Årsrapport 2013
Årsrapport 2013 1
Ti år med køkkenmanifestet og Ny Nordisk Mat
Eurovision Song Contest
Master Classes i Shanghai
Nordic Cool i Washington
KreaLab i Stockholm
FOOSHION i Shanghai
Nordic Sound Bite I LONDON
28 För högre utbildningar –
Nordic Sound Bite ©Ny Nordisk Mat
Mat för många
SME in the Bioeconomy
Street Food i Malmö
World Food Travel Summit
Workshop i Linköping
Arenamat i Stockholm
Midway evaluation of NNM II
2 Årsrapport 2013
Medlemmar i styrgruppen
Medlemmar i arbetsgruppen
Program ansvarig: Magnus Gröntoft, [email protected], +46 705 83 65 66
Under det svenska ordförandeskapet 2013
har programmet Ny Nordisk Mat II i
ökande utsträckning integrerat sin
verksamhet med andra aktörer. Syftet har
varit flera. Den övergripande strategin har
varit att mot slutet av programperioden
gradvis minska de åtaganden som NNM II
är huvudman för och istället samarbete
med andra, nationella aktörer. Med detta
vill vi uppnå dels att de värden som NNM
II driver (nordiska råvaror, smak, upplevelse, etc.) samt den nordiska samarbetstanken i ökande utsträckning kommer
med i de nationella projekten. Syftet har
också varit att kompensera NNM II’s
25%-iga budgetnedskärning, med medel
från de parter vi samarbetat med. Utfallet
av denna strategi har varit över förväntan
och vi kan för 2013 redovisa en lång rad
aktiviteter, som inom flera områden
kommunicerat Ny Nordisk Mat och den
potential som ryms i begreppet.
På de följande sidorna redovisas NNM II’s
nordiska och internationella aktiviteter
2013. Det bör uppmärksammas att dessa
event bara är toppen på det kommunikativa arbetet. I det arbetet ingår dels
förberedelser, men framförallt utåtriktad
kommunikation via nyhetsbrev, hemsidor,
FaceBook, Youtube, Twitter samt en lång
rad konsultativa dialoger, som drivs av alla
inblandade i genomförandet av NNM II.
I ramprogrammet står att NNM II skall
genomföra en årlig konferens. Detta har
gjorts under en följd av år men från och
med 2013 kommer vi istället att integrera
konferensen med ordförandelandets
nationella aktiviteter. Syftet är att gradvis
flytta över ansvaret för det nordiska arbetet
på nationella aktörer, så att det inte
uppstår ett vakuum när programmet
avslutas 2014. Under 2013 satsade vi därför
extra på två event; Särimner i Östersund,
med mathantverk i centrum, samt KreaLab1, tillsammans med Konstakademien i Stockholm och KreaNord, där mat och
kulturella & kreativa näringar var i fokus.
2013 presenterades en halvtidsrapport
samt en evaluering, utförd kring årsskiftet
2012/13. Evalueringen, där ca 250
personer svarat, gav programmet höga
betyg. Utföraren sammanfattade utvärderingen med: ”Overall, the respondents
believe the program Ny Nordisk Mat to be
a fruitful collaboration and the majority
would gladly see an continuation of the
program. Many respondents points out
the importance of working together, …”, se sid 38.
Det skall även lyftas fram att begreppet
NNM har granskats vetenskapligt ur olika
aspekter med många positiva resultat. En
grupp studerade NNM ur ett socialt
perspektiv och de faktorer som bidrog till
den snabba spridningen. En annan grupp
om de sociala medierna och om vilka
noder som var viktiga spridningscentra.
Under hösten har också det danska OPUS
redovisat positiva hälsoresultat med
nordiska råvaror. Se NNM II’s nyhetsarkiv.
Det skall avslutningsvis betonas att NNM
II har lyckats genomföra ett så omfattande
arbete utifrån en genomtänkt arbetsmetodik. Nordisk mat idag är inte bara ett
näringsintag för att överleva och kunna
arbeta. Mat har i allt högre grad rört sig
mot centrum i en lång rad samhällssektorer, allt från hälsa och välstånd till
turism och upplevelser. Detta kräver
förmåga att integrera olika grupper i
arbetet, som normalt arbetat långt ifrån
varandra. Tydligt blir detta inom sjukhusvärlden, där god och näringsriktig mat
många gånger kan ersätta medicin. Men
också inom industrin där många olika
branscher måste samverka om Norden
skall behålla sitt försprång och sitt
välstånd. Här ser många behovet av en
ökad samverkan mellan kreativa industrier, vilket idag omfattar både traditionell
industri och de kulturella näringarna, där
mat & måltider ingår. 
Årsrapport 2013 3
Vem gör vad i NNM II
Projektledarna i NNM II är bara anlitade på konsultbasis och har ingen fast koppling till programmet.
De har en varierad budget mellan 100.000 – 600.000 DKK. Projektledarnas budget fördelas på arbetstid samt kostnader för aktiviteterna inom respektive område.
Ordförande Lena Brenner
Ordförande Einar Risvik
Magnus Gröntoft
Bettina Lindfors
Webb & sociala medier • Mediarelationer
Projektkommunikation • Eventkoordinering
Nordic Food Diplomacy
Charlotta Ranert
Barn, mat och hälsa i Norden
Harriet Strandvik
Nordic Cool, Washington D.C.
Eurovision Song Contest, Malmö
Samarbete med svenska UD
Kampanj om Mat & möten
Nordic Design & Innovation Week Shanghai
Konferens med Måltidspedagogik på turné &
nordisk nätverksträff
Norden som gastronomisk region
Mat till många Inger M. Jonsson
Nordic Street Food, Malmö
Nordic Street Food Festival, San Francisco
World Food Travel Summit • Arena Mat
Samordning av högre utbildning inom offentlig
måltid i Norden (magisterutbildningsprogram)
Mat och kreativa näringar
Elisabet Skylare
Bio-ekonomi (SME)
Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir
Nordic Cool, Washington D.C. • Nordic Sound Bite, London
FOOSHION, Shanghai • Krealab No 1, Stockholm
Paneldebatt Cph Food Fair • Nätverk M&KN
Konferens med Eldrimner:
Særimner – Nordiskt mathantverk 2013
Charlotta Ranert
Sveriges ordförandeskap i NMR 2013
Konferens med Eldrimner • Konferens med Måltidspedagogik på turné & nordisk nätverksträff • Konferens med KreaNord
Seminarium: Hur skapas hållbara gastronomiska regioner? • Seminarium: Offentlig upphandling och regional produktion
Seminarium: Arenamat och idrottsevenemang • Kommunikation under ordförandeåret • Övrigt
4 Årsrapport 2013
Aktiviteter under NNM II’s programperiod 2011 – 2013.
Aktiviteter 2013
Barn, mat & hälsa i NordenArenamat, Stockholm
Barn – utbildning, Kristianstad
Mat & kreativa näringar
Eurovision Song Contest, Malmö
Nordic Food Diplomacy
Fooshion, Shanghai
Nordiska gastronomiska regionerGastronomiska regioner, Linköping
Högre akademisk utbildning, Grythyttan
KreaLab1, Stockholm
Master Classes, Shanghai
Nordic Cool, Washington
Nordic Sound Bite, London
SME – Särimner, Östersund
Street Food, Malmö
World Food Travel Summit, Göteborg
Gröna ”nålar”
anger publika event där
NNM II varit ansvarig
eller drivande.
Blå ”nålar”
anger möten inom NNM II
Årsrapport 2013 5
Arbetsgrupp Ordförande: Einar Risvik, [email protected]
Ti år med køkkenmanifestet
og Ny Nordisk Mat
For ti år siden satt noen kokker seg ned for
å forsøke å definere hva et nordisk
kjøkken skulle kunne være. De kom opp
med et nordisk kjøkkenmanifest http://
nynordiskmad.org/om-nnm-ii/koeksmanifestet/om01/ som beskriver verdiene bak
det de trodde på. Dette er et ikke-dogmatisk dokument som skapte et kreativt rom
for kokker i første omgang. De nordiske
ministrene likte ideene og støttet den
gryende folkebevegelsen med et program
som ble kalt det samme som manifestet
http://nynordiskmad.org/, men hvor det
ble politisk viktig å se på matens betydning også utenfor de høye kokkehattene.
Programmet tok samme utgangspunkt
som kokkene, men de politisk oppnevnte
deltakerne la større vekt på hverdagsmaten og småskalaprodusentene i de
nordiske landene.
Pecha Kucha, NDIW 2013 Shanghai
6 Årsrapport 2013
Dette har vært en merkevarebyggingsprosess som går langt utenpå autoritetene
i kokkeverden, en prosess som handler om
stolthet og identitet i egen matkultur. Det
blir ingen omgripende matkulturendring
med noen få superkokker, hele samfunnet
må delta i denne matkulturelle klassereisen for at vi skal kunne påberope oss en
internasjonal matkultur. I Norden forsto vi
imidlertid verdien av å bygge oss opp som
en felles gastronomisk region, for på sikt
skal dette gi oss bedre mat på alle nivå,
ikke bare for eliten. Ikke nok med det, vi
skal arbeide innenfor de felles nordiske
verdiene som setter likhet, ærlighet og
demokrati høyt. Med andre ord, dette er
den nordiske modellen satt ut i praksis og
kulturen må omdannes til en folkekultur
ikke reservert for en liten gruppe.
Nå kan vi se tilbake på ti år med stor
aktivitet. Kokkene har opplagt skåret stort
i denne perioden, så bra at enkelte media
tror at Ny Nordisk Mat er lik NOMA. I
Politiken i Januar 2014 http://politiken.dk/
stiller man til og med spørsmålet om ikke
NOMAS dogmatiske tilnærming til Ny
Nordisk Mat kanskje har utspilt sin rolle.
Et godt spørsmål hvis man oppfatter at Ny
Nordisk Mat handler om å kopiere NOMA og at alt som gjøres på NOMA er en
dogmatisk sannhet. Slik er det ikke. Rene
Redzepi har sikkert for lengst gjort seg
ferdig med denne forenklede tankemodellen og er på vei over i en ny-realisering og
nyorientering, man beholder ikke sin
posisjon som en av verdens to beste
restauranter i mer enn 5 år gjennom å
gjenta seg selv for lenge.
Signaturrätt Ja Ja Ja Festival London
En svale gjør ingen sommer, slik også med
NOMAs betydning for matkulturen.
Spørsmålet om hva Ny Nordisk Mat er, er
imidlertid ikke besvart av NOMA og vil nok
ikke bli besvart på lenge. Heldigvis.
Diskursen om en nordisk matkultur er for
kompleks til å kunne besvares av hva man
gjør på en restaurant. Hvis Norden ønsker
å bestå som gastronomisk region må man
derfor merkevarebygge nordisk matkultur
helt fra topprestaurantene og ned til
hverdagsmaten på sykehus og skoler. Det
er denne prosessen kjøkkenmanifestet
handler om og den kontinuerlige diskursen er ekstremt viktig.
