College of Nursing 2012-‐2013 Committee Manual Committee Manual Page 1 COMMITTEES PAGE STANDING COMMITTEES Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee Executive Committee Graduate Curriculum and Progression Committee Graduate Recruitment and Admissions Committee Nominating Committee Outcomes Monitoring Committee Research Committee Undergraduate Admissions and Progression Committee Undergraduate Curriculum Committee APPOINTED COMMITTEES Awards Committee Diversity Committee Faculty Search Committee Faculty-‐Staff Social Committee (Spokane) Global Perspectives Committee Professional Development Advisory Committee Scholarship and Stipend Committee Student Affairs Committee Other Committees & Task Forces Committee Manual 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 2 Standing Committees (Ballot Vote By Faculty Organization) Note: the graduate faculty in the community track voted to change their name from "Community Based/Population Focused" (CB/PF), to "Advanced Population Health" (APH), in Spring 2010 Committee Manual Page 3 Standing Committees (Faculty Organization Elected Committees) Committees: The standing committees of the Faculty Organization shall be: 1. Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee 2. Executive Committee 3. Graduate Curriculum and Progression Committee 4. Graduate Recruitment and Admissions Committee 5. Nominating Committee 6. Outcomes Monitoring Committee 7. Research Committee 8. Undergraduate Admissions and Progression Committee 9. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Functions: Functions of each standing committee are delineated within the appropriate sections of the bylaws pertaining to these committees. Functions common to all committees are: 1. Evaluate membership and functions related to the committee. 2. Communicate and coordinate activities with other committees. 3. Direct recommendations to the Faculty Organization for action. Membership: Criteria for membership and terms of service are designated for each committee within the appropriate sections of the bylaws. Chairs of each standing committee shall be elected annually by the committee membership. Quorum: The quorum for standing committees shall be two-‐thirds of the committee membership holding College of Nursing faculty appointments. Voting: Voting privileges are extended to all committee members, unless otherwise specified within the bylaws related to the given standing committee. Minutes: Minutes from all meetings shall be recorded in standard College of Nursing format by a faculty member, designated by the chair of the committee to prepare and distribute these to committee members for approval at the subsequent meeting. Upon approval, the committee chair sends the minutes to the Office of the Dean, to be retained in archives. A designee from the Office of the Dean will circulate the minutes to all members of the faculty organization. Minutes from all standing committees will be made available to all faculty. Items of a confidential nature will be distributed to committee members only. Committee Manual Page 4 APPOINTMENT, PROMOTION AND TENURE COMMITTEE Functions: Functioning within the overall university guidelines pertaining to faculty personnel matters, the committee shall: 1. 2. 3. 4. Monitor the College of Nursing criteria and procedures for appointment, promotion and tenure of tenure track faculty to ensure congruency with those of Washington State University. In collaboration with the faculty search committee appointed annually by the Dean, develop and regularly update an annual faculty recruitment plan to include tenure track, research, and clinical track faculty. Provide oversight for the College of Nursing Faculty Mentoring Plan. Recommend to the Faculty Organization policies and procedures related to appointment, promotion and tenure. Membership: The members of this committee shall be: 1. 2. Three (3) tenured faculty members without administrative responsibility, and one (1) tenure-‐track faculty member. An Associate Dean to be appointed by the Dean shall serve as an ex-‐officio member of the committee, without voting privileges. Term of Service: The term of service shall be two (2) years, with two (2) faculty elected each year. Members: Dawn Doutrich [Tenured] -‐ May, 2014 John Roll [Tenured] -‐ May, 2014 Phyllis Eide [Tenured] -‐ May, 2013 Sandra Benavides-‐Vaello [Tenure-‐Track] -‐ May, 2013 Committee Manual Page 5 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Evaluate the College of Nursing strategic plan annually and prepare a Faculty Organization strategic plan to guide the work of committees and individuals. Review bylaws of the Faculty Organization annually and make recommendations for revisions to the Faculty Organization. Review the goals and annual reports of committees of the Faculty Organization, and make recommendations to committee chairs. Plan and implement faculty retreats. Prepare an annual report of the accomplishments of the Faculty Organization. Membership: The members of the committee shall be: 1. 