MTM A&R WYOMING TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT MATERIALS TESTING MANUAL ADDITIONS AND REVISIONS Subsection No. Date Revised Changes NOTE: Table of Contents for both Subsections and Forms will be adjusted accordingly. 215.0 02-26-2013 Page 5 of Subsection 215.0, Emergency Contacts: Changed: In the event of an emergency, contact the following people in the order listed. Name Work Phone Cell Phone Chuck Cisco, Radiation Safety Officer (307) 777-4096 (307) 631-8024 Mike Reyes, Field Services Supervisor (307) 777-4096 (307) 631-5594 Greg Milburn, State Materials Engineer (307) 777-4070 (307) 760-4011 215.0 03-27-2013 Page 25 of Subsection 215.0, T-108S Example: Changed: T-108S Form example to concur with the revised form. T-108S 03-27-2013 Blank.xlsx and .pdf 111.0 04-20-2013 Modified T-108S – Asphalt Base / Pavement Density Report: Uploaded: Form T-108S. Page 2 of Subsection 111.0, BASF Construction Chemicals: Added: “Navitas 33 (HR)”. 430.0 06-13-2013 New Subsection 430.0 – Contractor Microsurfacing Mix Design Procedure: Added: New Subsection 430.0 and new Form E-46M example. E-46M 06-13-2013 Blank.xlsx and .pdf 109.0 07-09-2013 New Form: E-46M – Microsurfacing Mix Design (Including JMF) Uploaded: New Form E-46M. Page 1 of Subsection 109.0, Qualified Treated Timber Suppliers : Changed: “Hills Materials” to “Hills Products”. 110.0 07-09-2013 Page 2 of Subsection 110.0, E. Asphalt (Load-Bed) Release Agents: Page formatting: Force Item E. to next page to keep E. items together. i 408.0 09-30-2013 Page 204 of Subsection 408.0, Report Production: Changed: T-515M Form example to concur with the revised form. T-515 M 09-30-2013 Blank .xlsx and .pdf 108.0 06-09-2014 Modified T-515 M – Smoothness Assessment Report: Uploaded: Form T-515M. Revised form includes option for the selection of either PMWC or NonPMWC material with formulas. Page 1 of Subsection 108.0, PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION GUIDELINES: Added: “WYDOT PROJECT NUMBER” under “Product documentation must include:” 110.0 07-15-2014 Page 3 of Subsection 110.0, F. Concrete Evaporation Retardants: Changed: “Confilm” to “MasterKure ER 50” 111.0 04-30-2013 Page 2 of Subsection 111.0, B. Water Reducing, Accelarating, and Retarding Admixtures: Added: “Navitas 33 (HR)” 111.0 07-15-2014 Page 1 of Subsection 111.0, A. Air Entraining Chemicals: Changed: “BASF Construction Chemicals MB-VR Standard MB AE 90 Micro-Air Pave Air Pave-Air 90” To: “BASF Construction Chemicals MasterAir VR10 MasterAir AE90 MasterAir AE 200 Pave Air Pave Air 90” Changed: “Euclid Chemical Company Eucon Air 40 Air Mix 250 Air Mix AEA-92” To: “Euclid Chemical Company Eucon AEA-92 Eucon Air 40 Eucon Air Mix Eucon Air Mix 250” Changed: Sika Sika Air Sika AEA-14 To: Sika ii MTM A&R WYOMING TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT MATERIALS TESTING MANUAL ADDITIONS AND REVISIONS Subsection No. Date Revised Changes Sika AEA-14 Sika AIR-260 Sika AIR Changed: W.R. Grace & Company Daravair-M Daravair-1000 Daravair AT-30 AMEX 210 Daravair-1400 Darex II AEA Daravair AT-60 To: W.R. Grace & Company AMEX 210 Daravair AT-60 Daravair-1400 Darex II AEA Daravair AT-30 Daravair-1000 Daravair-M Page 2 of Subsection 111.0, B. Water Reducing, Accelarating, and Retarding Admixtures: Changed: “BASF Construction Chemicals Pozzolith 200N (NR) Pozzolith 322-N (NR) Pozzolith 100XR (MR) Pozzolith 300R (MR) Polyheed 900 (NR) Polyheed 