POLICY MANUAL (Updated August 2014) TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1. 01.1 01.2 01.4 01.5 01.6 01.7 01.8 01.11 ADMINISTRATION ................................................................................................................................ 4 USE OF SHIRE EMBLEM ......................................................................................................................... 4 CONTRACTS ........................................................................................................................................... 4 FLYING OF FLAG COUNCIL BUILDING ........................................................................................... 1 VOTING DELEGATES TO WALGA AGM............................................................................................... 1 CUSTOMER SERVICE & COMPLAINTS POLICY ................................................................................. 2 PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC QUESTION TIME................................................................................... 3 ANZAC DAY DAWN MEMORIAL SERVICE ........................................................................................... 5 CHOOSE RESPECT ................................................................................................................................ 6 2. 02.2 02.5 02.6 02.7 02.8 02.17 02.19 BUILDING................................................................................................................................................ 8 PROVISIONS FOR SMALL BUILDINGS................................................................................................. 8 SECONDHAND BUILDINGS.................................................................................................................. 8 ASBESTOS CLAD BUILDINGS ............................................................................................................... 8 SHED/CARAVAN ACCOMODATION ................................................................................................... 9 RELOCATION OF DWELLINGS ............................................................................................................. 9 BUILDING PERMITS TIME FACTOR................................................................................................ 10 KERB DEPOSIT / FOOTPATH BONDS ............................................................................................... 10 3. 03.1 03.4 HEALTH ................................................................................................................................................. 11 PRINCIPAL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH/BUILDING ANNUAL CONFERENCE .. 11 ANNUAL TIP PASS PROVISION........................................................................................................... 11 4. 04.2 04.3 04.4 04.5 04.7 04.8 04.9 0.4.10 BUSHFIRE CONTROL ......................................................................................................................... 12 FIREBREAKS ........................................................................................................................................... 12 FIRE CONTROL REVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 12 FUEL FOR FIRE BRIGADES/SES VEHICLES ....................................................................................... 13 HIRE OF PLANT BY FIRE CONTROL OFFICERS ............................................................................... 13 PERMITS TO BURN- SUNDAY & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS ...................................................................... 13 OPEN CAMP FIRE POLICY................................................................................................................... 14 HARVEST AND MOVEMENT OF VEHICLES BAN ............................................................................. 14 TOTAL FIRE BAN (TFB) EXEMPTION .................................................................................................. 14 5. 05.2 05.4 05.6 05.7 05.11 COUNCILLORS .................................................................................................................................... 17 FUNCTIONS UPON RETIREMENT OF COUNCILLORS .................................................................. 17 PRESENTATION OF GAVEL & STRIKER PLATE ................................................................................. 17 COUNCILLOR PRESENTATIONS ....................................................................................................... 17 LOCAL GOVERNMENT WEEK EXPENSES ......................................................................................... 18 COUNCIL CHAMBERS USE OF ....................................................................................................... 18 6. 06.1 06.2 06.3 06.4 06.5 06.6 06.7 06.8 06.9 06.10 06.11 06.12 COUNCIL PROPERTY ........................................................................................................................ 19 BUILDINGS CLEANING OF AFTER HIRE ........................................................................................ 19 COUNCIL FURNITURE HIRE OF ..................................................................................................... 19 LIQUOR PERMITS ................................................................................................................................. 20 FUNERAL GATHERINGS HALL AND PAVILION ............................................................................ 20 BOOKING OF FACILITIES .................................................................................................................... 20 VACATION SWIMMING CLASSES ...................................................................................................... 21 INTRASCHOOL SWIMMING CARNIVALS.......................................................................................... 21 INDEPENDENT CARE UNITS RENTAL OF ..................................................................................... 22 SALE OF COUNCIL LAND DEPOSITS ............................................................................................. 22 SALE OF COUNCIL PROPERTY REAL ESTATE AGENTS .............................................................. 22 BONDS FOR USE OF COUNCIL PROPERTY OR FACILITIES .......................................................... 23 PERMISSION TO CONDUCT ACTIVITIES ON COUNCIL PROPERTY HELICOPTER LANDINGS ............................................................................................................................................. 24 BODDINGTON CARAVAN PARK ........................................................................................................ 24 EXCLUSIVE USE OF BODDINGTON SWIMMING POOL ................................................................. 29 06.13 06.14 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 1 7. 07.2 07.6 07.7 07.8 07.11 07.13 07.14 ENGINEERING ROADWORKS AND DRAINAGE ........................................................................... 30 BUSINESS SIGNS PROVISION OF ................................................................................................... 40 GRADING OF DRIVEWAYS .................................................................................................................. 40 GRAVEL ROYALTY ................................................................................................................................ 40 REHABILITATION OF GRAVEL PITS ................................................................................................... 41 GRAVEL FROM ROADSIDE VERGES .................................................................................................. 41 ACCESS TO COUNCIL RESERVES TO COLLECT FLORA AND FAUNA SPECIMENS ................. 42 GUIDELINES FOR SUBDIVISIONAL DEVELOPMENT RURAL ..................................................... 43 8. 08.2 PLANT .................................................................................................................................................... 57 USE OF COUNCIL PLANT BY ORGANISATIONS ............................................................................. 57 9. 09.2 09.3 09.5 09.7 09.8 09.9 09.10 09.13 09.16 09.17 09.18 FINANCE ............................................................................................................................................... 58 DEPRECIATION RATES ........................................................................................................................ 58 LONG SERVICE LEAVE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS .............................................................................. 59 INVESTMENT OF SURPLUS FUNDS ................................................................................................... 59 PETTY CASH .......................................................................................................................................... 61 LOCAL ASSISTANCE FUND (LOAF) .................................................................. 61 RATE COLLECTION ............................................................................................................................. 62 SUNDRY DEBTORS COLLECTION .................................................................................................... 62 PURPOSE & FUNDING OF RESERVE ACCOUNTS ........................................................................... 63 RATES DISCOUNT ................................................................................................................................ 65 ISSUE AND USE OF CORPORATE CREDIT CARDS .......................................................................... 66 FACILITY HIRE CHARGES DISCOUNT FOR ACTIVITIES FOR THE CHILDREN/ YOUTH OF BODDINGTON ...................................................................................................................................... 70 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................... 72 QUINDANNING PICNIC RACE DAY................................................................................................... 72 STREET TREES ....................................................................................................................................... 72 POLICY MANUAL .................................................................................................................................. 72 SCHOOL BUS ROUTES ........................................................................................................................ 73 PERMITS FOR HEAVY VEHICLES ........................................................................................................ 73 VOLUNTEER EMERGENCY SERVICE ORGANISATIONS ................................................................ 74 SPONSORSHIP LIONS ANNUAL RODEO ...................................................................................... 75 PRIVATE WORKS ................................................................................................................................... 75 AUSTRALIA DAY CITIZENSHIP AWARDS ........................................................................................... 75 POLICY ON LEGAL REPRESENTATION COSTS INDEMNIFICATION ........................................... 76 CAMPING AT RODEO GROUNDS ..................................................................................................... 78 BUSKING WITHIN BODDINGTON ..................................................................................................... 79 TRANSPORT & DUMPING OF NUCLEAR WASTE ............................................................................ 79 BODDINGTON ARTS COUNCIL ........................................................................................................ 79 LOCKING OF STANDPIPES ................................................................................................................. 80 ENFORCEMENT POLICY ..................................................................................................................... 80 ASSISTING LOCAL SPORTSMEN & WOMEN .................................................................................... 82 IMPOUNDING AND DISPOSAL OF ABANDONED VEHICLES ........................................................ 83 11. 11.3 11.4 11.6 11.8 11.10 11.11 11.13 STAFF ..................................................................................................................................................... 85 PAYMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ALLOWANCE ........................................................................................ 85 POLICE CLEARANCE/MEDICAL EXAMINATION NEW EMPLOYEES ......................................... 85 USE OF SHIRE EQUIPMENT STAFF ................................................................................................ 85 STAFF UNIFORMS ................................................................................................................................. 86 SAFETY POLICY ..................................................................................................................................... 86 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION (LGMA) ........................................................ 87 POLICY ON PAYMENT TO EMPLOYEES IN ADDITION TO AWARD OR CONTRACT WHEN A PERSON IS LEAVING THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE SHIRE OF BODDINGTON .......................... 87 ROSTERED DAYS OFF .......................................................................................................................... 88 INJURY MANAGEMENT & REHABILITATION POLICY .................................................................... 88 SUPERANNUATION EXTRA PAYMENT .............................................................................................. 89 NEGOTIATED VEHICLE USE ............................................................................................................... 90 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH........................................................................................... 91 11.14 11.15 11.16 11.18 11.19 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 2 11.20 11.21 11.24 11.25 11.26 11.28 11.29 11.30 11.31 11.32 11.33 HOUSING SUBSIDY ALL STAFF........................................................................................................... 92 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN THE WORKPLACE ................................................................................. 92 WORKPLACE INCENTIVE FLU NEEDLE ......................................................................................... 96 WORKS STAFF UNIFORM .................................................................................................................... 96 ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS ........................................................................................................ 97 OFFICE/DEPOT STAFF EXTENDED CLOSE OF BUSINESS OVER CHRISTMAS BREAK ........... 103 STAFF REMOVAL EXPENSES ............................................................................................................. 103 LOCAL ADVERTISING OF COUNCIL EMPLOYMENT VACANCIES ............................................. 104 USE OF SHIRE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) FACILITIES FOR STAFF .............................. 104 COUNCIL CHILDCARE STAFF CHILDCARE SERVICES DISCOUNT ........................................... 111 OFFICIAL USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY ..................................................................................... 112 12. 12.1 CONSERVATION & ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................. 113 TREES - PLANTING OF ALONG ROAD RESERVES ........................................................................ 113 13. 13.1 13.2 13.3 TENDERS AND PURCHASING ........................................................................................................ 114 BUY LOCAL REGIONAL PRICE PREFERENCE ................................................................................ 114 VEHICLE TENDERS/SALES ................................................................................................................ 115 PURCHASING OF GOODS AND SERVICES .................................................................................... 115 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 3 1. ADMINISTRATION 01.1 USE OF SHIRE EMBLEM Policy Statement: That local community groups and business entities be permitted to use the Shire of Boddington emblem for the promotion of Boddington provided it is used in its original design and its original colour or black and white format. Permission must first be obtained from the Chief Executive Officer, who shall ensure that the item to be endorsed is acceptable. Objective: To establish guidelines for use of the emblem so as to ensure it is used in an appropriate manner. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 01.2 144/10 31/08/2010 CONTRACTS Policy Statement: All complex contracts involving the Shire of Boddington shall either: 1. 2. or Council shall endeavour to have all Agreements, Leases, Contracts, etc., including extensions of such documents, fall due for payment of monies, or expire, on 30 June. Objective: To ensure complex contracts involving Council are correctly prepared and legally binding and to ensure debits are raised, or Agreements, Leases & Contracts are reviewed to ensure they remain current, annually. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 4 01.3 AGENDAS Policy Statement: No business shall be included on an agenda, or dealt with by Council at a Council meeting, unless accompanied by a written report from the appropriate officer together with a recommendation(s). i) guide prepared by the Department of Local Government for the Preparation of Agendas & Minutes. ii) ncluded in the minutes of the meeting at which they are presented. iii) Council agendas are to be made available for Councillors by 2pm on the Wednesday preceding the Council meeting day. Matters that require a Council Resolution will be received not less than ten working days Guidelines: For a matter that requires a Council Resolution all documents are to be received by Council not less than ten working days prior to the next Ordinary Council Meeting for inclusion in that agenda. An application is considered to be lodged when all documents and information is received by Council. The Chief Executive Officer may accept a late application to be included in any Council agenda if the Chief Executive Officer considers that: 1. 2. the matter is of such importance to Council that Council may approve to consider the matter; and adequate time is available to present an agenda item containing all relevant information pertaining to that matter. Objective: 1. 2. 3. to ensure issues are properly researched before Council considers them and that agenda items are presented in the correct format. to ensure Councillors receive the agendas by the 72 hour limit imposed by the Local Government Act 1995. to ensure that Staff are given adequate time to prepare Agenda items so that Council is presented with all relevant information pertaining to that matter. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 17/13 18/02/2014 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 5 01.4 FLYING OF FLAG COUNCIL BUILDING Policy Statement: That the Australian Flag be flown on the Council Administration Centre flagpole every working day of the year. On any day of any funeral held within the Shire or on the day of the funeral of a present or former Boddington resident, or any other proclaimed day, the flag be flown at half-mast. Objective: To establish guidelines concerning flying of the Australian flag, including for special and solemn occasions. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 01.5 59/05 19/04/2005 VOTING DELEGATES TO WALGA AGM Policy Statement: 1. 2. The Shire President; and The Shire Deputy President. In the event that either the Shire President and/or Deputy President are not attending the WALGA Annual General meeting, then Council will nominate delegates in the following sequential manner: 1. 2. 3. or then two Councillors from the more than two attending the WALGA AGM will be selected by resolution; or then up to two staff, selected by the Chief Executive Officer, will be nominated as Objective: To give direction on the nomination of voting delegates to WALGA. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 94/12 19/06/2012 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 1 01.6 CUSTOMER SERVICE & COMPLAINTS POLICY Policy Statement: That complaints will be attempted to be resolved in a timely fashion in compliance with: 1. 2. 3. 4. Acts of Parliament; Council Local Laws; Council Policy; Council Objectives. Objectives: To: 1. Turn dissatisfied consumers into satisfied consumers 2. Providing quality customer service: a. b. To identify the need for improvements for the need for new services c. Opportunities to strengthen public support for the organisation 3. To monitor performance. Guidelines: A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, however made about current Council policy or procedure, the standard of service, actions, or lack of action by the Council or its staff, affecting an individual customer or group of customers. A complaint is therefore not: 1. 2. 3. A request for service; A request for information or explanation of policies or procedures; or The lodging of an appeal in accordance with a standard procedure or policy. A complaint to Council should be responded to within one week or five working days. In the response to a complainant, a timeline for completion of any remedy or resolution should be included. A record of complaints received and their resolution should be provided to Council on a monthly basis. The record should include details of: 1. 2. 3. 4. Numbers and types of complaints; Response targets and times achieved; Numbers and types of remedies offered; Action taken to improve the quality of service provided. Procedures for the handling of complaints should be prepared. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 2 Resolution No: Resolution Date: 01.7 144/10 31/08/2010 PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Policy Statement: Questions Asked Verbally 1 Members of the public are invited to ask questions at Council Meetings. 2 Questions asked at an ordinary Council meeting can relate to matters that affect the operations of the Shire of Boddington. Questions asked at a Special Meeting of the Council must relate to the purpose for which the meeting has been called. 3 A register will be provided for those persons wanting to ask questions to enter their name. Persons will be requested to come forward in the order in which they are registered, and to give their name and address. 4 Public question time will be limited to two minutes per member of the public, with a limit of two questions per member of the public. 5 Statements are not to precede the asking of a question during public question time. Statements should be made during public statement time. 6 Members of the public are encouraged to keep their questions brief to enable everyone who desires to ask a question to have the opportunity to do so. 7 Public question time will be limited to the legislative minimum of fifteen minutes and may be extended in intervals of up to ten minutes by resolution of the Council, but the total time allocated for public questions to be asked and responses to be given is not to exceed thirty five (35) minutes in total. Public question time is declared closed following the expiration of the allocated time period, or earlier than such time where there are no further questions. 8 Questions are to be directed to the Presiding Member and should be asked politely in good faith and are not to be framed in such a way as to reflect adversely or be defamatory on a particular Elected Member or Shire employee. The Presiding Member shall decide to: Accept or reject any question and his/her decision is final; Nominate a member of the Council and/or Shire employee to respond to the question; Take a question on notice. In this case a written response will be provided as soon as possible, and included in the agenda of the next Council meeting. 9 Where an elected member is of the opinion that a member of the public is: asking a question at a Council meeting, that is not relevant to the operations of the Shire of Boddington; making a statement during public question time; they may bring it to the attention of the meeting. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 3 10 Questions and any response will be summarised and included in the minutes of the Council meeting. 11 It is not intended that question time should be used as a means to obtain records under Section 5.94 of the Local Government Act 1995 or the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 1992. Where the response to a question(s) would require a will determine that it is an unreasonable impost upon the Shire and refuse to provide it. The CEO will advise the member of the public that the information may be sought in accordance with the FOI Act 1992. Questions in Writing (Residents and/or ratepayers of the Shire of Boddington only) 1 Only Shire of Boddington residents and/or ratepayers may submit questions to the Shire in writing. 2 Questions submitted to an ordinary Council meeting can relate to matters that affect the operations of the Shire of Boddington. Questions submitted to a Special Meeting of the Council must relate to the purpose for which the meeting has been called. 3 The Shire will accept a maximum of 5 written questions per Shire of Boddington resident/ratepayer. To ensure equality and consistency, each part of a multi-part question will be treated as a question in its own right. 4 Questions lodged by 9.00 am on the day immediately prior to the scheduled Council meeting will be responded to, where possible, at the Council meeting. These questions, and their responses, will be distributed to Elected Members and made available to the public in written form at the meeting. 5 The Presiding Member shall decide to accept or reject any written question and his/her decision is final. Where there is any concern about a question being offensive, defamatory or the like, the Presiding Member will make a determination in relation to the question. Questions determined as offensive, defamatory or the like will not be published. Where the Presiding Member rules questions to be out of order, an announcement to this effect will be made at the meeting, including the reason(s) for the decision. 6 The Presiding Member may rule questions out of order where they are substantially the same as questions previously submitted and responded to. 7 Written questions unable to be responded to at the Council meeting will be taken on notice. In this case, a written response will be provided as soon as possible and included on the agenda of the next Council meeting. A person who submits written questions may also ask questions at a Council meeting and questions asked verbally may be different to those submitted in writing. 8 9 Questions and any response will be summarised and included in the minutes of the Council meeting. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 4 10 It is not intended that question time should be used as a means to obtain information that would not be made ava records under Section 5.94 of the Local Government Act 1995 or the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 1992. Where the response to a question(s) would require a f Executive Officer (CEO) will determine that it is an unreasonable impost upon the Shire and refuse to provide it. The CEO will advise the member of the public that the information may be sought in accordance with the FOI Act 1992. DISCLAIMER Responses to questions not submitted in writing are provided in good faith and as such, should not be relied upon as being either complete or comprehensive. Objective: To establish Procedures for the conduct of Public Question Time during Council and/or Committee Meetings. Public Question Time is a means by which the public can seek responses from their council about issues affecting the local government that are of concern to them. It assists the public to be better informed about the governing of their district and it provides the local government with a mechanism to identify issues of importance in their community. The Local Government Act provides that time is to be allocated for the asking of and his means any member of the public. It does not apply only to members of the public who reside in the district or who are electors. Although a local government must respond to a question, the Local Government Act does not intend that a local government provides an answer to every question where the question is outside the legislation or deemed unreasonable, There are many circumstances where this may occur i.e. offensive or defamatory questions, questions that relate to the personal affairs or actions of council members or employees, letters relating to confidential matters, identical questions asked that have been satisfactorily responded to previously. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 01.8 144/10 31/08/2010 ANZAC DAY DAWN MEMORIAL SERVICE Policy Statement: That at least two representatives of the Shire of Boddington lay a wreath on behalf of Council at the Boddington Anzac Day Dawn Memorial Service held on 25th April each year. It is expected that the Shire Representatives will be the Shire President, or his Deputy, and one other Councillor SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 5 Objective: To provide appropriate recognition by Council of the local servicemen and women who have lost their lives in a conflict when serving in the defence forces. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 01.11 CHOOSE RESPECT Policy Statement: Butcher and commit to provide a safe, supportive environment for all members of our community. RATIONALE: In the Shire of Boddington there is a commitment to provide a safe, supportive environment for all members of our community. To this end, there is commitment to develop and then maintain a "Culture of Respect" throughout our community. This "Culture of Respect" is expressed in the following "Code of Behaviour": CODE OF BEHAVIOUR: Every member of our community is encouraged to "CHOOSE RESPECT". To "CHOOSE RESPECT" is to make a conscious effort to: Treat others with Respect, no matter how they treat you. Treat yourself with Respect. Forgive others who do not treat you with Respect. Resist your natural desire to pay back or take revenge. Apologise when you do not treat others with Respect. Support others who are not being treated with Respect. Ask for support when others do not treat you with Respect. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES: The following principles are fundamental to understanding and developing a "Culture of Respect". SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 6 Principle No. 1 Every human being is unique, and has inherent worth and value, and therefore, should be treated with Respect. Respect is to be treated with care and consideration. Principle No. 2 Respect is not only an attitude, but an observable behaviour. Respect will be clearly demonstrated in the following areas: Respect for Others Respect for Yourself Respect for Property Respect for Positions of Authority Respect for the Environment Principle No. 3 Every member of our community knows inherently how to demonstrate Respect. Principle No. 4 If a member of our community is not treating others or themselves with Respect, they are making a conscious choice NOT to do so. Principle No. 5 Every member of our community is responsible for their own actions and choices. These actions and choices will always have consequences. Principle No. 6 It is acknowledged that every member of our community will at some time fall short of the "Code of Behaviour". However, by providing an explicit standard or benchmark for what is right and acceptable behaviour, we are holding up a "standard of behaviour" to work towards. Objective: To encourage individual Councillors and Council employees to observe the Choose Respect Policy with the intent of having a Culture of Respect flow through the community. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 207/06 20/06/2006 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 7 2. BUILDING 02.2 PROVISIONS FOR SMALL BUILDINGS Policy Statement: That neither an application for approval to commence development nor a building application be required for an outdoor addition, which includes a garden shed, gazebo, pergola, verandah, workshop or outhouse, containing not more than 12m2 of floor area located on the same lot either separate to, or attached to, a dwelling subject to use of new materials, compliance with setback requirements and use provisions for the applicable zone. Objective: To establish a guideline relating to small outdoor building additions/improvements. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 02.5 59/05 19/04/2005 SECONDHAND BUILDINGS Policy Statement: Persons proposing to erect second-hand buildings within the Shire of Boddington shall obtain, at their own cost, obtain certification from a Registered Builder or the Building Surveyor of the Local Authority where the building is located or a Structural Engineer to ing Surveyor as to the suitability of the dwelling to satisfy the requirements of a building license application. Objective: To ensure second hand buildings are of a suitable standard for erection within the Shire of Boddington. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 02.6 59/05 19/04/2005 ASBESTOS CLAD BUILDINGS Policy Statement: No asbestos clad buildings are to be transported into or within the Shire of Boddington. Objective: To prohibit the movement of asbestos clad buildings due to the health risks involved in handling asbestos. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 8 Resolution No: Resolution Date: 02.7 59/05 19/04/2005 SHED/CARAVAN ACCOMODATION Policy Statement: That Council; 1. allows camping on site for a period of up to 12 months, in a caravan only, provided that suitable ablutions (shower, toilet, hand basin, laundry trough) and septics are erected and provided a building permit as an owner builder has been issued for a dwelling on the same lot; 2. will consider an extension of a further six months dependant on the progress of the construction of the dwelling; 3. does not allow camping in a shed for any period of time greater than three days in any twenty-eight day period, but will allow camping in a caravan located within a shed provided that suitable ablutions and septics are erected and provided a building permit as an owner builder has been issued for a dwelling on the same lot; and Council limits the approval for camping in this policy to the following zones of Town Planning Scheme No. 2: 1. Rural; 2. Rural Residential; and 3. Rural Small Holding. Objective: To establish guidelines concerning the occupation of temporary accommodation during the construction of a residence and to control the use of caravans and sheds as long term temporary accommodation. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 02.8 59/05 19/04/2005 RELOCATION OF DWELLINGS Policy Statement: That a condition of the planning approval for the relocation of a second-hand building be the requirement for the building relocation to be fully completed (including necessary repairs and pa Health/Building Surveyor) within six months from the date of building approval. Objective: To ensure that second hand buildings are of an appropriate standard and are visually acceptable. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 9 02.17 BUILDING PERMITS TIME FACTOR Policy Statement: That a condition of the building permit issued for a class 1 to 9 building is that within 12 months of the issue of the permit, the building must be completed to lock up stage. If not, the permit has to be renewed by submitting the original plans including any alterations to the plans and pay the building permit fee again, unless there are extenuating circumstances affecting an owner/builder from reaching lock up stage, in which case consideration can be given on compassionate grounds to varying the stage at which the premises can be considered to be substantially commenced. Objective: To determine when new premises or additions have been substantially commenced so as to identify when further appropriate action can commence. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 02.19 KERB DEPOSIT / FOOTPATH BONDS Policy Statement: An amount of $2,000 be charged on each building/demolition licence issued for a dwelling or commercial building or substantial extensions to such buildings as a kerb deposit/footpath bond in such areas where a footpath or kerb is provided. The bond is to be fully refunded at the completion of the building and after inspection by a Council officer if the kerb or footpath has not been damaged. Should the footpath or kerb be damaged the bond will be refunded after the repair of the footpath or kerb has been completed minus the cost of repairing the footpath or kerb. Objective: To establish firm guidelines pertaining to kerb and footpath damage. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 10 3. HEALTH 03.1 CONFERENCE Policy Statement: l Environmental Health/Building Surveyor be permitted to attend registration, travel, accommodation and meals associated with the Conference. Objective: To enable the officer concerned to establish a network of contacts that can provide Resolution No: Resolution Date: 03.4 59/05 19/04/2005 ANNUAL TIP PASS PROVISION Policy Statement: Council will annually provide to ratepayers four free refuse site passes for each rates assessment. The refuse site passes are only valid for the year that they are provided. Council will provide the occupiers of Council owned housing four free refuse site passes for the occupiers use. Additional refuse site passes will not be provided to rate payers who have more than one collection service for any one property. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 102/12 17/07/2012 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 11 4. BUSHFIRE CONTROL 04.2 FIREBREAKS Policy Statement: That a firebreak notice accompany the annual Rates Notice and be placed in the Community Newsletter during August and September each year; 1. 2. 3. reminding landowners of the requirements of the firebreak order; advising that inspections will be undertaken after 15th November in each year; that if firebreaks are not constructed to the required standard infringement notices may be issued. Objective: To encourage landowners to install firebreaks in accordance with Council requirements. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 04.3 59/05 19/04/2005 FIRE CONTROL REVIEW Policy Statement: A Bushfire Advisory Committee meeting shall be held annually to be attended by representatives of Brigades, the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer and shire representatives. The Chief Bush Fire Control Officer and Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer will be elected by the Brigade delegates at the meeting each year and will be officially appointed at the next ordinary meeting of Council. All Brigades are required to hold their Annual General Meetings before the Advisory Meeting takes place. Objective: To regulate the holding of the annual meeting of the Bushfire Advisory Committee and to establish a procedure for election of the Chief and Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officers. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 12 04.4 FUEL FOR FIRE BRIGADES/SES VEHICLES Policy Statement: Council will supply fuel for local Bushfire Brigades and State Emergency Service vehicles, however no emergency personnel, driving private vehicles, are entitled to obtain fuel unless in the case of an existing emergency and the vehicle is being used for emergency purposes. Objective: To establish a clear policy in relation to the provision of fuel for emergency agencies. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 04.5 59/05 19/04/2005 HIRE OF PLANT BY FIRE CONTROL OFFICERS Policy Statement: The Chief Bush Fire Control Officer or his Deputy or the Shire President or Chief Executive Officer are authorised to hire plant on firefighting purposes. Guidelines In all instances prior approval and a Job Number shall first be obtained from FESA. Objective: To nominate persons authorised to hire plant where a fire emergency may exist and additional resources are required. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 04.7 59/05 19/04/2005 PERMITS TO BURN- SUNDAY & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS Policy Statement Permits to burn on a Sunday shall not be issued during the restricted and prohibited burning season of the Shire of Boddington. A permit in writing from an Authorised Bush Fire Control Officer is required to burn on a public holiday during the restricted period. Objective: SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 13 To reduce the possibility of uncontrolled fires eventuating on days when brigade members may not be available to fight such blazes. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 04.8 201/13 15/10/2013 OPEN CAMP FIRE POLICY Policy Statement: That open camp fires are prohibited throughout the entire shire from November through to March inclusive, each year, and that appropriate signage at shire boundaries and other relevant locations be erected. Objective: To reduce the potential for a wild fire will decrease the possibility of vegetation being burnt out. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 04.9 82/06 21/03/2006 HARVEST AND MOVEMENT OF VEHICLES BAN Policy Statement: Council will impose a Harvest and Movement of Vehicles Ban in the Shire of Boddington on the following public holidays: Christmas Day Boxing Day; and New Day. Objective: To reduce the possibility of fires eventuating on days when brigade members may not be available to fight such blazes. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 0.4.10 TOTAL FIRE BAN (TFB) EXEMPTION The Shire of Boddington supports an exemption for businesses and landowners within the Boddington Shire to the requirements under the Bush Fires Act (1954) to conduct open air activities which cause or are likely to cause a fire during a Total Fire Ban including: SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 14 Operation of mining equipment in cleared areas of the forest including associated maintenance work; Urgent repair or non-planned maintenance of electricity and water supply infrastructure; with the following conditions: SPECIFIC TASK Field maintenance work involving welding/ grinding /cutting on mining vehicles, crushers, conveyors, conveyor and other plant and equipment Exploration drilling Mine site Drilling Operation of Pumps and other ancillary equipment SPECIFIC CONDITION REQUIRED FOR COUNCIL SUPPORT FOR EXEMPTION An exemption will be supported where for each occasion a hot work permit is completed with special precautions recorded on the permit including: Work 30m or more from vegetation 1. A Job Hazard Analysis will be conducted. 2. A fire extinguisher will be located at each work site. 3. A person qualified in the use of the fire extinguisher will be at the same location. 4. Site Emergency Services Officers will be advised and on standby to attend. 5. Fire suppression capabilities will be retained on site while tasks are conducted. 6. Radio network capabilities exist to communicate with Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) and Bush Fire Brigades. Work less than 30m from vegetation 1. For lifeline infrastructure only, eg. Power and water. 2. A Job Hazard Analysis will be conducted. 3. Spark screens will be placed around spark or flame producing equipment, 4. Work area wet for 20m 5. 400 litre fire unit with 20m hose and adjustable nozzle, 6. A minimum of one person trained in fire fighting operations, and not directly involved with the works being undertaken or fire crew operations must be in attendance during the period of work and for 30 minutes after as a fire watch. 7. The local Government, Bush Fire Control Officer and DEC must be advised prior to commencement of work. 8. Radio network capabilities exist to communicate with DEC and Bush Fire Brigades. No exemption supported for operations without a 30 metre clearance of vegetation (sufficiently cleared of flammable material to prevent the escape of fire). No exemption permitted in bush. No exemption supported for operations without a 30 metre clearance of vegetation (sufficiently cleared of flammable material to prevent the escape of fire). No exemption supported for operations without a 30 metre clearance of vegetation (sufficiently cleared of flammable material to prevent the escape of fire). SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 15 No exemption permitted in bush. Forest clearing No exemption supported. SPECIFIC CONDITION REQUIRED FOR COUNCIL SPECIFIC TASK SUPPORT FOR EXEMPTION Secondary overburden No exemption supported. removal Road construction (post No exemption supported. clearing) Cleared forest residue No exemption supported. cleanup (snipping) In the event of a fire the company and their employees will: Immediately notify Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA) by ca Cease operations and respond to the fire emergency. Definitions: bush includes trees, bushes, plants, stubble, scrub, and undergrowth of all kinds whatsoever whether alive or dead and whether standing or not standing and also a part of a tree, bush, plant, or undergrowth, and whether severed therefrom or not so severed. The term does not include sawdust, and other waste timber resulting from the sawmilling of timber in a sawmill whilst the sawdust and other waste timber remains upon the premises of the sawmill in which the sawmilling is carried on. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 14/10 02/02/2010 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 16 5. COUNCILLORS 05.2 FUNCTIONS UPON RETIREMENT OF COUNCILLORS Policy Statement: That recognition of Councillors who have completed a minimum of four years as a Councillor of the Shire of Boddington be made by way of a reception or official dinner. Upon retirement all Councillors, regardless of length served, shall be presented with their name plate. Objective: To recognise and reward those Councillors who have served at least one complete term as a Councillor of the Shire. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 05.4 59/05 19/04/2005 PRESENTATION OF GAVEL & STRIKER PLATE Policy Statement: That upon completion of their term as President of the Shire of Boddington the President shall be presented with the gavel and striker plate, suitably engraved, used during his/her term in office. Objective: To provide outgoing Presidents with a memento of their term in office. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 05.6 59/05 19/04/2005 COUNCILLOR PRESENTATIONS Policy Statement: That an appropriate gift costing up to $150 may be purchased for retiring or defeated Councillors who have completed four or up to $300 if they have completed eight years or more service on Council. Objective: To establish a guide for recognition of outgoing Councillors so as to avoid the necessity to refer every instance to the Director General of the Department of Local Government for determination. Resolution No. Resolution Date: 59/05 & 147/05 19/04/2005 & 16/08/2005 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 17 05.7 LOCAL GOVERNMENT WEEK EXPENSES Policy Statement: That Council pays for travel, accommodation, breakfast, registration and conference dinners for Councillors, the Chief Executive Officer and partners attending the annual Local Government Week. All other expenses incurred to be the responsibility of the individuals. Objective: To establish guidelines for attendance at Local Government Week. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 05.11 COUNCIL CHAMBERS USE OF Policy Statement: That the Council Chambers be used for Council and Committee meetings and Management Committees of the Council and other times at the discretion of the Shire President or Chief Executive Officer. Objective: To establish guidelines for usage of the Council Chambers. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 18 6. COUNCIL PROPERTY 06.1 BUILDINGS CLEANING OF AFTER HIRE Policy Statement: That Council requires the following to be undertaken after hire of the Pavilion and Town Hall by users to ensure the facilities are left in a tidy condition and will not unnecessarily attract vermin. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All rubbish, including cans, bottle tops, tape, chip packets, lolly wrappers and food scraps, is to be removed from within the building and the surrounding grounds and placed in bins provided; All internal rubbish bins are to be emptied into the green wheely bins and all recyclables placed in the recycling bins; All cutlery and crockery used be washed and packed away All chairs and tables used are to be wiped down and put away in the requisite storage areas; All chairs are to be stacked no more than 10 high; The facility hired is to be cleaned at the end of the hire period and not left for the following day unless prior arrangements have been made with the Shire staff. The Shire cleaners will clean the facility at the first opportunity after hire; and Any faults or damage to the facility or equipment is to be reported as soon as possible. Whenever the Town Hall, Recreation Pavilion or any other Council building is not left in a satisfactory condition and Council incurs cleaning costs greater than for normal use, Council will seek to recover the additional cleaning costs from the hirer. Objective: 1. 2. 3. To encourage hi To allow for ease of cleaning and to discourage animal and insect vermin. Should premises not be left clean and tidy the policy provides for Council to recover the costs involved to do so from the hirer. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 06.2 239/08 16/09/2008 COUNCIL FURNITURE HIRE OF Policy Statement: Tables and chairs are available for hire upon the prior payment of the bond applicable, together with the fees for the furniture as endorsed when adopting the annual budget. Objective: To establish guidelines for the hire of Council furniture. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 19 06.3 LIQUOR PERMITS Policy Statement: That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to issue permits for the consumption of liquor on Council property subject to at least the following conditions: Permits to expire no later than 1.00 am on the following day The requirements of the licensing Act being fully complied with Liquor is consumed in an orderly manner No liquor is served to or consumed by persons under the age of 18 years the person obtaining the permit shall ensure that all rubbish is placed in the receptacles provided before departing the property Objective: To enable the Chief Executive Officer to issue liquor permits without the necessity of referring applications to Council beforehand. The policy also sets conditions to be endorsed on any liquor permits issued. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 06.4 59/05 19/04/2005 FUNERAL GATHERINGS HALL AND PAVILION Policy Statement: No charge will be levied for the use of the Town Hall and Recreation Pavilion for conducting services or gatherings associated with and held prior to local funerals subject to prior bookings and paying users being given precedence. Council will impose all regular charges for functions held in the Town Hall and Recreation Pavilion for functions held at the conclusion of local funerals. Objective: To show compassion towards the family of the deceased by not imposing charges during their period of grief. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 06.5 144/10 31/08/2010 BOOKING OF FACILITIES Policy Statement: A minimum of 24 hours notice is required for the booking of the Town Hall or the Recreation Pavilion to ensure that the premises are prepared for the function. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 20 If the appropriate notice is not received by Council then Council will not guarantee that the premises are prepared for the function. Objective: To eliminate the necessity to suddenly have to deploy staff to clean the Town Hall or Recreation Pavilion when they may already be engaged on other essential duties. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 06.6 59/05 19/04/2005 VACATION SWIMMING CLASSES Policy Statement: That the Education Department of Western Australia be granted use of the Boddington Swimming Pool for Vacation Swimming Classes subject to all swimmers being charged the normal admission fee. Objective: To establish guidelines in relation to fees for persons entering the pool for Vacation Swimming Classes. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 06.7 59/05 19/04/2005 INTRASCHOOL SWIMMING CARNIVALS Policy Statement: That the admission fee for School and Interschool Swimming Carnivals be the normal admission fee that applies throughout the current season. Objective: To establish a policy determining fees for School and Interschool Swimming Carnivals so that it is not necessary to refer requests for free entry to Council and, also, to obtain income from this source to reduce the overall deficit experienced through operating the pool. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 21 06.8 INDEPENDENT CARE UNITS RENTAL OF Policy Statement: That all independent Care units occupied by more than one person be required to disclose their combined net income received for the previous calendar month for the purpose of calculating their rental charge for the forthcoming month, and where no disclosure is made by the 7th day of the calendar month the weekly rental will be set at the maximum charge of $100.00 per week for the remainder of the calendar month. That Council allows the tenants to own a small pet, to be approved at the discretion of the CEO, but subject to the pet not creating a nuisance to neighbours. Objective: To determine how rent of the Independent Care Units shall be calculated when occupied by more than one person. Ownership of a pet provides good company and is considered good therapy for elderly citizens and should be encouraged. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 06.9 59/05 19/04/2005 SALE OF COUNCIL LAND DEPOSITS Policy Statement: That all land transactions incur a deposit of ten percent upon signing an offer and acceptance form. Objective: To avoid the possibility of purchasers opting out of a transaction without penalty and to recoup any costs incurred by Council. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 06.10 SALE OF COUNCIL PROPERTY REAL ESTATE AGENTS Policy Statement: That all local licensed real estate agents be invited/approached to provide their services in relation to all real estate transactions on behalf of the Shire of Boddington. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 22 Objective: To establish a policy prohibiting sole agents from handling Council real estate transactions. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 06.11 BONDS FOR USE OF COUNCIL PROPERTY OR FACILITIES Policy Statement: Council imposes the following conditions and requires the following bonds to be provided as part of the permitted use of the following Council buildings, equipment or facilities: 1. Council Buildings Casual/Itinerant Hirers o Key Bond - $100 o Cleaning Bond -$100 o In addition to forfeiture of bond, Council will seek full recovery of costs of any additional cleaning required after hire. Season Hirers o Key Bond - $100 per Key permitted by Council for use by the club. 2. Key Bond - $100 3. Council Standpipes Key Bond - $50 Refund of Bond requires return of key and advice of amount of water used. 4. Furniture Bond Trestles/Tables - $100 Bond Chairs - $100 In addition to forfeiture of bond, Council will seek full restitution for damaged furniture. Objective: To provide for consistent policy for the collection by Council of bonds for use of Council property and equipment. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 75/08 18/03/2008 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 23 06.12 PERMISSION TO CONDUCT HELICOPTER LANDINGS ACTIVITIES ON COUNCIL PROPERTY Policy Statement: That Council will permit Helicopter Landings on Council Property other than Council designated airstrips when: 1. The area upon which the request to land is: (a) is large enough to accommodate the helicopter safely; (b) has a surface capable of withstanding the static and dynamic loads imposed by the helicopter; and (c) only to be used for day operations; 2. the purpose of the landing has some community benefit or will assist a local emergency purpose; 3. the applicant being responsible for any damage caused by any landing; 4. all landings being conducted in a manner consistent with Civil Aviation Safety Authority Australia CAAP92-2(1) Guidelines for the establishment and use of helicopter landing sites (HLS); and 5. any additional conditions that the Chief Executive Officer may wish to impose for safe operations. Guidelines: Applications should detail all relevant information as to date, place, time, responsible organisation/person, control measures, public liability, etc involved with the helicopter landing. Objective: To allow the orderly use of Council owned facilities by helicopters in situations where a community benefit will arise from such use. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 216/09 3/11/2009 06.13 BODDINGTON CARAVAN PARK Objective To enable smooth, efficient operation of the Boddington Caravan Park. To outlined rules and procedures with regards to the caravan park. Legislation The legislation covering the caravan park is the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Act and the Residential Parks (Long-stay Tenants) Act SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 24 Policy 1. Definitions Permanent Person or persons residing in the caravan park for residential purposes for three months or more and who are covered under the provisions of the Residential Parks (Long-stay Tenants) Act 2007. Semi permanent Tourist Person or persons in the park for holiday purposes, usually for a very short time. Person or persons in the park for longer than 28 nights consecutively, but less than three months. Park Operator The Chief Executive Officer of the Shire of Boddington. Caravan Park Manager Person/s appointed by the Park Operator to run the Boddington Caravan Park Procedure 1 Sites a. Sites with concrete slabs will be used for all permanent and semi-permanents. There are currently 23 concrete slabs within the park. b. Use of the slabs and numbers of permanents and semi-permanents will depend on the size of the caravans and whether they can be accommodated on the respective site and comply with the requirements of the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997 c. Tourists will be accommodated on grassed sites (6 in total) or on cement slabs if they are not being used for permanents or semi-permanents. d. Permanents and semi-permanents will not be accommodated on grass sites. e. A waiting list will be established for those for which a site is not available. The following information is required; name, contact phone number and address, length of caravan from the front of the tow hitch to the rear of the caravan, number of persons in the caravan. When a site becomes available the Caravan Park Managers will contact the person listed on the phone number provided. It should be noted that due to the size of the caravan and the size of the site available the next in line on the waiting list may not be offered a site on the caravan park. 2 Fees & Charges a. Site rental will be set by Council as part of its budget process every year. Any rises in charges will take effect as of 1 August each year SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 25 b. Permanents will pay site fees and electricity. Site rental is to be a week in advance as per the Tenancy Agreement. Electricity will be charged on a unit used basis and the cents per unit charged will be as per the Electricity Industry (Caravan Park Operators) Exemption Order. Electricity meters will be read by the Caravan Park Managers on a fortnightly basis. c. Semi permanents will be charged site fees as per Coun and will be charged for electricity used after 28 continuous nights or more on the site. d. 3 e. A $20.00 refundable deposit will be charged for the key to the ablutions. One key per site only will be issued f. A charge of $50.00 will be levied for the preparation of the site tenancy agreement. Tenancy a. Tenancy for permanents will be as per the date on the Tenancy Agreement unless terminated as per the requirements of the Residential Parks (Long-stay Tenants) Act and Regulations by either the Park Operator or the tenant. Each permanent will sign an initial tenancy agreement for a three month period. At the expiry of the three month period the tenant may be offered an extended tenancy. Tenancy periods after the initial three months, will be limited to a 12 month period. 12 monthly extensions after the initial 12 month tenancy may be granted at the discretion of the Park Operator. Should the tenant wish to renew the lease, notice in writing to the Park Operator 30 days prior to the lease expiring is required. A Fixed Term Site-only Agreement is the only option offered. b. Semi permanents have no security of tenancy on the site and are required to fill in a Form 1 advising the length of time they require the site for. Extensions to the length of stay will be at the discretion of the Park Operator. Rent for the site will need to be paid at least one week in advance c. Tourists have no security of tenancy and are required to pay for the number of days they are staying in advance. d. The Park Operator reserves the right to terminate any tenancy immediately should a tenant be involved in a major incident such as gross damage to property within the park, assault or vandalism of property in the park. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 26 e. 4 5 6 All persons using the park are required to fill out a form detailing name, address, phone numbers, drivers licence number (the licence needs to be sighted), vehicle registration number, caravan registration number, dependants names and name, address & telephone number of next of kin or an emergency contact. Payment of Rent & Electricity a. Rent and electricity can be paid direct to the Caravan Park Managers. b. Arrangements can be made to pay at the Shire Offices. Arrangements for this to happen will need to be made with the Park Managers. c. Rent will need to be paid in advance every fortnight on the day nominated in Clause 7 of the Tenancy Agreement for permanents d. For semi permanents rent will need to be paid in advance every fortnight or part thereof for the length of stay e. Tourists will need to pay site fees up to and including the day they leave. If the stay is a fortnight or longer alternative arrangements can be made. Disputes Procedure Tourists & Semi Permanents a. Should a breach of the Caravan Park Rules occur the person involved will be given a verbal warning. b. Should continued or further breaches occur a written warning will be issued. c. Continued or further breaches after a written warning has been given, the offender will be told to leave the Caravan Park immediately. d. Written warnings and Notice To Leave will be issued by the Park Operator. e. Verbal warnings can be issued by the Park Managers or the Park Operator f. Any complaints regarding the Caravan Park are to be in writing on a Caravan Park Complaints Form and given to the Park Managers for resolution g. If the matter cannot be resolved by the Park Managers, or the complainant wishes the Park Operator to resolve the matter, the complaint will be given to the Park operator to resolve. h. Any complaints regarding management of the caravan park must be in writing to the Park Operator who will investigate the complaint and respond in writing to the complainant. Disputes Procedure Permanents a. Should a breach of the Caravan Park Rules or the requirement of the lease a verbal warning will be issued by the Caravan Park Managers. Should continued or further breaches of the Caravan Park Rules or lease agreement continue a SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 27 b. c. 7 8 Sites Notice of Breach will be issued given a time frame required to remedy the breach. This will be issued by the Park Operator. Further breaches may result in termination of tenancy. Any complaint is to be made in writing on a Caravan Park Compliant form and the procedure outlined in 2.5 above will be followed. Any complaints regarding park management is as 2.5 above Permitted items a. All residents are permitted to have a caravan and flexible annex on their site. b. One motor vehicle only is permitted on each site c. Portable items such as gazebos, temporary fencing & shade structures are permitted on the site if permitted by the Caravan Park Managers. Requests to site these items will need to be made in writing to the Caravan Park Managers and approval will be at the Caravan Park Managers discretion and given in writing. d. More permanent structures such as rigid annexes, carports & sheds need approval to be constructed on the site by the Park Operator. The provisions of the Caravan Parks & Camping Grounds Regulations apply in relation to these structures. Applications to erect these structures will need to be made in writing to the Park Operator including all necessary documentation and the requisite fee. Approval to erect these structures will be provided in writing. Approval will be at the Park Managers discretion taking into account the sizes involved and the distances required by legislation. Caravan Park Rules a. The Park Operator will prepare and maintain a schedule of Caravan Park Rules to provide for the orderly functioning of the Caravan Park. b. The Caravan Park Rules will be amended from time to time by the Park Operator as required. At any time the Caravan Park Rules are amended, a copy of these amended Caravan Park Rules will be provided to all tenants of the Caravan Park at the time of adoption. c. Any breach of these rules will be dealt with as per the procedure outlined in 2.5 and 2.6 d. These rules will be included in the tenancy agreement for permanents and a copy provided to semi permanents and tourists when they commence their tenancy. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 158/13 20/08/2013 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 28 06.14 EXCLUSIVE USE OF BODDINGTON SWIMMING POOL Policy Statement: That Council will permit exclusive use of up to 50% of the Boddington Swimming Pool by community and other groups at any one time conditional upon: 1. 2. The use being arranged with the Manager Community Services and the Pool Manager prior to the use; All other permits and permissions are in place for exclusive use of the Boddington Swimming Pool. Such permits include the running of a business activity from the Boddington Swimming Pool and the payment of all/any access and/or user charges; 3. 4. Boddington Swimming Pool; and Any requirement of Council or Council staff for the exclusive use of a section of the Boddington Swimming Pool is complied with at all times by the group. Objective: To establish guidelines for use of the Boddington Swimming Pool and to ensure that public access is always available to a portion of the Boddington Swimming Pool. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 175/13 17/09/2013 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 29 7. ENGINEERING ROADWORKS AND DRAINAGE 0.7.1 Stormwater Management and Connection Policy Background This Policy primarily focuses on retention or detention of stormwater to reduce the peak flows that result from rainwater falling on impervious surfaces. This is important to ensure cause overloading and flooding. This Policy complements and provides greater detail to Local Planning Policy No. 17 Stormwater Management. Definitions Definitions are as per Local Planning Policy No. 17 Stormwater Management, the Shire of Boddington Local Planning Scheme No. 2 or as set out in Better Urban Water Management or the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Australia. Australian Standard means: AS/NZS 1254:2010 PVC-U pipes and fittings for stormwater and surface water applications; AS/NZS 3500.0:2003 Plumbing and drainage - Glossary of terms; and AS/NZS 3500.3:2003 Plumbing and drainage - Stormwater drainage, and any updates. Objectives The objectives of the Policy are to: ensure that development is compatible with the design capacity of the existing local government stormwater system so as not to increase the incidence of downstream flooding; by private connections and to provide a consistent standard; ensure that stormwater capture and conveyance within a development site is properly managed through the provision of drainage infrastructure to appropriate capacity and standard; ensure that stormwater capture and conveyance within a development site is provided so that stormwater does not constitute a potential hazard or nuisance to persons or property including adjoining property; ensure that on-site detention systems are designed and constructed to be compatible with other aspects of site planning; and ensure that drainage works do not cause inconvenience or safety hazards to pedestrians or vehicular traffic. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 30 Policy Provisions Stormwater from buildings and surface water runoff is the responsibility of the landowner to effectively manage and to appropriately detain/retain stormwater on their property. Detaining and retaining stormwater All new subdivision/development within the municipality is required to detain stormwater on site and where possible retain stormwater. Where site conditions dictate, there may be a need to use appropriate bioretention to remove nutrients from stormwater runoff which may include soil amendments and use of nutrient absorbing plants. The minimum design criteria is to detain stormwater on site for the 1 in 1 year, 1 hour average recurrence interval (ARI) storm event. The total post-development 1 in 1 year ARI site runoff is to be controlled to be no greater than the pre-development 1 in 1 year ARI site runoff. Surface drainage systems shall be designed to ensure that overflows, with a 1 in 100 year ARI storm event, do not present a hazard to people or cause damage to off-site property. Stormwater flows, ARI events, time of concentration, and runoff coefficients shall be in accordance with the relevant Australian Standard and/or guidelines endorsed by Engineers Australia. Rainfall intensity shall be in accordance with accepted guidelines or information relevant to the district. Appendix 1 sets out the rainfall intensity for Perth which will be applied in the Shire of Boddington until there is updated information relevant to the municipality. Stormwater runoff from impermeable surfaces in developments shall be managed in any one or more of the following ways to the satisfaction of the local government: soakwells; stormwater detention basins; rainwater tanks; infiltration basins and infiltration trenches; diversion or catch drains across a slope to convey runoff at a non-erosive velocity and to divert runoff from upslope areas around the site of a disturbance or an area at risk of erosion; installation of barriers positioned so as to intercept runoff and sediment; installation of a sediment fences to reduce runoff velocities and cause the deposition of silt; swales; rain gardens; planting of continuous vegetated buffers; and any other method identified as being acceptable for controlling stormwater runoff to the satisfaction of the local government. On-site stormwater detention storage areas must be located: in an appropriate location, generally in or near the lowest point of the site; so as to collect runoff from all roofed and impervious areas; SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 31 clear of any surface flow path conveying stormwater runoff from adjoining land. If overland flow from adjoining properties will enter the detention system then this flow should address the 1 in 100 year ARI event and conveyed by suitable means to bypass the detention system. Alternatively the detention system can be enlarged to cater for the additional catchment area; as part of the overall development scheme for the site; so that pedestrian movements will be clear of the top water level for storms up to the 1 in 1 year ARI event; on common property in the case of development within strata title schemes. Below ground storage can be provided under private courtyards provided that the surcharge point from the storage area and the primary means of access for maintenance is clearly provided from common property; to ensure that no upstream pits have grate levels lower than the detention top water level; and so that access to the system is readily available and not via any enclosed structures. Detention/retention may be achieved in clayey sites or where high groundwater exists by use of infiltration basins and infiltration trenches with associated trickle feed/outlets, appropriate fill and/or sub-soil drainage systems. Vegetated basins for storing events greater than 1 in 1 year ARI event, 1 hour should have batters no steeper than 1:6 and have operational water depth not exceeding 0.9 metre. All above ground storage should generally be integrated into landscaping areas which are to be appropriately vegetated. The local government encourages appropriate native species. Soakwells Soakwells should be provided and maintained for impervious areas including car parks, driveways and roofs. The collection points and soakwells should be located so as to minimise the amount of run-off entering the road reserve. Soakwells should be provided at the minimum rate of storage to address the impervious area. Runoff should be collected and conveyed in an above ground system with a grated overflow entry to the soakwell (enabling first flush sediments to settle out reducing maintenance needs of soakwells). If the soakwells have become inoperative, in the opinion of the local government, the property owner is to undertake such maintenance as directed. Additional requirements are set out in Appendix 2. Property drainage All premises should be provided with gutters, downpipes or other associated drainage features to ensure effective stormwater disposal away from buildings and other impervious surfaces. Stormwater management systems should be designed to avoid the potential for erosion, damage or any other defects to the property or adjoining properties caused by stormwater. All stormwater systems should ensure that stormwater is SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 32 adequately detained and ideally retained on the lot at least for 1 in 1 year ARI storm event, 1 hour average stormwater event. Where local government approval is required for property drainage systems, the local government will require details of the work proposed including the locations, size, grade and class of all pipes proposed, as well as the position of all pits, together with existing and proposed structures, trees, overland flow paths and existing and proposed impervious areas. Applying to the local government for connection to the stormwater system Where stormwater cannot be retained on site, the local government will consider connections where justified by the proponent and where there is capacity in the stormwater system to manage peak flows. Connections to the local the requirements of Appendix 3. All applications are to be accompanied with a refundable bond as set out i Fees and Charge to ensure the approved work is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. For new development, this will form part of the Building Permit process. Stormwater Drainage Plan A Stormwater Drainage Plan is generally required for infiltration and conveyance systems seeking development approval. The Stormwater Drainage Plan must demonstrate the appropriateness of the proposed drainage system within the site and as relevant the proposed connection to the local gover A Stormwater Drainage Plan must contain sufficient information to assess whether the proposed stormwater management system is feasible, both within the site and as relevant in its connection to the local government stormwater system, and will function as designed. Where a Stormwater Drainage Plan is required by the local government, the plan should provide the information set out in Appendix 4 unless varied by the local government. Nothing in this Policy prevents a proponent carrying out a Stormwater Drainage Plan that demonstrates drainage of the development by alternative means. Preparation of a Stormwater Drainage Plan should be in accordance with a brief approved by the local government and shall generally be carried out by a professional engineer experienced in drainage design. Related Policies LPP 3 Urban Drainage Contribution LPP 6 Development in Flood Affected Areas LPP 15 Buildings and Structures in and near Drainage Easements LPP 17 Stormwater Management LPP 18 Cut, Fill and Retaining Walls SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 33 Related Procedures and Documents Delegation Level Chief Executive Officer, Works Manager, Principal Environmental Health Officer/Building Surveyor Adopted 19 August 2014 Appendix 1 Rainfall intensity for Perth (applies to the Shire of Boddington) SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 34 Appendix 2 - Standard Requirements for Soakwells and On-site Detention The following outlines minimum requirements for soakwells and on-site detention for new developments. The purpose of these requirements is to prevent increased stormwater run-off entering the local government stormwater system causing overloading and flooding. The local government will have regard to rainfall intensity which will be in accordance with accepted guidelines or information relevant to the district. Where there is no available stormwater system to connect to, proponents will generally need to provide 1m3 of on-site storage for every 100m2 of impervious surface, which is the total of all roofs, paving and driveways. As a guide a 900mm x 900mm soakwell will hold about 0.5m3. Where a stormwater connection system is available, the landowner is required to provide a silt trap on the property side of the connection point (see diagram below). Gutters and downpipes need an overflow relief in the event of a blockage in the stormwater system. The gutter may be designed to prevent flooding, and downpipes should not be directly connected to the stormwater pipes below ground, without some means of escape. Sub soil drains are required to be connected to the stormwater disposal system. These pipes need to work efficiently for the structural integrity of dwellings, so maintenance is essential. Paving around the dwelling should be a minimum 50mm below the house or building floor level and slope down a minimum 25mm in the first metre away from the building. Some paving areas may also need to be connected to a drainage system, depending on the landscape Driveways that fall towards the street need to have a stormwater grate at the edge of the property to catch the run off. Commercial (includes retail, industry and tourist developments) Commercial developments need to manage stormwater on site. Because of the generally large areas of impervious surface, the design of the system will usually need to be slowly released to the street system where available, through a slow release silt trap. The design would usually require a professional consultant or engineer. All storm water pipes from private property that have been approved to discharge into local government stormwater system must be connected via a storm water grate as detailed below: SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 35 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 36 Appendix 3 Stormwater System All drainage works connecting to the local government stormwater system (open or piped) must be designed and constructed so that: stormwater flows are controlled to recognised best practice limits; stormwater infrastructure will withstand expected traffic loads; and stormwater infrastructure will not impede other uses of public land (e.g. access to adjoining properties, other service authority etc.). The piped property drainage system is to capture and convey to a lawful point of discharge stormwater runoff from the following areas of the development site: impervious areas including roofs, paved areas and driveways; areas subject to changes to natural ground level including cut or filled areas; and areas where the natural or pre-development overland flow regime is disrupted to the potential detriment of an adjoining property. Carrying out of the development must not introduce, impede or divert stormwater runoff in such a manner as to increase the rate or concentration of stormwater flow across a boundary onto adjoining private property. Any proposed flow onto adjoining properties is only permissible where an easement is secured and if it can be managed so as to not exceed predevelopment flow rates and concentrations. Piped systems shall meet the minimum pipe diameter, cover and gradient criteria specified in the current relevant Australian Standard. Such systems shall be designed so that any overflows will not pond against, or enter into buildings. Unless otherwise agreed to by the local government, the following is to be designed, constructed and suitably maintained: a throttled direct lot connection; a 100mm diameter pipe; at the inlet a 90° elbow with an open ended perforated riser should be used (enabling discharge flows to mimic pre-development flows); a silt trap must be included at the entry point with access for maintenance; connections to piped minor conveyance systems must be to or in close proximity to a manhole in the minor conveyance system to facilitate maintenance; and if no manhole exists in close proximity the proponent is responsible for installing a manhole to local government specifications. Drainage connections may be to an inlet pit/well liner or pipeline in the street verge. They may can also be made to a drainage reserve or easement through private property provided the requisite approvals are acquired. Any drainage pipe connecting from private property into a local government controlled piped drainage system will require the installation of a manhole/silt trap to be situated and built any silt or debris from entering the pipeline system. The local government shall allow a private drain pipe connection to be cut into the existing kerbing of a street to allow the water to drain down the kerb face if the pipe is of a small diameter (approximately 90mm) and the connection makes use of a standard commercial shaped drainage fitting to match the kerb profile. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 37 Overflow connections from soakwells should be made from the final soakwell of the private drainage system. A trapped manhole should be placed at the boundary of the lot prior to All connections should have a trapped manhole placed at the boundary of the lot prior to All connections should have a provision for an overflow. Overflows should be located to allow stormwater to flow overland to the street without entering buildings. Connections should only be made to manholes. No direct connections to pipes should be permitted. Where a new manhole is required, it should be approved by the local government and constructed at the proponents cost. Connections may be constructed by the proponent or by the local government at the Where the proponent makes connections, the proponent is required to have a road-opening permit prior to commencing work and to comply with requirements for works in road reserves. A Traffic Management Plan may be required in this circumstance. Connections should be smoothly and neatly grouted. Maintenance of connections is the responsibility of the landowner. The local government accepts no responsibility for any maintenance costs or damages arising through lack of maintenance of the connection, backflow prevention or overflow provisions. The local government may require pollution control facilities to be installed to remove Pollution control is required on connections from car parks and paved areas in commercial, industrial, light industry and mixed business areas. Pollution control facilities and devices should be selected and designed to suit the site and should be approved by the local government. There are various other services on the road reserve, e.g. power, water supply, sewer, telephone cables etc. Whoever installs the private drainage connection is totally responsible for checking the location of these services and for any liability if damage is done to them. The local government is not responsible for damage done to private drainage pipes on street verges by other groups, individuals or service authorities. If the drainage plumber or builder declines to make good any lack in meeting local s requirements, then local government shall retain the bond and use its own staff to complete the works. not accept any liability for any damage or failure of the silt trap. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 38 Appendix 4 - Stormwater Drainage Plan The Stormwater Drainage Plan is to be in accordance to the Policy to include plans, diagrams and information showing: the proposed method of stormwater disposal and sufficient design level information to demonstrate that the proposed system will drain; plan of the site showing location, size and levels of soakwells, pipes and other drainage features; any constraints such as trees, services, structures and easements that may affect the viability of the drainage or on-site detention/retention system; existing ground levels or contours; proposed location and levels of roofs, driveways, parking and other paved or sealed areas; including size, level and location; a table showing volume calculations, including lot area, impermeable area, minimum soakwell volume required; and construction details for soakwells, other stormwater structures and any proposed connections to the local The local government may also require the following information, as applicable: detailed engineering drawings; location, layout and dimensions for all stormwater management structures and measures; all information and specifications necessary to enable the stormwater management existing and proposed finished surface contours at relevant intervals (i.e. 0.1 metre for flat sites to 1.0 metre for sloping sites) and spot levels; proposed and existing building locations and floor levels; street levels including gutter and kerb heights and levels; proposed infiltration measures (e.g. soakage trenches, swales, landscaping, permeable pavements, etc.); proposed discharge points to the local government stormwater system (show levels at these locations); any surface flow paths or flood-affected areas; vertical information sufficient to assess the impact of runoff from adjacent properties and demonstration that existing surface flows on adjacent properties will not be altered as a result of the proposed development; location, extent, depth, volume and maximum storage level of each on-site detention storage; location and details of each discharge control device; orifice plate dimensions and centreline levels; pit locations, dimensions and levels (surface and invert) and pipe inverts and grades; location and levels of internal drainage system; levels and locations of the discharge points for each storage; cross sections through storages, orifice pits and tanks as necessary; structural details (including reinforcing where applicable); a maintenance schedule that clearly and simply sets out the routine maintenance; and justification that the proposed design measures will not cause adverse stormwater impacts on adjoining properties. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 102/14 19/08/2014 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 39 07.2 BUSINESS SIGNS PROVISION OF Policy Statement: That Council will permit requests for business to erect white on blue directional signs showing the location of their business subject to: 1. 2. The business paying for the cost of the signs, including any poles brackets; The business paying for the cost of Council staff to erect the sign. Objective: 1. 2. To establish a direction concerning how the costs shall be shared between the applicant and the Shire. To remove the necessity for each application to be referred to Council. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 07.6 59/05 19/04/2005 GRADING OF DRIVEWAYS Policy Statement: Council will recover the full private works charge for the grading of all private property, including driveways. Guideline: Council may restrict the completion of such private works to only when the grader is operating in close proximity to the work is required. Objective: To have Council recover the cost of private works and compete fairly with local contractors. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 07.7 144/10 31/08/2010 GRAVEL ROYALTY Policy Statement: Council will pay a ro complete works inc kind. Council will set this royalty fee as part of the budget process. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 40 Objective: To adopt a consistent price for gravel which can be readily understood by ratepayers and staff. Resolution No: 144/10 Resolution Date: 31/08/2010 07.8 REHABILITATION OF GRAVEL PITS Policy Statement: Council shall rehabilitate Council established gravel pits, which are no longer suitable for use. Council will rehabilitate gravel pits over several years if necessary to spread the cost across several accounting periods. Council's standard method for rehabilitation as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Rip the pit floor at 1 metre spacing across the contours Level/batter the pit with sides no steeper than 1 measure vertical to 4 horizontal Respread overburden Respread topsoil Cross rip at 1 metre spacing along the contours Respread stockpiled vegetation Reseed and replant if necessary Fence to exclude grazing stock if applicable Objective: Council is concerned with the need to rehabilitate gravel pits that have been subjected to the removal of vegetation to extract the resource, however it is also mindful that the cost to Council may be preventative in the immediate term. Therefore the cost may need to be apportioned over several budgeting periods. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 07.11 GRAVEL FROM ROADSIDE VERGES Policy Statement: That whenever gravel is extracted from pits close to roadways, a buffer zone of natural timber/bush is left wherever possible to shield the view of the pit from the roadway. Objective: To ensure the extraction of gravel from gravel pits does not detract from the aesthetic appearance of the Shire through the destruction of natural vegetation. Resolution No: Resolution Date: N/A 20/10/1999 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 41 07.13 ACCESS TO SPECIMENS COUNCIL RESERVES TO COLLECT FLORA AND FAUNA Policy Statement: Council will consider giving access to collect seed, flora specimens and fauna in land vested in Council for non-profit groups whose activities will provide a benefit to the local area. Guidelines conditions: permission will only be granted for periods up to one year at any one time. This should not discourage applications for subsequent periods; sighting by Council of proof of current public liability insurance of at least $5 Million; adherence to DEC Guidelines on native seed collection; appropriate hygiene measures be followed at all times to prevent the spread of plant disease and weeds; all care be taken to avoid the disturbance of fauna habitat; all care be taken to avoid any disturbance that may lead to soil degradation; all staff are to wear high visibility safety vests; and any stationary vehicles are to use revolving amber flashing lights. Objective: Council manages a range of property with natural vegetation including nature reserves vested in Council and road reserves. These plants are a valuable resource and this policy seeks to gu Resolution No: Resolution Date: 199/08 5 /08/2008 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 42 07.14 GUIDELINES FOR SUBDIVISIONAL DEVELOPMENT RURAL Policy Statement: SCOPE These guidelines shall apply to the design and construction of rural subdivisions within the Shire of Boddington. These guidelines are issued for the guidance and assistance of developers and consultants, and shall not form the basis of a construction contract. GENERAL These guidelines shall be interpreted as seeing out the minimum standard of development which will be accepted by the Shire of Boddington in granting clearance of subdivision conditions imposed by the Department of Planning and Infrastructure. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT The Local Government Act provides for the following payments to be made to the Council relating to the supervision of the subdivision construction works:1. Where a subdivider engages a consulting engineer and clerk of works to design and supervise the construction of the subdivision works: one point five percent (1.5%) of the contract value of the construction and drainage. 2. Where the subdivider does not engage a consulting engineer and clerk of works: three per cent (3%). The consulting engineer who carries out the design of engineering works shall be a qualified civil engineer eligible for corporate membership of the Institute of Engineers, Australia. DESIGN DRAWING & DOCUMENTATION Prior to the construction of any subdivisional works, the developer or his consulting engineer shall submit to the Council the following documents:Road works and drainage plan Road works longitudinal and cross-sectional drawings Stormwater catchment plans Standard details Specifications for road works, drainage and other construction. All documents shall be submitted i marked up. If modifications are required, the consulting engineer shall re-submit the documents incorporating the required modifications. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 43 No construction shall commence until all documents have received approval. The consultant shall, in submitting documents for approval, allow a reasonable time for e to advise the consulting engineer of the approximate length of time required. CONSTRUCTION PHASE PRELIMINARY Prior to commencing construction, the consulting engineer shall write to the Council, advising:The name of the contractor The name of the c The timetable for construction The contract price for the works The subdivider shall also lodge with the Council, in a form acceptable to the Council, a performance/maintenance bond equal to five percent (5%) of the value of the roadworks and drainage, to be held in trust by the Council until maintenance clearance is granted. SUPERVISION The contractor shall, when not personally present on site, be represented by a competent and experienced foreman, acceptable to the Council. The consulting engineer shall be responsible to the Council for the performance of the works in accordance with these standards and the approved documents. PROGRAM OF WORKS The consulting engineer shall supply the Council with a program of works in the form of a bar chart, indicating the starting and finishing dates of each stage of the works. INSPECTIONS prior to inspections to be carried out at each of the following stages:a) Completion of earthworks/boxing out; b) After laying, but prior to backfilling stormwater pipes; c) After completion of sub-base course; d) After completion of base course; No stage of the works shall proceed until the preceding stages have been approved, including the specified testing with satisfactory results. works. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 44 SITE MEETINGS The consulting engineer shall hold site meetings on a regular basis to review the progress -eight hours notice of site meetings, and shall be issued with a copy of the minutes. TESTING Testing shall be carried out by a NATA registered laboratory in accordance with AS 1289: Methods of Testing Soils for Engineering Purposes. Copies of satisfactory test results must be obtained before proceeding to a subsequent stage of the works. Verification of satisfactory results may be obtained before proceeding to a subsequent stage of the works. FINAL INSPECTION Upon practical completion of the works the consulting engineer shall arrange for the final consulting engineer and the contractor. Upon completion of the final inspection, the consulting engineer shall issue: 1. A list of those items requiring completion prior to survey release, as agreed at the final inspection; 2. A list of those items which must be completed or repaired during the maintenance retention period. The maintenance retention period shall commence from the date of issue of the above lists, provided that the defects listed are of a minor nature. PERFORMANCE/MAINTENANCE BOND The consulting engineer shall arrange for the developer to lodge with the Council, in a form acceptable to the Council, (i.e. cash, bank guarantee), a sum not less than five per cent (5%) of the contract value of road works and drainage, as a performance/maintenance bond. The maintenance period shall be twelve months from the date of the issue of the final inspection defects list. If for some reason the subdivision is not cleared within six weeks, the maintenance period shall commence from the date Council clears the subdivision diagram of survey. The bond shall cover the following works: 1. 2. Any defects in workmanship; Any items which do not function properly due to design; SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 45 Upon expiry of the retention period, the consulting engineer shall arrange with Co Officer for an inspection of the works. On the conclusion of the inspection, the consulting engineer shall issue a list of any defects, and arrange for their repair. isfaction the drainage system. Upon granting of maintenance clearance, the Council will refund the maintenance bond and issue a letter confirming that the Council has taken over the responsibility for the works. CLEARANCES The consulting engineer shall satisfy the Council that the subdivider has complied with the relevant conditions imposed by the Department of Planning & Urban Development prior to the survey release of all or part of the subdivision. Survey release will not be granted until all of the following matters have been completed to the satisfaction of the Council:Construction of all roads and drainage; Development of the agreed standard of public open space and other reserves; 3. Creation of all easements relevant to the subdivision; 4. Creation of all reserves relevant to the subdivision; 5. Stabilisation of sand or topsoil to the satisfaction of the Council. BONDING OF CLEARANCE The Council may grant survey release on partly completed works, subject to the following conditions: The developer shall lodge with the Council a cash bond or bank guarantee for an amount of 120% of the estimated cost of outstanding works for land subdivisions; 2. Guarantees must be from a bank. Credit company or similar guarantees will not be accepted by Council; 3. Road works shall be constructed to at least finished base course level; 4. Drainage systems shall be substantially complete. DOCUMENTATION STANDARDS GENERAL All drawings submitted for approval shall be drafted in accordance with Australian Standards AS-1100 Part 101-1984 and Part 401-1984. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 46 LAYOUT DRAWINGS Except where otherwise approved, roadworks and drainage layout drawings shall be at a minimum scale of 1:500. The following information shall be shown:1. All existing roads and new roads to be constructed; 2. Road reserve widths and road widths between kerbs; 3. Lots, lot boundaries and lot numbers; 4. Easements - description and widths; 5. Horizontal curve data for roads:6. Drains:- Pipe size and class, upstream and downstream invert levels, length between the centres of pits, grade; 7. Drainage structures (pits, etc):- Type of structure and chainage measured along road centreline; 8. Existing contours and proposed contours; 9. Benchmarks and survey marks; LONGITUDINAL SECTIONS Longitudinal sections shall be drawn at a scale of 1:100 horizontally and 1:100 vertically, or larger. The following information shall be shown:1) Road centreline chainages; 2) Natural surface or existing centreline levels; 3) Design centreline levels at even 20m chainages and at chainages and at change points on vertical curves; 4) Vertical curve data, including the chainage and elevation of vertical intersection points and the length of the curve; 5) Horizontal curve data and cross fall data. CROSS SECTIONS Cross sections shall be drawn at 1:200 horizontally and 1:20 vertically, or larger. Cross sections shall show the offset from centreline and levels of the following points:1) 2) 3) 4) Road centreline; Toe and top of kerb; Any change of cross fall; Road reserve boundaries. GRADING PLANS SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 47 Where earthworks are to extend over an area lager than 33% of the site, a separate grading plan at a scale of 1:1000 shall be provided, showing existing and proposed contours. Intersection radii shall normally be 12m. The kerb return shall be designed to levels, and superelevated. Reverse superelevation around intersection radii shall not be permitted. Channelised intersections, roundabouts, slow points, entry statements and other traffic control devices shall comply with the appropriate NAASRA standards. These devices shall be detailed at a scale of 1:200 on the drawings. (Refer to section 2.4). The Council may require the provision of such devices where it deems necessary. Where subdivisional roads intersect Main Roads, the consulting engineer shall consult the Main Roads Department. EARTHWORKS a) Clearing ared of all standing timber, scrub and other vegetation, boulders, rubbish and debris, and shall include the grubbing out of all stumps, tree roots and boulders to a depth of 600 mm below the natural surface or 400 mm below the finished surface of the sub-grade, whichever is the lower. b) Topsoil Topsoil from the cleared areas shall be stripped to a Stockpiled for later respreading. c) minimum depth of 75 mm and Fill Fill shall be placed in layers not exceeding 200 mm in thickness, and shall be watered and compacted to achieve a minimum compaction of 95% maximum dry density obtained in modified maximum dry density compaction tests (A.S. 1289 E2.1-1977). Fill material shall be approved granular material free from any deleterious material and debris. SUB-GRADE a) General The entire width of the road reserve shall be cut or filled as necessary to conform with the levels given on the drawings. After excavation or filling, compacting, trimming and boxing out, the finished surface of the road sub-grade shall conform to the lines, grades, shape and dimensions shown on the Drawings. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 48 Any surplus material shall be spread on road margins to approved levels or dumped at approved sites and spread and trimmed. Additional filling, where a deficiency occurs, shall be carted to the site. Clay type of material shall be excavated to 75 mm below the sub-grade finished level and filled, compacted and trimmed to that level with laterite gravel or crushed rock to the b) Compaction Sub-grade is to be compacted to not less than 95% of the maximum dry density obtained in modified maximum dry density compaction tests (AS 1289 E2.1) to a minimum depth below the surface of 300 mm. Sub-grade to be formed to grade, cross fall etc. to ensure that an even thickness of pavement can be finally achieved. No further stage of construction to be commenced until the completed sub-grade has been inspected and approved by the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall test the sub-grade compaction using a standard Perth penetrometer. c) Alignment Tolerance The road centreline shall be located within the centre of the road reserve unless otherwise detailed on the drawings, to a tolerance of 100 mm. SUB-BASE a) General Where required the road sub-base shall be constructed of crushed rock or similar to a width as shown on the Drawings (+300 mm - 0 mm). Crushed rock or similar sheeting is to be laid in one thickness, care being taken to ensure that the sub-grade is not disturbed. b) Compaction Crushed rock or similar shall be watered to optimum moisture content and compacted by rolling to a density of not less than 95% of the maximum dry density obtained in modified maximum dry density tests (AS 1289.E2.1). The sub-base shall be cut to grade, cross fall, etc. free from local hollows and high spots. c) Testing After the sub-base has been prepared and compacted, no work is to be commenced on the base until the Superintendent is satisfied that the specified shape, compaction and course thickness has been achieved. BASE COURSE SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 49 General The base course shall be constructed to the width as shown on the drawings and shall consist of either 200 mm rock base or laterite gravel as per the following specifications: i) GRAVEL ia) General A gravel base course shall consist of a combination of soil binder, sand and laterite gravel and shall conform with this specification. It shall be free of vegetable matter and lumps or balls of clay and shall not contain excessive quantities of pyrites or other foreign substances. ib) Properties Coarse aggregate retained on a 2.36mm sieve shall consist of hard, durable particles or fragments of gravel. Materials that break up when alternatively frozen and thawed or wetted and dried shall not be used. Coarse aggregate shall have Abrasion Test of not more than 45. a percentage wear by the Los Angeles Fine aggregate passing a 2.36mm sieve shall consist of natural or crushed sand and fine mineral particles passing the 0.065mm sieve. The ratio of the portion passing the 0.075mm sieve to the portion passing 0.425mm sieve shall fall within the range 40 60% The portion of the sample which passes the 0.425mm sieve (soil mortar) shall conform to the following requirements when tested in accordance with AS 1289: Methods of Testing Soils for Engineering Purposes: Plastic limit shall not exceed Liquid limit shall not exceed Plasticity Index shall not exceed Linear Shrinkage shall not exceed Dry Compressive Strength shall not be less than Dust ratio shall not exceed 20 25 5 1% 1.75 MPa 0.67 ic) Grading The grading of the gravel shall conform to the following requirements: Sieve Size (Square opening AS Sieve) 19mm 4.75mm 2.36mm 0.425mm Percent by Weight Passing 100% 45 65% 30 50% 12 30% SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 50 0.075mm 0 - 12% ii) FINE CRUSHED ROCK (ROADBASE) iia) General Crushed rock material shall be quarried from an approved source and shall consist of quartzite, granite, diorite, ironstone or other stone of approved hardness and durability. It shall be free from clay lumps and excess organic matter or other foreign material. It shall be freshly blended prior to delivery. iib) Grading The grading of the portion passing a 19mm AS sieve shall conform to the following requirements: Sieve Size Percent by Weight (Square opening AS Sieve) Passing 19mm 100% 9.5mm 70 80% 4.75 40 65% 2.36 30 50% 0.425mm 12 30% 0.075mm 3 -12% The ratio of the portion passing the 0.075mm sieve to the portion passing 0.425mm sieve shall fall within the range of 40 60%. The portion of the total sample retained on the 19mm sieve shall not exceed 5% of the total sample. iic) Properties The portion of the sample which passes the 0.425mm sieve (soil mortar) shall conform to the following requirements when tested in accordance with AS 1289: Methods of testing soil for Engineering Purposes: Plastic limit shall not exceed Liquid limit shall not exceed Plasticity Index shall not exceed Linear Shrinkage shall not exceed Dry Compressive Strength shall not be less than Dust ratio shall not exceed 20 25 5 1% 1.75 MPa 0.67 The base course material shall be placed so that the sub-base, (when a sub-base has been specified), is not disturbed and broken up and that an even thickness is obtained. b) Compaction SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 51 The base shall be watered, compacted and cut to grade and cross fall as noted on the drawings. Compaction shall be to not less than 98% of the maximum dry density obtained in modified maximum dry density compaction tests. (AS 1289.E2.1). c) Testing After the base has been prepared and compacted, no priming shall be commenced until the Superintendent is satisfied that the specified shape, compaction and course thickness of the base has been achieved. VERGES In general, verges shall be graded from the back of kerb to the road reserve boundary at a uniform 2% slope. Where the cross fall of the road reserve is such as to render this impractical, the verge may be graded at 2% for 3m from the back of kerb, then at a maximum grade of 1 in 6 extending 7.5m into the lot. Verges shall be graded to a smooth even surface, and compacted to 92% MDD. RURAL ROADS DEFINITION "Rural Roads" shall comprise all roads in Rural, Special Rural, and (where so agreed by Council) Special Residential developments. The road hierarchy for rural roads shall comprise the following classifications: Freeway/main road/arterial; Collector; Access road; This policy shall deal with Collector and Access roads only. Pavement width COLLECTOR ROAD 7.4 metres min Shoulder Road Reserve Designs Speed 1.2m min 25m min 80 km/h ACCESS ROAD 6.0 min (cul-de-sac) 6.0m min (loop road) 1.2m min 20m min 60 km/h In all cases, road reserve width must be sufficient to provide for both overhead power and underground services. Power poles shall be located at least 2.5 metres from the invert of the drain on the property boundary side. Additional consideration shall be given to widening road reserves in areas of deep cut or fill to contain the earthworks within the reserve. VERTICAL GEOMETRY (Rural Roads) SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 52 The maximum desirable grade is 10% (16% absolute maximum with special approval). The minimum permissible grade is 0.5%, but roads should not be graded flatter than 0.6% unless absolutely necessary. Vertical curves shall be provided at all changes of grade in excess of 1.0%. Vertical curve length and "k" values k=L/(GI-G2) Shall be determined in accordance with the design speed adopted. The design speed for sight distance shall be as follows:CLASSIFICATION Collector Roads Access Roads DESIGN SPEED 80 km/h 60 km/h Stopping sight distance to a 0.2m object at the design speed shall be provided at curves and crests. Combinations of horizontal and vertical curves shall be carefully designed and checked to ensure that hazardous situations are not created. Good design form is required. Where possible, the length of vertical curves shall be an even multiple of 20m, and the start and finish points should fall on even 10 metre stations. INTERSECTIONS The vertical curve or curves at an intersection shall end at or before the pavement edge of the through road. Intersection radii shall normally be 12m. Intersections shall be kerbed with semimountable kerb. The kerb return shall be kerbed with semi-mountable kerb. The kerb return shall be designed to levels, and superelevated. Reverse superelevation around intersection radii shall not be permitted. Channelised intersections, roundabouts, slow points, entry statements and other traffic control devices shall comply with the appropriate NAASRA standards. These devices shall be detailed at a scale of 1:200 on the drawings, (refer to section 2.4). Council may require the provision of such devices where it deems necessary. Where subdivisional roads intersect Main Roads, the consulting engineer shall consult the Main Roads Department. Street nameplates shall be erected at intersections and provision shall be made for a nameplate for each road. For Collector Roads the width of nameplate is to be 200 mm. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 53 For Access Roads the width of nameplate is to be 150 mm. GENERAL CRITERIA (Rural Roads) Cross fall: The maximum cross fall for cut or fill in reserve shall be 1 in 3 (cut) and 1 in 4 (fill) respectively. Lot Access: The grade of the access way to each lot shall not exceed 10%. In extreme circumstances, the Council's Officer may approve a grade up to 16.66% absolute maximum. Cul-de-sac: Cul-de-sac heads shall have a minimum 9.0 metre radius measured to edge of seal, plus 1.2 metre shoulders. PAVEMENT FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 54 Pavements shall generally consist of the following: CLASSIFICATION Collector Roads Access Roads PAVEMENT 200 mm rock base @ 98% MDD 200 mm rock base @ 98% MDD RUNOFF CALCULATION Runoff shall be calculated according to the "rational method" as detailed in "Australian Rainfall and Runoff" (Institution of Engineer, Australia). Rainfall intensity/ frequency/duration data shall be taken from the table in Appendix A. The following criteria shall apply:1) Pipe work shall be designed to transmit a once in 5 year storm. 2) The runoff from a once in 100 year storm shall be contained within the road reserves and drainage system, or have an overflow into adjacent POS capable of containing the 100 year storm event. 3) In sandy areas, the coefficient of runoff may be taken as 80% of the area of road reserves, with no allowance for runoff from adjacent lots. In clay or rocky areas, allowance for runoff from lots. In steep sandy areas, where required by the Council's Officer, allowance shall also be made for runoff from lots. For commercial and industrial sites, and medium to high density residential sites, the coefficient shall be 90%. SPECIAL RURAL/RURAL AREAS Where lot sizes are 2.0 hectares or less and rural type roads are permitted, the consulting engineer shall prepare a comprehensive drainage scheme for the whole development. The scheme shall provide storage for a 100 year storm event, in a form acceptable to the Council. The scheme shall take into account potential erosion in steep areas. Where discharge is required at intervals to control erosion, easements shall be provided into adjoining lots to dissipate the runoff. It is strongly recommended that the consulting engineer consult with Council's Officer's prior to commencing engineering design of roads and drainage in special rural areas. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 55 DUST CONTROL GENERAL All disturbed ground shall be treated so as to prevent the generation of dust or sand drift. Where service authorities or later sub-contractors disturb the dust control treatment, the developer shall be responsible for its reinstatement. The following specific conditions shall apply: 1) The developer shall comply totally with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in respect of dust control for subdivision developments. The Environmental Protection Authority Pollution Control Section has issued "Guidelines for Assessment and Control of Dust and Wind Borne Material." Copies of this document are available from the Environmental Protection Authority. A Site Classification Assessment Chart including site plans is to be forwarded to the City prior to the commencement of any works. 2) The developer shall lodge with the Council a bank guarantee or cash bond of the amount of $0.25 per square metre of the subdivision prior to the commencement of any works. The Council may utilise all or part of the bond to control sand drift or dust nuisance if the developer fails to do so within a reasonable time of being required by the Council's Officer. The Council will refund the bond less any expenses when the whole of the area has been satisfactory revegetated and stabilised; 3) Development work shall be undertaken in such a manner that a minimum amount of ground is disturbed at any one time; 4) The developer shall comply with any specific condition regarding sand drift nuisance that may be imposed by the Council as being considered appropriate to a particular subdivision. 5) The developer shall forthwith cover any affected areas with a mulch solution acceptable to the Council's Officer, if any sand drift or dust nuisance arises; 6) Notwithstanding any other remedy available to it; the Council may withdraw the development approval and effect an immediate order to have the development area stabilised to the satisfaction of the Council's Office if the developer fails to effectively comply within a specified time of any requirement under this section. Objective: SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 56 To provide guidelines to be observed when considering rural subdivision development applications. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 221/08 02/09/08 8. PLANT 08.2 USE OF COUNCIL PLANT BY ORGANISATIONS Policy Statement: Council will permit the use of Council plant to be used for no cost the purposes of local non-profit organisations subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. that the plant is only to be operated by a suitably trained and experienced Council employee; that the plant is available and is not required by Council for any other purpose. Council will not transport plant for this purpose; that the local non-profit organisation has sought written permission seven days in advance; and that the use does not continue for longer than six hours. Objective: To establish a guideline for the use of Council Plant by non-profit organisations. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 57 9. FINANCE 09.2 DEPRECIATION RATES Policy Statement: That Council adopt the following depreciation rates, be ratified: Buildings Furniture and Equipment Plant & Equipment Sealed Roads and Streets o Clearing and eathrworks Not depreciated o Construction/Road Base 50 Years o Orginal surfacing and major re-surfacing o Bituminour seals 12 Years o Asphalt surfaces 20 years 40-50 years 5-12 years 5-15 years Gravel Roads o Clearing and earthworks o Construction/Road Base o Gravel Sheet Not depreciated 50 Years 7 Years Formed Roads o Clearing and earthworks o Construction/Road Base Footpaths Slab Not depreciated 50 Years. 20 Years Sewerage Piping 75 Years Water Supply Piping and Drainage systems 75 years That Council only capitalises assets with the following values: Buildings Plant & Equipment Office Furniture Office Equipment Tools Drainage systems Dual Use Paths $3,000 $3,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $3,000 $3,000 Objective: To establish depreciation rates for determining depreciation values for inclusion in the Annual Statements. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 58 09.3 LONG SERVICE LEAVE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Policy Statement: leave at balance date. Long service leave is accrued in respect of all employees from their date of commencement with the Shire. The assessed liability is calculated as follows: 0 1 years 1 2 years 2 3 years 3 4 years 4 5 years 5 6 years 6 7 years 7 plus years 10% 15% 25% 40% 60% 80% 90% 100% bligation should be 100% cash backed at all times. Objective: To establish how the Provision for Long Service Leave shall be determined for inclusion in the Annual Statements of the Shire and to ensure sufficient funds are available to meet commitments. . Resolution No: Resolution Date: 09.5 59/05 19/04/2005 INVESTMENT OF SURPLUS FUNDS Policy Statement: In accordance with Section 19 Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations ategy is as follows: 1. Funds surplus to immediate requirements shall be deposited into an authorised institution. 2. Transactions shall be performed via NAB Connect with authorised officers signing the original copy of the audit trail. Prudent Person Standard The investment will be managed with the care, diligence and skill that a prudent person would exercise. Officers are to manage the investment portfolios to safeguard the portfolios in accordance with the spirit of this Investment of Funds Policy, and not for speculative purposes. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 59 Approved Investments Investments may only be made with authorised institutions. 1. An authorised deposit-taking institution as defined in the Banking Act 1959 (Commonwealth) section 5; or 2. The Western Australian Treasury Corporation established by the Western Australian Treasury Corporation Act 1986. Prohibited Investments Investments which are not allowed are as follows: Deposits with an institution except an authorised institution; Deposits for a fixed term of more than 12 months; Bonds that are not guaranteed by the Commonwealth Government, or a State or Territory Government; Bonds with a term to maturity of more than 3 years; Foreign currency. Risk Management Guidelines Investments are restricted to bank investments only. The term of the investment will be based on forward cash flow requirements to ensure investment return on available surplus funds. Reporting and Review A report on the investments will be included on the monthly Bank Reconciliation presented to Council, detailing which institution the investment is lodged with, the interest rate and the date of maturity. Documentary evidence must be held for each investment and details thereof maintained in an Investment Register. Certificates must be obtained from the financial institutions confirming the amounts of Investment Register. Objective: To favourable rate of interest available to it at the time, for that investment type, while ensuring that its liquidity requirements are being met. To support the local bank, where possible, with the intention of ensuring the bank is retained within the Shire. Resolution Resolution Date: No:143/12 18/09/2012 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 60 09.7 PETTY CASH Policy Statement: That the following cash limits are set: 1. 2. 3. 4. Petty Cash Cash Register Float Pool Float Caravan Park Float $200 $200 $100 $100 Objective: To establish the levels of cash to be kept for minor purchases and transactions. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 09.8 Policy Statement: Financial support for not for profit local services, community groups and sporting organisations in the form of Local Organisation Assistance Funding (LOAF), which shall be on a one third (LOAF)/two thirds (applicant) basis. LOAF to contribute up to one third of the application to a maximum of $1,500 per financial year per applicant. LOAF applications will be accepted three times a year by the Shire, ranked and submitted to Council for approval, with closing dates being 31st March, 31st July and 30th November. The Applicant to contribute: a) b) In-Kind works of up to one third of the application may be considered by Council as part of the applicant contribution. c) b), in cash. Eligible Applications: Capital projects that have an anticipated life span of over 5 years, and/or Events that are open to participation of the community as a whole. Applicants may be granted more than one LOAF application within a financial year but these are not to exceed $1,500.00 in total. Non Eligible applications: consumables, general maintenance, disposable items, and/or retrospective funding SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 61 of LOAF Application: Applicants for assistance from the Fund shall complete the LOAF application form, and submit the application to Council prior to the cut off dates for intakes. Acquittal: At the project completion a LOAF acquittal form must be completed to finalise the funding agreement. Projects must be completed within 12 months of funding being granted. Acquittals must be lodged with the Shire within 3 months of the event/project being completed, failure to do so will result in monies not being paid, and may restrict the group from applying for future funding. Objective: To establish guidelines for the distribution of funds received from the annual lease payments received from the Boddington Community Club, to local service and sporting organisations. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 09.9 88/14 15/07/2014 RATE COLLECTION Policy Statement: The procedure for the collection of unpaid rates shall be as follows: 1. 2. At the expiration of 35 days from the date of the original rate notice a final notice be forwarded to all rate debtors advising that they have missed the deadline to select a payment option, and accordingly rates are now overdue and attract penalty interest at the rate endorsed by Council when adopting the Annual Budget. An application completion and return within three weeks. At the expiration of three weeks all rate debtors that have not selected a payment Collectors. 3. The Chief Executive Officer is given authority to approve written payment agreements for outstanding rates and service charges. Objective: To establish a procedure to obtain outstanding rates from rate debtors. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 09.10 SUNDRY DEBTORS COLLECTION Policy Statement: SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 62 The procedure for collecting unpaid accounts shall be as follows: 1. An invoice shall be posted within 28 days of debt being incurred and payment is due within 21 days of invoice date. 2. A statement shall be forwarded to all outstanding debtors whose account has 3. Then a statement shall be forwarded to all outstanding debtors whose account has exceeded the 60 day trading term 4. At the expiration of the 90 day period outstanding debtors shall be referred to debt collection costs associated with the debt collection process. The Chief Executive Officer is given authority to approve written payment agreements for outstanding sundry debtors. Objective: To establish a procedure to observe in relation to outstanding debts. Resolution No. Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 09.13 PURPOSE & FUNDING OF RESERVE ACCOUNTS Policy Statement: The following Reserve Accounts shall be maintained by Council and shall be for the purpose indicated and funded as detailed: PLANT REPLACEMENT RESERVE PURPOSE: Purchase of new or secondPlant Replacement Policy. FUNDING: depreciation on road works.). LEAVE RESERVE PURPOSE: Funding of employees Annual & Long Service Leave entitlement. FUNDING: Annual and Long Service Leave Liability and Long Service Leave Reserve is to be equal i.e. Reserve fully cash backed. Transfers to effect this to be carried out by 30 June each year. LOCAL ORGANISATION ASSISTANCE (RESERVE) FUND (LOAF) SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 63 PURPOSE: Funding of local organisations projects with Council contributing one third of the total cost of the project up to a maximum of $1,500. FUNDING: Transfer from the Municipal Fund an amount equal to the annual lease payable by the Boddington Community Club. REFUSE SITE RESERVE FUND PURPOSE: To establish a new Refuse Disposal Site and to rehabilitate the former Refuse Disposal Site off River Road. FUNDING: Transfer from the Municipal Fund the net surplus of refuse site income less maintenance and capital expenditure. AGED HOUSING RESERVE PURPOSE: Funding of Aged Housing. FUNDING: Transfer from the Municipal Fund the net surplus of rent invoices less maintenance expenditure. BODDINGTON CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS RESERVE PURPOSE: To accumulate funds for the purpose of organising centenary celebrations of the settlement of Boddington in 2012. FUNDING: Council has resolved to transfer an amount from the Municipal Fund to this Reserve Fund annually to reduce the impost on ratepayers of funding celebrations from BDHS RESOURCE SHARING RESERVE FUND PURPOSE: This Reserve Fund accumulates funds in return for the Boddington District High School sharing the Netball/Basketball and Tennis Courts. The funds are to be used to resurface the courts, re-fence or repair the facilities. FUNDING: Funds from the Education Department are deposited in this Reserve Fund RIVER CROSSING RESERVE FUND PURPOSE: This Reserve Fund accumulates funds to allow the ongoing upgrading and refurbishment of River Crossings as decided by Council. FUNDING: Council will annually allocate 20% of the cost of a River Crossing in budget years when no river crossings are constructed. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 64 09.15 TRAINING AND TEMPORARY REIMBURSEMENT STAFF/CONSULTANT ACCOMMODATION Policy Statement: If a staff member is to attend a training course or has work commitments outside of the Shire of Boddington and accommodation is required to be arranged, the staff member is to have the option of staying in hotel accommodation or with friends/ family. If the staff member prefers to stay with family/ friends then that staff member is to be paid $50 per night to help reimburse the person providing the accommodation. This is to be paid to the staff member as an allowance after approval from the CEO is sought. Council currently employs consultants to provide professional services. If these consultants are required to stay in Boddington overnight and are housed in a staff be paid as an allowance to the staff member after approval has been sought from the CEO. The reimbursement shall also be paid where temporary staff are accommodated by a staff member. Objective: To reduce the cost of staff accommodation whilst attending training courses and to reduce the cost of accommodating Coun may be employed. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 09.16 RATES DISCOUNT Policy Statement: That Council gives a rate discount for rates paid before the close of business on the due date. Guidelines: A discount on rates will be given in the following circumstances; 1. Payments by cheque, cash, eftpos or credit card received and receipted before close of business on the due date; 2. BPAY payments merchant; and processed before close of business on the due date by the 3. of business on the due date. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 65 is 4.30 pm. Objectives To provide an incentive for ratepayers to pay their rates in full by the due date. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 09.17 ISSUE AND USE OF CORPORATE CREDIT CARDS ate Credit Card Policy is to establish cards. The policy ensures that operational and administrative costs and the risks associated with credit card use are minimised while providing cardholders with a convenient method of purchasing goods and services on behalf of the Shire. Authority for Use of Corporate Credit Cards Shire of Boddington Corporate Credit Cards may be used where it is inappropriate or inconveni Authority for Approval of Corporate Credit Cards The Chief Executive Officer will approve the issue of all credit cards and any change to credit card limits for any credit cards issued to Council officers. The Local Government Act 1995 does not allow for the issue of Credit Cards to elected members of Local Governments. Approved Bankers ards are to be issued by its transactional banker. Purchases and Use of Corporate Credit Cards in the performance of official duties for which there is a budget provision. Under no circumstances are they to be used for personal or private purposes or for the withdrawal of cash through a bank branch or any automatic teller machine. Where purchases are made by facsimile, over the telephone or on the internet, an invoice should be requested to support the purchase. If no invoice or receipt is available, as much detail about the transaction should be recorded and used to support the payment when required. (Date, Company, Address, ABN, amount, any GST included). SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 66 Where a payment is made for entertainment, it is important to note on the invoice/receipt employees in that number. Accounts and Settlement The provider of the credit card will supply the Finance area with a statement of account each month. The monthly statement of account from the provider of the corporate credit card will be forwarded to each cardholder for certification and for the supply of receipts and tax invoices to support obtained. Cardholders are to certify that the account details are correct but must have their supervisors approve the expenses by signing the statement before it is returned to Finance area for payment. A credit card transaction slip is not acceptable to support the claim. A tax invoice should provide a brief description of the goods and services supplied along with the suppliers ABN. The cardholder is to provide the relevant or correct expense account for the expenditure. end of the credit cards settlement period. Card Lost or Stolen Cards that are lost or stolen must be reported immediately by the cardholder to the issuing banker by telephone. At the earliest opportunity, written notification must also be given to the Finance Manager. Misuse of Corporate Credit Cards Cards which show unreasonable, excessive or unauthorised expenditure will be subject to audit and may result in the withdrawal of the card from the cardholder. Recovery of Unauthorised Expenditure Unauthorised expenditure or expenditure of a private nature that is proved to be inappropriate will be recovered by deductions from the officer's salary. Internal Audit of the Corporate Credit Card System From time to time an internal audit will provide a report on the control, use, viability and adherence to authorised policy and procedures to the Finance Manager. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 67 Reward/Bonus Points Where the Corporate Cards carry rewards or bonus points, usually to encourage the use of the card by the issuing institution, these rewards or points will be accumulated in the how these points are to be utilised. Under no circumstances are rewards or bonus points to be Return of Cards When the Chief Executive Officer or other Officer cease to occupy a position that is authorised to be issued with a corporate credit card (either through internal transfer, retirement, resignation or conclusion of service contract) they must return the card to the Finance Manager (or in the case of the Finance Manager to the Director Corporate Services) at least one week prior to vacating the position so that the card may be cancelled and the account settled. Finance Responsibilities The Finance Manager is responsible for arranging the issue of the Corporate Credit Card on advice from the CEO. The Fi include:1. Maintain a Card Register of all cardholders. 2. Arrange the issue/cancellation of the Corporate Cards. 3. Arrange for all cardholders to sign the Card User Instruction Agreement (see Appendix A) on receipt of the new card and ensure the signed agreement is filed in the Card Register. 4. Process payment of card expenditure on receipt of the card statement from the Bank after certification from the cardholder. Ensure that all receipts and tax invoices are in place prior to authorisation for payment. 5. To keep cardholders informed of any changes to policy and procedures on the use of the Corporate Cards. Cardholders Responsibilities Officers who are issued with Corporate Cards must 1. Ensure the care and safe keeping of the card. 2. Adhere to the policy and procedures in relation to use of the card and its financial limits. 3. Ensure receipts and tax invoices are received when the card is used and to produce them as evidence for settlement with the Bank. 4. Ensure the monthly card statement is certified correct and approved for payment when received from the Finance area and return to Finance together with the receipts and tax invoices within seven (7) days of receipt. 5. Ensure relevant and correct expenditure account details (account numbers) are provided against each item of expenditure on the card statement to assist with the allocation of expenses and claims for the reimbursement of GST from the Australian Taxation Office. 6. To provide an early response to enquiries that may be made by the bank, creditors or related parties, as the case may be. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 68 Appendix A To: ___________________________ Title: __________________________ From: Finance Manager Date: __________________________ CORPORATE CARD USER INSTRUCTIONS You have been provided with a Shire of Boddington sponsored Corporate Credit Card in line with your official duties. The limit of this card is $__________. The following guidelines are provided for your information. 1. The card is issued in your name. It is a corporate card and all transactions made with it are the responsibility of the Shire of Boddington. 2. The card is to be used for official expenditure in the performance of official duties for which there is Budget provision. Under no circumstances is it to be used for personal or private purposes. 3. Being in your name, you are responsible for the care and safe keeping of the card and therefore held accountable to the Shire of Boddington for its proper use. 4. The card is not to be used to withdraw cash even for official functions. 5. Any unauthorised, excessive or unreasonable use of the card will result in an enquiry and appropriate disciplinary action. 6. When using the card, the holder is required to obtain Tax Invoices to support all purchases. A credit card statement or credit card transaction slip is not acceptable as support for purchases. (Only a Tax Invoice allows the Shire to reclaim the GST component of purchases from the Australian Taxation Office). A Tax Invoice should provide a description of the goods or services supplied, the suppliers Australian Business Number and identifies any GST component of the amount paid. 7. When a Statement of Account is provided, you are required to certify the correctness of the expenditure and return the Statement to the Finance Manager together with all supporting Tax Invoices and appropriate expense accounts to charge the costs. 8. If the card is lost or stolen, you must immediately notify the National Australia Bank Card Service Centre by phone on (insert number) (24 hour service). The Finance Manager should be notified on the next working day. 9. The card must be returned to the Finance Manager if you vacate the position either through resignation, retirement or the conclusion of the Service Contract. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 69 10. Please acknowledge the above by signing and returning this statement to the Finance Manager. __________________________ Name ________________________________ Title __________________________ Signature ________________________________ Date Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/12 18/09/2012 09.18 FACILITY HIRE CHARGES YOUTH OF BODDINGTON DISCOUNT FOR ACTIVITIES FOR THE CHILDREN/ Policy Statement: Council will provide a Council facility, normally provided on a a non-profit community group where the activity being conducted will benefit the children or youth of the Shire of Boddington condition upon: 1. the activity being provided must be providing benefit for or use by only local children; 2. the activity being provided is conducted or organised by a local community nonprofit group; 3. the activity being provided is an activity of that community non-profit group not an activity provided by someone else in conjunction with or arranged by a local community non-profit group; 4. the activity being provided is a not for profit activity. That is although a cover fee or membership may be charged, there is no profit component of that charge that will be transferred to other activities of that local community non-profit group; and 5. The activity must not require extra ordinary set up prior or cleaning before or after by the Shire of Boddington or involve any other significant cost for the Shire of Boddington. Guidelines This policy applies to charges for Council facilities including: Town Hall Hire Pavilion Hire Swimming Pool Hire Foreshore Hire Town Oval Hire School Oval Hire Boddington Health Centre Hire SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 70 In the event that an activity does not meet all the criteria included in the policy or a community group does not agree with a determination of Shire administration, Council is willing to consider submissions from these community groups. Objective: To establish a policy to: assist staff when making a judgement on the request; and result in more consistent decision making. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 170/13 17/09/2013 (Draft Policy is numbered 06.14 in Minutes but should read 09.18) SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 71 10. GENERAL 10.1 QUINDANNING PICNIC RACE DAY Policy Statement: That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to provide Council equipment and staff, to a limit of $1,500 without charge, to prepare for the annual Quindanning Picnic Race Day and to remove rubbish at the conclusion of the Race Day. Objective: To establish guidelines relating to Council assistance for the conduct of the annual Quindanning Picnic Race Day. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 10.2 59/05 19/04/2005 STREET TREES Policy Statement: That Council will supply two street trees for each property within the town sites of Boddington and Ranford. Council is to advertise in March each year for residents/property owners who wish to acquire street trees. Street trees will only be provided in May-June of each year. Persons may stipulate their preferred choice of tree, however the final decision rests with the Chief Executive Officer, depending on suitability and availability. It is the plant the trees to ensure they are planted in an appropriate position. Objective: To establish guidelines relating to the provision of street trees for the verges of private properties. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 10.3 59/05 19/04/2005 POLICY MANUAL Policy Statement: two years by Council, preferably prior to the Annual Budget being adopted after the local government regular elections. Objective: To establish a procedure for Council to review its policies annually so as to ensure the policies are relevant. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 72 Resolution No: Resolution Date: 10.4 144/10 31/08/2010 SCHOOL BUS ROUTES Policy Statement: That the Chief Executive Officer will approve any variations to school bus routes, provided the proposed route is satisfactory, without reference to Council. Objective: To provide the Chief Executive Officer with the authority to approve changes to school bus routes without reference to Council. Guideline: The Chief Executive Officer may authorise the Manager Works to provide approval. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 10.5 144/10 31/08/2010 PERMITS FOR HEAVY VEHICLES Policy Statement: That Council permits Restricted Access Vehicles, including road trains and B Doubles, to service local industry throughout the Shire of Boddington provided the roads to be used are deemed suitable and a permit has been obtained from Council prior. Council will permit the following access to roads with the Shire of Boddington Road Name Gold Mine Road South Crossman Road Crossman Dwarda Road Marradong Road Farmers Avenue Palmers Road - south of the Hotham River Assay Terrace Old Soldiers Road Lower Hotham Road Newmarket Road Crane Rise Mistletoe View Harvey Quindanning Road RAV Network Access Level 4 Level 4 Level 4 Level 4 Conditional Level 4 Conditional Level 4 Conditional Level 4 Conditional Level 3 Conditional Level 3 Conditional Level 3 Conditional Level 3 Conditional Level 3 Conditional Level 3 Conditional SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 73 Tylers Road Quindanning Darkan Road Crossman Road Lucev Road Siding Road Greys Road Chalk Brook Road Days Road Moorapulling Road Level 3 Conditional Level 3 Conditional Level 3 Conditional Level 3 Conditional Level 3 Conditional Level 3 Conditional Level 3 Conditional Level 3 Conditional Level 3 Conditional Council will impose the following conditions upon access by Restricted Access Vehicles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Local government approval required for access; No access without documentation providing proof of local access No Access during school bus times from 7.00am to 8.30am and 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm; Speed limit of 60kph on gravel roads and 80kph on sealed roads (Speed limit may change for different standard of roads); Avoid travelling on roads during periods of heavy fog. Objective: To control the use of local roads by Restricted Access Vehicles so as to limit damage to roads and to ensure the safety of road users where possible. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 10.6 42/10 16/03/2010 VOLUNTEER EMERGENCY SERVICE ORGANISATIONS Policy Statement: That Council includes funds residents who are volunteer members of LEMAC, the local State Emergency Service, St ades. Objective: To acknowledge those persons who actively participate in local voluntary emergency service organisations. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 74 10.7 SPONSORSHIP LIONS ANNUAL RODEO Policy Statement: That Council includes funds in its annual budgets as a contribution towards the annual Boddington Rodeo run by the Boddington Lions Club. Objective: To establish a direction in relation to support for the annual Rodeo so as to avoid the necessity for the matter to be considered by Council each year as an agenda item. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 10.8 144/10 31/08/2010 PRIVATE WORKS Policy Statement: That the Shire will not undertake any major private works if such private works will delay the completion of Coun Council will not seek to complete any minor private works that may infringe on the services available for purchase from local businesses. The Chief Executive Officer to have the responsibility to make the final determination on whether major private works can be accommodated by Council without causing unacceptable interruptions to the Works Programme. Objective: To allow the undertaking of major private works where the work can be accommodated so that Council may obtain unbudgeted funds for utilisation for other programmes. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 10.9 59/05 19/04/2005 AUSTRALIA DAY CITIZENSHIP AWARDS Policy Statement That Council invites nominations from organisations and individuals for 1. Citizen of the Year Awards 2. Young Citizen of the Year Award, and 3. Community Event of the Year Award during October and November each year with nominations to close annually on 30 November. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 75 Nominations Each nomination shall require the nominee to accept the nomination in writing, A minimum of 25 words must be written supporting the nomination, One winner is to be selected from each category, subject to clause iv), by a panel of five persons, which shall comprise two Councillors with the other members of the panel being drawn from the community, No Award to be presented when the judges believe the nominees are not of a sufficiently high standard to deserve the honour. The selection panel is to meet within the first two weeks of December to choose the winning nominations and the Australia Day Council is to be immediately notified of the winners once the selection is completed. Those nominees who do not win their category are to receive a Certificate of Recognition to acknowledge their achievement(s). A Certificate shall still be awarded to all nominees even though there may not be a winner in a particular category, and The Shire President, or his/her nominee who shall be the Deputy Shire President or another Councillor, shall present the awards at the Australia Day Ceremony held annually on the foreshore of the Hotham River. Objective: To establish guidelines for the conduct of the annual Australia Day Citizenship Awards. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 10.10 POLICY ON LEGAL REPRESENTATION COSTS INDEMNIFICATION Policy Statement: 1. Introduction This policy is designed to protect the interests of Council members and employees (including past members and former employees) where they become involved in civil legal proceedings because of their official functions. In most situations the local government may assist the individual in meeting reasonable expenses and any liabilities incurred in relation to those proceedings. In each case it will be necessary to determine whether assistance with legal costs and other liabilities is justified for the good government of the district. This policy applies in that respect. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 76 2. General Principles The local government may provide financial assistance to members and employees in connection with the performance of their duties provided that the member or employee has acted reasonably and has not acted illegally, dishonestly, against the interests of the local government or otherwise in bad faith. The local government may provide such assistance in the following types of legal proceedings: proceedings brought by members and employees to enable them to carry out their local government functions (eg where a member or employee seeks a restraining order against a person using threatening behaviour); proceedings brought against members or employees [this could be in relation to a decision of Council or an employee which aggrieves another person (eg refusing a development application) or where the conduct of a member or employee in carrying out his or her functions is considered detrimental to the person (eg defending defamation actions)]; and statutory or other inquiries where representation of members or employees is justified. The local government will not support any defamation actions seeking the payment of damages for individual members or employees in regard to comments or criticisms levelled at their conduct in their respective roles. Members or employees are not precluded, however, from taking their own private action. Further, the local government may seek its own advice on any aspect relating to such comments and criticisms of relevance to it. The legal services the subject of assistance under this policy will usually be provided by the local government's solicitors. Where this is not appropriate for practical reasons or because of a conflict of interest then the service may be provided by other solicitors approved by the local government. 3. Applications for Financial Assistance a) b) c) d) e) Subject to item (e), decisions as to financial assistance under this policy are to be made by the Council. A member or employee requesting financial support for legal services under this policy is to make an application in writing, where possible in advance, to the Council providing full details of the circumstances of the matter and the legal services required. An application to the Council is to be accompanied by an assessment of the request and with a recommendation which has been prepared by, or on behalf of, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). A member or employee requesting financial support for legal services, or any other person who might have a financial interest in the matter, should take care to ensure compliance with the financial interest provisions of the Local Government Act 1995. Where there is a need for the provision of urgent legal services before an application can be considered by Council, the CEO may give an authorisation to the value of $5,000 provided that the power to make such an authorisation SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 77 f) 4. has been delegated to the CEO in writing under section 5.42 of the Local Government Act 1995. Where it is the CEO who is seeking urgent financial support for legal services the Council shall deal with the application. Repayment of Assistance a) b) c) Any amount recovered by a member or employee in proceedings, whether for costs or damages, will be off set against any moneys paid or payable by the local government. Assistance will be withdrawn where the Council determines, upon legal advice, that a person has acted unreasonably, illegally, dishonestly, against the interests of the local government or otherwise in bad faith; or where information from the person is shown to have been false or misleading. Where assistance is so withdrawn, the person who obtained financial support is to repay any moneys already provided. The local government may take action to recover any such moneys in a court of competent jurisdiction. Objective: To establish guidelines concerning the provision of legal representation and cost indemnification to assist Councillors and employees facing or taking court action. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 10.11 CAMPING AT RODEO GROUNDS Policy Statement: During the annual Boddington Rodeo, Council will only permit: 1. 2. the competitors of the Boddington Rodeo and their support team be permitted to camp at the rodeo grounds, and all other users of the rodeo grounds must either camp at the caravan park or another Council authorised camping ground. Objective: To require campers to utilise the Boddington Caravan Park, which is provided for caravans and campers. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 78 10.12 BUSKING WITHIN BODDINGTON Policy Statement: That busking be allowed within Boddington subject to: 1. 2. 3. 4. buskers not obstructing footpaths; buskers not using amplification; busking being restricted to between 9.00am 5.00pm on Saturdays; and no offensive or derogatory language to be used while busking. Council can review any permits granted should problems arise during the year with a particular busker or buskers with the view to possible cancellation of the permit. Objective: To allow musicians/singers to provide entertainment for members of the public one day per week. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 10.13 TRANSPORT & DUMPING OF NUCLEAR WASTE Policy Statement: That the Shire of Boddington opposes the dumping of nuclear waste within, or the movement of nuclear waste through or over, the Shire of Boddington. Objective: To protect citizens of the community from the potential danger of a nuclear waste accident. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 10.14 BODDINGTON ARTS COUNCIL Policy Statement: That Council includes funds in its annual budget towards the acquisition of a painting exhibited by a local artist in the Annual Arts & Crafts Exhibition held by the Boddington Arts Council. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 79 Objective: to develop a collection of art by local artists. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 10.15 LOCKING OF STANDPIPES Policy Statement: That Council: 1. 2. 3. authorises the purchase of locks to lock up all standpipes within the Shire area and directs that all standpipes be locked and distribute keys for the locks to the Bush Fire Brigades and Chief and Deputy Chief Fire Control Officers. Sets a deposit fee of $50 for standpipe keys for general public use. This fee is to be refunded following the return of the key and advice of water taken, to allow invoicing. Appropriate signs be installed at each standpipe containing the relevant information for consumers Objective: To ensure appropriate access to Council standpipes to ensure that they remain available for the community. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 10.16 ENFORCEMENT POLICY Policy Statement: This policy is based on the following principles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Proportionality taking action which is reasonable and related directly to the offence; Consistency ensuring that similar issues are dealt with in the same way; Transparency making sure that what we do and why we do it is easily understood; Helpfulness working with the community to achieve compliance with the law by being approachable, courteous and efficient; and Openness by being open about the way we go about doing things. This policy does not apply where existing enforcement policies are already in place in relation to a particular law. Levels of Enforcement Action SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 80 There are a number of enforcement options available when offences are identified. Action Level 1 Advice and Guidance Council will actively work with the community to advise and assist with compliance. This will be achieved by providing information leaflets and making face to face contact. Action Level 2 Verbal Warnings These will be used to reinforce advice and guidance where the law may have been broken and formal action is inappropriate. Verbal warnings are mainly used where the issues in question have not previously been drawn to the attention of the person or in cases where it is the first offence. Action Level 3 Written Warnings These will be used when a law is broken and a verbal warning has previously been issued for the same offence. Action Level 4 Formal Enforcement A more serious approach that includes the issuing of infringement notices, payment of fees and prosecution if necessary. This level of enforcement is normally used when both verbal and written warnings have previously been issued for the same offence. Prosecution would normally only commence where no apparent action has been taken by the offender to prevent the offence from re-occurring. Under normal circumstances enforcement action will move from Level 1 through to Level totally rigid and prescriptive, there may be occasions when a person will be prosecuted immediately such as in the case of a dog attack or if the offence is otherwise considered grievous and with malintent. Considerations of Enforcement Action are not to limit resort to recovery of costs incurred as a result of a breach of a law. Nothing in this policy is to prevent the recovery of costs where such costs have been incurred as a result of: Damage to property; Impounding of property or an animal where it cannot be determined who the owner is at the time of the impounding action or reasonable efforts fail to locate the owner to have the animal placed in a secure environment; SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 81 In correcting an offence where the perpetrator cannot be within reasonable time be located and it is of a nature that for reason of public safety and amenity that requires reasonably prompt attention, or The levying of fees and charges that would be applicable to an action if it was carried out through the right channels in the first place. Recovery of costs of damage to property or recovery of impounding costs are not seen as enforcement action as canvassed by this policy. Objective: To carry out law enforcement in a fair, equitable and consistent manner. Whilst staff are expected to exercise judgment in individual cases, this policy ensures that arrangements are in place to promote consistency. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 74/08 18/03/2008 10.17 ASSISTING LOCAL SPORTSMEN & WOMEN Policy Statement: The Shire of Boddington will provide financial assistance Local Sporting Champions Grant - for local sports men and women towards the cost of travel, accommodation, uniforms or equipment when competing at an official national sporting organisation (NSO) endorsed state or national sporting competition. To be eligible to apply for a Local Sporting Champions grant, individuals and all team members must meet the following eligibility criteria: be between 12 and 21 years of age (inclusive) at the time of the nominated sporting competition; be a member of the immediate family of a resident or ratepayer of the Shire of Boddington; be participating as an athlete in an official state or national sporting competition which is endorsed by the relevant national sporting organisation (NSO) or national school sport competition. This does not include coaching or officiating at such competitions; be required to travel greater than 250km return to participate in the nominated NSO endorsed state or national sporting competition, or national school sport competition must not have been the recipient of a grant, either as an individual or a member of a team, within the year ending 30 June; must not be participating in a professional competition that involves prize money. Grants will be allocated up to a maximum amount of $1,500. It is not expected that a grant would be allocated for the total cost of the cost of travel, accommodation, uniforms or equipment, but be a contribution to that cost. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 82 Objective: Junior sportsmen and women find it difficult to meet the ongoing and significant costs associated with participation at sporting competitions, particularly sportsmen and women from regional areas. This policy seeks to assist local sportsmen and women in participating in competitions distant from the Shire of Boddington. Guidelines: Submitting an application form does not guarantee that Council will allocate a grant. Council will consider all information necessary in making a grant. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 309/08 16 December 2008 10.18 IMPOUNDING AND DISPOSAL OF ABANDONED VEHICLES Policy Statement: Council imposes the following conditions and requires the following procedures to be 1. 2. 3. If the vehicle is on private property, the owner of that property can ask Council to remove a vehicle from their property. Council will charge a fee for this service. If the vehicle is not on private property, then Council will remove the vehicle and pay for the costs of removal. The vehicle will then be relocated to our refuse site compound until Council can determine if the vehicle is abandoned. The procedure for handling abandoned vehicles is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Staff will take photograph of the vehicle has been obtained by the Ranger. Staff will search vehicle for owne chemicals etc. Staff will arrange removal within 24 hours, noting investigation number #, time and date etc. After 24 hours have passed from the sticker being placed on the vehicle window, Council will remove the vehicle to the refuse site compound. Council contact the Police to obtain authority to search for the identity of the a. 7. 8. Registration search on the vehicle search required of DPI Licensing system to determine owner; or b. No registration plates on vehicle - Obtain engine number (VIN) from the vehicle and search DPI Licensing system to determine owner. If the owner is identified within 7 days from the above searches, then Council will give notice to the person advising that the vehicle may be collected from the refuse site during hours of operation and to pay the costs incurred by Council in carrying out the removal, impounding and keeping of the vehicle. (Form 10.18B) If after carrying out the above searches Council is unable to determine the owner of the vehicle within 7 days, then the vehicle is declared either: SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 83 a. collected within 7 days of this declaration under S3.47(2)(b) of the Local under S3.40A(5) of the Local Government Act is: i. the vehicle is not registered, or Council is not in possession of the keys for a vehicle; and ii. The owner of the which has not been identified; and iii. The value is less than $200 in accordance with regulation 29A of the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996, the prescribed manner in which that value is to be calculated is that the value is to be based on the local private sale value of a vehicle of the same, or a similar, model, year and condition; or b. 9. 10. impoundment for a minimum of 2 months. Ranger to remove plates (if any) and hand into Licensing section at Shire Office. The vehicle will be disposed of as outlined in determination of the market value shown below. Objective: To provide a policy that deals with the removal, impounding and disposal of abandoned vehicles. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 122/09 21 July 2009 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 84 11. STAFF 11.3 PAYMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ALLOWANCE Policy Statement: That the Industrial Allowance, payable under the Municipal Employees Award, be paid to eligible employees whilst on annual leave and long service leave and also be included in -1/2% leave loading applicable to annual leave. Objective: To clearly indicate when the Industrial All from work due to leave entitlements. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 11.4 59/05 19/04/2005 POLICE CLEARANCE/MEDICAL EXAMINATION NEW EMPLOYEES Policy Statement: That all new employees of the Shire of Boddington be required to undergo a medical appointment. Objective: To ensure that all new employees are medically fit and are suitable to undertake the duties of the position for which they are under consideration. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 11.6 59/05 19/04/2005 USE OF SHIRE EQUIPMENT STAFF Policy Statement: That Council staff be permitted to only use gardening equipment on Council rented property without charge - provided that prior approval has been obtained from the Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer must obtain prior approval from the Shire President if he/she wishes to utilise equipment. Council staff with the applicable mandatory licence can use Council equipment on their own property during their own time provided they pay the machine hire rate specified by Council, less the labour component. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 85 Objective: To clearly define what shire equipment may be used by Council employees. Resolution No: 144/10 Resolution Date: 31/08/2010 11.8 STAFF UNIFORMS Policy Statement: That staff uniforms be provided to counter staff, after the completion of a three month probationary period, in accordance with the following: 1. 2. Council will contribute $500 to the initial purchase of the uniform. Uniforms will be replenished thereafter on a needs basis. Objective: To encourage counter staff to wear uniforms so that they promote an acceptable uniform appearance to the general public. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 11.10 SAFETY POLICY Policy Statement: The Boddington Shire Council is committed to ensuring the Health, Safety and Welfare of In pursuing the stated policy Council has the following objectives in mind: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To prevent, or at least reduce, work related injuries and disease. To minimise hazards and the risk from hazards in the workplace. To prevent accidents and ill health caused by working conditions. To protect staff from any health hazards that may arise out of their work or the conditions in which it is carried out. To place and maintain staff in an occupational environment designed to satisfy their needs for health, safety and well-being at work. Strategies to achieve the objectives include: 1. Improve the quality of the workplace by developing, monitoring and enforcing Occupational Health and Safety Standards. 2. Encourage co-operation with employees to improve the quality of their working environment. Establishing and maintaining work practices which are safe and minimise risk to health. 3. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 86 4. 5. 6. All levels of management, supervisory staff and employees to be responsible and accountable for minimising the potential for occupational injury and illness to staff within their area of responsibility. Training, placing and supervising all staff to enable the safe performance of duties. Developing and implementing preventative strategies which include workplace and job design, the identification of hazards in the workplace and taking of appropriate remedial action to control the hazards. required to sign and return the declaration contained therein. Objective: To provide and maintain a safe working environment which reduces the potential for Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 11.11 Policy Statement: That the Chief Executive Officer be encouraged to participate in the LGMA Continuing Professional Development Program and general LGMA affairs. That Council will pay for accommodation, breakfast, registration and conference dinners for the Chief Executive Officer and his/her spouse to attend the LGMA Annual State Conference each year. That Council will pay for the registration and associated costs for the Director Corporate Services to attend an appropriate Conference each year. Objective: To encourage the Chief Executive Officer and Director Corporate Services to undertake professional development for the benefit of both themselves and Council. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 11.13 59/05 19/04/2005 POLICY ON PAYMENT TO EMPLOYEES IN ADDITION TO AWARD OR CONTRACT WHEN A PERSON IS LEAVING THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE SHIRE OF BODDINGTON Policy Statement: That it be noted that an employee will not be considered to receive recognition by way of a gratuity payment unless that person has given loyal and dedicated service to the Shire for a period exceeding 10 years. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 87 That the following continuous years of service of an employee and payment allocation will be the basis of recognising loyal service to the Shire of Boddington: 0 10 years no recognition by way of gratuity. 11 + years one salary/wages for each completed year of continuous full time service with the Shire of Boddington after 10 years In deciding if a gratuity shall be paid, Council will take into consideration the service record of the employee, in particular the number of entitled sick days the employee has necessarily expecting recognition or reward. Council may make payment to an employee whose employment is finishing over the policy amount, however before such payment is made, public notice is to be given in relation to the payment to be made. Objective: To determine when a gratuitous payment may be made Government Act 1995. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 11.14 as required by the Local 264/06 01/08/2006 ROSTERED DAYS OFF Policy Statement: That employees of the Shire of Boddington shall not accumulate more than two Rostered Days Off unless, due to extenuating circumstances the Chief Executive Officer gives approval. Objective: To control the number of Rostered Days Off accumulated by Council staff with the intention of reducing the financial burden to Council. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 11.15 59/05 19/04/2005 INJURY MANAGEMENT & REHABILITATION POLICY Policy Statement: It is a policy of the Shire of Boddington: To make provision for the injury management and rehabilitation of all workers who have sustained a compensable work related illness, injury or disability SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 88 To treat all workers with dignity and respect. To guarantee that all information is treated with sensitivity and confidentiality. To return the injured worker to the fullest capacity for gainful employment of which they are capable. will be adopted. They are: Recognition that employers and injured workers are the primary stakeholders within Maintenance in or a safe return to work is the expected outcome. Medical practitioners and employers play a central decision making role in the return to work of injured workers. The focus of all services should be workplace based. The injury management process should be transparent, cost efficient and effective. Early intervention and pro-active injury management is critical in achieving return to work goals. When vocational rehabilitation is required, all parties are involved in a process that is transparent and requires joint decision-making. To assist in the timely and effective injury management of employees, the Shire of Boddington has appointed the Director Corporate Services to the role of workplace injury management coordinator as part of his/her duties, to implement and monitor the injury management and rehabilitation procedures. This appointment is in the knowledge that Municipal WorkCare Scheme employs a dedicated injury management professional to assist and guid appointed to the Shire of Boddington, is available to discuss any issues relating to the Objective: To encourage and promote the return to work of injured workers as soon as possible and to assist their rehabilitation. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 11.16 59/05 19/04/2005 SUPERANNUATION EXTRA PAYMENT Policy Statement: That the Shire of Boddington encourage their staff to contribute to their superannuation funds by matching the payment up to 6%. This is to increase the attractability of the Shire of Boddington as an employer and to encourage staff to contribute to their own superannuation funds. For example if a staff member contributes 1% through to 6% extra to their superannuation fund then council will match the % payment. If a staff member does not wish to contribute to their superannuation then no extra payment will be made and if an employee wishes to contribute over 6% then the maximum that council will contribute will be 6%. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 89 Objective: To encourage staff to work for the Shire of Boddington by improving the overall conditions of employment whilst encouraging staff to contribute extra to their superannuation funds. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 11.18 59/05 19/04/2005 NEGOTIATED VEHICLE USE Policy Statement: The executive management as a part of their salary package are able to negotiate personal use of the Council vehicle assigned to their position. This personal use is to have the following restrictions and applies to all staff and any Doctors who are provided personal use of a Council vehicle 1. The vehicle is not to be driven further east than the state border (Unless prior agreement has been granted by Council). 2. The vehicle is not to be driven further North than Carnarvon (Unless Prior agreement has been granted by Council). 3. A fuel card is not provided for any vehicle owned by Council. If any additional fuel past the first tank is required this must be purchased by the driver unless on Council business. 4. Council vehicles are to be driven by Council staff and Council delegated representatives at all times during working hours. 5. assigned driver must be the preferred driver at all times unless due to tiredness or other reason that may impair the judgment of the driver. In this case the authorised driver may request another person to complete the journey (this person may not be an authorised officer of Council). 6. Unlimited personal use of the vehicle is to extend to the Spouse or Partner of the Executive outside of work hours. All normal restrictions apply. Spouses and be completed by the authorised executive. 7. Persons under the age of 21, Learner Drivers or probationary drivers are not permitted to drive a Council vehicle under any situation due to insurance, unless the SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 90 8. If a Council vehicle is driven without authorisation Council will not take any responsibility for or against recovery action possibly made against the driver by the insurance company in the case of an accident. 9. An executive residing outside the Shire of Boddington will be permitted to private of the Boddington townsite. Objective: To establish a guideline for the use of Council Administration vehicles outside of work hours. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 11.19 176/12 20/11/2012 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH Policy Statement: The Shire of Boddington is committed to continual improvement of our Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) performance with a goal of eliminating work-related injury and illness by: Developing and promoting a safety culture where best practice initiatives are entrenched in daily business activities and safety is considered a shared responsibility. Complying with all legislative obligations, all applicable standards relating to our activities, and all other regulatory requirements to which the organisation subscribes. Provision and maintenance of a safe workplace and associated systems of work. Proactive identification and control of workplace hazards. Including OSH responsibilities and duty of care into all activities and roles within the organisation. Providing all employees, contractors and site visitors with adequate resources, information, education, training and supervision to meet occupational safety and health responsibilities. Reporting key OSH performance measures and establishing measurable objectives to ensure effectiveness and suitability. Consulting and communicating with employees and other appropriate parties in order to enhance the effectiveness of the OSH management system. Encouraging our suppliers and service providers to make similar commitments. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 91 Periodically reviewing the Occupational Safety and Health policy and supporting systems. Managers and supervisors shall ensure that people under their direction, including employees, contractors and visitors are made aware of, and comply with, all applicable requirements of legislation, appropriate standards, policies, procedures and programs. They shall ensure that any incidents, exposures, hazards and OSH concerns within the workplace are reported and addressed in a timely manner. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 71/12 15/05/2012 11.20 HOUSING SUBSIDY ALL STAFF Policy Statement: Council will pay to employees a Housing Subsidy is to be paid at a rate set annually by Council. The Housing subsidy will be offered to all staff members other than those that currently reside within a Council owned property. The subsidy is not offered to employees that are not direct employees of Council but are permanent part time direct employees are included and will be offered the subsidy on a pro-rata basis. Objective: To provide an incentive to all staff to continue working with the Shire of Boddington and to provide the incentive for new staff to move to Boddington to Work. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 11.21 115/06 18/04/2006 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN THE WORKPLACE Policy Statement: To provide a workplace in which all persons can expect to be treated with consideration and courtesy, in an environment free from harassment and discrimination. Engaging in sexual harassment or racial harassment, any other form of workplace harassment or discrimination is unacceptable conduct that will not be tolerated. All employees are expected to comply with this policy. Any employee found to have engaged or participated in sexual, racial or workplace harassment, lodged a vexatious complaint, behaved in a discriminatory way or victimised another person could be subject to serious disciplinary action, including dismissal. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 92 1. PURPOSE This policy has been developed by the Shire of Boddington to: • Ensure that we have a work environment that embodies our core value of respect; and • Uphold State and Commonwealth laws concerning harassment and discrimination. This policy applies to all councilors, employees, customers or clients, contractors, volunteers and visitors to any Shire of Boddington work site. 2. POLICY The Shire of Boddington is committed to providing a workplace in which all persons can expect to be treated with consideration and courtesy, in an environment free from harassment and discrimination. Engaging in sexual harassment or racial harassment, any other form of workplace harassment or discrimination is unacceptable conduct that will not be tolerated. All employees are expected to comply with this policy. Any employee found to have engaged or participated in sexual, racial or workplace harassment, lodged a vexatious complaint, behaved in a discriminatory way or victimised another person could be subject to serious disciplinary action, including dismissal. 3. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this policy the following definitions shall apply: 3.1 Grievance A grievance is any type of problem, concern or complaint related to work or the work environment, A grievance may be about any act, omission, situation or decision that you think is unfair, discriminatory or unjustified. Grievances covered under this policy are in the areas of discrimination and harassment. 3.2 Sexual Harassment Under the Equal Opportunity Act, sexual harassment occurs when a person makes an unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favours, or engages in other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature towards another person, and that person is disadvantaged or has reasonable grounds for believing he or she will be disadvantaged, by taking objection. Sexual harassment may take the form of: • Unwelcome sexual advances • Direct or implied requests for sexual favours, or unwelcome requests for dates • Suggestive comments or jokes, leering or staring • Sexually explicit pictures, objects, reading matter or electronic mail • Intrusive questions about sexual activity Sexual Harassment has nothing to do with mutual attraction, friendship or consent. However, behaviour that is acceptable privately may be inappropriate in a work environment. Caution should always be exercised in working relationships, as what may be acceptable to one person could very easily offend another. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 93 Sexual Harassment is unlawful under the Western Australian Equal Opportunity Act 1984. 3.3 Racial Harassment Racial harassment is unlawful under the Equal Opportunity Act when a person threatens, abuses, insults or taunts another person because of his or her race, and that person is disadvantaged, or has reasonable grounds for believing that he or she will be disadvantaged, by taking objection. Race includes descent, colour, ethnic or national origin and nationality. Types of racial harassment may include: Racial jokes; Mimicking an accent; Negative comments about culture and customs; Negative comments about racial characteristics. Racial harassment is unlawful under the Western Australian Equal Opportunity Act 1984. 3.4 Workplace Harassment Workplace Harassment is a form of discrimination consisting of offensive behaviour, which to a reasonable person creates an intimidation or hostile work environment. It can be directed at an individual or a group of workers as a result of some real or perceived attribute or difference, which may include gender, race, disability, sexual orientation or age. I t also includes any other form of hostile, intimidation, bullying, threatening, or humiliating behaviour, which may not be unlawful on the groups specified in the legislation, but nonetheless is prohibited by this policy. Harassing behaviour may include sarcasm, threats, verbal abuse, shouting, coercion, isolation, blaming, "ganging up", or constant unconstructive criticism. Any employee who believes he or she has been subjected to sexual, racial or other workplace harassment should report the circumstances to management or a Contract Officer immediately. 3.5 Discrimination Direct discrimination means that a person receives less favorable treatment than another person in the same or similar circumstances. Indirect discrimination occurs when an apparently neutral rule, policy or practice can, in effect, have an adverse impact on a particular group and is not reasonable in the circumstances. Any complaint alleging unlawful discrimination must be on a ground covered by the Equal Opportunity Act (1984). Grounds for unlawful discrimination are: Age, ie. you are over or under a particular age Family responsibility, ie. responsibility for the care of another person SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 94 Family status, ie. being a relative of a particular person Impairment, ie. having a sight or hearing impairment Marital status, ie. you are either married or not married Political conviction, ie. you support a particular political conviction Pregnancy, ie. you fall or intend to fall pregnant Race, ie. you are of a particular decent, ethnic or national origin Religious conviction, ie. you hold a particular religious conviction Sex, ie. you are male or female Spent convictions, ie. you have a prior conviction which is spent according to law Sexual orientation, ie. heterosexuality, homosexuality, lesbianism or bisexuality Gender history, ie. gender reassignment There are exceptions under the Act and employees should seek advice from the Chief Executive Officer or Deputy CEO if they believe they are suffering a case of discrimination, 3.6 Vexatious Complaint A vexatious complaint is one that has been lodged on insufficient grounds, with the intention of annoying or causing grief to the accused person. 3.7 Victimisation It is against the law for anyone to threaten, harass or subject a person to a detriment because they have made a complaint or intend to make a compliant under the Act. This protection is also afforded to anyone involved in a complaint in some other way. 4. EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 General Individuals to whom this policy applies have a responsibility to behave in a manner, which is within the law and upholds the Shire's commitment to providing a workplace, which is free from harassment and discrimination. They also have the right to expect timely support and advice in the event that they feel they have been subjected to harassment or discrimination. They will not be subjected to any form of victimisation and their case with be dealt with in an impartial and confidential manner, 4.2 Managers and Supervisors Managers and supervisors have particular responsibilities under the terms of this policy. They are responsible for the establishment of this policy and the related procedures in their areas. They have a responsibility to set an example of behaviour and to actively SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 95 discourage unacceptable behaviour. In addition they are to understand their responsibilities under the law and to ensure that all staff have access to relevant training and information. Objective: To ensure a work environment that embodies our core value of respect; and uphold State and Commonwealth laws concerning harassment and discrimination. This policy applies to all councillors, employees, customers or clients, contractors, volunteers and visitors to any Shire of Boddington work site. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 242/06 18/07/2006 11.24 WORKPLACE INCENTIVE FLU NEEDLE Policy Statement: That Council reimburses the difference between the amount repaid by Medicare and the Objective: To encourage less absenteeism therefore reduce the need to employ casuals and maintain staff morale. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 90.07 03/04/2007 11.25 WORKS STAFF UNIFORM Policy Statement: That staff uniforms be provided to all works staff incorporating reflective colours that meet the Australian Standards. Each employee is to be provided with a uniform kit that includes: o o o o o o 3 pair of trousers (No ¾ length) - Replaced on an as needs basis 5 long sleeve shirts (Safety Variety with reflectors) - Replaced on an as needs basis 2 Jumpers (Safety Variety with reflectors) - Replaced on an as needs basis 1 Rain Coat (Safety Variety with reflectors) - Replaced on an as needs basis Safety Boots issued upon start if required - Replaced on an as needs basis 1 Wide Brim Hat - Replaced on an as needs basis Uniforms to be replaced upon presentation of old uniforms SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 96 Staff who arrive at work not wearing the provided uniform will be directed to return home to change before being allowed into the workplace and this time will be considered as n of this behaviour will result in the workplace relation agreement being terminated. An employee is allowed to enter the workplace without the required uniform where a medical certificate is provided with a reason justifying for non compliance, or extenuating circumstances considered acceptable by the Works Supervisor. Objective: To provide a safe and adequate uniform for all Works Staff that incorporates Occupational Health and Safety Standards protecting the employee from the sun and other environmental conditions relating to the work performed. Resolution No. Resolution Date. 144/10 31/08/2010 11.26 ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS Policy Statement: Scope: This policy applies to all Shire of Boddington employees including Councillors, contractors and consultants & volunteers. Statutory Environment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 Guidance Note Alcohol & Other Drugs at the Workplace Misuse of Drugs Act 1981 Road Traffic Act 1974 Public Sector Management Act 1994 Definitions: Shire Environment This includes Shire of Boddington property and any official venue the Shire of Boddington may use for a Shire of Boddington sponsored functions or event. Other Drugs for the purposes of this policy other drugs may include, but is not limited to: Cannabis; Opiate analgesics, such as heroin, pethidine or methadone; Stimulants; Amphetamines; Cocaine; SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 97 Hallucinogens; Designer drugs such as ecstasy; Medications - prescribed or over the counter; or Inhalants such as petrol glue or solvents; but this policy does not cover nicotine in the Shire of Boddington environment. Objectives: 1. The Shire of Boddington is committed to providing a safe, healthy and productive working environment for all staff. The Shire recognizes that employees affected by alcohol and other drugs may present a hazard in the workplace, causing injury to themselves and others. Co-workers may also be placed in difficult situations, expected to cover for unsafe work practices or faced with reporting a fellow employee. Alcohol and other drugs can cause a range of problems for employers. In some cases, their use may lead to loss of life, injury, damage to plant or equipment and negative publicity for business and can have serious adverse effects on the safety of staff, contractors, and visitors and on the reputation of the Shire. 2. The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 imposes on all employers a general duty of care to their employees. Although the provisions do not explicitly refer to any hazards or incidences in the workplace that may be caused by an intoxicated or drug affected employee. 3. The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 also imposes on employees a general duty of care in the workplace, This specifically means that employees must act responsibly at all times and not expose themselves or others to safety risks due to impairment caused by alcohol or drugs. This includes not undertaking work if they believe they are impaired, and reporting to management if they believe another employee, or anyone in the workplace, is affected and creating a workplace hazard. 4. The Shire considers it improper for staff or Councillors to conduct business in the Shire environment when impaired from the use of alcohol or other drugs. This includes while operating Shire plant and equipment, whilst driving a Shire vehicle, on Shire property, whilst representing the Shire elsewhere, and whilst attending events organized by the Shire but not on Shire property. 5. Official and unofficial Shire functions provide an opportunity for the Shire to host special events for promotional, public relations or social purposes. Provision of alcohol is an acceptable beverage that adds to the congenial atmosphere of the occasion provided that in its consumption the legal blood alcohol levels are maintained. Managing the amount of alcohol consumed at such functions is the responsibility of each individual. 6. Illegal drugs and substances are forbidden in the Shire environment. This includes possession, use and distribution of illegal drugs and substances. Actions to be taken against persons may include but is not restricted to disciplinary action. Where appropriate, Police involvement will be sought. 7. Some medications prescribed by doctors, or available over the counter, may affect a SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 98 Staff have a responsibility to advise their Manager or Supervisor of any medication they are taking which may impact on their ability to safely perform their job. This is particularly relevant in high risk working areas such as if the employee is operating machinery, driving a vehicle, performing complex decision making tasks or any work that requires the ability to react to sudden changes. Employees taking medication should find out how it affects them by consulting their doctor. During this consultation employees should explain their work duties to the doctor in order to determine if their ability to work safely will be affected by the medication. It may be appropriate for the employee to provide verification as to the side effects of the medication, such as a medical certificate to their Manager, particularly where the medication is to be taken over an extended period of time. If the staff member is unable to perform his/her usual work tasks safely they are to discuss with their Manager who can then assess the risk involved and either provide alternative duties or instruct the employee to take leave for the period of the medication. Strategy: 1. A number of strategies can be taken to minimize the risk of alcohol and drug related harm at such functions including: Providing low alcohol beer and non-alcoholic drinks; Providing a choice of beverages; Limiting the amount of alcohol that is available to a reasonable amount per person. Serving food at functions; Ensuring employees who drink excessively and display other forms of inappropriate behaviour are advised their behaviour is not acceptable; and Hosting family friendly functions or activity based functions. Organisers of events should also encourage staff to arrange alternative transport prior to the function, to minimize the risk of driving under the influence of alcohol. 2. Persons who are identified as having a drug related problem shall be recommended to seek drug awareness counselling from a recognised drug counselling agency. Guidelines: 1. Prevention Strategies 1.1 The main focus of prevention strategies will be to disseminate information and Drug and Alcohol Policies shall be raised in the Staff Induction Manual. 1.2 Provision of staff training including: Information regarding different drugs, their dangers as well as the effects they might have on performance and safety. How to recognize staff or contractors with symptoms of impairment form the use of alcohol or other drugs; SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 99 2. Intervention Strategies 2.1 3 Developing techniques for intervention for instances of impairment due to the use of alcohol or other drugs; and Medical risk assessment. Intervention strategies shall include: Offering assistance to staff through referral to professional community based rehabilitation services and health treatment services for those with problems. Encouraging staff to assist in maintaining a drug free Shire environment. Informing staff of their responsibility to report to their Manager or Supervisor if they suspect another staff member, or a visitor to the Shire is under the influence of alcohol or other drugs and is posing a risk to others. Procedures for Staff 3.1 The following guidelines are to be followed when approaching a person suspected to be impaired by alcohol or other drugs: Be message; Do not argue or debate, simply repeat your message; Make suitable arrangements to ensure the impaired person gets home safely; and Try to persuade the person not to drive his or her own vehicle. 3.2 If a staff member suspects another member of staff is impaired at work he/she should contact the persons Manager/Supervisor to advise of the situation, the staff member should not approach the impaired person directly unless an immediate risk is apparent. 3.3 Any drug or alcohol related incidents including the consequences of such incidents are to be treated with the utmost confidentiality with only the necessary staff being informed i.e. Manager, CEO. 3.4 Where a Manager/ Supervisor suspects a staff member is impaired or has received a report from another member of staff they must: Take the staff member aside into a confidential office environment; Query the staff member to ascertain if he/she is impaired and if so what is contributing to their condition; If the staff member provides a reasonable explanation and is not considered to be a risk to either themselves or others allow the staff member to return to work. If the staff member does not provide a reasonable explanation and/or presents a risk to either themselves or others advise the staff member that they are to leave Shire property, offering the staff member alternatives to driving their own vehicle such as calling next of kin a family member or friend or ordering a taxi. The staff member is also to SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 100 3.5 If the person is aggressive, or demonstrates unpredictable behaviour, more than one person should be involved in the initial approach. This should be kept as confidential as possible, quietly assertive without aggression, being argumentative or threatening. If the staff member becomes increasing aggressive: 3.6 Evacuate all surrounding people at risk from the location of the impaired person or isolate the impaired person. Contact the Manager or Supervisor to provide immediate assistance; and Manager/Supervisor or Manager to take appropriate action. For example, try to calm the staff member, call the Police, Ambulance etc. The next working day following the incident the staff member is to report Manager should discuss the following: That the behaviour was inappropriate and why; Give the employee an opportunity to discuss any issues or responds to allegations; The consequences of further breach of policy; That the employee will be required to take leave until a medical certificate is presented that they are fit to return to work (the cost of the medical visit is to be at the employe The support/counselling services available. Immediately following the meeting the Manager must write a file note outlining what was discussed in the meeting and forward the documentation to the relevant Manager or CEO to be placed on the employees Personal File. If the employee has requested counselling the Manager is to request that the CEO processes the request and organizes appointment. Further breaches of policy are to be dealt with in accordance with 7.3.7 of this policy document. 3.7 Consequences of Policy Breach 3.7.1 First Offence: Staff member to meet with Manager file. Employee asked to seek Counselling with a recognised alcohol and drug counselling agency. If any subsequent incidents occur where the same employee repeats the unacceptable drug or alcohol related behaviour, the same process should be followed with more formal, written warnings being given to the employee. 3.7.2 Second Offence: Staff member to meet with Manager to discuss the incident and will be directed to attend counselling. The staff member is to receive an official warning and the Shire may commence disciplinary action against the employee. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 101 The Shire may require the employee to sit a Drug or Alcohol test in addition to a medical certificate before returning to work. Any mandatory drug or alcohol testing shall be arranged by the Manager and shall be paid for by the Shire. Written details of the incident and any subsequent action are to be p Employee told they are to produce evidence that they have had Counselling. 3.7.3 Third Offence: The seriousness of the incident is to be taken into account as to whether people were put at risk and possible consequences. Staff member to meet with the CEO who will outline the disciplinary action to be taken as a result of the incident and provide a written outline of this action. The staff member will be required to sit a Drug or Alcohol test. Any mandatory drug or alcohol testing shall be arranged by the relevant Manager and shall be paid for by the Shire. A record of the incident and any subsequent action are to be Drug counselling is mandatory and evidence of attendance is required 3.7.4 Further incidents: Any further incidents will result in further formal disciplinary action including possible dismissal. 