2. 3. 4. Faculty Organization Chair (committee chair) Faculty Organization Chair-‐elect Faculty Organization Secretary Dean of the College of Nursing (ex officio) Members: Linda Eddy -‐ Chair Jan Lohan -‐ Chair-‐elect Mary Stucky -‐ Secretary Committee Manual Page 6 GRADUATE CURRICULUM AND PROGRESSION COMMITTEE Purpose: The Graduate Curriculum and Progression Committee (GCPC) serves to recommend action to the College of Nursing Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, the Graduate Faculty Committee, and/or the Faculty Organization Committee about matters that pertain to graduate programs, graduate curricula, and student progression in graduate courses and programs. The Chair of GCPC is a permanent member of and liaison to the Outcomes Monitoring Committee. Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Develop the curricular design to reflect the philosophy and achieve the objective of the graduate programs by coordinating content of courses, selecting and determining sequence of courses, including pre-‐and co-‐requisites, assessing the adequacy of course offerings, proposing revision in existing courses and suggesting new courses, collaborating with community and campus resources, and proposing methods for curricular implementation. Collaborate with other college and university committees/bodies for formative and summative curricular evaluation. Plan and provide programs regarding curriculum for Graduate Faculty. Recommend to the Faculty Organization of the College matters pertaining to curricula for appropriate action. Recommend to the Associate Dean and the Graduate School actions related to the progression or reinstatement of individual students. During summer breaks and other occasions when convening the committee is not possible, the Associate Dean, in consultation with the faculty of record and/or the student’s advisor, and in consideration of the student’s request and record, will make recommendations to the Graduate School and report to the committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Recommend to the Faculty Organization academic policies and procedures related to student progression in the graduate program. The Chair serves as a member of and liaison to the Outcomes Monitoring Committee, provides relevant data to that Committee, and ensures responses to its recommendations as required. Membership: The members of this committee shall be: 1. Graduate Faculty a. Four (4) doctorally prepared faculty representing the educational tracks of the programs, and representative of at least two (2) college campus locations. b. At least one of the faculty must be tenured. c. One (1) faculty member must be from a campus other than Spokane. 2. Two (2) graduate students. 3. The site director for Vancouver shall be an ex-‐officio member without voting privileges (unless an elected member of the committee). 4. An administrator shall serve as an ex-‐officio member of the committee, without voting privileges and shall coordinate staff support for the committee. 5. The Administrative Professional who provides support for the committee; not a voting member. Committee Manual Page 7 Term of Service: 1. 2. Faculty a. Elected by the Graduate Faculty for two-‐year term. b. Two (2) faculty shall be elected in even years, two (2) elected in odd years. Students are invited to serve by the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and shall serve a one year term. Members: Ginny Guido [Asst Dean/Dir Vancouver Nursing Programs] – by position Kenn Daratha -‐ (PhD) -‐ May, 2014-‐ Chair Cindy Fitzgerald -‐ (FNP) -‐ May, 2013 Anne Mason -‐ (Psych/MH) -‐ May, 2013 Committee Manual Page 8 GRADUATE RECRUITMENT AND ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Provide oversight for graduate recruitment activities, including the development of recruitment materials and approaches. Recommend to the Faculty Organization criteria, policies and procedures for admission of graduate students