997 (MR) Polyheed 1020 (HR) Polyheed 1720 (MR) Polyheed 1725 (MR) PS1466 (HR-Slump Retaining) Pozzutec 20+ (Cold or High Early) To: “BASF Construction Chemicals MasterGlenium 3030 (HR) MasterGlenium 7700 (HR) MasterMatrix 33 (HR) MasterPave + (NR) MasterPolyheed 997 (MR) iii Pozzolith NC534 (Cold or High Early) Masterpave (NR) Masterpave + (NR) Pozzolith 700N (NR) Glenium 3030 NS (HR-Slump Retaining) Glenium 7500 (HR) Glenium 7700 (HR) RheoTEC Z-60 (HR) Theocrete CNI (High Early) Rheobuild 1000 (HR-Slump Retaining) Delvo Stabilizer (Long Haul) Navitas 33 (HR)” MasterGlenium 7500 (HR) MasterLife CI 30 MasterPave (NR) MasterPolyheed 900 (NR) MasterPolyheed 1020 (HR) MasterPolyheed 1720 (MR) MasterPozzolith 200 (NR) MasterPozzolith 700 (NR) MasterSet AC 534 (Cold or High Early) MasterSet FP 20 (Cold or High Early) MasterSet R 300 (MR) PS 1466 (HR)” MasterPolyheed 1725 (MR) MasterPozzolith 322 (NR) MasterRheobuild 1000 (HR) MasterSet DELVO (Long Haul) MasterSet R 100 (MR) MasterSure Z 60 (HR) Changed: “Euclid Chemical Company Eucon WR (NR) Eucon MR (MR)” Eucon 37 (HR) To: “Euclid Chemical Company Eucon 37 (HR) Eucon MR (MR) Eucon WR (NR)” Changed: “Fritz-Pak Corporation Supercizer 1 (HR-Slump Retaining) NCA (High Early) Supercizer 5 (HR) Supersizer 6 (HR) Supercizer 7 (HR)” To: “Fritz-Pak Corporation NCA (High Early) Supercizer 5 (HR) Supercizer 7 (HR)” Supersizer 1 (HR-Slump Retaining) Supersizer 6 (HR) Changed: “Sika Plastocrete 161 (NR) Sikament 686 (HR) Plastocrete 161FL (Cold Weather) SikeSet NC (High Early) ViscoCrete 1000 (HR) ViscoCrete 2100 (HR-Slump Retaining) Sika Rapid-1 (Cold or High Early) ViscoCrete 4100 (HR-Slump Retaining) SikaTard 440 (Long Haul)” To: “Sika Plastocrete 100 (NR) Plastocrete 161 (NR) Plastocrete 161FL (Cold Weather) Sika Rapid-1 (Cold or High Early) Sikament 686 (HR) Sikaplast 300 GP (MR) SikaSet NC (High Early) SikaTard 440 (Long Haul) ViscoCrete 1000 (HR) ViscoCrete 2100 (HR-Slump Retaining) ViscoCrete 4100 (HR-Slump Retaining)” Changed: “W.R. Grace & Company ADVA 100 (HR) Daracem 19 (HR) ADVA 140M (HR) ADVA 190 (HR) iv MTM A&R WYOMING TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT MATERIALS TESTING MANUAL ADDITIONS AND REVISIONS Subsection No. Date Revised Changes Daracem-55 (NR) Daracem-65 (MR) Daracem 100 (HR) WRDA-27 (NR) WRDA-64 (NR) WRDA-82 (NR) WRDA-86 (NR) ADVA XT2 (NR) EXP 684 (HR) ADVA 195 (HR) ADVA Cast 530 (HR) ADVA Cast 575 (HR) ADVA Cast 600 (HR) Daraset 200 (High Early) Daraset 400 (High Early) PolarSet (Cold Weather) Recover (Long Haul) ZYLA 610 (NR) ZYLA 630 (NR) To: W.R. Grace & Company ADVA 140M (HR) ADVA 195 (HR) ADVA Cast 530 (HR) ADVA Cast 600 (HR) Daracem 19 (HR) Daracem 65 (MR) Daraset 200 (High Early) EXP 684 (HR) Recover (Long Haul) WRDA-64 (NR) ZYLA 610 (NR) ADVA 190 (HR) ADVA 405 (HR) ADVA Cast 575 (HR) ADVA XT2 (NR) Daracem 55 (NR) Daracem 100 (HR) Daraset 400 (High Early) PolarSet (Cold Weather) WRDA-27 (NR) WRDA-82 (NR) ZYLA 630 (NR) Page 3 of Subsection 111.0, C. “Basic” Curing Compounds: Changed: Dayton Superior Corp Clear Resin Cure J11W Resin Cure w/dye J11WD White Resin Cure J10W Edoco AquaResin Cure White Wax Cure J9A To: Dayton Superior Corp Clear Resin Cure J11W White Resin Cure J10W Changed: W.R. Meadows Sealtight 1300 v Resin Cure w/dye J11WD White Wax Cure J9A To: W.R. Meadows Sealtight 1300 Sealtight Hydraset Free Changed: Vexcon Certi-Ves Envio Cure White 500 Certi-Vex Envio Cure Lean Base