Merkevarebygging er langsomme
prosesser og handler mye mer om vårt
eget selvbilde enn å få alle kokker til å
kopiere NOMA gjennom å brenne purre.
Kopier bringer ingenting nytt, men er en
måte å komme i riktig tankemodus på. At
topp-kokkene nå ikke lenger ønsker
merkelapper som kobler dem til massene
tyder på at begrepsbruken er på vei
“I Norden forsto vi imidlertid verdien av å bygge oss opp som en felles
gastronomisk region, for på sikt skal dette gi oss bedre mat på alle nivå,
ikke bare for eliten. Ikke nok med det, vi skal arbeide innenfor de felles
nordiske verdiene som setter likhet, ærlighet og demokrati høyt.”
nedover i samfunnet, noe som må ønskes
velkommen. En konsekvens er engasjementet knyttet til utbredelsesprosessen
av tankegodset i form av en kontinuerlig
diskurs og forskning på fenomenet.
At barn får et aktivt forhold til maten de
spiser og at de reflekterer over hvor den
kommer fra, hva den gjør med oss og
hvordan mat inngår i sosiale prosesser
mellom mennesker er en utrolig viktig
motvekt til fordummingen av maten vi har
sett gjennom de siste 50 år. Vi må
gjenerobre matkunnskapen for å unngå å
bli ofre for helserelaterte matsykdommer
som fedme, hjerte kar, diabetes II og
inflammasjoner. Vi vet i dag at mer enn 50 % av ikke-smittsomme sykdommer har
en relasjon til mat og enda større andel av
helsekostnadene våre. Disse vokser
raskere enn kostnadsnivået i samfunnet
og allerede i dag har vi ikke råd til
konsekvensene. Derfor må vi endre
matvaner, hvis ikke vil vi sakte, men
sikkert, bygge ned vår velferd til vi ikke
lengre har råd til mer enn helsekostnadene. Dette er ikke det samfunnet vi
ønsker. En matkulturell revolusjon vil
kunne endre utviklingen og dette er ett av
fokusområdene i Ny Nordisk Mat i 2014.
uttrykk for en Nordisk bevegelse i Japan vi
ikke kunne forestilt oss for få år siden. Her
skapes gjensidig forsterkning mellom mat
og design, to styrkeområder som man i
Japan nå oppfatter at formidler samme
budskap. Dette er et godt signal.
Gjensidig forsterkning har derfor blitt et
omkved i aktivitetene Ny Nordisk Mat har
blitt engasjert i de siste årene. Det går helt
fra JA JA JA festivalen i London, hvor
Nomex presenterte Nordisk musikk
gjennom aktiv bruk av nordiske smaker:
– Nordic Sound Bite: http://youtu.be/
wwWF2GY4Eu4 På samme måte forsterket mat budskapet om bærekraftig mote
under Nordic Design & Innovation Week
2013 i Shanghai – Fooshion: http://youtu.
be/eOdTVpyicgY slik at dette ble oppfattet
som en promotering av nordisk livsstil
hvor fysisk og mental helse og lykke ble
sentralt. Dette er hvordan vi i praksis kan
selge nordisk livsstil/mote/design og at
maten oppfattes å forsterke dette
De fremtidige utfordringene er selvfølgelig
mest viktig i siste år av Ministerråds- programmet Ny Nordisk Mat. Vi lever
fremdeles ikke som vi lærer og veien er
lang for institusjonsmat i store deler av
Norden. Det er langt fra NOMA til mat i
eldreomsorgen. Likevel er det på denne
sektoren vi på sikt virkelig kan vinne store
seire. Mental helse, lykke og fravær av
sykdom oppfattes som sterke kvalitetsegenskaper ved Norden. Mat har en
avgjørende rolle i denne sammenhengen
og nå begynner det å røre på seg for alvor. 
Fooshion, NDIW 2013 Shanghai
De fleste store matregioner i verden har
nær assosiasjon mellom matkultur og
geografi. Vi er i ferd med å få til det
samme hos oss gjennom fokuset på Ny
Nordisk Mat de ti siste årene. Når verdens
mest luksuriøse varekjede Isetan i Japan/
Asia lanserer Nordic Food i hele desember
i 2013 og fortsetter med den norske
pop-up restauranten Fuglen og svensk/
dansk/finsk kobling mellom mat og
nordisk design i hele januar i 2014 er dette
Årsrapport 2013 7
informatör: Bettina Lindfors, [email protected], + 358 50 599 5244
Ny Nordisk Mat II (NNM II) främsta syfte är
att kommunicera det nordiska köksmanifestet genom olika projektverksamheter.
Under 2013 initierade och genomförde
NNM II ett flertal gränsöverskridande
aktiviteter inom mat och måltider,
tillsammans med olika aktörer och
nätverk. Genom en bred kommunikation
befästes ytterligare den nordiska matkulturens mervärde i Norden och internationellt. Därtill publicerades programmets
halvtidsutvärdering och halvtidsrapport
2010-2012 ”New Nordic Food II – a popular movement continues”.
Spridning av resultat från NNM II
Det svenska ordförandeskapet i Nordiska
Ministerrådet bidrog till att NNM II
arrangerade flera aktiviteter med Matlandet Sverige. Det främsta arrangemanget
var Särimner 2013 & SM i Nordiskt
Mathantverk tillsammans med Eldrimner i
Östersund. Därtill ordnades nordiska
seminarier inom gatumat, hållbara
gastronomiska regioner, arena mat,
KreaLab, måltidspedagogik för barn,
vattenbruk samt akademisk nätverksträff
kring offentlig måltidsutbildning.
Tillsammans med åländska och nordiska
parter deltog NNM II i flera av sommarens
politiska stormöten, såsom Almedalen
(Sverige) och Arendal (Norge). I Almedalen
riktades aktiviteterna till allmänhet,
beslutsfattare och media medan aktiviteterna i Arendal var riktade till barnfamiljer, beslutsfattare och media.
Under året genomfördes flera innovativa,
gränsöverskridande pilotprojekt med
nordiska (export)aktörer internationellt
8 Årsrapport 2013
bland annat Washington DC, Köpenhamn,
Malmö, Göteborg, Shanghai och London.
NNM’s verksamhet presenterades på
våren under nationella Närmat- och
ekomässan i Helsingfors.
NNM II aktiviteter kommuniceras på bred
front både på skandinaviska och engelska,
till beslutsfattare, projektledare, organisationer och övriga aktörer inom mat och
matupplevelser, samt till media i Norden
och internationellt.
En stark webbnärvaro, kontinuerligt
flerspråkigt nyhetsflöde samt innovativa
pilotprojekt med olika parter har resulterat i god synlighet och stark kommunikation om den nordiska maten.
NNM II har målmedvetet intensifierat
nyhetssamarbetet med nationella,
nordiska organisationer och – nätverk
inom mat och måltider. Genom samarbetet
med nationella aktörer integreras nordiska
och nationella aktiviteter och målgruppen
breddas. Egna och gemensamma nyheter
förmedlas kontinuerligt på webbplatsen
och i sociala medier, genom pressutskick
till nordisk media och i ett månatligt
elektroniskt nyhetsbrev på skandinaviska
och engelska. Under året lanserades även
ett nytt nyhetsbrev inom temat Barn, mat
och hälsa i Norden.
I och med flera internationella samarbeten
har den engelska kommunikationen ökat.
Men en stark internationell nyhetsförmedling har också resulterat i lanseringen av
japanska och ryska webbsidor om NNM.
Gränsöverskridande pilotprojekten har
genomförts inom Mat och kreativa
näringar samt Nordic Food Diplomacy, i
Washington (mat & kultur, mat & diplomati), Malmö (mat & musik, gatumat),
Göteborg (mat & turism), Shanghai (mat &
mode, mat & export, diplomati), samt i
London (mat & musik). Dessa samarbeten
visar programmets förmåga att lyfta
nordiska måltidskoncept till en hög
kommunikativ nivå. Vidare fungerar NNM
II i ökad grad som guide för internationella
journalister och mediabolag med intresse
för nordisk matkultur.
Programmets elektroniska medieuppföljning, i samarbete med NMR, genererar ett
tiotal medieklipp per vecka och till detta
kommer gemensam medieuppföljningen
med parter kring särskilda aktiviteter i
Norden och internationellt. Ny Nordisk
Mat som rörelse och dess temaområden
har även under året uppmärksammats i
olika vetenskapliga artiklar.
NNM II har ett nyhetssamarbete med
Nordiska ministerrådets kommunikationsavdelning, KreaNord och Norden i Fokus
(Nordic Innovation). Andra relevanta
parter är Nomex (musikexport) och Nordic
Fashion Association, nordiska ambassader
och konsulat, utrikesministerier, jord- och
skogsbruksministerier samt flera andra
mat- och måltids-, kultur-, hälso- och
medborgarorganisationer. Under det
svenska ordförandeskapet har kommunikationssamarbete med Matlandet Sverige
intensifierat, via bl.a. Eldrimner –
nationellt resurscentrum för mathantverk,
Grythyttan, Måltidsriket m.fl. 
Referenser & mer information
• www.nynordiskmad.org
• www.nfd.nynordiskmad.org
• www.facebook.com/nynordiskmad
• www.twitter.com/NyNordiskMat
• www.youtube.com/NyNordiskMat
• http://www.nynordiskmad.blogspot.fi
• http://nynordiskmad.org/aktuellt/
Antal / spridning
Målgrupp / spridning
Webbplats, nynordiskmad.org
2 000 – 5 000 besökare/månadGenerell, projekt, media, beslutsfattare
Internationellt & Norden
Webbsida, nfd.nynordiskmad.org
5 00- 1 000 besökare/månad
Export, branding, diplomati
– Barn, mat och hälsa i Norden (NY)
(program- och projektnivå ämnen)
15 pressmeddelande/år 6 00 mediakontakter i Norden, ökad grad
av internationella mediakontakter
240 nyheter/år Generell, projekt, media, beslutsfattare
Webb, nyhetsbrev, sociala medier
Internationellt & Norden
1 500 prenumeranterGenerell, projekt, media, beslutsfattare
– ca 1 brev/månad
Internationellt & Norden
– 4 brev/år
Media, beslutsfattare
Norden & Internationellt
Blogg 1-2 inlägg/månadGenerell
Ca 200 besökare/inlägg
1 500 gillare (+45% jmf 2012)
(även som bildbank)Räckvidd på 350 000 enskilda
och organisationer
Enskilda, organisationer
Norden & internationellt
TwitterCa 4 00 följare (+300% jmf 2012)
Särskilda målgrupper kring aktiviteter
samt generellt
8 videos 2013, totalt 40 videos (2011-2013)Generell
5 000 visningar
Norden & internationellt
EventCa 10 event med nationella parter i Sverige (svenskt ordförandeskap i NMR)
Svenska och nordiska aktörer inom tema i
fråga, media
Ca 5 event med nordiska aktörer under
politiska stormöten i Norge och Sverige
ca 10 med nordiska aktörer internationellt
Beslutsfattare, media, generell
Nationella och internationella, aktörer inom tema, media, export
Årsrapport 2013 9
Project manager: Harriet Strandvik, [email protected], +358 40 5592904
Project webpage: http://nynordiskmad.org/tema/barn-mat-haelsa-i-norden/
Barn Mat & Hälsa i Norden
Projektet barn, mat och hälsa har sedan kartläggningen av projekt i
Norden etablerat sig som ett aktivt
Nordisk nätverk. Den kommunikativa funktionen har stått I fokus under 2013. Målet
har varit att sprida kunskap och kompetens inom området genom olika kanaler.
