare information. order toAxel avoid irreparable damages to the actuators and to • Skruva in indikatorskruven (39) om den är monterad. the correct actuator position. compromise the functionality. • Screw the indicator screw (39) if assembled. Contact Air Torque for any information and technical data-sheets. Fig. 17 STOCKHOLM Axel Larsson Maskinaffär AB Box 805, 194 28 Upplands Väsby Fig. 17 Förbehåll för tekniska ändringar utan avisering. E) Assembly of graduated ring and position indicator (Part N° 19,19.0,19.1), figures 17,18 and 19: • Fix the graduated ring (19.0) to the body. • If necessary, correctly position the “Top Adaptor” (19.5) and lock it with the proper screws (19.6). • Insert the indicator (19 or 19.1) making sure that it indicates the correct actuator position. • Screw the indicator screw (39) if assembled. Tel 08-555 247 00 GÖTEBORG MALMÖ SUNDSVALL KARLSTAD FALUN Fax 08-555 247 90 Tel 031-67 45 40 Tel 040-624 99 60 Tel 060-17 17 85 Tel 054-52 23 45 Tel 023-673 09 80 5.612B - 10
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