s r a e Y y l r a E Issue 8 October 2013 Community in focus: Anglesea and Aireys Inlet Anglesea Kindergarten We have had an exciting year at Kinder with implementing our 2013 outdoor landscape plan. In Term two our dry creek bed and water pools were built and connected to our rainwater tank. The children have enjoyed how the water is now able to flow into the mud pit. During the September school holidays we were able to work on the next stage, a bike track and seating. The bike track idea recently came from the children enthusiastically playing on the new trikes we purchased in term two. This term they have been excited to ride the bikes around the track and just simply run around it. The next stage of the landscape plan include a new guinea pig wonderland enclosure so the children are able to access our piggies independently and upgrade our entrance area. The children are also busy tending to our raised vegie beds, ensuring they are watered and weeded as well as observing our tee pee. We can’t wait to eat some of the carrots, spinach, broccoli and strawberries. We have planted a pink lady apple tree out the front entrance of Kindergarten and hoping to have apples to eat next year. We are planning to make our grassheads and plant some sunflowers too. We have just purchased some new wooden tee pee poles and hopefully will have our large play tee pee up outside to create a new play space. The most exciting event in term four is our first ever Anglesea Kindergarten Art show. The children have made some beautiful pieces of art for auction. School and Kindergarten term dates for 2014 Term 1. 29 January to 4 April *teachers start on the 29th, individual programs will inform families of start date *Good Friday 18 April & Easter Monday 21 April Term 2. 22 April to 27 June Term 3. 14 July to 19 September Term 4. 6 October to 19 December Anglesea Occasional Care The program at Anglesea Occasional Care is play based, emergent curriculum which is guided by Early Years Learning Framework. The room is set up according to the interests and developmental needs of the children and this is facilitated by the gathering of information about the children by means of observations. Interests are extended on and the children are invited to have a voice in regards to their own learning and their learning environment. Conversations are had with the children about what they like to do, and how this is achievable, promoting their sense of autonomy and a feeling of inclusion in their immediate environment – both vital aspects of social and emotional development. Weather permitting we actively promote an indoor/outdoor program with a flexible routine guiding the flow of the day. Group time is a wonderful window of opportunity for both spontaneous and intentional teaching which has resulted in many exciting conversations and stories. Music, movement and early literacy/pre-reading skills are also group time areas of engagement contributing to the children’s development and enjoyment. Anglesea Occasional Care is run from the Anglesea Community House, and our Occasional Care room has a warm, comfortable atmosphere that welcomes our children and families from 9.15am – 2.15pm, Monday to Friday. Room Leaders/Job Share – Kylie Stewart & Michelle Taylor Assistant; Kate Shugg For further information or enrolment details please call 52632116, or feel free to come in and have a look at our services and see our program in action. 2 | Early Years Newsletter Lorne Aireys Inlet P-12 College Students at the Lorne Aireys Inlet P-12 College have been engaged in a variety of fun educational activities throughout term 3, ranging from performing on stage at the GPAC festival, participating in swimming lessons at Leisure Link, to being involved in some exciting Book week activities and a dress up parade from the theme “Across the Universe”. The P-2 Inquiry based learning has been focused on “Flight”. The students across both campuses have gained a wealth of information on how and why flight is possible, through learning about the physics of flight – drag, weight, thrust and lift. They have learnt to be curious and use scientific understanding and processes to find answers to their questions. They have worked with the VCAL students to design a virtual plane as well as create and fly their own paper planes and kites to test their theories. During Science Week, Mr Scott and his Yr 10 science students engaged the P-2’s in a series of fun and informative experiments and demonstrations including inflating hot air balloons with hydrogen gas, propelling plastic bottle rockets with an accelerant, and making compressed air/water rockets. The Lorne students had the opportunity to visit Mantra to observe 2 helicopters flying in and then interview the pilots. A highlight for the Aireys campus was the Winter in Aireys - Scarecrow Exhibition. The students were delighted to participate in the Annual Scarecrow exhibition as part of the Surf Coast Arts Trail on Saturday 9th and 10th of August. Students from all year levels made a scarecrow either as a class or in groups and could choose any theme for their creation. With their experience from last year’s exhibition, students worked hard to plan and create some pretty spectacular scarecrows. The Aireys Arts foundation through Sue Riley