Under året publicerades fyra nyhetsbrev
(på engelska och skandinaviska), en
nätverksträff arrangerades i Kristianstad,
Sverige och på de sociala medierna har
det pågått ett ständigt flöde av information och ökat intresse för plattformen; Mat & Barn I Norden.
Nätverk för framtiden
Skolträdgårdar (edible schoolyards)
kontaktperson: Niels Heine Kristensen (DK)
“Den pedagogiska måltiden”, Nationellt
centrum för Måltider kontaktperson Mija
Gustafsson (SWE) “Barn och mat så in i
Norden” kontaktperson är Susanne
Thorén. Under år 2013 har nya subgrupper
av nätverk uppstått. I Oslo 2012 startade
projektet ett nätverk för personer med
intresse för skolträdgårdar (edible
schoolyard). I år utnyttjade vi nätverket
och temat under träffen I Kristianstad. En
del av programmet för nätverksträffen
lades I “Hälsoträdgården” där mat och
matens ursprung är i centrum. De
praktiska övningarna kopplades till
information om forskning på området.
10 Årsrapport 2013
Projektet barn, mat och hälsa ger
möjlighet att utbyta kompetens. Den
gemensamma utgångspunkten för
samarbetet under året har kristalliserats
till att handla om: “Måltidspedagogik”.
Två nya nätverk har skapats där NNM och
projektet är en viktig länk. Det första är
“Den pedagogiska måltiden”, där
Nationellt centrum för Måltider är utgivare
av nyhetsbrev, riktat till förskolor i och
utanför Sverige.
Det andra nätverket som är ett resultat
under året är “Barn och mat så in i
Norden”, initiativet kommer från Leader
Söderslätt. Genom det nordiska nätverket
kommer man att initiera dels en permanent portal för insamling av material på
området samt en konferensturné i de
Nordiska länderna. Förarbetet är redan i
gång och de kontaktnät som NNM II,
”Barn, mat & hälsa” administrerar är en
stor tillgång för en lyckad nordisk
spridning av kunnandet på området. De
material som finns samlat under NNM II,
är ur deras synvinkel en värdefull start för
ett fortsatt utbyte och samarbete.
Kristianstad värd för
barn & mat-träff
I samarbete med Livsmedelsverket
(Nationellt kompetenscenter för måltider
inom vård, skola och omsorg) och
satsningen, “Måltidspedagogik på turné”
valde vi att etablera en nordisk prägel
under dagarna i Kristianstad. Övergripande tema var Måltidspedagogik.
Utomhuspedagogik och skolträdgårdar
stod i centrum under dag två. Spännande
var kopplingen till Barnens Smakdag som
sammanföll med arrangemanget. Under
dagarna kunde deltagarna inhämta både
Barna følger godt med når Margit Vea
forklarer hvordan de skal filitere makrellen
før de selv får ta i kniven.
teorier på temat samt få praktiska
exempel och övningar. I utvärderingen är
majoriteten mycket nöjd med den
nordiska dagen.
I stadens skolträdgård, Hälsoträdgården
samlades ett 1000-tal barn och deras
pedagoger. Här utnyttjades trädgården
som ett ”Smak-rum”, ett grönt klassrum
med övningar som förstärker kunskapen
om mat och måltid. Inspirationen flödade
liksom höstsolens strålar. De nordiska
råvarorna stod också i centrum och många
lät sig inspireras av Tareq Taylor som fanns
med i parken. Han beskriver sitt engagemang för barn och mat så här:
“Jag är otroligt stolt över att få ta del i
kanske det viktigaste som finns, nämligen
att sprida kunskap om mat och råvaror till
våra barn. I en värld där snabbmaten tar
en allt större plats är det viktigare än
någonsin att upplysa barn och ungdomar,
men även föräldrar, om vilka fina råvaror
som vi kan finna i vår omedelbara närhet.
Det är vår uppgift att inspirera, informera
och förhoppningsvis skapa en grund för
en hälsosammare generation som inser
värdet i väl och god lagad mat. Såväl
näringsmässigt som socialt.” 
“I en värld där snabbmaten tar en allt
större plats är det viktigare än någonsin
att upplysa barn och ungdomar, men även
föräldrar, om vilka fina råvaror som vi kan
finna i vår omedelbara närhet.”
Årsrapport 2013 11
Project manager: Charlotta Ranert, [email protected], +46 737 181318
Project webpage: http://nynordiskmad.org/tema/nordic-food-diplomacy/
Nordic Food Diplomacy
Nordic Food Diplomacy is a tool for
communication of Nordic values through
food and food design. It is utilized to
enhance other cultural expressions and
messages; in the planning process of
political gatherings, official dinners,
export drives, concerts, art exhibitions,
lectures and cultural events.
By using this form for communication,
dinner guests and audiences at events
around the world are given the opportunity to enjoy Nordic food as an additional
stimulating dimension when we promote a
Nordic region or at official dinners. Nordic
Food Diplomacy works through the
development of concepts methods, tools
and pilot projects which provide inspiration for those who use Nordic gastronomy
in their promotion.
In 2013 the project has fulfilled its goals
through a number of activities around the
globe. The branding tool has been used in
diverse circumstances and on different
target groups, but always to great acclaim
from both the media, organisers and
partners. As a direct result of the Nordic
Food Diplomacy project, organisers of the
world’s largest music competition
Eurovision Song Contest developed a food
strategy for the event. And Nordic food
strengthened the promotional efforts at
cultural festivals in both Shanghai and
The aim of Nordic Food Diplomacy is to
promote and conceptualise the use of
Nordic food and culinary experiences
when presenting the Nordic countries and
12 Årsrapport 2013
their values in different branding activities
and political gatherings together with the
Nordic Diplomatic Corps. The objective is
to make the region’s renowned cuisine a
natural element in all representation, at
home and abroad.
Nordic countries as well as abroad. In
collaborations with the Nordic Diplomatic
Corps, the project has been a valued
partner and delivered support to personnel in the kitchens as well as ideas and
inspiration for the official events.
PILOT: FOOD & MUSIC, page 14
FEB 2013 PILOT: FOOD & CULTURE, page 20
• New and extended collaborations with
the Nordic Embassies and Consulates.
Crosscreative pilot projects with the
culture, export and music industries
and the Nordic Diplomatic Corps and
thereby strengthening the Nordic
brand internationally together with a
wide range of partners.
• New collaborations with the world’s
largest TV-show, Eurovision Song
Contest. For the first time ever food,
drink and storytelling was thought
trough and an important part of the
ESC. A food strategy based on the
Nordic Kitchen Manifesto was
developed and used. • SWEDISH FIKA became epic. 2000 journalists from all over the world were
treated to Swedish fika, storytelling
and grand hospitality on a daily basis
at the press centre during the ESC.
The Nordic Food Diplomacy website is
continually updated and under further
development according to expressed
needs and ideas from the users. Project
personnel is continually consulted on how
to use the toolkit, recipes, seasonal
produce, etc.
The project network and the number of
collaborators is growing steadily in the
“As a direct result of the Nordic Food Diplomacy project, organisers of
the world’s largest music competition developed a food strategy for the
event. And Nordic food strengthened the promotional efforts at cultural
festivals in both Shanghai and Washington.”
project manager charlotta ranert
• Young chefs in training. During the ESC we collaborated with the local catering
college, training young chefs. They
were invited to participate in preparing
the menu for the opening ceremony of
the ESC and the Swedish Fika.
• Designing a Nordic Flavour Profile for
the ESC. Successful branding of Nordic
food culture and flavours through the development and use of a flavour
profile. The flavour profile was also
sent out to the region’s HORECA members who were urged to implement the flavours in dishes, drinks and
on breakfast buffets. This was used on
a large scale.
• Massive media coverage of the pilot
projects. All projects were covered in
different types of media. Especially
Swedish Fika was followed by
bloggers, tweeters and on Facebook
and European television companies
and radio teams were broadcasting
live from the FIKA buffet.
The project has been presented in
newspaper articles, invitations and event
programmes at all events and collaborations. Project management has used
social media as well as press releases,
strategic contacts and the media to
promote Nordic Food Diplomacy.
The food strategy, flavour profile, Swedish
Fika and our focus on sustainability got
much coverage in Nordic media. The
Danish Agricultural Minister, Mette
Gjersgård, also sent out a press release
where she expressed her appreciation of
the Nordic Food Diplomacy concept during
the ESC. Both Nordic Cool and ND&IW was
Nordic Cool, Washington
covered by the media. Moreover, Tareq
Taylor got invited to a cooking programme
on Chinese television, that has over a
million viewers to cook Nordic Food.
Partners: Kennedy Center, the Nordic
Embassies in Washington, Malmö Stad,
Eurovision Song Contest, Smaka på
Skåne, Foodism, the Nordic Consulates in
Shanghai, Tareq Taylor’s Nordic Cookery.
Chefs: Tareq Taylor’s Nordic Cookery/
Tareq Taylor & Andrew Eves (SE), MoMuMat/Malin Söderström (SE)
Sponsors: Hvens Distillery, Norwegian
Seafood Council, Troika Seafood, VOSS.
Since the project started two years ago a
visible shift has taken place in how the
use of food can be an effective branding
tool. Even though not all partners greet us
with open arms when we first approach
them, the results of our different collaborations have been satisfactory for all our
partners. Still, there is a long way to go for
the Diplomatic community before they
really understand the value of using food
in their branding efforts.
This has most certainly to do with the lack
of policy around food and meals in the
diplomatic world. The realisation that food
is a bearer of culture and can give the
recipient a strong underlying message is
yet to happen. Furthermore, interest, skills
and competence at the embassies and
their kitchens is variable, to say the least.
Problems have risen when untrained
kitchen staff fails to master the toolkit or
to understand the information due to lack
of experience and knowledge. Additionally, strong Nordic political concepts such
as sustainability do generally not seem to
concern the diplomatic forces abroad or
their staff. 
Årsrapport 2013 13
Project manager: Charlotta Ranert, [email protected], +46 737 181318
Project webpage: http://nynordiskmad.org/tema/nordic-food-diplomacy/eurovision-song-contest/
Eurovision Song Contest –
Nordic flavours brought a song to Malmö,
this year’s “Eurovision city”.