to the College of Nursing. Select students to recommend to the WSU Graduate School for admission to the graduate programs based on the recommendation of nursing advisory committees (described in section c below). Recommend to the Faculty Organization academic policies and procedures related to student recruitment and admission. Ensure the collection, dissemination, and use of formative and summative data for evaluation of student recruitment and admission. The Chair serves as a member of the Outcomes Monitoring Committee, provides relevant data to that Committee, and ensures responses to its recommendations as required. Membership: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Graduate Faculty a. Four (4) doctorally prepared faculty representing the educational tracks of the programs, and representative of at least two (2) college campus locations. a. At least one of the faculty must be tenured. Two (2) graduate students. Site directors for Vancouver and Tri-‐Cities shall be ex-‐officio memebers without voting privileges (unless an elected member of the committee). An administrator shall serve as an ex-‐officio member of the committee, without voting privileges, and shall coordinate staff support for the committee. The Administrative Professional who provides support for the committee; not a voting member. Term of Service: 1. 2. Faculty a. Elected by the Graduate Faculty for two-‐year term. b. Two (2) faculty shall be elected in even years, two (2) elected in odd years. Students are invited to serve by the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and shall serve a one year term. Members: Lorna Schumann -‐ (FNP) -‐ May, 2014 Merry Armstrong -‐ (Psych/MH) -‐ May, 2014 Ginny Guido -‐ (CBPF) -‐ May, 2013 Celestina Barbosa-‐Leikert -‐ (PhD) -‐ May, 2013 -‐ Chair Committee Manual Page 9 NOMINATING COMMITTEE Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Solicit names of eligible faculty for elected offices and standing committees of the Faculty Organization of the College of Nursing. Prepare a preliminary ballot of qualified faculty who are willing to be placed in nomination for elected offices and standing committees of the Faculty Organization. Present the ballot at the March Faculty Organization meeting and accept additions and deletions. Obtain final ballot approval either at the March Faculty Organization meeting or via an electronic vote when the final ballot is prepared. Distribute and collect the final ballot; tabulate and report the results to the Chair of the Faculty Organization. Forward names of faculty interested in service on appointed committees to the Dean for consideration at time of annual meeting. Solicit, prepare and present a slate of qualified faculty for consortium institution committees requiring elected faculty members. Solicit qualified faculty, when requested, for appointment to consortium institution committees. Fill vacancies in elected positions occurring during the academic year by means of a special election using the protocol above. Assist the Dean in looking at possible appointments to the College of Nursing Dean’s appointed committees. Membership: 1. The members of this committee shall be two (2) faculty. Term of Service: 1. The term of service of members shall be a two (2) year term with one (1) member elected each year. Members: Michelle Shaw -‐ May, 2014 Kimberly Ligon – May, 2013 Committee Manual Page 10 OUTCOMES MONITORING COMMITTEE Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Provide oversight of formative and summative evaluation of instructional program outcomes. Recommend assessment tools for gathering outcome data. Evaluate aggregate data from formative and summative evaluations and make recommendations to the appropriate committee(s). Recommend to the Faculty Organization matters pertaining to instructional program outcomes. Membership: The members of this committee shall be: 1. 2. 3. Chair, or chair’s designee of the following committees: a. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee b. Undergraduate Admission and Progression Committee c. Graduate Curriculum and Progression Committee d. Graduate Recruitment and Admissions Committee Chair and Chair-‐elect of the Faculty Organization An Assistant or Associate Dean shall be appointed by the Dean to serve as an ex-‐officio member of the committee with voting privileges. Term of Service: 1. The term of service of members shall be consistent with the time of elected service to the representative committees. Members: Linda Eddy (FO Chair) -‐ May 2013 Jan Lohan (FO Chair-‐Elect) -‐ May 2013 Celestina Barbosa-‐Likert (GRAC) -‐ May, 2013 Kenn Daratha (GCPC) -‐ May, 2013 Cindy Fitzgerald (GCPC) -‐ May, 2013 Sue Perkins (UAP) -‐ May, 2013 Alice Dupler (UCC) -‐ May, 2013 Tina Bayne (Administrative Representative) – May 2013 Committee Manual Page 11 RESEARCH COMMITTEE Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Collaborate with the Associate Dean for Research on matters pertaining to research enrichment and recommend measures for ongoing facilitation of research productivity for all faculty and students. Facilitate activities which increase the visibility of all faculty and student scholarly efforts within the College of Nursing, Washington State University, and the regional, national and international nursing/healthcare community. Make recommendations to the Associate Dean for Research regarding the criteria for internally funded awards as requested. Assess all faculty research needs biennially and formulate recommendations to the Associate Dean for Research and the Faculty Organization. Membership: The members of the committee shall be: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. Four (4) faculty, two of whom must be tenured. The Associate Dean for Research shall serve as an ex-‐officio member voting privileges and shall provide staff support for the committee. One (1) Doctoral student Term of Service: The term of service of faculty members shall be two (2) years, with two (2) faculty elected each year in order to provide continuity. Students shall serve one (1) year. Members: Janet Purath – (Tenured) -‐ May, 2014 Julie Postma – (Tenure-‐Track) -‐ May, 2014 JoAnn Dotson – (Tenure-‐Track) – May 2013-‐ Chair Dawn Doutrich -‐ (Tenured) -‐ May, 2013 Cindy Corbett – (Associate Dean for Research) Ex-‐Officio Committee Manual Page 12 UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS AND PROGRESSION COMMITTEE Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Recommend to the Faculty Organization criteria, policies and procedures for admission of RN-‐BSN and pre-‐licensure students to the upper division nursing major. Select RN-‐BSN and pre-‐licensure students for admission to the upper division nursing major, including the review of appeals for admission. Recommend to the Faculty Organization academic policies and procedures related to student progression. Make decisions related to the progression or reinstatement of individual students in the upper division nursing major. Assure the collection and dissemination of formative and summative data for evaluation of admission and progression. Utilize relevant data for admission and progression decisions. The Chair or designee serves as a member of and liaison to the Outcomes Monitoring Committee, provides relevant data to that Committee, and insures responses to its recommendations as required. Membership: The members of the committee shall be: 1. 2. 3. Faculty a. Five (5) faculty. b. One of the faculty must be tenured, one tenured/tenure track/clinical track, and three of any rank. c. One of the faculty must have RN-‐B teaching experience within the past two (2) years. d. All faculty must have a minimum of one (1) year teaching experience at the College of Nursing. Two (2) undergraduate students. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs shall serve as an ex-‐officio member of the committee with voting privileges and shall coordinate staff support for the committee. Term of Service: The term of service of members shall be: 1. 2. Faculty a. Two-‐year term. b. Two (2) faculty shall be elected in even years, three (3) elected in odd years. Students shall serve until completion of their program of study, or until the student chooses to withdraw from the committee. Members: Renee Hoeksel [Tenured] -‐ May, 2014 Cecile Oliver -‐ May, 2014 Chris Riebe -‐ May, 2013 Sue Perkins -‐ May, 2013 Jan Lohan -‐ May, 2013 Tina Bayne [Asst Dean Undergraduate Program] – ex-‐officio with vote Committee Manual Page 13 UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Develop the curricular design to reflect the philosophy and achieve the objectives of the undergraduate programs by: a. coordinating broad content of courses. b. selecting and determining sequence of courses, including pre-‐ and co-‐requisites. c. assessing the adequacy of course offerings. d. proposing revisions in existing courses and suggesting new courses. e. collaborating with community and campus resources. f. proposing methods for curricular implementation. Collaborate with other appropriate groups for formative and summative curricular evaluation. Plan and provide programs regarding curriculum for the faculty. Recommend to the Faculty Organization matters pertaining to curricula for appropriate action. The Chair or designee serves as a member of and liaison to the Outcomes Monitoring Committee, provides relevant data to that Committee, and insures responses to its recommendations as required. Membership: The members of this committee shall be: 1. 