generously donated money to assist with the purchase of supplies to construct the scarecrows but it was up to the students to bring in all the necessary clothes and accessories for their creation. We were very fortunate to receive help from various parents during class time along with other local Aireys residents who showed interest to assist the students to work on their scarecrows. It was a fun and busy four week project but the end results were impressive and the students can be very proud of their creations. It was very exciting for students and their families to see their scarecrow out on show and the response from the local community was once again fantastic. Surf Coast Shire Council | 3 Anglesea Playgroup Anglesea playgroup meets on Wednesday at 9.45am and welcomes any new faces that may wish to attend. In order to show the community what a lovely space we have for playgroup, the members held an open day on 5th of October. There was a face painter and a toy maker who showed the parents how to make cute toys from household objects. In July this year a new committee was established as previous committee members are preparing for the big leap to school and kinder. The new committee, headed up by Rebecca Ridgeway have hit the ground running with a working bee and a huge sort through all of the toys. The playgroup has a long history and many people (including me) have found it to be a saving grace for maintaining one’s sanity in the joys and challenges of parenthood. The fitness class run by Jane and the yoga run by Amy have come to an end, but new initiatives like the edible garden, music for kids session and art and craft for kids are proving to be popular. The playgroup invested in a new coffee machine and it is a welcome change to have a coffee and drink it whilst it is still hot! As the summer approaches, we encourage any new members to join us at 1 McMillan Street, Anglesea, right next door to the kindergarten. Signing off for me. Sophie Stickland, immediate past president. Aireys Inlet Christmas Tree Festival 29th November – 1st December 2013 Aireys Inlet Uniting Church invites you (or your group) to be part of a Christmas Tree Festival at the Aireys Hotel. A Christmas Tree Festival is a community event, celebrated in centres all over the world, in the lead up to the Christmas season. It will take form of an exhibition of innovative dressings of Christmas Trees (certainly not only traditional firs) by individuals and community groups, invited to design and produce their special creations. For community groups here is a chance to create a wonderful tree and at the same time publicise your business or your group’s activities. Trees to be judged on Saturday 30th November. The general public are invited to visit to see the display at the Aireys Inlet Hotel. Entry instructions and forms are available from Surf Coast Shire web site www.surfcoast.vic.gov.au or for more information Joan Richardson ph. 52897029 Entry closes Friday 1st November Children’s Birthday Parties Parties are held on Saturday or Sunday 1.30pm-3.30pm Have your child’s next birthday party at the Surf Coast Sport & Recreation Centre. Make use of our sporting and play equipment for free play or a themed party! An experienced staff member will lead games and activities to ensure safe fun for everyone. Full kitchen facilities available. Liberty Swing Surf Coast Shire has located on the Torquay foreshore a liberty Swing (designed by Wayne Devine an Australian) which is a revolutionary new concept in playground equipment for children with disabilities. The swing allows children in wheelchairs to enjoy the fun and recreation of a swing in the park. Keys are available from the Surfworld Complex, Beach Road, Torquay, 7 days a week – 9 am to 5pm. Cost: Residents & Non-profit groups: 1st key free. Cost for Non-residents $3.00 per key Parties cost $175 for up to 25 children with full use of all stadium and kitchen facilities. Parties in excess of 25 children will attract an extra $35 per hour fee for an additional staff member. For all bookings and enquiries, please contact the Centre 9am-6pm Monday to Friday. 77 Beach Road, Torquay p. 5261 4606 f. 5261 4756 e. [email protected] 4 | Early Years Newsletter Torquay - Three Year Old Activity Program Welcome back to term four... can you believe the year is nearly over? Separation can re-appear First of all we would like to say sometimes children have emotional setbacks and this may result in a reappearance of separation anxiety and tears. Please be assured this is quite a normal aspect for some of our young learners and with time this stage will pass. Some of the strategies we use are to provide children with activities or resources we know that interest them such as drawing, cars and reading books. Alternatively we engage them in conversations relating to their family/community, a recent holiday, likes and dislikes. On the other hand, what we have seen over the last few months is some beautiful friendships flourishing, skills maturing and the majority of children getting very excited about the idea of going to big four year old kinder. Gender I thought for our last newsletter for the year we would talk a little about gender in pre-schoolers. Research states that boys and girls learn differently. The differences