Europe’s biggest televised music event
was this year broadcasted from Malmö in
southern Sweden. During the festival
week in May, thousands of musical artists
and journalists gathered to take part in
the competition.
To give the guests a taste of the region
and for the Nordic flavours – dishes and
snacks served at parties and coffee breaks
were designed according to the Nordic
Food Diplomacy concept.
Charlotta Ranert, from NNF II, proposed a
food strategy for the event based on the
tools developed for the Nordic Food
Diplomacy website. The food strategy was
well recived and she was contracted as
co-ordinator for all food acitivites during
the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) in
Malmö. Right from the start she and her
team followed the Nordic Food Diplomacy
toolkit and worked with several elements
that would work well together to create a
Nordic feeling and enhance the Nordic
brand. She decided on a range of flavours
that would signify the event and would be
suitable for hot dishes as well as in cakes
and snacks. The chosen signature
flavours; chili, apple mint, rhubarb,
elderflower and licorice, were then
presented to hotels and restaurants in
Malmö who were encouraged to use them at their own discretion.
The aim of the work done during the
Eurovision Song Contest was to use
culinary experiences to highlight and
strengthen Sweden and Skåne’s unique
brand and values, with its strong focus on sustainability.
Based on the tools developed for the
Nordic Food Diplomacy website a strategy was developed which included
the following:
• A flavour profile and food strategy.
• Cooperation with the local catering
• Workshops to create menus and
concepts for the events.
Based on this strategy the following
activities were perfomed:
• The big gala evening at the Malmö
Opera House.
• Swedish “fika”, each afternoon at the
press center.
• A party after the song finale.
• Street Food during the festival week in
For more details – see link above.
The Eurovision Song Contest showed the
importance of putting the tools developed
for the Nordic Food Diplomacy website to
the test and to have a network of highly
skilled people. In the short period of five
months food and drink became an
important part of the hospitality surrounding the ESC and an important factor
which enhanced the visitors and delegates’ experience of the region. The fact
that the event offered a taste of the region
throughout the different events, ranging
from Swedish fika to street food and fine
dining, made all the difference.
It is of uttermost importance for event
organizers to keep in mind that food and
drink can have a strong impact during on
an event. A food strategy that is thought
through and with a focus on the regional
cuisine based on sustainable produce
could be the way forward. 
14 Årsrapport 2013
Årsrapport 2013 15
Project manager: Charlotta Ranert, [email protected], +46 737 181318
Project webpage: http://nynordiskmad.org/tema/nordic-food-diplomacy/nordic-design-and-innovation-week-2013/
The first week of November 2013, the four
Nordic Royal Consulates, in a joint effort
presented the NORDC DESIGN & INNOVATION WEEK 2013 – with a programme of
seminars and workshops around design.
The event addressed issues such as how
design methods can be used as a driver of
change and how design processes can
help sustainability. The New Nordic Food
(NNF) programme was present, and by
highlighting the innovative New Nordic
cuisine strengthened the Nordic brand.
On the opening day, Swedish chef Tareq
Taylor from TV-series Tareq Taylor’s Nordic
Cookery created a Nordic version of the
traditional Asian noodle soup, using
sustainably grown vegetables and
Norwegian seafood, which was then
served to 200 guests. The lunch was
prepared in the kitchen of Four Seasons
Hotel with the assistance of a team of
Chinese cooks as well as chef Tareq’s sous
chef Andrew Eves.
guided the participants on a journey
through the Nordic larder, exploring the
secrets behind traditions, techniques and
craftsmanship that exist within the New
Nordic Cuisine, and uncovered the hidden
treasures and unique flavours of the
Nordic countries. 250 guests from the
media, the catering industry and foodies
enjoyed this special master class which
combined Nordic flavours and cookery
with travel and adventure.
The purpose for Nordic food diplomacy
was to explore new collaborative platforms in order to strengthen the Nordic
brand. By joining forces with NDIW the
impact of the food diplomacy branding
efforts, were heightened further and
reached new target groups.
Chef Tareq Taylor hosted a master class on
the Nordic Kitchen. Prior to that the New
Nordic Food programme had been
introduced by Charlotta Ranert from NNF.
Through this culinary experience Taylor
•Chef Tareq Taylor was invited to cook
on a local TV-show with over one
million viewers. He did so two days
after the master class.
•Contact was established with a
business importing Nordic Food to
• Huge media coverage of ND&IW in
Chinese media
•Chef Tareq Taylor is looking to
collaborate with Four Seasons Hotel
chain, introducing Nordic Food to their
The pilot project was a collaboration
between the New Nordic Food II programme and The Norwegian Seafood
Council, Tareq Taylor’s Nordic Cookery &
Lucky Day, VOSS and Troika Sea Food
together with the four Nordic Royal
Consulates of Norway, Denmark, Finland,
and Sweden, Shanghai. 
16 Årsrapport 2013
Årsrapport 2013 17
Project manager: Elisabet Skylare, [email protected], +45 26207579
Project webpage: http://nynordiskmad.org/tema/mat-kreativa-naeringar/
Cultural and creative industries create
jobs, growth and exports that are vital to
the Nordic countries and their future
economies. New Nordic Food (NNF) and
other actors’ efforts to promote food as a
creative industry, combined with a strong
focus on food in general, have contributed
to an increased awareness of its relevance
and potential in this regard. It is, however,
still an “underdog” among the more
established creative industries, and
further work is needed.
In 2013, NNF’s Food & Creative Industries
has conducted three pilot projects that
developed concepts for how food can
incite innovation and strengthen other
creative industries. Media response was
extensive and Nordic participation broad.
We have influenced policymakers and
brought attention to creative food by
initiating Krealab together with KreaNord,
hosting a Nordic panel debate, and
CHART – art, food and music
through our participation at the Nordic
Innovation Conference and similar
platforms. Moreover, new Nordic collaborations have emerged from the network of
Food & Creative Industries.
artists took part. The new Nordic cuisine
was a central feature of the official programme, and in several diplomacy initiatives
related to NNF. See page 20.
The aim of Food & Creative Industries is to
stress the importance of food as culture
and art, and to position creative food
experiences as an independent creative
industry. The project also aims to establish
food and culinary experiences as an
active, creative and significant element
when Nordic countries market other
creative industries internationally.
In the third week of February, the J.F.
Kennedy Center in Washington organised
the Nordic Cool Festival, with focus on
Nordic culture. More than 700 Nordic
NNF promoted food as a creative industry by
hosting a Nordic debate at CPH Food Fair,
addressing the question: “How do we lift a
new industry with an outset in Nordic food’s
impressive momentum and strengthen the
experience of food as art and as design?
What does this entail and what is the
relevance?” Summary: http://bit.ly/19ieIdJ
KreaLab was a conference initiated by NNF
and KreaNord. Its purpose was to start a
discussion and a process with the objective
to turn the Nordic countries into the creative
hub of the future. A number of international
creative persons participated, together with
approximately 80 Nordic participants. See
page 22.
NNF strengthened the Nordic brand at
Nordic Design & Innovation Week. Food and
fashion merged in FOOSHION – an experimental treat for 60 selected guests. An
innovative creative collaboration that
show-cased the Nordic countries as
frontrunners in sustainable fashion and
food. See page 24.
During the first ever Ja Ja Ja Festival at iconic
Roundhouse, a range of innovative food
experiences were presented. These included
18 Årsrapport 2013
“New Nordic Food is at the forefront of gathering creative competences
at new platforms and in new constellations. Moreover, methods for
working with innovation and design in the interspaces between food
and other creative sectors are starting to take shape.”
project manager elisabet skylare
“Nordic Sound Bite” – the ultimate
collaboration between music and food,
where emerging Nordic food artists
designed a special ’sound bite’ based on a
band’s musical DNA. See page 26.
Continued development of the network in
terms of collaborations, participants, and
competences represented. Participation in
conferences, workshops, panel discussions, fund applications and articles.
The pilot projects have produced important output, also in strategic terms,
inform of access, ambassadors and experiences that our partners bring into their
networks and activities. Moreover, methods for cooperation on innovation
and design between food and other
sectors are starting to take shape. NNF is
at the forefront of gathering creative
competences at new platforms and
constellations. Overall, we see great
improvement in the dissemination of
NNF’s results by a closer cooperation with
our partners.
• New collaboration with other creative
industries; culture, fashion and music,
strengthening the Nordic brand.
• New methods. For the first time, we
produced new cultural experiences in
the interspaces between two disciplines (food and music).
• Young Nordic talents. We invited
emerging designers/chefs to participate in an OPEN CALL – a great
success – as a tool, for the project
itself, and for the network.
• Designing collective food experiences.
Panel debate at Stage, CPH Food Fair
5000 Sound Bites were served at five
concerts in London.
• Massive media coverage with
approximately 250 articles, eg. Jamie
Oliver’s blog about NNF in London, a
feature on FOOSHION in Chinese ELLE,
30 articles in Nordic media and a cool
twitter flow.
• Greater attention on food as a creative
industry; KreaNord invited the food
industry to apply for funding, food
speakers at KreaLab, in debates, etc.
• 30 new Nordic collaborations as a
result of the network workshop in
Helsinki in 2012 and the subsequent
For details, please see extended report.
Partners: Nordic Fashion Association,
Nordic Music Export (Nomex), Kennedy
Center, the Nordic Embassies in Washington, the Nordic Consulates in Shanghai, the Nordic Embassies in London, KreaNord,
Atelier Slice, the Roundhouse London,
Mew, NONONO, Sin Fang, Sakaris and Kid Astray.
Creatives/chefs: Nikolaj Danielsen (DK),
Ayhan Aydin (SE), Hafdis Sunna Hermannsdottir (IS), Josefin Vargö (SE), Åsmund
Sollihøgda (NO), Herman Rasmuson (SE),
Anna Hildur Hildibrandsdottir (IS), Olav
Harsløf (DK), Antto Melasniemi (FI), Lena
Arndal (DK), I’m A Kombo/Bo Lindegaard & Lasse Askov (DK), Soulland/Silas Adler & Jacob Kampp Berliner (DK), MoMuMat/
Malin Söderström (SE), Per Styregård (SE)
Sponsors: Peter’s Yard crisp bread, Altia Sweden, Carelian Caviar, Arla Foods,
Lobster Seafood, Frøyas Sashimi Quality
Fresh Salmon Loin, Norwegian Seafood
Council, Troika Seafood, Voss. 
Årsrapport 2013 19
Project manager: Elisabet Skylare, [email protected], +45 26207579
Project webpage: http://nynordiskmad.org/tema/mat-kreativa-naeringar/food-culture-nordic-cool-washington-dc-2013/
From 19 February to 17 March 2013, more
than 700 Nordic artists, writers, singers,
chefs, musicians, actors, dancers and
designers from the entire Nordic Region
filled the American capital. The John F.