2. 3. 4. Faculty a. Five (5) faculty. b. Two (2) of the faculty members must be tenured. c. One (1) faculty member must be from a campus other than Spokane and one (1) faculty member must be involved with the RN-‐BSN program of study. d. One (1) faculty member must be teaching in the pre-‐licensure program at a clinical agency. d. All faculty members must have a minimum of one year teaching experience at the College of Nursing. Either the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs or designee shall serve as an ex-‐officio member of the committee with voting privileges (unless already an elected member) and shall coordinate staff support for the committee. Two (2) undergraduate students, one pre-‐licensure and one RN-‐BSN. Two (2) members of the health care community interested in the undergraduate curricula of the College of Nursing. Term of Service: 1. 2. 3. Faculty a. Two-‐year term b. Three (3) faculty shall be elected in even years, two (2) elected in odd years. Students shall serve a two year term, or until the student chooses to withdraw from the committee. Community representatives shall serve a two-‐year term. Committee Manual Page 14 Members: Tina Bayne -‐ (Tenured) -‐ May, 2014 Billie Severtsen -‐ (Tenured) -‐ May, 2014 Alice Dupler -‐ May, 2014 – Chair Laura Hahn -‐ (At-‐large/Outlying) -‐ May, 2013 Mikel Allen – (UG program at a clinical agency) -‐ May, 2013 Debbie Brinker [Co-‐Director Basic Undergraduate Program] – ex-‐officio with vote Committee Manual Page 15 APPOINTED COLLEGE COMMITTEES AND TASK GROUPS In addition to the committees provided for in the Washington State University College of Nursing Faculty Organization Bylaws, the following appointed committees/task groups have been established for the purposes described: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Awards Committee Diversity Committee Faculty Search Committee Faculty/Staff Social Committee-‐Spokane Global Perspectives Committee Professional Development Advisory Committee Scholarship and Stipend Committee Student Affairs Committee Task Forces / Advisory Committees • Accreditation Task Force • DNP Advisory Committee • PhD Advisory Committee • WSU College of Nursing Senators Committee Manual Page 16 AWARDS COMMITTEE Functions: 1. Recommend the kind of awards to be given to graduating students and develop award criteria. 2. Recommend the number of faculty awards to be given annually for outstanding teaching, scholarly and research activities, and service, and develop award criteria. 3. Facilitate the processes for selecting students and faculty award recipients. 4. Arrange for preparation of the student and faculty awards and related items (e.g., plaques, folder with information on recipient) and see that these materials are given to the presenter (at Spokane or extended sites) at least two days prior to the event at which they are to be presented. 5. Evaluate student and faculty award criteria and selection processes periodically, and recommend needed changes. 6. Submit an annual report to the Dean and the Faculty Organization. Membership: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Two (2) faculty members from Spokane. One (1) faculty member from Central Washington. One (1) faculty member from Vancouver. One (1) faculty member from Tri-‐Cities/Walla Walla. Dean – Ex-‐officio with vote. One (1) undergraduate student. One (1) graduate student. Term of Service: 1. 2. 