between how boys and girls play are due to chemical, hormonal and functional differences in the brain. From the corpus callosum (the connection between the halves of the brain) which is bigger in females, to the testosterone racing around boys brains, a myriad of subtle differences combine to make boys’ and girls’ play different from each other. In addition parts of the brain associated with verbal learning develop earlier in girls leading pre-school aged girls to sometimes be up to one year ahead of boys’ verbal communication. Some of the behavioural differences (though they do not necessarily apply to all children) at the preschool level are: • Boys seem to occupy larger space in the playground. • Boys’ playground games tend to be rougher and involve more running. • When girls play with blocks they tend to build low and long structures • Boys’ block structures are high and prone to toppling over • Boys seem to enjoy action stories and girls tend to enjoy stories that address the characters’ feelings. • More often than not both boys and girls pick same gender peers for friends. • Girls are usually stronger in verbal communication, whereas boys are stronger in spatial thinking. We often see both boys and girls playing in areas that promote role-play. For example, we saw both girls and boys enjoying the hairdressing salon we had set up in the room last term. Dramatic play enhances the use of speaking and listening skills. When children take part in this kind of play, they practice words they have heard others say, and realize that they must listen to what other players say in order to be able to respond in an appropriate fashion. It also teaches them to choose their words wisely so that others will understand exactly what it is they are trying to communicate. This was observed when a group of boys were combing the model’s hair, fastening hair clips and pretending to wash their model’s hair. Another boy approached and asked, “Would you like a skinny latte?” “Can I have a hot chocolate?” “I’d like a milkshake,” were a couple of the responses. When children come together in a dramatic play experience they have to agree on a topic, negotiate roles and co-operate to bring it all together. And by recreating some of the life experiences they actually face, they learn how to cope with any fears and worries that accompany these experiences e.g. dislike of having their own hair washed. • Girls tend to congregate in groups, smaller spaces. HIPPY - Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters HIPPY is a 2 year early childhood home enrichment program that helps parents prepare their child for a successful start to school • HIPPY gives parents an opportunity to be involved in fun activities for about ten minutes per day with their child at home and promote a love of learning. • HIPPY helps builds relationships between parents and children by providing one on one time with an individual child • HIPPY mentors deliver weekly packets of activities to the family home and provide support to parents on how to deliver the materials to their child. Children are provided with story books, pencils, scissors and shapes • Optional fortnightly group sessions also provide activities for the children and support with parenting issues. • HIPPY Winchelsea covers the Surf Coast Shire HIPPY Winchelsea is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations through the Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters Contact the HIPPY Winchelsea Coordinator, at Glastonbury Community Services, 8 Gosney St, Winchelsea or phone 5267 3169 for further information. Surf Coast Shire Council | 5 Torquay Occasional Care The ballot for Term 1 2014 Occasional Care Program is now open. Forms are available at the Torquay Children’s Hub or on the Surf Coast Shire web site . Once completed, it can be placed in the ballot box located at reception. Alternatively you can email it to [email protected] Vacation Care – September 2013 Mother nature sent us all four seasons (summer, autumn, winter and spring) over the September Holiday program but despite some crazy weather, we had an absolute ball! The Ballot closes at 4pm on Monday 25 November. We kicked off this program with the talented Jason, a film maker (from Melbourne) who returned to build on the experiences our children had during the winter program. The recreation centre was buzzing with activity as the children formed groups and started to create their scripts and design their props. The dedication and creativity shown by most children was fabulous and Jason filmed everything from stop-motion animation to large group films and skate films to individual short films. These short films were premiered on the last day of the program when all families were invited to come and watch our masterpieces. Daily journal Vacation Care building connections within our community The daily journal is situated next to the sign in book and gives you a brief look at what the children have been doing during their session. This term we are trialling something different, please keep your eyes open and your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Friday brought Footy Fever to the holiday program as we threw on our team colours and showed our footy pride before the big grand final game on the