To: Vexcon Certi-Vex Envio Cure Lean Base Certi-Vex Envio Cure White 500 Page 3 of Subsection 111.0, D. “Premium White” Curing Compounds: Changed: Dayton Supeior Corp. White PAMS Cure To: Dayton Superior Corp. Unitex K.C. White Acrylic Cure White PAMS Cure Changed: SpecChem PaveCure AMS Cure & Seal 25 Type II To: SpecChem Cure & Seal 25 Type II PaveCure AMS Deleted: Unitex K.C. White Acrylic Cure Page 3 of Subsection 111.0, E. Pre-Certified “Premium Clear” (”1315”) Curing Compounds: Changed: Dayton Superior Corp. Cure & Seal 25% J22UV To: Dayton Superior Corp. Cure & Seal 1315EF Unitex Solvent Seal 1315 Cure & Seal 25% J22UV Deleted: Unitex Solvent Seal 1315 Changed: US Mix Products US Spec Radiance UV-25 vi US Spec CS-25-1315 MTM A&R WYOMING TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT MATERIALS TESTING MANUAL ADDITIONS AND REVISIONS Subsection No. Date Revised Changes US Spec CS-30-1315 To: US Mix Products US Spec CS-25-1315 US Spec Radiance UV-25 130.0 07-15-2014 US Spec CS-30-1315 Page 1 of Subsection 130.0, Table of Miscellaneous Items – Sample Size: Geogrid Changed: “72 inch x width of roll” to “2 feet x 2 feet with 1 factory edge” 230.0 05-31-2014 All Pages of Subsection 230.0: Changed: Total re-write and revised Form T-211. Revised form includes option for Milled Pavement 100 ml or 200 ml and Chip Sealing ⅜ inch or ½ inch material. An example of each option is included. T-211 05-31-2014 Blank .xlsx and .pdf 415.0 06-30-2014 Modified T-211 – Macrotexture Report: Uploaded: T-211 Form. Revised form includes option for Milled Pavement 100 ml or 200 ml and Chip Sealing ⅜ inch or ½ inch material. Page 249 of Subsection 415.0, Density Testing for Compacted Mix: Changed: T-108 Form example to concur with the revised form. T-108 06-30-2014 Blank.xlsx and .pdf 814.0 05-31-2014 Modified T-108 – Smoothness Assessment Report: Uploaded: T-108 Form. Page 4 of Subsection 814.0, Procedure, Step 7a.: Changed: “Wt. Ret. “ item “K” to “Wt. Ret.”, “K” Page 4 of Subsection 814.0, Procedure, Step 7c and 7d.: Changed: “item “K”” to “column “K”” vii Page 4 of Subsection 814.0, Procedure, Step 7d.: Changed: WeightofMaterialonSieves Pan, lb OriginalDryWeight, lb To: E D E 100 100 within0.3% percentchange Page 4 of Subsection 814.0, Procedure, Step 7d., First Note: Changed: “If the amounts differ” to “If the percent change differs” Page 5 of Subsection 814.0, Procedure, Step 7d., Second Note: Deleted: “in the “Coarse Aggregate”, item “E” and” Page 5 of Subsection 814.0, Procedure, Step 7f., Combined Aggregate items: Changed: Combined Aggregate items: A = Sum of weight retained No. 4 material and above, lb B = Weight passing No. 4 sieve, lb D = Total dry sample weight, lb H = Percent retained plus No. 4 material I = Percent passing minus No. 4 material Coarse Aggregate items: E = Total dry sample weight, lb K = Weight retained per sieve, lb To: Combined Aggregate items: A = Sum of weight retained No. 4 material and above, lb B = Weight passing No. 4 sieve, lb D = Total dry sample weight measured after sieving, lb E = Total dry sample weight, lb H = Percent retained plus No. 4 material I = Percent passing minus No. 4 material K = Weight retained per sieve and Pan, lb 05-31-2014 Update Form: T-211 – Macro Texture Report: Updated form includes the option for Milled Pavement 100 ml or 200 ml and Chip Sealing ⅜ inch or ½ inch material. viii
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