3. Faculty are appointed for two-‐year terms of service, with two (2) members appointed to begin their terms of service in even years and two (2) members appointed to begin their terms of service in odd years. Students are appointed for one-‐year terms of service. Faculty members of the Awards Committee are not eligible for faculty awards during their terms of service on the Awards Committee. Members: Julie Dewitt-‐Kamada [Faculty-‐Vancouver] (May 2013) Kay Olson [Faculty-‐Tri Cities] (May 2013) Stephanie Erickson [Faculty-‐Spokane] (May, 2013) Michelle Shaw [T-‐T Faculty-‐Spokane] (May, 2013) Lynette Vehrs [Faculty-‐Spokane] (May, 2014) Sandy Carollo, [Faculty-‐Yakima] (May, 2014) Undergraduate & Graduate Student Patricia Butterfield [Dean] – ex-‐officio with vote Committee Manual Page 17 DIVERSITY COMMITTEE Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Evaluate and recommend activities to promote diversity in all aspects of College programs, services and physical environments. Implement selected activities to promote diversity in College programs, services and physical environments. Recommend and facilitate programs and processes to create a safe, welcoming, environment respectful of racial, cultural, religious, physical, sexual, and national differences among faculty, staff, students, and clients. Promote and recommend approaches to identify and eradicate discrimination and institutional racism in the CON and all its programs. (from ANA statement) Recommend, develop and assist in implementation of programs to recruit and retain diverse students and employees. Meet annually with representatives of the community to plan, coordinate, and evaluate College diversity efforts. Respond to University and College requests for information regarding progress toward diversity goals. Submit an annual report including progress toward achievement of diversity goals to the Dean and the Faculty, Administrative-‐Professional, and Staff Organizations. Membership: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Four or more faculty representatives of Spokane and the various college sites. At least one (1), and preferably two (2) faculty members should be tenured. Two (2) staff – one Spokane and one non-‐Spokane. Three (3) students – two (2) baccalaureate and one (1) graduate student. Native American Recruitment and Retention Coordinator (ex-‐officio with vote). Senior Associate Dean (ex-‐officio with vote). Terms of Service: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Faculty appointed for two-‐year terms of service with two appointed in even years and two appointed in odd-‐numbered years. Staff/Administrative Professionals appointed for two-‐year terms of service with one appointed each year. Students appointed for one-‐year term of service. Native American Recruitment and Retention Coordinator and Dean serve by position. Meetings will be held at least three times per academic year with the Chairperson elected by the committee. Members: Julie Postma [T-‐T Spokane] (May, 2013) – Co-‐Chair Kathi Shea [Faculty-‐ Spokane] (May, 2013) Susan Campbell [Tri Cities] (May 2013) Robbie Paul, ex-‐officio with vote Matthew Blythe [Staff-‐Spokane] (May 2014) Patricia Butterfield [Dean] ex-‐officio with vote Committee Manual Shigeko Izumi [T-‐T Spokane] (May, 2013) Susan Lyons [Staff-‐Spokane] (May 2013) C. Barbosa-‐Leiker [T-‐T Spokane] (May 2012) – Co-‐Chair Mary Gonzalez [Staff-‐Yakima](May, 2014) Page 18 FACULTY SEARCH COMMITTEE Functions 1. Work with the Dean, the College EEO officer and the APT Committee to conduct the search process for tenured, tenure-‐track and clinical faculty positions. Membership 1. 2. Several faculty members, at least one of whom will be a member of the Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee. Senior Associate Dean – ex-‐officio with vote. Members: Ginny Guido[Assistant Dean/Director-‐Vancouver] – (May 2013) Roxanne Vandermause [Tenured-‐Spokane] – (May 2013) Phyllis Eide [Tenured-‐Spokane] – (May 2013) Janet Purath [Tenured-‐Spokane] – (May 2013) Mel Haberman [Tenured-‐Spokane] – (May 2013) John Roll [Associate Dean for Research-‐Spokane] – Ex-‐officio Patricia Butterfield [Dean] – Ex-‐officio Cindy Corbett [Associate Dean for Research] – Administrative Ex-‐officio Kawkab Shishani – Senior Diversity Liaison (WSU appointment) Committee Manual Page 19 FACULTY-‐STAFF SOCIAL COMMITTEE (Spokane) Functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Plan and facilitate faculty-‐staff social events including annual retirement celebrations. Remind faculty and staff of dues assessment to be deposited in appropriate account through College of Nursing Finance Office. Additional money may be assessed for individual events if approved, in principle, by the faculty and staff. Solicit assistance for selected events from faculty and staff. Submit expenses through accounts and procedures approved by the College of Nursing Finance Officer. Document income and expenditures and reconcile accounts monthly with the College of Nursing Finance Officer or his/her designee. Record and distribute minutes to committee meetings. Provide a report (electronic) to faculty and staff at least annually which includes a summary of events, income, expenditures, and recommendations. Membership 1. 