3.8 In addition to the above procedures any staff member involved in an incident or accident involving another member of staff who is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs at the time of the incident may, disciplinary action may be taken. Objective: To provide guidance to Management, Councillors, Employees, Contractors and volunteers as to the procedures and consequences arising from the use of alcohol and other drugs at the Shire of Boddington workplace Resolution No: Resolution Date: 148/08 03/06/2008 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 102 11.28 OFFICE/DEPOT STAFF EXTENDED CLOSE OF BUSINESS OVER CHRISTMAS BREAK Policy Statement: That Council allows the Chief Executive Officer to set the extended close of business period for all staff over the Christmas and New Year break annually. Staff will be required to use leave in this order: 1. Approved Public Holidays; 2. Additional 2 holidays for 2nd January and Easter Tuesday; 3. Rostered days off (time accrued); lastly 4. Annual leave accrued. Objective: To provide employees with the benefit of being able to have certainty about the Christmas and New Year Holiday break period and plan for travel and Christmas arrangements in advance. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 219/08 02/09/2008 11.29 STAFF REMOVAL EXPENSES Policy Statement: Relocation expenses for new Staff who are relocating to live in the Shire of Boddington to take up employment will be paid on a basis of half immediately, and the remaining half after 12 months satisfactory service. Council will pay relocation expenses up to an upper limit of $5,000, subject to: 1. The new employee obtaining at least two quotes for removals; 2. negotiation with the Chief Executive Officer on the assistance required for the employee to relocate to the Shire of Boddington. Guidelines: Receipts must be provided to Council for an officer to claim any reimbursement. Objective: To assist and encourage potential employees to consider employment with the Shire of Boddington and new employees to live within the Shire of Boddington. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 246/09 15th December 2009 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 103 11.30 LOCAL ADVERTISING OF COUNCIL EMPLOYMENT VACANCIES Policy Statement: That for each Council employment vacancy, Council will at least advertise that employment vacancy in the Bodd News local newspaper. Guidelines: This policy does not seek to limit the advertising of employment vacancies. It is expected that Council would advertise employment vacancies in any additional forum that would improve the opportunity of a successful employment outcome for Council. Objective: This policy will: Ensure that local people are advised of all Council employment vacancies; and Resolution No: Resolution Date: 11.31 149/12 18th September 2012 USE OF SHIRE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) FACILITIES FOR STAFF Policy Statement: This policy outlines the conditions governing the use of all Information Technology (IT) facilities provided by the Shire of Boddington. The policy applies to staff and to others to whom access to IT facilities has been provided. Objective: To establish guidelines for use of IT facilities so as to ensure it is used in an appropriate manner. Policy: 1 General Use 1.1 The Shire of Boddington reserves the right to, without notice, modify, upgrade, withdraw or otherwise alter any facilities provided. 1.2 The Shire of Boddington has ownership of all files and e-mail messages stored on Shire computers and reserves the right to examine all computer data and software on its facilities and to monitor usage in order to ensure compliance with this Policy. 1.3 Users must respect the resource limitations of the IT facilities provided. Resources are not infinite. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 104 2 1.4 Any facilities provided to users are for the business purposes of the Shire of Boddington. The Shire will not be responsible for meeting any costs resulting from either the misuse of facilities or the use of facilities for non-business related purposes. 1.5 The Shire of Boddington supports only those facilities which it provides for business purposes. Hardware, software, operating systems and networking protocols not in use at, or provided and approved by, the Shire of Boddington IT Department, are not supported. Storage 2.1 All corporate information including correspondence, minutes of meetings, memos, databases) are to be stored in the Records Keeping System. This is consistent with the legislative requirements of the State Records Act 2000. 2.2 E-mails and faxes, sent and received, and of corporate nature must be captured and stored in the Records Keeping System. This is consistent with the legislative requirements of the State Records Act 2000. 2.3 Corporate documents must not be stored on desktop computers or on portable media (i.e.: floppy disks, CDs, DVDs) There are appropriate methods Network drives are provided for non-corporate documents only and only limited quotas are allowed. It is the responsibility of each staff member to understand what documents should be stored in the Records Keeping System, this information can be obtained from the Records Department. 2.4 other Local drives are not backed up and users will be responsible for any loss of data stored on this drive or on portable media. 2.5 3 Duplication of data is to be avoided. Installing Unauthorized Software or Files 3.1 3.2 Users must not purchase, install, copy or use any software without prior written consultation with the IT Department. The use of any files that are subject to Copyright regulations that have not been authorised in writing for use by the Copyright owner are not permitted to be used or stored on the Shire of Boddington systems. 3.3 4 Access to Computer Facilities 4.1 Users may use only those facilities, which they have been properly authorised to use by the relevant Manager/Director. Authorisation must be provided to IT Services in writing before access is provided and/or modified. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 105 4.2 Users may not use any of the facilities provided by the Shire of Boddington in such a way as to reflect negatively upon the Shire either in part or as a whole. 4.3 Users may not use any of the facilities provided to them by the Shire of Boddington in such a way as to achieve personal gain or to earn income external to their employment at the Shire. 4.4 The playing of games on Shire computers is not permitted. 4.5 Where the use of any IT facility is governed by a password, the password must not be inappropriately divulged to any other person. 4.6 Users must take every reasonable precaution to ensure that their passwords, accounts, software and data are adequately protected. We recommend that 4.7 Any computer account or facility allocated to a user is for their exclusive use. The user must not allow another person to use it without appropriate authorisation from IT Services or CEO. 4.8 Users will comply with any directive (verbal, written or electronic) from IT Services relating to access to IT facilities. 4.9 Users must treat IT facilities and telephones with respect. Any wilful damage sustained to equipment will result in the costs of repair being sought from the user of the equipment. Any damage sustained to equipment as a result of neglect may result in the costs of repair or replacement being sought from the user of the equipment. 4.10 Food and beverages should not be consumed in close proximity to IT equipment. 4.11 Users must be aware that the use of mobile computing facilities may result in significant communications costs. When users do not have access to local call connections to the Shire, on-line time should be kept to a minimum. The Shire of Boddington will not be responsible for any excessive costs incurred. Next G devices are available for senior staff who have to travel and need internet access. 4.12 Remote access to the Shire of Boddington IT facilities is provided on a needs basis. Those seeking such access will need approval in writing from their Manager / Director. Users with remote access must take extra care in relation to security issues and report any breaches (or perceived breaches) of security immediately to IT Services, and must use passwords with at least 8 characters and must contain a mixture of upper and lower case alpha characters and numbers. 4.13 IT Services staff reserve the right to perform system maintenance tasks outside regular Administration Centre working hours. Where abnormal maintenance tasks are planned notification of the anticipated down time will be communicated if possible. If staff has a particular need for afte to IT facilities they should liaise with IT Services staff in advance to arrange access options. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 106 5 6 7 Security 5.1 Regardless of the prevailing security, or lack of security, users shall not access any data or software except data or software that belongs to the user or have been provided for their use, or is stored on a shared medium for which they have been granted access. 5.2 Users must not attempt to rename, delete, or modify the data of another user without prior authorisation from IT Services, except in the following circumstances:5.2.1 For data or files stored on a shared network facility or transferred in/out via a shared network facility. 5.2.2 Under direction of their supervising officer(s) to amend data or files stored in a personal directory. 5.3 Anti-virus software protection is provided at both server and desktop level. If a user suspects that their machine has become infected with a virus (or similar type entity) it should be reported immediately to IT Services. 5.4 Users are encouraged to log out of their workstations when they are not in use. An auto-locking policy is in place that locks computers if not used for more than 30 minutes. 5.5 Users should correctly shut their computer systems down before finishing work each day, unless otherwise requested by IT. 5.6 Users must report to IT Services, without delay, any breaches (either real or perceived) of security. Voice Mail 6.1 Voice Mail is a corporate resource for business use and serves to provide a minimum level of customer service when a telephone is unattended. Where possible telephones should be diverted to another officer. 6.2 The system should be used for its intended purpose and not used as a means of avoiding answering telephone calls. 6.3 The legitimate use of Voice Mail is for cases where staff are out of their offices for short periods where phone calls would go unanswered. Voice Mail should not be used to take calls when staff is on leave. 6.4 Users must work with each other to minimise the reliance on Voice Mail as much as possible. This will serve to ensure that a high level of customer service is maintained. IT Support 7.1 The Shire of Boddington outsources the management of its IT systems to the Shire of Murray. Part of this partnership involved the Shire of Boddington SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 107 establishing an Electronic Helpdesk system to enable users to request IT support. Staff should use this system to report problems or requests with, to IT. This system allows IT to attend to service calls in a fair sequence and by level of priority. 7.2 8 9 Users must understand that they should not contact the Shire of Murray IT Department directly. If the matter is of priority, the user should inform the Finance Manager and/or Director Corporate Services who will contact the S Internet and E-mail 8.1 The provision of Internet browsing facilities to a user must be authorised in writing by the relevant line Manager / Director / CEO. 8.2 E-mail users must check their e-mail frequently, delete any unnecessary messages promptly and manage their e-mail files wisely. Limits are set on mailbox sizes; therefore users should make sure e-mails are registered into the Records Keeping System. 8.3 When commencing leave, staff should utilize the ability of the email software to forward incoming mail to the person who is acting in the position during their absence. 8.4 Outlook Calendars are regarded as a management tool and should be made available for other staff to review. Personal appointments can be marked What is Acceptable Use in Regards to Internet and E-Mail? 9.1 Subject to the balance of this policy, employees may use the Internet access provided by the Shire of Boddington for:9.1.1 9.1.2 Work-related purposes; Sending and receiving personal email messages, provided that if email messages are sent with a Shire of Boddington email address in the from: or Reply-To: header, a disclaimer shall accompany the email to the effect that the views of the sender may not represent those of Shire of Boddington; 9.1.3 Accessing the World Wide Web including social networking websites breaks; 9.1.4 Utilizing any other Internet service or protocol for personal purposes department; 9.1.5 Personal e-mails to advertise items are not permitted; and 9.1.6 E-mail messages of a corporate nature that leave the Shire of Boddington destined for an external organisation are public records SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 108 and must be captured in the Records Keeping System. Any corporate e-mail messages that officers receive must also be captured in this manner. If the user is unclear of how to capture the correspondence in the Records Keeping System themselves such messages should be forwarded to Records staff to facilitate this legislative (State Records Act 2000) requirement. 9.2 10 Use under 9.1 of this policy is conditional upon in each case that the personal use is moderate in time, does not incur cost for the Shire and does not interfere with the employment duties of the employee or his or her colleagues. What is Not Acceptable Use in regards to Internet and E-mail? 10.1 Except in the course of an employee's duties or with the express permission of the Shire, the Internet access provided by the Shire may not be used for:10.1.1 Personal commercial purposes; 10.1.2 Sending unsolicited bulk email such as advertising or announcements that are not related to Council business to any group; 10.1.3 Sending any e-mail that is inappropriate, for example, e-mails that contains pornographic material, profanity, racial and sexual discrimination, forwarding of hoaxes, chain-mail, spam, harassing colleagues or knowingly sending or forwarding virus-infected e-mails; 10.1.4 Disseminating confidential information of the Shire of Boddington; 10.1.5 Any illegal purpose; 10.1.6 Knowingly causing interference with or disruption to any network, information service, equipment or any user thereof; 10.1.7 Disseminating personal contact information of officers or employees of the Shire without their consent; Knowingly causing any other person to view content which could render the Shire liable pursuant to equal opportunity or sexual discrimination legislation at the suit of that person; or 10.1.8 10.1.9 Knowingly downloading or requesting software or media files or data streams that are not related to Shire business; 10.1.10 Sending e-mails that has documents attached, to multiple users within Council. Documents of corporate value should be registered in the Records Keeping System, and can be referred to in e-mails. If a document is not of corporate value it can be stored on the Shared drive and referred to in an e-mail; 10.1.11 The use of real-time messaging services such as ICQ or MSN or Yahoo. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 109 10.1.12 Web sites including but not limited to those of the following nature: 11 Games. Personal Shopping / Auctions. Entertainment. Adult Entertainment. Pornography. Personal Internet E-mail (such as GMail, Hotmail or Yahoo). Chat Rooms / Channels. Social networking sites for personal purposes (such as Facebook or Twitter). Example of Disclaimer to be used This e-mail message, including any attached files, is private and may contain information that is confidential. Only the intended recipient may access or use it. If you are not the intended recipient please delete this e-mail and notify the sender promptly. The views of this sender may not represent those of the Shire of Boddington. The Shire uses virus-scanning software but exclude all liability for viruses or similar defects in any attachment. 12 Consequences of Unacceptable Use 12.1 The Shire of Boddington keeps and may monitor logs of Internet usage which may reveal information such as which Internet servers (including World Wide Web sites) have been accessed by employees, and the email addresses of those with whom they have communicated. The Shire of Boddington will not, however, engage in real-time surveillance of Internet usage, will not monitor the content of email messages sent or received by its employees unless a copy of such message is sent or forwarded to the company by its recipient or sender in the ordinary way, and will not disclose any of the logged, or otherwise collected, information to a third party except under compulsion of law. 12.2 Responsibility for use of the Internet that does not comply with this policy lies with the employee so using it and such employee must indemnify the Shire of Boddington for any direct loss and reasonably foreseeable consequential losses suffered by the Shire by reason of the breach of policy. 12.3 The Shire of Boddington will review any alleged breach of this Acceptable Use Policy on an individual basis. If the alleged breach is of a very serious nature which breaches the employee's duty of fidelity to the Shire, the employee shall be given an opportunity to be heard in relation to the alleged breach and if it is admitted or clearly established to the satisfaction of the Shire the breach may be treated as grounds for dismissal. appropriate law enforcement agency for alleged illegal use. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 110 12.4 Otherwise, an alleged breach shall be dealt with as follows:12.4.1 Initially, the employee shall be informed of the alleged breach, given an opportunity to respond to the allegation, and if it is not satisfactorily explained, be asked to desist from or where applicable to remedy the breach. 12.4.2 If the breach is not desisted from or remedied, The Shire of Boddington may either withdraw the employee's access to the Internet or provide a first warning to the employee, to which the employee shall have an opportunity to respond. 12.4.3 If the infringing conduct continues the employee may be given a second and a third warning, to each of which he or she shall have an opportunity to respond. 12.4.4 If a breach is committed after the third warning the employee may be dismissed. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 190/12 18th December 2012 11.32 COUNCIL CHILDCARE STAFF CHILDCARE SERVICES DISCOUNT Policy Statement: Council will provide to Council staff working at the Boddington Early Learning Centre a 50% discount to the normal fees for childcare services conditional upon the discount: 1. Only for children for whom Council staff are the parent or legal guardian; and 2. Is only provided on those days that the Council staff are present and working in the centre. Guidelines: Nil. Objective: This policy will: 1. 2. Early Learning Centre. Resolution No: Resolution Date: ff; and 172/13 17/09/2013 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 111 11.33 OFFICIAL USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY Policy Statement: The Shire of Boddington is committed to embracing the Internet and Social Media as a channel for service delivery and engagement with the public. The Shire of Boddington supports the use of social media as part of an integrated approach to communications and engagement used in conjunction with the Social Media Guidelines. Objective: The objectives of this operational policy and guidelines are to: 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Outline procedures for the operations of official social media accounts Identify key risk factors for the use of social media and mitigation measures Provide clear guidelines to employees with respect to the appropriate management and use of official social media accounts Guidelines: Risk Management- The use of social media can expose the Shire to risks and compromise compliance with policy and legislation. Prior to the establishment of social media accounts, officers must conduct a risk assessment, ensure appropriate documentation of requirements is in place and mitigating actions are established. An implementation checklist is provided in the official Social Media guidelines. Continuity- official social media accounts represent the public face of the Shire with authorised officers representing the Shire in those environments. To ensure continuity, all social media accounts must be administered by Community Services who will establish a central register of official social media accounts detailing the accounts purpose, officers authorised to access the account and account holders details sufficient to enable continuity of access by the Shire. Roles and responsibilities: The Community Services Department will provide a support and oversight role for all official social media accounts. Individual service plans will be determined for each official social media account on the basis of needs outlined in the implementation checklist. This policy represents the formal policy and expected standards of the Shire staff. Appropriate approvals need to be obtained prior to any deviation from the policy or guidelines. Failure to follow this policy or guideline may result in the revocation of social media accounts and access. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 32/14 15/04/2014 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 112 12. CONSERVATION & ENVIRONMENT 12.1 TREES - PLANTING OF ALONG ROAD RESERVES Policy Statement: Council will permit the planting of compatible native species along road reserves with the approval of Council staff following an inspection of the proposed site by Council staff to ensure road safety considerations are appropriately considered in the planting. Objective: To establish guidelines to control planting of vegetation along road reserves. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 59/05 19/04/2005 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 113 13. TENDERS AND PURCHASING 13.1 BUY LOCAL REGIONAL PRICE PREFERENCE Policy Statement: 1. The region this policy relates to include the district of the City of Mandurah and the non-metropolitan Peel Region districts of the Shires of Murray, Boddington and Waroona as well as the Shires of Wandering, Williams, Narrogin, West Arthur and the Town of Narrogin. 2. A price preference will apply to all tenders invited by the Shire of Boddington for the supply of goods and services and construction (building) services, unless Council resolves that this policy not apply to a particular tender. 3. The following levels of preference will be applied under this policy: Where purchase is less than < $10.000 (excluding GST) 3% - to businesses located within the Shire of Boddington 2% - to businesses located within the other Peel Region Council districts and other Local Governments specified in Policy Statement No. 1. Where purchase is > $10.000 but < $50.000 (excluding GST) 2.5% - to businesses located within the Shire of Boddington. 1.5% - to businesses located within the other Peel Region Council districts and other Local Governments specified in Policy Statement No. 1. Where purchase is > $50.000 (excluding GST) 2% - to businesses located within the Shire of Boddington. 1% - to businesses located within the other Peel Region Council districts and other Local Governments specified in Policy Statement No. 1. 4. 5. The maximum price reduction allowed for the levels of preference in paragraph 2 above will be $50,000. The levels of preference outlined in paragraph 2 above, will only apply to businesses that have been located within the Peel Region or other Local Government areas as specified for at least six (6) months prior to the date of seeking quotations. 6. Only those goods and services identified in the quotation as being supplied locally or regionally (regardless of their origin) will be included in the discounted calculation that forms a part of the assessment of a quotation. 7. It should be noted that price is only one factor to be considered when the Shire of Boddington assesses quotations. Value for money principles will be used to achieve the best possible outcome for every dollar spent by the Shire. This is achieved by assessing all costs and benefits rather than simply selecting the lowest purchase price. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 114 Objective: To seek to maximise the use of competitive local and regional businesses in goods, services and works purchased or contracted by the Shire of Boddington. To support local and regional businesses and industry, encourage employment of local people and generate economic growth within the Shires of Boddington & Peel Region as well as the Shires of Wandering, Williams, Narrogin, West Arthur and the Town of Narrogin. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 13.2 144/10 31/08/2010 VEHICLE TENDERS/SALES Policy Statement: The assessment of trade-in vehicles offered for tender will not be undertaken by shire staff and any company intending to submit a tender shall undertake an on-site inspection. Objective: To place the onus of responsibility for inspection of vehicles prior to submitting a tender price upon the company tendering. Resolution No: Resolution Date: 13.3 59/05 19/04/2005 PURCHASING OF GOODS AND SERVICES Policy Statement: Amount of Purchase Up to $2,000 $2,001 - $20,000 Policy Goods and services may be purchased with a single verbal quotations Quotations will be documented. Obtain 3 verbal or written quotations from 3 alternative suppliers. If the officer is unable to obtain 3 quotes this should be documented and purchase approved by a superior officer or the CEO. $20,001- $99,999 All quotations will be documented. Obtain 3 written quotations from alternative suppliers, with the following conditions applying: Staff will allow a minimum of 10 working days for a quote to be provided. If more than 10 working days is SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 115 provided, all suppliers will be allowed the same time to respond. Shorter periods will only be permitted with CEO approval should circumstances require. The request for quotation should include as a minimum the following: o Written specification o Price schedule o Conditions of responding o Validity period of offer. $100,000 and above Offer to all prospective suppliers at the same time any new information that is likely to change the requirements. Respondents should be advised by writing as soon as possible after the final determination is made approved. If officer unable to obtain 3 written quotes this should be documented and the purchase approved by the CEO. Where it is considered beneficial, tenders may be called in lieu of seeking quotations for purchases under the $100,000 threshold. Conduct a public tender process in accordance with the provisions for the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996. Council will also enforce the following additional requirements: Acceptance of a tender for construction projects will be subject to the execution of a contract based on the Association; and Any decision not to call tenders for goods and services valued at more than $100,000 because of one of the exceptions listed in Regulation 11(2) shall be by Council resolution. Staff engaged in procurement should ensure that they obtain value for money and be accountable for their actions. If staff have any doubt about whether value for money is being obtained, additional quotes should be sought. Where it is considered beneficial to the Shire of Boddington, the following may occur: tenders may be called in lieu of seeking quotations for purchases under the $100,000 threshold; written quotations may be called in lieu of seeking verbal quotations for purchases under the $20,000 threshold; or more than one quotation or written quotation may be sought in lieu of seeking a single verbal quotation. Objective: To deliver a best practice approach and procedures to internal purchasing for the Shire of Boddington. SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 116 Resolution No: Resolution Date: 144/10 31/08/2010 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON POLICY MANUAL Updated August 2014 PAGE 117
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