Kennedy Center (KC) in Washington
dedicated a whole month to celebrating
Nordic culture with the festival Nordic
Cool. The festival coincided with a number
of political and cultural visits and the
Nordic embassies hosted a range of side
events. New Nordic Food (NNF) organised
three days of activities in Washington in
the run-up to this major cultural festival.
NNF was responsible for a Nordic menu
served during the festival and conducted a
workshop with the chefs before launching
the menu. A Nordic Food Diplomacy
kick-off together with the Nordic embassies was also on the programme. The pilot project was conducted in close
collaboration with the project Nordic Food
special three-course Nordic menu served
in the KC’s restaurant during the festival as
well as Nordic specialties for the café.
NNF and chef Malin Söderström, in
partnership with the KC’s restaurant chef
Joe Gurner, ran a workshop on NNF for the
centre’s chefs. The chefs were introduced
to the key ideas of the concept, quality,
sustainability and local ingredients, by
preparing the three-course Nordic menu.
NNF also hosted a kick-off workshop for
the Nordic embassy chefs and other staff
in Washington, in order to inspire one
another, exchange experiences and get
ideas for using food as a strengthening
element of the many side-events conducted.
The purpose for NNF was to stress the
idea of food as an enhancement of Nordic
culture as it was communicated through
Nordic Cool, as well as explore ways and
platforms of working with Nordic food
diplomacy with local partners through
exchange of knowledge and competences.
During the festival, the KC organized and
presented a variety of events to introduce
audiences to the New Nordic Cuisine, such
as cooking demonstrations. Some of the
Nordic chefs that attended were Leif
Sørensen Simon Idsø, Petteri Luoto,
Hákon Már Örvarsson, Mads Refslund,
Morten Sohlberg, Ulrika Bengtsson and
Frida Johansson. http://bit.ly/1i2paZP
NNF collaborated with chef Malin
Söderström, who runs MoMuMat,
Moderna Museet’s restaurant, and was
the first female chef responsible for the
Nobel dinner in 2011, in designing a
20 Årsrapport 2013
• Despite the many collaboration
challenges when numerous organisations are involved, NNF activities
succeeded in strengthening the food
culture part of the festival. The training
Wooden sculptures by Juha Pykäläinen
was an important supporting initiative,
which also contributed to the NFD tool kit.
• Nordic food played a prominent part
during the entire festival and food
culture could be experienced on the
same level as other cultural activities.
The embassies in Washington had
accumulated considerable experience
through a number of previous projects
involving Nordic food.
• The festival Nordic Cool was in general
a huge success and was awarded a
Royal Medal from Carl Gustaf, King of
Sweden. http://bit.ly/1b6FX67
This pilot project was made possible
thanks to collaboration with the Embassy
of Sweden in Washington D.C., which
played a central co-ordinating role with
the other Nordic embassies and the J. F. Kennedy Center in relation to Nordic Cool. 
Årsrapport 2013 21
Project manager: Elisabet Skylare, [email protected], +45 26207579
Project webpage: http://nynordiskmad.org/tema/mat-kreativa-naeringar/
The objectives were ambitious – to start a
process to turn the Nordic countries into
the hub of the future for a society based
on knowledge and creativity. The phenomenon of creative and cultural businesses
has gained increased attention on the
political agenda in recent years. For the
first time, business and cultural policy
unite in a strategic initiative overarching
the Europe 2020 process: Creative Europe,
Cohesion Policy, Innovation Union, Digital
Agenda, Youth on the Move, Horizon 2020
and more.
KreaLab no 1 was produced by AtelierSlice
and Jan Åman, and was commissioned by
KreaNord and New Nordic Food II. NNF II
initiated the event with the ambition to
develop KreaLab into an annual conference, travelling with the Nordic chairmanship. KreaLab no 1 was held at The Royal
Academy of Art in Stockholm between the
16th-17th of October with approximately
22 Årsrapport 2013
100 participants from the Nordic countries
as well as from abroad.
KreaLab no 1’s goal was to initiate the
process of integrating cultural and
creative industries into a larger societal
context and develop innovation. To define
a vision for how the cultural and creative
industries in the Nordic region will show
the way to the future.
Reed Kram, Mia Hägg, Laura Raicovich, Per Eriksson and Magdalena Malm were
some of the speakers that told us stories
and showed how they work, how they
drive processes in which the divide
between “creatives” and “others” no
longer exists, and where the real question
is how to create or produce something
that generates answers to questions and
issues that are not yet known. Finally,
Brent Richards presented his thoughts on
processes for innovation and content
regarding food and cities. On the 17th of
October, eight workshop groups processed action plans for the future, based
on their experiences and discussions from
the day before.
For KreaLab we invited Antto Melasniemi,
a chef who started out as a keyboardist in
the legendary metal band HIM, not just to
cook a dinner, but to use food to reflect
what the conference and lab were really all
about. Antto Melasniemi’s conceptual
dinner was a work-in-progress, made in
collaboration with Carsten Höller, Mia
Hägg, Fredrik Wretman, Jan Åman, Reed
Kram and Per Styregård. 
Follow the process here: http://atelier­slice.com
Årsrapport 2013 23
Project manager: Elisabet Skylare, [email protected], +45 26207579
Project webpage: http://nynordiskmad.org/tema/mat-kreativa-naeringar/food-fashion-fooshion-ndiw-shanghai-2013/
In the first week of November 2013,
Shanghai was buzzing with Nordic design
and innovation. In a joint effort, the four
Nordic Royal Consulates presented the
2013. The programme featured seminars
and workshops around design, addressing
issues such as how design methods can
be used as a driver of change and how
design processes can help sustainability.
The New Nordic Food programme
highlighted the innovative Nordic Cuisine
through a range of initiatives within the
projects ‘Nordic Food Diplomacy’ (read
more at page 10) and ‘Food & Creative
FOOSHION by I’m A Kombo and Soulland
24 Årsrapport 2013
The purpose was to experiment with and
further develop platforms for cross-creative collaboration, as well as to strengthen
the Nordic brand, by inviting selected first
movers and media persons to the creative
Nordic food and fashion treat “FOOSHION”. Danish label Soulland and food
designers I’m a Kombo were set to pitch
innovative food designs against one of
Scandinavia’s most promising men’s
fashion brands.
As part of the Pecha Kutcha programme
during the opening day of the ND&IW, I’m A Kombo presented, or, more precisely,
conducted a playful live production of a
’Cool Wool Bowl’ – a case specially
designed for Patricia Urquiola at Milan
Design Week 2013.
With the ambition to create new social
spaces where food becomes a social
element, the people from I’m A Kombo and
Soulland designed the FOOSHION
experience in collaboration with NNF. A 5-course meal experience was developed,
and served while male models showcased
the best of Soulland fashion. The pairing
of the two disciplines was not at all
Crispy bread on coat hanger with smoked cheese and aromatic herbs Nøgne Ø with savory muesli in a Cool Wool Bowl Norwegian seafood ‘tutti frutti’, local Chinese greens and dehydrated roots Build a cake. Sponge cake base with lots of fun Fortune cookie and a napkin
coincidental. Both food and fashion have
been prospering over the last decade, so
the timing, to be able to celebrate a
genuinely fashionable meal true to Nordic
values to mark the beginning of the Nordic
Design and Innovation Week, was really cool.
“There are several elements of
cross-collaboration within the
New Nordic Food programme
which we expect a lot from,” says Johan Arnø Kryger from the Nordic
Fashion Association.
• New collaboration with creative
industry fashion strengthened the
Nordic brand.
• New methods for creative collaboration, eg. through a scientifically
founded exploration of flavour,
composition and preparation,
designing a new Nordic social space
featuring food and fashion.
•Creative Food as an integrated part of
both the design programme and the
Fashion Day.
•Great media coverage, e.g. a feature in
Chinese Elle, bloggers, articles in
Nordic press etc.
The pilot project was conducted in
collaboration with New Nordic Food II,
Danish Fashion Institute under the Nordic
Fashion Association, and Norwegian
Seafood Council, together with the four
Nordic Royal Consulates in Shanghai –
Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. 
Årsrapport 2013 25
Project manager: Elisabet Skylare, [email protected], +45 26207579
Project webpage: http://nynordiskmad.org/tema/mat-kreativa-naeringar/food-music-nordic-sound-bite-london-2013/
On November 8-9 2013, Camden’s iconic
Roundhouse played host to a major festival of Nordic music, film and food with
the inaugural Ja Ja Ja Festival. Headlined
by Mew and NONONO, the two-day event
welcomed 3000 festivalgoers to immerse
themselves in Nordic cool. A range of
innovative food experiences were offered,
including the “Nordic Sound Bite” – a concept where curator Nikolaj Danielsen partnered musicians with young food artists,
a menu and opening party designed by
leading chef Herman Rasmuson, a Nordic
stage, and London based actors offering
Nordic tastes, such as the Nordic Fika.
For the Ja Ja Ja Festival, chef Herman
Rasmuson, produced a menu influenced
by the strong Nordic tradition of preserving and curing produce for use during the
harsh winter months. The signature dish
’Nordic crisp bread pizza’, served at both
the opening reception and on the menu,
was a huge success, leaving Londoners
asking for more of the Nordic tastes.
Sakaris “Dream On!”
The purpose was to explore how two
creative fields, food and music, could be
mingled in a way that brings the audience’s experience to new heights. The
ambition was to introduce food as an
integrated part of the music experience,
and the shortest distance between the
two is to translate the sound into a
physical bite – a Nordic Sound Bite. In
addition, the aim was to add yet another
cultural dimension to the festival and thus
strengthen the experience of the Nordic
brand as a whole.
The young Nordic food designers, Josefin
Vargö, Hafdis Sunna Hermannsdottir and
Ayhan Aydin, were selected in an OPEN
CALL. They explored the concept during a
workshop in Copenhagen where they
analysed the music, dove into a sensory
lab of Nordic tastes, tested their ideas in
the kitchen, and brainstormed on how
26 Årsrapport 2013
the Nordic Sound Bites should be
The following five Nordic Sound Bites
(5000 units) were developed for the
festival. The response was overwhelmingly
positive from the audience, the bands and
in reviews. We have also had great
feedback about how the idea added a real
sense of occasion to the event.
• MEW – a sharable lollipop: “Share Me” • SIN FANG – a pop’ rocking’ drink: “Wild Flower” • NONONO – 3 x spray bottles: “Pump & Pass On” • SAKARIS – white balloons + dots of
meringues: “Dream On!” • Kid Astray – a skyr cream with
horseradish and cavi-art: “Fresh”
• New collaboration with creative
industries music, film and art, which
strengthens the Nordic brand
• New methods for cross-creative
collaborations, when we succeeded in
producing new cultural experiences in
the interspaces between two disciplines (food and music).
• Design of innovative collective food
experiences became a reality when
serving 5000 Nordic Sound Bites at
five concerts.
• Young Nordic talents brought into the
• Massive media coverage and dissemination of results, e.g. Twitter flow,
Jamie Oliver Blog, best experience etc.