2. 3. Two (or three) (2 or 3) faculty members. Two (or three) (2 or 3) staff members. Additional faculty and staff may be invited to participate in individual events/activities. Term of Service 1. Appointed for two years on staggered terms of service to provide continuity within both the faculty and staff members of the Spokane community. Members: Eileen Swalling [Staff-‐Spokane] (May 2013) Karla Ealy-‐Marroquin [Staff-‐Spokane] (May 2013) – Co-‐ chair Kathy Bridwell [Staff-‐Spokane] (May 2013) – Treasurer & Co-‐chair Tamara Odom-‐Maryon [Faculty-‐Spokane] (May 2014) Matthew Blythe [Staff-‐Spokane] (May 2013) Committee Manual Page 20 GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES COMMITTEE Mission To broaden health perspectives and impact nursing practice, education, and research by fostering a climate that celebrates global awareness and to implement educational strategies and experiences to increase global awareness in students and faculty. Functions 1. 2. 3. 4. To develop mechanisms for application, selection, funding, and publicity for global learning opportunities. To develop and provide alternative learning and research opportunities for students and faculty. To collaborate with a variety of existing global programs to provide alternative learning and research opportunities for students and faculty. To encourage sharing of these global learning experiences within the Washington State University College of Nursing community and the community-‐at-‐large. Membership 1. 2. 3. 4. Coordinator of International Programs. Four (4) faculty – two Spokane, one Vancouver, one Central Washington. Additional faculty volunteers if interested. Dean – ex-‐officio with vote. Term of Service 1. 2. Faculty appointed for two years on staggered terms of service to provide continuity-‐ may be reappointed. Senior Associate Dean and International Program Coordinator by position. Members: Carol Allen [Faculty-‐Coordinator, International Programs] – by position-‐ Chair Sue McFadden [Faculty-‐ Spokane] (May 2013) Erin Gillingham [Faculty-‐Spokane] (May 2014) Kawkab Shishani [Faculty-‐Spokane] (May, 2013) Laura Hahn [Faculty -‐ Yakima] (May, 2013) Renee Hoeksel [Faculty-‐Vancouver] (May 2013) Gail Oneal [Tenure-‐track-‐Spokane] (May 2014) Catherine Van Son [Tenure-‐track-‐Spokane] (May 2013) Jo Ann Dotson [Tenure-‐track-‐Spokane] (May 2014) Huey-‐Ming Tzeng [Associate Dean for Academic Programs] – ex-‐officio with vote Committee Manual Page 21 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Functions 1. The Professional Development Advisory Committee is comprised of faculty and community members to advise the Coordinator of Professional Development regarding the activities of that department. Issues addressed include potential audiences for offerings, workshop and conference topics, teaching strategies, etc. They also have a role in assessing community, regional and national need, and developing relationships with potential collaborators, promoting offerings, and recommending presenters. Membership 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Two (2) faculty – one representing school nursing, one (1) nurse practitioner. One (1) representative of area hospital/medical center. One (1) representative of long term care. Professional Development Coordinator. Program Coordinator for Professional Development. Other faculty and community agencies representative may be involved on a short term basis. Terms of Service 1. 2. Faculty appointed for two years on staggered terms of service – may be reappointed. Professional Development Coordinator and Secretary/Program Assistant by position. Members: Ryan Townsend [Coordinator Professional Development] by position Phyllis Morris [Faculty-‐Tri Cities] (May, 2013) Mikel Allen [Faculty-‐Spokane] (May 2014) Debbie Brinker [Faculty-‐Spokane] (May 2014) Cindy Fitzgerald [Faculty-‐Spokane] (May 2014) Roxanne Vandermause [Faculty-‐Spokane] (May 2014) Nancy Oberst [Staff] by position Committee Manual Page 22 SCHOLARSHIP AND STIPEND COMMITTEE Functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Develop/identify policies and procedures for awarding scholarships to College of Nursing students. Announce scholarship opportunities. Review applications and select scholarship