Sammanfattning: Enligt TKM stabiliserar blodsocker, detoxiferar på cellnivå, förbättrar mikrocirkulation och förebygger vävands degeneration genom att tonifiera Yang-Qi energi av Mjälte, Mage. Stärker Yin i Lunga, Mage, Hjärta. Renar från hetta i Lever och vitaliserar blod. Indikerad vid diabetes II och andra socker problem, kroniska leverproblem inkluderande Jueming Hema Tang hepatit B och C. Kroniska ögonproblem. Stödformula vid maligna sjukdomar som; cancer i lever, livmoder och prostata samt vid borrelia, bartonellosis, babesiosis m.m. Möjliga symtom: Blodsocker obalans, trötthet, känslosvängning, humör, PMS, sockersug, huvudvärk, svårt att fokusera ögonen, About Sugar Pearls darrningar, depressivitet, svettningar, värmeflushar, kyla i ben och armar, ugar Pearls is designed to treat entrenched metabolic issues such panuk attacker, smärta i abdomen, viktuppgång mest i midjan, högt blodtryck, höjt kolesterol och triglycerider, as diabetes, but also milder conditions of sugar dysregulation. vid neuropati, sänkt immunitet samt vid It is also suitable to treat chronic conditions of the liver andarterioskleros, eyes. insulinresistans From a clinical perspective, diabetes and pre-diabetic conditions are complex and involve pathological changes in many different organ systems. Spleen yang collapse is addressed by the classical remedy Typical Applications Fuzi Lizhong Wan (Rectify the Middle Pill with Aconite), while Pre-diabetes, diabetes (type II), stomach and lung yin depletion are moistened with the well-known and other “sugar diseases” 13th century formula Shengmai San (Generate the Pulse Powder). In Sugar Pearls S addition, stagnant heat in the liver and small intestine axis is purged with a variety of herbs that have long been employed by Chinese folk herbalists for the treatment of diabetes. Laportea, a Chinese nettle species, represents a rare Daoist folk remedy that can treat various forms of dysglycemia. Finally, blood moving herbs enhance microcirculation and prevent tissue degeneration. Therapeutic Principles Stabilize blood sugar levels, reduce cellular toxicity, improve microcirculation, and prevent tissue degeneration by tonifying yang qi of spleen/stomach Nourishing yin of lung/stomach/heart Chronic liver issues (including hepatitis B and C) Chronic degenerative eye diseases Malignancies below the diaphragm (liver cancer, uterine cancer, prostate cancer) Chronic nervous system inflammation (Lyme disease, bartonellosis, babesiosis, etc) Dosage Clearing liver heat and moving blood Pregnant and breast-feeding women: 2 capsules 2x/day Indications Symptoms of blood sugar imbalance: spaciness, fatigue, mood changes, PMS, sugar craving, headaches, difficulty focusing the eyes, tremors, temperamental outbursts, depression, excessive sweating, hot flashes, palpitations, cold extremities, abdominal pain, panic attacks Weight gain, especially around the midsection Elevated blood pressure Elevated cholesterol and triglycerides Increased deposits of plaque in the arterial walls; neuropathy Immune suppression Insulin resistance 70 Syndrome ” X” R Adults: 3-5 capsules 2x/day Typical adult combination usage example: 4 Sugar Pearls plus 2 Amber Pearls 2x/day (for chronic liver conditions accompanied by diarrhea symptoms) Sugar Pearls Jueming Hema Tang Differentiation For constipation combine with Tiger Pearls For hypoglycemia combine with Vitality Pearls For acid reflux and high blood pressure combine with Counterflow Pearls For high blood pressure and low sex drive combine with Water Pearls consider combining with For chronic eye diseases Counterflow Pearls For neuropathy and memory issues combine with Evergreen Pearls For chronic degenerative liver conditions combine or alternate with Cinnamon Pearls, Evergreen Pearls, and/or Mama Pearls For prostate or ovarian cancer primarily use Ocean Pearls For Lyme disease and co-infections of the nervous system combine with Lightning Pearls and/or Dragon Pearls Ingredients ( ) FUZI Aconite, processed XIYANGSHEN American ginseng PAOJIANG Ginger, prepared BAIZHU Atractylodes, white GANCAO Licorice MAIMENDONG Ophiopogon WUWEIZI Schizandra (Vietnamese) ROUGUI Cinnamon bark (Vietnam) TAOREN Persica HUZHANG Polygonatum cusp. JUEMINGZI Cassia seed ZHIZI Gardenia DANSHEN Salvia LINGZHI Ganoderma HONGXIANMA Laportea cusp. Fuzi Lizhong Tang Shengmai San Taohe Chengqi Tang clear diabetic toxicity, promote microcirculation, prevent tissue degeneration stabilize blood sugar level The FDA requires the following statement: These products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Please note that our products are formulated according to classical Chinese alchemical principles. References to modern disease names in this presentation are intended to convey a general idea of how these classical principles might be applied in a modern clinical context. This should not be understood as a claim on our part that the Classical Pearls products treat, cure, or prevent these conditions. R 71
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