The pilot project was conducted together
with New Nordic Food II, Nordic Music
Export (Nomex), the Roundhouse and the
Nordic Embassies in London. It was
supported by the Nordic Culture Fund. 
“Weird and wonderful food and
some eclectic music set the tone”
Årsrapport 2013 27
Inger M Jonsson, Örebro universitet. [email protected], Tel: +46 70-258 90 32. Budget 100 000 DKK
för högre utbildningar –
Mat för många
Syftet med projektet var att skriva en
ansökan för ett gemensamt Nordiskt
master program och att starta ett nätverk
för högra utbildning och forskning inom
området mat och måltid för många, i
En projektgrupp för masteransökan, med
en respresentant från vardera länderna
Sverige, Finland, Norge och Danmark
skapades. Den 15 november 2013
skickades en gemensam ansökan om
utvecklande av ett nytt Nordiskt masterprogram till SIU.
En nätverkskonferens genomfördes den
10-11 oktober, 2013 med ca 30 deltagare
från 15 Nordiska institutioner, av Örebro
universitet, Restaurang- och hotellhögskolan på Campus Grythyttan. Under
konferensen bildades en arbetsgrupp för
fortsatt nätverksbyggande.
Konferensens deltagare visade stort
intresse för samverkan över kunskapsgränser. Det breda måltidsområdet med
många små institutioner söker alla
nordiskt samarbete. Måltidssektorns
ökade betydelse i samhället, innebär ett
påtagligt behov av tvärvetenskaplig
utbildning och forskning. Att mötas över
kunskapsgränser är en innovation i sig
själv. Konferensen i Grythyttan med
deltagarnas breda forskningsprofil visar
att intresset för ett mer holistiskt och
tvärvetenskapligt synsätt behövs.
Målgruppen var universitetsinstitutioner
med utbildningar inom mat och måltidsområdet i Norden med intresse för
masterutbildning och forskning samt
Nordiskt samarbete.
28 Årsrapport 2013
Restaurang- och hotellhögkolan/
Örebro UniversityAssociate professor
School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts (Huvudansvarig)
Inger M Jonsson
& Meal Science
Lecturer Jesper Johansson
AAU-MENU, research centre for Aalborg University
captive foodscape studies
Bent Egberg Mikkelsen
School of Business and JAMK
Principal Lecturer
Services Management
University of Enni Mertanen Applied Sciences
The Norwegian School of Stavanger UniversityAssociate professor
Hotel Management Kai Viktor Hansen
Skapande av projektgrupp augusti 2013
med fyra Nordiska universitetsinstitutioner fyra kontaktpersoner. Ett första
möte med Örebro, Stavanger och Aalborgs
universitet genomfördes i Köpenhamn.
Därefter genomfördes följande
• Nätverkskonferens i Grythyttan,
Örebro universitet 10-11 oktober
• Ansökan insänd den 15 november 2013
till The Nordic Master Programme
Konferensens deltagare visade stort
intresse för samverkan över kunskapsgränser. Det breda området med många
små institutioner söker alla nordiskt
samarbete. Måltidssektorns ökade
betydelse i samhället, innebär ett
påtagligt behov av tvärvetenskaplig
utbildning och forskning.
Att mötas över måltidens kunskapsgränser är en innovation i sig själv.
Konferensen i Grythyttan med deltagarnas
breda forskningsprofil visar att intresset
för ett mer holistiskt och tvärvetenskapligt
synsätt behövs.
Två aspekter av hållbarhet diskuterades.
Ett om hur ekologiska aspekter på mat
och måltider skall vävas in i masterprogrammet. Två, om hur arbetet med
nätverket blir hållbart över tid för att
berika forskningssamverkan. För masterprogrammet finns det i viss mån
strukturella olikheter inom ländernas
universitetssystem. Om finansiering
uteblir är det ekonomiskt svårt att skapa
Nätverket är inledningsvis mindre beroende av ekonomiskt stöd, medlemmarnas intresse styr efterfrågan och behov.
Behov av tvärvetenskapligt nordiskt
samarbete efterfrågas och behövs. Detta
kräver externt ekonomiska stöd, innovativa idéer och ekonomiskt stöd. Samarbetspartners
Förutom projektgrupperna för nätverket
och masterprogrammet ingår de 15 olika
institutionernas ca 30 representanter. Se länk: http://nynordiskmad.org/
10-11%20okt%202013_01.pdf 
Årsrapport 2013 29
Project manager: Gunnthorunn Einarsdottir, [email protected], +354 858 5049
Project webpage: http://nynordiskmad.org/tema/sme-in-the-bioeconomy/
SME in the Bioeconomy
Small and medium sized food enterprises
(SME’s) in the Nordic countries produce
products of high quality from local raw
materials. The aim of the project was to
inspire and encourage knowledge
exchange between SME’s for product
development and marketing of local food.
Conference was held in October in
Östersund, Sweden. There Nordic SME’s
where brought together for the purpose of
gaining more knowledge, get inspired and
to compete in the “Open Swedish
Championship in Artisan Food Production”.
Support of SME’s is very important to e.g.
keep tradition alive, create high quality
products and jobs in rural areas. Also to
create destinations for food tourism.
The main aim of the project “SME in the Bioeconomy” was to inspire and
encourage knowledge exchange between
small and medium size food enterprises
(SME’s) in the Nordic countries for
product development and marketing of
local food.
Særimner is a Swedish idea- and knowledge forum for artisan food producers.
Artisan food processing results in unique
products with a flavour, quality and
character that cannot be achieved through
an industrial process. It involves the
careful processing of principally local
ingredients, often on the producer’s farm.
This produces products, without unnecessary additives, which can be traced to its
origins. Natural processes and handcraft
are employed throughout the entire
production process.
30 Årsrapport 2013
This year Særimner and New Nordic Food
welcomed together SME’s from all the Nordic countries to take part in the seminar
which was held the 8th -10th of October
2013 in Östersund, Sweden. They also had
the chance to take part in the “Open
Swedish Championship in Artisan Food
Production”, where the best artisan food
products in various categories were
chosen. There were around 400 people
who participated in the Særimner seminar.
The programme of the seminar consisted
of artisan food workshops mixed with
debates and lectures and the theme for
this year was “Artisan Food from the
Nordic countries”.
Over 600 products were sent to the
championship from all the Nordic
countries and 108 prizes where handed
out to producers in various categories.
During the competition the participants
had the chance to sell their products in a
Særimner shop.
Matís applied to the Leonadro da Vinci
fund for a vocational training grant. This
grant was accepted and allowed 10 people
from Iceland to attend the Særimner
seminar. Five SME’s and five trainers at
Matís (the trainers work with entrepreneurs and SME’s at Matís local food
innovators centers) went to Östersund.
During the stay they visited artisan food
producers in Jämtlands län. The planned
outcome of this Leonardo project was that the participants would gain new
knowledge in small scale food production
as well as getting new ideas and build a
new network of people that were working
in the same field.
The results of the SME project;
• SME’s from all the Nordic countries
came to the Særimner seminar
• Products from all the Nordic countries
participated in the “Open Swedish
Championship in Artisan Food
• New networks where created through
both the seminar and through the
Leonardo project
• Through Særimner seminar there was
a change of knowledge between
SME’s, both locally and between the
Nordic countries, and participants
went home with new knowledge and
inspiration for future product development.
• New Nordic Food and Særimner got
good media coverage in the Nordic
Communication /
dissemination of results
Material from the Særimner seminar and
other interesting material regarding SME’s
from all the Nordic countries where
disseminated through New Nordic Food
channels like the homepage, blog and
Facebook. More than 30 links to news sites,
radio and TV stations in all the Nordic
countries covering the Særimner seminar.
Here are links to trailers which were used
to introduce Særimner 2013 to SME’s in all
the Nordic countries.
English: https://www.youtube.com/
Swedish: https://www.youtube.com/
An Icelandic New Nordic Food Facebook
page was created to disseminate the
results from all the New Nordic Food
Matís (Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir)
Taste of Denmark/Culinary-Heritage of
Bornholm (Thorkil Boisen)
University of Turku (Heidi Valtari)
Mære (Rita Backer Natvig), Nofima (Stine
Alm Hersleth) and Bioforsk (Hilde Halland)
Eldrimner (Birgitta Sundin/Bodil Cornell)
and Smaka på Skåne (Jannie S Vestergaard)
Faroe Islands:
Útoyggjafelagið (Olga Biskoptø)
Anne Sofie Hardenberg
SME’s in the Nordic countries have come a
long way in their production. Most of the
production is based on traditional
methods and craftsmanship. Today it has
started to become a new trend to buy from
local food producers. More and more
consumers today want to know the origin
of their products and are prepared to pay
more for such a product. Therefore the
future is bright for the SME’s and their
production. Today there are only a small
percentage of farmers and entrepreneurs
that are active in this field so it is important to teach and inspire new people to
develop new artisan food products. To do
so it is crucial to have a strong support
system that can help the SME’s to find
their footing in their artisan food
production. By supporting local food
production, jobs in rural areas are
created as well as destinations for food
Through seminars like Særimner, where
SME’s from different countries meet and
exchange their knowledge, important
networks are created. Taking part in a
food competition will inspire and
challenge the SME’s to make a better
product of very high quality. 
Årsrapport 2013 31
Project manager: Charlotta Ranert, [email protected], +46 737 181318
Project webpage: http://nynordiskmad.org/tema/nordic-food-diplomacy/norden-som-gastronomisk-region/
Nordic cuisine has become an important
factor in attracting tourists to the region.
The region’s rich food culture and high
quality restaurants have become worldrenowned in recent years and tourists
increasingly associate the Nordics with the
pleasure of enjoying fresh, local and
sustainable food. There is a sizeable
increase in the number of people who
travel for food, and we see these ‘foodies’
coming to the Nordic region from all over
the world. All national tourism organisations actively use food, food-related
events and their culinary heritage in their
national branding. New Nordic Food
encourages cooperation between the
Nordic countries to strengthen our
common gastronomic profile even further
and optimise the use of it as a selling
point for the tourist industry.
The aim of this project is to encourage
tourism organizations in all Nordic
countries to use food and the culinary
heritage as a selling point in all marketing
efforts. Visitors usually stay in more than
one Nordic country, during their visit to
this part of the world. Therefore, the
objective must be to create a network and
find synergies in each other’s work in
order to jointly prepare proposals for how
we can market the Nordic region as a
distinct gastronomic region to international visitors and how to develop Nordic
Street Food as a new and exciting
•Conference nordic street food
revolution, MALMö, Feb 2013. 32 Årsrapport 2013
See separate summary.
• Street food Corner during the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö, May
2013. See separate summary.
• Street food festival and conference,
San Francisco, AUG 2013
A small Nordic delegation headed off
to San Francisco in August to participate in the world’s first and largest
street food festival and street food
conference. The aim of this trip was to
gain further knowledge about street
food and inspiration to develop the
Nordic street food scene.
• World Food Travel Summit, Gothenburg, sep 2013 see separate summary.