weekend. We trekked out to the Grant Pavilion Footy grounds to participate in Aus Kick activities and join in a game of tag footy. The local Torquay Aus Kick team provided us with all the equipment needed to build our footy skills. In the great tradition of footy, we finished the day off with meat pies and sauce and listened to our team songs while kicking a footy!! End of year break up Will be held at Jan Juc Playground on Friday 20 December from 9:30am to 11:30am (weather permitting), all present and past users of Occasional Care are invited – bring a picnic and come along, it’s a great way to finish the year with friends. We hope you can join us. Sun Smart Please ensure that your child has sunscreen on before they start their session and have a wide brimmed hat (peak hats are not discouraged) Family Day Care The Surf Coast Shire Family Day Care scheme has been nominated for excellence through the Coordination Unit Awards. This year Family Day Care Australia will be presenting State and National Coordination Unit of the Year Awards to recognise and showcase the valuable work done by units for their educators and communities all around Australia. Throughout September the selection committee will review the nominations and supporting submissions, and will select the State and National winners. Good Luck to the Surf Coast Shire Team!! A big thank you to Torquay Aus Kick Team for providing equipment on the Day! Vacation Care – January 2014 – Book in early, don’t miss out The Summer Holidays Vacation Care program “Retro on the Surf Coast” will be released in late November. Families will be able to access information and 2014 enrolment forms via the Surf Coast Shire web site, Sport and Recreation centre or the Torquay Children’s Hub. The program will be operating from Monday 6th January until the 24th January. Bookings will close on Monday 23rd of December at 4pm. 66 || Early Early Years Years Newsletter Newsletter Enhanced Maternal & Child Health (EMCH) Enhanced Maternal & Child Health provides additional support for families experiencing significant early parenting difficulties. The service also provides a comprehensive and focused approach for the early intervention and prevention of physical, emotional and social issues affecting young children and their families and appropriate and timely referral for children and support to families. The service is provided in addition to the suite of services offered through the universal Maternal Child Health service. It provides a more intensive level of support, including shore term case management in some circumstances. To access this program please contact your centre’s Maternal & Child Health Nurse to discuss access to the program. Torquay Maternal & Child Health PH: 5261 0549 Rural Centre’s – Winchelsea, Moriac, Lorne, Anglesea & Dean Marsh (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) Mobile: 0417499227 Enhance Maternal & Child Health PH: 5261 0549 www.surfcoast.vic.gov Maternal & Child Health, Two Year Olds Age & Stage Check Have you had your Two year old Key age and stage check? The Maternal Child Health Nurses are ready to conduct your two year old’s key age and stage check. This is an opportunity for you to discuss your child’s health, physical development and general wellbeing. Discussion will cover your area of concern which may include the following; • Behaviour management • Toilet training • Speech • Play Activities Please read the Development Review section in your Child Health record prior to completing the PEDS Booklet. Bring your Child Health record and PEDS booklet with you to your next appointment. Please call our Administration officer for an appointment on 52610549 Important Maternal & Child Health Contacts: Maternal & Child health 24 hr Line, 7 days 13 22 29 Childfirst for parenting 1300 55 1948 PANDA post & antenatal depression association www.panda.org.au / 1300 726 306 www.raisingchildren.net.au Emergency evacuation workshops A bushfire is impacting your area and you need to evacuate. What do you do next? This interactive workshop will take you through a bushfire scenario where you: • see how a fire might impact your household • test your level of bushfire preparedness • discover the actions you can take that could save lives, and • understand how different agencies respond to each stage of a bushfire. Workshop dates Deans Marsh Thursday 7 November 6-8pm, Deans Marsh Hall Jan Juc/Bellbrae Thursday 13 November, 6-8pm, Bellbrae Fire Station Lorne Thursday 14 November, 6-8pm, Lorne Senior Citizens Centre Anglesea Thursday 28 November, 6-8pm, Anglesea Fire Station Jointly presented by Surf Coast Shire, the CFA, Victoria Police and Department of Environment and Primary Industries, the workshop is part of Council’s Resilient Communities Project. To register your interest or for more information, contact Council’s Resilient Communities Project Officer on 5261 0501 or visit www.surfcoast.vic.gov.au Surf Coast Shire Council | 7 Surf Coast welcomes ‘Fit Club’ to Torquay… Fun Free Community Group Fitness! This is a worldwide phenomenon, excited to have its launch in Torquay. Join the thousands of Victorians already taking advantage of this worldwide revolution. Perfect time to lose those unwanted winter kgs or tone up for your best summer body. Whether you are