recipients in accordance with established criteria. Submit an annual report to the Dean and the Faculty Organization. Assist the Office of Advancement and External Relations, as needed, with a formal presentation ceremony/reception during the year. Membership 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Two (2) faculty members, including one with teaching experience in the graduate program. One (1) alumnus. Native American Recruitment and Retention Coordinator. Advancement a. Program Coordinator Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Finance Office designee (without vote). Academic Affairs Office Assistant to staff committee (without vote). Director/Coordinator of any other grant/program that provides scholarships or stipend to students. Terms of Service 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Faculty – Two-‐year terms; one (1) member appointed each year. Alumnus – Two-‐year term. Advancement Staff – by position. Representative from Finance Office – by position. Academic Affairs Program Coordinator – by position. Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs – by position. PI/Directors of projects/grants that provide scholarships and stipends – by position. Members: Tina Bayne [Assistant Dean -‐Spokane]-‐ Co-‐Chair Karen Malone [Program Coordinator-‐Advancement-‐Spokane] – by position -‐ Co-‐chair Robbie Paul [Native American Recruitment/Retention-‐Spokane] by position Katherina Choka [Spokane] (May 2013) Alumni representative-‐Spokane Debbie Brinker -‐ Ex-‐officio Tim Mildren [Area Finance/Administration Officer-‐Spokane] Ex-‐officio Committee Manual Page 23 STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Functions 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Serve as a liaison between students enrolled in the WSU College of Nursing and the members of the faculty and administration. Make recommendations for changes in student handbooks to the Undergraduate Academic Progress Committee and the Graduate Program Committee. Make recommendations regarding student attire and professional conduct. Facilitate the election of student representatives to the Nursing Faculty Organization committees or other committees needing student representatives. Facilitate answers to student concerns and serve as a conduit of action for student needs. Membership 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Four (4) undergraduate students (2 Spokane, 1 Tri Cities, 1 Yakima) Two (2) graduate students elected; one by the master’s students and one student elected by the PhD students. One (1) student representative from the RN to BSN program. Two (2) members of the faculty. One or more faculty who serve as a program director. Terms of Service 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Student terms of service will generally be for one academic year. Faculty terms will be for one academic year. Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs – by position – who will convene the first meeting. The Chairperson will be a student representative to be elected by majority vote by the second meeting of the academic year. Meetings will be three times per semester in accordance with the needs and issues raised by the members. Members: Debbie Brinker-‐Spokane] – by position Tina Bayne [Assistant Dean-‐Undergraduate Education-‐Spokane] – by position Renae Richter [Academic Coordinator-‐Spokane] – by position Chris Riebe [Faculty-‐Spokane] (May, 2013) Meg Jones [Faculty-‐Spokane] (May, 2014) Jack Severinghaus [Counselor-‐Spokane] – by position Four undergraduate students who are the elected class delegates for each semester Graduate student RNB student Committee Manual Page 24 OTHER COMMITTEES AND TASK FORCES PHD ADVISORY COMMITTEE Roxanne Vandermause Celestina Barbosa-‐Leiker Linda Eddy Sterling McPherson Michele Shaw Carrie Holliday Marian Wilson (student rep) Cindy Corbett Kenn Daratha Melvin Haberman John Roll Karen Caines Eileen Swalling DNP ADVISORY COMMITTEE Cindy Fitzgerald – Chair Anne Mason Dawn Rondeau HM Tzeng JoAnn Dotson Ginny Guido Linda Ward ACCREDITATION TASK FORCE Phyllis Eide-‐ Chair Cindy Corbett Sue Perkins Lorna Schumann HM Tzeng Ginny Guido Renee Hoeksel JoAnn Dotson Tina Bayne Merry Armstrong WSU COLLEGE OF NURSING SENATORS (One tenure/tenure-‐track / clinical faculty member: any rank) Karen Caines WSU COLLEGE OF NURSING SENATORS (One faculty instructor rank) Sandy Carollo Revised9/27/12/mclinton Committee Manual Page 25
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