•Arena Food conference, Stockholm,
dec 2013 see separate summary.
• New Nordic Food has kick-started the
Nordic Street Food revolution with the
conference in Malmö in February 2013
where people from all Nordic Countries (except Iceland) participated.
•A Nordic street food network has been
• Street Food was part of the Eurovision
Song contest, both as part of the
menu served to the visitors during the
event and to the artists and VIP guests
during the party after the final.
• Food entrepreneur Pernilla Elmqvist
has started her own Nordic Street
Food business called “Nordic Street
• The knowledge and inspiration gained
in Finland and in Britain has laid a
strong foundation for the International Street Food Conference and
Festival in Helsinki in 2014.
• New Nordic Food has been sharing the
stories of street food and our activities
through social media.
•An estimated 100 parking permits for food trucks will be issued in
• 30 parking permits for food trucks are
issued each year in Copenhagen.
• The project provided ideas for Nordic
speakers and best cases at the World
Food Travel Summit.
•A network for Arena Food.
For the conference in Malmö, the project
outlined a communications strategy for
the event together with two communications experts. Media events before and
during the seminar resulted in valuable TV time and a number of newspaper articles.
A blogg from the conference was established on which followers could follow
conference events and get updated
reports continually. With the established
collaboration with Richard Johnson and
British Street Food Awards, Nordic Street
Food has been reported on to a wider
audience around the world.
Partners: Smaka på Skåne, Richard
Johnson, VisitSweden, Västsvenska
Turistrådet, World Food Travel Association,
Helsinki Foodism, Torikorttelit, Messukeskus, NY Ninjas, Måltidsriket
Chefs: SilverSpoon (DK), Björn Ylipää (SE),
Sponsors: Norwegian Seafood Council,
Ålandsbagaren Åca,
All Nordic tourism organisations acknowledge the strong trend and interest in the
region’s high quality restaurants and
food culture. However, whether a fully
developed marketing concept for
Nordic food can be achieved by
cooperation among those who are
responsible for tourism in the different
countries is debatable. Nordic street
food is without question attractive and
could be a growing area for budding
food entrepreneurs. For this to happen,
though council regulations must
change and the business potential
must be recognised fully from local
authorities as well as politicians.
By supporting street food activities and
events in different parts of the Nordic
region the project can play an important role in highlighting this up and
coming industry and its front figures.
This in turn can build a young and
exciting street food scene in the Nordic
countries as well as a tasty and
sustainable food proposition for the
Nordic consumer as well as the visitor.
Adding the perspective of better and
healthier food at sports arenas also
strengthen the Nordic brand through
various spots events. 
Årsrapport 2013 33
Project manager: Charlotta Ranert, [email protected], +46 737 181318,
Project webpage: http://nynordiskmad.org/tema/nordic-food-diplomacy/nordic-street-food/
Street Food, vällagad och ofta ny- skapande gatumat, är en växande global
trend i matbranschen. I USA och Storbritannien har Street Food egna event och
festivaler och alltfler duktiga matentreprenörer skapar egna Street Food – koncept för att stärka sina varumärken. I de nordiska länderna är den “nya”
gatumaten ännu i sin linda.
Ett 70-tal representanter från hela Norden
deltog i den två-dagars konferens som
anordnades i Malmö, den 5-6 februari
inom ramarna för projektet Norden som
Gastronomisk Region. Konferensen
lyckades både belysa möjligheterna med
Street Food och ge massor av inspiration.
Dessutom knöts en mängd nya kontakter
mellan personer som själva är aktiva inom
mat och event.
Att ämnet är attraktivt och intresset stort
för gatumat bevisades inte minst genom
att konferensen snabbt blev fullbokad.
Extra resurser hade lagts på pressbevakning av evenemanget och blev också
uppmärksammat i inslag i SVT samt i
artiklar och bloggar. Redan dagarna efter
konferensen kontaktades Ny Nordisk Mat
av den norska aktören Food Studio som
formulerat ett brev till Oslos kommun
angående Food Trucks och Street Food.
Smaka på Skåne kommer göra ett event
med fokus på skånsk Street Food under
Eurovision Song Contest och 1000 VIP
gäster kommer serveras nordisk Street
Food under avslutningsfesten på Slagthuset under Eurovision Song Contest. MAD
Food Camp kommer att utveckla någon
form av Street Food aktivitet innan sin
årliga konferens i slutet av augusti.
Ur innehållet:
• Street Food är den viktigaste mattrenden sedan ekologiskt.
• Brittiska Street Food – koncept har nu
fått en så stark position på matmarknaden att även handeln visar
•Restaurant Day i Finland öppnar
krogar för en dag i hemmet, i parker
och på gatan.
• Köpenhamns kommun, ger i år
tillstånd för 30 gatumatsförsäljare att
parkera gratis i stadens centrala delar.
•Roskildefestivalen satsar på Street
Food och serverar sammanlagt 3
miljoner måltider.
• Trafikkontoret i Stockholms kommer
att ändra sitt reglemente och ett nytt
ska presenteras under 2013.
• Sociala medier är viktiga kanaler för
att sprida budskap om Street Food
• Konferensen blev upptakten till en
internationell konferens i Finland i
mars 2014.
Konferensen var ett samarbete mellan Ny Nordisk Mat II och Smaka på Skåne,
som är en del av Livsmedelsakademin. 
34 Årsrapport 2013
Project manager: Charlotta Ranert, [email protected], +46 737 181318
World Food Travel Summit
New Nordic Food acted as partner for the World Food Tourism Association at
the second World Food Travel Summit in
Gothenburg. Participants from around 40
different countries spent three to five days
together learning about the latest trends in
culinary travel. New Nordic Food invited
delegates to a lunch focusing on Nordic
Street Food. During the process leading up
to the WFTS New Nordic Food was deeply
involved in creating the programme for the
conference, adding Nordic speakers and
best cases to the conference programme.
The host were VisitSweden and Västsvenska Turistrådet. Björn Ylipää staged the
Nordic Street Food lunch and Norwegian
Seafood Council sponsored the salmon and
cod served. From Åland ÅCA sponsored
with dark Ålands bread and butter. 
Årsrapport 2013 35
Projektledare: Louise Alenbrand & Jesper lindstrÖM, ÖSTgÖtAMAT, [email protected]
Project webpage: http://nynordiskmad.org/tema/nordic-food-diplomacy/norden-som-gastronomisk-region/haallbara-gastronomiska-regioner/
Hur skapas hållbara
gastronomiska regioner?
– att få resultat från mat & måltids-projekt att bli bestående och självfinansierade
I Norden arbetas det intensivt med
olika projekt kring mat & måltider. Men
hur får vi resultaten att leva vidare, då
projekt-pengarna tagit slut. Målet är ju att
skapa hållbara gastronomiska regioner,
som inte är beroende av stöd? Detta var
utgångspunkten under workshopen.
Utifrån olika nordiska exempel – ”Best
Practice” – diskuterades hållbarhet i
arbetet med gastronomiska regioner.
Syftet var att skapa nordiska nätverk,
utbyta erfarenhet och fungerande
modeller. Området är stort och avgränsades därför utifrån arbetet i Östergötland, där Linköping ligger. Fokus låg därför
på; Gastronomisk turism samt producentsamverkan.
Seminariet genomfördes den 2-3 september i Linköping, tillsammans med
Södertörns högskola som, på Jordbruksverkets uppdrag, analysera vilka faktorer
som är viktiga för att få ”Hållbara
gastronomiska regioner”. Deras arbete
ingår i ett regeringsuppdrag för att mejsla
fram de faktorer som är nödvändiga för att
få gastronomiska regioner att utvecklas
och blomma. Workshopen i Linköping
ingick som en del i detta arbete för att
bidra med nordiska erfarenheter i denna
Deras rapport har titeln: Kulinariska
regioner, ett verktyg för regional utveckling – ett diskussionsunderlag. KOMREC:
Studies in environment and development,
nr 11. Rapporten kan sökas på Internet
eller hämtas från bl.a. NNM II hemsida.
Målgrupp för workshopen var projektledare med erfarenheter inom mat-branschen, som utvecklade beprövade
metoder och modeller i sitt arbete.
36 Årsrapport 2013
Som en del i workshopen ingick en
food-hopping, som vuxit fram som en
möjlighet för gastronomisk turism att lära
känna ett större urval av restauranger
under ett besök. Food-hopping innebär att
man under ett antal timmar samma dag
besöker flera olika restauranger och
provar deras mat, ofta i kombination med
en presentation. Maten kan vara allt från
en lagad rätt på menyn, till mindre
smakprover, som signalerar restaurangens
inriktning och kvalité.
Food-hoppingen i Linköping hade även
kombinerats med teater, i form av små
scener som utspelade sig under vandringen mellan restaurangerna. Även detta ett
sätt att berika upplevelsen under ett
besök, samtidigt som man kan väva in
information. I detta fall handlade det om
en historisk utveckling av kroglivet i
staden. 
Project manager: Charlotta Ranert, [email protected], +46 737 181318
Project webpage: http://nynordiskmad.org/tema/nordic-food-diplomacy/norden-som-gastronomisk-region/arenamat/
The Nordic countries have made a
mark in the gastronomic world amongst
visitors to fine dining establishments and
our restaurants are renowned for their
level of implementationand for using
top-quality produce. However, when it
comes to providing food on a larger scale,
the picture is somewhat different.
Traditionally, street food and food
provisions at sports arenas have been
dominated by hot dogs and not much else.
And although other areas of the food
world have made progress and moved on
since the early 1900’s, food services at
sports arenas have stayed more or less
the same. But now the time for change has
come and this year we have seen several
examples of what is about to happen. At a
workshop in Stockholm, a group of project
workers, all participating in different
projects involving arena food, met to
discuss the future of Nordic food served at
•Arena food services, catering for the
many, Annika Grälls
• Eat Norway, Unn Karin Olsen
• Packaging – challenges and opportunities, Lena Dahlgren
• Sports add value to visitors’ destinations, Leif Johansson, The Swedish
Sports Confederation.
The purpose of the workshop was to bring
the topic of better and healthier arena
food into the Nordic context. This was
done through knowledge sharing,
inspirational presentations and discussions. We also created an embryo for a
Nordic Arena Food Network. RESULTS
•A New Nordic network was created
and a dialogue was established
between countries.
• Inspiration and knowledge was shared
through the best case presentations.
•A long list of ideas on different
initiatives to raise the topic of better
and healthier arena food was created.
• A decision was made to hold a
conference on the topic of Arena Food
in Norway in late 2014.
• Signature flavours and the Eurovision
Song Contest food concept, Charlotta
Ranert, food co-ordinator.
• Local food at Finnish baseball games
– concept and reality, Anna-Kaija
A walking tour around Friends Arena was organised with food and beverage
manager Bengt Mårtensson as our guide.
What are the challenges when working
with arena food and what are the possibilities for the future?