a first time exerciser or a fitness professional, Fit Club will suit you. Here’s what are saying already; Duneed Rd,people Mt Duneed - Google Maps Page 1 “Hi my name’s Michael- I’ve lost 16kg in 6 weeks and am loving the atmosphere and energy of Fit Club as I work on toning up for summer!” “Hi I’m Liz- I lost 16kg initially and now that I’m 38 weeks pregnant I’ve been taking it really easy at Fit Club but still enjoying bringing my 3 year old down for the great community atmosphere Address 20and Mt fun.” Duneed Rd Mt Duneed VIC 3216 “Hey, Andrew here- I dropped 5kg in a week and found my sports performance and recovery has improved out of sight. Plus I’ve now put on 3kg of lean muscle…Fit Club is the BOOM!” “Hi my name’s Renee, and even though I had just had a baby and was breastfeeding, I lost the last 4kg of baby weight plus 24cm of body fat in 10 days! Loving Fit Club!” Where: 20 Mt Duneed Rd, Mt Duneed (corner of Surf Coast Hwy and Mt Duneed Rd). Turn into driveway just up the hill from the roundabout and follow the Sports Kineisiology signs to rear of property. Parking available on site. When: Tuesdays 9:15 for 9:30am start and 6:30-7:15pm Thursdays. What: 45 minute workout for all levels of fitness, come down and enjoy the energy and atmosphere of Fit Club! It’s Fun, Free, Community Fitness. Bring the kids, bring a towel, bring a water bottle, bring a healthy attitude. How much: FREE Let’s get together and have some fun. It’s Go Time! ©2013 Google - Barwon South Western Region – Parent education Events Term four. Positive Parenting Program For Parents of children aged 2-5 years. Groups run for four weeks, followed by up to four weekly telephone sessions Commencing: Thursday 24 October Time: 7pm-9pm Cost: $20 (Inc GST) or $6.50 Conc. Note: This program is only suitable for parents who have a minimum of 24 hours of unsupervised access per week. Bringing Up Great Kids The Bringing Up Great Kids program is a six week program for parents of children aged 5-12 yrs which aims to equip parents with the skills to enhance their patterns of communication with their children, promote more respectful interactions and encourage the development of children’s positive self identity. Commencing: Wednesday 30 October Time: 7pm – 9pm Cost: $20 or $6.50 conc. Programs being conducted by Our Kids Key Steps to Parenting after Separation A 6-week program for separated/divorced parents who have a history of ongoing conflict .The focus of this course is to enable mothers/ fathers to explore ways to develop a “coparenting and business - like relationship” with the other parent or simply to strengthen their own relationship with their child/ren. Ideal for parents who wish to develop communication strategies that can result in child focused decision making around parenting plans and enable your child/ren to feel secure despite the challenges that go with separation and or divorce. Commencing: Tuesday 5 November, 6pm-8pm OR Wednesday 6 November, 10am-12noon Location: Family Relationship Centre, 27-41 Myers Street, Geelong Contact: Family Relationship Centre on 5246 5600 Programs being conducted by Tuning into Kids Tuning into Kids is a six session parenting program to help children learn to understand and regulate their emotions which in turn leads to becoming more resilient. Commencing: Thursday 31 October Time: 7pm – 9pm Location: Ariston, 245-249 Pakington St, Newtown Cost: $15 or $5 conc. Location: Ariston 245-249 Pakington St, Newtown Contact: Regional Parenting Service on 5272 4817 for information. Bringing Up Great Kids A parenting group using mindfulness and reflection to support parents to review and enhance patterns of communication with their children, to promote respectful interactions and encourage the development of children’s positive self identity. This group will look at developing positive parent/child relationships. Commencing: Wednesday 30th October Time: 1.00pm-3.00pm Location: Bethany Community Support 16 Ballarat Road, Hamlyn Heights Cost: FREE Contact: Bethany Community Support on 5278 8122 Surf Coast Shire Council 1 Merrijig Drive, Torquay VIC 3228 P: (03) 5261 0600 | F: (03) 5261 0525 www.surfcoast.vic.gov.au Programs being conducted by Building Connections A three hour seminar to help separated parents have healthy & strong relationships with their children. Learn more about the impact of separation and conflict on children; ways of communicating with the other parent; setting goals for future parenting & support services available to you. Dates: Monday 14 October OR Monday 18 November Time: 9.30am-12.30pm Location: Bethany Community Support 16 Ballarat Road, Hamlyn Heights Date: Friday 6 December Location: Family Relationship Centre, 27-41 Myers Street, Geelong Time: 9.30am-12.30pm Cost: FREE Contact: Bethany Community Support Ph: 5278 8122 Great Dads, Great Kids A parenting program especially for Dads who want to be the best Dad they can be, and build healthy communication, respectful interactions and encourage the development of happy, confident children. Commencing: 23 October – 11 December Time: Wednesday nights 5.30pm – 7.30pm Location: Bethany Community Support, 16 Ballarat Rd, Hamlyn Heights Cost: FREE Contact: Parent educator at Bethany on 5278 8122
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