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Camp 1 July 14 – 19 2013
Sweden’s toughest playground
Hej Tenniskompis!
Tack för Din anmälan till sommarens American Tennis Camp 1419 juli 2013 i Kinna. Vi hoppas Du ser fram emot detta lika
mycket som vi tränare gör. Veckan kommer att bli mycket rolig
och krävande med massor av tennis. Eftersom det kommer
förbrukas en hel del energi kommer vi se till att ni får rikligt med
mat och sömn för att orka med vårt tuffa program. För ytterligare
information samt vägbeskrivning se americantenniscamp.com.
Om Du, mamma eller pappa har några frågor kan ni nå mig,
Richie Koria på telefon 073 8327 333
Vänligen inbetala depositionsavgiften 1000kr senast 31 mars 2013.
Hela anmälningsavgiften betalas senast 30 maj 2013. Om
anmälningsavgiften inte är betald då, kan platsen tas av person
som står på väntelista.
Om du av någon anledning måste avanmäla dig till lägret så måste
det ske senast tre veckor innan lägret börjar, dvs. senast den 23
juni 2013, för att du ska få tillbaka inbetald anmälningsavgift. Om
avanmälan sker därefter så får du inte tillbaka anmälningsavgiften.
Anmäld som har tecknat avbeställningsskydd och meddelar
förhinder (med läkarintyg) att deltaga senast 2 dagar före lägrets
start erhåller hela avgiften i retur. Anmäld som påbörjat lägret,
men ej fullföljer, erhåller ej någon del av avgiften i retur.
Arrangören ATC frånsäger sig allt ansvar för eventuella tillbud
över vilka vi ej råder.
När du kommer till oss första dagen bör du ha ätit lunch så att du
är redo för vår eftermiddagsträning. OBS! Godis och
läskförbud gäller under lägerveckan!
Till sist, hör av Dig om Du har några frågor, om inte så syns vi
söndagen den 14/7 kl. 13:00. Lägerveckan avslutas fredagen
den 19/7 sista dagen kl. 12:00.
Hjärtligt välkommen!
Richie Koria
Tennis Director
+46 738-327 333
[email protected]
Don’t forget:
Vi har valt att inte göra någon
komplett utrustningslista, men här
följer några saker som Du förutom
tennisrackets bör ha med Dig:
rikligt med ombyten för
tennis, två till tre pass per
lakan samt örngott alt.
fickpengar till
omsträngning av racket
tennisskor för ute och
vanliga kläder (förutom
Om du är allergisk mot något eller
tar medicin, var vänlig och påtala
detta för oss i god tid så vi har
denna information.
Summer 2013
Sweden’s toughest playground
Hi Tennislover!
We would like to welcome you to the American Tennis Camp, the toughest playground in Sweden!
With 17 years coaching top players from over 12 different countries, we at the ATC are most proud at the
level of individualization we offer each player. In order to best plan your week with us, we would like to get to
know more about you in advance. Please take some time along with your parents or guardians and answer the
questions below. Please feel free to provide as much specific information as possible.
It would also be fun if you could send us a picture of yourself and/or Like us on Facebook so we can get to
know you better ahead of time!
1.1 Mother’s email and mobile phone number:
1.2 Father’s email and mobile phone number:
2.1 Do you have any allergies? 2.2 Is there something that you are not allowed to eat? (for instance, pork)
2.3 Do you take any medicines or do you suffer from an illness that it is important for us coaches and staff to
know about?
3. At the ATC we take pictures and films that might be published on our website, Facebook, Tweeter,
Instagram, Flckr, Pinterest and YouTube. Do you allow us to publish this photos and films?
4. We use Darthfish, the most advanced biomechanics analysis software to analyze our players technique. 2
weeks after the camp you will receive your analyzed films so that you can share them with your coach and use
it as a development tool. Which 3 shots would you like us to focus on our analysis?
5. 1 Which are your 3 goals for the coming year? –from now until august 2014.
5. 2 What is your ultimate tennis dream? 5. 3 What do you think are your strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats ? 5. 4 What would you like to improve most during your stay at the American
Tennis Camp?
Please send me the information at least 5 days before the camp starts so that we coaches can plan your week
as individualized as possible.
We look forward helping you take your game to the next level!
Richie Koria – Nylandsvägen 4 86291 Kvissleby Sweden +46 738-327 333
[email protected]
The American Tennis Camp is a part of the Richie Koria’s umbrella LoveTennis.se
Summer 2013
Sweden’s toughest playground
Feb 01, 2013
American Tennis Camp 2013
Invoice # 536
The American Tennis Academy ...by Richie
Nylandsvägen 4
86291 Sundsvall
0738327333 - [email protected]
Billed To
Juniors Name ATC 2013
due by May 31, 2013
Bank Giro 444-1788
For international payments:
IBAN: SE1660000000000749113502
BIC: handsses
American Tennis Camp 2013
Cancellation Insurance
Rate / Price
Total due by May 31, 2013
Summer 2013
For the parents…
I want to thank you all for the trust you have placed on me and the
rest of my crew. We are going to be working around the clock to
make sure your child has a great experience!
At the American Tennis Camp we place high value on smart
training. Our daily schedules, trainings and activities are designed to
keep our players inspired and full of energy all week long, while
teaching them routines that will make their tennis life more efficient.
We think in 3D. Our attention to details makes our camps very
popular, because it is not only the on court quality that matters, but
also the side and off-court experience. We improve our players
mentally, technically, and physically by surrounding them with
caring, engaged and experienced coaches, sparring partners and staff.
Please feel free to contact me at any time before, under or after the
camps. Whether you want advice about a new racket, or help
planning your kid’s training seasons, I am always just a call away.
Welcome to the ATC world!
Richie Koria
Tennis Director
Under the ATC you can
contact me 24 hours/day by
phone +46 738 327 333.
Tell a friend..
Say Hello to Fanny, our
Camp Experience Coordinator.
Fanny is not only a former Kalle Anka Cup
winner, but also a Pro when it comes to all
off court activities and team building
This summer we have special bonus system..
if you and/or your child recruits another
player for the camp, you will receive a 500kr
bonus towards your camp fee. 500kr per
player that signs up. If you are interested
email me and let me know the player’s name.
Like us on Facebook and you will get a 3pack overgrip upon arrival. If you mention
us in a comment, you will also
receive a t-shirt.