The workshop method called OPERA was
used in the discussions which resulted in
a list of issues that we can start working
The project was collaboration with New Nordic Food II and Måltidsriket, Grythyttan. 
Årsrapport 2013 37
CMA Research AB, January 2013
Midway evaluation of NNM II
Summary of the results
Planned activities are carried out and
the site itself could become better if Ny
Nordisk Mat posted more pictures as well
as materials in different languages.
projects are clearly defined
The majority of the respondents from the
groups Project Managers and Work group
find the activities planned by Ny Nordisk
Mat to be carried out. They also consider
the projects financed by Ny Nordisk Mat to
be clearly defined.
However, only a few agree with the
statement that they have enough time/
resources to complete their part of the
work within Ny Nordisk Mat in a satisfying
The program is on a good way to reach
its goals
The answers of the questions regarding
NNM’s goals indicates that the program is
on a good way to reach them. Many find
the program to be a great way to collaborate and expand their network.
Need of information in different languages
Three of four respondents have visited
NNM’s website during the last six months.
The majority of the respondents find the
information on the website and the
informational letters to be interesting.
Even though the majority of the respondents find the informational letters and the
information on NNM’s website interesting,
many would like to see them being
translated into English and other Nordic
languages in addition to Danish and
Furthermore, many find the information on
NNM’s Facebook site to be interesting, but
38 Årsrapport 2013
“Together we stand strong”
There is a common perception where
promoting the region is seen as an
overarching goal. To reach that goal we
need to work together, share ideas,
experiences and information and inspire
each other to strengthen the Nordic
identity. In this lies the strengths of Ny
Nordisk Mat. Ny Nordisk Mat works as a
stage where representatives can meet to
expand their network, discuss different
issues and participate in various projects.
However, some aspects of the program
have potential for improvement. The
programs general communication could
become more clearly and better reach out
to the public and raise awareness
amongst ordinary people. Some respondents find the program to be a bit too
focused on the professionals operating
the food market and that the common
people are being overlooked. Another
issue seems to be that the program is
much more known amongst public and
private actors in Denmark and Norway
compared to Sweden.
Furthermore, the available information
Ny Nordisk Mat is often only written
in Danish or Norwegian. The people from
other Nordic countries who are lacking
knowledge of those languages have
therefore a difficulty taking part of the
information. This problem can easily be
solved by also publishing information in
English. This would not only help people
“Together we stand strong”
from other Nordic countries to take part of
the information, but it would also make
the information from Ny Nordisk Mat more
accessible to people all over the world.
Overall, the respondents believe the
Ny Nordisk Mat to be a fruitful
collaboration and the majority would
gladly see an continuation of the program.
Many respondents points out the
importance of working together, hence
one respondent comments – “Together we
stand strong”.
Information about the evaluation
Background and purpose
The Swedish Board of Agriculture, who is
the managing authority for the program
Ny Nordisk Mat II, and wanted to conduct
a midway evaluation of the program. The
purpose of the evaluation is to investigate
how NNM II has worked, its results, and
provide suggestions for improvement and
for the next two years.
The first stage of the study was a prestudy to become familiarised with NNM
and to better understand how the
programs goals, objectives, and activities
are structured. This is of importance when
developing a questionnaire and to more
effectively identify the target group for the
A web based questionnaire was sent out
to 962 persons that subscribes to the
e-mail newsletter. 180 e-mail addresses
were inactive and two persons answered
that they didn’t want to participate.
Facebook users, that are members in
NNM’s Facebook group, have also been
able to answer the web based questionnaire. In all, we have got 122 web answers
and 58 Facebook answers. Two reminders
were sent out to the respondents that did
not complete the questionnaire in time.
The response rate on the telephone
conducted part of the survey is 72 % (67
responses). Seven of the numbers on the
list given to us from NNM could not be
used because of different circumstances
(person long-term sick etc.).
The respondents have also been given the
opportunity to answer open-ended
questions about the programs concept,
activities, strengths etc. throughout the
survey. All comments and replies to the
open-ended questions can be found in the
The survey was conducted by CMA Research AB during the period December
2012 – January 2013.
The questionnaire
The questionnaire consists of the
General Questions, Program Goals,
The Work related to Ny Nordisk Mat and
its Projects, Effects and Usefulness,
Information and communication and
Overall View and Ideas for Development.
The questionnaire is available in Swedish
and English.
For more information, please visit www.cmaresearch.se.
Project manager at CMA: Johanna
Svanberg. Responsible for analysis and
reporting: Denis Zgela.
Contact person at the Swedish Board of
Agriculture: Magnus Gröntoft. 
Årsrapport 2013 39
Medlemmar i styrgruppen
Mads Fischer-Møller
Fødevarepolitisk kontor,
Slotsholmsgade 12, 1216 København K
[email protected]
Kirsi Viljanen
Jord- och skogsbruksministeriet
PB 30. FI-00023 STATSRÅDET, Helsinki
[email protected]
Anni-Mari Syväniemi
Centralförbundet för lantbruksproducenter och skogsägare
Simonkatu 6, 00100 Helsinki
[email protected]
Oyvindur av Skarði, Rådgivare
Ministry of Trade and Industry
FO-110 Tórshavn
[email protected]
Peter Løvstrøm
Departementet for Fiskeri, Fangst og Landbrug, Postboks 1601.
3900 Nuuk
[email protected]
Kristinn Hugason
Ministry of Industries and Innovation
Skulagata 4, 150 Reykjavik
[email protected]
Elisabeth Wilmann
Fiskeri- og kystdepartementet
Grubbegt. 1, Postboks 8118 Dep, 0032 Oslo
[email protected]
Inger Solberg, Direktør
Innovasjon Norge
Pb. 448 Sentrum, Akersgata 13, 0104 Oslo
[email protected]
Jens Heed
Fredsgatan 8, 103 33 Stockholm
[email protected]
Lena Brenner,
Ålands landsbygdscentrum
AX-22150 Jomala, Åland
[email protected]
NMR Programansvarig
Magnus Gröntoft, sekr. i Ny Nordisk Mat
Jordbruksverket, 581 86 Linköping
[email protected]
Tel. +46 705 83 65 66
NMR observatör
Mads Wolff, rådgivare
Nordiska ministerrådet
Ved Stranden 18, 1061 Köpenhamn K
[email protected]
40 Årsrapport 2013
Medlemmar i arbetsgruppen
Emil Blauert, projektchef
Maglegårdsvej 12
4000 Roskilde
[email protected]
Petri Koskela, informatör
Jord- och skogsbruksministeriet
[email protected]
Gutti Winther, Køkkenchef
Undir Ryggi 13, 100 Tórshavn.
Faroe Islands
[email protected]
Sigrún Elsa Smáradóttir
Matis, Vínlandsleið 12, 113 Reykjavík
[email protected]
Einar Risvik, Senior forsker/Professor
Osloveien 1, 1430 Ås
[email protected]
Johanna Dahlin, Dep. sekreterare
Fredsgatan 8, 103 33 Stockholm
[email protected]
Magnus Gröntoft
Nordiska ministerrådet
581 86 Linköping
[email protected]
Tel. +46 705 83 65 66
NMR observatör
Mads Wolff, rådgivare
Nordiska ministerrådet
Ved Stranden 18, 1061 Köpenhamn K
[email protected]
Simen Strand Jørgensen, NI
Stensberggt. 25, N-0170 Oslo
[email protected]
Nordens Hus,
Mads Holm, Prosjektleder
Sturlugötu 5 - 101 Reykjavík, Island
[email protected]
Styr- och arbetsgruppen i NNM II har haft två möten vardera.
11-12 mars i Malmö arbetsgruppen
25-28 maj på Färöarna styrgruppen
3-4 september i Linköping arbetsgruppen
7 okt i Östersund styrgruppen
Styrgruppen har ansvarat för den övergripande inriktningen och
utvärderingen av arbetet i NNM II, samt förankringen av programmet i
respektive land. Under året har det också varit en livlig diskussion om det
nordiska ”mat-samarbetet”, då programmet löper ut vid årsskiftet
2014/15. Denna fråga är viktig med anledning av den förändrade syn på
nordiskt mat, som skett under de senaste 10 åren.
Arbetsgruppen har fungerat som stöd och förankringspartners till det
praktiska arbetet inom NNM II, som genomförts av programmets olika
Då utvecklingen av nordiska nätverk är en av programmets huvudsakliga
uppgifter har både styr- och arbetsgruppen en viktig funktion. Deltagandet i arbetet är högt och utgör en viktig resurs då de även finansieras
utanför NNM II’s anslag.
Årsrapport 2013 41
Nedan ges en översikt av 2013 år ekonomi för NNM II. Mer detaljerade uppgifter finns i respektive delprojekts årsredovisning, se länkar i årsrapporten för mer detaljer.
I årsrapporten redovisas både projekt finansierade av MR-FJLS och externa finansiärer. I beloppen är inte bidrag från samarbetspartnerna inkluderade.
Några arbeten som redovisas i denna årsrapport, t.ex. Midvejsrapporten, var budgeterade på 2012, men blev klara 2013.
650.000 DKK
400.000 DKK
Barn, mat & hälsa
400.000 DKK
Nordic Food Diplomacy
350.000 DKK
Mat till många. Masterutbildning i Norden
100.000 DKK
Mat & kulturella & kreativa näringar
600.000 DKK
Bio-Ekonomi (SME)
400.000 DKK
Halvtids-evalueringen av NNM II
Övriga kostnader 1/
Andra finansiärer
70.000 DKK
180.000 DKK
Matlandet och nordiska nätverk
650.000 SEK
Utrikesministeriet i Stockholm:
Gastronomiska regioner
500.000 SEK
3.150.000 DKK
Här ingår kostnader för styr- och arbetsgrupp, resor, visa datakostnader, etc.
Årsrapport 2013
1.150.000 SEK
Ny Nordisk Mat II
Årsrapport 2013
• framsidan ©Harriet Strandvik
• 2 ©Ny Nordisk Mat
• 3 ©Andreas Hylthén
• 6-7 ©Jiang Kaiqiang, ©Monica Santos Herberg
• 10-11 ©Harriet Strandvik, ©Margit Vea
• 12 ©Jiang Kaiqiang
• 13 ©New Nordic Food
• 16-17 ©Jiang Kaiqiang
• 18-19 ©New Nordic Food
• 20-21 ©New Nordic Food
• 22-23 ©New Nordic Food
• 24-25 ©Jiang Kaiqiang
• 26-27 ©Lillian Santos Herberg, ©Monica Santos Herberg, ©New Nordic Food • 28-29 ©Andreas Hylthén
• 30-31 ©Stéphane Lombard
• 38 ©Andreas Hylthén
Louise M. Jeppesen – WWW.keepyourdarlings.com
Länsstyrelsen, Linköping, Sverige
www.facebook.com/nynordiskmad www.twitter.com/NyNordiskMat
Årsrapport 2013 43
www.facebook.com/nynordiskmad www.twitter.com/NyNordiskMat
44 Årsrapport 2013